Capacity Lesson Plan 1
Capacity Lesson Plan 1
Capacity Lesson Plan 1
Level: 2/A
teacher books -
student book(s) -
worksheets/ papers Worksheets 1, 2, and order capacity pictures.
teacher materials Containers, water, tablespoon, markers, worksheet 1, pictures of
the measurement tools.
student materials/ Worksheet 1,2.
technology Data show, computer,
other PowerPoints (tools pictures)
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):
Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
- who can remind me of last math lesson? What is capacity? How do I measure capacity?
How many tablespoons can this … hold? When we estimate we think and predict.
Student communication and use of math language:
Capacity is like volume. The capacity of the tea cup is 20 tablespoons. I estimate that… this
container has more capacity than this container.
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):
On the carpet
Prior knowledge
1- After greeting I will ask the students the following: - who can remind
me what did you do in math last time? (capacity) – who can tell me 5 min
what is capacity? – is there any other word like capacity? (volume).
2- Then, I will show them some pictures of the measurement tools (ruler, 3 min
thermometer, scale and measurement spoons) I will ask them which of
these can we use to measure the capacity of something? (tablespoons)
3- Then, I will point on each tool and I will ask them about it uses and we 3min
will discuss as a whole group.
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):
On the carpet
Estimate and measure
4- I will tell the students that today we are going to measure the capacity
of some containers using the tablespoons. But before we start to 3min
measure we have to estimate or predict how many tablespoons we
need to fill these containers.
5- I will start by showing them worksheet 1 which has the pictures of the
containers. The first container is a cup of coffee. I will ask them try to 3 min
Estimate, think how many tablespoons I well need to fill this cup (I will
show them the real cup) I will write their estimations on the broad.
6- Then we will measure together, I will ask from one of them to hold the
cup for me, and I will start to pour the water in the tablespoon then in 5 min
the cup and I will ask them to count with me.
7- I will write the answer on the board and we will discuss the estimations
and the actual answer. I will tell them it iis ok if our estimation didn’t
match the actual number.
8- Then I will tell them to go to their seats where they will find a 4 min
worksheet, they have to write their estimations to all the containers
they have. And then they must come back and sit on the carpet again.
9- We well measure the rest of the containers together, I will write the 5 min
answers on the board. After that, I will send them back to copy the
10- We will discuss their estimations and the actual value. Also, I will ask
them which one hold the most, hold the least? Are there any equal 2min
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):
In the centers 7 min
Compare Capacities
11- To conclude with and check the students understanding I will give them
worksheet two. I will explain to them that they have to color the
pictures according to the question. If it says which hold more color the
one that we can put more things on and vice versa.
12- For the students who will finish early they will have activity where they
must order the things according to their capacity.
Pictures of the tools that I will present for them at the beginning of the class.