Wrapidbond: Anti-Corrosion System For Protection of Steel Substrates
Wrapidbond: Anti-Corrosion System For Protection of Steel Substrates
Wrapidbond: Anti-Corrosion System For Protection of Steel Substrates
WrapidBond® is typically shipped in bulk Appropriate tools for surface abrasion Clean exposed steel and adjacent pipe The steel surface should be cleaned
rolls and is protected from damage and (wire brush, grit blaster); Standard safety coating with cleaner to remove the pres- using a power wire brush to a minimum
contamination by an inner roll core and equipment; gloves, goggles, hard hat, ence of oil, grease, and other contami- St 2 finish prior to coating applica-
a special release liner. WrapidCoat® prod- etc; Power wire brush, grinder, abrasive nants if present. Ensure that the pipe is tion. Severely contaminated surfaces
ucts are supplied separately. paper; Knife, rags dry prior to mechanical cleaning. should be thoroughly cleaned by abra-
sive blasting to a “medium blast” Sa 2
surface. Factory coating edges should
be abraded for a minimum width of 150
mm from the cutback edge or tie-ins to
existing coatings using abrasive paper
or a grinder with a 40-60 grit flapwheel
disc and should be beveled to eliminate
the vertical edge.
Product Application -
Product Use Chart Rehabilitation WrapidBond®
5 6 Pipe O.D. Width 7 8
m ov
< 75 mm (3”) 50 mm (2”) 10 m
After cleaning, wipe clean or air blast the Choose product width based on pipe Apply the first wrap of WrapidBond® cir- Apply subsequent wraps with a mini-
steel surface and pipe coating to remove diameter and type application using cumferentially around the pipe at a 90° mum overlap of 10 mm (or as otherwise
foreign contaminants. the above chart as a guideline. Project angle, overlapping the tie-in or factory specified), and with a 50% overlap over
requirements and applicator preference coating by a minimum of 100 mm. girth-weld areas. Press or roll lightly over
may specify alternate widths. the entire coated area.
Factory Supplied
Bulk Rolls
Continue application with light to Apply the first WrapidCoat® PVC or PE End with a circumferential wrap applied Measure the circumference of the of pipe
moderate tension. Finish with a circumferentially around the pipe at a at 90° to the pipe length. and cut two (2) lengths of WrapidBond®
circumferential wrap applied at 90° 90° angle, leaving ~ 3mm (1/8”) of at a length equal plus 75mm (3”). For
to the pipe length, overlapping any WrapidBond® exposed. Continue appli- wide cutbacks, additional wraps may be
adjacent existing coatings by a minimum cation with a 50% overlap at moderate required.
of 100 mm. tension.
Wrap the first length circumferentially around Wrap the second length circumferentially Apply the first layer circumferentially around A division of Shawcor Ltd.
the pipe overlapping the mainline coating by around the pipe overlapping the first length the pipe at a 90° angle, leaving ~ 3mm (1/8”)
a minimum of 75 mm (3”) and with one edge by a minimum of 50mm (2”) such that 2 lay- of WrapidBond® exposed. Continue application Head Office
completely covering the weld bead plus 25mm ers of Wrapid Bond completely cover the with a 50% overlap at moderate tension.
(1”) beyond the edge of bead. Press or roll weld bead and overlap the mainline coating by 25 Bethridge Road
lightly over the coated area. a minimum of 75 mm (3”). Press or roll lightly Toronto, ON, Canada M9W 1M7
over the coated area. Tel: +1 416 743 7111
Option 2. Scar-Guard®
Fax: +1 416 743 5927
16 17 18 Canada
Dome Tower St. 2200,
333-7th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 2Z1
Tel: +1 403 218 8207
Fax: +1 403 264 3649
5875 N. Sam Houston Pkwy W.,
Suite 200
Houston, TX, USA 77086
End with a circumferential wrap applied at 90° Apply a circumferential wraps around the pipe Water is needed to activate Scar-Guard®. Open Tel: +1 281 886 2350
to the pipe length. at a 90º angle at each end overlapping the fac- the foil pouch, remove the roll. Once opened, Fax: +1 281 886 2353
tory coating by 50% of the tape width. the product cannot be repackaged. Scar-
Guard® is activated using a water sprayer to Middle East
mist and wet each layer as it is wrapped.
ADPC - Mussafah Port,
P.O. Box 2621
Abu Dhabi, UAE
19 20 21
Tel: +971 2 496 3500
Fax: +971 2 496 3501
f Pull
tion o Europe, Africa & Russia
Dellaertweg 9-E, Gebouw
“Le Carrefour”
2316 WZ Leiden,
The Netherlands (NL)
s 2&4 Tel: +31 71 80 802 70
Fax: +31 71 80 802 71
Starting at the leading edge, begin the End with a circumferential wrap applied at Apply compression film in the same direc-
application at a distance of 150mm (6”) past 90° to the pipe. For high shear or impact tion as the previous layers with a 50% over- 101 Thomson Road,
the corrosion coating edge. Extend the wrap requirements, additional layers may be required. lap. Start min. 50mm (2”) beyond the outer #11-03 United Square
50mm (2”) beyond the corrosion coating To create thinned edges for directional drilling, edge of the Scar-Guard®, pulling firmly during 307591 Singapore
on the trailing edge. Apply the first wrap reduce the overlap in the last 100mm - 150mm application.
circumferentially around the pipe at a 90° angle of the edges to 10-20% rather than 50%. Tel: +65 6749 8918
then begin spiral wrapping with a 50% overlap NOTE: Compression film should be applied Fax: +65 6749 8919
following the wrapping guideline that is printed before excess foaming is observed from
on the roll. Apply pressure during application by the Scar-Guard®. A second installer should Quality Management system
pulling firmly on the roll as it is applied. Squeeze begin this step and follow the Scar-Guard®
installer(s) as they progress with the wrapping registered to ISO 9001
and mold firmly in the direction of the wrap until
tight. of the pipe. The resin should be compressed
and the film perforated as quickly as possible.
Canusa warrants that the product conforms
to its chemical and physical description
22 and is appropriate for the use stated on the
Backfilling Guidelines installation guide when used in compliance
with Canusa’s written instructions. Since
many installation factors are beyond
1. After application of WrapidCoat® PVC or PE, backfilling can be done our control, the user shall determine the
suitability of the products for the intended
immediately. use and assume all risks and liabilities in
connection therewith. Canusa’s liability is
stated in the standard terms and conditions
2. Once the Scar-Guard® has cured, to a minimum hardness of of sale. Canusa makes no other warranty
Shore D 70, the pipe can be backfilled. either expressed or implied. All information
contained in this installation guide is to be
used as a guide and is subject to change
without notice. This installation guide
supersedes all previous installation guides
on this product. E&OE
Perforate the compression film using a wire
brush (or other perforating device) by tapping
firmly on the tape with the metal bristles.
Perforation allows the CO² gas generated by Part No. 99060.197
the curing process to escape. Compression
film may be removed after material hardens IG_Wrapid Bond_rev019
and either discarded or left in place.