PPL V de Ocampo-Gonzaga Digest
PPL V de Ocampo-Gonzaga Digest
PPL V de Ocampo-Gonzaga Digest
The death sentence under automatic review is hereby set aside on the ground of improvident guilty
plea and the case is ordered remanded to the court a quo for rearraignment and further proceeding
in accordance with law and controlling jurisprudence, in order that the accused may be arraigned
anew in accordance with the constitutional requirements of fairness and due process to determine
the precise degree of his culpability in order to make certain that the proper penalty is imposed.
In an information dated November 3, 1977, accused Gonzaga was indicted for the crime of murder
for fatally stabbing with a jungle bolo one Amparo M. Quilatan, allegedly attended by the aggravating
circumstances of "evident premeditation, treachery and taking advantage of superior strength
deliberately making use of drunkenness or after having taken liquor, armed with an illegally-
possessed 27 inches jungle bolo (accused has been separately charged for this offense), without
due regard to the profession of a public school teacher." Five days later, or on November 8, 1977,
accused Gonzaga appeared for arraignment without counsel. The trial court thereupon issued an
order appointing Atty. Crisanto Saruca as counsel de oficio "for the purpose of arraignment only."
Immediately thereafter, Atty. Saruca manifested that the accused was ready for arraignment and the
accused pleaded guilty to the offense charged.
The trial court then ordered the presentation of evidence but the prosecution was not ready for trial.
The prosecution witnesses had not been notified because the prosecution did not expect that the
accused would plead guilty and that trial would continue thereafter. The case was then set for
hearing the next day, November 9, 1977, and for purposes of trial Attys. Leonardo Rodriguez and
Felimon Koh were appointed as counsels de oficio.
The records of the case, particularly the transcripts of stenographic notes of the proceedings taken
during the hearing, amply show the inordinate haste with which accused was charged, arraigned and
convicted. The information was filed on November 3, 1977. On November 8, 1977, accused was
immediately arraigned and pleaded guilty to the offense charged with the assistance of a counsel de
oficio who had just been appointed then and there. The case was set for trial the next day,
November 9, 1977, notwithstanding counsel de oficio's request that he be given two days to prepare
for trial. 1 The hearing was continued the following day, November 10, 1977, and again on November 16, 1977. On the hearing of
November 16, 1977, after the prosecution had rested its case, the trial court read the sentence of conviction, as follows:
The constitutional rights of the accused are for the protection of the guilty and of innocent alike. Only
the assurance that even the guilty shall be given the benefit of every constitutional guaranty can the
innocent be secure in the same rights. 2 Thus, this Court has always stressed its constant concern in
due observance of the fundamental requirements of fairness and due process that the most
meticulous care be exercised by the trial court before acceptance of an accused plea of guilty in a
capital case. 3 Sec. 1, Rule 116 of the Rules of Court prescribes that "the arraignment must be made
by the judge or clerk and shall consist in reading the complaint or information to the defendant and
delivering to him a copy thereof, including a fist of witnesses and asking him whether he pleads
guilty or not guilty as charged." In the instant case, records confirm the fact that the accused was not
adequately informed of the nature of the crime imputed against him and the consequences of his
plea. Nor does it appear that the averments in the information, including the qualifying and
aggravating circumstances were explained to him No dialogue whatsoever transpired between
accused and the trial judge. The transcript of the stenographic notes taken during the arraignment
on November 8, 1977 shows:
Atty. Saruca:
When the accused was arraigned this morning, in pursuance to Section 1. Rule 116,
in relation to Rule 118 of the new Rules of Court, assisted by counsel de oficio, Atty.
Crisanto Saruca, he pleaded guilty.
In a long line of cases, this Court has repeatedly enjoined trial judges to refrain from accepting with
alacrity an accused's plea of guilty, for while justice demands a speedy administration judges are
duty bound to be extra solicitous in to it that when an accused pleads guilty he understands fully the
meaning of his plea and the import of an inevitable conviction. 4 The essence of a plea of guilty in a
criminal trial is that the accused on arraignment admits his guilt freely, voluntarily and- with full
knowledge of the consequences and meaning of his act. 5 If the accused does not clearly and fully
understand the nature of the offense charged, if he is not advised as to the meaning and effect of the
technical language so often used in formal complaints and informations in qualifying the acts
constituting the offense, or if he does not clearly understand the consequences by way of a heavy
and even a capital penalty flowing from his admission of his guilt of the crime in the precise technical
manner and form in which it is charged, his plea of guilty should not be accepted and if accepted it
should not be held to be sufficient to sustain a conviction. 6
In capital offenses, the trial judge should give ample opportunity to the counsel de oficio to examine
not only the records of the case but also to acquire every relevant information on the matter, such as
conferring with the accused adequately so that he may properly, intelligently and effectively
represent his interests. 7 This is but to accord substance to one of the great principles of justice,
guaranteed by the Constitution, which is the right of an accused to be heard by himself and counsel
as a requirement of due process. The enjoyment of such a right would certainly be viscerated if the
counsel of the accused is precluded from knowing fully the facts of his client's case. 8
Under See. 5, Rule 116 of the Rules of Court, whenever an attorney de oftcio is employed or
assigned by the court to defend an accused either at the arraignment or at the trial he should be
given a reasonable time to consult with the accused and prepare his defense before proceeding
further in the case which should not be less than two (2) hours in case of arraignment and two (2)
days in case of trial. These requirements were not complied with. After accused's arraignment on
November 8, 1977, the court immediately set the case for trial the next day, November 9, 1977,
disregarding counsel de oficio's manifestation that he be allowed the required two-day period within
which to prepare for trial. The transcript of the stenographic notes taken during the arraignment
Atty. Rodriguez, are you waiving the two days period as provided for
under Rule 116 of the New Rules of Court?
Atty. Rodriguez:
Your Honor please, may we request that this case be called later?
But he already pleaded guilty.
Atty. Rodriguez:
Atty. Rodriguez:
In the recent case of People vs. Magsi, 9 the trial court set six hearing dates and in two earlier
instances the herein accused entered a qualified plea of guilty (stating that he acted out of fear and
duress exerted upon him by his co-accused), so much so that at the fifth hearing the trial court motu
proprio changed the accused's plea of guilty to not guilty. But at the sixth hearing date, after
counsel de oftcio manifested the accused's wish to be rearraigned and would not offer any qualifying
circumstances regarding his guilty plea, the trial court admitted the guilty plea and forthwith rendered
its death sentence. This Court set aside the conviction and remanded the case for rearraignment
and father proceedings holding that "(R)ecorded proceedings at the first instance on September 9,
1970 reproduced previously, showed that de oficio counsel Atty. Rivera and accused were hardly
afforded by the Court any opportunity to discuss the case together, and the qualified plea of guilty
resulted from the Court's proddings rather than from accused's spontaneous volition," and that "(W)e
have consistently enjoined strict and substantial adherence to our rulings in cases where defendants
are charged with capital offenses. Mere pro-forma appointment of de oficio counsel who fails to
genuinely protect the interests of the accused, resetting of hearing by the court for alleged reception
of evidence when in fact none was conducted, perfunctory queries addressed to the accused
whether he understands the charges and the gravity of the penalty, are not sufficient compliance
with our injunctions. The Court restated once more its injunction on the trial court's duties to the
accused in People vs. Domingo, 10 thus:
We enunciated times without number m our injunctions addressed to the trial courts
that they should exercise solicitous care before sentencing the accused on a plea of
guilty especially in capital offenses by first insuring that the accused fully
understands the gravity of the offense, the severity of the consequences attached
thereto as well as the meaning and significance of his plea of guilty; and that the
prudent and proper thing to do in capital cases is to take testimony, to assure the
court that the accused has not misunderstood the nature and effect of his plea of
guilty (People vs. Villafuerte, supra, People vs. Almada, L-34594-5, July 13,
1973; People vs. Busa, L-32047, June 25, 1973; People vs. Silvestre, L-27821, June
22, 1973; People vs. Simeon, L-33730, Sept. 28, 1972; People vs. Espina, L-33028,
June 20, 1972; People vs. Bulalake, 106 Phil. 760; U.S. vs. Jamad, 37 PhiL. 305).
Finally, the fact that immediately after the prosecution had rested its case in the last hearing held on
November 16, 1977, the trial court read a "ready made" decision of conviction shows that the
accused was meted the death penalty without due process of law. With the perfunctory arraignment
of the accused and the undue haste with which the hearing was held, the Court sees that accused's
fate was predetermined from the start. Even before the termination of the sentence of death had
already been prepared. At the last page of the transcript of stenographic notes taken by
stenographer Luisa S. Golla, a note appears which states: "NOTE: Sentence already attached to the
original records of the cage."
ACCORDINGLY, the decision of the trial court is hereby set aside and the records of the case are
remanded to it for rearraignment of the accused and further proceedings in accordance with law.