Living Things and Non Living Things g3

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Sample Science Lesson Plan – for observation

Date 18-3-2018 Student Fatima Bilal

Time 9:45-10:55 School Australian International School
MCT Garnel Desravins Class 3B
Lesson Living and non-living things No of 26
unit/page students
Context of the lesson
The lesson is about living and nonliving things, where the living things can grow, breathe, reproduce, eat and drink
while the nonliving things doesn’t do these things. And the lesson will be provided by 3 different activities that the
students will have to know what’s the lesson is about.
Teaching goal.
My teaching goal is to deliver the lesson in a fun and interactive way for the students.

Learning objectives.
The students will be able to identify the meaning of living things and nonliving things.
The students will be able to classify the living and nonliving things.
The students will be able to recognize the living and nonliving things by seeing a picture or an object.

Assumptions about prior learning.

The students may have a background knowledge about living things and nonliving things.

Anticipated problems and possible solutions

● Technology problems. (having a problem with the laptop)
● Solution: taking another laptop

Personal focus for this lesson

- Time management.
- Behavior management
- Rewarding the students.
Target language Teacher language
- Grow
- Breathe “good morning students”
- Reproduce
- Eat “today we will have a new lesson which is about..”
- Drink
- Living
- Nonliving
Main tasks or activities. Resources and teaching aids.
- Papers
First activity: - Box with objects
The students will write and draw about living and - Pictures of living things and nonliving things.
nonliving things. - Glue
Second activity:
The students will classify the living and nonliving things
based on the pictures that they will have.

Third activity:
The students will have a quiz on by
answering the questions and discussing the answer with
the teacher.
Consider these grouping strategies: Consider where the children are working:
- Pair work
- Individual work - In the classroom on their desks.
Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model
Key Question: what do you know about living and nonliving things?

Teacher Student
The teacher will have a box included with some
objects, the teacher will show the students the The students will interact with the teacher and will
objects that she has in the box, for example the ask questions if they have any.
teacher will show them a shoe and she will ask
them is it a living thing? And the students will
answer her whether it’s yes or no. after that the
teacher will tell them that we have two things,
one thing is a living thing and the other thing is
nonliving thing. And the teacher will provide
some examples and objects to explain the
meaning of living and nonliving things.

Activities (list) Driving Question
- The activity will be in pairs, so each
pair will have a paper and they will have - Can you identify what’s a living thing
to write about living and nonliving and nonliving thing?
things. So, the students will have two
columns the first column is for living
things and the second column for the
nonliving things. And they will describe
what’s a living thing and what’s a
nonliving thing. Also, the students can
draw living things and nonliving things.
Teacher Student

- The teacher will provide the - The students will follow the teacher’s
instructions of the activity. instructions.
- The teacher will show the students a - The students will draw and write
sample of the activity to deliver the idea about the living and nonliving things.
of the activity for the students. - The students will explain their work
- The teacher will roam around and to their other classmates.
check on the students work.

Student Communication Product:


Content Media: teacher lecture

Teacher Student

The teacher will explain the lesson for the The students will interact with the teacher
students after doing the explore activity, by and will provide examples about living or
giving examples of the living and nonliving
things by providing some pictures and objects
nonliving things.
to identify the living and nonliving things for
the students.
Activities: Teacher Student

The activity will be in pairs, - The teacher will - The students will
each pair will have pictures provide the follow the teacher’s
of living things ( human/ instructions of the instructions.
plants/ animals) and activity. - The students will
nonliving things (laptop/ - The teacher will show classify the living and
phone/ guitar) and the the students a sample nonliving things.
students have to classify each of the activity to - The students will
picture, whether its living or deliver the idea of the explain their work to
nonliving thing. activity for the their other
- The teacher will roam
around and check on
the students work.

Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
Making sure of the students understanding of the The teacher will let the students having a quick
lesson by playing an online game. quiz on with 5 questions and the
students have to answer the questions that will
pop up.
Teacher. Student

The teacher will tell the students the The students will follow the teacher’s
instructions of the game. instruction.

The teacher will start the game for the students. The students will play kahoot by answering the
questions below.
The teacher will ask a question after playing the

Lesson plan reflection.

Areas of strength.
The good things in the lesson was that i was able to have a different experience by teaching grade 3 students,
and everything about the lesson was very good and the interacting between me and the students was very
good, i was able to cover everything in the lesson and the students were well engaged and they were
interacting with me as well. They were able to differentiate between the living things and non-living things
in a very good way.

Areas of development:

Although everything was very well in the lesson, i still have to manage my time and as what Ms. Megan
said, the enegaing part should be more focused on.

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