Fem in Rotary Kiln
Fem in Rotary Kiln
Fem in Rotary Kiln
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1 author:
Susana Arad
University of Petrosani
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All content following this page was uploaded by Susana Arad on 07 May 2015.
Abstract: - This paper aims at analyzing numerical heat transfer in kiln clinker production in cement factory
Deva, important processing equipment in the cement production. The importance of knowing this process aims
to rationalize the consumption of raw materials and energy but also to get high standard finished products. We
used QuickField software package Version 5.10.1 for analysis of thermal problems in a rotary kiln to obtain an
optimal and efficient sinterization process. In this study, our objectives are to predict the temperatures in the
inner surface/refractory and inner surface of bed before any variations in process parameters, to decrease the
errors arisen from the operators, to increase the efficiency and finally decrease the process cost also the
variation of inside temperature with flame temperature.
Key-Words: - FEA, modelling, heat transfer, rotary kiln, efficient operation, clinker.
3. Background
The finite element method FEM is used to solve
complex engineering problem [2]. Engineers who
need to model electromagnetic or thermal fields
frequently turn to finite-element analysis (FEA), a
numerical technique for solving field problems of
all kinds [9]. The first step in finite-element analysis
is to divide the analyzed configuration into small
homogeneous elements. The model contains
information about the device geometry, material
constants, loads and boundary constraints [3]. In
each finite element, a linear variation of the field
quantity is assumed. The corners of the elements are
called nodes. The goal is to determine the field
quantities at the nodes. The Finite-Element Analysis
technique solves the unknown field quantities by
minimizing energy functional. The energy
Fig. 1. Clinker production flow chart [12] functional is an expression describing all the energy
associated with the configuration being analyzed.
The clinker leaving the kiln enters the cooler QickField is a finite element analysis software
rack which has two functions: to recover a larger package, a slick FEA for solving two or three
amount of energy from the hot clinker to be used in dimensional field problems. From studies and
the process and to reduce the clinker temperature to evaluations conducted by a team of developers it is
the right level for its later semi fabricated use for estimated that QuickField is easy and suitable for
cement production. this problem. [11]
Although there is a quite high level of Compared to other FEA programs, QuickField
automation and the control of installations for each has two main facilities: exceptional user-friendliness
stage of cement production from Deva Factory and and blinding speed. The program has a typical
Windows interface, drop-down menus, and
extensive help facility, and is equipped with many
sample programs [11]. While the user has to
understand something about the physics of the
problem to successfully carry out a simulation, the
mechanics themselves are straightforward. Even on
a slow PC, users can construct and run models with
tens of thousands of nodes, which make it practical
to solve very complex models on modest platforms.
The program itself is small, a few megabytes with
various required files.
Heat-transfer equation for linear problems in
rotary kiln is represented by the differential
mathematical model of the thermal conduction [11]: Fig. 2 Heat transfer mechanisms from the kiln
div(λgradT ) + q − ρc =0 • Convection (from gas to bed and inner wall and
∂t , (1) outer wall to surroundings)
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T • Conduction (between bed and inner wall and
λx + λ y = −q − cρ
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂t inner and outer wall)
(2) • Radiation (main heat transfer mechanism).
where: T –scalar temperature T; t - time; λx (y,r,z) - A typical operational case of the kiln is modeled
components of heat conductivity tensor; λ (T) - heat to show the process inside the kiln and the
conductivity as a function of temperature capability of the process modeling. The kiln is
approximated by cubic spline (anisotropy is not fuelled by natural gas, liquid fuel and coal and solid
supported in nonlinear case); q (T) - volume power alternative fuel or fuel combination. The
of heat sources, in linear case - constant, in combustion air is provided, which works out to
nonlinear case - function of temperature about 15% excess air. 80% of the total combustion
approximated by cubic spline; c (T) - specific heat, air is secondary air, and the rest goes into the kiln
in nonlinear case - function of temperature through the gas burner.
approximated by cubic spline and ρ - density of the The model developed was for a rotary kiln of 5.8
substance. m in diameter on a vertical cross section with 0.58
cm diameter. As mentioned previously the model
takes into account convection, radiation and
4. Modelling of heat transfer with FEA conduction from combustion and from the hot gas.
The clinker production process involves heat and A combustion profile is incorporated into the model
mass transfer between the kiln, fuel, primary and to simulate the non instantaneous combustion
secondary air, drying of raw material mix call flour, process. The parameters of rotary kiln from Deva
and calcining of CaCO3 [6]. It is important to have a Factory are: diameter of 5.8 m, length of 97 m,
comprehensive understanding of these processes in production capacities Q = 3000 t/ day, the main
order to: diagnose operational problems, improve driving power, P = 500 kW with rotation speed, n =
energy consumption, increase production, reduce 750 rot/ min, second driving P = 500 kW with n =
emissions, increase refractory life, improve the 750 rot/ min and an angle from horizontal position
product quality and optimize kiln operations. of 3 %.
The given computer model of thermal processes,
allows to calculate temperatures pattern both at a
surface and inside a body [10]. The model allows to 4.1. Model formulation
perform calculation heat transfer of a multy-layer The first stage of Finite Element Analysis is
ring structure of a body with a granular mixture - problem description that includes: edit problem
clinker, roasted inside it (Fig. 2). [7] The kiln body description options, as well as material properties,
is coated with refractory brick and is analysing like field sources and boundary conditions. Our problem
a multy-layer body: shell, chamotte, air inside and is a steady-state heat transfer, linear with
clinker. There are three different heat transfer axisymmetric model class. In our linear problem all
mechanisms in the rotary kiln, Fig. 2 [7]. the parameters are constant within each block of the
The model is described through a multi layered source is concentrated and defined by a block unlike
with different properties model, that is the outside the second option with four blocks in which the heat
layer is formed of 2 layers and the inside of the kiln source is defined by a labeled vertex with boundary
contains the gas, clinker and heat source. The condition and source specified through temperature
geometric model is composed of blocks with value T = 2000K.
different properties, in this case, it was assigned 4 Edge label with boundary condition specified for
blocks with material properties specified (air, two scenarious are shown in Table 2.
chamotte, clinker, steel shell), Table 1. In each
block the material properties was specified (thermal
conductivity λ and volume power of Heat souces Q).
The model geometry was described by create
vertex label with source specified (burner flame Q)
and edge label with boundary condition specified
that form boundaries of all subregions having
different physical properties. We created two
geometrical models.
Linear approximation
Harmonic approximation
Fig. 8.Plot for temperature approximation
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