Determination of Electromagnetic Parameters of A New Metasurface Comprising of Square Loop
Determination of Electromagnetic Parameters of A New Metasurface Comprising of Square Loop
Determination of Electromagnetic Parameters of A New Metasurface Comprising of Square Loop
In the present work, the reflection and transmission coefficients of new
metasurface consisting of square loop structures have been analyzed to
determine the electromagnetic parameters. In order to analyze the metasurface,
a block of 3X3 cells has been placed centrally in a waveguide with a well
defined boundary conditions and excitations which is a representative of infinite
number of unit cells. The simulation results show that the effective permittivity
and effective permeability of metasurface are negative simultaneously in the
desired frequency range. The negative refractive index is confirmed by the
overlapped region of negative effective permittivity and effective permeability.
Keywords: Metasurface, Square Loop, Negative permittivity, Negative permeability.
1. Introduction
Metamaterials (MTM) are exotic smart materials that exhibit the properties that
are not available naturally. They are designed by uniting numerous components
composed of different materials and are arranged repeatedly at smaller
wavelengths. These materials formulate their properties from these newly
designed structures and not from their constituents [1]. The MTMs are new
materials that demonstrate unnatural qualitative response functions. These
materials exhibit negative permeability ( 𝜇) and negative permittivity (𝜀) and
can be classified into four categories relative to permeability and permittivity:
Double negative (DNG) medium, Epsilon negative (ENG) medium, Mu
negative (MNG) medium and Double positive (DPS) medium. Double negative
mediums are the mediums in which the material has the permittivity and
permeability less than zero simultaneously. Such mediums are also termed as
Left Handed Mediums (LHM) [2].
Determination of Electromagnetic Parameters of a New Metasurface . . . . 49
Greek Symbols
𝜀 Permittivity
𝜀𝑒𝑓𝑓 Effective permittivity
𝜇 Permeability
𝜇𝑒𝑓𝑓 Effective permeability
𝜔 Angular frequency
DNG Double Negative
DPS Double Positive
DR Direct-Retrieval
EM Electromagnetic
ENG Epsilon negative
FEM Finite Element Method
HFSS High Frequency Structure Simulator
Img Imaginary Part
LHM Left Handed Medium
MATLAB Matrix Laboratory
MNG Mu negative
M-NRI Metamaterial Negative Refractive Index
MTM Metamaterials
NRW Nicolson-Ross-Weir
PEC Perfect Electric Conductor
PMC Perfect Magnetic Conductor
Re Real part
SRR Split Ring Resonators
TR Transmission Reflection
TW Thin-Wire
Metamaterials is a generous category of fabricated materials that may be
constructed to manipulate electromagnetic (EM) features of host medium in
accordance with the requirements of the system [3, 4]. Due to their extraordinary
features, these materials have attracted a lot of researchers to use them in the field
of miniaturization of antennas [5], with enhanced directivity [6], controlled beam-
width and beam scanning [7].
Veselago, in 1968 [8], made a notable invention by introducing the first DNG
medium which simultaneously exhibited negative values of permittivity and
2 1−𝑉2
𝜇𝑒𝑓𝑓 = (3)
𝑗𝑘∘ 𝑑 1+𝑉2
2 1−𝑉1
𝜀𝑒𝑓𝑓 = (4)
𝑗𝑘∘ 𝑑 1+𝑉1
Here, S11 is the S-Parameter for reflection and S21 is the S-Parameters for
transmission through the structure respectively, d is the thickness of the substrate,
𝑘∘ is wave number in free space (𝑘∘ = 𝜔⁄𝑐 ), 𝜔 is the angular frequency and c is
the speed of light in free space, c=3×108 m/s. By putting the value of V1 and V2 in
Eqs. (3) and (4), 𝜇𝑒𝑓𝑓 and 𝜀𝑒𝑓𝑓 can be obtained.
real and imaginary parts. Real (Re) and Imaginary (Img) parts of S11 and S21 are
depicted in Figs. 4 and 5 respectively.
The magnitude of any coefficient depicts the combined amplitude of the real
and imaginary parts whereas the phase of any coefficient depicts the combined
relative proportion of real and imaginary parts. The magnitude and phase of the
S11 of the proposed LHM with respect to frequency are depicted in Fig. 6. The
magnitude of the reflection coefficient should be between 0 and 1. The magnitude
and phase of S21 of the LHM structure are revealed by Fig. 7.
Metasurfaces possess negative 𝜇 and 𝜀 and thus have negative refractive
index, i.e., the reversal of snell’s law. Due to this negative refractive index, the
group and phase velocities of electromagnetic wave appear in opposite direction,
i.e., the direction of propagation is reversed with respect to the energy flow
direction. This interesting property of metasurface is validated by the reversal of
phase of reflection and transmission coefficient at particular frequencies.
5. Conclusions
The properties of metasurface are confirmed by using S11 and S21 of the proposed
LHM structure of square loop cells. The structure shows simultaneous negative
permittivity and negative permeability in the range of 2.5-4.9524 GHz. Negative
index of refraction is also observed in this frequency range. Proposed square loop
structure is a form of a tuned circuit consisting of inductance and capacitance and as
a result it has a resonant frequency. This is the frequency where the capacitive and
inductive reactance cancels each other out. Here, the proposed square loop structure
resonates at 4.86 GHz, which lies in the region of negative refractive index. This
work can be extended and used periodically as a superstrate for microstrip patch
antenna or circular patch antenna to achieve improved performance characteristics.
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