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Cluster 2: Light: Grade 4

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Grade 4

Cluster 2: Light

In previous grades, students had an informal introduction to
energy. In this cluster, students begin to examine in more depth
one form of energy they encounter on a daily basis — light. In
Grade 4, Cluster 3: Sound, students study another aspect of
energy — sound. Whether these clusters are addressed
separately or as part of a combined unit, the emphasis is on
building an understanding of energy. Students become familiar
with the properties of light by investigating and observing how
light interacts with various objects in the environment. From
these observations, students come to recognize that light travels
in a straight line, knowledge which they will apply, along with
their design-process skills, to the construction of simple optical
Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
4-2-01 Use appropriate vocabulary â Introduce, explain, use, and reinforce vocabulary throughout this
related to their investigations of light. cluster.
Include: energy, reflect, absorb,
transmit, artificial, light beam,
transparent, translucent, opaque,
technological development, science,
GLO: A5, B1, C6, D4

4-2-02 Give examples of various â Forms of Energy

forms of energy. Use a Thinking Map to assist recall and organization of prior
Include: light, heat, food, sound. knowledge and to develop shared knowledge about various
forms of energy. (Note: Thinking Maps are discussed in ELA,
GLO: D4, E4
Strategies, p. 49.) Example:
4-2-03 Recognize that energy is an
integral part of daily life. stove drums

GLO: B1, D4, E4 fire

Heat Sound
4-0-4e. Identify problems as they arise, and echo
work with others to find solutions. GLO: C3, C7
4-0-6d. Sort and classify according to an
established classification system. (Math PR-
II.2.4) GLO: C2, C3 Energy
4-0-7e. Communicate results and conclusions in
a variety of ways. Examples: point-form lists, Sun
sentences, graphs, labelled diagrams, charts... fruit
(ELA 2.3.5, 4.2.5; Math SP-III.1.4, SP-III.2.4; Light Food
TFS 2.1.4) GLO: C6
bulb lasers

â Observing the Environment — Finding Energy

Have students work in pairs to list examples of energy found in
their school building and schoolyard. Students then work with
another pair to sort and categorize the energy examples
according to the form of energy. Students may put the same
example into more than one category. Use a Sharing Circle to
have each group share their chart. (Note: Sharing Circle is
discussed in ELA, Strategies, p. 106.)

â Light Energy
Have students draw pictures in their science journals
representing light as a form of energy.

4. 20
Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Planning Note: Outcomes 4-2-02 and Science Journal Entry: Energy

4-2-03 are similar to outcomes 4-3-02 Student directions: In your science journal, draw four pictures to
and 4-3-03 in Cluster 3: Sound. If the show a variety of forms of energy found in your home. Be sure to
class has already studied sound label your pictures with the form of energy and its location.
energy, a quick review of energy with
Look for
a “light” focus would be sufficient.
q four pictures drawn
q clearly labelled
Energy is a very important, yet q a variety of energy forms shown
challenging concept in science. It is q work neatly done
recommended that students at this
level talk about and use the term
“energy” before they are able to define
it. An appropriate working definition
would be that energy makes things go,
run, or happen. (See American
Association for the Advancement of
Science, Benchmarks for Science
Literacy, p. 81.)
In later years, students will work
towards the more formal definition of
energy as the ability to do work.
Energy can be identified through
things such as movement, heat,
electricity, magnetic attraction, gravity,
sound, and light. Energy can also be
stored and used at later times
(potential energy).

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
4-2-04 Demonstrate that white light â Investigating Colours
can be separated into colours. Have students hold a prism in sunlight to observe the colour of
GLO: C2, D4 the rays that are separated onto a white paper background.
4-0-7a. Draw a conclusion based on evidence
Ask the following questions:
gathered through research and observation. • What do you see when the light passes through the prism?
GLO: A1, A2, C2
4-0-7b. Identify new questions that arise from
• Are the colours all the same? What are the colours?
what was learned. (ELA 3.3.4) GLO: A1, C2, C3 • Why does this happen?
• What does this tell you about white light?

4-2-05 Distinguish between objects â Produce or Reflect?

that produce their own light and
Have students work in small groups to sort a variety of pictures
those that reflect light from another
into two categories. Provide a word list and categories. (See
Success for All Learners, 6.33-6.35.)
Examples: the Sun emits its own
light, the Moon reflects light from the Produce Own Light Reflect Light from Other Sources
Sun... fireflies bicycle reflector
GLO: A1, A2, D4 Sun moonlight on water
4-2-06 Identify a variety of natural stars planets
and artificial light sources. light bulb Moon
Examples: Sun, candle, light bulb,
Have students share their categorizations.
firefly, lightning, aurora borealis,
lasers... â Natural or Artificial?
GLO: D4 As a class, brainstorm and list a large number of sources of
4-0-4g. Communicate questions, ideas and
light. Have students work in small groups to categorize items as
intentions, and listen effectively to others during having natural or artificial light. Students may add other items as
classroom-learning experiences. GLO: C6 they work together. Have students share their work with
4-0-6d. Sort and classify according to an
established classification system. (Math PR-
II.2.4) GLO: C2, C3
â Carroll Diagram
Have students revisit their lists from Natural or Artificial? and
regroup these items according to the new variable of either
producing or reflecting light.

Natural Artificial
produces light

reflects light

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Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Caution: Ensure the students do not

look directly at the Sun.

Visible white light is made up of the

colours of the rainbow: red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
(Roy G. Biv). A prism (or even a
glass of water) helps to separate out
all the colours within white light.

Paper and Pencil Task: Light Sources

1. Give four examples of objects that produce their own light.
2. Give four examples of objects that reflect light from other
3. What is the difference between natural and artificial light?
4. Sort the following light sources using the Venn diagram.
• fireflies • light bulb • candle
• flashlight • Sun • Moon
• stars • mirror • lightning
Own Light

Natural Artificial

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
4-2-07 Observe and describe â Properties of Light
properties of light. Use a KWL strategy (Ogle, 1986) with the whole class to
Include: travels in a straight path, activate and share students’ prior knowledge about the properties
bends as it passes from one medium of light (K), and to focus attention on what they will be learning
to another, can be reflected, can be about light. Have students delete misconceptions in the K column
different colours. and add questions to the W column as the study ensues. Students
GLO: C2, D4 also list facts in the L column. (See ELA, Strategies, p. 89.)

4-2-08 Explore to determine effects â Constructing a Light Box

different materials and objects have
on a light beam. Have students paint the interior of a shoebox black. Include the
lid. Cut one vertical slit 2 cm long x 1 cm wide in one end. The
Examples: prisms and water bend slit should begin 2 cm from the bottom of the. With tape, affix a
light; some lenses intensify light, flashlight inside the box so that the beam will shine through the
whereas others disperse light... slit. (The flashlight may need to be mounted on a base.) The
GLO: C2, D3, D4 tape will prevent the flashlight from moving when the box is
4-0-1a. Ask questions that lead to investigations
placed on an upright angle. The light box will be used in a
of living things, objects, and events in the local number of investigations. Teachers may choose to have each
environment. (ELA 1.2.4, 3.1.2) GLO: A1, C2, student make a light box or have students work in small groups.
4-0-1b. Make and justify predictions based on
observed patterns, collected data, or data
provided from other sources. Examples: graph,
chart... (ELA 1.1.1, 1.2.1; Math PR-III.1.4) GLO:
A1, C2
4-0-4f. Assume roles, and share responsibilities
as group members. (ELA 5.2.2) GLO: C7
4-0-4h. Use tools and apparatus in a manner
that ensures personal safety and the safety of
others. GLO: C1
4-0-5c. Record observations in a variety of
ways. Examples: point-form notes, sentences, Making a light box
labelled diagrams, charts... (ELA 2.1.1, 3.3.1,
4.1.1, 4.1.2; Math SP-1.2.4, SP-II.2.4) GLO: C2,
4-0-7a. Draw a conclusion based on evidence
gathered through research and observation.
â Investigation 1: Observing How Light Travels
GLO: A1, A2, C2 Provide students/small groups with two squares of heavy black
4-0-8a. Recognize that experimental results may
vary slightly when carried out by different
cardboard and one square of white cardboard, each
persons, or at different times or places; but that approximately 10 cm x 10 cm square. Each black card should
if the results of repeated experiments are very have a hole punched in the centre. Have students use a knitting
different, something must be wrong with the
design of the experiment. GLO: A1, A2, C2 needle to align the three cards in an upright position with each
4-0-9c. Report and record what is observed, not other and with the light box. (Keep the cards within 45-50 cm of
what they think they ought to observe, nor what the light box.) The white card should be at the end of the row of
they believe the teacher expects. GLO: C5
cards in order to serve as a screen for the light beam. The cards
should be centred so that the two holes on the black cards line
up. Have students use plasticine or modelling clay to affix the
cards in place to the ground, desk-top, or level surface.

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Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Ensure students include what they

recently learned about white light
being made up of different colours.

How well the light box works is

dependent on the quality of the
flashlight and the distance over which
the beam is expected to travel. Try to
limit distances to 45-50 cm.
Commercial light boxes are available
and would be beneficial for teacher

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
Darken the room and have students turn on their light boxes and
observe how light travels. (Students should see the light travel
through the holes of the black cards, producing a circular beam
of light on the white screen.) Note: The holes in the cards must
be aligned in order for this to work.
Have students predict what will happen to the light beam if they
repeat the above investigation after having moved the second
black card out of alignment. Have students then move the
second black card a few centimetres to the right or left so the
holes no longer match up. Have them shine their light boxes in
the darkened room. (The circular beam of light will appear on
the card that was moved, rather than on the white screen.) Ask
the students the following questions:
• Does a light ray bend?
• How do you know?
Extension — Teacher Demonstration
Repeat the previous activities, using a stick of incense, directing
the smoke onto the ray of light. This will give students an
opportunity to see that the light beam travels in a straight line.

Observing How Light Travels

white card
beam of light


black cards
light box

â Investigation 2: Observing Light Travelling through Water

Have each student/small group place the light box on an
elevated stand such as a stack or a box of books. The light box
should be arranged so that it is pointing down on an angle, into a
large, transparent container of water below, no more than 20-30
cm away. A small aquarium or clear, plastic tub are both
suitable. Make the water murky by adding a few drops of milk
or some milk powder. Darken the room and have students turn
on their light boxes to observe what happens to the beam of
light. (The beam will bend when it hits the water.) Ask students:
• Where does the light beam hit the water? (Answers will vary.
Beam may enter from the side or top of the container.)
• What happens to the light beam when it hits the water? (It
bends. The light does not travel in a straight line.) (continued)

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Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Observation Checklist: Light Investigations

The student
q asks questions that lead to investigations of light
q makes predictions
q assumes roles and shares group responsibilities
q asks relevant questions
q shares ideas
q uses tools in a manner that ensures personal safety and the
safety of others
q records observations in a variety of ways
q draws a conclusion based on evidence gathered through research
and observation
q recognizes that experimental results vary slightly when
experiments are carried out by different people

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
â Investigation 3: Reflecting Light
The purpose of this investigation is to observe how light is
reflected. Have students elevate their light boxes on stands half a
metre away from a light-coloured wall. Have the light boxes shine
down, on an angle, onto the floor, where a mirror lies. Have
students observe the size and brightness of the patch of reflected
light on the wall that occurs as a result of light being shone down
onto the reflective surface and bounced onto the wall. For the
strongest reflection, boxes should be placed as close as possible to
the mirror (10-15 cm) with the mirror placed close to the wall. (The
smaller and brighter the patch, the more reflective the surface.)
Have students try a variety of materials in place of the mirror, such
as crumpled tin foil, flat tin foil, fabric, paper, etc.
Math extension: Have students undertake this activity with a
variety of materials. Students should measure the diameter of the
patch of light on the wall and describe the quality of the light.

Materials Diameter Quality of Light

mirror 7.5 cm bright, shiny
crumpled foil 4.5 cm less bright, spotty
flat foil 7 cm bright, shiny
metal mesh fabric 3 cm spotty, dull
paper 1 cm faint light
black paper 0 cm no reflection

foil or a
mirror tb

wall or stand
Reflecting Light

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Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Learning Log Entry: Light Beams

Student directions: How do materials and objects affect light
beams? Make reference to your investigations.
Look for
q intensifies the beam
q bends the beam
q reflects light
q breaks it into different colours

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
â Observing Objects in Our Environment
4-2-09 Recognize that most objects
that produce light also give off heat, With students, brainstorm to list objects in our environment that
and identify objects that produce produce light. (Examples: glow-in-the-dark sticks, light bulbs,
light but give off little or no heat. light sticks, clock radios, glow-in-the-dark stickers, microwaves,
calculators, fireflies, etc.)
Questions for Discussion
• Do all lights give off heat?
• Can light be produced without heat?

4-2-10 Classify materials as â Demonstration: Transparent, Opaque, and Translucent

transparent, translucent, or opaque. Materials
GLO: D3, E1 Show students three different drinking glasses — clear, coloured,
4-2-11 Evaluate the usefulness of a and styrofoam. Fill the glasses with the same coloured liquid.
material for a particular task based Ask the following questions:
on its ability to transmit, reflect, or • What is in each glass?
absorb light. • How do you know?
Examples: usefulness of coloured • Which one was easiest to tell? Why?
glass to preserve food and drink by
â Investigating Materials
protecting them from light...
Have students work in small groups. Have students begin a class
GLO: A5, B1, D3 collection of different objects or illustrations of objects that are
4-0-4e. Identify problems as they arise, and transparent, translucent, or opaque. Have students sort and
work with others to find solutions. GLO: C3, C7 classify the materials according to the amount of light that shines
4-0-4f. Assume roles, and share responsibilities
as group members. (ELA 5.2.2) GLO: C7
through. Discuss their classifications. If the terms “transparent,”
4-0-4h. Use tools and apparatus in a manner “opaque,” and “translucent” don’t come up in the discussion,
that ensures personal safety and the safety of introduce them at this time. Ask students the following
others. GLO: C1
• When might you want to use materials that are transparent?
Translucent? Opaque? (Some drinks are put in opaque
bottles because they would spoil in the light; windows are
transparent because we want light to come in and we want to
see outside.)

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Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Transparent - materials which allow Interview: Transparent, Translucent, Opaque

light to pass through and allow Before the interview gather the following objects: book, piece of
objects on the other side to be seen frosted glass, aluminum foil, clear plastic bag, clear glass, wax
clearly, e.g., clear glass. paper, paper bag, and milk carton.
Translucent - materials which allow 1. Which of the objects in the collection are opaque? How do you
some light to pass through, but know?
objects behind them cannot be seen q book
clearly, e.g., frosted glass, tissue
q aluminum foil
q paper bag
Opaque - materials which do not q milk carton
allow light to pass through, e.g., q mentions that no light passes through them
wood, black paper.
2. Which of the objects are transparent? How do you know?
q clear plastic bag
q clear glass
3. Which of the objects are translucent? How do you know?
q frosted glass
q wax paper
q mentions that some light passes through but objects cannot
be clearly seen
4. Is it possible to change a transparent object into a translucent
object? How?
q painting or colouring it
q any reasonable explanation

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
4-2-12 Predict the location, shape, â What Do I Know about Shadows?
and size of a shadow based on the Activating Prior Knowledge: Have students complete a
position of a light source relative to Knowledge Chart such as the following
an object.
GLO: C2, D4
Know Now Know Now
4-0-3a. Brainstorm, in small groups, one or more (Draw) (List)
methods of finding the answer to a given
question, and reach consensus on which
method to implement. GLO: C2, C7
4-0-3b. Identify, in small groups, variables that
have an impact on an investigation. GLO: A1,
A2, C2, C7
4-0-3c. Create, in small groups, a plan to Want to know:
answer a given question. (ELA 3.1.4; Math SP-
V.2.4) GLO: C2
4-0-4a. Carry out a plan, and describe the (See the discussion of Prior Knowledge Strategies in Success for
purpose of the steps followed. (Math SP-V.2.4)
All Learners, 6.20-6.23.)
4-0-4f. Assume roles, and share responsibilities
as group members. (ELA 5.2.2) GLO: C7 â Puppet Shadows: Shadows Investigation
4-0-5b. Estimate and measure mass/weight, In small groups, have students identify and carry out a plan to
length, volume, area, and temperature using
standard units. (Math SS-IV.1.4, SS-I.1.4, SS- find out what impact the position of the flashlight (light source)
III.1.4, SS-II.1.4) GLO: C2, C3, C5 has on the location, shape, and size of a shadow from a puppet.
4-0-6e. Evaluate, with guidance, the methods Ensure that the groups identify variables that may have an
used to answer a question or solve a problem.
GLO: C2, C3
impact on their investigation.
4-0-7a. Draw a conclusion based on evidence Art Extension: Have students research shadow puppets from
gathered through research and observation. different cultures (e.g., Inuit, Chinese, Indonesian, etc.) using a
GLO: A1, A2, C2
variety of print and electronic resources.

â Reflecting on Shadows
Have students use their learning logs to summarize what they
have found out about shadows. Example:

When the light source is moved closer to the object

the shadow gets ___________________ and its
shape looks __________________________.

When the light source is moved farther from the

object the shadow gets ___________________ and
its shape looks ____________________________.

When the light source is moved to the left of the

object the shadow moves _______________ and its
shape looks _____________________________.

When the light source is moved to the right of the

object the shadow moves _____________ and its
shape looks ____________________________.

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Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Students were first introduced to Group Assessment: Shadows Investigation

shadows in Grade 1. They should Answer Yes or No:
know that shadows are caused by During the Shadow Investigation my group
blocking light. q brainstormed one or more ways to find the answer _________
Have students use Blackline Master q identified the variables that have an impact on the experiment
2: Scientific Inquiry Recording ___________________________________________________
Sheet: Grades 3 and 4. q created a plan _______________________________________
q identified problems and found a solution _________________
q shared roles and responsibilities ________________________
q estimated and measured the length of the shadows _________
q recorded our results __________________________________
q evaluated our experiment and our results _________________
q arrived at a conclusion _______________________________
Next time we will ______________________________________

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
4-2-13 Identify technological â Centres: The Technology of Light
developments that extend our ability Provide students with samples of technological devices and tools,
to see, and recognize their impact on a video about sight and technology, or pictures of objects that
science. extend our ability to see. Examples: binoculars, telescope, optical
Examples: the telescope allows microscope, eyeglasses, magnifying lens, periscope, telescope,
astronomers to obtain new camera, magnifying glass, bug’s eye, etc. After viewing these
information... materials, have students select one object to record what it is used
GLO: A5, B1 for and how it helps us to do something better or something we
weren’t able to do before. Have students share their recordings
4-0-5c. Record observations in a variety of from the centres. Ask students the following reflection questions
ways. Examples: point-form notes, sentences,
labelled diagrams, charts... (ELA 2.1.1, 3.3.1, to extend their learning:
4.1.1, 4.1.2; Math SP-1.2.4, SP-II.2.4) GLO: • How has the microscope helped scientists to fight disease?
C2, C6
• How have binoculars extended our knowledge of animal species?

4-2-14 Use the design process to â Design an Optical Device

construct a device that transmits and Provide students with a problem that emerges from the narrative
reflects light. literature read by the class. For example, a character in a fictional
Examples: periscope, kaleidoscope... story may require a device that allows him or her to see around a
GLO: B1, C3 corner or over a divider wall. Sample evaluation criteria may
include the following:
4-0-1c. Identify practical problems to solve in the
local environment. GLO: C3
• is hand-held
4-0-3d. Brainstorm possible solutions to a • uses readily available materials
practical problem, and identify and justify which
solution to implement. (ELA 1.2.3) GLO: C3
• is constructed during a given time period
4-0-3e. Create a written plan to solve a problem • allows the viewer to see what object the subject is holding when
or meet a need. Include: identify steps to follow, standing around the corner or on the other side of the wall
prepare a labelled diagram. GLO: C3
4-0-3f. Develop criteria to evaluate an object,
device, or system based on its function,
aesthetics, and other considerations such as
materials, and cost. GLO: C3
4-0-4b. Construct an object, device, or system to
solve a problem or meet a need. GLO: C3
4-0-4c. Test an object, device, or system with
respect to pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
4-0-4d. Identify and make improvements to an
object, device, or system, and explain the
rationale for the changes. GLO: C3
4-0-5a. Select and use tools to observe,
measure, and construct. Examples: tuning fork,
prism, binoculars, measuring tape... GLO: C2,
C3, C5
4-0-7c. Identify new problems that arise. GLO: C3
4-0-8c. Recognize that designing a solution to a
simple problem may have considerations, such
as cost, materials, time, and space. GLO: B2, C3

4. 34
Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Appendix B: Selecting Science-Based Design Process Checklist

Literature provides support to teachers The student
for selecting fictional and non- q understands the problem
fictional science literature.
q brainstorms possible solutions
Have students use Blackline Master 4: q creates a written plan
Design Process Recording Sheets: q develops criteria for success
Grades 3 and 4. q includes labelled diagram
q constructs a device that reflects or transmits light
q tests the device
q identifies and makes improvements
q identifies new problems that arise
q recognizes that designing a solution may involve cost and

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
4-2-15 Describe practices that help â Safety Posters
ensure protection of eyes and sight. Have students conduct research into practices that protect the
Examples: direct mirrors away from eyes and eyesight. Students will then design posters that
the eyes when reflecting intense light illustrate how to protect eyes and eyesight. Remind students that
sources... posters generally consist of slogans and simple eye-catching
GLO: B3, C1 illustrations. These posters could also be created at the start of
the cluster so that they remind students of safe practices during
4-0-2a. Access information using a variety of their investigations.
sources. Examples: school libraries, videos,
traditional knowledge, CD-ROMs, Internet...
(ELA 3.2.2, 3.2.4, TFS 2.1.1) GLO: C6
4-0-2b. Review information to determine its
usefulness to inquiry or research needs. (ELA
3.2.3, 3.3.3) GLO: C6, C8
4-0-7e. Communicate results and conclusions in
a variety of ways. Examples: point-form lists,
sentences, graphs, labelled diagrams, charts...
(ELA 2.3.5, 4.2.5; Math SP-III.1.4, SP-III.2.4;
TFS 2.1.4) GLO: C6

4-2-16 Identify different uses of light â Red Means Stop!

at home, at school, and in the Have students work in partners to identify examples of particular
community, and explain how the colours that are used to mean specific things (e.g., a stoplight
brightness and colour of the light are and cars’ brake lights use a red light to mean “stop;” snow
appropriate for each use. removal trucks have blue lights; police cars use flashing red
Examples: vivid neon lights for lights).
advertising, blue lights for snow
removal vehicles...
GLO: B1, B3, C1

4-0-4f. Assume roles, and share responsibilities

as group members. (ELA 5.2.2) GLO: C7
4-0-4g. Communicate questions, ideas and
intentions, and listen effectively to others during
classroom-learning experiences. GLO: C6

4. 36
Grade 4, Cluster 2: Light


Scoring Rubric: Safety Posters and Research

A poster indicating the dangers of
pen-light lasers should be developed. Scale Research Poster
Serious harm can be done by shining 4 used at least neatly and carefully done,
these lasers into someone’s eyes. three sources, depicts eye protection
findings are practices in both pictures
detailed and clear and words
3 used at least two neatly and carefully done,
sources, findings depicts eye protection
are detailed and practices in both pictures
clear and words
2 used at least two depicts eye protection
sources, findings practices in both pictures
are incomplete and words
or unclear
l used at least one depicts eye protection
source, findings practices in pictures only,
are incomplete carelessly done
or unclear

Paper and Pencil Task: Red Means Stop

You are in charge of the lighting for your town. What colour and
how bright should the lights be for the following objects?
1. street lights?
2. emergency vehicles?
3. snow plows?
4. the signs advertising the town stores?
5. the meeting room in the town hall?
6. classroom lights?
Explain your choices.
Look for
q appropriate colours
q appropriate degrees of brightness
q reasonable explanations

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


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