This document provides specifications for a gear including:
1. The pressure angle of the gear teeth is 20 degrees.
2. The gear has 44.97mm height and 703.86mm diameter.
3. Manufacturing tolerances for the gear are defined within acceptable limits.
This document provides specifications for a gear including:
1. The pressure angle of the gear teeth is 20 degrees.
2. The gear has 44.97mm height and 703.86mm diameter.
3. Manufacturing tolerances for the gear are defined within acceptable limits.
This document provides specifications for a gear including:
1. The pressure angle of the gear teeth is 20 degrees.
2. The gear has 44.97mm height and 703.86mm diameter.
3. Manufacturing tolerances for the gear are defined within acceptable limits.
This document provides specifications for a gear including:
1. The pressure angle of the gear teeth is 20 degrees.
2. The gear has 44.97mm height and 703.86mm diameter.
3. Manufacturing tolerances for the gear are defined within acceptable limits.
- Koecplt1l.\lt1eHT Ha lt13MeCTBaHe Ha lt13XOjJ.HL-1s:1 KOHTYI2 t +0,235
CTeneH Ha TO'-lHOCT no raCT 1643-56 - 8
.o.e6enlt1Ha Ha 3b6a no nOCTOs:lHHa -032 xOPAa Sx 30.76_0:47 A \I13Meplt1TenHa Blt1CO'-llt1Ha AO nOCTOs:lHHa xOPAa hx 19.06 )4onycK Ha HaTpynaHaTa rpewKa Ha KpbrnaTa CTbnKa Siz 0.22 )4onycTL-1Ma pa3nlt1Ka B KpbroBlt1Te CTbnKlt1 6t 0.075 npeAenHo OTKnOHeHlt1e Ha OCHOBHaTa CTbnKa 0.07 I
J],onycK Ha HanpaBneHlt1e Ha 3b6a 0.06
Blt1CO'-llt1Ha Ha 3b6a 44.97
h J],lt1aMeTbp Ha Aenlt1TenHaTa d 703.86 OKPb}f{HOCT B bfbn Ha HaKnOHa Ha 3b6lt1Te B {3e 6°26' Kpas:l Ha Haps:l3BaHeTO M2:1 A XOA Ha BL-1HTOBaTa n lt1Hlt1s:1 t5 21039.30
MWL\ 4,5x6 1MO 02-30.00.04
Maca MaLlla6
Koneno 3b6HO 1:1
IBTynKal 1.TO HR 240-280. T .KOHTp . BC.n>1CTa1
H .KOHTpOn 36XHM 6,QC 6354-67 Kr'Acapen-Me,qeT"- A,Q
Применение в Промышленности Высокоэнергетических Взрывчатых Веществ. Справочное Пособие by Ильющенко А.Ф., Петюшик Е.Е., Рак А.Л., Евмененко С.Л., Молодякова Т.А.