Substructure: 12.3 Materials For Piers and Abutments
Substructure: 12.3 Materials For Piers and Abutments
Substructure: 12.3 Materials For Piers and Abutments
12.1 D efinition
The portion of the bridge structure beiow the level of the bearing and above the foundation
is generally referred to as substructure. Thus for a river bridge with well foundation, the
substructure will consist of the piers, the abutments and wing walls, the pier caps and the
abutment caps.
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12.4 Piers
r ie is
Piers are structures located at the ends of bridge spans at intermediate points between
the abutments. The fu n ctio n of the piers is two-fold: to transfer the vertical loads to the
foundation, and to resist all horizontal forces and transverse forces acting on the bridge.
Being one of the most visible com ponents of a bridge, the piers contribute to the aesthetic
r *i i .. . ___
appearance of the stru ctu re .
The general shape and features of a pier depend to a large extent on the type, size and
dimensions of the superstructure and also on the environment in which the pier is located.
Piers can be solid, cellular, trestie or hammerhead types (Fig.12.2). Solid and cellular piers
for river bridges should be provided with semicircular cutwaters to facilitate streamlined flow
and to reduce scour. Other designs such as reinforced concrete framed type as shown in
Fig. 12.3 have also been used. Solid piers can be of mass concrete or of masonry for heights
up to about 6 m and spans up to about 20 m. It is permissible to use stone masonry for the
exposed portions and to fill the interior with lean concrete. This would save expenses ; on
shuttering and would also enhance a p p e a r a n c e . The stone layers should be properly b
with the interior with bond stones. urban elevated highway applications^
Single column piers are increasing y used in ^ ^ setting'e column Piers
and 40
of the pier, and the quantity should be distributed as 60 percent on the outer face
percentin un
on the
ine inner
miitsi face.
iautj. , * QQp ai at
The trestle type consists of columns (usually circular or octogonal) with a ^ ^ 0f
the top. In some recent designs, concrete hinges have been introduced betwee ^
the column and the bent cap in order to avoid moment being transferred from eCbetween i iiopn
columns. For tall trestles, as in flyovers and elevated roads, connecting d i a p h r a g m s u^ cture
the columns may also be provided. The hammerhead type provides slender su s ^
and is normally suitable for the elevated roadways. When used for a river bridge, e.g..
Setu across Sone river at Dehri2, this design leads to minimum restriction of the w . ^ s yiv; are
The construction procedure should be arranged such that the construction jo ^ gr1t
minimized, by adopting continuous concreting or by use of slip form technique to
possible. Simple geometry of the pier leads to reduced construction costs. on which the
The top width of the pier depends on the size of the bearing plates
superstructure rests. It is usually kept a* . —
d,m6'The^ength of ‘^ u d i ^ s o f J U e s ^ ° Ut't0'° Ut
and five loads does no! exceed 4.2 MPa dlnlens'oned that the bearing stress due, ,h!
When the length of a pier is narrow '
that the deck cantilevers beyond the p i e ^ c e f ?h" ,han ,he Wldlh 01 bridge deck carried
are used in a multi-span urban interchange ,ea,ur®,P'erif called a" '"board p,er Such piers
wherein the adoption of inboard piers offers con Jh 9 1 ly0ver and 9 TO“ "d level slip roadl
,and that would have been required w h i n T u ^ " 0. L%7£n
pierS for urban interchanges facilitate improved sight Nn? ad° Pted- ln addit'on- inboard
enhance the overall appearance. Other innovative Hp J ® hlcles passin9 the Piers and
requirements include H-shaped piers flaring at thP ton 9? piers to suit urba" site
of the pier for stability of the deck and limited , 1 ? pr0vide wider base at the top
ground level. se of sPace at the base of the pier at the
The bottom width of pier is usuaiiw ia
stresses within the permissible values It is n ^ r m a ^ ^ V ^ W'dth S° 3S ,0 restrict the net
on all sides for the portion of the pier between thP h ltt ? t0 Pr° V'de a batter of 1 in 25
well or pile cap or foundation footing asThe c is e ma T 6 * * * b'° Ck and ,he toP of the
In the case of river bridges thp nnrtion ^ e,’
that is. the portion of the masonry surface whirh lipc h 'T ° ° ated 'between wind and water’,
low water, is particularly vulnerable to deterinrsf h'!!66'1 the extreme hi9h and extreme
surface is subject to damage d u e ^ o h e . Special a,,emion' This
— ~
I I I |
« ! ! ________!
(a) <b>
- T g g f e s ^ s s ^ r s s u - — 1» ” h—
" s e d ™ n c r ; r e 7 o r “ bridg;;Tn hilly areas, e.g., Gambhirkhad bndge*. In such cases,
the horizontal member between the top and base of the pier is avoided to enhance aesthetics.
The loads and forces to be considered in the design of piers are as below.
Dead load of superstructure and the pier itself
Live load of traffic passing over the bridge. The effect of eccentric loading due to the
live load occurring on one span only should be considered.
(3 Impact effect for the top 3 m of the pier only
(4 Buoyancy of submerged part of substructure. If the pier is anchored to rock by dowels,
it is permissible to neglect the effect of buoyancy.
(5 Effect of wind on moving loads and on the superstructure
(6 Force due to water current
(7 Force due to water action, if applicable
(8 Longitudinal force due to tractive effort of vehicles
(9 Longitudinal force due to braking of vehicles
L U I i y l I L 4 \~ k I I I G I I !W I U U U IU U I C U M I I VJ \J I V U I IIU IU O
i •■ i• i r i . • •« •
(10 Longitudinal force due to resistance in bearings. In order to reduce the net longitudinal
force in bearing, it is usual to make bearings of two spans located on a pier to be of the
same type, i.e., expansion bearings or fixed bearings. Still a variation of about 10 per
cent in the frictional coefficients of sliding bearing may be assumed. Also, the resistance
in two adjacent bearings would differ when live load occupies only one of the two
adjacent spans.
(11) Seismic effects
(12) Force due to collision by barges for piers in navigable waters.
Rules for the computation of the individual effects of the above forces (except for wave
forces and collision effects) have been discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. The most severe
combination of the above forces should be considered. The net stresses for the most severe
tlfp rp<?Mltantnf aiu!1 .J^e Perm'ss'b'e limits. Masonry piers would be so proportioned that
plane and on the bas? T f° rceshfalls within th* middle third of the section on any horizontal
plane and on the base. Further, the unit sliding force should be within allowable limits.
be adopted.
(i) Data
Superstructure : Simply supported T-beam of 21.3 m span
Foundation : Weil foundation
Dimensions : As in Fig. 12.4
from P3f!h sDan = 2250 kN
s ivi C— W y --------
A whichever produces severer effect
if will be considered in design here.
the intensity of wind load is taken as 0.91 kN/m2 from Table 3.2.
i v i a i wind force
vvi i i u / =
iui v71.7
« w ■ 0.91 - 65.2 kN 'JJnk ,
'.3 = 61.2 kN
(b) Wind force against moving load, considering Class ra
(c) Total wind force as in (a) and (b) above - -i
23.i f 4.5 = 104 kN i fev>
... hp odonted. This force will be assumed
“ Since the force in (e) is the maximum ' h moment at the base of the pier,
to act at the bearing level for the purpose of calculating
Moment at base = 172 • 9 = 1 kN’ 'ThnLlt the longitudinal axis
Modulus of section of the pier at base about the g
c* I j f e 1548 _ _ c -1 2 kN/m2
Stress at base = ~ ~2Q2 ~~
/(■ v ^ O-'u
rent - f 4. 3 = 87 kN
Force due to water current - ^ 2
. • L,i o/q v a 1 nr 5 4 m above the base.
This force acts at a height of 2/3 x a. i or o.*mm
Moment at base = 87 x 5.4 = 470 kN-m
• ■ r ,
4709 ^
Stress at base = ± 3 Q ^ = ±!i f ^ kN/m2
If the current direction varies by* 20 degrees,
'■» ■
a r \ -- - OAO _ /I H
.4.3 cos 20” -- 4.0 kN/m
pressure paraUeito pjer -.-T.^-------- 2
pressure perpendicular to pier = 4.3 sin 20° = 1.5 kN/m
Stress at base due to component parallel to pier
± 15.6 x = ± 14.5 kN/m2
Force perpendicular to pier = 1.5 x 8.2 x 8.1 = 99.6 kN
Moment at base = 99.6 x 5.4 = 538 kN-m
Stress at base due to component perpendicular to pier
538 .
± —— = ± 54.0 kN/m2
Maximum stresses due to water current = ± 69.6 kN/m2
12.7 Abutments
a p p r a l c h of superstructure of
scour of the stream. b" d9e' ,he abutment a l ^ , menl which serves as an
poncrete. ' 9e utments can be made of maQ° Pr°t9cts the embankmentfrom
An abutment generally P*ain concrete °r reinforced
- 6 8 .8
•• + 81.3 + 81.3
or 0.1 or 0.1
4. Longitudinal forces
(a) Tractive effort
•• ± 126.5 ± 126.5
(b) Bearing resistance ••f ± 253.9 ±253.9
5. Wind load
± 51.2 ± 51.2
6. Water current 9
« ± 69.6 V
tension at the base. The maximum stress should be less than the safe bearing capacity
the soil.The factor of safety against sliding should be more than 1.5. The required calculations
are indicated in detail in the example.
For masonry abutments, it is usual to provide a batter of about 1 in 25 to 1 in 12 for th
front face of the breast wall. The rear batter is adjusted to get the width required to restrict
the net pressures within the prescribed limits. When reinforced concrete abutments are
adopted, it would be permissible to have vertical faces both in front and at the rear faces of
the breast wall. The toe and the heel portions of the base slab are so proportioned that the
eccentricity of the resultant is limited to one-sixth of the base width.
Wing walls will normally have sections similar to those shown in Fig. 6.3. A wing wall
can be cast monolithically with the abutment breast wall to form a single monolithic structure
It is often desirable to provide a construction joint between the abutment and wing walls
when these are of stone masonry or mass concrete, especially if the levels of foundation are
different. Wings can be splayed or made perpendicular to the breast wall depending on the
site conditions.
Typical forms of reinforced concrete abutm ents are shown in Fig. 12.5. The wing walls
have been cantilevered without extending the base of breast wall for support, as would have
been necessary for masonry abutments. The length of the cantilever returns where adopted
may be restricted to 4.0 m. The slope of the bottom edge of the wing should be such as to
(a) ( b) (c )
<d) ( e) (f)
( g) <h) ( i)
wall may slide forward due to earth pressure if the vertical forces are inadequate. Though the
wall may be structurally strong, failures may occur along a curved surface by rupture of the
soil due to inadequate shear resistance.
(a) Data
Preliminary dimensions : Assumed as in Fig. 12.6
Superstructure : T-beam two-lane bridge of effective span 16.1 m,
Overall length = 17.26 m
Type of abutment Reinforced concrete
Loading As for National Highway
Back fill
Unit weight of back fill, w = 18 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction of soil on wall, z= 17.5°
Approach slab : R.C. slab 300 mm thick, adequately reinforced
Load from superstructure per running foot of abutment wall:
ead load = 119 kN/m
m__uve load = 85 kN/m
(The above two values are to be obtained from the calculations for superstructure, and
^2 0 x 500 x
1 kN/mm2
■^.iBb^ana c o mm ... ~ section.The reinforcement details
'Ifis required to'check the adequacy of the assu
areflot computed here.
to 7^ wheeled vehicle U
acts atJ £ m above the roacI level ( C a j S ^
on one abutment wall Q0 / 8 5 = 1 •(.8 kN/m
per m of wall
I - BEAM i ,*
*• u * 200(1.2 +
Vertical reaction at one abutment = —- ■ «• ■
—A = 4.1 kN/m
k:M l_ ft
SI. Force, kN
Moment about O, kN-m
No. Details
2.80 224.0
5. Vertical load due to L.L.
surcharge and approach slab 74.9 3.50 . 262.2 --------- f' U i \
6. Self weight - part 1
4.8 x 0.75 x 24 86.4 2.40 207.4 ---------
(j) Summary .
The assumed section of the abutment is a eq
provided to prevent any accum ulation of w ater and building up of hydrostatic pressure beh'
the walls. The weep holes may be of 100 mm d ia m e te r with 1 in 20 slope placed at abo^
1.0 m spacing in both directions above the low w ater level. ° ut
The backfill should be of clean broken stone, gravel, sand or any other pervious mater'
of adequate length to form a wedge of cohesionless backfill. The fill should be compacted
layers. Cohesive backfill should be compacted in layers by rollers to maximum dry density ^
optimum m oisture content. The sequence of filling behind the abutment should be controlled
to conform to the assum ptions made in the design. For example, if the earth pressure in front
of the abutm ent (norm ally ignored) has been assumed in design, the front filling should be
done along with the filling behind the abutment layer by layer. Similarly, if the design assumes
that the dead load of the superstructure exists when the earth pressure due to embankment
is applied, the filling behind the abutment should be deferred till the placement of the
12.10 References
1. ‘IRC: 78-1983 Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges: Section VII -
Foundations and substructure’, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, 1994. 72 pp.
2. ‘Jawahar Setu’, Pamphlet by Gammon India Ltd., Bombay, 1985, 18 pp.
3. Long span bridges and long span roof structures’, Gammon India Limited, Mumbai.
4. Xanthakos, P.P., ‘Bridge substructure and foundation design’, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jerspv
1995,844 pp.
5. Dunham, D.W., ‘Foundations of structures’, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, International Student
Edition, 1962, 722 pp.
6. Andersen, P., ‘Substructure analysis and design’, Ronald Press, New York, 1956.