Safe Bearing Capacity Definition
Safe Bearing Capacity Definition
Safe Bearing Capacity Definition
The bearing capacity of the soil, used for the design of foundations (i.e. for determining
the dimensions of the foundations) is determined on the basis of the above two criteria.
In general, the supporting power of a soil or rock is referred to as its bearing capacity. The
term bearing capacity is defined after attaching certain qualifying prefixes, as defined
1. Gross pressure intensity (q). The gross pressure intensity q as the total pressure at
the base of the footing due to the weight of the super-structure, self weíght of the footing
and the weight of the earth fill, íf any.
2. Net Pressure intensity (qn). It is defined as the excess pressure, or the difference in
intensities of the gross pressure after the construction of the structure and the original
overburden pressure. Thus, lf D is the depth of the footing
3. Ultimate bearing capacity (qf). The ultimate bearing capacny is defined as the
minimum gross pressure intensity at the base of the foundation at which the soil fails in
4. Net ultimate bearing capacity (qnf). It is the minimum net pressure intensity
causing shear failure of the soil. The ultimate bearing capacity q f, and net ultimate bearing
capacity (qnf) are evidently connected by the relation
5. Net safe bearing capacity (qns). The net safe bearing capacity is the net ultimate
bearing capacity divided by a factor of safty F:
6. Safe bearing capacity (qs). The maximum pressure which the soil can carry safely
without risk of shear failure is called the safe bearing capacity. It is equal to the net safe
bearing capacity plus original overburden pressure
Sometirnes, the safe bearing capacuty is also referred to as the ultimte bearing capacity qf
divided by a factor of safety F.
7. Allowable bearing pressure (qa). It is the net loading intensity at which neither the
soil fails in shear nor there is excessive settlement detrimental to the structure in question.
The allowable bearing pressure thus depends both on the sub-soil and the type of building
concerned, and is generally less than, and never exceeds, the safe bearing capacity.