Lesson Plans

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TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan 1

Teacher Candidate Name: Alexander Jelacic

Grade & Subject Area: 9th Grade World History
Date for Planned Lesson:10/20/17

*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title Ancient Greece

MN/CC State Standard(s) MN Standard: World history The development of

- direct quote from MN standards interregional systems of communication and trade facilitated
documents new forms of social organization and new belief systems.
- if only focusing on one part of a (Classical Traditions, Belief Systems and Giant Empires:
given standard, underline the part 2000 BCE - 600 CE)
being focused upon
Central Focus Describe the development, characteristics, interactions, and
- derived from standard, decline of civilization Ancient Greece.
- communicates general goal
Learning Target for this Lesson Possible language functions: Identify, explain, summarize,
- concisely says what students will interpret, contrast, justify…
be able to know and do Students can identify how geography and ancient poems
- start with appropriate language affected the way that Greece developed.
function (active verb)
Academic Language (AL) a. Domain-specific academic vocabulary: Peninsula,
a. Domain-specific Academic Seafarers, Mycenaean Greeks, Isolation, Arete, Homer, Iliad,
vocabulary Odyssey
b. General Academic vocabulary
(words used in school across
many subject areas) b. General academic vocabulary: Compare, geography,
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Mediterranean Sea, example,
Example sentence that
students can use to c. Sentence Frame: Geography affected the development of
accomplish target Greece by creating multiple isolated groups of people, having
d. Point in lesson where students a large amount of coastland, and there was minimal farmland
will be given opportunity to use which pushed city-states to have colonies. The idea of Arete
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It from the Iliad and Odyssey created a society that strived to
is important that this appear in bring honor to their family (as warriors or any other
TPA videotape segments profession).
d. In Lesson part 4 The students will write a 5-sentence
paragraph that identifies how geography and ancient
poems affected the way that Greece developed.

Needed modifications/supports We will be working with our textbooks, maps, and graphic
a. Identify how some form of organizers. I have a decently large group of students who
additional support will be read at a level lower than 9th grade. By also using maps and
provided for some aspect of graphic organizers, the students will be able to visually see
the lesson for given student(s) how the geography of Greece looks. There is also a larger
- visual, graphic, interactive reading portion that needs to be done however some
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in students will have a condensed reading that focuses on
the blank notes, word banks exactly what needs to be done.
- graphic organizers, sentence
Resources & materials needed Notebook, Handout/outline for directed reading, Projector
picture of topographic map from internet, PowerPoint, Google
classroom to post everything for people missing. World
history and Geography by McGraw Hill p. 64-67

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 Student reads learning target which is Students will
State Target & Activate Prior posted on first slide of power point. Once write down the
Knowledge the student is done reading everyone learning target at
a) Post the learning target writes it down. “Students can identify how the top of their
statement and indicate geography and ancient poems affected page in their
whether the teacher or the way that Greece developed.” Give notebook. They
student(s) will read it aloud pre-assessment which covers all parts of will then take the
b) Engage students in activity Greece. Once everyone turns it back in, pre-assessment
to elicit / build prior ask them what they know about Greece in specifically
background knowledge general. Ask them if they know anything focusing on the
about present day Greece. Where it is KWL section.
located, what are they famous for. Give They will then
them 2 minutes to pair with an elbow work with an
partner to talk about what they already elbow partner to
know about Greece. activate prior
Phase 1 Assessment Stand, share, sit. All students stand and Everyone stands
Explain the plan to capture as they respond, type the ideas onto a up and we
data from this phase of the blank word document. serpentine
lesson around the
room. Once
someone has
given a
response, right
or wrong, they
sit down. Once
sitting down, jot
down ideas that
other students

Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry I will pass out directed note taking Students will
- Explain procedures worksheets then I will have the students take directed
- Demonstration the task get into their “card” groups (I have them notes with them
- Teacher think aloud split into groups of 4 by a number from a when they get
deck of cards). I will then bring up my into their groups
power point that has all the directions for of 4. They
today on it. Asking the students to read already know
out loud… First, students with white how the
sheets will be reading all of Ch. 4.1 and classroom is set
using the maps as an additional resource. up so that no
Those with “colored” or modified sheets person is
will only be reading two of the four confused on
sections then working with maps. (The where to go. The
maps will be posted after directions on the students will
projector.) Second, students will read in a read the
round robin. (There is a huge push for directions from
students to read and write more at my the board. Then
school).Third, once students are done the students will
reading they are to fill out the work sheet ask questions
that they were given. I will chime in saying about the
“NOT WHILE THEY READ”. Finally, once procedure.
they are done they are asked to come
back to their original seats. I will then ask
if there are any questions. Before I have
them start reading I will ask them to
continuously think about the way that
what they are reading/observing could
affect the development of a Greek state.
Phase 2 Assessment I will ask if there are any questions as to Students will ask
Explain the plan to check for what needs to be done. After that I will any questions
understanding of steps / ask students to give me a thumbs up or they have about
procedures demonstrated down in front of themselves to see if they what we are
in this phase are fully understanding. If there is anyone doing
that I notice thumbs down I will prompt today/procedure.
them to talk to their neighbor for help. After they have
After about a minute I will walk over and done this they
ask the student to make sure they are will give a
understanding. thumbs up or
down based on
if they
understand or
not. If they don’t
understand they
will be told to
use their
neighbors as
sources. If I
come and they
are still confused
they are to ask
me their

Phase 3 Guided Practice I will walk around the room specifically Students
- Paired/collaborative work asking the students who had thumbs continue to
- Teacher(s) may roam & down for understanding procedure to help work. If I ask
assist answer those questions. I will then quickly them questions,
put up maps on the projector for students specifically
who prefer to use the map on top of the about what they
readings. Groups can work in the hallway are not confident
and thus I will be rotating around to check about, then they
in on how people are doing. Keep are to ask
students on track and to answer questions.
Phase 3 Assessment I will walk around and make note of Students answer
Explain the plan to check for groups who are working together to read the questions in
ability to apply the passages and understand the maps. I their note books.
demonstrated will ask a specific set of questions about They then
steps/procedures during the material such as what has stuck out express what
guided practice so far, or how would this affect the they do and
philosophical, economic, government, or don’t
societies that developed. understand.
Phase 4 Independent practice Students will fill out their directed note They fill ou their
- Individual student work taking sheet. They can work on this as a worksheet as a
group or individuals. Once they are done I group. Once
will ask everyone to come back to the they are finished
room to recap everything that was talked they are to
about. return to their
seats to recap
what they have
Phase 4 Assessment I will have students pass in the hand out When finished,
Explain plan to check for when they are finished. pass forward the
ability to apply hand out.
steps/procedures during
independent practice

Phase 5 Restatement & Closure I will have the students write a paragraph Students write a
a) Restate learning target answering the question, “How did 5 paragraph
b) Explain a planned geography and ancient poems affect the essay that
opportunity for students to development of Ancient Greece.” (This is explains how
self-assess their also the learning target for the lesson) geography and
perceived level of mastery ancient poems
for the target. They will write a number 1-5 on how well affected the
they understand the material. 1 meaning development of
doesn’t understand it yet, 5 meaning they Greece using
could teach someone who had missed the specific details.
class about it. They then write
a 1-5 depending
on how well they
understood the
Phase 6 Summative Next Students will turn in their paragraph that Students pass
Steps they wrote to show their ability to identify forward their
Attach a class roster (first the ways that Greece would be affected essays and in
names only) with space to by their geography and ancient texts. 1 the future take
indicate for each student and 2 are reteaches 3 and 4 are on their notes during the
the needed next steps of way 5 is completely understanding reteaching
instruction. process.
TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan 2

Teacher Candidate Name: Alexander Jelacic

Grade & Subject Area: 9th Grade World History
Date for Planned Lesson:10/16/17-10/18/17
*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title Persian War and the Golden Age of Greece

MN/CC State Standard(s) Example: MN Standard: World history The development
- direct quote from MN standards of interregional systems of communication and trade facilitated
documents new forms of social organization and new belief systems.
- if only focusing on one part of a (Classical Traditions, Belief Systems and Giant Empires: 2000
given standard, underline the part BCE - 600 CE)
being focused upon
Central Focus Describe and explain the development, characteristics,
- derived from standard, interactions, and decline of civilization Ancient Greece.
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson Possible language functions: Identify, explain, summarize,
- concisely says what students will be interpret, contrast, justify…
able to know and do I can examine the Persian War started and the aftermath following
- start with appropriate language up to the Peloponnesian War to better understand relations
function (active verb) between Greek city-states.
Academic Language (AL) a. Domain-specific academic vocabulary: Polis, Tyrant, Oligarchy,
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary Ephor, Acropolis, Agora, Phalanx, democracy, Direct democracy,
b. General Academic vocabulary Ostracism, Age of Pericles, Tragedy, Socratic method,
(words used in school across many Thermopylae, Leonidas, Themistocles, Salamis, Oracle
subject areas)
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example
sentence that students can use
to accomplish target b. General academic vocabulary: Timeline, strategies, essay
d. Point in lesson where students will
c. Sentence Frame: The reason why the Persian War started was
be given opportunity to use
due to the Ionian Greek revolt and its help from Athens. Due to the
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
Persian War, Athens and Sparta because the two front runners in
is important that this appear in
war, art, trade, and diplomacy in Greece. This created tensions as
TPA videotape segments
both sides fought to establish who was more powerful.”
d. In lesson 2 part 3 students will be asked as a group to address
why the Peloponnesian War started. They will have the prompt of
“At the end of the Persian War, how did Athens and Sparta
create a scenario that spelt an upcoming war?”
Needed modifications/supports Some groups will receive a thesis sentence frame that will help
a. Identify how some form of them direct where their group paragraph goes. We will also be
additional support will be watching a movie, and taking notes on the war and the time period
provided for some aspect of the after it. There will be minimum reading, I have a directed note
lesson for given student(s) taking worksheet so that students are able to follow along with my
- visual, graphic, interactive “lecture”.
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed Power Point, projector, The real 300 - Documentary 2017 on
YouTube, 3 different handouts, World history and Geography by
McGraw Hill p. 68-72

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 Student reads “I can examine the Students listen
State Target & Activate Persian Wars and the top and write
Prior Knowledge Peloponnesian War to better down the
a) Post the learning understand relations between target of the
target statement and Greek City states. day. They then
indicate whether the I will address the students asking participate
teacher or student(s) them about what they remembered creating a
will read it aloud about Persia from the last unit. word web of
b) Engage students in They should talk about how it was a ideas about
activity to elicit / build HUGE empire and had tons of who the
prior background resources. They should also talk Persians are.
knowledge about how they were super They take
religious. Overall living in the these notes
Persian empire was not a bad deal. down in their
Specifically, Cyrus and Darius were notebooks to
great rulers who were beloved to all helps
their subjects. remember
what we are
talking about.
Phase 1 Assessment As students talk about Persia I will Students
Explain the plan to note who is participating and who is participate.
capture data from this actively not.
phase of the lesson

Phase 2 Teacher Input / 1.We will begin this section with a 1. Students will
Inquiry - Explain youtube documentary called the real watch the
procedures 300 created by the History Channel. I videos and
- Demonstration the will pass out a worksheet that the complete the
task students will take notes on as the worksheet that
- Teacher think aloud movie continues. This movie is great goes with it.
for explaining why the Persian War Answer
started and the three main battles. questions they
This is mainly to give the students a might have
bunch of information that we can missed from
touch on as the lessons go on. I will the movie
read through all of the questions to while I go over
make sure that they are clear. the notes.

2.Next I will go over power point 4.3 2. Students

and 4.4 which goes into detail about take notes on
the end of the war and the growth of my sheet for
Sparta and Athens. 4.3 will be led by frontloaded
a lecture while 4.4 will be done in the information.
student’s books. I will give instruction They will also
on what pages and that they will work work in the
by themselves on 4.4 until the end. book during
Phase 2 Assessment 1.I will ask for a thumbs up or thumbs 1. Students will
Explain the plan to down if they understand what I am give a thumbs
check for asking for them to do. If anyone has a up down or
understanding of thumbs down I will ask what is needed sideways
steps / procedures to be clarified. depending on
demonstrated in how well they
this phase 2. I will give credit to students who are feel about it.
actively taking notes during class. I
will give them a check by their name 2. students
on the name chart. actively take
notes, working
on the
Phase 3 Guided I will have the students pair up Students
Practice together and discuss “At the end of collaborate
- Paired/collaborative the Persian War, how did Athens and with a partner
work Sparta create a scenario that spelt an to cite specific
- Teacher(s) may roam upcoming war?” details on At
& assist the end of the
Persian War,
how did
Athens and
Sparta create
a scenario that
spelt an
Phase 3 Assessment I will walk around and make note of Students
Explain the plan to overheard misconceptions. collaborate
check for ability to with a partner
apply to cite specific
demonstrated details on At
steps/procedures the end of the
during guided Persian War,
practice how did
Athens and
Sparta create
a scenario that
spelt an
Phase 4 Independent I will have the students write a 5- At this point,
practice sentence essay on “At the end of the students will
- Individual student Persian War, how did Athens and be writing a 5
work Sparta create a scenario that spelt an sentence
upcoming war?” essay about
“At the end of
the Persian
War, how did
Athens and
Sparta create
a scenario that
spelt an
war?” using
the information
they just talked
about with a
Phase 4 Assessment Check individual answers on essays.
Explain plan to check
for ability to apply

Phase 5 Restatement & Students will raise 1 to 3 fingers in the Students raise
Closure a) air to indicate how solid their a finger 1-3 on
Restate learning target understanding is from 3 (I could how well they
b) Explain a planned explain this to someone else) to 1 (I understand the
opportunity for want would want it explained to me information.
students to self- again before explaining it to someone
assess their else)
perceived level of
mastery for the
Phase 6 Summative 3 columns on roster that say Reteach, Students take
Next Steps Extend Slightly, Transfer to new topic. notes on
Attach a class roster retaught items.
(first names only)
with space to
indicate for each
student the
needed next steps
of instruction.
TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan 3

Teacher Candidate Name: Alexander Jelacic

Grade & Subject Area: 9th grade World History
Date for Planned Lesson: 10/23/17-10/24/17
*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your lesson plan, you
may either replace the given examples or leave them intact.
Lesson Title Sparta and Athens
MN/CC State Standard(s) MN Standard: World history The development of
- direct quote from MN interregional systems of communication and trade facilitated new
standards forms of social organization and new belief systems. (Classical
documents Traditions, Belief Systems and Giant Empires: 2000 BCE - 600
- if only focusing on one part of CE)
a given standard, underline
the part being focused upon
Central Focus Describe and explain the development, characteristics,
- derived from standard, interactions, and decline of civilization Ancient Greece.
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Possible language functions: Identify, explain, summarize,
Lesson interpret, contrast, justify…
- concisely says what students I can compare and contrast the development of Sparta and Athens
will be able to know and do to understand why the Peloponnesian War happened.
- start with appropriate
language function (active
Academic Language (AL) a. Domain-specific academic vocabulary: Spartan, Athens,
a. Domain-specific Acad Phalanx, Democracy, Oligarchy, Warrior society, Delian League,
vocabulary Peloponnesian League, Acropolis, Merchants, Direct Democracy,
b. General Academic Cleisthenes, Tyrants, Helots, Delphi, Ephors, Assembly, Arete,
vocabulary Defense Pact, Ostracism, Pericles,
(words used in school b. General academic vocabulary: Compare, Contrast, Timeline,
across many subject Social standards, Freedom, Societal roles,
areas) c. Sentence Frame: Athens and Sparta are similar due to the fact
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: they both made defense pacts, but differ in the way their groups
Example sentence that developed socially and their style of government. (this sentence
students can use to shows that they understand that the two groups were
accomplish target fundamentally different even though they were of the same group
d. Point in lesson where of people. It also shows that defense pacts then to lead to war
students will be given which we will see again in the future.)
opportunity to use d. In lesson part 5 students will be asked to create a compare and
Academic Vocabulary contrast “PEGGS” diagram such as a Venn diagram to help
(Note: It formulate how Sparta and Athens are similar and different.
is important that this
appear in TPA videotape
Needed Some students will start with a premade graphic organizer to help
modifications/supports them organize their thoughts. There will be timelines made to help
a. Identify how some form of show time and space between events. There is a directed notes
additional support will be worksheet for Athens. When speaking of Sparta, the students will
provided for some aspect be instructed on how to make a graphic organizer to help them
of the lesson for given understand the Spartan government.
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text,
fill-in the blank notes, word
- graphic organizers, sentence
Resources & materials Handout on Sparta, premade compare and contrast graphic
needed organizer, PowerPoint, Directed notes worksheet, World history
and Geography by McGraw Hill p. 73-83

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 Student reads the Target of the lesson. “I Student reads the
State Target & Activate Prior can compare and contrast the Target of the lesson.
Knowledge development of Sparta and Athens to “I can compare and
a) Post the learning target understand why the Peloponnesian War contrast the
statement and indicate happened.” Then they write it in their development of
whether the teacher or notebook. Sparta and Athens to
student(s) will read it aloud understand why the
b) Engage students in Activate prior knowledge talking about the Peloponnesian War
activity to elicit / build prior movie we watched about “The Real Story happened.” Then
background knowledge of 300”. I will be trying to push them to copy it into their
remember specific examples about the notebook.
Spartans and Athenians which are the
main focus of the video. Spartans are a
warrior group that cuts out any
weaknesses. They are the premier fighters
in the world at this time. Athens has a
strong navy and is renowned for it
strategists (Themistocles). They also said
in the movie that the two had been heated
rivals for a very long time. I will ask why
this might be.
Phase 1 Assessment I will note responses on a roster of a + for Students should
Explain the plan to capture participation or – for no participation as it participate on the
data from this phase of the happens. discussion of Sparta
lesson and Athens.

Phase 2 Teacher Input / I will start by front loading information to Students will take
Inquiry - Explain the students on Sparta and Athens. I will notes, ask questions,
procedures start with Sparta and work my way with and in general try to
- Demonstration the task directed notes to the Peloponnesian War. I retain as much
- Teacher think aloud will then start with Athens and work my information as they
way to the Peloponnesian War. When can on Sparta and
talking about Sparta I will talk about the Athens.
PEGGS (Philosophy/religion, economics,
government, geography, and
society/culture). I will lecture for most of
this however they will use multiple
diagrams and directed note taking
strategies so that they get the information
they need in the right context.
Phase 2 Assessment Assessment Example: 3 quick questions Students write their
Explain the plan to check for (What are the Spartans known for? How answers on their
understanding of steps / does the average male citizen from Athens white boards. They
procedures act compared to a Spartan citizen? How participate.
demonstrated in this do you think that government affects the
phase everyday person in Athens and Sparta?).
Individuals will write answers on individual
whiteboards and teacher will make note of
students who miss 1 or more.
Phase 3 Guided Practice At the end of note taking I will then ask the Students build a
- Paired/collaborative work students to make a Venn diagram to show VENN diagram
- Teacher(s) may roam & the differences and similarities between comparing and
assist the two groups. The will need at least one contrasting Sparta
input for each of the “PEGGS”. I will also and Athens by
ask which group the students would rather themselves then talk
live with. The strong and mighty Spartans about which group
or the right Athenians. they would rather be
a part of.
Phase 3 Assessment Ask students to work with elbow buddy Students work
Explain the plan to check and discuss what is similar and different together to notice the
for ability to apply for each “PEGGS”. Then I will be looking similarities and
demonstrated for students to give pros and cons for why differences of the
steps/procedures they would live in one society over PEGGS of Sparta
during guided practice another. This will help me to recognize and Athens. They
what might be more important to some answer the questions
students. I will also be looking for proper I give them citing
vocabulary. specific examples
from our PEGGS
Phase 4 Independent I will be teaching students how I would like Students think about
practice for them to write compare and contrast how to write a perfect
- Individual student work essays. This will consist of practicing a paragraph. They also
couple different prompts practice by
themselves and with
a partner how to write
a compare and
contrast essay.
Phase 4 Assessment Assessment Example: Student writes Student writes down
Explain plan to check for theses and bullet points for the details they a thesis for a
ability to apply choose for their arguments. I will be compare and
demonstrated assessing the thesis and conclusion. contrast essay. They
steps/procedures then write down 3
during independent details and a
practice conclusion by
Phase 5 Restatement & Assessment Example: Students will raise 1 Students raise finger
Closure a) Restate to 3 fingers in the air to indicate how solid indicating how well
learning target their understanding is from 3 (I could they feel they
b) Explain a planned explain this to someone else) to 1 (I want understand the
opportunity for students would want it explained to me again before information. They do
to self-assess their explaining it to someone else) this between their
shoulders so that it is
perceived level of a private show of
mastery for the target. how well they are
Phase 6 Summative Next Assessment Example: (3 columns on Students hang out
Steps attached roster) and be truthful. They
Attach a class roster (first Reteach, Extend Slightly, Transfer to new take notes when
names only) with space situation/topic reteaching.
to indicate for each
student the needed
next steps of
TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan 4

Teacher Candidate Name: Alex Jelacic

Grade & Subject Area: 9th grade World History
Date for Planned Lesson: 10/25/17
*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title Alexander the Great

MN/CC State Standard(s) MN Standard: World history The development of

- direct quote from MN standards interregional systems of communication and trade facilitated new
documents forms of social organization and new belief systems. (Classical
- if only focusing on one part of a Traditions, Belief Systems and Giant Empires: 2000 BCE - 600
given standard, underline the part CE)
being focused upon
Central Focus Describe and explain the development, characteristics,
- derived from standard, interactions, and decline of civilization Ancient Greece.
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson Possible language functions: Identify, explain, summarize,
- concisely says what students will be interpret, contrast, justify…
able to know and do I can analyze how Alexander the Great interacted with different
- start with appropriate language groups as he expanded his empire.
function (active verb)
Academic Language (AL) a. Domain-specific academic vocabulary: Polis, Tyrant, Oligarchy,
a. Domain-specific Academic Ephor, Acropolis, Agora, Phalanx, Democracy, Direct democracy,
vocabulary Ostracism, Age of Pericles, Tragedy, Socratic method, Hellenistic
b. General Academic vocabulary Era
(words used in school across many
subject areas) b. General academic vocabulary ex: essay, illustrate, contrast,
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example critique, table …
sentence that students can use
to accomplish target c. Sentence Frame: Alexander the Great conquered multiple
d. Point in lesson where students will civilizations and empires while expanding his own empire. As he
be given opportunity to use continued he started to spread greek ideas, art, and architecture.
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It This time period is called the Hellenistic Era.
is important that this appear in d. In lesson part 4 students will be asked to “Explain how
TPA videotape segments Alexander the Great interacted with different groups as he
expanded his empire and use specific examples from the book or

Needed modifications/supports We will have minimal reading in this lesson. There is a directed
a. Identify how some form of note taking sheet. There are multiple maps that will be present on
additional support will be my power point.
provided for some aspect of the
lesson for given student(s)
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed I will need a projector, power point, directed note taking hand out,
McGraw Hill textbook chapter 4, pp. 83-87.

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 Student will read the learning target “I can Students will write
State Target & Activate Prior explain how Alexander the Great down the learning
Knowledge interacted with different groups as he target and brainstorm
a) Post the learning target expanded his empire.” about who Alexander
statement and indicate whether the Great is. They will
the teacher or student(s) will read I will have the students brainstorm also take out old
it aloud anything about Alexander the Great. I notes if they need
b) Engage students in activity to will also look to the development of them to help
elicit / build prior background philosophy and art during the “Golden remember what the
knowledge age” of Greece before the great minds of
Peloponnesian War. The goal is to have Greece have
the students thinking about all the great accomplished.
things that the Greeks had developed
over the past five hundred years. I will
specifically have them pull out
worksheet 4.3 and 4.4. Finally, as an
introduction into the material I will
remind the students that the
Peloponnesian War ended and All
Greeks south of Thrace were weak from
Phase 1 Assessment I will put a checkmark next to students who Students participate.
Explain the plan to capture data take out their previous notes and
from this phase of the lesson participate in discussion of what Greece is
like in the late 330s B.C.
Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry Today I will lecture for about ten minutes Students listen to the
- Explain procedures where the students will use a guided directions and lecture
- Demonstration the task worksheet to help them focus on what is taking notes as we
- Teacher think aloud important to truly know for the class. Then go. Their directed
they will work in their textbooks reading note taking sheet
about philosophers from the Hellenistic should be finished up
Era. Finally, once they understand the until #10.
main points of the philosophers and
mathematicians, the students will create a
graphic organizer (advise on choosing
word map) that helps explain the way that
Greek ideas were spread during the
Hellenistic Era.
Phase 2 Assessment I will have the instructions on the board Students give thumbs
Explain the plan to check for and will ask if students have any up down or sideways.
understanding of steps / questions. If they don’t I will ask them to
procedures demonstrated in give a thumbs up saying they understand
this phase what needs to be done, or thumbs down if
they don’t understand. Sideways if they
are confused.
Phase 3 Guided Practice As a group the students should research Studetns use their
- Paired/collaborative work philosophers and mathematicians from this books, computers,
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist time period. They will work together to fill ipads and or mobile
out the rest of the worksheet. Then they devices to research
will work on a word map that explains the philosophers and
Hellenistic era. Specifically I am looking at mathematicians from
the way that ideas, art, and architecture the Hellenistic era.
spread. They then recorded
their results on their
work sheets.
Phase 3 Assessment Ask “turn and talk” question. I will walk Students discuss
Explain the plan to check for around and make note of overheard how and why these
ability to apply demonstrated misconceptions. philosophers and
steps/procedures during mathematicians were
guided practice important in their
lifetimes and how
they are still
important today!
Phase 4 Independent practice Students will be instructed to write a short Students, using their
- Individual student work paragraph to “Explain how Alexander the notes will create a
Great interacted with different groups as aparagraph that
he expanded his empire and use specific explains how “
examples from the book or lecture.” alexander the Great
interacted with
different groups as
he expanded his
empire”. They will put
a 1-5 on the top of
their sheet depending
on how well they
understand the
Phase 4 Assessment I will be looking for an answer that has Students will pass
Explain plan to check for ability to something to do with Alexander the Great their sheets in and
apply demonstrated conquered multiple civilizations and then express some of
steps/procedures during empires while expanding his own empire. their key ideas to
independent practice As he continued he started to spread small groups then to
Greek ideas, art, and architecture. This the larger class.
time period is called the Hellenistic Era.
Phase 5 Restatement & Closure At this point we will once again restate the Students restate the
a) Restate learning target learning target of I can explain how learning target and
b) Explain a planned opportunity Alexander the Great interacted with then think about
for students to self-assess different groups as he expanded his whether or not they
their perceived level of empire and use specific examples from the can answer it. (most
mastery for the target. book or lecture. should be able to)
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Students will write down a 1-5 on their Students will be
Attach a class roster (first names assessment from phase 4 and that will tell ready to be retaught
only) with space to indicate me on top of the answer they gave from informaitno.
for each student the needed the question, if they are understanding or
next steps of instruction. need to be retaught. 1 meaning need to be
retaught, 5 meaning they understand and
can achieve the learning target.

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