A Study On Skill Development of Employees by Career Planning in Newspaper Industry

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A Study on Skill Development of Employees by

Career Planning in Newspaper Industry

*K.Nithyavathi **Dr.N.Shani


Newspapers shape the nation and it holds true for India as well. Even before India got independence,
newspapers played a major role in spreading the issue of independence. Today, India has over 300 big
newspapers, besides hundreds of medium and small-sized ones. And the number is increasing almost
everyday as existing newspapers. In all part and historic evolution in the entire world had to say the
stories of success through the print media and newspapers. Newspapers are the unfound publication
issued at regular intervals that seeks to inform, explain and interpret, influence and entertain. So they
are the easiest way to spread the ideas and it should generate better results than all other medias.

As per this study, Career planning is an integral part of manpower planning which is an important part
of corporate planning. Manpower planning cannot be effective without proper career planning. Similarly,
manpower planning provides valuable information to facilitate career planning. The term skill
development refers to over development of a job required activities. Skills and knowledge are the
driving forces of economic growth and social development of any country.

* Lecturer & PH.D Scholar ,Department of Management, Karpagam University,Coimbatore

** Associate professor, Department of Management, Karpagam University, Coimbatore. 19
October - December, 2011

Introduction manpower planning provides valuable information

to facilitate career planning. Career planning and
Career planning is the process by which one selects
succession planning are similar but not synonyms.
career goals and the path to these goals. The major
focus of career planning is on assisting the Career planning covers all levels of employees
employees achieve a better match between whereas succession planning is generally required
personal goals and the opportunities that are for higher level executives. Career planning,
realistically available in the organisation. Career manpower planning and succession planning are
programmes should not concentrate only on career complementary and interdependent. All the three
growth opportunities. Practically speaking, there are essential for the effective utilisation of
may not be enough high level positions to make organisation's human resources, for optimum
upward mobility a reality for a large number of productivity and for the levels and growth of the
employees. Hence, career-planning efforts need organisation.
to pin-point and highlight those areas that offer
psychological success instead of vertical growth Process of Career Planning
 Identifying Individual Needs and
Career planning is not an event or end in itself, but
a continuous process of developing human
resources for achieving optimum results. It must, It is necessary to identify and communicate
however, be noted that individual and the career goals, aspirations and career
organisational careers are not separate and anchors of every employee as most
distinct. A person who is not able to translate his individuals may not have a clear idea about
career plan into action within the organisation may these aspects. For this purpose a personnel
probably quit the job, if he has a choice. inventory of the organisation and employee
Organisations, therefore, should help employees potential are ascertained. Personnel
in career planning so that both can satisfy each inventory will reveal the age, qualifications,
other's needs. experience and aptitude of present
employees. Appraisal of employees is then
Career planning is an integral part of manpower carried out to identify the employees having
planning which is an important part of corporate the necessary potential for climbing up the
planning. Manpower planning cannot be effective ladder and are willing to be promoted and to
without proper career planning. Similarly, take up higher responsibilities.

A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry

 Analysing Career Opportunities to effective utilisation of human resources

by matching employee objectives to job
The organisational set up, future plans and
needs. Surveys may also be conducted to
career system of the employees are analysed
judge the impact of career planning activities
to identify the career opportunities available
on the working of the organisation.
within it. Career paths can be determined
for each position. It is also necessary to
Stages in Career Development
analyse career demands in terms of
knowledge, sills, experience, aptitude etc. Exploration
 Identifying Match and Mismatch Many of the critical choices individuals make about
A mechanism for identifying congruence their careers are made prior to ever entering the
between individual current aspirations and work force on a paid basis. Our relatives, teachers,
organisational career system is developed to and friends, as well as what we see on television
identify and compare specific areas of match and in films, very early in our lives begin to narrow
and mismatch for different categories of our alternatives and lead us in certain directions.
employees. For this purpose specific jobs are The exploration period ends for most of us in our
related to different career opportunities.
mid-twenties as we make the transition from
Such matching helps to develop realistic
school to work. From an organizational standpoint,
career goals for both long term and short
therefore, this stage has the least relevance, since
term plans.
it occurs prior to employment. It is, of course, not
 Formulating and Implementing Strategies irrelevant. The exploration period is a time when
Alternative strategies such as changes in the a number of expectations about one's career are
career system, changing employee needs developed, many of which are unrealistic.
and aspirations, seeking new basis of
integration, training and development of
suitable people and action plans for dealing
The establishment period begins with the search
with mismatch are formulated and
for work and includes getting your first job, being
accepted by your peers, learning the job, and
 Reviewing Career Plans gaining the first tangible evidence of success or
A periodic review of career plans is necessary failure in the "real world." It is a time that begins
to know whether the plans are contributing with uncertainties and anxieties. Additionally, it is

October - December, 2011

marked by the making of mistakes, the learning Decline

from these mistakes, and the gradual assumption The final stage in one's career is difficult for
of increased responsibilities. However, individuals everyone but, ironically, is probably hardest on
in this stage have yet to reach their peak those who have had continued successes in the
productivity, and rarely are they given work earlier stages. After several decades of continued
assignments that carry great power or high status. achievements and high levels of performance, the
time has come for retirement. These individuals
Mid-Career are forced to step out of the limelight and give up
a major component of their identity. For the modest
Most people do not face their first severe career
performers or those who have seen their
dilemmas until they reach the mid-career stage.
performance deteriorate over the years, it may
This is a time where individuals may continue their
be a pleasant time. The frustrations that have been
prior improvements in performance, level off, or associated with work will be left behind.
begin to deteriorate. At this stage, the first
dilemma is accepting that one is no longer seen as Skill Development
a "learner." Mistakes carry greater penalties. At The process of engaging in activities in order to
this point in a career, one is expected to have moved apply and generate knowledge to accomplish what
beyond apprenticeship to journeyman status. To you required or desire to achieve. The term skill
those who make the successful transition go development refers to over development of a job
greater responsibilities and rewards. required activities. Skills and knowledge are the
driving forces of economic growth and social
Late Career development of any country. The economy
For those who continue to grow through the mid- becomes more productive, innovative and
career stage, the late career usually is a pleasant competitive through the existence of more skilled
time when one is allowed the luxury to relax a bit human potential. The level of employment, its
and enjoy playing the part of the elder statesman. composition and the growth in employment
It is a time where one can rest on one's laurels and opportunities is a critical indicator of the process
bask in the respect given by younger employees. of development in any economy.
During the late career, individuals are no longer
Types of Skills
learning nor is it expected that they should be trying
to outdo their levels of performance from previous  Communication skill
years. A communication skill refers to the skills

A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry

related or required to communicate like  Autonomous phase - Developing the learned

speaking skills, writing skills, listening skills. skill so that it becomes automatic - involves
little or no conscious thought or attention
 Interpersonal skills
whilst performing the skill - not all performers
The term interpersonal skills refer to skills reach this stage.
which are possessed by an individual like
special talents or personal ability to do an
Review of Literature

 Technical Skills Dr.N.R.V.Prabhu. 2005, “Career Planning as a

Mechanism” in this study the researcher says that,
This technical skill refers to the technical
the objective of the study which is to identify career
knowledge to produce or create a product
path, career tasks, or required to job, and for the
or service.
future. Ramachandra Patra, (2006),“Career
 Time Management Skills Management” in this article the researcher says
Time management skills refer to the time that, Occupation of a person doing the course of a
management ability to do an activity or to lifetime. Dr.V.K. Bhaskara Rao, (2005),“Planning
produce a product or service. a Career”, in this article the researcher says that,
there are many factors that influence the career
Stages to Learning a New Skill growth of individuals apart from intelligence,
Fitts and Posner (1967) suggested that the persistent hard work and goal orientation. Dr.V.K.
learning process. There are three stages to Bhaskara Rao, (2005), “Success in Career”, in this
learning a new skill: article the researcher examines the success in
career cannot be standardized as such. Each
 Cognitive phase - Identification and
person has different perceptions and meanings of
development of the component parts of the
career success and they may change over years as
skill - involves formation of a mental picture
aspirations and environmental factors keep
of the skill
changing. Sharf, (1994) the researcher explained
 Associative phase - Linking the component through his theorists to encompass the individual's
parts into a smooth action - involves entire life span and along with the likes of
practicing the skill and using feedback to Gottfredson, includes childhood as a
perfect the skill developmental stage in one's career.

October - December, 2011

Objectives Research methodology

The primary data were collected with the help of
 To find out the needs for the career planning
a pre-tested questionnaire, which included
activity to develop the employees skill.
information like age, sex, opinion on the work
 To find out the employee motivation, skill to environment, relationship with co-workers,
supervisors etc. and the secondary data was
job requirement and promotional
collected from the company records, magazines,
opportunity existing in the organization.
websites. 100 respondents were in this study. The
research design chosen is descriptive as the study
 To create an awareness among the
reveals the state of facts existing.
employees to develop their skills by planning
through career prospects Statistical Tools
 To suggest suitable measures for further The data collected was analyzed using percentage
improvement. analysis and chi-square method.

A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry


Table 1 : Demographic Profile of the Respondent


1 Age Below 20 0
21 30 49
31 40 9
41 50 17
51 and above 25
2 Gender Male 77
Female 23
3 Educational qualification SSLC 0
Higher Secondary 37
Graduation 6
Post Graduation 9
Others 48
4 Working experience Below 1 0
1 5 57
6 10 6
11 15 37
16 and Above 0
5 Monthly income Less than Rs.8000 0
Rs.8000 to 10000 57
Rs.10000 to 20000 20
Rs.20000 to 30000 37
Above Rs.30000 0

October - December, 2011

Table 2 : Satisfaction Factors

S.No Particulars Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

Satisfied Dissatisfied

1 Level of job satisfaction 0 43 20 37 0

2 Satisfaction towards 0 37 6 57 0
current salary, increment
and promotional policies

3 Organizational skill 0 80 20 0 0
development program
conducted by the company

Table 3 : Satisfaction Factors

S.No Particulars Yes No

1 Qualification and experience matching with job skills 82 18

2 Opinion to look for other type of jobs 68 32

3 Opinion towards higher educational program 61 39

4 Opinion on present job and skill development 56 44

5 Opinion towards self assessment 60 40

6 Opinion towards career planning after appraisal 53 48

A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry

Table 4 : Involvement in activities by the respondents towards career development

Types of activities Number of Percentage of

Respondents Respondents

Educational Programs 6 6

Training programs 0 0

Management Development Programs 48 48

All the above 46 46

Total 100 100

Table 5 : Respondents participation in development activities

Activities organized by Number of Percentage of
Respondents Respondents

The organization 100 100

Private organizations 0 0

Both 0 0

Total 100 100

Table 6 : Method of assessment of career development

Assessment Number of Percentage of

Respondents Respondents

Getting a better job 25 25

Getting a better pay 27 27

Getting promotion 48 48

Total 100 100

October - December, 2011

Table 7 : Respondents opinion on the area of improvement

Opinion Number of Percentage of

Respondents Respondents

Time management skills 6 6

Communication skill 8 8

Technical skill 49 49

Interpersonal skill 37 37

Total 100 100

From the above table, it shows that 49% of the respondents are belongs to the age of 21-30, 77% of the
respondents are belongs to male, 48% of the respondents possess other qualifications like ITI, Diploma,
etc., 57% of the respondents are experienced between 1 and 5 years, 57% of the respondents monthly
income is between Rs.8000 and 10000,43% of the respondents are satisfied towards their job,82% of
the respondents accept that their qualification and experience are matching with their job skills, 68% of
the respondents agree that they are in search for other type of jobs, 57% of the respondents are
dissatisfied towards the current salary, increment and promotional policies adopted by the organization,
80% of the respondents are satisfied towards organizational skill development program, 43% of the
respondents are satisfied towards their job, 61% of the respondents accepted that they are pursuing for
higher educational programs, 100% of the respondents have taken part in the development activities
organized by the management, 48% of the respondents assess their career development through
promotions, 56% of the respondents agree that their current job helps them to develop their skills for
their career, 60% of the respondents are following self analysis methods for knowing their level of skills,
52% of the respondents are modifying themselves after receiving performance appraisal, 49% of the
respondents stated that they need technical skills as an area of improvement needed in future.

A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry

Table 8 : Assessment of career development & opinion towards career planning

Assessment Opinion Total

Yes No

Getting a better job 11 14 25

Getting a better pay 19 8 27

Getting promotion 22 26 48

Total 52 48 100

H0 : Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between respondents assessment of career development and opinion
towards career planning after appraisal

H1 : Alternative Hypothesis

There is significant relationship between respondents assessment of career development and opinion
towards career planning after appraisal (2 = 6.1843 ; Df = 5.86)

October - December, 2011

Findings  All (100%) of the respondents have taken part

 Majority (77%) of the respondents are male in the development activities organized by
the management.
 49% of the respondents are in the age
between 21 to 30 years  48% of the respondents assess their career
development through promotions.
 48% of the respondents possess other
qualifications like ITI, Diploma, etc..  More than half (56%) of the respondents
agree that their current job helps them to
 More than half (57%) of the respondents are develop their skills for their career
experienced between 1 and 5 years
 Most (60%) of the respondents are following
 57% of the respondents monthly income is self analysis methods for knowing their level
between Rs.8000 and 10000 of skills
 43% of the respondents are satisfied towards  More than half (52%) of the respondents are
their job modifying themselves after receiving
 Majority (82%) of the respondents accept performance appraisal
that their qualification and experience are  Nearly half (49%) of the respondents stated
matching with their job skills. that they need technical skills as an area of
 68% of the respondents agree that they are improvement needed in future
in search for other type of jobs  There is significant relationship between the
 More than half (57%) of the respondents are respondents assessment of career
dissatisfied towards the current salary, development and opinion towards career
increment and promotional policies adopted planning after appraisal.
by the organization
 Majority (80%) of the respondents are
satisfied towards organizational skill The main objective of the study is the employees
development program to improve their personal skills / work skills to
update the latest skill existing in the market not
 43% of the respondents are satisfied towards
only that will be useful for their future as a matter
their job
of career development but also it helps the
 Most (61%) of the respondents accepted that organization to implement modern methods which
they are pursuing for higher educational they may be comfortable enough to participate
programs without lack in skills.

A Study on Skill Development of Employees by
Career Planning in Newspaper Industry

The employees may be communicated properly to to utilize human as well as non human resources
understand their job responsibilities and make while translating goals in to action.
them aware about their job nature and the
expectations to explore their potential to add The study concludes that almost all the
value to the individual as a personal growth and respondents are satisfied towards the
also to contribute to the growth of the company. opportunities provided by the organization to
enhance the employee's career development and
The employee retention is an important situation skill development.
that should exist in all organization irrespective of
its size and population. The present study found References
that some of the respondents in the organization  Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, 2004,
feel that the infrastructure facilities prevailing in Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill
the organization is not satisfactory. This may Puhlishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.
create attrition which will in turn may affect to
 Manoj , 1980, Job stress in Human Service,
company's productivity and growth.
Saje ublications, Beverly Hill.
Conclusion  Prasad L.M., 2001, Human Resource
Management, New Delhi, Sultan Chand and
An organization is nothing without human
resources. One of the important duties of the
modern manager is to get things done through  Rao V.S.P., 2000, Human Resource
people. He has to bring employees into contact Management, Excell Books, New Delhi.
with the organization in such a way that the
 HRD Times, 2005 & 2006
objectives of both groups are achieved. He must
be interested in the people, the work and the  HR News Letter, 2005
achievement of assigned objectives. To be  www.hrresources.com
effective, he must balance his concern for people
and for work. In other words, he must know how  www.hrm.com


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