Abstract: Nowadays People Prefer Walking Everywhere They Like For Many Reasons
Abstract: Nowadays People Prefer Walking Everywhere They Like For Many Reasons
Abstract: Nowadays People Prefer Walking Everywhere They Like For Many Reasons
such as going for business meeting, buying groceries, visit neighbor’s house and
recreation. Walking is the most efficient and effective mode of transportation for the
short trips. Moreover every journey necessarily starts and ends as a walk trip. All trips
in urban areas, be it by bus, car or train begin and ends as a pedestrian movement and
pedestrians are most vulnerable for all road users. So this research aims to
understanding pedestrian’s behavior such as crossing facilities, walking speed, gap,
density and also level of service through on-site observations of pedestrian roads. This
study was conducted at Kluang shopping mall during peak hour. Cameras are setup at
the selected area and a video recorded was carried out at crossing facilities which is
inside shopping complex pedestrian roads. In this survey, the data were recorded in real
traffic condition using video recorder in three times durations which is one hour for one
durations then 1000 data will be collected and after that the data will be analyze by
using Human Behavior Simulator (HBS) tool
2. Pedestrian flow rate is the number of pedestrians passing a point per unit of time,
ex-pressed as pedestrians per 15 min or pedestrians per minute. Point refers to a line
of sight across the width of a walkway perpendicular to the pedestrian path.
3. Pedestrian flow per unit of width is the average flow of pedestrians per unit of
effective walkway width, expressed as pedestrians per minute per meter (p/min/m).
Pedestrian density is the average number of pedestrians per unit of area within a
walkway or queuing area, expressed as pedestrians per square meter (p/m2).
4. Pedestrian space is the average area provided for each pedestrian in a walkway or
queuing area, expressed in terms of square meters per pedestrian. This is the inverse
of density, and is often a more practical unit for analyzing pedestrian facilities.
In many ways pedestrian flow are similar to those used for vehicular flow because it
can be described in terms of familiar variables such as speed, volume, rate of flow and
density. Other measures related specifically to pedestrian flow include the ability to
cross a pedestrian traffic stream, to walk in the reverse direction of a major pedestrian
flow, to maneuver generally without conflicts and changes in walking speed, and the
delay experienced by pedestrians at signalized and unsignalized intersections. It is
dissimilar to the vehicular flow in that pedestrian flow may be unidirectional,
bidirectional, or multi-directional. Pedestrian do not always travel in clear ‘lanes’
although they may do sometimes under heavy flow.
Problem Statement
In Malaysia, the study of pedestrian human behavior does not much been done
because of some factor like no data for gap of pedestrian. It is important to study
about pedestrian behavior since it influence the safety of pedestrian, road traffic
design, vehicular driver and also for design safety of a building especially for
evacuation process. Now with the new era of technology, it is important to using the
simulator to solve the problems for pedestrian behavior. Other researcher from other
country in Asian found that Asian pedestrian walk slower than Western pedestrian
and most of the researchers found that the common factor that influenced the walking
speed of a person are gender and age. In Malaysia, there are differences between male
and female pedestrian then it will effect of walking speed for pedestrian behavior.
Therefore to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents the average walking speed of
pedestrian need to take a count as the recommended crossing time is not sufficient for
our country. The effect crossing time for pedestrian at signalized traffic need to be
update according to the average walking speed of pedestrian at different area or
country. Without any research on walking pedestrian walking speed, the exposure of
pedestrian to hazard during road crossing and during evacuation process cannot be
reduced. Finally, there are needs to observe the pedestrian walking speed at a different
area and this research is proposed.
3. To identify the approximate gap between pedestrian movement during peak hour
Scope of study
The study focuses on Batu Pahat district which is state of Johor. The study was
conducted at pedestrian roads in Batu Pahat Mall that considers the pedestrian for
transit anywhere or pedestrian who use public transport. The study contains several
components that were data collection and data analysis. In data collections, an
observation using video camera has been done. The camera were placed at the upper
floor of pedestrian walkway in shopping mall. Pedestrian movement were recorded by
using camera from one end point to another end point of walkway.
The data has been collected and will analyze using Human Behavior Simulator (HBS)
tool. The observation of walking pedestrian has been recorded using video recorded
for 3 hours for 1000 data. From the video recorded, the data has been analyzed using
CBS-DE tool. The simulator were used to trace motion of pedestrian in every second
and coordinate of each pedestrian were obtained. After that, the data has been analyze
based on gender and age range and the age will be categorized in 7 groups that are
below 9 years old, 10-39 years old (men), 10-39 years old (women), 40-69 years old
(men), 40-69 years old (women), over 70 and disabled person.
Significance of Study
This research aims to analyze pedestrian behavior movement during peak hour in
shopping mall at selected area using Human Behavior Simulation. In well-developed
countries such as Malaysia, the studies of pedestrian behavior is important to
determine walking speed, gap, density, and crossing facilities based on few factor that
influence human behavior such as age, gender, physical size, direction, time, space,
obstacles and others. From that, this study is expected to have some findings about
pedestrian flow characteristic by using software. This research will reveal real
problems and prospects of pedestrian movement pattern at intersections in shopping
complex. It will make a clear clarification how to carry out pedestrian issues in traffic
engineering and transport management. In the long run this study will formulate
policy guidelines how to solve pedestrian issues in future transportation planning and
decision making.