Bulletin 05 12 2018

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ANNOUNCEMENTS A good woman is hard to find,

and worth far more than diamonds.

Welcome to worship! A woman of noble
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
character "is worth far more than diamonds."
Today we celebrate priceless jewels in our and never has reason to regret it.
lives - the godly women that beau=fy our
world. Happy Mother's day! Never spiteful, she treats him generously
Blood Drive - today, 12.30 – 5.00 PM at all her life long.
Hammond Jewell Music Center. Lend a hand -
save a life, donate blood today. Proverbs 31:10-12 MSG
Bible Project - con=nue to explore the
beau=ful mysteries of the Scripture’s Old
Testament. Currently we are studying the
pre-exilic prophets, followed by the Books of
Wisdom and some of the most beau=ful
sacred poetry ever wriTen. Join us in HJMC
to serve you
every Wednesday at 6:30p or online live
JULIO TABUENCA - Senior Pastor
streaming at campushillchurch.net 909.771.4179 | [email protected]
Mind Over Ma;er: Memoriza=on of Bible
verses. This exci=ng series is presented by CRISTIAN IORDAN - Worship & Media
Grant McAuley & Dorothy Donesky each 909.796-0222 ext. 225 | [email protected]
Sabbath for Sabbath School for this quarter.
SHIPHRAH FEPULEA’I - Young Adults & Women
LLU School of Medicine 2019 is hos=ng a 760.224.4404 | [email protected]
"Give Sierra Leone" 5K Run/Walk with all
proceeds going towards funding a solar panel GABRIEL KATRIB - Visita=on
pump for Waterloo Hospital (part of the 909.478.9707
Adven=st Health Network) in Sierra Leone.
With your help, we can provide clean water HOPE McKENZIE - Head Elder
to be used for consump=on, cleaning hands 909.723.0914
in between pa=ents and prior to surgical
procedures, and cleaning medical JUDI WRIGHT - Administra=ve Assistant
equipment. The run will take place in Loma 909.796.0222 | campushill.offi[email protected] 11057 Hill Dr. Loma Linda, CA 92354
Linda on May 20 at 7 AM. Register at give- RITA BENDER - Office Assistant
sierra-leone-5k.eventbrite.com for $15. 909.796.0222
collabora=on with 16th Street SDA Church May 12, 2018
presents: Community Health Fair event at
11601 W. 16th St., San Bernardino, Sunday OFFICE
May 27 from 12 noon - 4:00 PM. Ac=vi=es
include medical, dental, blood pressure,
diabetes and lots more. Volunteers and
campushill.offi[email protected]
11:00 AM
dona=ons are needed. For more informa=on, Monday - Thursday
contact Seth Wiafe at 909-855-1217 or email 9:00AM to 5:00PM
[email protected].

PRELUDE Fear Not arr. by Haydn/Hazelle

Study Time Angelica Prodan

PRAISE MUSIC Adoration Singers

9:30 aM INTERCESSORY PRAYER Rania George & Gideon Pakpahan

Theme: PreparaWon for the End Time
Leader: JaneTa Rhoades
CHILDREN’S SONG Alex & Andrew Bautista
Teachers: Jared Bap=st, Don Johnson, God Has a Plan

Bashar Fargo, Tom Gibson, Rolland
Crawford CHILDREN’S STORY Nancy Dobrota
Lesson: The “Change” of the Law
Memory Text: “He will speak against the Most
High and oppress his holy people and try to
change the set 6mes and the laws. The holy
people will be delivered into his hands for a
6me, 6mes and half a 6me” (Daniel 7:25, NIV).
OFFERTORY Give Me Your Eyes
Natalie & Lily Baptist and Mariana Kebaso
Today’s Pianists: 

Diane Kovach Sabbath School HONORING OUR MOTHERS Jared Baptist, Juniors & Caleb Iordan
Sharmel Weerasinghe 11 o’clock Service

Sunset: 7:49 SCRIPTURE READING Hosea 2:14, 15

Next Week: 7:54 Aisha Wise


Adoration Singers

MESSAGE Gomer, a Mother’s Day Model?

Julio Tabuenca


Adoration Singers

POSTLUDE Toccata on ‘Coronation’ by G. Young

Angelica Prodan

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