Release Highlights: New in Geomatica 2017 Service Pack 4

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New in Geomatica 2017 Service Pack 4

Release Highlights

Automatic tie-point collection

o New matching algorithms FFTPS and FFTPSNR have been added to this function.
TPs produced using these methods are more accurate than NCC and FFTP. FFTPS is now the
default algorithm for AUTOTIE.

SGM DEM Extraction

o Work was done to the calculations which has achieved approximately a 2x performance
o Algorithm has been improved to generate less blunders

DSM to DTM Filtering

o Automated filtering now includes better handling of hills and mountains via use of large scale
o The upgrades also remove buildings/trees just as well as before, but now preserves hills and
mountains at the same time

Editing Tools
 DEM Editor
o New editing option that improves editing of water bodies (ensures that blending never lower
than water height)
o New contour visualization via stepped colours

Format Support Updates

 LAS / LAZ Format
o PCI software now supports version 1.2 of the ASPRS LIDAR LAS format for both reading and
o PCI software now also supports the compressed or zipped form of LAS data, called LAZ format.
Versions 1.0 through 1.4 are supported.

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New in Geomatica 2017 Service Pack 4

Sensor Support Updates

The following sensors are newly supported:
 Gaofen-4: Ingest, Ortho, Atmospheric Correction

The following sensors have upgraded support:

 Sentinel-1: Addition of support for full metadata information leading to the ability to utilize the
sensor in Polarimetric SAR workflows
 Cosmo-SkyMed: Addition of support for DEM extraction
 Formosat-2: Support for format as distributed by the National Space Organization (NSPO) of
 Kompsat-5: Upgraded support for Level 1C GEC/WEC, and Level 1D GTC/WTC data products.
 Landsat – Support has been added for the Landsat 4-7 surface reflectance (LEDAPS) and
Landsat 8 surface reflectance code (LASRC) products

User Feedback and Requests

As a standard part of any PCI software release, we have spent a great deal of time modifying the
Geomatica environment and its processes based on direct customer feedback. Over 25 customer-
requests have been addressed in the Geomatica 2017 SP1 release.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PCI Geomatics.
PCI Geomatics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Page | 2

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