Soil and Rock: Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual

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Soil and


2010 Edition

State of California
Department of Transportation
Division of Engineering Services
Geotechnical Services © 2010 Department of Transportation
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Detailed soil and rock descriptions are an essential part of the information developed to support
Caltrans’ design and construction processes. Subsurface information for any given area is, and
can be, generated and accumulated over a prolonged period of time by various geotechnical
practitioners for different projects and purposes. It is imperative that geotechnical practitioners
working on Caltrans projects use standardized terminology and procedures to maintain
consistency in borehole logging and reporting practices. Geotechnical Services in the Division
of Engineering Services has published this Manual to ensure the Department’s investment in
maintaining consistent logging practices.
This Manual, “Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual”, addresses the
• Serves as a comprehensive reference for Departmental staff, consultants, and contractors
• Provides standardized soil description and identification procedures utilizing field data
• Provides standardized soil classification procedures utilizing laboratory data
• Provides standardized rock description and identification procedures utilizing field and
laboratory data
• Serves as a basis for Departmental products and tools, such as:
– Boring Log presentation formats,
– Log of Test Borings (LOTB) legend sheets,
– Descriptive terminology presented in geotechnical reports, and
– Geotechnical Data Management System
The information presented in this Manual is based predominantly on American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards and other publications. These references provide
standardized methods for identifying, describing, or classifying soil and rock; however, they do
not provide adequate descriptive terminology and criteria for identifying soil and rock for
engineering purposes. Consequently, this manual extends, and in some cases modifies these
standards to include additional descriptive terms and criteria.
In addition to soil and rock identification, description, or classification, this Manual contains
instructions that present Departmental standards for borehole and sample identification,
minimum material requirements for various laboratory tests, and boring log presentation
Geotechnical Services staff and any other organization providing geotechnical reports or
records of geotechnical investigations for the Department must use the procedures presented in
this Manual.

Dolores Valls
Deputy Division Chief, Geotechnical Services


Geotechnical Services wishes to thank the following team members for

preparing this Manual.
Tim Pokrywka (Team Sponsor), Office of Geotechnical Design – West
Thomas Whitman (Chair), Office of Geotechnical Design – West
John Bowman, Office of Geotechnical Support
Craig Hannenian, Office of Geotechnical Support
Deh-Jeng Jang, Office of Geotechnical Design – South 1
Robert Price, Office of Geotechnical Design – West
Sam Sukiasian, Office of Geotechnical Design – South 1
Loren Turner, Division of Research & Innovation
Hector Valencia, Office of Geotechnical Design – South 2
The team extends its appreciation to the following people and/or
organizations for their contributions to the content of this Manual.
Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC), West Coast
Daniel Alzamora, FHWA
Terrence Carroll, Arup
Francis R. Greguros, Arup
Andy Herlache, Fugro
Bruce Hilton, Kleinfelder
Chris Kramer, Fugro
Steve Mahnke, DWR
Lori Prentice, Fugro
Barry Siel, FHWA

Table of Contents
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1

1.1 Intent of the Manual ...............................................................................................................1

1.2 Limitations ..............................................................................................................................1

1.3 Exceptions .............................................................................................................................1

1.4 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................................1

1.5 Revisions to the Manual.........................................................................................................1

1.6 Organization of the Manual ....................................................................................................2

1.7 Overview of the Logging Process and Presentation Formats ................................................2


IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................5

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................5

2.2 Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................5

2.3 General Project and Hole Information ....................................................................................6

2.4 Assignment of Hole Identification ...........................................................................................8

2.5 Soil Description and Identification Procedures .......................................................................8

2.5.1 Soil Description and Identification ............................................................................................................8 Description of Pavement Structural Sections 10 Description of Interbedded Soil 10 Description of Fills 10

2.5.2 Group Name and Group Symbol............................................................................................................11 Fine-Grained Soil 12 Coarse-Grained Soil 13

2.5.3 Consistency of Cohesive Soil.................................................................................................................15

2.5.4 Apparent Density of Cohesionless Soil ..................................................................................................16

2.5.5 Color .......................................................................................................................................................16

2.5.6 Moisture..................................................................................................................................................17

2.5.7 Percent or Proportion of Soil ..................................................................................................................17

2.5.8 Particle Size............................................................................................................................................17

2.5.9 Particle Angularity...................................................................................................................................17

2.5.10 Particle Shape ........................................................................................................................................18

2.5.11 Plasticity (for Fine-Grained Soil).............................................................................................................18

2.5.12 Dry Strength (for Fine-Grained Soil).......................................................................................................18

2.5.13 Dilatancy (for Fine-Grained Soil) ............................................................................................................18

2.5.14 Toughness (for Fine-Grained Soil) .........................................................................................................19

2.5.15 Structure .................................................................................................................................................19

2.5.16 Cementation ...........................................................................................................................................19

2.5.17 Percent of Cobbles and Boulders...........................................................................................................19

2.5.18 Description of Cobbles and Boulders .....................................................................................................20

2.5.19 Additional Comments .............................................................................................................................21

2.5.20 Other Drilling Observations ....................................................................................................................21

2.6 Rock Identification and Description Procedures...................................................................22

2.6.1 Rock Identification and Descriptive Sequence.......................................................................................22 Description of Interbedded Rock 23

iii Description for Intensely Weathered to Decomposed or Decomposed Rock 23 Description of Poorly Indurated Rock 23

2.6.2 Rock Identification ..................................................................................................................................23 Igneous Rock 23 Sedimentary Rock 24 Metamorphic Rock 24

2.6.3 Rock Description ....................................................................................................................................24

2.6.4 Rock Grain-size descriptors ...................................................................................................................27

2.6.5 Bedding Spacing Descriptors .................................................................................................................28

2.6.6 Rock Colors ............................................................................................................................................28

2.6.7 Weathering Descriptors for Intact Rock..................................................................................................29

2.6.8 Rock Hardness .......................................................................................................................................30

2.6.9 Fracture Density .....................................................................................................................................30

2.6.10 Fracture Condition ..................................................................................................................................31 Fracture Group Identification 31 Fracture Dip Magnitude 31 Fracture Spacing 32 Fracture Width 32 Fracture Infilling 32 Composition of Infilling 32 Weathering or Alteration 32 Hardness 32 Healing 33 Roughness 33

2.6.11 Rate of Slaking ........................................................................................................................................33

2.6.12 Additional Comments .............................................................................................................................34

2.6.13 Other Drilling Observations ....................................................................................................................34

2.7 Sample Preparation and Identification for Laboratory Testing and Storage .........................34

2.7.1 Sample Preparation and Identification for Laboratory Testing and Storage ..........................................34

2.7.2 Identification of Large Soil Samples .......................................................................................................36

2.7.3 Core Box Layout.....................................................................................................................................38

2.8 Quality Check of Field Observations and Samples ..............................................................39


USING LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................41

3.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................41

3.2 Revising Soil Descriptions and Assigning Soil Classification Using Laboratory Test Results


3.2.1 Soil Classification and Description Descriptive Sequence .....................................................................42

3.2.2 Group Name and Group Symbol............................................................................................................42 Procedure for Classification of Fine-Grained Soil 42 Procedure for Classification of Coarse-Grained Soil 46

3.2.3 Consistency of Cohesive Soil.................................................................................................................48

3.2.4 Percent or Proportion of Soil ..................................................................................................................48

3.2.5 Plasticity (for Fine-Grained Soil).............................................................................................................48

3.3 Strength of Intact Rock.........................................................................................................48

SECTION 4: PRESENTATION OF SUBSURFACE INFORMATION............................................49

4.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................49

4.2 Factual vs. Interpretive Subsurface Data .............................................................................49

4.3 Layer Presentation Method ..................................................................................................50

4.3.1 Rules and Considerations ......................................................................................................................50

4.3.2 Special Cases.........................................................................................................................................50

4.4 Incorporating Laboratory Data, Refining Descriptions, and Classifying Soil.........................50

4.4.3 Example..................................................................................................................................................52

SECTION 5: BORING LOG AND LEGEND PRESENTATION FORMATS ..................................57

5.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................57

5.2 Log of Test Borings ..............................................................................................................57

5.2.1 Contents and Characteristics of the LOTB............................................................................................59

5.2.2 Notes on the LOTB.................................................................................................................................59

5.2.3 LOTB Sheet Formatting..........................................................................................................................59 Signature Block (Upper Right Corner) 59 Title Block (Bottom, from left to right) 60 Plan View 60 Profile View 61

5.2.4 As-Built LOTB Sheet Formatting ............................................................................................................61 Obtaining and Reproducing the As-Built LOTB Sheet 61 Typical Modifications to As-Built LOTB Sheets 61 The As-Built LOTB Title Block must include the following information for the current project 61

5.2.5 The LOTB Legend Sheets......................................................................................................................62 Hand Boring 67 Rotary Boring 67 Dynamic Cone Penetration Boring 67 Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Boring 68 Rock Coring 68 Hole Type Symbols 68 Graphical Representation of Material Types 69

5.3 Boring Records ....................................................................................................................70

5.3.1 Content and Characteristics of the BR ...................................................................................................73

5.3.2 Notes on the BR .....................................................................................................................................73

5.3.3 Boring Record Format ............................................................................................................................73

5.3.4 The Boring Record Legend Sheets ........................................................................................................73

REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................77

APPENDIX A: FIELD TEST PROCEDURES ...............................................................................79

A.1 Pocket Penetrometer ...........................................................................................................79

A.2 Torvane................................................................................................................................79

A.3 Dry Strength Test .................................................................................................................79

A.4 Dilatancy ..............................................................................................................................79

A.5 Toughness ...........................................................................................................................79

A.6 Jar Slake Index Test ............................................................................................................80

A.7 Calcium Carbonate ..............................................................................................................80

A.8 Standard Penetration Test ...................................................................................................80

A.9 Core Recovery (REC) ..........................................................................................................81

A.10 Rock Quality Designation (RQD)..........................................................................................81

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Section 1:
1.1 Intent of the Manual the responsibility of the user of this standard to
establish, or adhere to, appropriate safety and
This Manual defines the Department’s practices health practices and determine the applicability of
and procedures for soil and rock description, regulatory limitations prior to use. The reader must
identification, classification, and for preparation of follow at a minimum, the Caltrans Code of Safe
boring logs. Drilling Practices.
Standardized terminology and consistent
presentation procedures for projects statewide
benefit the Department’s staff, engineering 1.3 Exceptions
consultants, bidders, and contractors. Geotechnical
Exceptions to the procedures set forth in this
Services staff as well as any other organization
Manual (and Errata Sheet) require prior approval
providing geotechnical reports or records of
per the memorandum titled Exception Process for
geotechnical investigations to the Department must
Geotechnical Services Policies and Procedures,
follow the procedures presented in this Manual.
dated December 7, 2009.
The following terms are used throughout this
Manual to convey the Department’s policy:
Figure 1-1 1.4 Quality Assurance
Policy Terminology Prior to issuing a Log of Test Borings staff must
Term Definition complete the quality control and assurance
(QC/QA) process as required per the memorandum
Must, Mandatory Standard. The associated titled Quality Control/Quality Assurance
Required provisions shall be used. There is no Documentation on LOTB Sheets dated July 1,
acceptable alternative. 2007.

Should Advisory Standard. The associated

provisions are preferred practices. 1.5 Revisions to the Manual
Staff may propose changes to the Manual by
May, Permissive Standard. Use or
posting their comments on the Geotechnical
Optional application of the associated
provisions is left to the discretion of Services Discussion Board found on the Caltrans
the Geoprofessional. intranet. Those who are not employed directly by
Caltrans must submit their comments to the
Committee Chairperson, who is identified on the
1.2 Limitations Geotechnical Services webpage. Approved
revisions will be issued via the Errata Sheet.
Although this manual may be used to train new
employees, this is not its primary intent.
This manual does not replace education or
experience and must be used with professional
judgment. Not all aspects of this manual may be
applicable in all circumstances and thus it should
be applied with consideration of a project’s many
unique aspects.
This manual does not purport to address all of the
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 1 1
1.6 Organization of the Manual 1.7 Overview of the Logging
The Manual is divided into five sections: Process and Presentation
Section 1
The Department presents subsurface information
• Explains the intent and organization of the using:
Manual and the processes for requesting
exceptions and proposing changes to it • Log of Test Borings (LOTB), and/or
• Presents an overview of the logging process • Boring Record (BR)
and acceptable presentation formats An LOTB is typically associated with a structure
Section 2 and is attached to Project Plans. A BR is typically
associated with an earthwork project and is
• Presents the Department’s field description and attached to a Geotechnical Report.
identification procedures for soil and rock,
without laboratory testing The process of creating boring logs, i.e., Log of
Test Borings (LOTB) and Boring Record (BR) can
• Explains procedures for handling and labeling be summarized in four steps (See Figure 1-2):
soil and rock samples
• Field sampling and descriptions (Section 2)
• Requires a quality check of borehole logs and
soil and rock samples • Quality check of field descriptions and samples
(Section 2)
Section 3
• Refinement of descriptions, and classification
• Describes the Department’s classification of soil, based on laboratory test results, if
procedures for soil and rock samples using performed (Section 3)
laboratory tests
• Preparation of the boring log(s) (Sections 4
Section 4
and 5)
• Presents the process for developing and Prior to the field investigation, the geoprofessional
presenting geotechnical information on a Log should have a general understanding of the local
of Test Borings (LOTB) or a Boring Record soil and geologic information, and know the
(BR) parameters and the basic descriptors required for
Section 5 the planned analyses. The need for specific
laboratory tests, such as strength, consolidation, or
• Specifies presentation content and formats for
permeability may govern the type of drilling and
the Log of Test Borings (LOTB) and Boring
sampling used.
Record (BR)
A combination of field observations and laboratory
test results may be needed to describe or classify
the soil or rock samples, and generate appropriate
layer descriptions for the LOTB or BR (Sections 2
and 3). In most cases, however, field
identifications and descriptions are adequate for
project design, bidding and construction.

2 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 1

If the results of laboratory tests differ from the field Figure 1-2
description of the sample, and, in the opinion of the Logging and Presentation Process
geoprofessional, the test results represent the actual
conditions of the soil or rock, the classification
and/or description resulting from the laboratory Step 1: Field
tests must be used on the LOTB or BR, and in the Sampling and
Descriptions (Sec. 2)
geotechnical report. Disclosure of the tests on the
LOTB and/or the BR may indicate the sample or
layer description was modified based on laboratory
test results. (See Sections 4 and 5)

Throughout this manual the terms identification

Step 2: Quality Check
and classification are used in context to of Field Observations
differentiate the basis for assigning a soil's Group (Sec. 2)
Name and Group Symbol. A soil's classification is
only determined on the basis of laboratory test
results (described in Section 3), whereas, its
identification is determined by visual/manual
methods (described in Section 2).


Step 3: Incorporate
Laboratory Data,
Refine Descriptions,
and Classify (Sec. 3)

Step 4:
Prepare Boring
(Sec. 4 & 5)

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 1 3

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4 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 1

Section 2:

Field Procedures for Soil and Rock Logging, Description,

and Identification
2.1 Introduction
This section presents the procedures for logging, The identifications and descriptions in the field
describing, and identifying soil and rock samples logs may be corrected, calibrated, or verified later
in the field based on visual and manual procedures. based on laboratory test results (as described in
Section 3) in order to develop the final boring logs.
The information presented in this section is
predominantly based on: In addition to soil and rock identification and
description, this section contains instructions for
• American Society for Testing and Materials hole and sample identification, and minimum
(ASTM) D 2488, Standard Practice for material requirements for various laboratory tests.
Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-
Manual Procedure), and
• The Engineering Geology Field Manual 2.2 Terms and Definitions
published by the Bureau of Reclamation. The following terms and definitions may be used
This Manual extends, and in some cases modifies, to describe soil and rock description components.
the ASTM standard to include additional Figure 2-1
descriptive terms and criteria. It is not our intent Distribution Terms
to replace the ASTM standards but to build on
them, and make them better understood. Descriptor Definition Examples

Scattered Occurring at widely Scattered thin

spaced and usually shale interbeds
irregular intervals
Sporadic Occurring singly or Sporadic
widely apart boulders
Locally Occurring at Moderately
random locations hard, locally
very hard
Rhythmically Occurring at Rhythmically
regular, predictable bedded
locations sandstone and

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 5

Figure 2-2
Relational Terms Caution should be used to correctly apply the
above terms as not all terms can be used with all
Descriptor Definition Examples
descriptors. For example, a weathering
to Intermediate, Moderately description of “slightly weathered to fresh” is not
having hard to acceptable because the term fresh indicates
properties in moderately absence of any discoloration and oxidation. As
between two soft such, the rock is either fresh or it isn’t. Similarly,
descriptors, describing a soil’s moisture to be “dry to moist” is
(borderline) incorrect because the soil either contains moisture
(moist) or it doesn’t (dry).
and Having Fine and
roughly coarse sand
amounts of 2.3 General Project and Hole
two or more Rounded and
descriptors angular
From/to Having From rounded An important aspect of fieldwork is properly
properties of to angular identifying the location of the project site, drilling
three or tools and methods used, and the personnel
more involved in the fieldwork. Figure 2-3 presents the
descriptors, information to be recorded for every hole. This
including all
descriptors information may not necessarily be reported on
in range the LOTB or BR.
Grading from/to Denoting a Grading from
gradual moderately
change with weathered to
Increasing/Decreasing depth, may fresh
from/to range over
Varies from/to Denotes Varies from
non-uniform soft to hard
“-“ (used with does not
numerical ranges) include all 4-6” Cobbles
in range
Chaotic No Chaotic
discernable interbeds of
pattern silt, sand and
Predominantly Having more Predominantly
than any Cobbles

6 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Figure 2-3
Information Required for Field Log

Item Description

1 Date(s) of work
2 Hole Identification
3 Project and Site Information:
• District
• Project Name
• County
• Structure/Bridge Name and Number (if available)
• Route
• Project Number (Charge District - Expenditure
Authorization, 8-digits) • Postmile, range and prefix

4 Borehole Location and Elevation:

• Location:
o Station and offset (required if available)
o Latitude and longitude, horizontal datum (optional)
o Northing and Easting, local coordinate reference system (optional)
Note: In the absence of accurate coordinate data, a suitable and verifiable field description may be
temporarily used. (e.g. postmile and centerline offset, distance to fixed object or benchmark, etc.)
• Elevation, vertical datum, benchmark location and description
• Survey method(s) used, approximate accuracy (e.g. less than a foot)
5 Personnel:
• Logger/Geoprofessional
• Drillers
6 Drilling and Sampling Equipment (verify with Driller):
• Drill rig (manufacturer and model, and Caltrans equipment identification number)
• Drilling method (mud rotary, air rotary, solid auger, hollow stem auger. etc.)
• Drill rod description (type, diameter)
• Drill bit description
• Casing (type, diameter) and installation depth
• SPT Hammer Type: Safety/Automatic Hammer, etc.
o Lifting mechanism (for safety hammer)
o Hammer Energy Ratio (ERi)
• Type of sampler(s) and size(s)
o Undisturbed Shelby tube
o Undisturbed Piston
o Split spoon (e.g. SPT, Cal Mod, etc.)
o Core (both rock and soil)
o Disturbed (include auger cuttings)
o Other
7 Groundwater
• Method (observed while drilling, measured in hole, etc.)
• Date, time, and elevation of each reading
8 Hole Completion
• Reason for termination (e.g., drilled to depth, refusal, early termination of traffic control, etc.)
• Backfill Method (e.g., grout, soil cuttings, dry bentonite chips, piezometers installed, slope inclinometer
installed, TDR, instrumentation, etc.)

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 7

2.4 Assignment of Hole 2.5 Soil Description and
Identification Identification Procedures
Identify holes using the following convention: This section presents the method for identification
and description of soil after ASTM D 2488 and
H – YY – NNN
USBR (2001). The detail of description provided
Where: for a particular soil should be dictated by the
H: Hole Type Code (Figure 2-4) complexity and objectives of the project. Optional
descriptors, if presented, should be critical to the
YY: 2-digit year design and/or construction needs of the project.
NNN: 3-digit number (001-999) It is recognized that the uncertainty in visual soil
The YY-NNN component of the hole identification description may be greater than 5% for any given
is unique and matched to a Caltrans project soil constituent. Proportional or percentage
expenditure authorization number (EA), site, descriptions varying by up to 10% for individual
structure, or bridge number. If two drilling constituents may be considered to be descriptions
methods are used, such as auger boring followed of the same material.
by rotary drilled boring, the predominant tool
governs the selection of Hole Type Code (H).
2.5.1 Soil Description and Identification
Figure 2-4 (after ASTM D 6453)
Hole Type Code and Description When describing and identifying soil, record the
data in accordance with Figure 2-5, and present the
Hole Type information on the LOTB or BR in the sequence
shown. Items marked “required” must be used,
Auger boring (hollow or solid stem, when applicable, to describe the soil sample. For
bucket) example, percent cobbles and/or boulders is
R Rotary drilled boring (conventional) required only if cobbles and/or boulders are
encountered. Do not report negative information
Rotary core (self-cased wire-line,
RC (e.g. no boulders or cobbles).
Rotary core (self-cased wire-line, not Use semicolons between required descriptors,
continuously sampled) commas within a descriptive component for
P Rotary percussion boring (Air) optional descriptors, and a period at the end of each
descriptive sequence.
HD Hand driven (1-inch soil tube)
Report each soil component identified by sequence
HA Hand auger
7 in order of decreasing proportion (not particle
D Driven (dynamic cone penetrometer) size). Report particle size range and (optionally)
CPT Cone Penetration Test angularity and shape, separated by commas.
O Other (note on LOTB)
Separate soil components with semicolons. For
…moist; some SAND, coarse, subangular; little
GRAVEL, fine, angular;…
…moist; some coarse, subangular SAND; little
fine, angular GRAVEL;…

8 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Figure 2-5
Identification and Description Sequence The following examples illustrate the application
Refer to of the descriptive sequence based on field
Section procedures.


1. Example of a complete descriptive sequence

for a sample using required and optional

1 Group Name 2.5.2 3.2.2 ● Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL (SW);
2 Group Symbol 2.5.2 3.2.2 ● medium dense; brown and light gray; wet;
Description 75% SAND, from coarse to fine, rounded;
Components 20% GRAVEL, coarse, subrounded to
rounded, flat and elongated; 5% fines;
Consistency of
Cohesive Soil
2.5.3 3.2.3 ● weak cementation.
Apparent Density Example of a complete descriptive sequence
4 of Cohesionless 2.5.4 ● for the same soil sample using only required
Soil components:
5 Color 2.5.5 ●
Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL (SW);
6 Moisture 2.5.6 ●
medium dense; brown and light gray; wet;
Percent or
Proportion of Soil
2.5.7 3.2.4 ● mostly SAND, from coarse to fine; little
coarse GRAVEL; trace fines; weak
7 Particle Size 2.5.8 2.5.8 ●
Particle Angularity 2.5.9 ○
Example of the complete descriptive sequence
Particle Shape 2.5.10 ○
for the same soil sample that omits the percent
Plasticity (for fine­
grained soil)
2.5.11 3.2.5 ○ or proportion of the primary soil constituent
Dry Strength (for
and omits the particle size range, which may be
fine-grained soil)
2.5.12 ○ done when the percentage or proportion and
Dilatency (for fine­ particle size range of the primary soil
grained soil)
2.5.13 ○ constituent are clearly inferred:
Toughness (for
fine-grained soil)
2.5.14 ○ Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL (SW);
medium dense; brown and light gray; wet;
12 Structure 2.5.15 ○ little coarse GRAVEL; trace fines; weak
13 Cementation 2.5.16 ● cementation.
Percent of
Cobbles and 2.5.17 ● 2. Example of a complete descriptive sequence
Boulders that omits the percent or proportion of the
Description of primary and secondary soil constituents, which
Cobbles and 2.5.18 ● may be done when the percentage or proportion
Boulders of the primary and secondary soil constituents
Consistency Field can be clearly inferred:
Test Result
2.5.3 ●
Additional SANDY lean CLAY (CL); stiff; brown and
2.5.19 ○ light gray; wet; fine SAND; PP=1.5 tsf.
Corresponds to the following complete
SANDY lean CLAY (CL); stiff; brown and
light gray; wet; mostly fines; some fine
SAND; medium plasticity; PP=1.5 tsf.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 9 Description of Pavement Description of Fills
Structural Sections State the word “FILL” parenthetically after the soil
Do not use the descriptive sequence (Figure 2-5) to descriptive sequence.
describe pavement sections. Report each material
For complex fills (e.g. thinly-layered, chaotic,
and its thickness, e.g., highly variable soil), state the predominant soil
• ASPHALT CONCRETE (12”) group name and symbol followed by the layer
thickness (Figure 2-30) of the components and the
• CONCRETE (24” bridge footing) group name and symbol of the secondary layers.
• AGGREGATE BASE (30”) This is followed by the complete individual
descriptions of the layers, e.g.
Poorly-graded SAND (SP); thickly interlayered Description of Interbedded Soil
with thin layers of SILT (ML) and GRAVEL
State the predominant soil group name and symbol (GP); SAND (SP); dense; brown; moist; fine
followed by the bedding thickness (Figure 2-30) of SAND; SILT (ML); dense; brown; moist;
the components and the group name and symbol of nonplastic; GRAVEL (GP); medium dense;
the secondary layers. Follow this with the gray; moist; coarse; (FILL).
complete individual descriptions of the layers, e.g.,
for a sample consisting of moderate beds of sand
interbedded with thin beds of silt:
Poorly-graded SAND (SP) moderately bedded
with thin interbeds of SILT (ML). SAND (SP);
dense; brown; moist; fine SAND. SILT (ML);
dense; brown; moist; nonplastic.

10 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.5.2 Group Name and Group Symbol • The soil could be well- or poorly-graded, e.g.,
Identify a soil by assigning a group name and GW/GP, SW/SP.
group symbol using the figures in the section for • The dominant fine-grained component of the
fine- or coarse-grained soil (Figure 2-6 or 2-8). soil could be either silt or clay, e.g., CL/ML,
The ASTM procedure for identifying and CH/MH, SC/SM.
describing fine-grained and coarse-grained soil is The group name for a soil with a borderline symbol
only applicable to material passing the 3-inch sieve. must be the group name for the first symbol, except
The percentage(s) of cobbles and/or boulders (if for:
encountered) must be reported per Section 2.5.17.
• CL/CH lean to fat CLAY,
Borderline Symbol – Because ASTM D 2488 is
based on estimates of particle size distribution and • ML/CL CLAYEY SILT, and
plasticity characteristics, it may be difficult to • CL/ML SILTY CLAY
assign it a single group symbol. To indicate that
the soil may fall into one of two groups, use a Borderline symbols should not be used
borderline symbol, which is two symbols separated indiscriminately. Use of a single group symbol is
by a slash, e.g., SC/CL or CL/CH. preferable.

A borderline symbol must be used when: Dual Symbol – A dual symbol is two symbols
separated by a hyphen, e.g., GP-GM, SW-SC, CL-
• The percentage of fines is estimated to be ML. They are used to indicate that the soil has
between 45 and 55%. One symbol must be for about 10% fines.
a coarse-grained soil with fines; the other for a
fine-grained soil, e.g., GM/ML or CL/SC.
• The percentage of sand and the percentage of
gravel are estimated to be about the same, e.g.,

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 11 Fine-Grained Soil
Fines are particles that pass through a Number 200 sieve. A soil is considered to be fine-grained if it
contains 50% or more fines. Assign a Group Name and Symbol to fine-grained soil according to Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6

Identification of Fine-Grained Soil (after ASTM D 2488)


Coarse Fraction Coarse Fraction Sand or Gravel Group Name

<15% plus No.200 Lean CLAY

<30% plus No.200 % sand > % gravel Lean CLAY with SAND
15-25% plus No.200
% sand < % gravel Lean CLAY with GRAVEL
CL < 15% gravel SANDY lean CLAY
% sand > % gravel
> 15% gravel SANDY lean CLAY with GRAVEL
>30% plus No.200
< 15% sand GRAVELLY lean CLAY
% sand < % gravel
> 15% sand GRAVELLY lean CLAY with SAND
<15% plus No.200 SILT
<30% plus No.200 % sand > % gravel SILT with SAND
15-25% plus No.200
% sand < % gravel SILT with GRAVEL
ML < 15% gravel SANDY SILT
% sand > % gravel
> 15% gravel SANDY SILT with GRAVEL
>30% plus No.200
< 15% sand GRAVELLY SILT
% sand < % gravel
> 15% sand GRAVELLY SILT with SAND
<15% plus No.200 Fat CLAY
<30% plus No.200 % sand > % gravel Fat CLAY with SAND
15-25% plus No.200
% sand < % gravel Fat CLAY with GRAVEL
CH < 15% gravel SANDY fat CLAY
% sand > % gravel
> 15% gravel SANDY fat CLAY with GRAVEL
>30% plus No.200
< 15% sand GRAVELLY fat CLAY
% sand < % gravel
> 15% sand GRAVELLY fat CLAY with SAND
<15% plus No.200 Elastic SILT
<30% plus No.200 % sand > % gravel Elastic SILT with SAND
15-25% plus No.200
% sand < % gravel Elastic SILT with GRAVEL
MH < 15% gravel SANDY elastic SILT
% sand > % gravel
> 15% gravel SANDY elastic SILT with GRAVEL
>30% plus No.200
< 15% sand GRAVELLY elastic SILT
% sand < % gravel
> 15% sand GRAVELLY elastic SILT with SAND
<15% plus No.200 ORGANIC SOIL
<30% plus No.200 % sand > % gravel ORGANIC SOIL with SAND
15-25% plus No.200
% sand < % gravel ORGANIC SOIL with GRAVEL
OH % sand > % gravel SANDY ORGANIC SOIL with
> 15% gravel
>30% plus No.200
% sand < % gravel GRAVELLY ORGANIC SOIL with
> 15% sand

12 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Clay and Silt – Identify the soil as Lean CLAY (CL), Fat CLAY (CH), SILT (ML), or Elastic SILT (MH),
using the criteria in Figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7
Identification of Clayey and Silty Soil
Group Symbol Dry Strength Dilatancy Toughness Plasticity

ML None to low Slow to rapid Low or thread cannot be Low to nonplastic


CL Medium to high None to slow Medium Medium

MH Low to medium None to slow Low to medium Low to medium

CH High to very high None High High

Organic Soil – Identify the soil as organic, OL/OH, if the soil contains enough organic particles to influence
the soil properties. Organic soil is usually dark brown or black and may have an organic odor. Often, organic
soil will change color, for example, black to brown, when exposed to the air. Some organic soil will lighten
in color significantly when air-dried. Organic soil normally will not have a high toughness or plasticity. The
thread for the toughness test will be spongy.
Identification of Peat – Peat is an organic soil composed primarily of vegetation in various stages of
decomposition. It has a fibrous to amorphous texture, usually dark brown or black, and an organic odor.
Identify Peat with the Group Name and Symbol, PEAT (PT). There are no standardized criteria for
describing peat, thus the descriptive sequence in Figure 2-5 need not be followed. The description presented
should be determined based on the needs of the project. Coarse-Grained Soil

A coarse-grained soil contains fewer than 50% fines. A coarse-grained soil is identified as gravel if the
percentage of gravel is greater than the percentage of sand, or as sand if the percentage of gravel is equal to
or less than the percentage of sand. A well-graded sand or gravel has roughly equal amounts of all particle
sizes. A poorly-graded sand or gravel is missing one or more particle sizes.
Assign a Group Name and Symbol to coarse-grained soil according to Figure 2-8.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 13

Figure 2-8

Identification of Coarse-Grained Soil (from ASTM D-2488)

Type of Group
Fines Grade Sand/Gravel Group Name
Fines Symbol
< 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL
Well GW
> 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with SAND
< 5%
< 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL
Poorly GP
> 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with SAND
< 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with SILT
> 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with SILT and SAND
< 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with CLAY

> 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with CLAY and SAND

< 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with SILT
> 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with SILT and SAND
< 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with CLAY
> 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with CLAY and SAND
< 15% sand SILTY GRAVEL
> 15% sand SILTY GRAVEL with SAND
> 15%
< 15% sand CLAYEY GRAVEL
> 15% sand CLAYEY GRAVEL with SAND
< 15% gravel Well-graded SAND
Well SW
> 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL
< 5%
< 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND
Poorly SP
> 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with GRAVEL
< 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with SILT
> 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with SILT and GRAVEL
< 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with CLAY
> 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with CLAY and GRAVEL

< 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with SILT
> 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with SILT and GRAVEL
< 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with CLAY
> 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with CLAY and GRAVEL
< 15% gravel SILTY SAND
> 15% gravel SILTY SAND with GRAVEL
> 15%
< 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND
> 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL

14 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.5.3 Consistency of Cohesive Soil
Cohesive soil derives its strength from cohesion (tendency of particles to stick together) rather than friction
between particles. Clay (CL and CH) and elastic silt (MH) are cohesive; silt (ML) may or may not be
cohesive. The required field procedure for the determination of consistency of cohesive soil is to perform
tests with a pocket penetrometer or torvane on relatively undisturbed samples, or to perform down-hole vane
shear tests. (See Appendix A for details on the test procedures.) The test result(s) are added to the descriptive
sequence using the syntax “PP = measurement”, “TV = measurement”, or “VS = measurement” where the
measurement is in units of tsf.
Use the terms and criteria in Figure 2-9 to describe the consistency of predominantly cohesive soil.

Figure 2-9

Consistency of Cohesive Soil (after AASHTO 1988 and Bureau of Reclamation 2001)

Torvane Vane Shear
Description Measurement, TV, Measurement, VS,
Measurement, PP,
(tsf) (tsf)

Very Soft PP < 0.25 TV < 0.12 VS < 0.12

Soft 0.25 ≤ PP < 0.5 0.12 ≤ TV < 0.25 0.12 ≤ VS < 0.25

Medium Stiff 0.5 ≤ PP < 1 0.25 ≤ TV < 0.5 0.25 ≤ VS < 0.5

Stiff 1 ≤ PP < 2 0.5 ≤ TV < 1 0.5 ≤ VS < 1

Very Stiff 2 ≤ PP < 4 1 ≤ TV < 2 1 ≤ VS < 2

Hard 4 ≤ PP 2 ≤ TV 2 ≤ VS

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 15

2.5.4 Apparent Density of Cohesionless 2.5.5 Color
Soil Use the Munsell Soil Color Charts to describe the
Describe the apparent density of predominantly color of a soil sample at its natural moisture
cohesionless soil (Figure 2-10). content at the time of sampling. Describe the
Figure 2-10 (after AASHTO, 1988) predominant colors or range of colors if there is
Apparent Density of Cohesionless Soil substantial color variation using the terms in
Figures 2-1, 2-2 and/or 2-11 as appropriate. For
Description SPT N60 (blows/ft) example:
Variegated brown and light yellowish brown
Very Loose N60 < 5
For additional information, see ASTM D 1535,
Loose 5 ≤ N60 < 10 Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the
Munsell System.
Medium Dense 10 ≤ N60 < 30
Figure 2-11
Color Terms
Dense 30 ≤ N60 < 50
Description Definition Examples
Very dense 50 ≤ N60
Variegated Having streaks, Variegated green,
marks, or patches gray and black
of a different color
The apparent density of a coarse-grained or colors;
(predominantly cohesionless) soil is based on a varicolored.
corrected Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N60
Mottled Having spots or Mottled green,
value (described in Appendix A) as follows: blotches of gray and black
N60 = Nmeasured * (ERi /60) different colors
Multicolored Lots of colors Multicolored,
(state green, gray and
ERi = Hammer energy ratio (%) predominant black

Example: Nmeasured = 8, ERi = 90%

N60 = 8*(90/60) = 12
The soil is medium dense

16 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.5.6 Moisture 2.5.8 Particle Size
Describe the moisture condition (Figure 2-12). Describe the size of particles (Figure 2-14).
Figure 2-12 (after ASTM 2488) Figure 2-14 (from ASTM D 2488)
Moisture Particle Size, Ps
Description Criteria Approximate
Description Sieve Size
Particle Size (in)
Dry No discernable moisture
Boulder Greater than 12 in. 12 < Ps
Moist Moisture present, but no free water
Cobble 3 to 12 in. 3 < Ps ≤ 12
Wet Visible free water
Coarse 3/4 to 3 in. 3/4 < Ps ≤ 3
Soil determined to be ”moist” may be alternatively
qualitatively described as “slightly moist” or “very Fine Gravel No. 4 to 3/4 in. 1/5 < Ps ≤ 3/4
moist” if needed. Coarse Sand No. 10 to No. 4 1/16 < Ps ≤ 1/5
Medium Sand No. 40 to No. 10 1/64 < Ps ≤ 1/16

2.5.7 Percent or Proportion of Soil Fine Sand No. 200 to No. 40 1/300 < Ps ≤ 1/64

Report the percentage or proportion of gravel, sand, Silt and Clay Passing No. 200 Ps ≤ 1/300
and fines, by weight of the total sample (excluding
the cobbles and boulders), either by using a
proportional descriptor (Figure 2-13) or as a weight
percentage (not a range), estimated to the nearest 5 2.5.9 Particle Angularity
%, of the total sample (excluding the cobbles and Describe the angularity of the sand (coarse grains
boulders). Report the percents or proportions in only), gravel, cobbles, and boulders (Figure 2-15).
order of decreasing abundance. Percentages must
Figure 2-15 (after ASTM 2488)
add up to 100%. Visual descriptors may be
Particle Angularity
omitted if the proportions can be clearly inferred
from the group name and soil description. Refer to Description Criteria
Section 2.5.17 for reporting percent of cobbles
Angular Particles have sharp edges and
and/or boulders. relatively plane sides with
Figure 2-13 (after ASTM 2488) unpolished surfaces
Percent or Proportion of Soil, Pp Subangular Particles are similar to angular
description, but have rounded
Description Criteria edges
Trace Particles are present but Subrounded Particles have nearly plane sides,
estimated to be less than 5% but have well-rounded corners and
Few 5 ≤ Pp ≤10% edges

Little 15 ≤ Pp ≤ 25% Rounded Particles have smoothly curved

sides and no edges
Some 30 ≤ Pp ≤ 45%
Mostly 50 ≤ Pp ≤ 100%

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 17

2.5.10 Particle Shape 2.5.12 Dry Strength (for Fine-Grained Soil)
Describe the shape of the gravel, cobbles, and Determine dry strength (Figure 2-18). (See
boulders if they meet any of the criteria in Figure Appendix A for field test procedures.)
2-16. Figure 2-18 (after ASTM 2488)
Figure 2-16 (after ASTM 2488) Dry Strength
Particle Shape
Description Criteria
Description Criteria
None The dry specimen crumbles into
Flat Particles with width/thickness > 3 powder with mere pressure of
Elongated Particles with length/width > 3
Low The dry specimen crumbles into
Flat and Particles meet criteria for both flat powder with some finger pressure.
Elongated and elongated
Medium The dry specimen breaks into pieces
or crumbles with considerable finger
High The dry specimen cannot be broken
2.5.11 Plasticity (for Fine-Grained Soil) with finger pressure. Specimen will
Describe plasticity (Figure 2-17). break into pieces between thumb and
a hard surface.
Figure 2-17 (after ASTM 2488)
Very High The dry specimen cannot be broken
between the thumb and a hard
Description Criteria surface.

Nonplastic A 1⁄8-in. thread cannot be rolled at

any water content.
Low The thread can barely be rolled and 2.5.13 Dilatancy (for Fine-Grained Soil)
the lump cannot be formed when
drier than the plastic limit. Determine dilatancy (Figure 2-19). (See Appendix
Medium The thread is easy to roll and not A for field test procedures.)
much time is required to reach the Figure 2-19 (after ASTM 2488)
plastic limit. The thread cannot be Dilatancy
rerolled after reaching the plastic
limit. The lump crumbles when drier Description Criteria
than the plastic limit.
None No visible change in the specimen
High It takes considerable time rolling
and kneading to reach the plastic Slow Water appears slowly on the surface
limit. The thread can be rerolled of the specimen during shaking and
several times after reaching the does not disappear or disappears
plastic limit. The lump can be slowly upon squeezing
formed without crumbling when
drier than the plastic limit. Rapid Water appears quickly on the surface
of the specimen during shaking and
disappears quickly upon squeezing

18 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.5.14 Toughness (for Fine-Grained Soil) 2.5.16 Cementation
Determine toughness (Figure 2-20). (See Appendix Describe the cementation of intact coarse-grained
A for field test procedures.) soil (Figure 2-22).
Figure 2-20 (after ASTM 2488) Figure 2-22 (after ASTM 2488)
Toughness Cementation
Description Criteria Description Criteria

Low Only slight pressure is required to roll Weak Crumbles or breaks with handling or
the thread near the plastic limit. The light finger pressure.
thread and the lump are weak and
soft. Moderate Crumbles or breaks with
considerable finger pressure.
Medium Medium pressure is required to roll
Strong Will not crumble or break with finger
the thread to near the plastic limit.
The thread and the lump have pressure.
medium stiffness.
High Considerable pressure is required to
roll the thread to near the plastic limit. 2.5.17 Percent of Cobbles and Boulders
The thread and the lump have very
high stiffness Particles greater than 3 inches in diameter are
identified and described as “COBBLES,” or
as defined in Section 2.5.8. Cobbles and boulders
2.5.15 Structure must be reported by volume percentage (to the
Describe the structure of intact soil (Figure 2-21). nearest 5%). Do not use the proportional
Figure 2-21 (after ASTM 2488) descriptors defined in Figure 2-13.
Structure Estimation of the volume of cobbles and/or
Description Criteria
boulders is based upon recovered intersected or
observed lengths and/or drill rig behavior.
Stratified Alternating layers of varying
material or color with layers at least A subset of rock descriptors (Section 2.5.18) must
¼ in. thick; note thickness. be used to describe cobbles and boulders. Isolated
boulders may be treated as individual units and
Laminated Alternating layers of varying
material or color with the layers less described as such.
than ¼ in. thick; note thickness. For example, it is estimated that 30% by volume of
Fissured Breaks along definite planes of the material is cobbles, describe the sample as:
fracture with little resistance to
fracturing. Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL and
COBBLES (SW); medium dense; brown and
Slickensided Fracture planes appear polished or
glossy, sometimes striated.
light gray; wet; 75% from coarse to fine
rounded SAND; 20% coarse subrounded to
Blocky Cohesive soil that can be broken rounded, flat and elongated GRAVEL; 5% fines;
down into small angular lumps
which resist further breakdown. weak cementation; 30% SANDSTONE
COBBLES, 4-6 inches, hard.
Lensed Inclusion of small pockets of
different soil, such as small lenses -or-
of sand scattered through a mass of
clay; note thickness. Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL and
COBBLES (SW); medium dense; brown and
Homogeneous Same color and appearance
light gray; wet; little coarse subrounded to
rounded, flat and elongated GRAVEL; trace
fines; weak cementation; 30% SANDSTONE
COBBLES, 4-6”, hard.
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 19
Note, the percentages of constituents in the first 2.5.18 Description of Cobbles and Boulders
example do not add up to 100% as cobbles are The description of cobbles and boulders must
estimated by total volume, but gravel, sand, and
include, at minimum, the following information:
fines, are estimated by weight of the total sample
excluding the cobbles and boulders, per Section • Rock Type or Rock Name
• Rock hardness
If the predominant constituent of the layer is
• The intersected length(s)
estimated to be cobbles and/or boulders, the group
name must be “COBBLES” or “BOULDERS” or An intersected length is the measured or observed
“COBBLES and BOULDERS” with the length of cobble or boulder during drilling. This is
interstitial or matrix soil description following. not necessarily the maximum size of the cobble or
There is no Group Symbol for cobbles and/or boulder, e.g., a 10-inch intersected length may be
boulders. Note this is a departure from the identified as a boulder.
descriptive sequence in Section 2.5.1 as Sequence
14 is reported after Sequence 1. For example, it is
estimated that 60% by volume of the material is
cobbles, describe the layer as:
COBBLES; 60%; SANDSTONE; hard; 8-10
inches; with interstitial well-graded SAND
with GRAVEL (SW); brown and light gray;
wet; rounded SAND; little coarse, subrounded
to rounded, flat and elongated GRAVEL; trace
fines; weak cementation.
Or if there are 45% cobbles in a SW matrix:
COBBLES; 45%; SANDSTONE; hard; 8-10
inches; in a matrix of well-graded SAND with
GRAVEL (SW); medium dense; brown and
light gray; wet; rounded SAND; little coarse,
subrounded to rounded, flat and elongated
GRAVEL; trace fines; weak cementation.

20 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.5.19 Additional Comments 2.5.20 Other Drilling Observations
Additional constituents and soil characteristics not Other observations (not included in the descriptive
included in the previous categories may be noted sequence) that may be presented on the LOTB or
and described. Comments may include: BR as notes or remarks include:
• Amount of roots or root holes • Caving or sloughing of borehole or trench sides
• Amount of mica, gypsum, etc. • Difficulty in drilling or excavating, etc.
• Amount of voids • Ground water inflow, elevation(s), and
estimated rate(s)
• Surface coatings on coarse-grained particles
• Loss of drill fluid circulation
• Oxide staining
• Changes in drilling methods not clearly shown
• Odor
on the boring log
• Cementing agents (e.g. calcium carbonate – see
Appendix A.7)
• Geologic formation name or soil survey unit
name, presented as the last term in the sequence
capitalized in parenthesis, e.g. (BAY MUD),
References for terms or procedures, not covered by
this manual, presented under Additional Comments,
must be presented in the “Notes” section on the
LOTB sheet or Boring Record.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 21

2.6 Rock Identification and Figure 2-23
Rock Identification and Descriptive Sequence
Description Procedures
Refer to
The procedures presented in this section are based



on a hybrid of the International Society of Rock

Mechanics (ISRM) (1981) standards and the

Bureau of Reclamation (2001) standards.
Although not included in the descriptive sequence, 1 Rock Type 2.6.2 ●
Core Recovery (REC) and Rock Quality 2 Rock Name 2.6.2 ●
Designation (RQD) must be recorded and
presented on the boring logs. Core Recovery and Description
RQD must be reported for all rock coring Components
operations as described in Appendices A.9 and Rock Grain Size
A.10. (Coarse-grained 2.6.4 ●
sedimentary rock)
3 Crystal Size
2.6.1 Rock Identification and Descriptive (Igneous and
2.6.4 ○
Sequence Metamorphic
Describe rock using Figure 2-23. The detail of
description provided for a particular rock type 4 Bedding Spacing 2.6.5 ●
should be dictated by the complexity and 5 Color 2.6.6 ●
objectives of the project. Optional descriptors, if
presented, must be relevant to the design and/or 6 2.6.7 ●
Descriptors for
construction needs of the project. Intact Rock
7 Rock Hardness 2.6.8 ●
8 Fracture Density 2.6.9 ●
2.6.10 ○
Rate of Slaking
(Jar Slake Test)
2.6.11 ○
Relative Strength
of Intact Rock
3.3.1 ○
2.5.12 ○

22 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 Description of Interbedded Rock which display both rock-like and soil-like
properties, regardless of the degree of weathering,
Describe interbedded rock as follows:
must be described as rock as completely as
State the rock type and the predominant rock name possible followed by the soil identification or
followed by the bedding thicknesses (Figure 2-30) classification and description in parentheses. Add
of the components and the rock name of the “POORLY INDURATED” to the Rock Name, e.g.,
secondary layers. This is followed by the complete
individual descriptions of the layers e.g, for a SEDIMENTARY ROCK (POORLY
INDURATED SANDSTONE); medium grained;
sample consisting of moderate beds of sandstone
interbedded with thin beds of siltstone: variably light gray and light yellowish brown;
fresh; very soft; unfractured; (Poorly-graded
SEDIMENTARY ROCK (SANDSTONE) SAND (SP); very dense; moist; medium sand;
moderately bedded with thin interbeds of strong cementation).
SILTSTONE. SANDSTONE; fine grained; gray;
fresh; hard; slightly fractured; SILTSTONE;
gray; slightly weathered; moderately hard; 2.6.2 Rock Identification
moderately fractured. Rock is identified by a combination of Rock Type
(Igneous, Metamorphic or Sedimentary) followed
by the Rock Name. Rock Name may be a Description for Intensely
generalized Family Name (e.g., Granite, Sandstone)
Weathered to Decomposed or
or a more specific name (e.g., Granodiorite, Arkose)
Decomposed Rock
if the identification is made by a qualified
Intensely weathered to decomposed or decomposed geoprofessional, e.g.,
rock that is friable and can be reduced to gravel
size or smaller by normal hand pressure must be IGNEOUS ROCK (GRANITE)
identified and described as rock as completely as -or-
possible, followed by the soil identification or IGNEOUS ROCK (GRANODIORITE)
classification, and description in parentheses (per
Section 2.5). For example: Note that a specific rock name is usually not
relevant for geotechnical work, the family name is
IGNEOUS ROCK (DIORITE); yellowish brown; generally sufficient and may often be found in
intensely weathered to decomposed; very soft; published geologic maps. Figures 2-24, 2-25 and
unfractured; (Lean CLAY with SAND (CL); 2-26 present rocks commonly found in California.
medium stiff; moist; little coarse SAND; PP=1 The lists of rock names presented in this section are
tsf). not intended to be comprehensive.
Or when a rock is decomposed, hardness and
fracturing usually do not apply: I gneous Rock
IGNEOUS ROCK (DIORITE); yellowish brown;
decomposed; (Lean CLAY with SAND (CL); Igneous rock is identified by a combination of
medium stiff; moist; little coarse SAND; three characteristics: chemical composition, texture,
PP=0.6 tsf). and method of emplacement.
Note, color is not repeated in the descriptive Chemical Composition: Igneous rocks may be
sequence for soil. Felsic, characterized by light color and high silica
and alkali metal content; Intermediate; or
Mafic/Ultramafic, characterized by dark color and Description of Poorly Indurated high iron and magnesium content.
Rock Texture: Igneous rock may be coarse-grained
Poorly indurated formational materials such as (phaneritic) where individual minerals are
siltstone, claystone, weakly cemented sandstone etc. identifiable with the naked eye, or fine-grained
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 23
(aphanitic) where individual minerals are not discernable, the rock name may be the parent rock
identifiable with the naked eye. type or name with the prefix “meta”, e.g.,
Metavolcanic, Metasedimentary, Metasandstone,
Method of Emplacement: Igneous rock may be
formed deep underground (intrusive or plutonic
rocks), typically coarse grained, or at or near the Regionally metamorphosed rock types are
surface (extrusive or volcanic rock), typically fine­ distinguished by mineralogy and texture. These
grained. vary according to the degree of metamorphism, or
metamorphic grade. Foliation is an alignment of
Volcanic rock may be further subdivided into lava
mineral grains or compositional banding. It varies
flows, where molten rock flows over the landscape
from slatey cleavage due to the parallel growth of
and solidifies into rock, and pyroclastic deposits
mica crystals, to a gneissic texture where minerals
which are formed from explosive eruptions where
group in bands, which resemble bedding. Foliation
lava and rock particles are thrown into the air.
is usually most common in rock derived from fine­
Volcanic rocks may also be characterized by the
grained sedimentary rock. Refer to Figure 2-26.
method of emplacement and texture (Figure 2-24).

2.6.3 Rock Description Sedimentary Rock
Rock description includes the Rock Type followed
Sedimentary rock is formed by the process of
by the Rock Name (either specific, or family name,
induration or lithification whereby sediments
with modifiers such as scoria, ash fall etc) in
compact under pressure and gradually become rock.
parentheses followed by the required descriptors.
Lithification includes all the processes which
convert unconsolidated sediments into sedimentary Examples:
IGNEOUS ROCK (BASALT); very thickly
Sedimentary rock may be well indurated or bedded; black; fresh; hard; slightly fractured.
lithified as solid rock, or poorly indurated or poorly
lithified and display soil-like characteristics.
thickly bedded; white; slightly weathered; soft;
Poorly indurated rock should be distinguished from
slightly fractured.
weathered rock as described in Section
Refer to Figure 2-25.
thickly bedded; white, locally yellowish brown; Metamorphic Rock slightly weathered; moderately soft; slightly
Metamorphic rock is igneous, sedimentary or other fractured.
metamorphic rock that has been changed by heat -or more specifically-
and/or pressure. Metamorphism may be either
regional metamorphism, due to widespread burial METAMORPHIC ROCK (QUARTZITE);
and heat, or contact metamorphism, due to heat thickly bedded; white, locally yellowish brown;
from a nearby igneous intrusion. slightly weathered; moderately soft; slightly
The original rock character may or may not be
discernable after metamorphism. If it is still

24 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Figure 2-24
Igneous Rock
Rock Name
Specific Name Typical Characteristics
Rock Categorization Family Name
Light Colored; composed primarily of quartz
Granite, Tonalite,
and feldspar (plagioclase and orthoclase)
Granite Granodiorite,
with minor ferromagnesian minerals.
Quartz Monzonite

Emplaced as large intrusive plutonic bodies.


Rhyolite, Quartz As above, except emplaced as volcanic ash

Latite, Trachyte flows, ash falls, local flows and domes.

Medium gray or medium green (intermediate


colored); composed primarily of plagioclase

Diorite feldspars with ~30-50% ferromagnesian

minerals (absent or minor quartz). Emplaced

as small to large intrusive plutonic bodies.


Andesite, Latite, As above, except emplaced as volcanic

Dacite flows, mud flows and breccias.

Dark gray or black (dark colored); composed

primarily of ferromagnesian minerals with

minor plagioclase feldspar. Typically
Gabbro Peridotite, Norite,

emplaced in California as accretionary


memtamorphosed bodies (e.g ophiolite


As above, except emplaced as local to


Basalt Basalt, Picrite widespread volcanic lava flows and cinder


Volcanic Rock Name Modifiers

Lava flow Typical of basalt.

Typical of rhyolite - An airborne deposit formed from lava and rock fragments, which flow
Ash flow
through the air down the flanks of a volcano.
An airborne deposit formed from small rock fragments erupted to high altitudes, which then rain
Ash fall
Typical of andesite. May be a primary feature where erupting lava is mixed with snow or water
Mudflow and flows downhill, or may be a secondary feature where an existing volcanic deposit fails in a
Breccia Flowing rock hardens, breaks up and is incorporated back into the flow.
Volcanic rock formed primarily of volcanic bombs. Volcanic bombs are globs of lava thrown
through the air and may gravel-sized or as large as a small car.
Obsidian Volcanic rock consisting almost entirely of glass.
Pumice Solidified lava froth – resembles a sponge with about 90% porosity, floats on water.
Scoria Like pumice, but with larger vesicles (rounded voids) and thicker vesicle walls. Sinks in water.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 25

Figure 2-25
Sedimentary Rock
Categorization* Rock Name Characteristics

Rock composed of rounded clasts of gravel, cobbles, and/or


boulders with interstitial finer-grained material.
Breccia A conglomerate composed of angular clasts.
Sandstone Rock composed mostly of sand-sized particles.
Sandstone characterized by well graded, usually angular,
Clastic Rocks

sand and gravel in a fine-grained matrix.

Poorly indurated, generally structureless rock composed of
clay. Generally slakes in water.
Well indurated, generally structureless rock composed of

Well indurated mudstones or claystones which are fissile, or
break along planes generally parallel to bedding planes.

Rock composed mostly of silt-sized particles. May be

Siltstone structureless or display bedding. Usually not fissile unless
there is significant clay content.

Evaporites are generally identified by their primary mineral

constituent, e.g., Gypsum, Borates, Halite (rock salt),
Carbonate etc.

Well indurated rock composed of calcium carbonate or

Limestone calcium-magnesium carbonate (dolomite) with or without

shells or shell fragments.


Chalk Poorly indurated limestone.

Diatomite Poorly indurated rock comprised of diatom shells.

Chert Generally microcrystalline silica.

*Sedimentary rocks may be divided into three categories:

Clastic: Formed from particles of preexisting rocks transported and deposited primarily in water.
Evaporate: Formed by the precipitation of minerals due to the complete evaporation of relatively small bodies of
surface water; generally identified by their primary mineral constituent.
Precipitate: Formed by the precipitation of minerals, generally in oceans.

26 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Figure 2-26
Metamorphic Rock

Rock Type Categorization Family Name Characteristics

Usually fine-grained with well developed slatey

Slate cleavage (tendency to break along well defined
Coarser grained than slate with phyllitic texture, similar
Phyllite to slatey cleavage, but planes may be less well defined

or wavy.

Coarse-grained, significant alignment of minerals,

some slatey cleavage.

Coarse-grained, foliation entirely due to alignment and


banding of minerals.

Higher degree of metamorphism than gneiss, resemble

Non-foliated or poorly foliated

coarse-grained igneous rocks.

Nearly monomineralic coarse-grained rock composed

of amphibole.

Hornfels Generally fine-grained contact-metamorphosed rock.

Usually coarse-grained contact metamorphic rock

where significant metasomatism has occurred.

2.6.4 Rock Grain-size descriptors

Describe the grain or clast size in accordance with Figures 2-27, 2-28 and 2-29.
Figure 2-27
Grain-Size for Crystalline Igneous and Metamorphic Rock

Description Average Crystal Size, S (in)

Very Coarse Grained or Pegmatitic 3/8 ≤ S

Coarse-grained 3/16 < S ≤ 3/8

Medium-grained 1/32 < S ≤ 3/16

Fine-grained 1/250 < S ≤ 1/32

Aphanitic S ≤ 1/250

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 27

Figure 2-28
2.6.5 Bedding Spacing Descriptors
Grain-Size (Clastic Rock)

Describe the bedding thickness or spacing of

USCS Description Lithified Product sedimentary or bedded volcanic rock (Figure 2-30).
Boulder Boulder Conglomerate Figure 2-30 (after USBR 2001)
Bedding Spacing
Cobble Cobble Conglomerate
Coarse Gravel Coarse Gravel Conglomerate Description Thickness/Spacing, Sb
Fine Gravel Fine Gravel Conglomerate
Massive 10 ft. < Sb
Coarse Sand Coarse Sandstone
Medium Sand Medium Sandstone Very Thickly Bedded 3 ft. < Sb ≤ 10 ft.
Fine Sand Fine Sandstone
Thickly Bedded 1 ft. < Sb ≤ 3 ft.
Silt Siltstone, Shale
Clay Claystone, Shale Moderately Bedded 4 in. < Sb ≤ 1 ft.

Thinly Bedded 1 in. < Sb ≤ 4 in.

Figure 2-29

Grain-Size (Pyroclastic Igneous Rock)

Very Thinly Bedded 1/4 in. < Sb ≤ 1 in.
Fragment Size, S (in) Laminated Sb ≤1/4 in.

Volcanic Breccia
2.5 < S 2.6.6 Rock Colors
(Rounded) Use the color name from the Munsell Soil Color
Lapilli Lapilli Tuff 1/20 < S ≤ 2.5 Charts, which is based on the National Bureau of
Standards/Inter Society Color Council system, to
Coarse Ash Coarse Ash Tuff 1/400 < S ≤ 1/20 describe the rock at the time of sampling. If the
Fine Ash Fine Ash Tuff S ≤ 1/400 sample contains layers or patches of varying colors,
describe the predominant colors observed.
For additional information, see ASTM D 1535,
Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the
Munsell System.

28 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.6.7 Weathering Descriptors for Intact Rock
Describe the rock weathering (Figure 2-31).
Figure 2-31 (after USBR 2001)
Weathering for Intact Rock
Diagnostic Features
Chemical Weathering-Discoloration Mechanical Texture and
and/or Oxidation Weathering-Grain Leaching
Boundary Conditions General
(Disaggregation) Characteristics
Fracture Primarily for Granitics
Body of Rock Texture Leaching
Surfaces and Some Coarse-
Grained Sediments
Fresh No discoloration, not No No separation, intact No change No leaching Hammer rings when
oxidized. discoloration (tight). crystalline rocks are
or oxidation. struck.
Slightly Discoloration or oxidation Minor to No visible separation, Preserved Minor Hammer rings when
Weathered is limited to surface of, or complete intact (tight). leaching of crystalline rocks are
short distance from, discoloration some soluble stuck. Body of rock not
fractures; some feldspar or oxidation minerals weakened.
crystals are dull. of most
Moderately Discoloration or oxidation All fracture Partial separation of Generally Soluble Hammer does not ring
Weathered extends from fractures surfaces are boundaries visible. preserved minerals may when rock is struck.
usually throughout; Fe- discolored or be mostly Body of rock is slightly
Mg minerals are “rusty,” oxidized. leached. weakened.
feldspar crystals are
Intensely Discoloration or oxidation All fracture Partial separation, rock Texture altered Leaching of Dull sound when struck
Weathered throughout; all feldspars surfaces are is friable; in semiarid by chemical soluble with hammer, usually
and Fe-Mg minerals are discolored or conditions granitics are disintegration minerals may can be broken with
altered to clay to some oxidized, disaggregated. (hydration, be complete. moderate to heavy
extent; or chemical surfaces argillation). manual pressure or by
alteration produces in situ friable. light hammer blow
disaggregation, see grain without reference to
boundary conditions. planes of weakness
such as incipient or
hairline fractures, or
veinlets. Rock is
significantly weakened.
Decomposed Discolored or oxidized Complete separation of Resembles a soil, partial or Can be granulated by
throughout, but resistant grain boundaries complete remnant rock structure hand. Resistant minerals
minerals such as quartz (disaggregated). may be preserved; leaching of such as quartz may be
may be unaltered; all soluble minerals usually present as “stringers” or
feldspars and Fe-Mg complete. “dikes.”
minerals are completely
altered to clay.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 29

2.6.8 Rock Hardness 2.6.9 Fracture Density
Describe the hardness of intact rock core (Figure 2­ Fractures are defined in Section 2.6.10. The
32). fracture density is based on the fracture spacing
Figure 2-32 (after USBR 2001) observed in recovered core, excluding mechanical
Rock Hardness breaks, measured along the core axis. Note that
fracture density and RQD should correlate.
Description Criteria Describe the fracture density (Figure 2-33).
Extremely Hard Cannot be scratched with a Figure 2-33 (after USBR 2001)
pocketknife or sharp pick. Can Fracture Density
only be chipped with repeated
heavy hammer blows. Description Observed Fracture Density
Very Hard Cannot be scratched with a Unfractured No fractures.
pocketknife or sharp pick.
Breaks with repeated heavy Very Slightly Core lengths greater than 3 ft.
hammer blows. Fractured

Hard Can be scratched with a Slightly Fractured Core lengths mostly from 1 to 3 ft.
pocketknife or sharp pick with Moderately Core lengths mostly 4 in. to 1 ft.
difficulty (heavy pressure). Fractured
Breaks with heavy hammer
blows. Intensely Core lengths mostly from 1 to 4 in.
Moderately Can be scratched with a
Hard pocketknife or sharp pick with Very Intensely Mostly chips and fragments.
light or moderate pressure. Fractured
Breaks with moderate hammer
Moderately Can be grooved 1/16 in. deep
Soft with a pocketknife or sharp pick
with moderate or heavy pressure.
Breaks with light hammer blow or
heavy manual pressure.
Soft Can be grooved or gouged easily
with a pocketknife or sharp pick
with light pressure, can be
scratched with fingernail. Breaks
with light to moderate manual
Very Soft Can be readily indented, grooved
or gouged with fingernail, or
carved with a pocketknife.
Breaks with light manual

30 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.6.10 Fracture Condition Fracture Dip Magnitude
Fracture is a term used to describe any break in Report fracture dip magnitude. (Figure 2-34)
geologic material, including shears and shear zones. Figure 2-34
Use a single description, or range of descriptors, to Fracture Dip Magnitude
describe the fractures over the length of the core.
Descriptors must be presented in the following Vertical

order. Hole:

True dip (but

35 Dip
1. Fracture Group Identification
not strike

2. Dip Magnitude unless from

3. Spacing oriented core)

4. Width is reported.

5. Infilling
Core Axis
6. Composition of Infilling
7. Weathering or Alteration
8. Hardness
9. Healing
10. Roughness

e.g., Angle Hole:

grained; massive; gray; moderately weathered; usually not
hard; moderately fractured; (F1, 45 deg, 2-3’ known; angle
spacing, moderately wide, thin filling of clay, is measured Core Axis
from core axis
soft, slightly rough) (F2, 28 deg, 1’ apparent
and is called 45
spacing, open, very thin filling of calcite, hard, inclination. Inclination
moderately healed, smooth). Fracture Group Identification

Uniquely identify each fracture group in the
descriptive sequence using the terms F1, F2…Fx
for fracture groups.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 31 Fracture Spacing Fracture Infilling
Fracture spacing is the distance measured between Describe the thickness of coatings or fillings
similar oriented fractures. Fracture spacing may (Figure 2-37).
either be presented as a single distance or as a Figure 2-37 (after USBR 2001)
range of distances measured for a fracture group. Filling or Coating Thickness
Spacing is measured as shown in Figure 2-35.
Apparent spacing, if measured, must be described Description Fracture Filling, FF
as such. Clean No film coating
Figure 2-35 Very Thin FF < 1/32 in.
True and Apparent Fracture Spacing
Moderately Thin 1/32 in. ≤ FF < 1/8 in.
Thin 1/8 in. ≤ FF < 3/8 in
Moderately Thick 3/8 in. ≤ FF < 1 in.
Thick 1 in. ≤ FF
Spacing Composition of Infilling
Fractures may be filled with minerals or soil.
Identify and describe the fracture fillings to convey
Apparent properties that may be significant to the project
design. Fracture Width Weathering or Alteration
Measure the fracture width normal to the fracture
surfaces (Figure 2-36). Describe the weathering or alteration of fracture
infilling (excluding soil materials) using the
Figure 2-36
weathering descriptors for intact rock (Figure 2-31)
Fracture Width (after USBR 2001)

Description Fracture Width, FW (in) Hardness
Tight No visible separation Describe the hardness of the infill material using
Slightly Open FW < 1/32 either the hardness descriptors for rock (Figure 2­
Moderately Open 1/32 ≤ FW < 1/8 32) or estimate the consistency or apparent density
descriptor for soil.
Open 1/8 ≤ FW < 3/8
Moderately Wide 3/8 ≤ FW < 1
Wide 1 ≤ FW

32 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 Healing 2.6.11 Rate of Slaking
Describe the fracture healing (Figure 2-38). Slaking is the crumbling and disintegration of some
Figure 2-38
rocks when exposed to air or moisture. Slaking
Fracture Healing (after USBR 2001)
may be partial (rock breaks up into smaller
particles), or complete (rock is completely
Description Healing disintegrated to clay, silt, and sand).
Fracture is completely healed Rocks that are prone to slaking include shale,
or recemented to a degree at
Totally Healed
least as hard as surrounding
siltstone, claystone, weakly welded tuff, and highly
rock. weathered crystalline igneous and metamorphic
Greater than 50 percent of rocks. See Appendix A for test procedures.
Moderately Healed fracture is healed or Describe rate of slaking (Figure 2-40).
Less than 50 percent of Figure 2-40

fractured material, filling, or Rate of Slaking (from Air Force Manual)

Partly Healed
fracture surface is healed or
recemented. Jar Slake
Observed Behavior
Fracture surface filling is not Index, IJ
Not Healed
healed or recemented. Degrades to a pile of small particles
or fragments. Roughness Breaks rapidly and forms many
Describe the fracture surface roughness (small fragments.
scale asperities) (Figure 2-39). Breaks slowly and forms few
Figure 2-39
Breaks rapidly and develops several
Fracture Roughness (after USBR 2001)
Breaks slowly and develops few
Description Roughness 5
Stepped Near-normal steps and No change to condition of the rock
ridges occur on the fragment.
fracture surface.
Rough Large, angular asperities
can be seen.
Moderately Rough Asperities are clearly
visible and fracture surface
feels abrasive.
Slightly Rough Small asperities on the
fracture surface are visible
and can be felt.
Smooth No asperities, smooth to
the touch.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 33

2.6.12 Additional Comments 2.7.1 Sample Preparation and
Note additional relevant rock characteristics not Identification for Laboratory Testing
included in the previous categories. and Storage
All samples must be named according to the
References for terms or procedures, not covered by
this manual, presented under Additional Comments, following convention:
must be presented in the “Notes” section on the Hole ID – SNN – T
LOTB sheet or Boring Record. Where,

Hole ID: Refer to Section 2.4

2.6.13 Other Drilling Observations S: The Sample Type Code (Figure 2-41)
Other observations (not included in the descriptive NN: 2-digit sample number (01–99),
sequence) that may be presented on the LOTB or
numbered from the top down.
BR as notes or remarks include:
T: 1-digit tube number, starting with the
• Time for core run bottom tube numbered as 1.
• Difficulty in drilling or excavating, etc. For example:
• Ground water inflow, elevation(s), and A – 10 – 005 – U02 – 3
estimated rate(s)
Figure 2-41

• Loss of drill fluid circulation Sample Type Codes (after ASTM D 6453)

Code Description
2.7 S
ample Preparation and U Undisturbed Shelby tube
Identification for Laboratory P Undisturbed Piston
Testing and Storage S Split spoon (includes SPT and Cal Mod
Geoprofessionals who drill, identify, sample, Samplers)
preserve, and transport soil samples play an B Bulk
important role in ensuring the quality of the C Core (both rock and soil)
laboratory test results. When performing field
investigations, the geoprofessional must be familiar D Disturbed (include auger cuttings)
with the following ASTM standards: O Other

• ASTM D 1586, “Test Method for Penetration

Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils”
• ASTM D 1587, “Practice for Thin-Walled
Tube Sampling of Soils”
• ASTM D 3550, “Practice for Ring-Lined Barrel
Sampling of Soils”
• ASTM D 4220, “Standard Practices for
Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples”
The following information explains the procedures
and information required to prepare soil and rock
samples to the Caltrans Geotechnical Laboratory,
an AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory
(AMRL) accredited facility located in Sacramento.

34 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Label brass and Shelby tubes and bagged samples
(Figures 2-42 and 2-43).
Figure 2-42
Brass and Shelby Tube Label

Top of Sample

Sample ID: ______

Depth: __________
EA: ____________
Sample Label Date: ___________

Bottom of Sample

Figure 2-43
Bagged Sample Label

Sample ID: ______

Depth: __________
EA: ____________
Date: ___________
Sample Label Logger: _________

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 35

2.7.2 Identification of Large Soil Samples
In addition to the labeling requirements explained above, some soil samples must also be labeled with a
Sample Identification Card (Caltrans Form TL-101), including:
• Samples weighing more than 5 lbs.
• Samples to be tested by the Materials Engineering and Testing Services (METS), test names are followed
by “**” in Figure 2-44.
Place Form TL-101 inside a sealed plastic bag then put it inside the large plastic or canvas sample bag.
Figure 2-44
Minimum Material Requirements for Various Test Methods

Material TL-101
Test Method(s) Test Name Typical Sample Size/Type
Required Required

Moisture Content 0.5 lb 1/2 Tube No
ASTM D 2216
ASTM D 4767 Unit Weight 1 lb 1 Tube No
AASHTO T 100 Specific Gravity 0.5 lb 1/2 Tube No
ASTM D 422 Particle-Size Analysis 1 lb 1 Tube No
AASHTO T 89 Liquid Limit
1 lb 1 Tube No
AASHTO T 90 Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index

(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
ASTM D 2435
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.0" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes

Swell Potential
(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
ASTM D 4546
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.0" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes

Collapse Potential
(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
ASTM D 5333
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.0" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes

Direct Shear
ASTM D 3080 Undisturbed - 1 Tube No
Remolded 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Relative Compaction
CTM 216 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
(Compaction Curve Only)
Falling Head - 1 Tube No
CTM 220
Falling Head 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Constant Head 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes

36 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Material TL-101
Test Method(s) Test Name Typical Sample Size/Type
Required Required

ASTM D 2166
Unconfined Compression - 1 Tube or Core No
ASTM D 2938

Triaxial CU (3 points)
(2.0" Diameter) - 3 Tubes - in series No
ASTM D 4767 (2.5" Diameter) - 3 Tubes - in series No
(2.8" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
Triaxial UU (1 point)
ASTM D 2850 Undisturbed
(2.0" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.5" Diameter) - 1 Tube No
(2.8" Diameter) 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes

ASTM D 427 Shrinkage Limit 1 lb 1 Tube No

ASTM D 5731 Point Load - Rock Core No
ASTM D 4829 Expansion Index 40 lb 1 Full Canvas Bag Yes
CTM 217
Sand Equivalent** 10 lb 1/4 Full Canvas Bag Yes
CTM 301
R-Value** 80 lb 2 Full Canvas Bags Yes
CTM 643 Corrosion**
CTM 417 Sulfates** 10 lb 1/4 Full Canvas Bag Yes
CTM 422 Chlorides**
Organic Content**
EPA 9081 10 lb 1/4 Full Canvas Bag Yes
Cation Exchange**

1. ** Tests performed by Materials Engineering and Testing Services (METS)
2. A 12" by 24" canvas bag completely filled contains approximately 40 lb of material.
3. A 2" by 4" tube contains approximately 1 lb. of material.
4. Minimum material weights shown for remolded samples include sufficient material for the development of a
moisture density curve.
5. Triaxial samples from Shelby tubes require a minimum sample length equal to three times the sample diameter.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 37

2.7.3 Core Box Layout
Label core boxes as shown in Figure 2-45.

Figure 2-45
Core Box Layout and Label

Structure No.:_________ Date:__________

Geographic/Structure Name

Boring # ________________ Core Box #

Label on the End of Core Box

Structure No:___________ Structure Name:_________ EA:_____________
Boring No:__________ Core Box: _____ of ______
Depth Interval: ________ to _________

Geoprofessional: _____________ Date__________

Inside Core Box




Use two blocks in

Note depth on core blocks at segments of no recovery
beginning and end of each run

38 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

2.8 Quality Check of Field Observations and Samples
The geoprofessional must conduct a quality check of his/her field notes and observations in the office.
Sample descriptions and identifications must be reviewed and revised as necessary to ensure that they are in
compliance with this manual. Sample descriptors that are subject to change due to time or environment, such
as moisture or RQD, must not be revised.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2 39

(This page intentionally left blank)

40 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 2

Section 3:
Procedures for Soil and Rock Description and/or
Classification Using Laboratory Test Results
3.1 I ntroduction 3.2 Revising Soil Descriptions and
Section 2 presents the procedures for describing Assigning Soil Classification
and identifying soil and rock samples in the field Using Laboratory Test Results
using visual and manual methods and basic field­ Six components in the identification and
testing tools. Most of these field procedures are descriptive sequence for soil (Section 2.5.1) may
sufficient to identify and describe the soil and rock be revised with laboratory test results. They are:
in qualitative terms, and are appropriate for
reporting in final boring logs, as described in • Group Name
Sections 4 and 5. In many cases field-generated • Group Symbol
descriptors can be correlated to engineering
parameters for use in geotechnical designs. In • Consistency
some cases, however, the geoprofessional may • Percent or Proportion of Soil
want to more quantitatively and definitively
characterize a particular sample using laboratory • Particle Size Range
test results. • Plasticity
This section addresses how to apply specific The Group Name and Group Symbol are
laboratory test results to revise and supplement the determined in the field using visual and manual
original field observations, identifications, and procedures based on ASTM D 2488, Standard
descriptions. The information presented in this Practice for Description and Identification of Soils
Section is based largely on the American Society (Visual-Manual Procedure). The field method
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 2487, requires the user to make judgments on a number
Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for of observations (e.g., percent of constituents by
Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification weight, whether a soil is well or poorly-graded, and
System). whether the soil is a clay or silt or some
combination thereof).
Laboratory particle-size analysis, liquid limit, and
plasticity index provide a quantitative basis for
classification of the soil. Furthermore, the
laboratory procedure employs a much more
comprehensive listing of possible Group Names, as
compared to field methods.
Consistency is determined in the field using one or
more of three methods (vane shear test, Torvane, or
Pocket Penetrometer), with varying levels of
accuracy and repeatability. Laboratory triaxial,
direct shear, and unconfined compression tests
provide less subjective undrained shear strength
values that can be correlated to specific consistency

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3 41

Percent gravel, sand, and fines, and the range of Procedure for Classification of
particle sizes are estimated in the field using visual Fine-Grained Soil
methods (e.g. jar test, visual approximation, etc.). If 50% or more by dry weight of the test specimen
The laboratory particle-size analysis test provides a
passes the No. 200 sieve, the soil is fine-grained,
quantitative distribution of particle sizes in
and is classified using the liquid limit and plasticity
proportion to the total sample weight. index (Figures 3-1 and 3-2).
• In cases where the liquid limit exceeds 100, or
3.2.1 Soil Classification and Description the plasticity index exceeds 60, the plasticity
Descriptive Sequence chart may be expanded by maintaining the same
Use the descriptive sequence in Figure 2-5 when scale on both axes and extending all relevant
classifying and describing soil. Items indicated by lines.
a check mark in the “Required” column must be • If the geoprofessional suspects there is
used to completely describe all the components of sufficient organic matter to influence the soil
the soil. To incorporate laboratory test data in the classification, additional testing must be
classification and descriptive sequence, refer to the requested from the Geotechnical Laboratory.
sections in this Manual noted in Figure 2-5 (See
“Lab” column).

3.2.2 Group Name and Group Symbol

This section presents a procedure for classifying
soil for engineering purposes based on laboratory
determination of particle-size characteristics, liquid
limit, and plasticity index. This method is based on
the ASTM version of the Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS).
The ASTM procedure for classifying and
describing fine-grained and coarse-grained soil is
only applicable to material passing the 3-inch sieve.
If the sample includes cobbles and/or boulders,
they must be reported per Section 2.5.17.

42 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3

Figure 3-1

Classification of Fine-Grained Soil

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3

Figure 3-2
Classification of Fine-Grained Soil

Organic Group

Fines Coarseness Group Name



<15% plus
<30% plus No. 200
PI>7 and plots on or

No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel Lean CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel Lean CLAY with GRAVEL
above “A”-line

% sand > < 15% gravel SANDY lean CLAY
>30% plus % gravel > 15% gravel SANDY lean CLAY with GRAVEL
No. 200 % sand < < 15% sand GRAVELLY lean CLAY
% gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY lean CLAY with SAND
<15% plus
<30% plus No. 200
4<PI<7 and plots on

No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel SILTY CLAY with SAND

or above “A”-line

No. 200 % sand < % gravel SILTY CLAY with GRAVEL

% sand > < 15% gravel SANDY SILTY CLAY
>30% plus % gravel > 15% gravel SANDY SILTY CLAY with GRAVEL
No. 200 % sand < < 15% sand GRAVELLY SILTY CLAY
% gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY SILTY CLAY with SAND
<15% plus
No. 200
PI<4 or plots below “A”­

<30% plus
No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel SILT with SAND
No. 200

% sand < % gravel SILT with GRAVEL

% sand > < 15% gravel SANDY SILT
>30% plus % gravel > 15% gravel SANDY SILT with GRAVEL
No. 200 % sand < < 15% sand GRAVELLY SILT

% gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY SILT with SAND

<15% plus
<30% plus No. 200
PI>4 and plots on or

No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with GRAVEL
above “A”-line

% sand > < 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC CLAY

>30% plus % gravel > 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC CLAY with GRAVEL
No. 200 % sand < < 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC CLAY

% gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC CLAY with SAND

<15% plus
No. 200
PI<4 or plots below “A”­

<30% plus
No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel ORGANIC SILT with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel ORGANIC SILT with GRAVEL
% sand > < 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC SILT
>30% plus % gravel > 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC SILT with GRAVEL
No. 200 % sand < < 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC SILT

% gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC SILT with SAND

44 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3

Figure 3-2, continued
Liquid Limit

Organic Group
Fines Coarseness Group Name

<15% plus
Plots on or above “A”-line

No. 200
<30% plus
No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel Fat CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel Fat CLAY with GRAVEL
% sand > % < 15% gravel SANDY fat CLAY
gravel > 15% gravel SANDY fat CLAY with GRAVEL
>30% plus
No. 200 % sand < % < 15% sand GRAVELLY fat CLAY

gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY fat CLAY with SAND

<15% plus
Elastic SILT
<30% plus No. 200
No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel Elastic SILT with SAND
Plots below “A”-line

No. 200 % sand < % gravel Elastic SILT with GRAVEL

% sand > % < 15% gravel SANDY elastic SILT
gravel > 15% gravel SANDY elastic SILT with GRAVEL
>30% plus
No. 200 % sand < % < 15% sand GRAVELLY elastic SILT

> 15% sand GRAVELLY elastic SILT with SAND

<15% plus
Plots on or above “A”-line

No. 200
<30% plus
No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with SAND
No. 200 % sand < % gravel ORGANIC CLAY with GRAVEL
% sand > % < 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC CLAY
gravel > 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC CLAY with GRAVEL
>30% plus
No. 200 % sand < % < 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC CLAY

gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC CLAY with SAND

<15% plus
No. 200
<30% plus
No. 200 15-30% plus % sand > % gravel ORGANIC SILT with SAND
Plots below “A”-line

No. 200 % sand < % gravel ORGANIC SILT with GRAVEL

% sand > % < 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC SILT
gravel > 15% gravel SANDY ORGANIC SILT with GRAVEL
>30% plus
No. 200 % sand < % < 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC SILT
gravel > 15% sand GRAVELLY ORGANIC SILT with SAND

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3 45 Procedure for Classification of
Coarse-Grained Soil
If more than 50% by dry weight is retained on the
No. 200 sieve, the soil is coarse-grained. Coarse­
grained soil is classified using the following
• The soil is gravel if more than 50% of the
coarse fraction (plus No. 200 sieve) is retained
on the No. 4 sieve.
• The soil is sand if 50% or more of the coarse
fraction (plus No. 200 sieve) passes through the
No. 4 sieve.
• Soil is classified as either well-graded or
poorly-graded based on the coefficients of
uniformity (Cu) and curvature (Cc), determined
as follows:

If 12% or less of the test specimen passes

through the No. 200 sieve, plot the cumulative
particle-size distribution and compute the
coefficient of uniformity, Cu, and coefficient of
curvature, Cc, as given in Equations 1 and 2.

Equation 1 D

Cu =

Equation 2 (D30 )2
Cc =
(D10 × D60 )

Where D10, D30, and D60 are the particle-size

diameters corresponding to 10, 30, and 60
percentiles on the cumulative particle-size
distribution curve. It may be necessary to
extrapolate the curve to obtain the D10 diameter.
Use the above results to determine the
classification according to Figure 3-3.

46 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3

Figure 3-3
Classification of Coarse-Grained Soil
Fines Grade Type of Fines Sand/ Gravel Group Name
Cu>4 < 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL
and GW
1<Cc<3 > 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with SAND
< 5%
Cu<4 < 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL
and/or GP
1>Cc>3 > 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with SAND
< 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with SILT
> 15% sand Well-graded GRAVEL with SILT and SAND
and Well-graded GRAVEL with CLAY (or SILTY
< 15% sand
1<Cc<3 CLAY)
Well-graded GRAVEL with CLAY and SAND (or
> 15% sand

< 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with SILT

> 15% sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with SILT and SAND
and/or Poorly-graded GRAVEL with CLAY (or SILTY
< 15% sand
1>Cc>3 CLAY)
Poorly-graded GRAVEL with CLAY and SAND
> 15% sand
< 15% sand SILTY GRAVEL
> 15% sand SILTY GRAVEL with SAND
< 15% sand CLAYEY GRAVEL
> 12% CL or CH GC
> 15% sand CLAYEY GRAVEL with SAND
Cu>6 < 15% gravel Well-graded SAND
and SW
1<Cc<3 > 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with GRAVEL
< 5%
Cu<6 < 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND
and/or SP
1>Cc>3 > 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with GRAVEL
< 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with SILT
Cu>6 > 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with SILT and GRAVEL
1<Cc<3 < 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with CLAY
> 15% gravel Well-graded SAND with CLAY and GRAVEL

< 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with SILT

Cu<6 > 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with SILT and GRAVEL
1>Cc>3 < 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with CLAY
> 15% gravel Poorly-graded SAND with CLAY and GRAVEL
< 15% gravel SILTY SAND
> 15% gravel SILTY SAND with GRAVEL
< 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND
> 12% CL or CH SC
> 15% gravel CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL
< 15% gravel SILTY, CLAYEY SAND
> 15% gravel SILTY, CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3 47

3.2.3 Consistency of Cohesive Soil parenthetical percentages following the qualitative
descriptor (e.g. some SAND (37%))
Cohesive soil consistency descriptors must
conform to Figure 3-5, generally after Das (1983) SANDY SILT (ML); dense; gray; moist; some
and Bureau of Reclamation standards (2001). Note fine SAND; nonplastic.
that the terms to be used have been modified from Indicating the sample contains “some SAND” (30­
those contained in both references. 45%) per Figure 2-13.
Laboratory tests used to determine consistency of -or-
cohesive soil are triaxial or unconfined
compression tests. SANDY SILT (ML); dense; gray; moist; some
fine SAND (37%); nonplastic.
Figure 3-5
Consistency Indicating the sample contains “some SAND” (30­
45%), and the lab test indicates 37% SAND.
Description Shear Strength, Ss (tsf)

Very Soft Ss < 0.12

3.2.5 Plasticity (for Fine-Grained Soil)
Soft 0.12 ≤ Ss < 0.25
Medium Stiff 0.25 ≤ Ss < 0.5 Do not include field determination of plasticity in
the descriptive sequence when Group Name and
Stiff 0.5 ≤ Ss < 1 Group Symbol are based on liquid limit and
Very Stiff 1 ≤ Ss < 2 plasticity index.
Hard 2 ≤ Ss

3.3 Strength of Intact Rock

3.2.4 Percent or Proportion of Soil The strength of intact rock is typically determined
by unconfined compression laboratory testing.
Laboratory percentages of gravel, sand, and fines
The test result is added to the descriptive sequence
must either be reported using qualitative
using the syntax “UC = strength”, where the
proportional descriptors (e.g. some SAND) or
strength is in units of psi.

48 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 3

Section 4: Presentation of Subsurface Information

• Continuity of material types between discrete

sampling locations is sometimes difficult to
4.1 I ntroduction confirm.
The process of creating boring logs, i.e., Log of
Test Borings (LOTB) and Boring Records (BR)
Figure 4-1
can be summarized in four steps:
• Field sampling and descriptions (Section 2) Step 1: Field
Sampling and
Descriptions (Sec. 2)
• Quality check of field descriptions (Section 2)
• Refinement of descriptions, and classification
of soil, based on laboratory test results, if
performed (Section 3)
• Preparation of the boring logs (Sections 4
Step 2: Quality Check
and 5) of Field Observations
(Sec. 2)
This section presents the Layer Presentation
Method and provides details and guidance for
incorporating laboratory test data and preparing
boring logs. Figure 4-1 illustrates the process from
obtaining subsurface information to the creation of
boring logs.

4.2 Factual vs. Interpretive YES NO

Subsurface Data
FHWA guidelines state: “factual subsurface data
which are pertinent to the project subsurface
conditions should be presented in an easily Step 3: Incorporate
Laboratory Data,
understood fashion on the contract documents.” Refine Descriptions,
However, the description of subsurface conditions and Classify (Sec. 3)

always requires some degree of professional

Some examples:
• Field description and identification procedures, Step 4:
according to ASTM D 2488, require estimation Prepare Boring
and interpretation. Logs
(Sec. 4 & 5)
• Sampling may occur at discrete intervals, yet
layer boundaries may fall between sampling
locations. The boundaries may be identified
based on visual observations of cuttings and/or
drill rig behavior during drilling. There may be
uncertainty as to the depth at which a material
change occurs.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4 49

4.3 Layer Presentation Method the locations presented and until a change is
The Layer Presentation Method defines a layer as
the limits of soil with one group symbol or the • When performed, representative laboratory test
limits of rock with a single rock type. The layer results must be used to determine the applicable
presentation simplifies the boring log by: descriptors within the descriptive sequence (i.e.
Group Name and Symbol, consistency, and
• Eliminating presentation of duplicate gradation properties).
• Descriptors within a layer with the same field
• Presenting changes where they occur. descriptions should be corrected based on the
• Improving clarity to prospective bidders, laboratory test(s) of one or more representative
contractors, and construction personnel. samples. For example, if three consecutive
samples were field identified to contain “some
silt”, and a representative laboratory test
4.3.1 Rules and Considerations reported “little silt”, then the other two
The following rules and considerations apply to the descriptors should be corrected to say “little
layer presentation method: silt”.

• The layer presentation must be made in such a • Descriptive sequences may be restated as
way that the individual sample descriptions can appropriate to provide clarity after multiple
be generally reconstructed. changes have been presented.

• The descriptive sequence used to describe a

sample of soil or rock must describe that 4.3.2 Special Cases
sample in its entirety, and may describe all or
• Parenthetical soil descriptions required per
part of a layer depending on the subsequent
Section 2 for intensely weathered to
changes reported, if any.
decomposed or decomposed rock or poorly
• A change must be reported at the elevation indurated rock are valid only until the rock
where it is measured or inferred, which is not becomes intensely or less weathered, or well
necessarily at a sample location, and the new indurated.
description applies from that elevation to the
• For interbedded soil or rock, use the graphic for
bottom of the layer unless another change is
the predominant material.
reported. Leader lines (on LOTB) are used as
appropriate to locate a descriptive change.
• A descriptor applies at the adjacent elevation 4.4 I ncorporating Laboratory Data,
unless a leader line (on LOTB) is used. Refining Descriptions, and
• A change in a soil’s Group Symbol or a Rock Classifying Soil
Type must result in a new layer. Use the most reliable data available to describe soil
• A change in a soil’s Group Name or Rock and rock. The data could be field-generated, or a
Name may result in a new layer. combination of field- and laboratory-generated. If
laboratory tests are performed, and in the opinion
• The first descriptive sequence in a layer must of the geoprofessional, the results represent the
apply to the first sample and from the top of the actual conditions of the soil or rock, the test results
layer and until a change is reported must control the identification, description, or
• Laboratory and field test results apply only to classification of the soil or rock. Presence of a
the sample at the location of the laboratory test laboratory test symbol next to the LOTB stick
symbol or field test result. Individual (Section indicates that a laboratory test
descriptors, whether based on field was performed and that the related description is
observations or laboratory results, apply from based on the laboratory test result. Conversely, if
50 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4
laboratory tests are not shown as being performed, Indicating the entire layer contains some SAND
the descriptions presented on the LOTB are based (30-45%).
solely on the visual practices described in this
SANDY SILT (ML); dense; gray; moist; some
The percent and/or proportion of constituents must
fine SAND (37%); nonplastic.
be presented in one of two ways as illustrated in
the following example. Indicating the entire layer contains some SAND
(30-45%), but that the lab test indicates 37%
Three consecutive samples were identified as
SAND at the test location.
SANDY SILT. Laboratory testing of the first
sample indicate 37% sand.
SANDY SILT (ML); dense; gray; moist; some
fine SAND; nonplastic.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4 51

4.4.3 Example
The processes for developing boring logs have been presented in detail throughout this Manual. In general,
field sample descriptions are corrected and calibrated based on laboratory results, layer boundaries are
determined by grouping samples within the same Group Symbol or Rock Type, sample descriptions are
consolidated into a single layer description, and, finally, description changes are noted with depth within
The following example:
• Demonstrates how a geoprofessional develops a layer presentation, based on field descriptions and
laboratory test results (Figure 4-2)
• Presents the LOTB for the layer presentation (Figure 4-3), and
• Presents how to interpret the LOTB and layer presentation (Figure 4-4)

Note the following in Figure 4-2:

• At the depth of 28 – 29 ft., required descriptors for rock hardness and fracture density are not
presented as the sample was collected via a SPT.
• Group Name and Group Symbol for the clay layer are based upon ASTM D 2487 Laboratory test
results for the samples at depths 18.5-20 ft and 23.5-25 ft.
• At the depth of 23.5 – 25 ft., the pocket penetrometer (PP) test result is not consistent with medium
stiff consistency descriptor as the consistency descriptor is based on a laboratory triaxial (UU) test
result. In this case, the PP result is still presented on the boring log.

52 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4

Figure 4-2
Lab Corrected
Depth Field Field Description and Lab Description and Final Layer
(ft.) Testing Identification Testing Identification or Presentation
3.5-5 R-09- SPT Well-graded SAND with Well-graded SAND with Well-graded SAND with
N=4 (SW); loose; yellowish
(SW); loose; yellowish (SW); loose; yellowish brown;
N60 = 6 brown; moist; little coarse moist; little coarse and fine brown; moist; little coarse
and fine GRAVEL; trace GRAVEL; trace fines; 10% and fine GRAVEL; trace
fines; 10% IGNEOUS IGNEOUS COBBLES, hard, fines; 10% IGNEOUS
COBBLES, hard, 6-10”, 6-10”, subrounded; (FILL). COBBLES, hard, 5-10
subrounded; (FILL). inches, subrounded;
8.5-10 R-09- SPT Well-graded SAND with PA Well-graded SAND with
001-S02 GRAVEL and COBBLES GRAVEL and COBBLES Medium dense
(SW); medium dense; (SW); medium dense;
N60=12 yellowish brown; moist; little yellowish brown; moist; sand
coarse and fine GRAVEL; (79%); little coarse and fine
trace fines; 10% IGNEOUS GRAVEL (17%); trace fines
COBBLES, hard, 5-10”, (4%); 10% IGNEOUS
subrounded; (FILL). COBBLES, hard, 5-10”,
subrounded; (FILL).
13.5-15 R-09- PP=0.35 SANDY lean CLAY (CL); SANDY lean CLAY (CL); soft; SANDY lean CLAY (CL);
001-U03 soft; dark bluish gray; dark bluish gray; moist; soft; dark bluish gray;
moist; medium SAND; trace medium SAND; trace shell moist; medium SAND;
shell fragments; PP=0.35; fragments; PP=0.35; (BAY trace shell fragments;
(BAY MUD). MUD). PP=0.35 tsf; (BAY MUD).

18.5-20 R-09- PP=0.4 SANDY lean CLAY (CL); PA, PI SANDY lean CLAY (CL); soft; No shell fragments;
001-U04 soft; dark bluish gray; dark bluish gray; moist; fines PP=0.4 tsf.
UU=0.45 tsf
moist; medium SAND; (62%); medium SAND (38%);
PP=0.4; (BAY MUD). PP=0.4; (BAY MUD).

23.5-25 R-09- PP=0.45 SANDY lean CLAY (CL); PA, PI SANDY lean CLAY (CL); Medium stiff; dark gray;
001-U05 soft; dark gray; moist; UU=0.55 tsf medium stiff; dark gray; moist; PP=0.45 tsf.
medium SAND; PP=0.45; fines (66%); medium SAND
(BAY MUD). (34%); PP=0.45; (BAY MUD).


001-S06 (SHALE); dark bluish gray (SHALE); dark bluish gray (SHALE); dark bluish gray
N = 60/6 with orange mottling;
with orange mottling; with orange mottling; intensely
N60=90/6 intensely weathered. weathered. intensely weathered.

29-34 R-09- REC=90% SEDIMENTARY ROCK UC=3600 SEDIMENTARY ROCK Dark bluish gray;
001-C07 RQD=60% (SHALE); dark bluish gray; psi (SHALE); dark bluish gray; moderately to slightly
slightly weathered; slightly weathered; moderately weathered; moderately
moderately soft; moderately soft; moderately fractured. soft; moderately fractured;
fractured. UC=3600 psi.

34-39 R-09- REC=100% SEDIMENTARY ROCK UC=4100 SEDIMENTARY ROCK Slightly fractured;
001-C08 RQD=90% (SHALE); dark bluish gray; psi (SHALE); dark bluish gray; UC=4100 psi.
fresh; moderately soft; fresh; moderately soft; slightly
slightly fractured. fractured.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4 53

The LOTB for the layer presentation developed in Figure 4-2 would appear as follows:

Figure 4-3

LOTB Example

54 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4

Figure 4-4 presents how to interpret the clay layer (elevation –1 ft to –18 ft) on the LOTB in Figure 4-3. Per
the rules presented in Section 4.3.1, the uppermost soil description, located at the first sample location,
represents the material from the top of the layer to the bottom of the layer unless modified by a subsequent
descriptor. The arrows above and below each descriptor represent the range to which the descriptor applies,
i.e., by definition the group symbol (CL) applies to the entire layer as indicated by the arrows.
The soil description can be reconstructed at any location by drawing a horizontal line and identifying the
appropriate descriptors by the intersected arrows. For example, the descriptive sequence between sample 3
and the rock layer (section A-A) is reconstructed as follows:
SANDY lean CLAY (CL); medium stiff; dark gray, moist; medium SAND; (BAY MUD).
Note the following:
• The pocket penetrometer test results apply only at the sample location
• “Trace shell fragments” would not appear in any descriptive sequence below Sample 2

Figure 4-4
Layer Interpretation

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4 55

(This page intentionally left blank)

56 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 4

Section 5:

Boring Log and Legend Presentation Formats

5.1 Introduction
The Department uses the following formats to present subsurface information:
• Log of Test Borings (LOTB), and/or
• Boring Record (BR).
An LOTB is typically associated with a structure facility and is part of the Project Plans. A BR is typically
associated with an earthwork facility and is attached to a Geotechnical Report. If a subsurface exploration
was performed, there will be at least one type of log presentation.

5.2 Log of Test Borings

Figure 5-1
Example of LOTB

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5 57

58 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5
5.2.1 Contents and Characteristics except as noted on the soil or rock legend or
of the LOTB below”
The Log of Test Borings (LOTB) sheet is part of Optional notes may include:
the project plans and:
• Changes in drilling equipment
• Presents the boring logs on an elevation scale.
• Site observations
• Presents a plan view showing the location of
• Other drilling observations
each boring relative to an alignment and/or
existing or planned facility or structure. Do not repeat the procedures or requirements set
forth in this manual in the notes section.
• Presents the type(s) of drilling method(s) used
to perform the investigation, the type(s) of
sampling performed, and how the sampler was 5.2.3 LOTB Sheet Formatting
LOTB sheets must be prepared in accordance with
• Presents the location and description, both this manual and the Caltrans Plans Preparation
graphical and written, of the types of soil and Manual. The LOTB sheet border must present the
rock encountered within the borehole. following:
• Presents the types of field and laboratory
testing performed. Signature Block (Upper Right
• Present field and laboratory test data. Corner)
• Is optimized for printing on full-size plan a) The State of California Registered Civil
sheets (24" x 36") and typically reproduced on Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Certified
11" x 17" sized paper. Engineering Geologist, or Professional
Geologist seal with the signature, date,
• Allows presentation of more than one boring
license number, and registration certificate
log per plan sheet.
expiration date of the geoprofessional in
• Is accompanied by LOTB legend sheets. responsible charge of the LOTB sheet;
b) Caltrans District, County, and Route;
5.2.2 Notes on the LOTB c) Name and address of consultant firm in
Each LOTB sheet must contain a note section for responsible charge of the LOTB sheet (if
presentation of relevant factual data and one of the applicable);
following two notes: d) Name and address of the lead local agency
If the procedures of this manual were followed (if applicable); and
without exception, then the note must read: e) A disclaimer stating "The State of
“This LOTB sheet was prepared in accordance California or its officers or agents shall not
with the Caltrans Soil & Rock Logging, be responsible for the accuracy or
Classification, and Presentation Manual completeness of electronic copies of this
(Date)” plan sheet."

If an exception to the procedures of this manual has (The Office Engineer will provide the Post
been approved and implemented, then the note Miles Total Project, Sheet Number, Total
must be modified to read: Sheets, and Plans Approval Date.)

“This LOTB sheet was prepared in accordance

with the Caltrans Soil & Rock Logging,
Classification, and Presentation Manual (Date)

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5 59 Title Block (Bottom, from left to (The Office Engineer will provide the Sheet
right) Number and Total Sheets Number.)
lan View
produced by or for Geotechnical Services.
For consultant-prepared LOTB sheets, a) The Plan View must be shown at the top of
show the name of the Design Oversight (i.e., the first LOTB sheet. When the site is
OSFP/OSCM Senior Liaison) Engineer and sufficiently large or complex, the first
sign-off date. LOTB sheet should be used entirely for the
Plan View.
name of the person in charge of the b) Multiple LOTB sheets must be numbered
functional unit responsible for providing with reference to the stationing of the
oversight of the registered geoprofessional control line (i.e., showing sheet No. 1 with
who developed the LOTB sheet. the lowest stationing and the last sheet with
the highest stationing).
c) “DRAWN BY”: The name of the person
who prepared (drafted) the LOTB sheet c) A distinct Plan View of the project site that
is independent of the Profile View must be
d) “CHECKED BY”: The name of the person shown on the LOTB.
who performed the quality control check of
the LOTB sheet d) Show the location, description, and
elevation of the benchmark used for
e) “FIELD INVESTIGATION BY”: The determining the top of boring elevations at
name(s) of the field investigator(s); the top left side of the Plan View under the
f) A note stating "STATE OF CALIFORNIA, heading “BENCHMARK”. Identify the
DEPARTMENT OF vertical datum (National Geodetic Vertical
TRANSPORTATION" with a scale below Datum, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Coast
the sub-block and a label on the left side & Geodetic Survey, District, etc.) used to
stating "ORIGINAL SCALE IN INCHES determine the benchmark elevations.
FOR REDUCED PLANS." For consultant­ e) Show the scale directly below the Plan
prepared LOTB sheets, the note must state View label.
CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF f) Show a North arrow.
TRANSPORTATION." g) Lines or control lines shown in the Plan
g) A note stating "DIVISION OF View must be consistent with those shown
ENGINEERING SERVICES on the General Plan sheet.
STRUCTURE DESIGN." For consultant­ h) Show stationing and names for control lines.
prepared LOTB sheets, instead of this note, Stationing must increase from left to right.
show the name of the Project Engineer; Show a minimum of two stations on all
h) The Caltrans Contract Expenditure lines.
Authorization (CU and EA) numbers; i) Show control line intersection stationing
i) The State-assigned Bridge (or Structure) and bearings.
Number, Postmile, and the State-assigned j) Show names and directions of nearest cities.
Bridge (or Structure) Name;
k) Show names and directions of stream flows
j) The initial drawn by, and subsequent
when applicable.
revision dates; and

l) Plot boring locations with symbols as

k) A label stating "LOG OF TEST BORINGS shown in the legend to identify drilling
_ OF _" (if applicable). methods (e.g., auger hole, rotary hole, cone
60 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5
penetration). The Hole Identification must 5.2.4 As-Built LOTB Sheet Formatting
be presented with each symbol.
As-Built LOTB sheet(s) must be prepared
according to the following standards. P
rofile View
a) Show the control line, increasing from left Obtaining and Reproducing the
to right, horizontally across the bottom of As-Built LOTB Sheet
the Profile View.
a) Reproducible copies of As-Built LOTB
b) Show the elevations and grid lines on both sheets may be obtained from the Microfilm
the left and right margins. Numerical Services Units in the Caltrans District
values must be in multiples of 10 (e.g. 20, Offices. If the As-Built LOTB sheets
10, 0, -10, -20). provided to Local Agencies or consultants
c) Show the Hole Identification, top of hole by the Caltrans District Offices are not
elevation, stationing, and offset at the top of legible, a full sized copy should be
each boring log. requested from Geotechnical Services.

d) Show types and diameters of drill tools. b) As-Built LOTB sheets must be size "D"
(24" by 36"). The As-Built LOTB title
e) Show the completion date of boring (m/d/y) block must be sized to fit and placed over
at the bottom of each boring log. any open space (preferably toward the top)
f) Show “Terminated at EL. XX’” to indicate on the As-Built LOTB sheet.
the bottom of boring elevation. c) Information on the As-Built LOTB sheet
g) Show the SPT hammer energy ratio, must be clear and legible. In order to
“Hammer Energy Ratio (ERi) = XX%,” at improve the legibility of the information, it
the bottom of each boring. may be necessary to darken the line work
and the notations.
h) Provide groundwater information for each
boring. If groundwater was measured,
show the date(s) and elevation(s) of Typical Modifications to As-Built
groundwater measurement(s). If LOTB Sheets
groundwater was not encountered, state
If As-Built LOTB sheets are shown in metric
“Groundwater was not encountered in
boring(s) ####”. If groundwater was units, the offset and stationing location of each
encountered but not measured, state boring must be converted to imperial units and
“Groundwater was encountered in boring(s) presented in a table. The table must show the
####, but elevation was not measured.” station and offset in relation to the new English
line. The General Plan will show the current
i) Show results from field penetration tests at English control line.
relevant elevations along the boring log.
j) Show types of field and laboratory tests The As-Built LOTB Title Block
with symbols as indicated in the legend, at must include the following
relevant elevations along the right side of information for the current
the boring log. project
k) Show the Profile scales (horizontal and a) A note stating "GEOTECHNICAL

vertical) under the heading “PROFILE”. SERVICES -- DIVISION OF



Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5 61

b) Caltrans District, County, Route, Post Miles Datum Conversion: NAVD88 = NGVD29
- Total Project, State-assigned Bridge (or + 3.2 ft
Structure) Number and Name, and f) A sub-box stating "LOG OF TEST BORINGS
Expenditure Authorization (CU and EA) _ OF _" (if applicable).
numbers. The Office Engineer will provide
the Sheet Number and Total Sheets Number. g) A note stating "A COPY OF THIS LOG OF
c) The State of California Registered Civil OFFICE OF STRUCTURE MAINTENANCE
Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Certified AND INVESTIGATIONS, SACRAMENTO,
Engineering Geologist, or Professional CALIFORNIA" (if applicable).
Geologist seal with the signature, date,
license number, and registration certificate
expiration date of the geoprofessional in 5.2.5 The LOTB Legend Sheets
responsible charge of the LOTB sheet
The soil and rock legend sheets are standard forms
d) A note stating, "As-Built Log of Test that provide convenient simplified references for
Borings sheet is considered an the required soil and rock description,
informational document only. As such, the identification, and/or classification components
State of California registration seal with presented in this Manual. References for optional
signature, license number and registration descriptors do not appear on the legend sheets. To
certificate expiration date confirm that this correctly interpret the LOTB, the reader must be
is a true and accurate copy of the original familiar with this Manual.
document. It does not attest to the accuracy
or validity of the information contained in There are three legend sheets, two predominantly
the original document. This drawing is for soil and the other for rock (Figures 5-3, 5-4 and
available and presented only for the 5-5).
convenience of any bidder, contractor or The legend sheets define the format for the
other interested party." (Figure 5-2). graphical presentation of a boring log and
e) Identification of the original vertical datum differentiate between the various borehole and
and any conversion to the current project sounding types. The legend sheets also present the
datum, i.e., symbols used to identify laboratory tests.
As-Built Vertical Datum: NGVD29
Figure 5-2
As-Built LOTB Title Block
As-Built Log of Test Borings sheet is considered an informational document only. As such, the State of
California registration seal with signature, license number and registration certificate expiration date
confirm that is this a true and accurate copy of the original document. It does not attest to the accuracy or
validity of the information contained in the original document. This drawing is available and presented only
for the convenience of any bidder, contractor or other interested party.

11 SD 15 10.00-15.00 249 250



As-Built Vertical Datum: Datum Conversion:

62 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Figure 5-3

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Figure 5-4

64 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Figure 5-5

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

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66 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Four general hole-type formats are graphically Figure 5-8

presented as follows: Definitions for changes in material Hand Boring Term Definition Symbol
Material Change in
Hand Driven (HD) (1-inch soil tube) and Hand
Change material is
Auger (HA) borings must be presented per Figure observed in the
5-6. sample or core,
and the location
Figure 5-6 of change can
be accurately
Estimated Change in
Material material cannot
Change be accurately
because either
the change is
gradational or
because of
limitations in the
methods used.
Soil/Rock Material
Boundary changes from
to rock R
otary Boring characteristics
Rotary Drilled Boring or Diamond Core (R),
Rotary Percussion Boring (Air) (P), Auger Boring Dynamic Cone Penetration
(A), must be presented per Figure 5-7. Boring
Figure 5-7 The Dynamic Cone Penetration Boring (D) must be
presented per Figure 5-9.
Figure 5-9

Changes in material with depth must be shown

using the following terms and symbols (Figure 5-8):

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5 67 Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Rock Coring
Boring Rock coring logs must be presented using the
A Cone Penetration Test (CPT) boring must be following format:
presented using the following format: Figure 5-11
Figure 5-10 Hole Type Symbols

Hole type is identified within the hole
identification numbering convention (see Section
2.3) and symbolized on the LOTB as follows:

Figure 5-12

68 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5 Graphical Representation of Material Types
Soil Group Name and Group Symbol and Rock Type are shown on the LOTB as follows:
Figure 5-13

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

5.3 Boring Records
Figure 5-14

70 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Figure 5-14 (continued)

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Figure 5-15

72 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

5.3.1 Content and Characteristics of the • Other drilling observations

Notes that are more general, such as a site
A Boring Record (BR) is presented as an observation, should be placed within the body of
attachment to a geotechnical report and: the geotechnical report.
• Presents a single borehole record or CPT
5.3.3 Boring Record Format
• Presents the borings to an elevation scale. The BR must be formatted in general conformance
• Presents the type of drilling method used to with Figures 5-14 and 5-15. The format and
perform the investigation, the type of sampling information presented in the header and footer
performed, and how the sampler was advanced. sections should match the Figures.
• Presents the location and description, both The following information must be presented in the
graphical and written, of the types of soil and body:
rock encountered within the borehole. • Elevation
• Accommodates the presentation of select field • Material Graphic
and laboratory test results.
• Description
• Is optimized for printing on 8.5" x 11" sheets
• Sample Location
• Is accompanied by BR Legend Sheets.
• Sample Number
• Blows per foot (if performed)
5.3.2 Notes on the BR
• Drilling Method
If the procedures of this manual were followed
without exception, then the following note must
appear on the first page of the BR: 5.3.4 The Boring Record Legend Sheets
“This Boring Record was prepared in accordance The soil and rock legend sheets are standard forms
with the Caltrans Soil & Rock Logging, that provide convenient references for the required
Classification, and Presentation Manual (Date)” soil and rock description, identification, and/or
If an exception to the procedures of this manual has classification components presented in this Manual.
been approved and implemented, then the note References for selected optional descriptors do not
must be modified to read: appear on the legend sheets; however, they are
explained in this Manual. To correctly interpret the
“This Boring Record was prepared in accordance
BR, the reader must be familiar with this Manual.
with the Caltrans Soil & Rock Logging,
Classification, and Presentation Manual (Date) There are three legend sheets: two predominantly
except as noted on the soil or rock legend or for soil and the other for rock, as shown in Figures
below” 5-16, 5-17 and 5-18.
Optional notes are left to the discretion of the The legend sheets define the format for the
geoprofessional and, if are specific to an elevation graphical presentation of a boring log and
or depth, should be presented at the appropriate differentiate among the various borehole and
location in the “Remarks” column. These notes sounding types. The legend sheets also present the
may include: symbols used to identify laboratory tests.
• Changes in drilling equipment

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5 73

Figure 5-16

74 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Figure 5-17

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Figure 5-18

76 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual, Section 5

Select portions of the following references were used in developing this manual. The listed references are
intended to acknowledge author and documents used in this manual. Listed references do not indicate
alternate methods for logging or reporting subsurface information.

Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) (1988), Manual on Subsurface
Investigations. Washington, D.C.*
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2007 Edition,
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA*
Das, Braja M. (1997), Advanced Soil Mechanics, 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis Group
Departments of the Army And The Air Force (1983), Backfill For Subsurface Structures, 5-8184/AFM 85,
Chap. 5, Technical Manual Headquarters, No. 5-818-4, Air Force Manual No. 88-5, Chapter 5 Washington,
Dc, 1 June 1983
International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) (1981), Suggested Methods for the Quantitative
Description of Discontinuities in Rock Masses, ed. E. T. Brown
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (2001), Engineering Geology Field Manual,
2nd Edition
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Geotechnical Guideline No.15,
Differing Site Conditions, Geotechnical Engineering Notebook (1996)
Wyllie, D.C., Mah, C. M. (2004), Rock Slope Engineering: Civil and Mining, 4th Edition, Taylor & Francis
Zumberge, J. H., Rutford, R. H., Carter, J. L. (2003), Laboratory Manual For Physical Geology,
11th Edition
Julia A. Jackson and Robert Latimer Bates, Glossary of Geology, Fourth Edition

Julia A. Jackson and Robert Latimer Bates, Dictionary of Geological Terms, Third Edition

Caltrans Code of Safe Drilling Practices, 2005

*The revision dates of all test methods referenced in this Manual are those dates current on the publishing
date of this manual.

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, References 77
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78 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, References
Appendix A:

Field Test Procedures

A.1 Pocket Penetrometer balls about 1⁄2 inch in diameter. Allow the test
specimens to dry in air, sun, or by artificial means,
The Pocket Penetrometer test is conducted using as long as the temperature does not exceed 140°F.
the following general instructions: If the test specimen contains natural dry lumps,
• To begin test, remove protective cap, push ring those that are about 1⁄2 inch in diameter may be
against body so that low side reads 0. used in place of the molded balls. Test the strength
of the dry balls or lumps by crushing between the
• Slowly insert piston until engraved mark is fingers. Note the strength as none, low, medium,
level with soil. high, or very high in accordance with the criteria in
• Observe the reading in TSF (KG/SQ CM) using the table in Section 2.4.14. If natural dry lumps are
low side of ring, (side closest to the piston end): used, do not use the results of any of the lumps that
record reading and repeat. are found to contain particles of coarse sand.
• For weak soil, use 1” adapter foot, multiply
reading by 0.0625. A.4 Dilatancy
Select enough material to mold into a ball about 1⁄2
A.2 Torvane inch diameter. Mold the material, adding water if
necessary, until it has a soft, but not sticky,
The Torvane test is conducted using the following consistency. Smooth the soil ball in the palm of
general instructions: one hand with the blade of a knife or small spatula.
• To start test, push indicator counter clockwise Shake horizontally, striking the side of the hand
to zero stop. vigorously against the other hand several times.
Note the reaction of water appearing on the surface
• Select reasonably flat surface at least 1 inch in of the soil. Squeeze the sample by closing the hand
diameter. or pinching the soil between the fingers, and note
• Using midsize vane, one division equals 1 TSF the reaction as none, slow, or rapid in accordance
(1KG/SQ CM). with the criteria in the table in Section 2.4.15. The
reaction is the speed with which water appears
• One division using small and large vane equals while shaking, and disappears while squeezing.
respectively 2.5 and 0.2 TSF (KG/SQ CM).
• Press pocket vane shear tester into soil to depth
of blade; maintain constant vertical pressure A.5 Toughness
while turning knob clockwise at rate to develop After the dilatancy test, shape the test specimen
failure within 5 to 10 seconds. into an elongated pat and roll by hand on a smooth
• After failure develops, release remaining spring surface or between the palms into a thread about
tension slowly. Pointer will indicate maximum 1⁄8 inch diameter. (If the sample is too wet to roll
shear value until manually reset. easily, it should be spread into a thin layer and
allowed to lose some water by evaporation.) Fold
the sample threads and reroll repeatedly until the
A.3 Dry Strength Test thread crumbles at a diameter of about 1⁄8 inch;
this occurs when the soil is near the plastic limit.
Select enough material to mold into a ball about 1 Note the pressure required to roll the thread near
inch diameter. Mold it until it has the consistency the plastic limit. Also, note the strength of the
of putty, adding water if necessary. From the thread. After the thread crumbles, the pieces
molded material, make at least three test specimen should be lumped together and kneaded until the
Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 79
lump crumbles. Note the toughness of the material A.8 Standard Penetration Test
during kneading. Describe the toughness of the
thread and lump as low, medium, or high in The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) must be
accordance with the criteria in the table in Section conducted according to the following two test
2.4.16. methods:
• ASTM D 1586, Standard Test Method for
Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of
A.6 Jar Slake Index Test Soils
The Slake Durability Test (ASTM D 4644) is the • ASTM D 6066, Standard Practice for
most rigorous test of slaking, however the Jar Slake Determining the Normalized Penetration
Test is a simple, but less sensitive method used in Resistance of Sands for Evaluation of
the field or in the office to screen specimens for the Liquefaction Potential
Slake Durability test. A water filled jar and a Blow counts (N) must be reported on the LOTB
watch are required. The steps are as follows: and BR as observed in the field without corrections.
• Immerse a fragment in enough water to cover it Where,
by ½ inch. It is best if the rock is oven dried. It
has been reported that moist material is N The sum of the hammer blows required
relatively insensitive to degradation in this test to drive the sampler in the test interval
when compared with dry material. from 0.5 to 1.5 ft below the cleanout
• After immersion, observe the sample
continuously for 10 minutes and carefully Hammer efficiency must be shown on the LOTB
during the first 30 minutes. When a reaction and BR to allow the reader to determine N60.
occurs, it is often during the first 30 minutes. Where,
A final observation is made after 24 hours.
ERi Hammer energy ratio
The condition of the piece is categorized (complete
breakdown, partial breakdown, no change), as N60 Penetration resistance adjusted to a
shown in the table in Section 2.5.14 60% drill rod energy ratio per
ASTM D 6066:
N60 = Nmeasured X (ERi /60)
A.7 C
alcium Carbonate
Report the presence of calcium carbonate based on The following are examples of how to report
the sample reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid, various SPT measurements:
and describe the reaction per Fig A.7-1.
• Blow counts for each of the 6-inch increments
Figure A.7-1 (from ASTM 2488)

Descriptors for calcium carbonate reaction

must be recorded in the field, but not
necessarily reported on the LOTB and BR. The
Description Criteria 2nd and 3rd driving intervals must be summed
and reported.
None No visible reaction.
Weak Some reaction, with bubbles forming For example:
slowly. 1st 6 in. interval: 10 blows
Strong Violent reaction, with bubbles forming
2nd 6 in. interval: 15 blows
3 6 in. interval: 18 blows
N reported as “33”

80 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix
• For partial increments, the depth of penetration A.9 Core Recovery (REC)
must be reported to the nearest 1 inch, in
The core recovery value (REC), with few
addition to the number of blows.
exceptions, provides an indication of the success of
For example: the coring operation in recovering the cored rock.
1st 6 in. interval: 20 blows Portions of the cored rock mass may not be
recovered because the fluid used in the drilling
2nd 6 in. interval: 40 blows operations washes away portions of the rock mass
3rd 6 in. interval: 60 blows for 2 inches, during the coring operation or the rotation of the
then refusal core barrel traps and grinds away portions of the
rock mass. Diminished core recovery can also be
N reported as “100/8-REF” attributed to voids within the rock mass. Core
recovery is expressed as a percentage.
Σ (Length of the recovered
core pieces, inches)(100%)
1st 6 in. interval: 20 blows Total length of the core run, inches

2nd 6 in. interval: 40 blows

3rd 6 in. interval: 50 blows for 2 inches A.10 Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
N reported as “90/8” Rock Quality Designation is a measure of the
fracturing in a rock mass as observed in a core
Refusal is defined as 10 blows with no
specimen. A high value of RQD indicates few or
discernable sampler advancement.
widely spaced fractures. RQD is valid for core
• If the seating interval (1st 6 in. interval) is not diameters from 1.4 to 3.35 inches. The RQD
achieved, note refusal. criteria are generally based on ASTM D 6032.
For example:
Σ (Length of intact core pieces > 4
1st 6 in. interval: 50 blows for 2 inches, inches)(100%)
Total length of the core run, inches
then refusal

N reported as “REF”

The RQD denotes the percentage of sound intact

• If the sampler sinks under its own weight
rock retrieved from a borehole. All pieces of
without any hammer blows, then N is reported
sound intact rock core equal to or greater than 4
as “0”
inches long, including intensely weathered core
• If a substantial change in material is that cannot be hand broken, are summed and
encountered over the course of driving the divided by the total length of the core run. An
sampler, the 2nd and 3rd driving intervals can be intact core is any segment of core between two
reported separately. open, natural discontinuities.
For example:
For weaker or more intensely weathered rock that
do not appear sound, RQD, if reported, must be
1st 6 in. interval: 10 blows

determined and shown with an asterisk, e.g.,

2nd 6 in. interval: 20 blows
3rd 6 in. interval: 60 blows for 3 inches,

N reported as “20/6, 60/3”

Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix 81
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82 Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, Description, and Presentation Manual, Appendix

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