Classroom Syllubus

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Welcome Friends!
My name is Ms. Lambeth, a preservice teacher from North Carolina State University. I am so excited that
you will be joining me this semester as we journey through Math 3. Not only do I expect there to be
learning in our classroom, but I also want us to have some fun along the way! Therefore, if you put forth
the effort and try your best, then your grades will show it.

At this point, in your high school career, you have taken both Math 1 and 2. Thus, being now in Math 3,
you have expressed your mastery of the basic topics covered in the two prerequisite courses. During this
semester you will expand upon the standards covered in Math 1 and 2 by exploring topics such as: the
complex number system, quadratic and trigonometric functions, conics, the unit circle, and logarithms.

Classroom Norms
1. Math for ALL!
Often times, students enter the classroom with the thought that they are automatically going to
fail math. However, I believe that everyone is good at math, they just need to find their niche
where it makes sense to them. My classroom will always have a ​math for all​ attitude, connecting
the concepts and procedures of mathematics to real-world situations.
2. Failure is not a dead-end street, it’s a chance to start again at the beginning!
Failure has always been a word that has had a negative connotation. But, in our math classroom
failure will be seen as a means to a new start. I want my students to understand that it is okay to
make mistakes and that those lead to the perfect opportunity to LEARN!
3. This classroom has an open-door policy.
My door will always be open for students to vent about their math troubles or tell me about their
accomplishments. I want to be that support system for my students at school. Our classroom will
be a community, a family of fellow mathematicians.
4. Grades aren't everything, as long as you do your best and persevere.
My main goal for this class is that students learn and try their best in the mathematics material
we cover. If they receive a low grade, that just shows me that their is plenty of room for
5. It's okay to have a bad day.
Who doesn't have bad days every now and then? I want to be there for my students no matter
what kind of day they are having. Math is not easy to learn when you are frustrated, angry, or just
don't feel well.
Classroom Rules
1. Keep all personal, electronic devices out of sight unless instructed otherwise.
2. Make sure ALL trash goes inside the trash can.
3. Respect your environment.
4. Come to class prepared with all materials needed.
5. Use the restroom before class begins.

Each student is expected to abide by classroom norms and expectations set up by the school. In doing so, I
hope that each student will be as successful as they can throughout our mathematics course. However, if a
student were to be disruptive in the education process of our classroom, then they will be confronted
immediately by the teacher. After being confronted by the teacher, if the student continues to be
disrespectful of the classroom norms and/or be a hindrance to his or hers education and/or their fellow
classmates other behavior management measures will be taken. Such measures will take place in the
following order: further discussion of the issue, parent teacher conference (student may or may not be
asked to join), lunch and/or after school detention, or in the most severe case a write up and
administration involved.

Grading Policies
Semester Grade Distributions: Wake County is on a 10 point grading scale:
Class Participation - ​5% -Students having grades ​90-100​ will receive an ​A
Homework - ​5% and a GPA calculation of ​4.0
Classwork - ​10% -Students having grades ​80-89 ​will receive a ​B ​and
Quizzes - ​10% a GPA calculation of ​3.0
Projects/Major Assessments - ​20% -Students having grades ​70-79​ will receive a ​C​ and
Unit Tests - ​50% a GPA calculation of ​2.0
____________________ -Students having grades ​60-69 ​will receive a ​D ​and
Total Semester Grade a GPA calculation of ​1.0
____/100% -Students having grades 59​ will receive an ​F ​and
a GPA calculation of ​0.0

Late Work:​ I will only accept late work up to three days after the intended due date. For every day late,
there will be deductions on the student's overall score of the assignment. This can be seen below:
● One day late - a deduction of 5% will be subtracted from the students assignment score.
● Two days late - a deduction of 25% will be subtracted from the students assignment score.
● Three days late - a deduction of 50% will be subtracted from the students assignment score.
I expect that my students turn in their assignments when they are instructed, just as they will when they
further their academic career or enter into the job market.
Make-up Work:​ ​If students are to miss class, they will have a total of two days per day they were
absent to complete any missing work. If they do not return their work after the two day extension period,
then the late work policy above will come into effect.
Academic Dishonesty:​ If students are to commit academic dishonesty, they will be immediately
confronted by the teacher in a private setting (ex. in the hallway or at teachers desk). The assignment that
was the result of academic dishonesty will receive an automatic zero. Parents/Guardians of the student
will be alerted about the incident. After talking with the student, they will have a chance to redo a similar
but different assignment in which the highest possible grade they can receive is a C (or 70%). If this were
to be a continuous occurrence, then further action will be taken involving administration and no chance to
redo the assignment.

Contact Information
-Please feel free to contact me any time throughout the semester by email. I will reply as soon as possible
to your message. I will also be using this email address to send you updates throughout the semester on
the progress of your student and what we are covering in our mathematics class.
Email: ​[email protected]

-If you need to reach me urgently during the school day, call the main office of the school and have them
transfer you to my classroom phone.
School Main Office: ​919-xxx-xxxx

-To stay up to date on homework, projects, notes, etc. on our classroom website. It will be updated
frequently to match what is being covered within class.
Classroom Website: ​

-If you are coming in for a conference or visit with me, you will come to the following school address. I
also have my room number listed for your convenience.
Example School
1111 Fake Dr.
Raleigh, NC 00000
Room # XXXX

-Tutoring hours are as follows:

Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons:​ 2:30-3:30
Wednesday Mornings:​ 6:30-7:15

Please feel out the following portion of the syllabus and return to Ms. Lambeth as soon as possible
saying that you have read and understand her expectations and policies for the upcoming semester.

❏ I, the student, have read and understand what is stated in the above syllabus.
❏ I, the parent/guardian, have read and understand what is stated in the above syllabus.

Student Name (Printed): ​_______________________________________​ Date: ​__________________

Student Signature: ​____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Printed): ​_______________________________​ Date: ​__________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ​_____________________________________________
Preferred Parent Email Address: ​________________________________________________________

Address: ​_______________________________
City: ​______________ State: ​NC Zip Code: ​_____________

Phone Number: ​_____________________

Thank you and I am so excited to be working with you this semester.

Ms. Lambeth

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