A Study On Skill Development of Employees by Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
A Study On Skill Development of Employees by Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
A Study On Skill Development of Employees by Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
Newspapers shape the nation and it holds true for India as well. Even before India got independence,
newspapers played a major role in spreading the issue of independence. Today, India has over 300 big
newspapers, besides hundreds of medium and small-sized ones. And the number is increasing almost
everyday as existing newspapers. In all part and historic evolution in the entire world had to say the
stories of success through the print media and newspapers. Newspapers are the unfound publication
issued at regular intervals that seeks to inform, explain and interpret, influence and entertain. So they
are the easiest way to spread the ideas and it should generate better results than all other medias.
As per this study, Career planning is an integral part of manpower planning which is an important part
of corporate planning. Manpower planning cannot be effective without proper career planning. Similarly,
manpower planning provides valuable information to facilitate career planning. The term skill
development refers to over development of a job required activities. Skills and knowledge are the
driving forces of economic growth and social development of any country.
A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
October - December, 2011
A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
October - December, 2011
A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
October - December, 2011
2 Satisfaction towards 0 37 6 57 0
current salary, increment
and promotional policies
3 Organizational skill 0 80 20 0 0
development program
conducted by the company
A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
Educational Programs 6 6
Training programs 0 0
Private organizations 0 0
Both 0 0
Getting promotion 48 48
October - December, 2011
Communication skill 8 8
Technical skill 49 49
Interpersonal skill 37 37
From the above table, it shows that 49% of the respondents are belongs to the age of 21-30, 77% of the
respondents are belongs to male, 48% of the respondents possess other qualifications like ITI, Diploma,
etc., 57% of the respondents are experienced between 1 and 5 years, 57% of the respondents monthly
income is between Rs.8000 and 10000,43% of the respondents are satisfied towards their job,82% of
the respondents accept that their qualification and experience are matching with their job skills, 68% of
the respondents agree that they are in search for other type of jobs, 57% of the respondents are
dissatisfied towards the current salary, increment and promotional policies adopted by the organization,
80% of the respondents are satisfied towards organizational skill development program, 43% of the
respondents are satisfied towards their job, 61% of the respondents accepted that they are pursuing for
higher educational programs, 100% of the respondents have taken part in the development activities
organized by the management, 48% of the respondents assess their career development through
promotions, 56% of the respondents agree that their current job helps them to develop their skills for
their career, 60% of the respondents are following self analysis methods for knowing their level of skills,
52% of the respondents are modifying themselves after receiving performance appraisal, 49% of the
respondents stated that they need technical skills as an area of improvement needed in future.
A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
Yes No
Getting promotion 22 26 48
Total 52 48 100
H0 : Null Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between respondents assessment of career development and opinion
towards career planning after appraisal
H1 : Alternative Hypothesis
There is significant relationship between respondents assessment of career development and opinion
towards career planning after appraisal (2 = 6.1843 ; Df = 5.86)
October - December, 2011
A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry
The employees may be communicated properly to to utilize human as well as non human resources
understand their job responsibilities and make while translating goals in to action.
them aware about their job nature and the
expectations to explore their potential to add The study concludes that almost all the
value to the individual as a personal growth and respondents are satisfied towards the
also to contribute to the growth of the company. opportunities provided by the organization to
enhance the employee's career development and
The employee retention is an important situation skill development.
that should exist in all organization irrespective of
its size and population. The present study found References
that some of the respondents in the organization Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, 2004,
feel that the infrastructure facilities prevailing in Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill
the organization is not satisfactory. This may Puhlishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.
create attrition which will in turn may affect to
Manoj , 1980, Job stress in Human Service,
company's productivity and growth.
Saje ublications, Beverly Hill.
Conclusion Prasad L.M., 2001, Human Resource
Management, New Delhi, Sultan Chand and
An organization is nothing without human
resources. One of the important duties of the
modern manager is to get things done through Rao V.S.P., 2000, Human Resource
people. He has to bring employees into contact Management, Excell Books, New Delhi.
with the organization in such a way that the
HRD Times, 2005 & 2006
objectives of both groups are achieved. He must
be interested in the people, the work and the HR News Letter, 2005
achievement of assigned objectives. To be www.hrresources.com
effective, he must balance his concern for people
and for work. In other words, he must know how www.hrm.com