Science Lesson Plan 2

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Student Teacher Science Lesson Planning Template

Sample Science Lesson Plan – for observation

Date Sunday ,March 18,2018 Student Moza Jasim

Time 11:25 to 12:10 School The first academy.
MCT Garnel Desravins Class 4E
Lesson Unit six. No of 28
unit/page Name of the unit: Earth and Space. students
Lesson : Our Moon
Pages: 316-317
Context of the lesson
For this lesson, I am going to do the 5 E’s. For the engage the teacher will do imagine that they going to
space especially to the moon and show them a picture of Neil the first person how to walk on the moon. In
the explore the teacher will model and she will do an experiment for them. For the explain part The teacher
will put 6 different question on board and she will give each question for each group and then she will play
the video for them. Then the student will see the video and they will Write a note about the video and each
group will explain their topic to another group. Next part is Elaborate and the teacher will give each student a
worksheet then they will discuss with each other. For the last part is Evaluate and they will play a game
called " gallows" the teacher will draw a 6 gallows on board so she will ask the question to review and make
sure they understand the lesson. If some of the group answer wrong the teacher will draw for them a part of
the person such as (head, body, legs and hands).

Teaching goal
My goal for this lesson to deliver the lesson for the students in a different way and to make the students
understand the first person to walk on Earth moon. Earth-moon is the largest and brightest object in the night
sky. And why the moon is largest. The moon has no air, wind or liquid water. We see the moon because of
light from the sun reflects from it and back to earth.
Learning objectives
By the end of the lesson the student will be able to :
1- Know the first person how walk on the moon.
2- Why the moon shine.
3- The pull of the earth gravity keeps the moon in its orbit around Earth,

Assumptions about prior learning

Grade four will be able know about the moon.
Anticipated problems and possible solutions
If the students will be late of the lesson and this will take time I will not do all the activity I will delete
something in the lesson. And if I faced a technology problem I will make a circle and show them the video.
Personal focus for this lesson
During the lesson I am going to monitor the groups and observing how students are working.
Target language Teacher language
Welcoming the students by saying: Hello my
1- Moon students, Good morning, How are you, are you ready
2- Sun for a new lesson.
3- Earth.
Main tasks or activities Resources and teaching aids
1- Imagine time. 1- Stick note.
2- Model and Experiment. 2- Work sheet.
3-Video 3- Picture about Neil.
4- Worksheet. 4- Magnifying glass.
5- Gallows competitions. 5- Three different size of ball.
6- Mirror
7- Flashlight.
8- Stick note.
9- 6 different question.
10- Video.
11- Work sheet
12- Powerpoint.

Consider these grouping strategies: Consider where the children are working
Most of the activity will be in ( group and individual) There is a no different area in the classroom so the
students will work on their desk.

Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model

 to convey the context of the lesson(s)/unit by conveying an important Key Question
 to engage students in investigations that reveal their thinking to themselves and the teacher
 to record the initial ideas of students
 to engage their interest
Key Question:

Questions for whole group discussion:

Teacher Student
1- The teacher welcoming the students by saying:
Hello my students, Good morning, How are you, 1- Answering the teacher when she welcoming
are you ready for a new lesson. them.
2- Remind the students about the classroom rules. 2- They will write on stick note about what they
3- Remind the students about the reward system. can see on the moon.
4- The teacher will give each student stick note and 3- The students will discover the name by using a
she will ask the students to close their eyes and magnifying glass.
imagine that they going to space especially to the
moon and the teacher will switch off the light and Materials :
put soft music and she will ask them what you 13- Stick note.
would see in the moon. 14- Work sheet.
5- The teacher will say for the students we are 15- Picture about Neil.
going to talk about the moon. 16- Magnifying glass.
6.The teacher will give each group a paper that
written on it the name of the first person how walk
on the moon and the font of the name of the person
will be too much small and also the teacher will
give each group a magnifying glass to discover.
7- Then the teacher will show them the picture
about the Neil and what he said about when was on
the moon.

 to test ideas and develop knowledge using explorations, investigations, experiments
 to modify and record ideas as they change due to activities
 to develop new questions and testable hypotheses
Activities (list) Driving Question
The teacher will model for them and she will do the 1- How the moon shine?
experiment and the students will observe and
answer the question.
Teacher Student
2- The teacher will bring three different balls 1- The students will observe the balls and the
that present (sun-earth- moon) then the experiment.
teacher will say that the moon smaller than 2- The students will have a minute to answer the
sun and earth. question.

3- The teacher will do the experiment and she

will need to ( Mirror that present moon, ball Materials :
that present earth and flashlight that present 1- Three different size of ball.
sun. after showing the students they will 2- Mirror
write how the moon shine. 3- Flashlight.
4- Stick note.
4- The teacher will give each student a stick
note to answer. (Question how the moon

5- Then she will listen to their answer and

explain for them.
Student Communication Product:

- Oral discussion of what they do and the reason of that.

 to answer the Key Question through student explanations
 to provide students with relevant vocabulary, formal definitions and explanations of concepts

Content Media: teacher lecture

Teacher Student
The teacher will put 6 different question on board 1- the student will see the video
and she will give each question for each group and 2- Write a note about the video and each group
then she will play the video for them. After the will explain their topic to another group.
students will solve the question the teacher will
explain for the theme each question. Materials :
1- 6 different question.
2- Video.
 to extend students' conceptual understanding through application or practice in new settings

Activities: Teacher Student

1- The students will listen to the
Content Media: 1- The teacher will give teacher instructions.
Worksheets each student 2- They will have 2 minutes to
worksheet. finish the activity.
Extending/Application Questions
2- Then she will tell 3- After they finish, they will
for Whole/Small Group
Discourse: them the instructions chick their answer if it right of
Identify push and pull ( Write your name wrong.
and the date on the
Student Communication Product top of the worksheet,
(assessment): 3- The teacher will tell
for them what they
will do in the
Materials : worksheet.
Work sheet. 4- They will have 2
minutes to finish.
5- After they finish, the
teacher will solve it
on the board with

 for students to assess their understand of the learning objectives
 for the teacher to assess student understanding of the learning objectives

Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument

Students will improve their communication skills When they will work in group and in the engage
and listening skills. Also, they will open their mind activity when they will imagine.
to imagine.
Knowledge Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
Students will learn about the first person to walk on While explore activity.
Earth moon. Earth-moon is the largest and brightest
object in the night sky. And why the moon is
largest. The moon has no air, wind or liquid water.
We see the moon because of light from the sun
reflects from it and back to earth and The pull of the
earth gravity keeps the moon in its orbit around
Teacher Student

The teacher will do this activity in the group and it The students will discuss with each other in the group
will be a competition so this activity called then they will give the answer for the teacher.
“gallows “so the teacher will draw a 6 gallows on
board so she will ask the question to review and
make sure they understand the lesson. If some of
the group answer wrong the teacher will draw for
them a part of the person such as (head, body, legs
and hands).

This my second observation and I should develop the notice that the MST and MCT give to me. So, as usual, I start
my lesson with welcoming the students, remind them about the classroom rules and reward system to be able to
manage them and do not misbehave on the classroom. After that I did the imagination time to let the students be
excited so I give each student a sticky note and I ask the students to close their eyes and imagine that they going to
space especially to the moon and I switch off the light also I put soft music, after that I ask them what you would see
in the moon. So the students give me a random question and most of them they answer me correctly but I was
surprised that 1 students give me the correct answer that I want it. Next, I was given the students a small paper
including a name of the first person went to the moon with small font and also I give them a magnifying glass to let
them see the name so I was in this activity using the magnifying glass incorrect way. For the explore part I was doing
an experiment and it was good for them and they understand it and they like it but there is a problem that I faced, that
the materials that I used for the experiment are small so the students were standing up to see what I do. For the next
part, I was putting 6 different question on board and I was given each question for each group and then they will
search the answer on their book after finish they will explain for their classmate. And I was not written that in the
lesson plan but the student they like it and they were asking me to give them more time but I didn't because most of
them finish just one group. For the next activity I give them a worksheet it was we will do in the classroom but there is
no time because I want to do last activity with them so I was given it to do it as homework.

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