Mel Reynolds Sentencing Memo
Mel Reynolds Sentencing Memo
Mel Reynolds Sentencing Memo
Honorable Robert W. Gettleman
probation year so Defendant, if necessary will be able to get his children to a secure
place. Such a sentence would also be sufficient to comply with the purposes set forth in
l8 U.S.C. $ 3553(a), especially due to the fact that the Defendant has already served 2
months in detention during this case, 4 months on Home confinement with an ankle
brace and a curfew and been on restricted movement in the Northern District of Iltinois
for 3 years . There has also not been personal financial loss to a victim or tax a loss to
the Government. The govemment maintains that it cannot specifically identiSr an
Factual Background
From October 2009 until about June 2012 Defendant traveled approximately
400,000 miles round trip to Southern Africa. Zimbabwe was the base of operation. As
the prosecutions knows and has stated Defendant was searching for business
amount from Wilson and Higginbottom made up more thang2o/o of that total monies in
this case and was therefore the main thrust of the Government's case.)
Defendant's travel to Africa during this time was business related. Defendant had
no reason or the funds to travel to Africa for vacation. Although one of Defendant's
daughters became a student in Africa, she did not start as a student until the spring of
2012. Just months after her arrival in African Defendant was no longer in a Business
relationship with Wilson, which ended inApril 2010 or Higginbottom, which ended in
These business expenses were broken down in the following manner. Defendant
received $2931500 from Higginbottom issued in hand wriffen checks to "Mel Reynolds"
personally, $25, 000 from Higginbottom in a wire transfer for "Mel Reynolds
Defendant now fully realizes that despite any written or verbal agreement with
Higginbottom or Wilson, and not receiving any 1099's for any of the money issued by
Higginbottom, all of the monies accepted by Defendant should have been viewed my
Defendant as income. Therefore Defendant should have filed income tax returns during
this time for the years in which the money was issued. Defendant discusses how the
money was used in the Tax Loss section of his memorandum.
There was no Tax loss determined by the prosecution in this case because there
of defendant's Tax loss." In the the Government's Version of the Offense the
government also states, inter alia, " First, the defendant's bank records reflect debt card
charges for flights to Africa, hotels in /Aftica and cash withdrawals in Africa." They
further state.. "Because of the lack of reliable information or records of both the income
and expenses it is difficult to determine an acfual loss."
established at trial for 4 years, 2009 to 2012, of $400,055. Defendant does not know but
is the Government allowed to just make up a Tax Loss and then use that number to add
2}ohbase a $1,000,000 "Tax Loss". This would mean a much higher guide calculation
for the sentence. Defendant, does know for sure what the law is or what the rules are,
but it seems that the 20%obase number should be applied an "net" income after the
Government has taken the time to establish what that number is.
The Government's Motion in Limine in20l6 [60] stated, inter alia, "the
govemment will not present any evidence that defendant owed taxes" at trial. The
Govemment did not in fact present any evidences attrial that Defendant owed taxes. The
Government at trial pointed to expenses that they identified to help make their case of
willfulness using Defendant's bank records. The Government has had Defendant's bank
records for more than 4 years. The question is way did the Government not determine
the actual tax loss during that time or at least an estimation? Another question is why
did the Govemment not subpoena Defendant for any receipts or for any other records
that related to business expenditures relating to Higginboffom and Wilson if they wanted
to figure out an actual tax loss? The Government did in fact subpoena Defendant for
another document.
Defendant believes that the Government did not want to determine actual tax loss
because after seeing Defendant's bank records the Government realized that if there was
any loss at all it would be minimal. And although the Government does not have to
prove tax loss to bring a Failure to File case, internally at the U.S Attorney's Office it
may have been decided by higher ups, as Mr. Jonas refers to, that it was not be good
judgment during this time of austerity to bring such a case of low value. However, the
obvious obsession and personal animosity by the prosecutor in this case towards
Defendant, a Former Congressman and Rhodes scholar, as the prosecutor never misses a
chance to point out, far outweighed any rational decision making in bringing this case.
As this Honorable Court knows it is the Court's final determination of a actual tax
loss if any. Although Defendant has not been able to acquire all the airline receipts,
Defendant is submitting the receipts he has been able to acquire, including confirmation
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of Hotel cost, former staff personal inAfrica cost and affidavits pertaining to offrce
rental cost in Zimbabwe. As Defendant has pointed out, Defendant traveled over
400,000 miles round trip fromAmerica to Africa on business for Higginbottom and
Wilson. The round trip airfare, the hotel expenses in Africa and paying for staff in Africa
came to hundreds or thousands of dollars. These staffmembers who met and worked
with Wilson and Higginbottom on at least five combined trips to Africa have submitted
sword affrdavits that they were in fact paid by Defendant for their work in Africa (see
attachment 3 group receipts.)
Defendant has not been able to get help with the Guideline calculations.
Defendant therefore will do his best regarding the sentencing part of this Sentencing
Memorandum. Defendant respectfully objects to the 10 month recorlmended sentence,
which would be 83% of concurrent sentence, by that Probation recommends. Defendant
also disagrees with the 2I-27 sentence recommendation by the prosecution. Defendant
also points out that probation and prosecutors are looking at the same facts of
Defendant's case and the prosecution is recommending virtually 3 times of what
probation is recommending for the same convictions on a probational offense.
Defendant also points out that probation states that their recorlmendation is based
in part on the aggravating circumstances present in this case. However, the aggravating
circumstances, as defendant has shown in Defendant's response are factually inaccurate
and therefore should not have been considered as such. The Probation officer also states
that punitive action should be taken to send a message to Defendant Reynolds "that he is
not above the law." (please see paragraphs 6 and 7 on p. 1,2 and 3, of Defendant's
Objections to PSI Sentencing Recommendation)
creating a false narrative of Defendant and dismissing Defendant's life as nothing more
than a waste of time and a life of crime. Statements like this are illustrative
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"[Defendant's] decades-long pattern of showing complete disrespect for the law, the
courts, and the criminal justice system." And that Defendant needs to be shown that he is
not "above the law". The prosecutions personal anonymity also took on a very harsh
tone in the prosecution's publicly filed Sentencing Memorandum. In doing so the
prosecution succeeded in getting the nationwide headlines that it sought despite the court
admonishing both sides to be aware of what they put in court filings to avoid such
Despite what probation and prosecutor's claim Defendant does not think for one
second that he is above the law as illustrated by the fact that when Defendant was
indicted he was in Africa, in a country that has no treaty with the United States to
extradite an American citizen to face American criminal charges, however Defendant
came home, Defendant also came home despite the fact that the President of the said
country told Defendant he was welcome to stay in that country because of the non-
violent nature of the charges. (Defendant again out of respect for the American criminal
justice system also returned home on two other occasions from Africa while these legal
proceedings have been in progress.)
Defendant, because of his respect forAmerica and our criminal justice system,
voluntarily came home to face the charges. This is an undeniable fact. This overt
objective conduct by Defendant far outweighs any subjective personal feelings or view
of Defendant's disrespect for the law. (Defendant, out of respect for "Law" and order
literally put his own life on the line when he came to the aide of a female tourist
from Wisconsin on July 212010. Defendant turned down an opportunity to receive
the highest civilian award that Chicago gives for his conduct because he felt he was
just doing what anyone with respect for the Law under the circumstances would
have done. Defendant never got so much as a thank you from the victim, but under
the same circumstances Defendant would do the same thing. See Attachments 4
and 5)
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Historical Characteristics
The probation and the prosecution paint Defendant as reckless individual who has
no sense of responsibility and who has spent decades showing disrespect for the Courts
and the legal system. This is simply not true Defendant does not mean to suggest that
Defendant's life has been perfect. After being born under overt racist oppression in the
poorest town, in the poorest county in American at the time, Mount Bayou, Mississippi
in Bolivar County and raised fatherless on public assistance in Chicago Public Housing
for a time, Defendant has tried his best. Defendant has never used his economically poor
up bringing or his race as an excuse. Defendant was not convicted of or on trial for
any crime until he was 43 years old and it has been 23 years since Defendant's state
conviction in 1995, and 21 years since Defendant's Federal conviction while
Defendant was incarcerate in 1997.
As Your Honor once said this case has taken on a "life of it's own". For one to be
indicted on any federal crime it is very a serious matter. Misdemeanor or Felony a
person immediately has their life changed and well as the lives of everyone in there life.
Defendant. It is clear if the prosecution had found that Defendant was a person who had
no respect for the Law in fact by committing crimes over decades they would have
brought those charges. In fact when this investigation started it was not about a
misdemeanor tax case, but resulted from another case.
The prosecution lead by Mr Jonas was prosecuting, Prince Asiel Israel and
Gregory Turner, two African American males, for violating the International
Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). The charges centered around
lobbying the U.S. Government, Members Congressman and Illinois State
Legislators to have the sanctions against Zimbabwe removed. Part of the factual
situation in this case also centered around obtaining diamonds from Zimbabwe,
which has 3o% of the World diamonds. Access to the Diamonds in Zimbabwe
was through then President Robert Mugabe. This Prosecution, which was in
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2oLB, lvas abolrt same time that Defendant and Elzie Higginbottom, the
Government's chief witness in Defendant's case, became of interest to the
Government. Defendant believes that this stemmed from Mr. Ben Israel's
cooperation with Mr. Jonas and the Government. Mr. Israel was upset with
Defendant because Defendant had refused to approach Mr. Higginbottom on
his behalf regarding getting involved in some illegal matters in Zimbabwe.
(Israel would in fact able to go around Defendant to get a meeting with
The Government through their investigation realized that Defendant was
not a part of this scheme by Israel and Turner to get the sanctions removed to
obtain diamonds through Mugabe. However, the Government did have
information that they received on or about May 1, 2013, that is in the Discovery
in Defendant's case, that Higginbottom had in fact made an illegal deal with
Mugabe to obtain diamonds. The indictment was unsealed against Israel and
Turner, according to the enclosed press release on August 6, 2o1g (attachment
6) about three months after the Government new of Higginbottom's private deal
with Mugabe. Mr. Jonas and his team chose at that point to go after a powerless
insolvent former Congressman, and they mentioned "former Congressman" in
their indictment press release, instead of the powerful, extremely wealthy well-
connected Elzie Higginbottom, who was doing exactly the same thing that Israel
and Turner were indicted for. In fact during this time Defendant sent a letter to
Mr. Jonas expressing a willingness to discuss certain matters with the
Government. While the Government maintains that Defendant has no respect
for the legal system and therefore, America and Defendant's Government, and
therefore should spend an unfair amount of time in prison, it was the
prosecution who was showing a lack of respect for Justice by in engaging in the
selective prosecution of Defendant.
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Judge had ordered such an evaluation and/or treatment in other cases but did not see fit
to do so based on the facts in Defendant's case. In 1997 two years after Defendant was
convicted on the State charges, Defendant was convicted on several Federal felony
charges that were totally unrelated to the State charges. In the PSI from 1997 there was
no recommendation for such treatment for Defendant to the Court by probation during
the 78 month sentence ordered or the 5 years of supervised release for Defendant, Now,
after 23 years and being convicted in a non felony tax case, probation and the
prosecution finds it necessary to ask the Court to order sex offender treatment . Why?
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Chicago area with his children. The defendant has also been for 3 years on restricted
ll1ovell1ent and confined to the Northern District of Illinois. b) If Defendant is sentenced
a fair sentence would 4 months a half-way house here in Chicago so Defendant can be
available for his children and eam a living. Currently, Defendant is virtually horneless
staying in a motel. Defendant, at this point does even own a suit.
As the probation office points out in the PSI, Defendant has some serious
documented medical concems. All of the Defendant's medial records have been turned
over to Probation.
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Pro-se Defendant pray this Honor Court orders a fair sentence under all of the
Respectfully Submitted,
Melvin Reynolds
Pro-Se Defendant
May 1,2018
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Nol. Defendant, according the Sentencing Guidelines, would not have owed any taxes.
Defendant because of Standard Deductions and Exemptions which amounted to over the four
years in this case 2009,2010,2011,2012 were ($80,000 taxes owed or $20,000 per year on average) +
Exemptions $93,150: -13,150. Defendant would have had a $13,150 tax surplus and this is without all
of the available deductions ( i.e. education credits) to Defendant at the time. However, this analysis
clearly indicates that Defendant would not have owed taxes and in fact, as mentioned, the Defendant
would have had a tax surplus. This information is from IRS Publication 501, Exemptions (e) Standard
Deductions (sd), and Filing Information and the 1040 tax return forms for 2009,2010,201I and
S3800x4= 15,200(e)
$8700 (sd)
These exemptions are the standard deductions and personal and dependent exemptions to which
the defendant was entitled in each year in Defendant's case according to the Sentencing Guideline sec.
2Tl .1, application note 3. which states, inter alia,
"ln detennining tlte tax loss, the court should accotu'tt Jbr the standard deduction antl personal
and dependent exernptions to which the dekndant wos entitled.In addition, the court should account
for any unclaimed credit, deduction, or exemption that is needed to ensure a reasonable estimate of the
tax loss, but only to the extent that (A) the credit, deduction, or exemption was related to the tax
offense and could have been clairned at the time the tax offense was committed; (B) the credit,
deduction, or exemption is reasonably and practicably ascertainable; and (C) the defendant presents
information to support the credit, deduction, or exemption sufficiently in advance of sentencing to
provide an adequate opportunity to evaluate whether it has suffrcient indicia of reliability to support its
probable accuracy." (emphas is aclded)
No 2. Defendant, according the Sentencing Guidelines would not have owed any taxes.
Defendant because of Standard Deductions and Exemptions which amounted to over the four
years in this case 2009,2010,2011,2012were ($8497.00 taxes owed or$2,124 per year on average) *
Exemptions $93,150: -84,653. Defendant would have had a $84,653 tax surplus and this is without all
of the available deductions ( i.e. education credits) to Defendant at the time. However, this analysis
clearly indicates that Defendant would not have owed taxes and in fact, as mentioned, the Defendant
would have had a tax surplus. This information is from IRS Publication 501, Exemptions (e) Standard
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Deductions (sd), and Filing Information and the 1040 tax return forms for 2009,2010, 2011 and
These exemptions are the standard deductions and personal and dependent exemptions to which
the defendant was entitled in each year in Defendant's case according to Sentencing Guideline sec.
2Tl.l, application note 3. which states, inter alia,
"ln determining the tax loss, the court shottld accotmtfor the standard deduction and personal
and dependent exernptions to which the deJendant wds entitled.In addition, the court should account
for any unclairned credit, deduction, or exemption that is needed to ensure a reasonable estimate of the
tax loss, but only to the extent that (A) the credit, deduction, or exemption was related to the tax
offense and could have been claimed at the time the tax offense was committed; (B) the credit,
deduction, or exemption is reasonably and practicably ascertainable; and (C) the defendant presents
information to support the credit, deduction, or exemption sufficiently in advance of sentencing to
provide an adequate opportunity to evaluate whether it has sufficient indicia of reliability to support its
probable accuracy," (emphas is added)
Nol. Defendant, according the Sentencing Guidelines, would not have owed any taxes.
Defendant because of Standard Deductions and Exemptions which amounted to over the four
years in this case 2009,2010,2011,2012 were ($80,000 taxes owed or $20,000 per year on average) +
Exemptions $93,150: -13,150. Defendant would have had a $13,150 tax surplus and this is without all
of the available deductions ( i.e. education credits) to Defendant at the time. However, this analysis
clearly indicates that Defendant would not have owed taxes and in fact, as mentioned, the Defendant
would have had a tax surplus. This information is from IRS Publication 501, Exemptions (e) Standard
Deductions (sd), and Filing Information and the 1040 tax return forms for 2009,2010,2011 and
$8700 (sd)
These exemptions are the standard deductions and personal and dependent exemptions to which
the defendant was entitled in each year in Defendant's case according to the Sentencing Guideline sec.
2Tl.l, application note 3. r.vhich states, inter alia,
"In determining the tax loss, the court shotild accotmtJbr the standard deduction antl personal
and dependent exernptions to which the deJbndant was entitled.In addition, the court should account
for any unclaimed credit, deduction, or exernption that is needed to ensure a reasonable estimate of the
tax loss, but only to the extent that (A) the credit, deduction, or exemptiolt was related to the tax
offense and could have been clairned at the time the tax offense was committed; (B) the credit,
deduction, or exemption is reasonably and practicably ascertainable; and (C) the defendant presents
information to support the credit, deduction, or exemption sufficiently in advance of sentencing to
provide an adequate opportunity to evaluate whether it has sufficient indicia of reliability to support its
probable accuracy." (emphas is added)
No 2. Defendant, according the Sentencing Guidelines would not have owed any taxes.
Defendant because of Standard Deductions and Exemptions which amounted to over the four
years in this case 2009,2010,2011,2012 were ($8497.00 taxes owed or $2,124 per year on average) +
Exemptions $93,150: -84,653. Defendant would have had a $84,653 tax surplus and this is without all
of the available deductions ( i.e. education credits) to Defendant at the time. However, this analysis
clearly indicates that Defendant would not have owed taxes and in fact, as mentioned, the Defendant
would have had a tax surplus. This information is from IRS Publication 501, Exemptions (e) Standard
Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 19 of 67 PageID #:1368
Deductions (sd), and Filing Information and the 1040 tax return forms for 2009,2010, 2011 and
$8700 (sd)
These exemptions are the standard deductions and personal and dependent exemptions to which
the defendant was entitled in each year in Defendant's case according to Sentencing Guideline sec.
2Tl.l, application note 3. which states, inter alia,
"In determining the tax loss, the court shottld accotmtfor the standard deductiott and personal
and dependent exemptions to which the deJbndant was entitled.In addition, the court should account
for any unclaimed credit, deduction, or exemption that is needed to ensure a reasonable estimate of the
tax loss, but only to the extent that (A) the credit, deduction, or exemption was related to the tax
offense and could have been claimed at the time the tax offense was committed; (B) the credit,
deduction, or exemption is reasonably and practicably ascertainable; and (C) the defendant presents
information to support the credit, deduction, or exemption sufficiently in advance of sentencing to
provide an adequate opportunity to evaluate whether it has sufficient indicia of reliability to support its
probable accuracy." (emphasis added)
Attachment 3 Group.
Please find the flights cost (partial list). These are not the all of the dates of Defendant's flights to
Africa or internally, however Defendant does not have time to wait for more records from the Airlines.
Please find receipts and reservations dates for the Atlanta, Johannesburg to Harare to Johannesburg leg
of Defendant travel from, Delta, British Airways, South Africa Airway. The sworn affidavits for
payments, sworn affidavits of payment of the workers and staffand are included. (This is also the staff
that Wilson and Higginbottom met and worked with on their combined 5 trips to Africa during this time
frame.) The Hotel business cost in Zimbabwe and South Africa are also in included. Finally, my bank
records, that the Govemment has had in their for at least four years. The Court has had by records since
the trial as they entered as by the Govemment as evidence to prove their willfulness theory.
Cost Date
s4266. s4 12/04/2009br
$8084.60 - 05114/10 rec
Total ticket $200.00
Taxes & Fees: $234.90
raveler name: MelJay Reynolds Airfare total: $434.90
Total ticket $493.00
Taxes & Fees: $237.80
Airfare total: $730.80
Total ticket $250.00
Taxes & Fees: $137.90
Total ticket SATZ.OO
Taxes & Fees: $290.40
Airfare tota!: $1,167.40
Total ticket $493.
raveler name: MelJay Reynolds
Taxes & Fees: $237.
Airfare total: $730.
Total ticket $250.00
raveler name: Mel Reynolds
Taxes & Fees: $137.90
Airfare tota!: $387.90
Total ticket $327.00
Taxes & Fees: $150.40
Airfare total: $477.40
name: Mel Reynolds
Total ticket $499.00
Taxes & Fees: $174.50
Airfare total: $673.50
The airline may charge addlllSnqLfp_.qg for checked baggage or other optional
Total ticket $280.00
Taxes & Fees: $161.60
Airfare total: $,f41.60"iii;;
** *
,, -.,
H ot", vo, i ;;i,rh BnG; N*;;ii ;
--..-'- "
Johannesburg (O.R. Tambo lntl.) to Harare (HRE) 04118112 12:20 PM - 1:55 PM Ainvays 62
The airline may charge additional.fees for checked baggage or other optional
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'51612018 Fwd: MEL J CHICAGO-OHARE 09MAR12^^/ebmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage
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5t6t2018 Fwd: MEL J CHICAGO-OHARE 09MAR12
Fri 09MAR
Sun 25MAR
Mon 25MAR
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7's0 AY 2'20 Ev 2'40 uM 23'10
rtemized rax: il:'r:|,| I ffifffil'O0xA
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Tax Details
Total Tax: 655.90
5.50 YC 7.00 XY 33.40 US 5.00 XA 7.50 AY 2.20 EV 2.40 UM 23.10
rtemized Tax:
wc 36.30 zA 520.00 YQ 13.50 XF
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Check your flight information online al or call the Delta Flightline at 800.325-'t999. Key to Terms
# - Arrival date different than
departure date
.* - See Seats on
Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline, so please check with the operating *'" - Multi meals
carrier on your ticket. *S$ - Multiple
Please review Delta's gfigg[iq@qryjS and !gggegg guidelines for details. AR - Arrives
B - Breakfast
You must be checked in and at the gate at least 1 5 minutes before your scheduled departure time for C - Bagels/Beverages
travel inside the United States. D - Dinner
You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for F - Food available for purchase
For tips on flying safely with laptops, cell phones, and other battery-powered devices, please visit LV - Departs
hl!pjlSg&flavel.doLgov M - Movie
R - Refreshments - Complimentary
Do you have comments about our service? Please email us to share them with us. S - Snack
T - Cold meal
V - Snacks for Sale
Passenger Information
SkYMiles Number: **'r"r("**696
Gold Medalliono
Billing Details
Receipt lnformation
Fare Details: CHI DL X/ATL DL JNB Q2g0.0OM399.95TLPVN4/[^JNQ9 DL XlArL Q2OO.OOD
Note: \A/hen using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
The Medallion status listed reflects a customer's status at the time of ticketing, which may differ from the actual
status at the time of flight departure.
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.
Sent from my
forwarded message:
(Scan this barcode at a Delta Self-Service Kiosk to
Your Receipt and ltinerary access your reservation.)
3473 S KING DR
cHlcAGo tL 60616-4108
Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. lf you need to
contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to , call800-221-1212 or call the number on the
back of your SkyMiles@ card.
Enjoy the fastest way to the gate. For domestic travel, use's Online Check-in.
Flight Information
TICKET #: 04627932779O52
Bkng Meals/ Seat/
Day Date Flight Status C]ass City Time Other Cabin
Check your flight information online at or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-1999. Key to Terms
https ://,vebmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage
Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 44 of 67 PageID #:1393
5t6t2018 Fwd: MEL J - CHICAGO-OHARE 30OCT11
C - Bagels/Beverages
Within U.S. D - Dinner
and Canada:
$25 F - Food available for
US/Canada purchase
First Checked Bag
and Complimentary
Want first bag free? - Lunch
Checked Baggage Caribbean: L
$25 LV - Departs
Complimentary M - Movie
R - Refreshments -
Within U.S. Complimentary
and Canada:
S - Snack
Mexico, T - Cold meal
America, and V - Snacks for Sale
Second Checked Bag Japan and Complimentary
*Travelers tolfrom Key \ bst Florida are limited to one checked bag.
You must be checked in and at the gate by the applicable check-in deadlines or your reservation may be
Please review Delta's check-in Requirements guidelines for details. Check-in requirements vary by airline,
so if
your ticket includes travel on other airlines, please check with the operating canier on your ticket.
Do you have comments about our service? Please qi! us to share them with us.
Passenger lnformation
SkYMiIes Number: ***x*'r'*696
Platinum MedaLlion@
Billing Details
Receipt Information
Mileage Details
Original 775000
Note: When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
The Medallion status listed reflects a customer's status at the time of ticketing, which may differ from the actual
status at the time of flight departure.
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.
TotalTax:91.00 USD
Ticketing Details
TICKET #: 006219327!9052
Issue Date: 1A/24/17 Expiration: \@/24/t2
1,) Place of Ticket Issue: MSPRES
Issuing Agent Id: DL/KW
Ticket Issue date | 24OCIL!
Not Transfenable
Need more miles? Buy. Save u p_&LQ96__Q-n_-gal Up to 25,000 bonus Protect your trip with
& Transfer miles on rentals worldwide, plus miles. Plus, no annual Access America. SkyMiles members fee for first year. Apply.
earn up to 200 miles now.
per day.
Mon 21MAY
Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 47 of 67 PageID #:1396
*{'<*Visit or use the Fly Delta app to view, select or change your seat
Receipt Information
Billing Details
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare, Any change to your itinerary may
require payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta
will result in cancellation of your remaining reservation,
Note: When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded, Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
Fare Details
Service Charges/Fees 2t4
. .SIOIZtTE . Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 48 of 67 PageID #:1397
Congressman: Thanks for the note and hope everything goes wellwith your daughter. We're
happy to help out.
Ms. Quinn,
I have indeed received your email. Thank you and Delta so very much for your prompted
response to a concerned father.
Check your flight information online at or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-{ 999. Key to Terms
# - Arrival date different than
departure date
'* - See Seats on delta-com
Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline, so please check with the operating carrier ""'- Multi meals
on your ticket. *S$ - Multiple
Please review Delta's check-in Requirements and baggggq guidelines for details. AR - ArriVeS
B - Breakfast
You must be checked in and at the gate at least 1 5 minules before your scheduled deparlure time for C - Bagels,/Beverages
travel inside the United States. D - Dinner
You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for F - Food available for purchase
international travel. L - Lunch
For tips on flying safely with laptops, cell phones, and other battery-powered devices, please visit LV - Departs
httpj.(Sgf e"tavelgg[ gov. M - Movie
R - Refreshments - Complimentary
Do you have comments about our service? Please email us to share them with us. S - Snack
T - Cold meal
V - Snacks for Sale
Passenger lnformation
Billing Details
Receipt Information
Fare Details: CHI DL ATL106.05UAO0V2SJ DL JNB Q190.00 3707.50SR DL ATL Q190.0
O 37O7.5OSR DL CH]54.19TA14R2SJ NUC7965 .24END ROE1.OO XF MDW4.5ATL4.5ATL4.5
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.
Detailed Tax lnformation
Ticketing Details
{*,: all
3473 S KING DR
cHtcAco lL 60616
Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. lf you need to
contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to, call 800-221-1212 or call the number on the
back of your SkyMiles@ card.
Now, managing your travel plans just got easier. You can exchange, reissue and refund electronic tickets at Take control and make changes to your itineraries at
Flight Information
TICKET #: 0062!83047!102
Bkng Meals/ Seat/
Day Date Flight Status Class City Time Other Cabin
Check your flight information online at or call the Deltra Flightline at 800325-'1999. Key to Terms
# - Arrival date different than
departure date
"" - See Seats on dg.!l@!!I
Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline, so please check with the operating
**'- Multi meals
tS$ - Multiple seats
carrier on your ticket.
Please review Delta's check-in Reqqi@lg and Egggggg guidelines for details. AR - Anives
B - Breakfast
You must be checked in and at the gate at least l 5 minutes before your scheduled departure time for C - Bagels,/Beverages
http.//SgglByC!&Lsov. M - Movie
R - Refreshments - Complimentary
Do you have comments about our service? Please q|l us to share them with us. S - Snack
T - Cold meal
Passenger lnformation
SkyMiles Number: *******696
Silver Medallion@
Billing Details
Receipt lnformation
Fare Details: ATL DL JNB Q195.00 3280.OOyg NUC3475.00END ROE1.00 XF ATL4.5
Note: \Mren using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
The Medallion status listed reflects a customer's status at the time of ticketing, which may differ from the actual
status at the time of flight departure.
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.
Service Charge/Fees
Psgr: MEL JAY REYNOLDS Service Charge/Fee Number : 0060762045828!
Not Transferable
Retain this receipt for your records. The amount shown below is the total of any nonrefundable service charges
or fees paid in conjunction with issuance, exchange or refund of the following tickets/documents, including any
lr*t ,,
(Scan this barcode at a Delta Self-Service Kiosk to
Your Receipt and ltinerary access your reservation.)
3473 S KING DR
Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. lf you need to
contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to , call800-221-1212 or call the number on the
back of your SkyMiles@ card.
Now, managing your travel plans just got easier. You can exchange, reissue and refund electronic tickets at Take control and make changes to your itineraries at
Flight !nformation
TICKET #: 00627877577506
Bkng Meals/ Seat/
Day Date Flight Status Class Clty Time Other Cabin
https ://^/ebmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage
Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 53 of 67 PageID #:1402
5t5t2019 Fwd: MEL J - JOHANNESBURG 16APR11
Check your flight information online at !lC!!gj@ or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-1999. Key to Terms
Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline, so please check with the operating '** - Multi meals
canier on your ticket. "S$ - Multiple seats
Please review Delta's check-in Req@jg and Eggagg guidelines for details. AR - Anives
B - Breakfast
You must be checked in and at the gate at least 1 5 minutes before your scheduled departure time for G - Bagels/Beverages
travel inside the United States. D - Dinner
You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for F - Food available for purchase
For tips on flying safely with laptops, cell phones, and other battery-powered devices, please visit LV - Departs
R - Refreshments - Complimentary
Do you have comments about our service? Please @[ us to share them with us. S - Snack
T - Cold meal
V - Snacks for Sale
Passenger lnformation
SkyMiles Number: *******696
Gold Medalliono
Billing Details
Receipt Information
Fare Details: CHI DL ATL302.33HA00A0NI DL JNB Q225.O0 750.5OQLAFAN3 DL X/ATL
Q225.OODL CHr M1780.00MAFAP1 NUC3282.83END RoE1.00 XF ORD4. 5ATL4.5ATL4. 5
Note: \Mren using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
The Medallion status listed reflects a customer's status at the time of ticketing, which may differ from the actual
status at the time of flight departure.
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.
Check your flight information online at or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-1999. Key to Terms
# - Arrival date different than
departure date
.- - See
@g on
Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline, so please check with the operating *.* - Multi meals
internationaltravel. L- Lunch
For tips on flying safely with laptops, cell phones, and other battery-powered devices, please visit LV - Departs
http@yg!&!gov. M - Movie
R - Refreshments - Complimentary
Do you have comments about our service? Please email us to share them with us- S - Snack
T - Cold meal
V - Snacks for Sale
Passenger lnformation
SkYMiles Number:'**'r'*"**696
Platinum Medalliono
Billing Details
Receipt Information
Fare Details: CHI DL X/ATL DL INB Q250.0OM!043.ooKHAFAB4 DL X/ATL Q250.00D1 C
Note: \Mten using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
The Medallion status listed reflects a customer's status at the time of ticketing, which may differ from the actual
status at the time of flight departure.
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.
https ://
Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 55 of 67 PageID #:1404
'5t612018 Fwd: MEL J - JOHANNESBURG 17AUG11
tu) ln
(Scan this barcode at a Delta Self-Service Kiosk to
Your Receipt and ltinerary access your reservation.)
3473 S KING DR
cHrcAGo IL 60616-4108
Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. lf you need to
contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to , call800-221-1212 or call the number on the
back of your SkyMiles@ card.
Now, managing your travel plans just got easier. You can exchange, reissue and refund electronic tickets at Take control and make changes to your itineraries at
Flight !nformation
TICKET #: OO62a9L36O3t94
Bkng Meals/ Seat/
Day Date Flight Status Class City Time Othen Cabin
Check your ffight information online at gl9!!g49g or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-1999. Key to Terms
First / " - See Seats on dglleggl
Baggage Fees (per passenger each way) Business
Glass "*'- Multi meals
.S$ - Multiple seats
C - Bagelsi/Beverages
First Checked Wthin U.S. D - Dinner
Bag and Canada:
Want first bag free? $25 Complimentary F - Food available for
lnternational: purchase
Checked BaggAgg Complimentary
L - Lunch
Canada or Europe
respectively.Additional fees apply for oversize, overweight, or additional pieces of checked baggage.
Please review Delta's
bagggge guidelines for details.
*Travelers to/from Key \ /est Florida are limited to one checked bag.
You must be checked in and at the gate by the applicable check-in deadlines or your reservation may be
Please review Delta's gbgg&in Requirements guidelines for details. Check-in requirements vary by airline,
so if
your ticket includes travel on other airlines, please check with the operating carrier on your ticket.
Do you have comments about our service? Please gqi! us to share them with us.
Passenger lnformation
SkYMiles Numben:'(r'*****6'|96
Platinum Medallion@
Billing Details
Receipt !nformation
Fare Details: CHI DL X/ATL DL INB Q225.00UHS111 DL X/ATL Q250.00D1 CHI M1321.
PENALTY APPLIES^/ebmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage
Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 57 of 67 PageID #:1406
' '51612018 Fwd: MEL J - JOHANNESBURG 17AUG11
3473 S KING DR
cHtcAGo lL 60616-4108
Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. lf you need to
contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to , call800-221-1212 or call the number on the
back of your SkyMiles@ card.
Now, managing your travel plans just got easier. You can exchange, reissue and refund electronic tickets at Take control and make changes to your itineraries at delta.comlitineraries.
Flight lnformation
TICKET #: OO6279\36O3L94
Bkng Meals/ Seat/
Day Date Flight Status Class City Time Othen Cabin
Check your flight information online at d9!!@ or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-1999. Key to Terms
Lower fees may be available when you check-in online. Fees are charged in CAD or EUR for flights exiting
Canada or Europe
respectively.Additional fees apply for oversize, overueight, or additional pieces of checked baggage.
Please review Delta's
baggggg guidelines for details.
'Travelers to/from Key \ /est Florida are limited to one checked bag.
You must be checked in and at the gate by the applicable check-in deadlines or your reservation may be
Please review Delta's glggliq@luirements guidelines for details. Check-in requirements vary by air'line,
so if
your ticket includes travel on other airlines, please check with the operating carrier on your ticket.
Do you have comments about our service? Please email us to share them with us.
Passenger lnformation
SkyMiles Number: *******696
Platinum MedaIIion@
Billing Details
Receipt lnformation
Fare Details: CHI DL X/ATL DL INB Q22s.OOUHSL11 DL X/ATL QzsO.OaDL cHr M1321.
t*) 7*
(Scan this barcode at a Delta Self-Service Kiosk to
Your Receipt and ltinerary access your reservation.)
Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. lf you need to
contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to, call 800-221-1212 or call the number on the
back of your SkyMiles@ card.
Now, managing your travel plans just got easier. You can exchange, reissue and refund electronic tickets at Take control and make changes to your itineraries at delta.comlitineraries.
Flight lnformation
TICKET #: O0627948683756
Bkng Meals/ Seat/
Day Date Flight Status Class City Time Other Cabin
Billing Details
Receipt lnformation
9/WNQ9 NUC1513.05END ROE1.00 XF 0RD4.5ATL4.5ATL4.s
Note: When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
The Medallion status listed reflects a customer's status at the time of ticketing, which may differ from the actual
status at the time of flight departure.
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.
Ticketing Details
TICKET #: OO627948683L56
Issue Date: 72/77/tl Expiration: 72/]-1/12
bt Place of Ticket Issue: SUXRES
fssuing Agent Id: DLlLB
Ticket Issue date: 11DEC11
Not Transferable
Save money when you up--ts-4O%iff -and--eam HotelSearch by Hilton Up to 25,000 bonus
book your next car or 100 miles retslAy., (200 Worldwide. miles. Plus, no annual
hotel at miles per day for fee for first year. Apply.
Medallion members). Now
ir) r\
(Scan this barcode at a Delta Self-Service Kiosk to
Your Receipt and ltinerary access your reservation.)
3473 S KING DR
cHlcAGo lL 60616
Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. lf you need to
contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to, call 800-221-1212 or call the number on the
back of your SkyMiles@ card.
Now, managing your travel plans just got easier. You can exchange, reissue and refund electronic tickets at Take control and make changes to your itineraries at
Flight lnformation
TICKET #: 00621854647805
Bkng Meals/ Seat/
Day Date F1ight Status Class City Time Other Cabin
Check your flight information online at g!9!!gg or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-1999. Key to Terms
# - Anival date different than
departure date
"* - See Seats on
Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and aidine, so please check with the operating '*'- Multi meals
carrier on your ticket. "S$ - Multiple seats
Please review Delta's check-in Reqgi@lg and leggggg guidelines for details. AR - Arrives
B - Breakfast
You must be checked in and at the gate at least '15 minutes before your scheduled departure time for C - Bagels/Beverages
R - Refreshments - Complimentary
Do you have comments about our service? Please ryi! us to share them with us. S - Snack
T - Cold meal
V - Snacks for Sale
Passenger lnformation
SkYMiles Number: *******696
6old Medalliono
Billing Details
Receipt lnformation
Fare Detaits: CHI DL X/ATL DL JNB Q78O.OOt1470.5OULAFNR5 DL X/ATL Q180.00D1 CH
Note: When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional
charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.
The Medallion status listed reflects a customer's status at the time of ticketing, which may differ from the actual
status at the time of flight departure.
This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require
payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in
cancellation of your remaining reservation.^,vebmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage 2t4
Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 63 of 67 PageID #:1412
Dear Sir,
Find information you have requested pertaining your stays at the hotel
Tinashe Munjoma
General Manager
Meikles Hotel
Break down on stays and payments as from 2009, 2Ot0, 2OLL, and 2012
Total L,327.00
8\ l?Y"*f **q72{y7*rx
I )' Case: 1:15-cr-00389 Document #: 257 Filed: 05/08/18 Page 66 of 67 PageID #:1415
\ rt
€. * FAirJltu& rAnu*rniB&
!-L* uirsteil vz
LE'& F"L ? ti i:.r; T lT :i?4tfr
?,1*;"1.f2Y ?:.tnLz.*
2. I conl'irm rhat I was ernploi,ed by' sub sahara Inc prir,ate Limited
as a drivet'and personal assistance lo Mr Mcl Jay Reynolcls . I rviis
emplol,ed liom January 2010 to the 3 l t' Dece*ber 201 2 .
i. I rvas earning a rnonthly salary, of LJSD$ I 100.00 per month
YEAR 20I5.
fl 1
-< .,......,-|
L:- 1t\ \. - r r(1_)