Organising Collocations in Lexical Sets: 1.collocations Grouped On Domains Feelings and Emotions
Organising Collocations in Lexical Sets: 1.collocations Grouped On Domains Feelings and Emotions
Organising Collocations in Lexical Sets: 1.collocations Grouped On Domains Feelings and Emotions
Music scene
Background music-muzica de fundal
Give a performance- a da, a juca un spectacol
Adoring fans -suporteri infocati
Piece of music – piesa muzicala
Release an album/cd- a lansa un cd/album
Debut album - album de debut
Blast out from- a fi produs de, a izbucni
Pop idol - figura populara
Haunting melodies-melodii memorabile
Virtuoso performance – spectacol de marca
Capture the audience - a capta atentia
Easy listening -melodios
Catchy tunes -melodii captivante
Massive hit - melodie cu success la public
Write the music - a compune muzica
Go on tour - a pleca in turneu, a face un turneu
Musical heritage -mostenirea muzicala
Music lover -iubitor/pasionat de muzica
Rap artist -artist rap/de muzica rap
Go solo - a incepe o cariera solo
Strumming the guitar - a zdrangani la chitara
Musical talent -talent muzical
Take up the piano - a se apuca de pian(ca hobby)
Tunning the instruments - a acorda un intrument
Live music - muzica live/in direct
Study and learning
Do an exam - a face o inspectie/un examen amanuntit
Sit/ take an exam - a se prezenta, a da un examen
Do research -a face munca de cercetare
Do a research project - a face un proiect de cercetare
Do a course - a urma un curs
Do a degree - a-si lua/obtine un grad
Do a subject - a urma un curs/obiect de studiu
Do an assignment/essay –a face o tema, a scrie un eseu despre,
Do a lecture/talk - a tine un curs/speech
Get a degree/diploma - a obtine un grad/ o diploma
Get a grade - a obtine /lua o nota
Get a qualification - a obtine o calificare
Get an education - a primi o educatie
Enroll/take on a course - a se inscrie la/incepe un curs
Study for/take a degree - a studia pentru/ a da ungrad
Receive/be given anA garde - a obtine o nota de 10
Obtain/acquire a qualification - a obtine /capata o calificare
Attend a lecture - a urma/participa la un curs
Complete a course - a finaliza un curs
Submit one’s application - a trimite un formular de inscriere
Leave the course - a renunta la un curs
Withdraw from the course - a se retrage de la un curs
Keep a vocabulary notebook - a tine un vocabular
First draft -ciorna
Give feed back - a face o evaluare
Provide training - a asigura instruirea
Further education - continuarea studiilor
Higher education - educatie superioara
Recognise qualifications - a recunoaste diploma, calificarea
Go into business - a intra in afaceri
Set up a business - a incepe o afacere, a se lansa in afaceri
Go into partnership - a incepe un parteneriat
Make a loss - a fi/iesi in pierdere
Make a profit - a obtine/avea/face profit
Businesses going under -afacerile se duc la fund
Business will fold - a se reduce cifra de afaceri
Stiff competition -competitie dura
Win a contract - a obtine/castiga un contract
Create jobs - a crea locuri de munca
Annual turnover - profit anual
The secret of one’s success -cheia succesului, secreatul succesului
Launch a new product - a lansa un produs nou pe piata
After-sale services -service post-vanzare
Running a successful business combination - a conduce o afacere de succses
Float the company - a prelua o companie
Conduct market research - a face studii de piata
Go public - a face publica
Brisk business - afaceri riscante
Cut-throat competition -competitie stransa
Cease trading - a inceta comercializarea
Market forces -fortele de piata
Business is booming -afacerea infloreste/este infloritoare
Rival company -o firma rivala
Struck/do/clinch a deal -a face o afacere, a finaliza o tranczactie , a incheia o afacere
Balance the budget - a echilibra bugetul
Put in a bid - a licita, a face o oferta
Academic writing
Ground breaking research -cercetare cu rezultate inovatoare
Make a significant contribution - a aduce o contributie importanta
Set out ..some powerful arguments - a aduce argumente
Shape one’s thinking -a-si modela gandirea
Give an account of - a face o dare de seama, un raport
Provide evidence to support - a aduce argumente, exemplificari, dovezi
Concise summary - rezumat la obiect
Establish a connection - a stabili o legatura
Irrefutable proof -dovezi de netagaduit
Significant trends -directii importante
Key factor -parghie , stimulent
Perfect example - exemplu relevant
Clear illustration -exemplificare clara, perfecta
Tentative explanation -explicatii potentiale
Broadly support - ajutor masiv
Gather evidence - a strange probe
Carry out a detailed… - a urma in detaliu…
Challenges the theory - a contesta o teorie
Make a case for -a prezenta un caz
Take into consideration - a lua in considerare
Lay emphasis on - a pune accentual pe
Assets the significance -certifica valoarea
Lend support - a da ajutor
Hold firmly - a fi ferm
Draws an analogy - a face o analogie
State the opinion - a-si exprima o parere
Argue convincingly - a duce o discutie in contradictoriu convingatoare
Disagrees profoundly -a nu fi de accord deloc
Make a comparison - a face o comparatie
A controversial position - o pozitie controversata, punct de vedere controversat
Adopt the position - a fi de accord cu ,a adopta punctual de vedere al
weather –deteriorate - vremea se schimba
thick/dense fog, patches of fog,
a blanket of fog, fog/mist comes down -ceata deasa, palcuri de ceata, ceata ce invaluie
strong sun, schorching heat, unbroken sunshine - soare puternic, arzator, senin
heavy rain, driving rain - ploaie puternica/ abundenta, in torente
hard frost - ger puternic
high/strong/bitting winds - vant puternic
gales of wind - rafale de vant
the wind picks up -vantul se inteteste
the wind dies down,abates,drops, falls, subsides-vantul se potoleste-
,the wind blows/whistles - - vantul bate/sufla
Furthermore, this paper will conider metaphor as a way of enabling us to talk of one
thing in regard of another. Thus 'hand' becomes a metaphor for 'help/assistance' in 'give me a
hand' or'farm-hand/factory-hand'. We might consider 'face' in the 'face of a clock' or rniners
working ar the 'coal-face' or teachers ar the 'chalk-face' to be meraphorical extensions of the
human 'face'. This view of polyserny is creative, it leaves open the possibility of new
metaphorical extensions ofthe central meaning.An important point in our discussion is
metaphor as collocation, namely metaphorical uses in everyday language.For instance,some
common metaphors are associated with light and dark:eyes light up, face lights up,
atmosphere lightens, mood lightens, vs. dark thoughts, expression darkens, eyes darken, dark
times, water domain is highly productive also :ideas flow, conversation flows, a flood/floods
of tears, tears streaming down one’s face ,people pour /stream somewhere, people trickle, a
stream of visitors, and not to finish this rough presentation without fire domain being
mentioned: heated conversation, heated debate, fiery temper,tempers flare, violence flares,
troubles flare up,your cheeks burn with embarassment, blaze of publicity, blaze of glory.
In conclusion , learners should be highly aware of using collocations because they
give the most natural way to say something, it offers an alternative to say something, which
may be more colourful, more expressive, more precise, instead of repeating, and of course
using collocations improves their style in writing.
Learning collocations is not so different from learning any other vocabulary item.There are
some key techniques ,though, and they might be revise what you want to learn,practise using
what you want to learn, learn collocations on groups to help you fix them in memory.
Rosamund Moon calls just looking at words "dangerously isolationist" (1997:40), and goes on
to say that "words are again and again shown not to operate as independent and
interchangeable parts of the lexicon, but as parts of a lexical system (ibid:42). An
understanding of collocation is vital for all learners, and for those on advanced level courses,
it is essential that they are not only aware of the variety and sheer density of this feature of the
language but that they actively acquire more and more collocations both within and outside
the formal teaching situation. It is only by doing this through increased exposure that they can
be assured of leaving the intermediate plateau behind.
McCarthy,M,O’Dell,F(2007) English Collocations in Use, CUP,Cambridge
Thornbury, S.(1998)The Lexical Approach;A journey Without Maps, in MET Vol7 No4
Thornbury, S.(2002) How to Teach Vocabulary,Longman ,London