Rejoinder Lokayukta Complaint No. 110 of 2017: Haryana Khadi and VI Board

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To, May 5, 2018

1. DoPT.
2. CM window.
3. Central Vigilance Commission.
4. Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana.
5. Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court.
6. Inquiry officer, Complaint No. 110 of 2017.

Subject: Concealing facts with the consent of Pardeep Kasni, in Khadi Board: CWP No. 16488 of 2017.

Kindly refer to the Punjab Khadi and Village Industries Board Act, 1955 uploaded by the official website
of the Haryana Khadi and VI Board, obtained under RTI Act, 2005 as well read with the all attachments
as ready references along with the stay orders passed in the CWP No. 16488 of 2017.

It is humbly submitted that:

1. Shri Raj Krishan Sharma, appointed as Section Officer (Legal and Recovery) with certain duties
and functions, besides his official duties he continue his parental business and profession for
personal gain and profit as jyotishi and tantric, State Vigilance Bureau recommended
Departmental action against him in complaint No. 6, Pardeep Kasni dropped the action but at
last charge sheet was issued without witness as complainant.
2. The Punjab Khadi and Village Industries Board Act, 1955 mishandled by the Haryana Khadi and
VI Board officials, responsibilities needs to be fixed even pension holders as well.
3. Either Board or Chief Executive have No power and Authority to appoint Secretary of the Board,
neither to promote any salary paid officials of the Board, keeping in view the service
Regulations, but it happened at the level of the Chief Executive of the Board, violating all rules
and regulations.
4. The Govt. of Haryana appointed Secretary, who joined breaking old mechanism but his joining
opposed by the Pardeep Kasni and allowed old mechanism unlawfully and illegally, whereas the
Govt. of Haryana handed over the services of the Secretary, Haryana Khadi and VI Board to the
Chandigarh Administration, all proof attached here with as ready references.

With the silent consent of Pardeep Kasni as CE of the Board, Raj Krishan Sharma moved petition before
the Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court, whereas all evidences placed before the Inquiry officers,
who appointed by the Government in complaint No. 110 of 2017 before the Hon’ble Lokayukta of
Haryana, Board reply was also not acceptable being signed by a illegal Secretary, appointed against law.

Hence, it is humbly requested to restore the Rule of Law in Haryana Khadi and VI Board, tainted be
dismissed from service without any service benefits along with the CWP No. 16488 of 2017.

Naresh Kadyan, complainant

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