''Final'' - Volumetria de Precipitacion

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1Eduardo Rodríguez Torres: 20152150024
1Maicol Flores Vasquez: 20152150530
2 Jesús Álvaro Jiménez Montoya
1, 2Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
1Estudiantes Análisis químico Inorgánico - 01, 2Profesor
Bogotá, D. C., 4 abril 2017

This report presents the volumetry procedure Mohr, Liebig and Volhard for a problem
solution for the determination of volumes and concentrations of the substances in the
The precipitation volumetry is similar to the acid - base classification, the equilibrium
calculations are based on the kps, as the product of the reaction forms a little soluble that
precipitates when it reaches the point of equivalence, where the concentration of the
substance sought in The solution is minimal; At that moment the indicator reacts with the
analyte, thus detecting the end point of the titration.
MATRIALS AND METHODS: By means of a blank test we corrected the
valuation error. We measure the volume of
AgNO3 valued solution that needs to be
Mohr Rating: colored precipitate at the expended to give a perceptible coloration
end point.The Mohr method for the to a volume of distilled water containing
determination of Cl- and Br- is based on the same amount of indicator as that used
the use of an alkaline chromate as an in the titration. The volume thus
indicator. determined should be subtracted from the
volume of dissolved solution spent on the
Valuation reaction: Ag + + Cl- → AgCl (s) determination. This method can not be
(White) applied to I- or SCN-.
Final deposition reaction: 2Ag + + CrO4-2
→ Ag2CrO4 (Red)
Volhard Rating: Ag + Rating by
At the endpoint the chromate ions are Retraction. Formation of a colored
combined with the excess silver ions substance within the solution. It consists of
giving rise to a reddish precipitate of silver the titration of silver salts with
chromate. thiocyanates using an Fe + 3 salt as
The solution solution must be neutral or indicator. Addition of the thiocyanate
slightly alkaline; Because if it is too solution first results in the precipitation of
alkaline it precipitates silver hydroxide, AgSCN, and when all the silver has
whereas if its pH <5 the endpoint appears precipitated, the first excess of thiocyanate
very slowly and very unclear due to the produces a reddish coloration due to the
decrease of silver ions present. formation of iron thiocyanate.
Precipitation: Ag + + Cl- → AgCl (s) Produces precipitation of
Rating: Ag + (excess) + SCN- → AgSCN Silver cyanide:
Final point: Fe + 3 + SCN- → FeSCN + 2
(red complex)
The appearance of a white precipitate of
This method is applied to the silver cyanide is used as pf in the Liebig
determination of Cl-, Br-, I- in acid titration.
The equilibrium between the precipitate of
For the determination of the above silver cyanide and its ions in solution is
substances, a valued solution of AgNO3 is characterized by its
added, and the excess of this is evaluated
by regression with a solution of Kps:
thiocyanate of known concentration. By
applying this procedure a fairly large error
may appear because the AgSCN is less
soluble than the AgCl, and therefore the
reaction may occur: Combining this equation with the one of
AgCl + SCN- → AgSCN + Cl- complexation obtains the equilibrium
constant for the
To prevent this reaction from occurring:
Reaction, responsible for the pf:
1. The AgCl precipitate is filtered off and
the filtered liquid is evaluated with the
SCN, together with the washing waters of
the precipitate.
2. We add a few milliliters of nitrobenzene
We will calculate the theoretical curve for
that cause the coagulation.
the following titration:
The Volhard method can be used for the
determination of bromides and iodides (in
without the above error being present, Erlenmeyer)
because AgBr and AgI have solubilities
similar to that of AgSCN.
(from burette)

Liebig Rating: When AgNO3 solution is Since the complex that forms is highly
added to a solution of a cyanide, a stable, we can consider that all the silver

Highly stable and colorless complex: Added before the pe is found as Ag(CN)2

Once the above reaction has been

completed, the first excess Ag +
Note that to calculate the excess cyanide it each Ag +, Which is added are consumed
Was taken into account that, according For two CN-.


factor de dilusion AgNO3 [ ] N KSCN [ ] N KCN [ ] N

1:4 0.0755 N 0.01666 N 0.065 N

● Análisis químico cuantitativo. Daniel C.Harris. Ed. Reverté. 3º Edición.
● Fundamentos de Química Analítica. Skoog, West, Holler y Crouch. Ed. Thomson. 8º
● Chemfinder Interesante para buscar estructuras y propiedades fisicoquímicas de miles
de compuestos.
● Proyecto web 2001 Página de ayuda al estudio y autoaprendizaje de Química analítica
en Internet creada por el departamento de química analítica de la universidad de
● Departamento de Química analítica de la Facultad de Químicas de la Universidad de

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