EE668: Electrical Scaling Trends in CMOS VLSI Systems: Madhav P. Desai

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EE668: Electrical Scaling Trends in CMOS VLSI

Madhav P. Desai

The evolution of CMOS VLSI technology follows a scaling trend in which

dimensions and operating voltages are scaled by a factor S with every genera-
tion. This factor S is approximately 0.7, and this scaling trend has lasted over
a period of two decades. From this, we can infer the following:
1. The device density (number of devices/unit area) doubles with every tech-
nology generation (1/S 2 ).
2. The transistor oxide capacitance (per unit area) increases by a factor 1/S
with every technology generation.
3. The CMOS inverter delay decreases by a factor of S with every technology
Now consider the potential voltage and current waveforms in a CMOS circuit.
The output of a CMOS logic gate switches between low and high levels, with
a transition-time tR . This transition-time scales by a factor of S with every
technology generation. If we assume that a CMOS circuit acts as a first-order
low pass RC filter, then tR can be related to the RC time constant τ . If t10,90
is the time needed by the output waveform to change from 10% to 90% of its
final value, then
R = τ ln(9)
so that the the 3dB frequency of the CMOS circuit as a low-pass filter is ap-
proximately 0.35/t10,90
R , and this frequency increases by 1/S as technology is
However, the switching current drawn by a CMOS circuit has higher fre-
quency content. For this consider, a CMOS inverter charging a load capacitance
CL from 0 to Vdd with output transition time tR . We observe that current is
drawn from the supply only while the output is charging. Neglecting the leakage
current and the cross-over current, the current drawn from the supply can be
modeled as an isosceles triangle with base width tR and area CL Vdd 1 . Thus,
1 This approximation is justified only when the input and output transition times are

matched, which is usually the case.

every time the inverter charges the output, a triangular pulse with height
2CL Vdd
Ipeak =
is drawn from the supply. The Fourier transform of this pulse if of the form

sinc2 (ωtR /4)

which has a main lobe of width 2/tR Hz.

Thus, for example, if the transition time tR is 1ns, then the output wave-
forms of CMOS gates have significant frequency content up to 350MHz, but the
currents drawn have frequency content up to 2GHz.
Now, consider the scaling of the magnitudes of the supply currents. For a
fixed physical area of the circuit, we expect the total device width in that area
to scale by 1/S. Thus, the charge in that unit area being switched at any instant
is proportional to
W × L × Vdd
which will scale as 1/S ×S ×S/S = 1, thus essentially unchanged. Consequently,
we expect that for the same circuit area Ipeak scales as 1/S and (dI/dt)peak scales
as 1/S 2 .
Finally, the average current that needs to be supplied per-unit-area of the
VLSI system is Q × f where Q is the amount of charge being switched and f
is the rate at which switching occurs. We have seen that Q essentially remains
unchanged, but f scales by 1/S 2 , so that the average current needed per unit
area scales by 1/S.
Thus, to summarize, as technology scales,
1. The maximum frequency of interest in the VLSI system scales by 1/S
(that is, increases by 1.4X).
2. The power dissipation per unit area is essentially unchanged.
3. The average current demand per unit area scales by 1/S.
4. The peak current demand per unit area scales by 1/S.
5. The peak rate of change of the demanded current per unit area scales by
1/S 2 .
It follows that the pressure on the interconnect (wires) in a VLSI system in-
creases as technology scales. The maximum stress is observed in the wires that
supply current to the system. We need to first understand how wires are to
be modeled, and then to study design strategies to handle the stress placed on
wires in a VLSI system.
2 For a synchronous circuit, the switching rate f is related to the clock period T
clk , which
should ideally scale by S. In practice, difficulties in clock distribution can limit the scaling of
the clock period.

1 The leakage current problem
An ideal static CMOS gate should not dissipate any energy when it is not
switching. In reality, the drain current ID and gate current IG are not 0 when
a device is OFF.
Unfortunately, the per-unit-width gate leakage current IOF F = ID (VGS =
0, VDS = VDD ) has an exponential dependence on VT (why?), and

IOF F = ID (VGS = 0, VDS = VDD ) ∝ e−νVt

where ν is a constant. It then follows (assuming that ν and the constant of

proportionality do not scale) that

IOF F = ID (VGS = 0, VDS = VDD ) scales as eν(1−S)

Consequently, the leakage power dissipation per unit area will scale by at least
eν(1−S) because the power dissipation due to drain leakage is Vdd × IOF F × W ,
Vdd scales as S and W per unit area scales as 1/S. This is already a serious
The gate leakage current is essentially due to tunneling through the thin
oxide barrier. This problem has been addressed to a certain extent by the use
of high-K dielectrics (high-K implies same electrical thickness tox /K with higher
physical thickness, hence less tunneling).

2 Reading Assignment
For further reading, you could start with the informative Wikipedia page
You can also use the excellent text by Streetman (Solid State Electronic De-
vices) to get a basic informal introduction. Try to find answers to the following
• How is the threshold voltage of an MOS transistor scaled in practice (ie.,
how is the MOSFET modified from one technology generation to another)?
• How is the MOSFET current ID related to VGS and VDS when VGS < VT ?
• What are short channel effects? In particular, what is channel-length
modulation, drain-induced-barrier lowering?

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