Case Study Colpensiones Eng
Case Study Colpensiones Eng
Case Study Colpensiones Eng
The Colombian government decided to replace the old state pension unit, and
create a process-driven entity, Colpensiones, which was tasked to improve the
services provided to its members, contributors and the processes, standardization of procedures for each
public. application and a definition of ambitious but achievable
SLAs and KPIs.
The challenge was huge as in record time Colpensiones
had to take over the monthly payment for nearly one The aim was to speed up members’ applications for
million pensioners and administer the contributions of 6.5 benefits from several perspectives:
million affiliated workers, reliably, quickly and efficiently • Significantly reduce the lengthy application times
through agile process management.
• Minimise claims and legal demands if applications
were refused
The decision was to transform the system from mainly
a paper based structure to a truly process-oriented • Avoid incorrect settlements or retroactive payments
paperless organization. While the previous pension entity due to the delayed approval process
rarely answered its members or took a long time to resolve • Improve efficiency, control and customer service
the outstanding queries, the new entity was focused on
• Timely response to telephone enquiries
customer service guarded by ambitious SLAs.