Analog PID Controller: Stanford Research Systems
Analog PID Controller: Stanford Research Systems
Analog PID Controller: Stanford Research Systems
This Stanford Research Systems product is warranted against defects in materials and workman-
ship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a Stanford Research Systems
authorized service facility. Contact Stanford Research Systems or an authorized representative
before returning this product for repair.
5 Circuitry 5–1
5.1 Circuit Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–2
5.2 Parts Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–4
5.3 Schematic Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–7
ii Contents
WARNING The SIM960 is not designed, intended, or sold for use in hazardous
environments requiring fail-safe operation, including without lim-
itation, operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft or spacecraft control
systems, and life support or weapons systems. The user must assure
that any failure or misapplication of the SIM960 cannot lead to a con-
sequential failure of any interconnected equipment that could lead
to loss of life or limb, or property damage.
The illustrations, charts, and discussions shown in this manual are
intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are many vari-
ables and requirements associated with any particular control ap-
plication, Stanford Research Systems does not assume responsibility
or liability for actual use based upon the examples shown in this
iv General Information
Symbol Description
Alternating current
On (supply)
Off (supply)
The following notation will be used throughout this manual.
Performance Characteristics
Min Typ Max Units
Amplifier Settings Control type Analog, PID+Offset
Input Range −10 +10 V common mode
−1 +1 V differential
Proportional gain 10−1 10 3 V/V
Integral gain 10−2 5 × 10 5 1/s
eff. time const. 2 × 10−6 10 2 s
Derivative gain 10−6 10 s
Offset −10 +10 V
resolution 1 mV
Amplifier Performance Bandwidth 100 kHz
Propagation delay 1 µs
Noise ( f > 20 Hz) 8 nV/ Hz, RTI
Output Range −10 +10 V
Configuration Parameter control Digital
Parameter accuracy 1 %
Stability 200 ppm/◦ C
Display Resolution 4 digits
Inputs Measure BNC, 1 MΩ, ±10 V range
Ext. Setpoint BNC, 1 MΩ, ±10 V range
Setpoint Generator Setting −10 +10 V
resolution 1 mV
Ramp Rate 10−3 104 V/s
Noise ( f > 100 Hz) 20 nV/ Hz, RTI
Operating Temperature [14] 0 40 ◦C
Power ±15, +5 V DC
Supply current 150 (±15 V), 80 (+5 V) mA
General Characteristics
Number of inputs 2
Interface Serial (RS-232) through SIM interface
Connectors BNC (3 front, 2 rear); DB–15 (male) SIM interface
Weight 2.1 lbs
Dimensions 3.000 W × 3.600 H × 7.000 D
In This Chapter
1–2 Getting Started
1.1 General
The SIM960 is designed to maintain stability in systems requiring
low noise and wide bandwidth. The controller design consists of
a front end differential input amplifier, followed by an integrator
and a differentiator, arranged in what is known as the “ideal” PID
topology. The input amplifier (the “error amplifier”) differences the
the two single ended inputs, Setpoint and Measure, and multiplies
the resulting error signal (ε) by the proportional gain. The amplified
error is then passed to three parallel control paths:
1. The proportional path, no change is made to the signal.
2. The integral path with gain I.
3. The derivative path gain D.
These three signals can be independently selected to combine at a
summing amplifier, which is then buffered to the output. A constant
offset can also be added, which can be useful in applications that do
not use the I term. Mathematically, the behavior is
1.2.1 Inputs
1.2.2 Ramping
The ramping feature of the SIM960 PID Controller allows the user to
linearly slew the internally generated setpoint level from its current
value to a new value. The slew rate may be changed using the
SP Ramp parameter on the front panel.
The indicator to the right of SP Ramp shows whether ramp-
ing is enabled or disabled. Use [On/Off] (with SP Ramp se-
lected) to enable/disable ramping. When disabled, changes to
the Internal Setpoint parameter take effect immediately. When
ramping is enabled, however, changes to Internal Setpoint do not
immediately take effect. Instead, Internal (in the Setpoint block of
the INPUTS section of the front panel) begins to blink, showing that
a new setpoint has been entered and a ramp event is now pending.
To begin the ramp, press [Ramp Start/Stop]. Now, the Internal blink
rate doubles, indicating that the setpoint is ramping. To pause the
ramp, press [Ramp Start/Stop]Ẇhen the ramp is paused, the In-
ternal blink rate becomes uneven. To continue the ramp, press
[Ramp Start/Stop] again. When the setpoint reaches the new pro-
grammed value, the ramp automatically terminates, and Internal
stops blinking.
Note, SP Ramp has no sign in the numerical display. This is be-
cause the polarity of the ramp rate is unambiguously determined
by whether the newly entered setpoint is greater or less than the
current setpoint. The range of available ramp rates is from 1 mV/s
to 10,000 V/s. For ramp rates less than or equal to 1 V/s, the rate
is dynamically trimmed based on real-time measurements from the
onboard A-to-D converter.
1.2.3 Connections
Two LED bar displays have been included on the right side of the
SIM960 front panel to provide visual information about the P × ε
and Output signals. This reduces the need to frequently return to
those fields on the numerical display while trying to adjust other
tuning parameters. Some time should be taken to understand what
information these bar displays provide.
Each bar has two lighted LEDs; one for the maximum peak of the
signal, and one for the minimum peak. The peaks are determined
with respect to time variation of the signal, and they decay back to
the DC level with a decay time of ∼100 ms.
To understand how a signal is represented in the bar display, con-
sider an input sine wave of frequency 1 Hz. Since frequency is low
compared to the inverse of the decay time, the maximum and min-
imum peak values are indistinguishable, and the signal appears as
a single LED that tracks the sine wave. As the frequency increases,
the maximum peak does not decay quickly enough to track the neg-
ative excursions the signal, and the minimum peak also fails to track
positive excursions. So there appear to be two lighted LEDs slightly
separated, roughly tracking the sine wave. As the frequency is fur-
ther increased to well above the decay time inverse, the two lighted
LEDs no longer decay at all from their peak levels, so there appear
to be two lighted LEDs marking the maximum and minimum peaks
of the sine wave.
Thus, a slowly varying signal appears as a single lighted LED in the
display, tracking the signal changes with time. But a quickly varying
signal, however, appears as two lighted LEDs marking the maximum
and minimum excursions of the signal in time.
The range of the P × ε bar display is ±10 V. The Output bar display
has a range determined by the user programmed upper and lower
limits. For example, if the limits were set to +5 V and −1 V, the full
range of the bar display would be 6 V, and 0 V would no longer
correspond to the center of the bar display, but would be 1/6th of the
way up from the bottom. Also, the Output bar display has a red LED
on each end to indicate whether the controller output is saturated at
its limit.
CAUTION The SIM960 has no internal protection against reverse polarity, missing
supply, or overvoltage on the power supply pins. Misapplication of power
may cause circuit damage. SRS recommends using the SIM960 together
with the SIM900 Mainframe for most applications.
The DB–15 SIM interface connector carries all the power and commu-
nications lines to the instrument. The connector signals are specified
in Table 1.1
Pin Signal Src ⇒ Dest Description
1 SIGNAL GND MF ⇒ SIM Ground reference for signal
2 −STATUS SIM ⇒ MF Status/service request (GND = asserted, +5 V= idle)
3 RTS MF ⇒ SIM HW Handshake (+5 V= talk; GND = stop)
4 CTS SIM ⇒ MF HW Handshake (+5 V= talk; GND = stop)
5 −REF 10MHZ MF ⇒ SIM 10 MHz reference (optional connection)
6 −5 V MF ⇒ SIM Power supply (no connection in SIM960)
7 −15 V MF ⇒ SIM Power supply (analog circuitry)
8 PS RTN MF ⇒ SIM Power supply return
9 CHASSIS GND Chassis ground
10 TXD MF ⇒ SIM Async data (start bit = “0”= +5 V; “1” = GND)
11 RXD SIM ⇒ MF Async data (start bit = “0”= +5 V; “1” = GND)
12 +REF 10MHz MF ⇒ SIM 10 MHz reference (optional connection)
13 +5 V MF ⇒ SIM Power supply (digital circuitry)
14 +15 V MF ⇒ SIM Power supply (analog circuitry)
15 +24 V MF ⇒ SIM Power supply (no connection in SIM960)
Although the serial interface lines on the DB-15 do not satisfy the minimum
voltage levels of the RS-232 standard, they are typically compatible with desktop
personal computers
The initial serial port settings at power-on are: 9600 Baud, 8–bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit, and RTS/CTS flow control. These may be changed
with the BAUD, FLOW, or PARI commands.
The maximum standard baud rate that the SIM960 supports is 38400.
The minimum baud rate is 110. Above 38400, the SIM960 can be
set to the following (non-RS–232-standard) baud rates: 62500, 78125,
104167, 156250. Note that these rates are typically not accessible on
a standard PC RS–232 port, but can be used between the SIM960 and
the SIM900 Mainframe.
In This Chapter
2–2 Advanced Topics
Setpoint SP +
P×ε P×ε
Input M − P Monitor Output
(rear panel BNC)
Input ×1 Manual
ε = SP − M D
Σ Output
Output Buffer w/User
Controlled Limits
* Antiwindup circuitry (see text) Offset
** Bumpless transfer when I is enabled Control
• Switch the SIM960 into Manual mode, and then adjust until
the process is stable and near the desired operating point.
• Now make a small, sudden step change, ∆, in the control signal.
Call this time t = 0.
• Record the process response in the Measure signal. Define the
(dimensionless) process step-response function:
Measure(t) − Measure(0)
h(t) =
From a and L, Ziegler and Nichols suggest tuning for P, PI, and PID
control as shown in Table 2.1
Control P I D
P 1/a
PI 0.9/a 1/(3L)
PID 1.2/a 1/(2L) L/2
Ziegler, J. G., & Nichols, N. B. 1942, Trans. ASME, 64, 759
0 t
0 t
• Switch the SIM960 into PID mode, with I and D both disabled.
Choose a value for Setpoint around the desired operating
point, and set P so some small value.
• Slowly increase P until the process starts to oscillate.
• Record this value of P as Ku , the “ultimate” gain. Also observe
the period of the oscillations, Tu .
From Ku and Tu , Ziegler and Nichols again suggest tuning for P, PI,
and PID control as shown in Table 2.2
Control P I D
P Ku /2
PI 2Ku /5 5/(4Tu )
PID 3Ku /5 2/Tu Tu /8
2.4.1 Manual-to-PID
2.4.2 PID-to-Manual
This can be understood mathematically, since only the integral term has an “un-
specified” initial offset value that can be set to an arbitrary value without violating
Eqn 1.2.
This chapter describes operating the module over the serial interface.
In This Chapter
3–2 Remote Operation
symbol definition
i,j Integers
f ,g Floating-point values
z Literal token
Controller Settings
PCTL(?) z 3 – 10 Proportional action ON/OFF
ICTL(?) z 3 – 10 Integral action ON/OFF
DCTL(?) z 3 – 10 Derivative action ON/OFF
OCTL(?) z 3 – 10 Offset ON/OFF
GAIN(?) {f } 3 – 10 Proportional Gain
APOL(?) z 3 – 11 Controller Polarity
INTG(?) {f } 3 – 11 Integral Gain
DERV(?) {f } 3 – 11 Derivative Gain
OFST(?) {f } 3 – 11 Output Offset
Controller Configuration
AMAN(?) z 3 – 12 Output (Manual Output/PID Control)
INPT(?) z 3 – 12 Input (Internal/External Setpoint)
SETP(?) {f } 3 – 12 New setpoint
RAMP(?) z 3 – 12 Internal setpoint ramping ON/OFF
RATE(?) {f } 3 – 12 Setpoint ramping Rate
RMPS? 3 – 13 Setpoint ramping status
STRT z 3 – 13 Pause or continue ramping
MOUT(?) {f } 3 – 13 Manual Output
ULIM(?) {f } 3 – 13 Upper Output Limit
LLIM(?) {f } 3 – 14 Lower Output Limit
SMON? [i] 3 – 14 Setpoint Input Monitor
MMON? [i] 3 – 14 Measure Input Monitor
EMON? [i] 3 – 15 Amplified Error Monitor
OMON? [i] 3 – 15 Output Monitor
RFMT(?) {z} 3 – 15 Output Streaming Records Format
SOUT [z] 3 – 16 Stop Streaming
FPLC(?) {i} 3 – 16 Frequency of Power Line Cycle
DISP(?) {z} 3 – 16 Select Field
SHFT(?) {z} 3 – 16 Shift Status
DISX(?) {z} 3 – 17 Front Panel Display Enable
Serial Communications
BAUD(?) {i} 3 – 17 Baud Rate
FLOW(?) {z} 3 – 17 Flow Control
PARI(?) {z} 3 – 17 Parity
*CLS 3 – 17 Clear Status
*STB? [i] 3 – 18 Status Byte
*SRE(?) [i,] {j} 3 – 18 Service Request Enable
*ESR? [i] 3 – 18 Standard Event Status
*ESE(?) [i,] {j} 3 – 18 Standard Event Status Enable
CESR? [i] 3 – 18 Comm Error Status
CESE(?) [i,]{j} 3 – 19 Comm Error Status Enable
INCR? [i] 3 – 19 Instrument condition register
INSR? [i] 3 – 19 Instrument status register
INSE(?) [i], {j} 3 – 19 Instrument status enable register
ADSR? [i] 3 – 19 A-to-D status register
ADSE(?) [i], {j} 3 – 19 A-to-D status enable register
PSTA(?) {z} 3 – 20 Pulse −STATUS Mode
*RST 3 – 20 Reset
CONS(?) {z} 3 – 21 Console Mode
*IDN? 3 – 21 Identify
*TST? 3 – 21 Self Test
*OPC(?) 3 – 22 Operation Complete
WAIT i 3 – 22 Wait
LEXE? 3 – 22 Execution Error
LCME? 3 – 23 Command Error
LBTN? 3 – 23 Last Button
TOKN(?) {z} 3 – 24 Token Mode
TERM(?) {z} 3 – 24 Response Termination
*CLS 3 – 17 Clear Status
*ESE(?) [i,] {j} 3 – 18 Standard Event Status Enable
*ESR? [i] 3 – 18 Standard Event Status
*IDN? 3 – 21 Identify
*OPC(?) 3 – 22 Operation Complete
*RST 3 – 20 Reset
*SRE(?) [i,] {j} 3 – 18 Service Request Enable
*STB? [i] 3 – 18 Status Byte
*TST? 3 – 21 Self Test
ADSE(?) [i], {j} 3 – 19 A-to-D status enable register
ADSR? [i] 3 – 19 A-to-D status register
AMAN(?) z 3 – 12 Output (Manual Output/PID Control)
APOL(?) z 3 – 11 Controller Polarity
BAUD(?) {i} 3 – 17 Baud Rate
CESE(?) [i,]{j} 3 – 19 Comm Error Status Enable
CESR? [i] 3 – 18 Comm Error Status
CONS(?) {z} 3 – 21 Console Mode
DCTL(?) z 3 – 10 Derivative action ON/OFF
DERV(?) {f } 3 – 11 Derivative Gain
DISP(?) {z} 3 – 16 Select Field
DISX(?) {z} 3 – 17 Front Panel Display Enable
EMON? [i] 3 – 15 Amplified Error Monitor
FLOW(?) {z} 3 – 17 Flow Control
FPLC(?) {i} 3 – 16 Frequency of Power Line Cycle
GAIN(?) {f } 3 – 10 Proportional Gain
ICTL(?) z 3 – 10 Integral action ON/OFF
INCR? [i] 3 – 19 Instrument condition register
INPT(?) z 3 – 12 Input (Internal/External Setpoint)
INSE(?) [i], {j} 3 – 19 Instrument status enable register
INSR? [i] 3 – 19 Instrument status register
INTG(?) {f } 3 – 11 Integral Gain
LBTN? 3 – 23 Last Button
LCME? 3 – 23 Command Error
LEXE? 3 – 22 Execution Error
LLIM(?) {f } 3 – 14 Lower Output Limit
MMON? [i] 3 – 14 Measure Input Monitor
MOUT(?) {f } 3 – 13 Manual Output
OCTL(?) z 3 – 10 Offset ON/OFF
OFST(?) {f } 3 – 11 Output Offset
OMON? [i] 3 – 15 Output Monitor
PARI(?) {z} 3 – 17 Parity
PCTL(?) z 3 – 10 Proportional action ON/OFF
PSTA(?) {z} 3 – 20 Pulse −STATUS Mode
RAMP(?) z 3 – 12 Internal setpoint ramping ON/OFF
RATE(?) {f } 3 – 12 Setpoint ramping Rate
RFMT(?) {z} 3 – 15 Output Streaming Records Format
RMPS? 3 – 13 Setpoint ramping status
SETP(?) {f } 3 – 12 New setpoint
SHFT(?) {z} 3 – 16 Shift Status
SMON? [i] 3 – 14 Setpoint Input Monitor
SOUT [z] 3 – 16 Stop Streaming
STRT z 3 – 13 Pause or continue ramping
TERM(?) {z} 3 – 24 Response Termination
ULIM(?) {f } 3 – 13 Upper Output Limit
WAIT i 3 – 22 Wait
3.3 Introduction
Remote operation of the SIM960 is through a simple command lan-
guage documented in this chapter. Both set and query forms of most
commands are supported, allowing the user complete control of the
amplifier from a remote computer, either through the SIM mainframe
or directly via RS-232 (see section
See Table 1.1 for the specification of the DB–15 SIM Interface Con-
The settings for the remote interface are 9600 baud with no parity
and hardware flow control, and local echo disabled (CONS OFF).
Most of the SIM960 instrument settings are stored in non-volatile
memory, and at power-on the instrument returns to the state it was
last in when power was removed. Exceptions are noted in the com-
mand descriptions.
Reset values of parameters are shown in boldface.
3.3.2 Buffers
The SIM960 stores incoming bytes from the host interface in a 32-
byte Input Buffer. Characters accumulate in the Input Buffer until
a command terminator (either hCRi or hLFi) is received, at which
point the message is parsed and executed. Query responses from the
SIM960 are buffered in a 32-byte Output Queue.
If the Input Buffer overflows, then all data in both the Input Buffer
and the Output Queue are discarded, and an error is recorded in the
CESR and ESR status registers.
3.4 Commands
This section provides syntax and operational descriptions for remote
symbol definition
i,j Integers
f ,g Floating-point values
z Literal token
3.4.2 Examples
*RST Reset
Reset the SIM960 to its default configuration. The effect of this com-
mand is equivalent to the following sequence of commands:
• GAIN 1.0
• INTG 1.0
• DERV 1.0E-6
• OFST 0.0
• RATE 1.0
• SETP 0.0 (must not precede RAMP OFF)
• MOUT 0.0
• ULIM +10.0
• LLIM -10.0
The baud rate of the SIM960 is unaffected by *RST. The entire status
model is also unaffected by *RST.
Example: *RST
*IDN? Identify
Read the device identification string.
The identification string is formatted as:
Stanford Research Systems,SIM960,s/n******,ver#.#
where SIM960 is the model number, ****** is the 6-digit serial num-
ber, and #.# is the firmware revision level.
Example: *IDN?
Stanford Research Systems,SIM960,s/n003173,ver2.15
WAIT i Wait
Wait i milliseconds before processing more commands from the host.
When using the WAIT command, be careful to not overflow the input
buffer of the SIM960 (see section 3.3.2).
Example: SETP 0
RATE 0.1
SETP 1.0; WAIT 5000; SMON?
undef 4 4 undef 7 7 7
ADOUT: Output Mon 3 3 undef 6 6 6
ADERR: Error Signal Mon 2 2 undef 5 5 5
ADMEAS: Measure Mon 1 1 RSTOP 4 4 4
ADSETP: Setpoint Mon 0 0 ANTIWIND 3 3 3
ULIMIT 1 1 1
OVLD 0 0 0
Figure 3.1: Status Register Model for the SIM960 Analog PID Con-
The Status Byte is the top-level summary of the SIM960 status model.
When masked by the Service Request Enable register, a bit set in the
Status Byte causes the −STATUS signal to be asserted on the rear-
panel SIM interface connector.
Weight Bit Flag
1 0 INSB
2 1 ADSB
4 2 undef (0)
8 3 undef (0)
16 4 IDLE
32 5 ESB
64 6 MSS
128 7 CESB
Each bit in the SRE corresponds one-to-one with a bit in the SB regis-
ter, and acts as a bitwise AND of the SB flags to generate MSS/RQS.
Bit 6 of the SRE is undefined—setting it has no effect, and reading it
always returns 0. This register is set and queried with the *SRE(?)
This register is cleared at power-on.
The ESE acts as a bitwise AND with the ESR register to produce the
single bit ESB message in the Status Byte Register (SB). It can be set
and queried with the *ESE(?) command.
This register is cleared at power-on.
The CESE acts as a bitwise AND with the CESR register to produce
the single bit CESB message in the Status Byte Register (SB). It can
be set and queried with the CESE(?) command.
This register is cleared at power-on.
The INSE acts as a bitwise AND with the INSR register to produce
the single bit INSB message in the Status Byte Register (SB). It can be
set and queried with the INSE(?) command.
This register is cleared at power-on.
the 4 monitored analog signals. Bits in the ADSR are cleared only by
reading or with the *CLS command. Reading a single bit (with the
ADSR? i query) clears only bit i.
Weight Bit Flag
16 4 undef (0)
32 5 undef (0)
64 6 undef (0)
128 7 undef (0)
While reading this register (with the ADSR? query) will clear any
Tripn bit(s) that are set, it will not reset the overvoltage protection
circuit. To do that, the user must issue the TRIP command. As long
as a channel remains tripped off, the Tripn bit will continuously be
The ADSE acts as a bitwise AND with the ADSR register to produce
the single bit ADSB message in the Status Byte Register (SB). It can
be set and queried with the ADSE(?) command.
This register is cleared at power-on.
In This Chapter
4–2 Performance Tests
Ground the two inputs, ’Setpoint’ and ’Measure’ of the SIM960 using
BNC grounding caps or 50 Ω terminators. Using the remote interface,
reset the SIM960 using the *RST command. Select ’External’ by
pressing [Setpoint] on the front panel. Adjust the P (gain) parameter
to 1000 (maximum gain). Use the Multimeter to measure the Error
output at the rear panel BNC of the SIM960. Switch the polariy of the
P (gain) parameter and observe the change at the rear panel Error
BNC. The readings for both polarities should be within ±10 mV of
Reset the SIM960 via the remote interface using *RST. Ground the
Measure input. Connect the Source output of the SR785 to the SR785
Channel 1A input, and to the SIM960 Setpoint input. Connect the
SIM960 ouput to the SR785 Channel 2A input. With the SR785 in
swept sine mode measure the frequency response at 1 kHz, adjusting
the source output amplitude for each P (gain) setting from the table
P(gain) Source amplitude (volts)
8 0.5
8.1 0.5
16 0.3
16.1 0.3
32 0.15
33 0.15
64 0.08
65 0.08
128 0.04
129 0.04
250 0.02
260 0.02
510 0.01
520 0.01
1000 0.005
Use the same connections as for the proportional and derivative gain
accuracy tests, but now add the divider network to form a closed-
loop configuration.
Rate (V/sec)
In each case the ramp rate magnitude should be within ±2% of the
programmed value.
4.3 Calibration
If any of the preceeding tests fail, the SIM960 should be returned to
the factory for recalibration. Contact Stanford Research Systems or
an authorized representative before returning the SIM960.
In This Chapter
5–2 Circuitry
5.1.1 Microcontroller
The Measure and Setpoint single ended inputs of the SIM960 are
differenced to form the error signal, ε, with a standard three op-amp
instrumentation amplifier (U512, U513), operating at 9× gain. R544,
R549, R553, & R558 are high-stability resistors (0.1 %, 5 ppm/◦ C),
used to reduce offset drift and to improve common mode rejection
(CMRR). R550 is a 10 Ω trimpot for trimming the CMRR.
Polarity control is implemented at U514, which switches between
gain +1× and −1× with U501A.
Next, U505B is a 12-bit multiplying D-to-A converter (DAC), which
together with U504 is used as a vernier attenuator in the error am-
plifier. Finally, there are three inverting amplifiers in series, each of
which may be switched between gain −1× and some larger gain. The
three amplifier gains (−16×, −4×, and −2×) allow the total amplifier
gain to be switched by factors of two up to approximately 128×. The
order of the amplifiers, largest first, is intended to optimize noise
referred to input.
5.1.4 Proportional–Integral–Derivative
Part Reference SRS P/N Value Part Reference SRS P/N Value
C102 5-00366-100 18P R220,R221,R222,R223,R224, 4-01136-110 1.58K
C104 5-00376-100 120P R225,R226,R227
C105 5-00368-100 27P R228 4-01244-110 21.0K
C107,C108,C110 5-00102-030 4.7U R232 4-01117-110 1.00K
C116,C117,C118,C216,C220 5-00387-100 1000P R234,R236,R238,R240,R275 4-01146-110 2.00K
C119 5-00345-090 4.0-34P R243,R248,R259 4-01184-110 4.99K
C201,C202,C203,C204 5-00466-120 .1U R249,R250,R254,R255 4-01243-110 20.5K
C301,C221 5-00318-110 2.2U/T35 R251,R260,R270,R271,R272, 4-01242-110 20.0K
C222 5-00522-110 47U/T R273
C227,C228 5-00375-100 100P R257 4-01211-110 9.53K
C241,C233 5-00367-100 22P R262,R263 4-00925-110 10
C240 5-00454-120 .01U R274 4-01670-121 20K 1% 2PPM
D101,D102,D464,D465,D466, 3-00945-143 BAT54S R280,R277 4-01280-110 49.9K
D467,D468,D469,D470,D471 R283,R285 4-01288-110 60.4K
D201,D202,D203,D204 3-01430-143 BAS40-05 R284,R287 4-01088-110 499
D205 3-01409-145 BAV99DW R288,R289 4-01271-110 40.2K
D401-D420, 3-00424-060 GREEN R301,R302,R303,R304,R305, 4-01459-100 150
D421,D422,D424,D427,D428, R306,R307,R308
D429-D443, R309,R310,R311,R312,R313, 4-01462-100 200
D444,D445,D446,D448,D449, R314,R315,R316
D450,D451,D452,D453,D454, R319,R321,R323,R325,R327, 4-01496-100 5.1K
D455,D456,D457,D458,D459, R329,R331,R333
D460,D461,D462 S401,S402,S403,S404,S405, 2-00053-000 B3F-1052
D426,D447,D463 3-00425-060 RED S406,S407,S408
JP101 1-00302-010 6 PIN DIF CES U101 3-00903-124 MAX6348
JP103 1-00367-040 15 PIN D U102 3-01378-103 74HCU04
JP104 1-00086-002 3 PIN SI U103 3-01379-114 68HC912B32
J202 1-01014 30 PIN 3x10 F U104 3-00662-103 74HC14
J301 1-00593-009 HEADER_SIL26 U201,U202 3-01380-120 LF444CM
J401 1-00594-019 HEADER_SIF26 U203,U212 3-00731-120 5534
L102,L103,L105 6-00174-051 BEAD U204 3-01386-122 DG408
L301 6-00236-130 BEAD U205 3-01425-170 LTC2415CGN
Q201 3-00927-150 MMBT2907ALT1 U206 3-01383-123 REF02
Q301-Q316 3-01421-150 MMBT2222 U207 3-00663-103 74HC08
R101 4-01495-100 4.7K U208 3-00116-030 78L05
R102,R106 4-01479-100 1.0K U209 3-00952-120 OPA2277
R103 4-01431-100 10 U210 3-00727-121 LM339
R105 4-01511-100 22K U211 3-00724-120 LF353
R107 4-01057-110 237 U213 3-00728-121 LM393
R109 4-01405-110 1.00M U301 3-01433-103 74HC259
R110,R116,R120,R121,R318, 4-01455-100 100 U302,U303 3-00751-103 74HC574
R320,R322,R324,R326,R328, U401 3-01424-061 HDSP-A107
R330,R332 U402,U403,U404,U405,U406 3-00290-061 HDSP-A101
R111,R114,R118,R123,R151, 4-01503-100 10K
R152,R153,R154,R155,R276, X101-X314 (41 total) 5-00299-100 .1U
R334 Y101 6-00571-020 10.000MHZ
R112,R113,R122 4-01527-100 100K Y104,Y108,Y202,Y203,Y204, 4-01213-110 10.0K
R115,R117,R119 4-01465-100 270 Y206,Y207,Y208,Y210,Y211,
R128,R242 4-01309-110 100K Y229,Y252,Y253,Y256,Y258,
R201,R205,R209,R212,R233, 4-01405-110 1.00M Y261,Y282,Y283,Y284,Y285
R235,R237,R239,R282,R286 PCB, SIM960 Digital Board 7-01258
Part Reference SRS P/N Value Part Reference SRS P/N Value
C502,C504,C506,C507,C536, 5-00365-100 15P R702 4-01050-110 200
C537,C538,C541,C608,C637, R704 4-01195-110 6.49K
C638 R708 4-01287-110 59.0K
C511,C521,C618,C708,C816 5-00369-100 33P R711,R712,R719,R720,R761, 4-01088-110 499
C602,C702,C832 5-00026-100 22P R803,R809,R811
C603,C616,C712 5-00072-050 10U R723,R724,R725,R726,R740, 4-00218-000 10.00K
C610 5-00025-100 100P R744,R866
C611 5-00442-120 .001U R746 4-00011-053 10K
C612 5-00454-120 .01U R748 4-00014-053 5K
C613 5-00466-120 .1U R748 4-00014-053 5K
C614 5-00538-050 1.0U R760 4-01128-110 1.30K
C640 5-00350 .56U R763,R762 4-01021-110 100
C641 5-00582 .033U R764 4-01169-110 3.48K
C642 5-00048-050 .0015U R765 4-01455-100 100
C643 5-00583 100P R804,R812 4-01551-100 1.0M
C740 5-00059-051 .47U R808,R810,R814,R815 4-01486-100 2.0K
C741,C742 5-00098-030 10U R817,R826 4-01111-110 866
C811,C821,C903,C904,C906 5-00102-030 4.7U R821 4-01038-110 150
C834 5-00377-100 150P R837,R840,R842 4-00913-000 49.9 FP
D802,D801 3-01430 BAS40-05 R844,R847 4-01142-110 1.82K
D804,D803 3-00901-145 BAS40-06 R863 4-01309-110 100K
D808,D807 3-01487 12V zener R865,R864 4-00219-000 20.00K
J505,J506,J701,J804,J805 1-00073 Insulated BNC U501 3-01358-122 DG444
J901 1-01015 30 PIN 3x10 M U504,U506,U513,U605 3-01361-120 OPA2228
K502 3-00308-203 DS2E-ML2-DC5V U505,U508,U606 3-01363-171 LTC1590
Q504,Q505,Q802 3-00927-150 MMBT2907A U509 3-01364-120 OPA4277
Q801 3-01421-150 MMBT2222 U514,U512 3-01360-120 OPA228
R502,R507,R542,R547 4-01175-110 4.02K U601 3-01365-122 DG411DY
R510,R533,R534,R819 4-01146-110 2.00K U702,U602 3-01366-122 DG333ADW
R527 4-01158-110 2.67K U603,U604,U807 3-01367-122 DG419DY
R528 4-01149-110 2.15K U701,U607 3-01398 OPA2131
R530 4-01204-110 8.06K U608 3-01386-122 DG408DY
R531 4-01262-110 32.4K U609 3-01361-120 OPA2228
R535,R536,R538,R539,R641, 4-01242-110 20.0K U610 3-01431 LTC1595
R642,R816,R829 U611,U708,U720,U809 3-00952-120 OPA2277
R541,R566 4-00012-053 20K U703 3-01369-122 DG409/SO
R544,R549,R553,R558 4-01649-000 1.000K U808,U707 3-01372-171 LTC1596-1
R545,R556,R710,R839,R860 4-01405-110 1.00M U709 3-01374-103 74HC132A
R548 4-01418-100 3 U710 3-00742-103 74HC74
R550 4-01614-053 10 U711 3-01375-103 74HC86
R551,R617,R709,R713,R721, 4-01117-110 1.00K U712,U802,U803,U805 3-00813-121 LM311M
R862 U823,U730 3-01488 AQY221R2S
R557,R554 4-01067-110 301 U731 3-01387-120 LT1097S8
R559,R563,R564,R565 4-00925-110 10 U732 3-00133 OPA131
R560,R561,R562,R718,R747, 4-01184-110 4.99K U804 3-00744-103 74HC151
R806,R813,R823,R824 U820 3-01370-120 OPA277UA
R602,R614,R615,R619,R628, 4-01163-110 3.01K U821 3-00998-120 OPA227UA
R845,R846 U822 3-00279-340 LT1010CN8
R616 4-01317-110 121K U901 3-01432 OPA4131
R618,R620,R621,R622,R623, 4-01561-100 2.7M U903,U902 3-00787-103 74HC595
R624,R717,R805 X509-X910 (90 total) 5-00299-100 .1U
R644,R643 4-00997-110 56.2 Y537-Y827 (16 total) 4-01213-110 10.0K
R645,R646,R647,R648 4-01503-100 10K PCB, SIM960 Analog Board 7-01259