Geromo Vs La Paz Housing
Geromo Vs La Paz Housing
Geromo Vs La Paz Housing
Petitioners Geromo, Buentipo, Yambot, and Bustamante acquired individual housing units of
Adelina Subdivision from LaPaz, the owner/developer, through GSIS financing. The houses were
situated along an old creek. After two years of occupation, cracks started to appear on the units.
As a remedy, the developer constructed a riprap/retaining wall along the creek. Despite the
construction of the wall, the conditions of the houses worsened, which prompted them to leave.
Later on, through the inspection of the subject properties, the DENR found that there was
“differential settlement of the area where the affected units were constructed.” Due to this basis,
Geromo file a complaint against La Paz and GSIS.
Whether or not petitioners are entitled to the award of damages due to the negligence of La Paz
in developing the housing units which were sold to the petitioners
Due to the indifference and negligence of La Paz, it should compensate the petitioners for the
damages they sustained. On actual damages, the standing rule is that to be entitled to them,
there must be pleading and proof of actual damages suffered.
Actual damages, to be recoverable, must not only be capable of proof, but must actually be
proved with a reasonable degree of certainty. Courts cannot simply rely on speculation,
conjecture or guesswork in determining the fact and amount of damages. To justify an award of
actual damages, there must be competent proof of the actual amount of loss, credence can be
given only to claims which are duly supported by receipts.30
In this regard, the petitioners failed to prove with concrete evidence the amount of the actual
damages they suffered. For this reason, the Court does not have any basis for such an award.
Nevertheless, temperate or moderate damages may be recovered when some pecuniary loss has
been suffered but its amount cannot, from the nature of the case, be proved with certainty. 31 The
amount thereof is usually left to the discretion of the courts but the same should be reasonable,
bearing in mind that temperate damages should be more than nominal but less than
compensatory.32 In this case, the petitioners suffered some form of pecuniary loss due to the
impairment of the structural integrity of their dwellings. In view of the circumstances obtaining, an
award of temperate damages amounting to ₱200,000.00 is just and reasonable.
The petitioners are also entitled to moral and exemplary damages. Moral damages are not meant
to be punitive but are designed to compensate and alleviate the physical suffering, mental
anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social
humiliation, and similar harm unjustly caused to a person. To be entitled to such an award, the
claimant must satisfactorily prove that he indeed suffered damages and that the injury causing
the same sprung from any of the cases listed in Articles 2219 33 and 2220 34 of the Civil Code.
Moreover, the damages must be shown to be the proximate result of a wrongful act or omission.
Moral damages may be awarded when the breach of contract was attended with bad faith, 35 or is
guilty of gross negligence amounting to bad faith. 36 Obviously, the uncaring attitude of La Paz
amounted to bad faith. For said reason, the Court finds it proper to award moral damages in the
amount of ₱150,000.00.
Petitioners are also entitled to exemplary damages which are awarded when a wrongful act is
accompanied by bad faith or when the guilty party acted in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless,
oppressive, or malevolent manner" 37 under Article 2232 38 of the Civil Code. The indifference of
La Paz in addressing the petitioners' concerns and its subsequent failure to take remedial
measures constituted bad faith.
Considering that the award of moral and exemplary damages is proper in this case, attorney's
fees and cost of the suit may also be recovered as provided under Article 2208 39 of the Civil