The document discusses the Presidential Order of 1975 and its implementation in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It outlines the key aspects of the Order including organization of local cadres, allotment of personnel, local reservations in recruitment. It also summarizes the follow up commissions like Girglani Commission and Raikote Commission constituted to address issues in implementation and suggest remedial actions.
The document discusses the Presidential Order of 1975 and its implementation in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It outlines the key aspects of the Order including organization of local cadres, allotment of personnel, local reservations in recruitment. It also summarizes the follow up commissions like Girglani Commission and Raikote Commission constituted to address issues in implementation and suggest remedial actions.
The document discusses the Presidential Order of 1975 and its implementation in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It outlines the key aspects of the Order including organization of local cadres, allotment of personnel, local reservations in recruitment. It also summarizes the follow up commissions like Girglani Commission and Raikote Commission constituted to address issues in implementation and suggest remedial actions.
The document discusses the Presidential Order of 1975 and its implementation in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It outlines the key aspects of the Order including organization of local cadres, allotment of personnel, local reservations in recruitment. It also summarizes the follow up commissions like Girglani Commission and Raikote Commission constituted to address issues in implementation and suggest remedial actions.
AUDIT DEPARTMENT TRAINING WING Dr MCR HRD INSTITUTE OF AP HYDERABAD Presidential Order 1975 The AP Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order 1975 is also called as Presidential Order 1975 It was issued based on the Constitution (32nd Amendment) Act 1973 which inserted Articles 371 D and 371 E in the Constitution of India As per Section 97 of AP Reorganisation Act 2014, the Presidential Order 1975 will be implemented in both States (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) SIX POINT FORMULA - 1973 It is a Statement issued by the Leaders of Andhra Pradesh on 21.09.1973 1. Accelerated development of backward areas 2. Uniform arrangements with adequate preference to the Local Candidates in Educational Policy and Establishment of Central University at Hyderabad 3. Preference to the Local Candidates in Public Employment 4. Setting up of Administrative Tribunal 5. Conferring on the President necessary powers to implement above (by amending Constitution) 6. Discontinuation of Multi Rules and Regional Committees Article 371 D 1. The President may by order made with respect to the State of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Telangana, provide, having regard to the requirement of each State, for equitable opportunities and facilities for the people belonging to different parts of such State, in the matter of public employment and in the matter of education, and different provisions may be made for various parts of the States PRESIDENTAIL ORDER 1975 Issued vide GO Ms No 674 GA (SPF) Department dated 20.10.1975 Para 3 – Organization of Local Cadre Para 4 – Allotment of Persons Para 5 – Local Cadres and Transfer of Persons Para 6 – Local Areas Para 7 – Local Candidate Para 8 – Local Reservation in Direct Recruitment
First Schedule – City of Hyderabad
Second Schedule – Zones Third Schedule – Specified Gazetted Categories PRESIDENTIAL ORDER 1975 GO Ms No 675 GA (SPF-A) Department dated 20.10.1975 explain 1. Major Development Projects 2. Special Offices/Establishments 3. State Level Offices/Institutions 4. Departments having City Cadres PRESIDENTIAL ORDER 1975 Procedure for Selection of Local Candidates was issued vide GO P No 763 GA (SPF-A) Department dated 15.11.1975 read with GO Ms No 8 GA(SPF.A) Department dated 08.01.2002 and GO Ms No 124 GA (SPF.A) Department dated 07.03.2002 Annexure – I – Single Cadre Recruitment (Merit List of Selected Candidates: First 20% - Open-to-All, 80% - Reserved for Locals) Annexure – II – Multi-Zonal Cadre (Merit List of Selected Candidates: First 30% - Open-to-All, 70% - Reserved for Locals) Annexure – III – Multiple Cadre Recruitment (Merit List of Selected Candidates: First 40% - Open-to-All, 60% - Reserved for Locals) PRESIDENTAIL ORDER 1975 Organization of Local Cadres in respect of Posts and allotment of Persons – GO Ms No 728 GA (SPF.A) Department dated 01.11.1975 List of HoDs - GO Ms No 549 GA (MC) Department dated 04.10.2006 read with GO Ms 765 GA (MC-I) Department dated 09.10.2007 Equitable Opportunities and Facilities in the Metter of Public Employment – GO P No 729 GA (SPF.A) Department dated 01.11.1975 INTER-LOCAL CADRE TRANSFERS Para 5 (2) of AP Public Employment (Organisation of Local Cadres and Regularisation of Direct Recruitment) Order 1975: Nothing in the order shall prevent the State Government from making provisions for Local Cadre to Office/Establishment where the Presidential Order 1975 does not apply or vice versa Local Cadre exercising Territorial Jurisdiction over a part of the State to any other Local Cadre comprising in such part or vice versa No qualified or suitable person is available Public Interest Reciprocal Basis INTER-LOCAL CADRE TRANSFER - SENIORITY Fixation of Seniority in case of Transfer on Request or Administrative Grounds: Rule 35 of APS&SS Rules 1996 35 (a): Administrative Grounds – Seniority shall be determined with reference to the date of Seniority of such Person in the former unit 35 (b): Request Transfer: Seniority shall be fixed with reference to the date of his/her joining in the later unit of appointment 610 GO GO Ms No 564 GA (SPF.A) Department dated 05.12.1985 – Telugu Ganga Project – Issue of Non- Locals occupying the Posts in Zone - IV GO Ms No 610 GA (SPF.A) Department dated 30.12.1985 – Issue of Non-Locals occupying the Posts in Zone – V & VI GO Ms No 270 GA (SPF.A) Department dated 25.06.2001 – Appointment of One Man [JM Girglani IAS (Retd)]Commission on implementation of GO Ms No 610 GA (SPF.A) Department dated 30.12.1985 GIRGLANI COMMISSION Receive Representations from Associations/ Individuals where the injustice is done in the implementation of GO Ms No 610 and to sort out the anomalies Take up further follow up action for the Rectification of Defects, Anomalies and Irregularities, if any Arrive at estimates of Deviations and Anomalies from the Presidential Order and Suggest Remedial Actions which would include a Mechanism to ensure implementation and monitoring of Six Point Formula GIRGLANI COMMISSION REPORT – FOLLOW UP ACTION 21.09.2004: JM Girglani, IAS (Retd) submitted his Report to Government of Andhra Pradesh GO Rt No 1878 GA (MC) Department dated 12.04.2005: Government has constituted Group of Ministers to examine the Recommendations of the OMC (SPF) (One Man Commission on Six Point Formula) GO Ms No 72 GA (MC) Department dated 04.03.2006: Government issued orders on acceptance of Report of Group of Ministers GO Ms no 116 GA (MC) Department dated 16.03.2006: GO Ms No 72 was kept in abeyance till further order GIRGLANI COMMISSION REPORT – FOLLOW UP ACTION Go Ms No 549 GA (MC) Department dated 04.10.2006: Organisation of Local Cadres – List of HoDs Further Instructions were issued vide Circular Memo No 97462/MC/2004-50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 GA (MC) Department dated 04.10.2006, 04.10.2006, 17.11.2006, 29.12.2006 GO Ms No 778 GA (MC) Department dated 13.12.2006: Constitution of Group of Ministers to oversee the Implementation of GO 610 keeping in view of the recommendations of OMC (SPF) GO Ms No 779 GA (MC) Department dated 13.12.2006: Constitution of an Implementation and Monitoring Authority to oversee the Implementation of GO 610 keeping in view of the recommendations of OMC (SPF) GIRGLANI COMMISSION REPORT – FOLLOW UP ACTION Entry of Local Status in the Service Register of the Employees – Circular Memo No 89113/MC/2006-12 GA (MC) Department dated 12.01.2007 Circular Memo No 9543/MC/2007-7 GA (MC) Department dated 21.06.2007 Repatriation of Non-Locals to their respective Local Cadres to be done after receipt of applications from the affected Repatriation Orders be issued as Transfer Orders in Public Interest as permitted under Para 5 (2) (c) of the Presidential Order 1975 Seniority of the Repatriated Employees shall be governed by Rule 33 of AP State & Subordinate Service Rules 1996 GIRGLANI COMMISSION REPORT – FOLLOW UP ACTION Further Instructions on Action to be taken after Review of Appointments by Direct Recruitment - GO Ms No 674 GA (MC) Department dated 07.09.2007 RAIKOTE COMMISSION Constituted vide GO Ms No 245 GA (MC.I) Department dated 03.05.2012 Examine and consider the Representations received from Employees Associations, Employees, Government Institutions and Agencies and render appropriate recommendations to the Government Suggest modifications in the existing Rules and Government Orders relating to implementation of Presidential Order within the Framework of Presidential Order Suggest feasible Policy Level interventions for making implementation of Presidential Order more effective and transparent It was ceased to exist vide GO Ms No 301 GA (SPF-MC) Department dated 29.09.2014 (Government of Andhra Pradesh)