Day 1 Lawson

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Day 1

Math 2
The Math of Roller Coasters: Key Features of Graphs of Quadratic Equations
Mathematics Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to find the roots of a quadratic equation using a graph.
Students will be able to write a quadratic equation in vertex form.
Students will be able to shift a parabola left or right or up or down using vertex form.
Students will be able to describe the domain and range of a parabola.
Students will be able to determine where a parabola is increasing or decreasing.

Language Objectives:
1. Language Function: Explain
2. Vocabulary and Symbols: Domain, Range, Increasing, Decreasing, Vertex, Minimum, Roots, Shift, Vertex
3. Mathematical Precision: Students will be able to explain where a function is increasing or decreasing.
Students will be able to explain what the domain and range values are. Students will be able to explain
where the vertex/minimum are using a graph and an equation in vertex form.
4. Syntax: Students will learn how to write a quadratic in vertex form, how to identify the vertex, write the
domain, range, increasing, and decreasing.
5. Language Supports: Students are asked to use the language frequently and consider the vocabulary with
graphs and equations.

Essential Question:
How can we model a roller coaster using quadratic equations? What are important features and characteristics
of graphs of quadratic equations?

North Carolina Mathematics Standards:

NC.M2.F-IF.7 Analyze functions using different representations.
Analyze quadratic, square root, and inverse variation functions by generating different representations, by hand
in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases, to show key features, including: domain and
range; intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; rate of change;
maximums and minimums; symmetries; and end behavior.
NC.M2.F-BF.3 Build new functions from existing functions. Understand the effects of the graphical and
tabular representations of a linear, quadratic, square root, and inverse variation function f with 𝑘 ∙ 𝑓(𝑥), 𝑓(𝑥) +
𝑘, 𝑓(𝑥 + 𝑘) for specific values of 𝑘 (both positive and negative).
NC.M2.F-IF.4 Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context.
Interpret key features of graphs, tables, and verbal descriptions in context to describe functions that arise in
applications relating two quantities, including: domain and range, rate of change, symmetries, and end behavior.

Common Core State Mathematical Practice Standards:

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP4 – Model with mathematics.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP7 – Look for and make use of structure.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP8 – Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

First 4 slides of these Google Slides:
Desmos Activity:
Class Code for Desmos Activity: 7JJBF
Student access:
Individual computers
SMART Board or projector to share student responses in teacher view & Audio for video

Differentiation: This lesson gives the student with Autism a chance to interact with others when they want.
This student will also receive the filled in notes. The student with dyslexia and dysgraphia will receive copy of
the notes and will be paired with the student that they work best with. The student that is an English Language
Learner has the opportunity to practice speaking and using the vocabulary.

Notes to the reader:

Students have taken a test on factoring quadratics, solving quadratics using roots, completing the square, and
the quadratic formula. Students have not experienced graphing a quadratic equation yet. This will be an inquiry-
based lesson. The next day we will look at key features of quadratics where a=-1. The following day we will
combine these features and look at how to stretch a quadratic equation. Link to Day 2’s task: Link to Day 3’s task:

Time: 90 minutes
Time What is the teacher doing? (Be sure to include What are students doing?
questions the teacher will ask and academic
language supports)
10 Launch Participate in launch activities.
mins Goal: To prepare students to work on the task for
the day exploring key features of quadratic
equations with a=1 using the perspective of a
roller coaster as a parabola.
Share the goal for the day with students.
Explain that we will be looking at roller coasters
and trying to plot their shape to find an equation
to model their shape. Ask how many students Some may have been, others haven’t. Share the
have ever been on a roller coaster. Ask if anyone video so they can see the roller coaster.
has ever been on the Tennessee Tornado at
Play video.
Ask them if there is a way that they could find Students may struggle to identify this and may
where this roller coaster intersects with the suggest measuring it in real-life, etc.
ground. Ask them if they continued to draw the Parabola or a quadratic.
shape of the track where it goes into the concrete
hole in the ground, what shape it would form.
Show the next slide.
Share that you have a friend who works for
Universal Studios and they’re running out of
ideas for roller coasters. They’ve asked our class
to create a coaster as cool as the Tennessee
Twister. To do that we have to learn about roller
coasters and quadratics first.
15 Slides 1 - 3 Students will work through the first two slides in
mins Goal: For students to find the roots of the Desmos.
quadratic graphically. For students to find an
equation that dilates the quadratic to reference in
day 3.
Using pacing so students can only work through
slides 1 & 2.
Ask how students found the roots graphically. Ask a student how they found the roots. Looking
graphically at the intersection.
Ask how students determined the equation. Pull Ask 2-3 students to share their answers and
up the Desmos calculator to model how the factor explain their reasoning. Stop pacing and ask
on the quadratic impacts the shape. students to work with the next page to see which
one they think is correct.
10 Slides 4 – 6
mins Goal: For students to identify the quadratic
expression, domain and range, and increasing and
Use pacing so students can only work through
slides 4-6
Ask how students identified the expression of the Equation is x^2 & it is a relationship they knew
quadratic. or they can check using numbers.
Ask how students knew what the domain and Domain are all of the possible input values and
range are. range are all of the possible output values.
Ask how students knew where the quadratic It is increasing wherever if x1  x2, then f(x1) 
equation was increasing and decreasing. f(x2), decreasing wherever if x1  x2, then f(x1) 
15 Slides 7 – 18
min Goal: For students to learn how to shift a
parabola left or right and up or down.
Students will work through slides 7 through 11.
Using pacing so students can only work on these
If students understand how to move the parabola
up or down they can skip 9 and 10.
If students understand how to move the parabola
right or left they can skip 13 and 14.
If students understand how to move a parabola
up/down and left/right, they can skip 16 and 17.
Ask how to move a parabola right or left. (𝑥 − ℎ) + 𝑘, change h in the opposite direction of
where you want to move it (square changes
Ask how to move a parabola up or down. Change k in the direction that meets what you
Compare student roller coasters. Example below.
15 Slides 18 – 21
min Goal: Students will identify patterns between
vertex form (without knowing the name) and the
vertex. Students will identify roots and how they
knew where they were. Students will determine
where a function is increasing and decreasing.
Students will work through slides 12-15. Use
pacing to keep them on only these slides.
Ask how students used the equation to find the They noticed that you could identify the vertex
vertex and how it relates to the location of the from the numbers listed in the parentheses and
vertex. added at the end.
Ask how to find roots when in vertex form. Solve = 0 and solve with square roots.
Ask how to find where it is increasing and It is increasing wherever if x1  x2, then f(x1) 
decreasing. f(x2), decreasing wherever if x1  x2, then f(x1) 
15 Slides 22 – 24
min Goal: Students will learn about the general vertex
form. Students will use what they have learned
from other slides to create a roller coaster.
Students will work through slides 16-18 and use
pacing to keep them on only these slides.
Ask how they created their own rollercoaster. Example in instructional resources. Thought
Share examples. about decreasing and increasing critical point (or
Explain vertex form further and why it is helpful where it changed direction) for the right or left
(to keep the vertex in mind) movement and then consider the range to
determine where the parabola was moved up or
down. (moved left 8 and down 5.
10 Slides 25 – 29 Example in instructional resources.
mins Goal: Students will demonstrate their learning by
creating a roller coaster and then describing key
Students will design their own coaster that has
shifted from the origin. They will describe the
domain, range, increasing, and decreasing, and
the minimum/vertex.
This will also serve as an “exit ticket” where I
can evaluate how they were doing at the end of
the lesson for the next day.

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