Prime Mover Synchronous Generator Electrical Grid
Prime Mover Synchronous Generator Electrical Grid
Prime Mover Synchronous Generator Electrical Grid
2. In electrical power generation, droop speed control is a speed control mode of a prime mover
driving a synchronous generator connected to an electrical grid. This mode allows synchronous
generators to run in parallel, so that loads are shared among generators in proportion to their
power rating.
3. Wires are rated by current carrying capability; higher capacity means a larger diameter wire and
more weight. Power companies use high voltage transmission lines and step down the voltage at
the pole just before connecting to building service so they can use smaller gauge wire for
transmission; reducing both wire cost and weight.
P=IV; to deliver 1000W, you can have V=1000V and I = 1A, V=100V and I = 10A, etc. A 1A current
can be carried in a much smaller diameter wire than 10A.
5. An op amp is configured in its non-inverting amplifier format, linking the output directly to the
inverting input and applying the input signal to the non-inverting input. From the gain equation it
is possible to see that the voltage gain of this circuit is unity. Av = 1 + R2 / R1.
The Closed-Loop Voltage Gain of an Inverting Amplifier is given as. and this can be transposed to
give Vout as: Linear Output. The negative sign in the equation indicates an inversion of the output
signal with respect to the input as it is 180o out of phase. This is due to the feedback being
negative in value.
In electronics, a differentiator is a circuit that is designed such that the output of the circuit is
approximately directly proportional to the rate of change (the time derivative) of the input. An
active differentiator includes some form of amplifier.
The operational amplifier integrator is an electronic integration circuit. Based on the operational
amplifier (op-amp), it performs the mathematical operation of integration with respect to time;
that is, its output voltage is proportional to the input voltage integrated over time
6. For certain types of electric motors or generators to function, the coils of the rotor must be
connected to complete an electrical circuit. To accomplish this, a copper or brass commutator or
'slip rings' are affixed to the shaft, and springs press braided copper wire 'brushes' onto the rings
which conduct the current.
Why the brushes are made of carbon?
High enough to melt metals. Carbon has a very high melting point (~3500degC) compared with
other conductors. Brushes made with copper or steel would wear out faster because of factors
including: 1) The melted metal will break away from, or even be vaporized, leaving the brush with
less material to do its job.
The brushes transfer the electricity from outside the motor to the spinning winding in the center
of the motor. They undergo quite a lot of friction, and after a while wear out. Carbon is used as it
is a reasonable conductor, and is soft enough to wear down instead of wearing down the
"comutator" - the ring the brushes press against. Brushes are designed to be replaceable in large
motors because of this.
When brushes are first put into a motor they won't be the exact same shape and size as the
commutator (which may have had a small amount of wear) and thus won't make a perfect smooth
contact. With time the brushes will wear to fit the commutator perfectly. The noise you hear is
probably the brushes undergoing this initial shaping wear and will stop soon enough.
Also, the brushes are located inside a tube-like recess, and are pushed against the commutator
using small springs. If the noise doesn't stop after a while a small amount of grease to help stop
vibration in the brushes may be in order. make sure of the thermal properties of the grease
though, as brushes are liable to get rather hot.
7. Self-explanatory.
8. Self-explanatory.
9. In an alternating current electric power system, synchronization is the process of matching the
speed and frequency of a generator or other source to a running network. An AC generator cannot
deliver power to an electrical grid unless it is running at the same frequency as the network. If two
segments of a grid are disconnected, they cannot exchange AC power again until they are brought
back into exact synchronization.
A direct current (DC) generator can be connected to a power network by adjusting its open-circuit
terminal voltage to match the network voltage, by either adjusting its speed or its field excitation.
The exact engine speed is not critical. However, an AC generator must match both the amplitude
and the timing of the network voltage, which requires both speed and excitation to be
systematically controlled for synchronization.
There are five conditions that must be met before the synchronization process takes place. The
source (generator or sub-network) must have equal line voltage, frequency, phase sequence,
phase angle, and waveform to that of the system to which it is being synchronized.[1]
Waveform and phase sequence are fixed by the construction of the generator and its connections
to the system. During installation of a generator, careful checks are made to ensure the generator
terminals and all control wiring is correct so that the order of phases (phase sequence) matches
the system. Connecting a generator with the wrong phase sequence will result in a short circuit as
the system voltages are opposite to those of the generator terminal voltages.[2]
The voltage, frequency and phase angle must be controlled each time a generator is to be
connected to a grid.[1]
Generating units for connection to a power grid have an inherent droop speed control that allows
them to share load proportional to their rating. Some generator units, especially in isolated
systems, operate with isochronous frequency control, maintaining constant system frequency
independent of load.
In practical use, the voltage generated at a single junction of two different types of wire is what is
of interest as this can be used to measure temperature at very high and low temperatures. The
magnitude of the voltage depends on the types of wire used. Generally, the voltage is in the
microvolt range and care must be taken to obtain a usable measurement. Although very little
current flows, power can be generated by a single thermocouple junction.
The standard configuration for thermocouple usage is shown in the figure. Briefly, the desired
temperature Tsense is obtained using three inputs—the characteristic function E(T) of the
thermocouple, the measured voltage V, and the reference junctions' temperature Tref. The
solution to the equation E(Tsense) = V + E(Tref) yields Tsense. These details are often hidden from the
user since the reference junction block (with Tref thermometer), voltmeter, and equation solver
are combined into a single product.
13. Toxic decomposition products are formed when SF6 gas is subjected to an electric arc. The
decomposition products are metal fluorides and form a white or tan powder. Toxic gases are also
formed which have the characteristic odor of rotten eggs. Do not breathe the vapors remaining in
a circuit breaker.
Sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers protect electrical power stations and distribution systems by
interrupting electric currents, when tripped by a protective relay. Instead of oil, air, or vacuum, a
sulfur hexafluoride circuit breaker uses sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas to cool and quench the arc on
opening a circuit. Advantages over other media include lower operating noise and no emission of
hot gases, and relatively low maintenance. Developed in the 1950's and onward, SF6 circuit
breakers are widely used in electrical grids at transmission voltages up to 800 kV, as generator
circuit breakers, and in distribution systems at voltages up to 35 kV.
19. A bipolar junction transistor (bipolar transistor or BJT) is a type of transistor that uses both
electron and hole charge carriers. In contrast, unipolar transistors, such as field-effect transistors,
only use one kind of charge carrier. For their operation, BJTs use two junctions between two
semiconductor types, n-type and p-type.
BJTs are manufactured in two types, NPN and PNP, and are available as individual components, or
fabricated in integrated circuits, often in large numbers. The basic function of a BJT is to amplify
current. This allows BJTs to be used as amplifiers or switches, giving them wide applicability in
electronic equipment, including computers, televisions, mobile phones, audio amplifiers, industrial
control, and radio transmitters.