The Slave's Narrative
The Slave's Narrative
The Slave's Narrative
Baker reprinted from THE JOURNEY BACK, Chapter Two, pp. 27-52, by Houstin Baker, Jr., by per-
mission of The University of Chicago Press.
from JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HISTORY, Volume 41 (November 1975), pp. 473-492. Copyright ©
1975 by the Southern Historical Association, Reprinted by permission of the Managing Editor.
OF A LITERARY HISTORY which will be published by The Modern Language Association.
I ROSE AND FOUND MY VOiCE by Robert Stepto is reprinted from FROM BEHIND THE VEIL by Robert
Stepto, courtesy of the University of Illinois Press.
VIEW, vol. 79, 1974, pp. 470-481, courtesy of the author.
WRITTEN BY HERSELF by Jean Yellin is reprinted from AMERICAN LITERATURE 53:3, pp. 479-486,
copyright © 1981 by Duke University Press, Durham, N.C.
SLAVE GIRL: WRITTEN BY HERSELF by Jean Yellin which appears in this volume, copyright © 1983,
Jean Yellin.
4 6 8 10 9 7 5
Printed in the United States of America
. . . when we get a little farther away from the conflict, some brave and truth-
loving man, with all the facts before him . . . will gather from here and there
the scattered fragments, my small contribution perhaps among the number, and
give to those who shall come after us an impartial history of this the grandest
moral conflict of the century. [For] Truth is patient and time is just.
Frederick Douglass, 1891.
. . . unless the descendant of the slave writes an exhaustive book from his
standpoint, [U. B. Phillips's American Negro Slavery] might be the last word
on the subject.
Mary White Ovington, 1918.
Let the study of the Old South be undertaken by other scholars [than U. B.
Phillips] who have absorbed the viewpoint of modern cultural anthropology,
who have a feeling for social psychology (a matter of particular importance in
the study of a regime in which status was so vital), who will concentrate upon
the neglected rural elements that formed the great majority of the Southern
population, who will not rule out the testimony of more critical observers, and
who will realize that any history of slavery must be written in large part from
the standpoint of the slave—and then the possibilities of the Old South and the
slave system as a field of research and historical experience will loom larger
than ever.
Richard Hofstadter, 1944.
The authors wish to dedicate this book, with admiration and affec-
tion, to John Wesley Blassingame, Sr., who restored the black slave's
narrative to its complex status as history and as literature.
"Things for the Abolitionist to Do,"
1. Speak for the Slave, . . .
2. Write for the Slave, . . .
"They can't take care of themselves."
Charles T. Davis died just two weeks after this book was contracted. We
were able, however, in his difficult last months, to complete most of its
planning and editing. I hope that this collection can, in part, stand as a
testament to Davis's vision as a critic. The final decision we made about
this book was to dedicate it to our colleague and friend, John Wesley
Blassingame, ST., to honor what we termed the revolution in historiogra-
phy he effected in The Slave Community. Blassingame's work relates to
our work in criticism, in an ideal relation of text to context.
I would like to thank David A. Curtis, Nicola Shilliam, Mary McFar-
land, and Darby Tench for their excellent research assistance and ad-
mirable stamina; Susan Rabiner, Mary Polo-Wander, and Naomi Schneider
for their impeccable editorial advice; Alice Poindexter Fisher, and Robert
Burns Stepto, for enabling me to participate in a Modern Language Asso-
ciation summer seminar on Afro-American literary theory; Kai Erikson for
asking me to write about Frederick Douglass for the Yale Review; the Pro-
gram in Afro-American Studies for its unflagging support; my colleagues
Houston A. Baker, Jr., Kimberly W. Benston, Hazel Carby, John Brown
Childs, Michael G. Cooke, Geoffrey H. Hartman, Robert Hemenway,
Fredric Jameson, Barbara Johnson, J. Hillis Miller, Robert O'Meally,
Nancy Stepan, and Susan Willis for sharing with me, generously, their
ideas about the critical activity; Mrs. Gwendolyn Williams for meeting
unreasonable deadlines, and Jeanne Curtis Davis and Sharon Adams for
their love.
1. Written by Themselves:
Views and Reviews, 1750-1861
The Life of Job Ben Solomon, 4
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or
Gustavus Vassa, the African; Written by Himself, 5
The Life and Adventures of a Fugitive Slave, 6
Narrative of James Williams, 8
The Narrative of Juan Manzano, 15
Narratives of Fugitive Slaves, 19
Life of Henry Bibb, 28
The Life and Bondage of Frederick Douglass, 30
Kidnapped and Ransomed, 31
Linda: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Written by Herself, 32
From the narrative came the spirit and vitality and the angle of vision
responsible for the most effective prose writing by black American writ-
ers from William Wells Brown to Charles W. Chesnutt, from W. E. B.
DuBois to Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and James Baldwin. . . .
Indeed, from 1760 to the present, almost half of the Afro-American liter-
ary tradition was created when its authors and their black readers were
either slaves or former slaves. Have there ever been more curious origins
of a literary tradition? The slave narrative arose as a response to and
refutation of claims that blacks could not write.
Nelson and Loggins's suggestive, if problematic, claims were echoed
in scattered writings of the 1930s by critics such as Sterling A. Brown.
This revisionary history of the nature of Afro-American literature paral-
lels similar revisions in American slave historiography. John McCade in
1935, L. D. Reddick, in 1937, and Richard Hofstadter in 1944, each chal-
lenged the established convention within American slave historiography
of attempting to re-create an image of slavery primarily from the records
of the planters, the masters. As Hofstadter said, "Let the study of the
Old South be undertaken by other scholars . . . who will realize that
any history of slavery must be written in large part from the standpoint
of the slave." This is an obvious enough sentiment now, yet it was a bold
challenge to the presuppositions implicit in Ulrich B. Phillips's unsubtle,
proslavery, nostalgic fictions of a South that simply never existed. Indeed,
it is a simple exercise in close reading to show that Phillips derived his
representation of black people, not from their own words or cultural in-
stitutions, but from the established racist stereotypes common to the
genre of the "confederate romance."
Since the status of the slave narrative as history and literature seems
self-evident to us, how could the narratives have been "lost" to us for
such a dark period, when the apparent "silence" of the slave was drawn
upon by a host of commentators as "evidence" of either the total brutal
environment of slavery or else of an inherent mental deficiency within
the slave? After all, slave narratives were extraordinarily popular texts.
Arna Bontemps found their closest analogue in this century to be the
Western. I think rather the genre of detective fiction is a more apt formal
analogue, since the plots of all the slave narratives turn upon the resolu-
tion of a mystery, already resolved in fact by the first-person "detective"
narrator. Both forms, moreover, share conventions of realism (verisimili-
tude ), despite the fact that the slave narratives also shared contradictory
characteristics with the sentimental novel (florid asides, strident polemics,
the melodramatic imagination).
The narratives had an appreciable market. Here is a sampling of how
well they sold. Charles Nichols and Arna Bontemps have informed us that
xvi Introduction
Frederick Douglass's Narrative (1845) sold 5,000 copies in the first four
months of publication. Between 1845 and 1847, the Narrative sold 11,000
copies; in Great Britain, nine editions were printed in these two years.
And by 1860, 30,000 copies had sold. Solomon Northup's narrative sold
27,000 copies in its first two years of publication. Moses Roper's text went
into ten editions between 1837 and 1856. Equiano's narrative went to thirty-
six editions between 1789 and 1850. And William Wells Brown's book
reached its fourth edition in its first year of publication. Truth Stranger
than Fiction, one of Josiah Henson's narratives, had an advance sale of
5,000 copies. As John A. Collins, general agent of the Massachusetts Anti-
Slavery Society, wrote to William Lloyd Garrison in 1842, "The public
have itching ears to hear a colored man speak, and particularly a slave.
Multitudes will flock to hear one of his class." The slaves' writings were
often direct extensions of their speeches, and many ex-slave narrators con-
fess that their printed texts are structured formal revisions of their spoken
words organized and promoted by anti-slavery organizations. This then
provides an ideal opportunity for critics to study the complex relation be-
tween oral and written forms of narrative, and especially the trope of
orality itself which remains central in much of contemporary black fiction.
The popular acceptance of the figure of the black was determined, to this
extent, by his or her mastery of words.
We can achieve an idea of the role that the words of ex-slaves were
able to play in the fight against slavery by considering the following
comments published between 1845 and 1855. Lucius C. Matlock, in 1845
wrote that
I am glad the time has come when the "lions write history." We have
been left long enough to gather the character of slaves from the involun-
tary evidence of the masters. One might, indeed, rest sufficiently satis-
fied with what, it is evident, must be, in general, the results of such a
relation without seeking further to find whether they have followed in
every instance.
Introduction xvii
The curious and direct relation between reading and writing, on one
hand, and legal freedom, on the other, was evident to both the slave
narrators and to their reviewers.
Sales figures alone do not attest to the popularity of the form. A re-
viewer of Henry Bibb's narrative wrote in 1849 that "This fugitive slave
literature is destined to be a powerful lever. We have the most profound
conviction of its potency. We see in it the easy and infallible means of
abolitionizing the free States. Argument provokes argument, reason is
met by sophistry. But narratives of slaves go right to the hearts of men."
An 1852 review of Randolph's The Cabin and the Parlor refers to "that
surfeit of 'nigger' literature, which now sickens the popular taste." A
more revealing indication of the extensive readership is, perhaps, the
scores of pro-slavery confederate romances published to rebut the slave
narrative's collective realism, as well as critical admonitions to Southern
writers and readers to support such fictions. "Let the people of the South
make it a point to buy and read the writings of their own men," a writer
in the Southern Quarterly Review put it in 1854, "even to the exclusion
of all others." The Southern Literary Messenger, two years later, printed
an even bolder and more desperate plea: ". . . as literature has been the
most powerful weapon which the enemies of African slavery have used
in their attacks, so, also, to literature must we look for the maintenance
of our position, and justification before the world." The editorial con-
tinued, "Let Southern authors, men who see and know slavery as it is,
make it their duty to deluge all the realms of literature with a flood of
light upon the subject. . . ." Such hostility signifies the presence of a
black discourse both popular and compelling, one which even informed
and helped determine the shape of its narrative antithesis, the plantation
novel; the two forms seem to have been locked together in a bipolar mo-
ment, as it were, or a signifying relationship.
How could these narratives with such broad readership simply "dis-
xviii Introduction
appear" for sixty years? One reason was suggested, prophetically, by
Frederick Douglass in an editorial he printed in 1856, "Opposing slavery
and hating its victims has come to be a very common form of aboli-
tionism." Once legal slavery disappeared, a more subtle form of subju-
gation, as we know, displaced it in a relation of de facto to de jure. The
concomitant economic, political, and social conspiracy, between 1876 and
1915, most certainly had profound literary ramifications. Within Ameri-
can society, the literary presence of the speaking black subject was re-
placed by the deafening silence of his absence; essentially as an object,
a figure in the fictions of nonblacks, did the black then "exist" in main-
stream literature. Blacks, of course, continued to publish poetry, fiction,
autobiographies, essays, and letters between 1865 and the turn of the
century, but primarily in black periodicals. With the end of slavery, how-
ever, the black seems to have lost his great, unique theme until Jim Crow
racism and segregation recreated it. The stilling of the black "voice" as-
sumed myriad forms, not the least distressing of which was the effective
destruction of black arts and letters existing before 1865. Only with great
devotion and diligence have we even begun to restore the fragments of
the lost records of the Afro-American mind. And who can estimate what
these losses have cost the development of literature and art?
Since the New Negro Renaissance, literary scholars have been wrestling
with the question of the influence of the slave narratives on the form of
subsequent Afro-American literary works. That the matter is still alive is
perhaps best illustrated by the divergent opinions on this question ex-
pressed by Ralph Ellison and Arna Bontemps, two Afro-American cre-
ative writers and critics whose works are central to the Afro-American
On the one hand, in a 1978 interview with Ishmael Reed, Steve Can-
non, and Quincy Troupe, published in YBird, Ralph Ellison responded
at length to Cannon's question about certain structural similarities be-
tween Invisible Man and the slave narratives. Ellison's considered response
bears repeating:
Cannon: [Invisible Man] reads very much like a slave narrative, doesn't
it? Would you say you've borrowed the techniques?
Ellison: No, that's coincidental. And, frankly, I think too much has been
made of the slave narrative, as an influence on contemporary writing.
Experience tends to mold itself into certain repetitive patterns, and one
Introduction xix
of the reasons we exchange experiences is in order to discover the repe-
titions and coincidences which amount to a common group experience.
We tell ourselves our individual stories so as to become aware of our
general story. I wouldn't have had to read a single slave narrative in
order to create the narrative pattern of Invisible Man. It emerges from
experience and from my own sense of literary form, out of my sense of
experience as shaped by history and my familiarity with literature.
All this is not to put down the slave narrative, but to say that it did not
influence my novel as a conscious functional form. And, don't forget, the
main source of any novel is other novels; these constitute the culture of
the form, and my loyalty to our group does nothing to change that; it's
a cultural, literary reality. (Emphasis added)
The key sentence in this exchange is Ellison's observation that "the pat-
tern of movement and the obstacles encountered are so basic to Afro-
American experience." It is precisely this pattern of movement that the
art of the slave's narrative willed to the black textual tradition, making it
possible both for us to transcend the chaos of individual memory, since
these collective texts constitute the beginnings of the Afro-American
canon, and for the trope itself to inform black novels, which emerged in
the nineteenth-century directly from the slave narrative. Arna Bontemps
makes this argument for the key place of the narrative in Afro-American
literary history: that both fictional and autobiographical forms, as con-
flated in James Williams' Narrative (1836), Harriet Wilson's Our Nig
(1859), in Richard Wright's Black Boy (1945), and in Invisible Man,
emerge from the ex-slave's tale. Bontemps would concur with Burton's
dictum from The Anatomy of Melancholy "Our style bewrays us." As
Bontemps stated in 1966:
Literature, science, and art are mainly in [poor men's] hands, yet are
controlled by the prevalent spirit of the nation. ... In England, the
national literature favors the church, the crown, the nobility, the prevail-
ing class. Another literature is rising, but is not yet national, still less
canonized. We have no American literature which is permanent. Our
scholarly books are only an imitation of a foreign type; they do not
reflect our morals, manners, politics, or religion, not even our rivers,
mountains, sky. They have not the smell of our ground in their breath.
Parker, to say the least, was not especially pleased with American letters
and their identity with the English tradition. Did Parker find any evi-
dence of a truly American discourse?
[a] disingenuous and unmanly Position had been formed; and privately
(and as it were in the dark) handed to and again, which is this, That the
Negro's though in their Figure they carry some resemblances of man-
hood, yet are indeed no men . . . the consideration of the shape and
figure of our Negro's Bodies, their Limbs and members; their Voice and
Countenance, in all things according with other mens; together with
their Risibility and Discourse (man's peculiar Faculties) should be suffi-
cient Conviction. How should they otherwise be capable of Trades, and
other no less manly imployments; as also of Reading and Writing, or
show so much Discretion in management of Business; . . . but wherein
(we know) that many of our own People are deficient, were they not
truly Men?
Learning to read and to write, then, was not only difficult, it was a viola-
tion of law. That Frederick Douglass, Thomas Smallwood, William Wells
Brown, Moses Grandy, James Pennington, and John Thompson, among
numerous others, all made statements about the direct relationship be-
tween freedom and discourse only emphasizes the dialectical relation of
black text to a "context," defined here as other, racist texts against which
the slave's narrative, by definition, was forced to react.
By 1705, William Bosman, a Dutch explorer, had formed Peter Hey-
lyn's bias into a myth, which the Africans he had "discovered" had pur-
portedly related to him. It is curious insofar as it justifies human slavery.
According to Bosman, the blacks "tell us that in the beginning God cre-
ated Black as well as White men; thereby giving the Blacks the first Elec-
tion, who chose Gold, and left the Knowledge of Letters to the White.
God granted their Request, but being incensed at their Avarice, resolved
that the Whites should ever be their masters, and they obliged to wait
on them as their slaves." Bosnian's fabrication, of course, was designed to
sanction through mythology a political order created by Europeans. It
was David Hume, writing at the mid-point of the eighteenth century,
who gave to Bosnian's myth the sanction of Enlightenment philosophical
In a major essay, "Of National Characters" (1748), Hume discusses
the "characteristics" of the major divisions of people in the world. In a
footnote added to his original text in 1753, Hume asserted with all of the
authority of philosophy, the fundamental relationship among complexion,
character, and intellectual capacity:
I am apt to suspect the negroes, and in general all the other species of
men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to
the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion
than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or specula-
tion. No ingenious manufacturers amongst them, no arts, no sciences. . . .
Such a uniform and constant difference could not happen, in so many
countries and ages, if nature had not made our original distinction betwixt
these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves
dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms
of ingenuity; ... In Jamaica, indeed they talk of one negro as a man of
parts and learning [Francis Williams, the Cambridge-educated poet who
wrote verse in Latin]; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender ac-
complishments, like a parrot who speaks a few words plainly.
My master used to read prayers in public to the ship's crew every Sab-
bath day; and when I first saw him read, I was never so surprised in my
life, as when I saw the book talk to my master, for I thought it did, as
I observed him to look upon it, and move his lips. I wished it would do
so with me. As soon as my master had done reading, I followed him to
the place where he put the book, being mightily delighted with it, and
when nobody saw me, I opened it, and put my ear down close upon it,
in great hope that it would say something to me; but I was very sorry,
and greatly disappointed, when I found that it would not speak. This
thought immediately presented itself to me, that every body and every
thing despised me because I was black.
That the figure of the talking book recurs in these four black eighteenth
century texts says much about the degree of "intertextuality" in early
black letters, more than we heretofore thought. Equally important, how-
ever, this figure itself underscores the established correlation between
silence and blackness we have been tracing, as well as the urgent need to
make the text speak, the process by which the slave marked his distance
from the master. The voice in the text was truly a millennial voice for the
African person of letters in the eighteenth century, for it was that very
voice of deliverance and of redemption which would signify a new order
for the black.
Despite the presence of the black voice in the slave's literature,
writers intent upon casting aspersion on the "nature" of the black either
ignored these texts completely or else criticized them harshly. Thomas
Jefferson, Kant, and Hegel provide examples of revisions of Hume's stric-
tures against the public black mind. In "Query XIV" of Notes on the
State of Virginia, Jefferson maintained that "Never yet could I find that
a black had uttered a thought above the level of plain narration, never
see even an elementary trait of painting or sculpture." Of Wheatley, the
first black to publish a book of poetry in English (Juan Latino, a black
slave of Granada, published three volumes of verse in Latin between
xxviii Introduction
1573 and 1576), Jefferson wrote: "Misery is often the parent of the most
affecting touches in poetry. Among the blacks is misery enough, God
knows, but not poetry. . . . The compositions published under her name
are below the dignity of criticism." That same year, Kant, basing his ob-
servations on the absence of published writing among blacks, noted (as
if it were patently obvious) that "Americans [Indians] and Blacks are
lower in their mental capacities than all other races." In 1813 in The
Philosophy of History, echoing Hume and Kant, Hegel noted the absence
of history among black people and derided them for failing to develop
texts indigenous to Africa or even to master the art of writing in modern
Hegel's strictures on the African about the absence of "history" pre-
sume a crucial role of memory, of a collective, cultural memory, in the
estimation of a civilization. Metaphors of the "childlike" nature of the
slaves, of the masked, puppetlike "personality" of the black, all share this
assumption about the absence of memory. Mary Langdon, in her 1855
novel Ida May; A Story of Things Actual and Possible, says that "but then
they are mere children. . . . You seldom hear them say much about any-
thing that's past, if they only get enough to eat and drink at the present
moment." Without writing, there could exist no repeatable sign of the
workings of reason, of mind; without memory or mind, there could exist
no history; without history, there could exist no "humanity," as was de-
fined consistently from Vico to Hegel.
This purported connection between the act of writing and the "rights
of man" did not escape the notice of the slave. Sojoumer Truth, in her
frequently quoted speech about Women's Rights, describes her opinions
about the relationship in this way:
"Den dey talks 'bout dis ting in de head—what dis dey call it?" "In-
tellect," whispered some one near. "Dat's it, honey. What's dat got to do
with woman's rights or niggers' rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint
an' yours holds a quart, wouldn't yet be mean not to let me have my
little half-measure full?"
If you have not liked my grammar, recollect that I was born and
brought up under an institution, where, if an individual was found
teaching me, he would have been sent to the State's prison. Recollect
that you have come here tonight to hear a Slave, and not a man, accord-
ing to the laws of the land; and if the Slave has failed to interest you,
charge it not to the race, charge it not the colored people, but charge it
to the blighting influence of Slavery,—that institution that has made me
property, . . .
When that [ability to read and spell] became known to his neighbours
they were amazed at the fact that a black or coloured person could learn
the Alphabet, yea, learn to spell in two syllables. I appeared to be a
walking curiosity in the village where I then lived, and when passing
about the village I would be called into houses, and the neighbors col-
lected around to hear me say the Alphabet and to spell baker and cider,
to their great surprise, (which were the first two words in the two sylla-
bles of Webster's Spelling Book). This may afford the reader a glimpse
into the abyss of intellectual darkness into which the African race in
America has been so long purposely confined, to serve the avarice and
envies of their tyrannical oppressors, and to get out of which, by the aid
of their friends, they are now struggling against many obstacles; preju-
dice on the part of the whites being among the most potent.
The pervasiveness of this equation of the rights of man with the ability to
write affected those vehemently opposed to slavery. In 1832, an essayist
for William Lloyd Garrison's Liberator, a journal started the year before
expressly to agitate for the abolition of slavery, wrote that "till [the
blacks] are equal to other people in knowledge and cultivation, they will
not and cannot rank as equals." Emerson, speaking in 1844 on the Anni-
versary of the Emancipation of Haiti, summarized the challenge facing
blacks determined to end their own enslavement: Nature, he said,
deals with men after the same manner. If they are rude and foolish, down
they must go. When at last in a race a new principle appears, an idea—
that conserves it; ideas only save races. If the black man is feeble and not
important to the existing races, not on a parity with the best race, the black
xxx Introduction
man must serve, and be exterminated. But if the black man carries in his
bosom an indispensable element of a new and coming civilization, for the
sake of that element, he will survive and play his part. . . .
It was a morning in April, sharp, crisp and clear, and we were round-
ing a bend in the Ohio River just below Wheeling when I caught sight of
a strapping darky, an ax flung over his shoulder, jogging along on the
Virginia bank of the river, singing as he went.
We do not know. The slaves themselves never told. There were always
. . . negroes who had secured their freedom. . . . But they had no
literary gift. If they were capable of self-analyses to the degree of distin-
guishing their sentiments in one estate from those in the other, they
have omitted to set down the result in writing. Still less have we the
story of a slave—of a slave who was nothing but a slave.
The writings of the once enslaved, of the captive and his or her boldly
effected escape, have long enjoyed an especial readership in Western
cultures. Arna Bontemps compares the genre of black slave narratives to
that of the Western; he could just as appropriately have compared the
genre to detective fiction. The recently published narratives of the Ira-
nian hostages, the detailed and impassioned stories of the American citi-
zens imprisoned in Iran, are merely generic extensions of the slave nar-
ratives, which, in turn, were fundamentally related structurally to the
Indian captivity tale, so popular in the late seventeenth- and early
eighteenth-centuries, some of which have been collected by Richard Van
der Beets in Held Captive by Indians: Selected Narratives, 1642-1836.
This section of our book reprints several reviews of slave narratives
to begin to recreate a sense of the critical reception these books received
at the time of publication, and a sense of their role in the anti-slavery
struggle. As many of these attest, the writings of the slaves were used to
prove the common humanity and the intellectual capacities that persons of
African descent shared with Europeans and Americans. Because of this
polemical use of the narratives, many of these reviews appear in anti-
slavery newspapers, such as The Liberator, edited by William Lloyd
Garrison in Boston between 1831 and 1865. Moreover, as the two reviews
of James Williams's narrative attest, the veracity of the slave's narrative
was an object of close scrutiny by friend and foe alike. It was as impor-
tant that the slave wrote his or her own story, as it was that that story
was true. From the 1750 account of Job Ben Solomon's release from slav-
ery because of James Oglethorpe's discovery of his literacy in Arabic, to
the 1861 review of the narrative of Harriet Jacobs ("Linda Brent"), which
Jean Yellin's essay printed in Part Four demonstrates to be authentic,
these reviews—a tiny sample of scores of others—reveal the extensive in-
terest of the reading public in the formal uses of language by the black
The Life of Job Ben Solomon
Job Ben Solomon was a person of great distinction in his own country.
In the year 1731, as he was driving his herds of cattle across the coun-
tries in Jagra, he was seized and carried to Joar, where he was sold to
capt. Pyke, commander of the ship Arabella, who carried him to Mary-
land, and sold him to a planter. Here Job lived about a year without
being once beat by his master; at the end of which he had the good
fortune to have a letter of his own writing in the Arabic tongue con-
veyed to England. This letter coming to the hand of Mr. Oglethorpe, he
sent it to Oxford to be translated; the translation pleased him so much,
and gave him so good an opinion of the man, that he directly ordered
him to be bought from his master. But soon after setting out for Georgia,
before he returned from thence, Job was brought to England; where
waiting on the learned Sir Hans Sloane, he was found to be a perfect
master of the Arabic tongue, by translating several manuscripts and in-
scriptions upon medals into English, of which he had acquired a com-
petent knowledge during his servitude and passage to England; this
gentle man recommended him to his grace the duke of Montagu, who
being pleased with the sweetness of humour and mildness of temper, as
well as genius and capacity of the man, introduced him to court, where
he was graciously received by the royal family, and most of the nobility,
from whom he received distinguishing marks of favour.
After he had continued in England about fourteen months, he wanted
much to return to his native country and his father, to whom he sent
letters from England. He received many valuable presents from Q.
Caroline, the D. of Cumberland, the D. of Montagu, the E. of Pembroke,
several ladies of quality, Mr. Holden, and the royal African company,
who ordered their agents to show him the greatest respects. He arrived
safe in Africa; and Mr. Moor in his travels met with, and gives some far-
ther account of him.
The Interesting Narrative of the
Lije of Olaudak Eauiano, or Gustavus Vassa,
the African; Written by Himself.
The Life and Adventures of a Fugitive Slave
It has sometimes been made a question whether more truth can be com-
municated in real or fictitious narrative. The latter, certainly, has the ad-
vantage of selecting from a wider field of incident, and though its facts
may none of them have ever actually occurred, yet they may be more
strictly analogous to the great body of those which do actually occur,
than the events in the life of almost any one individual. Sometimes, how-
ever, an individual is found whose history, unaided by fiction, correctly
illustrates the history of his class. Through the well written life of such
an individual, we can look in upon the character, condition and habits
of his class with as much clearness and confidence as through a window.
The fictitious narrative may afford us a view of the same objects, equally
distinct and vivid, but after all it is only a mirror, and may leave upon
the mind a doubt whether it has not practiced some distortion as well
as reflection upon the direct rays of truth. Whether the narrative, whose
very prolix title we have placed above, is real or fictitious, we think its
reader will not retain, through many pages, a doubt of the perfect
accuracy of its picture of slavery. If it is a mirror, it is of the very best
plate glass, in which objects appear so clear and "natural" that the be-
holder is perpetually mistaking it for an open window without any glass
at all. We are led to this remark, not because we feel ourselves at liberty
to doubt the genuineness and reality of the whole, but because the book
itself does not answer a number of preliminary questions which the
public will not fail to ask.
The Life of a Fugitive Slave 7
Of the plan of the work we cannot give the reader a better idea than
by quoting from its preface.
"The narrative is taken from the mouth of the adventurer himself";
and if the copy does not contain the identical words of the original, the
sense and import, at least, are faithfully preserved.
Many of his opinions have been cautiously omitted, or carefully sup-
pressed, as being of no value to the reader; and his sentiments upon the
subject of slavery have not been embodied in this work. The design of
the writer, who is no more than the recorder of facts detailed to him by
another, has been to render the narrative as simple, and the style of the
story as plain, as the laws of the language would permit. To introduce
the reader, as it were, to a view of the cotton fields, and exhibit, not to
his imagination, but to his very eyes, the mode of life to which the slaves
on the southern plantations must conform, has been the primary object
of the compiler.
"The book has been written without fear or prejudice, and no opin-
ions have been consulted in its composition. The sole view of the writer
has been to make the citizens of the United States acquainted with each
other, and to give a faithful portrait of the manners, usages, and customs
of the southern people, so far as those manners, usages, and customs
have fallen under the observation of a common negro slave, imbued by
nature with a tolerable portion of intellectual capacity. The more reli-
ance is to be placed upon his relations of those things that he saw in the
southern country, when it is recollected that he had been born and
brought up in a part of the state of Maryland, in which, of all others,
the spirit of the 'old aristocracy,' as it has not unaptly been called, re-
tained much of its pristine vigor in his youth; and where he had an early
opportunity of seeing many of the most respectable, best educated, and
most enlightened families of both Maryland and Virginia."
It is due to the writer to say, and perhaps a higher compliment could
not be paid him, that he has accomplished his very important and diffi-
cult object, in a manner that would have done credit to the author of
Robinson Crusoe. He has traced his hero through all the vicissitudes of
slavery, with a minuteness of detail that is truly astonishing, while at
the same time the interest of his narrative is ever fresh and growing.
The book is not merely readable. It has charm and potency about it. It
is one of those books which always draws the reader on by the irresist-
ible magnetism of the next paragraph to the unwelcome appearance of
"The end." It may be supposed that we speak as a partizan; however
this may be, the book is not a partizan book. Though it comments with
just severity upon some of the atrocities of slavery, it broaches no theory
in regard to it, nor proposes any mode of time of emancipation. While
8 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
it does not strive to palliate or conceal any of the dark things, it fairly
displays those flashes of sunbeam, which are sometimes called the bright
side of slavery, but which are in reality only the kindly workings of
human nature, bursting out in spite of slavery. We rejoice in the book
the more, because it is not a partizan work. An abolitionist, if he were
to be sent through the southern states, with safe conduct, and full of
power to investigate, would, of course, be so much alive to the bitter
evils of slavery, that he would be apt to search them out and note them
down, to the exclusion of those alleviating ingredients, with which God's
blessed constitution of things always strives to sweeten the cup of hu-
man woe. On the other hand, an anti-abolitionist, whose theory binds
him to set down to the credit of slavery every particle of happiness, or
even common comfort, of which he may find the slave possessed, would
be filled so full with the discovery of good fruit, that he would find no
time or disposition to look beneath the surface, into the working of the
iron machinery of motive, which, for the most part, animates the system
of southern labor. Our narrator has much better satisfied the demands
of truth, by exhibiting both the inside and the out,—by showing the
worm at the root of the tree, and the consequently diseased and rotting
condition of the trunk, and the green leaves which nevertheless con-
tinue to adorn and comfort its branches. There is a common sense con-
sistency in his whole picture, which shows us a giant sin battling against
the impregnable bulwarks of God's pain; it is not the creation of an
over-enthusiastic brain, in which we see God dishonored by the com-
plete triumph of that sin. . . .
Believing, as we have privately good reason to do, that this book
contains, in the language of a faithful interpreter, a true narrative which
has fallen from the lips of a veritable fugitive, we have only to regret
that there is not an appendix of some sort, containing some documentary
evidence to that effect.
Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine Vol. I, No. IV (1836), 375-393.
We opened this volume rather from curiosity than with any great expec-
tation that the verses of a Cuban slave would possess much poetical
merit. Not indeed that we are converts to the philosophy that He who
made of one blood all nations to dwell upon the earth, created the in-
habitants of one quarter of the globe with such inferior powers of intel-
lect that, like brute animals, they were intended only to be the thralls
of their more favored brethren. Mr. Lawrence, in his infidel Lectures on
Physiology, attempted to prove that a negro "cannot be a religious ani-
mal;" or vie either in morals or intellect with "the white varieties of
mankind." To suppose so, he says, would be "as unreasonable as to ex-
pect that the greyhound may be taught to hunt by scent like the hound,
or the mastiff rival in talents and acquirements the sagacious and docile
poodle." And as for religion, the well-meant labours of missionaries must
be futile; for "organization is too strong for Christianity." And yet, if it
were true, as he contends, that the notion that mankind possess souls,—
an immaterial, immortal principle,—is a fable; the unconverted African
would really shew his good sense, not his stolidity, in not embracing a
16 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
faith of which this is an essential element. We, however, who believe
that God has given to all the tribes of mankind both souls and brains,
see nothing to prevent negroes being either Christians or philosophers.
The Abbe Gregoire wrote a book, in which he shewed, by a great num-
ber of examples, that the African race, notwithstanding the many dis-
advantages under which they have so long laboured, have produced
many men of considerable genius; and we well remember the reply of
Dr. Beattie to Hume, who had maintained the same opinion as his
brother infidel Lawrence. He said:
Mr. Hume argues nearly in the same manner, in regard to the supe-
riority of white men over black. His assertions are strong, but I know
not whether they have anything else to recommend them. The inhabit-
ants of Great Britain and France were as savage two thousand years
ago, as those of Africa and America are at this day. To civilize a nation
is a work which it requires long time to accomplish; and one may as
well say of an infant that he can never become a man, as of a nation
now barbarous, that it never can be civilized. That a Negro Slave who
can neither read nor write, nor speak any European language, who is
not permitted to do anything but what his master commands, and who
has not a single friend on earth, but is universally considered and
treated as if he were of a species inferior to the human; that such a
creature should so distinguish himself among Europeans, as to be talked
of through the world as a man of genius, is surely no reasonable expecta-
tion. To suppose him of an inferior species, because he does not thus
distinguish himself, is just as rational as to suppose any private Euro-
pean of an inferior species, because he has not raised himself to the
condition of royalty.
Our curiosity therefore was not elicited by the fact that a man of
dark skin and African blood should write poetry; but that he should
have done so under the withering influences of slavery. That he was
able, or had the desire, to cultivate his mind, or to pour forth the affec-
tions of his heart in tuneful numbers, alternating with the stocks, the
lash, and the prison-house, may well excite wonder.
The authenticity of the work is the first point to ascertain. For this
Dr. Madden, who has spent several years in Cuba, and is well known
for his zealous labours for the abolition of slavery, vouches. He dedi-
* Dr. Madden lately addressed to the Pasha of Egypt a most able and faithful remon-
strance upon the atrocious slave-trade carried on in his dominions. He had presented
in person to the Pasha last year, an address from the "Anti-slavery Convention" held
in London, signed by Mr. Clarkson the Chairman, in the name of four hundred
delegates, expressive of their gratification at his having prohibited manstealing, and
also paying his troops in slaves, and urging him utterly to extinguish the slave-trade
and slavery itself throughout the territories under his sway. Ali Pasha (who levies
taxes upon the traffic) listened attentively to his arguments, but we fear that he
advanced in return little beyond courteous words; for we find Dr. Madden summing
up the present afflicting circumstances of the Egyptian slave-trade as follows:
The Narrative of Juan Manzano 17
cates his work to his fellow-labourer in the cause, Mr. Sturge; and he
has deposited the original manuscripts in the Spanish language for in-
spection at the office of the "British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society."
He says that a collection of poems, written by a slave recently liberated
in the Island of Cuba, was presented to him in the year 1838, by a gen-
tleman at Havanna, highly distinguished for literary attainments. Some
of these pieces had found their way to the Havanna, and attracted the
attention of the literary people there, while the poor author was in slav-
ery in the neighbourhood of Matanzas; in consequence of which the
gentleman alluded to, with the assistance of a few friends, redeemed the
writer from slavery, and enabled him to publish such of his poems as
were of a publishable kind in a country like Cuba, where slavery is
under the especial protection, and knowledge under the ban, of the
censors of the press. Dr. Madden has not translated any portion of his
volume; the contents of which we are not acquainted with. The pieces
which he has translated, and "put into English verse," are a few which
were unpublished or unpublishable in Cuba. These pieces are but few,
the bulk of the book being taken up with other matter; but they are
extraordinary compositions for a Cuban slave; and Dr. Madden asserts
that he has given the sense of the writer as plainly as he could, but that
he "has not done justice" to them. He adds the testimony of "a very dis-
tinguished Spanish scholar" to their poetical merit. He has prefixed to
them a "Sketch of the Cuban slave-trade merchant and planter in verse,"
which we must pass over in favour of his hero, and also of his own
prose illustrations of the atrocities of the slave-trade and slavery in
Cuba. He further states that the author of the poems is now living at the
Havanna, but his name he thinks it advisable not to publish. He is now
in his forty-second year. He was born in Cuba, where his father and
mother lived and died in slavery. He was about thirty-eight years of age
"In conclusion, may it please your higness, I would beg leave to recall the facts
to which I have endeavoured to direct your attention.
"1. At the expiration of nearly fifteen years I have visited Egypt for the second
time, and I find slavery and the trade in slaves unchanged in their character, and
unrestrained by any measures of your higness adopted for their suppression.
"2. I find the slave-markets glutted with negro women and children as heretofore.
"3. I find the exportation of slaves from Alexandria for Turkey, on board Euro-
pean vessels, carried on openly at the present time.
"4. I find the prices of slaves actually lowered by the increase of the numbers
brought down to Alexandria and Cairo, and those slaves, children and women, selling
from 600 piastres to 1500 a-head, or from six pounds sterling to fifteen pounds each.
"5. I find the slave-hunts are carried on by your people, and even by your soldiers,
as usual, and the only prohibition that has been issued, is one given in the presence
of certain European consuls at Fezaghan, that never has been carried into effect.
"6. I find the same evils arising from this nefarious trade, and the same barbarous
monopoly in mutilated beings permitted as heretofore, and even encouraged by your
authorities in Upper Egypt."
18 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
when he obtained his liberty. The price paid for it was 800 dollars. He
obtained employment as a tailor for some time after he procured his
freedom. Subsequently, he went out to service—then tried the business
of a house-painter, and was not successful—was advised to set up as a
confectioner, and lost all his money in that line, and now gains his live-
lihood as an occasional servant. The gentleman who was mainly instru-
mental in obtaining his liberation from slavery, induced him to write
his history. It was written in two parts—the second part, Dr. Madden
says, fell into the hands of persons connected with his former master,
and is not likely to be restored; the first part Dr. Madden has translated
and printed; and it contains, he says, the most perfect picture of Cuban
slavery that ever has been given to the world.
From this narrative we will extract a series of passages; in order to
illustrate what slavery is, even in its milder forms; for Spanish slavery
has always been boasted of, and even our own emancipationists de-
scribed it, as more lenient than Dutch, or French, or Portuguese, or
United States, or our own West Indian slavery; and the subject in the
present instance was not a predial slave, but the favoured attendant of
opulent gentlemen of polished manners, and ladies so delicate and sen-
sitive, that we might have feared they could not curb the ferocity of such
barbarians as our poet with their gentle tenderness.
And why do we open up such scenes? Not assuredly because they
present agreeable pictures; but because the slave-trade and slavery still
exist;—because they are flourishing and rampant; and have hitherto de-
fied and scorned all the entreaties and remonstrances of justice, human-
ity, and religion, to stop their guilty and blood-stained career. England
has a special interest in the question: she has exerted her zealous influ-
ence, and lavish millions upon millions of treasure, to put an end to the
slave trade; she has set the Christian example of abolishing slavery in
her own colonies, at the cost of twenty millions of money; and yet, she
witnesses these dire and desolating scourges sweeping away their vic-
tims with the most afflicting and wide-spread barbarities. . . .
20 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
One of the many unanswerable arguments which show how un-
founded the assertion is that the blacks are naturally incompetent to
bear the responsibilities of freedom, is derived from the fact that in so
many of them there exists this intense longing to possess it,—a sense of
its value which all the appliances of slavery have not been able to crush
out. Most men at the North have seen numbers of fugitive slaves. In a
single town of New England with which we are acquainted, there are
more than two hundred, and there cannot be less than thousands scat-
tered through the different cities and villages; and they constitute, to say
the least, as orderly, intelligent, and useful a portion of the population
as the great body of foreign immigrants.
These biographies of fugitive slaves are calculated to exert a very
wide influence on public opinion. We have always been familiar with
slavery, as seen from the side of the master. These narratives show how
it looks as seen from the side of the slave. They contain the victims
account of the working of this great institution. When one escapes from
the South, and finds an opportunity of speaking and has the power to
speak, it is certain that he will have attentive listeners. Not only curi-
osity, but a sense of justice, predisposes men to hear the testimony given
by those who have suffered, and who have had few among their own
number to describe their sufferings. The extent of the influence such
lives must exert may be judged of, when we learn the immense circula-
tion which has been secured for them. Of Brown's Narrative, first pub-
lished in 1847, not less than eight thousand copies have been already
sold. Douglass's Life, first published in 1845, has in this country alone
passed through seven editions, and is, we are told, now out of print.
They are scattered over the whole of the North, and all theoretical argu-
ments for or against slavery are feeble, compared with these accounts by
living men of what they personally endured when under its dominion.
These narratives are for many reasons worthy of attention. The state-
ments they contain may be partial and prejudiced, but are not likely to
be more so than are the estimates formed of slavery by those who profit
from its continuance. At any rate, in forming a just judgment of this
institution, it is quite as important to know what it is to Henson the
slave, as what it is to McDufBe the master.
These narratives, however, do not give a full and complete view of
the whole subject. There is one point of great moment, which they tend
to make us forget, instead of bringing it forward into the light. We refer
to the position of the antislavery men of the South. These books give the
impression that the Slave States constitute one vast prison-house, of
which all the whites without exception are the mere keepers, with no
interest in the slaves further than they can be made subservient to the
Narratives of Fugitive Slaves 21
pleasure or profit of their owners. But this is far from being the case.
It may not be, certainly it is not, a common feeling, but there is nowhere
a more settled and bitter detestation of slavery than is sometimes met
with at the South. Strange as it may seem, so entangled is the whole
subject, so complicated the relations and powers of the several States
and of the Union, that though the slave may find the most sympathy
personally at the North, our main hope of the abolition of slavery as an
institution depends on the efforts of the enemies of slavery at the South.
Of the narratives at the head of this article, the first four possess no
especial interest beyond what must belong to the life of almost any
fugitive slave. They are records of degradation on the part of both blacks
and whites,—of suffering and wrong and moral corruption. They give,
doubtless, a just idea of what slavery is to the slave. But, on the other
hand, while we have no reason to question the truth of particular facts
respecting individuals, we have no doubt that they convey an altogether
erroneous idea of the general character of the masters. The best qualities
of the master are likely to appear anywhere rather than in his connec-
tion with the slave. And except it be an easy kindness, the slave is in no
position to estimate aright the virtues of one who, towards himself, ap-
pears simply as a power whom he cannot resist. They stand in such
utterly false relations to each other, that their whole intercourse must
necessarily be vitiated, and the worst qualities of each, and these almost
exclusively, must be perpetually forced on the attention of the other.
But human society could not long exist were the great body of slave-
holders like those whom these narratives describe. . . .
These narratives, without any such intention on the part of the
writers, reveal incidentally, but very vividly, some of the necessary evils
of this mournful institution. The white children, in great part, grow up
uneducated; for schools cannot be sustained in the country by the scat-
tered population which alone slavery allows. In early years, they are
exposed to acquiring the habit of indulging the domineering and selfish
passions towards those weaker than themselves. Great numbers of men,
ashamed to work, spend much of their time in gambling and horse-racing,
and in unending talks about street-fights and party politics. The profits
of their plantations depend on the large amount of work which they can
extract from the slave, and on the small amount of food and clothing on
which he can be made to live. Thus, without those checks which exist
between the free laborer and his employer, there is a perpetual tempta-
tion to harshness and cruelty; and there never yet was a continuous
influence of this kind brought to bear on a man, which did not finally
reveal itself in the character. In addition to this, so far as the white
males are concerned, there is another evil which can never be passed
22 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
over when slavery is spoken of,—the temptation to licentiousness. The
word marriage among the slaves has no legal, and scarcely a moral
meaning. And the result of their relations with the whites is seen written
ineffaceably in the variable color of the slave population. The horror of
amalgamation at the South must be a qualified one. There is far less of
it than at the North. A single fact is sufficient to answer all opposing
arguments or assertions. In passing through the streets of New Orleans,
among the first ten children you meet, there will probably be five differ-
ent colors. At the South the prejudice is not against color, but against
the blacks ceasing to be a servile class.
In reading these narratives, we are forcibly struck with the peculiar
hardships to which the female slave is subjected. All that should, in a
civilized land, be her protection makes her lot doubly accursed. She
suffers all that the male suffers, and in addition miseries peculiar to
herself. Her condition is hopeless. There are few females who, even if
they could resolve to leave their children behind them, can ever hope to
escape from bondage. The bearing of children, except for a very brief
period, does not exempt them from labor in the fields, and this under the
perpetual terror of the overseer's lash. If they possess any attractiveness
of person, they are too often exposed to the danger of becoming doubly
victims, first, to the corrupting urgencies of the white males around
them, and then to the jealous dislike of the females. And in addition to
all, the children whom they have borne in misery are liable to be taken
from them, and sold away from their knowledge into hopeless bondage.
Doubtless these evils do not appear on every plantation; but exposure to
them is incident to slavery, is a part of the institution, and cannot be
separated from it. And these narratives show how easily exposure passes
into horrible reality.
In reading these little volumes, there is another evil of American
slavery whose horrors are constantly brought before the mind. We refer
to the internal slave trade. If we leave out of view the physical horrors
of the Middle Passage, we believe that this internal slave trade is a sys-
tem more accursed, more deserving of execration, the cause of more
suffering, than the direct trade from Africa. It is a horrible phantom,
making miserable the whole slave population of the South. They who
are never made the victims of this traffic, who live and die on the same
plantation, know that, at any moment,—sometimes from the selfishness of
avaricious masters, sometimes from the misfortunes or death of the kind-
hearted,—they are liable to be sold to the slave-dealer who will bid high-
est, and sent to some other region, under circumstances which, to their
ignorant imaginations, seem worse than the reality proves. When added
to all other deprivations and sufferings, this horrible fear, weighing in-
Narratives of Fugitive Slaves 23
cessantly on the thoughts of millions of men and women, is itself an evil
of terrible magnitude.
But a still more important consideration is to be kept in mind. The
blacks of the South are no longer such as their fathers were when
brought from the shores of Africa. They have ceased to be savages. In its
worse or better forms, all of them have caught some tincture of civiliza-
tion. The better class of slaves are more civilized, have less of the brutal
about them, than the lower class of whites. With increasing civilization,
there is a development of the affections, of the moral sensibilities, and of
that forethought also which makes men more apprehensive of future evil.
They have learned to place the same estimate on kindred and domestic
bonds as their masters; and they have intelligence enough to understand
the nature of those advantages which they never must look on except as
blessings, from whose enjoyment they are to be forever excluded. The
very improvement, which is sometimes put forward as one of the com-
pensations of their lot, has made them sensitive to forms of suffering
from which their forefathers were protected by their more brutal condi-
tion. The coffle of slaves torn from their families, which the slave-driver
conducts by slow and weary stages from Virginia to the sugar-houses of
the South, is, to the eye of reason, a more mournful spectacle than the
barracoons on the coast of Africa. The wretched beings subjected to this
doom are not less dragged away from all to which they are most at-
tached, and carried, powerless victims, to a region and a fate which they
most of all dread, but they are capable of a more clinging and paralyzing
fear, and feel with infinitely more keenness everything that tears and
wounds the affections. Every truth of religion which has dawned on
their minds, every domestic bond they have learned to value, every idea
and sentiment of a better kind which they have insensibly derived from
intercourse with a better instructed race around them, only makes them
more sensitive to the lot to which they are doomed. Common humanity
demands that, if this traffic—"without mercy and without natural affec-
tion"—is to go on, the slaves should be kept as near the condition of
brutes as possible. Ignorance, brutality, and callousness to every claim
of the affections, if suffering only is to be thought of, constitute a boon
for the slave, by putting him into a state of moral insensibility, scarcely
less blessed than the state induced by that medical discovery of the
present time which promises so to alleviate the physical pains of man.
Is there exaggeration in this? We wish we could believe there was;
but there is not. A perpetual fear haunts the slaves, as the fear of ghosts
haunts superstitious children, with the mournful difference that the
slaves' apprehensions are well founded. This dread of being torn from
their families, of being sold to they know not whom, and of being sent
24 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
to the cotton and sugar plantations of the Southwest, is seen running
through and giving a dark coloring to all the narratives before us. In
fact, the slaves are not merely liable to be thus sold, but the threat of it
serves as an instrument of the police to make them submissive and in-
dustrious. It is held up constantly as a punishment for the refractory and
disobedient; and that it may be more effective, every circumstance
which can make it alarming to the slave's imagination is kept before
him. But in trying to avoid this peril, it does not do for him to show too
many of the qualities of a self-supporting manhood. The slave's path is a
Mahomet's bridge. His virtues may be as dangerous to himself as his
vices. If a slave is restless, intelligent, and enterprising, the master is
tempted to sell him to the South, lest he should escape to freedom and
the North. And no matter what the master's feelings or wishes, if he be-
comes poor, or dies, his slaves are always exposed, even if they be not
actually subjected, to this doom.
The narrative of Douglass contains the life of a superior man. Since
his escape from slavery, he has been employed as an antislavery lecturer,
and is now the editor of a newspaper in Rochester, N.Y. He does not
belong to the class, always small, of those who bring to light great prin-
ciples, or who originate new methods of carrying them out. He has, how-
ever, the vividness of sensibility and of thought which we are accus-
tomed to associate with a Southern climate. He has a natural and ready
eloquence, a delicacy of taste, a quick perception of proprieties, a quick
apprehension of ideas, and a felicity of expression, which are possessed by
few among the more cultivated, and which are surprising when we con-
sider that it is but a few years since he was a slave. In any popular assembly
met for the discussion of subjects with which he has had the opportunity
to become familiar, he is a man to command and hold attention. He is a
natural orator, and his original endowments and the peculiarity of his
position have given him a high place among antislavery speakers.
But while our sympathies go strongly with him, and because they go
with him, we are disposed to make a criticism on a mode of address in
which he sometimes indulges himself, which we believe is likely to
diminish, not only his usefulness, but his real influence. We would not
detract from his merits, and we can easily excuse in him a severity of
judgment and a one-sidedness of view which might be inexcusable in
another. We can hardly condemn one who has been a slave for seeing
only the evils of slavery, and for thinking lightly of the difficulty of
remedying them; but we have wished, when we have heard him speak,
or read what he has written, that he might wholly avoid a fault from
which a natural magnanimity does something towards saving him, but to
which he is nevertheless exposed. His associates at the North have been
Narratives of Fugitive Slaves 25
among those who are apt to mistake violence and extravagance of ex-
pression and denunciation for eloquence;—men who, whatever their
virtues otherwise, are not in the habit of using discrimination to their
judgments of men or of measures which they do not approve. To him
they have doubtless been true and faithful friends, and he naturally
adopts their style of speech. But it is a mistaken one, if the speaker
wishes to sway the judgment of his hearers and to accomplish any prac-
tical end. No matter what the vehemence of tone or expression, when-
ever a public speaker indulges himself in violent and unqualified state-
ments and in sweeping denunciations, he not only makes it apparent
that he is deficient in a sound and fair judgment, but what is worse, he
creates in his hearers a secret distrust of his real earnestness,—a vague
feeling that after all he is thinking more of his speech than of the end
for which he professes to make it. When men are profoundly in earnest,
they are not apt to be extravagant. The more earnest, the more rigidly
true. A merchant, in discussing the politics of the day, about which he
knows or cares little, freely indulges in loose, extravagant, and violent
declarations. But follow him to his counting-room; let him be making
inquiries or giving directions about some enterprise which he really has
deeply at heart, and the extravagance is gone. Nothing will answer here
but truth, and the exact truth. His earnestness makes him calm. It is
seen in the moderated accuracy, as well as in the decision and strength,
of his statements. Extravagance and passion and rhetorical flourishes
might do when nothing which he greatly valued was at stake; but here
is something too serious for trifling. Just so it is in other cases. A flip-
pant, extravagant speaker, especially if he be gifted with the power of
sarcasm, will probably be listened to and applauded, but nothing comes
of it. They who applaud the most understand very well that this is not
the kind of person whose judgment is to be relied on as a guide in action.
His words are listened to with much the same sort of interest that is
given to the personated passion of the theatre. A few sober words from
a calm, wise, discriminating mind are, after all, the ones which are fol-
lowed. Nothing is less effective, for any practical end, than the "wither-
ing and scorching" eloquence with which American speeches seem so to
abound. It conciliates no opponent, and though it may light up the mo-
mentary passions, it gives no new strength of conviction to the friends
of a cause. It is the last kind of eloquence to be cultivated by those who
are heartily in earnest in their desire to promote any great reform.
We by no means think that these remarks apply peculiarly to Doug-
lass. We make them, however, because we think that, more often than
he is probably aware, he suffers himself to fall into this mode of speech.
He has such ability to appeal to the higher and more generous senti-
26 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
merits, and such appeals do so much to win over enemies and to
strengthen friends, he has such personal knowledge of slavery, and is so
competent to make all he says effective, through candor and a just appre-
ciation of the difficulties that beset the subject of emancipation, and is
withal so much of a man, that we regret any mistake of judgment which
tends to diminish his power as an advocate of the anti-slavery cause.*, . .
There are many passages in the narrative of Douglass which we
should be pleased to quote, but it has been so long published and so
widely circulated, that many of our readers have probably seen it. We
would only say, in conclusion, that we feel a deep interest in his career.
He is one of the living evidences that there is in the colored population
of the South no natural incapacity for the enjoyment of freedom; and he
occupies a position and possesses abilities which enable him, if he pur-
sues a wise course, to be a most useful laborer in the cause of human
The life of Henson has but just been published, and he has shown
himself to be so remarkable a man, that we propose to give a more par-
ticular account of him. The narrative owes its existence to the interest
which his judicious, far-seeing, and persevering efforts to improve the
condition of the colored people who have found a home in Canada have
excited in his behalf. It was written to his dictation by a gentleman of
this city, who has done good service to humanity in preparing and pub-
lishing it. It is as simple, straightforward, and to the point, as the charac-
ter which it describes, and cannot be read without suggesting many
subjects for profitable thought.
Henson is one of those who, in any situation, among his associates
would be a marked and leading man. Though an effective speaker, he is
not one of the popular declaimers; he is a large-hearted, large-minded
man, tolerant, calm, benevolent, and wise. He has not only shown him-
self to be competent to understand and portray the evils of slavery, but,
what implies far higher qualities of mind and heart, that he possesses the
wisdom to conceive, and the practical talent and energy to carry out,
large and far-reaching schemes for the improvement of his brethren. . . .
* We have hesitated about making these remarks; and now, on reading them over,
the sympathy which his narrative excites, and our respect for the force of character
he has shown in rising from the depths of bondage to be equal associate of those who
have possessed every opportunity of cultivation and refinement, almost make us erase
what we have written. We would avoid giving pain to one who has suffered all that
we should most dread ourselves, and who has risen above obstacles by which we
should probably have been crushed. But still, whatever the past has been, he is now
free. By his indisputable deserts, he has secured for himself an influential position.
The course which he takes is important to others beside himself. Should he read this
criticism, we hope that the internal evidence will be sufficient to show that it is
written by one who rejoices in his usefulness. And in the faith that he may so read
it, and that its suggestions may not be without value, we allow it to stand.
Narratives of Fugitive Slaves 27
For his journey across Ohio, his escape to Canada, and for his subse-
sequent career, we must refer our readers to the volume before us. It is
full of instructive suggestions respecting the highest question of social
progress. The wisdom of his plans for the improvement of the colored
race appears strikingly when contrasted with the multitude of fancies
which prevail respecting the best methods of regenerating and elevating
society. We have already given a brief account of his labors for the
benefit of the fugitive slaves congregated in Canada, and of what he has
proposed to accomplish. We are so accustomed to judge of men by the
conspicuous positions which they occupy, that our estimate of what
Henson has done may seem exaggerated. We think it will not, however,
to those who feel sufficient interest in him to become acquainted with
his course. It shows a very unusual elevation of mind and moral feeling,
that one with his training should have conceived so clearly the impor-
tance of raising the general condition of the colored population, and
should have been so self-impelled to seek the means of its improvement.
But when we see one bred a slave, destitute, and obliged to labor
steadily for the daily support of a large family, not learning to read till
past middle life, and since then, probably, having read hardly any book
but the Bible,—when we see such a one rousing the sluggish minds of
his brethren to the idea of improvement, and, with no guide but his
native good-sense and a benevolent heart, endeavouring to induce them
to put into practice principles which such men as Adam Smith and Mill,
and the best writers on political economy, have only slowly attained to,—
we feel warranted in saying that under the slave's garb and this African
skin there is no ordinary man. We think his history and his opinions
quite as deserving of lengthened attention as those of a successful soldier
or a mere party politician.
There are five things on which he has relied for the improvement of
the blacks:—on religious instruction; on education; on withdrawing them
from town and village life into the country, and, for the present, till new
habits and ideas are established, away from the overshadowing presence
of the whites; on inducing them to become the owners of the soil which
they cultivate; and on habits of industry directed to the cultivation of
those products most suitable to the region where they dwell. Through
these means he hopes to promote, instead of the mental and moral child-
hood and imbecility of slavery, independence, forethought, intelligence,
and a higher standard of character. If the founder of every little robber
state of antiquity has been deemed worthy of eternal commemoration in
history and song, we think that he is deserving of respect, whether he
finally succeeds or not, who but heartily attempts, by wise methods, to
convert these thousands of fugitive slaves into a commonwealth of free
28 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
and Christian men and women. If any of our readers think our notice
of him too long, they may take to themselves the satisfaction of believing
that there will not speedily appear another man of a similar sort, en-
gaged in a similar undertaking, to weary their attention. If we may trust
history, such men come singly, and only at considerable intervals. At any
rate, however common they may be, so peculiar an opportunity for try-
ing an experiment in civilization cannot often occur. We have no fear,
however, that an apology will be thought needful. We believe that our
readers will be interested in the efforts of one who, without noise or
pretension, without bitterness towards the whites, without extravagant
claims in behalf of the blacks, has patiently, wisely, and devotedly given
himself to the improvement of the large body of his wretched country-
men amongst whom his lot has been cast.
If death does not interrupt his exertions, we hope for important re-
sults from his labors. Even then, others who have learned to sympathize
with him may be prepared to take his place. And if in this way a large
and successful example can be given of the slave's capacity for freedom,
we can hardly forebear hoping that it may ultimately have an important
influence on the efforts made to relieve the whole South from the burden
of slave institutions.
Kidnapped and Ransomed 31
at last, and subsequently raising himself to a leadership in a great move-
ment in behalf of his brethren. Whatever may be our opinions of slavery,
or of the best means of acting upon it, we cannot but admire the force
and integrity of character which has enabled Frederick Douglass to
attain his present unique position.
We have read this book with no ordinary interest, for we are acquainted
with the writer; we have heard many of the incidents from her own lips,
and have great confidence in her truthfulness and integrity. Between
two and three years ago, a coloured woman, about as dark as a southern
Spaniard or a Portuguese, aged about five-and-forty, and with a kind
Linda: The Life of a Slave Girl 33
and pleasing expression of countenance, called on us, bearing an intro-
ductory letter from one of the most honoured friends of the anti-slavery
cause in the United States. This letter requested our friendly offices
on behalf of Linda, who was desirous of publishing her narrative in
England. It happened that the friends at whose house we were then
staying were so much interested by this dusky stranger's conversation
and demeanour, that they induced her to become their guest for some
weeks. Thus we had an excellent opportunity of becoming acquainted
with one of the truest heroines we have ever met with. Her manners
were marked by refinement and sensibility, and by an utter absence of
pretence or affectation; and we were deeply touched by the circum-
stances of her early life which she then communicated, and which ex-
actly coincide with those of the volume now before us. A lady who was
also enjoying the hospitality thus extended to Linda kindly undertook
to peruse her manuscript, from the publication of which she hoped to
raise a small fund for the benefit of her two children. We have this
friend's testimony that the manuscript and the printed volume are sub-
stantially the same; whilst the narrative has been condensed and ren-
dered more fluent and compact by the friendly assistance of Mrs. Child,
than whom no one is better qualified to perform such a task with deli-
cacy and discrimination. One of the mottoes is taken from the following
testimony of a woman of North Carolina:—"Northerners know nothing
at all about slavery. They think it is perpetual bondage only. They have
no conception of the depth of degradation involved in that word, slavery.
If they had, they would never cease their efforts until so horrible a sys-
tem was overthrown." This declaration is amply justified by a perusal of
Linda's narrative.
During her bondage she does not appear to have suffered any great
amount of physical hardship. But the bitterness of mental suffering and
enforced degradation which she was compelled to endure from her mas-
ter's vices and the hatred of her mistress—and which she was utterly
helpless to prevent—is fearful to contemplate. This book shows as forci-
bly as any story we have ever read the moral pollution and perversion
inevitable in a community where slavery is a recognised institution. The
narrative is chiefly devoted to the exhibition of this phase of slavery,
and to an account of her sufferings whilst hidden for seven years in a
small chamber, so narrow and so low that she could neither walk nor
stand, into which she was stowed in the immediate neighbourhood of
her master's residence, whilst on the look-out for a way of escape into
the Free States. This at length was happily accomplished, and after
some time she was so fortunate as to obtain a confidential situation in the
family of one of the most eminent literateurs of the United States. Of
34 Written By Themselves, 1750-1861
their kindness we have often heard her speak with grateful enthusiasm.
Amongst other substantial benefits, we may mention that her legal free-
dom was obtained by purchase from a son-in-law of the cruel and profli-
gate wretch who had formerly claimed her as his property.
During Linda's stay on this side of the Atlantic, she was recom-
mended to publish her book in America; and we think this has proved
to be good advice, for she has thus secured the invaluable assistance of
Mrs. Child in pruning some redundancies of matter and style. At the
same time she will be sure to effect more good for her brethren and
sisters still in bonds, by the diffusion of her story amongst the people of
the Free States, whom it is above all others important to inform, since
they alone are able, by withholding their support from it, to shake down
the whole system of chattel slavery.
36 The Slave Narratives as History
leading. It is difficult for us to imagine upon what sound, scholarly pre-
suppositions could the testimony of the slave be regarded as invalid
testimony. Clearly, such objections were rooted in essentially ideological
presuppositions, rather than in scholarly concerns.
Nevertheless, as these essays show, historians were forced to disprove
Phillips' charges by painstakingly researching the slave's texts themselves
to demonstrate their truth and accuracy of description. What had been
a polemical necessity for antebellum reviewers of the narratives, as
reprinted in Part One of this book, became in the twentieth-century an
academic necessity among historians: these scholars had to establish the
historical accuracy of their evidence before they could analyze it in
their recreation of the slave's experience. John W. Blassingame was a
central figure in this reconsideration of evidence. Robin W. Winks's
case study is one of the most salient examples of the complex textual
relation between fiction and history, while Gerald Jaynes's essay uses
the narratives as source material to recreate the economic relations im-
plicit in the slave economy.
Perhaps a meaningful way by which to suggest the sheer irony of
the demand that the scholar prove the worth of these narratives as his-
torical evidence is to imagine the uses scholars would put even one
newly-discovered narrative written by a Greek or Roman slave. There is
little doubt that such a text would be hailed as a great discovery, and
would generate scores of reconsiderations of classical slavery. Perhaps
the ultimate irony of American slavery is that the Afro-American bonds-
man, denied a "voice" in print by the de jure and de facto prohibition of
literary training, has had to continue his or her struggle to "testify," as
it were, into the twentieth-century through such surrogates as these his-
torical scholars.
On Dialect Usage
Notes by an editor on dialect usage in accounts by interviews with ex-
38 The Slave Narratives as History
words with a different local meaning. Most important, however, are the
turns of phrase that have flavor and vividness. Examples occurring in
the copy I read are:
durin' of de war
outman my daddy (good, but unnecessarily put into quotes)
piddled in de fields
skit of woods
kinder chillish
I believe that there should be, for this book, a uniform word for each
of these.
The following list is composed of words which I think should not be
used. These are merely samples of certain faults:
1. ah for I
2. bawn for born
3. capper for caper
4. com' for come
5. do for dough
6. ebry, ev'ry for every
7. hawd for hard
8. muh for my
9. nakid for naked
10. ole, ol" for old
11. ret, raght for right
12. snaik for snake
13. sowd for sword
14. sto' for store
15. teh for tell
16. twon't for twan't
17. useter, useta for used to
18. uv for of
19. waggin for wagon
20. whi' for white
21. wuz for was
This material sent June 20 [1936] to states of: Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., Ky., La.,
Md., Miss., Mo., N.C., Ohio, Okla., Tenn., Texas, Va., and S. Car.
Do not write:
For all who want to understand slavery in North America, the WPA
slave narratives are an indispensable source.1 Along with other types of
slave narratives, they open a window on a side of slavery that was largely
hidden from white observers. In 1863, when members of the American
Freedmen's Inquiry Commission questioned Robert Smalls, a former
slave and Union naval hero, they asked whether masters knew anything
of the "secret life" of the slaves. "No, sir," was the forthright reply of
Smalls. "One life they show their masters and another life they don't
show."2 The WPA narratives help to provide access to this "secret life."
They are a unique cache of data and a rare guide to the slave's percep-
tion of his world. Fortunately, many historians have come to accept their
value and expect their use in any study of slavery.
How to use these narratives properly is a sometimes debated ques-
tion. Cliometricians have taken data from the WPA narratives and sub-
jected them to rigorous mathematical analysis; other historians favor
only a cautious, impressionistic use of these sources.3 This difference in
approach reflects an unfortunate divergence in the profession, a split
that some at least perceive between quantifiers and non-quantifiers. The
present author has made a careful study of approximately 2,500 of the
WPA slave narratives.4 Based on the experience of that study, it is evi-
dent that both methodologies can and should be used in examining the
WPA narratives. Quantitative and non-quantitative methods encounter
some common problems and others that are particular to the method,
but, used together, they can make different and cumulative contribu-
tions to our understanding of slavery.
In any area of research, historians ask different kinds of questions of
the past. At times their concern is with facts and numbers, as in the
question: were slaves whipped, and how often? In other instances their
focus must be on value-laden and perceptual matters, such as: how did
slaves feel about their masters? Obviously some of these questions re-
quire a quantitative approach and others do not; each method should be
used where appropriate. The author's experience has convinced him that
The Art of Reading WPA Slave Narratives 41
in certain vital ways the historian's use of the narratives inevitably re-
mains humanistic rather than scientific, but that experience also has con-
vinced him that simple quantitative methods have a wide applicability
and value in studying the WPA narratives.
What is the nature of the WPA slave narratives? What kind of source
are these documents that offer a great deal to the historian of slavery? In
simplest terms, each narrative is a written report of an interview, or sev-
eral interviews, with a former slave, recorded in the 1930s by a field
worker hired by the Works Progress Administration. These reports vary
considerably in length and in quality. Some are barely a page, whereas
others run to several pages or more; the "typical" narrative might be be-
tween two and four pages in length. Likewise some of these reports treat
very important topics in great detail, whereas others are mainly fluff or
evasion. Most offer to the careful reader a fair amount of material both
on the ex-slave and on his interviewer.
The historian must start with the fact that these reports are not a
direct presentation of the slave's views. They are not even a direct tran-
scription of the interview itself. Although a few interview sessions were
captured on an early version of the tape recorder, the vast majority of
interviews probably involved no more than the former slave and his
questioner, who took some notes. The report written from these notes
might not present the former slave's statements in their original order
or with full accuracy. Moreover, after a WPA field worker drafted a
narrative, his or her writing was reviewed and sometimes edited or re-
written by higher officials in the project. Thus the WPA narratives are
one or more stages removed from the original interview. Clearly, there-
fore, the form of these valuable sources is not optimal, but it is typical of
the kind of material that historians often must use and of the problems
they often face with sources.5
To use the narratives wisely, the researcher constantly must bear in
mind the variety of factors that shaped the interview itself. All these fac-
tors had the potential to affect the interview, possibly to destroy its ac-
curacy or lessen its value. Many commentators, particularly those who
reject the narratives, have pointed to the advanced age of the respon-
dents. Black men and women contacted in the 1930s had lived seventy
or more years since their experience of slavery, and possibly time had
dimmed their recollections. Then too, the critics argue, since many of
these survivors were children in the days of the peculiar institution, their
perceptions might not be representative and trustworthy because their
experience differed from that of adults. The milieu of the 1930s itself
constitutes a potential problem. Due to the Depression, most of the
former slaves were destitute and dependent upon the aid of family,
42 The Slave Narratives as History
white people, or government officials. Perhaps poverty coerced people
into saying what they thought the "government man" wanted to hear.
Moreover, the South of that day was a tightly segregated society. In-
stitutionalized racial discrimination dominated social life as pervasively
and almost as harshly as slavery ever had. Black people were not free to
speak their minds to whites, and some former slaves admitted that they
did not tell the "white folks nuthin' 'case [they were] skeer'd to make
enemies." According to one former slave named Martin Jackson, "Lots of
old slaves closes the door before they tell the truth about their days of
slavery. When the door is open, they tell how kind their masters was and
how rosy it all was." Those who would talk to whites customarily fol-
lowed the ritual of racial etiquette required at the time before they
made any critical comments. Not infrequently an ex-slave described his
master and family as "jus' as good to us as dey could be" at the start of
a narrative, only to relate horrifying mistreatment near the end.6 Such
problems were especially severe when the interviewer was a descendant
of the ex-slave's master, as sometimes happened. Even without these
special circumstances, each interview could be affected by the kind of
feeling and rapport that grew up between interviewer and respondent.
All these factors are problems; the historian cannot use the WPA nar-
ratives thoughtlessly and uncritically. But such problems do not vitiate
the value of the narratives as a source. Examination reveals that some of
these problems are not as serious as they initially appear, and others may
be reduced or avoided through care on the part of the researcher. As
C. Vann Woodward concluded, "These interviews with ex-slaves will
have to be used with caution and discrimination. . . . The necessary pre-
cautions, however, are no more elaborate or burdensome than those re-
quired by many other types of sources [the historian] is accustomed
to use."7
Consider, for example, the supposed difficulty stemming from the
advanced age of the former slaves. It is, of course, true that human
memory is fallible, but there is no reason to believe that the memories
of the ex-slaves interviewed were worse than anyone else's. Modern psy-
chological research demonstrates that loss of memory is associated with
morbidity at any age. That is, when an individual's health declines in
terminal illness, his memory deteriorates also. But healthy old people
enjoy full mental function or even improved abilities, and the ex-slaves
interviewed obviously had benefitted from sturdy constitutions in reach-
ing their advanced ages.8 Besides, many of the experiences about which
the former slaves were questioned were pivotal moments in their lives.
Just as people today remember their graduations, marriages, or other
moments of signal achievement, the ex-slaves were likely to have clear
The Art of Reading WPA Slave Narratives 43
memories of the day of jubilee when bondage ended or of the tragic sell-
ing of a relative. To deal with the possibility that those who were chil-
dren in slavery gained a different perspective on the institution from
that of adults, the researcher needs only to compare the stories of younger
and older former slaves.
The basic solution to all the other contextual problems surrounding
the interview is simply care. Through alertness to nuance, detail, con-
sistency, forms of address, and such things as the content of the narra-
tive compared to declarations of feelings made within it, it is possible to
work through layers of distortion toward a truer understanding of the
former slave's perspective. What follows is a brief description of some of
the qualitative methods used to this end by the author.
Despite many variations, most of the interviews follow a suggested
set of questions fairly closely. According to a memorandum sent to field
workers by Henry G. Alsberg, interviewers were to "take the greatest
care not to influence the point of view of the informant" and to prepare
reports that were "as nearly word-for-word as is possible." Sample ques-
tions covered work, food, clothing, religion, resistance, care of the sick,
and relations with owners in slavery, experiences during the Civil War
and Reconstruction, and later patterns of life. Some questions in these
areas were admirably specific and probing, such as, "Did the slaves have
a church on your plantation? . . . What do you think of voodoo? . . .
What happened on the day news came that you were free?"9 These sam-
ple questions give a similarity of structure to many narratives and make
it easier to discern variations in response or attitude.
One indicator of the tone of the original interview is the form of ad-
dress used by the ex-slave. Extremely formal and respectful phrases sug-
gest considerable distance between the respondent and the questioner,
but more informal and relaxed phraseology often indicate a warmer at-
mosphere or reveal the presence of a black interviewer. Another nuance
that can be very helpful is the degree of responsiveness of ex-slaves to
the questions they were asked. If the interviewer betrayed the fact that
he held traditional and racist views, he might obtain only a series of en-
tertaining but irrelevant stories for his trouble. Story-telling was a skill
used effectively by some former slaves to divert the conversation and
avoid giving offense; it had reached a high level of development as a
survival tactic. Evasion also is prominent in some interviews. The same
ex-slaves who had spoken volubly about Abraham Lincoln might deny
all knowledge of Jefferson Davis and refuse to express an opinion.
Due to the existence of such factors, the author tried constantly to
separate the content of the interviews from declarations of feeling that
were designed to satisfy the racial etiquette of the day. Shortly after
44 The Slave Narratives as History
praising her master, for example, Callie Elder related the whippings that
occurred on her plantation and especially the sufferings of her father
and grandfather.10 In this case and others it seemed wiser to rely on de-
scribed events as an indicator of feeling rather than on patterned and
otherwise unsupported statements made at the beginning of the inter-
view. Similarly the author decided to eliminate references to events that
occurred on neighboring plantations. Only specifics arising from the
slave's own experience were studied, in order to limit the influence of
second- and third-hand testimony and to increase reliability. In general,
recollections that were convincing were specific and fleshed out with
individual circumstance or detail.
All these methods are the conventional tools and techniques of the
historian. They represent the traditional skills of analyzing documents
applied to a new material, the slave narratives. Such methods can take
us far, and an additional means of assuring accuracy remains to be em-
ployed. Conclusions reached from analyzing slave narratives can be
checked for consistency—with themselves and, more importantly, with
white sources. In a number of ways the WPA narratives already have
met this test. For example, many historical accounts of first contact be-
tween slaves and the liberating Union army have left an impression of
joyous welcome on the part of slaves for the bluecoats and a mass de-
parture of the plantation labor force. The narratives show that this hap-
pened occasionally but indicate that the more general reaction was a
happy but cautious one by bondsmen who stayed on their plantations.
Records of the Union army confirm that Federals encountered a wary
and suspicious attitude among the slaves and that, even though many
slaves followed generals such as Sherman, the majority of bondsmen in
the affected area stayed home.11 Likewise the shock felt by white slave
owners when their human chattel behaved in "ungrateful" ways during
1865 testifies to the validity of the attitudes revealed by blacks in the
The techniques discussed so far are part of a method, but do not
constitute a science. Working in this way with the data, the historian
is a traditional humanistic scholar. Sensitivity and care facilitate the sift-
ing of truth from misrepresentation. The scholar does his best, forms
working hypotheses, and checks them as he or she proceeds. These steps
add up to appropriate caution but not to mathematical precision, for a
large number of factors that are not measurable have impinged on the
final product, the narrative. Assessing the influence of each factor in each
narrative is essentially an act of judgment. In the end, of course, any
scholar must present evidence to support the generalixations offered, and
The Art of Reading WPA Slave Narratives 45
this evidence can be examined and weighed. But in large collections of
material there is generally something to cite in support of any position.
Thus the accuracy of an historian's conclusions ultimately depend, at
least to some extent, on the quality of that person's judgment. Profes-
sional skills enter into that judgment, but so also do personal traits and
the insight gained from one's whole life experience.
If this is true, some would ask, why bother to supplement a method
that is partially subjective with complicated "scientific" or quantitative
methodology? The answer to this question is simply that quantitative
methods add something; they do help in many ways. The scholar would
be foolish to ignore techniques that can provide valuable assistance.
The first way in which quantitative methods prove to be extremely
useful is simple: they help a scholar to check the accuracy of his or her
impressions. It is easy for anyone researching a large and interesting
body of material to mislead himself. Interesting theories or possibilities
sometimes make part of the evidence appear larger than other parts.
Facts that one has been looking for tend to shine with a special clarity
in one's memory. Without a quantitative record of the data, the re-
searcher has no way to confirm the validity of his conclusions. Through
quantitative methods this author discovered areas in which his feelings
had mislead him; how many other instances like this have gone unde-
tected in historical scholarship?
It may be especially important to have a numerical check on one's
impressions when the matters at issue concern perceptions. For exam-
ple, scholars have speculated a great deal on the differences in slave life
on large plantations as compared to small plantations. Small slavehold-
ings, they have argued, had a markedly different atmosphere. The master
and slave shared a close and more personal relationship and may at times
have worked side-by-side in the fields. As a result, according to this in-
terpretation, slavery on small farms was far milder and less harsh. The
WPA narratives both confirm this from the white perspective and refute
it from the black viewpoint. There were differences, as described, in the
two environments. Quantitative analysis reveals that only in small slave-
holdings did any sizeable proportion of the slaves eat the same food as
the master. Similarly, only on smaller units did a noticeable fraction of
owners eschew whipping altogether. These are signs that there was an
objective difference between large and small plantation environments.
But such a difference does not ensure that slaves perceived their bondage
in substantially different fashion on small farms. To the slaves, the basic
fact of bondage may have been more significant than slight advantages
in treatment. Indeed, a tabulation of slaves' attitudes toward their mas-
46 The Slave Narratives as History
ters demonstrates that differences in these attitudes between large and
small plantations were quite modest. Apparently most bondsmen tended
to agree with Thomas Lewis, who explained, "There was no such thing
as being good to slaves. Many people were better than others, but a
slave belonged to his master and there was no way to get out of it."12
The most important advantage of quantitative methods is inherent in
their nature. Quantitative methods allow the researcher to test for and
examine the relationships that he suspects. Whether one relies on words
or on numbers, the explanatory process of the historian remains the
same. The historian essentially makes an argument that a relationship
exists, that one factor influences another factor. Many arguments couched
in qualitative terms can be put into quantitative form. When this is done,
the result is a gain in precision that confirms or denies the relationship
and allows one to see how strong the relationship is. Such a gain in pre-
cision is not just a matter of fastidiousness; it may have major interpre-
tive consequences.
An important area that this author considered, for example, was the
effect of occupation upon attitudes held by the slaves. Many scholars
had previously suggested that the occupation of slaves exerted a great
influence on their views toward bondage and their masters. To test this
possibility, the author used data in the WPA narratives and some simple
statistics that measure the degree of association between variables. This
elementary quantitative analysis demonstrated that there was a relation-
ship between occupation and attitude, but the degree of association
proved to be modest. This last fact, coupled with a large body of quali-
tative evidence in the narratives, led the author to conclude that a sense
of brotherhood with other slaves was widespread and overshadowed
tendencies toward class division in the slave community.13 Without the
help of a statistic, which showed modest association, this author would
have faced two conflicting masses of evidence—one suggesting differ-
ences based on occupation and the other pointing to strong community
ties—with only guesswork to strike the balance between them.
Quantitative techniques are not foolproof. They have their limitations
just as do other methods. Poor data can only produce poor results, and
some information in the slave narratives, such as reference to rape, is so
sketchy and subject to pressures in the interview that it should not be
pushed too far.14 Similarly on some subjects the slave narratives, rich as
they are, provide too few cases to make quantitative summaries mean-
ingful. Yet the scope of usefulness for quantitative methodologies is often
much wider than scholars in the humanities have supposed. By availing
themselves of these tools historians will gain in their power to analyze
both numerical data and such documents as the WPA narratives.
The Art of Reading WPA Slave Narratives 47
1. These narratives are formally known as the Federal Writers' Project
Slave Narratives of the Works Progress Administration. The best article on their
provenance is Norman R. Yetman, "The Background of the Slave Narrative
Collection," American Quarterly, Volume 19 (1967), pp. 534-53. The best
source of the narratives is George P. Rawick, editor, The American Slave: A
Composite Autobiography, 18 volumes (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press,
1972), volumes 2-16 and The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography,
Supplement, Series I, 12 volumes (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1977).
See also the excellent edition of Virginia narratives by Charles L. Perdue, Jr.,
Thomas E. Barden, and Robert K. Phillips, editors, Weevils in the Wheat
(Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1976). Illuminating discussions
by George Rawick of the background and nature of the narratives are in his
book, From Sundown to Sunup: The Making of the Black Community (which
is volume 1 of The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography) and in his
general introduction to the Supplement, Series I.
2. John W. Blassingame, editor, Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of Letters,
Speeches, Interviews, and Autobiographies (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Uni-
versity Press, 1977) p. 377.
3. For example, see: Thomas L. Haskell, "The True and Tragical History
of Time on the Cross," New York Review of Books (October 2, 1975), pp, 33-
39; John W. Blassingame, "Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves: Approaches and
Problems," Journal of Southern History, Vol. XLI (1975), pp. 473-92; Blassin-
game, Slave Testimony, p. Ivi; and Eugene D. Genovese, "Getting to Know
the Slaves," New York Review of Books (September 21, 1972), pp. 16-19.
4. Paul D. Escott, Slavery Remembered: A Record of Twentieth-Century
Slave Narratives (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1979).
5. For additional discussion of some of these matters, see Escott, Slavery
Remembered, Introduction.
6. Ibid., pp. 8, 186.
7. C. Vann Woodward, "History from Slave Sources," American Historical
Review Vol. 79 (1974), p. 480.
8. K. Warner Schaie, "Translations in Gerontology—From Lab to Life: In-
tellectual Functioning," American Psychologist, Vol. 29 (1974), pp. 802-807;
Lissy F. Jarvik and Arthur Falek, "Intellectual Stability and Survival in the
Aged," Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 18 (1963), pp. 173-76; Robert L. Kahn,
Steven H. Zarit, Nancy M. Hilbert, and George Niederehe, "Memory Com-
plaint and Impairment in the Aged," Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 32
(1975), pp. 1569-73; June E. Blum, Edward T. Clark, and Lissy F. Jarvik,
"The New York State Psychiatric Institute Study of Aging Twins," in Intellec-
tual Functioning in Adults, edited by Lissy F. Jarvik, Carl Eisdorfer, and June
E. Blum (New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1973).
9. See Rawick, From Sundown to Sunup, pp. 173-78.
10. Rawick, ed., The American Slave, vol. 12, part I, pp. 309-10.
11. Escott, Slavery Remembered, chapter 5 and Paul D. Escott, "The Con-
text of Freedom: Georgia's Slaves during the Civil War," The Georgia His-
torical Quarterly, LVIII, No. 1 (Spring, 1974), pp. 79-104.
48 The Slave Narratives as History
12. Escott, Slavery Remembered, pp. 53-57 and 27.
13. Ibid., p. 63.
14. Ibid., p. 45.
Now jes listen. I wanna tell you all I kin, but I wants to tell it right;
wait now, I don' wanna make no mistakes and I don' wanna lie on
nobody—I ain' mad now and I know how taint no use to lie, I takin' my
time. I done prayed an' got all de malice out o' my heart and I ain'
gonna tell no lie for um and I ain' gonna tell no lie on um.
And for the mass of ex-slaves, that spelled out the whole meaning of
The history of race relations should be enriched by slave testimony,
especially the paradox of formal distance and physical intimacy between
the races that slavery maximized. The evidence on intimacy is ample. "I
nursed on one breast while that white child . . . pulled away at the
other," recalled a former slave in Oklahoma.25 "Grandma raised me on a
bottle so mother could nurse Walter," the master's son. "Mother had
good teeth and she chewed for us both," said another from Arkansas.26
"Why wouldn't I love her," asked a third slave, referring to her owner,
"when I sucked titty from her breast when my mammy was working in
the field."27 Love was not an invariable consequence of breast feeding.
"I'm going to kill you," one slave told her master's son. "These black
titties sucked you an then you come here to beat me." At the end of the
encounter "he wasn't able to walk."28
The extended family of the planter patriarch included slaves of blood
kin, and the interracial matings from which they sprang included not
only casual couplings and rapes, but durable and affectionate unions.
The degree of willingness partook of all the ambiguities traditionally
associated with matings, and the initiative was the monopoly of neither
of the races nor either of the sexes. Tempie James, white daughter of a
large planter in North Carolina, was locked in her room and the head
coachman sold in another state when her parents discovered she was
in love with him. Tempie escaped, purchased the coachman, liberated him,
married him, bore him fifteen children, and lived to bless many great
grandchildren.29 Harriet Ann Daves of the same state said her white
father and owner "never denied me to anybody," and "would give me
anything I asked for. He loved my mother and said if he could not marry
[her] ... he did not want to marry."30 Another slave daughter spurned
History from Slave Sources 57
the affection of her father-master even though he supported her after her
marriage, remembered her in his will, and enjoined his white son to visit
her regularly after his death, which he did even after his half-sister
moved to remote Oklahoma.31
Slave commentary on white society provides rich insights on ante-
bellum social history. Black observers were capable of shrewd percep-
tions of lower class deference or subservience that punctured the myth
of Herrenvolk democracy—the equality of all whites. One of them was
amused by the conduct of a poor white overseer when visiting the qual-
ity at the big house and "use to laugh at de way he put grease on his
hair, and de way he scraped one foot back'erds on de ground or de floor
when they shake hands wid him. He never say much . . . [then, but]
he speaks a whole lot though when he git down to de quarters where de
slaves live. He wasn't like de same man then."32 Ex-slaves tended to iden-
tify patrollers as well as overseers as poor whites and to remember rela-
tions with them as perpetual class warfare. Their attitude was similar to
that of their descendants' toward white police. "The patrollers were for
niggers just like the police and sheriffs were for white folks. They were
just poor white folks," said an Arkansas survivor of slavery.33 "We didn't
think much of poor white men," said Sam Stuart of North Carolina. "He
was down on us. He was driven to it by the rich slave owner."34
These volumes invite attention to a relatively unexplored field of race
relations—those between Negroes and Indians. Black-red relations had
most of the complications of black-white relations, plus peculiarities of
their own. Indian masters enjoyed the reputation of being somewhat
more indulgent than white masters toward the slaves. But there were
cruel and brutal Indian slave owners as well. Recalling the beating of
her uncle by one of them, Sarah Wilson of Oklahoma declared that "if I
could hate that old Indian any more I guess I would, but I hated him
all I could already I reckon."35 The extent of black-red interbreeding and
intermarriage needs serious research. The number of ex-slaves who
claimed Indian blood is remarkable. One Arkansas interviewer went so
far as to say he had "never talked to a Negro who did not claim to be
part Indian." An exaggeration, to be sure, and the phenomenon is more
prevalent in the Southwest than in the Southeast. There is probably also
a psychological as well as a biological dimension to the claim of Indian
blood or identity. At any rate, Indian blood is frequently invoked to ac-
count for cherished traits of rebelliousness, ferocity, and fortitude. "De
Indian blood in me have held me up over a hundred years," said Louisa
Daves of South Carolina, age 102.36 White blood was never mentioned
in such connections. If black-red interbreeding was anywhere as exten-
sive as suggested by testimony of ex-slaves, then the monoracial concept
58 The Slave Narratives as History
of slavery in America requires revision. And if the amount of black-white
interbreeding is realistically taken into account, the true description of
American slavery would be multiracial rather than monoracial or bi-
racial—white and red as well as black.
It should be clear that these interviews with ex-slaves will have to be
used with caution and discrimination. The historian who does use them
should be posted not only on the period with which they deal, but also
familiar with the period in which they were taken down, especially with
the nuances of race relations in the latter period. He should be sensitive
to black speech patterns and to the marvelous ambiguities characteristic
of them. And of course he should bring to bear all the skepticism his
trade has taught him about the use of historical sources. The necessary
precautions, however, are no more elaborate or burdensome than those
required by many other types of sources he is accustomed to use. They
are certainly not great enough to justify continued neglect of this valu-
able evidence on black history in America.
1. B.A. Botkin, ed., Lay My Burden Down: A Folk History of Slavery
(Chicago, 1945). A more extensive and valuable selection of narratives ap-
peared later. Norman R. Yetman, ed., Voices From Slavery (New York, 1970).
2. Norman R. Yetman, "The Background of the Slave Narrative Collection,"
American Quarterly, 19 (1967): 536n. This article provides a valuable history
of the collection. One exception to the rule of neglecting these sources is Willie
Lee Rose, Rehearsal for Reconstruction: The Port Royal Experiment (Indianap-
olis, 1964). Forthcoming books, one by Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman
and one by Eugene D. Genovese, will be exceptions.
3. Ulrich B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South (Boston, 1929), 219.
4. Yetman, "The Background of the Slave Narrative Collection," 534-35.
5. Virginia Writers Project, The Negro in Virginia (New York, 1940).
6. The age estimates are in Yetman, "Background of the Slave Narrative
Collection," 535.
7. Bertram W. Doyle, The Etiquette of Race Relations in the South (Chi-
cago, 1937); John Dollard, Caste and Class in a Southern Town (New Haven,
1937); Arthur F. Rafer, The Tragedy of Lynching (Chapel Hill, 1933); Pete
Daniel, The Shadow of Slavery: Peonage in the South, 1901-1969 (Urbana,
1972); Charles S. Johnson, Shadow of the Plantation (Chicago, 1934).
8. See, for example, Stephen A. Richardson et al., Interviewing: Its Forms
and Functions (New York, 1965), especially 269-327,
9. Henry Green (age ninety), in Rawick, The American Slave, 9, Arkansas,
pt. 2: 96, 100.
10. Ibid., 4, Texas, 2: 189.
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 59
11. Ibid., 17, Florida, 252, 254.
12. Ibid., 131.
13. Ibid., 14, North Carolina, 1: 137.
14. Ibid., 9, Arkansas, 3: 7.
15. Ibid., 2, South Carolina, 2: 340.
16. Ibid., 18, Unwritten History, 82.
17. Ibid., 2, South Carolina, 1: 53-54.
18. Ibid., 19, God Struck Me Dead, 153.
19. Ibid., 8, Arkansas, 2: 247.
20. Ibid., 260.
21. Ibid., 17, Florida, 311-26.
22. Ibid., 282-84.
23. Ibid., 14, North Carolina, 1: 335-37.
24. Ibid., 9, Arkansas, 3: 78-79.
25. Ibid., 7, Oklahoma and Mississippi, 187.
26. Ibid., 8, Arkansas, 2: 41.
27. Ibid., 1: 113.
28. Ibid., 2: 42.
29. Ibid., 15, North Carolina, 2: 106-08. Tempie evaded the law against
interracial marriage by drinking blood from her lover's veins and swearing
she was of mixed blood.
30. Ibid., 1: 233-35.
31. Ibid., 7, Oklahoma and Mississippi, 18.
32. Ibid., 2, South Carolina, 2: 235.
33. Ibid., 9, Arkansas, 3: 293.
34. Ibid., 15, North Carolina, 2: 319.
35. Ibid., 7, Oklahoma and Mississippi, 347.
36. Ibid., 2, South Carolina, 1: 302.
Charles Waddell Chesnutt was a man who straddled two worlds. A rigor-
ous program of self-education acquainted him with books. He studied
Latin, German, French, and read the classic English writers. Like so
60 The Slave Narratives as History
many men of his time he sought to school himself in the Anglo-Saxon
literary tradition; also, just as studiously, he absorbed the black folk cul-
ture of the rural South where he was raised and taught school. In his
fiction Chesnutt drew from both worlds, the literate and oral, but what
has endured as an original element in his work and as a model for other
Afro-American writers in his use of the black oral tradition.
From the drama of the colonial period through the late nineteenth cen-
tury when Chesnutt began to write, Negroes in American literature had
been characterized in a special fashion by their speech. Negro dialect in
drama, fiction and poetry was a way of pointing to the difference be-
tween blacks and whites; the form and function of black speech as it
was represented was to indicate black inferiority. Black speech, the mir-
ror of black people's mind and character, was codified by dialect into a
deviant variety of good English. Negro dialect lacked proper grammar,
its comic orthography suggested ignorance, its "dats" and "dems" and
"possums" implied lazy, slovenly pronunciation if not the downright
physical impossibility of getting thick lips around the King's English.
Malapropisms, far-fetched words, the preoccupation with telling chil-
dren's stories, with talk about eating, drinking and dancing, the rampant
displays of superstition and fear of the supernatural expressed in black
talk were all proof positive of the infantilism, carnality, instability and
illogicality of black folk. Difference in the dialect tradition clearly sig-
naled deficiency. Afro-American speech had been devalued, robbed of
those mature aesthetic and functional dimensions it had developed in the
New World.
One strategy for a black writer who wished to be taken seriously was
to avoid altogether the incriminating dialect tradition. Phillis Wheatley
is an early example of this tact. Chesnutt's contemporary Paul Laurence
Dunbar experienced acutely the schizophrenia enforced upon the black
writer. He lamented the neglect of his "straight" poetry and complained
that he had no choice but to write in dialect if he wanted people to lis-
ten to him. Chesnutt chose another strategy, one for which he is seldom
given credit as a major innovator. Employing a tale within a tale tech-
nique he "framed" black speech so that in his best stories Chesnutt
blends the literary and oral traditions without implying that the black
storyteller's mode of perceiving and recreating reality is any less valid
than the written word. Black speech in the form of Negro dialect en-
tered American literature as a curiosity, a comic interlude, a short-hand
for perpetuating myths and prejudices about black people. Chesnutt's
frame displays the written and spoken word on equal terms or at least
as legitimate contenders for the reader's sympathy.
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 61
"As de storm tale come to me from my wife, who git it from her mammy,
Nancy, it bout like this."
"Dat de blessed truth, too, cause dat exactly what I hear bout dem."
"Does I 'member much bout slavery times? Well, dere is no way for me
to disremember, unless I die."
"I 'spects knowin' bout things is just 'bout good and true as seein'
"A Deep Sleeper" begins on a soporific, July afternoon in the rural south
during Reconstruction. The first-person narrator, a transplanted north-
erner who owns the plantation upon which the action occurs, decides
that the eating of a watermelon might break the monotony of the sultry
July day so he commandeers the aid of Uncle Julius, a relic from the
days of slavery inherited when the plantation was purchased. Julius com-
plains of "rheumatiz" and instead of fetching the watermelon himself
goes off to waken Tom and instruct him to bring a wheelbarrow to the
piazza. When Julius returns to the whites sitting on the piazza he men-
tions that Tom is one of the "Seben Sleepers" and that the boy's grand-
father had once slept a month. The curiosity of the whites is aroused and
Julius complies with the women's clamor for a story. Julius' tale takes
place during slavery days and concerns the deep sleeper Skundus, his
courting of Cindy, their enforced separation, Skundus' "deep sleep" which
caused him to disappear for a month and the eventual marriage of the
slaves Cindy and Skundus. Julius' dialect narrative is the centerpiece of
Chesnutt's story, taking up nearly five of its seven pages. When Tom
finally arrives with the wheelbarrow, the group from the piazza stroll
out to the watermelon patch and find the prize melon they intended to
harvest is gone.
The title "A Deep Sleeper" is enigmatic, becoming more so after sev-
eral readings of the text it commands. Does the title refer to a quality of
the tale which follows? Is this story "a sleeper?" Are its form and mes-
sage cunning, sly, crafty? Is the tale difficult to fathom or understand, is
it obscure? Or do these meanings of the word "deep" describe Skundus,
the sleeper whose tale Julius narrates? Or is it Uncle Julius himself who
is deep-learned, understanding, wise? Who is sleeping? Skundus? His
grandson Tom? All black people? All whites who continue to delude
themselves about the depth, the humanity of the black folk over whom
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 63
they wield lethal power? To whom is the title addressed? To a white
audience which accepts the archetype of the sleepy, lethargic black and
for whom Skundus and progeny would be humorous examples? Or in-
stead of holding up the black clown (and watermelon thief) for deri-
sion, is the butt of the story's joke the self-enforced gullibility of the
master-class, the masters who must accept the pilfering of their property,
the tall tales of their slaves, accept "deep sleeps" which last for a month?
However the title is construed, the words "deep" and "sleep" alert a
reader to look below the surface and to be on the watch for someone
asleep. The action of the story becomes a gloss on the multiple signifi-
cations of these words.
"A Deep Sleeper" is composed of a number of movements, internal
and external, and these movements can be understood as the result of
exercises of power. The exercise of power is being dramatized in the
tale. The movement of the words of the story, their linear progress from
the title to last word, is a comment on the exercise of power. The first-
person narrator (who for convenience will be called "John" as he is in
subsequent stories) is compromised by the structure of the story he is
relating; what he wishes to say is conditioned by how he must say it. A
large part of his story is delivered by Uncle Julius' voice. The conven-
tion of labeling or titling a story allows another voice, not necessarily the
first-person narrator's, to have the first word, or words, to set the scene
and qualify all that comes after. The action of a story, the events por-
trayed, can have meaning which arises independent of the significance
alleged by the narrator; so in fact "A Deep Sleeper" is bracketed by a
first "word" (the title) and a last "word" (the disappearance of the popu-
lar watermelon), signifiers not controlled by the voice of the plantation-
owner/narrator. What seems on the surface to be John's story is rather
a demonstration of authorial control over the voice of a first-person nar-
rator. The reader has no way of knowing how John would react to hav-
ing his story called "A Deep Sleeper." The reader can only guess at the
depth of John's understanding of the function or meaning of the story
Julius tells. The reader's questions about such matters must be referred
to someone outside the story, to an implied author as he is manifested
in the weave of voices and events which constitute the story.
That we should be prepared to hear other voices and add their testi-
mony to John's is emphasized by Uncle Julius' "tale within a tale." When
the dialect voice of Julius takes over, the first-person narrator, John, dis-
appears and is forgotten; he and the world he described in the opening
"literary" paragraphs of "A Deep Sleeper" return only when Julius has
finished his narration, only when, to put the matter another way, Julius
permits him to speak again. An action has been completed that is a state-
64 The Slave Narratives as History
ment about power and authority. The literate narrator's role as proprietor
of the story and owner of the watermelon, as master of words and prop-
erty, has been undermined. The reader is left at the conclusion of the
story to sort out his or her own conclusions rather than accept the words
of the single, stable guide who seemed to be on hand in the story's first
If the movement of the story, its linear progression from beginning
to end, expresses the tension between apparent power and power not so
apparent, then one might expect to find parallel movements within the
story illustrative of hidden versus apparent power. Like buckets to catch
rain from a leaky roof, blacks are moved around in the story according
to the needs, wills, and whims of whites. Cindy's removal to Kunnel
Wash'n'ton McAdoo's place a hundred miles away from Skundus, her in-
tended husband, is an obvious case. That black people had no control
over such removals is made clear by Julius; "Skundus didn' lack ter hab
Cindy go, but he couldn' do nuthin." Cindy "didn' hab no mo' ter say
'bout comin' dan she did 'bout goin!" The balance of power seems clear.
The master class is absolutely in control. Promises made to blacks are
not binding. When Marse Dugal's wife reminds him that niggers have
no rights a white man need respect, he breaks his word to Cindy and
Skundus, salving his conscience with a few little white lies, to them and
to himself. John, Julius' employer, seems to have the same command
over Julius' movements as masters had over their slaves. After all, the
story occurs on a Sunday afternoon and Julius is on his way home from
the church he serves as a deacon, but John does not hesitate to mobilize
the old man into his watermelon-fetching scheme.
These apparent exercises of power describe only the surface of black-
white relationships. Below the surface, other kinds of power affect other
kinds of movement. Though the slaves Cindy and Skundus appear to be
pawns, they make adjustments, and these 'justments allow them to sub-
vert the power of the master class over their lives. Skundus can "steal
himself" by running away from the plantation to the swamp. Cindy can
pretend her health is dependent on certain elusive roots which she must
gather each day from the swamp, a dependency providing a daily ex-
cuse for being away from the Big House. Julius and his extended family
work for the narrator and must follow his orders, yet Julius is a magician,
a trickster, who enchants the whites lounging on the piazza, capturing
them in his tale about other times and places so he controls their move-
ments in the present. Julius contrives a fiction to entertain his listeners,
to distract them from interfering with his plans. Marse Dugal' manufac-
tures a fiction to smooth over Cindy's removal from Skundus. The paral-
lel loses its symmetry when one recalls that at stake in one deception
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 65
was a watermelon, while in the other are the lives, love and happiness of
two human beings.
A series of confrontations between the powerful and powerless are
enacted in the story and in each case an obvious kind of power is bal-
anced by an unexpected force wielded by the supposed powerless. The
pairs brought into opposition—Julius and the narrator, Skundus and
Marse Dugal', Cindy and her Mistress on the McAdoo plantation—reflect
a larger system of black-white power relationships in the South, the
struggle to establish personal space and territorial rights. Because of its
persistence over time, its pervasiveness in people's lives, this struggle has
assumed the formal coherence, the stability and predictability of a ritual
The elements of this dance provide a structural unity in "A Deep
Sleeper" and are exhibited in the WPA narratives gathered in the 1930's.
First the separation of black from white, a formal assumption paralleling
the segregation of the sexes in many traditional African dances. The two
groups regard each other over a broad, hard-packed dirt floor, a stage,
arena, threshing ground where encounters will be choreographed. An in-
dividual dancer sallies out of each group of participants. The dancer's
movements are strictly patterned. Facial expression, posture, tone of
voice, all are predetermined by ancient canons of behavior. The object
of the dance is complex. The whites, who have the advantage of estab-
lishing the outward forms of the dance, design the ritual to display their
superiority, their dominance; the dance is a metaphor of their power. For
the blacks who, like the whites, must perform for two audiences at once,
the objective is to find room for maneuver within the rigid forms dic-
tated by the whites, maneuver which allows space for private communi-
cation with the other black participants. This communication coded into
the space disciplined by the whites becomes another version of the ac-
tion in the exposed center of the floor. Like a good boxer, the white
dancer crowds the black into a corner, cutting off the ring, systemati-
cally diminishing room for black display and maneuver, but of course
such a strategy also defines the area in which the white must perform.
Each pair that enacts the ritual embodies both individual norms of be-
havior and archetypal relationships. Though these confrontations occur
within the framework sanctioned by white power, their inevitability can
be turned to the advantage of blacks, can be incorporated into black
routines. (Recall Muhamed Ali's "rope-a-dope" tactics vs. George Fore-
man.) An observer wishing to understand any movement of the dance
must visualize it from the dual perspective of the two groups which are
its audience.
The separation of black from white and the consequent rituals pro-
66 The Slave Narratives as History
duce, among other things, two distinct types of speech which may be ex-
emplified by the narrator, John's literary English, and Julius' dialect.
These varieties of speech describe two different worlds; each speech
form (speech community) represents a version of reality. At some levels
the languages of blacks and whites are mutually intelligible, or at least
seem to allow a variety of exchanges. Chesnutt explores the forms and
uses of language where the seams of mutual intelligibility burst. What
Chesnutt's characters are saying cannot be understood unless the reader
has an awareness of the total version of reality which a particular utter-
ance signifies. Dell Hymes' discussion of the socio-linguistic concept key
is useful here. In speech acts, key provides the tone, manner, or spirit of
the words spoken. Speech acts, often the same as regards setting, par-
ticipants, form of message, etc., may differ in key, that is, may be seri-
ous or mocking, painstaking or perfunctory depending on a signal (ver-
bal or otherwise, i.e., wink, gesture) which is part of the speech act.
How something is said (the "how" being defined by the speech commu-
nity of a speaker) is part of what is said. The more a way of speaking
has become shared and meaningful within a group, the more likely that
crucial cues will be efficient or small in scale. Chesnutt employs numer-
ous subtle keys, often drawn from the repertoire of Afro-American oral
tradition, to achieve density of meaning in "A Deep Sleeper."
Manipulation of key can call attention to playful or artistic dimen-
sions of speech. Satire, irony, ridicule, as Sylvia Render points out in her
introduction to Chesnutt's Short Fiction, are called into play by signify-
ing, a traditional resource of black speech communities signalled by key.
Signifying is verbal art. Claudia Mitchell-Kernan has succinctly described
the dynamics of signifying: the apparent meaning of an utterance is can-
celled by the introduction of a key which signals to those who recognize
the key that the utterance should not be taken "straight." The speaker
who is signifying depends upon a body of experience he shares with the
audience to whom the signifying is addressed. The signifier expects his
audience to process his utterance metaphorically, because their shared
experience allows them to recognize the key and supplies the material
for re-interpreting the utterance. In the street a skillful signifier can talk
behind a victim's back while looking him in the face. Manipulation of
key, employed as a rhetorical device in fiction, permits the writer to ad-
dress several audiences simultaneously by appealing to pools of knowl-
edge only segments of his readers share with him. In effect, the writer
can profit from the diversity among his readers rather than be limited by
it. Chesnutt took full advantage of this possibility by playing to multiple
audiences, designing his "A Deep Sleeper" in layers, layers correspond-
ing to the conflicting versions of reality perceived by blacks and whites.
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 67
"Tom's gran'daddy wuz name' Skundus," he began. "He had a
brudder name' Tushus en' ernudder name' Cottus en' ernudder name"
Squinchus." The old man paused a moment and gave his leg another
My sister-in-law was shaking with laughter. "What remarkable
names!" she exclaimed. "Where in the world did they get them?"
Uncle Julius is speaking, sho nuff, like an old ignorant southern darky
is supposed to speak in Negro dialect. And sho nuff he gets his laugh,
the laughter Chesnutt could count on from the majority of his readers,
the ones who enjoyed Joel Chandler Harris, Sidney Lanier and Irwin
Russell, the ones who turned, as Mabel and Annie and John on the piazza,
to Uncle Julius for an entertaining interlude. The laughter of such read-
ers is encouraged, sanctioned by Mabel's. Julius' performance is that of
a virtuoso dialect story-teller; he is rhyming "brudder" and "enudder" so
they fall as syncopated beats in his narration. He is probably twisting his
mouth in absurd ways to pronounce the strange names Skundus, Tushus,
Squinchus. That his performance for the piazza is conscious and calcu-
lated is keyed by the "hitch" he gives his leg. One of the roles Julius is
projecting for the whites is an old, feeble man whose ailments prevent
him from fetching a watermelon. With sighs, grimaces, and explicit ref-
erences, Julius sustains this role throughout the story. Given Julius' in-
tentions and the successful working-out of his plan for appropriating the
melon, his comments on his pain and the mannerisms by which he pan-
tomimes its effects become a source of humor for those readers who ap-
preciate the art of fooling master.
The source of the "remarkable names" turns out to be Marse Dugal'
McAdoo, who named all the babies "wat wuz bawn on de plantation."
The absolute power of the master licenced him to name his chattel. For
some readers who share with Chesnutt a knowledge of Latin, the humor
of the names is enriched because the slaves' names correspond to the
Latin words for second, third, fourth and fifth. Recognizing the Latin key,
certain readers have their classical learning rewarded, their vanity touched
and their prejudice confirmed since Julius exhibits the Negro's darned
comical funny habit of muddling words when he reaches above his
proper sphere of ignorance. Within the small class that recognized the
Latin key, a smaller grouping might respond with indignation towards
the old Regime which allowed such abuses of power. Some of this group
might even feel slightly ashamed that human beings were given numbers
for names, numbers for the master's convenience, numbers which rever-
berate ironically since they are disguised in Latin, one of the classical
languages and cultures which are the oft-exalted and extolled sources of
Western Civilization. But some readers may be keyed to other kinds of
68 The Slave Narratives as History
power at work here. Julius calls the names "Hebrew" suggesting that
their source, like the source of so many other mysterious indignities the
master class imposes on its slaves, is the Bible, the Bible Julius admits he
cannot read. Uncle Julius makes it clear that "Hit ain' my fault I ain't
able ter read," so his confession of illiteracy is also an indictment of the
ignorance enforced upon the slave by his master. In this light, the source
of the remarkable names might as well be Hebrew as Greek since, for
Julius, access to this kind of knowledge has been systematically with-
held. Chesnutt rightfully, ironically dismisses the question of origin and
points to another kind of meaning the names contain. When the Latin
words are translated into Blackspeech and given their unique pronuncia-
tion, an identity is created for the brothers apart from the dehumanizing
numerical designations. Skundus is "Skundus," not Secundus. He is bap-
tised by the slave community and becomes a distinct individual. His
distinction, his individuality is defined and preserved in the tale Julius
narrates. Marse Dugal's joke (like so many kinds of humor, a sadistic ex-
ercise of power) is turned back on him and the culture he represents.
Originally named for the convenience of a white man, Secundus has
been transformed by Blackspeech and oral tradition into Skundus, a
legendary Deep Sleeper. The source of his name is as much of an enigma
for Mabel as his behavior is an embarrassment and thorn in the side of
Marse Dugal'. While Mabel laughs at the remarkable names, some read-
ers are laughing at her. When Marse Dugal' threatens Skundus: "I'm
gwine ter hang yer up by yer thumbs en take ev'y bit er yer black hide
off'n yer," he is declaiming the literal power of the master over his slaves.
But Julius also states that "evey'body knowed Marse Dugal' bark uz
wuss'n his bite," and this knowledge shared by the slave community is
the key for interpreting Dugal's empty words, as well as the absurd ac-
tions he has no choice but to perform when Skundus returns from his
deep sleep.
In his fiction, Chesnutt is cleaning up Negro dialect, tinkering not so
much with its outward form, which he inherited and felt was hopelessly
artificial at best, but with its validity to carry a message apart from the
demeaning one with which it was traditionally burdened. Chesnutt's il-
literate speakers from Uncle Julius to Mammy Jane are distinctive not
only because of the form (Negro dialect) of their speech, but because
what they say is true. Oral history in Chesnutt is a vehicle for recon-
structing the past so that the lies and misrepresentations of the master
class become part of the written record. Negro dialect has come full cir-
cle. Rather than being an instrument of power in the hands of the enemy
(Black speech framed in an inimical literary tradition), it is turned against
the oppressor.
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 69
Can I get a Witness! Chesnutt's answer is yes. He allows Julius to
speak for himself. The point of view of the slave can be understood apart
from and in spite of the voice of the white plantation owner. The Works
Progress Administration oral history project nearly half a century later is
another kind of attempt to record the black man's version of slavery and
reconstruction. What Julius and the former slaves have to say is of cru-
cial importance if one wishes a rounded view of the "peculiar institu-
tion," and scholars have begun to incorporate the slaves' view into the
historiography of the period. But how the former slaves told their stories,
the notions of style and form, the values embodied in the narratives
have been neglected by scholars even though studying the narratives
from this perspective perhaps could illuminate fundamental elements of
Afro-American culture, the incredible inner sense of purpose and worth,
the integrity and resiliency which enabled a people to survive their time
on the cross.
In her study, African Oral Literature, Ruth Finnegan lists some elements
to consider in the analysis of oral literature. She points out that any ac-
curate analysis of oral poetry, epic, etc., must take into account non-
verbal as well as verbal dimensions of oral performance. To ignore mat-
ters such as audience, occasion, details of performance in an oral work,
is to "risk missing much of the subtlety, flexibility, and individual origi-
nality of its creator and, furthermore, to fail to give consideration to the
aesthetic canons of those intimately concerned in the production and re-
ception of this form of literature." Unfortunately, in the case of the WPA
collection, we have minimal data on the actual conditions of oral perfor-
mance, but some facts about the scenarios are retrievable. The speaker
is most often performing for an audience of one, usually a white inter-
viewer. The reader of the narratives is dependent on the skill of the in-
terviewers in recording the interviewees' speech. The speaker cannot
employ the full range of non-verbal effects, nor can he or she depend
upon a responsiveness to the verbal interplay and overtones which would
enrich his performance if his audience consisted of members of his speech
community. The socio-economic context of the Jim Crow South, the ex-
pectations and role playing of blacks and whites obviously restrict the
spontaneity of oral performance. The interviewers were often inexperi-
enced and often armed with a list of questions and instructions tending
to make all interviews structurally similar. These facts have the cumu-
lative effect of making the interviews conservative in terms of represent-
70 The Slave Narratives as History
ing the full range of Afro-American oral tradition. Obscenity, bitterness
and anger towards whites, sexual references (especially to miscegena-
tion), the contribution of music or balletic elements to the narratives,
the audience's active, creative, participatory role are minimized by the
circumstances of the interviews. Just as Chesnutt was fenced in by
the dialect tradition, by the literary sensibilities, the morality, ethics, and
mores of his turn-of-the-century American audience, the ex-slaves who
told their tales to the WPA interviewers had to censure themselves, had to
talk between the lines, had to protect themselves and protect the corner
of truth they wished to preserve by being selective about what they
said and how they said it. This strategy is typical of Afro-American cul-
ture and is manifested in African religious practices, in the syncretism of
black churches in the New World, in the politics of Booker T. Washing-
ton. It is a survival technique, exemplifying an archetypal configuration,
the practical accommodation of the weak who must in some fashion give
in or seem to give in to the strong in order to shift the locus of com-
bat from external, physical tests of strength to internal, imaginative
In spite of the circumstances suggested above, the WPA narratives
are rich and exciting, more so in many ways than the more familiar
written narratives dating from the antebellum Battle of Books. Enough
of the style of Afro-American oral performance has survived in the
WPA narratives to allow us to analyze some of the aesthetic canons
underlying each speaker's story. Since the structure of the total interview
as it is printed was not controlled by the person being interviewed, one
must look at smaller segments within the interviews to gain a sense of
how the ex-slaves thought a story should be told. The ideal kind of seg-
ment for analysis is the self-contained story, or anecdote, which the
speaker initiates and shapes. The narratives abound in such set-pieces.
They are usually clearly delineated within the narratives and they pos-
sess distinct beginnings, middles, and ends. The economy, pungency,
and precision characteristic of so many of these tales within tales sug-
gest that they have been told before, that given the age and experience
of the narrators, the set-pieces have had the benefit of numerous previ-
ous exposures to an audience. The unique interplay between performer
and audience, the fact that an audience actively participates in shaping
a song or story, means the form of an oft-told tale is a product of tradi-
tion and individual sensibility. When Frank Adamson begins telling
about his "tribulation," he brings to the telling a conception of what a
good story is and how it should be told. He shares these conceptions
with the other witnesses quoted in Rawick.
Because we have texts and only minimal, if any, descriptive material
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 71
bearing on non-verbal elements of transmission, the analysis of the fol-
lowing set-piece within a narrative will treat the narrative primarily as
one might treat a story or poem. This points to obvious limitations in the
analysis, but has the advantage of placing the narratives in a relatively
familiar evaluative frame. In spite of the interference of the interview
format and the inherent limits of traditional literary analysis for describ-
ing oral performance, a strong case can be made for the distinctiveness
and coherence of narrative segments.
-'"I's been 'possum huntin' wid your pappy, when he lived on de
Wateree, just after de war. 2.One night us got into tribulation, I tells you!
'Twas 'bout midnight when de dogs make a tree. 4.Your pappy climb
up de tree, git 'bout halfway up, heard sumpin' dat once you hears it you
never forgits, and dats de rattlin' of de rattles on a rattle snake's tail.
Us both 'stinctly hear dat sound! 6.What us do? 7.Me on de ground, him
up de tree, but where de snake? 8.Dat was de misery, us didn't know.
Dat snake give us fair warnin' though! 10.Marster Sam (dat your pa)
'low: 'Frank, ease down on de ground; I'll just stay up here for a while.'
I lay on them leaves, skeered to make a russle. 12.Your pa up de tree
skeered to go up or down! 13.Broad daylight didn't move us. 14.Sun come
up, he look all 'round from his vantage up de tree, then come down, not
'til then, do I gits on my foots.
"Then I laugh and laugh and laugh, and ask Marster Sam how he
felt. 16.Marster Sam kinda frown and say: 'Damn I feels like hell! 17.Git
up dat tree! 18.Don't you see dat 'possum up dere?' 19.I say: 'But where
de snake, Marster?' 20.He say: 'Dat rattler done gone home, where me
and you and dat 'possum gonna be pretty soon!' "
'•"De only fault he had wuz his sleep'ness. 2.He'd haf ter be woke up
ev'y mawnin' ter go ter his wuk, en' w'enever he got a chance he'd fall
ersleep. 3.He wuz might'ly high gittin' inter trouble mo' d'n once for
gwine ter sleep in de fief. 4.I never seed his beat fer sleepin'. 5.He could
sleep in de sun er sleep in de shade. 6.He could lean upon his hoe en'
sleep. 7.He went ter sleep walk'n 'long de road oncet, en' mighty nigh
bust his head open 'gin a tree he run inter. 8.I did heah he oncet went
ter sleep while he wuz in swimmin'. 9.He wuz floatin' at de time, en'
come mighty nigh gittin' drowned befo' he work up. 10.Ole Marse heared
'bout it, en' ferbid his gwine in swimmin' enny mo', fer he said he
couldn't 'ford ter lose 'im."
Charles Chesnutt and the WPA Narratives 77
The word "sleep'ness," like "tribulation" in Adamson's story, is the
subject of this narrative. Instead of transformations of his subject word
(tribulation-snake, tribulation-rattle), Chesnutt elaborates the concept
of sleep'ness, giving his reader concrete examples of when, where and
how sleep'ness effected (defined) Skundus. Chesnutt's narrator Julius is
less involved than Adamson with the events of the story; Julius' voice en-
gages the reader less directly than Frank's. The personal pronoun"I" ap-
pears only twice and "us" never. Most sentences (six) begin with He so
that the narrator's energy is used in piling up descriptive details about
Skundus. The elaborations of the word "sleep'ness" do not unravel a plot
line but rather, attached to Skundus, release the word from its ordinary
meaning. Sleep'ness is stretched until it becomes preposterous and comic.
Julius blends realistic details into his special definition of sleep'ness, ren-
dering the realistic touches in a plain matter-of-fact voice so that the
reader is bounced from the fantastic to the commonplace and back
again. The process is calculated. Julius' intent is to unsettle his audience,
to humor them into suspending their disbelief so he can substitute for a
moment his vision for theirs. If his listeners play his game, Julius will
entertain them, he will transport them from the piazza to a much more
interesting world where anything can happen.
Chesnutt's narrative, since it is written, is structured less by sound ef-
fects than it is by a theme and variations spinning out of humorous ex-
amples of sleep'ness. But Chesnutt does draw upon many devices em-
ployed by Adamson's oral narrative. Repetition of key words such as
sleep to establish patterns of meaning and sound; rhythmic repetition in
balanced phrases, "He could sleep in de sun er sleep in de shade"; the
"I" voice as a chorus, as a witness to the facts of the story, "I never seed
his beat fer sleepin'!" Chesnutt captures the one-syllable-per-word per-
cussive beat in Uncle Julius' voice. The word count and syllable count
highly correlate, especially if one discounts proper names and the neces-
sary grammatical inflections. Chesnutt does not employ dialogue in this
passage, but reports the master's speech in sentence ten. Though the
quote is indirect, its form would allow Julius to imitate his master's
voice: "he said he couldn't 'ford ter lose 'im." Like Adamson, Julius al-
lows the master to have the last word, but both narrators are signifying,
are rounding their tales with a moral. The master in "A Deep Sleeper"
is concerned about Skundus the piece of property, not Skundus the hu-
man being. Julius reveals this fact, not by editorializing in his own voice,
but by letting Marse Dugal speak for himself.
Julius' narrative about Skundus continues for approximately four pages
after the passage quoted above. The entire story as discussed earlier
78 The Slave Narratives as History
functions in a fashion similar to Adamson's narrative, making its point
through indirection, humor, satire. In the extended story, Chesnutt dra-
matizes the Afro-American propensity for word and image-making. Fit-
tified and catacornered jits are two of Julius' coinages. The Latin names
bestowed by Marse Dugal' (as well as Dugal's own name) are trans-
lated into the language of the black folk on the plantation. Chesnutt
parallels the inventiveness of the oral tradition and illustrates the rich
possibilities of this tradition when it is transmitted into written word.
Newspapers advertising rewards for run-away slaves become noospapers,
a punning, Joycean conflation of news and noose, evoking the lynch
rope and the conspiracy of public institutions to keep the black man in
The oral tradition experienced first-hand during his youth in North
Carolina is evidenced in Chesnutt's use of dialect, but it is dialect with
roots in the black speech of ex-slaves like Frank Adamson rather than the
Negro dialect tradition which by Chesnutt's time was mainly a literary
convention for mocking black life.
It was not possible to maintain rapport with both Whites and Blacks
in the same community, for the confidence and cooperation of each was
based on their belief that I was "with them" in my convictions about
racial taboos of Delta society. Thus when I was "presented" to Blacks
by a white member of the community, the informants regarded me as a
Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves 85
member of the white caste and therefore limited their lore to non-
controversial topics.
Blacks rarely speak openly about their society with Whites because
of their vulnerability as an oppressed minority. ... As the group in
power, Whites can afford to openly express their thoughts about Blacks,
whereas the latter conceal their feelings toward Whites as a means of
The black man's vulnerability to white oppression was painfully evi-
dent in the Depression South. From 1931 to 1935, for example, there
were more than seventy lynchings in the South; nine blacks who had
committed no crime were killed, and twenty-five were lynched for minor
offenses. Many of the black informants lived in areas where labor con-
tracts were negotiated in jails, debt was perpetual, travel was restricted,
and the threat of violence made peonage a living hell. Historian Pete
Daniel, after an exhaustive study of southern peonage, concluded: "The
violence that attended peonage sent tentacles of dread throughout the
entire black community."30 Since many of the former slaves still resided
in the same areas as their masters' descendants and were dependent on
whites to help them obtain their old-age pensions, they were naturally
guarded (and often misleading) in their responses to certain questions.
Frequently the white interviewers were closely identified with the ancien
regime; on occasion they were the grandsons of the blacks' former masters.
The answers to many of the questions on the WPA interview sched-
ule could neither be divorced from the dependent position of the aged
blacks nor the contemporary state of race relations in the South. Since
attitudes toward the past were often so intertwined with the present in
the minds of both informants and interviewers, there was a high pre-
mium placed on giving the "right" answers to such questions as: "Was
your master kind to you?" "Now that slavery time is ended, what do you
think of it?" "Was your master a good man?" "Which was best, slavery
or freedom?"31 Not content with these and other leading questions indi-
cating the kinds of replies they wanted, many of the interviewers re-
fused, initially, to accept the "wrong" answers. This was especially the
case when the former slaves described their masters as cruel and said
that life on the plantation was characterized by unusually hard work. A
Georgia interviewer, for example, was disturbed by the responses of
Nancy Boudry to her questions:
Nancy's recollections of plantation days were colored to a somber
hue by overwork, childbearing, poor food and long working hours.
"Master was a hard taskmaster," said Nancy. ... "I had to work
hard, plow and go and split wood jus' like a man. Sometimes dey
whup me. Dey whup me bad, pull de cloes off down to de wais'—my
master did it, our folks didn' have overseer."
86 The Slave Narratives as History
"Nancy, wasn't your mistress kind to you?"
"Mistis was sorta kin' to me, sometimes. But dey only give me meat
and bread, didn' give me nothin' good—I ain' gwine tell no story. . . ."
"But the children had a good time, didn't they? They played games?"
"Maybe dey did play ring games, I never had no time to see what
games my chillun play, I work so hard. . . ,"32
The white staff of the WPA had mastered so little of the art and sci-
ence of interviewing that many of them found it impossible to obtain
trustworthy data from their informants. The whites disregarded a funda-
mental rule of interviewing that Ferris noted in 1988: "As a white collec-
tor, rapport with Blacks was particularly delicate and required constant
sensitivity to the feelings of informants."33 Many of the WPA inter-
viewers consistently referred to their informants as darkeys, niggers,
aunteys, mammies, and uncles. Reminiscent as these terms were of rigid
plantation etiquette, they were not calculated to engender the trust of
the blacks. Rather than being sensitive, the white interviewers failed to
demonstrate respect for the Blacks, ignored cues indicating a tendency
toward ingratiation, and repeatedly refused to correct the informants' be-
lief that the interviewer was trying to help them obtain the coveted pen-
sion. Not only did most of the whites lack empathy with the former
slaves, they often phrased their questions in ways that indicated the
kinds of answers they wanted.
Every recorded interview had two authors, the person who asked the
questions and the one who answered them.34 Often the white inter-
viewer-author's actions and demeanor led to distortions and limitations
of what the black informant-author told him. Many of the blacks played
it safe; they claimed that they remembered very little about slavery and
gave one- or two-page interviews. Even the informants who gave the
longest, most candid interviews refused to talk about certain things. One
frustrated Kentuckian, for example, reported: "In interviewing the differ-
ent negroes in this community I have not found a single negro that could
admit [,] if I asked the direct question [,] that they are the least bit su-
perstitious."35 Sometimes it was impolitic, if not dangerous, for the ex-
slave to tell all that he remembered. This is especially evident in the folk
songs and tales. Although practically every intensive study of these cul-
tural elements reveals much antiwhite sentiment, rarely does this atti-
tude surface in the WPA collection. Many of the secular songs are lul-
labies or hunting songs; the white-hating trickster slave Jack almost never
appears in the tales. The blacks were carefully editing what they told
whites; generally, they told them only children's tales and songs. One in-
dication of this is the difference between the tales recorded during the
same period by the black folklorist J. Mason Brewer and those by the
Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves 87
WPA. Taken from the same class of informants, the tales Brewer re-
corded have a relatively high anti-white content and many Jack or John
A second weakness of the WPA interviews is that many of them are
not verbatim accounts. The informants' stories were often edited or re-
vised before they were typed and listed as official records. Even when
the former slave's views are purportedly typed in his own words, the in-
terview may have been "doctored," certain portions deleted without any
indication in the typescript, and his language altered. Consequently, the
interviews are not, as Norman R. Yetman claimed, "almost exclusively
verbatim testimonies" in which blacks "describe in their own words what
it felt like to be a slave." Indications of deliberate distortion and inter-
polation of the views of the WPA staffers pose a serious challenge to his-
torians who rely on the interviews.37
The best evidence on the alteration of interviews appears in the rec-
ords of Roscoe E. Lewis and a Georgia interviewer, J. Ralph Jones. In
1936 and 1937 Jones conducted five interviews that were returned to the
state office of the WPA. Three of the five transcribed by the state office
are virtually identical to the copies that Jones retained. The other two
were significantly reduced in length and seriously distorted.38
Jones's interviews with Rias Body and Washington B. Allen were
edited to delete references to cruel punishments, blacks serving in the
Union Army, runaways, and blacks voting during Reconstruction. Jones
had two interviews with W.B. Allen, and the second one is recorded in
practically identical words in his record and the WPA typescript. The
WPA typescript of the first interview, however, lists Allen's date and
place of birth incorrectly and does not include 1,700 words that appear
in Jones's record of the interview. About half of the section excluded
from the WPA typescript referred to slave traders, the religious life of
the slaves, the tricks they played on the patrollers, and the songs they
sang. While the typescript refers to the kind treatment Allen received
from his owners, Jones's records show that he spent a great deal of time
talking about the hard work and cruel floggings characteristic of the
plantation.39 The WPA transcript gives the impression that Allen spoke
in dialect, using such words as "fetched," "de," "dis," "chilluns," and
"fokes." But in his records Jones observed that Allen "uses excellent
English. . . ."40
J. Ralph Jones's experience was not unique. The same kinds of dis-
tortions appeared in the typescripts of the Virginia WPA. Nine of the
Virginia informants included in the Library of Congress collection were
also quoted in the 1940 publication, The Negro in Virginia. Roscoe E.
Lewis, the editor, had the original report of the interviews in his posses-
88 The Slave Narratives as History
sion, and seven of the nine informants he quoted presented views ex-
cluded from the typescripts of their accounts. According to the excerpts
quoted by Lewis, between one and twelve hundred words of the origi-
nal interviews were excluded from the typescripts of the accounts of
Fanny Berry, Georgianna Gibbs, Charles Grandy, Delia Harris, Mobile
Hopson, Richard Slaughter, and Eliza[beth] Sparks. The typescripts are
poor summaries of the ex-slaves' comments. Songs and religious senti-
ments were frequently left out of the WPA typescripts. Indications of
cruel punishments, forced marriages, family separations, ridicule of
whites, and the kindness of Union soldiers appeared in the records cited
by Lewis but often do not appear in the WPA typescripts.41
Although the facts are not entirely clear, it is obvious that many of
the WPA interviews were altered after the dictation ended. The national
office of the WPA encouraged this in regard to the language patterns of
the blacks when it urged state directors to record dialect uniformly. This
may have accounted for dialect being ascribed to former slaves who
spoke English perfectly. But how can one account for the discrepancies
between the interviews Jones and others recorded and those the WPA
staff typed? Were two out of every five interviews in Georgia and other
southern states distorted in the same way? While there are no definitive
answers to these intriguing questions, historians must ponder them when
they try to use the WPA interviews.
A third factor that led to distortion of the WPA interviews was the
average age of the informants; two-thirds of them were at least eighty
years old when they were interviewed. And, since only 16 percent of the
informants had been fifteen years or older when the Civil War began, an
overwhelming majority of them could only describe how slavery ap-
peared to a black child. Because all of the blacks were at least seventy-
two years removed from slavery, there was no sense of immediacy in
their responses; all too often they recalled very little of the cruelty of
bondage. A good way of determining the impact of age on the responses
of former slaves is to compare the WPA interviews with the hundreds
conducted by northern journalists, soldiers, missionaries, and teachers
during and immediately after the Civil War. These informants were still
close to bondage, and consequently they remembered far more of the de-
tails of slavery than the WPA respondents.42
Were the WPA informants, as Yetrnan claimed, representative of the
total antebellum slave population? Apparently not. Since the average life
expectancy of a slave born in 1850 was less than fifty years, those who
lived until the 1930s might have survived because they received better
treatment than most slaves. Taken at face value, there seems to have
been a bias in many states toward the inclusion of the most obsequious
Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves 89
former slaves. This is especially true when most of the informants had
spent all of their lives in the same locale as their former master's planta-
tion. Since the least satisfied and most adventuresome of the former
slaves might have migrated to northern states or cities after the Civil
War, the WPA informants may have been atypical of antebellum slaves.
Geographically, the WPA collection is also a biased sample. Although
920,266 of the South's 3,953,760 slaves (23 percent) lived in Virginia,
Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, and Kentucky in 1860, only 155 Blacks
from these states were included among the 2,194 published interviews
(7 percent of the total). Consequently, the upper south (and especially
the border states) is underrepresented. On the other hand, while Arkan-
sas and Texas had only 293,681 or 7 percent of southern slaves in 1860,
the 985 Black informants in these states constituted 45 percent of all for-
mer slaves interviewed by the WPA.43
Most of the interviews are so limited in focus or are so short that it
requires considerable skill to extract reliable information from them. In
the South Carolina volumes, which contain some of the longest inter-
views, only 18 percent of the accounts are more than five pages long. Be-
cause of the brevity of the interviews it is often impossible to resolve in-
ternal inconsistencies, reconcile tone with "facts," separate rumor from
direct observations, fathom subtle nuances, verify uncertain chronology,
or determine the extent of "structural amnesia" and the manipulation of
data to conform to the conditions existing in the 1930s. Since the major
objective of the WPA project was to record folklore, other topics relative
to plantation slavery often received little attention.
Although there are probably other weaknesses and limitations of the
interviews that could be noted, the historian's major concern must be
with determining ways to utilize them. One of the cardinal principles in
interpreting oral lore is that the investigator must have an intimate
knowledge of the informant's group, tribe, or race. According to the Af-
ricanist Jan Vansina, "members steeped in the culture itself, and some-
times only the more sensitive among them" are in the best position to
study oral lore; "it is preferable that study of traditions be entrusted to
people who belong to the society itself."44 But whether black or white
scholars study the WPA interviews is not as important as the approaches
they take. They should begin by mastering the skills of the linguist and
then systematically examine the internal structure of the interviews, the
recurrence of symbols and stereotypes, the sequence of episodes, and the
functions they serve.
Given the staffing policies of the WPA, some effort must be made to
determine the relationship between the sex and race of interviewers and
the reliability of the accounts. Generally, the stories are most revealing
90 The Slave Narratives as History
when the informant and the interviewer were of the same sex; black
interviewers obtained more reliable information than white ones; and
white women received more honest responses than white men. Fortu-
nately, a majority of the former slaves in most states were interviewed
by white women: 60 percent in North Carolina; 80 percent in Arkansas;
and 90 percent in Georgia. The reverse, however, was true in South
Carolina, where 78 percent of the former slaves were interviewed by
white men.
There are also other important variations in the collections. Although
the Arkansas staff interviewed more blacks than any of the others, a
larger percentage of them had never actually been slaves. For example,
about 40 percent of the Arkansas informants were born during or after
the Civil War. (Many of them were in their forties or fifties in 1938.)
All things considered, the Georgia collection is one of the most reliable
of the WPA volumes: Most of the informants had actually been slaves
(though not as old as the South Carolina Blacks) and were interviewed
by white women. The Georgia staff also made an effort to evaluate the
interviews they collected. These evaluations were cautious and generally
in accord with the data contained in the interviews. Louise Oliphant, for
instance, asserted, "There are many ex-slaves . , . who have vivid rec-
ollections of the days when their lives were inseparably bound to those
of their masters. . . . Mistreatment at the hands of their masters and
the watchdog overseers is outstanding in the memory of most of them."
On the other hand, Ruby Lorraine Radford discovered that "out of
about thirty-five negroes contacted [,] only two seemed to feel bitter
over memories of slave days. AH the others spoke with much feeling and
gratitude of good old days when they were so well cared for by their
masters." Unlike most white interviewers, Radford did not accept such
declarations as indicative of planter paternalism. Instead, she tried to
correlate them with the average age of the informants and concluded
that "most of the slaves interviewed were too young during the slavery
period to have experienced any of the more cruel punishments, though
some remembered hearing tales of brutal beatings."45
The interviewing skill of the Georgians differed greatly from that of
many other white southerners. Consequently, it is mandatory to com-
pare the stories collected by black interviewers with those collected by
whites. The key questions in this comparison are those that involve life
in the quarters and the treatment of slaves (frequency of floggings, ade-
quacy of food, character of masters, etc.). The portrait given by South
Carolina informants is a good example of those recorded by all-white in-
terview staffs. According to South Carolina Blacks, most of them were
well treated, bountifully fed and clothed, and rarely overworked by
Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves 91
kind masters. Most of them longed for the old plantation days. Although
a great deal of this can be attributed to the general propensity of man to
view his childhood through rose-colored lenses, most of it was due to
caste etiquette and the actions and attitudes of the white interviewers.
The former slaves who talked to black interviewers presented an en-
tirely different portrait of their treatment from what they told white in-
terviewers. Black scholars at Hampton Institute, Fisk University, and
Southern University conducted approximately nine hundred interviews
with ex-slaves between 1929 and 1938. The interviews they received run
directly counter to the South Carolina image of planter paternalism.
More important, none of the volumes of interviews conducted by whites
reveal as much about the internal dynamics of slave life as these 882 ac-
counts. The informants talked much more freely to black than white in-
terviewers about miscegenation, hatred of whites, courtship, marriage
and family customs, cruel punishments, separation of families, child la-
bor, black resistance to whites, and their admiration of Nat Turner. If
one begins with the testimony collected by the predominantly black
WPA staff at Hampton, by John B. Cade in Louisiana, and by Ophelia
Settles Egypt in Tennessee and uses them as the standard of accuracy,
many of the general distortions in the WPA collection can be elimi-
In spite of the skewed sample, the distortions, and the biases, the
WPA interviews reveal much about the nature of slavery. Given the
average age of the informants when they were freed, for instance, their
stories contain a great deal of information about the childhood experi-
ences of slaves. And, given the interests of interviewers, they contain a
large repository of folklore. Using only those slaves who were at least
fifteen years old in 1860, it is possible to compile some limited statistics
on the separation of families, the age at which children started work, the
occupations of slaves, and the extent to which overseers and drivers were
used. The most reliable information can be compiled by asking ques-
tions that differ from those asked by the white interviewers. In this way
some of the distortions caused by the interview situation can be over-
come. Since the memory of the harshness of the antebellum plantation
was inversely related to the former slaves' geographical distance from it,
it is necessary to compare the stories of informants still living on or near
those plantations with those of blacks who had migrated and resided in
other states. It is significant, for example, that former South Carolina
slaves who were interviewed in Georgia had a far different view of
bondage than those who were interviewed in South Carolina.47 Such
comparisons as this improve the accuracy of data compiled from the WPA
92 The Slave Narratives as History
On certain topics the WPA interviews are incomparable sources.
They probably contain, for example, more religious and secular songs
than any other single source. Similarly, the interviews contain much ge-
nealogical data on black families not found anywhere else. The WPA
collection is also a rich source of information on black speech patterns.
There are, however, many problems involved in the use of such data.48
Uncritical use of the interviews will lead almost inevitably to a sim-
plistic and distorted view of the plantation as a paternalistic institution
where the chief feature of life was mutual love and respect between
masters and slaves. A more sophisticated examination using the skills of
the linguist, statistician, folklorist, behavioral scientist, anthropologist,
and Africanist will uncover the complexity of life on the plantation.
Such systematic studies of oral lore combined with critical examinations
of published narratives will enable scholars to write more revealing and
accurate portrayals of slavery.
Many scholars, while granting the desirability of studying both kinds
of black testimony, still wonder which of them is the best kind of his-
torical evidence. The WPA interviews are so numerous and now so much
more accessible than the published narratives that at first glance they
would appear to have the edge. On the other hand, the narratives, while
part of the black oral tradition, are literary records and easier for most
historians to study. Then, too, if all the narratives that have been pub-
lished in newspapers, magazines, church minutes, and court records were
collected, they would probably outnumber the WPA interviews. Actu-
ally, the two sources are complementary: the interviews include the
women (50 percent of the total) and "average" slaves who did not pub-
lish their stories; the narratives include the blacks from the border states
missing in the interviews; and the preponderance of WPA informants
from Texas, Arkansas, and Florida makes up for the paucity of narrators
from these states.
By and large, the topics covered in the interviews and the narratives
are identical. Both kinds of testimony may be biased. The narrative has,
however, three great advantages over the interview. First, the average
narrator was twenty-eight years younger than the average WPA infor-
mant when their stories were recorded. Second, an overwhelming major-
ity of the narrators were over twenty years of age when they obtained
freedom and could thus tell what slavery was like for adults as well as
for black children. Third, all of the book-length narratives were far
longer than the WPA interviews. As a consequence of these differences,
personality traits appear in sharp relief in the narratives, while often be-
ing obscured in the interviews.
Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves 93
Although there can be no definitive answer to the question, there is a
way to demonstrate some of the advantages mentioned above. One for-
mer Kentucky slave, Peter Bruner, wrote a narrative (1918) and was in-
terviewed by the WPA (1936). A careful reading of the two stories re-
veals many of their similarities. But there are so many contradictions in
the two accounts that it is obvious that (1) Bruner concealed some things
from the interviewers, (2) the transcription was inaccurate, or (3) Bru-
ner by 1936 had forgotten many of the details he included in his 1918
In both the 950-word interview and the 54-page narrative Bruner re-
called his cruel master, the floggings he received, and his numerous at-
tempts to escape. But in the interview he revealed nothing about his par-
ents or the development of his attitudes, character, or personality. In the
interview Bruner and his master have a one-dimensional quality; both
have complex personalities in the narrative. Besides these elements, Bru-
ner's narrative includes many other things that he did not reveal to the
WPA interviewer: his addiction to alcohol; blacks who helped runaways
and resisted floggings; the amusements (gambling, drinking, dueling) of
the planters and their oppression of poor whites; introspective revela-
tions about his feelings about being enslaved; the development of his
attitudes toward work, slaveholders, and poor whites; and the Weltan-
schauung of the slave.49
In the final analysis, the methodological skills possessed by the his-
torian and the questions he wants to answer will determine whether he
uses the narratives or the interviews. Where skills and interests intersect,
he will use both. In either case, the approach must be a critical one and
take into account the following declaration of Solomon Northup:
There may be humane masters, as there certainly are inhuman ones-
there may be slaves well-clothed, well-fed, and happy, as there surely
are those half-clad, half-starved and miserable. . . . Men may write
fictions portraying lowly life as it is, or as it is not—may expatiate with
owlish gravity upon the bliss of ignorance—discourse flippantly from arm
chairs of the pleasures of slave life; but let them toil with him in the
field—sleep with him in the cabin—feed with him on husks; let them be-
hold him scourged, hunted, trampled on, and they will come back with
another story in their mouths. Let them know the heart of the poor
slave—learn his secret thoughts—thoughts he dare not utter in the hear-
ing of the white man; let them sit by him in the silent watches of the
night—converse with him in trustful confidence, of "life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness," and they will find that ninety-nine out of
every hundred are intelligent enough to understand their situation, and
to cherish in their bosoms the love of freedom, as passionately as
94 The Slave Narratives as History
If scholars want to know the heart and secret thoughts of slaves, they
must study the testimony of the blacks. But since the slave did not know
the heart and secret thoughts of masters, they must also examine the tes-
timony of whites. Neither the whites nor the blacks had a monopoly on
truth, had rended the veil cloaking the life of the other, or had seen
clearly the pain and the joy bounded by color and caste. The percep-
tions of neither can be accepted as encapsulating the totality of planta-
tion life. Consequently, whether one focuses on the slaves or the master,
one must systematically examine both black and white testimony. But,
just as there are some topics on which only the masters can provide reli-
able information, there are some questions that only the slaves can an-
swer. In this regard, scholars should always remember the perceptive
observation of Frederick Douglass that a free man "cannot see things in
the same light with the slave, because he does not, and cannot, look
from the same point from which the slave does." Because of these differ-
ences in perceptions scholars who have studied a variety of sources have
concluded that "there are questions about the slave system that can be
answered only by one who has experienced slavery. How did it 'feel' to
be owned? What were the pleasures and sufferings of a slave? What was
the slave's attitude toward his owner, toward the white man's assump-
tion of superiority, toward the white man's God? Did the slaves want to
be free? Did they feel it was their right to be free?" The individual and
collective mentality of the slaves, the ways they sought to fulfill their
needs, the experiential context of life in the quarters and in the fields,
and the Black man's personal perspective of bondage emerge only after
an intensive examination of the testimony of ex-slaves.51
1. Stanley M. Elkins, Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and
Intellectual Life, 2nd. ed. (Chicago, 1968), 3.
2. Ulrich B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South (Boston, 1929),
3. Harrison A. Trexler, Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865 (Baltimore, 1914);
Chase C. Mooney, Slavery in Tennessee (Bloomington, 1957); J. Winston
Coleman, Jr., Slavery Times in Kentucky (Chapel Hill, 1940); and Frederick
Bancroft, Slave-Trading in the Old South (Baltimore, 1931), cited many in-
terviews and narratives in their studies.
4. Benjamin A. Botkin, "The Slave as His Own Interpreter," Library of
Congress, Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions 2 (November 1944), 37;
Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves 95
Richard Hofstadter, "U.B, Phillips and the Plantation Legend," Journal of
Negro History 29 (April 1944), 109-24.
5. Josiah Henson, The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now
an Inhabitant of Canada. Narrated by Himself [to S.A. Eliot] (Boston, 1849);
Solomon Northup, Twelve Years a Slave, edited by Sue Eakins and Joseph
Logsdon (Baton Rouge, 1968), ix-xiv; Claude M. Fuess, "Samuel Atkins
Eliott," Dictionary of American Biography (23 vols. and index, New York,
1928-1973; cited hereinafter as DAB) 6: 81-82.
6. Harper Twelvetrees, ed., The Story of the Life of John Anderson, the
Fugitive Slave (London, 1863); Frederic Boase, ed., Modern English Biog-
raphy (6 vols., London and Edinburgh, 1965) III, 1055; Northup, Twelve
fears a Slave, ix-xiv.
7. Lunsford Lane, The Narrative of Lunsford Lane . . . [edited by Wil-
liam G. Hawkins] (Boston, 1848); William G. Eliot, The Story of Archer Alex-
andre from Slavery to Freedom, March 30, 1863 (Boston, 1885); Apleton's
Cyclopaedia of American Biography (6 vols., New York, 1886-1889) 3, 121;
Charlotte C. Eliot, William Greenleaf Eliot: Minister, Educator, Philanthropist
(Boston and New York, 1904), 126-51; Frank J. Bruno, "William Greenleaf
Eliot," DAB 6, 82-83.
8. Thomas Price, The History of Protestant 'Nonconformity in England
from the Reformation Under Henry VIII (2 vols., London, 1836-1838); Frank
J. Bruno, "William Greenleaf Eliot," DAB 6, 82-83; A. Everett Peterson,
"James W.C. Pennington," DAB 14, 441-42.
9. Henry Trambull, History of the Discovery of America (Brooklyn,
[1810]); Chloe Spear, Memoir of Mrs. Chloe Spear, a Native of Africa,
[edited by James S. Loring] (Boston, 1832); Robert Voorhis, Life and Ad-
ventures of Robert Voorhis, [edited by Henry Trumbull] (Providence, 1829);
James S. Loring, "The Franklin Manuscripts," Historical Magazine 3 (January
1859), 9-12; Israel R. Potter, Life and Adventures of Israel Ralph Potter (1744-
1826), [edited by Henry Trumbull] (Providence, 1824); James S. Loring, The
Hundred Boston Orators Appointed by the Municipal Authorities and Other
Public Bodies . . . (Boston, 1852); Joseph C. Lovejoy, Memoir of the Rev.
Charles T. Torrey . . . (Boston, 1847); Owen and Joseph C. Lovejoy, Memoir
of the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy (New York, 1838).
10. Allan Westcott, "Charles Edwards Lester," DAB 11, 189-90.
11. Isaac Jefferson, Memoirs of a Monticello Slave, as Dictated to Charles
Campbell . . . edited by Rayford W. Logan (Charlottesville, 1951), 3-8; Ed-
ward A. Wyatt, IV, Charles Campbell, Virginia's "Old Mortality" (Charlottes-
ville, 1935).
12. James W.C. Pennington, A Narrative of Events of the Life of J.H.
Banks, an Escaped Slave . . . (Liverpool, 1861); John Brown, Slave Life in
Georgia . . . edited by Louis A. Chamerovzow (London, 1855); Isaac Tatem
Hopper, Narrative of the Life of Thomas Cooper (New York, 1832); Rufus M.
Jones, "Isaac Tatem Hopper," DAB 9, 224; A. Everett Peterson, "James W.C.
Pennington," DAB 14, 441-42.
13. Lewis G. and Milton Clarke, Narratives of the Sufferings of Lewis and
Milton Clarke . . . [edited by Joseph C. Lovejoy] (Boston, 1846), 192-241;
Moses Roper, A Narrative of the Adventures and Escape of Moses Roper . , .
edited by Thomas Price (London, 1840), 121-84.
14. See for example: Northup, Twelve fears a Slave, [edited by David
96 The Slave Narratives as History
Wilson] (Auburn and Buffalo, 1853); Peter Wheeler, Chains and Freedom: or,
The Life and Adventures of Peter Wheeler . . ., [edited by Charles E. Lester]
(New York, 1839), v-20.
15. Charles Ball, Slavery in the United States: A Narrative of the Life and
Adventures of Charles Ball, a Black Man . . . , [edited by Thomas Fisher]
(New York, 1837); Edwin J. Scott, Random Recollections of a Long Life,
1806 to 1876 (Columbia, S.C., 1884), 9-10, 31-32, 95-98; John M. Bateman,
comp., The Columbia Scrapbook, 1701-1842 (Columbia, S.C., 1915), 20, 31-
34, 53; Helen K. Hennig, ed., Columbia, Capital City of South Carolina, 1786-
1936 (Columbia, S.C., 1936), 10, 67-70, 315, 374; Robert Mills, Statistics of
South Carolina . , . (Charleston, 1826), 688, 713-14; John Drayton, A View
of South Carolina . . . (Charleston, 1802), 104, 111, 116-49); William G.
Simms, The Geography of South Carolina (Charleston, 1843), 122-27; Ulrich
B. Phillips, ed., Plantation and Frontier Documents: 1694-1863 (2 vols., Cleve-
land, 1909), 2, 59-67; James Williams, Narrative of James Williams. An Ameri-
can Slave . . . [edited by John G. Whittier] (Philadelphia, 1838).
16. Henry Box Brown, Narrative of Henry Box Brown . . . (Boston,
1849), 1-3.
17. Jane Blake, Memoirs of Margaret Jane Blake (Philadelphia, 1834);
Elleanor Eldridge, Memoirs of Elleanor Eldridge (Providence, 1838); Sally
Williams, Aunt Sally; or, The Cross the Way to Freedom (Cincinnati, 1858).
Other unreliable narratives include Aaron, The Light and Truth of Slavery
(Worcester, Mass., n.d.); Reginald Rowland, An Ambitious Slave (Buffalo,
1897); John H. Simpson, Horrors of the Virginian Slave Trade . . . The True
Story of Dinah . , . (London, 1863); and Smith H. Platt, The Martyrs, and
the Fugitive . . . (New York, 1859).
18. See: Henry C. Bruce, The New Man. Twenty-nine Years a Slave.
Twenty-nine Years a Free Man (York, Pa., 1895); Louis Hughes, Thirty Years
a Slave (Milwaukee, 1897); Jacob Stroyer, My Life in the South (Salem,
1889); Elizabeth H. Keckley, Behind the Scenes (New York, 1868).
19. Josiah Henson, An Autobiography of the Reverend Josiah Henson,
edited by Robin W. Winks (Reading, Mass., and other cities, 1969), v-xxxiv.
20. Jean Vacheenos and Betty Volk, "Born in Bondage: History of a Slave
Family," Negro History Bulletin 36 (May 1973), 161-66.
21. Robin W. Winks, The Blacks in Canada: A History (Montreal, New
Haven, and London, 1971), 178-84, 195-204.
22. Mifflin W. Gibbs, Shadow and Light: An Autobiography (Washington,
1902), 12-13; Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 2nd ser., 15 (March 15, 1851),
174-75; William Craft, Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom . . . (London,
23. Liberator, June 8, 1849; July 11, 1850; Gibbs, Shadow and Light, 13-
14; Non-slaveholder 4 (May 1849), 107.
24. Northup, Twelve Years a Slave, edited by Eakins and Logsdon; John
Brown, Slave Life in Georgia, edited by F. Nash Boney (Savannah, 1972);
Philip D. Curtin, ed., Africa Remembered: Narratives of West Africans from
the Era of the Slave Trade (Madison, Milwaukee, and London, 1967), 60-98.
25. See for example: Wilson Armistead, A Tribute for the Negro (Man-
chester, 1848), 519-22; Bayley, Narrative of Some Remarkable Incidents in the
Life of Solomon Bayley . . . (London, 1825).
26. Eugene D. Genovese, "Getting to Know the Slaves," New York Review
Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves 97
of Books, September 21, 1972, pp. 16-19; Norman R. Yetman, "The Background
of the Slave Narrative Collection," American Quarterly 19 (Fall 1967), 534-53.
Unless otherwise indicated, all references to the WPA interviews are to George
P. Rawick, ed., The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography (19 vols.,
Westport, Conn., 1972).
27. For suggestive critical essays see: Lewis A. Dexter, Elite and Spe-
cialized Interviewing (Evanston, 1970), 119-62; American Journal of Sociology
62 (September 1965), entire issue; Stephen A. Richardson, et al., Interviewing:
Its Form and Functions (New York and London, 1965).
28. Yetman, "The Background of the Slave Narrative Collection," 534-53;
Allison Davis, Burleigh B. Gardner, and Mary R. Gardner, Deep South: A
Social Anthropological Study of Caste and Class (Chicago, 1941); Bertram W.
Doyle, The Etiquette of Race Relations in the South: A Study in Social Control
(Chicago, 1937); John Dollard, Caste and Class in the Southern Town (New
Haven and London, 1937); Hortense Powdermaker, After Freedom: A Cultural
Study in the Deep South (New York, 1939).
29. William R. Ferris, "The Collection of Racial Lore: Approaches and
Problems," New fork Folklore Quarterly 27 (September 1971), 261-62.
30. Pete Daniel, The Shadow of Slavery: Peonage in the South 1901-1969
(Urbana, Chicago, and London, 1972), 29; Charles S. Johnson, Edwin R.
Embree, and W.W. Alexander, The Collapse of Cotton Tenancy (Chapel Hill,
1935); Arthur F. Raper, Preface to Peasantry: A Tale of Two Black Belt
Counties (Chapel Hill, 1936); Charles S. Johnson, The Shadow of the Planta-
tion (Chicago, 1934); Commission on Interracial Cooperation, The Mob Still
Rides: A Review of the Lynching Record, 1931-1935 (Atlanta, 1936).
31. Rawick, ed., The American Slave 3, Pt. 3, 237, 253-54; Pt. 4, 82, 86;
17, 41, 303.
32. Ibid., 12, Pt. 1, 113-14.
33. Ferris, "The Collection of Racial Lore," 271.
34. On informant-interviewer interaction see Lewis A. Dexter, "Role Re-
lationships and Conceptions of Neutrality in Interviewing," American Journal
of Sociology 62 (September 1956), 153-57.
35. Rawick, ed., The American Slave 16 (Kentucky), 99.
36. J. Mason Brewer, "Juneteenth," Texas Folklore Society, Publications
10 (Austin, 1832), 9-54; Brewer, "John Tales," ibid., 21 (Austin, 1946), 81-
37. Norman R. Yetman, ed., Voices from Slavery (New York, Chicago, and
San Francisco, 1970), 1; Rawick, ed., The American Slave 1, xvii-xviii.
38. J. Ralph Jones, "Portraits of Georgia Slaves," Georgia Review 21
(Spring-Winter 1967), 126-32, 268-73, 407-11, 521-25; 22 (Spring and Sum-
mer 1968), 125-27, 254-57; Rawick, ed., The American Slave 12. Pt. 1, 9-16,
86-90; Pt. 2,17-27, 13; Pt. 3, 14-15; Pt. 4, 205-11.
39. Jones, "Portraits of Georgia Slaves," 21, 268-73, 407-11; Rawick, ed.,
The American Slave 12, Pt. 1, 9-16, 86-90.
40. Jones, "Portraits of Georgia Slaves," 21, 271.
41. Writers' Program, Virginia, The Negro in Virginia (New York, 1940),
31-33, 57, 65-71, 82, 92-95, 143-44, 154-55, 170-71, 201-202, 302; Rawick,
ed., The American Slave 16 (Virginia), 1-6, 15-16, 21-26, 31-41, 46-54. Lewis
contributed a preface to The Negro in Virginia, but he was not formally desig-
nated editor of the volume.
98 The Slave Narratives as History
42. Yetman, "The Background of the Slave Narrative Collection," 534-53.
For examples of interviews conducted by northerners during and immediately
after the Civil War, see: Laura S. Haviland, A Woman's Life-Work: Labors and
Experiences of Laura S. Haviland (Chicago, 1887), 439-49; and George H.
Hepworth, The Whip, Hoe and Sword; or, The Gulf-Department in '63
(Boston, 1864), 152-59.
43. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Negro Population 1790-1915 (Washington,
1918), 57.
44. Jan Vansina, "Once upon a Time: Oral Traditions as History in Africa,"
Daedalus 100 (Spring 1971), 456. See also Vansina, Oral Tradition: A Study
in Historical Methodology (Chicago, 1965).
45. Rawick, ed., The American Slave 13, Pt. 4, 291, 309, 326.
46. Ophelia Settles Egypt interviewed 100 former slaves; John B. Cade
and his associates, 482; and Roscoe Lewis and Hampton Institute blacks, 300.
Yetman, "The Background of the Slave Narrative Collection," 534-53.
47. Rawick, ed., The American Slave 13, Pt. 3, 233-35, 288-94.
48. Ibid., 1, 176.
49. Ibid., 16 (Kentucky), 88-90; Peter Bruner, A Slave's Adventures To-
ward Freedom (Oxford, Ohio [1918]).
50. Northup, Twelve Years a Slave, edited by David Wilson, 206-207.
51. Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom (New York, 1855),
339; Writers' Program, Virginia, The Negro in Virginia, 27.
Plantation Factories
and the Slave Work Ethic
Few images of the slave plantation have enjoyed a longer life than the
analogy to a well ordered and disciplined factory. But factories that re-
cruited an involuntary and pre-industrial workforce to an alien culture
were not without disadvantages. Over two hundred years ago a French
philosophe, the Abbe Raynal, penned a remarkable passage that even
today contains most of the salient aspects of New World slavery with
which modern scholars must grapple.
The error here is one of context, and it provides a particularly vivid ex-
ample of the problem pointed out earlier.
It is historically true that peasant producers in agricultural societies
have generally adopted irregular or task-oriented work patterns conso-
nant with the length of the day and the turning of the seasons and
crops. However, in societies where these producers were in principle
free, the work-leisure decision and the rhythm of work were adapted to
nature by the worker's choice. E.P. Thompson, upon whose work Geno-
vese draws, points out that this task-oriented approach to labor and time
presupposes "the independent peasant or craftsman as referent." "The
farm servant, or the regular wage-earning field labourer," elaborates
Thompson, "was undoubtedly subject to an intense labour discipline."7
The slaves were bound in a class relationship in which their work-leisure
decision was made by someone else. There is no logical connection be-
tween rural work patterns and nature and in the context of a master-
slave relationship no social one either. The seasons and weather condi-
tioned, not so much the rhythm of work, but the nature of the work
performed. The free peasant's choice of an irregular work rhythm demon-
strated that he valued leisure during the rainy season more highly than
any output which could be produced inside his hut. Similarly, the value
of alternative work to the slave was likely to be low, but the issue is
whether that work had value to the master. Thus ex-slave Adrianna
Kerns testified, "when we had to come out of the field on account of
rain, we would go to the corn crib and shuck corn if we didn't have some
weaving to do." Similarly Texan Andrew Goodman recalled his master's
policy in regard to the effect of nature upon the slave's work pattern.
"He didn't never put his niggers out in bad weather. He gave us some-
thing to do that we could do in out of the weather, like shelling corn
and the womens could spin and knit."8 This point should make us aware
that the search for the causal roots of the slave's conceptualization of the
meaning of work must also explain the master's failure to completely
Plantations and the Slave Work Ethic 103
shape that conception. This failure is closely related to the slaves' own
understanding of their relationship to a world order they seemingly
could not alter. An understanding, while elusive, is not unattainable; for
the slave narratives and testimony are replete with references to work
and leisure.
To speak of a work ethic is to ask not how much work a people did, or
even how much work they thought they should do, although the latter is
getting tolerably close. It is to ask of a people what meaning did work
have in their own conceptualization of their social existence. In this
sense, the work ethic of a people is so securely bound to their collective
Weltanschauung as to make meaningless any attempt to ask questions
which transcend a given collective experience. Thus the alteration of the
social relations embedded in slavery would precipitate a change in the
very meaning of the concept of work itself. The frequently commented
upon corn-shuckings is a case in point. Often a vehicle for performing
what would be a large amount of tedious work, the corn-shucking was
also an occasion for the gathering of friends and neighbors from many
plantations. The corn-shucking was seen by many slaves as much more
than work. In a typical example of contextual transition in slave testi-
mony, freedman Cicero Finch reminisced about his days of thralldom in
It was more fun to work in dem days than it is to play now.9
This statement reveals much about plantation life during the antebellum
period, but any attempt to go outside the context of that experience is
liable to become entrapped in serious errors. A time for festivities and
rejoicing, corn-shucking was a communal experience, which although
like the famous barn raisings and quilting bees of American pioneer
days, was yet fundamentally different. Whether most slaves thought of
the corn-shucking as leisure or work cannot be positively determined.
What we may assert with confidence is that it was a communal experi-
ence, keeping in mind that it was the experience of a slave community;
an experience that within its own context was voluntarily sought yet
simultaneously one for which participation was not totally voluntary.
Corn-shuckings were joyous activities for some slave communities, but
for the freedpeople living under different class relations, corn-shuckings
or other communal festivals could be scheduled at a time and place of
their own choosing and we may suspect that such gatherings were joyful.
As a free people even as soon after emancipation as 1870, when the
planter's corn needed shucking, it was no longer an event which served
a communal purpose. For the blacks, it had become simply work. The
freedpeople, able to make self-determining choices along some lines,
104 The Slave Narratives as History
were attempting to define a clearer demarcation between work and
leisure. How many planters were as perplexed with the change in the
attitude of the freedpeople as the southerner who complained, "The
corn has been gathered and housed, but not accompanied by those glori-
ous corn-shuckings that once aroused all the mirth, melody, and merry-
making qualities of the negro."10
That a revolutionary change in social status might require a rather
subtle reconceptualization of what was and was not leisure, and there-
fore work, was understood by a freedman who reminisced about work
during his days as a slave.
The only good times I had was on Sundays. Of course, I wouldn't call
them good times now for it wasn't nothing but a part day rest from
work. You see a man's measure of a thing depends on what he can get.
Where it is work, work all the time, a few hours rest may mean as much
as two or three days if you know how to use it. It is just like a drowning
man grabbing a straw. A little time to set around and talk on Sunday
seemed like a picnic to us.11
There used to be some awful times during slavery days. Work! Work!
Work! From dawn to dusk. But in spite of all the work and strictness
some of the slaves used to slip from place to place after night, and find a
Plantations and the Slave Work Ethic 105
little pleasure. But woe be unto you if the paddyrollers caught you out
after dark without a pass.13
This context, once having defined leisure, did not have to search very
much for its antithesis. Slavery and work were inseparable concepts to
the slave, so leisure and freedom came to be synonymous. Here is the
basis for one of the more profound errors of context ever made about the
"black work ethic." The planter class at the end of the Civil War was
constantly complaining and congratulating itself that to the Negro,
freedom and leisure were identical. Some outside observers such as Gen-
eral Wager Swayne, head of the Alabama Freedmen's Bureau, were in
basic agreement, but more perceptive. Swayne commented at the end of
1866 that "slavery had been identified so thoroughly with work, that
freedmen were not uncommon who believed that work was no part of
freedom." Both observers were defining leisure outside its new and
proper context. Once free, the blacks could no longer view work and
leisure in the same way. Actually they were at this time not attempting
to exist free of labor, but to become the independent peasants and crafts-
men who could, according to E.P. Thompson, choose time and work
rhythms that flowed naturally with nature. Asked why he and his family
had left their former master for the coastal region of South Carolina, one
ex-slave revealed his conception of freedom with a text that belied both
his origins and his sense of changing context:
I heard there was a chance of we being our own driver here; thats why
we come.15
No single sentence in all the slave narratives I have read captures better
the overwhelming presence of the whip in the minds of the slaves and
their testimony. Freedman Austin Grant offers us a rare insight into the
mechanics of family participation in the development of the slave child's
The extent of this attitude in slave culture is indicated by the ideas ex-
pressed by the actions of slave folk heroes. Heroes such as the powerful
slave Randall on a Missouri plantation with William Wells Brown or the
more apocryphal type such as one freedman's "old man jack" always
appear as valuable hard workers who would not be whipped.17 Figures
like "Old Man Jack" and Randall, the slaves' ideal slave, tell us much
about their attitudes to work. The powerful slave who refused to be
whipped and was willing to die rather than submit to that ignominy was
an ideal which few slaves could ever achieve. But its pervasive existence
portrays a communal ideal. Such slaves had achieved in spirit that which
most sought for the flesh. When Old Man Jack worked it was not from
fear, but from a freely made choice not to die.
It is within the context of the "ideal slave" that we must look for the
relationship among the planter's code of paternalism, the slave work
ethic, and accommodation. We see in Old Man Jack a slave who is his
Plantations and the Slave Work Ethic 107
own master. He must work if he is to live, for slaves exist to work. Yet it
cannot be said that Jack has accepted the paternalist compact. He works
not out of an obligation for being fed and cared for, but from a sense of
his own being. Slaves such as Jack could take care of themselves. For
instance, when his owner confronted the slaves with the fact of a missing
pig, Jack supplies the following explanation:
I killed that shoat and ate him up. I work hard for you everyday and
you don't provide enough to eat for us. That is why I killed him.18
A lesser slave would have denied the fact for fear of punishment and in
doing so would have accommodated, accepted the owner's authority.
Jack has accommodated not to the owner's authority, but to physical
reality. He will serve, but not be possessed. What accommodation means
to "Old Man Jack" and therefore to slave culture has been said in far
better terms than I could put it by Jose Craveirinha, a Negritude poet
from Mozambique.
I am coal!
And you tear me brutally from the ground
and you make me your source of wealth, boss.
I am coal!
And you ignite me, boss
in order to serve you eternally as motive force
but not eternally, boss.
I am coal
and I must blaze, yes
and burn all with the force of my combustion.
I am coal
I must blaze in exploitation
blaze into ashes of malediction
blaze alive like tar brother
until I am no longer your wealth, boss
I am coal
I must blaze
burn all with the fire of my combustion
I will be your coal, boss!19
To those who did not have the inner strength of an "Old Man Jack," ac-
commodation could be defined within the context of religion. One ex-
slave recalled what role religion played in her life, while a slave. "I just
gave up all earthly hopes and thought all the time about the next life."
The slaves often sang about their acceptance of slavery.
108 The Slave Narratives as History
Our troubles will soon be over,
I'm going to live with Jesus-
After while;
Praying time will soon be over,
I'm going home to live with Jesus-
After while
All I want is Jesus; you may have
all the world.
Just give me Jesus.20
The many songs and spirituals similar to this one indicate a communal
consciousness that utilized the power of religion in a way that differed
broadly from the intentions of masters or the Abbe Raynal. If slaves
could have accepted the world-view that masters offered there would
have been far less need for the religion practiced in the quarters or deep
in the woods.
Some slaves accepted the planter's model and code of behavior. But
the slave's idea of the ideal slave must conform to the images created by
the slave songs, the poetry of slavery which tell us so much about slave
culture. Few of these lyrics are indicative of an acceptance of the plant-
er's paternalistic compact. Frederick Douglass, in his attack upon this
image of the slave system, offered one song as evidence of the slave's
awareness of their unjust subjugation.
We raise de wheat,
Dey gib us de corn;
We bake de bread,
Dey gib us the cruss;
We sif de meal,
Dey gib us de huss;
We peal de meat,
Dey gib us de skin
And dat's de way
Dey takes us in.
That the last two lines of the song are evidence of an even deeper under-
standing and rejection of the planter's paternalism is made clear by a
different version of this song.
But it is unlikely that the average fieldhand was endowed with even an
unsophisticated class based understanding of his condition. Austin Grant
remembered the basis for the distribution of wealth and work in more
specific terms. "The boss man (overseer) had a nice rock house. The
white women didn't do any work a-tall." Another version of the previous
corn song is instructive.
The Negro slaves' sense of their exploitation was seen within the context
of their color. Black slaves imprisoned in a white world were asked to
accept their condition upon the basis of a natural inferiority. How some
reacted is exemplified by the following song, which was supposed to
have been popular among the South Carolina and Georgia Sea Island
Oh, bruders, let us leave
Dis buckra land for Hayti,
110 The Slave Narratives as History
Dah we be receive
Grand as Lafayetty.
Make a mighty show
When we land from steamship,
You'll be like Monro,
Me like Lewis Philip.
Frances Butler Leigh reported that this song was composed about 1840.
She also, somewhat unwittingly, recognized one of the fundamental
continuities in Afro-American culture. Replace Kansas for Hayti and
1789 for 1840 "and haven't we exactly the same story," asked Mrs. Leigh.
If the black slaves could have accepted their inferior status as nat-
ural, a status that need not have been maintained by the physical power
of whites, then they may well have accepted the paternalist compact.
But a system that relegated all blacks to a position below all whites re-
gardless of obvious discrepancies of abilities in many individual cases
was too flawed to escape the attention of those in bondage. As a result
slavery was seen for what it was, an institution deriving its stability from
the force of physical power. Slaves accommodated themselves to this
Plantations and the Slave Work Ethic 111
superior force, an accommodation that was far from acceptance of the
paternalist ideal. It was an accommodation which produced songs of ex-
ploitation and despair. It produced a labor force that developed con-
cepts of work and leisure that were, from the context of our perspective,
distorted by their very existence. Work after all, was the meaning of the
slaves' existence. They were coal.
1. Abbe Raynal, A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements
and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies, Vol. 11 (London,
1777), trans. J. Justamond, M.A., pp. 423-4.
2. Robert W. Fogel and Stanley Engermann, Time on the Cross: The
Economics of American Slavery (New York, 1972). Eugene D. Genovese, Roll
Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made (New York, 1972).
3. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (New
York, 1964), College edition.
4. John Blassingame, The Slave Community (New York, 1972), Eugene
Genovese, ibid., George Rawick, The American Slave: A Composite Autobiog-
raphy (Westport, Connecticut), and references therein.
5. George P. Rawick, ibid., Volume 9, Part 4, p. 182.
6. Genovese, ibid., pp. 286, 291.
7. E.P. Thompson, "Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism," Past
and Present, No. 38, December 1967, pp. 61, 77.
8. Rawick, ibid., Arkansas Narratives, Vol. 9, Part 4, p. 193. Texas Narra-
tives, Vol. 5, Part 4, p. 1523.
9. John W. Blassingame, Slave Testimony (Baton Rouge, 1977), p. 583.
10. The Galaxy, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 1871, p. 337.
11. Rawick, ibid., Vol. 19, p. 179.
12. Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An
American Slave (Cambridge, 1960), ed. Benjamin Quarles, pp. 35-37. My
Bondage and My Freedom, p. 75.
13. Rawick, ibid., Vol. 19, p. 176.
14. Quoted in Julius Lester, To Be a Slave (New York, 1968), p. 107.
15. J.T. Trowbridge, The South (Hartford, Connecticut, 1865), p. 545.
16. Rawick, ibid., Vol. 19, p. 185. Douglass, ibid., p. 56. Rawick, ibid.,
Texas Narratives, Vol. 5, Part 4, p. 1537.
17. William Wells Brown, Narrative of William Wells Brown, in Gilbert
Osofsky, Puttin on Ole Massa (New York, 1969), p. 181. Rawick, ibid., Vol.
19, p. 178.
18. Rawick, ibid., Vol. 19, p. 178.
19. Russell Hamilton, Voices from an Empire: A History of Afro-Portuguese
Literature (Minneapolis, 1975), p. 204.
20. Rawick, ibid., Vol. 3, p. 6.
21. Douglass, Bondage, p. 253. Rawick, ibid., Texas Narratives, Vol. 5,
Part 4, p. 1582.
112 The Slave Narratives as History
22. Southern Cultivator, VIII (1850), p. 163. Quoted in Kenneth M.
Stampp, The Peculiar Institution (New York, 1969), p. 78.
23. Genovese, ibid., p. 318. Rawick, ibid., Vol. 5, p. 1539. Howard W.
Odum, Negro Workaday Songs (New York, 1969), p. 117.
24. Frances Butler Leigh, Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation (London,
1883), p. 229.
Of the many narratives written for, and on occasion by, fugitive slaves
who fled from the United States to the provinces of British North Amer-
ica before the Civil War, no single book has been so widely read, so fre-
quently revised, and so influential as the autobiography of Josiah Hen-
son. For Henson came to be identified with one of the best known figures
in nineteenth century American literature, the venerable and self-sacri-
ficing Uncle Tom of Harriet Beecher Stowe's most famous novel. To the
popular mind then, and to many people now, Henson was undeniably
Tom, the very figure from whom Mrs. Stowe borrowed large elements of
plot and characterization, the figure who came to symbolize the succesful
fugitive, the man who permanently settled in Canada and there won
fame, if not fortune, and a permanent place in the history of the aboli-
tionist struggle.
Indeed, Henson's fame is assured, for even he came in time to believe
that he was the original Uncle Tom, and his neighbors accepted this
evaluation. His cabin and grave, in rural Ontario, became tourist attrac-
tions, and Dresden, ironically the center of the province's most clearly
practiced color bar in the 1950's, advertised itself as the Home of Uncle
Tom. At first untended, but from 1930 looked after by the Independent
Order of the Daughters of the Empire and later by the Dresden Horti-
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 115
cultural Society, the grave became the scene of Negro Masonic pilgrim-
ages. Henson's house was opened as a museum in 1948, and the cemetery
of the colony of which the house was a part was restored by the National
Historic Sites Board of Canada in 1965, with plans afoot to recreate a
portion of the community itself, both to instill civic pride in black Cana-
dians and as a tourist attraction. The Historic Sites Board gave the con-
siderable force of its approval to the Henson saga when it placed a
plaque near the restored home in honor of the man "whose life provided
much of the material for ... 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'."4
Henson became one of the best known of all fugitive slaves, the sev-
eral editions of his narrative one of the most frequently consulted
sources, his life thought to be the archetypical fugitive experience. The
first version of his autobiography, published in 1849, is without guile,
straight-forward, dramatic in its simplicity. But this fugitive from Ken-
tucky, clearly intelligent and hard-working, also shared the normal desire
to collect a few of the merit badges that life might offer, and when he
found himself thrust into fame in a role that just might fit, he hugged his
new role to himself until his death. To his credit, not until he was old
and senile did Henson ever unequivocally claim to be Uncle Tom, but he
did nothing to stop others from making the claim for him. Those versions
of his autobiography which appeared after the publication of Uncle
Tom's Cabin in 1852 showed substantial alterations, extensions, and
fabrications, and the fullest of these accounts, ghost-written for Henson
by an English clergyman-editor, John Lobb, was brought back into print
in 1969 not only for what it tells us about Henson and the fugitive slaves,
but for the fullness of detail it provides, most of it accurate, about fugi-
tive life in Canada, and for the almost classic opportunity it afforded to
study the ways in which texts might be altered to serve a cause.5
For the cause of the abolitionists was served well by Henson's narra-
tive. In many ways his saga is illustrative of the problem of the intelli-
gent fugitive slave of the time: Henson was seldom left free to be him-
self, to assimilate if he wished into the mainstream of Canadian life—even
of black Canadian life—for he became the focus of abolitionist attention,
a tool to be used in a propaganda campaign which was not above much
juggling with the facts, however proper its ultimate goals may have been.
For these reasons his life, and his autobiographical account of it, deserve
examination in some detail. And that life, and narrative, must be seen
against the background of the efforts made by and on behalf of the fugi-
tive slaves to found all-black colonies in Canada West, or present-day
Ontario. The most significant of these attempts was one initiated in 1842
under the promising name of Dawn, and it is with Dawn that we asso-
ciate Henson's Canadian sojourn.6
116 The Slave Narratives as History
Dawn represented one attempt to adjust to the presumed realities of
a white America. No less than the European immigrants of the time,
some blacks believed in the success ethic that lay behind one of the
United States's chief messages to the world: hard work, clean living,
education, and an eye for the main chance would bring a man, at least
a free man, even if black—and unless flawed by character or caught by
bad luck—to the top. However, the black was flawed, in the eyes of
many, by character and certainly by luck, in terms of the hard truths of
a white world, and enough realized that the demise of slavery alone
(which surely was coming) was not sufficient to give the black American
a place in the line inexorably marching toward success. Manual labor in-
stitutes, practical training, the fundamentals of a bookish education, and
some understanding of how a capitalist economy actually worked were
essential—or so Josiah Henson would argue later in his autobiography.
A brief escape from the world was needed so that the black might mas-
ter these tools, so that he might catch up with the white man, who had
not been deprived of the necessary knowledge. A firm belief in education
and the instant status it gave lay behind the many assumed titles, the
Doctors, Professors, and Right Reverends who sprang so quickly from
their soil. In a communal society, the black could train himself to use
freedom, could come to follow the mores, to reflect the virtues, to accept
the ethics of the dominant white society. In short, the virtues of the
black community experiments were normative ones, most blacks ac-
cepted the social environment of the North much as it was, or as they
saw it to be, and they did not intend to retreat from it permanently or to
reform it. Rather than turning their backs upon white society, they
sought a temporary refuge in which to prepare for a full place in that
Dawn began in Ohio. In 1834 the Board of Trustees of the Lane
Seminary in Cincinnati told students and faculty that they were not to
organize anti-slavery activities, and among the Lane Rebels, as they
were named, who left for the more liberal atmosphere of Oberlin Col-
lege, was Hiram Wilson.7 In the late fall of 1836, with $25 given to him
by Charles Grandison Finney, Wilson went to Upper Canada (as On-
tario was then called) to see for himself how the fugitives were faring,
and in the spring he returned to attend the annual meeting of the Amer-
ican Anti-Slavery Society as a delegate from the province. With the help
of other Oberlin students, he began what he hoped would be a series of
schools within the growing black communities, schools not restricted to
blacks, and late in 1837 he addressed the newly-formed Upper Canada
Anti-Slavery Society about the merits of educating fugitives. He also
borrowed heavily, and although by the fall of 1839 his work in Amherst-
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 117
burg, across the river from Detroit, was well-known in Northern aboli-
tionist circles, he confessed to the Peterboro anti-slavery leader, Gerrit
Smith, that he was trusting in the Lord to pay a debt of $10,000. In 1840
the American Anti-Slavery Society commended him to the "liberal pa-
tronage of every true-hearted abolitionist," and the next year Smith and
others organized a Rochester-based committee to help channel funds to
the several schools—ultimately fifteen in all—begun by or inspired through
Wilson's work. His efforts became the Canada Mission, and since he was
trusted, where itinerant black preachers often were not, funds, Bibles,
and clothing funnelled through Wilson to the fugitive slave encamp-
Wilson attracted the attention of a Quaker philanthropist in Skane-
ateles, New York, James Cannines Fuller, who wished to help fugitives
but not to violate his principle that Americans must not interfere in
Canadian matters. Schools which were controlled from the United States
were not agreeable, therefore, but missions firmly rooted in Canadian
soil, although run according to Wilson's principles, were acceptable.
Fuller accordingly raised much of the initial money for The British-
American Institute, a school for the ". . . Education Mental Moral and
physical of the Coloured inhabitants of Canada not excluding white per-
sons and Indians."9 He sought money on a tour of England, contacted
Gerrit Smith, and agreed to serve on the new school's board, and in No-
vember of 1841 the sponsors purchased two hundred acres of land near
London, Canada West, for $800. Thirteen months later they opened the
doors of a manual-labor school to its first twelve students. The trustees
were three white men, Fuller, the Reverend John Roaf, a Congregational
Minister from Toronto who was active in the anti-slavery society there,10
and Frederick Stover of Norwich, Canada West, who had been associ-
ated with the British anti-slavery leader, William Wilberforce; and three
Blacks, Peter Smith, George Johnson, and James C. Brown, the last hav-
ing moved to Dawn from Toronto in order to help.
Around the institute grew the community, and since the whites con-
sidered that the town was in charge of the school—as, in fact, it was
not—Dawn itself stood or fell on the school. The institute came to own
perhaps three hundred acres of land; the black settlers owned another
fifteen hundred, on which they raised tobacco, wheat, corn and oats. In
time, the population rose to five hundred or more, and the community
was served by its own saw and grist mills, a brick yard, and a rope walk.
Lumbering proved modestly rewarding, and in all, the settlers increased
the value of their land by over a dollar an acre within five years.
The man most responsible for Dawn's initial success was Josiah Hen-
son, one of the few black leaders in Canada West who seems to have
118 The Slave Narratives as History
won nearly universal white approval at first, both for his own activities
and, later, for being taken as Mrs. Stowe's Uncle Tom. Born near Port
Tobacco, in Charles County, Maryland, on June 15, 1789, Henson passed
through the hands of three owners, became a Christian in his eighteenth
year, and was maimed for life when one of his master's enemies beat him
with a stake, breaking his arm and, perhaps, both of his shoulder blades.
At twenty-two Henson married, and during the next forty years he
fathered twelve children, eight of whom survived. Recognizing that, on
the whole, he was owned by a fair man, he worked hard to ingratiate
himself, toiling and inducing others to toil "many an extra hour, in order
to show my master what an excellent day's work had been accomplished,
and to win a kind word or a benevolent deed from his callous heart.11
His sense of loyalty was so strong, he personally conducted eighteen of
his owner's slaves to Kentucky, passing by the Ohio shores, yet resisting
the temptation to run away. He remained in Kentucky for three years,
became a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was made
an unofficial overseer, trusted with considerable freedom of movement.
He then returned to his owner in Maryland, preaching in Ohio while on
the way, thus collecting $275, a horse, and some clothes, with which he
hoped to purchase his freedom. The owner agreed to sell for $450, and
by disposing of horse and clothes, Henson raised $350 and signed a note
for the rest. When he returned to Kentucky, he learned that his owner
now said that the sale price was $1,000, and the slave was unable to dis-
prove this. Henson still did not flee, however, although the Ohio River
was nearby.
Henson's decision to escape arose from what he regarded as moral
mistreatment in New Orleans. Asked to accompany his owner's nephew
south, he realized that despite denials he was to be sold, and on the
journey he took up an axe to kill his sleeping companions, only to realize
that as a Christian he could not. He was saved from being sold, and
parted from the wife he had left in Kentucky, only because his white
companion fell seriously ill while in Louisiana and asked Henson to take
him back to his home. Henson did so, but he resolved that the decision
to sell him, together with his owner's "attempt to kidnap me again, after
having pocketed three-fourths of my market value, absolved me from
any obligation ... to pay him any more, or to continue in a position
which exposed me to his machinations."12
He decided to flee to Canada.
His escape showed foresight and considerable courage. By a ruse he
drew out his son, who normally passed the night in the proprietor's
house, and choosing a time when, because of the routine of the planta-
tion, they would not be missed for three days, he crossed the Ohio River
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 119
to the Indiana shore. He carried his two smallest children on his back
in a large knapsack; two others walked, as did his wife. The family took
a fortnight to reach Cincinnati; with the unexpected assistance of In-
dians, they pressed on to Sandusky, fell in with a sympathic Scots
steamer captain and were taken to Buffalo. On October 28, 1830, about
six weeks after crossing the Ohio, the Hensons threw themselves on Ca-
nadian soil, Josiah executing "sundry antics which excited the astonish-
ment of those who were looking on."13
Josiah adjusted quickly to a life of freedom. On his second attempt
he found employment. Home was an old shack, from which he expelled
pigs, but in which, for the first time, his family could enjoy privacy and
"some of the comforts of life, while the necessaries of food and fuel were
abundant." Henson worked for both shares and wages, purchased some
livestock, resumed preaching, and saw his boy Tom given two quarters'
of schooling at the expense of his employer. Josiah had an excellent
memory, and for some time he was able to give the impression that he
could read the Bible by memorizing the passages he heard, but one day
his son asked, "Why, father, can't you read?" and Josiah, a man of great
and stubborn pride, confessed that he could not. The twelve-year-old
lad then set out to teach him how, and in time Josiah learned "to read a
little."14 Soon after, he took employment with one Benjamin Riseley, who
allowed him to call prayer meetings in his home.
At one of these meetings a small group of Blacks decided to invest
their earnings collectively in land. "It was precisely the Yankee spirit
which I wished to instil into my fellow slaves, if possible," Henson later
wrote,15 and in the fall of 1834 he set out to find a suitable area for
them. He rented cleared lots near Colchester, where he and his followers
sought to raise tobacco and wheat. According to Henson, he learned that
the grantee had not complied with some of the conditions for his allot-
ment, however, and he wrote to the Lieutenant-Governor, who advised
the blacks to apply to the legislature for relief. Upon doing so they
found themselves freed from rent, although now subject themselves to
the usual improvement clauses. They had meant to leave the site quickly,
but given this boon they remained for seven years.
Henson now was devoting most of his thought to the problems of
how fugitives like himself might best adjust to Upper Canada. As he
said, "The mere delight the slave took in his freedom, rendered him, at
first, contented with a lot far inferior to that which he might have at-
tained. Then his ignorance led him to make unprofitable bargains, and
he would often hire wild land on short terms, and bind himself to clear
a certain number of acres; and by the time they were cleared and fitted
for cultivation his lease was out, and his landlord would come in, and
120 The Slave Narratives as History
raise a splendid crop on the new land. . . ." Too, the blacks often raised
only tobacco, tempted by the high price it brought, and this created a
glut in an already depressed market, and the blacks who had not diversi-
fied with wheat consequently were driven to the wall. To correct this,
Henson "set seriously about the business of lecturing upon the subject
of crops, wages, and profits. . . ."16
While in Colchester, Henson met Hiram Wilson, and from 1836 the
two worked together. When Fuller returned from England with funds to
establish a manual labor institute, it was Henson and Wilson who called
a convention in June, 1838, to determine how and where the money
might best be spent. As Henson knew, with all the sensitivity of the self-
consciously unlettered who see universal education as a panacea, blacks
increasingly were excluded from the public schools of the province, and
upon his urging the delegates decided to found The British-American
Institute. In 1842 Henson moved to Dawn. "We look to the school, and
the possession of landed property by individuals, as two great means of
elevation of our oppressed and degraded race . . ." he later wrote in his
This autobiography was first published by Arthur D. Phelps in Boston
early in 1849. Hoping to earn some small income for the British-Ameri-
can Institute, Henson spoke of his experiences to Samuel A. Eliot, a
former Mayor of Boston who was well-known for his moderate anti-
slavery views, and Eliot wrote The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a
Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada.18 In style, pace, and proportion the
account reflects the unembellished simplicity of Henson's life. Clearly,
he was an unusual man, alert and intelligent. Equally clearly, he emerged
as a natural leader to other Blacks, for he understood figures where they
did not, and he was imaginative and independent in his approach to
immediate problems. The narrative also showed that Henson was vain
behind his facade of humility, proud, possessive, and prone to seek out
quick approbation rather than long-range solutions. He needed to lead,
and often led well, but he rather enjoyed manipulating the lives of
others, if always for what he conceived to be their benefit. He seemed
immensely stable, given neither to recriminations nor to a paralyzing
fatalism, and in the main, he was an effective spokesman for the black
Canadians despite his deeply-felt need to please. If Dawn succeeded,
much would be due Henson; otherwise, he was unlikely to win recogni-
tion outside a limited circle.
But three years after the publication of Henson's life, there appeared
the book which was to enlarge this circle immeasurably. In 1851 a Wash-
ington weekly paper, The National Era, began the serial publication of
a long story written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, the wife of a Professor
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 121
at Bowdoin College in Maine. Originally to have carried the subtitle,
"The Man that Was a Thing," Mrs. Stowe's narrative, renamed "Uncle
Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly," ran in the Era from June 1851,
until April 1852. Uncle Tom quickly built a following, and ten days
before the last installment appeared, the whole was issued in two vol-
umes, to be sold for a dollar. The novel swept the Northern states, En-
gland—where in London alone twenty different pirated editions were
published within the year—and the Continent.16
In British North America as well everyone seemed to be reading
about Uncle Tom.20 A Montreal monthly periodical, The Maple Leaf,
serialized the book, with an abridged conclusion, from July 1852, until
the following June. The influential Toronto Globe, edited by an ardent
abolitionist, George Brown, printed extracts and the famous fifth chapter
in its entirety. The Montreal Gazette noted it only less favorably. Within
weeks there were separate Toronto and Montreal editions based upon
the Boston printing.21 In St. Thomas, Canada West, a diorama illustrative
of Mrs. Stowe's more poignant scenes was widely viewed, in Toronto
strolling players dramatized the novel in the streets, and the London
Mechanic's Institute Library doubled its order for copies. In Montreal
La Case de l'Oncle Tom was an immediate success, and Wilfrid Laurier,
one day to be Canada's Prime Minister and then a boy of ten, borrowed
a copy from a college friend and annoyed his landlady by burning his
lamp through the night in order to finish it. Hundreds of young boys
who, less than ten years later, would enter the Northern armies, de-
voured it in the one-volume edition. Soon incorporated into Erastus
Beadle's Dime Novels, the book found an ever-expanding readership.22
Only in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island did Mrs. Stowe receive
a mixed press: in a lengthy review in The Provincial, a new Halifax
monthly, an anonymous critic observed that Uncle Tom's Cabin had
been discussed by everyone and that it justly condemned slavery, but he
felt that its author had overdrawn her case, or that blacks in Nova Scotia
were unusually inferior. "The insufferable arrogance and uncleanly habits
of Colonial negroes make it almost impossible for us to hold association
with them": "We are unwilling even to occupy the same conveyance,
and disdain to sit at the same table"; "we have no hesitation in pronounc-
ing .them far inferior in morality, intelligence, and cleanliness, to the
very lowest among the white population. . . ." The Charlottetown Is-
lander also cautioned against romancers who described exceptional cases
rather than the rule.23
But the hold taken by Uncle Tom's Cabin on the public imagination
was secure and long-lasting—certainly longer in British North America
than in the United States. In 1932 a report on reading habits among Ca-
122 The Slave Narratives as History
nadian secondary school students showed that Tom still was the most
popular American book, and in 1952 sales in Toronto, in particular, con-
tinued briskly.24 In its several dramatized forms "Tom" became a peren-
nial favorite for traveling troops, and with the addition of bloodhounds
to pursue Eliza across the ice floes, Tom Shows played to appreciative
audiences throughout English-speaking Canada. A touring group carried
Tom and related minstrelsy into New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in the
1860's, and there were minstrel and Tom shows "galore" in Halifax in the
'60's and '70's.25 By the 1880's rural communities might be exposed to
Tommers five or six times in the decade.26 Ironically, similar groups per-
formed in Dresden, Ontario, in 1919 and 1923, a mile from Josiah Hen-
son's grave, to segregated audiences, and into the 1920's the almost
lunatic jollity, the cringing piety, and the blackface distortions of the
shows continued to attract crowds in the Maritime Provinces.27
This explosive and utterly unexpected effect of her work may have
frightened Mrs. Stowe. Assuredly, the virulence of the Southern attack
upon her novel, upon not only its sentiments, its plot, and its style, but
also upon its allegedly factual base, disturbed her. Even friendly re-
viewers doubted her veracity: The Times of London found Tom too
pure, too perfect to believe, and thought Mrs. Stowe's "honest zeal" had
outrun her discretion.28 As the London editions mounted toward forty, as
the rage for Uncle Tom swept across the Continent, his creator felt
obliged to justify what she had written.29 In the novel she had claimed
to be a close student of the slave states, and having lived in Cincinnati
at the time of the Lane revolt, she was, in fact, tolerably well-informed.
But she saw that the novel could not stand alone, undefended, and she
went forth to her own defense, therefore, vigorously, massively—but not
Accordingly, she constructed A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin: Present-
ing the Original Facts and Documents upon which the Story is Founded
. . . , which was published in Boston, in 1853. The title was less than
honest, for the documentation she brought together in the Key, while
amply supporting much that she had put in her novel, had not all been
in her possession at the time Uncle Tom was created; quite simply the
Key was a post hoc attempt to buttress a thesis already expressed. Not
unnaturally, she made the best case for herself in assembling her mate-
rials, and in an opening chapter she made clear her belief to have in-
jected documentation into the novel would have been to clog its narra-
tive drive.
To collect material for her Key, Mrs. Stowe consulted various books
while in Boston. She drew in part from Theodore Dwight Weld's hor-
rific compilation of atrocity stories, American Slavery as It is: Testimony
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 123
of a Thousand Witnesses, published in 1839, and she also used Eliot's
Life of Henson, from which she quoted at some length (with slight in-
accuracies), identifying him correctly as "pastor of the missionary settle-
ment at Dawn, in Canada." She clearly did not read Henson closely,
however, for she was wrong about his purchase price and about the
exact itinerary of his journey from Maryland to Kentucky on his first trip.
She said that Henson's chief significance lay in his Christian decision not
to kill his companions while travelling to New Orleans. Once she related
Henson to one of the figures in her novel, George Harris, and once she
found in Henson's narrative an "instance parallel" with Tom's Christian
dedication.30 Later she credited most of Uncle Tom to Weld's book,
which she said she had kept in her workbasket by day and under her
pillow at night.
At no time during the early years of her success, or of Henson's small
fame arising from his narrative of 1849, did Mrs. Stowe identify Henson
with Uncle Tom. To the contrary, she found as many "striking parallels"
to her novel in the narrative of Solomon Northup as in Henson's. She
never referred to having met Henson, and in the Key she cited his
memoirs but not a conversation. On one occasion she said that the
death scene of Uncle Tom was the first that she wrote, while living in
Brunswick (in which case, no relationship to Henson was likely), but on
another occasion she said that this scene was written after she had com-
posed the death of Little Eva, and in Andover.31 In 1878, apparently
feeling that contradiction had gone too far, she said that once she had
written letters for a former slave woman, who had become a servant in
her own family, to a slave husband who remained in Kentucky, and that
it was this "faithful slave" who was "a pattern of Uncle Tom." In the
same essay she admitted that it was after her account began to appear
in The National Era that she went to Boston to reinforce "her repertoire
of facts" by consulting, among other books, those by Weld and Henson,
particulars from which were "inwoven with the story."32 Again, the se-
quence is not clear, and Mrs. Stowe seemed incapable of clarifying it,
but nothing said publicly by the author of Uncle Tom gave real sub-
stance to any contention that Josiah Henson and Uncle Tom were one
and the same.33
Nonetheless, they became so in the public mind, and some evidence
was offered for this contention. Writing in 1911 Charles and Lyman
Stowe, her son and grandson, said that she had met Henson in Boston
in January of 1850, at the home of her brother, Lyman Beecher.34 In the
1878, or fourth, revised edition of his life, Henson asserted that he had
met her in Andover, Massachusetts, and that he had told her the story
of his life, and indeed in 1876 in a private letter Mrs. Stowe said that
124 The Slave Narratives as History
Henson had visited her there. Upon this basis, as we shall see, Henson
was able to imply and others who chose to use him for their own pur-
poses were able to assert that he and Tom were the same man, that Tom
yet lived, and that Eliza, Eva, and George were drawn from Henson's
family and friends.
But none of these alleged facts will bear close scrutiny. Mrs. Stowe
did not move to Andover until 1852, so if Henson visited her there, it
was after she had completed all but a chapter or two of her novel. Hen-
son was in Boston twice in 1850, but by his word both occasions were
"after the Fugitive Slave Law was passed," which was in September, so
he was not in Boston in January as Charles and Lyman Stowe wrote, and
in any case Mrs. Stowe was in Cincinnati in January, not reaching Bos-
ton until May.36 The first edition of his narrative, as published in 1849,
appeared early in the year, while Mrs. Stowe was still in Cincinnati, and
when she began writing furiously in February of 1851, she apparently
mentioned neither Henson nor his book to anyone, although she nor-
mally shared her ideas freely with her husband. Had she communed
with Henson before his book was written, as he later implied, surely he
or Eliot would have mentioned it in his autobiography, for he was not
slow to acquire prestige by dropping names; and if they met while Mrs.
Stowe was writing her book she need not have journeyed to Boston to
"re-enforce" her facts by reading his account. If Eva, Eliza, or George
had any place in Henson's life, surely he would have mentioned that
place before 1878—at least in his 1858 edition, published well after they
were household names—but he did not.37 Clearly, although he later hinted
otherwise, he was not the "slave husband" to whom Mrs. Stowe wrote
letters on behalf of her servant, for Josiah's wife was with him in Ken-
tucky. Equally clearly, she did not meet him, as he also suggested, while
in Kentucky, for he was a slave in Daviess County, well-removed from
the Mason and Garrard county homes she did visit.
The books of Mrs. Stowe and Henson did morally reinforce each
other, however, and she wrote an introduction to the second or 1858 edi-
tion of his book, in which he carried the story to 1852. But at this date-
when association with Mrs. Stowe would bring a cachet to Henson's ac-
count—he made no mention of any meeting, nor did she in her introduc-
tion, which was bland and noncommittal. Moreover, the introduction
was retained unaltered in Henson's 1878 edition, in which he claimed to
have met her in Andover, but either she met Henson there after nearly
all of Uncle Tom's Cabin was written or both unaccountably had forgot-
ten their venue.38
Under the impact of abolitionist need, Henson's desire to please led
to numerous changes in successive editions of his memoirs.39 Perhaps
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 125
spokesmen need be neither honest nor consistent but merely convincing,
and Henson was at least this, and no one then had occasion to compare
the various editions of his narrative. Such a comparison is revealing of
his ability to weave his presence into almost any event that would pro-
vide a moral or add to his stature. He could exaggerate, transmuting the
mundane into the dramatic (his broken shoulders became more crip-
pling with each edition),40 and he could move with the times, as he did
when he excised the more obsequious passages from the original version
of his life for later editions, when he struck entirely a passing reference
to being arrested for debt, or when he added a chapter in 1858 on his
exploits in returning to the South to help other fugitives to escape, a
phase of his activities unaccountably forgotten in 1849.41 He incorpo-
rated a pious refusal to participate in the Nat Turner rebellion into his
local lectures, although the rebellion actually took place after he had
reached Canada West. He claimed that he personally had written his
books although in 1849, as we have seen, he recorded that he learned to
read "a little" and one of his abolitionist supporters noted that he could
"barely write and cannot read."42 In the first post-Civil War edition of
the autobiography he said he was a Captain in the Second Essex Com-
pany of Colored Volunteers—which he was not—and that his company
captured the Anne, which he misspelled.
Perhaps the most important, and also the more subtle, of the changes
lay in the title of the book itself. The second revised account was Truth
Stranger than Fiction: Father Henson s Story of His Own Life. Thus he
(or more properly, Eliot for him) invoked the spirit of Lord Byron, by
then widely-known to be the center of one of Mrs. Stowe's spiritual ob-
sessions, for it was Byron who had written in 1823, that "truth is always
strange, / Stranger than fiction."43 Throughout, he and his editors were
consistent in seeing that his life was a great moral lesson, that original
phraseology was embellished and twisted to make a homiletic statement
clearer, and that his fellow fugitives fed upon the thought of his accep-
tance by Queen Victoria, Lord John Russell, or President Rutherford B.
Hayes.44 Still, Henson was true to his own lights, and while, by his own
admission, he managed money badly, he appears not to have abused his
positions of trust for personal gain. He also resisted becoming Uncle
Tom, at first, even if in the end he fell to the pressures of financial need,
the desire for prestige, and a fading memory.45
It was not Henson who first or most persistently insisted that he was
the original Uncle Tom, and since he wrote none of the lives themselves,
one must find his ghost writers as culpable as he in building the legend.
In public lectures long after the Civil War, Henson repeatedly was in-
troduced as Uncle Tom, but initially he appears to have been careful not
126 The Slave Narratives as History
to make the claim explicit himself: "It has been spread abroad that' "Un-
cle Tom" is coming,' and that is what has brought you here. Now allow
me to say that my name is not Tom, and never was Tom, and that I do
not want to have any other name inserted in the newspapers for me
than my own. My name is Josiah Henson, always was, and always will
be. I never change my colors. (Loud laughter.) I would not if I could,
and could not if I would. (Renewed laughter.) Well, inquiry in the
minds of some has led to a deal of inquiry on the part of others. You
have read and heard some persons says that, '"Uncle Tom" was dead,
and how can he be here? It is an imposition that is being practised on
us.' . . . Very well, I do not blame you for saying that. ... A great
many have come to me in this country and asked me if I was not dead.
(Laughter.) Says I, 'Dead?' Says he, 'Yes, I heard you were dead, and
read you were.' 'Well,' says I; 'I heard so too, but I never believed it yet.
(Laughter.) I thought in all probability I would have found it out as
soon as anybody else.'" Thus did Henson skirt the edges of truth, adding
that all should realize that Mrs. Stowe was writing a novel, and con-
cluding—with a deft change of the subject—that if the audience would
refer to chapters 34 through 57 of the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, " . . . I
think you will there see me."46 Yet, the Key ran to only forty-nine chapters.
Others were less clever at avoiding the central question, or chose not
to. In 1851 there appeared a London and Edinburgh edition of Henson's
narrative, slightly altered, and with the first appearance of the added
section devoted to aiding fugitive slaves, together with a preface by
Thomas Binney, Minister of the Weigh-House Chapel in London, where
Henson made one of his most effective appeals for money. This edition
was an abolitionist handbook, as the 1849 version had not been, for it in-
cluded an appendix on runaways in Canada, on specific fugitive slave
cases, and an appeal for £2,000. The edition of 1858, printed in Boston,
with Mrs. Stowe's rather flat preface replacing Binney's more impas-
sioned one, followed. A "revised and enlarged" London edition was next,
in 1877; it retained Mrs. Stowe's preface, added an introduction by
George Sturge and Samuel Morley, English abolitionists, and carried a
title page specifying for the first time that Henson was Uncle Tom.47
The editions from 1877 were, in fact, almost entirely the work of
John Lobb, the youthful managing editor of the weekly Christian Age.
Lobb had been a religious journalist who knew how to attract an audi-
ence: when he took over the faltering Age in 1872, its circulation was
five thousand, and in four years he raised the figure to eighty thousand.
Morley and Sturge asked him to help solicit money for Henson, still in
need of assistance at debt-ridden Dawn, and in seven months Lobb at-
tracted £2,000.48 Together with Henson, he went to Windsor Castle
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 127
where they were received by Queen Victoria, who asked all of her do-
mestic staff to come to meet the real Uncle Tom. Adding an index,
drawing from Henson the promise that Lobb's would be the "only au-
thorized edition" of his life, the editor soon had sales moving up to forty
thousand. The next year they reached ninety-six thousand, whereupon
Lobb made further modest revisions in the text and added extracts from
Henson's addresses and an account of his audience with the Queen. In
1877 Lobb also wrote, without Henson's assistance although from his
book, The Young People's Illustrated Edition of "Uncle Tom's" Story of
His Life, which contained a preface by the Earl of Shaftesbury and "Un-
cle Tom's Address to the Young People of Great Britain," which Henson
almost certainly did not dictate. The life was re-arranged and each chap-
ter title, the illustrations, and even the index pointed moral lessons: "It
is noble to speak the truth."49 Again, nowhere was Henson made to say
specifically that he was Uncle Tom, although Lobb, outside conve-
niently manipulated quotation marks, did so for him. Lobb's narrative of
his life sold a quarter of a million copies and became a Sunday School
favorite, although Henson seems to have received very little money from
the enterprise and his estate certainly received none.50
Lobb, on the other hand, left the Christian Age and set himself up as
a publisher. He wrote a similar life of Frederick Douglass, after Hen-
son's death advertised the autobiography as dealing with "Legree, who
maimed Josiah Henson for Life," and with "Eva, who was saved from
Drowning by Josiah Henson, etc.,"51 and declared that the narrative had
been translated into twelve languages.52 At the end of the century, Lobb
turned to spiritualism; he communed with seven hundred dead over
three years, including Shakespeare, Lincoln, Gladstone, Shaftesbury, and
Henson, for the restless Josiah, still insinuating himself into all events,
was "a frequent visitor at the seances. . . ,"53
For Mrs. Stowe, Henson would stay no more mute than he did for
Lobb, and she continued to be contradictory and evasive. In 1876 the
Reverend William H. Tilley, rector of the Cronyn Memorial Church in
London, Ontario, sought confirmation of Henson as Tom, possibly be-
cause of a brief association of Bishop Benjamin Cronyn with Henson ear-
lier. Mrs. Stowe's reply of May 15 was made public, but it was seldom
quoted in full, and time and again her letter was cited to prove that she
had admitted the relationship. In fact, she was as unclear as usual, avoid-
ing any direct identification: "I take pleasure in indorsing with all my
heart that noble man, Josiah Henson," she wrote, "to be worthy of all the
aid and help which any good man may be disposed to give. It is true
that a sketch of his life . . . furnished me many of the finest concep-
tions and incidents of 'Uncle Tom's' character, in particular the scene
128 The Slave Narratives as History
where he refuses to free himself by the murder of a brutal master. He
once visited me in Andover and personal intercourse confirmed my high
esteem I had for him. , , ." But she did not say when the visit took
place, and as we have seen, had the visit been before she wrote most of
the novel, it could not have been to Andover.54 In a special editorial note
to the 1881 edition of Henson's Life, Lobb nonetheless asserted that
Mrs. Stowe had "quite settle[d] the point," quoting a barely relevant ex-
tract from The Times.55 Plagued by further inquiries, Mrs. Stowe wrote
to the editor of the Indianapolis News in 1882 that Uncle Tom was "not
the biography of any one man.56
The widely-read New York Sun, noting that this letter was going the
rounds of the press, quoted her as saying that she had "introduced
some" of "the most striking incidents" from Henson's Autobiography
into her story, and that the "good people of England gave my simple
good friend Josiah enthusiastic welcome as the Uncle Tom of the Story,"
which was true enough.57 In 1883, writing to an inquirer from Florida,
she declared that the "story as it stands is a work of fiction—a combina-
tion of circumstances," and that "several colored men" possessed "the ex-
cellencies of Uncle Tom. . , ."58 She died in 1896 with the incubus of
Josiah still firmly upon Tom's back.59
But of what matter is this problem of the linkage between Uncle
Tom and Josiah Henson? Precisely this; as Canadians came increasingly to
assign Henson's role to Tom and as the myth of the North Star, the Under-
ground Railroad, and the Fugitives' haven "under the lion's paw"—a
myth so well-explored by Larry Gara in his book, The Liberty Line: The
Legend of the Underground Railroad (Lexington, Ky., 1961)—grew in
the post-Civil War years, Canadians also came increasingly to congratu-
late themselves upon their lack of prejudice and to contrast themselves
favorably with the immoral and once slave-ridden United States. The
true contrast was favorable enough, indeed, but that the greatest, the
best-known, the most pious and most Christian black fugitive of all time
should have sought out Canadian soil for his resurrection bred a grow-
ing Canadian self-satisfaction with racial conditions above the forty-
ninth parallel. If Uncle Tom came to Canada, could conditions merit
improving? With every passing year since the late 1860's, at least until
the 1890's, a stream of self-congratulatory Canadian newspaper accounts,
editorials, and memoirs appeared in April or September, on the anniver-
saries of the outbreak of the Civil War or of the passage of the Fugitive
Slave Act, in which Henson was cited as ample and sole evidence to
prove that Canadians shared none of the American racial virus, that in
this one area, at least, the pressures of continentalism had been resisted
successfully.60 That many Blacks agreed with Martin Delany in saying
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 129
that Mrs. Stowe knew nothing about Black men; that Henson himself
apparently wrote that "in Canada, black children are despised";62 that
many black Canadians had concluded that Henson was self-serving and
sly;63 even that to blacks "Uncle Tom" had become a pejorative term-
all were ignored in the recurrent annual flush of pleasure over the pres-
ence of "the real Uncle Tom's grave" on Canadian soil.64
Yet, while Henson was self-aggrandizing, having seen quickly enough
that a popular identification with the decade's most rapidly-selling book
could do him no harm, whatever little he gained financially he appar-
ently did give to the community he died serving. The rest of his story
we know from his own account, and although he added color to it and
allowed Lobb to embroider events, the basic outline is quite accurate.
Henson did pioneer a saw mill for Dawn, one which helped the commu-
nity as well as himself, and he did exhibit his wares at the great London
Exhibition, to the advantage of his colony, since he dramatically drew
attention to the plight as well as to the resourcefulness of the fugitives
in Canada West. He was deeply involved in litigation over his manage-
ment at Dawn, and he broke sharply with members of the British and
Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, developments at which he only hints in his
But for the most part the historian must conclude that Henson's mo-
tives were appropriate both to the needs of Dawn and to his own needs
and that his opponents were mistaken. He also found himself in serious
trouble, as he notes, for recruiting black Canadians to serve in the
Northern armies during the Civil War, but charges that he kept their
bounty money for himself seem to have been false. His trip to England
and Scotland during the summer of 1876 was undertaken largely to raise
funds to clear a mortgage he had been forced to accept in order to fight
a law suit against him, and while the money he thus raised was for his
personal use, one may argue—as he did—that the law suit itself arose
from his efforts to help keep Dawn and its successor settlements active.
He clearly was fractious, devious, and by the time he had worn the man-
tle of fame for some years, also paternalistic toward his less fortunate
brethren. He lost valuable friends among the American abolitionist com-
munity before the war by not paying his debts, forcing them to cancel
loans as a gift to the movement for which he was taken to be a spokes-
man, and he lost other friends among the black community by taking
over functions of leadership which were not his to take.65 As his once
warm supporter turned cool, Amos A. Lawrence wrote to John Scoble,
some of Henson's ability lay in being able to cajole people into doing
what they knew to be financially unwise.66 Edmund Quincy, who served
several times as editor of The Liberator during William Lloyd Garrison's
130 The Slave Narratives as History
absence, concluded that Henson "was a time-serving sycophant."67 But
Henson's face continued to be an appealing one, and the money he
earned on lecture tours continued to find its way into the diminished
black community over which he served increasingly as patriarch. He
was scorned by some but, it would appear, loved by more, and if he
served himself, he also served others.
In the year before his death Henson lectured in the Park Street Bap-
tist Church in Hamilton, Ontario; he was ninety-three and past caring,
and for the first time he categorically, without the protective use of
third-person and subjunctive phrases, assured his listeners that he was
Uncle Tom, exhibiting a picture Queen Victoria had given to him, ram-
bling on for two and a half hours, until led from the platform.68 He had
embraced the legend himself. In May of 1883, when he died, fifty wag-
ons followed his hearse to the graveside, a black band from nearby
Chatham played, nine black preachers prayed, and Josiah's body was
frozen in ice. On the anniversary eighty years later, seven thousand
Black Masons from Canada and the United States gathered at his grave-
side to honor him.69
In fairness to Henson, one must realize that the controversy that grew
about him was not, in fact, over Henson so much as over that for which
he stood. Those who disliked Uncle Tom's Cabin, either because it was
thought to be anti-Christian, anti-Southern or, later, because of the ser-
vile Negro it depicted, cast much of their dislike toward Henson, while
those who embraced the novel and its figures embraced him too. And
among abolitionists, Henson could not hope to win universal approval,
for the movement itself was split into warring camps. Henson attended
a state convention of anti-slavery delegates in New Bedford, Massachu-
setts, in 1858, and there he strongly opposed the immediatist, violent
approach of a portion of those present. When Charles L. Remond, a Gar-
risonian activist, recommended that a committee be appointed to pre-
pare an address to the slaves in the Southern states suggesting that they
resort to armed insurrection, Henson was on his feet with a powerful
speech which was instrumental to the defeat of the motion. "As he didn't
want to see three or four thousand men hung before this time," Henson
remarked, "he should oppose any such action, head, neck and shoulders,"
now; the idea of armed insurrection was "ridiculous."70 So it was, too,
and Henson's influence undoubtedly was in the right direction, but there
were those, such as Remond, who thought him cowardly. Ultimately
Henson was to suffer the greatest irony of all: precisely through his suc-
cessful self-identification with Uncle Tom, and because of his own mod-
erate views on matters of race, he would become synonymous for many
with the paths of moderation and even accommodation to the white
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 131
community which the mid-twentieth century's Black Power advocates
The problems that Henson's life and his much-altered autobiography
raise are important ones. Indeed, because of the many changes in his
narrative, the events with which Henson may appropriately be associ-
ated—the arrival of the fugitive slaves, the rise and decline of the Negro
community movement in nineteenth-century Canada, and the role in the
abolitionist movement of those fugitives who elected to remain perma-
nently resident in Canada—are more than ordinarily unclear. In Tales of
Unrest Joseph Conrad wrote that, "The sustained invention of a really
telling lie demands a talent which I do not possess," and Henson might
well have said the same, for his story was substantially true, accurate
enough to be accepted by many but not accurate enough to trust com-
pletely, especially where matters of nuance arise. Perhaps most of the
problems that Henson's Life leaves for us are no more important than
the question of how badly injured, and in precisely what way, he was.
But as the quintessential Canadian Black, the successful fugitive, Hen-
son's account remains important to the broader story of how the aboli-
tion of slavery itself took place.
In the end the final editions of Josiah Henson's Life, though still tech-
nically viewed as autobiography, and in 1878 once again called such,
were less fugitive slave narratives and more nineteenth century success
stories catering to a variety of subtle needs in both the Black and the
white readerships. Popular history being what it is, Henson will prob-
ably remain inextricably linked to Mrs. Stowe's Uncle Tom, and to the
extent that History is what people believe to be true, his role in history
will continue to be defined by our changing perceptions of Mrs. Stowe's
literary creation. Yet the several editions of the Autobiography—of which
the 1881 edition is the fullest, containing all of the material added be-
tween 1851 and 1879 together with Lobb's own conclusion—are, taken
collectively, a remarkable example of the way in which the fugitive slave
narrative grew by accretion, by manipulation, and as a result of the de-
mands of changing taste. Depending upon the questions we ask, Henson's
autobiographical volumes—all of them—are valuable historical sources;
equally, only one, the first, may be largely trustworthy in the simplest
sense of lacking embroidery. Intelligently drawn upon, the 1849 Auto-
biography can tell us much about slave life in the old South, about the
means of escape from that life, and about the initial reception in the
North or in Canada.71 Used more complexly, the editions that labored as
Truth Stranger than Fiction provide us with a case study in the pack-
aging of a nineteenth century body of literature that was as much a
genre for its day as detective or science fiction are for ours. In the end,
132 The Slave Narratives as History
Josiah Henson's volumes become once again An Autobiography, the title
with which they began, not so much in order to veto the act of imagina-
tion that Lobb's additions, in particular, represented, as to put the house
right, to bring the reader back to a moral order of things in which the
moral tourist, seeking out renewal for old values, could once again invest
Josiah Henson, through his presumed act of autobiography, with an as-
sumption of having spoken, if not the literal, then the spiritual truth, not
only about being a fugitive slave but—in the very manipulation of his
narrative to serve the needs of others—about the condition of being
black in nineteenth century North America,72
A note on the printing history of Henson's autobiography and a note
on Henson's biographers follow.
1. See Roy Pascal, Design and Truth in Autobiography (Cambridge, Mass.,
2. Especially useful inquiries on these points appear as a series of articles
in a special issue of New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpre-
tation, IX (Autumn, 1977). See also Jeffrey Mehlman, A Structural Study of
Autobiography (Ithaca, 1974) which, though at times preposterous and re-
stricted to the French, offers numerous fascinating insights.
3. One indication of contemporary influence for Josiah Henson may be
taken from the fact that in 1979 no less than five editions of Henson's Auto-
biography (as it was called when first published in 1849) were" in print: one of
the 1849 version (from Irvington Books, New York), two of the 1858 version
(one by Corinth Books, New Haven, Conn., and the other by Metro Books,
Arlington Heights, Illinois), one of the 1855 version according to Books in
Print, though actually also of the 1858 text (Corner House, Williamstown,
Mass.), and one of the 1877 version (London: Frank Cass).
4. Toronto Globe, July 5, 1930, April 28, 1946; London, Ont. Free Press,
Jan. 15, 1947; Huron Church News, Oct., 1959, 8-9; Museum Directory of
the United States and Canada, 2nd ed. (Washington, 1965), p. 658. Efforts
failed to interest the National Urban League of the United States, or the Asso-
ciation for the Study of Negro Life and History, in restoring the cemetery. See
"Letters about 'Uncle Tom'," The Negro History Bulletin, 24 (Dec., 1960),
64-65. On Henson's Masonic connections, see Professor Fred Landon's private
collection of letters, manuscripts, and clippings, at the University of Western
Ontario in London, Ontario: Alvin McCurdy to Landon, Feb. 26, 1960, and
exchanges of letters between Landon and Charles Foy.
5. The present essay, though substantially revised for publication here,
first appeared in substance as an introduction to the 1969 reprint edition of
the 1881 version of Henson's Autobiography, a title the narrative resumed
after being called Truth Stranger than Fiction. The 1969 reprint was published
by Addison-Wesley, of Reading, Massachusetts, and I wish to thank that com-
pany for permission to use my original essay as the basis for the present
6. Our concern here is with Henson's narrative, not with his biography as
such. For a fuller account of Henson's work at Dawn, and on behalf of fugitive
slaves (and himself) in Canada, see the present writer's book, The Blacks in
Canada: A History (New Haven, 1971), and William H. and Jane H. Pease,
Black Utopia: Negro Communal Experiments in America (Madison, 1963).
K. Gordon MacLachlan, A History of Dawn Township and Its Origin (Oil
Springs, Ont., 1971) contains only two paragraphs about the black com-
munity (p. 16).
7. For a recent inquiry on Wilson see Jane H. and William H. Pease, "The
Clerical Do-Gooder: Hiram Wilson," in their Bound with Them in Chains: A
136 The Slave Narratives as History
Biographical History of the Antislavery Movement (Westport, Conn., 1972),
pp. 115-39.
8. The Emancipator, Dec. 22, 1836; The Anti-Slavery Standard, July 8,
1841; Toronto Constitution, Nov. 16, 1837; American Anti-Slavery Society,
Fourth Annual Report (New York, 1837), p. 19; Boston Public Library, Weston
Papers, 12: Maria F. Rice to Mrs. Maria W. Chapman, Oct. 23, 1839; Histori-
cal Records Survey, Calendar of the Gerrit Smith Papers in the Syracuse Uni-
versity Library: General Correspondence, Albany, 1941, 2, pp. 129, 255; Wil-
son to Smith, Dec. 18, 1839, Ray Potter to Smith, Jan. 25, 1846; Public
Archives of Canada, Ottawa [hereafter, PAC], C series, 1, 803; Wilson to Gover-
nor General Lord Sydenham, June 18, 25, 1841; PAC, G 20, 310: Rice to Met-
calfe, July 3, 24, 1844; Fred Landon, "The Canadian Anti-Slavery Group," The
University Magazine, XXII (Dec., 1917), 542; Clayton S. Ellsworth, "Oberlin
and the Anti-Slavery Movement Up to the Civil War," unpublished Ph.D. dis-
sertation, Cornell University, 1930, pp. 47-48, 168; Marilyn Baily, "From
Cincinnati, Ohio to Wilberforce, Canada: A Note on Antebellum Colonization,"
Journal of Negro History, LVIII (Oct., 1973), 427-40.
9. Quoted in Pease and Pease, Black Utopia, p. 64, from the Kent County
Registry Office, Chatham, Ontario. Also valuable is Alexander L. Murray, "Can-
ada and the Anglo-American Anti-Slavery Movement: A Study in International
Philanthropy," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania,
1960, especially pp. 59-63. For Fuller's attitude on non-interference, see His-
torical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Simon Gratz Autograph Collec-
tion: Fuller to William H. Seward, Dec. 31, 1837, Feb. 29, 1840; and Calendar
of the Gerrit Smith Papers, p. 131; Fuller to Smith, Oct. 15, 1841. A recent
study of value is Peter Carlesimo, "The Refugee Home Society: Its Origin, Op-
eration and Results, 1851-1876," unpubl. M.A. thesis, University of Windsor,
1973. Carlesimo believes that the Society borrowed its ideas from Henson
(p. 16).
10. On anti-slavery activity in Canada at this time, see Robin W. Winks, " 'A
Sacred Animosity': Abolitionism in Canada," in Martin B. Duberman, ed., The
Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists (Princeton, 1965), pp.
11. The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of
Canada. Narrated by Himself (Boston, 1849), p. 8. This first edition is scarce:
known copies are in the British Museum, the Yale University Library, the
Boston Public Library, the Schomburg Collection of the New York Public Li-
brary, and Uncle Tom's Cabin and Museum, Dresden, Ontario. No doubt
there are others, but since a reprint edition, issued by the Museum in 1965, is
more readily available, page references to the edition of 1849 refer to the
reprint. I cite the 1849 edition in preference to others for the pre-Canadian
years since it has been embroidered less.
12. Ibid., pp. 44-45.
13. Ibid., p. 55.
14. Ibid., pp. 59-61.
15. Ibid., p. 63.
16. Ibid., pp. 65-66; Boston Recorder, Jan. 7, 1848.
17. Life of Josiah Henson, p. 70; Lawson Memorial Library, University of
Western Ontario, London: Henson's deed of property.
18. Massachusetts Historical Society, Amos A. Lawrence Papers: Lawrence
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 137
to Nathan Hale, Nov. 9, 1850, and to Samuel Morley, Nov. 30, 1852. On Eliot,
see C[laude] M. F[uess], "Samuel Atkins Eliot," Dictionary of American Bi-
ography [hereafter, D.A.B.], VI (1931), pp. 81-82, which incorrectly dates
Henson's book as 1842, and also Pease and Pease, Black Utopia, p. 75. Phelps
was a printing agent with offices adjacent to the Boston Circulating Library. See
The Boston Directory: Containing the City Record, a General Directory of the
Citizens . . . from July, 1849, to July, 1850 , . . (Boston, 1849), pp. 230, 336.
In a life of Henson written for children, Frances Cavanah says that Eliot pro-
posed the project to Henson after hearing him lecture, and that Henson dic-
tated the autobiography (Cavanah, The Truth about the Man Behind the Book
that Sparked the War between the States [Philadelphia, 1975], pp. 109-10).
Others refer to the 1849 autobiography as having been "dictated" but there is
no evidence to support the suggestion, if it is meant literally. More nearly
correct, one suspects, is Ephraim Peabody's statement, in 1849, that the book
was "written to [Henson's] dictation," which changes the nature of the collab-
oration subtly but importantly. See E.P., "Narratives of Fugitive Slaves," The
Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany, XLVII (July, 1849), 78.
19. Kenneth S. Lynn, ed., Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Life Among the Lowly,
(Cambridge, Mass.), 1962, p. xxviii. The best examination of the impact of
Uncle Tom's Cabin on England is Frank J. Klingberg, "Harriet Beecher Stowe
and Social Reform in England," American Historical Review, XLIII (April,
1938), 542-52, while Edith E. Lucas, La litterature anti-esclavagiste au dix-
neuvieme siecle: etude sur Madame Beecher Stowe et son influence en France
(Paris 1930), and Grace Edith MacLean, "'Uncle Tom's Cabin' in Germany,"
Americana Germanica, n.s., 10 (1910), whole no. (New York), are adequate.
The Montreal edition was taken from the first Paris printing of La Case de
I'Oncle Tom. The sequence of publishing in England, from which the Canadian
sequence may be deduced, is described in William Talbot, "Uncle Tom's Cabin:
First English Editions," The American Book Collector, III (June, 1933), 292.
20. See Fred Landon, "When Uncle Tom's Cabin Came to Canada," On-
tario History, XLIV (Jan., 1952), 1-5.
21. The Maple Leaf, 1, July to Dec. 1852, 3-13, and variously, through
177-184, and 2, Jan.-June 1853; Globe, April 24, 27, 1852; Gazette, April
3, 17, 1852. Landon, "When Uncle Tom's Cabin Came to Canada," and other
authors refer to a Halifax edition in the same year. I have examined a mint
copy of this edition, held by the Yale University Library, and while the title
page lists Halifax as the place of publication, I believe that Halifax, England,
rather than Nova Scotia, is meant. The price is given as one shilling, but from
1858 the decimal system was used in Canada, and the Halifax merchants long
before had taken up dollars and cents. The publishers, Milner and Sowerby,
are unknown to the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Miss Phyllis Blakeley to
author, Oct. 7, 1966). The Yale copy is inscribed as a gift to Elizabeth Ann
Langridge, and no such family name occurs in any Nova Scotian genealogies.
22. London Public Library, London, Ont, Minute Book, London Me-
chanics' Institute, 1851: entry for Aug. 9, 1852; Eleanor Shaw, "A History of
the London Public Library," typescript, London Public Library, 1941, p. 15;
Toronto Weekly North American, Feb. 2, 1852; St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch,
June 21, 1853; New Glasgow, N.S., Eastern Chronicle, June 10, 1868; London,
Ont., Free Press, Sept. 17, 1951; Toronto Globe and Mail, Dec. 2, 1952; Ben-
jamin Suite, "L'esclavage en Canada," La revue Canadienne, N.S., VIII (Oct.,
138 The Slave Narratives as History
1911), 334; John I. Cooper, Montreal, the Story of Three Hundred "Years
(Montreal, 1942), p. 80.
23. "Literature of Slavery," The Provincial, 2, Jan., 1853, pp. 3-8; Islander,
Nov. 28, 1856.
24. Arthur A. Hauck, Some Educational Factors affecting the Relations
between Canada and the United States (Easton, Pa., 1932), p. 22; Albert R.
Hassard, "'Uncle Tom's Cabin' Recalled," Onward, XLI (July 18, 1931), 2;
Toronto Globe and Mail, Dec. 2,1952.
25. The first dramatization of Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by George L.
Aiken and presented by Halifax-born George Howard in Troy, New York, in
September 1852, includes a scene in which Eliza crossed the ice, but did not
mention Canada (French's Standard Drama: Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life
Among the Lowly [New York, 1858?]). Canada soon was moved to the nearside
of the Ohio by Thomas Hailes Lacy in a version first performed at the Theatre
Royal in Manchester, England, in February 1853 (Lacy's Acting Edition of
Plays . . . , London, n.d., 12, entire), so that Eliza's "whirlleaps toward an
outmost brightness" (in the words of E.E. Cummings, Tom [Santa Fe, 1935],
p. 17) popularly reinforced the Underground Railroad myth by identifying
Canada as that land of brightness. The continental French, in particular, seem
to have believed that Canada was just across the Ohio from Kentucky: see J.C.
Furnas, Goodbye to Uncle Tom (New York, 1956), p. 272.
26. See Carl Wittke, Tambo and Bones: A History of the American Minstrel
Stage (Durham, N.C., 1930), pp. 98-103, 110, 222; J. Frank Davis, "Tom
Shows," Scribner's Magazine, LXXVII (April, 1925), 350; Donald A. Smith, At
The Forks of the Grand: 20 Historical Essays on Paris, Ontario (Paris, n.d.),
pp. 182-84; Phyllis R. Blakeley, Glimpses of Halifax, 1867-1900, Public Ar-
chives of Nova Scotia publication, no. 9 (Halifax, 1949), pp. 77-78; F. Lauriston
Bullard, "Uncle Tom on the Stage," Lincoln Herald, XLVIII (June, 1946),
19; Harry Birdoff, The World's Greatest Hit: Uncle Tom's Cabin (New York,
1947), p. 30.
27. W.A. Hewitt, Down the Stretch: Recollections of a Pioneer Sportsman
and Journalist (Toronto, 1958), p. 114; Toronto Public Library [hereafter,
TPL], Thomas H. Scott Collection: "Behind the Footlights," Mss. autobiography,
with scrapbook of broadsides and playbills; TPL, Baldwin Room: broadsides,
playbills, and clippings relating to the Negro theatre in Canada, New York Li-
brary for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center: Saint John programme, April 29,
30, May 1, 1920; Uncle Tom's Cabin Museum: playbills; Harvard College Li-
brary, Theatre Collection: playbills for LaRue's Minstrels, The Harrnonears,
Halifax, and Sam Sharpley's Minstrels, Quebec; Toronto Globe, Oct. 15, 1861;
Brantford Review, Nov. 4, 1880. The early Tom shows did not assert that Uncle
Tom and Josiah Henson were the same person, though by 1878 playbills were
explicit on this point. See, for example, the playbill for Booth's Theatre, New
York, Feb. 23, 1878, in the Museum of the City of New York.
28. Times, Sept. 3, 1852.
29. See Charles Dudley Warner, "The Story of Uncle Tom's Cabin," The
Atlantic Monthly, LXXVIII (Sept., 1896), 311-21, and reprinted as introduc-
tion to 1896 edition (Boston) of the novel, 1, xlii. The question of Mrs. Stowe's
need for justification is, of course, a complex one, especially since she ultimately
took refuge in the declaration that her book had been written by God. She
will, as we shall see, equivocate over whether Henson's book was of central
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 139
importance to her, at one point wishing to identify with it for her own authen-
tication, later trying to put distance between her book and her sources as God
came to play the larger role. Although he mistakenly accepts Henson as "of
course" Uncle Tom, the most sophisticated discussion of the psychological
need still appears in Charles H. Foster, The Rungless Ladder: Harriet Beecher
Stowe and New England Puritanism (Durham, N.C., 1954), pp. 18-33.
30. Key, pp. 19, 26, 174.
31. K[atherine] A[nthony], "Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe," D.A.B.,
XVIII (1943), 117. The Anglo-American Magazine, III (Aug. 1853), 212-15,
published in Toronto, while not liking the Key, felt that it provided all necessary
proof that the novel was accurate. See Raymond Weaver, introduction to
Limited Editions Club issue of Uncle Tom's Cabin (New York, 1938), pp. vi-viii.
32. Introduction to 1878 edition, as reprinted as Old South Leaflets, no.
82 (Boston, n.d.), pp. 1, 5-6; and Florine Thayer McCray, The Life-Work of
the Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin (New York, 1889), p. 72.
33. Mrs. Stowe became increasingly vague on matters relating to the se-
quence of composition of her work, and she clearly made herself believe her
own myths to the point that she could not reconstruct her own writings. This
is shown in a variety of studies. See in particular Barbara Rotundo, "Harriet
Beecher Stowe and the Mythmakers," American Notes & Queries, XII (May,
1974), 131-33. To varying degrees, most biographies of Mrs. Stowe reflect an
awareness of how she embroidered her historical record in order to enhance
her novel. Particularly useful are John R. Adams, Harriet Beecher Stowe (New
Haven, 1963), pp. 56-57, though he accepts Henson's two alleged visits to
Mrs. Stowe uncritically; Alice Cooper Crozier, The Novels of Harriet Beecher
Stowe (New York, 1969), which is strongest on works other than Uncle Tom's
Cabin and full of good commonsense; and Donald E. Liedel, "The Antislavery
Novel, 1836-1861," unpubl. Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1961, which
is especially good on the imitators of Uncle Tom.
34. Charles Edward and Lyman Beecher Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe:
The Story of Her Life (Boston) p. 144; or "How Mrs. Stowe Wrote 'Uncle
Tom's Cabin'," McClure's Magazine XXXVI (April, 1911), 613-14. Forrest
Wilson, Crusader in Crinoline: The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe (Philadel-
phia, 1941), pp. 249-50, and Chester E. Jorgenson, comp., Uncle Tom's Cabin
as Book and Legend (Detroit, 1952), p. 10, accept the Stowes' statement, as does
Edmund Wilson in Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American
Civil War (New York, 1962), pp. 31-32, but Edward Wagenknecht, Harriet
Beecher Stowe: The Known and the Unknown (New York, 1965), stresses her
inconsistency and adds that there have been rival Uncle Toms (p. 157). Lyman
Stowe repeated his assertion that a meeting took place in Boston while the
Fugitive Slave Law was being debated, in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Saturday Re-
view of Literature (Dec. 12, 1925).
35. On the alleged Andover meeting, see Charles Nichols, "The Origins of
Uncle Tom's Cabin," Phylon XIX (Fall, 1958), 328-34.
36. Amos Lawrence Papers: Lawrence to Garrison, Feb. 16, 1851, on Hen-
son; and Charles Edward Stowe, Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe (Boston, 1890),
pp. 130-31.
37. The 1858 edition apparently was re-written by Samuel A. Eliot. The
previous year Eliot, who had served in the House of Representatives in 1850-51,
140 The Slave Narratives as History
and who refused to become an abolitionist although he continued to oppose
slavery, had retired to Cambridge, his investments having gone sour, to live
in genteel poverty. Abraham Chapman, in Steal Away: Stories of the Runaway
Slaves (New York, 1971) p. 81, though apparently aware that earlier editions
of Henson's life had been ghost-written, says that Henson actually wrote the
1858 version, but he provides no evidence or argument. John F. Bayliss, in
Black Slave Narratives (New York, 1970), uses extracts from Henson's work
(pp. 73-75, 101-107), and asserts that the Christian Examiner and Religious
Miscellany for September, 1864, contains a "key document" supporting Henson
as Uncle Tom (p. 10). Apparently this is a reference to Peabody's review
published, in fact, in 1849 (see note 18, above), which does not relate to
Uncle Tom but to the question of the degree of Henson's authorship in con-
junction with Eliot.
38. Another possibility, though remote, is that Mrs. Stowe incorporated
Henson into her work at some point between June 5, 1851, when the first
chapter appeared in the National Era, and September 18, when her publisher,
John P. Jewett, announced that he would issue the book, or even March 20,
1852, when the first run of the first edition came from the press. That she did
revise her story, probably after Jewett agreed to publish it—that is, after Sep-
tember, 1851, and before March, 1852—and that she revised even the novel
text during the course of publication, is shown by E. Bruce Kirkham in The
Building of Uncle Tom's Cabin (Knoxville, 1977). However, only nine leaves
from the original manuscript, in holograph or facsimile, are extant, so one can
make only modest judgments on the matter. To the extent that one can judge,
the revisions were entirely stylistic and did not touch upon Henson in any
way. See Kirkham, "The First Editions of Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Bibliographical
Study," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, LXV (iv/1971),
39. On the various later editions, see the note following this essay.
40. His manumission papers, which he ultimately regained, refer only to
his having stiff arms from an injury to the elbows. See Alvin McCurdy Collec-
tion, Amherstburg, Ontario: Brice Selby, March 9, 1829, copy.
41. See, from the 1849 (reprint) edition, pp, 8, 67 for suppressed sentences,
and the 1858 edition, pp. 150-64, for an added chapter in which Henson says
that he delivered one hundred and eighteen slaves to freedom.
42. On Henson's literacy, see Lawrence Papers: Lawrence to Hale, Nov. 7,
1850, in which Lawrence notes that Henson could "barely write and cannot
read," and on Nat Turner see Jessie L. Beattie, Black Moses, The Real Uncle
Tom (Toronto, 1957), p, 85. This unfortunate biography confuses more than
it helps, for it mixes the several editions of Henson's narrative indiscriminately,
accepts all that he says at face value, assumes that the 1849 account was not
edited (p. ix) but later wrongly names an editor (p. 172), and at several points—
notably pp. 1, 23, 36, 86, 90, 93, 107, and 110-misreads or manufactures evi-
dence and conversation.
43. Don Juan, Canto XIV, stanza 101. She had published her accusation
about Byron's incestuous relationship with his sister in 1869.
44. A good example of Henson's ability to enlarge his role in events is his
description of his visit with President Hayes in 1878, in which he implies that
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 141
Hayes wished to see so famous a black as he. In fact, Frederick Douglass, the
Washington-based black leader, gained Henson an audience by writing to the
President's private secretary that the "aged preacher is anxious to see the face
of President Hayes if but for a minute" (Rutherford B. Hayes Library, Fre-
mont, Ohio, Hayes Papers: Douglass to William King Rogers, Feb. 26, 1878),
and Hayes did not think the meeting significant enough to record in his diary
(see T. Harry Williams, ed., Hayes: The Diary of a President, 1875-1881 [New
York, 1964], pp. 121-23). Other enlargements and inconsistencies appear in
the various versions of Henson's ghosted works. For the 1878 edition he re-
called "His Praying Mother" in a chapter not thought of before, and while in
1868 he mentioned John Scoble (misspelled Scobell) by name, a quarrel led to
the English abolitionist's absence by the 1878 edition. The wording of a sign
Henson placed on produce he exhibited at the London World's Fair changed
slightly between the two editions, and in the latter he said he had corresponded
with Lieutenant-Governor John Cockburn (meaning Colborne, further evidence
that Henson spoke his account to someone else, since the two names are pro-
nounced in approximately the same way). In 1849 he slipped his son away
from his master without comment, but by 1858 he "could not refrain from an
inward chuckle at the thought—how long a good night that will be!," thus
giving Brian Gysin a title for his odd biography (see the end of this essay).
Between 1849 and 1858 Henson quite forgot whether it was a man or woman
who befriended him near Cincinnati (compare p. 48 of the former with p. 111
of the later edition). In 1849 he said there were twenty thousand Negroes in
Canada, and he gave the same figure in 1858 although elsewhere he remarked
upon how many had arrived in the interim. No one of these changes, errors,
or contradictions is important, and some—such as removing his master's curse,
"you black son of a bitch!," and his repetitive "damned nigger," from the later
editions published by the editor of the Christian Age—are explicable enough,
but collectively they are extremely damaging.
45. Mary Ann Shadd, editor of the best of the black Canadian fugitive
newspapers, the Provincial Freeman, was convinced that Henson was a delib-
erate fraud and a charlatan, and she produced damaging evidence that he was
collecting money in the United States without authorization and, she thought,
for his personal gain. A close reading of the evidence may lead one to a more
charitable conclusion on the second part of the charge. On this, and related,
controversies concerning Henson's honesty within the black community, see
Winks, Blacks in Canada; Jim Bearden and Linda Jean Butler, Shadd: The
Life and Times of Mary Shadd Cary (Toronto, 1977); and more briefly,
Marion Wilson Starling, "The Slave Narrative: Its Place in American Literary
History," unpubl. Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1946, pp. 222, 339-40.
Henson's feud with Scoble is taken up briefly in Howard Temperley, British
Antislavery, 1833-1870 (Columbia, S.C., 1972). Of course, Henson did not
avoid being caught up in the struggle between contending anti-slavery groups.
See the above works, and Benjamin Quarles, Black Abolitionists (New York,
1969); Betty Fladeland, Men and Brothers: Anglo-American Antislavery Co-
operation (Urbana, 1972); and Jane H. and William H. Pease, They Who
Would be Free: Blacks' Search for Freedom, 1830-1861 (New York, 1974).
Victor Ullman, Martin R. Delany: The Beginnings of Black Nationalism (Bos-
142 The Slave Narratives as History
ton, 1971), also sheds light on Shadd's role in the dispute, as does Ian C.
Pemberton, "The Anti-Slavery Society of Canada," unpubl. M.A. thesis, Uni-
versity of Toronto, 1967.
46. Dumfries and Galloway Standard, April 25, 1877, and first misprinted
in Lobb, ed., 1878 edition, pp. 223-24. I should like to thank the Ewart Public
Library in Dumfries, Scotland, for supplying a photostat of the original report.
See also D. D. Buck, The Progression of the Race in the United States and Can-
ada, Treating of the Great Advancement of the Colored Race (Chicago, 1907),
pp. 136, 142-49, 159, 164, 171.
47. The 1858 edition was published by Mrs. Stowe's own publisher, John
P. Jewett. Later, when queried on the relationship between the two books,
Jewett appeared to be unaware that there had been an earlier edition than
1852, and he asserted that Mrs. Stowe could not have made use of Henson's
work since it did not appear until 1858. Jewett apparently had his own reasons
for confusing the earlier editions, though the central point he wished to make
was correct enough. In c. 1882 he asserted that he had personally written about
a quarter of the 1858 Henson book and that Gilbert Haven had written an-
other quarter of it. Half of it was written by "a Unitarian clergyman of
Springfield, Mass." Certainly the 1858 edition had been most substantially
altered from the 1849 edition, and it is possible that Eliot was not involved in
that his text was discarded, but this question of sequence and of authorship
does not speak to the central point of whether Henson's first work directly in-
fluenced Mrs. Stowe's novel. It does, however, give further evidence of the
extent to which anti-slavery writers manipulated texts.
48. On Lobb, see his (as editor) Talks with the Dead: Illustrated with
Spirit Photographs (London, 1906), pp. xv-xx; Register of the Royal Geographi-
cal Society, London: certificate of Election as a Fellow; and appendices to the
1877, 1878, and young people's editions of Henson's autobiography. In 1972
Lobb's daughter gave her father's collection to The American Museum in Bath,
England. Unhappily, the collection proves not to contain any additional infor-
mation of substance, though it includes a gouache of the meeting at Windsor
Castle and a bust of Henson, as well as an oil painting of Henson with Lobb,
thus adding to our store of likenesses of Henson, which had been limited to a
photograph in the hands of the Detroit Public Library and the various sketches
used in the Henson edition. See Eileen Gonin, " 'Uncle Tom' in Fact and Fic-
tion," America in Britain, XI (i/1973), 8-12. The Journal of Queen Victoria, in
the Royal Archives, Round Tower, Windsor Castle, confirms that she received
Henson, his second wife, and Lobb, on March 5, 1877, and in her entry of
March 4 she refers to reading the book. Henson claimed to have dined with
Lord John Russell, and with the Archbishop of Canterbury, with whom he
had the following unlikely conversation: " 'At what university, Sir, did thee
graduate?' 1 graduated, your grace,' said I in reply, 'at the university of ad-
versity.' 'The university of adversity,' said he, looking up with astonishment;
"where is that?' I saw his surprise, and explained. . . . 'But is it possible that
you are not a scholar?' 'I am not,' said I. 'But I should never have suspected
that you were not a liberally educated man. . . .'" (1858 ed., pp. 196-97).
Archbishop Charles Sumner was not known as a wit, but be scarcely needed to
have "adversity" explained to him. In any case, the official register, in Lambeth
Palace Library, London, does not include Henson's name—although this is not
conclusive evidence that the visit did not take place, of course.
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 143
49. Lobb, ed., 1878 edition, p. 176.
50. Henson left virtually nothing to his family, and his son Peter apparently
sold the little landed property that he possessed. Two aged daughters who
moved to Flint, Michigan, and a grandson, Beecher Stowe Henson, later said
that nothing remained save his papers, which disappeared, and a few relics,
which went to a friend in Ridgetown, Ontario. See Toronto Star, June 28,
1930; The Crisis, VI (June, 1913), 65; Fred Landon Correspondences: Jean
Tallach and Landon exchange, July 7, 9, 15, 1935; and Library of Congress,
Carter G. Woodson Collection of Negro Papers, V; sketch of Henson by Julia
[sic] Tallach McKinley.
51. Lobb, ed., Talks with the Dead, p. 118, advertisement (which was
dropped from the 1907 edition of this book). Copies in the British Museum.
52. Of the alleged twelve editions in translation, I have found but four, two
in Swedish, and one in Dutch (all 1877). Lobb claimed there was a Welsh
edition, for example, but a search by Mr. Meiner McDonald, Assistant Keeper
of the Department of Printed Books, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth,
in August 1966, failed to produce one. (Possibly the Welsh translation was
published in the United States, for in 1854 a publisher in Remsen, New York,
published Uncle Tom's Cabin in a special Welsh edition for immigrants, and at
least one each of the Swedish and German translations of Uncle Tom listed in
bibliographies or referred to in introductory essays to reprint editions of Mrs.
Stowe's work, turn out upon examination to have been published in the United
States rather than abroad.) The Bowdoin College Library does hold a copy of the
rare Bergen edition of 1877, translated into Norwegian by H. C. Knutfen.
53. Lobb, ed., Talks with the Dead, p. 32.
54. See London, Ont, Free Press, Aug. 20, 1932, and Windsor Daily
Record, June 18, 1877, on the Stowe-Tilley exchange. Kirkham, Building,
pp. 94-95, takes up the Tilley letter and notes that he surveyed Canadian li-
braries to find it. He is especially good on Brion Gysin's careless errors.
55. Lobb, ed., 1881 edition (1969 reprint), pp. 10-11.
56. News, July 27, 1882.
57. Sun, Aug. 7, 1882.
58. Quoted in Kenneth Allsop's essay, "Analyse de 1'oeuvre," with photo-
graph of letter, in Cercle du Bibliophile edition of La Case de I'oncle Tom
(Geneva, 1970), p. 592. Philip van Doren Stern, on the other hand, asserted
that Henson was "the main source" for Uncle Tom when he prepared The
Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin (New York, 1964), p. 567. Obviously we will
never be quit of this story: even a legal scholar, John Anthony Scott, accepts
the notion that Stowe and Henson met in Boston in 1850. See his Woman
Against Slavery: The Story of Harriet Beecher Stowe (New York, 1978), p. 107.
59. Beattie, Black Moses, p. 206, says that Mrs. Stowe visited Henson at
Dawn, while David P. Botsford, in Amherstburg's Place in American History
(Amherstburg, 1959), pp. 14-15, asserts that she came to Amherstburg to gather
information before she wrote of Uncle Tom. Both statements are nonsense, al-
though she did visit Canada years later, in 1869, without touching upon west-
ern Ontario (Houghton Library, Harvard University, Stowe Papers: Rev.
Edward Wood to Mrs. Stowe, Sept. 16, 1869). Walter Fisher, in his introduc-
tion to the 1962 reprint edition of Henson's narrative, p. v, says that Mrs.
Stowe based her book "upon a fragment" of Truth Stranger than Fiction:
Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, but this is impossible, for the edition
144 The Slave "Narratives as History
of this title appeared in 1858, six years after Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ironically,
the Windsor Daily Star (Jan. 15, 1938, July 30, 1948) insisted that the real
Eliza had lived in the old Matthew Elliott home, which had been owned by
Upper Canada's largest slaver in the eighteenth century. See also R.C.
Smedley, History of the Underground Railroad in Chester and the Neighboring
Counties of Pennsylvania (Lancaster, Pa., 1883), p. 32, and Clare Taylor,
"Notes on American Negro Reformers in Victorian Britain," British Association
for American Studies Bulletin, N.S., no. 2, March 1961, 40-51.
60. For examples of the various forms the annual eulogies take, see the fol-
lowing, representative of dozens more: Montreal Family Herald and Weekly
Star, Sept. 19, 1928; Toronto Globe, Jan. 19, 1935; Montreal Star, June 9, 1937;
Detroit Times, May 1, 1938; Tannis Lee, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Imperial Oil
Company Review, XIII (April, 1952), 4-6; Hamilton Review, July 18, 1952;
The Canadian Woodman (Oct., 1952), 2; The Sentinel (Dec., 1957), 6-7; Wini-
fred Kincade, The Torch: Ontario Monuments to Great Names (Regina, 1962),
61. Frederick Douglass' Paper, April 1, 1853, quoted in Howard H. Bell,
"Negro Nationalism in the 1850s," Journal of Negro Education, XXXV (Winter,
1966), 101.
62. Lobb, Young People's Illustrated Edition, pp. 12-16.
63. Some of Henson's contemporaries doubted that he was Mrs. Stowe's
Uncle Torn, although none appears to have been heard. Most scholarly works on
black history, local histories of Ontario, and general accounts of abolitionism still
accept the identification, but four scholars have questioned the association: In
1946 J. Winton Coleman, Jr., in "Mrs. Stowe, Kentucky, and Uncle Tom's Cabin,"
Lincoln Herald, XLVIII (June), 6, presented a better case for Lewis Clarke,
who escaped in 1841 and who did talk with Mrs. Stowe; in 1937 Fred Landon
challenged the association, Montreal Star, June 22, and in 1947 he somewhat
harshly noted that Henson "made little practical contribution to the welfare of
his people," Canadian Historical Review, XXVIII (Dec.), 440. In 1958 William
H. and Jane H. Pease, in "Uncle Tom and Clayton: Fact, Fiction, and Mystery,"
Ontario History, L (Spring), 62, 68 found Henson "shrewdly devious" and a
"Mystery." In 1907 William Harrison, in "Uncle Tom's Prototype," Canadian
Magazine, XXVIII (April), 530-36, tried to substitute a fictitious Lemuel Page
for Henson. But in 1964 Alex Haley still thought Henson to be the "majority
candidate" for the role ("In 'Uncle Tom" are Our Guilt and Hope," The New
York Times Magazine, March 1, 23).
64. Of course, despite ambivalence about "Uncle Tom," many blacks con-
tinued to find inspiration in the identification between Henson and Tom, James
Baldwin and J.C. Furnas notwithstanding. Peter M. Bergman, et al., The
Chronological History of the 'Negro in America (New York, 1969), pp. 67-68;
Wade Baskin and Richard N. Runes, eds., Dictionary of Black Culture (New
York, 1973), p. 210; and Harry A. Ploski and Warren Marr II, eds., The Negro
Almanac: A Reference Work on the Afro-American, 1776 Bicentennial Edition
1976 (New York, 1976), pp. 11, 168, are standard reference works that con-
tinue to accept the linkage, the last stating that Henson gave Mrs. Stowe an
outline of his book in 1849. In Canada the 1970s brought a number of black
histories written by black authors for general use, These books are more sen-
sitive to the present connotations of "Uncle Tom" and deal more effectively
The Making of a Fugitive Slave Narrative 145
with the question of whether Henson was Mrs. Stowe's original, while finding
ways to use Henson to instill a sense of pride in young readers. Two of the best
are Headley Tulloch, Black Canadians: A Long Line of Fighters (Toronto,
1975), and Leo W. Bertley, Canada and Its People of African Descent (Pierre-
fonds, P.Q., 1977). The conventional treatment appears ironically enough, in
the Centennial Story of Dresden, 1825-1967, by Alda L. Hyatt (Dresden,
1967), p. 5.
65. On these controversies, the most balanced account is Pease and Pease,
Black Utopia, pp. 76-83,176-77.
66. Henson borrowed $2,800 from J. Ingersoll Bowditch, Samuel Eliot,
and Amos Lawrence (Rhodes House Library, Oxford University, Anti-Slavery
Papers C 19/21: Lawrence to Scoble, March 30, 1851), a sum which Scoble
finally liquidated for $1,500 (Lawrence Papers: Lawrence to Roaf, Dec. 22,
1852, June 30, 1853), by which time all three of the creditors had turned
against Dawn (ibid., Lawrence to Scoble, May 7,1853).
67. Truman Nelson, ed., Documents of Upheaval: Selections from William
Lloyd Garrisons The Liberator, 1831-1865 (New York, 1966), p. 239.
Henson also lost the support of Mary Estlin and Maria Weston Chapman, par-
tially because of his controversy with Scoble over the administration of the
Dawn School, and partially because in 1851 he solicited funds on the basis of
testimonials one of which, at least, was false (Weston Papers: John Bishop
Estlin to Miss E. Wigham, May 3, and Fanny N. Tribe to Mary A. Estlin,
June 12, 1851, and Mrs. Emma Michell to Maria W. Chapman, Aug. 30, 1852).
The Rhodes House Anti-Slavery papers, as well as the Lawrence, Weston, and
Samuel Gay Papers—the last at Columbia University—contain many letters
about the feud between Henson and Scoble.
68. Hamilton Times, Jan. 13, 1882. On Victoria's picture, see the New York
Public Library's Schomburg Collection, abolition materials, item 137: Henson
Ms. [on visit to England], 1876.
69. See MacLachlan, Dawn, p. 16.
70. Herbert Aptheker, ed., A Documentary History of the Negro People
in the United States (New York, 1951), pp. 406-08, drawing upon The Libera-
tor for August 13, 1858.
71. See the use made in John W. Blassingame, The Slave Community:
Plantation Life in the Antebellum South (New York, 1972), and Blassingame,
"Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves: Approaches and Problems," Journal of
Southern History, XLI (Nov., 1975), 473-92; the intelligent use of extracts
in Thomas L. Webber, Deep Like the Rivers: Education in the Slave Quarter
Community, 1831-1865 (New York, 1978); and the way in which three of the
editions are drawn upon in Charles H. Nichols, Many Thousand Gone: The
Ex-Slaves' Account of Their Bondage and Freedom (Leiden, 1963). See also
the introductory essay to the 1971 Frank Cass reprint edition of the 1877
London version of Henson's narrative, written by C. Duncan Rice, which
rightly finds Uncle Tom's Story, as the edition was called, "a splendid example
of its type."
72. I wish to thank Mr. Dalton McBee, of Phillips Academy, Andover, for
arranging for me to visit the Stowe house in Andover, and Mrs. Stowe's grave;
James Ayres, for helping me during a visit to the American Museum, in Bath,
146 The Slave Narratives as History
England; Roger Howell, for making possible a visit to the Stowe house in
Brunswick, Maine; and the scholars who gave me the benefit of their criticisms
on the original essay, of which this is an expansion: Professor and Mrs.
William H. Pease of the University of Maine, Professor Edward Wagenknecht
of Boston University; Professor C. Vann Woodward of Yale University; and
Mr. Joseph S. Van Why, of the Stowe-Day Foundation in Hartford, Connecticut.
73. For the editions now in print, and not discussed here, see footnote 3.
Moses Roper
Henry Bibb
Archer Alexander
William Craft
Ellen Craft
A Ride for Liberty—The Fugitive Slaves, Eastman Johnson, circa 1862.
The Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Miss Gwendolyn O.L. Conkling.
Solomon Northup
John Anderson
Frederick Douglass
Josiah Henson
'I Was Born':
Slave Narratives, Their Status
as Autobiography and as Literature
Anyone who sets about reading a single slave narrative, or even two or
three slave narratives, might be forgiven the natural assumption that
every such narrative will be, or ought to be, a unique production; for—
so would go the unconscious argument—are not slave narratives autobi-
ography, and is not every autobiography the unique tale, uniquely told,
of a unique life? If such a reader should proceed to take up another half
dozen narratives, however (and there is a great lot of them from which
to choose the half dozen), a sense not of uniqueness but of overwhelm-
ing sameness is almost certain to be the result. And if our reader con-
tinues through two or three dozen more slave narratives, still having
hardly begun to broach the whole body of material (one estimate puts
the number of extant narratives at over six thousand), he is sure to come
away dazed by the mere repetitiveness of it all: seldom will he discover
anything new or different but only, always more and more of the same.
This raises a number of difficult questions both for the student of auto-
biography and the student of Afro-American literature. Why should the
narratives be so cumulative and so invariant, so repetitive and so much
alike? Are the slave narratives classifiable under some larger grouping
(are they history or literature or autobiography or polemical writing?
and what relationship do these larger groupings bear to one another?);
or do the narratives represent a mutant development really different in
kind from any other mode of writing that might initially seem to relate
to them as parent, as sibling, as cousin, or as some other formal relation?
What narrative mode, what manner of story-telling, do we find in the
slave narratives, and what is the place of memory both in this particular
variety of narrative and in autobiography more generally? What is the
relationship of the slave narratives to later narrative modes and later
thematic complexes of Afro-Arnerican writing? The questions are multi-
"I Was Born" 149
ple and manifold. I propose to come at them and to offer some tentative
answers by first making some observations about autobiography and its
special nature as a memorial, creative act; then outlining some of the
common themes and nearly invariable conventions of slave narratives;
and finally attempting to determine the place of the slave narrative 1) in
the spectrum of autobiographical writing, 2) in the history of American
literature, and 3) in the making of an Afro-American literary tradition.
I have argued elsewhere that there are many different ways that we can
legitimately understand the word and the act of autobiography; here,
however, I want to restrict myself to a fairly conventional and common-
sense understanding of autobiography. I will not attempt to define auto-
biography but merely to describe a certain kind of autobiographical per-
formance—not the only kind by any means but the one that will allow us
to reflect most clearly on what goes on in slave narratives. For present
purposes, then, autobiography may be understood as a recollective/
narrative act in which the writer, from a certain point in his life—the
present—, looks back over the events of that life and recounts them in
such a way as to show how that past history has led to this present state
of being. Exercising memory, in order that he may recollect and narrate,
the autobiographer is not a neutral and passive recorder but rather a
creative and active shaper. Recollection, or memory, in this way a most
creative faculty, goes backward so that narrative, its twin and counter-
part, may go forward: memory and narration move along the same line
only in reverse directions. Or as in Heraclitus, the way up and the way
down, the way back and the way forward, are one and the same. When
I say that memory is immensely creative I do not mean that it creates
for itself events that never occurred (of course this can happen too, but
that is another matter). What I mean instead is that memory creates the
significance of events in discovering the pattern into which those events
fall. And such a pattern, in the kind of autobiography where memory
rules, will be a teleological one bringing us, in and through narration,
and as it were by an inevitable process, to the end of all past moments
which is the present. It is in the interplay of past and present, of present
memory reflecting over past experience on its way to becoming present
being, that events are lifted out of time to be re-situated not in mere
chronological sequence but in patterned significance.
Paul Ricoeur, in a paper on "Narrative and Hermeneutics," makes the
point in a slightly different way but in a way that allows us to sort out
the place of time and memory both in autobiography in general and in
the Afro-American slave narrative in particular. "Poiesis" according to
150 The Slave Narratives as Literature
Ricoeur's analysis, "both reflects and resolves the paradox of time"; and
he continues: "It reflects it to the extent that the act of emplotment
combines in various proportions two temporal dimensions, one chrono-
logical and the other non-chronological. The first may be called the epi-
sodic dimension. It characterizes the story as made out of events. The
second is the configurational dimension, thanks to which the plot con-
strues significant wholes out of scattered events."1 In autobiography it is
memory that, in the recollecting and retelling of events, effects "emplot-
ment"; it is memory that, shaping the past according to the configura-
tion of the present, is responsible for "the configurational dimension"
that "construes significant wholes out of scattered events." It is for this
reason that in a classic of autobiographical literature like Augustine's
Confessions, for example, memory is not only the mode but becomes the
very subject of the writing. I should imagine, however, that any reader
of slave narratives is most immediately struck by the almost complete
dominance of "the episodic dimension," the nearly total lack of any "con-
figurational dimension," and the virtual absence of any reference to
memory or any sense that memory does anything but make the past
facts and events of slavery immediately present to the writer and his
reader. (Thus one often gets, "I can see even now, ... I can still
hear . . . ," etc.) There is a very good reason for this, but its being a
very good reason does not alter the consequence that the slave narrative,
with a very few exceptions, tends to exhibit a highly conventional, rig-
idly fixed form that bears much the same relationship to autobiography
in a full sense as painting by numbers bears to painting as a creative act.
I say there is a good reason for this, and there is; The writer of a
slave narrative finds himself in an irresolvably tight bind as a result of
the very intention and premise of his narrative, which is to give a pic-
ture of "slavery as it is." Thus it is the writer's claim, it must be his
claim, that he is not emplotting, he is not fictionalizing, and he is not
performing any act of poiesis (= shaping, making). To give a true pic-
ture of slavery as it really is, he must maintain that he exercises a clear-
glass, neutral memory that is neither creative nor faulty—indeed, if it
were creative it would be eo ipso faulty for "creative" would be under-
stood by skeptical readers as a synonym for "lying." Thus the ex-slave
narrator is debarred from use of a memory that would make anything of
his narrative beyond or other than the purely, merely episodic, and he
is denied access, by the very nature and intent of his venture, to the
configurational dimension of narrative.
Of the kind of memory central to the act of autobiography as I de-
scribed it earlier, Ernst Cassirer has written: "Symbolic memory is the
"I Was Bom" 151
process by which man not only repeats his past experience but also re-
constructs this experience. Imagination becomes a necessary element of
true recollection." In that word "imagination," however, lies the joker
for an ex-slave who would write the narrative of his life in slavery. What
we find Augustine doing in Book X of the Confessions—offering up a
disquisition on memory that makes both memory itself and the narrative
that it surrounds fully symbolic—would be inconceivable in a slave nar-
rative. Of course ex-slaves do exercise memory in their narratives, but
they never talk about it as Augustine does, as Rousseau does, as Words-
worth does, as Thoreau does, as Henry James does, as a hundred other
autobiographers (not to say novelists like Proust) do. Ex-slaves cannot
talk about it because of the premises according to which they write, one
of those premises being that there is nothing doubtful or mysterious
about memory: on the contrary, it is assumed to be a clear, unfailing
record of events sharp and distinct that need only be transformed into
descriptive language to become the sequential narrative of a life in slav-
ery. In the same way, the ex-slave writing his narrative cannot afford to
put the present in conjunction with the past (again with very rare but
significant exceptions to be mentioned later) for fear that in so doing
he will appear, from the present, to be reshaping and so distorting and
falsifying the past. As a result, the slave narrative is most often a non-
memorial description fitted to a pre-formed mold, a mold with regular
depressions here and equally regular prominences there—virtually oblig-
atory figures, scenes, turns of phrase, observances, and authentications—
that carry over from narrative to narrative and give to them as a group
the species character that we designate by the phrase "slave narrative."
The conventions for slave narratives were so early and so firmly es-
tablished that one can imagine a sort of master outline drawn from the
great narratives and guiding the lesser ones. Such an outline would look
something like this:
A. An engraved portrait, signed by the narrator.
B. A title page that includes the claim, as an integral part of the
title, "Written by Himself" (or some close variant: "Written from a
statement of Facts Made by Himself; or "Written by a Friend, as Re-
lated to Him by Brother Jones"; etc.).
C. A handful of testimonials and/or one or more prefaces or intro-
ductions written either by a white abolitionist friend of the narrator
(William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips) or by a white amanuensis/
editor/author actually responsible for the text (John Greenleaf Whit-
tier, David Wilson, Louis Alexis Chamerovzow), in the course of which
preface the reader is told that the narrative is a "plain, unvarnished tale"
and that naught "has been set down in malice, nothing exaggerated,
nothing drawn from the imagination"—indeed, the tale, it is claimed,
understates the horrors of slavery.
D. A poetic epigraph, by preference from William Cowper.
E. The actual narrative:
"7 Was Born" 153
1. a first sentence beginning, "I was born . . . ," then specifying
a place but not a date of birth;
2. a sketchy account of parentage, often involving a white father;
3. description of a cruel master, mistress, or overseer, details of
first observed whipping and numerous subsequent whippings, with
women very frequently the victims;
4. an account of one extraordinarily strong, hardworking slave-
often "pure African"—who, because there is no reason for it, refuses
to be whipped;
5. record of the barriers raised against slave literacy and the
overwhelming difficulties encountered in learning to read and write;
6. description of a "Christian" slaveholder (often of one such
dying in terror) and the accompanying claim that "Christian" slave-
holders are invariably worse than those professing no religion;
7. description of the amounts and kinds of food and clothing
given to slaves, the work required of them, the pattern of a day, a
week, a year;
8. account of a slave auction, of families being separated and de-
stroyed, of distraught mothers clinging to their children as they are
torn from them, of slave coffles being driven South;
9. description of patrols, of failed attempt(s) to escape, of pursuit
by men and dogs;
10. description of successful attempt(s) to escape, lying by during
the day, travelling by night guided by the North Star, reception in a
free state by Quakers who offer a lavish breakfast and much genial
thee/thou conversation;
11. taking of a new last name (frequently one suggested by a
white abolitionist) to accord with new social identity as a free man,
but retention of first name as a mark of continuity of individual
12. reflections on slavery.
Whether it is intentional or not, the order of the elements and the punc-
tuation of this subtitle (with full stops after lines two and three) make it
very unclear just what is being claimed about authorship and stylistic
responsibility for the narrative. Presumably the "remarks upon the rem-
edy for slavery" are by Charles Stearns (who was also, at 25 Cornhill,
Boston, the publisher of the Narrative), but this title-page could well
leave a reader in doubt about the party responsible for the stylistic man-
ner of the narration. Such doubt will soon be dispelled, however, if the
reader proceeds from Charles Stearns' "preface" to Box Brown's "narra-
tive" to Charles Stearns' "remarks upon the remedy for slavery." The
preface is a most poetic, most high-flown, most grandiloquent peroration
that, once cranked up, carries right over into and through the narrative
160 The Slave Narratives as Literature
to issue in the appended remarks which come to an end in a REPRE-
SENTATION OF THE BOX in which Box Brown was transported from
Richmond to Philadelphia. Thus from the preface: "Not for the purpose
of administering to a prurient desire to 'hear and see some new thing,'
nor to gratify any inclination on the part of the hero of the following
story to be honored by man, is this simple and touching narrative of the
perils of a seeker after the 'boon of liberty,' introduced to the public
eye . . . ," etc.—the sentence goes on three times longer than this ex-
tract, describing as it proceeds "the horrid sufferings of one as, in a
portable prison, shut out from the light of heaven, and nearly deprived
of its balmy air, he pursued his fearful journey. . . ." As is usual in such
prefaces, we are addressed directly by the author: "O reader, as you
peruse this heart-rending tale, let the tear of sympathy roll freely from
your eyes, and let the deep fountains of human feeling, which God has
implanted in the breast of every son and daughter of Adam, burst forth
from their enclosure, until a stream shall flow therefrom on to the sur-
rounding world, of so invigorating and purifying a nature, as to arouse
from the 'death of the sin* of slavery, and cleanse from the pollutions
thereof, all with whom you may be connected." We may not be over-
whelmed by the sense of this sentence but surely we must be by its rich
rhetorical manner.
The narrative itself, which is all first person and "the plain narrative
of our friend," as the preface says, begins in this manner:
Suffice it to say of this piece of fine writing that the pen—than which
there were others far abler—was held not by Box Brown but by Charles
Stearns and that it could hardly be further removed than it is from the
pen held by Frederick Douglass, that pen that could have been laid in
the gashes in his feet made by the cold. At one point in his narrative Box
Brown is made to say (after describing how his brother was turned away
from a stream with the remark "We do not allow niggers to fish"), "Noth-
"I Was Born" 161
ing daunted, however, by this rebuff, my brother went to another place,
and was quite successful in his undertaking, obtaining a plentiful supply
of the finny tribe."11 It may be that Box Brown's story was told from "a
statement of facts made by himself," but after those facts have been
dressed up in the exotic rhetorical garments provided by Charles Stearns
there is precious little of Box Brown (other than the representation of
the box itself) that remains in the narrative. And indeed for every fact
there are pages of self-conscious, self-gratifying, self-congratulatory phi-
losophizing by Charles Stearns, so that if there is any life here at all it is
the life of that man expressed in his very own overheated and foolish
David Wilson is a good deal more discreet than Charles Stearns, and
the relationship of preface to narrative in Twelve Years a Slave is there-
fore a great deal more questionable, but also more interesting, than in
the Narrative of Henry Box Brown. Wilson's preface is a page and a half
long; Northup's narrative, with a song at the end and three or four ap-
pendices, is three hundred thirty pages long. In the preface Wilson says,
"Many of the statements contained in the following pages are corrobo-
rated by abundant evidence—others rest entirely upon Solomon's asser-
tion. That he has adhered strictly to the truth, the editor, at least, who
has had an opportunity of detecting any contradiction or discrepancy in
his statements, is well satisfied. He has invariably repeated the same
story without deviating in the slightest particular. . . ,"13 Now Northup's
narrative is not only a very long one but is filled with a vast amount of
circumstantial detail, and hence it strains a reader's credulity somewhat
to be told that he "invariably repeated the same story without deviating
in the slightest particular." Moreover, since the style of the narrative (as
I shall argue in a moment) is demonstrably not Northup's own, we might
well suspect a filling in and fleshing out on the part of—perhaps not the
"onlie begetter" but at least—the actual author of the narrative. But this
is not the most interesting aspect of Wilson's performance in the preface
nor the one that will repay closest examination. That comes with the
conclusion of the preface which reads as follows:
It is believed that the following account of his [Northup's] expe-
rience on Bayou Bosuf presents a correct picture of Slavery, in all its
lights and shadows, as it now exists in that locality. Unbiased, as he
conceives, by any prepossessions or prejudices, the only object of the
editor has been to give a faithful history of Solomon Northup's life, as
he received it from his lips.
In the accomplishment of that object, he trusts he has succeeded,
notwithstanding the numerous faults of style and of expression it may
be found to contain.
162 The Slave Narratives as Literature
To sort out, as far as possible, what is being asserted here we would do
well to start with the final sentence, which is relatively easy to under-
stand. To acknowledge faults in a publication and to assume responsi-
bility for them is of course a commonplace gesture in prefaces, though
why the question of style and expression should be so important in giv-
ing "a faithful history" of someone's life "as . . . received . , . from his
lips" is not quite clear; presumably the virtues of style and expression
are superadded to the faithful history to give it whatever literary merits
it may lay claim to, and insofar as these fall short the author feels the
need to acknowledge responsibility and apologize. Nevertheless, putting
this ambiguity aside, there is no doubt about who is responsible for what
in this sentence, which, if I might replace pronouns with names, would
read thus: "In the accomplishment of that object, David Wilson trusts
that he [David Wilson] has succeeded, notwithstanding the numerous
faults of style and of expression [for which David Wilson assumes re-
sponsibility] it may be found by the reader to contain." The two pre-
ceding sentences, however, are altogether impenetrable both in syntax
and in the assertion they are presumably designed to make. Casting the
first statement as a passive one ("It is believed . . .") and dangling a
participle in the second ("Unbiased . . . " ) , so that we cannot know in
either case to whom the statement should be attached, Wilson succeeds
in obscuring entirely the authority being claimed for the narrative.14 It
would take too much space to analyze the syntax, the psychology (one
might, however, glance at the familiar use of Northup's given name),
and the sense of these affirmations, but I would challenge anyone to dia-
gram the second sentence ("Unbiased . . .") with any assurance at all.
As to the narrative to which these prefatory sentences refer: When
we get a sentence like this on describing Northup's going into a swamp—
"My midnight intrusion had awakened the feathered tribes [near rela-
tives of the 'finny tribe' of Box Brown/Charles Stearns], which seemed
to throng the morass in hundreds of thousands, and their garrulous
throats poured forth such multitudinous sounds—there was such a flut-
tering of wings—such sullen plunges in the water all around me—that I
was affrighted and appalled" (p. 141)—when we get such a sentence we
may think it pretty fine writing and awfully literary, but the fine writer
is clearly David Wilson rather than Solomon Northup. Perhaps a better
instance of the white amanuensis/sentimental novelist laying his man-
nered style over the faithful history as received from Northup's lips is to
be found in this description of a Christmas celebration where a huge
meal was provided by one slaveholder for slaves from surrounding plan-
tations: "They seat themselves at the rustic table—the males on one side,
the females on the other. The two between whom there may have been
"I Was Born" 163
an exchange of tenderness, invariably manage to sit opposite; for the
omnipresent Cupid disdains not to hurl his arrows into the simple hearts
of slaves" (p. 215). The entire passage should be consulted to get the
full effect of Wilson's stylistic extravagances when he pulls the stops
out, but any reader should be forgiven who declines to believe that this
last clause, with its reference to "the simple hearts of slaves" and its
self-conscious, inverted syntax ("disdains not"), was written by some-
one who had recently been in slavery for twelve years. "Red," we are
told by Wilson's Northup, "is decidedly the favorite color among the en-
slaved damsels of my acquaintance. If a red ribbon does not encircle the
neck, you will be certain to find all the hair of their woolly heads tied up
with red strings of one sort or another" (p. 214). In the light of passages
like these, David Wilson's apology for "numerous faults of style and of
expression" takes on all sorts of interesting new meaning. The rustic
table, the omnipresent Cupid, the simple hearts of slaves, and the woolly
heads of enslaved damsels, like the finny and feathered tribes, might
come from any sentimental novel of the nineteenth century—one, say, by
Harriet Beecher Stowe; and so it comes as no great surprise to read on
the dedication page the following: "To Harriet Beecher Stowe: Whose
Name, Throughout the World, Is Identified with the Great Reform: This
Narrative, Affording Another Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, Is Respectfully
Dedicated." While not surprising, given the style of the narrative, this
dedication does little to clarify the authority that we are asked to dis-
cover in and behind the narrative, and the dedication, like the pervasive
style, calls into serious question the status of Twelve Years a Slave as
autobiography and/or literature.15
For Henry Bibb's narrative Lucius C. Matlack supplied an introduc-
tion in a mighty poetic vein in which he reflects on the paradox that out
of the horrors of slavery have come some beautiful narrative produc-
tions. "Gushing fountains of poetic thought, have started from beneath
the rod of violence, that will long continue to slake the feverish thirst of
humanity outraged, until swelling to a flood it shall rush with wasting
violence over the ill-gotten heritage of the oppressor. Startling incidents
authenticated, far excelling fiction in their touching pathos, from the pen
of self-emancipated slaves, do now exhibit slavery in such revolting as-
pects, as to secure the execrations of all good men, and become a monu-
ment more enduring than marble, in testimony strong as sacred writ
against it."16 The picture Matlack presents of an outraged humanity with
a feverish thirst for gushing fountains started up by the rod of violence
is a peculiar one and one that seems, psychologically speaking, not very
healthy. At any rate, the narrative to which Matlack's observations have
immediate reference was, as he says, from the pen of a self-emancipated
164 The Slave Narratives as Literature
slave (self-emancipated several times), and it does indeed contain star-
tling incidents with much touching pathos about them; but the really
curious thing about Bibb's narrative is that it displays much the same
florid, sentimental, declamatory rhetoric as we find in ghostwritten or
as-told-to narratives and also in prefaces such as those by Charles
Stearns, Louis Alexis Chamerovzow, and Lucius Matlack himself. Con-
sider the account Bibb gives of his courtship and marriage. Having de-
termined by a hundred signs that Malinda loved him even as he loved
her—"I could read it by her always giving me the preference of her com-
pany; by her pressing invitations to visit even in opposition to her
mother's will. I could read it in the language of her bright and sparkling
eye, penciled by the unchangable finger of nature, that spake but could
not lie" (pp. 34-35)—Bibb decided to speak and so, as he says, "broached
the subject of marriage":
I said, "I never will give my heart nor hand to any girl in marriage,
until I first know her sentiments upon the all-important subjects of
Religion and Liberty. No matter how well I might love her, nor how
great the sacrifice in carrying out these God-given principles. And I
here pledge myself from this course never to be shaken while a single
pulsation of my heart shall continue to throb for Liberty."
And did his "dear girl" flunk the challenge thus proposed by Bibb? Far
from it—if anything she proved more high-minded than Bibb himself.
With this idea Malinda appeared to be well pleased, and with a smile
she looked me in the face and said, "I have long entertained the same
views, and this has been one of the greatest reasons why I have not felt
inclined to enter the married state while a slave; I have always felt a
desire to be free; I have long cherished a hope that I should yet be free,
either by purchase or running away. In regard to the subject of Reli-
gion, I have always felt that it was a good thing, and something that I
would seek for at some future period."
It is all to the good, of course, that no one has ever spoken or could
ever speak as Bibb and his beloved are said to have done—no one, that
is, outside a bad, sentimental novel of date c. 1849.17 Though actually
written by Bibb, the narrative, for style and tone, might as well have
been the product of the pen of Lucius Matlack. But the combination of
the sentimental rhetoric of white fiction and white preface-writing with
a realistic presentation of the facts of slavery, all parading under the
banner of an authentic—and authenticated—personal narrative, produces
something that is neither fish nor fowl. A text like Bibb's is committed
to two conventional forms, the slave narrative and the novel of senti-
"I Was Born" 165
meat, and caught by both it is unable to transcend either. Nor is the
reason far to seek: the sensibility that produced Uncle Tom's Cabin was
closely allied to the abolitionist sensibility that sponsored the slave nar-
ratives and largely determined the form they should take. The master-
slave relationship might go underground or it might be turned inside out
but it was not easily done away with.
Consider one small but recurrent and telling detail in the relationship
of white sponsor to black narrator. John Brown's narrative, we are told
by Louis Alexis Chamerovzow, the "Editor" (actually author) of Slave
Life in Georgia, is "a plain, unvarnished tale of real Slave-life"; Edwin
Scrantom, in his letter "recommendatory," writes to Austin Steward of
his Twenty-Two Years a Slave and Forty "Years a Freeman, "Let its plain,
unvarnished tale be sent out, and the story of Slavery and its abomina-
tions, again be told by one who has felt in his own person its scorpion
lash, and the weight of its grinding heel"; the preface writer ("W.M.S.")
for Experience of a Slave in South Carolina calls it "the unvarnished, but
ower true tale of John Andrew Jackson, the escaped Carolinian slave";
John Greenleaf Whittier, apparently the dupe of his "ex-slave," says of
The Narrative of James Williams, "The following pages contain the
simple and unvarnished story of an AMERICAN SLAVE"; Robert Hur-
nard tells us that he was determined to receive and transmit Solomon
Bayley's Narrative "in his own simple, unvarnished style"; and Harriet
Tubman too is given the "unvarnished" honorific by Sarah Bradford in
her preface to Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman: "It is proposed in
this little book to give a plain and unvarnished account of some scenes
and adventures in the life of a woman who, though one of earth's lowly
ones, and of dark-hued skin, has shown an amount of heroism in her
character rarely possessed by those of any station in life." The fact that
the varnish is laid on very thickly indeed in several of these (Brown,
Jackson, and Williams, for example) is perhaps interesting, but it is not
the essential point, which is to be found in the repeated use of just this
word—"unvarnished"—to describe all these tales. The Oxford English
Dictionary will tell us (which we should have surmised anyway) that
Othello, another figure of "dark-hued skin" but vastly heroic character,
first used the word "unvarnished"—"I will a round unvarnish'd tale de-
liver/ Of my whole course of love"; and that, at least so far as the OED
record goes, the word does not turn up again until Burke used it in
1780, some 175 years later ("This is a true, unvarnished, undisguised
state of the affair"). I doubt that anyone would imagine that white edi-
tors/amanuenses had an obscure passage from Burke in the back of their
collective mind—or deep down in that mind—when they repeatedly used
166 The Slave Narratives as Literature
this word to characterize the narrative of their ex-slaves. No, it was cer-
tainly a Shakespearean hero they were unconsciously evoking, and not
just any Shakespearean hero but always Othello, the Noble Moor.
Various narrators of documents "written by himself" apologize for
their lack of grace or style or writing ability, and again various narrators
say that theirs are simple, factual, realistic presentations; but no ex-slave
that I have found who writes his own story calls it an "unvarnished"
tale: the phrase is specific to white editors, amanuenses, writers, and au-
thenticators. Moreover, to turn the matter around, when an ex-slave
makes an allusion to Shakespeare (which is naturally a very infrequent
occurrence) to suggest something about his situation or imply something
of his character, the allusion is never to Othello. Frederick Douglass, for
example, describing all the imagined horrors that might overtake him
and his fellows should they try to escape, writes: "I say, this picture
sometimes appalled us, and made us
Thus it was in the light of Hamlet's experience and character that Doug-
lass saw his own, not in the light of Othello's experience and character.
Not so William Lloyd Garrison, however, who says in the preface to
Douglass' Narrative, "I am confident that it is essentially true in all its
statements; that nothing has been set down in malice, nothing exag-
gerated, nothing drawn from the imagination. . . ,"18 We can be sure
that it is entirely unconscious, this regular allusion to Othello, but it says
much about the psychological relationship of white patron to black
narrator that the former should invariably see the latter not as Hamlet,
not as Lear, not as Antony, or any other Shakespearean hero but always
and only as Othello.
But here a most interesting paradox arises. While we may say that the
slave narratives do not qualify as either autobiography or literature, and
while we may argue, against John Bayliss and Gilbert Osofsky and
others, and they have no real place in American Literature (just as we
might argue, and on the same grounds, against Ellen Moers that Uncle
Tom's Cabin is not a great American novel), yet the undeniable fact is
that the Afro-American literary tradition takes its start, in theme cer-
tainly but also often in content and form, from the slave narra|ives.
Richard Wright's Black Boy, which many readers (myself included)
would take to be his supreme achievement as a creative writer, provides
the perfect case in point, though a host of others could be adduced that
would be nearly as exemplary (Du Bois' various autobiographical works;
Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man; Baldwin's autobio-
graphical fiction and essays; Ellison's Invisible Man; Games' Autobiog-
raphy of Miss Jane Pittman; Maya Angelou's writing; etc.). In effect,
Wright looks back to slave narratives at the same time that he projects
developments that would occur in Afro-American writing after Black
Boy (published in 1945). Thematically, Black Boy reenacts both the gen-
eral, objective portrayal of the realities of slavery as an institution (trans-
muted to what Wright calls "The Ethics of Living Jim Crow" in the little
piece that lies behind Black Boy) and also the particular, individual
complex of literacy-identity-freedom that we find at the thematic center
of all of the most important slave narratives. In content and form as well
Black Boy repeats, mutatis mutandis, much of the general plan given
earlier in this essay describing the typical slave narrative: Wright, like
the ex-slave, after a more or less chronological, episodic account of the
conditions of slavery/Jim Crow, including a particularly vivid descrip-
tion of the difficulty or near impossibility—but also the inescapable
"I Was Born" 169
necessity—of attaining full literacy, tells how he escaped from southern
bondage, fleeing toward what he imagined would be freedom, a new
identity, and the opportunity to exercise his hard-won literacy in a north-
ern, free-state city. That he did not find exactly what he expected in
Chicago and New York changes nothing about Black Boy itself: neither
did Douglass find everything he anticipated or desired in the North, but
that personally unhappy fact in no way affects his Narrative. Wright,
impelled by a nascent sense of freedom that grew within him in direct
proportion to his increasing literacy (particularly in the reading of realis-
tic and naturalistic fiction), fled the world of the South, and abandoned
the identity that world had imposed upon him ("I was what the white
South called a 'nigger'"), in search of another identity, the identity of a
writer, precisely that writer we know as "Richard Wright." "From where
in this southern darkness had I caught a sense of freedom?"22 Wright
could discover only one answer to his question: "It had been only
through books . . . that I had managed to keep myself alive in a nega-
tively vital way" (p. 282). It was in his ability to construe letters and in
the bare possibility of putting his life into writing that Wright "caught a
sense of freedom" and knew that he must work out a new identity. "I
could submit and live the life of a genial slave," Wright says, "but," he
adds, "that was impossible" (p. 276). It was impossible because, like
Douglass and other slaves, he had arrived at the crossroads where the
three paths of literacy, identity, freedom met, and after such knowledge
there was no turning back.
Black Boy resembles slave narratives in many ways but in other ways
it is crucially different from its predecessors and ancestors. It is of more
than trivial insignificance that Wright's narrative does not begin with
"'I was born," nor is it under the guidance of any intention or impulse
other than its own, and while his book is largely episodic in structure,
it is also—precisely by exercise of symbolic memory—"emplotted" and
"configurational" in such a way as to construe "significant wholes out of
scattered events." Ultimately, Wright freed himself from the South—at
least this is what his narrative recounts—and he was also fortunately
free, as the ex-slaves generally were not, from abolitionist control and
free to exercise that creative memory that was peculiarly his. On the
penultimate page of Black Boy Wright says, "I was leaving the South
to fling myself into the unknown, to meet other situations that would
perhaps elicit from me other responses. And if I could meet enough of
a different life, then, perhaps, gradually and slowly I might learn who
I was, what I might be. I was not leaving the South to forget the South,
but so that some day I might understand it,- might come to know what
its rigors had done to me, to its children. I fled so that the numbness of
170 The Slave Narratives as Literature
my defensive living might thaw out and let me feel the pain—years later
and far away—of what living in the South had meant." Here Wright not
only exercises memory but also talks about it, reflecting on its creative,
therapeutic, redemptive, and liberating capacities. In his conclusion
Wright harks back to the themes and the form of the slave narratives,
and at the same time he anticipates theme and form in a great deal of
more recent Afro-American writing, perhaps most notably in Invisible
Man. Black Boy is like a nexus joining slave narratives of the past to
the most fully developed literary creations of the present: through the
power of symbolic memory it transforms the earlier narrative mode into
what everyone must recognize as imaginative, creative literature, both
autobiography and fiction. In their narratives, we might say, the ex-slaves
did that which, all unknowingly on their part and only when joined to
capacities and possibilities not available to them, led right on to the
tradition of Afro-American literature as we know it now.
1. Professor Ricoeur has generously given me permission to quote from
this unpublished paper.
2. I have in mind such illustrations as the large drawing reproduced as
frontispiece to John Andrew Jackson's Experience of a Slave in South Carolina
(London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1862), described as a "Fac-simile of the
gimlet which I used to bore a hole in the deck of the vessel"; the engraved
drawing of a torture machine reproduced on p. 47 of A Narrative of the Ad-
ventures and Escape of Moses Roper, from American Slavery (Philadelphia:
Merrihew & Gunn, 1838); and the "REPRESENTATION OF THE BOX,
3 feet 1 inch long, 2 feet wide, 2 feet 6 inches high," in which Henry Box
Brown travelled by freight from Richmond to Philadelphia, reproduced fol-
lowing the text of the Narrative of Henry Box Brown, Who Escaped from
Slavery Enclosed in a Box 3 Feet Long and 2 Wide. Written from a Statement
of Facts Made by Himself. With Remarks upon the Remedy for Slavery. By
Charles Stearns. (Boston: Brown & Stearns, 1849). The very, title of Box
Brown's Narrative demonstrates something of the mixed mode of slave narra-
tives. On the question of the text of Brown's narrative see also notes 4 and 12
3. Douglass' Narrative diverges from the master plan on E4 (he was him-
self the slave who refused to be whipped), E8 (slave auctions happened not
to fall within his experience, but he does talk of the separation of mothers and
children and the systematic destruction of slave families), and E10 (he refuses
to tell how he escaped because to do so would close one escape route to those
still in slavery; in the Life and Times of Frederick Douglass he reveals that
his escape was different from the conventional one). For the purposes of the
present essay—and also, I think, in general—the Narrative of 1845 is a much
more interesting and a better book than Douglass' two later autobiographical
"I Was Born" 171
texts: My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) and Life and Times of Frederick
Douglass (1881). These latter two are diffuse productions (Bondage and
Freedom is three to four times longer than Narrative, Life and Times five to
six times longer) that dissipate the focalized energy of the Narrative in lengthy
accounts of post-slavery activities—abolitionist speeches, recollections of friends,
trips abroad, etc. In interesting ways it seems to me that the relative weakness
of these two later books is analogous to a similar weakness in the extended
version of Richard Wright's autobiography published as American Hunger
(originally conceived as part of the same text as Black Boy).
4. This is true of the version labelled "first English edition"—Narrative of
the Life of Henry Box Brown, Written by Himself (Manchester: Lee & Glynn,
1851)—but not of the earlier American edition—Narrative of Henry Box Brown,
Who Escaped from Slavery Enclosed in a Box 3 Feet Long and 2 Wide. Written
from a Statement of Facts Made by Himself. With Remarks upon the Remedy
for Slavery. By Charles Stearns. (Boston: Brown & Stearns, 1849). On the
beginning of the American edition see the discussion later in this essay, and
on the relationship between the two texts of Brown's narrative see note 12
5. Douglass' Narrative begins this way. Neither Bondage and Freedom nor
Life and Times starts with the existential assertion. This is one thing, though
by no means the only or the most important one, that removes the latter two
books from the category of slave narrative. It is as if by 1855 and even more
by 1881 Frederick Douglass' existence and his identity were secure enough
and sufficiently well known that he no longer felt the necessity of the first and
basic assertion.
6. With the exception of William Parker's "The Freedman's Story" (pub-
lished in the February and March 1866 issues of Atlantic Monthly) all the
narratives listed were separate publications. There are many more brief "narra-
tives"—so brief that they hardly warrant the title "narrative": from a single
short paragraph to three or four pages in length—that begin with "I was born";
there are, for example, twenty-five or thirty such in the collection of Benjamin
Drew published as The Refugee: A North-Side View of Slavery. I have not
tried to multiply the instances by citing minor examples; those listed in the
text include the most important of the narratives—Roper, Bibb, W.W. Brown,
Douglass, Thompson, Ward, Pennington, Steward, Clarke, the Crafts—even
James Williams, though it is generally agreed that his narrative is a fraud
perpetrated on an unwitting amanuensis, John Greenleaf Whittier. In addition
to those listed in the text, there are a number of other narratives that begin
with only slight variations on the formulaic tag—William Hayden: "The subject
of this narrative was born"; Moses Grandy: "My name is Moses Grandy; I was
born"; Andrew Jackson: "I, Andrew Jackson, was born"; Elizabeth Keckley:
"My life has been an eventful one. I was born"; Thomas L. Johnson: "Accord-
ing to information received from my mother, if the reckoning is correct, I was
born. . . ." Perhaps more interesting than these is the variation played by
Solomon Northup, who was born a free man in New York State and was kid-
napped and sent into slavery for twelve years; thus he commences not with
"I was born" but with "Having been born a freeman"—as it were the participial
contingency that endows his narrative with a special poignancy and a marked
difference from other narratives.
172 The Slave Narratives as Literature
There is a nice and ironic turn on the "I was born" insistence in the rather
foolish scene in Uncle Tom's Cabin (Chapter XX) when Topsy famously opines
that she was not made but just "grow'd." Miss Ophelia catechizes her: " 'Where
were you born?' 'Never was born!' persisted Topsy." Escaped slaves who hadn't
Topsy's peculiar combination of Stowe-ic resignation and manic high spirits in
the face of an imposed non-identity and non-existence were impelled to assert
over and over, "I was born."
7. Douglass' title is classic to the degree that it is virtually repeated by
Henry Bibb, changing only the name in the formula and inserting "Adven-
tures," presumably to attract spectacle-loving readers: Narrative of the Life and
Adventures of Henry Bibb, An American Slave, Written by Himself. Douglass'
Narrative was published in 1845, Bibb's in 1849. I suspect that Bibb derived
his title directly from Douglass. That ex-slaves writing their narratives were
aware of earlier productions by fellow ex-slaves (and thus were impelled to
sameness in narrative by outright imitation as well as by the conditions of
narration adduced in the text above) is made clear in the preface to The Life
of John Thompson, A Fugitive Slave; Containing His History of 25 Years in
Bondage, and His Providential Escape. Written by Himself (Worcester: Pub-
lished by John Thompson, 1856), p. v: "It was suggested to me about two
years since, after relating to many the main facts relative to my bondage and
escape to the land of freedom, that it would be a desirable thing to put these
facts into permanent form. I first sought to discover what had been said by
other partners in bondage once, but in freedom now. . . ." With this fore-
warning the reader should not be surprised to discover that Thompson's narra-
tive follows the conventions of the form very closely indeed.
8. However much Douglass changed his narrative in successive incarna-
tions—the opening paragraph, for example, underwent considerable transfor-
mation—he chose to retain this sentence intact. It occurs on p. 52 of the
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass . . . , ed. Benjamin Quarles (Cam-
bridge, Mass., 1960); on p. 132 of My Bondage and My Freedom, intro. Philip
S. Foner (New York, 1969); and on p. 72 of Life and Times of Frederick
Douglass, intro. Rayford W. Logan (New York, 1962).
9. For convenience I have adopted this list from John F. Bayliss' introduc-
tion to Black Slave Narratives (New York, 1970), p. 18. As will be apparent,
however, I do not agree with the point Bayliss wishes to make with his list.
Having quoted from Marion Wilson Starling's unpublished dissertation, "The
Black Slave Narrative: Its Place in American Literary History," to the effect
that the slave narratives, except those from Equiano and Douglass, are not gen-
erally very distinguished as literature, Bayliss continues: "Starling is being unfair
here since the narratives do show a diversity of interesting styles. . . , The
leading narratives, such as those of Douglass, William Wells Brown, Ball, Bibb,
Henson, Northup, Pennington, and Roper deserve to be considered for a place
in American literature, a place beyond the merely historical." Since Ball's
narrative was written by one "Mr. Fisher" and Northup's by David Wilson,
and since Henson's narrative shows a good deal of the charlatanry one might
expect from a man who billed himself as "The Original Uncle Tom," it seems
at best a strategic error for Bayliss to include them among those slave narratives
said to show the greatest literary distinction. To put it another way, it would
be neither surprising nor specially meritorious if Mr. Fisher (a white man),
"I Was Born" 173
David Wilson (a white man), and Josiah Henson (The Original Uncle Tom)
were to display "a diversity of interesting styles" when their narratives are put
alongside those by Douglass, W.W. Brown, Bibb, Pennington, and Roper. But
the really interesting fact, as I shall argue in the text, is that they do not show
a diversity of interesting styles.
10. Here we discover another minor but revealing detail of the convention
establishing itself. Just as it became conventional to have a signed portrait and
authenticating letters/prefaces, so it became at least semi-conventional to have
an imprint reading more or less like this: "Boston: Anti-Slavery Office, 25 Corn-
hill." A Cornhill address is given for, among others, the narratives of Douglass,
William Wells Brown, Box Brown, Thomas Jones, Josiah Henson, Moses
Grandy, and James Williams. The last of these is especially interesting for,
although it seems that his narrative is at least semi-fraudulent, Williams is on
this point, as on so many others, altogether representative.
11. Narrative of Henry Box Brown. . . . (Boston: Brown & Stearns,
1849), p. 25.
12. The question of the text of Brown's Narrative is a good deal more com-
plicated than I have space to show, but that complication rather strengthens
than invalidates my argument above. The text I analyze above was published
in Boston in 1849. In 1851 a "first English edition" was published in Man-
chester with the specification "Written by Himself." It would appear that in
preparing the American edition Stearns worked from a ms. copy of what
would be published two years later as the first English edition—or from some
ur-text lying behind both. In any case, Stearns has laid on the True Abolitionist
Style very heavily, but there is already, in the version "Written by Himself," a
good deal of the abolitionist manner present in diction, syntax, and tone. If
the first English edition was really written by Brown this would make his case
parallel to the case of Henry Bibb, discussed below, where the abolitionist style
insinuates itself into the text and takes over the style of the writing even when
that is actually done by an ex-slave. This is not the place for it, but the rela-
tionship between the two texts, the variations that occur in them, and the
explanation for those variations would provide the subject for an immensely
interesting study.
13. Twelve 'Years a Slave: Narrative of Solomon Northup, a Citizen of New-
York, Kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and Rescued in 1853, from a
Cotton Plantation Near the Red River, in Louisiana (Auburn: Derby & Miller,
1853), p. xv. References in the text are to this first edition.
14. I am surprised that Robert Stepto, in his excellent analysis of the in-
ternal workings of the Wilson/Northup book, doesn't make more of this ques-
tion of where to locate the real authorial authority of the book. See From Be-
hind the Veil: A Study of Afro-American Narrative (Urbana, 111., 1979), pp.
Whether intentionally or not, Gilbert Osofsky badly misleads readers of the
book unfortunately called Puttin On Ole Massa when he fails to include the
"Editor's Preface" by David Wilson with his printing of Twelve Years a Slave:
Narrative of Solomon Northup. There is nothing in Osofsky's text to suggest
that David Wilson or anyone else but Northup had anything to do with the
narrative—on the contrary: "Northup, Brown, and Bibb, as their autobiographies
demonstrate, were men of creativity, wisdom and talent. Each was capable of
174 The Slave Narratives as Literature
writing his life story with sophistication" (Puttin' On Ole Massa [New York,
1969], p. 44). Northup precisely does not write his life story, either with or
without sophistication, and Osofsky is guilty of badly obscuring this fact. Osof-
sky's literary judgment, with two-thirds of which I do not agree, is that "The
autobiographies of Frederick Douglass, Henry Bibb, and Solomon Northup
fuse imaginative style with keenness of insight. They are penetrating and self-
critical, superior autobiography by any standards" (p. 10).
15. To anticipate one possible objection, I would argue that the case is
essentially different with The Autobiography of Malcolm X, written by Alex
Haley. To put it simply, there were many things in common between Haley
and Malcolm X; between white amanuenses/editors/authors and ex-slaves, on
the other hand, almost nothing was shared.
16. Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, An American
Slave, Written by Himself. With an Introduction by Lucius C. Matlack (New
York: Published by the Author; 5 Spruce Street, 1849), p. i. Page citations in
the text are from this first edition.
It is a great pity that in modern reprintings of slave narratives—the three
in Osofsky's Puttin On Ole Massa, for example—the illustrations in the originals
are omitted. A modern reader misses much of the flavor of a narrative like
Bibb's when the illustrations, so full of pathos and tender sentiment, not to
mention some exquisite cruelty and violence, are not with the text. The two
illustrations on p. 45 (captions: "Can a mother forget her suckling child?" and
"The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel"), the one on p. 53 ("Never mind
the money"), and the one on p. 81 ("My heart is almost broken") can be taken
as typical. An interesting psychological fact about the illustrations in Bibb's
narrative is that of the twenty-one total, eighteen involve some form of physical
cruelty, torture, or brutality. The uncaptioned illustration on p. 133 of two
naked slaves on whom some infernal punishment is being practised says much
about (in Matlack's phrase) the reader's feverish thirst for gushing beautiful
fountains "started from beneath the rod of violence."
17. Or 1852, the date of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe recog-
nized a kindred novelistic spirit when she read one (just as David Wilson/
Solomon Northup did). In 1851, when she was writing Uncle Tom's Cabin,
Stowe wrote to Frederick Douglass saying that she was seeking information
about life on a cotton plantation for her novel: "I have before me an able
paper written by a southern planter in which the details & modus operand! are
given from his point of sight—I am anxious to have some more from another
standpoint—I wish to be able to make a picture that shall be graphic & true to
nature in its details—Such a person as Henry Bibb, if in this country, might give
me just the kind of information I desire." This letter is dated July 9, 1851 and
has been transcribed from a photographic copy reproduced in Ellen Moers,
Harriet Beecher Stowe and American Literature (Hartford, Conn.: Stowe-Day
Foundation, 1978), p. 14.
18. Since writing the above, I discover that in his Life and Times Douglass
says of the conclusion of his abolitionist work, "Othello's occupation was gone"
(New York: Collier-Macmillan, 1962, p. 373), but this still seems to me rather
a different matter from the white sponsor's invariant allusion to Othello in
attesting to the truthfulness of the black narrator's account.
A contemporary reviewer of The Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 175
Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African wrote, in The General Maga-
zine and Impartial Review (July 1789), "This is 'a round unvarnished tale' of
the chequered adventures of an African . . . ." (see appendix to vol. I of
The Life of Olaudah Equiano, ed. Paul Edwards [London: Dawsons of Pall
Mall, 1969].
John Greenleaf Whittier, though stung once in his sponsorship of James
Williams' Narrative, did not shrink from a second, similar venture, writing, in
his "introductory note" to the Autobiography of the Rev. Josiah Henson (Mrs.
Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom")—also known as Uncle Tom's Story of
His Life From 1789 to 1879-"The early life of the author, as a slave, . . .
proves that in the terrible pictures of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' there is 'nothing
extenuate or aught set down in malice'" (Boston: B. B. Russell & Co., 1879,
p. viii).
19. Quoted by Philip S. Foner in the introduction to My Bondage and My
Freedom, pp. xi-xii.
20. Both quotations from Benjamin Quarles, "The Breach Between Douglass
and Garrison," Journal of Negro History, XXIII (April 1938), p. 147, note 19,
and p. 154.
21. The list is from Nichols' unpublished doctoral dissertation (Brown Uni-
versity, 1948), "A Study of the Slave Narrative," p. 9.
22. Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and "Youth (New York, 1966), p.
Some were given formal training for a profession. Philip Quaque, who
lived in England from 1754 to 1766, married an Englishwoman (as did
a good many of the Africans living in England), received an education
at the expense of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and re-
turned to West Africa as Chaplain of Cape Coast Castle. After the death
of his first wife he twice married African women, but his children were
educated in England "in order to secure their tender minds from receiv-
ing the bad impression of the country, the vile customs and practices,
and above all the losing of their mother's vile jargon."5 Francis Williams
was provided by his patron, the Duke of Montagu, with a place at Cam-
bridge, where he studied Mathematics and returned to teach in Jamaica;6
and by the early nineteenth century John Baptist Philip, a Trinidadian
descendant of slaves, had graduated with the M.D. at Edinburgh Uni-
versity with a doctoral thesis, De Hysteria.7 By this time, numbers of
West African children and young men and women were being sent to
Britain for schooling, either by their parents, such as the son of King
Naimbanna of Sierra Leone,8 or by the administrators of the Freetown
settlement, from which the ex-Governor, Zachary Macaulay, brought
twenty boys and four girls to Britain in 1799, to be educated privately
in Clapham.9
Some African visitors were embraced by high society. Job ben Solo-
mon, the enslaved son of a Muslim High Priest of Bondou, was rescued
from slavery in the Americas by James Oglethorpe. On the discovery
that Job was literate in Arabic, he was elected to the scholarly Spalding
Society (whose members included Isaac Newton and Alexander Pope),
was presented to the Queen (who gave him a gold watch), and became
yet another protege of the Duke of Montagu, before returning to West
Africa as agent for the Royal African Company.10 The black poet Phillis
Wheatley travelled to London with the son of her Bostonian master in
1773, and was taken up by the Countess of Huntingdon. Brook Watson,
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 177
a future Lord Mayor of London presented her with the 1770 Glasgow
folio edition of Paradise Lost, and the Earl of Dartmouth with Smollett's
translation of Don Quixote.11 Yet for many, it continues to come as a
surprise that the beginnings of an African literature in English should
be found as early as the eighteenth century.
The words of the black people of this period come down to us in sev-
eral ways. There are letters, some in manuscript, some printed, and there
are quotations of the spoken word, such as the striking speech by John
Frederick Henry Naimbanna recorded in Prince Hoare's Memoirs of
Granville Sharp and elsewhere.12 There are books acknowledged to have
been written with assistance, such as the autobiography of James Albert
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw (c.1770);13 and there are the three books dis-
cussed here: the Letters of Ignatius Sancho (1782) and the autobiog-
raphy of Olaudah Equiano (1789), of whose authenticity there is little,
if any, doubt; and the Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery
(1787) by Ottobah Cugoano, about which there must be reservations.14
Sancho's Letters might not at first glance appear to have much bear-
ing upon a volume of essays on the slave-narrative. Though he was born
in 1729 of enslaved parents, aboard the slave ship carrying them to the
West Indies, by the age of two or three he was in England, virtually
without memory of Africa or of the slave trade. His youth was marred
by threats to return him to West Indian slavery, but by the time he was
in his teens he had been taken up by the Duke and Duchess of Montagu,
who did much to further his education, and most of his life was spent as
the senior and respected servant of a distinguished household. He even-
tually acquired a grocery business in Mayfair, keeping such literary com-
pany as that of Sterne, Garrick and possibly Samuel Johnson. His letters
consist largely of private correspondence about daily domestic business,
or opinions on the conduct of public affairs. Nevertheless, these letters
constitute a unique record of one kind of black experience, and can be
shown to have a bearing on what is revealed in the slave autobiographies.
Sancho was about twenty-five years old, with no distinct memories
of the slave trade, and settled into a comfortable London career, when
Equiano, an eleven-year-old Ibo boy, was being carried off from his home
somewhere in the region to the south of modern Onitsha, Nigeria. The
comparative security of Sancho can be contrasted with Equiano's years
of enslavement, but there are other factors to be born in mind. Accord-
ing to the introductory biography to Sancho's Letters written by Joseph
Jekyll, his first London owners, three fierce ladies, "even threatened on
angry occasions to return [him] to his African slavery." The legal posi-
tion of the black servant in London at this time offered little opportunity
or encouragement for protest. In 1729, the year of Sancho's birth, the
178 The Slave Narratives as Literature
Attorney-General, Yorke, and the Solicitor-General, Talbot, had given
their decision that a slave, baptised or not, even though resident in
Britain, remained in enslavement and the property of his master. There
was conflict between the Act of Habeas Corpus and the Navigation Acts
which reduced black slaves to the status of commodity, but during the
early part of the century little was done about it. A letter from a Welsh-
man dated March 4, 1739, indicates the spirit of the age towards many
black servants:
I've a black lad about 16 years old to sell for a friend and I can't get any
body to buy him. I wish I had him at London, I'd sell him under £.30,
ay, a little above £25.15
You cannot imagine what hold little Billy gets of me—he grows—
prattles—every day learns something new—and by his good will would
ever be in the shop with me. The monkey! he clings round my legs—
and if I chide him or look sour—he holds up his little mouth to kiss me;—
I know I am the fool—for parent's weakness is child's strength:—truth
orthodox—which will hold good between lover and lovee . . . (113)
The sentimental tone points to the features these letters share with
Sancho's literary model: "If I am enthusiast in any thing it is in favour
of my Sterne," (146) he writes, and on the Shandean theme of haircuts
he begins, characteristically wide of the ultimate mark in Sterne's comic-
melancholic manner:
Lord! what is man?—and what business have such lazy, lousy, paltry
beings of a day to form friendships, or to make connections? Man is an
absurd animal—yea, I will ever maintain it—in his vices, dreadful—in his
few virtues, silly—he has religion without devotion—philosophy without
wisdom—the divine passion (as it is called) love too oft without affec-
180 The Slave Narratives as Literature
tion—and anger without cause—friendship without reason—hate without
reflection—knowledge (like Ashley's punch in small quantities) without
judgment—and wit without discretion.—Look into old age, and you will
see avarice joined to poverty—letchery, gout, impotency, like three mon-
keys or London bucks, in a one-horse whisky, driving to the Devil. (6)
Presenting a more sober front, there are, for example, in the General
Advertiser, his proposals for establishing a naval reserve in order to re-
duce the need for impressment (81), and for the reduction of the na-
tional debt by a kind of voluntary tax on property (128). There is also
his "Britishness," though this is usually mixed with an ironic sense of his
own detachment—very strikingly so in his letter on the Gordon Riots
(269 foil.) where he combines a distinctly middle-class concern for the
status quo, and sympathy for the guards ("the poor fellows are just worn
out for want of rest"), with irritable cries of "This—this—is liberty! Gen-
uine British liberty!~This instant about two thousand liberty boys are
swearing and swaggering by with large sticks," and in exasperation, "I
am not sorry I was born in Afric." A good example of this detachment
from British values in the very process of lamenting their decline can
be found in a letter on the defeats of the navy:
L(or)d S(andwic)h has gone to Portsmouth, to be a witness of
England's disgrace—and his own shame.—In faith, my friend, the present
time is rather comique—Ireland almost in as true a state of rebellion as
America—Admirals quarrelling in the West-Indies—and at home Ad-
mirals that do not chuse to fight—The British Empire mouldering away
in the West, annihilated in the North—Gibraltar going—and England fast
asleep. What says Mr. B—— to all this?—he is a ministerialist:—for my
part, it's nothing to me, as I am only a lodger, and hardly that. (213)
Reading letters like this, one begins to wonder if Sancho had been
assimilated so fully into eighteenth-century English life after all. As the
last phrase of the previous quotation shows, he was aware of himself as
an African in England, and felt some of the tensions between two pos-
sible identities. While he can refer jocularly or sentimentally to his color—
"blessed times for a poor Blacky grocer to hang or drown in!" (231) or
"Figure to yourself, my dear Sir, a man of a convexity of belly exceeding
Falstaff—and a black face into the bargain" (238) —yet the sentimentality
and the jocularity may have a cutting edge:
". . . my hearty wishes ... to all who have charity enough to ad-
mit dark faces into the fellowship of Christians." (143)
". . . our best respects to Miss A—s, and to every one who delighteth
in Blackamoor greetings." (155)
Writing to a fellow-African, Soubise, Sancho reveals aspects of his
experience which remain muted in his other letters:
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 181
Look round upon the miserable fate of almost all of our unfortunate
colour—superadded to ignorance,—see slavery, and the contempt of those
very wretches who roll in affluence from our labours. Superadded to this
woeful catalogue—hear the ill-bred and heart-racking abuse of the
foolish vulgar. (31-2)
I thank you for your kindness to my poor black brethren—I flatter my-
self you will find them not ungrateful—they act commonly from their
feelings:—I have observed a dog will love those who use him kindly—
and surely, if so, negroes, in their state of ignorance and bondage, will
not act less generously, if I may judge them by myself—I should suppose
kindness would do any thing with them;—my soul melts at kindness—
but the contrary—I own with shame—makes me almost a savage. (30)
But in the same letter, having read some books upon "the unchristian
and diabolical usage of my brother Negroes,"
More than one voice can be discerned here. Sancho the ex-slave sounds
a note of indignation and ironic anger at the greed of the "Christian
navigators" whose "grand object" has been nothing but "money—money—
money." The repetition itself seems a mark of accumulating rage, yet it
is at this juncture that the voices of Sancho the peacemaker and Sancho
the Mayfair shopkeeper break in, blending to sing the praises of com-
merce and religion. The argument is decent and respectable in its min-
gling of sense with sensibility, but sorts oddly with the earlier attack on
"Christian navigators," seeming to turn its back on the issue.
Ten years later, the spirit of the writings of Equiano and Cugoano is
more overtly aggressive, and as has been said above, both men were ac-
tively involved in giving help to the black poor of Britain, and in the
larger issue of abolition. Both men volunteered to go exploring for the
African Association,22 and Equiano was corresponding with Cugoano at
the time of the resettlement expedition of freed slaves, which sailed for
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 183
Sierra Leone in 1787 with Equiano aboard as Commissary for Stores.23
Equiano left the expedition at Plymouth after quarrelling with its white
leaders, and wrote to Cugoano in London:
I am sorry you and some more are not here with us. I am sure Irwin,
and Fraser the Parson, are great villains, and Dr. Currie. I am exceed-
ingly much aggrieved at the conduct of those who call themselves
gentlemen. They now mean to serve (or use) the blacks the same as
they do in the West Indies. . ,24
Honoured Sir, Pardon the liberty taken in troubling you with this few
lines but as there is several ships now going to new Brunswick I could
wish to have your answer that I might be able to gived the black settlers
there some kind of an answer to their request, the generality of them are
mediately the natives of Africa who Join the british forces Last war, they
are consisting of different Macanicks such as Carpenters, Smiths, Masons
and farmers, this are the people we have imediate use for in the Prov-
ence of freedom. Most of them are people of property and able to pay
their own passages, and the familly, as well as the country been by far
the cheapest market for victualling vessels, I am of opinion that connec-
tions with them will be immediate service—should think it proper to
make lest interest for me I shall go over with Cap. Younghusband who
will sale for that province in a few days my motive is this, I should en-
deavour to know who is able to pay their ways, and they that might be
thought useful to the free african settlers.
Turning to the book, the reader will see that its frequently elevated
rhetorical manner must reflect the work of a writer having greater con-
184 The Slave Narratives as Literature
trol of the language than Cugoano. All the same, we must allow for the
difference between writing a casual letter and settling down to produce
a book. One feature of the book which would support the case for its
authenticity is the occurrence of a number of grammatical errors similar
to those of the letter, but in concealed positions where they might be
more likely to be missed by an editor or reviser. The most persistent of
these is the failure of agreement, particularly when subject and verb are
some distance apart. Thus on p. 2, we find exertions . . . has and
class . . . are, and between pages 112 and 121 there is a whole cluster:
the blood of millions , . , do (112), Every slave holder . . . are, es-
tates . . . is (113), those . . . is, (114), the iniquity rise (118), afflic-
tions . . . has (119), produce . . . bring (121). In addition, there are
many sentences which are more than simply clumsy:
But amongst those who get their liberty, like all other ignorant men, are
generally more corrupt in their morals, than they possibly could have
been amongst their own people in Africa. (22)
Other sentences start well but get out of control, though the element of
incoherence in the example below actually helps convey something of
the author's indignation:
But let their ignorance in some things (in which the Europeans have
greatly the advantage of them) be what it will, it is not the intention of
those who bring them away to make them better by it; nor is the design
of the slave-holders of any other intention, but that they may serve them
as a kind of engines and beasts of burden; that their own ease and profit
may be advanced, by a set of poor helpless men and women, whom they
despise and rank with brutes, and keep them in perpetual slavery, both
themselves and children, and merciful death is the only release from
their toil. (21-2)
The dramatic effect of this sentence is somewhat different from the more
controlled but still energetic platform rhetoric also found in the book:
For as we have been robbed of our natural right as men, and treated as
beasts, those who have injured us are like to them who have robbed the
widow, the orphans, the poor and the needy of their rights, and whose
children are rioting on the spoils of those who are begging at their doors
for bread. (119-120)
Yet along with this goes the "naive" sentence, characteristic of the sec-
tion of the book dealing with Cugoano's early years and his capture and
enslavement. Typical of this style are simple, co-ordinate sentences linked
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 185
by "and" or "but," and a certain awkwardness in handling more complex
Some of us attempted in vain to run away, but pistols and cutlasses were
soon introduced, threatening, that if we offered to stir we should all lie
dead on the spot. One of them pretended to be more friendly than the
rest, and said, that he would speak to their lord to get us clear, and
desired that we should follow him; we were then immediately divided
into different parties, and drove after him. We were soon led out of the
way which we knew, and towards the evening, as we came in sight of a
town, they told us that this great man of theirs lived there, but pre-
tended it was too late to go and see him that night. Next morning there
came three other men whose language differed from ours, and spoke to
some of those who watched us all the night, but he that pretended to be
our friend with the great man, and some others, were gone away. We
asked our keepers what these men had been saying to them, and they
answered, that they had been asking them, and us together, to go and
feast with them that day, and that we must put off seeing the great man
till after; little thinking that our doom was so nigh, or that these villains
meant to feast on us as their prey. We went with them again about half
a day's journey, and came to a great multitude of people, having differ-
ent music playing; and all the day after we got there, we were very
merry with the music, dancing and singing. Towards the evening, we
were again persuaded that we could not get back to where the great
man lived till next day; and when bedtime came, we were separated
into different houses with different people. When the next morning
came, I asked for the men that brought me there, and for the rest of my
companions; and I was told that they were gone to the sea side to
bring home some rum, guns and powder, and that some of my com-
panions were gone with them, and that some were gone to the fields to
do something or other. This gave me strong suspicion that there was
some treachery in the case, and I began to think that my hopes of re-
turning home again were all over. (7-8)
Again, an editorial report in The Public Advertiser, April 6th, 1787, re-
cords the complaints of the black people on the Sierra Leone expedition.
Equiano had just been relieved of the post of Commissary for Stores,
and had come up to London to report as follows:
They cannot conceive, say they, that Government would establish a free
colony for them, while it supports its forts and factories to wrong and
ensnare, and to carry others of their colour and country into slavery and
bondage—They are afraid that their doom would be to drink of the bitter
water, and observe that it will their prudence and safety to take warning
from the cautious in Scripture: 'Doth a fountain send forth at the same
place sweet water and bitter?'
Virtually the same point is made in the same words in Cugoano's book:
It seems more than likely, in fact, that Thoughts and Sentiments, while
possibly begun on Cugoano's initiative, developed into a collaboration
between him and Equiano, as a contribution to the growing demand
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 187
amongst black Londoners for self-expression and self-help. Equiano's
book followed two years later, and then, in 1791, Cugoano published a
shortened version of Thoughts and Sentiments, adding the following
The Author begs Leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general,
particularly those humane and charitable Gentlemen, who Supported his
original Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery, that he has
only printed this Abstract, merely to convey Instructions to his oppressed
Countrymen, and as much as possible to excite their Attention to the re-
ligious Observance of the Laws of God.
He further proposes to open a School, for all such of his Complexion
as are desirous of being acquainted with the Knowledge of the Christian
Religion and the Laws of Civilization. His sole Motive for these Under-
takings, are, that he finds several of his Countrymen, here in England,
who have not only been in an unlawful Manner brought away from
their peaceable Habitations, but also deprived of every Blessing of the
Christian Knowledge, by their various Masters and Mistresses, either
through the motives of Avarice, or the want of the Knowledge of their
own Religion, which must be a great Dishonor to Christianity.
Nothing engages my desire so much as the Descendants of my Coun-
trymen, so as to have them educated in the Duties and Knowledge of
that Religion which all good Christian People enjoy; these Blessings
cannot be well conveyed without Learning, and as most of my Country-
men are Poor and cannot afford it, and others are so much engaged in
Servitude, that they have little Time to attend to it; my Design, there-
fore, is to open a Place for the Instruction of such as can attend; but to
accomplish it, I must wholly depend on the humane and charitable Con-
tributions of those Ladies and Gentlemen who are inclinable to Support
this Undertaking. I am not excluding some other young Persons, who
need to be taught Reading, etc. but my Design is chiefly intended for
my Countrymen.
Whether or not the school was founded I cannot say—one such "African
Academy" had been founded at Clapham before the end of the century
by Zachary Macaulay for Sierra Leonians—but what this passage reveals
is the anger and aggression which lay beneath the pliant Christian sur-
face. Independence was to be achieved by way of education, yet the
means to that education was commonly denied, or provided only by the
charity of a society that also proceeded to dishonor its Christian prin-
ciples. The establishment of the Freetown settlement in Sierra Leone,
however, had diverted a number of the potential black spokesmen away
from Britain, and it was in Freetown that black education was to root
itself. Equiano appears to have had this in mind when, in preparing his
will, he left half the residue of his estate, should his daughters not sur-
vive him, for the foundation of schools in Sierra Leone.30
However, one of Equiano's two daughters lived to inherit; on her
188 The Slave Narratives as Literature
twenty-first birthday, April 8, 1816, Joanna Vassa was given nine hun-
dred and fifty pounds by her father's executor, John Audley, the sum
remaining after the cost of "board, maintenance and education" for nine-
teen years had been paid. Equiano did not die a poor man; in his will
he speaks of the "Estates and property I have dearly earned by the sweat
of my Brow in some of the most remote and adverse corners of the whole
world to solace those I leave behind,"31 and in his sole known holograph
letter he gives as his reason for visiting London ("this wick.d town") "to
save if I can, £232 I Lent to a man, who [is] now Dying."32 In the same
letter, wishing on behalf of friends in Nottingham that "the Good Lord
may make all of that family rich in faith," he feels it necessary to inter-
polate a postscript, "as in the things of this World," and the letter gives
us a glimpse of the keen eye of the man of business that we catch too
in his Narrative:
Sir, I went to Ireland & was there S1/2 months & sold 1900 copies of my
narrative. I came here on the 10th inst. & I now mean as it seem Pleasing
to my Good God! to leave London in about 8 or 10 Days more, & take
me a Wife (one Miss Cullen) of Soham in Cambridge shire & when I
have given her about 8 or 10 Days comfort I mean Directly to go to
Scotland & sell my 5th. Editions.
He lived from 1745 to 1797, and during those years worked as a slave, a
seaman, a surgeon's mate, a valet, a quartermaster, even as manager of
a slave estate. His years were mostly spent in Africa, North America, the
West Indies and Britain, but he stayed for a time with Turks in Smyrna
and with Miskito Indians in Central America. He travelled on an expedi-
tion to the Arctic, fought with Wolfe's fleet at Quebec and Boscawen's
in the Mediterranean, he learned how to navigate with the quadrant,
and to play the French horn, captained a merchant ship when its master
died at sea, and gave evidence before a parliamentary committee on the
slave trade. In 1789, Equiano published his autobiography, combining
a remarkable account of personal economic and moral survival with a
unique attack on slavery and the slave trade—unique because he was the
only African of his age to record in detail what it was like to undergo
the experience.
Equiano never forgot his African childhood. His account of the iso-
lated Ibo community in which he spent the first ten or so years of his
life draws a picture which is strikingly similar in almost all respects to
descriptions of Ibo village life in the first half of the present century,33
and it is to the values underlying Ibo custom that his mind continues to
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 189
I hope the reader will not think I have trespassed on his patience in in-
troducing myself to him with some account of the manners and customs
of my country. They had been implanted in me with great care, and
made an impression on my mind, which time could not erase, and which
all the adversity and variety of fortune I have since experienced served
only to rivet and record; for, whether the love of one's country be real
or imaginary, or a lesson of reason, or an instinct of nature, I still look back
with pleasure on the first scenes of my life, though that pleasure has
been for the most part mingled with sorrow. (1.45-46)
I never saw any mode of worship among them; but in this they are not
worse than their European brethren or neighbours: for I am sorry to say
that there was not one white person in our dwelling, nor any where else
that I saw in different places I was at on the shore, that was better or
more pious than those unenlightened Indians. (II.181-3)
I have often reflected with surprise that I never felt half the alarm
at any of the numerous dangers I have been in, that I was filled with at
190 The Slave Narratives as Literature
the first sight of the Europeans, and at every act of theirs, even the most
trifling, when I first came among them, and for some time afterwards.
That fear, however, which was the effect of my ignorance, wore away as
I began to know them. I could now speak English tolerably well, and I
perfectly understood every thing that was said. I now not only felt my-
self quite easy with these new countrymen, but relished their society and
manners. I no longer looked upon them as spirits, but as men superior to
us; and therefore I had the stronger desire to resemble them; to imbibe
their spirit, and imitate their manners; I therefore embraced every occa-
sion of improvement; and every new thing that I observed I treasured
up in my memory. I had long wished to be able to read and write; and
for this purpose I took every opportunity to gain instruction, but had
made as yet very little progress. However, when I went to London
with my master, I had soon an opportunity of improving myself, which
I gladly embraced. Shortly after my arrival, he sent me to wait upon the
Miss Guerins, who had treated me with much kindness when I was
there before; and they sent me to school. (1.132-3)
I had leisure [on the AEtna] to improve myself in reading and writing.
The latter I had learned a little of before I left the Namur, as there was
a school on board. (1.151-2)
The period on the AEtna was a happy one, leading to great expectations,
but again we find that in the very process of discovering his new world,
he turns to his origins, "wonderfully surprised to see the laws and rules
of my country written almost exactly here" (i.e. in the Bible):
I thought now of nothing but being freed, and working for myself,
and thereby getting money to enable me to get a good education; for I
always had a great desire to be able at least to read and write; and while
I was on ship-board I had endeavoured to improve myself in both.
While I was in the AEtna particularly, the captain's clerk taught me to
write, and gave me a smattering of arithmetic as far as the rule of
three. There was also one Daniel Queen, about forty years of age, a
man very well educated, who messed with me on board this ship, and
he likewise dressed and attended the captain. Fortunately this man soon
became very much attached to me, and took very great pains to instruct
me in many things. He taught me to shave and dress hair a little, and
also to read in the Bible, explaining many passages to me, which I did
not comprehend. I was wonderfully surprised, to see the laws and rules
of my country written almost exactly here; a circumstance which I be-
lieve tended to impress our manners and customs more deeply on. my
memory. I used to tell him of this resemblance; and many a time we
have sat up the whole night together at this employment. In short, he
was like a father to me; and some even used to call me after his name;
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 191
they also styled me the black Christian. Indeed I almost loved him with
the affection of a son. (1.171-2)
Had Equiano endured only the cruelty and barbarism of the slave
trade he might have lived out his life in a state of inarticulate hatred, or
sullen, unrelieved despair. But consequent upon the very nature of his
experience of slavery, ambivalent feelings towards white people and
white society were established which emerge in his attitudes towards au-
thority even when it might seem benevolent, in conflicts more intense
than those we have seen in Sancho.
In the passage just quoted, Equiano is hoping to buy back his free-
dom with the prize money being shared among the crew as a result of
their capture of a French ship. It is at this very moment of hope, excite-
ment, and emotional release that the blow falls. Not only does Equiano's
owner, Captain Pascal, whom he had begun to see as a benefactor, re-
fuse him any share in the prize money, he resells Equiano back to Ameri-
can slavery. Refusing him permission to take even his books and chest of
clothes, Pascal has Equiano carried aboard a waiting ship:
Many . . . used to find fault with my master for feeding his slaves so
well as he did; although I often went hungry, and an Englishman might
think my fare very indifferent; but he used to tell them that he always
would do it, because the slaves thereby looked better and did more
work. (1.205)
When Equiano, a few pages later, declares his wish to return to England
and see Captain Pascal—the man who had arbitrarily resold him at the
very moment Equiano was anticipating his freedom—from motives of
affection, it is clear that his real motive is to show Pascal that he has
survived in spite of Pascal's callous treatment of him. As it turns out,
their meeting is comically acrimonious:
Here gratitude bowed me down; and none but the generous mind can
judge of my feelings, struggling between inclination and duty. (II. 20)
It is in this frame of mind that he begins his last voyage with Farmer,
and immediately they quarrel over whether or not he is to be allowed to
transport some bullocks of his own—the ship is carrying a cargo of bul-
locks. Farmer will only let him take turkeys, but the journey is rough, the
bullocks all die, the turkeys survive, and Equiano remarks, "I could not
help looking on this, otherwise trifling circumstance, as a particular
providence of God." (11.34) Farmer is butted by a bullock, falls mortally
ill, and asks on his deathbed for reassurance that he has never harmed
Equiano. Equiano pays lip-service to pious convention on Farmer's death,
but his real feelings are more complex, as the final paragraph indicates.
Equiano takes over the ship and steers it into port at Antigua:
Many were surprised when they heard of my conducting the sloop into
the port, and I now obtained a new appellation, and was called Captain.
This elated me not a little, and it was quite flattering to my vanity to be
thus styled by as high a title as any free man in this place possessed.
When the death of the captain became known, he was much regretted
by all who knew him; for he was universally respected. At the same
time, the sable captain lost no fame; for the success I had met with in-
creased the affection of my friends in no small measure. (II. 35)
194 The Slave Narratives as Literature
What is apparent is that Equiano needs release not simply from subjec-
tion to his enemies, but from indebtedness to his friends. This whole
section is a revealing demonstration of the effects of paternalism and
subordination, as regret for Farmer's death is assimlated into the plea-
sure Equiano feels—and seems prepared to reveal as having its touch of
vanity—that Farmer's death has given him a way to display his own skills
as a navigator and leader.
The very next section of his book describes yet another sea journey,
this time aboard, of all vessels, a slave ship, which he takes over from a
white captain. The former slave who has been "saved" by the paternal-
istic kindness of others, dreams that his master's ship "was wrecked
amidst the surfs and rocks, and I was the means of saving every one on
board." (11.38) The dream comes true and Equiano takes over from the
cowardly and incompetent white captain. The captain orders the hatches
to be nailed down on the slaves in the hold. Equiano countermands the
order and the hatches are not nailed down. (11.44) The slaves, however,
are still delivered to their destination.
Clearly the emancipation of the slave Equiano is not to be brought
about by the mere payment of forty pounds sterling; he has also to act
out roles of dominance through which he can shed his slave past. Yet it
may seem ironical, though not consciously so perhaps, that the new role
involves him in assuming the title of Captain (the rank of the man who
first bought him as a slave, as well as of the man who helped to free
him) and acting out that role as master of a slave ship.
After gaining his freedom, Equiano worked as surgeon's mate to Dr.
Irving on expeditions to the Arctic in 1772 and to the Indians of Central
America in 1775, and as gentleman's valet on a grand tour of the Medi-
terranean. In 1786 his status among the black people of Britain was ac-
knowledged in his appointment as Commissary for Stores to the Sierra
Leone expedition. But even in this he found his authority undermined
not only by the enemies of abolition, who continued to attack him in the
press, but also by men who should have been his friends and colleagues.
Shortly after taking up his appointment, he was at loggerheads with sev-
eral of the leaders of the expedition, notably the Agent in charge, Irwin,
and the Chaplain, the Rev. Fraser. Equiano accused Irwin of misappro-
priating equipment and foodstuffs and gained himself a reputation of
troublemaker. Captain Thompson, who commanded the expedition, ac-
knowledged, "I do not find Mr. Irwin the least calculated to conduct this
business: as I have never observed any wish of his to facilitate the sail-
ing of the ships, or any steps taken by him which might indicate that he
had the welfare of the people the least at heart." But he writes in the
same letter criticizing "the conduct of Mr. Gustavus Vasa, which has
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 195
been, since he held the Commissary, turbulent and discontented, taking
every means to actuate the minds of the Blacks to discord."35 Fraser com-
plained that the black members of the expedition had, under Equiano's
influence, absented themselves from divine service and public prayers
"for no other reason whatever than that I am white,"36 and even Gran-
ville Sharp was to write to his brother that "all the jealousies and ani-
mosities between the Whites and the Blacks had subsided, and that they
had been very orderly since Mr. Vasa and two or three other discon-
tented persons had been left on shore at Plymouth."37 Whatever rift there
might have been between Equiano and Sharp seems to have been healed,
however; Equiano continues to have nothing but praise for him, and
Sharp was at Equiano's deathbed. "He was a sober, honest man—and I
went to see him when he lay upon his death bed, and had lost his voice
so that he could only whisper," wrote Sharp to his niece many years
The evidence indicates that Equiano was doing no more than his
duty in drawing attention to the neglect of his fellows. Those in charge
appear to have been often complacent or condescending, at worst down-
right dishonest, but as a black man, Equiano was virtually bound to ex-
perience conflicts, both within himself and outwardly, in his relations
with even a benevolent white authority. Black people were expected to
be acted upon rather than take the lead themselves, and for some of the
supporters of abolition, charity could be an act of self-gratification, the
pleasures of which were not so palatable when seasoned with the aggres-
sive, uncompromising, and no doubt irritating rectitude of Equiano and
his like. Even from his abolitionist friends, then, Equiano might some-
times experience wounding behavior, and one such slight is the subject
of a letter written to him by a Susannah Atkinson in March 1791. "Suffer
yourself not to be hurt with triffles (sic) since you must in this transitory
and deceitful world meet with many unpleasing changes," she writes; "I
was sorry we should be so unfortunate as to recommend you to any who
would in the least slight you . . ."39 That the activities of Equiano on
behalf of his fellow Africans could arouse racist feelings even in the heart
of an abolitionist can be seen in a letter to the Public Advertiser re-
sponding to his criticisms of the Sierra Leone preparations. He is accused
of "advancing falsehoods as deeply black as his jetty face," and the au-
thor of the letter adds a cluster of puns on Equiano's "black reports"
and "dark transactions of a Black."40 So Equiano never returned to
Africa, but left the expedition at Plymouth and came back to London,
where he wrote his autobiography during the next two years. Perhaps
we should be glad of his dismissal from his post of Commissary, for it
left him free to carry out a task which many would consider more im-
196 The Slave Narratives as Literature
portant, the writing of his autobiography. Equiano's Interesting Narra-
tive is not only a unique document for the modern reader; in its own
day, it was distributed so widely by its itinerant author and sold so many
copies41 that he was said by one of his contemporaries to be "a principal
instrument in bringing about the motion for a repeal of the Slave-act."42
1. In the accounts of William Bell, Factor to the Duke of Gordon, July 27,
1762; Scottish R.O. GD44/51/80.
2. A.L. Reade, Johnsonian Gleanings Part II: Francis Barber (London,
1912). A useful account of Francis Barber is to be found in Folarin Shyllon,
Black People in Britain 1555-1833 (London, 1977), pp. 179-186.
3. For a summary, see Shyllon, op. cit, pp. 41-3.
4. Anon., Nocturnal Reveals, or the History of Kings Place (London, 1779),
I. pp. 210-232 for a lively account of one or two of Soubise's adventures.
5. Margaret Priestley, 'Philip Quaque of Cape Coast,' in Philip Curtin
(ed.), Africa Remembered (Madison, 1967), pp. 99-139.
6. Shyllon, op. cit., pp. 61-2.
7. Anon., An Oration Pronounced On the 29th of July, 1829, After the
Funeral Dirge of Doctor John Baptiste Philip Who died on the 16th of June,
1829, In Trinidad (London 1829). The doctoral dissertation dated 1815 is in
Edinburgh University Library.
8. Anon. [Zachary Macaulay}, The African Prince, A Sketch of the Life of
John Henry Naimbanna (London n.d. [1796]); Prince Hoare, Memoirs of
Granville Sharp (London, 1820), pp. 364-371.
9. Christopher Fyfe, History of Sierra Leone (London, 1962), p. 77.
10. Douglas Grant, The Fortunate Slave (London, 1968).
11. Julian D. Mason (ed.), The Poems of Phillis Wheatley (Chapel Hill,
12. See below, footnote 21, for this speech.
13. A Narrative of the Most remarkable Particulars in the Life of James
Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African Prince, As related by Himself (Lon-
don n.d, [c.1770]). There were several subsequent editions.
14. Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho (London, 1782); The Interesting
Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African,
Written by Himself (London, 1789); Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and
Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species Humbly
Submitted to The Inhabitants of Great-Britain, by Ottobah Cugoano, A Native
of Africa (London, 1787). All three volumes have been reissued in facsimile,
with an introduction and notes by Paul Edwards, by Dawson of Pall Mall,
1968, 1969, 1969 respectively, and all quotations below are from these edi-
tions. Pages are indicated in brackets.
15. John Humphreys Davies (ed.), The Morris Letters (Aberystwyth,
1907-9), I p. 21.
16. H.T. Caterall, Judicial Cases Concerning American Slavery and the
Negro (Washington, 1926), I pp. 9-11.
Three West African Writers of the 1780s 197
17. For a useful recent summary of these cases, see Shyllon, op. cit, pp.
18. Edwards, Equiano, p. xvi.
19. Collected in Appendix II of Shyllon, op. cit, pp. 267-272.
20. One of William Sancho's letters survives in ms. See Edwards, Sancho,
p. vi.
21. A very striking instance of this is found in a speech made by John
Henry Naimbanna, quoted here in the version to be found in Zachary Ma-
caulay's pamphlet on him, but also, in a slightly different version, in Prince
Hoare's Memoirs of Granville Sharp (see footnote 8):
Malo es ser esclavo, pero mil veces peor es ser esclavo despierto;
un esclavo que piensa es una protesta viva, es un juez mudo y
terrible que esta estudiando el crimen social.
Francisco Calcagno
They both burst into a flood of tears, which continued for some time.
After their lamentation ceased, she spoke to me, saying, I should not
feel so bad if the white people had not taken from me the bracelet of
gold, which was on my right arm, as my grand-father, when my grand-
mother died, took it from her arm and gave it to me (on account of my
bearing her name) as a token of remembrance and affection, which was
always expressed; and now I have nothing in this foreign land to re-
member her by, it makes me feel as if it would break my heart; but
what's worse than all, I fear, if they don't kill me, they will take away
my little brother; and if they don't starve him, he will mourn himself to
death. ... At this instant the driver came in with a long whip under his
arm, and placed himself in the center of the circle in which we were
chained, he stood about four minutes, cast his eyes upon the slaves, a
dead silence prevailed through the whole house except the re-echoing
of sobs and sighs. He fixed his eyes upon us, stepped up to the bunch of
oakum which Gow had been picking, took it up in his hand with some
vehemence, threw it down instantly, struck her upon the side of her
head with the butt end of the whip, which laid her quivering upon the
ground for one or two minutes. When she began to recover and to get
upon her hands and feet, during which time he continued whipping her.
200 The Slave Narratives as Literature
Her little brother began to scream and cry, begging in his artless manner
and unintelligible dialect for her relief. She at length regained her
former situation, when he again turned the butt of his whip and struck
her on the other temple, which levelled her with the ground; she
seemed frantic, and instantly rose upon her feet, the driver with a terri-
ble grin and countenance, that bespoke his brutality, struck her with a
drawing blow over the left shoulder, which came round under her right
arm, near the pit of her stomach, and cut a hole through, out of which
the blood gushed every breath. The wretch continued whipping until he
had satiated his unprovoked vengeance, then he sat her up and handed
her a rope to pick, he composedly walked round to see some of the rest
of the slaves. She sat reeling backwards and forwards for about two or
three minutes, the blood gushing from her wounds every breath, then
fell down and expired. Thry, her little brother, went and laid his head
upon her neck and said, Come Gow, don't cry any more, come get up,
don't go to sleep and leave me awake, because I am so lonesome I can-
not bear it, do wake up.1
The plight of the kidnapped children, torn from a loving family; the sor-
row of the young girl whose own anguish is heightened by her need to
care for her little brother; and finally her merciless beating, from which
there is no escape and no one to comfort her dying moments, make this
a most profoundly horrible scene of human victimization and suffering.
The powerful emotions stirred by this passage are largely due to the
narrator's sympathetic understanding of the young girl's situation, ex-
pressed in the care with which he describes her background and her
tender regard for her younger brother. Because the reader perceives the
episode from the narrator's point of view, he cannot help but experience
its deep emotional impact.
What I would propose is that understanding the position of the nar-
rator is the key to understanding the slave narrative as a whole. What
this passage clearly demonstrates is the narrator's limited comprehension
of his new situation as a slave. While he has full access to his own past
experience and that of his people, he is unable to grasp the motives be-
hind the overseer's actions. This bestows a deeply human quality to his
description of the young girl, whom he identifies with and understands;
and at the same time renders the overseer's actions all the more brutal
because they are given as raw information.
The striking horror of the scene is largely produced by its apparent
spontaneity. It seems the overseer, for no reason at all, has chosen to
torture and kill a totally innocent girl, whom he falls upon at random.
This, however is not the case; and if we look at the raw information sup-
plied by the narrator, interpreting it with a basic knowledge of Carib-
bean slavery, which the narrator, himself, lacked, we gain a fuller under-
standing of the episode, which while it diminishes the brute spontaneity
Juan Francisco Manzano 201
of the overseer's actions by supplying the missing motives, in no way
lessens the guilt of his extreme cruelty.
First of all it is important to note that the slaves are recent arrivals.
They have not yet been sold and in the meantime have been set to work
picking oakum, which, by comparison to the extreme economic impor-
tance of their future toil in the cane fields, is a somewhat insignificant
task. This, then, is a transitional period; and the slaves, half famished
and lamenting their lost homelands, pass the uncertain hours with mean-
ingless toil. So as not to let them experience the moment as one of
relaxation or indecision on the part of the overlords, an example must
be made. To introduce them to the full meaning of slavery—the absolute
and unquestionable authority of the white man over the black—someone
must be killed.
The choice of victim is not as spontaneous as the narrator seems to
suggest. This is clear even in the way he has described the scene; the
overseerer "stood about four minutes, cast his eyes upon the slaves, a
dead silence prevailed through the whole house except the re-echoing
of sobs and sighs. He fixed his eyes upon us." Obviously surveying the
group, the overseer selects his victim. What gives the narration a sense
of spontaneity, even though the process of selection takes four minutes,
is the narrator's inability to know what is happening and for what pur-
Then, too, the choice is not random. That the overseer singles out the
young girl, as the narrator senses but cannot explain, is directly related
to the bunch of oakum she had been working on which the overseer
seizes and disdainfully casts aside. This is an important bit of informa-
tion which the narrator cannot interpret from his limited point of view.
Quite possibly the young girl had done the least work on her pile of
oakum; most probably, out of the group of slaves, she is the least pro-
ductive and offers the least potential for future production. What the
narrator doesn't know is that Caribbean slavery, based on an intensive,
one-crop economy, needed a steady supply of young adult male slaves.
Women were less important, for as long as the slave trade continued,
there was no need to tolerate less productive field laborers solely for the
purpose of reproducing the labor force. A young girl not yet big enough
or strong enough to be a fully productive field laborer, and not yet ma-
ture enough to function sexually was the least valuable property. Her
younger brother escapes murder solely on the promise of his future pro-
Moreover, the overseer's actions were premeditated, intended for
their pedagogical effect. This is evident as he "composedly walked round
to see some of the rest of the slaves" while the young girl agonizes in the
202 The Slave Narratives as Literature
throws of death. Parading his authority and surveying his defenseless
chattels, he has made sure everyone gets the message by placing the
oakum once more in the dying girl's hand—for the slave there is only
work and death.
To varying degrees all slave narratives are conditioned by the nar-
rator's partial understanding of his situation. While the narrator can
report on his condition, giving a full, often tactile, account of physical
and emotional experiences, he has no access to the realm of causality.
He is a blind receiver whose perspective on the motives behind all the
demands and actions which govern his life has been short circuited.
This then places the narrator in a very different relationship to the
reader than what normally obtains in the tradition of prose literature;
for the narrator often cannot supply his reader with meaning.
Perspectival limitations are particularly strong in the slave narratives
from the Caribbean, where the influence of abolitionists, either as edi-
tors or instigators of the narrative, is not a strong factor. By comparison,
the fugitive North American slave, once in the free states and in contact
with abolitionists, could, with broadened perspective, look back over the
events of his life and understand them in a more meaningful way. Essen-
tially, the first hand experience of the difference in mode of production
between the slave-based agricultural South and the wage-labor North,
took the fugitive out of the microcosmic master/slave relationship and
supplied the logic necessary to write, not raw data, but a meaningful
narrative. Then, at a secondary level, the strong influence of Christian
religion so often voiced in the American slave narrative, functions as a
means to further interpret and evaluate past experience.
In comparison with other slave narratives published in North Amer-
ica, the Boyrereau Brinch text is atypical. After escaping from the Carib-
bean, he wound up in Vermont where the abolitionist, Benjamin Pren-
tiss, transcribed his memoirs. However, his narration occurred at a time
prior to the great interest in slave literature (1810) and so is less influ-
enced by abolition as a cause and the American slave narrative as a
genre. The narrator, not fully aware of an audience and the purpose to
which his narrative might be put, is not constrained to supply meaning.
Brinch, in the process of relating the past, re-experiences the lack of
perspective which conditioned his life as a slave and narrates the raw
unevaluated material of experience as an assemblage of undigested bits
and pieces. Even his appeals to Scripture, which occur unexpectedly
throughout the text, are given as data, juxtaposed, rather than inte-
grated in the narration.
A few decades after Brinch's narration, in Havana, Cuba, Juan Fran-
cisco Manzano, a recently liberated mulatto, wrote a narrative where
Juan Francisco Manzano 203
the lack of perspective and the distance from an audience produced an
extremely disordered narration. To understand Manzano's narrative it
is first of all necessary to define his relationship to literature. While he
was not writing in a total void, his access to literary texts, tradition and
audience was limited by the two-fold influence of slavery and colonial-
ism. The early nineteenth century Cuban reading public was com-
prised basically of sugarocrats and urban professionals, whose class in-
terests were tied to sugar production—neither of which could have been
an audience for Manzano's narrative text. Furthermore, those who could
read were often more interested in cards and dice and only a few en-
lightened individuals actually sought out literary and scientific reading
Nevertheless, nineteenth century Cuba did possess a strong center of
literary interest, organized and defined by Domingo del Monte and his
circle of writers and critics.3 While its influence was highly localized, it
had close contact with European critical debates, sponsored indigenous
literary production, and published more than one literary journal. The
critique of neo-classicism and the general espousal of romanticism was
one of the group's central concerns. The strong interest in Rousseau,
Goethe and Chateaubriand provided an atmosphere favorable to auto-
biography and confessional literature, which suggests a possible generic
background for Manzano's narration.
While many of our observations will suggest the confessional4 nature
of Manzano's text (the way in which it becomes a vehicle for self ob-
servation through monological discourse and the re-living of past experi-
ence in the process of narrating), the direct influence of the del Monte
group and its critical concerns ought not to be taken too seriously. While
Manzano was a participant in the literary circle, he was not one of its
central members. Moreover, the group saw him as a poet rather than a
prose essayist and thus would have had only minimal influence on his
prose writing.
Another possible area of literary influence is the slave narrative itself
and its relationship to abolition as a movement. While Manzano's narra-
tive was probably prompted by his contact with the English abolitionist,
Richard R. Madden,5 the slave narrative as a genre had no real presence
in Cuba. Rather, anti-slavery was the literary concern of the novel;
notably, Suarez y Romero's Francisco.
While the influence of literary models on Manzano's text was at best
partial, the lack of tangible audience was perhaps the most significant
factor. Just as Manzano was not writing for the reading public of sugaro-
crats and professionals, so too the small group of anti-slavery writers and
critics could not have been his intended audience. To some extent he
204 The Slave Narratives as Literature
wrote his fragmented and incoherent remembrances as confessions di-
rected to himself with no real audience in mind. But this is only a partial
explanation; for Manzano's text (much like many contemporary texts from
the third world) is a text written for export—entrusted with Madden on
the eve of his departure from Cuba and destined for the English aboli-
tionist audience. If this was Manzano's ultimate audience, it (being for-
eign and unknowable) could have had no concrete presence or function
for the writer. In this way, all of Manzano's possible audiences—the in-
digenous, the self, and the foreign—are partialities, which, as the text
demonstrates, are incapable of fulfilling the demands of narrative com-
What one notices first about the Manzano text is its total ignorance
of form. Paragraphs begin and end at random, sometimes encompassing
only a few sentences, sometimes stretching over pages. Indeed, the Soviet
linguist, Volosinov, has observed that the ability to formulate orderly
paragraphs representing whole conceptual units is directly related to the
narrator's awareness of his audience. A paragraph is "a vitiated dialogue
worked into the body of a monologic utterance." And "if we could im-
agine speech that absolutely ignored the addressee (an impossible kind
of speech, of course), we would have a case of speech with organic
partition reduced to the minimum."6 In Manzano's narration the impos-
sible becomes reality. Rather than a "speech" directed to an audience,
his is an interiorized monologue entrusted to Madden and sent like a
message in a bottle to London and an unknown readership.
Directly related to the text's breakdown at the level of the paragraph is
its flagrant disregard for sentence punctuation. As is generally agreed
among stylistic critics,7 the sentence is the basic unit of meaning in prose
writing. As such, it functions to "direct" the reader's apprehension of the
material in a particular and meaningful way. However, Manzano, re-
cording his own interior voice and writing with only partial awareness
of literary models, is not constrained to supply sentence punctuation.
Consequently, the reader can follow the text only by suspending learned
habits of reading and allowing the text to speak. Only then does the
narration become logical. Otherwise, sentences run on and subjects get
lost or attached to the wrong verbs. However the experience of reading
in the context of speech patterns is not unrewarding, for it suggests a
wholly different direction prose literature might have taken had it not
been for the invention of punctuation which eliminates textual variety
and readerly sport.
Obviously the narration has a strong oral orientation; however it
exhibits a very special form of orality. Manzano, whose punishments
Juan Francisco Manzano 205
occasionally included field labor, was primarily a houseslave, a falderillo,
or personal page, who from the age of ten had to wait upon a cruel
and pretentious woman of the provincial landed elite. His was the world
of operas, tertulias and gambling halls. His language was never that of
the field workers; consequently his access to oral culture, in the tradi-
tional sense, was certainly limited.
The oral influence on his narration derives instead from poetry and
the circumstances under which he learned to write. While his first mis-
tress, something of a benevolent aristocrat, sent him to school as she had
his mother before him, Manzano's education was early ended by the
death of this mistress. From then on, he received no formal training, was
discouraged from learning to read and write on his own, and only spo-
radically came in contact with people, basically professionals and artists,
who gave him assistance. However, with only the rudiments of reading
and writing, Manzano was able to become an accomplished poet. This
he achieved by cultivating his innate ability to listen, memorize, and,
when allowed, recite. As a houseslave, he was exposed to (or could over-
hear) prodigious sermons (sometimes two hours long) and poetry read-
ings by local artists or devotees—all of which he memorized, mumbling
and musing over them through the long hours of his daily and nightly
toil. It was not long before his inner voice was able to compose and
record for memory his own decimas. That his poetry, particularly one
unpublished poem which we will examine, transcends the lifeless, sec-
ond-rate provincial models he had to work with gives all the more credit
to his remarkable achievement and poetic insight.
Born in 1797, Manzano divides his life in two phases: a prehistory
of childhood plenitude, during which his first mistress gave him every
advantage; and his "real history" which began after her death in 1809.
While the narrative follows a linear sequentiality and there are no di-
gressions, it is nevertheless disorderly. On close analysis, while the lack
of punctuation contributes to the confusion, narrative disorder is more
profoundly linked to the fragmentation of the episodes described and
the seemingly arbitrary selection of material for narration. Because the
overall text is extremely short, it is obvious that some process of selecting
certain events out of the flow of life experience has occurred. However,
there appears to be no meaningful logic behind the selection.
Here is where the Brinch narrative, with its perspectival limitations
and partial access to meaning, supplies the key. Manzano's text is incom-
prehensible only if we try to make meaning a criterion for narration. By
trying to force his narration into conventional categories of prose, we
overlook and exclude the possibility of other organizational features.
206 The Slave Narratives as Literature
Once we suspend the need for meaning, a very different narrative
framework is revealed. Essentially, the narrative is based on a series of
discontinuous events, each of which is a crystalized moment of torture.
For Manzano, the child of twelve, the first of these memorable mo-
ments is of dark and dank solitary confinement, where tormented by
thirst, hunger and cold, and liable for a whipping if he should cry out,
his active mind played host to nightmare visions.
I suffered for the slightest act of boyish mischief, shut up in a coal pit
with not even a plank for a bed nor anything to wrap myself up in for
more than twenty four hours I was extremely frightened and wanted to
eat my jail as can still be seen needs in the brightest noontime light a
strong candle for one to see anything inside it here after suffering a
severe whipping I was shut up under orders and the threat of a severe
punishment for anyone who might give me even a drop of water, what
I suffered there afflicted with hunger, and well I know it, tormented with
fear, in such a deep and isolated place separated from the house, in a
backyard next to a stable, and a pestilent, foul-smelling trash heap,
along side a wet, infested and noxious outhouse which was only sepa-
rated by a wall full of holes, a den for huge rats that walked over me
without even stopping, so afraid was everyone in the house that abso-
lutely no one dared even if they had the opportunity to give me even
a bite my head was full of stories about evil things from long ago, of
apparitions from beyond the grave and of spells cast by the dead so that
when a troop of rats rushed out making a lot of noise I imagined the
cave was full of ghosts and cried out asking for pity they then took me
out and tormented me with so many lashes that I couldn't take any more
and they shut me up again keeping the key in my mistress's own room.8
The words tumbling out in a rush, these lines, while written some
twenty years later, bear the stamp of fresh experience as if they were
spoken by the young Manzano only moments after being removed from
the pit and allowed to seek comfort in his mother's waiting arms. The
lack of sentence divisions gives the narrative a hurried and unreflected
appearance as if the narrator wanted to say everything at once—the rats,
the ghosts, the damp, the darkness, the stench, the people who might
have helped him, and those who intensified his suffering—all are given
in the form of narrative raw material, which another, more literary
hand, might have transformed into a coherent narration. It is this dis-
regard for literary convention, the result of the narrator's separation
from an audience, which differentiates Manzano's narration from the
North American slave narratives.
Although Manzano openly expresses the desire for readerly contact—-
someone to verify that his cell really was as dark as he claims—his writ-
ing shows that he has no sense of a reader or how to direct the reader's
Juan Francisco Manzano 207
apprehension of his story. This is particularly evident in the unintended—
and consequently ridiculous—juxtaposition within the phrase, "I was ex-
tremely frightened and wanted to eat my jail. . . ."
While the rush of words that the passage evokes is visibly related to
its lack of sentence markers, it is a direct consequence of extreme para-
taxis. Substantive phrase follows upon substantive phrase with no more
than a comma, a reiteration of the subject or some new piece of descrip-
tive detail to bind the phrases together. Rendering a strong sense of im-
mediacy, the passage records sensory data but cannot account for causal
relationships. It is significant that the only hypotactic construction intro-
duces a troop of rats—of a lower order than the condemned slave and
therefore belonging to a system of causality to which he has access.
"Paratactic bluntness" is the phrase used by Auerbach to describe Ro-
land's inescapable doom and it equally applies here. In parataxis "every-
thing must happen as it does happen, it could not be otherwise and
there is no need for explanatory connectives."9
While Manzano informs us that he was often punished in the coal pit
(sometimes two or three times a week) he describes the event only
once. Significantly, all the episodes of torture described in the narration
are given as single, isolated events, each different from the others and
therefore all the more horrifying for its novelty. These form the nodal
points of the narrative, and at the same time suggest the sadistic nature
of his mistress whose agile mind had but one task, and that to conceive
ever new ways of torturing her young slave.
While the organization of Manzano's narration is based on a series of
isolated anecdotes of torture, other Caribbean slave narratives demon-
strate the same importance of the nodal moment, where novelty and
singularity are not necessarily related to torture. The most interesting
example is the adventure filled narration of Olaudah Equiano,10 who for
very good reasons has been called the Caribbean Robinson Crusoe. Not
a field slave, but a ship's steward, who served under a variety of Carib-
bean traders and Mediterranean military commanders, Equiano's narra-
tive has as its basic structuring unit the moment of discovery. Each
nodal moment is marked by the confrontation with some new object,
cultural practice, situation, scientific discovery, religious revelation, per-
sonality or geographic terrain. His long term achievements, such as
learning to read and write, mastering the art of navigation, and earning
enough money through petty trade to eventually buy his own freedom,
are secondary to the narrative emphasis on the moment of discovery.
With each episode the narrative renews itself, and in each discovery
creates something of the vivid shock experienced by the Aztecs when
they first beheld their mounted Spanish conquerors. In this way, the
208 The Slave Narratives as Literature
narrative is a continual expression of the collision between two very
different worlds, in which the slave, ignorant of the new situation, is
made to feel inferior. Then too, in a deeper sense, Equiano's discoveries
express the same uncertainty about the future and inability to attach
meaning to the events which mark his life as a slave that inform the
more brutal slave narrations.
For Manzano, the second nodal moment occurs when he, accompany-
ing his mistress home late one night, as he had done on many a previous
night, is lulled to sleep by the motion of the carriage. He wakes to see,
glimmering behind, the lantern which he is supposed to carry. Leaping
down from the carriage, he is able to retrieve the lantern but it is im-
possible to regain the disappearing carriage. Numb with fear, he knows
he must return on foot. Once at the hacienda he is seized and taken
away to be punished. His mother intercedes but is struck down by the
angered mayoral. This so maddens the young Manzano that he strikes
back at the mayoral, biting and scratching like "a lion." For this impu-
dence, both Manzano and his mother are to be whipped.
they led us out my mother brought to the place of sacrifice for the first
time in her life even though she was a part of the hacienda she was
exempt from work being the wife of a respected slave [a carpenter who
probably bought the privilege to work his own jobs]; seeing my mother
in this state I couldn't cry, move, or flee I was shaking all over the four
Negroes took hold of her and threw her on the ground to whip her I
asked God to help her I restrained myself but on hearing the first whip
lash, transformed into a lion or tiger or the wildest beast I was ready to
lose my life [for her] at the hands of don Silvestre [the mayoral] but
let's leave to silence the rest of this painful scene.11
What do you have in your hands; I was as still as death my body sud-
denly frozen and without being able to keep my two legs from shaking,
I dropped the remaining pieces [of leaf] on the floor she took my hands
and smelled them and taking hold of the pieces as if it were a great pile,
a whole bush, the most audacious act, my nose was broken and imme-
diately in came the administrator, don Lucas Rodriguez an emigrant
from Santo Domingo to whom she turned me over, it must have been
six o'clock in the evening and in the depths of winter the carriage was
210 The Slave Narratives as Literature
ready to leave for town and I was to have gone but how fragile luck is
for the one who is subject to its vicissitudes, I never had a moment of
certainty as can be seen in this case and in many others, I was taken to
the place of punishment, a former infirmary where fifty beds fit along
two walls since the field laborers from the hacienda and those from the
San Miguel plantation were taken there but at that time it was empty
and not used for anything the stocks were there and only an occasional
cadaver was left there until the time to carry it to town for burial left
standing there in the freezing cold without a single blanket I was shut
up scarsely did I find myself alone in that place when I seemed to see
the dead rise up and wander about the room there was a broken window
which gave on a river near a steep place which made a waterfall cas-
cading without stopping and with every cascade I seemed to see a dead
man entering from beyond the tomb imagine how the night passed it
had hardly begun to grow light when I heard the door bolt slide a
contra mayoral enters followed by the administrator they take out a
plank intended for me which was attached to a gibbet from which hung
a bunch of hooks, about fifty of them at the foot of the plank I see the
administrator wrapped in his cape from under his scarf he tells the
others in a rough voice to gag me they bind my hands tie them up like
Christ's they pick me up and put my feet in the two openings [of the
stocks] and also tie my feet Oh God! let us draw a veil over the rest of
this scene my blood has poured out I lost consciousness15
When three centuries ago the slaves came to the West Indies, they en-
tered directly into the large-scale agriculture of the sugar plantation,
which was a modern system. It further required that the slaves live
together in a social relation far closer than any proletariat of the time.
The cane when reaped had to be rapidly transported to what was a
factory production. The product was shipped abroad for sale. Even the
cloth the slaves wore and the food they ate was imported. The Negroes,
therefore, from the very start lived a life that was in its essence a
modern life.19
Cuba, of what avail that thou art fair!
Pearl of the seas, the pride of the Antilles!
If thy poor sons, have still to see thee share
The pangs of bondage, and its thousand ills;
Of what avail the verdure of thy hills?
The purple bloom the coffee plain displays
Thy canes luxuriant growth; whose culture fills
More graves than famine, or the swords find ways
To glut with victims calmly as it slays.
214 The Slave Narratives as Literature
Of what avail that sweet streams abound
With precious ore: if wealth there's none to buy,
Thy children's rights, and not one grain is found
For learning's shrine, or for the altar nigh,
Of poor forsaken, downcast liberty!
Of what avail the riches of thy port,
Forests of masts, and ships from every sea,
If trade alone is free, and man the sport,
The spoil of trade, bears wrongs of ev'ry sort?
The poem opens with the myth of exotic third world beauty, con-
juring an image of shimmering seas and jewel-like islands. It is not
gratuitous that the first important literary movement to emerge from
Latin America and find acceptance in the European metropolis is one
based on an orgy of exotismos. Coming some fifty years after Manzano's
poem, the Modernist movement brought to Europe a full cargo of rich
clothes, rare jewels, exotic princesses; and in a highly exaggerated man-
ner, made of the third world just what the first world had always imagined
it to be; namely, the source of unlimited wealth. However, in the Man-
zano poern, Cuba's exotic beauty is undermined by its cliche-like formu-
lation, something which the later Modernist poetry, convinced of its own
exoticism, never achieves. In this way, the poem recognizes the ideology
behind the myth, whose function is to inhibit the possibility for historical
change. Essentially, the hard perfection of the pearl defines Cuba as
impenetrable and unchanging; its setting in the boundless sea serves to
isolate the island making it inaccessible to change.
Here, cliche works two ways. On the one hand, it expresses the dura-
bility of the myth, which takes on the well-worn acceptability of a slo-
gan; and on the other, it manifests its own hollow nature. That mythic
cliches are exceptionally durable is evident in the contemporary reitera-
tion of the same myth in George Lamming's autobiographical novel,
In the Castle of My Skin:
1. Benjamin F. Prentiss, The Blind African Slave or Memoirs of Boyrereau
Brinch (St. Albans, Vt.: Harry Whitney, 1810), pp. 97-100.
2. One of the most enlightened sugarocrats was Francisco de Arango y
Parreno who published a book on sugar production, studied its cultivation on
the other sugar islands, and traveled extensively in Europe seeking out indus-
trial innovations applicable to sugar refining. Arango's endeavors as well as those
of the small group of progressive sugarocrats are described in Moreno Fraginals,
Manuel, The Sugarmill (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1976). See the
chapter "The Sugarmill as Intellectual Adventure."
3. For a sample of the kind of work done by the del Monte group, see
Cintio Vitier, La Critica Literaria y Estetica en el Siglo XIX Cubano (Havana,
4. Robert Scholes and Robert Kellogg, The Nature of Narrative (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1966), p. 179.
5. Madden was in Cuba serving on the Comision Mixta, a committee set
up to observe anti-slave trade agreements between England and Spain.
6. V.N. Volosinov, Marxism and the Philosophy of Language (New York:
Seminar Press, 1973), p. 111.
7. As an example, see Richard Ohmann's article, "Literature as Sentences"
in Essays in Stylistic Analysis, Howard S. Babb, ed. (New York: Harcourt
Brace, 1972).
8. Jose L. Franco, Autogiografia, Cartas y Versos de Juan Francisco Man-
zano (Havana, 1937), p. 38. In this and subsequent translations, I have tried
to render Manzano's incoherencies while at the same time substituting certain
English words and phrases for the sake of understanding.
Sufria pr. la mas leve maldad propia de muchacho, enserrado en una
carbonera sin mas tabla ni con qe, taparme mas de beinte y cuatro oras
yo era en estrerno medroso y me gustaba comer mi carsel como se puede
ber todavia en lo mas claro de medio dia se necesita una buena bela pa.
distinguir en ella algun objeto aqui despues de sufrir resios azotes era
enserrado con orden y pena de gran castigo al qe. me diese ni una gota
de agua, lo qe. alii sufria aquejado de la ambre, y la se, atormentado del
miedo, en un lugar tan soturno como apartado de la casa, en un traspatio
junto a una caballeriza, y un apestoso y ebaporante basurero, contigua
a un lugar comun infesto umedo y siempre pestifero qe. solo estaba
222 The Slave Narratives as Literature
separado p . unas paredes todas agujereadas, guaiida de diformes ratas
qe. sin sesar me passaban pr. en sima tanto se temia en esta casa a tal
orden qe. nadie nadie se atrebia a uri qe. ubiera collontura a darme ni
un comino y tenia la cabeza llena de los cuentos de cosa mala de otros
tiempos, de las almas aparesidas en este de la otra vida y de los encan-
tamientos de los muertos, qe. cuando salian un tropel de ratas asiendo
ruido me paresia ber aquel sotano lleno de fantasmas y daba tantos
gritos pidiendo a boses misericordia entonses se me sacaba me atormen-
taban con tanto fuete hasta mas no poder y se me enserraba otra vez
guardandose la Habe en el curato mismo de la Sra.
12. For Harriet Jacobs (alias Linda Brent), the decision to flee her master
came only after she had been transferred from household service to the more
exacting and degrading slavery of the plantation. While her life as a household
slave was one of daily torment, caught between the leachery of her master
and jealousy of her mistress, her yearning for freedom was unfocused until she
reached the plantation. Here, her actual flight was triggered by her master's
decision to bring her children as well to the plantation, thus condemning them
to the grim toil of field labor. See Linda Brent, Incidents in the Life of a
Slave Girl (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1973).
13. While some accounts hold that Manzano never wrote a second part,
Jose L. Franco's explanation that the second half of the narration fell into the
hands of various supporters of Manzano's master seems plausible given the
political unrest at the time Manzano wrote the first part and entrusted it to
14. The veil of silence may be attributed to two very different literary
modes: the confessional, and the realism of Walter Scott—both of which were
available in Cuba at the time.
15. Franco, op. tit., pp. 51-52.
qe. tracs en las manos; yo me quede muerto mi cuerpo se elo de
improviso y sin poder apenas tenerme del temblor qe. me dio en ambas
piernas, deje caer la porsion de pedasitos en el suelo tomoseme las
manos se me olio y tomandose los pedasitos fue un monton una mata
Juan Francisco Manzano 223
y un atrevimiento de marca mis narises se rompieron y en seguida
vino el arministrador Dn. Lucas Rodriguez emigrado de Sto. Domingo
aquien se me entrego, serian las seis de tarde y era en el rigor del
ivierno la volante estaba puesta pa. partir al pueblo yo debia seguirlos
pero cuan frajil es la suerte del qe. esta sujeto a continuas visisi-
tudes, yo nunca tenia ora segura y en esta vez se berifico como en otras
muchas como beremos, yo fui pa. el cepo en este lugar antes enfermeria
de hombres cabran si esiste sincuenta camas en cada lado pues en ella
se resibian los en fermos de la finca y a mas los del ingenio Sn. Miguel
pero ya estaba basia y no se le daba ningun empleo alii estaba el cepo y
solo se depositaba en el algun cadaber hasta la ora de llebar al pueblo a
darle sepultura alii puesto de dos pies con un frio qe. elaba sin ninguna
cuvierta se me enserro apenas me vi solo en aquel lugar cuando todos
los muertos me paresia qe. se le levantaban y qe. vagavan pr. todo lo
largo de el salon una bentana media derrumbada qe. caia al rio o sanja
serca de un despenadero ruidoso qr. asia un torrente de agua golpeaba
sin sesar y cada golpe me paresia un muerto qe. entraba pr. alii de la
otra vida considerar ahora qe. noche pasaria no bien avia empesado a
aclarar cuando senti correr el serrojo entra un contra mayoral seguido
del arministrador me sacan una tabla parada a un orcon qe. sostiene el
colgadiso un maso de cujes con sincuenta de ellos beo al pie de la tabla
el arministrador embuelto en su capote dise debajo del panuel qe. le
tapaba la boca con una voz ronca amarra mis manos se atan como las
de Jesueristo se me carga y meto los pies en las dos aberturas qe. tiene
tambien mis pies se atan Oh Dios! corramos un belo pr. el resto de esta
exena mi sangre se ha derramado yo perdi el sentido.
16. Eric Williams, Capitalism and Slavery (New York: Capricorn Books,
17. Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modern World System (New York: Aca-
demic Press, 1974).
18. While my own work is strongly iniuenced by dependency theory and
the desire to apply this economic model to literary criticism, it should be noted
that Wallerstein's work is highly controversial, particularly among Latin
American economists; and a number of alternative explanations for dependency
have been formulated. In terms of Cuba and slave labor, the work of the
Cuban Marxist, Moreno Fraginals, is the most important. In his book, The
Sugarmill, Fraginals gives a detailed account of sugar production from cultiva-
tion to refinement. However, his central thesis includes a number of contra-
dictions. First of all, Fraginals sees the class of Cuban sugarocrats as an
independent bourgeoisie, and therefore, not determined by developments in
global capitalism. While it is true that Cuba's sugarocrats, unlike their French
and English counterparts in the Caribbean, were basically free of colonial con-
trols and that the influence of Spain had greatly diminished in relation to the
rise of European capital, Cuban sugar production was clearly for the global
market (even if labelled contraband). The function of the sugarocrats as
a class was determined, not by national politics, but by their relationship to
the demands of world-wide production. Finally, Fraginals defines slave labor
outside of capitalism. This produces a somewhat tragic view of the sugarocrats,
who, as capitalists, were essentially bound and limited by their relationship to
224 The Slave Narratives as Literature
a non-capitalist mode of production. Here, Fraginal's definition of slavery is
based on the impossibility of innovation under slave labor and the fact that
changes in production can only be quantitative rather than qualitative. The
problem is that Fraginals is looking at the internal dynamic of slavery rather
than seeing it as a complete mode of production. It is inconceivable that the
owners of the means of production can be defined in terms of capitalism while
the labor force is not.
19. C.L.R. James, The Black Jacobins (New York: Random House, 1963),
p. 392.
20. Richard R. Madden, Poems by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, Recently
Liberated (London: Thomas Ward and Co., 1840), p. 112.
21. George Lamming, In the Castle of My Skin (New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., 1975), p. 172.
22. Bakhtin defines the pure Socratic form of the dialogical discourse as
one in which the truth is not known or possessed, but born out of the discussion
between two people. This, he sees eroded by monological forms until the dia-
logue becomes nothing more than an uncovering of pre-existing truths. In this
context, the vested interests of the abolitionist or anthropologist define the slave
narrative somewhere between the pure dialogical and monological. Mikhail
Bakhtin, La Poetique de Dostoievski (Paris: de Sevil, 1970), pp. 151-169.
23. James, op. cit., p. 29.
24. Ibid.
25. During the early part of the 19th century, Cuba's black bourgeoisie
became a strong social factor, concentrated in certain professions: dentistry,
teaching, music, writing, the military and dock work. However, in 1844, the
class of free black professionals was all but exterminated. As a reaction against
violent uprisings throughout the rural plantations, urban blacks were unmerci-
fully persecuted. The culmination was the Escalera Conspiracy during which
98 Negroes were executed, 600 imprisoned, and 400 exiled. For an under-
standing of the situation of the blacks in 19th century Cuba, see: Pedro Des-
champs Chapeaux and Juan Perez de la Riva, Contribution a la historia de la
Gente sin Historia (Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1974).
I Rose and Found My Voice:
Narration, Authentication, and Authtorial
Control in Four Slave Narratives
The strident, moral voice of the former slave recounting, exposing, ap-
pealing, apostrophizing, and above all remembering his ordeal in bond-
age is the single most impressive feature of a slave narrative. This voice
is striking because of what it relates, but even more so because the slave's
acquisition of that voice is quite possibly his only permanent achieve-
ment once he escapes and casts himself upon a new and larger land-
scape. In their most elementary form, slave narratives are full of other
voices which are frequently just as responsible for articulating a narra-
tive's tale and strategy. These other voices may belong to various "char-
acters" in the "story," but mainly they appear in the appended documents
written by slaveholders and abolitionists alike. These documents—and
voices—may not always be smoothly integrated with the former slave's
tale, but they are nevertheless parts of the narrative. Their primary
function is, of course, to authenticate the former slave's account; in doing
so, they are at least partially responsible for the narrative's acceptance as
historical evidence. However, in literary terms, the documents collec-
tively create something close to a dialogue—of forms as well as voices—
which suggests that, in its primal state or first phase, the slave narrative
is an eclectic narrative form. A "first phase" slave narrative that illus-
trates these points rather well is Henry Bibb's Narrative of the Life and
Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave (1849).
When the various forms (letters, prefaces, guarantees, tales) and
their accompanying voices become integrated in the slave narrative text,
we are presented with another type of basic narrative which I call an
integrated narrative. This type of narrative represents the second phase
of slave narrative narration; it usually yields a more sophisticated text,
wherein most of the literary and rhetorical functions previously per-
formed by several texts and voices (the appended prefaces, letters, and
documents as well as the tale) are now rendered by a loosely unified
single text and voice. In this second phase, the authenticating documents
226 The Slave Narratives as Literature
"come alive" in the former slave's tale as speech and even action; and
the former slave—often while assuming a deferential posture toward his
white friends, editors, and guarantors—carries much of the burden of
introducing and authenticating his own tale. In short, as my remarks on
Solomon Northup's Twelve Years a Slave (1854) will suggest, a "second
phase" narrative is a more sophisticated narrative because the former
slave's voice is responsible for much more than recounting the tale.
Because an integrated or second-phase narrative is less a collection of
texts and more a unified narrative, we may say that, in terms of narra-
tion, the integrated narrative is in the process of becoming—irrespective
of authorial intent—a generic narrative, by which I mean a narrative of
discernible genre such as history, fiction, essay, or autobiography. This
process is no simple "gourd vine" activity: an integrated narrative does
not become a generic narrative overnight, and indeed, there are no assur-
ances that in becoming a new type of narrative it is transformed auto-
matically into a distinctive generic text. What we discover, then, is a
third phase to slave narration wherein two developments may occur: the
integrated narrative (phase II) may be dominated either by its tale or
by its authenticating strategies. In the first instance, as we see in Fred-
erick Douglass's Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an Ameri-
can Slave, Written by Himself (1845), the narrative and moral energies
of the former slave's voice and tale so resolutely dominate the narrative's
authenticating machinery (voices, documents, rhetorical strategies) that
the narrative becomes, in thrust and purpose, far more metaphorical than
rhetorical. When the integrated narrative becomes, in this way, a figura-
tive account of action, landscape, and heroic self-transformation, it is so
close generally to history, fiction, and autobiography that I term it a
generic narrative.
In the second instance, as we see in William Wells Brown's Narrative
of the Life and Escape of William Wells Brown (1852; appended to his
novel, Clotel, or The President's Daughter), the authenticating machin-
ery either remains as important as the tale or actually becomes, usually
for some purpose residing outside the text, the dominant and motivating
feature of the narrative. Since this is also a sophisticated narrative phase,
figurative presentations of action, landscape, and self may also occur;
however, such developments are rare and always ancillary to the central
thrust of the text. When the authenticating machinery dominates in this
fashion, the integrated narrative becomes an authenticating narrative.
As these remarks suggest, one reason for investigating the phases of
slave narrative narration is to gain a clearer view of how some slave
narrative types become generic narratives, and how, in turn, generic
I Rose and Found My Voice 227
narratives—once formed, shaped, and set in motion by certain distinctly
Afro-American cultural imperatives—have roots in the slave narratives.
(a) "Generic Narrative"— (b) "Authenticating Narrative"
authenticating documents and the tale is subsumed by the
strategies are totally subsumed authenticating strategy; the
by the tale; the slave narrative slave narrative becomes an
becomes an identifiable generic authenticating document for
text, e.g., autobiography other, usually generic, texts,
e.g., novels, histories
Clearly, Northup felt that the authenticity of his tale would not be
taken for granted, and that, on a certain peculiar but familiar level en-
forced by rituals along the color line, his narrative would be viewed as
a fiction competing with other fictions. However, in this passage Northup
also inaugurates a counter-strategy. His reference to his own observation
of slavery may be a just and subtle dig at the "armchair sociologists" of
North and South alike, who wrote of the slavery question amid the com-
forts of their libraries and verandas. But more important, in terms of
plot as well as point of view, the remark establishes Northup's authorial
posture as a "participant-observer" in the truest and (given his bond-
age) most regrettable sense of the phrase. In these terms, then, Northup
contributes personally to the authentication of Twelve Years a Slave: he
challenges the authenticity of the popular slavery fictions and their power
of authenticating his own personal history by first exploiting the bond
234 The Slave Narratives as Literature
between them and his tale and then assuming the posture of an authenti-
cator. One needn't delve far into the annals of American race relations
for proof that Northup's rhetorical strategy is but a paradigm for the
classic manipulation of the master by the slave.
As the first chapter of Twelve Years a Slave unfolds, Northup tells of
his family's history and circumstances. His father, Mintus Northup, was
a slave in Rhode Island and in Rensselaer County, New York, before
gaining his freedom in 1803 upon the death of his master. Mintus quickly
amassed property and gained suffrage; he came to expect the freedoms
that accompany self-willed mobility and self-initiated employment, and
gave his son, Solomon, the extraordinary advantage of being born a free
man. As a result, Solomon writes of gaining "an education surpassing
that ordinarily bestowed upon children in our condition," and he recol-
lects leisure hours "employed over my books, or playing the violin." Solo-
mon describes employment (such as lumber-rafting on Lake Champlain)
that was not only profitable but also, in a way associated with the ro-
mance of the frontier, adventurous and even manly. When Solomon
Northup married Anne Hampton on Christmas Day of 1829, they did not
jump over a broomstick, as was the (reported) lot of most enslaved
black Americans; rather, the two were married by a magistrate of the
neighborhood, Timothy Eddy, Esq. Furthermore, their first home was
neither a hovel nor a hut but the "Fort House," a residence "lately oc-
cupied by Captain Lathrop" and used in 1777 by General Burgoyne.
This saga of Solomon's heritage is full of interest, and it has its rhe-
torical and strategical properties as well. Northup has begun to establish
his authorial posture removed from the condition of the black masses in
slavery—a move which, as we have indicated, is as integral to the au-
thenticating strategy as to the plot of his tale. In addition to portraying
circumstances far more pleasant and fulfilling than those which he suf-
fers in slavery, Northup's family history also yields some indication of
his relations with whites in the district, especially the white Northups.
Of course, these indications also advance both the plot and the authenti-
cating strategy. One notes, for example, that while Mintus Northup did
indeed migrate from the site of his enslavement once he was free, he re-
tained the Northup surname and labored for a relative of his former mas-
ter. Amid his new prosperity and mobility, Mintus maintained fairly
amicable ties with his past; apparently this set the tone for relations be-
tween Northups, black and white. One should be wary of depicting New
York north of Albany as an ideal or integrated area in the early 1800's,
but the black Northups had bonds with whites—perhaps blood ties. To
the end Solomon depends on these bonds for his escape from slavery
and for the implicit verification of his tale.
I Rose and Found My Voice 235
In the first chapter of Twelve Years a Slave, Henry B, Northup, Esq.,
is mentioned only briefly as a relative of Mintus Northup's former mas-
ter; in the context of Solomon's family history, he is but a looming
branch of the (white) Northup family tree. However, as the tale con-
cludes, Henry Northup becomes a voice and character in the narrative.
He requests various legal documents essential to nullifying Solomon's
sale into bondage; he inquires into Solomon's whereabouts in Bayou
Boeuf, Louisiana; he presents the facts before lawyers, sheriffs, and Solo-
mon's master, Edwin Epps; he pleads Solomon's case against his abduc-
tors before a District of Columbia court of law; and, most important,
after the twelve years of assault on Solomon's sense of identity, Henry
Northup utters, to Solomon's profound thanksgiving, Solomon's given
name—not his slave name. In this way Henry Northup enters the nar-
rative, and whatever linguistic authentication of the tale Solomon in-
augurated by assuming the rather objective posture of the participant-
observer-authenticator is concluded and confirmed, not by appended
letter, but by Henry Northup's presence.
This strategy of authentication functions hand in hand with the nar-
rative's strategy of reform. Like the carpenter, Bass, who jeopardizes his
own safety by personally mailing Solomon's appeals for help to New
York, Henry Northup embodies the spirit of reform in the narrative. In
terms of reform strategy, Henry Northup and Bass—who, as a Canadian,
represents a variation on the archetype of deliverance in Canada—are
not only saviors but also models whose example might enlist other whites
in the reform cause. Certainly abolitionists near and far could identify
with these men, and that was important. Slave narratives were often
most successful when they were as subtly pro-abolition as they were
overtly antislavery—a consideration which could only have exacerbated
the former slave's already sizable problems with telling his tale in such
a way that he, and not his editors or guarantors, controlled it.
But Henry Northup is a different kind of savior from Bass: he is an
American descended from slaveowners, and he shares his surname with
the kidnapped Solomon. Furthermore, his posture as a family friend is
inextricably bound to his position in the tale as a lawyer. At the end of
Twelve Years a Slave, Henry Northup appears in Louisiana as an em-
bodiment of the law, as well as of Solomon Northup's past (in all its ra-
cial complexity) come to reclaim him. In this way, Solomon's tale as-
sumes the properties of an integrated narrative—the authenticating texts
(here, the words and actions of Henry Northup) are integrated into the
former slave's tale. But in what follows after the tale, we see that Solo-
mon's narrative ultimately retrogresses to the old strategies of a phase-
one eclectic narrative. Whereas the Bibb narrative begins with a discrete
236 The Slave Narratives as Literature
set of authenticating texts, the Northup narrative ends with such a set—
an "Appendix."
The Northup Appendix contains three types of documents. First comes
the New York state law, passed May 14, 1840, employed by Henry
Northup and others to reclaim Solomon Northup from bondage in Loui-
siana. There follows a petition to the Governor of New York from Solo-
mon's wife, Ann Northup, replete with legal language that persists in
terming her a "memorialist." The remaining documents are letters, mostly
from the black Northups' white neighbors, authenticating Solomon's
claim that he is a free Negro. Despite our initial disappointment upon
finding such an orthodox authenticating strategy appended to what had
heretofore been a refreshingly sophisticated slave narrative (the narra-
tive does not need the Appendix to fulfill its form), the Appendix does
have its points of interest. Taken as a whole, it portrays the unfolding of
a law; the New York law with which it begins precipitates the texts that
follow, notably, in chronological order. On one level, then, Northup's
Appendix is, far more than Bibb's Introduction, a story in epistolary
form that authenticates not only his tale but also those voices within the
tale, such as Henry Northup's. On another level, however, the Appendix
becomes a further dimension to the reform strategy subsumed within the
narrative. Just as Bass and Henry Northup posture as model reformers,
the narrative's Appendix functions as a primer, complete with illustrative
documents, on how to use the law to retrieve kidnapped free Negroes.
Thus, the Appendix, as much as the tale itself, can be seen (quite cor-
rectly) as an elaborate rhetorical strategy against the Fugitive Slave Law
of 1850.
In the end, the Northup narrative reverts to primitive authenticating
techniques, but that does not diminish the sophistication and achieve-
ment of the tale within the narrative. We must now ask: To what end
does the immersion of authenticating documents and strategies within
the texture of Northup's tale occur? Furthermore, is this goal literary or
extraliterary? In answering these questions we come a little closer, I
think, to an opinion on whether narratives like Northup's may be auto-
Northup's conscious or unconscious integration and subsequent ma-
nipulation of authenticating voices advances his tale's plot and most cer-
tainly advances his narrative's validation and reform strategies. However,
it does little to develop what Albert Stone has called a literary strategy
of self-presentation. The narrative renders an extraordinary experience,
but not a remarkable self. The two need not be exclusive, as Frederick
Douglass's 1845 Narrative illustrates, but in the Northup book they ap-
pear to be distinct entities, principally because of the eye or "I" shaping
I Rose and Found My Voice 237
and controlling the narration. Northup's eye and "I" are not so much in-
trospective as they are inquisitive; even while in the pit of slavery in
Louisiana, Northup takes time to inform us of various farming methods
and of how they differ from practices in the North. Of course, this re-
markable objective posture results directly from Northup assuming the
role of a participant-observer for authentication purposes. But it all has
a terrible price. Northup's tale is neither the history nor a metaphor for
the history of his life; and because this is so, his tale cannot be called
The Enoch Price letters are undoubtedly the most interesting docu-
ments in Brown's compendium, and he makes good narrative use of
them. While the other assembled documents merely serve the authenti-
cating strategy, Price's letters, in their portrait of a slaveholder ironically
invoking the dictates of fair play while vainly attempting to exact a bar-
gain price for Brown from his benefactors, actually tell us something
about Brown's circumstances. Despite the lionizing illustrated by the
other documents, Brown is still not a free man. He is most aware of this,
and for this reason the narrative concludes, not with another encomium,
but with the second of Price's letters once again requesting payment-
payment for lost property, payment for papers that will set Brown free.
All Brown can do under the circumstances is refuse to acknowledge
Price's supposed right to payment, and order his present condition by
controlling not so much his tale, which is his past, as the authentication
of himself, which is his present and possibly his future. As the editor of
his resume—his present circumstance—Brown must acknowledge slavery's
looming presence in his life, but he can also attempt to bury it beneath a
mountain of antislavery rhetoric and self-authenticating documentation.
Through the act of self-authentication Brown may contextualize slavery
and thereby control it. In these terms, then, the heroic proportions to
Brown's editorial act of including and manipulating Enoch Price's letters
become manifest.
Brown's personal narrative most certainly authenticates himself, but
how does it also authenticate Clotel? The answer takes us back to Brown's
"Preface," where he outlines the extraliterary goals of both narratives,
and forward to the concluding chapter of Clotel, where he writes:
My narrative has now come to a close. I may be asked, and no doubt
shall, Are the various incidents and scenes related founded in truth? I
answer, Yes. I have personally participated in many of those scenes.
Some of the narratives I have derived from other sources; many from the
lips of those who, like myself, have run away from the land of bond-
age. ... To Mrs. Child, of New York, I am indebted for part of a short
story. American Abolitionist journals are another source from whence
some of the characters appearing in my narrative are taken. All these
combined have made up my story.
Brown's personal narrative functions, then, as a successful rhetorical de-
vice, authenticating his access to the incidents, characters, scenes, and
I Rose and Found My Voice 241
tales which collectively make up Clotel. In the end, we witness a dy-
namic interplay between the two narratives, established by the need of
each for resolution and authentication within the other. Since Clotel is
not fully formed as either a fiction or a slave narrative, it requires com-
pletion of some sort, and finds this when it is transformed into a fairly
effective antislavery device through linkage with its prefatory authenti-
cating text. Since Brown's personal narrative is not fully formed as either
an autobiography or a slave narrative, it requires fulfillment as a literary
form through intimacy with a larger, more developed but related text.
Clotel is no more a novel than Brown's preceding personal narrative is
autobiography, but together they represent a roughly hewn literary tool
which is, despite its defects, a sophisticated departure from the primary
phases of slave narration and authentication.
Brown's personal narrative is hardly an aesthetic work, but that is be-
cause Brown had other goals in mind. He is willing to forsake the goal
of presenting personal history in literary form in order to promote his
books and projects like the Manual Labor School for fugitive slaves in
Canada, to authenticate Clotel, and to authenticate himself while on
British soil. He is willing to abandon the goals of true authorship and to
assume instead the duties of an editor in order to gain some measure of
control over the present, as opposed to illuminating the past. Brown's
narrative is present and future oriented: most of his anecdotes from the
past are offered as testimony to the energy and character he will bring
to bear on future tasks. In short, just as Douglass inaugurates the auto-
biographical mode in Afro-American letters, Brown establishes what cu-
riously turns out to be the equally common mode of the authenticating
narrative. To see the popularity and great effect of the Afro-American
authenticating narrative—once it assumes a more sophisticated form—one
need look no further than Booker T. Washington's Up from Slavery.
Autobiographical Acts and the
Voice of the Southern Slave
The southern slave's struggle for terms for order is recorded by the sin-
gle, existential voice engaged in what Elizabeth Bruss calls "autobio-
graphical acts."1 How reliable are such acts? Benedetto Croce called au-
tobiography "a by-product of an egotism and a self-consciousness which
achieve nothing but to render obvious their own futility and should be
left to die of it." And a recent scholar of black autobiography expresses
essentially the same reservations: "Admittedly, the autobiography has
limitations as a vehicle of truth. Although so long an accepted technique
toward understanding, the self-portrait often tends to be formal and
posed, idealized or purposely exaggerated. The author is bound by his
organized self. Even if he wishes, he is unable to remember the whole
story or to interpret the complete experience."2 A number of eigh-
teenth- and nineteenth-century American thinkers would have taken is-
sue with these observations. Egotism, self-consciousness, and a deep and
abiding concern with the individual are at the forefront of American in-
tellectual traditions, and the formal limitations of autobiography were
not of great concern to those white authors who felt all existent literary
forms were inadequate for representing their unique experiences. The
question of the autobiography's adequacy, therefore, entails questions di-
rected not only toward the black voice in the South, but also toward the
larger context of the American experiment as a whole.
Envisioning themselves as God's elect and imbued with a sense of
purpose, the Puritans braved the Atlantic on a mission into the wilder-
ness. The emptiness of the New World, the absence of established insti-
tutions and traditions, reinforced their inclination to follow the example
of their European forebears and brothers in God. They turned inward
for reassurance and guidance. Self-examination became the sine qua non
in a world where some were predestined for temporal leadership and
eventual heavenly reward and others for a wretched earthly existence
followed by the fires of hell. The diary, the journal, the meditation, the
book of evidences drawn from personal experiences were the literary re-
The Voice of the Southern Slave 243
suits of this preoccupation with self, and even documents motivated by
religious controversy often took the form of apology or self-justification.
A statement from Jonathan Edwards's Personal Narrative offers a view
of this tradition: "I spent most of my time in thinking of divine things,
year after year: often walking alone in the woods, and solitary places,
for meditation, soliloquy, and prayer, and converse with God; and it was
always my manner at such time, to sing forth my contemplations."8
The man alone, seeking self-definition and salvation, certain that he
has a God-given duty to perform, is one image of the white American
writer. Commenting on Edwards and the inevitable growth of autobiog-
raphy in a land without a fully articulated social framework, Robert
Sayre writes: "Edwards could and had to seek self-discovery within
himself because there were so few avenues to it outside himself. The
loneliness and the need for new forms really go together. They are con-
sequences of one another and serve jointly as inducements and as diffi-
culties to autobiography."4 This judgment must be qualified, since Ed-
wards's form does not differ substantially from John Bunyan's, and his
isolated meditations fit neatly into a Calvinistic spectrum, but Sayre is
fundamentally correct when he specifies a concern with solitude and a
desire for unique literary expression as key facets of the larger American
Despite the impression of loneliness left by Edwards and the sense
of a barren and unpromising land for literature left by comments like
those of Hawthorne in his preface to The Marble Faun or James in Haw-
thorne, there were a number of a priori assumptions available to the
white American thinker. They developed over a wide chronological span
(the original religious ideals becoming, like those treated in the discus-
sion of black writers above, increasingly secular) and provided a back-
ground ready to hand. There was the white writer's sense that he was
part of a new cultural experience, that he had gotten away from what
D.H. Lawrence calls his old masters and could establish a new and
fruitful way of life in America. There was the whole panoply of spiritual
sanctions; as one of the chosen people, he was responsible for the con-
struction of a new earthly paradise, one that would serve as a holy para-
digm for the rest of the world. There was the white writer's belief, grow-
ing out of the liberal, secular thought of Descartes, Locke, and Newton,
that the individual was unequivocally responsible for his own actions; a
man was endowed with inalienable rights, and one of these was the right
to educate himself and strive for commercial success. There was also the
feeling that America offered boundless opportunities for creative origi-
nality: a unique culture with peculiar sanctions should produce a sui
generis art.
244 The Slave Narratives as Literature
Thus, while James's "extraordinary blankness—a curious paleness of
colour and paucity of detail" was characteristic for some early white
Americans, there were also more substantial aspects or qualities of the
American experience that stood in contrast to this "blankness." The
writer could look to a Puritan ontology and sense of mission, to concep-
tions of the self-made man, or to a prevailing American concern for
unique aesthetic texts as preshaping influences for his work. The objec-
tive world provided both philosophical and ideological justifications for
his task. When Emerson wrote, "Dante's praise is that he dared to write
his autobiography in colossal cipher, or into universality," he optimisti-
cally stated the possibilities immanent in the white author's situation.
The writer of comprehensive soul who dared to project his experiences
on a broad plane would stand at the head of a great tradition. According
to Emerson, the world surrounding such a person—that supposedly void
externality—offered all the necessary supports. The permanence and im-
portance of works such as Edwards's Personal Narrative, Whitman's
Leaves of Grass, and Adams's The Education of Henry Adams in Ameri-
can literature confirm his insight. As the American autobiographer turned
inward to seek "the deepest whole self of man" (Lawrence's phrase), he
carried with him the preexistent codes of his culture. They aided his defi-
nition of self and are fully reflected in the resultant texts—self-conscious
literary autobiographies.
This perspective on white American autobiography highlights the
distinctions between two cultures. Moved to introspection by the appar-
ent "blankness" that surrounded him, the black, southern field slave had
scarcely any a priori assumptions to act as stays in his quest for self-
definition. He was a man of the diaspora, a displaced person imprisoned
by an inhumane system. He was among alien gods in a strange land.
Vassa describes his initial placement in the New World:
We were landed up a river a good way from the sea, about Virginia
country, where we saw few or none of our native Africans, and not one
soul who could talk to me. I was a few weeks weeding grass and
gathering stones in a plantation; and at last all my companions were
distributed different ways, and only myself was left. I was now exceed-
ingly miserable, and thought myself worse off than any of the rest of my
companions, for they could talk to each other, but I had no person to
speak to that I could understand. In this state, I was constantly grieving
and pining, and wishing for death rather than anything else. [Life,
p. 34]
These words sank into my heart, stirred up sentiments within that lay
slumbering, and called into existence an entirely new train of thought.
It was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious
things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but
struggled in vain. I now understood what had been to me a most per-
plexing difficulty—to wit, the white man's power to enslave the black
man. [Narrative, p. 49]
You are loosed from your moorings, and are free: I am fast in my chains,
and am a slave! You move merrily before the gentle gale, and I sadly
before the bloody whip! You are freedom's swift-winged angels, that fly
around the world; I am confined in bands of iron! O that I were free!
O, that I were on one of your gallant decks, and under your protecting
wing! Alas! betwixt me and you, the turbid waters roll. Go on, go on.
O that I could also go! Could I but swim! If I could fly! O, why was I
born a man, of whom to make a brute! The glad ship is gone; she hides
in the dim distance. I am left in the hottest hell of unending slavery.
O God, save me! God, deliver me! Let me be free! Is there any God?
Why am I a slave? I will run away. I will not stand it. Get caught, or
get clear, I'll try it. [Narrative, p. 76]
Mr. Auld had seen that "learning" could lead to the restiveness of his
slave. Neither he nor his representer, however, seem to understand that
it might be possible to imprison the slave even more thoroughly in the
way described by Lamming. The angelic Mrs. Auld, however, in accord
with the evangelical codes of her era, has given Douglass the rudiments
of a system that leads to intriguing restrictions. True, the slave can arrive
at a sense of being only through language. But it is also true that, in
Douglass's case, a conception of the preeminent form of being is con-
ditioned by white, Christian standards.
To say this is not to charge him with treachery. Africa was for the
black southern slave an idealized backdrop, which failed to offer the
immediate tangible means of his liberation. Moreover, whites continually
sought to strip Africans of their distinctive cultural modes. Vassa's isola-
tion and perplexity upon his arrival in the New World, which are re-
corded in a passage previously cited, give some notion of the results of
this white offensive. Unable to transplant the institutions of his homeland
in the soil of America—as the Puritans had done—the black slave had to
seek means of survival and fulfillment on that middle ground where the
European slave trade had deposited him. He had to seize whatever weap-
ons came to hand in his struggle for self-definition. The range of instru-
ments was limited. Evangelical Christians and committed abolitionists
were the only discernible groups standing in the path of America's hy-
pocrisy and inhumanity. The dictates of these groups, therefore, sug-
gested a way beyond servitude. And these were the only signs and
wonders in an environment where blacks were deemed animals, or
"things." Determined to move beyond a subservient status, cut off from
the alternatives held out to whites, endowed with the "feeling" that
freedom is the natural condition of life, Douglass adopted a system of
symbols that seemed to promise him an unbounded freedom. Having
acquired language and a set of dictates that specified freedom and
equality as norms, Douglass becomes more assured. His certainty is re-
250 The Slave Narratives as Literature
fleeted by the roles he projects for himself in the latter part of his
Narrative. They are all in harmony with a white, Christian, abolitionist
During his year at Mr. Freeland's farm, for example, he spends much
of his time "doing something that looked like bettering the condition of
my race" (Narrative, p. 90). His enterprise is a Sabbath school devoted
to teaching his "loved fellow-slaves" so they will be able "to read the will
of God" (Narrative, p. 89). His efforts combine the philanthropic impulse
of the eighteenth-century man of sympathy with a zeal akin to Jupiter
Having returned to Mr. Auld's house after an absence of three years,
he undertakes a useful trade and earns the right to hire out his own
time. All goes well until he attends a religious camp meeting one Satur-
day night and fails to pay the allotted weekly portion of his wages to his
master. When Auld rebukes him, the demands of the "robber" are set
against the natural right of a man to worship God freely. Once again,
freedom is placed in a Christian context. Infuriated, Douglass decides
that the time and circumstances are now right for his escape. When he
arrives in New York, he feels like a man who has "escaped a den of
hungry lions" (a kind of New World Daniel), and one of his first acts is
to marry Anna Murray in a Christian ceremony presided over by the
Reverend James W.C. Pennington. It would not be an overstatement to
say that the liberated self portrayed by Douglass is firmly Christian, hav-
ing adopted cherished values from the white world that held him in
bondage. It is not surprising, therefore, to see the narrator moving
rapidly into the ranks of the abolitionists—that body of men and women
bent on putting America in harmony with its professed ideals. Nor is it
striking that the Narrative concludes with an appendix in which the
narrator justifies himself as a true Christian.
In recovering the details of his past, then, the autobiographer shows
a progression from baffled and isolated existent to Christian abolitionist
lecturer and writer. The self in the autobiographical moment (the pres-
ent, the time in which the work is composed), however, seems unaware
of the limitations that have accompanied this progress. Even though the
writer seems to have been certain (given the cohesiveness of the Narra-
tive) how he was going to picture his development and how the emer-
gent self should appear to the reader, he seems to have suppressed the
fact that one cannot transcend existence in a universe where there is
only existence. One can realize one's humanity through "speech and
concept," but one cannot distinguish the uniqueness of the self if the
"avenue towards areas of the self" excludes rigorously individualizing
definitions of a human, black identity.
The Voice of the Southern Slave 251
Douglass grasps language in a Promethean act of will, but he leaves
unexamined its potentially devastating effects. One reflection of his
uncritical acceptance of the perspective made available by literacy is
the Narrative itself, which was written at the urging of white abolition-
ists who had become the fugitive slave's employers. The work was writ-
ten to prove that the narrator had indeed been a slave. And while auto-
biographical conventions forced him to portray as accurately as possible
the existentiality of his original condition, the light of abolitionism is
always implicitly present, guiding the narrator into calm, Christian, and
publicly accessible harbors. The issue here is not simply one of inten-
tionality (how the author wished his utterances to be taken). It is,
rather, one that combines Douglass's understandable desire to keep his
job with more complex considerations governing "privacy" as a philo-
sophical concept.
Language, like other social institutions, is public; it is one of the
surest means we have of communicating with the "other," the world
outside ourselves. Moreover, since language seems to provide the princi-
pal way in which we conceptualize and convey anything (thoughts,
feelings, sensations, and so forth), it is possible that no easily describable
"private" domain exists. By adopting language as his instrument for
extracting meaning from nothingness, being from existence, Douglass
becomes a public figure.
He is comforted, but also restricted, by the system he adopts. The
results are shown in the hierarchy of preferences that, finally, constitute
value in the Narrative. The results are additionally demonstrated by
those instances in the Narrative where the work's style is indistinguish-
able from that of the sentimental-romantic oratory and creative writing
that marked the American nineteenth century. Had there been a separate,
written black language available, Douglass might have fared better.
What is seminal to this discussion, however, is that the nature of the
autobiographer's situation seemed to force him to move to a public
version of the self—one molded by the values of white America. Thus
Mr. Auld can be contained and controlled within the slave narrator's
abolitionist discourse because Auld is a stock figure of such discourse.
He is the penurious master corrupted by the soul-killing effects of slavery
who appears in poetry, fiction, and polemics devoted to the abolitionist
But the slave narrator must also accomplish the almost unthinkable
(since thought and language are inseparable) task of transmuting an
authentic, unwritten self—a self that exists outside the conventional
literary discourse structures of a white reading public—into a literary
representation. The simplest, and perhaps the most effective, way of
252 The Slave Narratives as Literature
proceeding is for the narrator to represent his "authentic" self as a figure
embodying the public virtues and values esteemed by his intended au-
dience. Once he has seized the public medium, the slave narrator can
construct a public message, or massage, calculated to win approval for
himself and (provided he has one) his cause. In the white abolitionist
William Lloyd Garrison's preface to Douglass's Narrative, for example,
the slave narrator is elaborately praised for his seemingly godlike move-
ment "into the field of public usefulness" (Narrative, pp. v-vi). Garrison
writes of his own reaction to Douglass's first abolitionist lecture to a
white audience:
Speaking of this desire of mine [to revisit the Lloyd Plantation] last
winter, to Hon. John L. Thomas, the efficient collector at the Port of
Baltimore, and a leading Republican of the State of Maryland, he urged
me very much to go, and added that he often took a trip to the Eastern
Shore in his revenue cutter Guthrie (otherwise known in time of war as
the Ewing), and would be much pleased to have me accompany him on
one of these trips. ... In four hours after leaving Baltimore we were
anchored in the river off the Lloyd estate, and from the deck of our
vessel I saw once more the stately chimneys of the grand old mansion
which I had last seen from the deck of the Sally Lloyd when a boy. I
left there as a slave, and returned as a freeman; I left there unknown to
the outside world, and returned well known; I left there on a freight
boat and returned on a revenue cutter; I left on a vessel belonging to
Col. Edward Lloyd, and returned on one belonging to the United States.
[Life and Times, pp. 445-46]
The "stately chimneys of the grand old mansion" sounds very much like
the Plantation Tradition, and how different the purpose of the balanced
antithesis is in this passage from that noted in the delineation of the
slave's realization of language as a key to freedom ("What he most
dreaded, that I most desired . . ."). This passage also stands in marked
contrast to the description of ships on the Chesapeake cited earlier
("those beautiful vessels ... so many shrouded ghosts"), The venerable
status of the Guthrie is now matched by the eminence of the marshal
of the District of Columbia.
Douglass, in his public role, often resembles the courteous and gen-
tlemanly narrator of Vassa's work—a man determined to put readers at
ease by assuring them of his accomplishments (and the sterling company
he keeps) in language that is careful not to offend readers' various sensi-
bilities. It is strikingly coincidental that The Life and Times of Frederick
Douglass was reprinted in 1895, the year in which its author died and
Booker T. Washington emerged as one of the most influential black
public spokesmen America had ever known.
In 1901, Washington's Up from Slavery appeared, and it offers a per-
fect illustration of the black autobiographer's assumption of the public
mantle. Unlike Douglass's 1845 Narrative (but like the 1893 version),
Washington's work is primarily a life-and-times account that views the
self within the larger American social current. Instead of apology, or the
justification of rebellion, one finds in Up from Slavery gratitude—even
256 The Slave Narratives as Literature
joy—that the self has been swept along by the current and acknowledged
for aiding its progressive flow. Moral uplift and financial success quickly
run together as Washington accepts Economic Man as the norm in his
own ascent from ignorance, poverty, and vice to property ownership and
a sound bank account. Of course, the first president of Tuskegee Insti-
tute cannot be immediately denounced for portraying himself in this
manner, since such a condemnation would require censuring the entire
age in which he lived. Situated in the Gilded Age and surrounded by a
set of conditions that the historian Rayford Logan has called the "nadir"
in American race relations, Washington adopted a public mask that dis-
played a black self in harmony with its era. The problem with this
strategy was that it forced the narrator to violate the governing conven-
tions of autobiography at the very outset. He set truth aside from the
beginning and simply ignored facts that did not agree with his mask.
Washington, therefore, is no bold historian who has surveyed chaos
and given us the verifiable details of his journey. We cannot grasp the
uniqueness of a black self because a self distinguishable from those of
Huntington, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and other white capitalists never
emerges. Further, the sense that black being can emerge only by erupt-
ing through a white nothingness is contradicted by the countless white
friends who aid Washington on his way to language, education, and
financial stability. Rebecca Chalmers Barton has defined Washington
and all black autobiographers who followed his lead as "accommoda-
tors," i.e., pseudoidealists who concealed their ambitiousness and feelings
of inferiority in religious rhetoric and oratory dedicated to a cause.11
Given the nature of Up from Slavery, this assessment seems just. It is
difficult to understand how a more recent writer12 has set such store by
those turn-of-the-century black autobiographies which, time and again,
reveal their narrators drawn into the linguistic prisons—the confining
public discourse—of the white world.
Difficult, but not impossible. For if one takes language in a broad
social sense and treats Up from Slavery as a social document, then Wash-
ington was simply an imitator of the commercial, industrial utterances
that guided his age. His narrative is filled with the kind of observation
one would expect to find in a primer devoted to principles of success in
business and the conduct of the moral life in an industrialist society:
One thing I was determined to do from the first, and that was to keep
the credit of the school high, and this, I think I can say without boasting,
we have done all through these years. I shall always remember a bit of
advice given me by Mr. George W. Campbell, the white man to whom
I have referred as the one who induced General Armstrong to send me
to Tuskegee. Soon after I entered upon the work Mr. Campbell said to
The Voice of the Southern Slave 257
me, in his fatherly way: "Washington, always remember that credit is
Such work gives one a rare opportunity to study human nature. It also
has its compensation in giving one an opportunity to meet some of the
best people in the world—to be more correct, I think I should say the
best people in the world. When one takes a broad survey of the country,
he will find that the most useful and influential people in it are those
who take the deepest interest in institutions that exist for the purpose
of making the world better. [P. 127]
I have found that strict business methods go a long way in securing the
interest of rich people. It has been my constant aim at Tuskegee to carry
out, in our financial and other operations, such business methods as
would be approved of by any New York banking house. [P. 132]
In meeting men, in many places, I have found that the happiest people
are those who do the most for others; the most miserable are those who
do the least. I have also found that few things, if any, are capable of
making one so blind and narrow as race prejudice. [P. 152]
I have a strong feeling that every individual owes it to himself, and to
the cause which he is serving, to keep a vigorous, healthy body, with
the nerves steady and strong, prepared for great efforts and prepared
for disappointments and trying positions. [P. 171]
when it comes to business, pure and simple, it is in the South that the
Negro is given a man's chance in the commercial world, and in nothing
is this Exposition more eloquent than in emphasizing this chance. Our
greatest danger is that in the great leap from slavery to freedom we may
overlook the fact that the masses of us are to live by the productions of
our hands, and fail to keep in mind that we shall prosper in proportion
as we learn to dignify and glorify common labour and put brains and
skill into the common occupations of life. . . . It is at the bottom of life
we must begin, and not at the top. [Up from Slavery, p. 147]
258 The Slave Narratives as Literature
Founded on the assumption that only through hard work and abundant
evidence that one has something to contribute to the white community
can the black American rise, Washington's statement implicitly sanc-
tioned the violently racist practices of his day. When Governor Bullock
of Georgia introduced him at the Exposition as "a representative of
Negro enterprise and Negro civilization," he surely had a clear idea of
the type of representation of black life and culture Washington would
present. The occasion, as it appears in Up from Slavery, is yet another
instance of the coming together of a white audience and a black speaker
who has molded a publicly useful "autobiographical" self. In Washing-
ton's case, unfortunately, Governor Bullock (and not William Lloyd
Garrison) was the exemplary member of the white audience. Thus
Washington, as a black public spokesman, became the compromiser of
his own people's rights, and the Barton view of the author of Up from
Slavery is reinforced by an analysis of the work as a social document.
But if language is considered not in the broad social sense but in the
more restricted context of fictive discourse, then Washington's narrative,
as a fictive account, presents a coherent structure signaling a particular
domain of meaning. Rather than the "pseudoidealism" deplored by Bar-
ton, it implies propositions of the form "If X then Y."14 For example, the
world of the slave is one of unlimited opportunity; the black man can,
if only he will. This amounts to a tacit agreement between the proposi-
tions governing Up from Slavery and the professed ideals of the larger
white American culture. The work is designed as a validation of what
the psychologists Hans Vaihinger and Alfred Adler called "fictional
ideas" or "fictional finalism."15 The notion captured by these phrases is
that human beings are motivated in their present actions by their expec-
tations of the future, by their orientation toward a goal which has no
counterpart in reality. "This final goal may be a fiction, that is, an ideal
that is impossible to realize but which is nonetheless a very real spur to
human striving and the ultimate explanation of conduct."16 Statements
such as "all men are created equal," that is to say, or "honesty is the best
policy," govern conduct. Washington's work, under the aspect of fictive
discourse, can be interpreted as saying: "The propositions are analytic
(basic, beyond question). Here is a story to prove it." In this light, Up
from Slavery offers a stirring account. The differences between black and
white fade; the disruptions of the triangular trade and chattel slavery are
excusable failings of a past that is best forgotten. The motivation is
directed entirely toward the future.
The problem with this interpretive strategy, however, is that while
it provides one means of apprehending and valuing the text, it also
ignores the significant conventions surrounding the genre that Washing-
The Voice of the Southern Slave 259
tion and his cohorts chose to employ. Autobiography—the recounting of
the self's or the selves' history—does not presuppose analytic propositions.
It is, rather, a gathering together of synthetic propositions—factual state-
ments whose truth-value is assumed to be historically determinate. Its
statements are taken to accord with an actual past that is amenable to
investigation. The difference between the fictive and the autobiographi-
cal can be suggested by the responses each entails to a statement like
the following:
The "Ku Klux" period was, I think, the darkest part of the Reconstruc-
tion days. I have referred to this unpleasant part of the history of the
South simply for the purpose of calling attention to the great change
that has taken place since the days of the "Ku Klux." To-day there are
no such organizations in the South, and the fact that such ever existed
is almost forgotten by both races. There are few places in the South now
where public sentiment would permit such organizations to exist. [Up
from Slavery, p. 71]
1. Autobiographical Acts (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
1976). "All reading (or writing) involves us in choice: we choose to pursue a
style or subject matter, to struggle with or against a design. We also choose,
as passive as it may seem, to take part in an interaction, and it is here that
generic labels have their use. The genre does not tell us the style or construc-
tion of a text as much as how we should expect to 'take' that style or mode of
construction—what force it should have for us" (p. 4). Professor Bruss is
drawing on a speech-act theory as delineated by J. L. Austin, Paul Strawson,
and John Searle. The nature, or force, of the speech act combines context,
conditions, and intentions; it is called by the philosophers of language men-
tioned above the illocutionary force of an utterance. If the illocutionary force
of a speech act is one involving certain rules, contexts, and intentions of self-
revelation, the act can be called autobiographical. What I shall be investigating
in the next few pages is the peculiar illocutionary force of certain black auto-
biographies produced during the nineteenth century. For an account of black
autobiography, see Stephen Butterfield, Black Autobiography in America
(Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1974).
2. Rebecca Chalmers Barton, Witnesses for Freedom (New York: Harper,
1948), p. xii.
3. George McMichael, ed., Anthology of American Literature (New York:
Macmillan, 1974), 1:228.
4. The Examined Self (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1964), p. 39.
5. A Short History of Existentialism (New York: Philosophical Library,
1949), p. 31. See also Jean Wahl, Philosophies of Existence: An Introduction
to the Basic Thought of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Jaspers, Marcel, Sartre (New
York: Schocken, 1959).
6. The Ideological Origins of Black Nationalism (Boston: Beacon, 1972).
7. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Written
by Himself (New York: Signet, 1968), p. 21.
8. In a fine analysis of the Narrative ("Animal Farm Unbound," New
The Voice of the Southern Slave 261
Letters 43 [1977]: 25-48), H. Bruce Franklin explores the significance for
American literature of white assumptions that blacks are outside the human
family. But cf. my own treatment of animal imagery in Douglass, which ap-
peared in my collection of essays Long Black Song (Charlottesville: University
Press of Virginia, 1972); and Albert Stone, "Identity and Art in Frederick
Douglass' Narrative," CLA Journal 17 (1973): 192-213.
9. Quoted from Janheinz Jahn, Neo-African Literature (New York: Grove,
1969), p. 240.
10. The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Written by Himself (New
York: Collier, 1973),p. 442.
11. Witnesses for Freedom, pp. 3-40.
12. John Blassingame, "Black Autobiographies as History and Literature,"
Black Scholar 5 (1973-74): 2-9.
13. Up from Slavery, in Franklin, ed., Three Negro Classics, p. 107. Un-
less otherwise specified, all citations refer to this edition.
14. The concept of "fictive discourse" is drawn from the work of Barbara
Herrnstein Smith. Professor Smith makes a distinction between "natural dis-
course" and fictive discourse. While "a natural utterance is an historical event
[and] like any other event, it occupies a specific and unique point in time and
space," a fictive utterance is historically indeterminate. It is possible, therefore,
for it to postulate and explore propositions that are considered "timeless."
Works of imaginative literature, that is to say, may be thought of as discourse
structures that imply analytical propositions. An analytical proposition, ac-
cording to philosophy, is one of the conditions of possibility of reason. All men
of reason understand that "If X then Y." The truth-value of such propositions
is not contingent upon empirical reference, but upon reason, operating in a
timeless dimension. See "Poetry as Fiction," in Cohen, ed., New Directions in
Literary History, pp. 165-87. See also her book On the Margins of Discourse
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978). For a discussion of analytic
propositions in relation to speech acts, see Searle, Speech Acts.
15. The discussion here is based on C. S. Hall and Gardner Lindzey,
Theories of Personality (New York: Wiley, 1978), pp. 160-61.
16. Ibid., p. 161.
17. Bruss, in stating her rules, or appropriateness conditions, for autobio-
graphical acts of discourse says: "(a) under existing conventions, a claim is
made for the truth-value of what the autobiography reports—no matter how
difficult that truth-value might be to ascertain, whether the report treats of
private experiences or publicly observable occasions, (b) The audience is ex-
pected to accept these reports as true, and is free to 'check up' on them or
attempt to discredit them" (Autobiographical Acts, p. 11).
Text and Contexts of Harriet Jacobs
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl:
Written by Herself
Your proposal to me has been thought over and over again, but not
without some most painful remembrance. Dear Amy, if it was the life
of a heroine with no degradation associated with it! Far better to have
been one of the starving poor of Ireland whose bones had to bleach on
the highways than to have been a slave with the curse of slavery
stamped upon yourself and children. I have tried for the last two years
to conquor . . , [my stubborn pride] and I feel that God has helped
me, or I never would consent to give my past to anyone, for I would not
do it without giving the whole truth. If it could help save another from
my fate, it would be selfish and unChristian in me to keep it back.1
With these words, more than a century ago, the newly-emancipated fugi-
tive slave Harriet Jacobs expressed her conflicting responses to a friend's
suggestion that she make her life story public. Although she finally suc-
ceeded in writing and publishing her sensational tale, its authenticity-
long questioned—has recently been denied. Jacobs' Incidents in the Life
of a Slave Girl: Written by Herself has just been transformed from a
questionable narrative to a well-documented pseudonymous slave nar-
rative, however, by the discovery of a cache of her letters.2
This correspondence establishes Jacobs' authorship and clarifies the
role of her editor. The letters present a unique chronicle of the efforts of
a female fugitive slave to write and publish her autobiography in ante-
bellum America. In doing so, they recount her involvement with an
unlikely grouping of mid-century writers: litterateur Nathaniel P. Willis,
best-selling author Harriet Beecher Stowe, black abolitionist William C.
Nell and white abolitionist L. Maria Child.
Authenticating Jacobs' authorship of Incidents sparks the need for a
reexamination of this book within multiple contexts: black history and
letters, women's history and letters, and American history and letters.
But while identifying Incidents as the work of black Harriet Jacobs—and
not her editor, white L. Maria Child—presents an occasion for exploring
its place within these contexts, it does not change this text or make it
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 263
any less peculiar either in content or in form. And it is peculiar. Incidents
is, to my knowledge, the only slave narrative that takes as its subject the
sexual exploitation of female slaves—thus centering on sexual oppression
as well as on oppression of race and condition; it is, to my knowledge,
the only slave narrative that identifies its audience as female; it is, to my
knowledge, the only slave narrative written in the style of sentimental
fiction; and my work suggests that it may be the first full-length slave
narrative by a woman to be published in this country. Incidents requires
students of the narrative to examine the significance of gender in relation
to the content and the form of this entire genre. Further, as an ante-
bellum Afro-American female autobiography, Incidents requires students
of American women's literature to examine the significance of race in
women's writings; and as the work of a fugitive slave, it requires an
examination of the significance of condition in women's writings. Because
it is, to my knowledge, the only pre-Civil War American female auto-
biography written for publication that renders a first-person account of
sexual nonconformity, it requires students of American women's litera-
ture to examine the issue of sexual nonconformity in women's writings.
All of this makes Incidents of interest to students of Afro-American, wom-
en's and American culture. This book is at once the plea of an erring
American female, the heroic recital of a valiant black slave mother, and
a woman's vindication of her life.
The first half of this essay presents evidence establishing Jacobs' au-
thorship of Incidents and discusses the history of the text. The second
half tentatively explores some of the issues involved in locating Incidents
within its multiple contexts.
The discovery of Jacobs' letters has made it possible to trace her life.
She was born near Edenton, North Carolina, about 1815. In Incidents,
she writes that her parents died while she was a child and that at the
death of her beloved mistress (who had taught her to read and spell)
she was sent to a licentious master. As she grew into adolescence, he
subjected her to unrelenting sexual harassment. In her teens she bore
two children to another white man. When her jealous master threatened
her with concubinage, Jacobs ran away. Aided by sympathetic black and
white neighbors, she was sheltered by her family and for years remained
hidden in the home of her grandmother, a freed slave. During this time
her children, whose father had bought them from her master, were al-
lowed to live with her grandmother. But despite their father's repeated
264 The Slave Narratives as Literature
promises to free them—and although he later took their little girl to a
free state—they were not emancipated.
About 1842, Harriet Jacobs finally escaped to the North, contacted
her daughter, was joined by her son, and found work in New York. Be-
cause the woman who hired her as a nursemaid was the wife of maga-
zinist Nathaniel P. Willis, it has been possible to use Willis' materials to
piece out—and to corroborate—Jacobs' story.3 Harassed as a fugitive in
New York, Jacobs escaped to Massachusetts. After returning, when again
threatened, she confided in Mrs. Willis. Explaining that she and her chil-
dren were fugitives Jacobs enlisted Mrs. Willis' aid and fled to Boston to
live. The following spring, Mrs. Willis died. Willis prevailed upon Jacobs
to accompany his little girl when he took her to visit her grandparents in
England. Upon returning to America, Jacobs learned that in her absence
her son had left his apprenticeship and had shipped out to sea; instead
of resuming her life in Boston, Jacobs enrolled her daughter in a board-
ing school and joined her brother in Rochester, New York.
In 1849, this prospering canal city was a seed bed of reform. Fred-
erick Douglass' North Star was published there each week, and the
Women's Rights convention had met only months earlier. With her
brother, John S. Jacobs, a fugitive active in the abolitionist movement,
Jacobs ran an anti-slavery reading room where she met other reformers.
She made the Quaker Amy Post, a feminist and abolitionist, her confi-
dante; her letters to Post date from this period. In September 1850,
Jacobs returned to New York and resumed work in the Willis household.
When again hounded by the slaveholders who claimed them as property,
she and her children were purchased and manumitted by Willis.
It was following this—between 1853 and 1858—that Jacobs acquiesced
to Post's urgings; after a brush with Harriet Beecher Stowe, she wrote
out the story of her life by herself. In 1859, with letters of introduction
from American abolitionists to British anti-slavery leaders, she travelled
to England in an unsuccessful effort to arrange for publication of her
book. Finally, with the help of black abolitionist writer William C. Nell
and white abolitionist writer L. Maria Child (whose correspondence,
too, corroborates that of Jacobs), her narrative was published at Boston
early in 1861. As the national crisis developed into civil war, Jacobs
worked for emancipation by publicizing and circulating her slave narra-
tive. During the war, she left her job with the Willis family and went to
Washington, D.C. as a nurse for black troops. She later returned South,
making at least one trip back to Edenton. Jacobs remained actively en-
gaged in work among the freed people for the next thirty years. When
she died in Washington, D.C., in 1897, she was eulogized by another
prominent black abolitionist, Rev. Francis J. Grimke.4
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 265
In addition to providing overwhelming evidence establishing Jacobs'
authorship and defining Child's role as editor, this correspondence yields
a new perspective on several antebellum writers.
Jacobs' letters consistently express the conviction that, unlike both
his first and his second wife, Nathaniel P. Willis was "pro-slavery." Be-
cause of this—although she repeatedly sought help in obtaining the time
and privacy to write, even requesting introductions to public figures in
the hope they would aid the publication of her book—Jacobs consistently
refused to ask for Willis' aid. She did not even want him to know that
she was writing. For years, while living under his roof, she worked on
her book secretly and at night. A recent reading of Willis' picturesque
1859 account of slave life entitled "Negro Happiness in Virginia" helped
me understand Jacobs' attitude.5
Jacobs' negative assessment of Harriet Beecher Stowe is not based
on the woman's attitudes toward slavery, however, but on her views on
the issue of race. Her brief involvement with Stowe was decisive in the
genesis of Incidents. When Jacobs first agreed to a public account of her
life, Jacobs did not plan to write it herself, but to enlist Stowe's help in
producing a dictated narrative. To this end, Jacobs asked Post to ap-
proach Stowe and suggest that she meet Jacobs and hear her story.
Then—reading in the papers that Uncle Tom's author planned a trip to
England—Jacobs persuaded Mrs. Willis to write suggesting that Stowe
permit Jacobs' daughter Louisa to accompany her to England. Jacobs
explained that this would yield triple results: Louisa could interest Stowe
in Jacobs' story; Stowe's patronage would benefit Louisa; and "Louisa
would make a very good representative of a southern slave" for the
English to meet.6
Harriet Beecher Stowe evidently responded by writing to Mrs. Willis
that she would not take the child with her, by forwarding to Mrs. Willis
Post's sketch of Jacobs' sensational life for verification, and by proposing
that if it were true, she herself would use Jacobs' story in The Key to
Uncle Tom's Cabin, which she was rushing to complete. Reporting all
of this to Post, Jacobs suggests that she felt denigrated as a mother, be-
trayed as a woman, and threatened as a writer by Stowe's action.
[Mrs. Stowe] said it would be much care to her to take Louisa. As she
went by invitation, it would not be right, and she was afraid that
if ... [Louisa's] situation as a slave should be known, it would sub-
ject her to much petting and patronizing, which would be more pleasing
to a young girl than useful; and the English were very apt to do it,
and . . . [Mrs. Stowe] was very much opposed to it with this class of
people. . . .
I had never opened my life to Mrs. Willis concerning my children. In
266 The Slave Narratives as Literature
the charitableness of her own heart, she sympathized with me and never
asked their origin. My suffering she knew. It embarrassed me at first,
but I told her the truth; but we both thought it wrong in Mrs. Stowe to
have sent your letter. She might have written to inquire if she liked.
Mrs. Willis wrote her a very kind letter begging that she would not
use any of the facts in her Key, saying that I wished it to be a history
of my life entirely by itself, which would do more good, and it needed no
romance; but if she wanted some facts for her book, that I would be
most happy to give her some. She never answered the letter. She [Mrs.
Willis] wrote again, and I wrote twice, with no better success. . . .
I think she did not like my objection. I can't help it.7
Think, dear Amy, that a visit to Stafford House would spoil me, as Mrs.
Stowe thinks petting is more than my race can bear? Well, what a pity
we poor blacks can't have the firmness and stability of character that
you white people have!8
I have been busy with your M.S. ever since I saw you; and have
only done one-third of it. I have very little occasion to alter the lan-
guage, which is wonderfully good, for one whose opportunities for educa-
tion have been so limited. The events are interesting, and well told; the
remarks are also good, and to the purpose. But I am copying a great deal
of it, for the purpose of transposing sentences and pages, so as to bring
the story into continuous order, and the remarks into appropriate places.
I think you will see that this renders the story much more clear and en-
Here Child makes two editorial suggestions that Jacobs evidently fol-
lowed. She proposes that the description of the anti-black violence after
the Nat Turner rebellion be more fully developed, and she advises that
a final chapter on John Brown be omitted. Child's second letter is a de-
tailed explanation of the publisher's contract, which provided that Inci-
dents be published pseudonymously, with only Child's name listed as
Jacobs' letters are most interesting, however, not for their comments
about other writers, but as the unique running account of the efforts of
this newly-emancipated Afro-American woman to render her life in liter-
ature. The decision to write her own story evidently prompted Jacobs to
follow the long-standing practice of sending apprentice pieces to the
newspapers. Both the subject and the style of her first published letter,
which appeared in the Tribune under the headline "Letter from a Fugi-
tive Slave," suggest her book. Here—as in her narrative—Jacobs' subject
is the sexual exploitation of women in slavery. Here—as in her narrative—
her form reflects the conventions of polite letters. She begins by announc-
ing that she will tell her tale herself.
. . . Poor as it may be, I had rather give . . . [my story] from my own
hand, than have it said that I employed others to do it for me. . . .
Then—as in her private letters and in her book—she expresses the pain
she feels as she recalls and writes about her life.
I was born a slave, raised in the Southern hot-bed until I was the
mother of two children, sold at the early age of two and four years old.
I have been hunted through all of the Northern States—but no, I will not
tell you of my own suffering—no, it would harrow up my soul. . . .11
No one here ever suspected me [of writing to the Tribune], I would not
have Mrs. W. to know it before I had undertaken my history, for I must
write just what I have lived and witnessed myself. Don't expect much of
me, dear Amy. You shall have truth, but not talent.12
The letters record other pressures. During the years Jacobs composed
her extraordinary memoirs, Mr. and Mrs. Willis moved into an eighteen
room estate and added two more children to their family; Jacobs' work
load increased accordingly. Writing to Post, she voiced the frustrations
of a would-be woman writer who earned her living nursing other peo-
ple's children.
She went on, however, to say that she preferred the endless interrup-
tions to revealing her project to her employers.
To get this time I should have to explain myself, and no one here except
Louisa knows that I have ever written anything to be put in print. I
have not the courage to meet the criticism and ridicule of educated
Jacobs' letters do not suggest that she felt this reticence because of
formal problems. Written in the genteel manner of the period, the lit-
erary style of Incidents—which seems to echo writers like Willis and
Child—has been judged an incongruous mode of expression for an eman-
cipated slave. Yet the discovery of Jacobs' correspondence shows that
the style of Incidents is completely consistent with her private letters.
For example, none of its narrative asides is as mannered as Jacobs' pri-
vate comment about her manuscript:
Just now the poor book is in its chrysalis state, and though I can never
make it a butterfly, I am satisfied to have it creep meekly among some of
the humbler bugs.14
The letters reveal that Jacobs was more troubled about the content
of her book than about its form. As her manuscript neared completion,
she articulated her concern about its sensational aspects and her need for
acceptance from another woman in a letter asking Post to identify her-
self with the book.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 269
I have thought that I wanted some female friend to write a preface or
some introductory remarks . . . yet believe me, dear friend, there are
many painful things in ... [my book] that make me shrink from
asking the sacrifice from one so good and pure as yourself.15
I have, my dear friend, striven faithfully to give a true and just ac-
count of my own life in slavery. God knows I have tried to do it in a
Christian spirit. There are some things that I might have made plainer,
I know. Woman can whisper her cruel wrongs into the ear of a very
dear friend much easier than she can record them for the world to read.
I have left nothing out but what I thought the world might believe that
a slave woman was too willing to pour out, that she might gain their
sympathies. I ask nothing. I have placed myself before you to be judged
as a woman, whether I deserve your pity or contempt.
I valued her good opinion, and I was afraid of losing it, if I told her all
the particulars of my sad story.22
It is, in fact, only a dozen pages before the end of the book, in a
chapter called "The Confession," that the narrator suggests that this
problem is even partially resolved. Despite "a shrinking dread of dimin-
ishing my child's love," she describes confessing to her young daughter.
whose purity has been sheltered from childhood, who have been free
to choose the objects of your affection, whose homes are protected by
law, do not judge the poor desolate slave girl too severely!24 (italics
Nor does this narrator mouth the standard notion that a woman's
self-esteem is a simple function of her adherence to conventional sexual
mores. Although she discusses her efforts to preserve her virginity in
connection with her struggle to maintain her self esteem, she presents
these as related, not identical, goals.26
Denied the protection of the laws, denied even an extra-legal mar-
riage to a man she loved, she writes that in a desperate attempt to pre-
vent her hated master from forcing her into concubinage, she relin-
quished her "purity" in an effort to maintain her "self-respect"; she
abandoned her attempt to avoid sexual involvements in an effort to as-
sert her autonomy as a human being, to avoid being "entirely subject to
the will of another." Expressing her mature estimate of her situation
when young and enslaved, the narrator shifts to the present tense:
She concludes this passage with one of the most interesting sen-
tences in the book. Having recounted her sexual history, the narrator
274 The Slave Narratives as Literature
shifts to the present tense to assert a radical alternative to the appar-
ently conventional sexual ideology that has informed her confession and
her plea.
Still, in looking back, calmly, on the events of my life, I feel that the
slave woman ought not to be judged by the same standard as others.28
Does the narrator here suggest, upon reflection, that women like herself
should be judged (like men) on complex moral grounds—rather than
(like women) on the single issue of their compliance with accepted sex-
ual behavior? Does Harriet Jacobs, the black fugitive slave author who
writes as Linda Brent the black fugitive slave narrator, here propose a
new definition of female morality grounded in her own experience? This
extraordinary sentence invites analysis and examination both in relation
to equivalent assertions of autonomy in the speeches and writings of the
other slave narrators, and in relation to equivalent assertions of auton-
omy in the speeches and writings of other nineteenth century women.
To my ear, this quiet comment resonates with Sojourner Truth's ringing
interrogatives that redefined womanhood.29
Like the treatment of sexual issues, characterizations in Incidents
which at first appear merely conventional later reveal themselves as
challenges to convention. For example, Jacobs' narrator Linda Brent
seems to present herself as representative of a stock racial and sexual
character, the "tragic mulatto" figure, a woman of mixed race who is be-
trayed by the white man she adores, the father of her children. But a
careful examination reveals something more complex. While Linda Brent
reports that she was indeed discarded by the white father of her chil-
dren, she does not focus on his rejection of her, but on his betrayal of
their son and daughter. She writes that although he granted her plea to
end their enslavement to her tyrannical master by buying them himself,
he repeatedly broke his promises to emancipate them. It is when she
finally recognizes this that she resolves to free them herself. Asserting
again and again that all her efforts are directed toward achieving free-
dom for her children, this narrator presents herself not as a cast-off love-
sick mistress but as an outraged loving mother; and in doing so, she
counters a second racial and sexual stereotype. Linda Brent is a black
mother committed to the welfare of her own children, not a "mammy"
devoted to her mistress' white babies.
Like the account of her sexual experiences in slavery—her descrip-
tion of her efforts to frustrate the designs of her master and to assert at
least some choice about the identity of the man who will use her sex-
ually, and her conclusion that slave women should not be condemned
for violating conventional sexual mores—the recital of Linda Brent's ex-
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 275
periences as a slave mother merits careful examination. This should be
read on its own terms; in relation to similar speeches and writings by
other Afro-Americans; and in relation to speeches and writings by free-
bom white women on this subject. For example, while the account of
Jacobs' narrator describing her battle to liberate her children from the
power of their master-father is unique, it has parallels in other narra-
tives; and because (in contrast to statutes regulating slaves) laws gov-
erning free Americans denied the authority of the female parent and en-
trusted children to their fathers, it also has parallels in the writings of
freeborn women. Let me be clear. I do not here propose that Jacobs'
narrative be collapsed into the writings of the male slave narrators; I do
not suggest that it be collapsed into the writings of other Afro-American
women (both free and slave); I do not suggest that it be collapsed into
the writings of freeborn white women. On the contrary. What I am sug-
gesting is a multiple examination of Jacobs' pseudonymous female slave
narrative: of its text and of the relationship of this text to a series of rel-
evant contexts.
For example, viewed from a feminist perspective Incidents is a major
text. During the years Jacobs was working on her manuscript, a small
group of women—most of them white—were developing a critique of
sexism modeled on the Garrisonian analysis of chattel slavery. Reflecting
this model in their rhetoric, they wrote of "the slavery of woman." The
most committed white abolitionists in this group—like Jacobs' editor
Child and her sponsor Post—did not confuse their own experience with
the triple oppression of sex, condition, and race to which they knew
slave women were subjected. It was nevertheless a sense of their own
oppression that spurred these freeborn white feminists to identify with
black fugitive slave woman like Jacobs.30
This feminist consciousness is pertinent to Incidents. In this book,
Jacobs' Linda Brent presents a closed community split by chattel slavery
into two warring camps. Given her primary groupings—blacks who op-
pose slavery and whites who support it—this narrative is surprising. We
expect to encounter the fiendish neighboring female slaveholder and the
jealous mistress. But how are we to explain the presence of the white
women who defect from the slaveholders' ranks to help Linda Brent?
How can we account for the lady who, at the request of the young
slave's grandmother, tries to stop her master from molesting her? Even
more strange, how can we account for the female slaveholder who hides
the runaway female slave for a month? How can we account for the
northern employer who entrusts Linda Brent with the baby, so she can
flee slavecatchers by traveling as a nursemaid rather than as a fugitive?
One explanation is that these women are responding to Linda Brent's
276 The Slave Narratives as Literature
oppression as a woman exploited sexually and as a mother trying to nur-
ture her children. That is, viewed from this feminist perspective, what
we are watching is women betraying allegiances of race and class to as-
sert their stronger allegiance to the sisterhood of all women.
In her signed preface Jacobs' narrator Linda Brent invites this read-
ing by the way in which she identifies her audience and announces her
Seen from this angle of vision, Jacobs' book—reaching across the gulf
separating black women from white, slave from free, poor from rich,
reaching across the chasm separating "bad" women from "good"—repre-
sents an attempt to establish an American sisterhood and to activate that
sisterhood in the public arena.
Further, Incidents was published in the face of taboos prohibiting
women from discussing their sexuality—much less their sexual exploita-
tion—in print. Yet between its covers Harriet Jacobs, a black American
woman, pseudonymously presents her shocking narrative in defiance of
the rules of sexual propriety; and she is supported in this effort by
L. Maria Child, a prominent white American woman. Almost thirty
years earlier, Child had made an indelible mark in American letters by
discussing the forbidden subject of slavery. Now, in presenting this nar-
rative by a pseudonymous "impure woman" on the "forbidden subject"
of the sexual exploitation of women in slavery, she again challenged
custom. In her introduction, Child announces that this defiance is de-
1. This passage comes from one of thirty letters from Harriet Jacobs to
Amy Post in the Isaac and Amy Post Family Papers recently acquired by the
University of Rochester Library. Numbered n.d. #84, it was probably written
at the end of 1852 or the beginning of 1853. All of the letters cited from Jacobs
to Post are in this collection in the Department of Rare Books, Manuscripts and
Archives, and are reprinted by permission. Most note only day and month; my
attempts to supply missing dates may be in error. Editing Jacobs' letters, I
have regularized paragraphing, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, but
have not otherwise tampered with text.
I hasten to record my considerable debt to Dorothy Sterling who includes
some of Jacobs' letters in A Woman and Black (in press) and with whom I
am writing a book on Jacobs; to Karl Kabelac of the University of Rochester
Library; and to Patricia G. Holland, co-editor of The Collected Correspondence
of Lydia Maria Child, 1817-1880 (New York, 1980). Without them, this study
could not have been made. I am in addition indebted to Bernard Crystal of the
Columbia University Libraries, Phil Lapsansky of the Philadelphia Library
Company, James Lawton of the Boston Public Library, and Mary-Elizabeth
Murdock of the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College.
278 The Slave Narratives as Literature
I am further beholden to Dorothy Sterling, and to Frederick C. Stern,
Milton R. Stern, and Marilyn T. Williams for criticizing an early version of
this manuscript; to Elizabeth V. Moore for her cogent remarks; and to Quandra
Prettyman Stadler, Elizabeth Fox Genovese, and Hazel Carby, whose com-
ments pushed my thinking forward. Partial discussions of this material have
been presented in American Literature, vol. 53, no. 3 (Nov. 1981), 479-86;
at a meeting of the Modern Language Association in 1981; and at the Colum-
bia University Seminar on Women and Society in 1982.
2. [Harriet Jacobs], Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by
Herself. Ed. L. Maria Child (Boston, 1861). An English edition appeared the
following year: [Harriet Jacobs], The Deeper Wrong: Or, Incidents in the Life
of a Slave Girl. Written by Herself. Ed. L. Maria Child (London, 1862). A
paperback edition with introduction and notes by Walter Teller was published
at New York in 1973; page numbers in my notes refer to this edition.
Examining Incidents in a discussion of "fictional accounts . . . [in which]
the major character may have been a real fugitive, but the narrative of his life
is probably false," John Blassingame judged that "the work is not credible." See
The Slave Community (New York, 1972), 233-34.
Professor Blassingame is not the first to question the validity of Incidents;
see also for example The Negro Caravan, ed. Sterling A. Brown, Arthur P.
Davis and Ulysses Lee (New York, 1941); and Arna Bontemps, "The Slave
Narrative: An American Genre," Great Slave Narratives (Boston, 1969). In
his more recent study, Slave Testimony (Baton Rouge, 1977), instead of re-
peating this judgment, Professor Blassingame has treated the question of the
authenticity of Incidents ambiguously; as do, for example, George P. Rawick in
The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography. Vol. I: From Sundown to
Sunup: The Making of the Black Community (Westport, 1972); and Russell
Brignano in Black Americans in Autobiography (Chapel Hill, 1974). Many
scholars, however, have accepted Jacobs' narrative as authentic. These include
Vernon Loggins, The Negro Author (New York, 1931); Marion W. Starling,
The Slave's Narrative: Its Place in American Literary History, unpublished
dissertation (New York University, 1946); Charles Nichols, "Slave Narratives
and the Plantation Legend," Phylon, 10 (1949); and Nichols' Many Thousand
Gone: The Ex-Slaves' Account of their Bondage and Freedom (Leiden, 1963);
Gilbert Osofsky, Puttin On Ole Massa (New York, 1969); and Stanley Feld-
stein, Once a Slave: The Slaves' View of Slavery (New York, 1971).
3. Willis referred to Jacobs directly—though not by name—in a House and
Home column reprinted in Outdoors at Idlewild (New York, 1855), 275-76.
Jacobs' escape from slavery and her emancipation are sketched in Henry C.
Beers' biography of Willis in the American Men of Letters Series (Boston and
New York, 1885), 284-86. Beers does not mention Incidents. The single fac-
tual discrepancy between his account and Jacobs' narrative is that he writes
that she spent five years in hiding and she says it was seven. Beers' characteri-
zation of Jacobs, however, does not tally with her own. Although in her letters
Jacobs expresses affection for Willis' wife, she does not speak warmly of Willis,
and she does not even mention him in her autobiography. Yet Beers sees her
as a stereotypical devoted family servant. Other published references to Jacobs
in nineteenth century volumes include Memorial of Sarah Pugh: A Tribute of
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 279
Respect from her Cousins (Philadelphia, 1888), 100; L. Maria Child, Letters,
ed. John G. Whittier (Boston, 1883), 204-05; and History of Woman Suffrage,
ed. Elizabeth C. Stanton, et. al, 6 vols. (New York, 1881-1922), I, 334.
4. While confident of the validity of the large outlines of this biographical
sketch, I am aware that it may contain inaccuracies. I am continuing to work
on Jacobs' life and can, at this writing, identify most of the individuals she
presents pseudonymously in Incidents. Grimke's eulogy of Jacobs is in the
Francis J. Grimke Papers, Moorland-Spingarn Collection, Howard University.
5. For Jacobs on Willis, see Jacobs to Post, Cornwall, Orange County (late
1852-early 1853?) n.d. #84. Child commented on Jacobs' relationship with
Willis in a letter to John G. Whittier dated April 4, 1861, now in the Child
Papers, Manuscript Division, the Library of Congress. An endorsement by the
Columbus, Georgia Times and the Savannah, Georgia News judging Willis'
Home Journal one of only three northern literary publications worthy of
southern support was noted in The Liberator March 29, 1861. Willis' article
was anthologized in The Convalescent (New York, 1859), 410-16.
6. This discussion of Jacobs and Stowe is based on five letters from Jacobs
to Post: Cornwall, Orange County (late 1852-early 1853?) n.d. #84; Feb. 14
(1853?); April 4 (1853?); New Bedford, Mass. (Spring, 1853?) n.d. #80;
July 31 (1854?) n.d. #88. The quotation is from Jabobs to Post, Feb. 14
(1853?). I have been unable to locate any letters to Stowe from Post, Cornelia
Willis, or Jacobs, or from Stowe to Cornelia Willis.
7. Jacobs to Post, April 4 (1853?).
8. Jacobs to Post, New Bedford, Mass. (Spring, 1853?) n.d. #80.
9. Jacobs to Post, Oct. 8 (1860?) I have not been able to document a second
attempt to gain Stowe's backing. The firm of Phillips, Sampson & Co., c/o S. C.
Perkins and A. K. Loring, Booksellers, is listed in the Boston City Directory for
1859; it is not listed in the 1860 edition. Jacobs discusses her efforts to publish
her book abroad in letters to Post dated June 21 (1857?) n.d. #90; New
Bedford, Aug. 9 (1857?); March 1 (1858?); and Cambridge, May 3 (1858?)
n.d. #87; also see an important letter in the Boston Public Library from Jacobs
to abolitionist Anne Warren Weston, dated June 28 (1858?).
10. Child to Jacobs, Wayland, Aug. 13, 1860; the balance of the text of
the letter quoted follows:
I should not take so much pains, if I did not consider the book unusually
interesting, and likely to do much service to the Anti-Slavery cause. So
you need not feel under great personal obligations. You know I would
go through fire and water to help give a blow to Slavery. I suppose you
will want to see the M.S. after I have exercised my bump of mental
order upon it; and I will send it wherever you direct, a fortnight hence.
My object in writing at this time is to ask you to write what you can
recollect of the outrages committed on the colored people, in Nat Tur-
ner's time. You say the reader would not believe what you saw "inflicted
on men, women, and children, without the slightest ground of suspicion
against them." What were those inflictions? Were any tortured to make
them confess? And how? Were any killed? Please write down some of
the most striking particulars, and let me have them to insert.
I think the last chapter, about John Brown, had better be omitted.
280 The Slave Narratives as Literature
It does not naturally come into your story, and the M.S. is already too
long. Nothing can be so appropriate to end with, as the death of your
Mr. Child desires to be respectfully remembered to you.
Very Cordially your friend,
L. Maria Child
L. Maria Child
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 281
Mr. Child desires a very friendly remembrance.
Any remaining doubts concerning Child's role must, I think, rest on an un-
dated plea for secrecy from Jacobs to Post:
My Dear Friend:
You will please let no one see these letters. I am pledged to Mrs.
Child that I will tell no one what she has done, as she is beset by so
many people, and it would affect the book. It must be the slave's own
story—which it truly is.
Yours always,
To my mind, this reflects an effort to shield Child from interruption while she
edits the manuscript, not an attempt to hide editorial improprieties. Also see
Child to Lucy [Searle] Feb. 4, 1861, in the Lydia Maria Child Papers, Anti-
Slavery Collection of Cornell University Libraries.
For the organizational role undertaken by the abolitionists in aiding pub-
lication and distribution of Incidents, see Child to Wendell Phillips, Dec. 2,
1860; and Dec. 9, 1860, in the Wendell Phillips Collection, Houghton Library,
Harvard University. For Jacobs' efforts to distribute her book, see Jacobs to
R. Smith, Philadelphia, Jan. 14 (1861); and Jacobs' inscription to Smith in a
copy of Incidents; both items are in the collection of the Library Company of
11. New York Tribune, June 21, 1853. Another of Jacobs' letters appeared
on July 25,1853.
12. Jacobs to Post, Oct. 9 (1853?) n.d. #85. Also see Jacobs to Post,
Cornwall, June 25 (1853?).
13. Jacobs to Post, Cornwall, Jan. 11 (1854?).
14. Jacobs to Post, Cornwall, March (1854?).
15. Jacobs to Post, May 18 and June 8 (1857?).
16. Jacobs to Post, June 21 (1857?) n.d. #90. In the rest of this letter,
Jacobs suggests the outline Post used in her testimonial. Testifying in her
signed statement, which was published as an Appendix to Incidents, to her
acquaintance with Jacobs and to the conditions under which the narrative was
conceived and written, Post quotes one sentence directly from this letter. Post's
testimonial is accompanied by a second statement testifying to the truth of
Jacobs' narrative which is signed by George W. Lowther, a black "resident of
Boston" who later served in the House of Representatives of the Common-
wealth of Massachusetts.
17. Nell's letter appeared under the heading, "Linda, the Slave Girl," Jan.
25, 1861; he ran ads offering the book for sale for the next six months.
18. A standard critical comment is that the slave narrator's perspective
makes this inevitable; see, for example, my own Intricate Knot (New York,
1972). H. Bruce Franklin makes this observation about Incidents and identifies
Jacobs' special subject in The Victim as Criminal and Artist (New York, 1978).
19. The Weekly Anglo-African, April 13, 1861. A letter from Jacobs to Post
282 The Slave Narratives as Literature
dated Oct. 8 (I860?), suggests that this review may have been written by
George W. Lowther. The letter also discusses plans for a review in the National
Anti-Slavery Standard; this appeared on Feb. 23, 1861.
20. I am indebted to Hazel Carby, who commented on an earlier version
of this paper and generously permitted me to read the chapter "Slave and
Mistress" from her unpublished manuscript, Black Women Writers in the
Diaspora, for helping me clarify this analysis.
21. Incidents, 56.
22. Incidents, 184.
23. Incidents, 193.
24. Incidents, 54.
25. Incidents, 54.
26. In her choice of tense, the narrator here indicates that she had made this
distinction even when young: "I wanted to keep myself pure; and, under the
most adverse circumstances, I tried hard to preserve my self-respect . . ." 54.
Later, however, she writes that she was unable to maintain it consistently:
"But now that the truth was out, and my relations should hear of it, I felt
wretched. . . . My self-respect was gone. ... I had resolved that I would
be virtuous. . . . And now, how humiliated I felt!" 57.
27. Incidents, 55.
28. Incidents, 56.
29. My reference is of course to Sojourner Truth's classic speech, "Ain't
1 a Woman?" delivered at the Akron, Ohio Woman's Rights Convention in
May, 1851, and reported in reminiscences by Frances D. Gage, in History
of Woman Suffrage, ed. Elizabeth C. Stan ton, et al, 6 vols. (New York, 1881-
1922),!, 115-117.
30. See, for example, the discussion of women in slave-holding societies in
L. Maria Child, History of the Condition of Women, 2 vols. (New York, 1835).
Amy Post worked for decades in the anti-slavery movement and was instru-
mental in organizing the second Woman's Rights Convention in 1848; for
Frederick Douglass' appreciation of Post, see Life and Times (1892, New
York, 1962), 263. Also see the writings of feminist abolitionist lecturers and
polemicists Angelina and Sarah Grimke; public statements issued by the three
Conventions of American Women Against Slavery; and reports of the various
Female Anti-Slavery Societies. This identification had become standard by the
time Elizabeth Cady Stanton began her History of Woman Suffrage with the
sentence, "The prolonged slavery of woman is the darkest page in human
31. Incidents, xiv.
32. Incidents, xii. Child's 1833 Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans
Called Africans had resulted in her ostracism from polite literary circles; fol-
lowing this, much of her writing was done for the anti-slavery cause. By 1861,
she had touched on various aspects of Jacobs' subject; see for example her
treatment of the enslavement of women in History of the Condition of Women,
2 vols. (New York, 1835); and of the social victimization of women who do not
conform to sexual mores in Fact and Fiction (New York, 1846).
The Slave Narrators and the Picaresque Mode:
Archetypes for Modern Black Personae
284 The Slave Narratives as Literature
rillo becomes the servant of a blind master whose first act is to dash the
boy's head against a stone statue. The boy escapes one vicious and nig-
gardly master only to fall into the hands of another—a hypocritical and
heartless priest. Similarly Lazarillo's connection with the idle and indi-
gent squire or that consummate con-man, the pardoner, create in him a
personality ruled by selfishness, deceit and trickery. The desperate jeop-
ardy of his condition forces upon the servant-slave-picaro the urgency
of his search for an identity, for survival. He looks out on the chaos and
moral decay of a social order which denies his humanity. But being hu-
man the slave astonishes us by the ingenuity of his means of survival. "I
was obliged," writes Lazarillo, "to draw upon my weakness for strength."
Henry Bibb is more candid: "The only weapon of self defense that I
could use successfully was that of deception." [Narrative, p. 17]
The picaresque mode is therefore the achievement of a necessarily
devious and subtle consciousness. The individual is engaged in a des-
perate struggle for survival; the ego rests on a shaky foundation. Like a
trapped animal, the picaro is alert to every possible avenue of escape.
His effective means of expression are comic modes—irony, satire, para-
dox, sarcasm, exaggeration, innuendo. He survives by stratagems; a
trickster, he adopts protean roles—stage presence. For as Emerson wrote,
"Surely no one would be a charlatan who could afford to be sincere!" In-
deed as the tone and form of the genre develop in masters like Cer-
vantes, Fielding or Mark Twain, the world of the picaro is characterized
by an intriguing burlesque. The life of the ruling class is stripped of its
pretensions in a wild masquerade. And the servant-trickster-con-man
forces new kinds of perception on the reader. We are moved by a sense
of compassion for the suffering individual; we cannot deny him some
degree of spiritual triumph in his rise from bondage to freedom. What
emerges is a many-colored light, fresh angles of vision, an epistemology
which creates a dynamic awareness of the vital interaction of society's
outcasts with powers whose religion, philosophy and claims to civiliza-
tion seem vain indeed.
Lazarillo's whole consciousness is riveted on the problem of survival,
for he is literally starving and homeless. Even when he attempts to serve
his master faithfully he is subject to constant abuse. Nothing in his ex-
perience creates in him a sense of responsibility. Gil Blas was a valet;
Moll Flanders, a felon and a prostitute with middle class ambitions.
The slave narrators are neglected (often abandoned) children con-
stantly subject to physical punishment and hounded by fear. "I believed
myself to have been cruelly wronged in some way, I could not clearly
decide whether by the neighbors or by the world or by the laws of the
land, and I became morose, quarrelsome and vengeful," writes Ralph
Slave Narrators and the Picaresque Mode 285
Roberts. "Like Cain, my hand was against every man and every man's
hand against me. I avoided much communication for several years with
my fellow slaves and became careless and reckless." ["A Slave's Story"
Putnam's IX, 618] The isolation and deprivation of these slaves gave
rise to an instability of personality which manifests itself in aggression,
violence and superstition. They lose the capacity for love; the soul in
them virtually dies. For the mental anguish of the picaro-slave is greater
than his physical suffering. After being whipped, William Grimes wrote
"It seems as though I should not forget this flogging when I die; it
grieved my soul beyond the power of time to cure." [Life of William
Grimes, p. 15]
The slave's stratagems for survival, his ingenuity in playing out the
roles his situation demanded is the leitmotif of the narratives. Henry
Watson stowed away on a ship bound from Mississippi to Boston. Fred-
erick Douglass escaped slavery in a sailor's uniform. Henry "Box" Brown
was shipped by express from Richmond to Philadelphia. Ellen Craft
dressed like a master travelling with his slave (her darker husband, Wil-
liam). Many ran literally hundreds of miles by night, hiding by day
until they reached free territory. Some seized by uncontrollable rage
whipped their overseers; a few plotted the murder of their oppressors. In
short the picaresque mode with its accounts of "social disorder and psy-
chic disintegration" creates one of the most popular forms of character-
ization in western fiction—the trickster, the rogue, the con-man, the
street man, the spy. And even the pattern of the early narrators carries
us through the psychic underground and the brutality and absurdity of
the modern city into the never-never land of fantasy toward which these
battered souls yearn.
It is noteworthy that the slave narrators (like the protagonists of
modern fiction) relentlessly examine their own motives and the psycho-
logical conflicts which their condition creates. Fear, hate, aggression and
guilt stalk them all. And their moral and psychic regeneration—their at-
tainment of manhood—is achieved by immense effort and staunch devo-
tion to the ideals of personal freedom in a just society.
Such picaresque fiction as Don Quixote, Candide, and Tom Jones are
satires, employing comic modes: exaggeration, innuendo, mistaken iden-
tity and ridicule. The slave narrative is rarely comic, but its personae
have a curious double vision and a tendency to employ comic modes.
Even the duller slaves perceived the irony of the slaveholders' loud
boasts of a superior knowledge and love of liberty. While pretending to
accept the religion which exhorted them to obedience, they embrace the
God who delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. Henry Bibb—
a chronic runaway—had ready-made answers for patrols who might dis-
286 The Slave Narratives as Literature
cover him in the woods. When asked what he was doing, he would be
seeking a mare or a cow which had wandered off. "For such excuses I
was let pass." (Narrative of Henry Bibb, p. 7). William Wells Brown was
sent by his irate master with a note and a dollar to be whipped by the
town jailer. He cleverly gave the note and the money to another slave
and sent him in his place. By fawning and deceit, William Hayden got
unusual rewards for a slave. But when his master attempted to cheat
him out of $300 he had paid for his freedom, he produced the papers
and a pass his master had given him before witnesses and exposed the
slaveholder's dishonest dealing. Josiah Henson writes of "midnight visits
to apple orchards, broiling stray chickens, and first-rate tricks to dodge
work." (Father Hensons Story, p. 20). Henson wooed and won over his
girl friends with his stolen "stray chickens." Far from feeling apologetic
about stealing he felt it was his "training in the luxury of doing good . . .
in the righteousness of indignation against the cruel and oppressive."
And Frederick Douglass insisted that theft by a slave was only a ques-
tion of removal—"the taking of his meat out of one tub and putting it in
another ... At first he [the master] owned it in the tub and last he
owned it in me." (My Bondage, p. 189) When Henry Bibb rode off on
his master's donkey, he opined: "I well knew that I was regarded as
property, and so was the ass; and I thought if one piece of property took
off another, there could be no law violated in the act; no more sin com-
mitted in this than if one jackass had rode off another." (Bibb, p. 122)
Milton Clarke describes the slave, Aunt Peggy, who was a "master at
stealing little pigs."
With a dead pig in the cabin and the water all hot for scalding, she was
at one time warned by her son that the Phillistines were upon her. Her
resources were fully equal to the sudden emergency. Quick as thought,
the pig was thrown into the boiling kettle, a door put over it, her
daughter seated upon it, and a good thick quilt around her, the overseer
found little Clara taking a steam bath for a terrible cold. The daughter,
acting well her part, groaned sadly; the mother was busy in tucking in
the quilt and the overseer was blinded, and went away without seeing
a bristle of the pig.
(Narratives of Lewis and Milton Clarke, p. 26)
The cruelty of these surroundings could not stamp out the searching
intelligence, the critical awareness, the love of life welling up inside this
black boy. He discovered newspapers, books, the beauty of the land and
the sunset and even a few friends. Like the picaro and the fugitive slave,
Richard Wright dreamed "of going north and writing books, novels. The
North symbolized to me all that I had not felt and seen; it had no rela-
tion whatever to what actually existed. Yet by imagining a place where
everything was possible, I kept hope alive in me." (p. 147) This Utopian
dream was severely tested by the reality of discrimination, insult, lynch-
ing and violence. But the boy continued his rootless wandering and heart-
Slave Narrators and the Picaresque Mode 289
breaking quest, "In me was shaping a yearning for a kind of conscious-
ness, a mode of being that the way of life about me had said could not
be, must not be and upon which the penalty of death had been placed."
The chaos in his life continued, however. He knocked about from one
menial job to another. He remained on guard against attack by hostile
whites. He avoided stealing only out of fear. As a bellboy he learned to
peddle bootleg liquor. "I no longer felt bound by the laws which white
and black were supposed to obey in common. I was outside those laws;
the white people had told me so. Now when I thought of ways to escape
from my environment I no longer felt the inner restraint that would have
made stealing impossible, and this new freedom made me lonely and
afraid." The brutality of the system affected him in a thousand ways. He
was forced to watch his employers attack and beat a Negro woman while
he (and the police) stood by and merely watched. He was forced out of
a job with a firm of opticians for daring to entertain the hope of learning
to be a technician. He was struck down for failing to say "sir" to white
men. He is forced into a boxing match for the entertainment of whites.
At last he escaped to new uncertainties in Chicago. "Not only had the
southern whites not known me," he writes, "but, more important still, as
I had lived in the South I had not had the chance to learn who I was."
Indeed the world he had known had tossed away "the best and deepest
things of heart and mind" in "blind ignorance and hate." (p. 228)
Richard Wright, compelled to preserve some rag of honor in the face
of the barbarism of the South, was a "bad boy" and a rogue to his family
and acquaintances. But the fact is he was a conscious rebel against an
inhuman environment. Chicago led him down the road to revolution and
black nationalism.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X is probably the most influential
book read by this generation of Afro-Americans. For not only is the ac-
count of Malcolm Little an absorbing and heart-shattering encounter
with the realities of poverty, crime and racism. It is a fantastic success
story. Paradoxically, the book designed to be an indictment of American
and European bigotry and exploitation, is a triumphant affirmation of the
possibilities of the human spirit. Malcolm X presents us with a manifesto,
a call to arms, a revolutionary document. At the same time he reveals an
incredible and dogged perseverance in the face of soul-destroying limita-
tions, a passionate eagerness to learn, a love of life, an ingenious and re-
sourceful capacity for survival. In him the picaresque mode is given a
new psychic dimension, a sense of history and a tragic force. The chaos
which would engulf the protagonist here extends in ever widening cir-
cles from the hunger, squalor and petty thievery of the street-corner to
the crises in international relations and colonialism and, at last, to the
290 The Slave Narratives as Literature
vexed questions involving men's faith and their ultimate relation to the
cosmos. The journey of the picaroon, Malcolm X, is from ragged obscu-
rity to world spokesman, to charismatic leader, to martyred saint—a long,
sordid, yet visionary, quest through the underworld to a vision of some
just and ordered millennium. Thus the black picaresque characteristically
presents us with the religious agonist whose search out of poverty, de-
privation and despair leads him through dreams of liberation to a tran-
scendent sense of community.
This then is the essential meaning of The Autobiography of Malcolm
X. He was born into a family of eight children in Omaha, Nebraska on
May 19, 1925. He knew poverty, hunger and deprivation. But above all
his family lived surrounded by a ring of hate—constant threats by the
Ku Klux Klan and innumerable forms of insult and indignity. Malcolm's
father, a proud, militant man and Baptist preacher, propagated the Black
Nationalism of Marcus Garvey. The bigots responded by burning down
the Littles' house and, at last, murdering their father. Malcolm and his
brothers were separated and farmed out to relatives and friends. His
mother suffered a mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized. Mal-
colm was sent to Lansing, Michigan and then to Boston, Massachusetts.
His schooling was sporadic.
The next phase of his life led him into petty crimes—truancy, thievery,
dope peddling, pimping. Like the picaroon he survived by trickery and
deceit, by out-smarting others, by "hustling" his way through a vicious
underground existence. At last, apprehended by the police for one of his
crimes, he landed in jail by the time he was sixteen or seventeen. Then
came his conversion to the Black Muslim religion of Elijah Muhammad—
a curious amalgam of myth, faith, asceticism and revolutionary doctrine.
The Black Muslims' over-riding goal is the liberation of black people
from the thralldom and exploitation of dominant white racists. They
sought not only to prepare blacks for an inevitable confrontation with
the power structure, but to give them a new self-esteem and pride and
the determination to establish their own nation. The experience of con-
version to the Muslim faith transformed Malcolm's character. Upon his
release from prison, he turned from crime and self-indulgence to reading,
learning and proselytizing for the group. His first exposure to the history
of slavery, discrimination and imperialism convinced him that the "white
man is a devil" and that black men must not only cast off the corrupting
influence of western society, but work toward a separate black state, The
Nation of Islam. One is amazed by Malcolm X's zeal for learning, by the
range of his intellectual interests and the far-reaching character of his
organizing effort for the cause. Malcolm listened as Elijah Muhammed
railed against integration and reconciliation. He dedicated himself to the
Slave Narrators and the Picaresque Mode 291
same cause and represented his great leader's ideas in innumerable
speeches. Then came the break. Disillusioned by evidences of immorality
and adultery charged against Elijah Muhamrned, Malcolm X was silenced
by the man who plainly felt threatened by his disciple's popularity. For
Malcolm X understood the mentality of the ghetto—the stirrings and con-
flicts of the black masses. "The black man in North America was spiri-
tually sick because for centuries he had accepted the white man's Chris-
tianity—which asked the black so-called Christian to expect no true
Brotherhood of man but to endure the cruelties of the white so-called
Christians. Christianity had made black men fuzzy, nebulous, confused
in their thinking. . . ." he wrote. "The black man in North America was
economically sick ... as a consumer he got less than his share, and as
a producer gave least ... In New York City with over a million Ne-
groes, there aren't twenty black-owned businesses employing over ten
people. It's because black men don't own and control their own com-
munity's retail establishments that they can't stabilize their own com-
munity." (p. 313) These ideas got a wide hearing throughout the black
world. The bitter disillusionment of the Negroes who had tried moral
suasion, peaceful protest and non-violence only to confront dogs, clubs,
guns and unjust imprisonment seized upon this new black nationalism.
The assassination of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X himself changed
radically the whole climate of race relations in America.
What many black nationalists and followers of Malcolm X seem to
have forgotten, however, is Malcolm's pilgrimage to Mecca and the sub-
sequent widening of his horizons. Though indefatigable in his struggle for
the liberation of black America, he saw the world-wide implications of
oppression and exploitation. He sensed that the wretched of the earth
have a common cause and that in our struggle we need allies. The life of
Malcolm Little outdoes the fantasies, the jeopardy, the rush of events and
accident which we associate with the picaroon. The personalized essays
of Eldridge Cleaver and Le Roi Jones have the same stark, rebellious
impact. Even fiction can hardly recapture its intensity and tragic dimen-
sion. But the imaginative writer could not fail to be enticed by the power
of the black picaresque and the creative possibilities of the theme which
destroyed the American union and still threatens the foundations of our
national life.
It is apparent, then, that the black experience itself suggested to some
Afro-American writers the picaresque form when they turned to fiction.
For they were conscious victims of fortuitous circumstance, rootless and
lonely men forced to survive by various stratagems and Protean roles.
Indeed their immersion in a bitter underground life robbed them of the
kind of aesthetic distance which could use the picaresque mode crea-
292 The Slave Narratives as Literature
tively in fiction until the twentieth century. Two factors explain the
flourishing of a more creative and experimental use of this fictional form
in recent times: (1) the pilgrimage of the plantation Negro to the urban
setting with its richer cultural contact and growing group solidarity; (2)
the refinement of his sensibility and the deepening of his perception
which resulted from closer contact with Western literary tradition. We
have seen how the slave narrative created its own picaresque forms.
Works like Don Quixote, Moll Flanders, Tom Jones and Huckleberry
Finn suggested further variations on familiar themes. Yet these works
scarcely appealed to the black writer as having the depth and serious-
ness of the Negro experience in America. Even Moll Flanders seemed
contrived and somewhat frivolous, and Tom Jones, though a bastard
abandoned by his benefactors and making a shaky adjustment to a
merciless London world, is never convincingly a lower class character.
Huck Finn provided the most useful model in his outcast status, his
perilous flight, his ingenuity in shifting roles and his subversion of the
established values of the society. Yet the odor of the plantation stereo-
types clung to Huck and Jim and their adventures could scarcely seem
relevant to the industrial setting of twentieth century ghetto life.
When we turn to the black writers, it is plain that none of them is
consciously imitating the western picaresque mode but is more influ-
enced by the black experience (as we have seen it in autobiographies).
Hence in structuring the action, character and language of their novels,
they have taken for granted the essential elements of the picaresque.
What they have created are comic modes and fictional forms which
achieve the intensity, tension and bitter rebellion characteristic of the
group's life. For the black picaroon never can escape the iron ring of his
caste status. His alienation and struggle for survival are more intensely
felt. He must be capable of playing numerous exacting roles, for he is
the victim of accident, chaos and irrational caprice. His world conspires
to oppress and unsettle him. The maxim of the society is summed up in
the directive: "Keep this nigger running." The instability of his emo-
tional life leads him into the agony and conflict of a damaged ego. Yet he
has developed considerable resilience and ingenuity. His speech, his
blues, his jazz, his double vision and sophisticated awareness provide a
rich cultural dowry, and he is able by improvisation, disguise, irony,
paradox and word play to explore means of escape to a spiritual freedom
which even the traditional picaroon could not know.
The early efforts in the black picaresque were trial flights, like Claude
McKay's Home to Harlem. In this novel the protagonist, Jake, is a lonely
wanderer stranded in Europe who goes AWOL to get back home to
Harlem. He is somewhat reminiscent of Tom Jones in his irrepressible
Slave Narrators and the Picaresque Mode 293
good spirits, his episodic career, his furious and hedonistic pursuit of
pleasure. Drink, sex, dancing and gambling seem to fill his life, and he
wastes no time in dour reflection. He spends his time looking for his lost
love, Felice. He works because he must. But he is free of self hatred or
self pity. Especially when contrasted with his foil, the educated Ray, he
seems a stereotyped portrait of the happy-go-lucky darky. But on closer
examination we discover that his roguery goes beyond mere lascivious-
ness and folly. For he is a fugitive and a rebel, resisting the police and
refusing to serve as a scab. The picaresque characters' status is sym-
bolized here by the persona of the Pullman Car porter and Dining Car
waiter who must perform a daily balancing act on a shaky train while
hurtling toward some uncertain destination. The hysterical and feverish
search of Jake and Ray for some haven, some lasting human relationship
now ends, and they are part of that flotsam and jetsam which the late
tides will, at last, float to some abandoned shore.
It is Richard Wright, of course, who establishes the tradition and
reveals something of the range of possibilities of the form. As we have
seen in Black Boy he lived through the anguish of the black picaroon
and could depict the extent of his estrangement and the revolutionary
implications of the theme. Generally speaking, critics have described Na-
tive Son as a naturalistic novel—a bold and candid revelation of lower
class life in a rat-infested ghetto, a harsh indictment of an exploitative
society, a picture of those victimized by impersonal and pre-determined
forces. All this is true. Yet there is more to Native Son than that. For the
achievement of the novel is in Wright's success in humanizing the mur-
derer and bully, Bigger Thomas, and giving him a tragic dimension.
Bigger's humanity strikes us first of all in the nature of his roguish ad-
justment to this world. His obscure origins, his thievery, his pretenses
and dreams, his Protean roles (gang leader, chauffeur, servant, kidnap-
per, black nationalist) are picaresque. But Bigger stands out in contrast
to the traditional picaroon in the intensity, stark reality and revolutionary
character of his role. But his is a perilous lack of any adjustment. His
behavior is plainly moving toward the pathological. He is the archetype
of the Black Militant who has discovered that he is willing to pay any
price for freedom—even murder and death. And his fantasies of a Black
Nation, his expanding awareness of his powers and of his world raise the
novel to a new order of consciousness.
In "The Man Who Lived Underground," a long, short story, Richard
Wright turns from realism to surrealism and symbolism, from the epi-
sodic tale to the interior conflicts of the psyche. For Wright's contribu-
tion is his fearful anticipation of the psychic (as well as social) perils
the rebel black picaroon faces. Yet again there are elements of the pica-
294 The Slave Narratives as Literature
resque which anticipate Le Roi Jones's System of Dante's Hell and that
master of the black picaresque, Ralph Ellison. "The Man Who Lived
Underground" is named, but we learn nothing of his origins. But he
is fleeing from the police and drops down a manhole into the sewer un-
derneath the city. Though apparently innocent of any crime, he has
signed a confession of murder and feels guilty. In his wanderings under-
ground he finds a cave, a church, an undertaker's establishment, a movie
house, a coal bin, a safe, a butcher shop, an office and a jeweller's. He
establishes himself in a cave where he installs lights and stores the dol-
lars, diamonds and rings that he has stolen. For a time he has a decep-
tive euphoria: "He had triumphed over the world above ground! He was
free . . . He wanted to run from his cave and yell his discovery to the
world." When he emerges into the street no one notices him. Compul-
sively he goes to the police to assure them he is a criminal and he urges
them to see his underground cave and his stolen goods. The officers of
the law think him insane. But finally they follow him to the manhole en-
trance and when he has descended into the maelstrom one of them shoots
him. "He sighed and closed his eyes, a whirling object rushing alone in
the darkness, veering, tossing, lost in the heart of the earth."
The story operates on two symbolic levels: the psychological and the
social. The protagonist, like Dostoevsky's underground man, is fearful,
unstable, masochistic, aggressive and somewhat paranoid. His descent
into the sewer brings him face to face with his own conflicts and night-
mares—the awful squalor and degradation into which his ego is drown-
ing. At the same time the offal, the dead bodies, the abortions and decay
of the acquisitive and wasteful society are poorly concealed below the
surface of our cities. Here the anguish and chaos of the picaroon, the
outcast, cry out his indictment against the barbarism of the society which
defines him as a criminal and robs him of his manhood.
Richard Wright's novel The Outsider (1953) has received little criti-
cal attention and has been dismissed by those who refer to it as an inept
and poorly written novel. The book's importance to our contemporary
sensibility, its prophetic and ideological significance, have been much
underestimated. The Outsider, written under the influence of Satre's
existentialism, is nevertheless a powerful sequel to Richard Wright's cen-
tral theme as we have seen it in Black Boy, Native Son and "The Man
Who Lived Underground." It adds a new dimension to the black pica-
resque genre in its inexorable pursuit of the conflicts in the soul of the
outcast, the brutalized and oppressed Negro. Wright's early writings
found heroic elements in the victim-turned-assailant, by convincing us
that those who challenged oppression and were defined as criminals by
an unjust society had proved that the only possible stance for the Black
Slave Narrators and the Picaresque Mode 295
masses is one of rebellion. I am convinced that this idea owes more to
his black nationalism than to Marxist ideology. In The Outsider the nar-
rative power of the novel stems not only from the perilous and protean
career of the protagonist, but from his attempt to confront the chaos
about him by seizing the initiative and fashioning his own destiny. Cross
Damon, a thirty-three-year-old Negro is divorced, has 3 children whom
he loves and is surrounded by his friends and fellow postal workers. He
has a love affair with a young girl who gets pregnant. Yet he is alone,
rootless and alienated. His bitter quarrels with his wife, his drinking and
extra-curricular sex adventures are symptomatic of his passionate but
fruitless quest to find wholeness and health, for a way out of his debts,
his shattered marriage and the humiliations of a racist society. The open-
ing scenes of the novel in which he is walking in the snow and constantly
fleeing the cold are symbolic in this regard. Then Cross Damon is in a
subway accident, his coat containing his identification papers, which he
has taken off in attempting to extricate himself from the wreck, falls near
a Negro who resembles him. To his amazement he discovers that the
next day's newspapers report him among the dead. He reads his own
obituaries and watches his own funeral from a safe distance. It is then
that he decides to seize the opportunity to blot out his miserable past
and create a new identity. "All of his life he had been hankering after
his personal freedom, and now freedom was knocking at his door, beg-
ging him to come in. He shivered in the cold. . . ." The numerous dis-
guises and changing roles of the picaroon suggest how hungrily the
search for a new identity characterizes these persons. Not only is this
symptomatic of the instability of the personality concerned (which is
deeply involved in an identity crisis) but it suggests the chaos and
jeopardy which haunts them. Cross Damon flees to New York, adopts
various names and stolen credentials. He commits four murders to pro-
tect his real self from discovery and suffers the constant agony and fear
of the fugitive. "Now depending only upon his lonely will, he saw that
to map out his life entirely upon his own assumptions was a task that
terrified him, just to think of it, for he knew that he first had to know
what he thought life was . . . the question summed itself up: What's a
man? He had unknowingly set himself a project of no less magnitude
than contained in that awful question." (p. 83) Cross Damon thinks that
in abandoning his old identity he is free to choose to be anyone he likes.
But he eventually discovers that he has greatly increased the chaos and
sickness in his own heart. For he is not a man at all without an identity;
he is a ghost, a spook.
Moreover, he determines not only to manipulate and fashion his own
life, but that of others. He assumes God-like prerogatives over others.
296 The Slave Narratives as Literature
His association with the Communist Party enlarges his opportunities for
violating coldly the rights of others. In short, Cross Damon's mental state
is pathological. He is suffering from paranoia: delusions of persecution
followed by delusions of omnipotence. The Outsider is often referred to
as an existentialist novel. It is, more accurately, an attack on existential-
ism, a daring flirtation with its tenets and a final rejection of the selfish
and sick view of existentialism which Cross Damon represents. For
Damon believes in nothing. "God is dead and everything is allowed."
Man is a futile passion. A man is only what he makes of himself. Cross
Damon says: "We 20th century westerners have outlived the faith of our
fathers; our minds have grown so skeptical that we cannot accept the
old scheme of moral precepts which once guided man's life. In our mod-
ern industrial society we try to steer our hearts by improvised, prag-
matic rules which are, in the end, no rules at all. . . ." Cross Damon's
career dramatizes the risks faced by the black picaroon: personality dis-
integration, lack of identity, brutalization and at last paranoia or para-
noid schizophrenia. He is shot by another communist. Having stripped
himself of all illusions, having dared everything to preserve himself and
create his own identity and his own law, he achieves some new insights
on his death bed—insights as old as our first exploration of ethics. "I wish
I had some way to give the meaning of my life to others ... To make a
bridge from man to man . . . Starting from scratch every time ... is
no good. Tell them not to come down this road . . . Men hate them-
selves and it makes them hate others . . . We must find some way of
being good to ourselves . . . Man is all we've got ... I wish I could
ask men to meet themselves . . . Man is returning to the earth . . . The
real men, the last men are coming. . . ." (pp. 437-440)
No doubt Ralph Ellison is the author who has made the most creative
use of the picaresque mode. Invisible Man presents us with a protagonist
who is on a lonely journey to the discovery of the self and the world
which surrounds him. He is overwhelmed by the rush of events; he is a
protean figure—a student, a trucker, a confidence man, a laborer, a rab-
ble rouser, a political organizer. He goes through rehearsals of chaos
and harrowing events. With a marvelous use of language, satire, sym-
bols and comic modes the writer carries his character through a series of
epiphanies—revelations. The book is an epistemological novel, dealing as
it does with our ways of perceiving and knowing truth. Ellison's char-
acter grows from naive acceptance and passive conformity, through so-
cial protest, revolution and anarchy to discover at last the way to his
identity. He becomes at last a man of principle. His pilgrimage through
Slave Narrators and the Picaresque Mode 297
chaos, violence and hate brings him to a wholeness, a health which is
based on idealism and hope.
Ellison, who was a jazz musician, employs the quality of improvisa-
tion, daring and intensity characteristic of jazz. Richard Wright tells us
that "blue jazz" became the Outsider's "only emotional home." "Blue
jazz was the scornful gesture of men turned ecstatic in their state of re-
jection, it was the musical language of the satisfiedly amoral, the boast-
ings of the contentedly lawless, the recreations of the innocently crimi-
nal." (The Outsider, p. 140) As such, jazz and blues are surely a vivid
evocation of the picaresque mode.
In this story Ellison, by these ironies, reverses the stereotypes and
forces us to see the absurdity and injustice of them. Thus the conceal-
ment of the main character in a coal cellar suggests not the darkness of
the Anglo-Saxon connotation, but "a voice issuing its wisdom out of the
substance of its own inwardness—after having undergone the transforma-
tion from ranter to writer." (Partisan Review, Vol. xxv [Spring, 1958],
p. 212ff.) The main character's movement downward is, in keeping with
the reverse English of the plot, a process of rising to an understanding
of his human condition. The main character is, in a sense, running
throughout the story like many of us today. His is trying to fulfill other
people's views of himself. And in the complexity of modern life he is
lost—as when working in a factory he allows the paint to overflow and
cannot find the right valve which shuts off the vast machinery. The novel
suggests alternatives to the violence of one of the demagogues in the
book through the use of mistaken identity: the main character discovers
great freedom of action in his various disguises. But his most significant
discovery is of his own possibilities. "Life is to be lived, not controlled,
and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat. Our
fate is to become one, and yet many—this is not prophecy, but descrip-
tion. Thus one of the greatest jokes in the world is the spectacle of the
whites busy escaping blackness and becoming blacker every day, and the
blacks striving toward whiteness, becoming quite dull and gray. None
of us seems to know who he is or where he's going." (p. 499)
The main character in Invisible Man experiences the indignities and
cruelties caused by prejudice, but these are familiar to most literate peo-
ple. The contribution of these books lies in their concern with the prob-
lem of identity. Each individual's self-realization which is the goal and
glory of free society—is the heart of the matter. "If I were asked what I
considered to be the chief significance of Invisible Man," said Ralph
Ellison, "I would reply its attempt to return to the mood of personal
moral responsibility for democracy which typified the best of our 19th
century fiction."
298 The Slave Narratives as Literature
In John A. Williams, Clarence Major, Amiri Baraka and, above all,
Ishmael Reed, the black picaresque has reached its most complex forms.
The individual's consciousness reflects in its comic modes, its anachro-
nisms, its contradictions and absurdities the actual perils, the vast possi-
bilities in our modern world.
The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes: His Fortunes and Adversities: Translated by
J.G. Markley, Library of Liberal Arts, N.Y., Bobbs-Merrill, 1954.
For a bibliography of slave narratives, see: Charles H. Nichols, Many Thousand
Gone: the Ex-Slaves' Account of Their Bondage and Freedom, Indiana University
Press, 1969.
Singing Swords:
The Literary Legacy of Slavery
Upon the rock that was traditional African religion as well as Ameri-
can Christianity, the slave community built a church. Out of religious
The Literary Legacy of Slavery 301
syncretism and an oral literature they established an active contemporary
apocalypse in the realm of their own daily experiences. The historical
moment for the slave was never abstract, but imminent. The time for de-
liverance and witness was now. The complexity of the religious experi-
ence, as well as the complexity of the day-to-day social experience in the
slave quarters, centered in a conversion-like initiation, became further
testing grounds for individual and corporate faith in the possibility of
freedom. And as the slave lived, he would reckon with time, community,
and his own life journey. He sang:
Slavery had brought black men and women face to face with the ex-
treme fact of their wretchedness as individuals. Conversion to an inner
cult, an in-group morality, provided the very real awareness that individ-
ual loneliness and despair could be resolved in group solidarity. The con-
version experience emphasized a person's recognition of his own need for
deliverance from sin and bondage into a holy alliance with God as the
avenging deity:
I was born a slave and lived through some very hard times. If it had
not been for my God, I don't know what I would have done. Through
his mercy I was lifted up. My soul began singing and I was told that I
was one of the elected children and that I would live as long as God
lives. ... A building is waiting for me way back in eternal glory and I
have no need to fear. He stood me on my feet and told me that I was a
sojourner in a weary land. I came from heaven and I am now returning.11
And he sang:
I'm er rollin', I'm er rollin'
Through an unfriendly world.
The soul that trusts in God need never stumble nor fall, because God
being all wise and seeing and knowing all things, having looked down
through time before time, foresaw every creeping thing and poured
out His spirit on the earth. The earth brought forth her fruits in due
season. In the very beginning every race and every creature was in the
mind of God and we are here, not ahead of time, not behind time, but
just on time. It was time that brought us here and time will carry us
The use of historical and religious language and symbol is seen most
clearly in the escape episode in slave narratives. The nearby woods or
the wilderness into which the fugitive escapes becomes the testing
ground of his faith in God and in himself:
One day, while I was at work and my thoughts were eagerly feasting
upon the idea of freedom, I felt my soul called out to Heaven to breathe
a prayer to Almighty God. I prayed fervently that he who seeth in se-
cret and knew the inmost desires of my heart would lend me his aid in
bursting my fetters asunder and in restoring me to possession of those
rights of which men had robbed me; when suddenly, the idea flashed
across my mind of shutting myself up in a box, and getting myself con-
veyed as dry goods to a free state.27
The impulse for freedom was very often the beginning of a change in
the slave's character. He began to strengthen himself for the difficulties
which he would have to endure. Gustavas Vassa, one of the earliest nar-
rators who vividly remembered his African heritage, wrote that in the
midst of his thoughts on slavery and freedom his immediate impulse
was to look "up with prayers anxiously to God for my liberty; and at the
same time [use] every honest means and [do] all that was possible on
my part to obtain it."28
James W.C. Pennington, the fugitive "blacksmith," had a clear idea
of what lay beyond his resolution to be free. He knew that the time had
come for him to act:
. . . and then when I considered the difficulties of the way—the reward
that would be offered—the human bloodhounds that would be set upon
my track—the weariness—the hunger—the gloomy thought of not only
losing all one's friends in one day, but of having to seek and make new
friends in a strange world. . . . But, as I have said, the hour was come,
and the man must act or forever be a slave.29
The moment of decision and action was sometimes taken in flight from
cruel treatment. William Parker once fought his master when the master
The Literary Legacy of Slavery 309
tried to whip him: "I let go of my hold—bade him goodbye, and ran for
the woods. As I went by the field, I beckoned to my brother, who left
work and joined me at rapid pace," Parker's escape brought him to the
verge of a new era in his life, one that would sustain him over many
years because of the very impulse of freedom:
I was now at the beginning of a new and important era in my life. Al-
though upon the threshold of manhood, I had, until the relation with my
master was sundered, only dim perceptions of the responsibilities of a
more independent position. I longed to cast off the chains of servitude
because they chafed my free spirit, and because I had a notion that my
position was founded in injustice . . . The impulse of freedom lends
wings to the feet, buoys up the spirit within, and the fugitive catches
glorious glimpses of light through rifts and seams in the accumulated
ignorance of his years of oppression. How briskly we traveled on that
eventful night and the next day.30
The same impulse for freedom was so strong in Henry Bibb that he
"learned the art of running away to perfection." He continues: "I made a
regular business of it and never gave it up until I had broken the bonds
of slavery and landed myself in Canada where I was regarded as a man
and not as a thing."31
Often the fugitives' only companion was God, and they believed that
it was He alone who could deliver man from the death and hell experi-
ence of slavery and escape. One recalls John Thompson's reluctance to
escape with the Methodist preacher because he doubted an unseen God.
But because membership in the community of believers, in God's army,
required an unconditional faith in God's power and willingness to de-
liver his children, Thompson had to be converted. He had to hear God's
voice and believe. When saved from a dangerous situation, Thompson
began to believe in God's presence and then, started his life pilgrimage
toward the salvation and freedom slaves felt was theirs to achieve.
Thompson's personal witness united him to his community and to the
cause of freedom that he now has the strength and guidance to seek
I knew it was the hand of God, working in my behalf; it was his voice
warning me to escape from the danger towards which I was hastening.
Who would not praise such a God? Great is the Lord, and greatly to be
I felt renewed confidence and faith, for I believed that God was in
my favor, and now was the time to test the matter ... I fell upon my
knees, and with hands uplifted to high heaven, related all the late cir-
cumstances to the Great King, saying that the whole world was against
me without a cause, besought his protection, and solemnly promised to
310 The Slave Narratives as Literature
serve him all the days of my life. I received a spiritual answer of ap-
proval; a voice like thunder seeming to enter my soul, saying, I am your
God and am with you; though the world be against you, I am more than
the world; though wicked men hunt you, trust in me, for I am the Rock
of your Defense.
Had my pursuers then been near, they must have heard me, for I
praised God at the top of my voice. I was determined to take him at
his word, and risk the consequences.
I retired to my hiding place in the woods.32
Once united with God, man shared in a specific moral code that
sanctioned his escape and other tactics to insure success. The ethos of
the fugitive was as practical as it was unique. In describing the tactics
of Harriet Tubman, Sarah Bradford recognized this aspect of the fugi-
tives' experience as perhaps a consequence of fear during their danger-
ous plight. "They had a creed of their own," Bradford writes, "and a code
of morals which we dare not criticize till we find our own lives and those
of our dear ones similarly imperiled."33 It was this moral code that
helped the fugitive identify people along the escape route who could be
trusted to help.
William Wells Brown once indicated his indictment of all people as
victims of slavery and found most of them unworthy of his trust:
I had long since made up my mind that I would not trust myself in the
hands of any man, white or colored. The slave is brought up to look
upon every white man as an enemy to him and his race; and twenty-one
years in slavery had taught me that there were traitors, even among
colored people.34
The slave on the run was constantly on his guard. John Thompson used
his unique "Christian" experience as a criterion for seeking help from
others. He was referred to people of true Christian character, meaning
those who would aid a fugitive. Of one man who offered his aid, Thomp-
son writes: "I knew this man was a Christian, and therefore that it was
safe to trust him, which is not true of all, since there are many treacher-
ous colored, as white men." In another instance Thompson inquired, "I
asked what I should do; to which he replied he could not tell, but point-
ing to a house nearby, said 'There lives Mrs. R., a free woman, and one
of God's true children, who has travelled there many times and can direct
you. You can depend upon what she tells you' "35 (emphasis mine).
When suddenly accosted by a party of potentially dangerous white men,
Thompson passed among them unharmed and calm. He attributed this
to God's grace:
The Literary Legacy of Slavery 311
, . . they did not molest us, although they followed us with their eyes,
as far as they could see us. This was another Ebeneezer for us to raise,
in token of God's deliverance, we knelt and offered up our thanksgiving
to God for this great salvation.36
Slaves believed that God moved through nature to help the fugitive.
Moreover, through nature, God made his presence known by presenting
obstacles and avenues for deliverance during the fugitive's journey. Most
often the same natural force, such as a wide river, was both obstacle
and aid. The dual quality of nature in the slave's thought makes it more
crucial for man to take an active part in seeking deliverance, for he must
be capable of identifying the voice as he did through his conversion
experience and those good people who share in God's word: the children
of God, the true believers. These barriers become an important test of
man's faith in the power of God to make possible the freedom and sal-
vation the slave seeks. Again, man must earn his freedom.
When Henry Bibb attempted escape alone, nature was his guide: "I
walked with bold courage, trusting in the arm of Omnipotence; guided
by the unchangeable North Star by night, and inspired by an elevated
thought that I was fleeing from a land of slavery and oppression, bidding
farewell to handcuffs, whips, thumbscrews and chains."37 Once having
gained freedom for himself, he returned to rescue his wife and child.
Caught again in slave territory, he felt he had to renew his covenant
with God; he "passed the night in prayer to our Heavenly Father, asking
that He would open to me even the smallest chance for escape."38
In the woods following their escape, Bibb and his wife and child en-
counter nature at its harshest level:
So we started off with our child that night, and made our way down to
Red River swamps among the buzzing insects and wild beasts of the
forest. We wandered about in the wilderness for eight or ten days.
. . . Our food was parched corn . . . most of the time we were lost.
We wanted to cross the Red River but could find no conveyance to
cross it. I recollect one day of finding a crooked tree which bent over
the river. . . . When we crossed over on the tree ... we found that
we were on an island surrounded by water on either side. We made our
bed that night in a pile of dry leaves. . . . We were much rest-broken,
wearied from hunger and travelling through briers, swamps and cane
breaks. . . ,39
Then Bibb encountered the wolves who lived there and who came howl-
ing out of the night close to them:
The wolves kept howling. ... I thought that the hour of death for us
was at hand . . . for there was no way for our escape. My little family
312 The Slave Narratives as Literature
were looking up to me for protection, but I could afford them none.
. . . I was offering up my prayers to that God who never forsakes those
in the hour of danger who trust in him. ... I was surrounded by those
wolves. But it seemed to be the will of a merciful providence that our
lives should not be destroyed by them. I rushed forth with my bowie
knife in hand. ... I made one desperate charge at them . . . making
a loud yell at the top of my voice that caused them to retreat and scatter
which was equivalent to a victory on our part. Our prayers were an-
swered, and our lives were spared through the night.40 (Emphasis mine.)
Through prayer Bibb was able to unite himself to the greater force of
God and thus renew his own life force. However, his escape with his
family had further complications and eventually they were recaptured.
Once again Bibb escaped alone and began a new life in free territory
without them. This last escape found Bibb secreted aboard a ship which
conveyed him out of the waters of slavery and trial and into the prom-
ised North:
When the boat struck the mouth of the river Ohio, and I had once
more the pleasure of looking on that lovely stream, my heart leaped up
for joy at the glorious prospect that I should again be free. Every revo-
lution of the mighty steam-engine seemed to bring me nearer and
nearer the "promised land."41
Here [in the hold of the ship] I was discovered by the Captain. He
charged me with being a runaway slave, and said he should send me
back by the first opportunity that offered. That day a severe storm came
The Literary Legacy of Slavery 313
on and for several days we were driven by the gale. I turned to and
cooked for the crew. The storm was followed by a calm of several days;
and then the wind sprung up again and the Captain made for port at
once. . . . While the Captain was in the city ... I made a raft of
loose board as I could get and hastily bound them together, and com-
mitting myself to God, I launched forth upon the waves. The shore was
about a mile distant; I had the tide in my favor.42
Thus, the life of man that the spirituals and the narratives create for
us is one which is grounded in concrete action and one which follows
the highest moral persuasions. Man, as conceived within the slave's
mythos and ethos, progresses toward spiritual regeneration. Through the
test and trial of his faith he has fixed time and space in his quest; he has
conquered the future by realizing it now; he has gained free territory by
stepping forth from bondage; he has conquered life as a slave by being
struck dead. Rebirth and immortality are his rewards. What gave the
The Literary Legacy of Slavery ry 315
slave the surety of his life convictions and what made real the possibility
of regeneration in this life and a positive, functional immortality in the
next, was religion. The slave's religion, indeed his corporate faith that
joined one to the other by the example of trial and the witness of death,
was a joy and a healing fortune. And the slave has become free by first
singing with a sword in his hand.
1. Marion Starling, "The Slave Narrative: Its Place in American Literary
History." Unpublished dissertation, New York University, 1946. For a further
discussion of the narratives' relation to American literature, see Edward Mar-
golies, "Ante-bellum Slave Narratives: Their Place in American Literary His-
tory," Studies in Black Literature 4:3 (Autumn, 1973), 1-8.
2. John Blassingame, The Slave Community (New York: Oxford, 1972).
3. Lawrence W. Levine, "Slave Songs and Slave Consciousness," in
American Negro Slavery, 2nd ed., edited by Allen Weinstein and Frank Otto
Gatell (New York: Oxford, 1973), p. 161. See also Sterling Stuckey, "Through
the Prism of Folklore: The Black Ethos in Slavery," in the same edition; and
Eugene Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll (New York: Pantheon, 1974).
4. Benjamin Mays, The Negro's God as Reflected in his Literature (New
York: Atheneum, 1968), p. 1. J. Saunders Redding, To Make a Poet Black
(Maryland: McGrath, 1968), p. 3.
5. G.R. Wilson, "The Religion of the American Negro Slave: His Attitude
Toward Life and Death," Journal of Negro History VII (January, 1923), 43,
6. John Lovell, Jr., "The Social Implications of the Negro Spiritual," in The
Social Implications of Early Negro Music in the United States, ed. Bernard
Katz (New York: Arno Press, 1969), 135. See also Lovell's fuller treatment
of the spirituals in Black Song: The Forge and the Flame (New York: Mac-
millan, 1972).
7. Levine, pp. 162-3. See also Lawrence W. Levine, Black Culture and Black
Consciousness (New York: Oxford, 1977).
8. Fisk University, God Struck Me Dead (Nashville: Social Science Insti-
tute, Fisk University, 1945), vii. Note particularly Paul Radin's introduction,
"Status, Phantasy, and the Christian Dogma." Narratives collected in this
edition hereafter cited as Fisk.
9. Ibid., p. vi. See also Albert Raboteau, Slave Religion (New York: Oxford,
10. Quoted in Blassingame, p. 210. See also his discussion of group solidarity,
75-76, and George Rawick, From Sundown to Sunup: The Making of the
Black Community (Westport, Ct: Greenwood Press, 1972).
11. Fisk, p. 23.
12. Ibid., 209.
13. John Thompson, The Life of John Thompson (1856; rpt. Negro Uni-
versities Press, 1968), p. 76.
14. Solomon Northup, "Twelve Years A Slave," in Puttin On Ole Massa,
316 The Slave Narratives as Literature
ed. Gilbert Osofsky (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1969), p. 370. This collec-
tion contains the narratives of Henry Bibb and William Wells Brown in addi-
tion to Northup. Citations of their narratives by last name refer to this edition.
15. Harriet Jacobs, in Black Men in Chains, ed. Charles Nichols (New
York: Lawrence Hill, 1972), p. 269. Contains also narrative sketches from Wil-
liam Parker, Henry "Box" Brown, et al. and are cited hereafter by author.
16. Bibb, pp. 64-5.
17. Thomas Jones, The Experience of Thomas H. Jones (Boston: Bazin &
Chandler, 1862), p. 5.
18. William E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk (1903; rpt. New
York: New American Library, 1969), p. 44.
19. Margaret Walker, For My People (New Haven: Yale, 1947).
20. Nat Turner, The Confessions of Nat Turner, ed. Thomas Gray; rpt. in
Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion, ed. Herbert Aptheker (New York: Grove Press,
1968), p. 136.
21. Bibb, p. 72.
22. Frederick Douglass, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881;
New York: Bonanza Books, 1962), p. 135.
23. Geoffrey Parrinder, Religion in Africa (Baltimore: Penguin, 1969), p. 56.
24. Bibb, p. 72.
25. Douglass, p. 125.
26. Josiah Henson, Father Henson's Story of His Own Life (1858; New
York: Corinth Books, 1962), pp. 60-1.
27. Henry "Box" Brown, p. 194.
28. Gustavas Vassa, The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano, or
Gustavas Vassa, the African. Written by Himself, 1791; rpt. in Great Slave
Narratives, ed. Arna Bontemps (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969), p. 87. Also
contains narratives of James Pennington and William and Ellen Craft.
29. Pennington, p. 216.
30. William Parker, pp. 290-1.
31. Bibb, p. 165.
32. Thompson, pp. 80-81.
33. Sarah Bradford, Harriet—The Moses of Her People (New York: Lock-
wood, 1886), p. 72.
34. William Wells Brown, p. 216.
35. Thompson, pp. 85-86.
36. Ibid., p. 87.
37. Bibb, p. 85.
38. Ibid., p. 96.
39. Ibid., pp. 125-126.
40. Ibid., pp. 126-128.
41. Ibid., p. 151.
42. Thomas Jones, p. 46.
43. Robert Voorhis, Life and Adventures of Robert, The Hermit of Massa-
chusetts, Who has lived Fourteen Years in a Cave, Secluded from Human
Society, Taken from His Own Mouth (Providence: Henry Trumbull, 1829),
44. Henry "Box" Brown, p. 196.
45. Ibid., p. 197.
The Literary Legacy of Slavery 317
46. Samuel Ringgold Ward, Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro (London:
Snow, 1865), pp. 165-166. Recent scholarship has expanded the study of the
fugitive hero in Afro-American autobiography. See Stephen Butterfield, Black
Autobiography in America (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press,
1974); Sidonie Smith, Where I'm Bound: Patterns of Slavery and Freedom in
Black American Autobiography (Westport, Ct: Greenwood Press, 1974); and
in a broader literary and cultural context, Houston Baker, Long Black Song:
Essays in Afro-American Culture and Literature (Charlottesville: University
of Virginia Press, 1972).
This page intentionally left blank
A Selected Bibliography
Blake, Jane. Memoirs of Margaret Jane Blake. Philadelphia: n.p.
Boen, William. Anecdotes and Memoirs of William Boen, a Colored Man, Who
Lived and Died Near Mount Holly, New Jersey. To Which is added
the Testimony of Friends of Mount Holly Monthly Meeting Concerning
Him. Philadelphia: John Richards.
Stewart, Maria W. Productions of Mrs. Maria Stewart. Boston: n.p.
Fisher, Thomas. Slavery in the United States: a Narrative of the Life and
Adventures of Charles Ball, a Black Man, Who Lived Forty fears in
Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia as a Slave. Prepared by Fisher
from the verbal narrative by Ball. Lewiston, Pa.: J. W. Schugert.
James, John Ismael Augustus. A Narrative of the Travels, etc. of John Ismael
Augustus James, an African of the Mandingo Tribe, Who was Captured,
Sold into Slavery, and subsequently liberated by a Benevolent English
Gentleman. Truro: n.p.
Lee, Jarena. The Life and Religious Experiences of Jarena Lee, A Coloured
Lady, Giving an Account of Her Call to Preach the Gospel. Revised
and Corrected from the Original Manuscript, Written by Herself. Phila-
delphia: for the author.
Roper, Moses. A Narrative of the Adventures and Escape of Moses Roper from
American Slavery, with a Preface by the Reverend T. Price. Thomas
Price, ed. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton.
Williams, James. A Narrative of Events Since the First of August, 1834, by
James Williams, an Apprenticed Labourer in Jamaica. London: Wil-
liam Ball.
Williams, James. Narrative of the Cruel Treatment of James Williams, a Negro
Apprentice in Jamaica. Glasgow: n.p.
Greene, Frances Whipple. Memoirs of Eleanor Eldridge. Providence: B. T.
Joanna. Narrative of Joanna, an Emancipated Slave of Surinam (From Sted-
man's Narrative of Five Years' Expedition Against the Revoluted Ne-
groes of Surinam). Boston: I. Knapp.
Williams, James. Narrative of James Williams, An American Slave; Who Was
for Several Years a Driver on a Cotton Plantation in Alabama. Dictated
to J[ohn] G[reenleaf] Whittier. New York: American Anti-Slavery
Greene, Frances Whipple. Eleanor's Second Book. Providence: B. T. Albro.
A Selected Bibliography 323
Lester, Charles E., ed. Chains and Freedom: or, The Life and Adventures of
Peter Wheeler, a Colored Man 'Yet Living as told by Charles Edward
Lester. New York: E. S. Arnold and Company.
Manzano, Juan Francisco. Poems by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, recently
liberated; translated from the Spanish, by R. R. Madden, M.D., with
the History of the Early Life of the Negro Poet, written by Himself;
to which are prefixed two pieces descriptive of Cuban Slavery and the
Slave-Traffic by R.R.M. London: Thomas Ward and Co.
Joseph and Enoch. Narrative of the Barbarous Treatment of Two Unfortunate
Females, Natives of Concordia, Louisiana, by Joseph and Enoch, Run-
away Slaves. As told by Mrs. Todd and Miss Harrington. New York:
by the authors.
Lane, Lunsford, The Narrative of Lunsford Lane, Formerly of Raleigh, N.C.;
Embracing an Account of His Early Life, the Redemption by Purchase
of Himself and Family from Slavery and His Banishment from the
Place of His Birth for the Crime of Wearing a Colored Skin. William
G. Hawkins, ed. Boston: Hewes and Watson, for the author.
Aaron. Light and Truth of Slavery. Aaron's History of Virginia, New Jersey,
and Rhode Island. Worcester, Mass.: for the author.
Grandy, Moses. Narrative of the Life of Moses Grandy, Late a Slave in the
United States of America. London: C. Gilpin.
Armstrong, Archer. Compendium of Slavery As it Exists in the Present Day.
To Which is Prefixed, a Brief View of the Authors Descent. London:
by the author.
Clarke, Lewis. Narrative of the Sufferings of Lewis Clarke, during a Captivity
of More than Twenty-Five Years among the Algerines of Kentucky.
Dictated by Himself, Written by Joseph C. Lovejoy. Boston: D. H. Eli.
Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American
Slave. Written by Himself. Boston: Boston Anti-Slavery Office.
Clarke, Lewis and Milton. Narratives of the Sufferings of Lewis and Milton
Clarke, Sons of a Soldier of the Revolution, during a Captivity of More
than Twenty Years among the Slave-Holders of Kentucky, One of the
So Called Christian States of North America; Dictated by Themselves.
Joseph C. Lovejoy, ed. Boston: B. Marsh.
Hayden, William. Narrative of William Hayden, containing a Faithful Account
of His Travels for a Number of Years, Whilst a Slave in the South.
Written by Himself. Cincinnati: by the author.
Meachum, John B. An Address to the Colored Citizens of the United States,
Prefaced by a Narrative of the Author as a Slave in Virginia. Philadel-
phia: King and Baird.
324 A Selected Bibliography
Black, Leonard. Life and Sufferings of Leonard Black, a Fugitive from Slavery.
Written by Himself. New Bedford: Benjamin Lindsey.
Brown, William Wells. Narrative of William Wells Brown, a Fugitive Slave,
Written by Himself. Boston: Boston Anti-Slavery Office.
Hammond, Jabez D., ed. Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn; with Sketches
of the Lives and Characters of Thomas Jeferson, John Quincy Adams,
John Randolph, and Several Other Eminent American Statesmen. Syra-
cuse: n.p.*
Jackson, Andrew. Narrative and Writings of Andrew Jackson of Kentucky
Containing an Account of His Birth and Twenty-Six Years of His Life
While a Slave. Narrated by Himself, Written by a Friend. Syracuse:
Daily and Weekly Star Office.
Zamba. The Life and Adventures of Zamba, an African Negro King; and His
Experiences of Slavery in South Carolina. Written by Himself. Cor-
rected and Arranged by Peter Neilson. London: Smith, Elder, and
Brown, William Wells. Narrative of the Life of William Wells Brown. Boston:
Bela Marsh.
Joseph, John. The Life of John Joseph. Wellington: for the author.
Watson, Henry. Narrative of Henry Watson, a Fugitive Slave. Boston: Henry
Bibb, Henry. Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an Ameri-
can Slave. Written by Himself. New York: by the author.
Brown, Henry Box. Narrative of Henry Box Brown, Who Escaped from Slavery
in a Box Three Feet Long, Two Wide, and Two and a Half High.
Written from a Statement of Facts Made by Himself. With remarks
upon the remedy for slavery by Charles Stearns. Boston: Brown and
Henson, Josiah. The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabit-
ant of Canada, as Narrated by Himself. S. A. Eliot, ed. Boston: A. D.
Jones, Thomas H. The Experiences of Thomas H. Jones, Who Was a Slave for
Forty-Three fears. Written by a Friend as Given to Him by Brother
Jones. Boston: n.p.
Lee, Jarena. Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee, Giving
an Account of Her Call to Preach the Gospel. Revised and Corrected
from the Original Manuscript, Written by Herself. Philadelphia: by the
Pennington, James W. C. The Fugitive Blacksmith; or, Events in the History
of James W. C. Pennington, Pastor of a Presbyterian Church, New
York, Formerly a Slave in the State of Maryland, United States. Lon-
don: Charles Gilpin.
* The editors believe this title to be a fictional slave narrative. John Blassingame, how-
ever, believes it to be "authentic."
A Selected Bibliography 325
Prince, Nancy. A Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince.
Written by Herself. Boston: for the author.
Truth, Sojourner. Narrative of Sojourner Truth, a Northern Slave, Emancipated
from Bodily Servitude by the State of New York in 1828. Narrated to
Olive Gilbert, including Sojourner Truth's Book of Life, and a dialogue.
Leeds, Mass.: for the author.
Asher, Jeremiah. Incidents in the Life of the Reverend J. Asher, Pastor of the
Shiloh (Colored) Baptist Church, Philadelphia, U.S. With an Introduc-
tion by Wilson Armstead. London: C. Gilpin.
Brown, William Wells. Illustrated Edition of the Life and Escape of William
Wells Brown. London: C. Gilpin.
Smallwood, Thomas. Narrative of Thomas Smallwood, Written by Himself.
Toronto: J. Stephens.
Watkins, James. Narrative of the Life of James Watkins, Formerly a Chattel
in Maryland, United States, Dictated to H.R. Boston: Kenyon and
Brown, William Wells. Clotel; or, the President's Daughter: A Narrative of
Slave Life in the United States, with a sketch of the Author's Life.
London: Partridge and Oakey.
Green, William. Narrative of Events in the Life of William Green (Formerly
a Slave), Written by Himself. Springfield, Mass.: L. M. Guernsey.
Northup, Solomon. Twelve Years a Slave; Narrative of Solomon Northup, a
Citizen of New York, Kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and
Rescued in 1853, from a Cotton Plantation near the Red River, in
Louisiana. David Wilson, ed. Auburn, Buffalo, and London: Derby and
Tilmon, Levin. A Brief Miscellaneous Narrative of the More Early Part of the
Life of Levin Tilmon, Pastor of a Colored Methodist Church, New
York City. Jersey City, N.J.: W. and L. Pratt.
Anderson, Thomas. Interesting Account of Thomas Anderson, a Slave, "Taken
from his Own Lips." Dictated to J. P. Clark, n.p.
Anderson, William J. Life and Narrative of William J. Anderson; or, Dark
Deeds of American Slavery Revealed, Written by Himself. Chicago:
Daily Tribune Book and Job Printing Office.
Baquaqua, Mahommah G. Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua. Written
and Revised from his own words by Samuel Moore. Detroit: G. E.
Jones, Thomas. The Experience and Personal Narrative of Uncle Tom Jones:
Who Was for Forty Years a Slave; also, the Surprising Adventures of
Wild Tom, a Fugitive Negro from South Carolina. New York: C. G.
326 A Selected Bibliography
Peterson, Daniel H. The Looking Glass: Being a True Narrative of the Life of
the Reverend D. H. Peterson, a Colored Clergyman. New York: Wright.
Brown, John, Slave Life in Georgia: a Narrative of the Life, Suffering, and
Escape of John Brown, a Fugitive Slave, Now in England. Louis A.
Chamerovzow, ed. London: W. M. Watts.
Douglass, Frederick. My Bondage and My Freedom. Part I. Life as a Slave.
Part II Life as a Freeman. New York and Auburn: Miller, Orton,
Grimes, William. Life of William Grimes, the Runaway Slave, Brought Down
to the Present Time. Written by Himself. New Haven: by the author.
Randolph, Reverend Peter. Sketches of Slave Life; or, Illustrations of the
"Peculiar Institution." By Peter Randolph, an Emancipated Slave. Bos-
ton: by the author.
Ward, Samuel Ringgold. Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro: His Anti-Slavery
Labours in the United States, Canada, and England. London: J. Snow.
Steward, Austin. Twenty-Two Years a Slave and Forty Years a Freeman, Em-
bracing a Correspondence of Several Years While President of Wilber-
force Colony. Syracuse: W. T. Hamilton.
Still, Peter. The Kidnapped and the Ransomed: Being the Personal Recollec-
tions of Peter Still and His Wife "Vina," after Forty Years of Slavery.
Related to Kate Pickard. Syracuse: W. T. Hamilton Press.
Thompson, John. The Life of John Thompson, a Fugitive Slave: Containing
His History of Twenty-Five Years in Bondage, and His Providential
Escape: Written by Himself. Worcester: by the author.
Ball, Charles. Fifty Years in Chains; or, the Life of an American Slave. New
York: Dayton and Asher.
Henson, Josiah. Truth Stranger than Fiction: Father Henson's Story of His
Own Life; with an Introduction by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston: J. P.
Jewett and Company.
Roberts, Jarnes. Narrative of James Roberts, Soldier in the Revolutionary War
and Battle of New Orleans. Chicago: by the author.
Williams, Sally. Aunt Sally; or The Cross the Way to Freedom. Narrative of
the Life and Purchase of the Mother of Revered Isaac Williams of
Detroit, Michigan. Cincinnati: American Reform Tract and Book So-
Davis, Noah. A Narrative of the Life of Reverend Noah Davis, a Colored Man,
Written by Himself. Baltimore: J. F. Weishampel, Jr.
Loguen, Jermain W. The Reverend Jermain W. Loguen, as a Slave and as a
Freeman. A Narrative of Real Life. Syracuse: Office of the Daily
Platt, Reverend Smith H. The Martyrs and the Fugitive, or a Narrative of the
Captivity, Sufferings and Death of an African Family and the Escape
of Their Son. New York: Daniel Fanshaw.
A Selected Bibliography 327
Wilson, Harriet E. Adams. Our Nig; or, Sketches from the Life of a Free Black,
In a Two-Story White House, North. Showing that Slavery's Shadows
Fall Even There By "Our Nig." Boston: George C. Rand and Avery.
Brown, Jane. Narrative of the Life of Jane Brown and Her Two Children. Re-
lated to the Reverend G. W. Offley. Hartford: for G. W. Offley.
Craft, William. Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; or, the Escape of
William and Ellen Craft from Slavery. London: W. Tweedie.
Offley, Reverend G. W. Narrative of the Life and Labors of the Reverend
G. W. Offley, a Colored Man and Local Preacher, Written by Himself.
Hartford: by the author.
Anderson, Osborne P. A Voice from Harper's Ferry. Boston: by the author.
Brent, Linda. [Harriet Jacobs.] Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Written
by Herself. Boston: by the author.
Campbell, Israel. Bond and Free; or, 'Yearnings for Freedom, from My Green
Briar House; Being the Story of My Life in Bondage and My Life in
Freedom. Philadelphia: by the author.
Pennington, James W. C. A Narrative of Events of the Life of ]. H. Banks,
an Escaped Slave. Liverpool: n.p.
Wilkerson, James. Wilkerson's History of His Travels and Labors in the United
States, as a Missionary, in Particular that of the Union Seminary, Lo-
cated in Franklin County, Ohio, since He Purchased His Liberty in
New Orleans, Louisiana. Columbus, Ohio: n.p.
Asher, Jeremiah. An Autobiography, with Details of a Visit to England, and
Some Account of the Meeting Street Baptist Church, Providence, R.I.,
and of the Shiloh Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia: n.p.
Anderson, John. Story of John Anderson, Fugitive Slave. Harper Twelvetrees,
ed. London: W. Tweedie.
Dinah. The Story of Dinah, as Related to John Hawkins Simpson, after Her
Escape from the Horrors of the Virginia Slave Trade, to London. Lon-
don: A. W. Bennett.
Fedric, Francis. [Charles Lee.] Slave Life in Virginia and Kentucky, or, Fifty
'Years of Slavery in the Southern States of America. By Francis Fedric,
an Escaped Slave. London: Wertheim, Macintosh, and Hunt.
Green, J. D. Narrative of the Life of J. D. Green, a Runaway Slave from Ken-
tucky, Containing an Account of His Three Escapes, in 1839, 1846, and
1848. Huddersfield, Ky.: Henry Fielding.
Mars, James. Life of James Mars, a Slave Born and Sold in Connecticut, Writ-
ten by Himself. Hartford: Case, Lockwood and Company.
1846 Addendum
Elaw, Zilpha, Memoirs of the Life, Religious Experiences, Ministerial. Travels
and Labours . . . London. Dudley.
328 A Selected Bibliography
Abolitionists mission, 40
Douglass and, 250-54 Anderson, John, 80
as editors of slave narratives, Angelou, Maya, 168
79-82, 167-68, 228 Anti-Slavery Society, 12
Equiano's relations with, 195 Arango y Parreno, Francisco de,
expectations of, in stories of ex- 221 n
slaves, 158-59 Arkansas, 90
in Great Britain, 179 Atkinson, Susannah, 195
Henson and, 130 Atlanta Cotton States and Inter-
Henson's narrative used by, 115 national Exposition (1895),
Jacobs and, 264 257-58
Manzano and, 204 Audl, Hugh, 250
Narrative of James Williams Audley, John, 188
distributed by, 11-12 Auerbach, Erich, 207
newspapers published by, 299 Augustine, Saint, 150—52
slave narratives used by, 112, 154 Auld, Hugh, 246, 247, 249, 251, 254
slaves' oral narratives given to, 230 Auld, Mrs. Hugh, 246, 249
on slaves purchasing their freedom, Authentication of slave narratives,
167 225-41
stereotypes accepted by, 54 Autobiographical acts, 242
Accommodators, 256 Autobiographies
Adams, Henry, 113, 244 American, 242-44
Adamson, Frank, 70-78 Malcolm X's, 289-91
Adler, Alfred, 258 picaresque fiction and, 291-92
Africa, slaves idealizing of, 245 slave narratives as, 113-14,
African Association, 182 148-70, 227
Africans Wright's, Richard, 287-89
justification of slavery of, xxiii-xxvi
religious beliefs of, 313-14 Bacon, Sir Francis, xxiii—xxiv
West African writers of 1780s, Baker, Dick, 189
175-96 Baker, Houston A., Jr., 147
Alcott, Bronson, xxxi on autobiographical acts and voice
Ali Pasha, 16 n of southern slaves, 242-60
Allen, Richard, 83 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 224 n
Allen, Washington B., 87 Baldwin, James, 157, 168
Allen, William Francis, 299 Ball, Charles, 81-82, 154, 158
Alsberg, Henry G., 43 review of narrative of, 6-8
American Freedmen's Inquiry Com- Bancroft, Frederick, xxxii, 79
332 Index
Banks, J. H., 81 Blake, Jane, 82
Banks, Sir Joseph, 179 Blassingame, John W., xii, xiv, xxxii,
Baraka, Amiri (Le Roi Jones), 291, 36, 299
294, 298 on Jacobs' narrative, 147, 278 n
Barbados, 199-202 rules of evidence used by, xxiii
Barber, Francis, 176 on use of testimony of ex-slaves,
Barden, Thomas E., 47 n 78-94
Bardolph, Richard, 134 Blue jazz, 297
Barnet, Miguel, 217 Blues (music), 75
Barton, Rebecca Chalmers, 256, 258, Body, Rias, 87
260 n Bontemps, Arna, xviii, xxi, xxxiii
Bayley, Solomon, 83, 165 on influence of slave narratives, xiv-
Bayliss, John F., 168, 172 n xv, xx
Beacon (journal), 12, 13 slave narratives compared to
Beattie, Dr. James, 16 Westerns by, xv
Beattie, Jessie L., 134 Books, "talking," xxvii
Beecher, Lyman, 123 Bosnian, William, xxv
Beers, Henry C., 278 n Botkin, Benjamin A., xxxii, 35, 49, 84
Bell, Anne, 55 Boudry, Nancy, 85-86
Berry, Fanny, 88 Bourne, George, 9-10
Bibb, Henry, xvii, 83, 155, 158, 167, Bradford, Sarah, 165, 310
225, 307-9 Brawley, Benjamin, 134
discovery of slave status by, 305 Breast feeding, 56
Matlack and, 159, 163-65 Brent, Linda. See Jacobs, Harriet
picaresque fiction and, 283-86 Brewer, J. Mason, 86-87
religious beliefs of, 311-12 Breyfogle, William, 135
review of Narrative of, 28-29 Brignano, Russell, 278 n
Stepto on Narrative of, 228-31 Brinch, Boyrereau, 202, 205
Binney, Thomas, 126 British-American Institute, 117, 120
Birney, James G., 10, 15 Brockenbrough, John, 13
Black Muslims, 290 Brown, George, 121
Black voice, xxvii, xxxi Brown, Henry Box, 83, 155, 170 n,
literacy and, 253 285, 308
Blacks Narrative of, 159-61
autobiographies of, 244 religious beliefs of, 313
"civilizing" of, 23 Brown, James C., 117
contemporary, autobiographies of, Brown, John, 80, 83, 154, 156, 267
287-92 Chamerovzow and, 165
dialect of, in fiction, 60-61 Brown, Sterling A., xv, xxxiii, 35
discriminated against by WPA, 84 on dialect usage, 37-39
fiction of, in picaresque mode, Brown, William Wells, xv, 83, 106,
292-98 155, 158, 286, 310
goals shared by whites and, 254 authenticating material in
influence of slave narratives on 'Narrative of, 226
literature of, xiv-xv, xx Garrison and, 167
as interviewers for WPA slave illiteracy of, xxix
narratives, 91 Peabody on Narrative of, 20
narratives written and edited by, picaresque fiction and, 283
83 Stepto on Narrative of, 238—41
required illiteracy of, xxiv Bruner, Peter, 93
theories of inferiority of, xxiii-xxvi Bruss, Elizabeth, 242, 261 n
Index 333
Buck, Pearl, 113 Christianity. See also Religion
Buff, Louisa, 254 conversion to, 301-4
Buff, William H., 254 Douglass's, 250
Bullard, Mary L., 133 Equiano's conversion to, 5
Bullock, Governor Rufus Brown, 258 inserted into slave narratives, 113
Burgoyne, John, 234 Malcolm X on, 291
Burke, Edmund, 165 Sancho on, 182
Burns, Robert, 30 of slaveholders, 153
Burton, Richard, xx in spirituals, 300
Thompson's, 310
Clarke, Lewis G., 81, 83, 155
Cade, John B., 91 Clarke, Milton, 81, 83, 286
Calcagno, Francisco, 199 Clarkson, Thomas, 16 n
Caldwell, Erskine, 37 Clay, Henry, 239
Calhoun, John C., 29 Cleaver, Eldridge, 291
Caliban (Shakespeare's character), Coffin, William C., 253
249 Coleman, J. Winston, Jr., xxxii
Campbell, Charles, 80, 81 Collins, John A., xvi
Campbell, George W., 256-57 Conrad, Joseph, 131
Canada Conversion (religious), 301-4
fugitive slave colonies in, 115-17, Cooper, Thomas, 80-81
120 Corn-shucking, 102-4, 109
Henson in, 128-29 Cotton States and International Ex-
Henson's grave in, 114-15 position (Atlanta, 1895), 257-58
publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin Cowper, William, 152
in, 121-22 Craft, Ellen, 83, 155, 285
Cannon, Steve, xviii, xxiii Craft, William, 83, 155, 285
Capitalism, slavery as form of, 210-11 Craveirinha, Jose, 107
Caribbean islands, slavery in, 199-202 Croce, Benedetto, 242
Carlyle, Thomas, xxx—xxxi Cronyn, Benjamin, 127
Carpentier, Alejo, 218 Cuba, 203
Carver, George Washington, 299 Escalera Conspiracy in, 224 n
Cassirer, Ernst, 150-51 Manzano's poem to, 213-16
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 284 'Narrative of Juan Manzano from,
Cesaire, Aime, 221 15-18
Chamerovzow, Louis Alexis, 80, 164, slave revolts in, 219
165 Cugoano, Ottobah, 177-79, 182-87
Chapman, Marion W., xxx
Chappie, William, 134 Daniel, Pete, 85
Charlton, Lewis, 155 Dante, 244
Chestnutt, Charles Waddell, 35 Dartmouth, Earl of, 177
John Edgar Wideman on, 59-78 Daves, Harriet Ann, 56
Child, Lydia Maria, 32, 33, 262, Daves, Louisa, 57
264-68, 276 Davis, Allison, 84
Children Davis, Charles T., vii
breast feeding of, 56 Davis, Noah, 83, 155
care of, under slavery, 54 Dawn (fugitive slave colony, Can-
development of world view of, 106 ada), 115-17, 120, 129
in Jacobs' narrative, 274, 275 Del Monte, Domingo, 203
of slaves, 22 Delany, Martin, 128-29
Chinese laborers, 216 Demane, Harry, 163
334 Index
Detroit Liberty Association, 228, 229, Duncan, Annie E., 134
Dialect Eclectic narratives, 225, 227-31
black, in fiction, 60-61 Eddy, Timothy, 234
Brown's memorandum on, 37-39 Editors of slave narratives, 79-83,
in Chestnutt's fiction, 62, 68 165-66
in WPA slave narratives, Blas- Child, of Jacobs', 266-67
singame on, 88 Matlack, of Bibb's, 163-65, 228-31
Discrimination, within WPA, 84 narratives written without, 167
Dixon, Melvin, 147 Stearns, of Box Brown's, 159-61
on literary legacy of slavery, 298- Wilson, of Northup's, 161-63
315 Education
Dixon, W. W., 75 Bibb's, 231
Dolben, Sir William, 183 in Canadian fugitive slave colonies,
Dollard, John, 84 116-17, 120
Doran, James, 191 Cugoano and Equiano on, 187
Douglass, Anna Murray, 250 illegal for slaves, 246
Douglass, Frederick, xii, xvi-xvii, 83, Northup's, 234
108 of West Africans in Britain, 175-
Baker on Narrative of, 245-55 76
on disappearance of slave narra- of whites, 20
tives, xxi Edwards, Jonathan, 243, 244
escape from slavery by, 285 Edwards, Paul, 147
Garrison and, 167 on West African writers of 1780s,
on house errands by slaves, 104 175-96
on "living human voice," xxxi Egypt, 16-17 n
Lobb's biography of, 127 Egypt, Ophelia Settles, 91
Narrative of, xii, 112, 153-58, 236 Elder, Callie, 44
North Star published by, 264 Eldridge, Eleanor, 82
Peabody on Narrative of, 19, 20, Eliot, Samuel Atkins, 80
24-26 Henson and, 79, 120, 123, 125,
picaresque fiction and, 283 132-34
on prayer, 307, 308 Eliot, T. S., 76
on "protection" documents, 240 Eliot, William Greenleaf, 80
Putnam's Monthly by, xvii Elkins, Stanley ML, 78-79
as "representative," xxiii Ellison, Ralph, xv, xviii—xxi, xxiii, xxxiii,
review of Life and Bondage of, 168, 227
30-31 picaresque fiction and, 294, 296-97
Shakespeare cited by, 166 Emancipation, in WPA slave narra-
on slavery corrupting master and tives, 43, 55
slave, 216-17 Emancipator (journal), 12-15
Stepto on Narrative of, 226, 237, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xxi, xxix-xxx,
238 244, 284
Stowe and, 174 n Epps, Edwin, 235
on theft, 286 Equiano, Olaudah (Gustavus Vassa),
on unity of slaves, 302 xvi, xxiii, xxvii, 83, 187-96, 207-8
on viewpoints of free men and arrival in America of, 244, 249
slaves, 94 in Britain, 177-79
on whippings, 106 Cugoano and,185—87
Du Bois, W. E. B, 168, 227, 299, 306 editions of narrative of, xvi
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 60 language used by, 255
Index 335
on prayer, 308 Franco, Jose L., 222 n
review of narrative of, 5 Franklin, Benjamin, 113, 152, 155
in Sierra Leone expedition, 182-83 Franklin, H. Bruce, 261 n, 281 n
Escalera Conspiracy (Cuba), 224 n Freeland, Mr. William, Jr., 250
Escott, Paul D., on WPA slave nar- Freetown (settlement, Sierra Leone),
ratives, 40-46 187
Estlin, Mary A., xxx Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 236
Evans, Millie, 55 Fugitive slaves
Existentialism, in Wright's fiction, Canadian colonies of, 115-17, 120,
294, 296 129
narratives written by, 83
Factories, plantations as, Jaynes on, Peabody on narratives of, 19-28
98-111 religion of, 304, 309-14
Fairbanks, Calvin, xxx Fuller, James Cannines, 117, 120
Fairley, Rachel, 55
Family Gaines, Ernest J., 168
marriage, 164, 272 Gara, Larry, 128
in WPA slave narratives, 54 Garrison, Lucy McKim, 299
Farmer, Captain Thomas, 192-94 Garrison, William Lloyd, xvi, xxix, 3,
Federal Writers' Project, xii, xiv, 35, 129-30, 299. See also Liberator,
299 The
Blassingame on slave narratives Douglass and, 166, 167, 237, 252-
collected by, 83-93 54
Brown's memorandum to, on dialect Gatewood, Silas, 230
usage, 37-39 Genealogical data, in WPA slave
Chestnutt and, Wideman on, 59- narratives, 91
78 Generic narratives, 226, 227, 237
Escott on reading slave narratives Genovese, Eugene D., 84, 101, 102,
from, 40-46 299
Woodward on slave narratives Georgia, 90
from, 48-58 Gibbs, Georgianna, 88
Feldstein, Stanley, xxxii Glenn, Robert, 55
Feminism, 275 Godwyn, Morgan, xxii
Ferguson, James, 30 Gonzales, Ambrose Elliott, 37
Ferris, William R., Jr., 84-86 Goodman, Andrew, 102
Feudalism, 211-12 Grandy, Charles, 88
Fiction Grant, Austin, 106, 109
as authentication for slave narra- Gray, Ambus, 56
tives, 232-34 Great Britain, African writers in, 175-
black dialect in, 60-61 96
Chestnutt's, 61-69 Green, William, 155
picaresque, 283-98 Gregoire, Abbe, 16
Uncle Tom's Cabin, Henson and, Grimes, William, 155, 285
114-35 Grimke, Francis J., 264
Fictive discourse, 258, 261 n Gronniosaw, James Albert Ukawsaw,
Fielding, Henry, 284 xxvii, xxxi, 177
Finch, Cicero, 102 Guillen, Nicolas, 221
Finnegan, Ruth, 69 Gysin, Brion, 134
Finney, Charles Grandison, 116
Fox, Charles James, 183 Haiti, 218
Fraginals, Moreno, 223-24 n Haley, Alex, 174 n
336 Index
Hammon, Briton, xix relations between blacks and, 57—
Hampton, Ann (Northup), 234, 236 58
Hardwicke, Earl of (Philip Yorke), Integrated narratives, 225-27, 232-
178 37
Harris, Abram, 52-53 Interracial matings
Harris, Delia, 88 between blacks and Indians, 57—58
Harris, Joel Chandler, 37 in WPA slave narratives, 56-57
Hartgrove, W. B., 134 Introductions to slave narratives
Hartman, Geoffrey H., xxiii to Bibb's, 228-31
Haven, Gilbert, 132 to Northup's, 232
Hawkins, William George, 80 Irving, Dr. Charles, 194
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 243
Hayden, William, 286 Jackson, John Andrew, 155, 165,
Hayes, Rutherford B., 125, 140-41 n 170 n
Haynes, Elizabeth Ross, 134 Jackson, Margaret Young, xxxiii
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, xxiii, Jackson, Martin, 42, 52
xxviii Jacobs, Harriet (Linda Brent), xxiii,
Heidegger, Martin, 245, 246 3, 147, 155, 217, 222 n
Henson, Josiah, 83, 156, 158, 308 discovery of slave status by, 305
chickens stolen by, 286 review of Linda: Incidents in the
Eliot and, 79 Life of a Slave Girl by, 32-34
Peabody on, 19, 20, 26-28 Yellin on, 262-77
picaresque fiction and, 283 Jacobs, John S., 264
sales of narrative of, xvi Jacobs, Louisa, 265-66
Uncle Tom's Cabin and, 112-35 James, C. L. R., 211, 218
Heraclitus, 149 James, Henry, Jr., 243, 244
Heylyn, Peter, xxiv James, Tempie, 56
Hill, Herbert, 134 Jaynes, Gerald, 36
History on plantation factories and slave
use of slave narratives in, 82—83 work ethic, 98-111
use of WPA slave narratives in, Jazz, 297
40-46, 58, 89 Jefferson, Isaac, 81
Hoare, Prince, 177, 197 n Jefferson, Thomas, xxvii, xxviii
Hofstadter, Richard, xv, xxxii Jekyll, Joseph, 177
Hopper, Isaac Tatem, 80-81 Job ben Solomon, 4, 176
Hopson, Mobile, 88 Johnson, George, 117
Hostages, 3 Johnson, James Weldon, 168, 227,
Hughes, Louis, 155 259
Hume, David, xxv—xxvi, xxviii, 16 Johnson, Nathan, 157
Hunter, Hester, 53 Johnson, Samuel, 176
Hurnard, Robert, 165 Jones, J. Ralph, 87
Hurston, Zora Neale, 37 Jones, Jo, 75
Hymes, Dell, 66 Jones, Le Roi (Amiri Baraka), 291,
294, 298
Identity, in names of ex-slaves, 156- Jones, Lois M., 134
57 Jones, Thomas H., 155, 305, 312-13
Illiteracy of slaves, xxv-xxvi
Indians Kant, Immanuel, xxv-xxvi, xxxviii
Cuban, 216, 219 Kendall, John S., xxxi
Equiano on, 189 Kendrick, Tines, 100-101
hostages to, 3 Kerns, Adrianna, 102
Index 337
Keys (sociolinguistics), 66 Logan, Rayford, 256
Killing of slaves, 199-202 Loggins, Vernon, xiv-xv, xxxiii
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 291 Loguen, Jermain, 83
King, Robert, 191-93 Lomax, John A., 51
Ku Klux Klan, 259, 290 Loring, James S., 80, 81
Lovejoy, Joseph C., 80, 81
Lamming, George, 215-16, 249 Lowther, George W., 281 n
Langdon, Mary, xviii Lynchings, 85
Language. See also Dialect
Brown's memorandum on dialect Macaulay, Zachary, 176, 187, 197 n
usage, 37-39 McCade, John, xv, 35
in Chestnutt's fiction, 66 McKay, Claude, 292-93
freedom associated with, 248—49 McNeill, Tony, 245
related to awareness of audience, Madden, Richard R., 15-18, 203, 204,
204 213
used by Cugoano, 183-85 Major, Clarence, 298
used by Douglass, 251 Malcolm X (Little), 174 n, 287, 289-
used by Jacobs, 273 91
used by Washington, 256-58 Malinda (slave), 164
Las Casas, Bartolome de, 219 Mansfield, Earl of (William Murray),
Latino, Juan, xxvii 178-79
Laurier, Wilfrid, 121 Manzano, Juan Francisco, 147
Lawrence, Amos A., 129 review of Narrative of, 15-18
Lawrence, D. EL, 243 Willis on, 199-221
Lawrence, Sir William, 15 Marriage
Leigh, Frances Butler, 110 in Bibb's narrative, 164
Leisure, work distinguished from, in Jacobs' narrative, 272
103-5 Mars, James, 156
Lester, Charles E., 80, 81 Matlack, Lucius C., xvi, 159, 163-65,
Levine, Lawrence, 299 238
Lewis, Roscoe E., 87-88 Bibb and, 228-31
Lewis, Thomas, 46 May, Samuel J., 167
Liberator, The (journal), xxix, 3. See Mays, Benjamin, 299
also Garrison, William Lloyd Meltzer, Milton, 134
Douglass and, 253 Memoirs, 239
Jacobs' Incidents announced in, Memory
269-70 in autobiography, 150—51
Quincy as editor of, 129-30 of ex-slaves, 42-43
Literacy Miller, Hugh, xvii
of African writers, 175 Miller, Perry, xxi
authentication of, in slave narra- Miller, Thomas, 13
tives, 230-32 Mitchell-Kernan, Claudia, 66
black voice and, 253 Modernism, 215
in Cuba, 203 Moers, Ellen, 168
in Douglass's Narrative, 246-47 Montagu, duchess of, 177
political rights tied to, xxix Montagu, duke of, 4, 176, 177
as proof of blacks' humanity, xxiii- Montejo, Esteban, 217
xxvi Mooney, Chase C., xxxii
in slave narratives, xxvii Moore, Archy, 112
Lloyd, Edward, 255 Morley, Samuel, 126
Lobb, John, 115, 126-29, 132, 133 Moses (biblical), 300, 301
338 Index
Muhammad, Elijah, 290-91 Offley, G. W., 83
Mumford, Elias, 55 Oglethorpe, James, 3, 4, 176
Murray, Albert, 75 Old Man Jack (mythical slave),
Murray, Anna (Douglass), 250 106-7
Music Oliphant, Louise, 90
allowed by slaveholders, 109 Olney, James, xix, 147
blues, 75 on slave narratives as autobiogra-
jazz, 297 phy and literature, 148-70
of slaves, Raynal on, 98-99 Oral literature, 69-71
spirituals, 298-301, 305 spirituals as, 298, 301
Osofsky, Gilbert, 168
Naimbanna, John Frederick Henry, Othello (Shakespeare's character),
177, 197 n 165-67, 174-75 n
of ex-slaves, 157
given to slaves, 67 Page, Thomas Nelson, 37
Nantucket Convention (1841), 252- Parker, Theodore, xxi-xxii
54 Parker, William, 155, 308-9
Narrative theory, 147 Pascal, Captain Michael Henry, 191-
Narratives. See Slave narratives 93
National Era, The (newspaper), 120- Pascal, Roy, 113
21 Paternalism, 105-10
Nell, William C., 262, 264, 266, 269- Patrollers, 57
70 Peabody, Ephraim, 19-28
Nelson, John Herbert, xiv, xv, xxxiii Pennington, James W. C., 308
New Orleans, 22 Douglass married by, 157, 250
New York (state), 234 as editor, 80, 81
Nichols, Charles H., xv, xxii-xxiii, narrative of, 83, 155, 158, 167
147, 167, 299 Peonage, 85
on slave narratives and picaresque Perdue, Charles L,, Jr., 47 n
mode, 283-98 Peterkin, Julia, 37
Nickerson, Margaret, 52 Phelps, Amos A., 9
North Star (journal), 264 Philanthropist (journal), 12
Northup, Ann Hampton, 234, 236 Philip, John Baptist, 176
Northup, Henry B., 235, 236 Phillips, Robert K., 47 n
Northup, Mintus, 234 Phillips, Ulrich B., xv
Northup, Solomon, xi, 83, 93, 158 on authenticity of slave narratives,
on freedom, 304 xxxii
sales of narrative of, xvi Ball's narrative cited by, 81-82
Stepto on narrative of, 232-37 slave narratives dismissed by, 35-
Stowe on, 123 36, 49, 79
Wilson and, 79-80, 159, 161-63 Phillips, Wendell, xviii, 132, 157, 167,
Novels, xx 254
slave narratives as, 164-65 Photographs in slave narratives, 151,
Uncle Tom's Cabin, Henson and, 155
114-35 Picaresque fiction, 283-98
Pickard, Kate E. R., 31
Occupations of slaves, 46 Pitt, William, 183
O'Donnell, Leopoldo, 219 Plantations
Odum, Howard, 37 as factories, Jaynes on, 98-111
Index 339
size differences in, 45 conversion in, 302-4
in WPA slave narratives, 91 in Douglass's life, 250
Planters, paternalism of, 105-6 Malcolm X's, 290-91
Poetry Sancho on, 182
of Manzano, 205, 213-21 of slaves, 307-15
in slave narratives, 151 in spirituals, 300-301
Poiesis, 149-50 in WPA slave narratives, 43, 54-55
Portraits in slave narratives, 151, 152, Remond, Charles L., 130
155 Render, Sylvia, 66
Post, Amy, 264-66, 268-69, 277 n Rhodes, James Ford, xxxii
Powdermaker, Hortense, 84 Ricoeur, Paul, 149-50
Power Riseley, Benjamin, 119
in Adamson's narrative, 73 Roaf, John, 117
in Chestnutt's fiction, 64-65, 68 Roberts, James, 155
Prentiss, Benjamin, 202 Roberts, Ralph, 284-85
Price, Enoch, 238, 240 Roper, Moses, xvi, 155, 158
Price, Thomas, 80, 81 Rose, Willie Lee, 58 n
Pronunciation, 37-38 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 151, 152
Prospero (Shakespeare's character), Russell, Lord John, 125
249 Ruthford, John, 13
Puritans, 242
Putnam's Monthly (Douglass), xvii Sancho, Billy, 179
Sancho, Ignatius, 177, 179-82
Quantitative analyses of slave narra- Sayre, Robert, 243
tives, 45-46, 53-54 Scoble, John, 129, 141 n
Quaque, Philip, 176 Scrantom, Edwin, 165
Queen, Daniel, 190 Segregation, 42
Quincy, Edmund, 129-30 Selfhood of slaves, xxx-xxxii
Seward, Austin, xxxi
Radford, Ruby Lorraine, 90 Sexual oppression
Radin, Paul, 302 development of feminist perspec-
Randall (slave), 106 tive of, 275
Randolph, Peter, xvii, 155, 286-87 in Jacobs' narrative, 263, 270-74,
Rawick, George P., xiv, xxxii, 35, 47 n, 276
61 Shadd, Mary Ann, 141 n
on Jacobs' narrative, 278 n Shaftesbury, Earl of (Anthony Ashley
on representativeness of WPA slave Cooper), 127
narratives, 84 Shakespeare, William, 165, 166, 249
Woodward on American Slave Sharp, Granville, 178, 183, 195
edited by, 48-58 Shipley, Thomas, 9
Raynal, Abbe, 98-100, 108, 109 Sierra Leone, 186, 187
Reconstruction, in WPA slave narra- Signifying, 66
tives, 56 Slaughter, Richard, 88
Reddick, Lawrence D., xi, xv, 35 Slave auctions, 153
Redding, J. Saunders, 299 Slave narratives. See also Federal
Reed, Ishmael, xviii, xxx, xxxiii, 298 Writers' Project
Religion. See also Christianity authenticating materials in, 226
as accommodation, 107-8 as autobiography and literature,
in arguments for black inferiority, Olney on, 148-70
15-16 Blassingame on use of, 78-94
340 Index
Slave narratives (cont.) literary legacy of, Dixon on, 298-
Brown's memorandum on dialect 315
usage in, 37-39 as subject of slave narratives, 154
from Caribbean, 202 Slaves
collected by Federal Writers' autobiographies of, 244
Project, 40-46 "civilizing" of, 23
disappearance of, xv, xxxi culture of, 299
Dixon on, 298-99 discovery of slave status by, 305-6
documentation of, xxxi in Great Britain, 178
Douglass's, Baker on, 245-55 music of, 298-301
of fugitive slaves, Winks on, 112- names given to, 67
35 occupations of, 46
as history, 35-36 religion of, 301-3, 307-15
influence of, xv, xx required illiteracy of, xxv
Jacobs', 262-77 revolts by, 218, 219
literacy in, xxv, xxix "secret lives" of, 40
literary analysis of, xiv selfhood of, xxx-xxxi
as literature, 147 threat of sale of, 23-24
novels in style of, xxii women as, 22
phases of narration in, 227-41 Jacobs' narrative on, 263—77
picaresque fiction and, 283-98 work ethic of, Jaynes on, 98-111
as proof of blacks' humanity, xxiii work rhythms of, 102
xxxiii—xxxiv Sloane, Sir Hans, 4
religion in, 303 Smalls, Robert, 40
reviews of, xvii, 3—34 Smallwood, Thomas, xxv, xxix
sales of, xv-xvi Smith, Barbara Herrnstein, 261 n
slaves' voices in, 225 Smith, Gerrit, 117
textual interpretations of, problems Smith, Peter, 117
of, 100 Songs. See also Music
Washington's, Baker on, 255-60 of accommodation, 107-8
Slave trade class consciousness in, 109—10
in Caribbean islands, 201 of slaves, 299-300
Cugoano on, 183 Raynal on, 98-99
in Egypt, 16-17 n in WPA slave narratives, 86, 91
in Great Britain, 178-79 Sons of Africa (British organization),
Slaveholders 179
Christianity of, 153 Soubise, Julius, 176, 180-81
Equiano on, 192-93 South Carolina, xxiv, 90-91
Genovese on, 102 Sparks, Elizabeth, 88
Indians as, 57 Speech. See also Dialect
music allowed by, 109 in Chestnutt's fiction, 66
slaves' attitudes toward, 45-46 Spirituals, 298-301, 305
in WPA slave narratives, 44 Stampp, Kenneth, xxxii
Slavery Starling, Marion Wilson, xiv, xxiii,
abolition of, xxvii xxxii-xxxiii, 298
in Barbados, 199-202 Stearns, Charles, 159-61, 164
in Cuba, 216, 217, 219 Stepto, Robert Burns, xix, 147, 173 n
as form of capitalist production, on narration, authentication, and
210-11 authorial control in slave
in Great Britain, 178 narratives, 225-41
justifications of, xxx Stereotypes, 113
Index 341
Sterne, Laurence, 179, 181-82 Tuskegee Institute, 257
Steward, Austin, 83, 155, 165, 167 Twain, Mark, 284
Still, Levin, 31-32 Twelvetrees, Harper, 80
Still, Peter, 31-32
Still, Vina, 31-32 Uncle Tom's Cabin (novel, Stowe),
Stone, Albert, 236 xxxiv—xxxv, 112—35, 174 n
Stover, Frederick, 117 Union army, 44
Stowe, Charles, 123, 124
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, xxx, 31, 114, Vailhinger, Hans, 258
298 Van der Beets, Richard, 3
Bibb and, 174 n Vansina, Jan, 89
defense of Uncle Tom's Cabin by, Vargas Llosa, Mario, 218-19
122-23 Vassa, Gustavus. See Equiano,
first publication of Uncle Tom's Olaudah
Cabin by, 120-21 Vassa, Joanna, 188
Henson and, 123-29, 131, 132, Vesey, Denmark, 306
134, 283 Victoria (queen, England), 125,
Jacobs and, 262, 264-66 127
Northup and, 232-33 Voice
Northup's Twelve Years a Slave black, xxxi-xxxii
dedicated to, 163 black, literacy and, 253
Stowe, Lyman, 123, 124 of former slaves, 225
Stuart, Sam, 57 of southern slaves, 242
Stuckey, Sterling, 245 Volosinov, V. N., 204
Sturge, George, 17, 126 Voorhis, Robert, 313
Suarez y Romero, Anselmo, 203
Suckow, Ruth, 37 Wahl, Jean, 245
Sumner, Charles, xxii Walker, David, 246
Swayne, Wager, 105 Walker, Margaret, 306
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 211
Talbot, Charles, 178 Ward, Aileen, 134
"Talking" books, xxvii Ward, Samuel Ringgold, 155, 156,
Tallach, Jean, 134 167, 314
Tanser, H. A., 134 Washington, Booker T., 70, 299
Testimonial, to slave narratives, 151, Up from Slavery by, xii, xiii, 227,
152 241, 255-60
Thomas, John L., 255 Watson, Brook, 176-77
Thompson, E. P., 102, 105 Watson, Henry, 285
Thompson, John, 83, 155, 304, 309- Weld, Theodore Dwight, 122-23
11 West Indies, 211
Tilley, William H., 127 Wheatley, Phyllis, xxvii, 60, 176-77,
Tilmon, Levin, 155 181, 259
Torrey, Charles T,, 81 Whippings, 106, 199-200, 208
Travel by slaves, 55 Whites
Trexler, Harrison A., xxxii as editors of slave narratives, 159-
Trumbull, Henry, 80 66, 228-31
Truth, Sojourner, xxviii, 274 education of, 20
Tubman, Harriet, 165, 300, 310 Equiano's first contacts with, 189-
Turks, Equiano on, 189 90
Turner, Lorenzo Dow, xxxiii ex-slaves' discussions with, 42
Turner, Nat, 91, 125, 267, 306-7 goals shared by blacks and, 254
342 Index
Whites (cont.) as interviewers for WPA slave nar-
as interviewers for WPA slave nar- ratives, 90
ratives, 51, 84-88, 90, 91 as slaves, 22
slaves' comments on society of, 57 in Caribbean, 201
theories of supremacy of, xxiv Jacobs' narrative on, 263, 270-
Whitman, Walt, 244 74
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 9, 132, 165 Woodson, Carter G., xxxii
Wideman, John Edgar, 35 Woodward, C. Vann, on WPA slave
on Chestnutt and WPA slave nar- narratives, 42, 48-58
ratives, 59-78 Work ethic
Wilberforce, William, 117 of slaves, Jaynes on, 98-111
Williams, Eric, 210, 211 in WPA slave narratives, 54
Williams, Francis, xxv, 176 Works Progress Administration
Williams, James, xx, 81, 155, 165 (WPA). See also Federal
reviews of narrative of, 8-15 Writers' Project
Williams, John A., 298 blacks discriminated against by, 84
Williams, Sally, 82 slave narratives collected by, 40-
Willis, Mrs. Nathaniel P., 264-66, 268 46
Willis, Nathaniel P., 262, 264, 265, Wright, Richard, xxxiii, 168-70, 227,
268 259
Willis, Susan, 147 picaresque fiction and, 287-89,
on Manzano, 199-221 293-97
Wilson, David, 79-81, 159
as Northup's editor, 161-63, 232 X, Malcolm. See Malcolm X (Little)
Wilson, Harriet, xx
Wilson, Hiram, 116-17, 120 Yellin, Jean Fagan, xxiii, 147
Wilson, Sarah, 57 on Jacobs' narrative, 262-77
Winks, Robin W., 36 Yetman, Norman R,, 47 n, 58 n
on Josiah Henson and Uncle Tom, on WPA slave narratives, 84, 87,
112-35 88
Women Yorke, Philip, 178
development of feminism among,
275-76 Zieman, Margaret K., 134
few slave narratives written by, 83 Zinn, Howard, xxxii