Descriptive Study Knowing The Patients Load in The Neonatal Icu at The Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore
Descriptive Study Knowing The Patients Load in The Neonatal Icu at The Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore
Descriptive Study Knowing The Patients Load in The Neonatal Icu at The Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore
The Newborn period is first 28 days of life is the Neonatal septicemia is one of the most common
most dangerous life period. Almost half of the causes of neonatal mortality and morbidity in the
expiries of children occur within the 1st twenty eight world. It is estimated that 20% of all newborns
days of life in our country. Most of the neonatal produce sepsis and account for 30-50% of total
morbidity causes can be prevented in Pakistan. Many neonatal deaths in developing countries. . With about
high-risk newborns face too many problems with 298,000 newborn deaths per year and neonatal deaths
their expiration accounts. Care of critical sick reported at 1,000 live births per annum, Pakistan
children continues to be one of the most challenging accounts for 7% of global newborn deaths.
and challenging aspects of pediatrics.
It is very important to understand the neonatal
Infections continue to be the main issuein the mortality due to the reasons that the cause of death
pediatric ICU and are the main reason of death not varies according to the country and the availability
only in the incomes but also in the under developing and quality of the health services and these factors.
countries. The death rate in South American pediatric The current data on neonatal deaths in Pakistan are
intensive care units was also found to be high. mainly due to hospital work that comes from
Infection (35%), premature births (28%) and communities with selective referral bias or rarely
asphyxia (23%) were the main causes of newborn recorded causes of death.
deaths worldwide. Sepsis is the most common cause
of neonatal mortality and accounts for 30-50% of Information on complications of pregnancy and other
total neonatal deaths in developing countries each pre-natal events is limited. Neonatal morbidity and
year. It is estimated that 20% of newborns develop mortality are increasing day by day due to lack of
sepsis and about 1% of them die from sepsis-related resources in developing countries. This can be
causes. reduced by appropriate and timely intervention.
To prevent neonatal care and preventable causes of intensive deliveries of patient patients but also the
neonatal morbidity and mortality, we should neighbors of the very thick population nearby.
continuously report on the control of neonatal units to Maintenance and improvement of the neonatal
our neonatal units throughout the country. The intensive care unit is an ongoing task. Process
purpose of such inspections in the neonatal units complexity requires the use of many different
should be to identify the various deficiencies in the problems and a good connection with laboratories
management of these newborns, and especially to and obstetric departments.
help health workers at community level to better
understand and effectively manage the various The main goals of the quality control program in the
neonatal problems in Pakistan. . The hospital is a intensive care unit are:
well-equipped 170-bed pediatric ward with Lahore To assess the mortality rate, part 2 assesses the
service, a 24-bed nursery and 19 incubators with disease burden, and 3 takes and takes measures to
ventilator NICU. It also has a gynecology / delivery prevent nosocomial infections.
department equipped with fully trained medical and These objectives may be carried out retrospectively
paramedical personnel. NICU serves not only the through intra- and inter-department consultations and
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are many epidemiological reports of neonatal Prevalence of Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnant
septicemia in Pakistan. However, incidence Women and Neonates in Africa.
differences, risk factors, susceptibility to antibiotics 7. Iheonu FO, Fajolu IB, Ezeaka CV, Oyibo WA.
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5,000 deaths or death per year. Continuous Nagarajarao, S.C., Rao, H. and Amrutur, B.,
surveillance, early death, low weight and septicemia 2018. Remote biomonitoring of temperatures in
should be done more extensively than the main mothers and newborns: design, development
causes of neonatal admission. In our study mortality and testing of a wearable sensor device in a
is needed to choose empirical treatment to reduce tertiary-care hospital in southern India. BMJ
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