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Manual Robofil Charmilles

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ROBOFIL 240SL • 440SL / 240cc • 440cc /

380 • X90

Options manual

140 000 392/E/07.2004 Ver. H

140 000 593/F/23.06.2004

1. Taper Expert

2. Robot QCRw

3. e-ConnecT

4. Extension for taper angle up to 45°

with threading

5. Large Reels

ROBOFIL 6. Auxiliary M functions

240cc•440cc 7. Option for machining with
380•X90 wire Æ 0.10 mm

Options manual 8. External Robot option

9. Rotary Table

10.Workshop connection



This document was conceived and written by Mr. J-M.Depraz,

CTSA-Geneva. 12.Great height finishing
Technical data originate from our wire product line managed by
J.Drouet, CTSA-Geneva.

Typesetting and production by

Edipresse Imprimeries Réunies s.a. / Renens.

CHARMILLES 140 000 599/E/23.06.2004

Table of contents

Introduction 0.6
Availability of options 0.6
Activation of options 0.7
Macros for the options 0.7

Tapert Expert
Introduction 3
Contents of the kit 3
Installation 3
Conditions of application 5
Wire to be used 5
Prior measurements 6
Positioning the part 8
Programming 9
Machining recommendations 10

Robot QCRw
Introduction 3
General description of mechanical components 4
Principle of operation 7
Robot operation 9
Programming (M920 √ M921) 11
Operational monitoring 13
Restarting after power failure or incident 14
Installation of the software option 15
Recording of specific positions on W axis 18

CHARMILLES 140 000 599/E/23.06.2004 0.3

Part 1: Utilization 3
Introduction 3
Principle of operation 4
Instructions for use 5
Example of utilization 8
Routine maintenance of e-ConnecT 11

Part 2: Installation of the e-ConnecT option 12

Important information 12
Components used 13
Installation of the option: general principles 16
Installation of the option: procedure in detail 18
Dealing with anomalies √ Action to be taken 34
Change of Internet Service Provider (ISP) 35
Change of e-mail/SMS converter 35

Extension for taper angle up to 45° with threading

Introduction 3
Contents of the option 3
Assembling 3
Example of utilization 4

Large Reels
Introduction 3
ROBOFIL 240•440 / 240cc•440cc 4
ROBOFIL 390•690 5

Auxiliary M functions
Introduction 3
Description of functions 4

Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm

Introduction 3
ROBOFIL 380•X90 5
Contents of the option 5
Installation 6
Checks before utilization 8
ROBOFIL 240SL•440SL - ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc 9
Contents of the option 9
Mounting the option 10
Manual positioning of the wire 13

0.4 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 599/E/23.06.2004

External Robot option
Introduction 3
Description of kit 3
Connection principles 4
Installation of the option 4
Direct control of the interface (M instructions) 5
Macro-instruction G912 6
Resumption in the event of power supply failure or an incident 7
Use, upkeep, maintenance 7

Rotary Table
Introduction 3
Principles of operation 4
Programming 7
Resumption in the event of power failure or other incidents 8
Installation of the software option 8

Workshop connection
Introduction 3
Principles of operation 3
Conditions for commissioning 4
Installation of the software option 4
Configuration 4
Management of Control mode 6
Note concerning transfer of files 9

Introduction 3
Principles of operation 3
Elementary conditions to be fulfilled 6
Formation of the attachment 7
Programming 7
Error messages 8

Great height finishing

Introduction 3
Principle of operation 3
Components of the option 3

CHARMILLES 140 000 599/E/23.06.2004 Table of contents 0.5


This document presents an overview of all options and accessories available for the various models of the
ROBOFIL machines equipped with the CT-Millenium CNC.

The table below shows the options availability for each model :

X option available
√ option not available

Le number, nature and application domain of options and accessories are subject to change along
with the evolution of the ROBOFIL family. For that reason, the descriptive modules are not numbered
sequentially like the chapters in the other manuals.

Availability of options

240SL•440SL 240cc•440cc 380•X90

Tapert Expert X X X

Robot QCRw X (WT) X -

e-ConnecT X X X

Extension for taper angle

up to 45° with threading X X -

Large Reels X X X

Auxiliary M functions

Option for machining

with wire Æ 0.10 mm X X X

External Robot option X (WT) X -

Rotary Table X (WT) X X

(Special products)

Workshop Connection X X X

Eject - - X

Great height finishing

- - X

X option available
√ option not available
(WT) the machine must be equipped with the chromium-plated steel table in order to
accept the automation options.

0.6 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 599/E/23.06.2004

Activation of options

The screen page Options is used for activating cer-

tain options via the code of options supplied by


• Select EXE √ Service √ Config.Machine √ Options.

• Enter in the field ≈Code of Options∆ the 14-character code transmitted by Charmilles, in accordance with
the options installed on the machine.
• Press the key Validate Options Code.

The activation indicator is updated in the boxes of the options selected. They are now ready for use.

Macros for the options

Several software options make use of Macro-instructions.

If the macros have not yet been loaded, carry out the macro loading procedure (screen page EXE √
Measuring √ Macros).

The macros of the options are to be found in the Service\Macro directory.

CHARMILLES 140 000 599/E/23.06.2004 Table of contents 0.7

Tapert Expert (ROBOFIL 240•440)
(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)
(ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Introduction 3

Contents of the kit 3

Installation 3
Activation of options .............................................................................. 3
Mounting diagrams ............................................................................... 4

Conditions of application 5

Wire to be used 5

Prior measurements 6
Measurement of ZB ............................................................................... 6
≈Guides Set Up∆ cycle ........................................................................... 6
≈Taper Expert∆ cycle .............................................................................. 6

Positioning the part 8

Programming 9
Parameters TCO and TCG ..................................................................... 9
User parameters TRE and UV .................................................................. 9
Programming limitation .......................................................................... 9

Machining recommendations 10

CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004

The Taper Expert option has been developed for machining parts with a taper angle from 3 to 30°.

The guides and nozzles supplied with the option provide optimum wire guidance even with a large

As regards the software, activation of the option combines the following two effects:
• correction of offset according to the programmed taper angle
(TCO = Taper Correction Offset)
• exact relative positioning between the guide and workpiece, on the basis of a table of values obtained
by a special ≈Taper Expert∆ measuring cycle
(TCG = Taper Correction Guides)

Contents of the kit

• Wire guides (upper : Æ 6, H6 √ lower : Æ 6, H4)

• Modified guide nuts
• Threading nozzle diam. 3.4 mm
• Large-taper nozzles
• Extended measuring eye support
• Options code


• Fit the upper and lower guides supplied for the option, paying attention as regards the direction of
• Replace the threading nozzle
• Mounting the new guide nuts
• Screw on the large-taper nozzles

Activation of options

Applying the procedure described in page 0.6.

CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004 Tapert Expert 3

Mounting diagrams

ROBOFIL 240.440 and 240cc.440cc

Upper head Lower head

Guide Æ 6 x 4

Guide Æ 6 x 6

6419 6420

ROBOFIL 390.690 1st configuration

Upper head Lower head

Guide Æ 6 x 4

Guide Æ 6 x 6

6421 6422

ROBOFIL 390.690 2nd configuration

Using the Extension option on the upper head.

A description of this option and its utilization can

be found in chapter 2 of the Technologies Manual.


4 Tapert Expert CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004

Conditions of application

The intersection of 2 segments in sharp corner mode or constant radius mode causes a resultant angle that
is greater than the programmed angle.


The resultant angle can be determined by means of the equation:

Tg θ = tg β / sin (α/2)
When clamping the workpiece, it will be thus necessary to choose a central position in the work area to
allow room for a sufficient clearance of the UV axes. This will permit to reach the maximal inclination
angles while avoiding the risk of reaching the UV travel limits.

Wire to be used
Zinc-coated soft brass SR25 (Cobracut W)
Rmax: 400 N/mm2 A: 30%
• The following tables are to be used:

ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc 240•440 380•X90

Technology table Steel (U)SR25A.TEC (U)LS25A.TEC (U)LS25A.TEC

Hard metal (U)SR25W.TEC (U)LS25W.TEC (U)LS25W.TEC

Wire table (U)SR25.WIR (U)LS25.WIR (U)LS25.WIR

These are to be activated in the standard manner, before performing the measurement cycles described

• It is also possible to use a half hard brass wire LS25 or zinc-coated half hard brass wire SS25 (Rmax
500N/mm2), with the appropriate Technology tables and Wire tables. In this case however, the goal
for surface finish should not be set under CH21.

The results obtained can be classified as follows: SR25 ***

LS25 **
SS25 **

CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004 Tapert Expert 5

Prior measurements

Measurement of ZB

The Guides Set Up and Taper Expert cycles

mentioned below are performed by means of the
extended measuring eye supplied in the kit.
Before carrying them out it is necessary to measure
accurately the distance ZB between the mounting
plane and the middle of the eye.

First mount the eye on the clamping table, then

measure Zb accurately using a comparator.

≈Guides Set Up∆ cycle

After mounting the option and measuring ZB, perform as a minimum a ≈Guides Set Up∆ cycle with the
Taper parameter set at 3°.

Precision in taper work depends to a large extent on the accuracy of this cycle, which determines the basic
parameters ZID and AXOZ for the inclination angle of 3°.

The cycle is to be carried out with the Generator parameters in force:

• activate the table corresponding to the wire utilized
• set the value of User parameter MTOL (measurement tolerance) at 20 microns
• set the value of the Electrical Touch parameter at 0 (screen page EXE √ Service √ Generator Configuration)

When using the extension with a ROBOFIL X90, it is necessary to modify the parameter
PRTZ of the cycle as follows:
With extension Without extension
ROBOFIL 390 PRTZ = 211000 250000
ROBOFIL 690 PRTZ = 361000 400000

Activation: Select EXE - Measuring √ Adjust √ Guides Set Up (see Operating Guide).

≈Taper Expert∆ cycle

The Taper Expert calibration cycle is executed after the Guides Set Up cycle performed with the
inclination angle of 3°. It determines ZID and AXOZ adjustment values that will have to be applied for
inclination angles 30°, 28°, 26°, 23°, 19°, 15°, 10° and 3°.
So for these angles it repeats the Guides Set Up cycle operations.

For a successful measurement with a 30° wire inclination, it is recommended to mount the
centering eye not too close to the table edges (minimum distance : 70 mm), in order to
allow room for a sufficient clearance of the UV axes.

- The Taper Expert cycle is in the form of a Macro-instruction. If the macros have not yet been loaded,
carry out the macro loading procedure (screen page EXE √ Measuring √ Macro).

- The Taper Expert screen page has an interruption key that enables the cycle to be stopped if a problem
arises during execution.

6 Tapert Expert CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004

- The Taper Expert cycle will be executed after the first installation of the guides of a Taper Expert kit. It will
not be absolutely essential to repeat it each time units of the same kit are fitted, provided the machining
conditions (type of wire, Technology tables and Wire tables, tension WB) remain identical.
Only the guide setup will then be necessary.

Activation: select EXE √ Service √ Maintenance √ Taper Expert


The fields AXOZ, ZID, ZB, HCA, ZMA have the same meaning as in the case of the Guides Set Up cycle:

AXOZ blocking of Z axis at zero (result of the

Guides Set Up cycle)
ZID distance between lower guide and
mounting plane (result of the Guides Set
Up cycle)
ZB distance between mounting plane
and middle of measuring eye (prior
measurement). Approximately : 20 mm
(X40) or 10 mm (X90)
HCA distance between middle of measuring
eye and upper guide for the measurement
in low position
ZMA distance between middle of measuring
eye and upper guide for the measurement 4622
in high position

TCO activation of offset correction according to the taper angle

TCG activation of adjustments on ZID and AXOZ determined by the ≈Taper Expert∆ measuring cycle
according to the taper angle.

The following values can be allocated to HCA

and ZMA :

CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004 Tapert Expert 7

Execution of the cycle:

• Check the value of AXOZ, ZID, ZB, HCA and ZMA as per the instructions above
• Press the ≈Prepare∆ key
TCO and TCG are disabled
• Press the Start button (green)
• Wait until the cycle has come to an end (duration approx. 30 minutes)
(stoppage possible before the end by means of the interruption key)
• Press the ≈Save∆ key to store the measurement results
Check that parameters TCO and TCG are activated at the end of the cycle

The Taper Expert option is now ready for use.

Positioning the part

The workpiece must be ground with a defect of parallelism of the upper and lower faces less than
5 microns.
Clamp the workpiece in a central position of the work area.

After mounting, check the following:

- using a comparator, check that the lower face

coincides with the mounting plane (with an angle
of 25°, a positioning error of 20 microns causes
a difference of 10 microns on the side face)

- using a comparator, check that the defect of

parallelism between the upper face and mounting plane
plane is less than 5 microns.

Procedure for correcting defects that may be


- carefully clean the workpiece and the area where

it is mounted

- reduce the clamping force

- rearrange the fixing clamps if necessary.

8 Tapert Expert CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004


Parameters TCO and TCG

No special programming is required as regards the

ISO program when the Taper Expert option is used.

Activation is obtained by means of the two

parameters TCO and TCG, which can be
accessed in the screen page EXE √ Service √
Maintenance Cycles √ Taper Expert. The current
status of these parameters is also displayed in
screen page EXE √ User parameters:

TCO activation of offset correction according to

the taper angle
TCG activation of adjustments on ZID and
AXOZ determined by the ≈Taper Expert∆
measuring cycle according to the taper 6418


(the parameter TCO can be left active permanently).

User parameters TRE and UV

RE and UV are also used for controlling machining with taper.

Parameter TRE must be set at 1 so that the ISO taper machining instructions (G51, G52 and G50) are
executed in a program.
If TRE = 0, all ISO programs will be executed as a cylindrical shape (UV axes movements identical to XY

Parameter UV is used to allow 5-axes programming, i.e. the explicit controlling of the U and V axes by
the ISO program, which also makes it possible to perform machining with taper or other more complex

The parameters TRE and UV are mutually exclusive.

Programming limitation

In 4 axes mode (parameter UV enabled), it is not possible to use programming with circular interpolation
(G02, G03).

CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004 Tapert Expert 9

Machining recommendations

• It is recommended to use the sequences designed for maximum accuracy (i.e. those characterized
by 3 or 4 stars in the Technologies Manual)

• With a taper angle greater than 5°, it is recommended to set the upper and lower minimum
injections at 3.5 liters/minute

• In the roughing phase: reduce the Generator parameter FF according to the maximum taper angle of
the part, i.e.
2 % per degree of taper angle

In order to store this modification in a modified technology table, please note that an FF cannot be sto-
red, but an equivalent effect of frequency reduction can be obtained by modifying Generator parameter
B as per the following formula:
100 B
Br = -------------------------------
100 - 2 alpha

where : Br = new value of B (to be stored in the modified table)

B = original value of B
alpha = taper angle in degrees

• set the wire tension WB at 1.5 daN for finishing passes.

• For the finishing setting E7: modify the value of the parameter Pm (material removal) as follows accor-
ding to the taper angle:
o Taper angle 5° 10° 20° 30°
o Parameter Pm 40 45 50 60

• Finishing passes with a ROBOFIL 240.440 or 240cc.440cc: the quality of sparking will be improved
by raising the Z axis by 15 mm.

10 Tapert Expert CHARMILLES 140 000 397/E/04.05.2004


Robot QCRw (ROBOFIL 240•440)

(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)

Introduction 3

General description of mechanical components 4

Pallet .................................................................................................. 4
Magazine ........................................................................................... 4
Lift ..................................................................................................... 4
Horizontal axis ..................................................................................... 6
Vertical axis ......................................................................................... 6
Automatic side door .............................................................................. 6
Table chuck ......................................................................................... 6

Principle of operation 7
Pallet loading sequence ......................................................................... 7
Pallet unloading sequence ...................................................................... 8

Robot operation 9
Automation Panel .................................................................................. 9
Remote control ..................................................................................... 10

Programming (M920 √ M921) 11

Conditions for execution of sequences M920 and M921 ............................ 12
Modularity of sequences M920 and M921 .............................................. 12
Manual commands available to operator .................................................. 12
Principle of use of instructions M920-M921 ............................................... 13

Operational monitoring 13

Restarting after power failure or incident 14

Installation of the software option 15

Configuration ....................................................................................... 15
Robot reference setting (W axis) .............................................................. 17

Recording of specific positions on W axis 18

Execution of the sequence ...................................................................... 19
Verification tests .................................................................................... 19

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

Option QCRw (Quick Change Robot / Wire) com-

prises a magazine capable of holding several pal-
lets and a mechanism for loading/unloading the
pallets into/from the ROBOFIL's working zone. Of
a simple and robust design, QCRw can transfer
loads of up to 100 kg (including pallet).

Completely automatic loading/unloading cycles

for several successive workpieces means that the
machine can operate independently for extended
periods, so allowing overnight or weekend working
and thus increasing machine productivity and profi-

The overall working of the QCRw robot is control-

led by the numerical control, closely synchronised
with other machining operations.

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 3

General description of mechanical components


The pallet is a standard support onto which the workpiece to be machined will be clamped, and which
will take up its position on the table chuck of the machine.


The magazine makes it possible to store 1 to 3 pallets (according to the tooling selected) on 2, 3 or
4 levels (levels 3 and 4 = options).

Each level is equipped with a frame which can move in the horizontal plane and stop in one of the three
following positions:
1. Mid-point resting position, in which no operation is carried out.
2. Manual loading position, in which the frame is detached from its piston-cylinder unit and pulled
backwards manually by the operator in order to load/unload one or more pallets.
3. Transfer position: when one of its pallets is selected, the frame is pushed forwards by means of a
pneumatic piston-cylinder unit. In this position, the pallet will be raised by the lift until it reaches an
upper stop, where it can be gripped by the vertical axis gripper.

Horizontal axis
(W axis)

Vertical axis



Transfer Rest Manual loading 6471

(3) (1) (2)

(Front) Side view (Rear) Front view


When a frame is in the transfer position, it is pushed upwards into upper position which allows the pallet to
be gripped by the gripper. The operation is performed in reverse to return the frame to its starting position.

Each pallet is allocated a unique address of the format (i, k) which allows it to be selected:
- i: level number
- k: pallet number

4 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

i: levels

D1 D2
k: pallets
1 2 3

Magazine configuration
• As standard, the magazine has 2 levels
It is available in a version with 3 levels (option 1)
and 4 levels (option 2).
• Seven different kinds of tooling can be used. Depending upon the tooling selected, 1 or 2 pallets can be
placed on one level.
• The tooling includes not only the table fixing system, but also the corresponding gripper.
• The total number of pallets can thus range between:
- a minimum of 2 (2 levels x 1 pallet) and
- a maximum of 8 (4 levels x 2 pallets).
• The workpieces within a row can be different if they are compatible with the tooling used (D1 can be
different from D2, but D1 and D2 remain identical for each level).

Configuration examples:

2 levels (standard) 3 levels (option 1) 4 levels (option 2)

with 1 pallet with 2 pallets with 2 pallets


On request, a 5-level/3 pallets version can be produced (Special Products) making it possible to
manage up to 15 pallets depending on the type of tooling.

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 5

Horizontal axis
(also known as W axis or 6th axis)

The horizontal axis consists of a rail accommodating a sliding carriage which allows the pallets to move
between the magazine and the machine's worktable.


(3) (6) (7)

(2) (4) (5)
(9) (8)



Vertical axis
The carriage is equipped with a gripper which moves vertically to and fro to grip the selected pallet and
then place it onto the worktable
- bottom position: gripping/placing of pallet (at the frame or worktable level)
- top position: conveying pallet along axis W

Automatic side door

Opening the side door makes it possible to move the pallet. When machining in submerged mode, the
door can only be opened once flushing has been stopped and the tank drained.

Table chuck
The function of the chuck is to lock the pallet onto the worktable, and to guarantee the positioning

∫Flexibilityª option: By default, the operating mode of the robot is optimized to favor the
speed of loading/unloading operations. This mode makes it possible to deal with parts of
up to 80 mm height.
For parts higher than 80mm, the Flexibility option can be chosen (screen page EXE √ Service √
Machine Configuration √ Options). In this case, when a pallet is changed, a movement of
the W axis is only performed when all the racks of the magazine are in the rest position and
the elevator in the low position.

6 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

Principle of operation

Pallet loading sequence

(see figure on page opposite)

(1) Movement of frame into transfer positio (magazine)

(2) Frame lifting (lift)

(3) Approach of gripper (horizontal axis W)

(4) Lowering of gripper (vertical axis)

Opening of gripper

(5) Movement of gripper into gripping position (horizontal axis W)

Closure of gripper

(6) Raising of pallet (vertical axis)

(7) Opening of the side door (horizontal axis W)

Transfer of pallet into working zone
Opening of chuck

(8) Lowering of pallet into working position (vertical axis)

Locking of chuck
Test of presence
Opening of gripper

(9) Withdrawal of gripper (horizontal axis W)

(10) Lifting of gripper (vertical axis)

(11) Return of gripper to waiting position 2 (horizontal axis W)

Closing of the side door

Movements are carried out in accordance with two different principles:

- Magazine, lift, vertical axis, gripper and chuck: ≈hard-wired∆ control sequences specific to the robot and
pneumatic units (e.g. top position and bottom position of gripper on vertical axis)

- Axis W: this axis is fitted with a servo motor, which means that movements can be software controlled,
providing that the stopping points are stored in the numerical control's memory during an initial
calibration stage, using the screen page Robot Teaching (see paragraph ≈Saving specific positions
of the W axis∆).

Specific features of the Erowa Unoset ™ tooling

- this equipment can accept up to 3 pallets per level
- the loading/unloading sequences will be slightly different due to the fact that the gripper does not require
an approach/gripping movement

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 7

Pallet unloading sequence

(1) Opening of the side door (horizontal axis W)

Movement of gripper from waiting position
towards pallet

(2) Lowering of gripper (vertical axis)

Opening of gripper

(3) Movement of gripper into working position (horizontal axis W)

Closure of gripper, opening of chuck

(4) Raising of pallet (vertical axis)

Closure of chuck

(5) Return of pallet to magazine (horizontal axis W)

(6) Closing of the side door (vertical axis)

Lowering of pallet towards magazine
Opening of gripper

(7) Withdrawal of gripper (horizontal axis W)

(8) Lifting of gripper (vertical axis)

Closure of gripper

(9) Return of carriage to initial resting position (horizontal axis W)

(10) Lowering of frame to original height (lift)

(11) Return of frame to resting position (magazine)

On completion of the sequence, all components have returned to their resting positions.

(9) (8) (5)

(7) (6) (2) (3)




8 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

Robot operation

The robot can be manipulated by the operator for test purposes or for recording specific points on the W
axes (see paragraph below).

Two operating methods are available:

- the Automation Panel page, which contains a set of buttons and function keys which permit operation of
the various robot components in manual mode
- a special use of Remote control, which allows certain operations to be carried out accurately with the
operator in front of the work booth.

The user should note that he/she is solely responsible for any manual operation of the
robot: he/she must ensure that any actions are mutually consistent (e.g. door opening
before movement along W axis, observation of collision risks etc.).

Automation Panel

EXE page √ Manual √ Automation Panel (specific page)

Conventions for LEDs on keys:

- illuminated in orange if in transient state (action under way or interrupted during execution)
- illuminated in green if selection made, or in position.

List of operations LED green if:

W axis • Home: return of W axis to resting position Position (1)

• Jog W+/W-: movement of W axis
• Speed/increment selection In use
(mutually exclusive, also apply to 5 other axes)

Gripper • Pallet selection (1, 2 or 3)

• Vertical axis up/down
• Approach/gripping position
• Gripper closure/opening Gripper closed

Magazine • Lift Lift up/down

• Level (1 to 4) Move to rest/transfer position

Side door • Door opening/closure

Machine/Chuck • Chuck locking/opening Chuck locked

• Approach/gripping position (machine)
• Presence test Pallet present

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 9

Important information concerning the speed of movement and position display of the W axis.

In order to achieve the shortest possible workpiece changing times, the speed of movement
along axis W is 30 m/min. This is achieved by using control increments of 2 microns. This
convention also affects how position of the W axis is displayed, with one unit also repre-
senting 2 microns.

Remote control

When the Automation Panel screen page is active,

the remote control can be used to control the robot.
1 2 3
• This special operating mode is indicated by rapid
flashing of key 2. 4 5 6

• Keys 1, 3, 4, 6 then perform the following

7 8 9 10
1, 3 => Jog W+/W- Movement of W axis
11 12 13 14
1, 4 => Gripper Opening/closing of gripper
1, 6 => Chuck Opening/locking of
chuck 15 17

18 20

21 23


10 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

Programming (M920 √ M921)

Two instructions M920 and M921 make it possible to control execution of robot operating cycles. These
instructions must be incorporated logically into a control program. The corresponding workpiece programs
are thus not modified by using the robot for placing the workpiece.

Loading M920 Ii Kk
M920 M1

Examples: M920 I1 K3
This command selects pallet 3 of level 1 and brings it into the working position. The
sequence is executed entirely automatically.
The values specified for I, K are always stored as the subsequent return position for the

M920 M1
In this case, loading will be carried out manually by the operator.
The instruction carries out the preliminary phases (movement of Z-XYUV axes, draining,
opening of the door), then passes into suspended mode.

The operator selects and loads the selected pallet either by hand, or by means of the
manipulation tools (MDI commands, Automation Panel, remote control). The operator
indicates completion of these operations by pressing the Start key which will cause the
automatic program to continue.

Before restarting the workpiece program machining instructions, the prior machining
conditions are reestablished, namely:
- door closed, filling.

Exchange M920 Ii Kk
M920 M1
If a pallet is already in the machine, instruction M920 results in an exchange, i.e. the
above loading sequence will automatically be preceded by the unloading of the pallet
present in the machine.

Unloading M921
M921 Ii Kk
M921 M1

Examples: M921
This command is normally issued on completion of ROBOFIL processing of a pallet loaded
by instruction M920 I, K. The instruction results in the pallet being removed and returned
to its original position.

M921 Ii Kk
If parameters I, K are defined, the pallet in place will be extracted and directed towards
the position defined by I, K. The programmer must check that this operation is feasible, is
free at that time, since there is no preliminary check performed by the robot.

M921 M1
In this case, unloading will be carried out manually by the operator. As in instruction
M920, the preliminary phases of moving into suspended mode and then the continuation
of machining after the Start key has been pressed will be carried out automatically.

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 11

Conditions for execution of sequences M920 and M921

• A value must already have been assigned to the Secondary plan parameter on the screen EXE -- User

• The parameter TRE on this same page will be set to 1 by M920 or M921.

• Once execution of M920 or M921 is complete, vertical alignment of the UV axes relative to the XY axes
is always reestablished.

The instructions M920 and M921 are to be used only in G40 mode (no offset) and G50
mode (no taper)
Users must insert in their application programs the appropriate instructions in order to:
- cut the wire before loading/unloading
- position the axes in relation to the newly loaded workpiece
- rethread the wire.

Modularity of sequences M920 and M921

• By default, the execution sequences for instructions M920 and M921 carry out all the preparatory
actions before changing and actions to restore the state prior to changing (draining/filling of tank,
opening/closure of door, axis movements).

• Nevertheless, the content of the sequences is modular and can be modified using the screen page
Automation -- Authorised actions for the various execution modes (automatic, manual, simulation).

Manual commands available to operator

ISO command Command Remote control

(MDI mode) (Automation Panel) (2 flashes)

W axis (6th axis) G00 W Jog W+ W- 1 => W+

Home 3 => W-
Approach - pickup positions

Gripper Opening 4 => Opening

Closure 4 => Closure

Table chuck Opening 6 => Opening

Locking 4 => Locking

Magazine Lift movement

Frame movement

Side door M04 Opening Opening

M05 Closure Closure

M08 Draining + opening

M09 Draining + wait + opening
M12 Closure + filling
M13 Closure + wait + opening

12 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

Principle of use of instructions M920-M921

O100 ! Command program


M920 I3 K1 ! Loading pallet 1 (level 3, pallet 1)

M98 P110 ! Workpiece program, pallet 1


M920 I3 K2 ! Exchange: return pallet 1,

! load pallet 2 (level 3, pallet 2)
M98P120 ! Workpiece program, pallet 2

M921 ! Pallet 2 return



Operational monitoring

INFO √ Monitor page (standard page)

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 13

Two fields are added to facilitate monitoring of robot operation:

Pallet in gripper: Number of pallet involved in a loading/unloading cycle.

Pallet in machine: Number of pallet loaded in machine.

The displayed pallet number corresponds to the pallet's address in the magazine (level i, pallet k). This
number may also be used in order to be able to return the pallet manually to its original position in the
event of malfunction.

Restarting after power failure or incident

• The Auto-Restart device manages option QCRw, which means that the robot is treated in the same
way as the whole ROBOFIL unit in the event of power failure (automatic restart without interruption of

• Any malfunctioning of the robot will result in suspension of the current operation and issue of a standard
error message.

• Pressing F1 key automatically opens the electronic documentation and displays information related to the

• Most malfunctions related to robot use may arise from jamming of mechanical components (door, axis,
gripper etc.) or collisions.

• After analysing the information and context, the operator must attempt to remedy the problem and
normalise the situation, if necessary using the robot control tools (Automation Panel, remote control).

• Before automatic operation can be resumed by pressing the Start button, the situation at the time of
interruption must have been reproduced exactly.

• In the event of desynchronisation or loss of control, the operator will return all robot components to their
starting positions using the control tools and will restart the program from the non-executed instruction.

14 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

Installation of the software option

The option is managed through the numerical control's man-machine interface (MMI): the screen pages
used are modified standard pages or new specific pages dedicated solely to controlling the robot.


The configuration phase is carried out using the following three screen pages:

1 Declaration of QCRw option

EXE page √ Service √ Machine configuration √ Options (standard page)

This makes it possible to specify the presence of options related to using the robot:
- type of robot
- W axis, side door, table chuck
- manual pallet (handling by screen and remote control)
- flexibility mode (parts of height greater than 80 mm)
- dry set (not yet available)

Declaring the options has following effects :

- modification of standard screen pages
(e.g. display of absolute W axis position)
- accessibility of robot-specific pages
(e.g. Automation Panel page)
- possibility of operating the robot by remote control

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 15

2 Drain level for opening side door

EXE page √ Service √ Machine configuration √ Dielectric (standard page)

Specifies the level of dielectric in the tank at which the side door can be opened.

3 Robot configuration

EXE page √ Service √ Automation (specific page)

This page is for entering initial values for the characteristic parameters relating to robot operation:

- permitted actions: makes it possible specify whether the following actions:

• opening/closure of side door
• movement of W axis
• draining/filling of tank
will be executed by instructions M920-M921 in the following operating modes:
• simulation
• automatic change
• manual change

- type of tooling used (to be chosen from a selection list)

- magazine size
• levels (number of levels)
• rows (number of rows per level) (not used at present - set the value at 1)
• pallets (number of pallets per row)

16 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

- changing position for machine axes XYUVZ
• for an automatic change
• for a manual change

• The operator must specify machine axis positions which permit loading/unloading of pallets without
risk of collision with heads while, if possible, minimising movement distances in order to shorten cycle

• These XYUVZ positions can be set by editing their respective fields.

• They can also be set by recording a current position using the associated function keys (Mem. X,
Mem. Y, etc.).

• The All function key assigns the current position of the 5 axes to the two sets of automatic and manual

Robot reference setting (W axis)

EXE page √ Manual √ References (standard page)

This page is the same as for the XYUVZ axes. It allows the absolute zero of the W axis to be set.
Referencing must be carried out if the red indicator light beside the position display is lit.

• Position the carriage at its travel mid-point on the W axis, with the side door open.
• Press the -W function key
=> the carriage moves to its original position
=> the reference position for W is set

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 17

Recording of specific positions on W axis

EXE page √ Service √ Robot configuration √ Teaching (specific page)

Before it is possible to carry out automatic robot cycles, the following intermediate stopping positions must
be recorded:


Pallet 1 (K=1)
Robot magazine Approach Pallet 2 (K=2) Erowa Unoset ™: not used
Pallet 3 (K=3)

Pallet 1 (K=1)
Robot magazine Pickup Pallet 2 (K=2)
Pallet 3 (K=3)

Chuck / Machine Approach Erowa Unoset ™: Gripping

Chuck / Machine Pickup Erowa Unoset ™: Approach


Configuration stages 1, 2 and 3 together with W axis reference setting must be carried out so that, among
other things, it is possible:
- to display the W axis position
- to use remote control on the robot.

18 Robot QCRw CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004

Execution of the sequence

Direct input
• Place the machine»s XYUVZ axes in a position allowing free movement of the carriage on the W axis

• Activate the screen page EXE √ Service √ Robot configuration - Teaching

• Using the Jog keys W+/W- of the automation panel or the remote control, place the carriage at the
desired Rest position

• In the screen page Teaching, press the insertion key W

=> the LED lights up to indicate the mode inputted

• Select the field Rest

=> the current W position is displayed in the field

• To accept this value, press the key Validate

Repeat the last two operations in an identical manner for each position to be inputted.

Input via keyboard

The value of the positions to be stored can also be entered directly using the keyboard. To do this proceed
as follows:

• deselect Insert W
• select the field of the position to be stored
• enter the value with the keyboard, and end with Return
• press the key Validate

Repeat these operations in an identical manner for each position to be inputted.

Verification tests

• Press the key Verify

=> a mode ≈Reduced speed∆ is activated on the W axis (green LED lit up)
This mode makes it possible to test the result of the teaching at reduced speed before carrying out the first
loadings in machining

• Perform one or several loading/unloading dry runs, for example in MDI mode by means of the
commands M920 Ii Kk and M921 (see next paragraph)

• Once the tests have been completed, do not forget to restore the normal speed of movement of the W
axis by pressing once again the key Verify (green LED off)

CHARMILLES 140 000 610/E/15.04.2004 Robot QCRw 19


e-ConnecT (ROBOFIL 240•440)

(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)
(ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Part 1: Utilization 3

Introduction 3

Principle of operation 4
Immediate notification of events in the form of SMS messages ....................... 4
Recording of Internet e-mail communications .............................................. 4

Instructions for use 5

Modification of filtering of messages at overall level .................................... 5
Passive monitoring ................................................................................ 6
Active monitoring with modification of programs (instruction G13(ECN, ...) ..... 6
Modification of messages filtering at single recipient level ............................ 6
Temporary disconnection of a recipient ..................................................... 7
Change of a recipient»s telephone number ................................................ 7

Example of utilization 8
Workpiece .......................................................................................... 8
Passive monitoring: immediate notification ................................................. 9
Active monitoring: immediate notification for manual cutting of an attachment ... 9
Consultation at a later time: data on productivity ........................................ 10

Routine maintenance of e-ConnecT 11

Periodic purging of directories ................................................................. 11
Back-up copies .................................................................................... 11

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 Table of contents 1

Part 2: Installation of the e-ConnecT option 12

Important information 12

Components used 13
Components included in the e-ConnecT option ........................................... 14
Components provided by the customer ...................................................... 14
Remarks concerning the choice of components ........................................... 15

Installation of the option: general principles 16

Stage 1: Installation of the modem and its Driver ......................................... 16
Stage 2: Dial-Up Network (DUN) module .................................................. 16
Stage 3: Module e-ConnecT ................................................................... 16
Stage 4: Mail Server module .................................................................. 16
Stage 5: Windows Messaging / Address Book module .............................. 17

Installation of the option: procedure in detail 18

Preliminary action .................................................................................. 18
Procedure ............................................................................................ 18

1. Installation of the modem and its Driver 19

2. Dial-Up Network (DUN) module 24

3. e-ConnecT module 27
Activation of the option - Options code ..................................................... 27
Utilization of the screen page e-ConnecT ................................................... 27

4. Mail Server module 28

5. Windows Messaging / Address Book module 30

Test of operation ................................................................................... 33

Dealing with anomalies √ Action to be taken 34

Follow-up of messages on the ROBOFIL machine ........................................ 34
Follow-up of messages outside the ROBOFIL machine .................................. 34

Operational security: standby channel 35

Change of Internet Service Provider (ISP) 35

Change of e-mail/SMS converter 35

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Part 1: Utilization


The purpose of the e-ConnecT option is to perform remote monitoring of the operation of a ROBOFIL
machine: the significant events of the machining process are automatically transmitted to one or several
recipients, either by immediate notification using SMS messages on a mobile telephone (SMS = Short
Message System), or using e-mail on the Internet network.

The following events are transmitted:

- start / end of a machining program
- programmed stoppages or stoppages on errors
- specific messages inserted in the program

The remote monitoring by e-ConnecT will be profitable for centralized supervision of a stock of machines,
or for remote follow-up of programs started during weekends, and will enable the user to be kept informed
and to take immediate action when an interruption of production occurs, instead of only discovering the
problem on a Monday morning after the machine has been idle for several hours.

All this results in an overall increase in productivity and profitability.

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 3

Principle of operation

The simplified diagrams below illustrate the overall principle of e-ConnecT:

Immediate notification of events in the form of SMS messages



e-mail conversion => SMS

(SMS messages)

Recipient 1 (mobile)
Recipient n (mobile)

In this case, the recipient is instantaneously informed about the significant events of the machining operation.

Recording of Internet e-mail communications




by Internet

In this case, the Internet letterbox is considered as a virtual recipient. It keeps track of all the events, and its
content can be consulted periodically and archived.

e-ConnecT enables users to perform notification by SMS in parallel with the recording of Internet
communications, and thus benefit from the advantages of both transmission modes.

e-ConnecT does not give the ROBOFIL machine the capability of producing and sending
e-mails written manually by the user!

4 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Instructions for use

Modification of filtering of messages at overall level

The screen page EXE √ Service √ Config.Machine √ e-ConnecT is used for selecting the types of event that
will be taken into account by e-ConnecT.

Tick the types of event for which notification is required.

Windows Messaging


Please note that failing to tick one of the boxes will block notification of all the events of this type for all
the users!

(If this machine has only one user, this filtering method is naturally more suitable than the individual filtering
described on page 7, which is the appropriate one to use if several users are involved with the same
ROBOFIL machine.)

The screen page e-ConnecT has two 2 buttons. The one on the right is for activating the screen
page Windows Messaging /Address Book, which will be used in the modifications described on
page 7:

• Modification of message filtering at single recipient level

• Temporary disconnection of a recipient
• Change of a recipient»s telephone number

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 5

Passive monitoring

Users can take their programs as they stand and make use of e-ConnecT to perform monitoring that can
be described as passive, this being obtained by ticking the first 4 types of event in the screen page

Notification of PROGRAM START

Notification of PROGRAM END
Notification of STOP ON ERROR (1st blocking error)
Notification of STOP ON MM0/MM1

In the case of a Stop on Error, only the first blocking error is notified.
At this moment users know that a problem has occurred, and that they must carry out a more
thorough investigation on the machine.

Active monitoring with modification of programs (instruction G13(ECN, ...)

To obtain active monitoring, i.e. to be informed about the execution of certain specific points of the
machining, proceed as follows:

- in the screen page e-ConnecT tick the fifth type of event:

Notification of G13(ECN,message)
- at the position of the points to be indicated, insert in the programs the following ISO instruction:
G13(ECN, m e s s a g e )

• The maximum length of the message between the comma and the parenthesis is 12 characters.

Modification of messages filtering at single recipient level

It can happen that several recipients are concerned by the progress of the machining job. If they all wish to
receive the same type of message, the filtering can be done as explained above at overall level by means
of the screen page e-ConnecT.
If on the other hand the levels of interest are different, e-ConnecT allows individual parameterization.

This is done as shown below:

In the screen page e-ConnecT, press the right side

=> the screen page Windows Messaging is

Click on the icon Address Book

=> the screen page Address Book is displayed
with the list of current recipients

Select (double click) the recipient concerned by the

=> the screen page Properties is displayed

6 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Click on the tab Notes (Screen below given just as an example!
=> the window Notes displays the parameters that Presentations vary depending on the SMS
format the SMS messages contract!)

Edit the parameters mid* as per the filtering


The rules are as follows:

• mid1 selects the events of type 1
• mid2 selects the events of type 2
• etc º
Example opposite: selection of events of type 1, 2
and 5

• mid0 cancels all selections!

• all selects all 5 types of event
• a line preceded by // is ignored

Conclude the editing by OK, Then close the Address Book and the page Windows Messaging.

Temporary disconnection of a recipient

The same procedure is used for disconnecting all notifications concerning a recipient during an absence. In
this case, the following specification must be used: MessageType_id:
No further SMS will henceforth be transmitted to this recipient.
Reactivation is performed by restoring the specification of the values mid1, mid2 º that existed

Change of a recipient»s telephone number

An identical procedure is used for changing if necessary the telephone number of the recipient:
- open, as above, the window Notes of the recipient concerned,
- locate the old telephone number (under the heading Subject: or Body: depending on the format)
- replace the old number by the new one.

Depending on the SMS service con- (Screen below given just as an example!
tract subscribed, it is possible that the Presentations vary depending on the SMS
telephone number has been recorded contract!)
not in the window Notes, but in the
E-mail address field of the window
SMTP-Address as in the screen
opposite =>

In this case
-- click on the tab SMTP-Address,
- locate the old telephone number,
- replace the old number by the new one.

Conclude the editing with OK, then close the

Address Book and the page Windows Messaging.

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 7

Example of utilization


The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate three possibilities for using e-ConnecT:
- passive monitoring (immediate notification, without modification of program)
- active monitoring (immediate notification, with modification of program)
- consultation of e-mails at a later time.

These examples are based on a program for machining a punch as given in the Training Manual,
chapter 2 (you may refer to this document to obtain detailed explanations about this machining job and
the corresponding part-program).

• The profile to be machined is a punch as shown

opposite, involving:
- a roughing pass
- a finishing pass
- a surface finishing pass. R2 R2

• The same part-program (named O019.ISO) is

used for the 3 passes
• The punch is held during the finishing pass and
the surface finishing pass by an attachment of
4 mm that will be cut off manually at the end of
the job
• The complete machining sequence is managed
by the following command program (named
O119.ISO): 6322

O119 ; Start of command program O119

G11 (WIR, LS25) ; Selection of the Wire table
G13 (TEC, LS25A) ; Selection of the Technology Table
M31 ; Setting of counters to zero
G21 ; Unit: millimeters
G92 X0. Y21.
S2 ; Setting: roughing
G01 X-2. ; Approach cut along X
Y-16.5 ; Approach cut along Y
M98 P019 ; Calling up of sub-program O019 /roughing
S18 ; Setting: finishing
M98 P019 B1 ; Calling up of sub-program O019 /finishing
; (B1=> reverse direction)
S10 ; Setting: surface finishing
M98 P019 ; Calling up of sub-program O019 /surface finishing
M30 ; End of command program O119

8 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Passive monitoring: immediate notification
(without modification of program)

Without modifying the existing programs, it is possible to obtain the notification of events of types 1 to 4
(Start/End of program, programmed stoppages or stoppages on error).

Let us suppose that the ROBOFIL being used is controlled by a single operator. In this case we recommend
the following:

- accept all types of message as regards the user

profile level defined in the Address Book, page
Notes (i.e. MessageType_id: All)

- make the selection on the screen page


For example, if the operator is only interested in

notification of the end of programs, he will make
the selection shown opposite =>
(he will then also receive notification of stoppages
on error)

Active monitoring: immediate notification for manual cutting of an

(with modification of program)

Let us assume that the user does not want to be bothered with notifications of all the starts/stops of
programs, and only wishes to receive messages specifically concerned with the way machining is

For example, in the case in hand, he wishes to

beInformed about the moment he has to take action
on the machine to cut the attachment at an end
of a sequence, and start up the next machining

In this case he will perform the selection shown

opposite =>

(he will then also receive notification of stoppages 6481

on error)

He will also have to modify the command program by inserting the following notification instruction:
S10 ; Setting: surface finishing
M98 P019 ; Calling up of sub-program/surface finishing
G13(ECN,Attachment) ; Message of notification
M30 ; End of command program O119

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 9

Consultation at a later time: data on productivity

Let us suppose that, in parallel with notification, the user wishes to establish a systematic record of events in
a letterbox on an Internet site.

This recording will function in practice as a second

virtual recipient with its own address in the
Address Book.

Because of this the following must be done:

- allow transit of all the messages on the screen

page e-ConnecT with the parameterization
opposite =>

- perform the selection parameterization for each 6481

recipient in the Address Book (page Notes)

Profile for the user: (first recipient for notification)

mid3,mid5 (Stoppages on error, specific messages)
Subject: <message> as per specifications of the
Body: <message> e-mail/SMS converter

Profile for the letterbox: (second virtual recipient for recording)

All (records all events)
No specification of Subject: and Body:, because the destination is a letterbox, without e-mail/SMS

The command program will be modified as follows:

S2 ; Setting: roughing
G01 X-2. ; Approach cut along X
Y-16.5 ; Approach cut along Y
M98 P019 ; Calling up of sub-program/roughing
G13(ECN,End roughing) ; Message of notification
S18 ; Setting: finishing
M98 P019 B1 ; Calling up of sub-program/finishing, reverse direction
G13(ECN,End finishing) ; Message of notification
S10 ; Setting: surface finishing
M98 P019 ; Calling up of sub-program/surface finishing
G13(ECN,Attachment) ; Message of notification
M30 ; End of command program O119

10 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Consultation of e-mails can be done by connection to Internet.

At the end of the machining job, the screen page of the Internet Browser will show the following list:

Machine Time Message Received

---------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------
FI921004 14:12:00 Start 119 14:12:10
FI921004 14:27:00 End roughing 14:27:10
FI921004 14:34:00 End finishing 14:34:10
FI921004 14:39:00 Attachment 14:39:10
FI921004 14:39:00 End 119 14:39:20

The interest of this list is twofold:

- automatic production of the execution protocol

- possibility of retrieving data on productivity: because each message includes the time the event
occurred, it is possible to deduce the duration of each pass:

Roughing: 15.0 min. (= 27:00 √ 12:00)

Finishing 7.0 min. (= 34:00 √ 27:00)
Surface finishing: 5.0 min. (= 39:00 √ 34:00)

Routine maintenance of e-ConnecT

Periodic purging of directories

• All the messages transmitted by e-ConnecT are saved in the local directory ∫Sent itemsª. To avoid
overflow, it is necessary to purge the contents of this directory periodically, for example by eliminating
all e-mails that have been there for over 2 weeks.

Selection: Screen page e-ConnecT √ Selection button Windows messaging

=> Local folders => Sent items

• Certain e-mail/SMS converters can send back to the mail account of the ISP server some messages
acknowledging conversion. These acknowledgements will be recorded in the ∫Inboxª (local directory)
of the messaging.
In this case, this Inbox directory must also be purged periodically.

Back-up copies

To facilitate restoration of the normal situation when a problem has occurred, it is recommended to make
back-up copies of the 2 files below at regular intervals (for example once a week):
C:\Program Files\WindowsNT\WindowsMessaging\eConnecT: mailbox.pst
and mailbox.pab

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 11

Part 2: Installation of the e-ConnecT option

Important information

1. e-ConnecT is a software option whose installation requires knowledge of an Options code transmit-
ted by Charmilles Technologies S.A.

2. This description of the installation procedure only concerns those persons carrying out the initial
installation of the option, or subsequent modifications to the configuration, such as: change of
Internet Services Provider (ISP).

This procedure does not concern the users (SMS recipients), so they do not need to consult this
second part.

12 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Components used

The transmission of the information goes through the following stages:

- Following a significant event, the e-ConnecT application of the ROBOFIL machine generates a message
- This message is transmitted by one or several Internet e-mails
- Each e-mail is processed according to its type:
- either: recording in a letterbox for consultation later
- or: conversion into SMS format and notification to a recipient
- or: recording and SMS message


- 3 software modules
- e-ConnecT generation of messages to be notified
- Mail Server establishment of the connection and sending of e-mails
- Windows Messaging management of recipients and follow-up of e-mails

- output port (serial line)



- telephone number
- subscription contract
- Internet e-mail address

Conversion --> SMS

- subscription contract
- Internet e-mail address


- mobile telephone
- telephone number

The number and type of e-mails and the designation of recipients is entirely parameterized within
e-ConnecT on the console of the ROBOFIL machine.
This parameterization can be modified subsequently.

The approach used makes use of well proven are widely distributed standard communication components
(hardware and software). Some of these items are included in the e-ConnecT option, and others are to be
provided by the customer according to the local context.

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 13

Components included in the e-ConnecT option

Among the items mentioned in the diagram of the previous page, the following are included in the
Charmilles e-ConnecT option:

- the three software modules

- e-ConnecT application module developed by Charmilles.

It establishes the relationship with the progress of machining so as to detect the significant events
and to activate the generation of messages.
It also records these events in an internal file (Log File).

- Mail Server module whose purpose is to define and manage the Internet connection and send
the e-mails.
It uses among others the following 2 items, which will be parameterized when the option is placed
in service:
RAS = Remote Access Services: setting up of a connection via modem
DUN = Dial-Up Network: parameterization of a connection to a provider of Internet access
(ISP) via modem

- Windows Messaging application of Windows NT™ used for managing e-mails, in particular
- managing the list of recipients (Address Book)
- parameterizing the processing of e-mails
- local follow-up of the sending of e-mails (Outbox and Sent Items directories)

- the communication port (asynchronous serial line)

Components provided by the customer

To supplement the above, the user shall provide the other items required, namely:

- Equipment:
- a modem with connecting cables
- a telephone line for local calls

- Internet
- subscription to an Internet access provider
(Internet Services Provider, ISP)
- e-mail service

- e-mail/SMS conversion service

These items are not required if
- Mobile telephony immediate notification by SMS is
- mobile phone set not desired!
- SMS subscription

The installation procedure below will ensure proper operation of the link.

14 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Remarks concerning the choice of components

Analog modem

- External model
- V90 √ 56 Kbps
- Serial line cable: male sub D 9 female sub D 9
- Telephone cable: RJ11 / RJ11 (with adaptor if necessary)

RJ11 Germany Switzerland France Belgium

- Connectors:

- 4-point connector RJ11: telephone line

- Sub D 9 point connector: serial line
- Male jack: external power supply

Internet access
The subscription contracts will give the parameters required for the initial configuration of the link:

Contract Parameters

Access to the network telephone number


e-mail service name of SMTP server


e-mail/SMS converter e-mail address

format required for the e-mails

Important notes concerning the e-mail/SMS converter

- Subscriptions to this service can be contracted with:
- either an Internet access provider
- or with another provider through a separate contract
- The converter determines the format of the e-mails it receives for conversion! (see also Windows
Messaging module page 9)

Mobile telephony
Mobile phone set telephone number (recipient)

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 15

Installation of the option: general principles

This installation procedure consists of 5 stages presented in broad outline hereunder, and described in
detail on pages 18 to 33.

Although the manipulations are not too complex, a certain familiarity with Windows NT™ is necessary.

Stage 1: Installation of the modem and its Driver (see page 19)

Purpose: Setting up the output link

- connection of the modem

- removal of the existing Driver
- replacement by the Driver corresponding to the modem selected
- parameterization of the new Driver
- incorporation of the new Driver by restarting Windows NT™

Stage 2: Dial-Up Network (DUN) module (see page 24)

Purpose: Parameterization of the connection to the ISP

Specify the connection:

- name of the ISP (Internet Services Provider)
- telephone number

Stage 3: Module e-ConnecT (see page 27)

Purpose: Activation of the e-ConnecT option by the authorization code of 14 characters transmitted by
Initial selection, among the 5 types of events, of those that will be taken into consideration by the
e-ConnecT application.

This screen page also serves to activate the two following modules by means of two buttons: Mail
Server and Windows Messaging

Stage 4: Mail Server module (see page 28)

Purpose: Configuration of the link with the Internet server

Fill out the data concerning the connection:

- for the ISP: identification of the ISP and the

telephone number (specified in DUN),
the login/password

- for the Letterbox: the name of the ROBOFIL machine,

the Internet address,
the login/password

16 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Stage 5: Windows Messaging / Address Book module (see page 30)

Purpose: While stages 1 to 4 served to set up the means of transmission, stage 5 uses the Address Book
to define the recipients, and the content and format of the communication:

Display name: Recipient»s name in Address Book
E-mail address: Internet address to reach the converter
E-mail type: SMTP

Content and format

Type of messages accepted (1 to 5)
Title of message

- The entries of the Address Book are customized when the option is placed in service, and their content
will be adjusted later in the light of needs (addition, modification, deletion)

- The Address Book constitutes the true instrument for running e-ConnecT:

- when an event occurs (e.g.: Program Start, type 1), the e-ConnecT application examines the
parameters of all the recipients defined in the Address Book

- For each recipient, the application checks whether this type of event is selected and it activates,
according to the parameters specified, the process of sending the e-mails

<- - - - - - - ROBOFIL machine - - - - - - - > < - tel. network -> < - - Internet - - > < - Mobile - >

1 event --> e-ConnecT application Mailbox

+ Address Book ---> 1 e-mail ---> and / or 1 SMS
SMS conversion ---> or
several SMS

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 17

Installation of the option: procedure in detail

Preliminary action

e-ConnecT is a software option whose right to be used is issued by Charmilles. Before starting the
installation procedure, check that the authorization √ evidenced by a code of 14 characters √ has duly
been acquired for the ROBOFIL machine in question.

The installation is done during the startup procedure of the numerical control:

• Implement the startup procedure (Logon)

• When the screen page Windows-NT™ is displayed, interrupt the normal process by pressing the Shift

• The Logon procedure is stopped

• Select the account ∫Setupª to start the installation of e-ConnecT (stage 1)


The pages that follow contain a detailed description of the operations to be carried out:

• The left hand column (ACTIONS) gives the succession of instructions to be entered on the keyboard of
the numerical control.

• The right hand column (DISPLAY) presents the screen pages and windows displayed on the machine
console as you go along.

• The data that has to be entered by the user in the course of the dialog are shown in bold characters.
(Most of this information comes from contracts regulating the Internet connection and the SMS service.)

• LThe dialog is conducted entirely in english.

18 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

1. Installation of the modem and its Driver

Purpose: Establish the output link, replacing the existing Driver by the Driver of the modem chosen by the
user. Verify the parameterization of the output port.

Before doing this, connect the new modem (refer to the supplier»s instructions for use)


From the Windows-NT™ office, select:

Network neighbourhood,

Keyboard key ∫Expandª

(at bottom right, to the left of the Ctrl key),

then select: Properties

=> Network

Tab: Services

Select: Remote Access Service

then the button: Properties

=> Remote Accesss Setup

The driver currently installed is selected.

To remove it: button: Remove



button: Yes
The display of the old driver disappears.
To install the new driver: button Add

=> Add RAS Device

(next page)

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 19


Button: Install Modem

=> Install New Modem

(Wizard: start)

Tick the box ≈Don»t detect my modem º∆,

then the button: Next

=> Install New Modem

Manufacturers - Models

The files of the new modem are generally

distributed on an installation disk

Button: Have Disk

=> Install From Disk

Insert the installation disk supplied with the modem,

specify the name of the support, for example F:\,

then the button: Browse

=> Locate File

(next page)

20 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004


Using the Browser, locate in the list displayed the

directory corresponding to the Operating system

(normally: Win95-98),

then the button: Open

=> Locate File

Select the installation file for the modem selected,

extension .inf,

then the key: Open

=> Install From Disk

Button: OK

=> Install New Modem


Select in the displayed list the name of the chosen

model of modem,

then the button: Next

=> Install New Modem

(next page)

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 21


Select the communication port:

Choice: Selected ports

Selection: COM2

then the button: Next

=> Install New Modem

(Wizard: end)

The installation of the driver continues until the

message end of sequence is displayed

Button: Finish

=> Add RAS Device

RAS Capable Device

Select in the box RAS Capable Device the correct

modem allocated to port COM2,

then the button: OK

=> Remote Access Setup

Port √ Device √ Type

Check that the new modem is displayed

correctly in the box Port √ Device √ Type

Button: Configure

=> Configure Port Usage

(next page)

22 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004


Check: Dial out only

(incoming calls not allowed!)

then the button: OK

=> Remote Access Setup

Port √ Device √ Type

Button: Continue

=> Network

Button: Close

The link operations (bindings) of the new Driver are

The installation of the new Driver is now completed.

Remove the installation disk.

It is now necessary to restart so as to take the new

Driver into account

=> Network Settings Change

Button: Yes

The system is now shut down automatically, and then restarted.

As previously, interrupt the starting by means of the Shift key when the screen page of Windows-NT™ is
displayed so as to execute stage 2 of the installation of e-ConnecT.

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 23

2. Dial-Up Network (DUN) module

Purpose: Parameterize the connection to the ISP by creating an entry in the Phonebook

In this case, no change of account after the interruption!

The rest of the installation is done under the ∫Charmillesª account.


From the Windows-NT™ office, select:

Dial-Up Networking

=> Dial-Up Networking

Button: New

=> New Phonebook Entry

(Wizard: start)

If the Phonebook is empty º., Instead

of the display of the screen Dial-Up
Networking, the question above is
Answer: OK.

=> New Phonebook Entry

Specify the name of the ISP

then the button: Next

=> Server (next page)

24 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004


Tick the 2 boxes:

I am calling the Internet
Send my plain text password º

then the button: Next

=> Phone Number

Enter the telephone number (local line)

then the button: Next

=> New Phonebook Entry

(Wizard: end)

Button: Finish

=> (1) Dial-Up Networking (next page)

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 25


- The button New is used for creating a new entry

- The button More is used for editing the entry

currently selected
(Phonebook entry to dial)

Button: More
Selection: Edit Entry and
Modem properties

=> Edit Phonebook Entry


Specify in Dial Using the Communication port to

be used
(created in stage 1)

then the tab: Security

=> Edit Phonebook Entry


Select: Accept any authentication

including clear text

Validate the selection with the button: OK

=> Dial-Up Networking

(screen page above)

Button: Close

=> Windows NT™ Office

To complete the start procedure:

- press Ctrl / Alt / Delete to display a selection grid

- select Logoff, click on OK: normal starting continues.

26 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

3. e-ConnecT module

Activation of the option - Options code

After execution of stage 2, the entire starting procedure is completed, and the numerical control is in its
normal operational environment.

Applying the procedure described in page 0.6.

The activation indicator is displayed in the box

The option can now be used.


Utilization of the screen page e-ConnecT

Purpose: Define from among the 5 types of events those to be taken into consideration by the e-ConnecT
• Select the screen page: EXE √ Service √ Config.Machine √ e-ConnecT

This page contains the following elements:

Selection of the types of event that are to be the subject of a notification.

Tick the types of event to be transmitted.

- Take due note of the fact that if a given box is not
ticked, this will block notification of all the
events of this type for all users!

Connection bar: displays the status of the

Windows Messaging

- Blank: no connection established. Mail server

- Partly filled: connection now being established
(duration 30 to 40 seconds).
- Full: communication in progress.
Activation buttons of the two modules for putting
into service:

- Mail server => stage 4 (page 28)

- Windows Messaging => stage 5 (page 30)

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 27

4. Mail Server module

Purpose: Configure the link with the Internet Services Provider (ISP) and the mail service


=> e-ConnecT

Button: Mail Server

=> General
Log Window

At the beginning, Log Window contains the

starting time of the connection and the 4 timeout
parameters that have been set

Tab: Connection

=> Connection

In the field Connection,

Select the ISP specified in DUN

Complete the fields:

Login Login of the ISP
Password Password of the ISP

Phone n° telephone No. of the ISP

Enter in:
Network Cards NdisWanAdapter

tick the option: Dun

then the button: Record

Tabt: Mailbox

=> Mailbox (next page)

28 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Complete the fields:

UsualName Name of the ROBOFIL

(for example: FI921004)
Email e-mail address
Login e-mail login
Password e-mail password

then the button: Record

Tab: Server

=> Server

Enter in
Smtp Srv Name of the SMTP e-mail

then the button: Record

Tab: Smtp Logs

=> Smtp Logs

Verify the presentation of the local folders:

Local folders

Return to the initial tab General,

=> General

then the button: Hide

=> e-ConnecT

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 29

5. Windows Messaging / Address Book module

Purpose: Define by means of the Address Book the processing mode of the e-mails:
- specifying the recipients
- specifying the operations to be performed
(recording, format for SMS conversion and notification).


=> e-ConnecT

Button: Windows Messaging

=> Windows Messaging

(Display of the local folders used for sending


Click on the icon: Address Book

=> Address Book

At the start, all that exists are models

of recipients, which do not react to any
type of event
(because MessageType_id = mid0 in

It is recommended to create the contents of the

Notes page of a new recipient by copying and
customizing an existing model

In the list proposed:

Select the model with the greatest similarity
then select the tab: Notes

=> ∫Modelª Properties

Select the entire text,

then copy it (Ctrl C)
then the button: Cancel

=> Return to Address Book

Click on the icon: New Entry (1st on the left)

=> New Entry (next page)

30 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004


Select: Entry type = Other address

Tick: In the Personal Address Book

then the button: OK

=> New Other

Address Properties
New Address

Complete the descriptive fields of the SMS recipient

according to the format required by the e-mail/
SMS converter:

- Display Name Name of recipient

- E-mail address e-mail address
- E-mail type SMTP

Deselect the box:

Always send to this recipient º

then select the tab: Notes

=> New Other

Address Properties

Paste the contents of the model copied previously

(Ctrl V)

This model will serve as the basis for the

customizing that has to be done in compliance
with the specifications of the chosen e-mail/SMS

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 31

Customizing the contents of the Notes tab

The tab Notes contains a form made up of various parameters:

- 3 keywords that will be interpreted by the e-ConnecT application for conditioning the processing of the

• MessageType_id: filters the types of e-mail accepted

mid1: event of type 1 Start program

mid2: event of type 2 End program
mid3: event of type 3 Stop on error (1st blocking error)
mid4: event of type 4 Programmed stop (M00, M01)
mid5: event ofe type 5 Programmed notification (G13,ECN º)
all: events of all types
mid0: no events selected (address inactive)

• Subject: inserts a title.

• Body: passes on some information.

- <message>: insertion by e-ConnecT of the content of the message to be notified

- comments (starting with //): will be ignored by e-ConnecT, but serve to describe the operating mode of
the form

Only the digits (0 to 9), the letters (a to z upper or lower case) and _ are accepted


Update the contents of Notes as per the characteristics of the e-mail/SMS conversion format.

For example, in the case opposite:

selects events of type 1 and 3

<message> will be found both in the title (Subject:)

and in the body of the message (Body:)

// A comment serves to explain the utilization of

the content of Notes

then the button: OK

=> Address Book

The Address Book is now supplemented with the newly created address. It is now no longer a model, but
a real address!

32 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

This marks the completion of the addition of a new recipient.
Close Address Book

=> Windows Messaging

then close Windows Messaging

=> e-ConnecT

Comment on the use of data contained in Notes

When a significant event of type x occurs, it is confronted with the following types of filtering:

Overall definition of the screen page e-ConnecT

- type x event deselected => event ignored by all recipients
- type x event selected => e-ConnecT reviews each recipient defined in the Address

Keyword MessageType_id: in Notes

- type x event unspecified => recipient ignored
- type x event specified (midx) => the content of the entry is examined: an e-mail is sent to the
Internet server

Keyword Subject: and Body: in Notes

- undefined => the e-mail is recorded in a letterbox
(no SMS conversion and no notification)
- defined => SMS conversion and notification
(no recording of the e-mail)

It is be possible to obtain a recording of the e-mail and SMS notification of one and the same event by
creating two distinct recipients in the Address Book.

The e-mail => SMS converters offer a wide variety of possibilities. By way of example, there are
converters whose format makes it possible to record several users in a single address of the Address
Book. In this case a single e-mail will, after conversion, result in the sending of several SMS

Test of operation

• Enter in mode MDI the ISO instruction for sending a message:

then press Start

• Activate the screen page e-ConnecT

Observe the execution of the connection

• Using the button, activate le Mail Server,

Observe in Log Window the connection activity

• Check that the message ∫TesteConnecTª has been received on your mobile telephone

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 33

Dealing with anomalies √ Action to be taken

Follow-up of messages on the ROBOFIL machine

As explained in the principle of operation, message sending relies on a chain of components, only some
of which are located in the ROBOFIL machine, the others being selected by the user from the range of
products and services linked to Internet.

Because of this, in the event of non-transmission, the investigation must be directed to every link in the

The follow-up and investigation tools specific to e-ConnecT are as follows:

- screen page e-ConnecT / connection bar

Blank: no connection established

Partly full: connection now being established (duration 30 to 40 seconds)
Full: communication in progress

When a part-program has been selected, the Service screen pages are no longer accessible.
The screen e-ConnecT can then be activated directly from EXE, in particular so as to allow
monitoring of the connection / disconnection activity.

- screen page Mail Server √ General / indicators and Log Window

there are 4 indicators:

- number of events detected and not yet processed by e-ConnecT Here

- number of e-mails prepared and due to be sent Outbox
- display of the time remaining for executing the current operation Timeout
- No: before 1st e-mail is sent Delivery
Yes: as soon as 1st e-mail is sent

Log Window contains at the beginning:

- the time when the connection started - Start time

- the 4 timeout parameters that have been set - Timeouts

Log Window records all the communication activities as they take place.

These instruments make it possible to trace everything that happens on the ROBOFIL machine, from
the triggering event through to the sending of the corresponding e-mail.

Follow-up of messages outside the ROBOFIL machine

The follow-up of the messages within the Internet network and the SMS service will be done within the
framework of the contracts signed with the service providers concerned (ISP √ e-mail/SMS converter).

If the e-mail/SMS converter that you are using sends messages of acknowledgement of conversion
back to the e-mail account of the chosen ISP, the Inbox directory of this messaging must be
periodically purged.

34 e-ConnecT CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004

Operational security: standby channel

The flexibility of use of e-ConnecT and the exploiting of the standard distribution channels of Internet open
up many possibilities of configuration and utilization.

For example, in cases where high reliability of transmission is required, it is possible to prepare for a critical
recipient a second standby channel. This backup channel will run via a different ISP, by means of another
DUN interface and an inactive entry in the Address Book.

This alternative channel can be activated in a few minutes if the main channel is interrupted, by editing the
parameters of the screen page Notes of the Address Book, and by switching over to the second DUN

Change of Internet Service Provider (ISP)

In cases where the access provider changes, it will be necessary to specify the relevant data to the new
provider and to the new Internet address, in other words go through stages 2 (Dial Up Network) and 4
(Mail Server) of the installation procedure.

If the e-mail/SMS converter stays unchanged, there is no need to go through stage 5 (Address Book)

Change of e-mail/SMS converter

In cases where the e-mail/SMS converter changes, it will be necessary to go through stage 5 (Windows
Messaging / Address Book) of the installation procedure, i.e. redefine all the addresses of existing
recipients in the new required format.

CHARMILLES 140 000 615/E/04.05.2004 e-ConnecT 35

Extension for taper angle (Robofil 240•440)
up to 45° with threading (Robofil 240cc•440cc)
(kit n° 135007673)

Introduction 3

Contents of the option 3

Assembling 3

Example of utilization 4

CHARMILLES 140 000 630/E/05.02.2003 Table of contents 1

2 Extension for taper angle up to 45° with threading CHARMILLES 140 000 630/E/05.02.2003

This option makes it possible to produce parts having taper angles up to 45°, with automatic threading in
the vertical position.

Contents of the option

This kit with the number 135007673

contains 8 elements:
Upper head : Reference :
(1) 1 top nut 135007684 (3)
(2) 1 O-ring seal 109410027 (1)
(3) 1 extension tube 200542916
(4) 1 threading nozzle D 3.4mm 200542384
(5) 1 injection nozzle D 16mm 104490300
(6) 1 skirt nut 100447011 (4)

The upper guide of diameter 0.25 (9) supplied as

standard with the machine is also used in the
assembling. 6477a

Lower head
(7) 1 injection nozzle 135005189 large taper
(8) 1 wire guide assembly 204339850 diameter 0.25


• Place the O-ring seal (2) in its housing on the top

nut (1)
space of 2 mm (6) skirt nut
• Place the threading nozzle (4), the wire guide (9)
(5) nozzle
and the extension tube (3) in the top nut (1), then Æ 16 mm
screw the nut onto the upper head
• Fix the injection nozzle (5) by means of the skirt
nut (6)

• Mount the lower wire guide assembly (8) of the

space of 0.25 mm
(7) lower nozzle
• Mount the lower nozzle (7) of the kit
(8) lower wire guide

• There must be a space of 2 mm between the

upper skirt nut and the part

• There must be a space of 0.25 mm between the

lower injection nozzle and the part

CHARMILLES 140 000 630/E/05.02.2003 Extension for taper angle up to 45° with threading 3
Example of utilization

Part: Steel
Height 40 mm

Wire: Soft brass or Zinc-coated soft brass

Diameter 0.25 mm Diameter 0.25 mm
400 N/mm2 420 N/mm2
A 35% A 30%

Select: Technology: LR25A.TEC or ULR25A.TEC

Setting: roughing only (no finishing or surface finishing)

- ROBOFIL 240 √ 440: setting E24 modified as follows:

B = 12 WB = 0.5 FF = 70

- ROBOFIL 240cc √ 440cc: setting E2 modified as follows:

B = 12 WB = 0.5 FF = 50

Offset: carry out a test to measure the actual material removal and thus determine the offset
to be used

ZID: carry out the tests recommended in chapter 2 ≈Information on technologies and machi-
ning∆ for taper machining (angle >8°, without Taper Expert option).
As indicated, note the results and modify the parameters ZID and AXOZ accordingly
(screen page EXE √ Measuring √ Guides Set UP)

Result: Dimension tolerance: 0.025 mm (on the radius)

Surface finish: CH29 / Ra2.8

Note: By setting parameter A at 0.6 it is possible to obtain a surface finish of CH27 / Ra2.2

4 Extension for taper angle up to 45° with threading CHARMILLES 140 000 630/E/05.02.2003
Large Reels (ROBOFIL 240•440)
(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)
(ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Introduction 3

ROBOFIL 240.440 / 240cc.440cc 4

Presentation ......................................................................................... 4
Placing the wire in position ..................................................................... 4

ROBOFIL 390.690 6
Presentation ......................................................................................... 6
Placing the wire in position ..................................................................... 6
Adjusting the wire tension ....................................................................... 6

CHARMILLES 140 000 402/E/04.05.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 402/E/04.05.2004

The purpose of the Large Reels option is to increase the running time of a ROBOFIL machine thanks to high
capacity reels :

ROBOFIL 390.690 : 16 kg

ROBOFIL 240.440 / 240cc.440cc : 16 kg or 25 kg

In this case, instead of being mounted on the front panel, the reel is placed on an unspooling bracket fixed
to the rear of the machine. The wire is brought to the front panel by means of a guidance system (tubes and
return pulleys).

For ROBOFIL X40 models there is a variant of the Large Reels option compatible with the QCRw, 3R
and Erowa robots.

This combination of options makes it possible to exploit to the full the capacity for long running times
of the machine (large wire capacity, automatic changing of workpieces).

CHARMILLES 140 000 402/E/04.05.2004 Large Reels 3

ROBOFIL 240•440 / 240cc•440cc


The Large Reels support is placed in a cabinet fixed

on the left side at the rear of the machine.

135 005 387c

Placing the wire in position

Follow the installation diagram on the bottom of the cabinet.

Guidance system:
- runs the wire from the unspooler to the front panel
- includes an articulated arm made up of 2 telescopic guide tubes and 3 pulleys
- the first part is fixed and linked to the unspooler, while the second part is mobile and associated with the
movements of the axes.

Wire entry : ferrule Mobile pulley

Wire entry : nut Return pulley



Fast pulley
135 005 388e

4 Large Reels CHARMILLES 140 000 402/E/04.05.2004

To pass the wire through the guidance system :
• fix the end of the wire to Spring A supplied with
the kit
• put the spring into the outlet passageway B of the
• push it until the wire appears at the other end.


Front panel :
The wire reaches a return pulley located at the position of the normal reel supports. From here onwards, fol-
low the usual path indicated on the front panel.

CHARMILLES 140 000 402/E/04.05.2004 Large Reels 5

ROBOFIL 390•690


The option includes the following 2 elements :

- Unspooling panel with rocker arm
- Reel support.

These 2 elements are fixed on the Y axis bracket

inside the cabin.

As a result of this the reel accompanies the move-

ments of the heads along X and Y. 130 006 276

130 006 301

Placing the wire in position

Mounting the reel :

Unscrew the knurled fastening nut, put the reel onto the shaft and retighten the fastening nut.

Wire path on the support :

- reel
- upper pulley
- intermediate pulley
- rocker arm pulley
- return pulley towards front panel
- guide tube

Front panel :
The wire reaches a return pulley located at the position of the normal reel supports. From here onwards, fol-
low the usual path indicated on the front panel.

Adjusting the wire tension

The tension of the wire coming off the reel is adjus-

ted by means of the powder brake mounted on the
same shaft as the reel.

Using the knurled button at the end of the shaft, set

the wire tension manually at a value of 400-500 g
for a wire of Æ 0.25 mm (check by means of a ten-
130 006 301

6 Large Reels CHARMILLES 140 000 402/E/04.05.2004

Auxiliary M functions (ROBOFIL 240•440)
(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)
(ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Introduction 3

Description of functions 4

CHARMILLES 140 000 635/E/04.05.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 635/E/04.05.2004

The extended M functions make it possible to run or synchronize simple external systems with the ROBOFIL
The interface consists of 8 binary input-output signals numbered 1 to 8 (for their location and electrical cha-
racteristics, refer to the Maintenance Manual).

6 types of function can be executed:

- 0 SET of the output signal (setting to 1)
- 1 RESET of the output signal (setting to 0)
- 2 PULSE on the output signal
- 3 ACK (acknowledge) of the output signal through wait for input signal
- 4 WAIT for presence of input signal
- 5 WAIT for absence of input signal

The commands are performed through an ISO program by means of the M instructions according to the for-
mat M 1 x y (M101 to M158) where x represents the type of function (0 to 5) and y represents the signal
number (1 to 8).

Example: M105 SET of signal No. 5

M115 RESET of signal No. 5

CHARMILLES 140 000 635/E/04.05.2004 Auxiliary M functions 3

Description des fonctions

SET M101 to M108

Setting to 1 or maintaining at 1 of the output signal. or


RESET M111 to M118

Setting to 0 or maintaining at 0 of the output signal. or


Execution of the program is resumed immediately

after execution of the SET and RESET functions.

IMPULSION M121 to M128

Setting to 1 or maintaining at 1 of the output signal Output1

over a calibrated duration. Pulse Pulse
duration duration

By parameterization it is possible to:

- set the pulse duration separately for
each signal 1 to 8
(duration between 0 and 32767 ms).
- specify a resumption of program:
at the end of the pulse (fig. a) Output1
or immediately (fig. b). Pulse Pulse
duration duration

4 Auxiliary M functions CHARMILLES 140 000 635/E/04.05.2004

ACK M131 to M138

This instruction causes the output signal to be set to Output1

1 or maintained at 1. On detection of the ACK on
the input signal, the output signal is set to 0. Input1
Maximum Maximum
time check time check

According to parameterization:
- the program is resumed on the appearance or disappearance of the ACK signal.
- It is possible to indicate as an anomaly (error message) the presence of the ACK signal while the
instruction M13y is being issued.
- the ACK signal can be a level or the detection of a positive edge.
- it is possible to assign a maximum time check (adjusted separately for each signal 1 to 8 between 1 and
1500 s) beyond which an error message will be emitted. A duration 0 cancels this check.

WAIT for presence M141 to M148

- When an instruction M14y is issued, the ISO program is suspended until the presence (level 1) of the
input signal y.

WAIT for absence M151 to M158

- When an instruction M15y is issued, the ISO program is suspended until the absence (level 0) of the
input signal y.

For the two wait functions:

- If the input signal is already at the expected level, the program resumes immediately.
- It is possible to assign a maximum time check (adjusted separately for each signal 1 to 8 between 1 and
1500 s) beyond which an error message will be emitted.A duration 0 cancels this check.

Parameterization can be used to adapt the behavior of the auxiliary M functions to specific needs,
for example:
- adjustment of the duration of pulses
- adjustment of the duration of monitoring of the wait
- type of ACK signal (continuous or positive edge)
- switching of input-output signals to reverse logic
- maintaining at 0 or setting to 0 of the outputs according to the machine status (RESET, Suspension,
Energy Saving, Emergency stop, Alarm, etc.)
- execution or ignoring of extended M functions in DRY RUN, RESTART, etc.

An initial parameterization is done during installation by the Charmilles Technologies Maintenance Ser-
vice. Subsequent modifications can be carried out with the help of the information contained in the Mainte-
nance Manual.

CHARMILLES 140 000 635/E/04.05.2004 Auxiliary M functions 5

Option for machining (Robofil 380•X90)
with wire Æ 0.10 mm (Robofil 240SL•440SL)
(Robofil 240cc•440cc)

Introduction 3

ROBOFIL 380 . X90 5

Contents of the option 5

Installation 6
Checking the brake calibration ................................................................ 6
Wire feed ........................................................................................... 6
Upper head ......................................................................................... 6
Lower head ......................................................................................... 7
Installing the SW10A wire reel √ Threading the wire ................................... 8

Checks before utilization 8

ROBOFIL 240SL•440SL - ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc 9

Contents of the option 9

Mounting the option 10

Unspooling belt .................................................................................... 10
Configuration of the upper head .............................................................. 10
Configuration of the lower head .............................................................. 11
Evacuation zone ................................................................................... 12

Manual positioning of the wire 13

Thermal cutting ..................................................................................... 13
Passing the wire through the upper head ................................................... 13
Threading in the lower head ................................................................... 14

CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004

Machining with a wire of 0.1. mm diameter requires a certain level of experience.

A special adaptation kit has been created for different machines. The contents and commissioning of this kit
are described in the following pages :

Machine Kit No. Pages

ROBOFIL 380 . X90 130 006 478 5 to 8

ROBOFIL 240SL . 440SL 135 010 212 9 to 14

ROBOFIL 240cc . 440cc 135 010 213 9 to 14

CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm 3
4 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004
ROBOFIL 380 . X90

When using a wire of 0.1. mm for the first time, certain precautions are needed concerning adjustments to
the lower head (parallelism of the traction roller shafts).
It is therefore recommended to call in the assistance of the CHARMILLES Customer Service when installing
the kit.

The procedure is described in the following pages.

Contents of the option

Kit number : 130 006 478

Number Quantity Description

0 421 185 1 Cardboard packaging
0 431 958 1 Threading nozzle 0.80 mm
0 446 063 1 Wire reel SW10A TYPE K100 (2kg)
0 446 880 1 Belt 400 x 20
0 447 506 1 Belt VL640 x 20 x 0.5
4 443 460 1 Set of wire guides 0.10 mm
130 003 359 2 Pressure rollers

1 ≈Options∆ document
140 000 593 - (French)
140 000 594 - (English)
140 000 595 - (German)
140 000 596 - (Italian)
140 000 597 - (Spanish)

CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm 5

Checking the brake calibration

Before commencing the installation:

• Check the brake calibration with a normal wire
of Æ 0.25 (The tensionmeter must have been
checked beforehand with a wire of Æ 0.1 and a
weight of 500g).
• Readjust if necessary.

Wire feed

• Replace the unspooling belt and the belt of the

brake assembly with those supplied with the
option (these are reserved exclusively for the use
of Æ 0.1 mm wire).


Upper head

• Carry out the usual maintenance operations of the

upper head.

• Install the Æ 0.10 mm upper wire guide with the

Æ 0.8 mm threading nozzle.


6 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004
Lower head

Items of the kit to be mounted in the lower head

130 003 359 Pressure rollers

130 003 261 Deflector
109 202 311 Washers
109 042 089 Screws M5 x 25


• Take off the cover.

• Remove the two centering shafts.


• Replace the two existing pressure rollers with the

new smooth rollers of the kit.

• Replace the pinions by the deflector (clearance

between deflector and rollers: 0.05 mm).

• Fix the deflector by means of the two M5 x 25

screws and the 2 washers from the kit.

This arrangement can be kept for the other

wire types and diameters!

• Install the Æ 0.10 mm lower wire guide.


CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm 7
Installing the SW10A wire reel √ Threading the wire

On the front panel (2-4-8 kg) :

Box for mounting longitudinally.

130 004 959 Box

For all machines, the wire is passed through the

tubes without annealing, with the end of the wire
folded over.
To pass the wire through the upper and lower
heads, wire annealing is mandatory just as with the
other wire diameters.


• Check the good stability of wire unspooling and

the wire tension for the values of 350 and 500 g
(keep the brake curve for Æ 0.25 mm wire).

Do not forget to carry out the usual gui-

des set up and nozzle adjust cycles!
The maximum Z threading position ZMA
For this wire diameter is 100 mm. 1848a

Checks before utilization

• Use the Æ 0.7 self-adapting lower and upper nozzles.

• Adjust the minimum upper injection flow rate so as to obtain a gentle trickle of water without pressure
(1 to 2 l/min).
• When using automatic threading, adjust the jet position with the UV threading setting.

When restoring the machine to standard configuration, execute all the above operations in
reverse order, and above all :
- take care to put back the grooved roller on the right side spindle (fixed spindle)
- set the pressure of the rollers at the second mark (normal pressure)
- set parameter ZMA at its previous value.

8 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004
ROBOFIL 240SL•440SL - ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc

Contents of the option

Kit number : 130 010 212 / 213

Quantity Description
Connections and extensions, obstructor
2 Short fixing screws
1 Plexiglas cover
1 Upper head flat nozzle
1 Upper head diffuser
1 Upper head guide/nut (short)
1 0.8 mm threading nozzle
2 Upper and lower 0.1 mm guides
1 0.1 mm lower head guide/nut
2 Nitrided rollers
4 Elevating washers
1 Tungsten contact without slot
1 Deflector for recovery box
1 Reel of 0.1 mm SW10 wire

CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm 9
Mounting the option

Unspooling belt

• Mount the belt with the smooth side on the



Configuration of the upper head

The rethreading block is eliminated (for the time

being: no automatic rethreading for wires of
0.1 mm diameter). For this reason, the connecting
pipes are fitted with extensions making it possible
to reach the distributor block.

• Use the short screws. Fix the obstructor on the

disconnected rethreading cable.

• Set parameter ATH at 0

(screen page EXE √ User Parameters).

The Plexiglas cover must be mounted in the high

position to permit evacuation of the dielectric fluid
and allow cooling away from the contact zone. Extensions

Plexiglas cover


10 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004
The standard nozzle is replaced by the flat nozzle equipped with the diffuser.

The upper guide extension is removed, and the long nut is replaced by the short nut from the kit.

• Mount the 0.8 mm threading nozzle and the 0.1 mm wire guide.

Standard version 0.1 mm version

Upper chamber Upper chamber

Threading nozzle
Standard nozzle
Short nut
Long nut



Configuration of the lower head

• Install the contact without slot from the kit

(the slot may cause wire vibrations).


• Mount the 0.1 mm wire guide and the guide nut

from the kit; the latter contains an entry cone that
is more flared out so as to facilitate the threading
of thin wires.


CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm 11
• Replace the standard drive rollers by nitrided
rollers from the kit mounted with the elevating


• Modify the tension of the spring (distance A

approx. 24 mm instead of the normal value of
22 mm).


Evacuation zone

• Install the deflector in the recovery box so as to

spread out the strands of cut wire and to avoid
the formation of a column.

12 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004
Manual positioning of the wire

For small diameter wires, follow the procedure below :

Thermal cutting

The length of the ≈prepared∆ wire (i.e. drawn out and annealed) must be as short as possible. To achieve
this, the fingers of the left hand holding the wire must be positioned as close as possible to the left contact.
Since the break takes place at the level of the right contact, the length prepared is thus virtually the same as
the distance between the 2 contacts.


Passing the wire through the upper head

• Switch on upper contact retraction,

wire unspooling,
threading jet.

• Insert the end of the wire above the upper head

until it is sucked in by the threading jet.

• Allow the wire to move until it reaches the top of

the lower head.

With a correct length of prepared wire, the end of

the wire does not reach the drive rollers and runs
no risk of becoming bent.


CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm 13
Threading in the lower head

• At this moment, switch on the automatic threading .

Threading comes to an end automatically. The wire is slowly and steadily pushed by the unspooling system.
It is guided by the threading jet and conveyed by the suction jet between the drive rollers through to the
entry tube of the chopper.

Important remarks!

- It is necessary to have the machine correctly set up and adjusted.

In particular, it can be useful to run the following 2 cycles :
- Calibration of the wire speed.
- Calibration of the brake.
If they have not been performed recently during a normal maintenance operation (weekly or monthly).

- Before starting actual machining, use a tensionmeter to check the wire tension for the values that will be
used with the 0.1 mm wire.

- When restoring the machine to standard configuration for wires of diameter greater than 0.10 mm, do
not forget to carry out all the reverse operations with respect to those listed above !

14 Option for machining with wire Æ 0.10 mm CHARMILLES 140 000 640/E/23.06.2004

External Robot option (ROBOFIL 240•440)

(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)

Introduction 3

Description of kit 3

Connection principles 4

Installation of the option 4

Direct control of the interface (M instructions) 5

Macro-instruction G912 6
Examples ............................................................................................ 6
Principle for use of macro-instruction G912 ................................................ 7

Resumption in the event of power supply failure or an incident 7

Use, upkeep, maintenance 7

CHARMILLES 140 000 802/E/17.06.2003 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 802/E/17.06.2003

The external Robot option allows a ROBOFIL X40 / X40cc machine to be equipped with a robot which
will automatically load / unload pallets in the work space.

Automatic availability of several successive parts allows the machine to function autonomously for extended
periods, also enabling night and weekend working. The result is an increase in productivity and an
increase in profitability.

The connected external robot includes its own operating logic, which responds with a dialogue appro-
priate to the ROBOFIL machine instructions (M functions) to carry out part changes which are synchronised
with the machining operations.

Description of kit

The kit comprises the following elements :

- Automatic side door option

- Interface card (8-bit parallel) to the robot
- Connecting cables (internal to ROBOFIL machine)
- Extended M functions (software)

CHARMILLES 140 000 802/E/17.06.2003 External Robot option 3

Connection principles

Connection of two elements is governed by the following rules :

The ROBOFIL machine includes the following elements :

1. parallel interface (8-bit) for transmission of binary control signals
2. Burndy 12-pin connector for connection of the emergency Stop
3. adaptation to EC and ISO standards for automation (multi-channel emergency Stop)
4. provision for safety elements controlled by the robot (door lock, switch, etc.)
5. anti-intrusion protection to EC and ISO standards

The external robot must be fitted with the corresponding elements :

1. control cable for the 8-bit parallel interface
2. 12-way connecting cable for connection of emergency Stop
3. pneumatic monitoring and control of chuck(s)
4. safety elements controlled by the robot (door lock, switch, etc. and their wiring from the robot)
5. mechanical anti-intrusion protection to EC and ISO standards : between the ROBOFIL machine and the
robot, there must be a 33 cm minimum space to allow possible intervention to be carried out via the
automatic door (adjustments, maintenance, repair). A movable safety barrier must be fixed in front of this
space to prevent any accident.

Furthermore, the robot must be designed for connection to an EDM machine (earthing, anti-interference pro-
tection, protection against EMI, etc.).

Installation of the option

Declaration of the external Robot option

Apply the procedure described on page 0.6 :
EXE page √ Service √ Machine configuration √ Options
Specify the presence of options linked to robot use :
- side door
- type of robot : external Robot.

4 External Robot option CHARMILLES 140 000 802/E/17.06.2003

Direct control of the interface (M instructions)

ISO standard instructions

M04 Opening of side door
M05 Closure of side door

M08 Emptying + door opening

M09 Emptying + door opening : waiting
M12 Door closure + filling
M13 Door closure + filling : waiting

Use of these instructions in MDI mode allows the operator to control the side door directly for emp-
tying and refilling the tank.

Extended M functions
M102 to 108 : Selection of pallet number, p, with the aid of interface signals 2 to 8
(signals set to 1)

M112 to 118 : 7 selection signals set to zero (p = 0)

(p can thus take a value from 0 to 127)

M131 : Activation of robot

If pallet in place No pallet

if p = 0 Unloading :
return pallet in place No action
to origin position

if p = 1 to 127 Exchange : Loading of pallet p

return pallet in place to
origin position then loading
of pallet p

Example : selection of pallet no. 21

Weight Selection
-------------- --------------
M102 1 1 => 1 (port 2)
M113 2 0 => 0 (port 3)
M104 4 1 => 4 (port 4)
M115 8 0 => 0 (port 5)
M106 16 1 => 16 (port 6)
M117 32 0 => 0 (port 7)
M118 64 0 => 0 (port 8)
Code : p = 21

CHARMILLES 140 000 802/E/17.06.2003 External Robot option 5

Macro-instruction G912

- To simplify programming, a macro-instruction G912 is made available to control the global execution of
the robot»s operation cycles (loading √ exchange √ unloading).

Syntax : G912 Tn n = pallet number loading, exchange

n=0 unloading
T must always be specified.

- Macro-instruction G912 must logically be inserted in a control program. The corresponding part-pro-
grams are then not modified by the use of a robot for putting a part in place.
- By default, the sequence for execution of instruction G912 performs all the preparation actions before
loading and return to normal after loading (emptying / refilling of tank, opening / closure of door).

Examples :

Loading G912 T3
(case where no pallet is in place in the ROBOFIL machine)
This command selects pallet 3 and brings it into work position.
The value specified for T (3 here) is stored by the robot as the later return position for
the pallet.
Execution of the sequence is entirely automatic : before resumption of the part-program
machining instructions, prior conditions of use (door closure, refilling) are restored.

Exchange G912 T3
(case where a pallet is already in the machine)
Instruction G912 T3 proceeds with an exchange :
- unloading sequence (described later) for the pallet in place to its position of origin
- loading sequence for pallet 3 (described above).

Unloading G912 T0
This command will be issued at the end of processing, by the ROBOFIL machine, of
the pallet loaded by the G912 T3 instruction. Its effect will be to pick up the pallet
again to return it to its position of origin, 3, in the robot»s store.
After unloading, the automatic door remains in the open position.

6 External Robot option CHARMILLES 140 000 802/E/17.06.2003

Principle for use of macro-instruction G912

0100 ! Control program

G912 T3 ! Loading pallet 3
M98 P110 ! Pallet 3 part-program
G912 T2 ! Exchange : return pallet 3, loading pallet 2
M98 P120 ! Pallet 2 part-program
G912 T0 ! Pallet 2 return

Resumption in the event of power supply failure or an incident

- The Auto-Restart device is capable of taking charge of the robot, as long as the latter is equipped with an
Auto-Restart system.
This means that the robot is treated as the whole of the ROBOFIL machine when there is a supply failure
(automatic restart without any interruption of machining).

- Any operational problem in the robot causes interruption of the current operation and the issue of a stan-
dard error message.

- Pressing the F1 key automatically opens the electronic documentation, with a display of information rela-
ting to what is happening.

- The majority of faults related to robot operation can arise from blockage of mechanical devices (door,
axis, gripper, etc.) or collisions.

- After analysis of the information and the context, the operator must try to deal with the problem and get
back to a normal situation.

- To be able to resume automatic execution via the Start button, it is necessary for the situation at the
moment of interruption to have been set up again exactly.

- In the event of loss of synchronisation or loss of control, the operator will manually reset all elements of the
robot to their start position using the robot controls.

Use, upkeep, maintenance

Comply with the requirements and recommendations of the documentation provided by the external robot

CHARMILLES 140 000 802/E/17.06.2003 External Robot option 7

Rotary Table (ROBOFIL 240•440)
(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)
(ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Introduction 3

Principles of operation 4
Taking the rotary axis references (point zero) .............................................. 4
Display of the W axis position ................................................................ 4
Manipulation using the screen ................................................................. 4
Manipulation using the remote control ...................................................... 6

Programming 7

Resumption in the event of power failure or other incidents 8

Installation of the software option 8

CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004

Rotary Table is an option making it possible to

command with a program a rotation movement
of 360° of the part being machined.
It is mounted on the standard table of the ROBOFIL
machine. Its position can be raised by means of
spacing blocks.


- The rotation can be along a horizontal axis (parallel to the X axis of the machine √ type A) or vertical
(parallel to the Y axis of the machine √ type B).

- The rotation is controlled by the numerical control as a movement of an axis called W axis. A movement
instruction is expressed in degrees, and the positioning accuracy is of the order of a few thousandths of
an angular degree (depending on the model √ see detailed specifications).

- The rotation movements to position the part must be done when no machining is in progress and with
no movement of the other axes XYUVZ.

- The rotary unit can be fitted with:

an automatic chuck (optional) used for fixing the part
a brake (optional) used for immobilizing the part

Notes : The mechanical mounting and the electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic connections of the option
are described in separate documents.
The software installation procedure is described in the last paragraph of this document.

- The Rotary Table option is not compatible with the QCRw Robot option.

- If the chuck equipping the rotary unit is of manual type, the Chuck option must not be
declared during configuration of the rotary table.

CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004 Rotary Table 3

Principles of operation

Taking the rotary axis references (point zero)

The taking of references, i.e. determining the zero point of the angular coordinates, is done during
the initial installation.

It does not need to be repeated subsequently, apart from special circumstances such as:
- Loading of a new software version
- Disconnection/reconnection of the table
- Desire to change the point Zero of the axis
Perform at least one complete rotation of the W axis
Place the W axis in the position desired for the point Zero
Select: EXE √ Manual √ References
Press the Reset W button
Switch off and then restart the machine

Display of the W axis position

When the Rotary Table option has been installed, the display of the sixth axis W in all the screens
makes it possible to know its position at any time (expressed in degrees, independently from the
metric/inch conversion).

Manipulation using the screen

Select the page EXE √ Manual.

Axis rotation command

Jog buttons W+ (clockwise)
W- (counter-clockwise)

The choices of speed SPD and increment INC also

apply to these 2 buttons.

4 Rotary Table CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004

Gripping of the part
Press the Chuck key
=> the chuck opens
Present the part, press the Chuck key
=> the chuck closes, the part is gripped
=> the LED of the Chuck key lights up
To release the part: press the key again
The chuck opens, the part is freed, the LED goes out

Testing for presence of the part

Press the Test key
=> the presence of the part is checked by a compressed air sensor
=> if the presence is confirmed, the LED of the Test key lights up

Immobilization of the part

Press the Brake key
=> the part is immobilized
=> the LED of the Brake key lights up
To free the movement of the part: press the key again.
The brake is released, the part can move or be freed, the LED goes out

Activation of the remote control

Press the RC key (remote control)
=> the remote control is activated in Rotary Table mode
=> the LED of the RC key lights up
=> the green light of the remote control activation key flashes.
To cancel the use of the remote control, press the key again.
The LED goes out, and the remote control activation key green light stops flashing

CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004 Rotary Table 5

Manipulation using the remote control

When the green light of the activation key is flashing, the 5 buttons on the remote control shown below
are specially allocated to the control of the rotary table.

Key 1 (top left)

Counter-clockwise W axis rotation

Key 2 (top center)


Key 3 (top right)

Clockwise W axis rotation

Key 4 (left, below 1)

Chuck open/close (red light on/red
light off)

Key 6 (right, below 3)

Brake on/brake off (red light on/red
light off)

The other buttons retain their normal utilization.

6 Rotary Table CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004


G00 Angular movement

Syntax G00 Wnnn.nnn

The value nnn.nnn represents the angular movement in degrees, and must respect the
following conditions:
- Positive or negative
- Absolute value less than 360
- 3 digits after the decimal point
The digits beyond the 3rd after the decimal point are ignored.

The axis is defined in mono-rotation, that is to say:

- If the absolute value of nnn.nnn is greater than 360 it will be reduced by 360 and the axis
will only perform the movement exceeding 360.
Example: if nnn.nnn = 380., the axis rotates 20°
- If the absolute value of nnn.nnn is greater than 180 it will be reduced to the complement
of 360, and the axis will only perform the shortest movement in the reverse direction.
Example: if nnn.nnn = 270., the axis rotates √90°

G92 Part system of coordinates

Syntax G92 Wnnn.nnn

This command fixes for the W axis an origin for the part coordinates, i.e. introduces on W an
initial offset that will affect all subsequent movement instructions on W.

M178 / 179 Brake opening / closing

Syntax M178 Opening

M179 Closing

These ISO instructions can be used in the programs, or entered directly on the console in MDI mode
for immediate execution.

CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004 Rotary Table 7

Resumption in the event of power failure or other incidents

Apart from the command and control features referred to above, the Rotary Table option does not
incorporate any specific monitoring elements or error messages.

In the event of a power failure, as regards the Rotary Table:

- In the stopped position: the axis remains in position

the chuck remains closed (if present)
the brake remains blocked (if present)

- During a movement of the W axis: the axis will be dealt with like any other axis

Consequently, if the machine is equipped with an Autorestart system, machining can be resumed when
power is restored.

Installation of the software option

Open the screen page EXE √ Service √ Machine configuration √ Options

In the Automation / Rotary axis zone, fill out the fields according to the configuration :

- W axis Tick the box

- Rotary axis Tick the box

- Table chuck Tick the box if the chuck is present

- Brake Tick the box if the brake is present

After this defining has been done, stop then restart the machine so as to load the parameters corresponding
to the configuration choices carried out.

8 Rotary Table CHARMILLES 140 000 962/E/05.05.2004

Workshop Connection (ROBOFIL 240•440)
(ROBOFIL 240cc•440cc)
(ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Introduction 3

Principles of operation 3

Conditions for commissioning 4

Installation of the software option 4

Configuration 4

Management of Control mode 6

Establishment of the connection ............................................................... 6
Suspension / Resumption of the connection ............................................... 8
Aborting the connection ......................................................................... 9

Note concerning transfer of files 9

CHARMILLES 140 000 967/E/05.05.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 967/E/05.05.2004

The purpose of the Workshop Connection option is to enable the activity of a ROBOFIL machine to be
followed up remotely on a personal computer.
The connection is via an in-house company network (ETHERNET type).



Principles of operation
The remote follow-up can be performed in 3 different ways through 3 separate channels:

UDP (= User Datagram Protocol) channel:

Limited supervision of several machines
Each machine regularly transmits a summary status situation to a control computer.
In this way a single operator can perform a centralized follow-up of a stock of several machines,
while carrying out another activity in parallel.

Point to point link, with no possibility of intervention
- provision of information on the machining status (current program, status)
- notification of significant events (start and end of programs, start and end of execution, alarms)

This is a simple transmission of information to another system, which does not thereby acquire any
capacity for intervention

Point to point link, with the possibility of limited intervention
- possibility of running the machining operation by commands of selection, starting, interruption
and resumption, stopping of programs
- the transfers or resumptions of control are carried out at the Operator level

This transfer of control is temporary, since it is authorized from the console of the ROBOFIL machine,
and can be suspended or cancelled at any moment from this same console. It is partial, since only the
operations concerning the activation of programs are involved: adjustment of the parameters is done
without interruption and exclusively from the console of the ROBOFIL machine.

CHARMILLES 140 000 967/E/05.05.2004 Workshop Connection 3

Conditions for commissioning

The Connection option commissioned on the ROBOFIL machine provides a platform including the
integration into the software of the numerical control and the transmission of data on the ETHERNET
network by the protocol TCP/IP.
(this documentation concerns this part only)

The connection of the receiving system via the local network must be the subject of a study and
an integration project, comprising the development of the dialog protocol and an application device
for presentation.
Charmilles technical services can supply the information and documents required for this development.

Installation of the software option

The Workshop Connection option requires the ROBOFIL machine to be connected to the company»s
local in-house network. For the conditions regarding connection (hardware and software required),
please consult the IT service of the company.

- Activation of the Workshop Connection software option is executed when the machine is installed or at
the time of an update.
- It is possible to choose Supervision mode, Control mode or both modes simultaneously.
- As soon as one of the 2 modes is selected, the UDP channel also becomes available.
- For a description of the activation of the options, refer to the introduction chapter of this Options manual.


The Workshop Connection option communicates to the local network by means of 3 virtual channels:
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol) channel (limited supervision of several machines)
- Supervision channel (Supervision mode)
- Control channel (Control mode)

The 3 communication channels can be enabled or disabled individually by means of the screen page
EXE √ Service √ Machine configuration √ Workshop connection.

This operation is done at the Machine setter level.

this screen is only accessible if at least one of the two modes of the Connection option (Supervision
or Control) was enabled when the option was installed.

4 Workshop Connection CHARMILLES 140 000 967/E/05.05.2004

Profile of authorization
Communication tick box: Machine setter or above
- this box is used for disabling the 3 communication channels
en bloc without touching their configuration.
- if this box is not ticked, the other functions below cannot be edited

Port numbers : these 3 numbers are allocated internally in the Not accessible
software; they cannot be edited

UDP channel
Disable box Used for disabling the channel Machine setter or above
Permission box Authorizes the function All profiles

Canal de Supervision
Disable box Used for disabling the channel Machine setter or above
Permission box Authorizes the function All profiles

Canal de Contrôle
Disable box Used for disabling the channel Machine setter or above
Permission box Not accessible

Differences in the processing between Supervision mode and Control mode

- enabling of Supervision mode is done by means of the 2 boxes above
- enabling, suspension and stopping of the Control mode is managed dynamically by the
operator via an additional screen page EXE √ Program Execution √ Remote
Execution (see description below)

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Management of Control mode

Management is performed at Operator level.

Select the screen page EXE √ Program Execution
If the following conditions are fulfilled: Workshop Connection option enabled
Control mode declared
Control channel enabled
a function key Remote Mode is displayed, making it possible to open a new screen page to manage the
Remote Control.

If the Control channel has been disabled, the function key Remote Mode is displayed on a gray
background, and cannot be used without prior re-enabling of the channel.

Establishment of the connection

Pressing the key Establish Connection makes the transfer of control effective, i.e. it has the following

on the remote station: (depending on what functional feature is included in the customer program)
- possibility of connection, consultation, and commands linked to program execution (selection, starting,
interruption, stopping)
- possibility of emulating certain functions START (green), STOP (red) and ABORT (blue)

on the machine console:

- disabling of the START (green), STOP (red) and ABORT (blue) keys of the front panel
- cancellation of commands linked to program execution (selection, starting, interruption, stopping)
- possibility of taking action regarding optimization of machining (access to User Parameters and
Generator Parameters maintained)

Information on the level of remote control activity:

- Indicator FULL REMOTE
- Current Status window: displays the identity of a connected system (if the window is empty:
no connection currently in progress)
- Current Action window: displays the actions initiated on the remote system,with a bar graph
to show their progress
If the window is empty: no action currently in progress

Connection management keys

- Suspend Connection key
- Abort Connection key

6 Workshop Connection CHARMILLES 140 000 967/E/05.05.2004

Screen page EXE √ Program Execution in Remote Execution mode.

The possibility of establishing a Connection is declared (≈Establish Connection∆ key).

Current status window

A connection has been established.

Current Action window

An action started by the remote system is

in progress.

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Suspension / Resumption of the connection

Pressing the Suspend Connection key is used for a resumption of limited local control. i.e. it has
the following effects:

- on the remote station: Notification of the interruption: no command or action whatsoever on

the ROBOFIL is possible

- on the machine console: Indication of the suspension in the Current Status window
The indicator FULL REMOTE remains lit up
If a program is being executed, it will be interrupted as soon as the
connection is suspended
Re-activation of Manual mode: the operator can perform interventions
on the machine
Activation of the Resume Connection key to return to the previous status
of remote control

During the suspension it is not possible to resume or abort the interrupted program.

The suspension ends logically through the restoring of the connection, subject however to restoring
the machining conditions and coordinates that were current at the time of suspension.

The program being executed at the time is then automatically continued.

8 Workshop Connection CHARMILLES 140 000 967/E/05.05.2004

Aborting the connection

The Abort Connection key can be pressed at any moment by the local operator. This completely cancels
the transfer of control, i.e. it has the following effects:

- on the remote station: Notification of the aborting: no command or action whatsoever on the
ROBOFIL is possible

- on the machine console: Complete resumption of the control

The indicator FULL REMOTE goes off
A program being executed continues normally under the local control
(console of the machine).

aborting the connection during a suspension

This case corresponds to the sequence Establish Connection
Remote program start
Suspend Connection
Abort Connection
In this case, the program that is active at the time of suspension can either be continued or stopped
from the console after the aborting of the connection and the complete resumption of the control.

Note concerning transfer of files

The Workshop Connection application has not been designed for transferring files between the control
computer and the ROBOFIL machine.

On the other hand, if and when the two systems are both part of the same local network, all the facilities
for sharing and exchanging files specific to the network can be used, for example to transmit ISO programs
from the control system to the ROBOFIL machine.

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Eject (ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Introduction 3

Principles of operation 3
Cutting of part with formation of attachment ............................................... 4
Piston descent to break the attachment ...................................................... 5

Elementary conditions to be fulfilled 6

Formation of the attachment 7

Programming 7

Error messages 8

CHARMILLES 140 000 977/E/05.05.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 977/E/05.05.2004

The Eject option is used for automatically evacuating a slug. By eliminating the interruption of
machining to await the intervention of an operator, it helps to increase the working time and the
profitability of a ROBOFIL machine.

To achieve this objective, the slug must be held in place by the formation of an attachment.
The purpose of the Eject device is to break the attachment by the strike of a piston activated by
compressed air. The slug will thus fall in a controlled manner, at a chosen place and time, without
risk of jamming under the lower arm.

Evacuation of the slug will take place:

- either after roughing, for open finishing / surface finishing
- or at the end of sequence, for finishing / surface finishing in the slot

the Eject option cannot be used in conjunction with the Rotary Table or Robot options.

Principles of operation

A sub-program O3333 supplied with the technical documentation of the option executes all the partial
stages required for the evacuation of the slug:

- upward movement of the Z axis

- retraction of the Y axis to free the bottom of the part
- movement of the V axis to bring the ejector into position above the slug (fig.1)
- activation of the piston downward movement (fig.2)
- verification of the ≈out∆ position of the piston, confirming that the attachment has been broken
- return of the piston to the ≈in∆ position
- return of the axes to their position before the evacuation

The main program will thus include the following instructions:

- M01 Stop before the attachment

- M50 Cutting of the wire
- G00Y0G50 Cancellation of the taper
- G86 Cancellation of the Hold Attachment mode
- M98 P3333 Calling up of the sub-program for controlling Eject
- M60 Rethreading
º.. Continuation of the main program

If at the end of the sub-program the operation is unsuccessful (piston failing to come out),
the evacuation is declared a failure by an error message followed by stopping of the machine.

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Cutting of part with formation of attachment


4 Eject CHARMILLES 140 000 977/E/05.05.2004

Piston descent to break the attachment


CHARMILLES 140 000 977/E/05.05.2004 Eject 5

Elementary conditions to be fulfilled

- The workpieces must be clamped with sufficient support to withstand the vertical effort exerted
during the ejection

- In the case of clamping in a vice, provide a support at the other end of the workpiece by means
of a Z stop

- If the strike point coincides with the threading point, the diameter of the threading hole must be less than
the ejector diameter

To ensure that the slug falls of its own accord after Strike point
the attachment is broken:

- it is preferable to have the slug»s center of

gravity within the surface of the slug (avoid
a ≈crown∆ shape)
- the attachment must be positioned as close as
possible to the center of gravity
- the strike point must be positioned at roughly
0.85 times the distance between attachment and Attachment point Center of gravity 195
center of gravity starting from the attachment

Two blocks of 20 mm thickness (with the corresponding screws) make it possible to adjust the spacing of
the Eject device thus facilitating the positioning of the strike point along the Y axis.

Two supplementary ejectors of different lengths are also supplied in the kit, so as to take account of the
different lengths of nozzles that can be used

If it is likely that the extraction of the slug could cause problems (because of its weight, shape
or position), it is possible to cut several partial slugs before returning to the initial geometric shape
for the finishing operations.

6 Eject CHARMILLES 140 000 977/E/05.05.2004

Formation of the attachment

The conditions governing the formation/cutting off of an attachment are defined by means of 2 parameters
in the screen page EXE √ User Parameters √ Advanced Parameters, Slug management:

- Type of slug attachment (0, 1 or 2)

0 : cancel the Attachment function
1 : create a holding attachment
2 : cut off an existing attachment

- Length of the attachment (in mm or inches)


The conditions for forming the attachment can also be managed in an ISO program.
Refer to : Programming manual,
Chapter: ≈M Functions∆,
Paragraph: ≈Attachment holding /cutting off∆ function.

G86, 87, 88 Definition of the attachment function

Syntax G86 Cancellation of the Attachment function

G87 ≈Holding the slug with an attachment∆ mode
G88 Cutting off the attachment∆ mode
These commands are used for specifying the desired method for processing of the attachment,
or for modifying by program the value expressed in the parameter ≈Type of attachment∆
of the screen page EXE √ User Parameters √ Advanced Parameters.

G89 Length of the attachment

Syntax G89 P _
(P is a whole number expressed without decimal point in microns or 1/100.000th inch)
This command is used for specifying the desired length of the attachment, or for modifying by
program the value expressed in the parameter ≈Length of attachment∆ of the screen page
EXE √ User Parameters √ Advanced Parameters.

When G87 is defined, the attachment of length P will be formed before execution of the instruction
M01 (Optional Stop).

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Sub-program O3333 Evacuation of the slug

Called up by: M98 P3333

The sub-program automatically executes all of the partial stages required for the evacuation of the slug.

The sub-program supplied can be edited and supplemented as follows:

- determining exactly the initial clearance movements along Y, V, Z
- adding information messages concerning execution of the sequence,
for example : MSG Awaiting piston low position
MSG Awaiting return to original position

Error messages

The following 2 messages warn about a possible operating anomaly of the Eject option:

Travel limit reached A mechanical limit on the Y, V, or Z axis has been reached during the initial
clearance movement.

Waiting time exceeded The piston has not reached its low position or has not gone back to its original
position within the set time limit.

8 Eject CHARMILLES 140 000 977/E/05.05.2004

Great height finishing (ROBOFIL 380•X90)

Introduction 3

Principle of operation 3

Components of the option 3

CHARMILLES 140 000 972/E/05.05.2004 Table of contents 1

2 Table of contents CHARMILLES 140 000 972/E/05.05.2004

The purpose of the Great height finishing option is to optimize the finishing and surface finishing conditions
in the case of great height parts for machines using flushing (ROBOFIL X90).

Principle of operation

The objective sought is to ensure abundant upper flushing falling in a column without air bubble on the face
of the part, while maintaining a moderate lower flow.

To achieve this aim, an additional flushing circuit is

installed in the form of a high pressure circuit
bypass to the upper and lower flushing nozzles,
with a separate adjustment capability by means
of 2 faucets mounted on the front face.
It is thus possible to generate a flow of up to
40 liters /minute.

the Technologies manual contains recommen-

dations for adjustment so as to obtain
optimum use of the option

Components of the option

Contents of the option kit: (No. 130 006 345)

- special upper nozzle for finishing, diam. 40
- upper and lower adjusting faucets to be mounted on the front face
- connecting hoses and couplings
- indication labels
- mounting accessories
- mounting instructions

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