Contract - Isabel
Contract - Isabel
Contract - Isabel
for the
This contract made and entered into this Ftg 02 2UIy of .. ,2015byand
' -and-
JFAP CONSTRUCTION, with business address at Brgy. Dofia Feliza Mejiq Ormoc
City, Leyte, duly represented by its Proprietor, ENGR. JOSEPH FRf,,DERICK A.
PEPITO, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR;
WHEREAS, a public bidding was conducted on December 2, 2014 at the O{fice of the
Vice President for Administration and Finance Conference Room, VSU, Visca, Baybay, Leyte
for the Construction ofthe Two-storey School Building for VSU Isabel Campus;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of tlre foregoing premises and other
hereinafter named, the parties agree as follows:
The following documents shafl be deemed to form and be interpreted and cotrstrued as part of
ftis Agreem€nt:
THAT the CONTRACTOR shall in accordance with the provisions ofand subject to the
conditions contained in the documents referred to in Article I hereo! with a provision t}at this
construction activity belongs to JFAP Constnrction, and in consideration of the sum of money
hereinafter stated shall frrlly and faithfirlly perform all labor, fumish the needed materials and
equipment and perform labor and services neoessary to oomplete the Construction of the Two-
Storey School Building for VSU Isabel Campus located at Isabel, t eyte as per plan and
specifications of the OWNER. The work consists of the following speoific work items:
The work to be performed by the CONTRACTOR under this contract shall corlmence
after ten (10) oalendar days upon receipt and aoceptance of the Notice to Proceed fiom VSU by
the CONTRACTOR. The construction of the Two-Siorey School Building for VSU Isabel
Campus shall be completed within Three Hundred 13{}0) Llendar days inJluding Saturdays,
Sundays and holidays. Should the CONTRACTOR refuse or otherwise fail to complete,the
work stipulated herein, the CONTRACTOR agrees io pay the VISAyAS STATE
UNMRSITY a liquidated damages an amount equal to One-Tenth of One Percent (0.1%) of
the total confact sum for each calendar day of delay until the work is completed and accepted
by the VSU or when the VSU takes over the project by administration or relets it to other
contractor until such time as the vsU may reasonably secure the completion of the works. Such
amount shall be deducted from any money due or which may become due the contractor under
the contract and/or collect zuch liquidated damages from performance Bond of the contractor or
Contactor's Surety whichever is convenient to the Ol NER, VSU.
The OWNER for and in consideration of the faithful and satisfactory fulfillment of the
contrdct by the CoNTRACToR in accordance with the terms and conditions of all contract
documents and subject to the deduction herein provided, shall pay to the CONTRACTOR in
Philippine Currency the sum of FOURTEf,N MILIION NII{E EUNDRED TflIRTy NIiIE
14,939,982.02) ONLY.
Monthly payment shall be based upon the work satisfactorily completed as c€rtified
by the CONTRACTOR, concurred in by the Design Consultant and supported by a
certification of VSU Resident Construction Supervisor/Inspector. The application for
payments, certification of payments, etc. shall be in accordance with the terms and
conditions contained in the General Conditions ap,pended thereto and made integral
part h€reof Final payment shall be made upon comptetion of tlre work and upon
subrnission by the Confactor of his swom statement that all taxes due him and all
obligations for materials used and labor employed in accordance with this contract
have been duly paid
Progress payments are subject to retention of ten percent (10%) referred to as the
"retention money". Such retention shall be based on the total amount due to the
Contractor prior to any deduction and shall be retained from every progress payment
until fifty percent (50%) of the value of the work as determinea bi thJ OmlEn are
go_qeleted If aAer fifty percent(50%o) completed of the work as deErmined by the
OWNER is satisfactorily done and on schedule no additional retention shall be made
on the succeeding progress payment, otherwise, the ten percent (102o) retention shall
be imposed. The total retention money shall be due for release upon final acceptance
ofthe works.
The CONTRACTOR shirll, under his name and at his own expense, obtain and
maintairq for the duration of this Contract the following insurance coverage: (1)
Contractor's All Risk Insurance; (2) Transportation to the project Site ofEquipment,
Machinery, and Supplies owned by the Contractot (3) Personal ir{ury or death of
Contractor's employees; and (4) Comprehensiveinsurance for third party liability to
Contractor's direct or indirect act or omission causing damage to third persons.
The CONTRACTOR hereby guarantee the works stipulated in this contmct and all the
materials it will apply and use in the construction as well as workmanship ofall its work under
this contract and shall make good of its own account and/or its own expenses.
After final acceptance of the project by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall assume
full responsibility for any damage or destruction ofthe works except those occasioned by force
majeue. They shall be requircd to put up a waranty security denominated in Philippine Pesos
provided in Section of IRRA of R. A. 9184 and shall remain effective for one (1) year
from date of issuance of the certificate of final acceptancs and shall be retumed only after the
lapse ofthe said one (1) year period.
In addition, the provisions of An. 1723 of the New Civil Code shall also apply to
guarantee the work performance ofthe CONTRACTOR.
ln accordance with the lnstruction to Bidders and General Conditions ofthe contract the
CONIRACTOR shall fumish and file per acceptance to the OWNER a Performance Bond in
accordance with Section 39 ofthe Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations ofRA 9184 to
guaranty the frdl and faithftl performance of this Agreement to answer for any liability that
maybe suffered by the OWNER resulting from the violation of the CONTRACTOR of labor
and other laws. PROVIDED, that in the event of the recession or termination of this
for breach thereof, the bond, at the opion of the OWNER shall be automatically
in favor of tle OWNER and beoomes immediately payable and oollectible by the
othenvise, the bond shall remain and continue in full force until the aforementioned
as to the completion and faithfirl compliance of the contracq liquidated damages and
oost of labor and materials shall have been duly satisfieq discharged, settled and paid by the
The OWNER reserves the right for an additional or increase in the number of laborers or
workers assigned to the consfiuction site in the opinion of the OWNER the exigencies of the
same require.
Notwithstanding any provisions ofthis contracl the OWNER has the right and/or power
to terminate the contract without necessity of judicial action by giving written notice to rhe
CONTRACTOR upon his failure to bomply strictly with any of the terms of this contract.
The contract hereby warrants that it has not given or promised to give money or gifu to
any official or employee of the OWNER and/or any other office, agency or instrumentality of
the govemment to secure this confiact and any violation of this warranty shall be sullicient
ground for the OWNER to revoke or cancel the same.
Should any coud action be instituted by the VSU or CONTRACTOR arising from this
contract, the parties hereby agree that the venue thereof shall be the proper oourt in the province
of l,eyte.
IN WTNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this 4th day of
January 2015 at Baybay City, Leyte, Pfulippines.
JFAP Construction
crTY oF onMoc clJ.Y, t
BEFoRE NG, thisFEl! 0
personally appeared:
auw 2015 at lltMOC ClTyleyte,
known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged to me that the same is their volutary act and deed.
. . This instrument consisting of six (6) pages including this acknowledgement has been
signed on each page by the parties and their witnJsses and seaid with
my notaial seal.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above given.
JORGE L. gAGl"ti,:.. l