Technology Review
Team BSG
Lucy Epshteyn, Samuel Villarreal, Zhicheng Xu, Ryan Mitchell
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Burden, D. W. 2012. Guide to the disruption of biological samples-2012. Random Primers 12(1).
Chhetri, G., P. Kalita, and T. Tripathi. 2015. An efficient protocol to enhance recombinant
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Duong-Ly, K. C., and S. B. Gabelli. 2014. Salting out of proteins using ammonium sulfate
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El-Shafey, E., M. Gameiro, P. Correia, and J. De Carvalho. 2004. Dewatering of brewer's spent
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Faulds, C., A. Sancho, and B. Bartolomé. 2002. Mono-and dimeric ferulic acid release from
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Kissell, L., N. Prentice, and R. Lindsay. 1979. Protein and fiber enrichment of cookie flour with
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Kuo, K.-P., and M. Cheryan. 1983. Ultrafiltration of Acid Whey in a Spiral-Wound Unit: Effect
lllllof Operating Parameters on Membrane Fouling. Journal of Food Science 48(4):1113-1118.
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Lynch, K. M., E. J. Steffen, and E. K. Arendt. 2016. Brewers' spent grain: a review with an
lllllemphasis on food and health. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 122(4):553-568.
Mishra, P. K., T. Gregor, and R. Wimmer. 2016. Utilising Brewer’s Spent Grain as a Source of
lllllCellulose Nanofibres Following Separation of Protein-based Biomass. 2016 No. 1.
Mussatto, S., G. Dragone, and I. Roberto. 2006. Brewers' spent grain: generation, characteristics
llllland potential applications. Journal of Cereal Science 43(1):1-14.
Nehete, J. Y., R. S. Bhambar, M. R. Narkhede, and S. R. Gawali. 2013. Natural proteins:
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lllllVariability of brewer’s spent grain within a brewery. Food Chemistry 80(1):17-21.
Sežun, M., V. Grilc, G. D. Zupančič, and R. M. Logar. 2011. Anaerobic Digestion of Brewery
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Tang, D.-S., G.-M. Yin, Y.-Z. He, S.-Q. Hu, B. Li, L. Li, H.-L. Liang, and D. Borthakur. 2009.
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Walter, J. 1970. Plate for plate and frame filter presses. Google Patents. Witkiewicz, K. 2012.
lllllSustainable Uses of Spent Grain. Craft Beer Muses. Available at:
Appendix 1: Brainstorming
When the team first met up and discussed the project, groups targeted the final brewers
spent grain product to animal feed. The team debated what consumer market was desirable to
target and what economic incentives were behind each market. Ideally the group would like to
produce a protein to alleviate the protein demand of humans by forming a high purity protein
powder to be used as and ingredient or additive to recipes. The team also considered the
possibility of different food items that this high purity, being 80-90% pure, could be turned into.
Next the team debated using the protein to feed fish and other animals such as cats, dogs, and
non-ruminant animals.
The second meeting was more focused on the chemical components of the BSG. The
team summarized the first two discussions on BSE senior presentation PowerPoint.
After thinking to be more creative and not limited to the single member's thought, the team
separated 4 members into two group based on the specific target. Zhicheng Xu and Ryan
Mitchell were the teams specific to pet (cat or dog) feed research. Samuel Elizondo and Lucy
Epshteyn were tasked with searching for more information about the fish feed production.
Due to the complexity of current chemical and biological processes required to convert
brewers spent grains into a human worthy high purity protein that is 80-90% pure, the team
instead decided to produce a feed with the hopes of obtaining 30-50% protein purity. This allows
the team to use the final protein as a fish or animal food feed. The market for fish food is high as
farm raised fish is ever increasing in popularity, and the pet food market can be targeted for as a
high-value feed market.
Along with creating a feed for fish or animals that is valuable and marketable, the team
also aims to use the fiber that is filtered out of the finished feed product as a biofuel. The fiber
that is high in cellulose can be used for burning in pellet stoves, and pellet processing machines
can be easily purchased and run to create high value fuels. The team aims to find a lab on
Virginia Tech campus that will allow for the determining of the energy value of the fibrous
material that is leftover and removed from the feed product.
After multiple discussions between the team and Haibo Huang, the team’s academic
advisor, a decision was made to use experimental equipment in the lab to determine how much
protein can be extracted from the brewer’s spent grain through simpler methods. The team will
use various equipment to take various lipid, fiber, and protein panels, and also determine the
energy value of fibrous materials. Following a series of varied experimental runs and analyzing
differences among the runs, the team will use SuperPro designer software to scale up the most
feasible and economically viable method.
Appendix 2: Challenges Encountered and Plans to Address
The major challenge the team will overcome is the economic extraction of protein with a
method that is according to the food and feed standards imposed by the FDA. There are two
main methods of extraction. One method is via alcohol degradation of the carbohydrate layer of
the BSG, this method is cheap and in theory efficient as most of the alcohol inputted can be
recovered and reutilized via distillation and ultrafiltration. The application of hazardous
chemicals in food and feed is highly regulated by the FDA. After the extraction of protein via the
alcohol method there would be numerous tests that the final product would have to overcome in
order to meet standard FDA guidelines. Sampling and standardized testing of the final product
will potentially add lag time to our process and increase fixed costs. The second method of
protein extraction of BSG is via enzyme hydrolysis. In theory and proven with research, up to
77% of the protein can be recovered from BSG with the single use of the enzyme Alcalase. The
major constraint with protein extraction via enzyme degradation is the increased fixed capital
investment to purchase and run the unit operations required to produce a finished product.
Market available enzymes are expensive and require special conditions to optimize functionality.
Extensive economic analysis and predictive analytics must be formed and evaluated to finalize
the ideal protein extraction method.
Transportation will also be a key challenge that our final design will have to overcome.
Fresh BSG has a high water and moisture content and is rich in sugars, providing ideal
conditions for microorganisms and fungi to grow and prosper. Ideally the BSG would be dried
right immediately following extraction from the brewing fermenters to protect the spent grains
from any microorganism growth. The spent grains would then be transported under special
conditions to minimize exposure. The BSG group will have to work closely with the breweries
and invest in novel transportation technology to mitigate risk from this process.
The last key challenge is that BSG composition varies from each brewery and each batch
of beer produced. It will be hard to standardize a uniform amount of expected protein to be
extracted from each run. Marketing a protein product will have difficulties considering the vast
market of proteins in existences today, however the health benefits behind plant based proteins
enable brewer’s spent grains to be viewed as a healthy plant protein or meat product alternative.
An extensive marketing campaign will likely have to be launched to inform the general public of
the advantages of our product and its environmental benefits.
Appendix 3 - Design Ideas
Figure 1: Protein Extraction with Alcohol
Figure 2: Protein Extraction with Enzyme