Som Residential Medres
Som Residential Medres
Som Residential Medres
OM draws on decades of
experience in more than 50
countries around the globe to
inform its design solutions. The firm Santa City Redevelopment
has an international reputation for Santa CityMumbai,
Master Plan
Mumbai, India
excellence, and was recently named the
most innovative architecture firm in the
world by Fast Company Magazine.
SOM is dedicated to the well-being of the individual, the community,
Since its founding, SOM has received
more than 1,400 awards, including the
and to the global environment. We evaluate sustainable strategies
American Institute of Architects Firm throughout the design process, applying only those that maximize
Award (AIA), the highest honor for design
excellence in a collaborative practice. building efficiency and site performance and that enhance the quality
It is the only firm to have received this
award twice.
of life for those who live, work and play there.
In recent years, the firm’s services have SOM considers sustainability at every At the district and block scale, The use of intelligent and integrated
expanded rapidly, from the innovative project scale, from regional and city planners, architects, and engineers building technologies aim towards
planning and design of high-profile planning to the design of buildings collaborate to develop communal developing a highly-sustainable
office and mixed-use projects, to include down to individual objects. SOM spaces and buildings that incorporate structure. SOM architects, engineers,
an increasingly comprehensive range believes that in order for communities pedestrian amenities and implement and interior designers focus on
of programs, technology and building to survive, urban development should strategies that make the best use of selecting materials for durability, and
typologies. SOM has continued to preserve social, economic, and the microclimate, solar orientation, and function, and factor in local sourcing
maintain status as an industry leader in ecological sustainability. At the regional storm water management. And at the and the percentage of recycled content.
the architectural design and engineering and city scales, SOM strategically building scale, SOM’s multidisciplinary The team places a high value on
for world-wide projects dedicated develops plans for transportation, team maximizes the health and welfare creating spaces that leave a minimal
to residential, education, public open spaces, and the optimal use of for building occupants by applying environmental footprint through
infrastructure & transportation, sports land while protecting watersheds and strategies such as daylighting, thermal maximized efficiency and flexibility for
& recreation, health & science, urban natural resources. comfort, water efficiency, and energy- growth.
Bunshaft House efficient designs.
design, and government.
East Hampton, New York (1962)
RESIDENTIAL The practice of
home-building is as
old as civilization,
DESIGN but the creation of
comfortable, elegant
PHILOSOPHY living spaces is an
ever-changing art.
Rolex Tower
Dubai, UAE
Our residential work emerges from a experiential narrative with qualitative From years of experience and project
research-based approach rather than inspirations for the project including success, we have observed five
a single design signature. By analyzing materials, environmental factors, timeless concepts in residential design:
our clients’ goals and synthesizing artworks, and spatial concepts.
programming, design, and technical • Sense of Community
coordination, we create spaces that are The design that emerges from • Capturing Views
innovative, distinctive, and functional. these criteria does not follow a pre- • Multi-Function Spaces
Clients around the world look to SOM established aesthetic approach • Refined Interior Environments
not only to produce beautiful spaces but is rather specifically targeted • Understanding Cultural Differences
but to reinvent residences for the 21st to the particular conditions and
Century. circumstances of each project. SOM’s For decades, SOM has created
goal is to use progressive methods, comfortable, welcoming designs
The first challenge is often to develop technologies, materials, and ideas to for residences and residential
a program that translates the client’s create residential environments that developments around the world. We
vision and values into specific design include public spaces with a strong create elegant and carefully detailed
criteria. From this process, the design sense of occasion and private spaces living spaces that both answer the
team establishes both quantitative where occupants feel at home. client’s needs and continually redefine
performance benchmarks and an modern living.
Four Seasons Hotel & Residences
Mexico City, Mexico
Modern Urban Living
101 Warren
New York, USA
101 Warren Street is a 33-story the third floor, and includes recreation
residential mixed-use project and a children’s play area, a fitness
occupying nearly an entire city block center and a rooftop terrace.
at the southern tip of Tribeca. The
podium provides two floors of retail A screen of stone panels creates
space, while a mid-rise block along interest and establishes a flexible
Greenwich Street houses the rental envelope that can accommodate
units, and the condominiums occupy both structure and openings. A
the 382-foot tower. layer of glass creates the innermost
enclosure of both the tower and base,
The residential component is strengthening the unified reading of
divided into two separate buildings. the project as a whole. The double-
The northwest corner supports a layered façade forms discrete pockets
condominium tower of approximately between the glass inner layer and the
220 units, while the corner of stone screen, creating private outdoor
Greenwich and Murray Streets defines residential terraces.
an “L” shaped building of 175 rental
apartment units. An amenity pavilion
for the condominiums is located on
The double-layered façade forms
discrete pockets between the
glass inner layer and the stone
screen, creating private outdoor
101 Warren
New York, USA residential terraces.
Toren in Downtown Brooklyn, New York is a
prominent 38-story residential condominium
tower containing 240 units and is a dramatic
addition within its context. Offering a mix of
studio, 1-2-3 bedroom units, duplexes, and
penthouse suites, it is one of four new buildings
at the Myrtle Avenue/Flatbush Avenue junction
in the gentrifying district.
Brooklyn, USA
Situated close to the financial and Situated along the river, the residential
commercial hub of Canary Wharf, the component is stepped along the
New Providence Wharf development is curve of the river for private terraces.
designed to create a vibrant mixed-use The hotel tower takes on an elliptical
sustainable urban district with public form reminiscent of the chimneys of
transport, quality architecture, and new historical industry and of transatlantic
public space that connects and unifies ships.
the immediate environment.
While their forms respond to the
New Providence Wharf provides 1,282 history of the site, the buildings are
high-end residential units with nearly arranged to maximize pedestrian
a quarter designated for affordable permeability and to take advantage
housing, a 200 bedroom four-star of the views of the river, Millennium
hotel, 250,000 square feet of office Dome, and Canary Wharf. In addition,
accommodation, retail, restaurants, a series of landscaped gardens
and state-of-the-art leisure facilities. connect the plaza to a new promenade
To help stimulate the economy and along the River Thames.
enliven the area, the development
includes ample street-level retail, café,
central public plaza and other public
Creating a Sense of Community
The Vertical Medina is one of several west and east sides of the building are
SOM-designed buildings within the characterized by interlocking frames
King Abdullah Financial District that delineate the residential units and
(KAFD), a new development of more office spaces from each other.
than three million square meters in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Financial The building provides 57 residential
District includes commercial, units, ranging from one to four
residential, retail, institutional, and bedroom units, all with private
cultural components. Many of the terraces. By placing the residential
buildings in the master plan are units on the upper floors, residents
connected via the central Wadi, a are placed away from the noise
landscape feature that contains a generated by the nearby highway but
number of public attractions and benefit from uninterrupted views of
institutions. the modern development. A sense
of outdoor privacy is achieved by
The Vertical Medina is a mixed-use varying the depths of the architectural
residential building with commercial frames that surround each terrace. All
space at street level and high-end residents enjoy amenities including
residential duplex units on the upper fitness center, event rooms, covered
floors. The visual language of The outdoor courtyards and a common
Vertical Medina echoes the urban roof terrace.
fabric of the traditional city in the
Middle East. The main façades on the
Courtyards created by the organization
of the townhomes and towers reveal a
tapestry of building elements within the
lush landscape.
The Pioneer Park residential garden units. The upper level units are
development is a combination of accessible via a generous canopied
low-rise townhomes and high-rise stair or by an elevator bank, wrapped
apartment towers connected through in a translucent glass skin. This
a series of gardens. Courtyards entry “lantern” welcomes visitors
created by the organization of the to a secure gateway and concierge
town homes and towers reveal a services.
tapestry of building elements within
the lush landscape. The weaving of The towers themselves are organized
these elements opens opportunities with extensive void spaces within the
for pedestrian access and framed body of the building in which “sky-
vistas. Outdoor gardens adjacent to garden” terraces are cooled through
and above town homes provide a mix plantings, shading, and cross-breezes.
of private gardens as well as semi- The elevator concept for the towers
public green spaces. allows each unit to have dedicated
access to their unit from the lobby.
At the ground level a mixture of units Additionally, a separate service core
and landscapes creates a dialogue provides access for the service staff.
between street-facing and internal
This 25,500 square meter residential
development is an extension of the
Castle Quay complex, part of St Helier’s
prestigious waterfront that includes 280
new residences for property developer
Dandara. Castle Quay Phase II will be
the focal point of Jersey’s regeneration
initiative for the St Helier waterfront,
which is transforming the island into an
internationally recognized business and
tourism region.
Cambridge Greens is a development Cambridge Greens offers residents Many of the residences will offer
near the rapidly-growing IT corridor a rare opportunity for living: a generous private terraces with
of Chennai, India. It is comprised of harmonious and tranquil lifestyle in breathtaking views overlooking the sea
80,000 square meters of apartments, a Vaastu-compliant residences. The to the east and the lush landscape to
six-story hotel, convention center, and development ensures Northeast the north. Directly connected to the
retail shopping center. sloping grounds, north and east facing interior through full-height glazing,
balconies, staircases located in the the outdoors becomes a part of an
Understanding the context and south or west, and an open area with exclusive escape at Cambridge Greens.
importance of designing environments a water feature. The residents also
to enrich the local community, SOM benefit from the convenience of on-site
designed the complex following shopping and entertainment venues.
Vaastu principles of space planning.
Cambridge Greens
Chennai, India
Capturing the View
Planned as the world’s tallest building, architecture of the building. The and sophisticated architectural
the Burj Khalifa will be the residential design of the tower is derived from language.
centerpiece of a large-scale, mixed-use the geometries of a regional desert
development comprised of housing, flower and the patterning systems The tower is composed of three
hotel, entertainment, shopping, and embodied in Islamic architecture. elements arranged around a central
leisure outlets. The Burj Khalifa The structure combines historical core. This Y-shaped floor plan
hosts the Armani Hotel in addition and cultural influences with cutting- maximizes views of the Persian Gulf.
to the residential component. The edge technology to achieve a high- As the tower rises from the desert
development also includes open green performance building. base, setbacks occur within each
spaces, water features, pedestrian element in an upward spiraling
boulevards. Similarly, interior space planning, pattern, decreasing the mass of the
program adjacencies, and the use tower as it reaches toward the sky. At
The strength of the Burj Khalifa of local color and texture were all the top, the central core emerges as a
is the integration of the interior designed to highlight indigenous sculpted spire.
design with the fundamental characteristics through a contemporary
Al Sharq Tower combines an iconic and the second at the penthouse cellular structure of nine bundled
form, ingenious structure, and the level. The building amenities include tubes, allowing a height of 360 meters
spatial qualities of sky-high living. a spa, health club, pools (lap pool with a challenging aspect ratio of
The efficient structure of the tower & swimming pool), party rooms, 1:10. Each 12-meter diameter tube,
continues SOM’s tradition of structural screening room, play rooms, day care, with an individual aspect ratio of 1:30,
ingenuity. The innovative cylindrical restaurants and a special revolving amplifies the concept of slenderness
tower offers each unit a unique spatial restaurant at the roof. The tower will as the structural cables wrap around
experience with panoramic views, a welcome residents and guests with each tube and tie back to the tower’s
key concept for high-rise living. a soaring 25-meter tall lobby that concrete structure. The innovative
will house the Porsche Design Store. cable system allows for a column-free
The tower encloses 70 stories of The first residential floor starts at 40 floorplate, providing complete flexibility
residential floors with varying floor to meters above ground ensuring the of unit configurations and maximizing
floor heights, from 3.5 meters to 5 views for each unit. the residential units’ uninterrupted
meters. The tower stack has two zones views.
of amenity floors, one above the lobby The project was envisioned as a
The Tower Palace design
integrates nature and
state-of-the-art building
technology to provide a
new landmark for the
people of Korea.
Infinity Tower’s winding shape
optimizes views for residents while
preserving the vistas of its neighbors.
The structure of Dubai’s Infinity Tower is outwardly
expressed in the structure of the twisting helical
form. Currently under construction, the residential
tower has already been acknowledged as a
regional landmark that will become synonymous
with Dubai’s waterfront. The SOM design received
the Best Architecture Award in the International
Property Awards, as well as four additional awards
in the Arabian Property category.
Refined Interior Environments
Ssiger International Plaza • Time Warner Center
Residences • Trump Hotel & Tower • The St. Regis
Time Warner Center exemplifies the condominium units with unobstructed westward into the heart of the project.
concept of a city within a building, views of Central Park and lights at Above, the void between the two
rather than a building within a city. Times Square. The serviced apartment towers (an enlargement of the typology
The mixed-use project encompasses units located above the Mandarin of the classic residential buildings
the Mandarin Oriental Hotel & serviced Oriental Hotel benefit from additional along Central Park West) dramatically
apartments, condominiums, retail, amenities including concierge service, recreates the axis of 59th Street in the
restaurant, fitness center, television housekeeping, and room service. city’s skyline. Second, the building’s
studios, cultural performance venues, circular wall at Columbus Circle
office space, and structured parking. The building’s form and imagery is reinforces the previously eroded shape
derived from the very essence of the of this unique baroque urban element.
The towers that rise more than urban context from which it emanates, Third, the north — south axis of the
50 stories from Columbus Circle the Manhattan grid. First, it restores towers, distorted from the orthogonal
contain the residential and hospitality the eliminated 59th Street corridor city grid into parallelogram shapes,
component of the large-scale complex. by creating a completely transparent precisely reveal in the skyline the angle
The southern tower includes a mix public room, the width of 59th Street, of Broadway as it bisects Columbus
of 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom luxury at the ground plane, which penetrates Circle.
The former South Works mill left a The south side of the development will With the Marina also in place after
600-acre site in a prime location of include more industrial and R&D uses the second phase, the development
the city vacant and blighted. The site is to continue the legacy of the site as an expands towards the Lake in a vibrant
on Lake Michigan and adjacent to the industrial employment center. network of residential, mixed-use, and
historic South Chicago neighborhood. parks in the third and fourth phases.
SOM’s Master Plan transforms the The Lakeside Master Plan development Over the course of these four phases,
site into a LEED Certified, mixed-use has been accepted as a US Green SOM and the developer, McCaffery
community that will be a model for Building Council LEED pilot project Interests, Inc., will create an innovative
future sustainable urban development. with the goal of achieving Silver level and sustainable new residential
certification at a minimum. As a community that will contribute to the
The design revolves around a park LEED-Neighborhood Design (LEED- ongoing regeneration of the south side
system and pedestrian-friendly urban ND) project, Lakeside is the first of Chicago.
grid that will fill the void and connect development of its kind in Chicago
existing neighborhoods with Lake that has the potential to become a
Michigan for the first time. benchmark for sustainable design.
The Lakeshore East Master Plan The Master Plan sets forth basic
completes an important residential principles to guide the development
neighborhood in downtown Chicago. of the 25 acres into a vibrant urban
This new neighborhood will be well neighborhood of new residential, hotel,
connected to the Lakefront Park office, and mixed-use development.
System and the Chicago Riverwalk Implementation of these principles
through panoramic views and will strengthen the areas adjacent to
extensive pedestrian links. the site, by creating a comprehensive
network of streets and open spaces
The central feature of the plan is a that connect Lakeshore East to other
new public park where trees and developments and amenities within
native plants can flourish. The park the city.
will be an added amenity to nearby
Chicago Park District facilities. Located
within the park, a site will be reserved
for a future elementary school. Paired
with a potential new Chicago Park
District fieldhouse, this neighborhood
focal point creates a setting which will
attract families to live downtown.
Treasure Island is a 393-acre man- and landscape. The design proposes diverse transit options. To promote a
made island adjacent to Yerba compact neighborhoods centered pedestrian-oriented environment, 90
Buena Island in the heart of San around an energizing mixed-use hub percent of the residential units will be
Francisco Bay. SOM created a new and ferry terminal, all set within the within a 10-minute walk of the ferry
vision and master plan for the 275-acre Great Park. The organization terminal. Housing will be split between
island, which is now poised to be a of fine-grained, inter-connected high-rise towers and single-family town
dynamic community of close-knit neighborhoods encourages walking, homes to encourage diversity and
neighborhoods, unprecedented open bicycling and public transit use, quality of life. Underscoring the plan’s
space, resource-conserving technology helping to reduce vehicular traffic and commitment to sustainability, organic
and robust transportation systems. fuel consumption. farms and restored wetlands will finish
out the back side of the island.
The Treasure Island Master Plan The four neighborhoods each with
regenerates the social, economic and commercial, retail, and residential
natural environment through the components are linked together
design of urban space, architecture by generous open spaces and
101 Warren Street Deerfield Academy - Dormitories Liverpool Regeneration Framework Strategy Rodwell House
1130 South Wabash Doncaster Lakeside Lombard Place - Edmonton Rowes Wharf
122 West Carpenter Freeway Donenfeld Apartment Mack Tower Roxas Triangle Tower
1280 Lexington Avenue Donstroy Project Mahler 4 Royal Mosa
1330 North Lake Shore Drive Dracut Elderly Housing Majestic Apartments Russian Mission
1414 North Lake Shore Drive East Yards Manila Golf and Country Club - Highrise Condominiums Sabah Al-Rayes Residence - Trump Tower
146 Central Park West Eau Claire Estates Riverfront Condominiums Marsa Tower Saint Petersburg Center for International Trade
250 East 57th Street Edgewater Study Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King Jr. Apartments Sakhalin City Center
33 West 52nd Street Eighth Avenue New Center Maya Residences Scheerz Residence
333 Bush Street El Chamizal Meydan City Plot 15 SEDCO
388 Market Street Ellis Fields Meyerhold Centre Sha Tin Town Residential Development
42nd Street Hotel Empire Hotel Millharbour East Shalila Luxury Residential Development
72nd Street & Broadway Residential Condominium Encinal Tower - 1938 Broadway Milton Companies, Inc. Shangri-la at the Fort
Addington Residence Esentai Tower Ministry of Defense and Aviation - Manager Housing Shenzhen International Economic Trade Center
Africa Lake Esplanade Apartments Minto YE Shoreham Park Apartments
Ajman Marine Project Foothills Mira Flores Plan Maestro Solow Management Corp. - Townhouses Design
Al Nafisi Villa Four Seasons Hotel City Santa Fe Montgomery Renovation Somerset Apartments - CRI, Inc.
ANR Riverfront Development Gallery Park Morgan House South Loop New Town
Arab International Bank Center Gemdale Plaza Myrtle Avenue Condominiums South Point East
Aramar General Electric - Guest House and Physical Fitness Facility Netsch Residence Square 1192 - Residential
Armstrong Residence Feasibility Study New Providence Wharf St. Regis Hotel and Residences
Astor Terrace Goodman’s Fields New World Centre Starrett Residential Towers
Avenue Apartments Gosman Campus Newmark Tower Stephan Residence
Battery Park City - Residential Concept Design Graha Purnayudha Ninth Avenue Towers, Manhattan West Development Summerfield Subdivision
Beijing CBD East Expansion Competition Grand & Ohio II Northern Contracting Systems Sunset Tower
Beijing Finance Street - F1 / F2 / F4 Grand Ohio Norwalk West Avenue Redevelopment Sylvan Avenue Apartments
Beijing Parkview Residential Greenville Housing for the Elderly Olympia Centre Residential Symphony Park
Beirut Central District Master Plan Gujral Apartment - One Magnificent Mile Olympia Centre Retail The Alexandria
Belt’s Wharf - Feasibility Study Habitat for Humanity Olympic Tower The Beacon
Black Residence - Wyoming Habitat-Sylvan Hills One Financial Place - Chicago Options Exchange The Glen
Blue Pool Road Tower Hamilton Lakes Village One Magnificent Mile Tianjin Kerry Center
Boylston Street Development Harbor Landing / Clippership Wharf Onterie Center Tidal Basin
Broadway Renaissance Harbortown Orleans Court Time Warner Center
Burj Al Oula Harold Ickes and Dearborn Homes District Plan P-1 Tower TIPCO Group Headquarters
Burj Khalifa (formerly Burj Dubai) Hartford Housing Pan Peninsula Tishman-Speyer Apartment
Butte Freville Apartments Hartmann Residence Parc Bit Tour Apogee
Cambridge Leaseholds Harvey Residence Park Avenue Place Tour Fiat - Agnelli Suite
Campolide Parque Hexi New District Parcel D Landmark Tower Park East Corridor Development Plan Tower Palace III
Chase Manhattan Bank - Residential Complex Hotel Arts Park Place Condominium Tower Transitional Housing for the Homeless
Checkpoint Charlie Design Competition Hyatt Regency Hotel - Cairo Parkside Apartments Trump International Hotel and Tower
Chengdu Plot 7 & 8 - Dong Da Jie Project Iacocca Apartment Peacock Gap Master Plan Twin Parks Apartment Towers
Chicago Dock & Canal Trust Indian Hills Residential Development Pioneer Village Urban Renewal Authority Project Review
Chicago Hilton Infinity Tower Plaza Rakyat Villages of Bear Creek
Chicago Place at 700 North Michigan Avenue International Business Center Plot 16 Villagio
Chileda Institute Ives Residence Plot 36/37 Walden Hotel - Princeton, New Jersey
City North Jinao Tower Poinciana New Town Walter Baker Mills
Clark Street Housing - Feasibility Study John Hancock Center Pomerleau Washington Gardens Apartments
Consilium - Toronto Jordan House and Annex Potomac Terrace Westland Avenue Housing - Renovations
Construction Control Plan for the TEDA Residential Area Jumeira Gardens - EP 09 Princess Balkis Doria Kleban Westover Condominium Development
County Hall Complex Competition Kenwood-Oakland Conservation District Qatar Tower White Mountain Village
Creek Entry Icon Development Kerry Centre Qi Zhong Whitney Apartments
Crescent Centre at Broadway Renaissance Khaneh Center Quebec Way Industrial Estate Competition Wood Wharf
Crossharbour King’s Cross Master Plan Queensgate II Woodburn Court
Crown Las Vegas Kirchsteigfeld Random House Woodfield 76
CSC Riverfront Kota Kinabalu Commercial / Residential Development Residential Development at Lincoln Towers Wuxi Times Square
Dallah Industries KSY / Yakal Street Development Revere Beach Housing Yardley Project
Dankner Apartment Complex Lake Forest Town Center Rice Children’s Center Zamalek
Dearborn Park Apartments Las Vegas Condominium & Hotel Rockwell Center Zara Centre
For more information:
14 Wall Street
New York, NY 10025 USA
224 South Michigan Avenue
Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60604 USA
T: 1.312.554.9090
F: 1.312.360.4545
One Front Street
Suite 2500
San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
T: 1.415.981.1555
F: 1.415.398.3214
2001 K Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20006
T: 1.202.367.2600
F: 1.202.367.2602
One Oliver’s Yard
London, EC1Y 1HH
United Kingdom
T: 44.20.7798.1000
F: 44.20.7798.7700
Suite 201, Block 7
No. 8 Jian Guo Zhong Road
Shanghai 200025, PRC
T: 8621.5466.6888
F: 8621.5465.7536
Al Niyadi Building
Office 704
Airport Road
P.O. Box 26763
Abu Dhabi, UAE
T: 971.2.6433601
F: 971.2.6433602