SKF Reliability Systems: Fan System Management Program

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SKF Reliability Systems Proactive Reliability

Maintenance (PRM)

Explorer Bearing CARB® Bearing


Condition Monitoring
Electric Motor

Vibration SYSTEM 24® for

Analysis Lubrication
Bearing Refurbishment

Mechanical Impeller Precision

Condition Monitor Balancing Alignment
Engineering Solutions
Microlog Shaft Align

Fan System Management Program Proactive Reliability

Maintenance (PRM)
SKF’s Fan System Program ensures maximum uptime and
operating efficiency for fan applications.
Integrated Maintenance
Fan reliability and maintenance issues are The SKF Reliability Systems Fan System Solutions (IMS)
frequently complex and require the use of Management program can include specif-
special tools and expertise that are often ic reliability improvement targets, tailored
not available on-site. to your unique plant requirements. We
can provide assistance to address recur-
SKF Reliability Systems offers a full range ring problems associated with one fan or
of on-site reliability maintenance support a group of troublesome fans.
services under which our staff drive the
improvement process to gain maximum By performing an assessment, we can
machine and plant efficiency. pinpoint the conditions that are causing
the operational problems, and make rec-
SKF has extensive knowledge and experi- ommendations for improvement. The
ence with fan design and operation in a services we provide to prevent the recur-
range of industrial applications, allowing rence of the condition may include a
us to offer you “best practice” technical combination of the following:
advice for reliability improvement.
● Vibration monitoring
SKF Reliability Systems staff are ● Lubrication analysis
knowledgeable in the latest maintenance
practices, including industry standard ● Advanced diagnostic analysis
specifications, to ensure accurate ● Bearing and housing installation
machine diagnostic information is
● Precision alignment
obtained. We can implement and support
the effective use of on-line and portable ● Precision in-situ dynamic balancing
condition monitoring systems incorporat- ● Lubrication recommendations
ing the right data management and
● Seal application review
analysis software to meet your needs,
including our operating deflection shape ● Bearing system design upgrades
software, which enables us to analyze the
movement of the machine as it operates. For additional information on how SKF
Our engineers are skilled in the use of can benefit your company, contact your
precision maintenance techniques, local SKF representative.
ensuring installation integrity and reliability.

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