LP Storytelling
LP Storytelling
LP Storytelling
Grade Level: 1
Subject: English (reading lesson: storytelling)
Learning Outcome:
By the end of this lesson students will be able to recognize the meaning of the storytelling.
By the end of this lesson students will be able to identify storytelling.
Key vocabulary:
• Myth
• Generation
• Bedouin culture
• Bedouin sheikh
• Tribe
Target Language:
• Ask the students to talk with partner about what they did yesterday.
• The teacher will read the story for the students then explain it and discuss it with the students.
Time: 30 min
• Students will work in group on speaking activity. (students will choose a number then they will tell a
story related to the picture that they will get it).
• Ask one student to tell the other students what they learned in this lesson.
Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)
• Teacher will listen to the students while doing the activity and make sure if they are using the past tense words.
Reflection WWW/EBI
• WWW: students understand the story and the key words, and the students were active with me.
• EBI: the activity was easy for the students, it should be more challenging for the students.
Behavior management
• WWW: the students were working as a group and give another students chance to say their story.
• EBI: some students don’t know how to say the story.