Pepsi Cola v. City of Butuan

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Pepsi Cola v.

City of Butuan consignee of any person, association,

Topic: Valid Classification of taxpayers/subject partnership, company or corporation engaged
matter to be taxed in selling . . . soft drinks or carbonated drinks."
As a consequence, merchants engaged in the
Facts: Petitioner, Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company sale of soft drinks or carbonated drinks, are not
of the Philippines, is a domestic corporation subject to the tax, unless they are agents
with offices and principal place of business in and/or consignees of another dealer, who, in
Quezon City. Its warehouse in the City of the very nature of things, must be one engaged
Butuan serves as a storage for its products the in business outside the City.
"Pepsi-Cola" soft drinks for sale to customers in
the City of Butuan. These "Pepsi-Cola" soft When we consider, also, that the tax "shall be
drinks are bottled in Cebu City and shipped to based and computed from the cargo manifest
the Butuan City warehouse of petitioner for or bill of lading . . . showing the number of
distribution and sale in the City of Butuan and cases" — not sold — but "received" by the
all municipalities of Agusan. taxpayer, the intention to limit the application
of the ordinance to soft drinks and carbonated
The City of Butuan enacted an ordinance drinks brought into the City from outside
imposing a tax on any person, association, etc., thereof becomes apparent. Viewed from this
of P0.10 per case of 24 bottles of Pepsi- Cola. angle, the tax partakes of the nature of an
Petitioner Pepsi filed a complaint for recovery import duty, which is beyond defendant's
of amount paid on grounds that the Ordinance authority to impose by express provision of
is unconstitutional law.

Pepsi argues that the ordinance is null and void Even, however, if the burden in question were
because: regarded as a tax on the sale of said beverages,
(1) it partakes of the nature of an import it would still be invalid, as discriminatory, and
tax; hence, violated the rules on uniformity
(2) it amounts to double taxation; because only sales by "agents or consignees"
(3) it is excessive, oppressive and of outside dealers would be subject to the tax.
(4) it is highly unjust and discriminatory; The classification must be reasonable and this
(5) and Section 2 of Republic Act No. 2264, requires: (1) it is based upon substantial
upon the authority of which it was distinctions which make real differences; (2)
enacted, is an unconstitutional these are germane to the purpose of the
delegation of legislative powers. legislation or ordinance; (3) the classification
applies, not only to present conditions, but,
Issue: WON Ordinance is void and WON the also, to future conditions substantially
party is entitled to a refund identical to those of the present; and (4) the
classification applies equally to all those who
HELD: YES belong to the same
Sec 3 of the Ordinance was imposed upon
dealers "engaged in selling" soft drinks or Indeed, if its purpose were merely to levy a
carbonated drinks. Thus, it would seem that burden upon the sale of soft drinks or
the intent was then to levy a tax upon the sale carbonated beverages, there is no reason why
of said merchandise. The tax is, however, sales thereof by dealers other than agents or
imposed only upon "any agent and/or consignees of producers or merchants
established outside the City of Butuan should
be exempt from the tax.

Judgement: Ordinance is void and the refund

to Petitioner is allowed

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