Lesson Plan 2 Patterns

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1Lesson Topic: PATTERNS Grade level: 1

2Length of lesson: 45 minutes

3Teacher: Bahar Baydere
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
 Indentify, describe, and show simple patters by referring and reflecting to
their shapes, sizes, and or colors.
 Identify, classify objects by their attributes, what belongs and what does not
 Count, recognize, name and put in order number of objects.

Understanding (s)/goals Essential Question(s):

 Patterns can be extended.  Where do we see patterns?
 each pattern has a core of  Can you hear patterns?
elements or attributes that are  How can you identify patterns?
repeated.  Can you represent a pattern in different or
 Patterns are a sequence of many ways?
elements that can be repeated in
a predictable way.

Student objectives (outcomes):

 Identify patterns
 copy a pattern
 extend a pattern
 describe a pattern
 create a pattern

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s): Other Evidence:

 Students will create and describe  Observation of activities

a pattern using a collection of  Notes on discussions
objects.  Notes on activities

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

 I will read them a book by Donald Crews, PATTERN FISH

 I will give out a coloring worksheet to the students to familiarize them with patterns.

 I will ask students to create a people pattern. This is where everyone gets up and they
form a pattern, it can be a pattern of by lining up boy, girl, boy, girl, or boy, boy, then
girl. This will physically and visually teach the concept of patterns, and how it can be
used in many ways.

 I will then give students bunch of items, and materials, and see how they individually
Materials for creating patterns such as attribute links, construction paper, stamps,
buttons, money, pictures, pom poms will be used by the students to create their
 I will go around the class and ask each student to tell me about their pattern, ask them
possibly what might come next.
 Play I-SPY a pattern game with them.


Students will be given pre-cut shapes of various types, sizes, and colors. Students must use the
pre-cut shapes to form a pattern of the same size, color, or shape. After they complete the
task asked of them, I will ask them questions like, can you compare the different sizes, shapes
and colors in the pattern? Can you name the sequence of the pattern? When I point to
examples, can you describe these patterns attributes?
Can describe attributes
Can identify shapes by size, color
Can identify patterns by size, color, and shape
Able to form a pattern by size
Able to form a pattern by shape
Able to form a pattern color
I will assess to see if they need any improvement, or if they are adequate or excellent.
Unit Title: Addition, Subtraction

Established Goals: Students gain the basic understanding of addition and subtraction used in everyday life.

Understandings: Students will understand that… Essential Questions:

-There is many ways of solving problems. -Which approach is the best method in finding the
-Understanding that numbers can be added in any result?
order and still have the same result. -What is the relation between addition and
-Quantities can be compared, combined and subtraction?
separated using many different ways. -What kind of questions should we ask when
-Addition and subtraction have a contrary subtracting?
relationship. -What kind of questions should we ask when adding?

Students will know: Students will be able to:

-It is much easier to count when starting with the large -Use the tens frame to add and subtract.
number. -Use base ten cubes to add and subtract.
-Moving towards the right in a number line shows -Compare object to figure our more or less.
addition. -Count two groups to show addition.
-There are many ways or tools to use when adding and -Separate objects to show subtraction.

Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
-Homework -Math journals
-Daily worksheets -work together with other students
-Observation -Self reflection
-Daily recording log

Key Criteria:
- designing and planning is more focused on the criteria rather than the activity.
- oral feedback during the course will show success.

Summary of Learning Activities:

Key vocabulary: addition, subtraction, putting together, taking apart, difference, whole, count on, count back.

Sequence of Unit: Addition, Subtraction, relating addition and subtraction.

Student rubric: by showing students addition, and subtraction, students will have an easier time
comprhending the concept. At the end of the lesson, students can see what they learned.

Teachers checklist: Use a checklist to see who has mastered the comprehension of addition and

Hook: Find a way to hook the students into the lesson, keep them interested with a song or dance.

Problem of the day: Include problems daily that add and subtract.
Resources: Use resources to choose mini lessons, activities for the students, and any involvement of the
Student practice: As the students continue practicing the lessons, they will master the basic concept of
addition and subtraction using their different learning styles.


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