ASME 31.3 - 2016 VT, Ut

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Table K341.3.2 Acceptance Criteria for Welds (16)

Criteria (A–F) for Types of Welds, and for Required Examination Methods [Note (1)]
Type of Weld
Longitudinal Branch
Type of Ultrasonics or Girth Groove Fillet Connection
Imperfection Visual Radiography Groove [Note (2)] [Note (3)] [Note (4)]

Crack ⻫ ⻫ A A A A
Lack of fusion ⻫ ⻫ A A A A
Incomplete penetration ⻫ ⻫ A A A A
Internal porosity ... ⻫ B B N/A B
Internal slag inclusion, tungsten inclusion, ... ⻫ C C N/A C
or elongated indication
Undercutting ⻫ ⻫ A A A A
Surface porosity or exposed slag inclusion ⻫ ... A A A A
Concave root surface (suck-up) ⻫ ⻫ D D N/A D
Surface finish ⻫ ... E E E E
Reinforcement or internal protrusion ⻫ ... F F F F

(a) Weld imperfections are evaluated by one or more of the types of examination methods given, as specified in paras. K341.4.1 and
(b) “N/A” indicates this Chapter does not establish acceptance criteria or does not require evaluation of this kind of imperfection for this
type of weld.
(c) Check (⻫) indicates examination method generally used for evaluating this kind of weld imperfection.
(d) Ellipsis (. . .) indicates examination method not generally used for evaluating this kind of weld imperfection.

Criterion Value Notes for Table K341.3.2

Symbol Measure Acceptable Value Limits [Note (5)]

A Extent of imperfection Zero (no evident imperfection)

B Size and distribution of internal porosity See BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 4
C Internal slag inclusion, tungsten inclusion, or elon-
gated indication. Indications are unacceptable if the
amplitude exceeds the reference level, or indications
have lengths that exceed
Individual length [Note (6)] 6 mm (1⁄4 in.) for T w ≤ 19 mm (3⁄4 in.)
T w /3 for 19 mm (3⁄4 in.) < T w ≤ 57 mm (21⁄4 in.)
19 mm (3⁄4 in.) for T w > 57 mm (21⁄4 in.)
Cumulative length ≤T w in any 12 T w weld length
D Depth of root surface concavity Wall Thickness, Depth of Surface Concavity,
T w , mm (in.) mm (in.)
≤13 ( 1⁄2 ) ≤1.5 ( 1⁄16 )
>13 ( ⁄2 ) and ≤51 (2)
≤3 ( 1⁄8 )
>51 (2) ≤4 ( 5⁄32 )
and total joint thickness including weld reinforcement
≥T w
E Surface roughness ≤12.5 ␮m (500 ␮in.) Ra (see ASME B46.1 for definition of
roughness average, Ra )
F Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion [Note (7)] External Weld Reinforcement
in any plane through the weld shall be within the Wall Thickness, or Internal Weld Protrusion,
limits of the applicable height value in the tabula- T w , mm (in.) mm (in.)
tion at the right. Weld metal shall be fused with and
≤13 ( 1⁄2 ) ≤1.5 ( 1⁄16)
merge smoothly into the component surfaces.
>13 ( 1⁄2 ) and ≤51 (2) ≤3 (1⁄8 )
>51 (2) ≤4 ( 5⁄32 )
ASME B31.3-2016

(16) Table K341.3.2 Acceptance Criteria for Welds (Cont’d)

(1) Criteria given are for required examination. More stringent criteria may be specified in the engineering design.
(2) Longitudinal welds include only those permitted in paras. K302.3.4 and K305. The criteria shall be met by all welds, including those
made in accordance with a standard listed in Table K326.1 or in Appendix K.
(3) Fillet welds include only those permitted in para. K311.2.2.
(4) Branch connection welds include only those permitted in para. K328.5.4.
(5) Where two limiting values are given, the lesser measured value governs acceptance. T w is the nominal wall thickness of the thinner of
two components joined by a butt weld.
(6) For ultrasonic examination, refer to para. K344.6.3 for acceptable value limits.
(7) For groove welds, height is the lesser of the measurements made from the surfaces of the adjacent components. For fillet welds,
height is measured from the theoretical throat; internal protrusion does not apply. Required thickness tm shall not include
reinforcement or internal protrusion.

Examination shall be as follows: (b) When specified in the engineering design and with
(a) When the defective item or work is repaired, the the owner’s approval, ultrasonic examination of welds
repaired portion of the item or work shall be examined. may be substituted for radiographic examination where
The examination shall use the same methods and accept- T w ≥ 13 mm (1⁄2 in.).
ance criteria employed for the original examination. See (c) In-process examination (see para. 344.7) shall not
also para. K341.3.1(a). be substituted for radiographic or ultrasonic examina-
(b) When the defective item or work is replaced, the tion of welds.
new item or work used to replace the defective item or
K341.4.3 Certifications and Records. Paragraph
work shall be examined. The examination shall use any
341.4.1(c) applies.
method and applicable acceptance criteria that meet the
requirements for the original examination. See also K341.5 Supplementary Examination
para. K341.3.1(a).
Any of the examination methods described in para.
K341.4 Extent of Required Examination K344 may be specified by the engineering design to
Piping shall be examined to the extent specified herein supplement the examination required by para. K341.4.
or to any greater extent specified in the engineering The extent of supplementary examination to be per-
design. formed and any acceptance criteria that differ from those
specified in para. K341.3.2 shall be specified in the engi-
K341.4.1 Visual Examination neering design.
(a) The requirements of para. 341.4.1(a) apply with the
following exceptions in regard to extent of examination: K341.5.1 Hardness Tests. Paragraph 341.5.2
(1) Materials and Components. 100%. applies.
(2) Fabrication. 100%. K341.5.2 Examinations to Resolve Uncertainty.
(3) Threaded, Bolted, and Other Joints. 100%. Paragraph 341.5.3 applies.
(4) Piping Erection. All piping erection shall be
examined to verify dimensions and alignment. Supports,
guides, and points of cold spring shall be checked to K342 EXAMINATION PERSONNEL (16)
ensure that movement of the piping under all conditions Paragraph 342 applies in its entirety.
of startup, operation, and shutdown will be accom-
modated without undue binding or unanticipated
constraint. K343 EXAMINATION PROCEDURES (16)
(b) Pressure-Containing Threads. 100% examination for Paragraph 343 applies, except that the examination
finish and fit is required. Items with visible imperfec- methods shall comply with para. K344.
tions in thread finish and/or the following defects shall
be rejected:
(1) Tapered Threads. Failure to meet gaging require- K344 TYPES OF EXAMINATION
ments in API Spec 5B or ASME B1.20.1, as applicable. K344.1 General
(2) Straight Threads. Excessively loose or tight fit Paragraphs 344.1.1 and 344.1.2 apply. In para. 344.1.3,
when gaged for light interference fit. terms other than “100% examination” apply only to
K341.4.2 Radiographic and Ultrasonic Examination supplementary examinations.
(a) All girth, longitudinal, and branch connection
welds shall be 100% radiographically examined, except K344.2 Visual Examination
as permitted in (b) below. Paragraph 344.2 applies in its entirety.

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