FACTS: The Decree and The Certificate of Title Were
FACTS: The Decree and The Certificate of Title Were
FACTS: The Decree and The Certificate of Title Were
GUERRERO RESERVEE: grandchildren of Evaristo + Eustaquia
FACTS: The decree and the Certificate of Title were Guerrero (only living daughter of Evaristo from
The motion was opposed by Jose and Teotimo and does not even answer for the debts of the latter.
Fernandez, sons of the reservista Maria Cano, who Hence, its acquisition by the reservatario may be
contended that the application and operation of the entered in the property records without necessity
reserva troncal should be ventilated in an ordinary of estate proceedings, since the basic requisites
Lower court granted the petition for the issuance of can not be transmitted by a reservista to her or his
a new certificate to Eustaquia Guerrero own successors mortis causa (Jose and Teotimo) so
long as a reservatario within the third degree from
ISSUE: WON ownership of the reservatorio can not the prepositus and belonging to the line whence the
be decreed in a mere proceeding but requires a property came, is in existence when the reservista
judicial administration proceedings, wherein the dies.
rights of the reservatorio entitled to the reservable
property, are to be declared. NO, no need NOTE: Instances where further proceedings would
be unavoidable
HELD: The requisites of reserva troncal have
1. where the registration decree merely
already been declared to exist by the decree of specifies the reservable character of the
registration. property, without determining the identity
of the reservatario (Director of Lands vs.
RESERVA TRONCAL in this case: Aguas)
2. where several reservatarios dispute the
ORIGIN: Evaristo Guerrero (father of Lourdes) property among themselves