CAT Parts Training

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Unatrac Parts’ Department Training

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Parts’ department training scheme


• To select, train and develop individuals to provide Customer service to meet Caterpillar’s
highest International standards

Booth before use

• Ensure that all Parts Department personnel have the requisite skills and knowledge to
undertake the requirements of their job description / work plans

refer to Graham
a. Recruitment - Selection process and procedure
b. Training syllabus content and duration.
Draft – Please
c. Continual assessment and on the job evaluation.
d. Development

a) Recruitment selection process and procedure

Selection process and procedure to be determined by the Functional Parts Manager and / or
Functional Personnel Manager .

Selected candidates’ technical knowledge may be evaluated using the test in appendices 1.0 .

b) Training syllabus content and duration

The training is based upon the assumption of no existing knowledge and therefore applies equally
to new appointments and incumbents.

Training consists of three elements;

1. Tractor & Equipment Parts Department Procedures
2. Caterpillar Technical
3. Development

1. Tractor & Equipment Parts Department Procedures

Training to be based upon GJR’s response to Job descriptions see appendices 2.0 –
Submitted by GB on 04/05/00

2. Caterpillar Technical – see appendices 3.0 for Aims & Objectives

I. Parts Department Induction course 5 days
II. Parts Technical Introduction part 1 – Engines 2 days
III. Parts Technical Introduction part 2 – Transmissions 2 days
IV. Parts Technical Introduction part 3 – Hydraulic systems 2 days
V. Parts Technical Introduction part 4 – Electrics 2 days
VI. Parts Technical Introduction part 5 – Maintenance Products 2 days
VII. Parts Technical Introduction part 6 – GET 2 days
VIII. Parts Technical Introduction part 7 – Undercarriage 2 days
IX. Parts Technical Introduction part 8 – Hydraulic hoses 2 days
X. Caterpillar literature 1 day
XI. Information access using SIS and NPR 2 days
XII. Parts Sales Kit and Dealer Similar Parts 2 days
XIII. IRM (Information Release Memo), Partsgram and
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Parts Competitive Bulletins 2 days

XIV. Paving Products – Technical 1 day
XV. Performance handbook 1 day
XVI. EPG Products – Technical 2 days
XVII. Forestry Products – Technical 2 days
XVIII. Lift truck – Technical 2 days
XIX. Hydraulic Hose fabrication - Practical 2 days
XX. Undercarriage conversion guide 1 day

Booth before use

XXI. GET conversion guide 1 day
XXII. Filter finder 1 day
XXIII. Caterpillar Batteries 1 day

refer to Graham
XXIV. Caterpillar Hardware 1 day
XXV. Gasket kits, Seal kits, and Bearing kits 1 day
XXVI. SOS 2 days
XXVII. CTS (Custom Track Service) Introduction 2 days
Draft – Please
XXVIII. Contamination Control and Housekeeping practices 1 day

N.B. Specific Aims & Objectives may be developed to suit each Dealership’s requirements

OJT (on the Job) Training

PSSR and Branch Parts Managers are seconded for two weeks as follows:

1. Accounts dept.
2. Parts Counter
3. Parts administration
4. Warehouse
5. C.I.C.
6. Service Department Workshop e.g. General Workshop, Engine Bay, Fuel Pump Room,
Transmission Bay, Undercarriage Bay, Hydraulic Cylinder Bay
7. Service Department Field Service
8. Service Department Administration
9. Warranty
10. SOS Analysis lab

Whilst in each of the above areas they will be assigned specific tasks and required to complete a
daily training diary (see appendices 4.0)

At the conclusion of each secondment period a summary of the departmental operation is to be

submitted to the departmental manager for his evaluation and comments.

Continual assessment and evaluation

After each period of training, specific course or internal departmental training, the trainee will
submit a revisionary report to the Parts training instructor. The report will be passed via the Parts
Training Instructor to the General Manager Parts who will then appraise the trainee.

The Parts Training Instructor and General Manager Parts will review the training program every 6
months with the Group Service Training Manager to ensure training is on schedule and meeting
the needs of the business.

New appointees will complete a Daily training diary and the General Manager Parts will complete
Monthly evaluation sheets (See appendices 4.0)
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All technical course will include a pre and post course test and the results will be recorded on the
course register and the Student’s Skills Rating form (See appendices 5.0)


Booth before use

Development – Technical
• Caterpillar Parts Pro - all modules.

refer to Graham
• PEBT4184 GET Self Instruction Book
• TEHP9138 Undercarriage Self Instruction Book
• PEBT0183 Bearings Self study course
• PEGT6025 Hose & Coupling Self study book
Draft – Please
• TEBQ6094 Basic Steel Metallurgy Self study book
• PEBT4185 Abrasive Wear Self study book
• TEHP9129 Scheduled Oil Sampling (SOS) Knowledge Evaluation Exercise

• TERP1001 Caterpillar Undercarriage Works & Wears

Development – Non technical:

• Communication Skills
• Basic Supervision
• Basic Management
• Report Writing
• Presentation Skills
• Customer Care evenings
• Basic Computing
• Microsoft Word
• Microsoft Excel
• Microsoft PowerPoint
• E-Mail Systems
• Finance for non financial manager
• Customer Skills – (Internal customers and External customers)
• Selling skills (Wilson Learning / Caterpillar)
• Dynamics of Selling at the counter – 1.5 day (Caterpillar)

Training course register appendices 6.0
Instructor Training Schedule appendices 6.0

Reference material:
PEGT8200 Parts & Service Marketing Training Guide


Course title Parts Department Induction course

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 5 Days
Audience Newly appointed employees
Prerequisites None

Booth before use

Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:

refer to Graham
1. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction:
• Company regulations, disciplinary procedures, and general conditions of employment
• Company quality standards and objectives
Draft – Please
2. List Unatrac’s dealerships and give details of their market segments
3. List Products and services provided by Tractor & Equipment, Ghana and Unatrac
4. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction:
• Caterpillar’s organisation
• Caterpillar Products, markets and services
5. Identify 10 types of machine given model numbers
6. List the details to be requested from the customer to enable correct identification of part numbers
7. Use parts books and microfiche to provide part numbers for any 10 given components when given
component name
8. List Caterpillar fluids offered by Tractor & Equipment

Subjects covered:
a) General Health and safety, lifting.
b) Tractor & Equipment, Unatrac and Caterpillar Organisational structures
c) Caterpillar Product line
d) An overview of Caterpillar Engines.
e) An overview of Caterpillar Transmission
f) An overview of Caterpillar Hydraulic systems
g) Serial Number recognition
h) Parts books; both paper copies and microfiche
i) An overview of parts related literature e.g. Service manuals, Service Magazine, Dealer similar
Parts, IRM, Special Instructions, Engine News
j) Caterpillar fluids
k) Warranty
l) Basic nomenclature and abbreviations

Comments SIS and DCES are not included in this course.

Suggested Handouts / reference material

Caterpillar Product Line Lift Truck Product Line
TECB6005 Intro. to Diesel engines TECB6006 How a Diesel engine works and wears
TECB9119 Intro. to Transmissions SEBU0640 Oil and your engine
SEBD0518 Know your Cooling system SEBD0970 Coolant and Your Engine
SEBD0717 Diesel fuel and your engine SEBU6250 Recommended Lubrication guide
SEBD0530 Caterpillar Service Literature
LEWH6266 3408E/3412E HEUI Fuel LEWV4832 HEUI System Schematic
LEBQ9802 Sleeve Metering
SELF5071 Construction Product Warranty Statement
AEVP4040 Making Progress Possible ( Video - 15 minutes)
One Safe Source
PECP6027 Parts Sales Kit
SEBF9451 Serial / Product Identification Number Index
SEBD0530 Caterpillar Service Literature

Booth before use

refer to Graham
Draft – Please


Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 1 – Engines

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department employees
Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
Give the engine model for any 10 given Machine Models
2. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the operation of the major components and systems of the
3. List the information to be requested from a customer to ensure correct Parts identification
4. Give the correct Part number for 20 given Engine components
5. Correctly identity 20 given engine components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components
• Given a part number of the components
6. Correctly identify the engine Model given 10 Serial numbers
7. Give the meaning of 10 Engine related abbreviations

Subjects covered:
a) Basic Mechanical systems, such as:
Fluids and filters Basic engine block Engine lubrication systems,
Engine intake and exhaust systems, Fuel systems
Engine related abbreviations Engine Cooling systems

b) Basic Electrical Systems, such as:

Charging Alternators, Machine monitoring systems Wiring harnesses and connectors
ECM’s (Electronic Control Modules) such as Mac 14, and ADEM

c) Nomenclature and Abbreviations of Engine Components and related systems

Comments SIS is not included in this course

Suggested Handouts / reference material

Media No Title
LEXQ1261 Sixty Years of Cat Diesel Power
LEXQ8603 Power to do the World’s work – Engine range finder that covers hp ranges for all markets
LEWQ8081 Power to move the World – Cat Engine History – Wall poster
SEBF9451 Serial / Product Identification Number Index
TECB6005 Intro. to Diesel engines
TECB6006 How a Diesel engine works and wears
PECP3004 Parts Sales Kit – Power Train and Maintenance Products
LEDQ6225 The Inside Story – Cat Fuel and Oil Filters - Brochure

Booth before use

refer to Graham
Draft – Please


Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 2 – Transmissions

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department employees
Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
Give the Transmission type for any 10 given Machine Models
2. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the operation of the major components and systems of :
• Torque converters
• Torque dividers
• Lock up clutch
• Final Drives
• Steering Clutches and brakes
3. List the information to be requested from a customer to ensure correct Parts identification
4. Give the correct Part number for 20 given Transmission components
5. Correctly identity 20 given Transmission components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components
• Given a part number of the components
6. Give the meaning of 5 Transmission related abbreviations

Subjects covered:
a) Basic Transmission systems, such as:
Clutches Brakes Lock up clutches
Planetary sets Transmission related abbreviations Differentials
Fluids and Filters

b) Basic Electrical Systems, such as:

Wiring harnesses and connectors ECM’s (Electronic Control Modules) such as EPTC II and EBC

c) Nomenclature and Abbreviations of Transmission Components and related systems

Comments SIS is not included in this course

Suggested Handouts / reference material

Media No Title
TECB9119 Cat Introduction to Transmissions – Training Bulletin
TEVP2120 The Caterpillar Power train Advantage
PEHP7059 Final Drive – Data sheet
PEHP7060 Steering Clutch and Brake Groups – Data sheet
PEHP7061 Transmissions and Torque converters – Data sheet
PEWP2020 Transmission Repair Indicators - Poster
PECP3004 Parts Sales Kit – Power Train and Maintenance Products
LEDQ6225 The Inside Story – Cat Fuel and Oil Filters - Brochure

Booth before use

refer to Graham
Draft – Please


Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 3 – Hydraulic Systems

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days
Audience All Parts department employees

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
1. Give the Hydraulic system type for any 5 given Machine Models
Draft – Please
2. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the operation of the major components and systems of :
• Open centre Hydraulic systems
• Closed centre Hydraulic systems
• Pilot operated Hydraulic systems
• Load sensing Hydraulic systems
3. List the information to be requested from a customer to ensure correct Parts identification
4. Give the correct Part number for 20 given Hydraulic components
5. Correctly identity 20 given Hydraulic components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components
• Given a part number of the components
6. Give the meaning of 5 hydraulic related abbreviations

Subjects covered:
a) Basic Hydraulic systems components such as:
Fluids and filters Hoses and lines Pumps
Motors Valves Hydraulic related abbreviations

b) Nomenclature and Abbreviations of Hydraulic Components and related systems

Comments SIS is not included in this course

Suggested Handouts / reference material

Media No Title
PECP5030 Hose & Coupling Reference Guide
PEGP2007 Coupling Identification guide – Cross reference
PEWP3013 XT hose assembly chart – Wall poster
PEHP9519 XT-3 ES Hose – data sheet
PEHP6035 Hose & Coupling - Data sheet
PECP3004 Parts Sales Kit – Power Train and Maintenance Products
LEDQ6225 The Inside Story – Cat Fuel and Oil Filters - Brochure


Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 4 – Electrics

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days
Audience All Parts department employees

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
1. Give the Electric system type for any 5 given Machine Models
Draft – Please
2. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the operation of the major components and systems of :
• Batteries
• Charging Alternators
• Main Power Alternators
3. List the information to be requested from a customer to ensure correct Parts identification
4. List 4 connector types used by Caterpillar
5. Give the correct Part number for 20 given Electrical components
6. Correctly identity 20 given Electrical components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components
• Given the part number of the components
7. Give the meaning of 10 Electrical related abbreviations

Subjects covered:
a) Basic Electrical systems and components such as:
Batteries Charging Alternators Main power Alternators Relays & Contactors
Harnesses Connectors Starter motors

b) Nomenclature and Abbreviations of Electrical Components and related systems

Comments SIS is not included in this course

Suggested Handouts / reference material

Media No Title
PECP3004 Parts Sales Kit – Power Train and Maintenance Products
PEGP7801 Battery Cross reference Guide
PEDP6036 Batteries – Brochure

Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 5 - Caterpillar Maintenance Products
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the

refer to Graham
Student will be able to:
1. List the maintenance intervals for 10 given machine compartments, e.g. Engine, hydraulic transmission,
Draft – Please
2. List the types of Caterpillar fluids recommended for the following systems:
a) Engine b) Transmission d) Final Drive d) Hydraulics
3. Give the meanings of maintenance related abbreviations, e.g. SAE, API, CH-4, DEO, TBN, TDTO, etc.
4. List factors that govern machine and component lifecycles
5. Recommend Caterpillar maintenance products for 10 given scenarios
6. Use the 4C9301 Nitrite system Coolant conditioner test kit
7. Use the 8T5296 Nitrite and molybdates system Coolant conditioner test kit
8. List the possible source of 5 wear metals for a given compartment , e.g. engine, transmission

Subjects covered:
a) Component / Machine lifecycle factors
b) Nomenclature, e.g. CF-4, TO-4, API, SAE, etc
c) OMM (Operation and Maintenance Manuals)
d) Caterpillar Fluids, e.g. Engine Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Transmission Oil
e) The history of, and reasons for, Caterpillar fluids program
f) Cooling systems and Caterpillar Coolant Products, e.g. ELC (Extended Life Coolant), DEAC (Diesel
Antifreeze / Coolant), SCA (Supplemental Coolant additive), Coolant system cleaners,
g) Use of Coolant additive test kits
h) Caterpillar Fluid Filters, e.g. types, ratings, benefits
i) Caterpillar Air filters e.g. types, ratings, benefits, Air filter indicators
j) SOS – What is T&E’s capability, e.g. wear metal analysis, and what does it tell the customer
k) Contamination and housekeeping practices


Suggested Handouts / reference material

SEBU6250 Caterpillar Machine Fluids recommendations
LEDQ7330 A close look at Cat Extended life coolant
PEHP4036 Extended life coolant – Preventative Maintenance Products
SEBD0970 Coolant and your engine
SEBD0518 Know your cooling system
SEBU6103 Maintenance Management schedules – Industrial and Generator set engines
LEXM9621 Marine Engine Maintenance Schedules – High performance
LEDQ7315 CG-4 – The preferred Oil for Caterpillar engines
SEBD0640 Oil and you engine
TEJB0924 Caterpillar Hydraulic Oil – Product support bulletin
TEJB0913 Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil (CF-4) – Product training bulletin
TEJB1002 Caterpillar Transmission / Drive train Oil – Product training bulletin
PEDP6031 Preventative Maintenance Products & Services
SEVP9200 Cavitation in oil (Video)
SEBD0717 Fuel and your engine

Booth before use

refer to Graham
Draft – Please

Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 6 - GET
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course and
Completion of PEBT4184 - GET Self Instruction Book

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
List 2 types of GET available for Wheel Type Loader, Track Type Tractors, and Motor Graders
2. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction types of abrasive wear
3. List T&E’s major GET customers
4. Recommend GET, by part number, for 3 given scenarios

Subjects covered:
a) GET marketing strategy
b) Understanding Abrasive Wear and Metallic composition of GET
c) Maintenance Tips
d) Boneyard Analysis introduction
e) Parts Sales kit for GET
f) T&E “Preferred” line

Comments Cost per hour calculations and GET CSA's (Customer Support Agreement) will not be included
in this course

Suggested Handouts / reference material

AEVP4040 Making Progress Possible (Video - 15 minutes)
PEKP7028 Customer Meeting Package
Parts Pro
PEBT4184 GET Self Instruction Book
TEHP9138 U/C Self Instruction Book
TEVP2040 M.G. Ground Engaging Tools Video)
PEXT8033 GET Inspection and Maintenance Guide
HELS3033 IRM (GET99-1) Complete list of GET IRMs’ from 1990 to 1998
PECP3001 Parts Sales Kit – GET
PEXT8033 GET Inspection & Maintenance Guide – CD
PEXT8029 Abrasive Wear Training package - CD

Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 7 - Undercarriage
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course and
Completion of TEHP9138 Cat Undercarriage – Self Instruction book

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
List the basic Undercarriage configurations available from Caterpillar and give their designed application
2. List the Track types available from Caterpillar and give their designed application
3. List the components of a basic undercarriage system
4. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the operation of Undercarriage components
5. Give the Undercarriage configuration for any 10 given Machine Models
6. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction to basic principles of CTS

Subjects covered:
a) Link Assemblies
b) Sealed and Lubricated Tracks
c) Positive Pin Retention Track
d) Rollers
e) Idlers
f) “Oval” Tracks
g) Elevated Tracks
h) An overview of CTS (Custom Track Service)


Suggested Handouts / reference material

AEVP4040 Making Progress Possible (Video - 15 minutes)
PEKP9400 CTS Service Handbook – 14th Edition
TEHP9138 Cat Undercarriage – Self Instruction book
AEDC8048 Cat H Series Elevated Sprocket vs. Competitive Oval Track designs
TERP1000 Cat Undercarriage Works and Wears – Training software program
PELM0852 IRM (UC99-1) Undercarriage related IRM listing
PEGP8834 Cutaway Iron Photo sales package – Product Bulletin
PEKP6025 Customer Meeting Package – Caterpillar Undercarriage
PEDP2219 We make Tracks – Data sheet
PEDP0036 Sealed and Lubricated Track – Data sheet
PEHP5029 (Undercarriage) Conversions for John Deere and Komatsu machines
PEHP5030 Rotating Bushing Track – Data sheet
PEHP5031 Heavy Duty Track – Data sheet
PEHP7025 Positive Pin Retention – Data sheet
PEGP5027 Undercarriage Management Guide
PECP3003 Undercarriage Parts Sales Kit

Course title Parts Technical Introduction part 8 – Hydraulic Hoses
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course and
Completion of PEGT6025 Hose & Coupling – Self Instruction book

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
List the types of hose available from Caterpillar and give their designed application
2. List the types of couplings available from Caterpillar and give their designed application
3. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the basic principles for hose fabrication and XT hose reuse
4. Use the Hose assembly microfiche to give hose fabrication specifications for 10 given part numbers
5. Correctly identify XT Hose types for 10 given hoses
• By visual inspection
• By use of Part number
6. Correctly identify coupling types for 20 couplings
• By visual inspection
• By use of Part number

Subjects covered:
a) Hose types
b) Coupling types
c) XT hose – features and benefits
d) An overview of Hose assembly procedures
e) Hose assembly microfiche
f) Contamination control and housekeeping practices


Suggested Handouts / reference material

PECP5030 Hose & Coupling Reference Guide
PEGP2007 Coupling Identification guide – Cross reference
PEWP3013 XT hose assembly chart – Wall poster
PEHP9519 XT-3 ES Hose – data sheet
PEHP6035 Hose & Coupling - Data sheet
PEHP5034 DIN 4-Wire Spiral hose & coupling – Data Sheet
PEHP6033 Reusable coupling – Data sheet
PEHP6035 Hose & coupling - Data sheet
PEHP7028 Low & medium pressure hose & coupling – Data Sheet
PEHP9519 XT-3 ES Hose – Data Sheet
PEHP9519 Refillable O-Ring Seal kits – Data Sheet
PEWP4128 Coupling identification chart
PEVP3808 Hose & Coupling Training Package – Video and work book

Course title An Introduction to Caterpillar Literature
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department staff

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
1. Access Service Literature for 10 given part numbers by use of the microfiche NPR
2. Suggest alternative part numbers for non-stocked items by using the NPR in SIS format.
3. List all Service Manual Sections
4. Identify 10 Caterpillar literature abbreviations

Subjects covered:
a) Partsgram
b) IRM (Information Release Memo)
c) Service Manual
d) Service Magazine
e) Service Letter
f) TIB (Technical Information Bulletin)
g) Engine News and Truck Engine New
h) Microfiche libraries, such as NPR, Service magazine, etc
i) SMCS codes
j) Practical information access exercises

Lift Truck Service Literature is not included

Suggested Handouts / reference material

PEBT0383 Using the Numerical Parts Record (NPR) – Self Study book
SEBD0530 Caterpillar Service Literature


Course title Information access using SIS and NPR

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6 or 2 Students per PC, which ever is the lower
Course duration 2 Days

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) Basic PC Skills
2) Caterpillar Literature course
Draft – Please
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given SIS, the Student will be able to:

1. Describe, to the Instructor's satisfaction, the meaning of the abbreviations and symbols used in the NPR
2. List technical specifications, such as weight, package quantity, etc., for any given part number by using
the NPR in SIS format.
3. Determine if any given part number has been discontinued, cancelled, or replaced and provide all
relevant details.
4. Access Service literature, such as Service Magazines, Special Instructions, etc. for any given part
number by using the NPR in SIS format.
5. Suggest alternative part numbers for non-stocked items by using the NPR in SIS format.

Subjects covered:
a) Use of all methods of accessing SIS, e.g. Product Structure, Document Structure, SMCS codes, etc.
b) Definition of columns in the NPR
c) Definitions of abbreviations used in the NPR
d) Accessing Service literature by use of the NPR
e) SMCS codes
f) Practical information access exercises

Lift Truck Service Literature is not included

Suggested Handouts / reference material:

PEGW0036 NPR – Partsgram
SEBF9451 Serial / Product Identification Number Index
SEBD0530 Caterpillar Service Literature


Course title Parts Sales Kit and Dealer Similar Parts

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) An Introduction to Caterpillar Literature course
2) Parts technical Introduction courses 1 – 8
Draft – Please
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:

1. List the sections of the PSK

2. List the sections of the Dealer Similar parts microfiche
3. Provide the correct Part number for any GET component given the Caterpillar Machine Model and
application details
4. Provide the correct Part number for any GET component given a Non Caterpillar Machine Model and
application details
5. Provide the correct Part number for any Undercarriage component given the Caterpillar Machine Model
and application details
6. Provide the correct Part number for any Hydraulic Cylinder and Seal given the Caterpillar Machine Model
and application details
7. Suggest alternative part numbers for non-stocked items by use of the Dealer Similar Parts
8. Give technical specifications for 10 Part numbers by use of the Parts Sales Kit and Dealer Similar Parts

Subjects covered:
a) Power Train and Maintenance Products
b) GET
c) Undercarriage
d) Engine Component information
e) Maintenance Products
f) Use of the Dealer Similar Parts to sell alternative parts for non stocked items

Comments The use of the Parts Sales Kit in CD (Compact Disc) format is not included in this course.

Suggested Handouts / Reference material

PECP3001 PSK Ground Engaging Tools
PECP3002 PSK Hydraulics
PECP3003 PSK Undercarriage
PECP3004 PSK Power Train and Maintenance Products


Course title IRMs’ (Information Release Memo), Partsgram, and Parts Competitive Bulletins
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) An Introduction to Caterpillar Literature course
2) Parts technical Introduction courses 1 – 8
Draft – Please
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:

1. List the sections of the IRM library

2. Access 10 IRMs’ when given :
• Date
• Form (Media) number
• IRM number (e.g. FIL 98-1)
3. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction the intended content and audience for IRMs’, Partsgrams and
Parts Competitive Bulletins
4. Access Parts Competitive Bulletins for 10 given products and sell “the Caterpillar advantage” to the
Instructor’s satisfaction
5. Access 10 IRMs’ for 10 given products

Subjects covered:
a) IRMs’
b) Partsgrams
c) Parts Competitive Bulletins

Comments Role play exercises will be used.

Suggested Handouts / Reference material

LEKQ7134 Caterpillar Engine Parts vs. AE Engine – Parts Competitive Bulletin
LEWT9439 Caterpillar Piston, Rings and Liners vs. Clevite and IPD – Parts Competitive Bulletin
PEJP7037 1R0712 Spin on filter vs. Baldwin, Wix and Fram – Parts Competitive Bulletin
PEJP8025 1R0716 Spin on filter vs. Fleetguard – Parts Competitive Bulletin
PEWP4031 D8N Undercarriage vs. Berco – Parts Competitive Bulletin


Course title Paving Products – Technical

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) Parts technical Introduction courses 1 – 8
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
1. Identify the machine family and application given model number for 10 given models
2. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction compaction principles
3. Give the part number for 20 Paving product components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components

Subjects covered:
a) Paving Product line
b) Compaction Fundamentals
c) Parts Identification


Suggested Handouts / Reference material

Paving line
QEDQ9650 Caterpillar Equipment and Barber Greene equipment
QEPQ9725 Paving News – Fall / Winter 1999
QERQ9675 Sales training Presentations – CD
QEDQ9724 Compaction Fundamentals
QEDQ9003 Compaction Equipment Guide


Course title Caterpillar Performance Handbook

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) Parts technical Introduction courses 1 – 8
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
1. Identify the machine family and application given model number for 10 given models
2. Give the following for 25 given models
• Machine features
• Machine specifications, such as engine model and horsepower rating
• Fuel consumption

Subjects covered:
a) All sections of the handbook


Suggested Handouts / Reference material

SEBD0330 Performance handbook – Edition 30


Course title EPG (Electrical Power Generation) Products – Technical

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Day

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) Parts technical Introduction courses 1 – 8
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
1. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction Power generation principles
2. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the operation of the major components and systems of the
Main Alternator
3. List the information to be requested from a customer to ensure correct Parts identification
4. Give the part number for 20 Paving product components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components

Subjects covered:
a) Power Generation principles
b) SRCR Alternators
c) SR4 Alternators
d) Control Panels, such as EMCP I, EMCP II and Electro Mechanical
e) Electrical abbreviations

Comments Olympian range is not included in this course

Suggested Handouts / Reference material

LEDX5004 SR4B generators – Brochure
LEXQ8364 Engine and Generator set ratings
LEHX7045 Cat control panels – Spec sheet
LEHX9589 EMCP II – Spec sheet


Course title Forestry Products – Technical

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Day

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) Parts technical Introduction courses 1 – 8
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
1. Identify the machine family and application given model number for 10 given models
2. Give the part number for 20 Forestry product components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components
3. List the information to be requested from a customer to ensure correct Parts identification

Subjects covered:
a) Forestry Product line
b) Machine features and systems
c) Parts identification


Suggested Handouts / Reference material



Course title Lift truck Products – Technical

Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Day

Booth before use

Audience All Parts department staff

refer to Graham
Prerequisites 1) Parts technical Introduction courses 1 – 8
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the necessary Caterpillar Service
literature, the Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
1. Identify the machine family and application given model number for 10 given models
2. Give the part number for 20 Lift Truck product components when:
• Given a description of the components
• Given an example of the components
3. List the information to be requested from a customer to ensure correct Parts identification

Subjects covered:
a) Lift Truck Product line
b) Machine features and systems
c) Parts identification

MCF products only are included in the course

Suggested Handouts / Reference material


Course title Hydraulic Hose fabrication – practical
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 3
Course duration 2 Days
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Completion of PEGT6025 Hose & Coupling – Self Instruction book

refer to Graham
Parts Technical Introduction part 8 – Hydraulic hoses
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
1. Identify all types of hose available from Caterpillar
2. Fabricate 10 XT hoses when given the Part number
3. Reclaim and reuse XT couplings and fabricate 10 XT hoses
4. Use the Hose cleaning tool to clean hoses to Caterpillar standards

Subjects covered:
a) Hose types
b) Coupling types
c) XT hose – features and benefits
d) Hose assembly microfiche
e) Contamination control and housekeeping practices
f) Safety

Comments The practical hose fabrication will include reusable couplings only.

Suggested Handouts / reference material

PECP5030 Hose & Coupling Reference Guide
PEGP2007 Coupling Identification guide – Cross reference
PEWP3013 XT hose assembly chart – Wall poster
PEHP9519 XT-3 ES Hose – data sheet
PEHP6035 Hose & Coupling - Data sheet
PEHP5034 DIN 4-Wire Spiral hose & coupling – Data Sheet
PEHP6033 Reusable coupling – Data sheet
PEHP6035 Hose & coupling - Data sheet
PEHP7028 Low & medium pressure hose & coupling – Data Sheet
PEHP9519 XT-3 ES Hose – Data Sheet
PEHP9519 Refillable O-Ring Seal kits – Data Sheet
PEWP4128 Coupling identification chart
PEVP3808 Hose & Coupling Training Package – Video and work book

Course title Undercarriage conversion guide
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Completion of TEHP9138 Cat Undercarriage – Self Instruction book

refer to Graham
Parts technical introduction part 7 - Undercarriage
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Draft – Please
Student will be able to:
1. Given 5 Link assemblies correctly measure all relevant dimensions to determine the link Part number
2. Given 5 Roller assemblies correctly measure all relevant dimensions to determine the link Part number
3. Given 5 Sprocket assemblies correctly measure all relevant dimensions to determine the link Part
4. Given 5 Track shoe assemblies correctly measure all relevant dimensions to determine the link Part

Subjects covered:
a) Initial Measurement
b) Cross reference charts
c) Data summaries
d) Convertibility


Suggested Handouts / reference material

PEGP2806 Undercarriage conversion guide
PECP3003 Undercarriage Parts Sales Kit

Course title GET conversion guide
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Completion of PEBT4184 - GET Self Instruction Book

refer to Graham
Parts Technical Introduction part 6 - GET
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Draft – Please
Student will be able to:
1. Recommend GET, by part number, for 3 given scenarios
2. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction Bucket conversion options
3. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction features of the following bucket tips
• Long
• Short
• Abrasion
• Penetration
• Unitooth
4. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction features of the following bucket edges
• General Purpose
• Light material
• Corner guards
• Rock
• Modulock
5. Given 5 bolt on edges, correctly measure all relevant dimensions to determine the Part number

Subjects covered:
a) GET conversion procedure
b) Measurement
c) Base edges
d) Bucket conversion
e) Bucket tips
f) Rippers


Suggested Handouts / reference material

HEGP2809 Ground Engaging Tools Conversion guide
PECP3001 Parts Sales Kit – GET

Course title Filter finder
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Parts Sales Kit and Dealer Similar Parts course

refer to Graham
IRM, Partsgram and Parts Competitive Bulletins course
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Draft – Please
Student will be able to:
1. State the application of 10 given part numbers
2. Recommend Caterpillar Filters for 20 given OEM applications
3. Produce a Customer Filter survey spreadsheet to the Instructor’s satisfaction

Subjects covered:
a) Single Part Search
b) Application Search
c) Quotes
d) Customer filter survey


Suggested Handouts / reference material

JERC4100 Caterpillar Filter Finder - CD
PEEP8210 Customer Filter Survey – form
PEWP3012 Maintenance Products reference chart

Course title Caterpillar Batteries
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction the construction and features of the following Caterpillar
• Low maintenance / High Output
• Maintenance free
2. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction the meaning of the following terms:
• BCI Group
• Cold Cranking Amps
• Reserve Capacity
• Amp Hour Capacity
3. Recommend Caterpillar batteries by part number for 10 given applications

Subjects covered:
a) Battery construction
b) Battery nomenclature
c) Battery ratings


Suggested Handouts / reference material

PECP5025 One Safe source
PEDP6036 Batteries – Cornerstone brochure
PEGP7801 Battery Cross reference Guide
PECP3004 Parts Sales Kit Power train and Maintenance Products

Course title Caterpillar Hardware
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
Recommend Caterpillar hardware by part number for 10 given applications
2. Give the Part number of
3. Use the 8T0450 Thread identification kit to determine technical specifications and part numbers of 20
given nuts and 20 bolts
4. Measure and identify the part number of 20 given Circlips
5. Measure and identify the part number of 20 given hose clamps
6. Measure and identify the part number of 20 given springs

Subjects covered:
a) Nuts, Bolts and washers
b) Circlips
c) Springs
d) Thread inserts
e) Hose clamps


Suggested Handouts / reference material

PECP5025 One Safe source
PECP3004 Parts Sales Kit Power train and Maintenance Products
Dealer Similar Parts Microfiche
8T0450 Thread identification kit

Course title Caterpillar Gasket kits, Seal Kits, and Bearing kits
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Part Technical Introduction courses 1-8

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
Recommend Caterpillar Gasket kits for 10 given scenarios
2. Recommend Caterpillar Seal kits for 10 given scenarios
3. Recommend Caterpillar Bearing kits for 10 given scenarios
4. List the components of 5 given gasket kits by Part number
5. List the components of 5 given Seal kits by Part number
6. List the components of 5 given bearing kits by Part number
Subjects covered:
a) SIS gasket kit information
b) Microfiche gasket, bearing and seal kit information


Suggested Handouts / reference material

PECP3004 Parts Sales Kit Power train and Maintenance products
PECP9060 Diesel and Natural Gas engine Gasket kit reference guide

Course title SOS (Scheduled Oil Sampling)
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Day
Audience PSSRs’

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Part Technical Introduction courses 1-8

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction the features and benefits of the Caterpillar SOS program
2. Interpret the information contained in 5 given SOS reports to the Instructor’s satisfaction
3. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction the action to be recommended to a customer for 5 given
reportable situations

Subjects covered:
a) SOS tests
b) SOS report
c) Wear metals
d) Oil related terminology and abbreviations


Suggested Handouts / reference material

SEBD0640 Oil and Your engine
SEBF3116 Obtaining a representative sample for SOS oil analysis
PEDP7036 SOS Fluid analysis - Cornerstone brochure
PEKP7029 Preventative Maintenance Products – Presentation package
PEHP7076 Understanding the SOS Oil Analysis tests

Course title CTS (Custom Track Service) Introduction
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 2 Days
Audience PSSRs’

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Part Technical Introduction courses 7- Undercarriage

refer to Graham
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the
Student will be able to:
Draft – Please
Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction the features and benefits of the Caterpillar CTS program
2. Interpret the information contained in 5 given CTS reports to the Instructor’s satisfaction
3. Describe to the Instructor’s satisfaction the action to be recommended to a customer for 5 given CTS
4. List factors affecting undercarriage life

Subjects covered:
a) CTS measurements
b) CTS Wear limits
c) CTS Tooling
d) Factors affecting Undercarriage life
e) Undercarriage Management
f) CTS reports
g) CTS Handbook

Comments CTS 2000 is not covered in this course

Suggested Handouts / reference material

PEKP9400 Custom Track Service Handbook
PEDP6025 Undercarriage – Cornerstone brochure
PEEP7212 CTS Inspection form (Pack of 50)
PEEP9224 Undercarriage Repair Estimate form

Course title Contamination Control and Housekeeping Practices
Proposed date (s)
Max No of Students 6
Course duration 1 Day
Audience All Parts department personnel

Booth before use

Prerequisites Parts Department Induction course
Course Aims and Objectives At the completion of the course, given the relevant Service literature, the

refer to Graham
Student will be able to:
1. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the need for contamination control and good housekeeping
Draft – Please
2. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the basic principles of hose cleaning using 130-6061 Hose
Cleaner group
3. Describe, to the Instructor’s satisfaction, the basic principles of Parts storage
4. List the products available from Caterpillar for contamination control in the warehouse

Subjects covered:
a) Contamination control and housekeeping practices
b) Contamination control products
c) Parts Storage procedures
d) Oil storage procedures
e) Tools and Shop Products Guide


Suggested Handouts / reference material

PEVP3808 Hose & Coupling Training Package – Video and work book
NENG2500 Tools and Shop Products guide

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