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The TQM Journal

The Delphi hierarchy process-based study of quality engineering in Malaysia and

Indonesia automotive companies
Nilda Tri Putri Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof Dradjad Irianto
Article information:
To cite this document:
Nilda Tri Putri Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof Dradjad Irianto , (2014),"The Delphi hierarchy process-based study of
quality engineering in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive companies", The TQM Journal, Vol. 26 Iss 6 pp.
566 - 576
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The Delphi hierarchy
process-based study of quality
engineering in Malaysia and
566 Indonesia automotive companies
Received 20 September 2012
Revised 19 September 2013
Nilda Tri Putri
Accepted 2 January 2014 Department of Industrial Engineering, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof
Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering,
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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Malaysia, and

Dradjad Irianto
Department of Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology,
Bandung, Indonesia

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to empirically evaluate the critical factors for successful
quality engineering (QE) implementation in automotive-related companies in Malaysia and Indonesia.
The existence of these critical factors for the successful application of QE would help the automotive
industries, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia, to be able to investigate their current QE practices
and how they could be improved.
Design/methodology/approach – Delphic hierarchy process (DHP) methodology is used in this
study. The DHP method is a combination of the Delphi method and the analytic hierarchy process
(AHP) approach for determining the ranking of the factors and sub factors needed for successful QE
implementation. The Delphi method is employed to gather data from automotive experts in both
countries and the AHP approach is used to rank the critical factors for success of QE practices.
Findings – The findings of this study showed that the automotive industries in Malaysia and Indonesia
stressed the importance of management responsibility and people management for the successful
implementation of QE. Strategic quality planning, continuous improvement, and technology- and
production-related resources are the most important sub factors for successful QE in both countries.
Research limitations/implications – The series of rounds that took place during the Delphi
method increased the length of time required for data collection and the follow-up process. On the basis
of the consideration given, the limited resources included time, financial resources, and technical
availability for this study, which resulted in the small sample sizes used.
Practical implications – The ranking of the critical factors and sub factors for QE implementation
could be useful for automotive-related companies in Malaysia and Indonesia to create action plans for
improving their QE implementation.
Originality/value – The instrument that was developed is a contribution toward characterizing
critical factors for QE. Using DHP methodology, nine factors and 31 sub factors have been validated
through a series of rounds of the Delphi method. It was developed based on industry experts’ inputs.
Therefore, the critical factors represent actual situation for QE success.
Keywords Total quality management, Automobile industry, Quality management, Self-assessment,
Quality techniques, Quality engineering, Critical factors, Delphi hierarchy process, Automotive industry
Paper type Research paper
The TQM Journal
Vol. 26 No. 6, 2014
pp. 566-576
r Emerald Group Publishing Limited
1754-2731 The authors would like to thank to the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of
DOI 10.1108/TQM-09-2012-0068 Indonesia. The authors are most grateful to all the panelists who participated in the study.
Introduction Malaysia and
Over the last decade, the concepts of quality management including total quality Indonesia
management (TQM) and quality engineering (QE) have been widely adopted by
various organizations. Hellsten and Klefsjo (2000) believe that the differences in automotive
terminology, makes the concept of quality management to be unclear and create companies
confusion. Hassan et al. (2000) argue that quality management relates to soft aspects of
quality, whereas QE related to the hard aspects of quality. However, both terms can 567
overcome the same quality problem but they usually have different treatment in terms
of depth and breadth. More organizations have adopted the use of QE approach as a
means obtaining higher product quality and improving the level of TQM (Noviyarsi,
2005). QE implementation is, alongside critical factors, another important component
of TQM, which emphasizes their importance for the improvement of TQM levels and
results. Since QE is focussed on product/process design and production for customer
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requirement, we can define QE as the approach which consist of operational,

managerial and engineering activities that a company uses for quality control (QC),
quality improvement (QI), and quality assurance (QA) to achieve successful
implementation of TQM (Putri and Yusof, 2009). This study attempts to provide an
insight into how the implementation of these quality management concepts focussing
on critical success factors (CSFs) for QE implementation in automotive industry.
To be able to increase the quality of products continuously and satisfy the
customers, the automotive industries should consider adopting and implementing QE.
The need for an improved understanding of the critical factors for effective and
successful QE implementation is very important. Malaysia automotive industry was
chosen in this study because it is one of the important industries in the manufacturing
sector to make Malaysia a developed country by 2020. Since 1990, every economic
sector in Malaysia has started to engage in quality management (Thiagarajan et al.,
2001). Meanwhile, Indonesia automotive industries which shares are more dominated
by Japanese car manufacturer in which Indonesia government also hoped that
Indonesia could become the basis of automotive industry in ASEAN countries.
Therefore, the Indonesian government initiated various efforts to conduct QI in
automotive industry. This quality concept began to be introduced by the Japanese-
Indonesian joint venture company and it is wholly owned by the Japanese. For
example, Astra International, this is a pioneering company that is consciously trying
to develop quality culture in Indonesia by introducing quality control circle (QCC) and
other TQM activities.
This study aims to rank the critical factors necessary for achieving the successful
implementation of QE in the automotive industry in Indonesia and Malaysia. Toward
this end, Delphic hierarchy process (DHP) methodology was employed to gather data
from automotive experts in both countries and to rank the critical factors for success of
QE practices. This paper presents the results of the study of critical factors for QE in
Malaysia and Indonesia.
Results of this study will contribute to understanding the impact of numerous
critical factors on effective QE implementation in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive
industries. The existence of these CSFs for successful application of QE would help the
automotive industry, especially for Malaysia and Indonesia and allow them to be able
to investigate their current QE practices for improvement. While the ranking of these
critical factors will help practitioners to understand the importance of these factors and
later it can help them to develop an improvement plan because they probably do not
have sufficient resources to handle all factors at the same time.
TQM CSFs of QE: DHP methodology
26,6 This section presents a review of the critical factors or constructs of TQM and QE
developed and utilized by researchers. Because of limited resources, it is always not
feasible for organizations to devote their efforts to concurrently address all the success
factors. CSFs or contributing variables or critical factors or enablers, in this study can
be viewed as those things that must go right in order to ensure the successful
568 implementation of quality management concepts such as TQM, QE, and statistical
process control (SPC). The investigation of the critical factors for successful
implementation of TQM, QE, and SPC has been discussed in Putri and Yusof (2009).
In this research, the researcher used DHP methodology to evaluate CSFs for successful
QE implementation in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive industries. The DHP is
a combination of the Delphi technique and the AHP. The DHP can benefit from both
a strong and widely used Delphi technique and a powerful mathematical model,
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the AHP (Hwang, 2004).

It is believed that the use of DHP methodology in this research is very effective for
developing an evaluation model of CSFs for successful QE implementation. By using the
Delphi method, the researcher strongly believed that it is a systematic procedure for
eliciting and collecting experts’ opinion to obtain their consensus relating to the critical
factors for successful QE implementation. Meanwhile by using the AHP, the proposed
critical factors achieved from Delphi method can be represented as a hierarchy and the
AHP is a useful tool for prioritizing and ranking the critical factors for QE practices.
The Delphi procedure used in this study consists of three rounds of mailed survey.
Results for each round was analyzed and feed back to the respondents who were asked
to re-examine their opinions in light of the overall results. It is done by conducting a
series of questionnaire to a panel of experts. In this research, a panel of experts were
selected and chosen in their expertise on QE and automotive industry. The preliminary
list of CSFs obtained from literature review was further examined by ten automotive
industry experts consisting of practitioners and academics. The panel of experts
served to validate the factors. The eight experts have more than six years of working
experience and research in automotive industries, as well as all practitioners are
working at the upper management level in automotive industry. Therefore it can be
assumed that all the experts are knowledgeable about the automotive industry to
represent both general practice and the opinion of the implementation of QE.
Participating in the panel of experts (formed in April 2008-May 2009) were eight
QE professionals and industrialist from Malaysian and Indonesian automotive
industries as shown in Table I.

Working experience in
Name Position of expert their position (years)

B.R.W. Head of warranty system and quality system department ADM

Indonesia 3
N.W. Department head of quality engineering ADM Indonesia 6
H.S. Head of quality inspection department ADM Indonesia 3
H.A. QA manager of TRW automotive electronics Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia 6
A.R.N. Executive director of AISB Malaysia 6
Table I. I.M.D. Director of TMMIN Company Indonesia 6
Members of the panel Z.O. Chief operating officer ICSB Malaysia 3
of industrialist experts R.J.N. Quality assurance/QC Executive PONSB Malaysia 3
Two academics were also interviewed besides the eight industrialists. The academics Malaysia and
were senior lecturers from National University of Singapore (NUS) and Bandung Institute Indonesia
of Technology (ITB) with sufficient knowledge on QE. They have also some experience
in doing research in the automotive industry relating to quality implementation. automotive
By including academics in panel of experts, researcher can understand theoretically companies
about QE practices and can provide insight about the weaknesses of the implementation
of QE. Table II presents the sample of academics. 569
The first round of the Delphi technique was unstructured which enables individual
experts freely to identify and describe the issues that they see as important.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with selected experts and lasting for half
an hour to one and a half hours. This interview aims to collect data for round 1 Delphi
method. At the time of the interview panel experts allowed to give opinions freely and
explains their perception based on a set of questionnaire for round 1 of Delphi method.
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A set of questionnaire for round 1 was also sent via e-mail to all experts to ensure that
experts are really prepared. In the last section of first round questionnaire, the panel of
experts was asked to write down any comments regarding the proposed CSFs
hierarchy model. After the completion of Delphi round 1, researcher sent an e-mail
for rounds 2.
The second round was conducted at the end of January 2009. The nine experts from
round 1 made a commitment to participate as an expert in this round. The second
round of Delphi method was completed in May 2009. Based on the suggestions and
comments from expert panel on the initial AHP model, adjustments and changes were
made to the model. The experts agreed that the factors are critical and comprehensive,
which implies that the factors are suitable for achieving effective and successful QE
implementation. All of them also agreed with the revised hierarchy model of CSFs for
QE implementation. At the end of the second round, there were consensus amongst the
experts on the final AHP model of CSFs for successful QE implementation was
obtained. It can be concluded that the obtained CSFs derived from the literature and
two round of Delphi technique match with automotive industry practices and therefore
suitable to be used for the last round (round 3) of Delphi technique.
Based on the findings of Delphi round 1 and round 2, generally the panel of experts
agreed with the proposed AHP model for successful QE practices. One of the experts
made an adjustment on the proposed AHP model by adding in new CSFs at level 2, i.e.
quality technical material divided into two sub criteria at level 3: standardization
quality standard and QC technical management and quality jiritsuka (independent)
which consist of two sub criteria at level 3: develop management to become QC
management and independence without support from mother company. By using the
AHP approach, the critical factors have been divided into nine criteria and for each
criterion, one can then list suitable sub criteria that need to be met in order to achieve
each criterion goal. Figure 1 presents the final AHP model for QE implementation
based on Delphi rounds 1 and 2.
The last round of Delphi technique known as Delphi round 3 was conducted during
the months of June 2009 till May 2010. Eight of the ten experts from Delphi round 2

Name Research interest

Table II.
D.I. Total quality management; statistical techniques; quality control; and quality tools Members of the panel
T.K.C Total quality management of academic experts
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Figure 1.
The final AHP model for

on Delphi rounds 1 and 2

QE implementation based

Measurement, Quality
LEVEL 2: Management People Quality in Design Supplier Customer Quality Jiritsuka
Resource Management analysis and technical
CSFs Responsibility Management and Process Management focus (Independent)
feedback material

Customer Standardization Develop QC
Process measurment, Supplier
Technology and Employee involvement/ quality standard management
Strategic quality management/ feedback and quality/chain
production related involvement/ benchmarking satisfaction/
LEVEL 3: Planning/quality policy operating management
resources empowerment orientation
Sub procuders Continuous
Factors improvement
The role of divisional Financial related Role of quality Contact with Independence
top management resources Education and department Performance
supplier and Customer without support
training measurement:
professional driven QC Technical from mother
product design external and internal
The management Information and associates processes Management company
communication Quality data and
commitment/support reporting
related resources Teamwork and Process
Internal stackholders’ cooperation analysis and Communication to
involvement (middle improvement improve quality
Applied quality Recognition and
Work tools and rewards
environment and techniques
culture Quality systems

LEVEL 4: Desired
returned to participate in round 3, yielding a response rate of 80 percent. They Malaysia and
comprise of four experts from Malaysia automotive industries and also four experts Indonesia
from Indonesia automotive industries. They served as the evaluators to carefully
determine the relative scales of a given list of critical factors and sub factors affecting automotive
their QE practices in a pair wise fashion. The pair wise comparison questionnaire for companies
round 3 was developed by using nine-point scale. The evaluators were asked to assess
a pair wise comparison among nine critical factors and related 31 sub factors with 571
Delphi round 3 questionnaire. The evaluators would give a score for each comparison
using Saaty’s scale. This process continues for all levels of the hierarchy, and finally
a series of judgment matrices for the critical factors and sub factors are obtained.
Having completed the Delphi third round, the importance weight or relative weights
to critical factors and sub factors were calculated using AHP approach. A pair wise
comparison matrix was developed to calculate “weights” which involved the relative
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significance among the criteria in the second level of the hierarchy. In other words,
a pair wise comparison matrix is very important for determining the consistency
of evaluators’ preferences.
The results of this evaluation will determine the ranking of critical factors and sub
factors with the aid of the multi criteria decision support analytical software known as
Expert choice. The Expert choice software version 11.5 was employed to determine the
normalized weights and synthesize the results. By using this software, the researcher
can obtain the local and global priority weight. The local weight is the priority of an
element related to its preceding element and it is first calculated. Meanwhile, the
global weight of each element related to the goal of successful implementation of QE
was calculated by multiplying the local weight of an element by the weight of its
preceding element.
The next stage of AHP approach was to calculate a consistency ratio (CR) to
measure how consistent the judgments given by panel of experts. Because the
comparisons were done through personal or subjective judgments, some degree of
inconsistency can occur. The results showed that the overall consistency of evaluator
judgments fall within the acceptable ratio of 0.10 as suggested by Saaty (1988).
This shows that the evaluators are given their weights consistently on examining
the priorities of decision criteria and assessing the success of QE implementation.
After all pair wise comparisons performed at each level, and proved consistent, then
the next step was to synthesize the judgments from evaluators to determine the
ranking of each criteria and its sub criteria. Geometric mean approach as suggested by
Saaty and Vargas (1982) was used to synthesize the assessment of each evaluator.
The results from geometric mean of evaluators were combined into judgment matrices
of pair wise comparison. Based on the findings, the CR for these matrices ranged
from 0.00 to 0.09, which means that the results are within the acceptable level of
0.10 according to the CR recommended by Saaty (1980). This result indicates that
the evaluators gave a positive outlook and assigned their weights consistently in
determining the priorities of critical factors and sub factors in achieving successful
implementation of QE in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive companies.

Ranking factors and sub factors

The local normalized weights of judgments
Table III summarizes the normalized local weights of judgments from the two
respondent groups. The analysis comprise three parts, including Malaysian group,
Indonesian group and their combined judgments.
TQM Local weights
26,6 AHP analysis AHP analysis AHP analysis
Level 9 factors and 31 sub factors by Malaysia by Indonesia by combined

With respect to goal: QE implementation

Level 2 Management responsibility (MR) 0.265 0.219 0.240
Resource management (RM) 0.103 0.133 0.116
572 People management (PM) 0.113 0.141 0.120
Quality in design and process (QDP) 0.092 0.134 0.105
Measurement, analysis and feedback (MAF) 0.112 0.094 0.105
Supplier management (SM) 0.093 0.087 0.079
Customer focus (CF) 0.076 0.083 0.100
Quality technical material (QTM) 0.078 0.058 0.071
Quality jiritsuka/independent (QJI) 0.067 0.051 0.064
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With respect to Management responsibility

Strategic quality planning (SQP) 0.381 0.509 0.448
The role of divisional top management (RDT) 0.217 0.182 0.177
Top management commitment (TMC) 0.221 0.183 0.183
Internal stakeholders’ involvement (ISI) 0.181 0.125 0.192
With respect to Resource management
Technology and production related 0.640 0.526 0.585
resources (TPR)
Financial related resources (FRR) 0.219 0.337 0.274
Information and communication resources 0.141 0.138 0.14
With respect to people management
Employee involvement (EINV) 0.415 0.384 0.363
Education and training (EDT) 0.215 0.328 0.282
Team work and cooperation (TWC) 0.223 0.163 0.212
Work environment and culture (WEC) 0.147 0.124 0.143
With respect to quality in design and process
Process management/operating procedures 0.282 0.270 0.248
Role of quality department (RQD) 0.247 0.222 0.258
Product design (PD) 0.159 0.191 0.170
Process analysis and improvement (PAI) 0.187 0.205 0.199
Applied quality tools and techniques (AQTT) 0.124 0.111 0.125
With respect to measurement, analysis, and feedback
Level 3 Quality measurement, feedback and 0.188 0.233 0.214
benchmarking (QMFB)
Continuous improvement (CI) 0.234 0.156 0.190
Performance measurement external and 0.131 0.179 0.156
internal (PMEI)
Quality data and reporting (QDR) 0.125 0.181 0.158
Communication to improve quality (CIQ) 0.138 0.118 0.129
Recognition and rewards (RR) 0.103 0.065 0.073
Quality systems (QS) 0.081 0.069 0.080
With respect to supplier management
Supplier quality management (SQM) 0.837 0.794 0.817
Contact with supplier and professional 0.163 0.206 0.183
associates (CSPA)
With respect to customer focus
Table III. Customer involvement (CINV) 0.738 0.798 0.770
Local normalized Customer driven processes (CDP) 0.262 0.202 0.230
weights of judgments
from panel of experts (continued )
Local weights Malaysia and
AHP analysis AHP analysis AHP analysis Indonesia
Level 9 factors and 31 sub factors by Malaysia by Indonesia by combined
With respect to quality of technical material companies
Standardization quality standard (SQS) 0.827 0.749 0.791
Quality control (QC) technical management 0.173 0.251 0.209
(QCTM) 573
With respect to quality jiritsuka/independent
Develop QC management (DQCM) 0.746 0.569 0.663
Independence without support from mother 0.254 0.431 0.337
company (ISMC) Table III.
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As summarized in Table III, it was found that both Malaysia and Indonesia group
emphasized the importance of management responsibility and people management
for successful QE implementation. Measurement, analysis, and feedback; resource
management; and supplier management are the third, fourth, and fifth important
factors respectively for Malaysia group. In the case of Indonesia group, on the other
hand, quality in design and process; resource management; and measurement,
analysis, and feedback are the third, fourth, and fifth important factors, respectively.
Malaysia and Indonesia group have the same opinion about the importance of the
sub factors relating to several critical factors include management responsibility;
resource management; quality in design and process; supplier management; customer
focus; quality technical material; and quality jiritsuka/independent. However, Malaysia
and Indonesia group presented different opinion about the importance of the sub
factors associated with two factors, i.e. people management and measurement,
analysis, and feedback.

The global weights of judgments

Table IV shows the summary of ranking from 31 sub factors based on global weights.
From Table IV, the results show that three most important sub factors according to
Malaysia automotive industries to achieve successful QE practices are: “strategic
quality planning,” “supplier quality management,” and “technology and production
related resources.” Meanwhile “recognition and rewards,” “applied quality tools and
techniques,” and “quality systems” were the three least important sub factors for
achieving successful QE implementation.
The three critical sub factors according to Indonesia automotive industries to achieve
successful QE practices are “strategic quality planning,” “technology and production
related resources,” and “supplier quality management.” Meanwhile “communication to
improve quality,” “recognition and rewards,” and “quality systems” were the three least
important sub factors for achieving successful QE implementation.

This study provides a hierarchical model to obtain a ranking of the critical factors for
achieving successful implementation of QE in the automotive industry in Malaysia and
Indonesia. The instrument that was developed is a contribution toward characterizing
critical factors for QE. Using DHP methodology, which is combination of Delphi and
AHP techniques, nine factors and 31 sub factors have been validated through three
TQM AHP analysis by AHP analysis by AHP analysis by
26,6 Malaysia group Indonesia group combined group
Level Ranking Global weights Ranking Global weights Ranking Global weights

Level 2 1. MR 0.265 1. MR 0.219 1. MR 0.240

2. PM 0.113 2. PM 0.141 2. PM 0.120
574 3. MAF 0.112 3. QDP 0.134 3. RM 0.116
4. RM 0.103 4. RM 0.133 4. QDP 0.105
5. SM 0.093 5. MAF 0.094 5. MAF 0.105
6. QDP 0.092 6. SM 0.087 6. CF 0.100
7. QTM 0.078 7. CF 0.083 7. SM 0.079
8. CF 0.076 8. QTM 0.058 8. QTM 0.071
9. QJI 0.067 9. QJI 0.051 9. QJI 0.064
Level 3 1. SQP 0.101 1. SQP 0.111 1. SQP 0.108
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2. SQM 0.078 2. TPR 0.07 2. CINV 0.077

3. TPR 0.066 3. SQM 0.069 3. TPR 0.068
4. SQS 0.065 4. CINV 0.066 4. SQM 0.065
5. TMC 0.059 5. EINV 0.054 5. SQS 0.056
6. RDT 0.058 6. EDT 0.046 6. ISI 0.046
7. CINV 0.056 7. FRR 0.045 7. TMC 0.044
8. DQCM 0.050 8. SQS 0.044 8. RDT 0.043
9. ISI 0.048 9. TMC 0.04 9. EINV 0.043
10. EINV 0.047 10. RDT 0.04 10. DQCM 0.042
11. PMOP 0.026 11. PMOP 0.036 11. EDT 0.034
12. CI 0.026 12. RQD 0.03 12. FRR 0.032
13. TWC 0.025 13. DQCM 0.029 13. RQD 0.027
14. EDT 0.024 14. ISI 0.027 14. PMOP 0.026
15. FRR 0.023 15. PAI 0.027 15. TWC 0.025
16. RQD 0.023 16. PD 0.026 16. CDP 0.023
17. QMFB 0.021 17. TWC 0.023 17. QMFB 0.022
18. CDP 0.020 18. QMFB 0.022 18. PAI 0.021
19. WEC 0.017 19. ISMC 0.022 19. ISMC 0.021
20. PAI 0.017 20. WEC 0.018 20. CI 0.020
21. ISMC 0.017 21. CSPA 0.018 21. PD 0.018
22. PD 0.015 22. ICR 0.018 22. WEC 0.017
23. PMEI 0.015 23. CDP 0.017 23. QDR 0.017
24. CIQ 0.015 24. QDR 0.017 24. ICR 0.016
25. CSPA 0.015 25. PMEI 0.017 25. PMEI 0.016
26. QDR 0.014 26. CI 0.015 26. CSPA 0.015
27. QCTM 0.014 27. QCTM 0.015 27. QCTM 0.015
28. ICR 0.014 28. AQTT 0.015 28. AQTT 0.013
29. RR 0.012 29. CIQ 0.011 29. CIQ 0.013
30. AQTT 0.011 30. RR 0.006 30. RR 0.008
31. QS 0.009 31. QS 0.006 31. QS 0.008
27. QCTM 0.014 27. QCTM 0.015 27. QCTM 0.015
Table IV. 28. ICR 0.014 28. AQTT 0.015 28. AQTT 0.013
The rankings of the nine 29. RR 0.012 29. CIQ 0.011 29. CIQ 0.013
factors and 31 sub factors 30. AQTT 0.011 30. RR 0.006 30. RR 0.008
based on global weights 31. QS 0.009 31. QS 0.006 31. QS 0.008

rounds of the Delphi method. It was developed based on industry experts’ inputs.
Therefore, the critical factors represent actual situation for QE success.
This study is also aimed to examine the gap between Malaysia and Indonesia
automotive industries on QE practice. Based on the current situation, comparative studies
between ASEAN countries, provides an excellent opportunity that can provide overall Malaysia and
perspective and understanding of the similarities and differences in CSFs for successful Indonesia
QE and in the context of Malaysia and Indonesia to gain insight on the actual practices.
Results suggest that both Malaysia and Indonesia stressed management automotive
responsibility and people management for achieving successful QE implementation. companies
Strategic quality planning, customer involvement, and technology- and production-
related resources are among the most important sub factors for both countries. 575
Conclusions and further research directions
This paper has presented the results of a study on CSFs for QE implementation in
Malaysia and Indonesia automotive-related companies. Nine factors and 31 sub factors
have been derived from this study. Ranking of the nine CSFs and 31 sub factors has
provided a better understanding of the automotive industry in Malaysia and Indonesia
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on the direction and targets for improving practices QE. Ranking is very important
because it is impossible for both countries to improve all the factors in the same time
and it is hoped that with these rankings, they can focus first on improving the most
critical factors found lacking and then gradually improve on the other factors.
Future research could employ the normalized weight derived from DHP
methodology to develop self-assessment tool for both countries. The weights can be
used to identify the score and calculate the total score point for automotive-related
companies in both countries. The developed self-assessment method can be used as
a tool to evaluate how well a company implements QE compared to other companies.
It can also be used as a management model to determine the strengths of the company
in term of QE implementation. Finally, it is hoped that the results of this study will be
useful to continuously improve the application of QE within the automotive industry.

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TQM Further reading
26,6 Amar, K. and Zain, M.Z. (2002), “Barriers to implementing TQM in Indonesia manufacturing
organizations”, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 14 No. 6, pp. 367-372.
Bunney, H.S. and Dale, B.G. (1997), “The implementation of quality management tools and
techniques: a study”, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 183-189.
Clegg, B., Rees, C. and Titchen, M. (2010), “A study into the effectiveness of quality management
576 training: a focus on tools and critical success factors”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 22 No. 2,
pp. 188-208.
Curry, A. and Kadasah, N. (2002), “Focusing an key elements of TQM-evaluation for
sustainability”, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 207-216.
Eng, Q.E. and Yusof, S.M. (2003), “A survey of TQM practices in the Malaysian electrical and
electronics industry”, Total Quality Management, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 63-77.
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Fotopoulos, C. and Psomas, E. (2009), “The use of quality management tools and techniques in
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Lau, H.C. and Idris, M.A. (2001), “The soft foundation of the critical success factors on TQM
implementation in Malaysia”, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 51-60.
McQuater, R.E., Scull, C.H., Dale, B.G. and Hillman, P.G. (1995), “Using quality tools and
techniques successfully”, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 7 No. 6, pp. 37-42.
Rianto, Y., Laksani, C.S., Triyono, B. and Kardoyo, H. (2006), “Technological learning in Indonesia’s
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implementation for Chinese manufacturing companies”, International Journal of Quality
and Reliability Management, Vol. 17 No. 7, pp. 730-755.

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