HVAC Design CheckList

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The key takeaways are collecting building data like plans, schedules and elevations as well as checking HVAC unit details and verifying ductwork design.

Building data like architectural plans, component schedules, and elevations are being collected to verify wall heights and other details.

HVAC unit details like system type, equipment type, zoning, economizers, humidification/dehumidification need to be checked for each unit.


Collect the following Building Data
Arch. Plan (Furniture preferred)

Building component schedule (Doors, Windows, … ETC)

Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Building component schedule (Doors, Windows, … ETC)

Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Building elevation to verify the wall heights
Building elevation to verify the wall heights
Building elevation to verify the wall heights
Building elevation to verify the wall heights
Building component schedule (Doors, Windows, … ETC)
Building elevation to verify the wall heights
Building elevation to verify the wall heights
Building component schedule (Doors, Windows, … ETC)

Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Building component schedule (Doors, Windows, … ETC)

Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Building component schedule (Doors, Windows, … ETC)

Building elevation to verify the wall heights
Building elevation to verify the wall heights

Check the following for Each HVAC Unit (Equipment):-

System type (CW-DX-VRV-district-hot water-steam)

Equipment Type (package-ducted-ductless-decorative-ceiling-floor)


Ventilation control (constant-DCV-scheduled-propotional)

Economizer exists?
Humidifier exists?
Dehumidifier exists?
Equipment Type (Constant flow or variable flow)

Method of excess supply air (Re-heat, reserve or adjust)

Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)

Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)

Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Supply fan type (Draw through, blow through or Package fan)
Duct leakage
Pre-treated OA type
Heat recovery status
Value of any additional Miscellaneous load

* Verify that the AHU results (Supply CFM, OA CFM & cooling load capacity) are available in market
by vendors, otherwise re-distribute connected spaces till you reach the max. values available

** Incase of following the non dedicate smoke removal method, verify that AHU serving only spaces
in the same fire zone
Chilled water Temp. Difference
Calculation Method (Cooling only or heating either)
People Diversity factor
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value
Ventilation value

in the same fire zone

General Before Starting (Verify the following)
Arch. Plans are comply with the latest edition

Mechanical shafts' size are suitable for duct riser as per load calculation result

care from the maintenance
of lighting door access
complete false ceiling drawing, this consist position , fire alarm detectors , sprinklers
and speakers ....... etc
Inside each space verify the following
Air flow complying the load calc. result
No. of air outlet suitable for air flow required
Flexible diameter for each outlet

Space HVAC data written (CFM, Flex. Diameter, No. & size of air outlet)

Exhaust system required ?

Value of supply & Return CFM achieving the pressure difference?

Duct works (Supply & Return), check the following

Duct height that connected to flex. Is more than flex. Dia. (2" minimum)

VAV installed for each individual zone

Main duct height that connected to branch duct has height more than the branch height (2" more
VD is installed for all branches
Duct height is suitable to space plenum

Duct routing not conflicting with beams, columns, ….. ETC

Fire damper installed on duct paths through fire zone walls

Fire damper installed on opening of free return air paths through fire zone walls

Duct text (Size & Flow) is written to each part

Duct riser Text data written (CFM, Connected AHU)
Fire damper installed at main duct connected to riser
Bell mouth is there for free return system

Duct distance (From AHU to the first fitting) at roof comply with min. distance allowed by code

All dampers installed to duct

Bottom of duct height should be mentioned to compare it with the height of the false-ceiling
availability of space between duct and flexible in order to make sure that there is no any extreme
bending in the flexible
* Continue verifying the summation of CFM after each branch to the AHU
* Continue Verifying that duct Velocity for any duct portion comply with the max. velocity restriction by code

Chilled water pipes works (Supply & Return), check the following

CHWP S&R connected to each AHU

Water flow rate (GPM) comply with load calculation result

Pipe Hookup shown at pipes connected to AHU, Pumps & chillers

Pipe text (size & Flow GPM) written to each pipe

Pipe network don’t blocking pathway at any area
Pipe Hookup shown at ETS is correct
Provision for future expansion is shown?
* Continue verifying the summation of GPM after each branch to the chiller (CUP)
* Continue Verifying that pipe Velocity for any pipe portion comply with the max. velocity restriction by code

HVAC Equipment, check the following

Chillers Qty. & capacity are enough for the required cooling load calculated

Equipment furnisher at roof aren't blocking any pathway

before any check , please make sure from the HVAC equipment flow access

Each equipment physical dimension comply true dimension as per selection

Spacing between equipment, walls & roof comply with manfacturer recommendation

Chilled water pumps' Qty. & Capacity are the same of chiller quantity & Capacity

Exhaust fans are away from any FA duct intake and FAF

Exhaust fans' qty. & capacity comply with calculation

SRFs are installed in correct location
SRFs Capacity are comply with calculations
FAFs are installed in correct location
FAFs Capacity are comply with calculations
SCPFs are serving all escaping stair case
SCPFs Capacity are comply with calculations
Expansion Tank are installed in correct location

Expansion Tank Capacity are comply with calculations

Buffer Tank are installed in correct location

Buffer Tank Capacity are comply with calculations

Chemical Dosing Pot are serving all escaping stair case

Chemical Dosing Pot Capacity are comply with calculations

Makeup Source are serving all escaping stair case

Makeup Source Capacity are comply with calculations

HVAC Equipment Schedule, confirm the following

Cooling capacity comply with the load caculation
Tag No. comply with drawings
Location comply with drawings
Supply CFM comply with the load caculation
FA CFM comply with the load caculation
Type comply with the load caculation
Ambient Temp. comply with the load caculation
ESP comply with caculation
Chilled water Temp. comply with the load caculation
Chilled water Flow comply with the load caculation

Cooling capacity comply with the load caculation
Qty. comply with drawings
Tag No. comply with drawings
Location comply with drawings
Type comply with selection
Chilled water Temp. comply with the load caculation
Chilled water Flow comply with the load caculation
Ambient Temp. comply with the selection
chiller control completely intergrated with BMS or Not, this point must be clear.
Qty. comply with drawings
Tag No. comply with drawings
Location comply with drawings
Type comply with selection
Chilled water Flow comply with the load caculation
Pump Head comply with the caculation

Qty. comply with drawings
Tag No. comply with drawings
Flow CFM comply with the Tag. No.
NC comply with code

Tag No. comply with drawings
Qty. comply with drawings
Flow CFM comply drawings
Type comply with selection
Location comply with drawings
ESP comply with caculation
Riser Diagram, Verify the following
All Risers are shown
All equipment are shown in correctfloor as per plans
Size at riser comply with size on plan.
Size of each floor entrance comply with size on plan.
SRF & FAF are connected to main duct
Equipment data comply with equipment schdule

General, Verify the following

Title block comply with the project title project of other departments

Project name is comply with tender project name

Drawing Title is comply with drawing list template
Drawing No. is complying drawing list template
Drawing scale
General Details, Verify the following
Detail covers all project items
Item installation comply with project specs.
Item values shown in details comply with values in project
Detail No. refere to item in plans
Y N NA Remarks
eng. ahmed said
eng. ahmed said
Fath Elrahman Elsharif
Fath Elrahman Elsharif

striction by code

kk kk
striction by code

eng. ahmed said

eng. ahmed said
eng.ahmed said

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