Task 4
Task 4
Task 4
List the assessment strategies used for English, Math and Science in 2 weeks
Formative Assessment Formative Summative
Strategy/strategies Assessment Assessment
Strategy explained Strategy
Raised hands This was applied in Evaluating
Students Ask students about the math lesson about (worksheets)
will sides and corners of circle shape. The The teacher will give
recognize circles. For example: teacher will ask and students a worksheet
the circle those who will raise she will notice the that has a review for
shape. their hands the teacher students who raised two weeks lessons.
Students can get they understood their hand they got For instance, they
will the concept. the idea. will have several
identify letters and they have
the sides to make circles on
and the P,Q letters then
corners count them to have 7
of circle letters of P and Q.
This assessments were for two weeks and includes two types of assessment which are:
formative and summative assessments. For 2 math and 2 English lessons, were about letter
Q, P and number 1-7, circle shape. The formative assessment were end of each week while
the summative assessment were in the end of the two weeks. These assessments shows to
the teacher level of understanding of students about the lessons in these two weeks.