Computer Science In-Between A Fundamental Discipline and The Third Pillar of Science
Computer Science In-Between A Fundamental Discipline and The Third Pillar of Science
Computer Science In-Between A Fundamental Discipline and The Third Pillar of Science
Ion Petre
Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Herr kansler, Herr rektor, Prorektorer, värderade kolleger, mina damer och herrar:
Computer Science today appears as a highly successful discipline. Within about half a century since it
has been recognized as a scientific discipline, it has helped transform our lives in profound ways. The
most direct way one can witness the success of Computer Science is in the technology that it has
enabled: for example, our computers today are far beyond being just calculating machines; we
demand of our phones much more than just to be able to call somebody; our cars are assisting and
anticipating our driving in sophisticated ways. At the same time, one can see the success of
Computer Science through the impact it had on modern society: in the way we educate ourselves; in
the way we communicate; in the way we keep contact with each other; in the way we entertain
ourselves; in the way we get informed; in the way we organize ourselves politically, socially and
professionally. We can see it in our modern culture in the way we create art; in the new types of
literature or music; in the new types of exhibitions. We can see the success and the impact of
Computer Science in the great advances in medicine: in new molecular screening tests; in the
intelligent body implants; in the way surgeries are performed today; in all the advances towards
personalized medicine. Despite its newcomer status among sciences, Computer Science has changed
profoundly the nature of many disciplines; we have today many new fields of science, technology
and humanities that are using “computational” as a prefix to name themselves. Here are just a few
examples: computational biology, computational chemistry, computational physics, computational
mathematics, but also computational linguistics, computational and algorithmic music,
computational intelligence, computational philosophy, computational neuroscience, and
computational economics.
In fact, many people argue that Computer Science and the technologies it has enabled have led to
such a profound transformation in the way science is conducted nowadays that the computational
approach is today the third pillar of science, on equal footing with its other two pillars: theory and
experiment. In 2005, the U.S. Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee issued a
report titled "Computational Science: Ensuring America's Competitiveness," that was stating:
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"Together with theory and experimentation, computational science now
constitutes the “third pillar” of scientific inquiry, enabling researchers to build and
test models of complex phenomena – such as multi-century climate shifts,
multidimensional flight stresses on aircraft, and stellar explosions – that cannot be
replicated in the laboratory, and to manage huge volumes of data rapidly and
economically. Computational science’s models and visualizations – of, for example,
the microbiological basis of disease or the dynamics of a hurricane – are
generating fresh knowledge that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. In
industry, computational science provides a competitive edge by transforming
business and engineering practices.”
On the other hand, computer scientist Moshe Vardi (Rice University) argues in a recent editorial in
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (vol. 53, no. 9, p. 5, 2010) that the
computational approach has profoundly changed the nature of both theory and experiment, the two
traditional legs of science. The theory in systems biology for example can well take the form of Petri
nets, statechart diagrams, timed automata, or pi-calculus programs, which were developed
originally in the context of computer science. The nature of experimentation as a fundamental pillar
of science also has transformed both through complementing physical experiments with
computational ones, as well as through the scale of its computational challenges; for example, the
Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider generates 40 terabytes of raw
data per second, a flow that gives a great challenge even in terms of storing it, not to mention
analyzing it .
While answering to all these challenges with advances in modeling, simulation, and other
computational technologies, Computer Science became established as a fundamental discipline in
itself. Seen from this point view, the European term “Informatics” (“Datavetenskap” in Swedish,
“Tietojenkäsittelytiede” in Finnish) is much better than the American term “Computer Science” to
describe the nature of this scientific discipline. Whereas the latter term refers to a particular device
of computing, the term “Informatics” defines my discipline more accurately as the general science of
information and information processing. As a matter of fact, Computer Science has been most
successful as a fundamental discipline in enabling reasoning about computing, independently of its
physical implementation, in other words independently of what kind of processors, memory, or
communication protocols one uses to implement computing. In its quest to understand the nature of
the various ways of processing information and doing computations, Computer Science has
developed its own scientific language and concepts, and it has identified a number of scientific
challenges stemming from within itself. Some of these challenges have received great recognition
and visibility in the scientific community independently of their implications in technologies or
impact in other sciences, but rather for their fundamental importance for Computer Science itself.
One such challenge is the question whether the computational complexity classes of P and NP are
equal; the problem has been listed as one of the 7 Millennium Prize Problems by the Clay
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Mathematics Institute, each of them carrying an award of 1 million dollars for solving it. To put this
list of problems into perspective, one should note that one of the problems, the Riemann hypothesis,
formulated in 1859, also appeared in the list of problems formulated as great challenges by
mathematician David Hilbert on August 9, 1900. The P vs NP problem is much younger, having been
proposed in 1971; it can be formulated as whether there exist questions whose answer could be
quickly checked for correctness, but which require an impossibly long time to solve by any direct
procedure. To claim the 1 million dollar award one only has to choose his favorite difficult problem,
show that a candidate solution can be checked efficiently, but a solution cannot be searched for
efficiently. That is to say, the challenge is not to show that the prize applicant could not find a
solution, but rather that one cannot be found efficiently, independently of any current or future
computing technology. In other words, this is a problem about the very nature of information
processing, a true scientific jewel of Computer Science.
Computer Science has enabled a fundamentally new way of doing science and understanding the
world in terms of computations. One of the areas where this approach has been very fruitful is in
biology. Aviv Regev (MIT) and Ehud Shapiro (Weizman Institute of Science) have described the
paradigm “Cells as computation” (Nature 419 (343), 2002) as an approach to understand biological
and biochemical mechanisms as systems of interacting computational entities. The same concept
was proposed in our 2002 book “Computational processes in living cell. Gene assembly in ciliates”,
co-authored with Andrzej Ehrenfeucht (Boulder, Colorado), Tero Harju (Turku), David M. Prescott
(Boulder, Colorado) and Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden, the Netherlands). At the core of this approach
is the idea that biology can be described through the logical interactions of various types of
molecular entities such as genes, RNA molecules, proteins, and others. When looking at biology,
what a computer scientist typically does is to abstract from the biological details of the mechanism
at hand and replace them with formal statements about the type of information they carry, about
the types of interactions they are capable of, the types of resources they need in their interactions,
etc. What the computer scientist does in fact is to replace the biological system of interest with a
computational system described in a high-level language very similar to a computer programming
language. On that level, the computer scientist can perform formal reasoning about the properties
of the computational system and relate them to the properties of the biological system in the
background of his investigations; he can do static and dynamic analysis, numerical simulations,
approximations, predictions, sensitivity analysis, estimates of robustness, etc. This type of research,
called computational systems biology, is a beautiful example of genuinely multi-disciplinary research
that is already giving new insights into the inner mechanisms of complex biological systems.
But the concept of “life as computation” can in fact be taken one step further. Starting from the
vision of computational systems biology of huge numbers of molecular machines interacting
according to precise logical rules, one may turn the tables and ask whether we can write ourselves
molecular programs that, when executed inside a cell-like environment give rise to interesting nano-
scale patterns and behavior. The goal here is to take the basic primitives of biochemical interactions
and use them to design new types of algorithms that run in suitable biochemical solutions, leading
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to new types of computing. This way of computing is drastically different than that based on
electronic computers. One starts by specifying the product requirements in a high-level language
and then compiles the specifications to obtain a molecular program, for example in terms of a
number of DNA strands; the precise sequence of nucleotides of those strands is as crucial for the
molecular program as the precise sequence of 0/1 is for the binary code of a computer program. One
orders then those strands from a biotech company or from a university core facility and obtains a
small test tube with them floating in a solution. Taking good care of them, for example adding some
salted solution and cooling them slowly from almost boiling point will yield something almost
magical: the strands start to self-assemble into a nano-scale object that follows the specifications
that the computer scientist made in the beginning of the project. The end result could be a nano-
scale electronic circuit, a molecular motor, or even a small computer capable to permeate cellular
membranes and make logical decisions depending on the environment. In other words, non-
electronic, unconventional computing.
The world seen through the eyes of a computer scientist is a kingdom dominated by concepts such as
logic, abstraction, transitions, transformations, interactions, concurrency, competition,
synchronization, robustness, efficiency, etc. When looking at other fields of science through the
glasses of Computer Science, those fields may sometimes appear drastically different than the
conventional way. Representatives of other sciences may have sometimes difficulties identifying
themselves with the image of their field projected by Computer Science. However, they may also
play the game of abstraction and offer, half-jokingly, the following unusual definition of computer
scientists, paraphrasing Goethe:
”Computer Scientists are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate
into their own language, and forthwith it is something entirely different.”
To conclude, I will tell you that Computer Science for me is about computing in all of its forms
(electronic, molecular, quantum, or other forms); it is about designing and building efficient
computing, and applying it to any application domain in need of computational solutions; it is about
understanding the limits of computing and of efficient computing; and it is about a general scientific
approach in terms of information and information processing.
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