2015 6 jns1546
2015 6 jns1546
2015 6 jns1546
Objective Visual impairments are the most common objective manifestations of suprasellar lesions. Diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) is a noninvasive MRI modality that depicts the subcortical white matter tracts in vivo. In this study the au-
thors tested the value of visual pathway tractography in comparison with visual field and visual acuity analyses.
Methods This prospective study consisted of 25 patients with progressive visual impairment due to suprasellar mass
lesions and 6 control patients with normal vision without such lesions. Visual acuity, visual field, and the optic fundus
were examined preoperatively and repeated 1 week and 3 months after surgery. Visual pathway DTI tractography was
performed preoperatively, intraoperatively immediately after tumor resection, and 1 week and 3 months after surgery.
Results In the control group, pre- and postoperative visual status were normal and visual pathway tractography
revealed fibers crossing the optic chiasm without any alteration. In patients with suprasellar lesions, vision improved in
24 of 25. The mean distance between optic tracts in tractography decreased after tumor resection and detectable fibers
crossing the optic chiasm increased from 12% preoperatively to 72% postoperatively 3 months after tumor resection, and
undetectable fibers crossing the optic chiasm decreased from 88% preoperatively to 27% postoperatively 3 months after
tumor resection. Visual improvement after tumor removal 1 week and 3 months after surgery was significantly correlated
with the distance between optic tracts in intraoperative tractography (p < 0.01).
Conclusions Visual pathway DTI tractography appears to be a promising adjunct to the standard clinical and
paraclinical visual examinations in patients with suprasellar mass lesions. The intraoperative findings, in particular the
distance between optic tract fibers, can predict visual outcome after tumor resection. Furthermore, postoperative appli-
cation of this technique may be useful in following anterior optic pathway recovery.
Key Words diffusion tensor imaging; visual impairment score; optic pathway tractography; suprasellar tumor;
diagnostic and operative techniques
ptic nerves, the optic chiasm, and optic tracts, to more severe loss of vision.6 On the other hand, visual
which are located in the suprasellar region, can be acuity and visual field examination reflect the degree of
damaged anatomically and functionally by tumors optic pathway compression. This examination requires
in this area. Due to this anatomical relationship, visual the cooperation of the patient; therefore in some critical
impairment is the most common objective manifestation situations such as an intubated patient, a noncooperative
of such tumors.10 The severity of visual loss (acuity, field, state, and pediatric patients, decision making while con-
and color discrimination) depends on the tumor’s charac- sidering the ophthalmological examination is not possible.
teristic. Large, firm, and capsular tumors appear to lead Furthermore, there is a continuing interest to evaluate vi-
Abbreviations DTI = diffusion tensor imaging; FA = fractional anisotropy; HARDI = high angular resolution diffusion imaging; MD = mean diffusivity; MFL = minimum
fiber length; ROI = region of interest; TSSS = transsphenoidal sinus surgery; VIS = visual impairment score.
submitted January 8, 2015. accepted June 30, 2015.
include when citing Published online December 18, 2015; DOI: 10.3171/2015.6.JNS1546.
sual function intraoperatively during surgery around the Visual Pathway DTI Tractography
visual pathways.18 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a All patients underwent 1.5-T brain MRI with and with-
noninvasive MRI modality that depicts the probable lo- out contrast preoperatively, intraoperatively, and twice (1
cation and geometrical organization of subcortical tracts week and 3 months) after surgery. The MRI scanner used
in vivo.17 Displacement, edema, and microstructural dam- was a Magnetom Espree (Siemens AG Medical Solutions)
age of tracts can be evaluated by DTI,23 but the validity with a superconductive 1.5-T magnet. A magnetization
and reliability of these techniques, especially in the visual prepared rapid-acquisition gradient-echo sequence with
pathway system, are not yet clear.12,14,26 Visual pathway DTI was obtained. DTI resolution was 128 × 128 × 60 vox-
fiber tractography may serve as a way to broaden our els and voxel size was 1.875 × 1.875 × 9 mm. DTI was
anatomical-functional understanding and provide bet- performed in 20 directions, with 3 average images, with b
ter visualization of the optic pathway. In this preliminary values of 1000 sec/mm2. For each data set, fiber tractogra-
study, we attempted to define preoperative, intraoperative, phy was performed using commercially available software
and postoperative alterations of the visual pathway fibers (BrainLAB). Seed regions were placed at the optic chiasm,
in 25 patients with suprasellar tumors using DTI tractog- occipital cortex (pericalcarine and precuneus regions), and
raphy, and to correlate the DTI findings with the clini- deep regions between the superior and middle temporal
cal visual status of the patients. The optic pathway was gyri lateral to the trigone for each side.22 Tracking was per-
evaluated anatomically (location and structure) with DTI formed with a fractional anisotropy (FA) threshold of 0.01
tractography and functionally with ophthalmological ex- and minimum fiber length (MFL) of 5 mm.
amination of visual acuity and visual fields. We compared
DTI and clinical findings preoperatively, intraoperatively, Statistical Analysis
and postoperatively. There have been some studies that
reported on the posterior visual pathways in brain tumor All data analyses were conducted using SPSS (version
surgery,20,22,28 and also some recent studies concerning the 16.0 for Windows, SPSS Inc.). Repeated-measures ANO-
anterior visual pathways,1,2,13,27 but none involving intra- VA was used to compare the VIS and distance between
operative DTI. To our knowledge, this is the first report optic tract means at specific time points (preoperatively,
to study the anterior visual pathway using intraoperative intraoperatively, and 1 week and 3 months after surgery).
DTI tractography in relation to ophthalmological exami- Pearson’s correlation coefficients were applied to examine
nation for surgical treatment of suprasellar lesions. the relationship between the distance of the optic tracts in
visual pathway tractography and the change in VIS after
decompression of the optic chiasm, and an independent
Methods t-test was used to compare the VIS difference with detect-
Between April 2013 and October 2014, 25 successive able or undetectable fibers crossing the optic chiasm. All
patients underwent operations at the International Neuro- statistical tests were 2-sided and p < 0.05 was considered
science Institute in Hannover, Germany, for visual distur- statistically significant.
bance due to compression of the optic chiasm. Six patients
with normal vision and no visual pathway compressive
lesions were included as the control group in our prospec- Results
tive pilot study. The control group consisted of patients The mean age of the 25 patients with compression of
who underwent operations because of other pathologies. the optic chiasm was 53.08 ± 18.61 years (range 11–87
All patients and control subjects were examined by 1 years), 15 were male (60%), 18 had pituitary adenoma
ophthalmologist. Visual acuity, funduscopy, intraocular (72%), and in 22 a transsphenoidal sinus surgery (TSSS)
pressure, and visual fields were evaluated preoperatively approach was performed (Table 1). The visual status im-
and then 1 week and 3 months after surgery. Visual acu- proved in all patients postoperatively except in 1, whose
ity was determined by the Snellen chart and visual field vision deteriorated because of optic nerve compression
defects were assessed by the Goldmann and Humphrey due to suprasellar bleeding that underwent reoperation.
field analyzer. These ophthalmological findings were ana- In the control group (6 cases), preoperative and postop-
lyzed according to the guidelines of the German Ophthal- erative visual examination showed normal visual status.
mological Society.7 The scores of visual acuity and visual Visual pathway tractography in this group performed pre-
field defects were added together for each patient, and pro- operatively and postoperatively revealed fibers crossing
vided the visual impairment score (VIS). This scoring and the optic chiasm without any alteration. In our patients (25
evaluation of pituitary hormones was performed for the cases), the mean VIS changed from 28.32 ± 18.15 preop-
patients with hypothalamus-pituitary lesions preopera- eratively to 20.76 ± 17.46 at 1 week and 14.04 ± 14.98 at 3
tively, and 1 week and 3 months after surgery, as detailed months after surgery. Using an ANOVA, estimated mean
in a previous publication.7 Before surgery, all patients gave VIS showed a significant decrease (p < 0.001; Fig. 1).
their informed consent for intraoperative MRI-DTI inves- The mean distance between optic tracts in tractography
tigation to evaluate the visual pathway. The patients with changed from 9.46 ± 7.26 preoperatively to 5.97 ± 6.21
suprasellar mass lesions underwent a direct, microscopic, intraoperatively, to 4.84 ± 6.48 at 1 week after surgery,
endonasal transsphenoidal approach (endoscope assisted) and then 1.90 ± 4.14 at 3 months after surgery. Using
or transcranial (frontolateral) approach. The lesions were an ANOVA, the estimated mean distance between optic
removed microsurgically with the assistance of neuronav- tracts in tractography showed a significant decrease (p <
igation (Vector Vision 2; BrainLab), a Storz endoscope, 0.001; Fig. 2).
and intraoperative MRI. Preoperative tractography in 22 (88%) of 25 patients
showed no crossing fibers in the optic chiasm (undetect- Fig. 2. Graph showing the estimated mean distance between optic
able chiasm). Among these 22 patients, chiasm-crossing tracts on tractography preoperatively, intraoperatively, 1 week after sur-
fibers were revealed in 5 patients with intraoperative trac- gery, and 3 months after surgery, in 25 patients with suprasellar tumors.
tography, in 4 patients 1 week after surgery, and in 6 pa-
tients 3 months after surgery. After 3 months in 28% of the loss in his left eye over the previous 2 months. He had a his-
patients, the optic chiasm was still undetectable on DTI tory of severe hyponatremia and acute hypocortisolemic
tractography (Fig. 3). symptoms. MRI showed an intrasellar and suprasellar
There was a statistically significant relationship be- mass with cystic changes, which compressed the optic chi-
tween the detection of chiasm-crossing fibers in tractogra- asm. The patient also had secondary hypothyroidism. The
phy 1 week after tumor resection and visual improvement tumor was removed completely using a microscopic en-
3 months after the operation (p = 0.002). The distance donasal transsphenoidal (endoscopic-assisted) approach.
between optic tracts on intraoperative tractography was The pathological examination showed a nonfunctional pi-
significantly inversely correlated with visual improvement tuitary adenoma. The postoperative course of the patient
1 week and 3 months after surgery using the Pearson cor- was uneventful. We found more visual fiber tracts and
relation coefficient (correlation coefficients 0.69 and 0.59, downward location of the chiasm after tumor decompres-
respectively; p < 0.01). sion intraoperatively and postoperatively (Fig. 4).
Optic chiasm compression due to suprasellar mass can
cause visual acuity impairment, visual field defects, and
color discrimination disturbance. Visual acuity is com-
monly found to be impaired at an early stage, before any
perimetric signs.3 In some optic pathway disease such as
glaucoma, visual field defects can be detected by auto-
mated perimetry, usually after 25%–35% of ganglion cell
Fig. 1. Graph of the estimated mean VIS preoperatively, 1 week after axonal loss.24 Although the degree of visual acuity impair-
surgery, and 3 months after surgery in 25 patients with suprasellar ment is correlated with the extent of visual field defect,8,9
tumors. their response to surgical decompression is not always
Fig. 3. Bar graph of the percentages of detectable chiasmatic-crossing fibers after tumor resection.
parallel to each other.16 Vision improves progressively at tifacts on DTI.21,30 Therefore, we tracked the fibers with
least within the first year after transsphenoidal surgery.5 FA and MFL values and ROIs that had the lowest artifact
The improvement of visual dysfunction after surgical for each patient. The same values were used afterward at
treatment is supposed to consist of two phases.11 Early re- repeated intraoperative and postoperative DTI. All visual
covery leads to restoration of signal conduction and de- fibers in DTI tractography were compared with their ac-
layed recovery related to restoration of axonal transport tual anatomical location on MRI to delete artificial fibers.
and remyelination.11 In the early phase, more than 50% of Until now, there has not been a published study evalu-
the eventual recovery takes place within the first 3 months ating the link between DTI findings and clinical visual
after surgery.27 Our findings showed that the visual im- status.13 However, Loeber et al. observed that monocular
provement noted during the first postoperative week was visual deficits often corresponded to a loss or attenuation
more than what was observed between 1 week and 3 of ipsilateral prechiasmatic fibers and postchiasmatic fi-
months after surgery. bers, although this finding was without statistical signifi-
Although MRI is the traditional imaging modality cance.13 They believe that with the application of DTI in
for optic nerves, the optic chiasm, and proximal of optic imaging studies, lesions might be better described for
tracts,15 using this method we cannot distinguish the mi- surgical planning and more accurately classified based
crostructural changes of the nerve fibers. Furthermore, on arrangement of native fibers.13 Bauer et al., using high
in some invasive unresectable pituitary macroadenomas, angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), showed a
preservation of vision during the surgery is more impor- significant reduction in association fibers associated with
tant than complete tumor resection; therefore the impor- the major pathways implicated in visual processing in 2
tance of an intraoperative imaging method to evaluate the patients with cortical visual impairment.2 Techniques such
anatomical and/or functional characteristics of the visual as HARDI, Q-ball imaging, and diffusion spectrum im-
pathway is very relevant. DTI evaluates diffusion in multi- aging have been recently used to better characterize the
ple, different directions (represented by vectors with mag- physiological complex structures with kissing and cross-
nitude and direction).12 DTI fiber tractography is a math- ing fibers. Although diffusion spectrum imaging is a valu-
ematical technique to reconstruct the white matter tracts able technique in research, it is not currently in clinical
in a 3D view. Microstructural damage due to nerve fiber use. Hardware and time limitations have also precluded
compression may affect DTI quantitative measures such widespread use of these 3 techniques.12
as mean diffusivity (MD), apparent diffusion coefficient, In our series, the tumor was resected completely in 22
and FA.23,25 Nerve fiber damage due to compression may of 25 patients, and in 3 patients subtotal tumor removal
manifest as lower FA and higher MD in the specific re- was performed. In 1 of these patients, vision deteriorated
gion of interest (ROI) in DTI. Diffusion-weighted imaging transiently at 1 week after surgery, and visual pathway
is sensitive to motion, therefore these images have lower tractography at this time showed a transient increased dis-
signal-to-noise ratio and are susceptible to artifacts.14,26 tance between the optic tracts as well (Fig. 6). The chiasm-
The range of tensor-derived measures (MD, FA) change crossing fibers in 88% of the patients were not detectable
widely, even in a healthy population, and this variability preoperatively even with the lowest FA and MFL, but 3
can be related to interindividual biological differences months after the operation only 28% of the patients had
as well as experimental noise.4 Air in the sphenoid sinus, undetectable chiasm. The reappearance of optic chiasm fi-
CSF flow in the basal cisterns, orbital fat, muscle move- bers on tractography 1 week after surgery was associated
ment in the orbit, and bleeding are known to produce ar- with a better visual outcome 3 months after surgery (p =
Fig. 4. Preoperative (A, B, and E), intraoperative (C and D), and postop-
erative evaluation (F and G). A and B: Preoperative axial and coronal Fig. 5. Preoperative (A–D), intraoperative (E), and postoperative evalu-
visual pathway tractography in a patient with nonfunctional pituitary ation (F–H). A–C: Preoperative visual pathway tractography in coronal,
adenoma. The distance between the optic tract fibers was 10.6 mm. C axial, and 3D views in a patient with nonfunctional pituitary adenoma.
and D: Intraoperative coronal visual pathway tractography. The distance The distance between the optic tracts was 16.5 mm. D: Preoperative
between optic tract fibers decreased to 6.6 mm. E: Preoperative visual visual field defect on visual field perimetry. E: Intraoperative visual path-
field perimetry. F and G: Visual field perimetry and visual pathway trac- way tractography after tumor removal showing approximated optic tract
tography (axial view) 1 week after surgery. Figure is available in color fibers. The distance between the fibers decreased to 6.7 mm. F: Visual
online only. field 3 months after surgery on visual field perimetry. G and H: Visual
pathway tractography 3 months after surgery in 3D and axial views.
Figure is available in color online only.
0.002). Although not statistically significant, a better vi-
sual outcome both at 1 week and 3 months postoperatively
was observed in patients whose optic chiasm fibers reap- study by Salminen et al. suggested that aging has a sig-
peared intraoperatively. In intraoperative tractography, the nificant and differentiated impact on gray/white matter in
distance between optic tracts showed an excellent corre- healthy older adults.19 In our experience there was no sta-
lation with visual improvement twice after surgery (at 1 tistically significant relationship between a patient’s age
week and 3 months). Release of a nerve conduction block and pathology of the tumor with DTI findings.
after optic pathway decompression causes better axoplas-
mic transportation and probably manifests as the reap-
pearance of chiasm-crossing nerve fibers or approxima- Conclusions
tion of optic tracts on DTI tractography. This correlation With this pilot study we found a correlation between
between visual improvement and distance between optic optic tract distance on visual pathway tractography and
tracts in tractography has also been shown at 3 months visual improvement, at 1 week and 3 months after sur-
after surgery. gery. Visual pathway DTI tractography appears to be a
Age may have some effect on DTI quantitative mea- promising adjunct to the standard clinical and paraclinical
sures such as diffusivity, apparent diffusion coefficient, visual examinations in patients with suprasellar masses.
and FA. Recently, Yan et al. showed a correlation between The intraoperative findings can predict the visual outcome
age and range of FA and MD in monkeys,29 and another after tumor resection. Furthermore, postoperative applica-
Fig. 6. A and B: Axial and coronal intraoperative optic tract tractography in a patient with a firm pituitary macroadenoma. C
and D: Axial and coronal postoperative visual pathway tractography 1 week after surgery; the distance between the optic tracts
increased to 16.1 mm. E and F: Axial and coronal postoperative visual pathway tractography 3 months after surgery; the distance
between the optic tracts decreased to 2.2 mm. G: Postoperative visual field perimetry showing the visual field deteriorated 1 week
after surgery. H: Visual field perimetry showing improvement of the visual field 3 months after surgery. Figure is available in color
online only.
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22. Stieglitz LH, Lüdemann WO, Giordano M, Raabe A, Fahl- Hajiabadi. Approved the final version of the manuscript on behalf
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23. Sun HH, Wang D, Zhang QJ, Bai ZL, He P: Magnetic reso- Correspondence
nance diffusion tensor imaging of optic nerve and optic ra- Mohamadreza Hajiabadi, International Neuroscience Institute,
diation in healthy adults at 3T. Int J Ophthalmol 6:868–872, Rudolf-Pichlmayr Str. 4, Hannover 30625, Germany. email:
2013 [email protected].