Doing Postgraduate Research - Le Voi & Potter

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include understanding the various stages of the research process from scoping the research to writing, presenting and examining the thesis. It also discusses important aspects like conducting literature reviews, writing academically, research ethics and developing one's career.

The document covers various topics related to postgraduate research like getting started with research, scoping the research, different research methodologies, planning and organizing research, academic writing, literature reviews, research ethics, presentations, examinations and developing one's career.

Some of the key stages of the research process discussed include scoping the research, planning and organizing the research, undertaking literature reviews, writing academically, research presentations and the examination process.


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Study Skills

Second edition
Edited by Stephen Potter

SAGE Publications
in association with London ● Thousand Oaks ● New Delhi
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© The Open University 2006

First edition published 2002

Second edition published 2006

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or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this
publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any
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ISBN-10 1 4129 2404 9 ISBN-13 978 1 4129 2404 7

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2005937983

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List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Notes on Contributors viii
Acknowledgements x

1 Introduction 1

2 Getting going 20

3 Scoping your research 53

4 Logics of enquiry 73

5 Planning and organizing your research 92

6 Academic writing 114

7 Undertaking a literature review 152

8 Doing the right thing 180

9 Ethical frameworks for research with

human participants 200

10 Research presentations 228

11 The examination process and the viva 251

12 Developing your career 276

Index 303
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List of Figures

3.1 Networking tasks 71

4.1 Miss Lovely Legs 74

5.1 Screen shot from Microsoft Project 103

6.1 Writing is a recursive process 116

6.2 Refining your focus 119

7.1 The Boolean operator ‘and’ 165

8.1 Copyright clearance decision tree 195

10.1 A content tree showing the main points of a talk on

how to give research presentations 236

12.1 Crazy paving path through flowerbed 277

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List of Tables

4.1 Logics of enquiry 89

5.1 Stages of the research process 94

5.2 Important tasks for a PhD 95
5.3 List of activities for a quantitative student research
project in the social sciences 98

6.1 The CARS model 136

6.2 Core elements of a research thesis 141

8.1 Works protected by copyright 190

8.2 Duration of copyright protection 190
8.3 Restricted acts 191
8.4 Permitted acts 192

12.1 Skills sought by graduate employers 283

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Notes on Contributors

Stephen Potter is Professor of Transport Strategy at The Open University. Beginning

his career in Social Sciences, he now works in the Faculty of Technology’s Department
of Design and Innovation. He has run interdisciplinary research training workshops
since 1992 and contributed to a variety of research training programmes, courses and
packs at the Open University and in other universities.

Martin Le Voi is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology in The Open University’s Social

Sciences Faculty. Together with Stephen Potter he chaired the team producing this
book and has played a major role in developing the Open University’s research train-
ing Master’s programme.

Chris High is Lecturer in Systems Thinking and Practice at The Open University. As
a PhD student, he was on the receiving end of an early version of this book’s materials
in 1997, and has contributed to postgraduate research training at the Open University
and elsewhere.

Jane Montague is a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Derby and has taught
qualitative research methods; since 1998 she has run research training workshops in
several universities.

Wendy Stainton-Rogers is a Professor at The Open University working on critical psy-

chology. She is the Academic Co-ordinator for the Open University Research School.

Theresa Lillis is a Senior Lecturer in language and education in the Centre for
Language and Communications at The Open University. She has published research
on academic and student writing in higher education.

Sarah North is a Lecturer in The Open University’s Centre for Language and
Communications. She contributes to the OU’s research student training programme,
and has been involved in academic writing programmes both in the UK and overseas.

John Oates is a Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, in The Centre for

Childhood, Development and Learning at The Open University, and is Chair of the
OU’s Research Ethics Committee.
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Trevor Collins is a Research Fellow in The Open University’s Knowledge Media

Institute (KMI), where he is Postgraduate Tutor and has run workshops with PhD
students on developing presentation skills.

Ann Jones is a Senior Lecturer in The Open University’s Institute of Educational

Technology. She has contributed to The Open University’s research training pro-
gramme over a number of years and to developing and running the OU’s research train-
ing Master’s programme courses.

Verina Waights is a Lecturer in Professional Health Care Education in the Faculty of

Health and Social Care at The Open University and has made a major contribution to
The University’s research student training programme.

Professor Steve Evans, this book’s External Assessor, is head of the International
Ecotechnology Research Centre at Cranfield University. He has a particular interest in
the organization of co-operation and innovation, and integrating environmental and
social sustainability into design.

Meridian managed the writing team.

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The authors are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright
material: Gordon Rugg and Marian Petre, The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research (offprints);
Martin Terre Blanche and Kevin Durrheim, Research in Practice (photo and text for “Miss
Lovely Legs”); David Goldblatt, photographer of “Miss Lovely Legs”; Judith Bell,
Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-Time Researchers in Education and Social Science
(offprint); The UK GRAD Programme, Joint Statement of the Research Councils’/AHRB Skills
Training Requirements for Research Students (Appendix, Chapter 1); Brigitte Thomas, photo-
grapher of “Crazy paving path through flowerbed”; The Garden Picture Library/Alamy,
for “Crazy paving path through flowerbed”.

The authors also wish to thank the following who contributed in other ways to this
second edition of the book: Alison Bailey-Calcutt, Sally Baker, Ben Lane, Geoff
Mallory, Meridian, Marie Morris, Sue Oreszczyn, Carina Paine, John Smith, Professor
John Swift, Peter Taylor, Jackie Topp, Professor Dave Wield and Piers Worth.
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1 Introduction
Martin Le Voi and Stephen Potter

Welcome to the second edition of Doing Postgraduate Research. This book is intended to
help both full- and part-time research students and those undertaking a dissertation for
a taught Master’s to do their research projects better, quicker and with as little hassle as
possible. The materials in this book have been produced by a team involved in post-
graduate research training for many years. Earlier versions of the chapters in this book
have been used since 1998 by hundreds of part- and full-time research students at the
Open University (OU). The first edition of this book made these research training
materials available outside the OU. This second, much enlarged, edition has been
produced to cover expanding training requirements and, in particular, the specification
provided by the HEFC Joint Skills Statement (more on that below).

1.1 The Evolution of Postgraduate

Research Degrees
From the very beginning of the universities in the twelfth century, there have been
‘doctors’ teaching in them, although the title ‘master’ preceded that of doctor. Our
modern PhD and Master’s degrees stem from these two titles. However, the first PhD of
modern times was instituted in Berlin in Germany, starting in 1810. It was Yale University
in the USA that adopted this new degree from the early 1860s, and it wasn’t long before
the best English universities observed how American scholars went to Germany to obtain
their doctorate. It is perhaps remarkable to note that, in the UK, doctorates have existed
for less than a century. Oxford University began its DPhil programme in 1917, largely
copying the American model. British universities were already on their way to introduc-
ing the PhD when Ernest Rutherford (physicist and Nobel prizewinner) said:

It should be made clear that the new degree which many Universities propose is an entire
innovation. … It will involve … introducing into Britain a system practically identical with
that which obtains in America, and to a large extent in Canada also. … It will be a real and
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very great departure in English education – the greatest revolution, in my opinion, of

modern times.

(Quoted in Simpson, 1983, p. 155)

What, therefore, is a PhD? The largely mythical view is that it is some kind of a
magnum opus which a student writes in order to astound the world with his or her
mighty intellect. This probably was never really the case. A good way to familiarize
yourself with the work that goes into a PhD is to go to a library and read a thesis or
two. You’ll soon find it isn’t the magnum opus of the myth, but that it is a practical
piece of work which has advanced the boundaries of your discipline. People who have
done them are not superhuman, and they have not done them alone. There is support
from all directions, not just from a student’s supervisors, so it is fortunately rare for
anyone to fail.

In the last 20 years, the purpose and function of the PhD have come under close
scrutiny, especially in the UK. Nowadays it is seen not just as a thesis which contains
some original material (see Section 2.2 for discussion of the requirements for each
research degree), it is also a programme of study in which the student learns a wide vari-
ety of skills not only necessary for him or her to do the research, but also useful in any
kind of employment they may take up after their research degree. This is a crucial
theme that runs throughout this book. The concept that a PhD produces not only a the-
sis that represents a contribution to knowledge, but also develops transferable generic
skills, applies also to the MPhil degree and taught Master’s with a dissertation, although
with modifications allowing for the more restricted research that is undertaken com-
pared to a PhD. Taught Master’s, particularly those in research methods, put a partic-
ular emphasis on training in such transferable generic research skills.

The concept that a PhD is a programme of study in which a student develops transfer-
able generic skills has now been formally incorporated into the UK Higher Education
system. In 2001, the Higher Education Funding Council for England and the research
councils (including the Arts and Humanities Research Board) produced a joint state-
ment which specified the generic skills they expect a research student to master during
the course of their PhD programme. This statement (reproduced in the Appendix to
this chapter) is now embedded in the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Code of
Practice (QAA, 2004) and so is used by British universities to define part of the train-
ing provided to research students in their programme. The training requirements fall
into seven sections:

• research skills and techniques;

• research environment;
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• research management;

• personal effectiveness;

• communication skills;

• networking and teamworking;

• career management.

Doing Postgraduate Research is designed to address this current and developing concept
that a research degree needs to generate both a piece of research work (a thesis or dis-
sertation) and provide training in the skills required to produce that research work. The
aim of Doing Postgraduate Research and its associated materials is therefore to provide
resources which will enable you, as a research student, under the guidance of your
supervisors, to acquire these skills as you proceed through your Master’s or PhD pro-
gramme. In planning Doing Postgraduate Research, an audit of the Joint Skills Statement
was used, together with best practice training across the UK, to develop the Learning
Objectives for each of this book’s 12 chapters.

1.2 A Practical Generic Pack

Training by doing
A key rationale of Doing Postgraduate Research is ‘training by doing’. The materials in this
book provide research training in conjunction with you, the student, doing your own
research work and in particular link into tasks that your supervisors will require you to
do anyway (for example, developing a viable research plan and timetable, and doing a
review of your topic area).

This is all part of a central ethos in this book of not teaching research skills separately
and in abstract. A crucial part of this are the Activities that feature throughout the book,
which are designed to help you apply what you learn to your own research project.
Most of the Activities take the form of ‘now the above has told you about X, work on
applying this to your own research work’. You should not skip over the Activities to ‘get
on to the next bit of training’, because they are a core part of your training. These
Activities will ensure that you can actually apply and work through what is being
taught, and as such will form part of your record of training, Research Portfolio and
Personal Development Plan. The Activities are also the key link between the generic
research processes that are the main subject of this book and your subject-specific training
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All this links into the key point discussed above that a research degree is now recognized
as much more than producing a learned thesis. In order to have evidence of the skills
you acquire and your progress in research, you need to keep records of what you are
doing. You will probably begin by doing what is known as a ‘skills analysis’. In this you
look at the skills you need to acquire, and compare this to the skills you already have
acquired, perhaps from your employment. Having done that, you can construct a map
of what you need to do to acquire (or update) the missing skills during your research
degree. At various points in this book, the Activities will help you to identify where you
need to develop research skills. As well as keeping a record of your research, probably
in a research journal (see Chapter 2), you should keep a record of the skills training you
feel you need and the evidence you build as you learn the skills, to show you have
acquired them. This record, grandiosely known as a Personal Development Plan, will
help you keep track of your progress through your degree work. All the chapters in this
book refer to the kind of evidence you can put in your Personal Development Plan, and
give you tips as to how to keep it up to date. For more on Personal Development
Planning, see the links from this book’s website.

For supervisors, you should find the Activities helpful in tutorials and can draw upon
them to structure and set tasks for your students. The book has very much been
designed to support your role as a supervisor and to help you to fulfil the training
requirements that are now required in a research degree programme. Its contents and
the Activities have been written to work for part-time as well as full-time research
students and can be undertaken individually or in group workshops. The materials in
this book are very flexible and can work across a range of situations – from the isolated
student studying at a distance through to a departmental workshop for full-timers.
Indeed, in an OU context, earlier versions of these materials have been successfully
used across this whole range of student and teaching circumstances.

A core resource pack

One implication of the growing training requirements for research degrees is that,
today, one book cannot of itself be adequate for any individual’s postgraduate training
needs. You, the student, will need to draw upon a range of materials and resources. So
what this book seeks to do is to provide a flexible core ‘study pack’ to guide and help
you and your supervisor access materials that are best suited to your own research
training needs. Thus this book acts as a core resource that complements other training
guides and helps you sort out how to use a whole range of research training materials.

This ‘study pack’ approach is emphasized by the way in which the book is integrated
with its own multimedia resources. As well as, at various points, referring you to other
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books and offprints to explore issues in more depth, contained with this book is a DVD.
The DVD contains a set of audio and video training programmes. The book also has
a website, which is On this website you will
find a host of materials that support the chapters, links to a number of important
research training websites where updating material will be placed. So, in using Doing
Postgraduate Research, you get far more than a book. You are getting a multimedia
research training pack.

Following on from the ‘research pack’ design for this book, as well as providing multi-
media resources and links to other generic research training resources, Doing
Postgraduate Research also provides a core framework around which subject-specific
training can be added. As noted above, the Activities in each chapter are the main link
into your identifying subject-specific training materials. If you are doing a research
degree, your supervisors are the key link for training in subjects specific to your topic,
such as subject-specific literature indices, research methods, data and information
sources and analysis methods. If you are studying a Master’s course, then you will also
be undertaking topic-specific modules and will need to demonstrate your mastery of
them in your dissertation.

However, sometimes much less formal avenues turn out to be really helpful. Chatting
to someone on an online conference or meeting someone in the library can result in
new ideas which may help you enormously. Always keep your eyes and ears open for
any new ideas that may come your way. At several places in this book suggestions are
made that will help you to identify and develop the less formal side of your research

1.3 How Research REALLY Happens

Before moving on to examine the practicalities of how this pack is organized, it is
worthwhile thinking a little about the nature of an academic research project, be it a
Master’s dissertation or a PhD. Quite often textbooks on research suggest that a
research project is made up of a series of straightforward tasks, each of which is tack-
led in sequence. First, there is a review of a subject area from which a research ques-
tion is selected; then an appropriate research method is chosen, data are gathered and
analysed, and the results are written up. In structuring a research report, a thesis or a
research article, authors tend to present their research in this sort of logical manner.
Although this may be useful for presenting results, in truth research is never as
straightforward as this. Boxes 1.1 and 1.2 are two brief accounts by Ben Lane, who
undertook his PhD as a part-time research student. Box 1.1 is how it was written up;
Box 1.2 is how it happened … .
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Box 1.1 My PhD


Even as a physics undergraduate in the 1980s, I was concerned about

environmental and energy use issues. These included the topic of climate change,
which was just appearing on the political agenda. Although I was aware that
sources of renewable energy were being developed, I was unconvinced that much
thought had gone into planning the transition of shifting from a fossil fuel to a
renewable paradigm.

Research area

As the transport sector is one of the largest consumers of energy in the UK,
I decided to focus on road vehicles for my PhD. In particular, I had come across
previous work looking at the use of hydrogen and fuel cells for mobile applications.
Knowing that, in principle, the use of these technologies could reduce the
environmental impacts of road transport, I wanted to investigate the optimum
scenarios that could lead to a sustainable transport system.


Although the goal is well defined, the path of the transition to a fuel cell future is
highly uncertain. This is due to the method of fuel delivery, many aspects of which
remain undecided, and also to the social and economic implications posed by a
change to a new energy infrastructure. Therefore, as part of the process of
investigating the introduction of fuel cell vehicles within the existing oil-based/
internal combustion engine regime, I needed to consider non-technological issues
in parallel with technological developments. It was the socio-technical transition,
rather than the fuel cell technology per se, that formed the focus of my thesis.


To inform the required socio-technical analysis, I employed the approach of

Strategic Niche Management (SNM). This includes analysis of environmental
impacts, user attitudes, market acceptance, social learning, regulatory framework
and government policy. Applied as a management tool, it can be used to encourage
innovations by designing protection measures that enable new technologies to develop
their potential before being exposed to prevailing market forces.
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Box 1.1 (Continued)

Extension of the methodology

Essentially SNM is a qualitative management tool. As part of my analysis and

comparison of different transition scenarios, I needed to extend the methodology
to include quantitative measures. This was achieved by the use of the Lifetime
Evaluation of Alternative Fuels (LEAF) model, which was designed to assess
cleaner fuels and technologies on economic and environmental grounds. Using the
new Quantitative SNM approach, I was able to fully compare the most significant
implementation strategies for fuel cell vehicles in the UK.

Overall results

The thesis identified the need for a number of non-economic protection measures
with which to support the emerging UK niche in order to accelerate technology
diffusion and made a case for the development of new transport innovations that
could synergistically promote fuel cell vehicle technology. Through the application
of the LEAF model, the research quantified a number of economic protection
measures that would assist the introduction of fuel cell vehicles and, most
importantly, identified a protection measure exit-strategy to enable market forces
to play their role in technology selection.

If you were to read Ben’s thesis, you would get the impression of a purely linear devel-
opment of ideas, aims, methods, analysis and application, leading neatly from the objec-
tive to the conclusion. This linearity of development is, of course, entirely fictional,
and, in fact, his research degree developed entirely differently … .

Box 1.2 The Reality …

Before I started my PhD in 1992 as a part-time external student, I was well aware
of the environmental and technological debates concerning energy use and climate
change. I also had some experience working as a junior researcher at a wind
energy company. It was then clear to me that the introduction of renewables was a
difficult process dependent on a large number of technical, political, regulatory and
economic factors. At that time, I also came across the Pure Energy Trust, a small

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Box 1.2 (Continued)

organization dedicated to promoting the use of hydrogen and fuel cells for sustainable
transport applications. I quickly became very interested in these technologies, and
decided that this was the area in which I wanted to conduct research.

By the time I enrolled as a postgraduate at the Open University I was working as a

science teacher in secondary and further education. In what spare time I had (i.e.
very little!) I found out as much as I could about the use of hydrogen and fuel cells,
their production, use, applications and environmental impacts. Strange as it may
seem to those in the field now, even in 1992 little research had been done in this
area and I was able to get up to speed very quickly. Although I was fortunate that
the field was wide open, this obviously meant that I had little data to go on and
had to base my ideas on dated research from around the world, not all of which
was applicable to the UK.

Early on I had two lucky breaks. My supervisor found some funding for me to
attend a conference in the United States (where I happened to be going on
holiday). While there, I also plucked up the courage to go and visit a research
group at a university in California where they were building fuel cell demonstration
vehicles. This was invaluable as it allowed me to see at first hand technologies
I had only read about or seen on video. However, although I was now over a year
into my PhD, I still had no idea how to get a handle on transition issues regarding
a technology that was then only in its infancy.

It was about this time that I found some paid contract work (again through my
supervisor) on an EU project entitled Strategic Niche Management as a Tool for a
Transition to a Sustainable Transport System. This involved visiting UK projects
that were demonstrating cleaner vehicles, such as the Coventry Electric Vehicle
Project. Although there were no fuel cell vehicles in any of the UK projects, I was
able to learn a great deal about other alternative vehicle fuels and technologies,
and also about the analytical approach employed by Strategic Niche Management,
one that was completely new to me at the time.

In was only by 1996 (four years into my part-time PhD), therefore, that I had the
analytical tools and enough data with which to really start to address the aims of
my thesis. I now also realized that to understand the potential of hydrogen and fuel
cells, I had to analyse all the alternative fuels as these provided learning pathways
through which a hydrogen-based future could be reached. The SNM methodology
also provided the theoretical framework within which I could analyse non-technical
issues and design protection measures that would assist the emerging fuel cell
vehicle niche markets. This research itself took around two years (part-time), the
work being done in parallel with my continuing teaching responsibilities.
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Box 1.2 (Continued)

There came a point in 1999, however, where I almost ran out of steam. Not only
had I exhausted the existing data sources (and myself in trying to balance paid
work and research), I had taken the SNM approach as far as I could. Also, as it
stood, the thesis had no clearly definable ‘original’ work that would make it eligible
for submission. Then came my third lucky break. Through contacts I now had
made within the vehicle industry, I was invited (in association with the Energy
Saving Trust) to compile a report for the Cleaner Vehicle Task Force. Not only was
this a great honour (and a lot of work!), it enabled me to leave my part-time
teaching post and immerse myself in the issues at the cutting edge.

As part of the work, I was also involved in the development of the Lifetime Evaluation
of Alternative Fuels (LEAF) model that compared the cleaner vehicle options. At last
I now had a quantitative tool that I could use for my PhD, one that would extend the
existing methodology. This did two things. First, it provided a more complete analysis
of the transition scenarios so that I was able to quantitatively compare different
transition pathways. Second, it meant that the thesis now contained an original
element, one that would enable me to submit the thesis for a PhD.

All that was now left to do was write up the thesis. With my maximum deadline
approaching fast, there was nothing to do but give up all my paid work and
dedicate myself full time. Although I knew that I had enough data and a
comprehensive methodology behind me, it was still a very daunting experience to
put this all down on paper (despite having several sections of the thesis already
complete). It also required a very understanding partner, a drop in salary and the
forgoing of a social life for several months. However, I am pleased to report that
the time spent was successful in securing the PhD and has led to many new
career opportunities. This includes the establishment of a small transport and
environment consultancy for which I now work.

One point of this example is to show how doing research is not a linear process. You
will always be doing several things at the same time, which will all impinge upon each
other. For example, although you will do a ‘state of the art’ literature review to focus
on your research topic, you will also draw on what other researchers have done to
plan your project, the method used, how data are gathered and analysed, how reports
are written, and to relate your own findings and conclusions to the existing body of
research. It is a continuous interaction – not a self-contained stage from which you
move on. Most other research ‘stages’ similarly have feedback loops. Academic
research may be better thought of as a flow diagram, around which you will go several
times between key boxes, until you exit at the bottom (at least for the purpose of
your degree).
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Note also how Ben developed his skills through the first four years of his studentship
(remember he was a part-time PhD student). Over this time he followed up a number
of seemingly serendipitous contacts, which all pulled together so that, when he did
embark upon his own research project, he was able to complete it pretty quickly. In
actual fact those contacts were not as serendipitous as they may have seemed. They
actually reflected a mixture of his supervisor’s experience and of Ben building up his
own network of contacts in his research field.

Note Ben’s 1999 danger point when he ‘almost ran out of steam’ and felt disillusioned.
Most research degrees have a low point like this (usually about a third to half way
through a research degree). But Ben had learned so much about organizing and doing
research that he could rapidly adapt his plans and exploit opportunities. Planning your
research, reviewing your plans, and coping with change and problems are all part of
the research process. Your research will not go smoothly. There will be problems and
difficulties, and this has been recognized by the authors of this book. There is a lot here
about organizing and planning your research project, not because this is a simple mech-
anistic process, but because you do need to be organized and learn how to be flexible
and adapt, so that you can take the knocks and still win through, just as Ben did.

Like many a part-time student, Ben also had difficult decisions about blending his PhD
research with his work and home life. In the end this was resolved as his research led
him into a new career which was much more fulfilling than the one he’d had before he
started his part-time PhD.

1.4 Organization of This Book

We have organized this book to reflect the fact that, as already noted, research requires
you to do several things at once, and involves an ‘iterative’ process of feedback loops.
Each activity affects and is affected by another. Consequently, the chapters are not
intended to form a simple linear sequence; rather, you should go to each chapter for
insight and advice as the need arises. Nevertheless, we had to establish a starting-off
point (Chapter 2, rather obviously entitled ‘Getting Going’). Some chapters are of most
relevance early on in your research project (for example, ‘Planning and organizing your
research’), while others mainly fit in later (particularly ‘The examination process and
the viva’). But even these contain material and issues of relevance throughout your
research. For example, Chapter 2, ‘Getting going’, describes the competencies you have
to demonstrate in your research degree; Chapter 11, ‘The examination process and the
viva’, notes things that you should plan early (such as building up experience of
answering questions on your research); and Chapter 12, ‘Developing your career’, iden-
tifies things (such as skills development and keeping a portfolio of training) that need to
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be built into your research plan. Consequently these two chapters should not be left
unread until after you have handed in your thesis.

The 12 chapters are summarized below, together with an estimate of the amount of
time it may take to study them. The timings refer to roughly how long it will take to
go through the chapter’s materials and associated activities. Of course, in practice you
are unlikely to simply work your way through an individual chapter but will use it
together with links and contacts on the book’s website, further training and also subject-
specific training associated with these chapters.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Here you are! This chapter is broadly intended to give you an understanding of how to
use the pack and how it is organized.

Chapter 2: Getting going

This chapter acts as a starting-off point for your work and has two major aims:

1 To work through what you want to achieve in your research degree or Master’s

2 To help you develop the first steps involved in starting a research project.

More specifically this will involve:

• finding out the standards expected;

• exploring what are realistic expectations of your degree;

• relating your research to your motivations for taking a higher degree;

• working through the initial steps of doing your research;

• exploring the support provided by your supervisors and your university.

It would take about 10 hours to complete this chapter, including exercises.

Chapter 3: Scoping your research

This chapter takes you through how to focus your research ideas into a manageable
project. After you have completed it, you should be able to do the following:

1 Demonstrate your ability to plan and focus your research.

2 Set boundaries for your project and draw upon/use sources of support as
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3 Demonstrate original, independent and critical thinking in the design of your


4 Demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness in planning and focusing your


It would take about 7 hours to complete this chapter, including exercises.

Chapter 4: Logics of enquiry

This chapter allows you to place your research in some broad philosophical traditions.
After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be able to:

1 Define objectivist and interpretivist approaches to research, list the ways in which
they are similar to or different from each other, locate your research in one or
other approach, and say why.

2 Explain what is meant by a ‘logic of enquiry’, describe three forms of enquiry

adopted in social research – induction, deduction and abduction – explicate the
differences between them (and say how explicating is different from explaining!).

3 Identify an example of each of the three logics of enquiry in your own field of
research, and locate them in different historical periods, schools or paradigms.

4 Explore your plans for the approaches and methods you will use in your research,
and provide a reflexive justification for the one(s) you expect to pursue.

This is a chapter that is particularly worth returning to as your research develops,

especially when you wish to analyse the research approaches used by others and in decid-
ing your own research and plan. It will take about 10 hours to work through this chapter.

Chapter 5: Planning and organizing your research

This chapter contains a wealth of material on research project design and planning.
Again this is a chapter that you will need to return to several times as you design,
implement and revise your research plans. Key tasks covered in this chapter are to:

1 Identify key tasks and scheduling your time.

2 Draw up a work plan for the project development phase of your research and an
outline plan to completion.

3 Identify funding needs and sources.

4 Identify training needs to fulfil your work plan.

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5 Develop and maintain co-operative networks and working relationships with

supervisors, colleagues and peers, within the institution and the wider research

This is a substantial and important part of the book and you should allow 15 hours to
complete it.

Chapter 6: Academic writing

Writing is obviously a vital part of doing any postgraduate degree and it is important
that you should get into the habit of writing as soon as you start. There is more to
writing than just using the correct academic style; writing a research thesis is a major
undertaking, which can easily result in grief. This chapter advises you how to approach
writing consistently and professionally. You cannot develop good writing habits too early!

This chapter covers:

1 Understanding the role of writing as part of the research process.

2 Learning how to adapt writing style according to purpose and audience.

3 Learning how to revise drafts of a thesis and sharpen their focus and coherence.

4 How to elicit and respond effectively to feedback on writing.

5 How to structure a thesis coherently.

6 Understanding the way in which conference abstracts and journal articles are
typically structured, and being able to write in the same format.

7 Developing an awareness of the typical features of writing in your own discipline

by reading from a range of academic texts.

Again this is a chapter you will need to return to as your writing tasks develop throughout
your studies. You will probably spend about 15 hours on this chapter and its activities.

Chapter 7: Undertaking a literature review

A ‘topic’ or ‘literature’ review is a crucial part of any research project. The main focus of
this chapter is on planning your information search and the research purposes of doing
such a review in your subject area. In particular, this chapter aims to assist you to:

1 Establish the purposes for which you are doing a literature review.

2 Plan and organize your literature review.

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3 Identify and document sources of information and relevant research methodolo-

gies and techniques within your research field.

4 Learn the basics of information searching and identify training needs.

5 Write up your literature review in a creative, innovative and original manner.

Depending on your experience of literature or information searching, you should allow

around 10 hours for this section, although doing the searches for your review is in
addition to this.

Chapter 8: Doing the right thing

Academic research is a major undertaking and needs to be taken very seriously. This is
even more important when the product of the research is going to be a public document,
such as a report or a thesis which will be available to the public in a library. This chapter
takes you through the moral, ethical and legal standards in research, as our society
currently sets them. It then moves on to consider intellectual property rights. First, this
looks at when, as well as acknowledging sources, you are legally required to seek
permission to use them; second, in conducting research you will have generated your
own intellectual property, which you will need to know how to protect.

Specifically, this chapter will cover:

1 Attributing ideas correctly without plagiarism.

2 Understanding the need for commercial and personal confidentiality.

3 Understanding the importance of security with computer use.

4 Understanding the repercussions of the Data Protection Act on your research.

5 Understanding basic intellectual property rights constraints.

Study time for this chapter and its activities is about 8 hours.

Chapter 9: Ethical frameworks for research with human participants

Some research can be intrusive or potentially harmful to other living beings or the
environment. If your work involves this, you need to be aware of the ethical issues.

After having studied this chapter you should be able to:

1 Give an account of why ethical conduct has become an increasingly important

element of the design and conduct of research with people.
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2 Describe the main areas of ethical concern associated with research with humans.

3 Discuss the issue of balancing research benefits with risks and harm.

4 Critically evaluate an ethical protocol.

5 Draft an application for ethical approval for a research project that you propose
to conduct.

Study time for this chapter and its activities is about 8 hours.

Chapter 10: Research presentations

This chapter considers what research presentations should achieve, the common fears
that presenters experience and the steps that can be taken to alleviate such fears.
Specifically, the chapter will address the concerns people have about the audience, their
material and their performance.

After reading this chapter you will be able to:

1 Identify the purposes of different types of presentation and the audiences


2 Identify what makes a good and bad presentation.

3 Work through the common fears that presenters experience.

4 Use appropriate visual materials, including the use of presentation software tools.

5 Structure and deliver an articulate and coherently argued presentation that

summarizes and reflects on your progress and results.

6 Defend your research outcomes constructively in answering questions and

receive feedback effectively.

There is a DVD programme associated with this chapter.

Study time will vary depending on your previous experience in giving presentations.
This chapter and its activities will take about 10 hours, plus preparing a short presen-
tation for your supervisor.

Chapter 11: The examination process and the viva

You may think that you do not need to consider your viva until after you have
submitted your thesis, but think again. If you make sure the design of your thesis
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is clear and easy for your examiners to understand, then you will have a much
better viva than might be the case. The viva is a research planning issue. This chapter
looks at:

1 Demonstrating that you have fulfilled the core competencies required for your
research degree.

2 Effectively preparing for your viva.

3 Understanding how your examiners are appointed and what they are required
to do.

4 Understanding what is involved in evaluating Master’s and PhD research.

5 Defending your research outcome constructively and being able to listen, receive
feedback and respond perceptively.

There is a DVD track associated with this chapter, which is a discussion between
recently examined research students and their external examiners.

Study time is about 6 hours, plus any additional preparation work arranged with your
supervisors (e.g. a mock viva).

Chapter 12: Developing your career

Career planning is something that needs to be considered throughout your research
degree studies, and this chapter particularly links into issue such as maintaining a skills
portfolio and identifying and developing transferable skills that are now sought by
employers. The second part of the chapter concentrates on the practicalities of job
applications, the production of a good CV and preparing for interviews.

The chapter helps you to:

1 Explore opportunities to develop your career.

2 Identify the skills that you can offer a prospective employer.

3 Write job applications and CVs that promote your knowledge, experience and

4 Prepare for interviews effectively.

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This chapter will take 6–8 hours to study, although you will obviously spend more time
in actually applying for jobs.

1.5 And Finally …

Your schooldays are said to be the best years of your life. But nothing can quite match
doing your own research. If you are lucky enough to be studying for a research degree,
it is a time when you can do research relatively free of the hassle of writing interim
reports for research councils, when you can pursue a research programme with a
single-mindedness and dedication to purpose few can achieve after finishing. So enjoy
it, relish it, and you can be sure of a unique and sometimes exhilarating experience.

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (2004) Code of Practice for the
Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in Higher Education, Mansfield: QAA,

Simpson, R. (1983) How the PhD Came to Britain; Guildford: Society for Research into
Higher Education.

Appendix: HEFC Joint Skills Statement


The Research Councils and the Arts and Humanities Research Board play an important
role in setting standards and identifying best practice in research training. This document
sets out a joint statement of the skills that doctoral research students funded by the
Research Councils/AHRB would be expected to develop during their research training.

These skills may be present on commencement, explicitly taught, or developed during the
course of the research. It is expected that different mechanisms will be used to
support learning as appropriate, including self-direction, supervisor support and
mentoring, departmental support, workshops, conferences, elective training courses,
formally assessed courses and informal opportunities.

The Research Councils and the AHRB would also want to re-emphasise their belief that
training in research skills and techniques is the key element in the development of a
research student, and that PhD students are expected to make a substantial, original con-
tribution to knowledge in their area, normally leading to published work. The development
of wider employment-related skills should not detract from that core objective.
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The purpose of this statement is to give a common view of the skills and experience of a
typical research student thereby providing universities with a clear and consistent message
aimed at helping them to ensure that all research training was of the highest standard,
across all disciplines. It is not the intention of this document to provide assessment criteria
for research training.

It is expected that each Council/Board will have additional requirements specific to their
field of interest and will continue to have their own measures for the evaluation of research
training within institutions.

(A) Research Skills and Techniques – to be able to demonstrate:

1 the ability to recognise and validate problems

2 original, independent and critical thinking, and the ability to develop theoretical
3 a knowledge of recent advances within one’s field and in related areas
4 an understanding of relevant research methodologies and techniques and their
appropriate application within one’s research field
5 the ability to critically analyse and evaluate one’s findings and those of others
6 an ability to summarise, document, report and reflect on progress

(B) Research Environment – to be able to:

1 show a broad understanding of the context, at the national and international level, in
which research takes place
2 demonstrate awareness of issues relating to the rights of other researchers, of research
subjects, and of others who may be affected by the research, e.g. confidentiality,
ethical issues, attribution, copyright, malpractice, ownership of data and the require-
ments of the Data Protection Act
3 demonstrate appreciation of standards of good research practice in their institution
and/or discipline
4 understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate responsible working
5 understand the processes for funding and evaluation of research
6 justify the principles and experimental techniques used in one’s own research
7 understand the process of academic or commercial exploitation of research results

(C) Research Management – to be able to:

1 apply effective project management through the setting of research goals,

intermediate milestones and prioritisation of activities
2 design and execute systems for the acquisition and collation of information through the
effective use of appropriate resources and equipment
3 identify and access appropriate bibliographical resources, archives, and other sources
of relevant information
4 use information technology appropriately for database management, recording and
presenting information
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(D) Personal Effectiveness – to be able to:

1 demonstrate a willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge

2 be creative, innovative and original in one’s approach to research
3 demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness
4 demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to identify own training needs
5 demonstrate self-discipline, motivation, and thoroughness
6 recognise boundaries and draw upon/use sources of support as appropriate
7 show initiative, work independently and be self-reliant

(E) Communication Skills – to be able to:

1 write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose, e.g. progress reports, published
documents, thesis
2 construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly to a range of audiences,
formally and informally through a variety of techniques
3 constructively defend research outcomes at seminars and viva examination
4 contribute to promoting the public understanding of one’s research field
5 effectively support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring or
demonstrating activities

(F) Networking and Teamworking – to be able to:

1 develop and maintain co-operative networks and working relationships with supervi-
sors, colleagues and peers, within the institution and the wider research community
2 understand one’s behaviours and impact on others when working in and contributing
to the success of formal and informal teams
3 listen, give and receive feedback and respond perceptively to others

(G) Career Management – to be able to:

1 appreciate the need for and show commitment to continued professional

2 take ownership for and manage one’s career progression, set realistic and achievable
career goals, and identify and develop ways to improve employability
3 demonstrate an insight into the transferable nature of research skills to other work
environments and the range of career opportunities within and outside academia
4 present one’s skills, personal attributes and experiences through effective CVs,
applications and interviews.
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2 Getting Going
Stephen Potter


This chapter considers the initial steps in starting a postgraduate research project.
Other chapters of this book will develop these initial steps in more detail; however, it
is worthwhile getting a strategic overview first. After reading this chapter and work-
ing on its associated activities, you should be able to:

• Relate your research to your motivations for taking a research degree, and identify
how this links to any career goals you have and improving your employability.
• Explore what are realistic expectations of your research degree.
• Find out the standards expected and what constitutes good research.
• Work through the initial steps of undertaking your research degree.
• Begin to develop co-operative networks and working relationships with supervisors,
colleagues and peers, within the institution and the wider research community.
• Effectively support the learning of others.
• Start identifying your own training needs.

This chapter will also contribute towards you:

• Demonstrating a willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge.

• Understanding the need to show initiative, work independently and be self-reliant.
• Developing your ability to recognize and validate problems.

A number of activities are suggested. One idea that is strongly recommended in this
book is to keep a ‘research journal’ in which you note ideas and thoughts on the
development of your project (this is detailed in Chapter 3). It would be useful to keep
the notes on these activities in your research journal.

This chapter obviously deals with the initial stages of a research project, but you will
probably need to refer to this chapter frequently as your research progresses. For
example, the part on demonstrating what is expected of a research degree is of
relevance to writing your thesis and preparing for your viva.
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2.1 Why Am I Doing This?

Activity 2.1
First, simply write down why you want to do a research degree or Master’s. Try to
be as specific as possible.

Second, note down what you expect to have come out of your work when you have
finished in terms of:

1 results
2 you personally
3 what you will be able to do that you could not do before.

There can be a whole range of reasons why a person wishes to undertake a research
degree. When supervising and training both Master’s and PhD students, I have come
across strong career, aspirational, ethical and other personal reasons for people wishing
to do a research degree. Career advancement is a very obvious motivation and this links
closely into the function of higher education to advance people’s skills, thinking and

In other cases the primary motivation has been that the student, in some way or
another, wishes to contribute to knowledge, or advance understanding. I have known
students who have had strong environmental concerns and wanted to undertake
research to explore and highlight challenging issues and policy options. Another
student was trying to sort out why parents are so frustratingly indifferent to school
governing structures seeking their involvement.

It is very unlikely that you simply wrote down ‘advancement of knowledge’ as a reason
for undertaking your studies, but something that represented a mixture of your moti-
vations and interests. For example, the following quotation is from an Open University
research degree student, Piers Worth, who undertook a PhD in the Institute for
Educational Technology, looking at the relationship between creativity and age. This
is a subject that spans cognitive psychology and adult development. Piers started as a
part-time student and then moved on to full-time study.

I had a very demanding full-time job, and was struggling as a part-time OU student.
Generally I do what I do well – and yet I knew that was becoming increasingly likely to be
untrue if I kept on the way I was as a part-time student. Jane Henry [his internal supervi-
sor] helped incredibly by setting me a VERY specific schedule, and I was responding, yet
I think that danger of failure was still there.
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So I was facing the question what to do. I knew I loved what I was studying. Passionate
about it is not too strong a word. I knew I didn’t want to get ‘old’ and find I had not done
this – I knew I could not NOT do the study. So that prompted me into asking and asking
about applying for a full-time place. And when I took the decision to try, so many things just
seemed to fall into place to help me do it.

Undoubtedly I was doing a PhD with future work/career in mind. Yet as I have moved
through, I am staggered by what I am learning about ME, and finding me changing as a result.
I think this may be made ‘easier’ or more likely in that I am working with people on biogra-
phies and their own work processes, so I am prompted into looking at myself as this unfolds.

Note how Piers has found his motivations deepen and develop through his PhD.

In commenting on an earlier version of this chapter, a member of our academic staff

reflected on what motivated her to undertake a PhD:

In my own case, career progression was probably a key driver. I was working in an admin-
istrative job (in the NHS) but wanted to become more involved in policy making or con-
sultancy. Experience in job applications suggested that ‘an administrator’ was not regarded
as having the right skills for such work! Doing a PhD enabled me to become more expert
both in terms of subject matter and transferable research skills. It also enabled me to use con-
cepts and theories I had become interested in through OU undergraduate studies which
were more difficult to apply in my everyday work. (As it turned out I ended up staying at
the OU but that’s another story!)

In her book, The Research Student’s Guide to Success, Pat Cryer makes a distinction between
what she calls ‘essential’ reasons for undertaking a research degree and ‘supporting’
reasons. She defines ‘essential’ reasons as follows:

Motivations which are essential for success are almost certainly intellectual ones: developing
a trained mind; satisfying intellectual curiosity; finding a challenge when one feels ‘in a rut’;
experiencing an academic community; contributing to knowledge; fulfilling a lifelong
ambition etc.

(Cryer, 2000, pp. 12–14)

Cryer considers other motivations to be ‘supporting’ reasons. These are perfectly valid
reasons, but ones that on their own will not keep a student going through a research
degree. She does note that many students may start out with only ‘supporting’ reasons,
but then ‘essential’ ones develop as the research progresses and students get caught up
in their research subject. Interestingly she views career advancement as only a ‘sup-
porting’ reason, as may be reasons such as dissatisfaction with a current job (or lack of
job) or a personal situation. I think that career advancement could be an essential reason
if you have a burning ambition for a certain career path, but not if it is simply to
enhance kudos or get a bit more money. In a similar discussion on motivations, Phillips
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and Pugh (2000, pp. 23–4) mention one student whose girlfriend lived in Finland. He
tried to get a job there, but could not get a work permit and, as he was unable to get a
job in the UK, went for a PhD studentship instead. They say this may not have been
the best of reasons to start a PhD, but (like Cryer) note that motivations can develop
and change as a student progresses through their studies.

Activity 2.2
Make a list of what you consider to be ‘essential’ and ‘supporting’ reasons for
someone undertaking a research degree or dissertation topic. Draw upon the
text above to make up your list together with any experiences and thoughts of
your own.

Essential reasons might include:

1 Personal development.

2 To be able to make a difference – for example, a desire to change practice in work

or to learn more about a ‘condition’ that a student or members of their family have

3 To follow a new or better career.

4 Burning interest in a topic (intellectual curiosity).

5 To keep one’s mind active.

For example, one external student I supervised, when he retired, undertook a part-time
PhD to apply some work he had done in his job (the development of fuel cells) to a topic
that deeply interested him – pollution from road traffic. Another student doing an MA
at Brunel University recognized that he was not cut out for teaching schoolchildren and
sought a career change to become a design manager in industry – something that had
come to interest him greatly. Following a work placement associated with his MA, he
secured a very satisfying job with that company.

Another research student developed a strong interest in Roman social history during
her first degree. She was unable to follow this up at the time but, finding herself at
home with small children, she felt she had to do something to keep her mind active and
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registered for a research degree. Another student undertook a very specific PhD study
into the properties of new composite materials specifically with the aim of pursuing an
industrial career in a closely related job.

Supporting reasons might include:

1 Current job is a dead end.

2 For the experience.

3 Employer sponsorship is available.

Personal circumstances can play an important part and constrain your choices. A mature
student with a family may purposefully constrain their choice of where to study. I know
full well that personal circumstances affected my decision to accept a studentship at the
OU, in that my girlfriend and I had just got engaged. Sorting out if, after we were married,
living in Milton Keynes would be compatible with my wife commuting to London was a
pretty important thing to take into account. Nonetheless, just because the studentship
fitted well with our developing relationship, it was not in itself an essential reason to
undertake the PhD topic that I chose. I suspect situations like ours arise pretty often.

The boundary between ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ reasons can be blurred. For example, as
noted above, the career/job aspect can fall between categories. Perhaps the difference is
whether someone is simply trying to escape from one job or situation, or is positively
running towards another. My wife, for example, was stuck with a dead-end job until an
MA at the Royal College of Art provided her with the opportunity to shift to a new
career that really excited her. She was not looking for something to help her run away,
but something to run to. The example above of the MA student who wanted to leave
teaching also falls into this category, as he had a clear idea of where he wanted to go.

Activity 2.3
Return to what you wrote down in Activity 2.1. How do your own reasons relate to
your categories of essential and supporting reasons for doing a research degree?


In her book, Cryer says that research students need to have, at least in part,
motives that are intellectual. I would add that it is perfectly acceptable to have a
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core motivation that is not intellectual, but can be fulfilled in an intellectual way. For
example, an environmental campaigner may find a research degree a good way to
work through a strongly held ethical belief. Others do this by organizing campaigns
or political action, but researching a key issue and publicizing the results is a
perfectly valid way of working through such a motivation.

This raises the question of whether a research degree is the right way to work through
your motivations. A research degree is not, for example, a suitable way to simply cam-
paign for a particular environmental or ethical stance, although academic research
can perfectly well take place within such a context. In some cases I have advised
students against registering for a research degree because it would not satisfy their
core motivations. In one case, a part-time student realized this after being registered
for a year for a PhD, and instead did a full-time vocational taught Master’s, which
suited his needs much better.

Overall, do not be apologetic about what motivates you to undertake your research.
Even if you need to be a little more realistic about what you can achieve (more on that
below), your motivations are still what started you out on this work – and what will keep
you going.You are bound to have days (possibly weeks) when things are really tough.
When this happens, perhaps turning back to your notes on the first activity of this
chapter might help.

Chapter 12 of this book, which looks at career development, will return to this issue
of motivations and develop further some of the points raised in this chapter.

2.2 Research Degree Requirements

What is achievable in a research degree
Having thought about motivations for undertaking a research degree it is worthwhile
noting that, even if you are doing your research for the ‘best’ intellectual reasons, you
need to have a clear idea of what can or cannot be achieved in a research degree. Much
of the rest of this chapter is intended to help you to explore this question.

First, when thinking about PhD research (as opposed to an MPhil or taught Master’s
dissertation), it is important to note that this book covers the concept of a PhD degree
that exists in the UK, North America, Australasia and most of Asia. This is that a PhD
is a training qualification showing that you are capable of formulating, designing,
undertaking and reporting upon your own academic research project. A PhD demon-
strates that the recipient is a fully professional researcher in his or her field.

Although this concept of a PhD is shared by the education systems of many other coun-
tries, it is important to emphasize that what constitutes a PhD does vary. In some places
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(for example Germany and certain other northern European countries), the education
system is different and PhDs are seen not as a training qualification but as proof by
experts of their leading position in a field of study. As a result, these sorts of PhD take
much longer to complete than in the UK (in Germany there are, for example ‘double
doctorates’). In the USA PhDs can also take longer than in the UK, but there is less
standardization. In general, US PhDs are also seen as a training qualification, but they
can involve a long route through taught postgraduate classes, together with a written
thesis. However, in some US universities it can be acceptable for the thesis to be an
applied research project with no theoretical or conceptual contribution. Such a research
project would be considered unacceptable for a PhD in the UK.

Quite apart from these differing concepts of a PhD, students do have a tendency to be
overambitious. This applies to Master’s as well as PhD students and is a crucial
problem in the early stages of virtually all research degrees. Even a PhD cannot accom-
modate a life’s work. If you think that your research project is going to result in you
producing the ultimate in your topic area, or shift the whole way in which your subject
is studied (a so-called ‘paradigm shift’), then you will have real problems. Even the
continental concept of a PhD does not go that far!

Many students start off by viewing their research degree in this way (‘my life’s work’).
This is an unreal expectation. In How to Get a PhD, Phillips and Pugh point out that
Einstein’s theory of relativity was

… not [his] PhD thesis (that was a sensible contribution to Brownian motion theory). Das
Kapital was not Marx’s PhD (that was on the theories of two little-known Greek philoso-
phers). Of course, while doing their PhDs Einstein and Marx were undoubtedly preparing
themselves for the great questionings that led to the big shifts, but they were also demon-
strating their fully professional mastery of the established paradigms.

(Phillips and Pugh, 2000, p. 36)

Although your research degree will show that you know what you are doing in your
topic area, it is not a requirement that you prove yourself to be the best in the world.
Your research degree can be part of your own lifelong learning, but it will be something
after which you will continue to learn and grow. On the other hand, your research
degree should be able to produce something that is useful and fulfilling in terms of your
core motivations. You can add a few pieces to a jigsaw that were not there before.

Doing too little is also a problem, but this is usually a misunderstanding about the
academic nature of a research degree. This issue is explored further in Chapters 3
and 5, but it is worth mentioning here, if only to juxtapose it to the ‘life’s work’
misconception of a research degree.
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There is also an issue of not understanding the sort of research that is required. This
can be a real danger for part-time students who work, for example, in journalism,
marketing or some types of applied industrial research. Their experience in these areas,
although very valuable, can lead to a research approach that is inadequately rigorous for an
academic qualification. This can also be true for people from a campaigning/pressure
group background. While representing valuable experience, the methods of gathering and
using evidence in such a ‘political’ context may not be appropriate for a research degree.

One academic had a salutary experience as an external examiner for a PhD in another
university where the student, from overseas, seemed to have been sent to the UK to do
a PhD that would solve a problem that his government had about installing new
computer systems. Unfortunately, the resulting thesis was theory-free and descriptive
(and hence not a PhD – or at least not yet). He would have been better off with a taught
MSc in computer science with a relevant dissertation.

So, central to the UK-style research degrees is that they are about training in your area,
and that through them you should demonstrate that you are a competent researcher –
be it to the level required for a Master’s dissertation, MPhil or PhD. If you think of your
research degree as essentially a training qualification, then you are likely to hit the right
standard for your own research degree.

If you have any concerns emerging from what you have done and read in this
chapter, make sure you discuss them with your supervisor.

What is expected of a research degree

This section looks at what is expected of a research degree and a dissertation that is part
of a taught Master’s degree. Although all of these involve undertaking a research
project, there are differences in what you have to demonstrate in your research, and the
competencies required. It is therefore useful to have an overview of what competencies
you need to show for each type of degree. This should help you to pitch your research
at the right level for the degree you are taking.

This part uses as its basis the Open University’s regulations and criteria for its MPhil
and PhD research degrees, although reference will be made to the guidance and regu-
lations from other UK universities. The research degree regulations of all UK univer-
sities are required to meet nationally agreed standards, so it is appropriate to structure
this part of Chapter 2 around the OU regulations. However, details of the regulations
do vary between UK universities, so you should check up on the wording used in your
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own regulations and discuss with your supervisor(s) any important differences from
those detailed below.1

Under the QAA Qualifications Framework, UK universities offer two levels of research
degrees, MPhil and PhD. Some universities also offer a DPhil which, without wishing
to get into too many arguments, for practical purposes can be taken as a variation on
a PhD. What do these two levels of research degrees involve? To explore this question,
it is useful to look at the OU award regulations to see what is required of these two
degrees. In the written report that the examiners make after reading a thesis and under-
taking a viva, they are required to state how the student has (or has not) fulfilled these
requirements (see Chapter 11 on the examination and viva).

MPhil (Master of Philosophy)

This involves a research programme that must show evidence of:

1 your proficiency in the methods and techniques of research;

2 good style and presentation;

3 an adequate knowledge and discussion of the literature in your specific field

of study;

4 initiative and independence of thought;

5 a distinct contribution to scholarship.

(Maximum 60,000 words)

A dissertation as part of a taught Master’s course is at this level. The taught modules in
a Master’s will have covered these competencies and the dissertation is intended to
show that the student is able to apply them. The dissertation is, of course, much shorter
than an entire Master’s degree by research. This will be set by the course, but it is
typically under 20,000 words.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

This involves a research programme that must show evidence of:

1 good presentation and style;

2 a significant contribution to knowledge;

1 If you are registered for a research degree in an institution where the OU validates degrees (through
OU Validation Services), the regulations are the same as if you were directly registered with the OU.
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3 your capacity to pursue further research without supervision;

4 a significant amount of material worthy of publication.

(Maximum 100,000 words)

You should note that one thing that does vary between institutions is the specified
maximum length of a thesis. For example, De Montfort University’s regulations spec-
ify the following as the ‘normal’ maximum length:

• In Science and Engineering and Art and Design for PhD 40,000 words.

• In Science and Engineering and Art and Design for MPhil 20,000 words.

• In Arts, Social Sciences and Education for PhD 80,000 words.

• In Arts, Social Sciences and Education for MPhil 40,000 words.

However, this limit does exclude ‘ancillary data’ that would appear in an appendix.

There is a specified range where the presentation or submission consists substantially

of material in other than written form, which is:

• For PhD 10,000–12,000 words.

• For MPhil 6,000–8,000 words.

Sometimes the maximum length is specified in terms of pages rather than words.
A 250-page limit is one example I have come across.

When considering maximum word limits or page numbers, you should realize that this
is not a target to aim for! Word limits exist for several reasons. They are for the exam-
iners’ benefit, in that it would be unreasonable to require an examiner to wade through
a 300,000-word text. However, given that, in your research degree, you are proving
your capability as a researcher, the central rationale is that you should be able to pro-
duce a reasonable-sized research report on your project. An overlength thesis or disser-
tation would suggest that you still have much to learn about organizing and writing a
research report.

The OU word limits allow for research methodologies that require a lot of written
information to be reported (for example, discourse analysis, literature studies or where
detailed case examples are involved), and so most research degrees should be well below
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the maximum limits given. This particularly applies to scientific research degrees,
which can be considerably shorter than those in the humanities and social sciences. The
regulations for De Montfort University reflect this difference between disciplines, and
their guidelines where non-written presentations are involved show by how much a
thesis may be shortened. The OU regulations take a different approach in that they
specify a higher, but generic, word limit.

Competencies required for a

research degree
It is worthwhile exploring the competencies required for the Master’s and doctorate
research degrees. As well as the PhD student attempting to take on too much (the ‘last
word in … life’s work’ view of a PhD), there is also a danger of those undertaking a
Master’s dissertation trying to do a PhD project. Beside the universal requirement for
‘good style and presentation’, the requirements are cumulative: a higher-level degree
will also require a demonstration of the skills and competencies of the degree below it.
So, I will start by looking at what is expected to be demonstrated at the Master’s level,
and then move on to what in addition is required of a Doctorate.

Competencies required for all

research degrees
Good presentation
Good presentation and style is expected of all research degree theses and dissertations.
Sometimes the regulations of a university imply rather than explicitly state the need for
good presentation and style. However, writing well and coherently is a fundamental
competence needed for any research degree. Academic writing is covered in Chapter 6
of this book. However, the following activity can be useful in terms of thinking about
how the writings of others succeed (or not) in getting their message across.

Activity 2.4
When you review a piece of written work in your area, instead of considering its
content and method, look at it in terms of presentation. How well does it commu-
nicate the research to you?

Pick out two or three examples that you feel are the best at doing this and two or
three you feel are bad. Make a list of what makes the good ones good and the bad
ones bad. (This activity can be combined with your work on ‘Familiarizing yourself
with research standards’, later in this section).
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Critically reviewing existing knowledge

Critically reviewing existing research in your subject area is needed for all research
degrees. Such a review is then expected to be a springboard for further original research.
The MPhil and PhD research degree regulations for De Montfort University develop this
requirement a little further, specifying ‘a critical investigation and evaluation of the topic
of research’. All other university regulations contain some similar phrase.

Chapter 7 of this book deals with undertaking a literature review and how this links into
other research tasks, so it will not be discussed here. However, at this point it is worthwhile
looking at what such a review should achieve. A literature review must demonstrate:

1 your ability to investigate critically a specific field of study (i.e. to evaluate what
has been done);

2 an adequate knowledge and discussion of the literature of that field.

The key phrase in the first criterion is the term ‘investigate critically’. It is not just
about producing a list of what others have done in your topic area; it is about demon-
strating that you understand it, showing, for example, if you can say whether a partic-
ular contribution makes sense, fits in or disagrees with what others have said, and is
important or not. The wording of the De Montfort regulations, using the word ‘evalu-
ation’, puts emphasis on demonstrating your critical abilities.

This links into the second criterion for a literature review, to demonstrate an adequate
knowledge and discussion of the literature. Demonstrating ‘adequate knowledge’ does
not mean following up every minor piece of work, but making sure that you cover the
major writers and their work. This is very much about discernment – that you do not
miss out anything important, but equally that you do not become side-tracked by
following up every triviality.

Adequate knowledge also includes your ability to discern where the literature is thin,
or where there are gaps in knowledge and also that you can identify the boundaries of
your specific area, and draw out from the wider literature lessons that are of importance
to your more tightly defined topic. An analogy might be of an explorer writing a guide-
book about a new country they have discovered, which is to be used by others who are
planning to visit. The guidebook would therefore have to identify the major places
worth visiting, how to get to them, how important they are and how they relate to each
other. A series of unrelated photographs with simple captions is no guidebook.

Proficiency in research methods

The thesis is required to demonstrate your ‘proficiency in the methods and tech-
niques of research’. Some research degree regulations word this a little differently. For
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example, one says ‘demonstrate an understanding of research methods appropriate to the

field of study’ and another (Brunel University) specifies this as ‘knowledge and under-
standing of his/her discipline and of associated research techniques’. In other words you
do not have to be proficient in all research methods, just those of relevance to your topic
area (which, of course, makes eminent sense). So you need to show not only a critical
understanding of the results of research undertaken in your field of study, but also the
methods and techniques used to obtain those results. Furthermore, you need to show that you
can apply those methods and techniques yourself (the Brunel regulations include the
phrase ‘and to show that they [the research techniques] have been successfully applied’).
This does not mean that you have to use every technique in the book, but that you must
be able to show that you know about them and have chosen and justified one or more
methods that are most appropriate for your particular research project.

This, and the other additional criteria discussed below, also applies to a dissertation as
part of a taught Master’s course, although a dissertation is obviously far shorter than an
entire Master’s by thesis. Even so, it should be to the same standard and so display the
same competencies. There also may be very specific requirements, for example apply-
ing competencies and techniques that were part of the taught component of the course.
If this is so, such requirements should be specified.

Initiative and independence of thought

This point follows on from the issues raised with respect to the topic review. It is about
showing that you have an understanding of what you are investigating and are not treat-
ing research as a mechanistic process – even though it may involve a lot of routine work.

It is very important to show HOW you did your research – warts and all. Things
always go wrong in any research project. How you overcame challenges and problems
shows your initiative and independence.

The OU regulations say that a Master’s should make ‘a distinct contribution to schol-
arship’, which may sound a rather daunting prospect. It is really about showing that
you have the astuteness to sort out where you can make a useful contribution. For a
PhD, the OU regulations use the term ‘a significant contribution to knowledge’. De
Montfort regulations require a PhD to ‘constitute an independent and original contri-
bution to knowledge’. Brunel University’s regulations are similar: ‘a distinct and origi-
nal contribution to knowledge of the subject’. These are both a step up from the
Master’s requirement. This does not mean that the whole of a PhD thesis must be
original and every bit of it is a contribution to knowledge, just that there is something
original somewhere in it.
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Behind both these phrases there is the concept of originality in research. There are
many ways to fulfil the originality criterion, which can vary according to topic area. It
is also worth noting that some of the originality categories below may only be achiev-
able in a larger research project rather than, for example, in a Master’s dissertation.

Originality categories
1 A new product.

Just making something new is not academically adequate – it has to be made as the
result of a research process (e.g. analysing the way in which an existing product or com-
ponent undertakes a task and then demonstrating how it could be improved; scientific
and engineering PhDs are often of this nature).

2 Providing something new for the first time.

This can be anything from new material, new case studies of an industry, new data or
an archaeologist digging a new site. Again, the provision of something new must be
linked to a research process. Just digging up a load of bones or discovering a new form
of social behaviour will not do; it needs to be set in the context of a particular archaeo-
logical or sociological debate and shown how this discovery advances understanding.

3 A development of or an improvement on something which already exists.

Originality can be developing further a previously original piece of work. James Watt
did not invent the steam engine; he improved it.

4 A new theory or perspective.

This can include a synthesis of existing information using the new theory/perspective
by way of verification.

5 A reinterpretation of an existing theory.

This can involve an original exposition of another’s work – for example, suggesting that
an alternative theoretical interpretation of data is possible that provides a better under-
standing of the system under study.

6 Applying an existing idea or theory to a new field or a set of data.

For example, taking a model that was developed under test conditions and seeing if it
works with field data.
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7 A new research tool or technique.

For example, in one PhD, the student applied a psychology methodology to a transport
planning issue (traffic calming) and did fieldwork to test its viability. This had never been
done before and the thesis established both the concept and the feasibility of doing this.

8 A new model or perspective.

This can be anything from a new mathematical model, to a new way of understanding how
businesses develop innovative products, or a new commentary on a classical Latin poem.

9 A new in-depth study.

This could add to knowledge (for example, by detailing a process already known in out-
line), without necessarily developing a new perspective. Many arts and social research
degrees take this form.

10 A critical analysis.

Showing originality in testing somebody else’s idea and/or developing an original cri-
tique. Art and literature research can often take this form.

11 A portfolio of work based on research.

In some art research degrees in particular, a portfolio can demonstrate the student’s
competence in their subject. A PhD by publications (usually available only to staff of
a university) also involves the use of an existing portfolio of research.

12 A collection of generalizable findings or conclusions.

In this case originality is in the generalizations made. My own thesis was of this type;
it pulled together existing primary information on the land use/transport design of
Britain’s new towns and drew comparative and generalizable conclusions about their
efficiency in providing personal mobility to their residents.

13 Carrying out original work within a project designed by others.

Laboratory and experimental PhD projects can take place within a larger team research
project. The scope and design of the PhD project are thus largely predetermined. This
is quite common and is accepted, but you need to ensure that your own originality
plays a part as well.
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These categories are not exclusive; indeed, there are quite a few overlaps. However, it
is useful to develop a list like this in order to think through what constitutes originality.
In many cases originality does not necessarily require generating new data or material,
but is about utilizing existing material in an original way. Remember that originality
does not apply to the whole thesis or dissertation; it means that the thesis or dissertation
contains something original. For example, one student commented:

I think what my examiners felt was original in my own PhD was that I applied systems
theories to a particular area of NHS activity which had not really been investigated sys-
tematically before (performance measurement systems), and included a development of an
existing process (being debated among systems academics at the time) for choosing appro-
priate methodologies for investigating different types of problems. A consequence of this
interdisciplinarity was I needed three examiners – one expert on the performance measure-
ment issues, one on NHS policy with a bit of systems background, and one expert on the
systems approaches I’d applied!

In this case the originality was in both applying an existing method to a new area and
developing the method further.

Activity 2.5
In which of the above ways do you expect your research to be original? Or will it
be original in another way? You may have only a vague or preliminary idea of this
at the moment, but suggest what you can.

Discuss this with your supervisor as well as making your own notes in your
Research Journal.

Other PhD-level competencies

Phillips and Pugh (2000, chap. 3) argue that a PhD essentially needs to demonstrate that:

1 You have a command of your subject and demonstrate this by having ‘something
to say’.

2 You have the astuteness to sort out where you can make a useful contribution.

3 You know the methods and techniques of investigation (and their limitations).

4 You can communicate the results effectively.

5 Overall, you are a professional in your field.

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As well as the requirement to make an original contribution to knowledge, which has

already been considered above, Phillips and Pugh say that the key hallmark of a PhD
is to demonstrate that you are a ‘fully professional researcher’. This returns us to the
point noted in Section 2.1 above about the nature of the PhD qualification.

This point features in all UK university regulations, which contain some phrase indi-
cating that a PhD should demonstrate your capacity to pursue further research without
supervision. This is about arriving as a professional in your field. A PhD should show
that you know how to design a research project, organize it, carry it out and report the
results. In consequence it is important in your PhD to:

1 Show HOW you did your research as well as WHAT you found out (theses are
often thin on the crucial HOW side).

2 Show warts and all – how you overcame problems (things always go wrong in
even the best organized research project).

3 Show how, even if the results are negative, they can still represent an original con-
tribution, particularly if you display a professional use of the research methods in
your field. One way you could make these points very clear in your thesis is to
have a short ‘postscript’ at the end reflecting on what you have learned about
doing research in undertaking your degree.

There is a further criterion, which is that a PhD should contain material worthy of publica-
tion. This is one way of demonstrating that you have arrived in your field of research. It
should be emphasized that such a criterion does not mean that the whole thesis is worthy
of publication, just that it contains something in it that is. An indisputable way to prove
this is to publish papers based on your thesis work. However, do check with your super-
visor or research office as some institutions do not permit the publication of thesis
chapters before a viva. Editing the material may get you around this.

What will the examiner be looking for?

There is a separate chapter in this book on the examination process and viva. An
examiner will specifically be asked to report on how the candidate fulfilled the specific
requirements for each research degree. In summary, your examiner will be looking for
the following key indicators that reflect whether you have demonstrated the compe-
tencies expected of a research degree.

For all research degrees, examiners will be looking for:

1 a clear focus;

2 a good grasp of the nature of the situation addressed;

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3 a coherent rationale for undertaking the research;

4 good connections made with existing work on the topic;

5 the results and conclusions displayed in a scholarly and creative manner;

6 a method appropriate to the topic of investigation;

7 appropriate level of originality;

8 (for a PhD) evidence that you have arrived as a professional in your field.

Activity 2.6
How would you know whether your thesis has fulfilled the core academic criteria
listed for your research degree?

It would be useful to discuss your responses with your supervisor.

Familiarizing yourself with research standards

Having given some thought to the criteria for your research degree, you would find it
useful to look at some publications in your intended field of study in terms of how they
represent good research. This could be of particular use for previously inexperienced
researchers or part-time external research students. This is probably best done as part of
your literature review when you need to be working through key publications in any case.
Part of looking at the research in your field is to get an idea of the standards expected.

It is very useful indeed to look at successful relevant dissertations or theses in your field.
This should help focus on what are the standards expected. Even in a very specific topic
area, theses can take varied and diverse forms, utilizing different research approaches and
methods. Your supervisor should be able to suggest some for you to see. You will need to
read some quite thoroughly, but for others at least skim through them to get a general feel.

Remember that specific subject areas have traditions and styles of their own that
cannot be covered in this book. Talk to your supervisor about this.

2.3 Progressing from MPhil to PhD

Before leaving the subject of competencies required for a research degree, mention needs
to be made of transferring between an MPhil and a PhD. In many universities, PhD
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research students are initially registered for an MPhil and then, towards the end of their
first year’s study,2 are required to submit a ‘Transfer’ or ‘Probation’ Report to be upgraded
to a PhD. This Transfer Report is typically 5,000–10,000 words in length and involves:

1 the completion of an initial review of the subject;

2 the identification of the research problem to be addressed;

3 the development of a research plan.

One example comes from De Montfort University, whose regulations for a Transfer
Report indicate that the research plan should ‘include details of the original contribu-
tion to knowledge which is likely to emerge.’ This indicates the key criterion that you
need to demonstrate in a Transfer Report, and this is that you have demonstrated the
potential to achieve PhD-level competencies. In a number of universities, students are
also expected to give a presentation as part of the transfer process, and be questioned on
their research plan. The form of the transfer report can vary substantially between uni-
versities, so you should check carefully what is required in your own case.

The Transfer Report is not just a bit of bureaucracy (although the danger is that it can
be). It is useful to have a formal check on progress when you are about a third into your
PhD work. If there are any serious problems they need to be picked up before it is too
late – a third into a PhD project is about right for such a check. As Rugg and Petre
(2004, pp. 15–16) note, this is when ‘you should have done enough work for The
System to have a fair idea of your ability. … The transfer is therefore an important
stage, which normally involves genuine academic assessment of how you are doing,
rather than an administrative convenience.’

Activity 2.7
If you are expecting to undertake a PhD, find out how you have to prepare a Transfer
Report, or what other form of review will take place. Note down the criteria that need
to be met.

Ensure that you will have completed all that is needed in time for when your trans-
fer report is due.

The tasks that a Transfer Report contains (topic review, focusing on a research question
and developing a research plan) are all in this book, so whatever your regulations may
be, the following chapters will equip you to face them.

2 Or about 18 months in for part-time PhD.

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2.4 Starting Off

Having considered what constitutes a research degree or dissertation and the criteria
involved, the obvious question is then how to get going. Chapter 5 of this book,
‘Planning and organizing your research’, looks at the initial stages of the research
process in more detail, but the following may be useful in the first instance. Even if you
alter your plans, it is worthwhile starting to sort out a rough project structure now.
Begin by focusing on the immediate work that needs to be done and then sketch out
what might be the big tasks in the longer term. This forms the basis of Activity 2.8.

Activity 2.8
What do you see as the key tasks to be done in the first few months of your

Why are these tasks so important?

How do you propose to set about these tasks?

How will you measure your success?

Sketch out a work programme of the crucial tasks you think will be involved in:

1 over the next three months;

2 producing the thesis as a whole.

This would be a useful activity to discuss with your supervisor.

2.5 Support for Research

A research degree or a Master’s dissertation is not undertaken in total isolation. It is
your research project, but you will undertake it with support and guidance from your
supervisor, institution and a wider network of institutional and personal contacts.

Working with your supervisor

In terms of support for your studies, the relationship you have with your supervisor(s)
is utterly crucial for your whole postgraduate work and experience. This is particularly
so for part-time students, as your main contact will be through your supervisor(s). A
number of authors of research training books have commented on the importance of a
good working relationship between a student and their supervisor. There is an offprint
at the end of this chapter from Rugg and Petre’s book The Unwritten Rules of PhD
Research, but this issue is also covered well in Cryer (2000) and Phillips and Pugh (2000).
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Activity 2.9
Read the offprint from Rugg and Petre. This deals with the practicalities of
establishing a good relationship with your supervisor. After reading this, make a set
of notes of the main points that you feel apply to your situation, highlighting any that
you feel to be of particular relevance to you and that you need to tackle.

Training needs analysis

In particular, it is worth noting what Rugg and Petre say about training needs (p. 38
of the offprint). It is worthwhile undertaking a Training Needs Analysis and Activity 2.10
provides some guidance on how to do this. This is part of your ongoing project plan-
ning. Once you have (as in Activity 2.8) identified the activities and tasks that you
need to undertake, you should then consider if you need any form of training (or
simply whether you need advice or to see an example) to undertake that task. It is
fairly obvious that if you plan to use a particular statistical or analytical technique,
then you may need training in that. However, other training needs may not be so
apparent. You may include on your list of tasks giving a seminar on your research
plans – so if you are not experienced in presentations, then some training or ways to
build up experience would be useful. If you’ve never presented in public, you need
this on your list of training needs, but if (for example) you are a school or FE teacher,
then you probably have this skill anyway. Another example is that you may be setting
out on your literature review. How do you intend to record this, and do you need
training in methods of data/literature recording (such as the use of a bibliographical
package)? This book covers the basic generic research skills, but you (and your super-
visor) should identify and decide if you need further training on these subjects as well
as training in any methods or skills that are more specific to your research subject.
Rugg and Petre also note that you may benefit from training in less obvious areas like
assertiveness and relaxation, to which might be added skills such as teamworking,
network development and self-discipline. These three are among the more generic
skills mentioned in the HEFC skills statement.

Activity 2.10
1 Check your list of key tasks from Activity 2.8 and identify if you consequently
have any specific training needs.
2 Prepare an agenda for your next tutorial based upon the guidance in the Rugg
and Petre reading (including your Training Needs Analysis).
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Activity 2.10 (Continued)

You could use the following grid to undertake your Training Needs Analysis. For
each of the skills you identify as needed in order to fulfil your key tasks, rate your
ability with a score of A–E, where A means a high capability at handling this skill,
and E means a low capability. Then note how you know you have that level of
skill. You can then decide (or discuss with your supervisor) whether developing this
skill is a high priority and then what needs to be done about improving things. This
may involve formal training, reading up on a subject/skill area, or other ways of
building up experience in a skill.

My current How do Improvement priority What might I do

Skill level A–E I know? (High, Moderate, Low) about it?

Departmental support
It is worth going through the support provided for students by your university and
department and sorting out what are the general facilities and services that are provided.
Establish who knows how to get hold of things (so you don’t need to pester your super-
visor with requests like how to get stationery or what is the internal extension number
for the library help desk). For example, your departmental secretary, administrator or
your supervisor’s secretary are likely to be people who will know how ‘The System’
operates, where the photocopier is, who to go to if your PC is on the blink, and so forth.
Such matters should be covered in your departmental induction.

There will also be other academic members of your department and faculty/school
who may well have research student support responsibilities. Many universities have a
supervisory team or groups and a system of mentoring to back up supervisors. These
systems can often provide additional help and support to you.

So, as well as your supervisor(s), key people to get to know are therefore:

1 The person in charge of administrative support (departmental secretary or


2 Your supervisor’s secretary.

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3 Any person or group with an ‘overview’ role for students (e.g. a research subdean
or supervisory team).

4 The head of your research group (if you are in one).

5 Departmental research student mentor.

There may be others with particular research student support roles. Check with your
supervisor who they are and find out how to contact them. For a number of research
areas it is also important to know the person responsible for health and safety (a subject
covered in Section 2.6 of this chapter).

Departmental research training

As was mentioned in Chapter 1, this book covers only generic research training aspects.
For training in, for example, methods specific to your subject area, your supervisor or
department should advise you on what is available. Your department may well run a
seminar series and there could be relevant taught courses in your topic area.

Do keep in touch with other research students in your department or even others doing
similar work in other institutions. You can learn many of ‘the ropes’ from each other.
I did my PhD full-time at the Open University in its pioneering years and I was the
only research student in the Social Sciences Faculty. To some extent I was facing prob-
lems of isolation similar to those of a part-time student. In consequence, my supervisor
encouraged me to network with students and other researchers elsewhere, which
I found to be very helpful and encouraging.

The latter raises the wider issue of developing a personal support network, which is
considered in Chapter 5 of this book.

Other support for your studies

Library and computing access
Full-time students will have library and computing access, but the procedures to obtain
these, and the rules of use, will obviously vary between institutions. It is likely that each
faculty/school/department will also have its own specialist computing and information
technology (IT) facilitator. University computing departments will also run their own
training courses for both staff and students. Contact the ‘help desk’ (or whatever it is
called in your university) and find out what is available.

For part-time external research degree students, find out what library and computing
support is available.
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Assistance in research funding

A very important area to sort out is what money is available to support your research.
Students on a Research Council grant have monies provided to their departments for
research expenses and training. Make sure you know how much is available to you and
how to claim this. You may also be able to apply for support for specific expenses (for
example, an overseas conference or a field trip) from your grant funder. Internal depart-
mental or faculty/school funds may also be available through your supervisor, who
should be able to advise you on all these aspects.

The situation for external part-time research degree students is very different. They are
normally expected to be self-funding. It is thus important to make allowances in design-
ing your research programme for any additional costs that are a consequence of your
research methods (this is considered in Chapters 3 and 5). This is also true for full-time
students if your research is likely to involve costs beyond those routinely provided.

In some cases, part-time external students can apply for a limited amount of departmental
or faculty/school funds through their internal supervisor, but, even when they exist,
resources are very limited. Of perhaps wider relevance, several bursary schemes are offered
by educational charities, the British Council or industry. Sometimes conferences pro-
vide bursaries for student attendance. It is very worthwhile having an initial talk about the
financial aspects of your research with your supervisor, who may know of such schemes.

Your Research Office

Finally, there is always a Research Office, Centre or School that is responsible for
administering research degree studies. Sometimes this office goes beyond an adminis-
tration role and provides useful support facilities for students and may also organise
research training sessions.

Activity 2.11
Find out the following (if available):

1 Who provides administrative support in your department.

2 Who is responsible for providing information on training in your department.
3 Who provides specialist research methods training courses.
4 The programme of departmental seminars.
5 A list of computer training courses.
6 A list of library training courses.
7 Activities of your research/graduate school.
8 Guidance notes for research students.
9 If there is a mentoring system, who your mentor is and guidance on complaints
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2.6 Health and Safety

A final area that you need to consider early on in your work is your own health and
safety in undertaking your research project. Health and safety considerations are very
much to the fore in some areas of research, for example in laboratories or when travel
to hazardous places is involved. However, all research has some health and safety impli-
cations, which may not be immediately apparent, so it is very worthwhile thinking
these through with respect to your own project.

Working at home
Many research students work from home as well as at their universities and, of course,
part-time students will mainly base their research work from home. We tend to be more
aware of health and safety considerations in the workplace than at home, but it is as
important to make sure that working from home is safe and healthy. Your university
may provide home working guidance on Health and Safety, so as well as working
through this section, do check up on any homeworking guidelines or rules.

There are a number of basics which you should consider.3

1 Fire safety
How would you escape in a fire? You should have a smoke alarm, test it weekly and
replace the battery annually. Keep your work area tidy and do not allow waste paper
to accumulate. Further information is available from the Firekills link on this book’s

2 Electrical equipment
You need to check that your electrical equipment, plugs, leads, etc., are in good work-
ing order and in good condition. Avoid overloading sockets and do not use an adaptor
with equipment that uses a lot of power, such as electric fires, kettle and toasters.

Your university is responsible for the safety of equipment that is supplied to you for use
at home. It should be portable applicant tested (PAT) before you take it. You also have
a duty to report faults which may be a hazard to your own or anyone else’s safety.

3 Slips, trips and falls

Slips, trips and falls are the biggest cause of workplace accidents. Make sure that at
home your floor coverings are sound and that there are no trailing cables in areas where
you need to walk.

3 List and checklist based on homeworking guidance from the Open University’s Occupational Health
and Safety Department and advice from the OU’s Student website.
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4 Working environment
Provide yourself adequate heating, ventilation and lighting.

5 Manual handling
Some research activities can involve manual handling. If so, there must be a risk assess-
ment for the tasks and you will need to have training.

6 Display screen equipment

This is perhaps the most important aspect of health and safety for research students work-
ing from home. It is also a major issue of working at your university. The use of display
screen equipment (DSE), like personal computers, has been associated with a range of
symptoms related to the visual system and working posture. These are often reflected in
various types of body fatigue. Applying simple ergonomic principles to the layout of your
work area and the way in which you study can easily and readily prevent them. The
following guidance applies to the use of DSE both at home and at your university.

Try to position the monitor to minimize glare and reflections on the screen. Suitable
lighting is important. Remember that glare can occur either directly or by reflection
from the screen. Glare from windows can usually be eliminated by using curtains or
blinds, or by adjusting the orientation of the screen.

As with any task which involves working in one position for a length of time, it is
important that you make yourself as comfortable as possible to use your computer.
Place the monitor in front of you and at a comfortable viewing distance. Try to position
the top of the display slightly below eye level when you are sitting at the keyboard
(accepting that this is sometimes not possible with a laptop). Adjust the positions of the
screen, the keyboard, the mouse and the documents from which you are working, so as
to achieve the most comfortable arrangement (check if you are having to constantly
move your eyes around which can cause problems).

Adjust the position of your chair so as to sit squarely in front of your computer and to
achieve a comfortable viewing distance and posture. As a broad guide, your forearms
should be approximately horizontal and your elbows level with the keyboard or the
mouse. Ensure you have enough space to use your mouse comfortably, and to rest your
wrists in front of the keyboard when not typing. Equipment such as a footrest or
document holder can be helpful.

Whenever possible, try to arrange your studies to consist of a mix of screen-based and
non-screen-based work to prevent fatigue and to vary visual and mental demands.
Breaks should be taken before the onset of fatigue, not in order to recuperate. So try to
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break up long spells of intensive display screen work with periods of non-intensive,
non-display screen activities. Short, frequent breaks are more satisfactory than occa-
sional, longer breaks, e.g. a 5–10 minute break every 2 hours.

8 Children
If you are a parent you will know full well that children, particularly if young, affect
how you organize your research work. You should also take them into account in assess-
ing the health and safety of your work area in the home.

9 Security
If your research will involve obtaining confidential information, this needs to be kept
secure and locked away when not in use.

Activity 2.12
This book’s website contains two checklists: (a) A general Homeworking Self
Assessment Checklist and (b) a Display Screen Equipment Checklist.

1 First find out if your university provides guidance on safe homeworking and use
of display screen equipment. If so, work through your own guidance materials.
Otherwise print off a copy of the two checklists provided on the book’s website.
2 Go to the Healthy Computing website. There is a link to this from this book’s
website. Open the page on ‘Office Ergonomics’ and go through the set-up and
positioning advice contained there. Identify what improvements you need to
make to the layout of your workspace (computer layout, chair, lighting, etc.) in
your office and/or home.
3 Go through the Display Screen Equipment Checklist to ensure that there are
not any other important aspects that you have missed.
4 Now go through the Homeworking Self Assessment Checklist. You may have
covered some aspects in the DSE Checklist, but the Homeworking Checklist
covers other health and safety aspects of working from home.

If you are unable to address any health and safety issue, then discuss this with
your supervisor or your department’s Health and Safety officer (see also Activity
2.13 below).

Health and safety at work

The above discussion of the safe use of computers applies both to working at home and
at your university. Universities have a legal obligation, under the Management of
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Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, to assess risks to health and safety to their
staff and others (including students). This requires suitable and sufficient assessments
of the risks to health and safety arising from work activities. Trivial risks can usually be
ignored, as can risks arising from routine activities associated with life in general, unless
the work activity compounds those risks. The above has covered DSE safety and office
layout, but there are a number of other workplace safety aspects that particularly affect
research students.

If working in your department involves particular health and safety risks, then other,
specific legal requirements and procedures will be involved. For example there are
regulations covering the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), display
screen equipment (as mentioned above) and manual handling, which also require risk
assessments to be made which specifically address the hazards concerned.

Your department will have a health and safety officer, who is someone appointed to
ensure that legal obligations to assess risks to health and safety are in place and appro-
priate procedures are carried out. So, as well as conducting a check on your home
studying area, you should contact your department’s health and safety officer to check
if there are any particular health and safety issues that you need to take into account in
planning your research. The safe layout of an office will affect all research students, but
if your research involves laboratory work or working with potentially hazardous equip-
ment, you should ensure that your are fully briefed on this, and seek specific training if

Activity 2.13
Make an appointment with your department’s health and safety officer to:

(a) Check the layout of your office area (particularly if you identified issues in
Activity 2.12).
(b) Discuss if your research plans have aspects that require any further risk

This book’s website contains some links to sites that provide further advice on
health and safety and risk analysis.

Fieldwork also needs risk analysis. If you are engaged in technical activities in the field
(e.g. operating data gathering equipment or collecting samples), you need to get
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specialist advice for your risk analysis. However, risks in data gathering do not just
apply to people operating equipment, collecting rock samples from active volcanoes or
travelling to places where you might catch a tropical disease. If you are interviewing
participants, there are some research methods that involve more risks than others. For
example, there is an inherent risk in stopping strangers in the street to talk to them, or
going into the homes of strangers. Some interviewers are reluctant to enter unknown
homes by themselves because of potential dangers. There is an example in the next
chapter of a student who needed to interview people with a history of mental health
issues and drug abuse, and she had to think carefully about how to ensure her own
safety in this situation. If you identify such a situation, you should explore ways that
reduce your risk. This may be to use a different data collecting method, or to use
procedures that reduce the risk of a particular method (e.g. instead of interviewing a
participant on your own, ensure that you are accompanied or interview them in a safer
environment). This issue is explored further in Chapter 9 (section 9.6) of this book,
which also looks at the issue of the health and safety of participants in your research.

When you discuss with your supervisor the method(s) you plan to use to gather data,
ensure that you cover your own health and safety. If you feel there are important health
and safety issues you should arrange to undertake a formal risk assessment.

Cryer, P. (2000) The Research Student’s Guide to Success (2nd edn). Buckingham: Open
University Press.

Phillips, E. and Pugh, D. (2000) How to Get a PhD. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Rugg, G. and Petre, M. (2004) The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research. Buckingham: Open
University Press.

Practical ways of establishing a good relationship with your supervisor
As usual, try looking at it from the other person’s point of view – most of the answers will
then become pretty obvious. Supervisors are research-active academics and research-
active academics are hideously overworked. PhD students take up time, which is the super-
visor’s scarcest resource, and are in that sense a liability. A sensible student will reduce
their liability rating; a good student will find ways of being a positive asset.

Reducing the liability rating mainly involves basic professional courtesies. It’s your PhD,
not the supervisor’s; if you can’t be bothered to work on making it happen, why should
they? Making it happen includes making supervision meetings work: you should take the
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initiative in setting up the meetings, circulating relevant information in advance, drafting

an agenda and coming with a clear set of things to report and questions to ask. Something
which is easily overlooked is that you should also minute the meeting, recording deci-
sions and actions, and circulate those minutes afterwards, then check that the actions
are in fact done. A related issue in many organizations is keeping logs of meetings for
The System.

Running meetings properly is a rare skill, so we’ve summarized the key points here – this
particular skill is valuable in most walks of life.

Several days before the meeting, the organizer of the meeting should:

• circulate the agenda;

• check that the venue is still available, if it isn’t the supervisor’s office;
• remind people of the time and place of the meeting;
• circulate any briefing material, including minutes of the last meeting.

During the meeting, the chair of the meeting should:

• record the date and the parties present;

• check that everyone agrees with the minutes of the last meeting;
• check that actions from the last meeting have all been done;
• record any decisions made, including milestones and deliverables (and check that
everyone agrees with this record);
• record any actions agreed (and check that everyone agrees with this record);
• fix the time and place of the next meeting.

After the meeting:

• the organizer should write up the minutes and distribute them;

• everyone should do what they have agreed to do.

There are different types of meeting, suitable for different purposes. The description above
relates to formal meetings, but PhDs also require informal meetings when you explore ideas
or discuss your longer term career plans, or work through a problem which is bothering you.
These usually take place over the legendary cup of coffee.

Some classic irritating habits which students often show in relation to meetings include the

• failing to take deadlines seriously;

• failing to respect the supervisor’s time pressures (you are but one demand among
• dumping demands on the supervisor at the last minute instead of allowing them time for
reading, thanking, enquiring etc.;
• expecting the supervisor to read every draft, usually by the next day;
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• expecting the supervisor to organize everything;

• organizing things without consulting the supervisor (independence is good up to a point;
but you need to check you’re being independent in the right way).

Dealing with your supervisor

There are various strategies which students can use to make life better for all parties in the
PhD, but which are not as widely used as they should be. These include:

• exchanging favours, such as tracking down an obscure reference for your supervisor in
exchange for some advice about a job application (but make sure that the exchange is
agreed explicitly, so you both know where you stand);
• showing explicitly that you value your supervisor’s knowledge and experience;
• trying to do something the supervisor’s way, but setting criteria and a date for evaluation
of the success of it (especially if you’re reluctant);
• not just refusing to do something you don’t like, but offering an alternative instead;
• being scrupulous about giving credit where credit is due (e.g. when you publish papers);
• finding out about your supervisor’s research – surprisingly few students do this, even though
their supervisor’s research is probably one of the most valuable resources available;
• allowing your supervisor to be human – tolerating human weaknesses, and making the
most of your supervisor’s strengths.

What to put in

The supervisory relationship is a two-way one; you are supposed to be actively learning,
not passively waiting to be told all the answers.

At the most academic level, you should be actively finding things out and actively generat-
ing ideas. One sign that you’re doing a proper PhD is that you are finding out things which
are new to your supervisor; another is that your supervisor finds at least one of your ideas
sufficiently interesting to merit genuine engagement and discussion. It’s useful as well as
courteous to give your supervisor a précis of what you’ve found, and to offen full copies of
any material that the supervisor would like to read in more detail.

At the implementation level, you should be generating ideas about specific research ques-
tions to ask and specific research methods to investigate them. You should be doing this
increasingly as the PhD progresses and you learn more. Your supervisor will probably advise
against most of these ideas; what you need to do is to assess the reasons for this advice,
rather than going into a corner and sulking. One thing which most students never consider
is that a good supervisor will be generating ideas about their own research all the time, and
discarding the vast majority of them on various grounds. If you expect to have a higher hit
rate than your supervisor while you’re still an apprentice, then you’re being a bit silly.
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What to ask for

There are various things that you should ask for, with appropriate courtesy, at various
stages of your PhD.

From an early stage, you should ask for appropriate training, both in research methods
relevant to your research and also in other areas which will help you – for instance, many
students would benefit from assertiveness training and relaxation training, as well as time
management and numerous other ancillary skills. You should ask specifically for skills
advice if you need it (e.g. what is the form of a conference paper; how does one read a
paper and make notes about it?) It’s particularly helpful if the supervisor can work through
an example with you, rather than just telling you how to do it. A lot of students are embar-
rassed to ask for this sort of advice on the grounds that they think they should already know
it. That’s a faulty assumption. The point of the PhD is that it’s about learning these skills; if
you had them already, there wouldn’t be much point in doing the PhD.

When you are at a later stage and have some findings to discuss, you can ask your super-
visor to recommend (or introduce you to) other experts who might help. This needs to be
done with discretion. Your supervisor will probably not introduce you to someone who will
steal and publish your ideas (a frequent source of generally unfounded nightmares for PhD
students), but you do need to have enough knowledge of academic etiquette to handle such
encounters properly.

What to tell your supervisor

You should keep your supervisor informed:

• about the state of your work;

• about what interests you and what concerns you;
• about outside opinion: report feedback from talks and papers accurately and promptly;
be specific about both compliments and criticisms;
• about decisions and turning points (the supervisor can often provide helpful insight and
forestall hasty misjudgements);
• about life circumstances: let your supervisor know about personal or practical matters
that are affecting your work, preferably before they turn into a major issue.

Things you can do for yourself

There are also various things you can do for yourself. You should keep your supervisor
briefed about all of these, in advance. This is partly common courtesy and partly practical
self-interest (so that the supervisor can stop you if you’re about to do something remark-
ably stupid on your own initiative).
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Another thing worth doing is to assemble an informal ‘committee’ of people (both staff and
students, both in the department and external) who are able and willing to help with your
PhD. The key thing to remember is that this is to complement your supervisor, not as an
alternative to your supervisor. The informal committee can be helpful for things ranging from
low-level logistics (e.g. babysitting) and low-level practical skills (e.g. learning how to use
your computer properly) up to general emotional support and specific academic advice
on topics complementing your supervisor’s advice (e.g. help translating foreign language
articles about your area of research).

Another thing you can do is to give seminars and/or circulate draft papers. This both gives
you experience and provides you with feedback.

In brief, there are a few cardinal rules about dealing with your supervisor which are subtly
different from the three golden rules of public presentation described elsewhere in this
book. When dealing with your supervisor, you should:

• be honest;
• be articulate (say what you mean and what you need);
• be informative (keep the supervisor informed);
• be respectful;
• be adult (i.e. responsible for yourself).

Source: Edited version of Chapter 4 ‘Supervision’ of Rugg, G. and Petre, M. (2004) The
Unwritten Rules of PhD Research. Buckingham: Open University Press.
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3 Scoping Your Research

Jane Montague and Chris High
with contributions from Carina Paine,
Jackie Topp and John Smith


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Demonstrate your willingness and ability to plan and focus your research.
• Set boundaries for your project and draw upon/use sources of support as
• Demonstrate original, independent and critical thinking in the design of your project.
• Demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness in planning and focusing your project.

3.1 Introduction
To get you going on planning and organizing your own research, we’ll start with the
experiences of three students.

First, Carina Paine – at the time of writing she had just completed her PhD as part of
the Forensic Psychology Research Group at the Open University (OU). Carina’s study
was about ways to improve children’s remembering of faces – important when they are
potentially witnesses or victims of crimes. Carina told us about some of the practical
problems she faced in carrying out her fieldwork, and some of the strategies she used to
tackle them.
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Box 3.1 Practicalities

Because of the applied nature of my research it was critical to the development

of my PhD to understand police officers’ current practice and experience with
child witnesses. Therefore, during the early stages of my PhD I conducted a
questionnaire survey of police officers in the UK to identify their current practice
with, and experiences and opinions of, child witnesses. In addition, I met some
police officers more informally and found this was really helpful, providing a
practical perspective to my work.

The results of this survey (along with the existing research) informed a series of
laboratory-based experimental studies with children aged 6–8 and 10 years.

I spent a lot of time thinking through data collection. As the experimental research
of my PhD involved interviewing young children, I was required to conduct my data
collection in a number of primary schools. Working in schools meant that I had to
prepare thoroughly and anticipate a number of eventualities. I had to first gain
Criminal Records Bureau clearance. Following this clearance I had to timetable my
research around busy school diaries. I also needed to secure parental permission
in order to interview each child. Even with permissions I still then had to anticipate
children’s possible absence from school, etc., and ensure I had a large enough
pool of child participants to accommodate such occurrences. Although it was
really satisfying to have overall responsibility for this and other experiments, it was
very time-consuming and could be quite pressured.

At the end of each study I had vast amounts of data, much more than I required,
and I did not include some data in my final thesis. This was disappointing as
some of the findings I did not write up were interesting. However, I needed to
appreciate the wider audience for the research and prioritize what should be
included. My thesis provided new theoretical and practical approaches to the
applied issue of interviewing of children in order to construct composites. The
fact that my thesis had many practical implications, in addition to its theoretical
contribution, was a great motivation. I hope my findings will lead to future research
in the area and influence practice for police officers working with actual child

Our second example is from Jackie Topp, a research student at the OU’s Faculty of
Health and Social Care. Jackie’s research examines the experiences of disabled mothers
and here she talks about some of the important issues that directed the course of her
study – ethics and recruitment. Ethics are discussed in more detail later in Chapter 9 of
this book, but the example is included here to demonstrate how different issues can
crop up at any time during your research and direct its progression.
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Box 3.2 Ethics and Recruitment

Fundamentally I wanted my research to make a difference to the lives of disabled

women. With this in mind I knew that I would have to work with the statutory and
voluntary agencies so that my findings could potentially be used for policy
changes. I had decided to work in just one county in order to make it easier for
working with different agencies and I contacted all the local health care, social
care and voluntary agencies.

Working with health care personnel and vulnerable adults has ethical implications
that I needed to address. I knew I would have to have my proposal supported
by the Local Medical Research and Ethics Committee and duly completed the
long, very medically orientated form. I was pleased that the Committee soon
accepted my proposal and I was in a position to approach the personnel who
would be most likely to have contact with the women who met my research

Unfortunately for me, the ethical implications for my study continued to become
quite a long-drawn-out affair. Although I had my MREC approval, the NHS
introduced clinical governance at the beginning of 2004. This proved to be quite a
difficult situation as now each Primary Care Trust that I worked with needed to
give approval for my study. Although I was working in only one county, this was
covered by three PCTs. As clinical governance was such a new procedure the post
of co-ordinator was not filled immediately and was, I found, only a secondment.
This meant that I had to deal with a change in co-ordinators and a lot of confusion
as to who I needed to seek permission from within each PCT. This process held
back my study for some months as far as accessing participants through the
health care route went. Fortunately, as I had my MREC approval I was able to
continue to contact voluntary and social care organizations.

I wrote to, spoke with, and visited a vast number of organizations trying to find
support for my study and gain access to potential participants. I came across
many problems during this procedure as the social basis of understanding for my
study was not always recognized by people who did not understand the politics of
disability. I also found that agencies, quite rightly, were protective about their
clients who were, after all, vulnerable adults. They did not want any additional
stress put on their clients and in many cases would not even introduce my study
to them. I felt this denied potential participants the opportunity to decide whether
they wanted to take part. Also, I found that when these ‘gatekeepers’ realized that
I was a disabled person they also became protective of my welfare. After all, I was
a vulnerable person going to strangers’ homes and I could have been at some risk
in certain circumstances, particularly where the woman had a history of mental

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Box 3.2 (Continued)

health issues and drug abuse. I found this situation quite frustrating as the
‘researcher’ in me was extremely keen to talk to such women. However, the
decision rested with the ‘gatekeeper’ and access for me was again denied.

Slowly, however, I began to recruit participants. I succeeded in interesting women

with various types of impairment and found that these were often ‘hidden’.
Although my study was fundamentally based on disability as socially caused
through discrimination against people with a physical, mental health or learning
difficulty, the type of impairment that each woman had dictated how I could
approach my exploration of their experiences. I decided that using narrative
analysis would be the way forward for me to achieve the purpose I aimed for. This
shows that the process of the PhD is never static and that the researcher always
needs to keep an open mind about the methods and practices employed in the

Our final example is a more reflexive account from John Smith. His PhD was based in
the Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University.

Box 3.3 Reflexivity

When, at the age of 18, the moment came to decide what I wanted to study, I
remember thinking ‘What? Computer science? Sitting in front of a computer
monitor for hours! Not for me!’ and I decided to study civil engineering instead. Twelve
years later, I find myself doing exactly what I was trying then to avoid, and I love it.

It has been a long and chaotic academic journey. I graduated as a civil engineer in
1997, and I was good at it. I was accepted for a PhD at the same university, and
without realizing it I found myself doing research in Knowledge Management (KM).
It was my supervisor’s idea, but I lacked the skills to progress and had limited
financial and scientific support. To acquire the skills and background knowledge
that I needed, in 1999 I moved from home to Brighton and started an MSc in
Intelligent Systems at the University of Sussex. During my MSc, not only did I
discover the fascinating domain of Artificial Intelligence and Biologically Inspired
Computing, but also realized that moving back to my home to continue the PhD I
had left behind was not the right career move. Instead, I grasped the opportunity
for a PhD at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) of the Open University. I was
aware of KMi’s excellent reputation from my research in KM, but had no personal
contacts with any of the researchers at the institute. Nevertheless, KMi’s subject
areas appeared relevant to my interests, and so in 2000 I began to investigate the
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Box 3.3 (Continued)

application of Soft Computing (namely Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks) to the
domain of KM, and was really excited about it. KMi’s working environment was inspiring.

At the end of the first year of the PhD process I encountered a clash of ideas
between my supervisors and myself. What I envisioned doing was not exactly what
they had in mind. I guess argumentation is inherent in science, but given their
experience I decided in the beginning of the second year to compromise and so
I started working towards the research direction that they pinpointed. Five months
later, however, I felt that little progress has been made. I was frustrated and
disappointed, and so despite a senior colleague’s calming words – ‘Don’t worry! It
is part of the process. In the first year of the PhD you just don’t know what you are
doing. In the second you are doing it wrong. And only during the third you produce
the deliverables’ – I decided to take action.

A change of supervision team allowed me to resume along my initial direction. I don’t

know if it proves that I was right in the first place, or that I just tried hard to prove I
was, but eventually things got back on track. The isolated islands of knowledge that
were formulated during the first year started to aggregate into mountains, my ideas
and argumentation solidified and were soon translated into a series of experiments.
Of course the experimental process was cumbersome and it lasted all the way until
the end of my PhD. It was a process of trial and error that took time to stabilize and
to start producing results. Nevertheless, it provided great insights and allowed vague
ideas to reach their final form – getting your hands dirty with experimentation makes
you realize what research is all about. It was finally all worthwhile – it was exciting when
the thesis started taking shape. After approximately six months it was so satisfying to
have the first draft ready. However, to my surprise it took another four months
before I finally submitted after a long iterative process of feedback and revisions.

Activity 3.1
Write some notes on what you have learned from reading these three accounts.Your task
is then to draw insight from this, and make a start at determining some principles to guide
you in scoping your own research. We suggest you do your best to think of three.
You may well find it helpful to discuss your reactions with a couple of other
people – maybe other students studying with you, or perhaps a friend or partner. You
can do this in conversation or through email. Pool your insights to arrive at some
really crisp and helpful principles to follow.
As you read through the chapter, see whether the sections we have used link with
the principles you have chosen.
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The three principles we identified were:

• You’ve got to plan your work carefully, as you’ve got an awful lot to do in a pretty
limited time.

• You must set very clear boundaries, and focus your efforts on what can reason-
ably be done in the time.

• At the same time, you need to monitor constantly how the plan is going, and be
flexible and able to modify it as unexpected problems arise.

In this chapter we will look at some of the strategies you can use to make plans, set
boundaries and build in flexibility, using illustrations from the three recently completed
research projects you just read about, plus some others. Once you have worked through
the chapter, you should have a much clearer idea of what your research is going to be
about, and how to continue to focus and develop your thinking.

That is not to say that you are trying to freeze your ideas in place, and that your view
of what your research is about will not have changed by the time you complete it. Life
(and research) doesn’t usually work like that. But experience shows that putting some
effort into developing your thinking about the purpose of your research at the outset
will help you to engage with your work more quickly, and form a basis for being able
to see whether you are making progress. The more thinking you do and the more
feedback you get as you go along, the better the final piece of research is likely to be.
To help you with this, the exercises in this chapter are designed to provide you with
the basis of a presentation to your supervisor, outlining your current work plans for
your project.

3.2 You’ve Got to Have a Plan

While undoubtedly you noted the need to be flexible, it’s also vital that something as
big as a PhD thesis really does need a lot of planning.

Again, we’ll start with an illustration. Box 3.4 shows how an OU PhD student, Kat
Stothard, planned the early stages of her PhD project – a study of how people’s expe-
rience of diabetes affects their self-care behaviours. This is structured similarly to
Activity 2.8 in the last chapter and you may wish to compare Kat’s planning of key tasks
and how she did them to your own notes on Activity 2.8.
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Box 3.4 Example Task List

Key tasks How I did them

1 Generate research questions Brainstorming, making notes and

concerning research topic (for trying them out on supervisors.
example, research on diabetes and
on self-care behaviours).

2 Begin literature survey, by deciding I started with some preliminary

preliminary sub-themes, then sub-themes: (a) diabetes;
searching and thinking about each (b) self-care behaviours; and
sub-theme, one by one. (c) personal experiences of team
working. But I soon realized that
the sub-themes were too large, so
I focused on: (a) type 1 and type 2
diabetes; (b) self-regulation;
(c) coping strategies; and
(d) self-efficacy.

3 Make a plan by January for the I started by making a list of major

project, e.g. ethics, questionnaires tasks I needed to do to fulfil these,
to be used, possible participants. e.g. what does the ethics committee
require?; what questionnaires are
available – will I have to design my
own?; finding means of accessing
diabetic people.

4 Make notes on appropriate I thought about what has been

methods and tools. done before. Then I made a list of
potential methods and discussed
these with my supervisor.

5 Think about how to obtain access Approach hospital department

to participants. dealing with diabetes – talk to doctor
in charge.

… And so on … And so on

There are several ways, such as the task list above, in which you can make headway with
your research. It is simply a tool for thinking about what you’re doing in an effective man-
ner and then putting your ideas into practice. However, though we say ‘simply’, these
ways of thinking are by no means easy and require considerable effort on your part. For
example, you may begin your research with a precise purpose where your whole research
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programme is mapped out from the start. Alternatively – and much more likely – you will
start with an area of interest and refine and focus it on the journey through your research.
In chapter 6 of Cryer (2000, p. 61), ‘Towards recognizing quality in research’, Pat Cryer
outlines the process of focusing, your research through an examination of the roles that
you may perform as a research student. Four distinct categories she includes are:

• Explorer – to discover a gap (or gaps) in knowledge around which to form a

research problem.

• Detective and/or inventor – to find solutions(s) to the research problem that

defines the gap(s).

• Visionary – to develop an original twist or perspective on the work and a fall-back

strategy in case the work doesn’t go according to plan, and (where necessary)
to find a way of ring-fencing nebulous or discrete investigations into a self-
contained piece of research appropriate for the award being sought.

• Barrister – to make a case in the thesis for solution(s) to the research problem.

Though these are presented in the rough chronological order in which they arise during
a research project, the boundaries between these roles are by no means completely
clear-cut – there may well be movement to and fro between them throughout much of
the process of the project. In Box 3.5 Carina Paine discusses the careful planning that
went into decisions she made about her research.

Box 3.5 Planning and Reviewing the Research Area

Following the development of my initial proposal and draft research aims I

conducted an extensive literature review. There were several areas of literature that
were relevant and it was important to separate the issues I wanted to use to direct
my research from other issues which, although of interest, did not require any
further development.

From this initial review I developed some research aims, which looking back were
somewhat vague and far too broad.

A lot of planning and reviewing of the research area was required in order to
tighten my research aims. These became more focused and I developed some
more detailed research hypotheses as I did more reading. By tightening my
research aims I was able to make a realistic and achievable research plan for my
three years of funding. Fortunately I realized early on that my PhD was only a
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Box 3.5 (Continued)

‘snapshot’ of the research area I was interested in. This helped me to focus and
prioritize my work to meet the objective of producing a piece of work worthy of a
PhD within my time scale.

In developing my research plan I thought about a variety of experiments that could

be interesting. Thinking about each experiment included the consideration of a
number of factors (e.g. approval by the university’s ethics board, the ease of
access to participants, an appropriate time scale, the resources required, the
amount of planning involved) in order to generate a number of best possible
directions for my PhD to take. However, it was essential that the long-term plan
for my PhD was flexible and could be continually revised as my research

Much of the time research ideas are just that – ideas. They are a good starting point for
a research project but need refining to turn them into something that can be effectively
researched. This refining begins as soon as you start trying to do something with your
ideas. You may try to put them into some sort of order, for instance, or begin to look at
how you might investigate them. Once you start to organize your ideas like this a whole
series of sub-issues may emerge that were not initially considered. These may fog the
research topic and make it very hard to grasp. So, though a good idea can come at any
time, not all ideas are amenable to research.

Carina’s account demonstrates clearly the iterative process of research. By building on

her initial proposal for her research with a trawl of the relevant fields of literature, she
was able to focus in on specific aims for the research. This in turn led to her deciding
on a project that was both manageable and interesting. This account links back to the
ideas presented in the learning outcomes outlined at the beginning of the chapter.
Because she was willing and able to learn, Carina managed to focus her research ideas
into a set of workable hypotheses. She understood the necessity to be creative and crit-
ical in designing her set of experiments and was able to recognize that she was only
required to produce a ‘snapshot’ of her particular research area.

This readiness to accept the limitations of what can be achieved in three years is a
feature of research that it is important to consider from the outset. As noted in Chapter 2,
you are not required to revolutionize your topic area – though that may be an exciting
idea – but merely to add in a novel, original way to the already existing body of knowl-
edge. Some of these issues are addressed in further sections of this chapter, which
focuses on bounding and being flexible in your research. Others feature in Chapter 5,
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which looks more closely at fine-tuning your project and finding a suitable framework
in which to base your research. First, however, we present in Box 3.6 the account of
student Jackie Topp, describing her initial decision-making process for her PhD.

Box 3.6 Developing an Idea

To develop my proposal, the broad outline presented at my interview needed much

more focusing and refining in order for me to complete in three years. When I started
on the PhD journey there were so many ideas and avenues that I could follow that
the decision as to which way to go was very difficult to make at an early stage.
However, I realized that whichever direction I took would be the right one for me.
Slowly, I outlined my ideas, discussed them with my supervisors, and began to
undertake a broad literature search covering the politics of disability and the topic of
becoming a mother. I found there was very little written about disabled women
becoming mothers and I knew that this mainly unexplored area would be my niche.

Jackie identifies a relatively unexplored area and designs a research project to fill this
gap. However, she had to do much reading and planning to reach this point.

Using information taken from these examples, the rest of this section outlines some of
the practical ways in which you can begin to focus your own ideas, and keep track of
your progress.

Keeping a research journal

As was mentioned in Chapter 2, an important resource you create for your project is
some kind of continuing record of its progression – ideas, and thoughts about how to
research them, rough notes, task lists and so on. This will help meet the requirements
for the sort of ongoing record that is now part of your PhD research progress as detailed
below (and in more detail on the website).

Box 3.7 Progress Files and Personal Development Planning

For those of you working in the UK there is now a requirement by the Quality
Assurance Agency (QAA) for all HE institutions to follow a similar procedure for
recording the progress of their students. These records are briefly outlined here,
but a fuller description is available on this book’s website. Progress files and
personal development planning also features in Chapter 12.
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Box 3.7 (Continued)

Progress file

A progress file contains several different elements. First, a record, provided by the
institution, of an individual’s learning and achievement. Second, an individual’s
own personal records of learning and achievement, which can provide a resource
from which personal statements, etc., can be derived. Third, a set of structured
and supported processes aiming to help individuals to reflect on their own learning
and to plan for their own educational career and development. This process is
commonly known as:

Personal development planning

This is a structured and supported process by which an individual can reflect upon
their own learning, performance and/or achievement and can plan their personal,
educational and academic development. The aim is to enable students to under-
stand more clearly what and how they are learning and to review, plan and take
responsibility for it.

The full guidelines are available at the QAA website (there is a link to this on our
book website).

In addition to these more structured requirements, it is also important that you keep your
own – possibly slightly less formal – record of your PhD progression. The student task list
in Box 3.4 included several that involved keeping a written record of different aspects of
research. The most obvious way to do this is to keep some form of logbook or diary – what
have become popularly known as research journals. You can use a research journal to
record anything and everything to do with your research, as Carina Paine did (see Box 3.8).

Box 3.8 Carina’s Research Journal

Throughout my PhD I kept a research journal in the form of a hardback A4 book

(and had quite a few books in the end!). I used the journal to keep notes on
meetings with my supervisors, notes on my data collection, information about the
development and design of experiments, any ideas or questions I came up with, to
write ‘to do’ lists and anything else I wanted to write down! It was really useful to
keep a journal, mainly because all my notes were in one place and not lost on
separate bits of paper.
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Even though my own PhD was very different from this – I (Jane) adopted a qualitative
methodology to explore the ways in which older women talked about their relationships –
my own research record took a similar approach. I included supervision feedback, confer-
ence and workshop notes, comments from friends, abstracts that I submitted, minutes from
meetings and so on. I also included my own reflective comments about various things that
happened during the development of my research. Consequently it was a valuable means of
accessing information that may not have seemed particularly significant at the time but
whose usefulness often became more readily recognized in later stages of my research.

Keeping a written record is by no means the only method of recording your research
process. For instance, in contrast to these examples, Jackie Topp stored her own PhD
research record electronically. She had been recommended to keep a research journal
by her supervisors but found keeping handwritten notes to be troublesome. However,
acknowledging the usefulness of keeping at least some kind of record, she found a dif-
ferent method that she felt was more suitable for her. She typed quick notes on a range
of aspects of her PhD and kept them in a diary folder on her computer. This enabled
her to keep track of her ideas, and by maintaining a hard copy of them alongside her
supervision notes and feedback she was able to easily access and refer back to them
whenever necessary. These examples demonstrate that there are no hard and fast rules
about how or where to keep your records. Whether you feel a hard copy or an elec-
tronic copy is most useful is a matter of personal preference. The point is to get into
the habit of noting down things as they happen to you. There is more on keeping a
research journal in Chapter 6 on ‘Academic writing’ and how this links into the
writing process.

Activity 3.2
If you have not already done so, begin your own research journal – either electronic
or handwritten (if electronic don’t forget to keep a back-up!). Think about what you
will find useful to record in it. One way you could begin is by recording your task list
as outlined earlier in this section. You could then follow on with the activities from
this book as you complete them.

Critical friends
The discipline of writing in a journal or constructing your ideas more formally, for
example in essay form, helps you focus, because writing helps you to make judgements
about the value of what you have come up with. The skill of academic writing is devel-
oped in more depth in Chapter 6, but for now we will look at one student’s experience
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of writing in his PhD. In Box 3.9 John Smith, whose research explored features of
knowledge management, highlights the importance writing had for him.

Box 3.9 Writing

At the beginning of my PhD I worked really hard on my literature research, reading

every paper that was even remotely relevant to my research interests. I remember
feeling lost among the amplitude of knowledge, research domains and their
overlaps. What I was learning seemed like isolated islands in a vast ocean of
knowledge and it was so difficult to make sense out of it. However, then someone
advised me, ‘Don’t burn yourself out. The PhD is a marathon, not a sprint, you
have to manage your resources’. And he was right, so I changed my attitude.
I started organizing my time, setting milestones, maintaining a rhythm, keeping
track of my progress. The key was writing, writing and more writing. Summaries,
ideas, progress reports, paper drafts, plans, etc., they all contributed significantly.
It is only through writing that one reflects upon what she/he has read so far, dis-
covers hidden connections and applies her/his own perspective and understand-
ing. These texts are also logs, keeping track of what has already been done and
function as drafts to work on and receive feedback from your supervisors. They
are also work that is ‘value for money’ – they can be revised to become papers, or
even chapters of the thesis itself.

However you record your ideas, getting feedback on them is a good idea from the
earliest stages of your PhD. This is a staple of supervision sessions, and you may be
asked to produce particular pieces of writing by your supervisors or you may have pro-
duced something that you want them to comment on. It is just as useful to share your
ideas with your peers – perhaps other research students or academics familiar with your
general area of research. Harry Wolcott (1990) points out that it is important to choose
reviewers of your work with care and you should be particularly precise in telling them
exactly what kind of criticism you feel will be the most helpful to you at each stage.

Be aware that in any piece of writing it is much easier to identify problems such as
awkward sentences and grammatical errors than it is to say something constructive.
However, by asking friends for feedback you have the opportunity to request a bal-
anced view rather than getting comments focusing disproportionately on weaknesses or
(equally unhelpfully) observations focusing solely on strengths. Constructive criticism
is a key factor here.

Finding a good reviewer is about developing a relationship of trust. Inviting friends

and/or fellow authors to be constructively critical about your writing – and perhaps
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returning the favour for them – is an accessible way of getting a balanced review of your
work. As Wolcott suggests, it is fair to assume (rightly or wrongly) that friends and col-
leagues will do their best to enable you to say what you are trying to say rather than
focusing on any yet-to-be-demonstrated literary competence. You may decide, for
example, to ask a friend who is at the same stage of research as you, or someone you
know who has a proven record of successful research writing in the academic field you
are working in.

My own preference was to ask knowledgeable friends and peers to review my writing.
Colleagues who belonged to the same study or research groups as myself proved par-
ticularly useful, even if they came from different academic fields; the fact that we all
belonged to the same group meant we had some interests in common. For part-time stu-
dents it may be more difficult to find a peer reviewer. You could ask your supervisor
to suggest another research student or colleague. A dilemma that should be attended to
here, in thinking about possible reviewers, is that no two people will agree completely
on what you have written. Whether they are friends, research supervisors or even peer
reviewers for something you are attempting to get published, they will all have their
own perspective on what you have (or should have) written. There is no easy solution
to these contradictions, but you should always keep in mind that this is your research
and you know better than anyone what it is that you are trying to achieve. What your
reviewers say may be useful, but it is up to you yourself to implement or ignore the
comments that you are given.

3.3 Setting Your Boundaries

As should be clear by now, your research is a designed learning process, and an impor-
tant part of the design is outlining a framework within which to work. In our experi-
ence, there are many reasons for wanting to be clear about what you want to do and
how you can go about doing it when undertaking research. Clarity about this allows
better judgements about the allocation of time and resources, and hence contributes
to better quality research. Developing a research idea is a process of negotiation – with
your research supervisors, with any other research stakeholders, and above all with
yourself. Being very clear about what it is that you hope to do helps you to negotiate
with others, because then it’s a lot easier for them to understand.

Many students often have difficulties in the early stages of their research as readings
and ideas can send them off in several different directions. As you start to explore a
topic, it can suddenly seem overwhelming with too much and overly vague literature,
unclear methods, and a bewildering mixture of theoretical perspectives. Sometimes the
idea is just too big, and is impossible to study with any degree of certainty.
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One of the simplest strategies you can use to begin to focus on what it is that you are
doing is to set some boundaries – in other words decide what it is that you are not
doing. By reviewing what you can eliminate in terms of methods, theory, empirical
focus and so on, you make the job of focusing on something that you can complete
within the scope of a research degree that much easier. Rather than being overly restric-
tive, boundary setting can be helpful in taking a creative approach to your research,
because through having set safe limits to what you’re focusing on you can have fun
exploring what is left. And if you find that your boundaries no longer apply, then you
can review them, but at least you’re aware of the decision to change focus, and can
weigh up the costs in doing so.

Working with boundaries

A boundary is nothing more than a conceptual line that distinguishes one thing from
another. Making sense of our experiences in terms of boundaries is nothing particularly
special, it seems central to the way humans think, and happens every time we name
something to ourselves. So they arise everywhere in our experience, because they allow
us to distinguish something from its background. When you think about your research
in terms of boundaries, you are simply pointing to those things that you think are rel-
evant to your research in contrast to everything else.

It is important to note that setting boundaries like this is an aid to focusing rather than
a final end-point. An important part of working with boundaries is to revisit them reg-
ularly to assess whether they need to change. Vickers calls this the practice of ‘group-
ing and regrouping of objects of our attention, without forgetting that the boundaries
that we temporarily draw around them do not define the only ways in which they can
properly be viewed’ (Vickers, 1980, p. 5). The reward for the awareness of boundaries
and a commitment to iteratively reassessing and renegotiating them is that you are
much less likely to get stuck in inappropriate ways of thinking about and doing your

In order to give you an idea of how this might work in practice, have a look at the
following example, which is based on my own PhD project (High, 2002) at the Open
University. The project involved an investigation into whether a particular set of
methodological and theoretical tools were appropriate to facilitating learning processes
within sustainable development. The starting point for this was making sense of the
research title ‘learning systems for sustainable development’, a process which took a
year to really get to grips with. The table in Box 3.10 gives examples of boundaries to
the research that were identified early on, and some discussion of the consequences
of those boundaries for how the research was carried out.
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Box 3.10 Research Boundaries and Their Entailments

Boundary Explanation and Practical consequences of

comments recognizing this boundary

Sustainable I wanted to research the When selecting case studies

development application of systems ideas in I needed to ensure that they were
areas relevant to sustainable related to sustainable
development, rather than in any development, and therefore
other fields needed a good working definition
for sustainable development

Systems I was based in the systems This took a long time to get to
theory department at the Open grips with, because there is no
University, and needed to draw coherent discipline to draw on.
on the theoretical basis of my Instead I needed to become
discipline. familiar with a number of strands
of systems theory in order to be
able to make an informed
decision about which tradition to
work with

Research into I sought to understand learning Braiding theory and practice

methodology processes in sustainable means working with both in
development in order to parallel. The empirical work
contribute towards an approach therefore needed to be oriented
which might help people towards action research with
improve them, rather than people, but without letting go of
undertaking purely theoretical my own conceptual framework
research or indeed purely
action-oriented research

Social I wanted to do research that I chose research methods that

research involved people and took their were appropriate for social
activities as a focus research.One consequence of
this was that I needed to con-
sider research ethics

Ethical I wanted to do research that I needed to establish and

research was ethical, and considered maintain a set of ethical
the interests of the people I standards based upon my
worked with understanding of the conse-
quences of social research,
and established norms within
my field
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Activity 3.3
A simple activity in which you can begin to establish focus through boundaries is
to spend some time constructing a table like the one in Box 3.10. Name boundaries
for your project, and then think through some of the consequences that may occur.
Notice how some of the boundaries named in the example above flowed out of the
one before.

Setting milestones
Alongside conceptual boundaries, another important technique for staying on track
with your research is thinking about milestones – intended boundaries in time. Setting
milestones means making a list of critical review and target dates (for example, due
dates for assignments to supervisor, workshop presentations or formal reviews). The
basic principle is that planned work should take precedence over unplanned work,
which is a way of getting around the problem of always saying, ‘I must finish this by
the end of the week’, but then finding things have slipped. If you need to review your
plans, that is fine, but it should be part of your regular planning to track how well you
are doing.

If you have not made a promise to deliver, or been told to deliver, the chances of it hap-
pening on time are not that great. You may have some milestones set institutionally –
key deadlines by which you are committed to finishing particular stages of your
research and which are likely to be included in your progress file (discussed in Box 3.7) –
and your supervisor(s) will, doubtless, ask you to deliver pieces of work at specific
times. But you are the key person in formulating sensible milestones. They can be daily,
weekly, monthly, or longer, but as a general rule they form a natural point in the
research where you can assess your progress (Sharp et al., 2002, pp. 68–9). Your
research journal is the obvious place to set yourself deadlines, but it is also worth mak-
ing them public to help you stay on track, or at least to make you think through an
explanation of why they are not met. One student’s girlfriend set the deadline that she
would only marry him once his thesis was submitted; it must have worked, because
they did get married when planned!

We recommend a weekly and monthly stocktaking of your research deadlines, which

need take no longer than an hour. However, there are also bigger milestones in the first
year of a two- or three-year project. These might include:

1 getting an analysis or software package up and running or gaining access to

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2 presenting your thesis ideas and plan to your supervisor(s) and peers;

3 drafting a literature review.

Each major task actually constitutes a serious milestone that can be written up, and can
then often be used as an early draft of part of your thesis. Treating the writing up as the
milestone will help you get into the habit of writing early and often. Not only will it
help you organize your thinking as you work and help you complete on time, but it will
also bring home one of the basic realities of academic life: with few exceptions, research
doesn’t exist until it is written down.

Most PhD research students have two important early milestones (which are both core
requirements for successful transfer on to a PhD from a postgraduate course). One is to
produce a literature review for their project. This is the subject of Chapter 7, and will
be dealt with in more detail there. The second is to produce a detailed work plan, which
we take up in Chapter 5. If your research project is for one year, you will do this in the
first few months, but for a two- or three-year project the detailed work plan will usually
be produced at the six- to nine-month point. Mark these milestones on your schedule,
and whenever you review your progress, make a point of considering whether you have
made any progress towards them, and whether you are on schedule or not.

3.4 You’ve Got to Be Flexible

One of the main reasons for setting clear boundaries in your research is that it creates a safe
platform from which you can then begin to look for the surprising elements of your ideas.
By setting boundaries you can then ‘go wild’ inside them. They enable you to create the
best conditions for creativity, while knowing that you will never drift too far away from
the point of the project. The key to achieving this is to be flexible in your thinking about
your research; many things may change throughout the process and an ability to assimi-
late new information and consequently to accommodate it somehow into the research is
an absolute necessity for a successful outcome. A key point to keep in mind when doing
research is that, in practice, it is seldom as easy or straightforward as the sequential pattern
implied by, for example, Kat Stothard’s task list in Box 3.4 or the discussion of setting mile-
stones in the previous section. It is quite usual to have to go through similar procedures
several times, and your work may overlap across its different phases so that at the same
time as writing up one case study, for example, you may be completing the field research
for another. There are several things that you can do to actively ensure the (relatively)
smooth progression of your research. Some of these we’ve touched on already – such as
careful planning – and others will follow in more depth in later chapters. However, the
final section of this chapter is intended to draw your attention to some of the things that
you can do quite easily yourself when things are not going according to plan.
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Revising your plans

As we mentioned in the previous section, one of the easiest ways of keeping track of your
research and monitoring your progress is to revise your plans regularly. By keeping on top
of your own scheduling, and by being flexible in what you can do at any one time, you will
be in a much better position to keep up with the demands of your research. Inevitably
things will not always go according to plan, and this is where a flexible outlook will stand
you in good stead. As we saw in the earlier examples in the chapter from Carina, Jackie and
John, many things can hold you up in a research project: you may have to wait for ethics
boards to meet; you may have supervisory problems; you may have to re-administer a ques-
tionnaire because you have suddenly discovered a major fault in one of the questions.
Whatever the problem, you need to have contingency plans in place for when things go
wrong. The important thing to remember is that being in charge of a research project such
as a PhD or a Master’s dissertation is very different from the structured programme gener-
ally involved in, for example, an undergraduate degree. There will often be a constant
process of negotiation and renegotiation within the research project that requires movement
between tasks. Being able to undertake different tasks in parallel is extremely important to
the success of a research programme, and moving from one task to another and perhaps to
yet another is a skill that develops as you go along. This is where it is useful to have an alter-
native timetable in which some tasks can be substituted for others. There are likely to be
many parallel activities in your research project and your planning needs to allow for this.

A simplistic example is shown in Figure 3.1. Here you can see that Task C is one that
can run in parallel with Tasks A and B. However, Task A must be completed before
Task B can begin and similarly both Tasks B and C must be completed before you can
begin Task D. In my own case (Jane), I worked for much of the time alongside my PhD
research, so my own timetable included both PhD tasks and tasks to do with work as
well as other, more personal, things that I had to fit into my schedule.

If, for example, an interview gets cancelled or a piece of equipment is suddenly unavail-
able, there is no reason that the whole day should be wasted. There are always other
tasks that can replace those initially planned. One student, for example, who had
planned an interview in Norway found that the person he wanted to talk to was on hol-
iday for four weeks(!). He therefore brought forward another interview with a person


Figure 3.1 Networking tasks

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in the UK. Ideally the interviews should have been the other way around, but that was
not worth the delay. Apart from the normal day-to-day activities that accompany PhD
life – shopping, childminding and so on – without exception every research project
involves an inordinate amount of administrative work. This might be answering emails,
filing research articles or visiting the library to track down that ever-elusive book. Even
if there is no possibility of you substituting a major research task for whatever has had
to be cancelled, any of these (often unappealing!) minor tasks can be used to fill in the
time. We will end the chapter with a final activity.

Activity 3.4
To end this chapter, and to help you to begin actively thinking about flexibility, go
back through the examples that we have presented in the chapter and identify
places where you think flexibility has been a part of the process. Using these ideas
as a base, design a schedule outlining how your own research tasks may overlap –
either with one another or with other items that need including in your timetable.
This is especially useful in enabling you to balance other demands such as work,
family, social life and so on.

Cryer, P. (2000) The Research Students’s Guide to Success (2nd edn). Buckingham: Open
University Press.

High, C. (2002) ‘Opening spaces for learning: a systems approach to sustainable develop-
ment’, PhD thesis, Centre for Complexity and Change, Milton Keynes, The Open

Sharp, J.A., Peters, J. and Howard, K. (2002) The Management of a Student Research
Project. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Company.

Vickers, G. (1980) ‘Education in systems thinking’, Journal of Applied Systems Analysis,

vol. 7, pp. 3–10.

Wolcott, H. (1990) Writing Up Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

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4 Logics of Enquiry
Wendy Stainton-Rogers


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Define positivist and constructivist approaches to research, list the ways in which
they are similar to or different from each other, and locate your planned research
in one or other approach.
• Explain what is meant by a ‘logic of enquiry’, describe three – induction, deduc-
tion and abduction – and explicate the differences between them, and say how
explicating is different from explaining.
• Identify an example of two of the three logics of enquiry in your own field of
research, and compare their benefits and drawbacks.
• Reflect upon your plans for the approaches and methods you will use in your
research, drawing upon the insight you have gained by working on this chapter.

4.1 Introduction
What sorts of students raise alarm bells for supervisors? I reckon it’s the ones who, right
from the start, are convinced they’ve already got all the answers. All they need to do,
they say, is ‘get a bit of data’ to back up their brilliant ideas, and the rest will be easy.
Scary too are the students who arrive already doubting everything they wrote in their
proposal and in a complete spin about what to do.

Thankfully, most students fall much more comfortably in between these two extremes –
and with any luck that includes you. You’ve got a real sense of purpose and still feel
excited by your topic while, at the same time, you’re keeping an open mind and expect
your ideas to change as you gain knowledge in your subject and expertise as a researcher.
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This chapter is intended to kick-start this process. It encourages you to explore the
different ‘logics of enquiry’ that underpin different kinds of research, and to consider
which one (or maybe ones) best suit your project. To clarify this exploration, I have bor-
rowed the term ‘logics of enquiry’ from Norman Blaikie (2000), who uses it to define
the different ways that researchers can generate and test theories and thereby ‘make a
significant contribution to knowledge’.

So what is knowledge, anyway?

At first sight this may seem a very strange question – everyone knows what knowledge
is, surely? It’s what we know, as opposed to what we believe or surmise or assume
(which are all rather subjective and could very well be wrong). Actually it’s not at all
that simple, as Activity 4.1 should persuade you.

Activity 4.1 Miss Lovely Legs

Miss Lovely Legs, Boksburg, 1974. (Photo: David Goldblatt.)

(from Terre Blanche and Durrheim, 1999)

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What do you make of this photograph? Write a couple of paragraphs about what it
tells you. What knowledge can you gain from it?

When you have done this, read the three different commentaries on the picture.
Which one comes closest to the knowledge you gained?

Last night Charmaine du Preez was crowned Miss Lovely Legs Boksburg for 1974.
Charmaine is a 2nd year student at Sukses Secretarial College and says her hobbies are read-
ing, watching films and gym. Charmaine said that she was thrilled that the judges chose her
out of so many deserving competitors and would try her utmost to live up to everything
expected of her during her reign.

(Staff reporter, Boksburg Times)

Although one does not want to further denigrate the participants in such contests, nor
ascribe personally malign motives to those who consume these images, the political implica-
tions of such ‘cattle parades’ are inescapable: women are turned into objects in a male-
dominated world. Such practices are the visible manifestations of an all-pervasive patriarchal

(Patsy Smith-Collins, International

Journal of Feminist Studies)

In this photograph Goldblatt again explores the semiotic (and now perhaps even nostalgic?)
possibilities of 1970s suburbia, so fetchingly oblivious of the larger political forces playing
themselves out in the context of apartheid South Africa. The careful juxtaposition of the
foregrounded white contestants and the predominantly black audience plays with the irony
of white culture as an object of black consumption.

(Mandla Nkosi, Art World)

One picture, three very different ‘ways of knowing’! This illustration comes from a
recent research methods textbook written and published in South Africa. It makes the
point, extremely powerfully, I think, that pictures like this convey multiple meanings,
according to how they are ‘read’. The newspaper staff reporter’s version of what is
going on comes across as highly ‘factual’, based upon an interview with the winner of
the competition. Yet the feminist scholar’s reading is entirely different. It focuses on
highlighting quite other ‘facts’ about gender, as does the media studies commentator
about race. Each reading tells us something – contributes to our knowledge. But whose
knowledge is best – and how could we judge? The answer has to be, it depends on what
question you are asking, and it depends upon the standpoint from which you are
asking it.
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Looking at the ‘big picture’

So, where does this leave you? Keen, I hope, to ‘stand back’ and take a hard look at
where you are going and how you will go about the research you will do for your
thesis. In most fields this research will be empirical, and hence involve questions about
which methods you will use, what kinds of data you will collect and how you will
analyse them. But even in areas which are more interpretative, you still need to think
carefully about the assumptions that lie ‘behind’ the choices you make about your
research questions and the forms of interpretation you will use. Whatever you do,
you need to start with a close scrutiny of the logic of your planned enquiry, and the
ideological and philosophical assumptions upon which this logic is based.

Before you embark upon the major research project that will be at the core of your doctoral
studies, it is crucial that you have some idea of what you are doing and why – the
assumptions and judgements you are making. Otherwise you run the risk of what Curt
(1994) calls the ‘got-a-brand-new-hammer, what-can-I-bang-in?’ approach to research,
where the studies you do and how you do them depend more on your (or your supervisors’)
methodological comfort zone than clear-headed choices about the best way to go about
them. Apart from anything, you will be expected to defend your choices in your thesis and
your viva, so you may as well get them clear from the start. But much more importantly,
it’s far better to sort this out now than find, well into the project, that you are on the wrong
track because you didn’t fully understand the implications and hence didn’t make purposive

4.2 The Science Question

Life was a lot simpler fifty years ago. To study for a PhD, it was generally a simple
choice between Arts or Science, and they were totally different. Scientists did empiri-
cal research, gathered data and tested hypotheses – and social scientists did much the
same, albeit with sometimes rather different methods. By contrast, Arts students took
an interpretational approach. Their aim was to gain a better-informed appreciation of
some aspect of the topic they studied.

However, whichever approach was taken, pretty well everybody – from anthropologists to
art historians, penologists to zoologists – assumed there were ‘right answers’ on which
agreement could be reached and that true scholarship could uncover. So, for example, both
a classicist and a physicist would agree that a PhD was a quest for the truth, whether that
‘truth’ was about what happened in ancient battles or what happens when metals get hot.

These days it’s a lot more complicated, not least because of the impact of construc-
tionist theories which radically challenge any and every claim to have an absolute
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benchmark for establishing facts – scientific or of any other kind. Added to this is an
explosion in new disciplines (such as media and cultural studies), expansion of doctoral
study into professional and applied fields (such as marketing and social work), and a
rapid and growing breakdown of disciplinary boundaries. Taken together, these add up
to a much more complex intellectual landscape where, research-wise, there are few
simple paths to follow. Rather there are an almost infinite number of routes that could
be taken. The question is, which one to choose?

Natural science – the one

true route to knowledge?
In the arts, humanities and disciplines like cultural and media studies it is usually assumed
that research is not based on science at all, but on interpretative methods of various kinds.

In terms of the rest, for a long time now the question has been asked: is there just one
‘philosophy of science’ – a single set of principles that underpin worthwhile and well-
respected empirical research? Or are there different principles that apply to different
kinds of research? For example, should research in the human (sometimes called social)
sciences (such as anthropology and sociology) be pursued in different ways from
natural sciences (like physics and chemistry)?

Karl Marx was certainly on the side of singularity: ‘Natural science will in time
subsume the science of man [sic] just as the science of man will subsume natural science:
there will be one science’ (Marx, 1975, p. 355). As a young man Sigmund Freud too
declared his goal was to ‘furnish a psychology that shall be a natural science’ (Freud,
1950, p. 295) and for most of his career at least saw this as an ideal to be pursued.
However, in later life he became convinced that ‘mental events seem to be immeasur-
able and probably always will be so’ (cf. Jones, 1955, p. 470).

Today there remains a strong contingent of researchers who regard the natural science
model as the ‘gold standard’ for all research, irrespective of the field of interest. This
viewpoint remains prevalent, for example, in psychology. A good illustration is this
‘mission statement’ from a popular introductory text:

Social psychology employs the scientific method to study social behaviour … science is a
method for studying nature, and it is the method, not the people who use it, the things they
study, the facts they discover or the explanations they propose, that distinguishes science
from other approaches to knowledge. … The alternative to science is dogma, or rationalism
where understanding is based upon authority: something is true ultimately because author-
ities (e.g. the ancient philosophers, the religious scriptures, charismatic leaders) say it is so.

(Hogg and Vaughan, 1998, pp. 6–7)

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Human science
More than 50 years ago the phenomenologist, Alfred Schutz, argued for a distinct and
separate science for studying the social, because:

[T]he world of nature as explored by the natural scientist does not ‘mean’ anything to mole-
cules, atoms and electrons. But the observational field of the social scientist – social reality –
has a specific meaning and relevance structure for the beings living, acting and thinking
within it.
(Schutz, 1962, p. 59)

Human science, according to his argument, cannot be pursued as if humans had no

stake in what is being investigated. People – what they think and do and how they see
the world – are both the objects of research and they are the researchers.

There are a number of ways to describe this stance, but possibly the most common is
social constructionism. A good illustration is the argument made by Donna Haraway in a
chapter called ‘Primatology is politics by other means’. In it she claimed that while the
science of primatology (the study of social systems and culture in apes) is presented as
objective and rational in its methods and analytics, it is not. Rather it is a storytelling craft:

[L]ife and social sciences in general, and primatology in particular, are story-laden; these
sciences are composed through complex, historically specific storytelling practices. Facts are
theory-laden; theories are value-laden; values are story-laden. Therefore facts are meaning-
ful within stories.

(Haraway, 1984, p. 79)

Haraway was a primatologist herself at the time (these days she’s more into cyborgs).
She observed that in primatology’s early days, only men did research. Women, if
around at all, merely assisted them. At that time, as a consequence, she claimed, pri-
matology’s research and theorization concentrated on macho subjects like dominance,
hierarchy, territory and competition among apes. However, when women got to take
charge, they studied different, more girlie topics like co-operation and nurturing. What
matters, she said, is not who does the best science, but who can tell the best stories –
the most convincing accounts of what is going on and why.

Activity 4.2 Storytelling

This activity is best done with others – with other students, researchers or acade-
mics working in your field, or one or more of your supervisors. It’s good fun, but
also quite insightful.
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Activity 4.2 (Continued)

Think of your own subject or field, and contemplate the implications of viewing it as
a ‘storytelling craft’. Who gets to tell the best stories these days? Are they the
‘founding fathers’, or have they been superseded by more convincing storytellers?
How and why did the shift occur?

You might also like to try turning one or more of its theories into a parable, folk story
or Chaucerian tale. For example, Freud’s theory of development can be recast as a
Jack the Dragon Slayer tale, where growing up is all about facing – and overcoming –
a sequence of challenges. Piaget’s theory, by contrast, is the story of the Ugly
Duckling, where growing up is more a matter of complete transformation.

4.3 Ontology and Epistemology

Let’s now begin to get to grips with the philosophy. This entails considering two main
aspects of enquiry – ontology and epistemology.

Ontology addresses questions about what things are and their being-in-the-world.
Ontology is about the nature of the world – what it consists of, what entities operate within
it and how they interrelate to each other. Different ontologies make different assumptions.

Positivist ontology regards the world as objectively ‘out there’, real and completely sepa-
rate from human meaning-making. It sees the world – whether the physical or the social
world – as an ordered system, made of discrete and observable events that have objec-
tive reality and operate in a systematic and lawful manner. Viewing the world like this
makes it perfectly feasible to study ‘what it’s like’ and ‘how it works’, quite indepen-
dently from any consideration of humans’ role in making sense of it.

By contrast, constructionist ontology regards the world as we know it as, literally, just that –
the world as we (humans) know it. Based on a constructionist epistemology, it asserts that
the only world we can study is a semiotic world of meanings, represented in the signs and
symbols that people use to think and communicate, language being the prime example.

Epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge – what counts as valid knowledge,
and how it can be gained. Basic questions asked about knowledge are: What can we
know? How can we know it? Why do we know some things but not others? How do
we acquire knowledge? Can knowledge be certain?
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Positivist epistemology
Positivist epistemology regards knowledge as only gainable through gathering facts
about the world through observing it in a systematic and objective manner. This is usu-
ally pursued through experimental method – the testing of hypotheses to gradually
build and refine universal ‘laws of nature’. In order for this to be possible, positivism
holds that there is a straightforward one-to-one relationship between things and events
in the outside world and people’s knowledge of them. As Willig puts it: ‘positivists
believe that it is possible to describe what is “out there” and get it right’ (Willig,
2001, p. 3).

Today few scientists claim that this is ever entirely possible, since human perception
and understanding are fallible – people will always be somewhat selective and biased
by their preconceptions (Chalmers, 1999). However, most natural scientists believe that
they can progressively pin down ‘the facts’ and get close enough to reality to, at least,
solve practical problems like curing diseases and finding new sources of energy that we
can use when fossil fuels run out.

Constructionist epistemology
Constructionist epistemology views knowledge very differently. There are three key

1 that knowledge is constructed rather than discovered;

2 it is multiple rather than singular;

3 it is a means by which power is exercised.

Knowledge is constructed, not simply discovered. Constructionists do not deny the

existence of a real, material world – a world of ‘death and furniture’ (Edwards et al.,
1993). But they do deny that this real world can ever be simply ‘dis-covered’ – as if all
that needs to be done is to gradually strip off the veils of human ignorance to reveal the
facts about the-world-as-it-really-is. Moreover, they stress that the knowledge obtained
by natural science is – like all other knowledge – a representation of the ‘real world’, influ-
enced by what scientists chose to observe, how they interpret what they find, and,
crucially, the stories they tell about what they have observed and found.

There is not just one true knowledge. Consequently, constructionists believe there is
no way to get direct knowledge about the real world. Therefore constructionist episte-
mology holds that there will never be one single reality (i.e. one true knowledge).
Rather, people construct a variety of different knowledges, and each of these
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knowledges is made – and made real – by human meaning-making. A good example

is the knowledge constructed by medical science. This knowledge is technologically
pretty good at telling us, say, that avoiding ‘risky’ sex can reduce the likelihood of
becoming infected with HIV. But it’s not nearly as good at telling us why some people
do engage in risky sex, even though they know it is dangerous. And it’s no good at all
at telling us whether risk-takers should be refused expensive drug treatment if they do
become infected.

Knowledge and power. Constructionism draws on postmodern theory, which offers an

extensive and elaborate body of theorization about the relationship between knowledge
and power. It holds that those who create knowledge thereby gain power. Friedson
(1986), for example, has described doctors as the ‘architects of medical knowledge’ who
thereby gain control over what is defined as an illness and what is not. This gives
doctors power over what happens to others – whether they can be free or locked up, or
even, in some cases, whether they live or die. Constructionists thus not only challenge
the claim that natural science is the only way to discover ‘the facts’, they also tell us
to be wary of the power this gives to science to tell us what is and what is not true,
especially when dealing with social actions and phenomena. Since scientists are human,
they always have a stake in the stories they tell about human interests and concerns, as
Haraway argued so persuasively.

Comparing positivism and constructionism

To bring out the contrast, it is helpful to compare the two:

Positivism Contructionism

Regards the world as objectively Claims that the only world we can study is a
‘out there’, real and completely world of meanings, represented in the signs and
separate from human meaning-making. symbols that people use to think and communicate.

Asserts there is only one true, Accepts that there are multiple knowledges, and
objective knowledge that transcends that knowledge is highly contingent on time
time and cultural location. and cultural location.

Views knowledge as based on facts Views knowledge as constructed through people’s

that are ‘out-there-in-the-world’ waiting meaning-making.
to be discovered.

Asks of knowledge ‘is it true?’ Asks of knowledge ‘what does it do?’, ‘how
can it be used – by whom, and to what ends?’,
‘whose interest does it serve?’, ‘what does it make
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Activity 4.3
Here you need to be able to compare two different studies. They should come from
as different fields as you can possibly find, but one must be positivist and the other
constructionist. Perhaps ask your supervisor or one of your research student col-
leagues to suggest two such papers. If possible, get hold of the original paper
describing the study. Read them carefully, thinking of these questions:

In what ways are the two studies different? This should be easy, but try to come up
with at least one difference you have not thought of before.

In what ways are they similar? This is probably going to be harder, but think later-
ally and be prepared to include what may seem like trivial similarities.

When you have done this, make a list of the things that surprised you. See what
insight you can gain by seeking either to explain or to explicate these surprises.
We’ll come back to this later.

4.4 Logics of Enquiry

Norman Blaikie (2000), in a fascinating book about designing social research, adopted a
term which I think is extremely helpful – logics of enquiry. I don’t always agree with him,
but his systematic examination of the logics behind different research designs brings con-
siderable clarity to what is often a rather muddled area. Blaikie identifies four logics of
enquiry, but here I will concentrate on just three: induction, deduction and abduction.

Induction is a process of drawing inferences from observations in order to make gener-
alizations. Early advocates like Francis Bacon saw it as the use of meticulous observa-
tion and measurement, conducted with a mind cleared of all prejudices, in order to gain
access to the objective facts of nature. Ideally, it consists of four main stages:

Observation Observe and record all facts without being selective or

having any preconceptions about their significance.
Analysis Analyse, compare and classify these facts to identify
regularities, without reference to any hypothesis.
Inference From this analysis of regularity, infer generalizations
about the relations between the facts, i.e. the ‘laws of nature’.
Confirmation Test these ‘laws of nature’ through further observation
of facts.
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Within the inductive strategy, knowledge is gained by gathering objective data in order to
establish regularities, applying inductive logic and thus producing general laws of cause and
effect. The plausibility of a general law increases as more and more instances are observed.

Another important feature of induction is that it derives theory from the observations
made. Bacon saw it as reading ‘the book of nature’ – a kind of uncovering (or discover-
ing) facts-of-nature through stripping away preconceptions.

The deductive logic of enquiry is in marked contrast. Whereas induction collects and
analyses data without preconceptions, deduction (often called hypothetico-deduction)
is explicitly based on preconceptions of a kind – that is, hypotheses drawn from theo-
ries. Deduction is theory-driven.

While its roots go back to Euclid and Aristotle, contemporary hypothetico-deductivism

is based on Popper’s attempt to overcome the limitations of induction (Popper, 1959).
He argued that just because repeated observations may ‘confirm’ a general law, this
does not – and cannot ever – prove that it is true. However many observations you
make, and however convincing the evidence seems, there is always, logically, a small
but nonetheless real possibility that the pattern of regularity you have observed is a
matter of chance or your imagination.

Popper argued that induction can generate hypotheses but it cannot test them. To test a
hypothesis it is necessary to use a deductive approach. Deduction thus involves putting a
rule or a theory’s predictions to the test, but crucially, in ways that allow for it to be disproved.
This may seem to you an odd thing to do. Was Popper really arguing that researchers
should set out to deliberately prove that their theories are wrong? Not at all; rather he was
saying that studies must be designed in such a way that the hypothesis can be falsified.

Popper’s argument can be summarized as follows:

1 The world operates in a lawful manner, and the aim is to discover these laws.

2 This is done by generating theories and testing hypotheses about cause and
effect, in order to be able to explain the how and why of the world.

3 However, it is not possible to unequivocally establish these laws. All that can be
done is to eliminate false theories, thereby moving gradually closer to the truth.

4 But we have no way of knowing for certain when we have arrived at a true theory,
so even those theories that have survived testing must be regarded as provisional.
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Explanatory research
So far I have concentrated on the differences between induction and deduction.
However, induction and deduction share in common the positivist assumptions about
epistemology and ontology (as described earlier). Crucially they also share two inter-
linked features: a common goal – to explain the world; and a common approach to dealing
with complexity – reductionism.

Explanation is at the core of the positivist quest for knowledge. The word ‘explain’
comes from the Latin explanare, and means, literally, ‘to level out’ as in rolling out
pastry. The primary purpose of explanation is to produce a lawful account of cause and
effect – that is, one expressed as a simple, general law.

As such positivism is highly reductionist – it smoothes out complexity. As the theories

get fine-tuned, the generality usually gets reduced somewhat in order to reduce
complexity. But even when research is conducted at a very fine-tuned, detailed level,
there is always a strong reductionism going on, given the vast number of potential
factors that will be involved in any situation. In other words, to deal with the immense
complexity of the world, positivism seeks to exclude it.

Explanation thus involves getting rid of extraneous detail to get to the ‘simple truth’ of
lawful cause and effect. The philosopher Hempel describes explanation as a process of
seeking to fit ‘the phenomenon to be explained into a pattern of uniformities’ that
‘shows that its occurrence was to be expected, given the specified laws and the pertinent
particular circumstances’ (Hempel, 1968, p. 50). To search for explanation is to seek for
the ‘gold’ of underlying lawfulness by getting rid of all extraneous ‘dross’ of massive
amounts of detail.

Induction does this by looking for regularity. Deduction does it by developing hypothe-
ses that can be tested by selecting just a small number of variables to study and seeking
to exclude all others. Data is gathered and then analysed through another purification
process – statistical analysis. The product is an explanation – an abstract and pure state-
ment of cause and effect.

Explicatory research
Now let us turn to constructionist research, which, as we have seen, assumes that the
world is a product of the ways people construct, manage and interpret meaning, and gain-
ing new knowledge is always a process of interpretation. Another way of putting this is to
see it as having a different goal from positivist research – not explanation but explication.
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Together with Joan Pujol, I have argued that explication is a different way to deal with
the problem of complexity, which avoids some of the problems of seeking an explanation.

Explaining amounts to a process of concealment – concealment of complexity. It strives to

cover up all the irritating little bits and bats that cannot be neatly accommodated within
pre-existing theoretical frameworks. But complexity is stubborn stuff. No sooner has expla-
nation tied it down in one place, it pops out in another. Thus, inevitably, explanation con-
tinually spawns a ‘residue of the unexplained’. This outpouring of this residue requires the
constant creation of new theory machines to process it. But as no theory machine can ever
completely dispatch of the irritatingly persistent ‘residue of the unexplained’, there is a
constant proliferation of theories.

(Pujol and Stainton Rogers, 1996)

The argument we are using here is that when positivist method is used to study the
highly complex (such as things going on around human meaning-making), it can all too
easily become a ‘theory machine’ that has gone out of control. Like the sorcerer’s
apprentice, it can begin to drown in a proliferation of theories it generates, where each
generality is successively made more and more detailed and specific. But to no avail:
grind the theory machine as it may, it always leaves behind a ‘residue of the unex-
plained’ and always will. Hence, in situations of high complexity, explicatory rather
than explanatory research should be pursued.

The word ‘explicate’ comes from the Latin explicatus, and means, literally, ‘to unfold’.
Explication does not try to get round complexity by aspiring to fit phenomena into an
existing theoretical framework. It deals with complexity in a different way – through
abduction. It uses anomalies and inconsistencies to home in on just those elements of a
complex situation that do not ‘fit the facts’. Explicatory research treats the ‘residue of
the unexplained’ as the focus of enquiry rather than an irritating ‘blip’ to be ironed out
or ignored. It involves deliberately looking for ‘the irritating little bits and bats that can-
not be neatly accommodated within pre-existing theoretical frameworks’ and scrutiniz-
ing them carefully, for they may well be the most valuable clues to solving the puzzle
of what is going on.

Abduction is a much less familiar term than either deduction or induction. It is most
associated with the writings of the philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (see, for exam-
ple, Peirce, 1940/1955), who was involved in the development of semiotics. Peirce
defines abduction as ‘the process of forming an explanatory hypothesis’ (Peirce, 1955,
p. 67).
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The abductive logic of enquiry involves constructing new theory rather than testing it,
by a process of identifying naturally occurring surprises or deliberately creating them.
To understand how this works, it helps to start from Peirce’s formal statement of the
logic behind abduction (such a statement is called a syllogism):

Result – The surprising fact, C, is observed.

Rule – But if A were true, C would be a matter of course (i.e. not in the least

Case – Hence, there is reason to suspect that A is true.

This is easier to make sense of by way of an example. I have used one suggested by a
psychologist, Gary Shank, who has written the most accessible account of abduction
I have found so far (well worth reading if you have the time: Shank, 1998).

Box 4.1 An illustration of abduction

An example can make abduction easier to understand. Think of a band of skilful

hunters who get their prey through having extensive knowledge about how to track
and find them. The hunters need to be able to identify different hoof marks and
droppings and to recognize different smells and different patterns of broken twigs.
What happens when they notice something surprising, such as a smell they have
not come across before? They have to try to work out what kind of animal this
smell comes from. They do this by drawing on the knowledge they already have.

Let us assume that this band of hunters have hunted in this terrain for many years,
and they have not encountered any new animals in all that time. So it is unlikely
that some new beast has suddenly moved in (this is possible but unlikely). What
do they make of the new smell? Their best hunch might be that the smell must
come from a familiar animal that they already know about. Something therefore
must have happened to bring about this smell.

Now the hunters have to consider what that could be. To do this they need to
draw upon their existing knowledge again, and this may include the observation
that the only circumstances where they have noticed animals giving off different
smells before has been during their mating season. Although this is something that
they have not come across with all the animals they are familiar with, they have
observed it before in some cases. So, they will conclude, the most likely
explanation is that this is the mating-season smell of an animal they know,
but have not observed during the mating season before. This cuts their work
considerably. All they now need to do is work out which are the animals for which
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Box 4.1 (Continued)

they do not already know about their mating-season smell. Then they know that
the smell must come from one of these.

Shank (1998) re-expresses the syllogism like this:

Result – This is an unusual smell.

Rule – It is reasonable to suppose that animals give off unusual smells during
their mating season.
Case – This quite possibly is the smell of a familiar animal during the mating

Another way of understanding what abduction means is to accept the argument

that it was abduction, not deduction, which enabled Sherlock Holmes to solve
crimes (Sebeock and Umiker-Sebeock, 1979). Holmes had the knack of being able to
pinpoint the clues that mattered – discrepancies that did not fit. It was by finding a
solution for these puzzles that Holmes so impressively revealed ‘who-dun-it?’.

Shank argues that we should give up on proliferating ever more detailed models
and theories and, instead, concentrate on developing the craft tools to pursue
research into meaning. And abduction, he says, is the way to go. Just as Sherlock
Holmes would always reach a point of identifying the crucial clue – such as ‘the
dog that did not bark’ – abductory research deliberately looks for the ‘residue of
the unexplained’: anomalies, inconsistencies and incongruities in what has been
examined. And just like Sherlock Holmes, the researcher then has to puzzle out
what can possibly account for the anomaly. This then provides not an explanation
(i.e. an explanatory statement of cause and effect) but an explication: an unfolding
and uncovering of what is likely to be going on. Researchers, Shank says, do not
need to wait to be surprised – though they should treasure serendipitous surprises
when they come across them. Surprises can be made to happen.

Go back now and look at your notes from Activity 4.3. Your task was based on one of
the methods Shank has suggested for doing abductory research – juxtaposition.
Looking for surprising similarities between things that are very different, he suggests
(or surprising differences between very similar things), offers a means to gain insight
we would not otherwise find.

Paradigm shifts
Whether by induction or deduction, positivist researchers generally seek to gain knowl-
edge of the world by systematically refining their theories. The aim is to build ever
more accurate and sophisticated models of social processes and phenomena. However,
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another philosopher of science, Thomas Kuhn (1970), argued specifically that this kind
of incremental fine-tuning of knowledge is not the only form of progress. Indeed, he
claimed, this is not how innovative progress is made:

Normal science … is a highly cumulative enterprise, eminently successful in its aim, the
steady extension of the scope and precision of scientific knowledge. … Yet one standard
product of the scientific enterprise is missing. Normal science does not aim for novelties of
fact or theory and, when successful, finds none. New and unsuspected phenomena are, how-
ever, repeatedly uncovered by scientific research, and radical new theories have again and
again been invented by scientists. History even suggests that the scientific enterprise has
developed a uniquely powerful technique for producing surprises of this sort.

(Kuhn, 1970, pp. 52–3)

I contend that what Kuhn is going on about here is abduction. The scientific discover-
ies that really capture our attention, where a real breakthrough is made, are not
through induction or deduction but abduction. Alexander Fleming’s discovery of
penicillin was just such a discovery. The story goes that he was preparing culture
dishes of bacteria in order to be able to study the effects of various chemicals. One
day he came into the lab and noticed that one of them had gone mouldy. He was
about to throw it away as it contained ‘contaminated material’ when he noticed some-
thing odd. Around the mould was a clear area. Strange, he thought, what is going on?
He looked for an explanation of this surprising observation. The best explanation he
could come up with was that the mould seemed to be killing off the bacteria. The next
stage was to test his explanation using the hypothetico-deductive method and, well,
the rest, as they say, is history!

Activity 4.4 Abductory Research

Your task here is to identify a piece of research that uses an abductory logic of
enquiry in your own field of interest. You are looking for a method that works
by looking for inconsistencies, contradictions, anomalies.
(Hint: Look back at the commentaries on ‘Miss Lovely Legs’). Alternatively,
consider discoveries like that of penicillin.)
Write notes explaining why your example is abductory.

4.5 Review and Conclusions

My interpretation of the main similarities and differences between the three logics of
enquiry is set out in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Logics of enquiry

Logic of enquiry Paradigm Epistemology Ontology Research aim Data are gathered Method

Inductive Positivism Knowledge is The world exists To explain … to develop Observe the world,
objective and ‘out there’, the world in theories identify systematic
can be tested separate from terms of regularities, induce

4:37 PM
against a human meaning- ‘laws of nature’ universal laws and
benchmark of making. It consists increase confidence
‘truth’ of discrete and in them by further
observable social observation

Page 89
Deductive events and … to test Develop theories,
phenomena theories derive and test
that are hypotheses in ways
lawfully related. that allow them to
be falsified

Abductive Constructionism Knowledge The world To explicate the … to develop Observe or create
is constructed, as we ‘know’ social world – to hypotheses anomalies or
multiple and it is constructed gain insight and surprises – examine
a means to through human understanding ‘the residue of the
exercise meaning-making. of how it operates unexplained’
and/or resist It is a world of
power representations,
signs and symbols.
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Before you say it, I will acknowledge that it is highly reductionist! It vastly
oversimplifies, but I hope you also find it helpful to clarify what you are contemplating
in terms of your research.

Activity 4.5 Reflection

Your final task is to reflect upon your planned research, having completed this
chapter. Some aspects you may want to consider include:

1 What is the logic of enquiry I am planning to follow?

2 How am I going to manage complexity?
3 Am I looking for explanations or explication?
4 How convinced am I that these are the right choices?
5 Should I consider other alternatives?
6 If so, what do I need to do next?

It would be useful to discuss the result of this activity with your supervisor.

Blaikie, N. (2000) Designing Social Research: The Logic of Anticipation. Cambridge: Polity

Chalmers, A.F. (1999) What Is This Thing Called Science? (3rd edn). Buckingham: Open
University Press.

Curt, B. (1994) Textuality and Tectonics: Troubling Social and Psychological Science.
Buckingham: Open University Press.

Edwards, D., Ashmore, M. and Potter, J. (1993) ‘Death and furniture: the rhetoric, theology
and politics and theory of bottom line arguments against relativism’, mimeograph,
Discourse and Rhetoric Group, Loughborough University.

Freud, S. (1950) ‘Project for a scientific psychology’, in the Standard Edition of the Complete
Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, vol. 1. London: Hogarth Press.

Friedson, E. (1986) Professional Powers: A Study of the Institutionalization of Formal

Knowledge. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Haraway, D. (1984) ‘Primatology is politics by other means’, in R. Bleir (ed.), Feminist

Approaches to Science. London: Pergamon.

Hempel, C. (1968) Philosophy of Natural Science. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall Europe.

Potter-3408-Ch-04.qxd 5/27/2006 4:37 PM Page 91


Hogg, M.A. and Vaughan, G.M. (1998) Social Psychology (2nd edn). Hemel Hempstead:
Prentice-Hall Europe.

Jones, E. (1955) Sigmund Freud: Life and Work, vol. 2. London: Hogarth Press.

Kuhn, T.S. (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (2nd edn) Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.

Marx, K. (1975) Early Writings. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.

Peirce, J.S. (1940) ‘Abduction and induction’ in J. Buchler (ed.), The Philosophy of Pierce:
Selected Writings. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul (republished as Philosophical
Writings of Pierce, New York: Dover, 1955).

Popper, K.R. (1959) The Logic of Scientific Discovery. New York: Basic Books.

Pujol, J. and Stainton Rogers, W. (1996) ‘Explication’, Manifold, vol. 6, 17–19.

Schutz, A. (1962) Collected Papers I: The Problem of Social Reality. The Hague: Martinus

Sebeok, T.A. and Umiker-Sebeok, J. (1979) ‘“You know my method”: a juxtaposition of

Sherlock Holmes and C.S. Pierce,’ Semiotica, vol. 26 (3/4), pp. 203–50.

Shank, G. (1998) ‘The extraordinary ordinary powers of abductive reasoning’, Theory and
Psychology, vol. 8 (6), pp. 841–60.

Terre Blanche, M. and Durrheim, K. (1999) ‘Histories of the present: social science research
in context’, in Durrheim, K. and Terre Blanche, M. (eds), Research in Practice: Applied
Methods for the Social Sciences, Cape Town: Cape Town University Press.

Willig, C. (2001) Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology: Adventures in Theory and

Method. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Further readings on this subject are on this book’s website.

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5 Planning and Organizing your

Chris High and Jane Montague


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be in
a position to:

• Show initiative, develop your ability to work independently and be self-reliant.

• Assign yourself key tasks and schedule your time.
• Set your first milestone.
• Draw up a work plan for the project development phase of your research and an
outline plan to completion.
• Identifying funding needs and sources, and make a case for receiving resources.
• Identify training needs to fulfil your work plan.
• Develop and maintain co-operative networks and working relationships with
supervisors, colleagues and peers, within the institution and the wider research
• Demonstrate self-discipline, motivation, and thoroughness.

5.1 Introduction
A research degree contains an important tension right at its heart. On one hand you will
receive guidance and training that will help you learn the skills a professional researcher
needs to plan, develop and carry out research projects. On the other, you will have
significant autonomy. You may have previous experience of contract research or of plan-
ning and organizing projects. Alternatively, you may be part of a larger research team,
working on a joint project. Nevertheless, your own research will be yours in a way that
may not be familiar. The tension is significant because it will not always be clear what
it is that you need to know in order to complete a successful project and become a
better researcher, but you will sometimes need to move forward anyway.
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While your research supervisors and your institution have a duty to provide you with
guidance and training, their stake in what you do is different from yours. Realistically,
your project is not going to take up very much of a supervisor’s time and attention, but
it will occupy a large part of your own. They want you to complete a project, but as
was discussed in Chapter 3, it is your responsibility to narrow down which project you
can and want to do, and it is your task rather than theirs to carry it out. Part of moving
towards the goal of being an independent researcher is learning how to move from an
idea of what to research to an idea of how to research it. One of the most practicable
ways for you to learn this is to take responsibility for the planning process yourself.
Rather than expecting your supervisors to tell you what to do, it is much more produc-
tive to rely on them for critical feedback on your ideas. Being proactive and presenting
a plan to them that they can help you improve will lead to much more useful feedback.
You are far more likely to be able to understand their advice if you have first invested
in your work yourself.

The aim of this chapter is to help you to get to the point where you have enough mate-
rial on your proposed research to present to your supervisors an outline of what you
want to do and how you want to do it. Building on the exercises in Chapter 3, this
chapter will lead you through some of the planning and organizing tasks you will need
to undertake. This chapter also gives you an opportunity to think about some of the
generic competencies that you will be able to use in the future (see the discussion in
Chapter 12, particularly Section 12.4). Clearly, if you want to go into a research career,
nearly everything you do within your PhD research is an opportunity to develop skills
that you will need in the future. Even if you choose not to continue along this path, the
expertise developed through project planning for postgraduate research will serve you
well in many different fields. As was discussed in Chapter 1, and is picked up in
Chapter 12, there is an increasing emphasis on transferable skills in the way that post-
graduate training is constructed, and both the input from your supervisors, as well as
that from any institutional training programmes you are expected to take part in, should
benefit you. Your task here is to pay attention to the connections between what you are
doing during your degree and what you might do afterwards, though you need to strike
a balance between looking to the future and your most important link to it – finishing
your degree.

5.2 Getting Organized

It is sometimes said that there are three key reasons why students experience difficulty
in research projects. The first is trouble selecting a ‘suitable’ topic – one where it is
possible to find out enough for it to be interesting and worth doing, without trying to
do too much. The second reason is selecting an appropriate analytical framework – a
means by which understanding can be enhanced. These two issues have been quite
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prominent in the last two chapters, through themes such as bounding and focusing, and
the logics of enquiry. The third issue, dealing with your resources, forms the basis of
this chapter. By resources, we mean all factors that support your research and over
which you have some influence: time, money, relationships and, of course, your own
skills and talents. The degree of control you have over these resources and their relative
importance will vary according to the particular details of your project and the institu-
tional setting in which you are working. The one that is most often critical is the way
that you use your time, and we shall therefore pay a lot of attention to it in the follow-
ing sections.

Planning the whole of your research period is key to its success, and the early stages are
of the utmost importance. It is possible, if enough attention is given to it at this time, to
make a reasonable plan for the whole project. Obviously, it is harder to see how things
will happen during the later stages, and they will not be as clearly focused as the earlier
ones, but nevertheless it is important to develop a plan for the whole period. This will
give you some idea of what you need to do, when you need to do it, and what you need
to have done already in order to start each activity. As a starting point for thinking about
the planning of your research project, take a look at the three stages of a research pro-
ject that Buchanan (1980) identifies: deciding what to do, doing it, and communicating
what has been done (see Table 5.1).

Table 5.1 Stages of the research process

A Deciding what to do 1 Decide topic

2 Define objectives
3 Choose methodology
4 Obtain information sources
B Doing it 5 Collect data
6 Analyse data
C Communicating what has been done 7 Develop conclusions
8 Develop recommendations
9 Notify organization, or source of information,
with findings

Source: Buchanan, 1980, pp. 45–8.

Buchanan’s stages of research refer to generic processes that take place in many differ-
ent kinds of research projects, and not just postgraduate research. In your case, stage 9
is likely to focus on writing a thesis, though you might also consider reporting to the
people and organizations directly involved in your research as well as to a wider acad-
emic audience through conferences or in published articles.

Now take a look at the plan in Table 5.2, which is a schema that includes some of the
possible steps in the research process for a PhD. Compare the early stages of this
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Table 5.2 Important tasks for a PhD

Project development

Research proposal and mission statement

Literature review
Choosing a bibliographical system/package
Setting up a meeting system and schedule
Keeping records/research journal
Plan the whole research period and process
Investigate similar research theses done by others
Attend relevant courses and take training
Develop research questions/hypotheses
Plan for access to research sites, archives and/or equipment
Begin developing methods
First-year report and/or developed project proposal
Feedback and adjust research plan

Carrying out research

Develop method
Negotiate access to equipment, archives, field sites or interviewees
Design and conduct experiments/fieldwork
Begin analysis
Continue ideas log book and work research journal
Start drafting chapters
Extend and deepen reading
Keep record of readings
Adapt meeting style
Review plan
Annual research report
Seek feedback
Respond to feedback

Reporting your research

Update reading
Complete experiments
Complete analysis
Interpret results
Develop recommendations
Complete chapter drafts
Seek feedback
Respond to feedback

Source: Adapted from Murray, 1996, p. 5.

schema with the task list you developed in Chapter 2 (Activity 2.8) for the first few
months of your project. They may well differ from this list in some respects, for exam-
ple the time scale – for a Master’s dissertation this will be much shorter. However, many
of the tasks will be the same, and can be used as the basis for your own project plan.

Take especial notice of the tasks in italics, which indicate where writing is required. We
emphasize the need to write all the way through the research process, because it is an
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important aspect of planning, and is often put off when actually it is required right from
the beginning. It is very easy to let things slip and to fail to address important issues
unless you confront yourself with them in print. But even more importantly, the time
you need to set aside for writing is a major constraint. Because almost all research tasks
have a writing component, it cannot be left until later in the research process. The
reporting is when you should be pulling everything together based on draft material
you already have, rather than starting from scratch. Advice on strategies with which
you can approach the writing task is the subject of Chapter 6, ‘Academic writing’.

Getting organized is important, because research always involves an element of risk and
uncertainty and you can never be sure that all the information will be available at the
time you need it. Some projects may have to be revised or even discarded because of
inadequate information. Careful selection of your topic may have mitigated some of the
risk and uncertainty inherent in a project, but there is still the problem of managing
available resources, especially your time. Thus, although uncertainty means that your
plan is likely to change as you go along and hence should be revisited periodically, it
does not mean that you should not put effort into developing a research plan. Sharp
et al. (2002, p. 51) outline the major components of this planning, covering aspects such
as clarifying your aims and objectives, defining activities necessary for you to achieve
these, identifying ‘milestones’ in your research and measuring your progress in relation
to them (this aspect is discussed in more depth later in the chapter). Along with help-
ing you to maintain a realistic focus on your research, making it a more manageable
project overall, Sharp et al. point to several other advantages of planning, saying that it:

1 reduces the risk of overlooking something important;

2 helps you to realize when you have run into difficulties;

3 shows the interrelationship between your activities;

4 orders your activities so that everything does not happen all at once;

5 helps you keep track of the resources you have control over and identify what you
rely on others for – money, access to people and facilities and so on – so that you
can make suitable arrangements in good time;

6 indicates whether your objectives are feasible with the resources available – if
not, something needs to change;

7 if you identify that you need to undertake particular training or that you need addi-
tional funding, your planning framework will give you some idea of the overall
scale of your need;
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8 provides discipline and motivation by indicating targets or milestones, and so is

good for morale as you pass each milestone. It shows you are getting some-
where! Experience suggests that the best way to successful completion of the
project as a whole is the successful completion of intermediate stages.

Activity 5.1
Using Table 5.2 as a starting point, make a preliminary list of the tasks that you
think will be necessary in the project development phase of your research. Go on
to sketch out the activities for the whole project (i.e. the ‘Carrying out research’ and
‘Reporting your research’ phases). Adapt this framework as necessary, particularly
if you are undertaking a Master’s dissertation or MPhil project.

5.3 The Problem of Time

Depending on what sort of research degree you are pursuing, and whether you are a
part-time or a full-time student, you could be committed to anything from three
months to six years of research. For a PhD, it is common to feel that there is so much
time – how can the work expand to fill it? So why do students not finish on time? How
can you finish on time? When asked at a viva voce how quickly they could have done
their research, a typical reply is in about half the time – even allowing time for coffee,
beer and email! In this section we offer some suggestions for preparing a time budget
and time schedule.

We all tend to underestimate the time required for completing a research project, hence
a formal, detailed, estimating approach is likely to yield a better calculation than an
overall estimate that does not draw on any type of breakdown. However, even this
detailed approach needs to incorporate a degree of flexibility – it is impossible to pre-
dict exactly what is going to happen over the course of the research process. The key
therefore is to make a plan, and then review it regularly to check whether your assump-
tions still make sense.

Some typical activities for a questionnaire-based quantitative social science PhD are
listed in Table 5.3, where Sharp et al. (2002) estimate durations in weeks. For PhDs
based on a different methodology or in the humanities, some of the activities will be dif-
ferent or given a different weighting, but the main thing to see here is that the total is a
little over three years! Even so, it allows only nine weeks for drafts of the three early
chapters, which are likely to include a significant literature review. Note that Sharp
et al.’s list is more detailed than the generic list in Table 5.2, although it does not include
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Table 5.3 List of activities for a quantitative student research project in the social sciences

Activity number Activity description Estimated duration (weeks)

1 Written statement of concepts and theories 3

2 First draft of questionnaire for pilot study 6
3 Finalize questionnaire for pilot study 1
4 Decide likely method of analysing 4
response to survey
5 Select participants for pilot study 4
6 Acquire statistical skills 8
7 Attend course on use of standard 6
computer package
8 Write drafts of early thesis chapters 9
(three say)
9 Carry out pilot study 4
10 Review pilot study 3
11 Prepare questionnaire for survey 4
12 Decide target population and sampling details 4
13 Carry out survey 12
14 Process data for computer 6
15 Interpret computer output 6
16 Evaluate nature and extent of 4
response to survey
17 Write paper for presentation at conference 4
18 Relate findings to concepts/theories/ 6
19 Decide and carry out any further 12
analysis or research
20 Complete writing of draft chapters (five say) 15
21 Review and edit thesis 10
22 Correct thesis and obtain bound copies 4
23 Prepare for oral examination 2
24 Allowance for holidays, job interviews, illness 24
and general contingencies

Source: Sharp et al., 2002, p. 55.

the need to take relevant courses. It is used here as a guide to help you think about your
work plan, though of course the research tradition you are working within may quite
radically change the assumptions embodied in a similar list for your own research plan.

The estimated duration time referred to by Sharp et al. is the elapsed time, that is, the time
taken to complete an activity. In practice, for example, four weeks of writing conference
papers will be spread over several months, with other tasks undertaken alongside.
Similarly, the 15 weeks allocated for writing draft chapters will be spread over much of
the whole project.

Time estimates are difficult to make but will become more realistic with practice and
experience. Your supervisor will advise and you can also take the initiative to discuss
your plans with others who have already completed similar projects. Remember that it
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is necessary to make allowances for activities and occurrences that will not further your
project work (for example, holidays or illness). Some activities will be carried out inter-
mittently while some may continuously occupy your time, again presenting problems
of estimation. It is common to underestimate the weeks and months needed to docu-
ment the research, often by several times. The key to successful planning is to go back
and rework the time estimates whenever necessary. In fact, it is important to make esti-
mates in the early stages of a research project, even when the middle and later stages
cannot be tightly defined.

The next activity is designed to help you produce your own plan or schedule, and is an
important one to attempt. The schedules are geared to a relatively tightly bounded project
and you should adapt them to suit your own needs. For example, you may find in schedule
2 that you use no government documents but instead need to consult a wide variety of jour-
nals that may need separating into different sections, or that you need to include newspa-
pers and other media that warrant their own section. The main thing to keep in mind is that
this is merely a guideline for your own adaptation. Remember that the time allowances are
elapsed time – the actual time you are doing these tasks. In practice this may be spread over
a longer period, particularly if you are a part-time student with other varied commitments.
For a PhD, you will find it much easier to think about the first year of the project, but it is
a good idea to make estimates for the whole project and revise them as you go along.

Activity 5.2
Complete Schedules 1–6 based on your own project.

Schedule 1 Revising and refining your proposal

Your estimate of
duration (days)
Preparation of revised proposal ________
Detailed outline of the final project report/thesis ________
Other ________

Schedule 2 Search of the literature

Hours for each
Sources to Estimated number Standard Your Duration
be searched to be searched estimate estimate (days)
Journal articles ______ 1 ______ ______
Books ______ 10 ______ ______
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Activity 5.2 (Continued)

Dissertations ______ 5 ______ ______
Government 3
Other ______ ______ ______

Schedule 3 Research activities

Estimated duration

Review of literature ________

Preparing instrument for collecting data
(questionnaire, simulation, experiment, etc.) ________
Testing instrument for collecting data ________
Collecting data (running experiment, doing
questionnaires, etc.) ________
Data analysis ________
Applying concepts and theories ________
Analysis of results ________
Other ________

Schedule 4 Writing, editing, rewriting

Hours per page duration
Section/ Estimated Standard Your (days/
Chapter Provisional title pages estimate estimate hours)

______ ________________ 4 ______ ______

______ ________________ 4 ______ ______
______ ________________ 4 ______ ______
______ ________________ 4 ______ ______
______ ________________ 4 ______ ______
______ ________________ 4 ______ ______
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Activity 5.2 (Continued)

recommendations _______ 8 _____ ______
Bibliography _______ 6 _____ ______
Appendices _______ _____ ______

Schedule 5 Total estimated days

1 Revising and refining proposal ________
2 Literature search ________
3 Research activities ________
4 Writing, editing, rewriting ________
Total duration

Schedule 6 Estimated completion date

Day Month

Starting date for _______ _______

Working time _______
in days
Estimated _______ _______
completion time
(no delays)
Delays expected: Days
Data collection delays _______
Data analysis delays _______
Chapter reading delays _______
Final reading delays _______
Typing and printing delays _______
Other delays _______

Estimated final _______ ________

completion date
(ready for assessment)

(A downloadable copy of this schedule is available on this books websites)

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The important idea behind these schedules is sensible planning and this depends on
realistic time estimates. The best schedules are usually made by breaking activities
down into smaller tasks and combining the resulting estimates. Even if you have an
activity that seems impossible to put a time on, you should still try to make an estimate.
What you might do is to estimate the other activities and then include a pessimistic, an
optimistic, and a best duration for the difficult-to-estimate activity. It is better to have
a weak estimate than none at all. Other important issues to consider at this point are,
for example, what the appropriate quality standard for a task might be, or your own
personal method of dealing with a specific task. For instance, is the task something
integral to your research that warrants a lot of your time, or is it something peripheral
that can be done well or adequately rather than perfectly? If you are making notes
about your source material, do you go into great detail or can you summarize succinctly
in a comparatively short time? Or, if you are writing a draft chapter, do you write,
rewrite and rewrite again or do you spend a lot of time thinking before you actually get
anything down on paper? All of these issues must be considered in scheduling your
tasks – only you know exactly how you work best.

5.4 Scheduling Your Time

After preparing your gross time budget, the activities need to be sequenced through to
work out which have priority. You have already worked on this in Chapter 3, when you
looked at milestones and being flexible about your plans. Once you have a time budget,
there are a number of tools available which can help think through which have priority.
There are some useful project management software programs that help you to plan tasks.

You could also consider some kind of network analysis, examining the dependencies
between particular tasks, which could look like an extended version of Table 5.3. Sharp
et al. (2002, pp. 63–71) cover the topic in great detail, but the basic point we want you
to consider here is that you need to assess which tasks must be completed before which
other ones can start, and which tasks can run in parallel with which other ones. There
are all sorts of project management tools that will enable you to consider the relation-
ships between your tasks and visualize them as dependency diagrams or Gantt charts.

For example, Figure 5.1 shows a scheduling chart from Suretrack Project Manager, with
the tasks labelled on the left, months at the top and the bars showing the time period
over which each of the tasks are underway. Arrows between sub-tasks show where the
outputs from one task need to feed into the next (and hence the deadlines for each to be

Specialist project management software can be expensive and many professional

project managers cope perfectly well using standard inexpensive software such as
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Figure 5.1 Screen shot from Suretrack Project Manager

Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook, or their equivalents. However, it could be

worthwhile finding out if your university supports any project management software.
For part-time students it is also possible that your employer may have project manage-
ment software that you could use for your research project.

The amount of detail that goes into planning is partly a matter of individual preference
and temperament. Over-elaborate planning may be discouraging or time-wasting –
planning charts in six colours, and so on – which can become procrastination to avoid
starting the research. You do need some minimum amount of planning, but do not
frighten yourself or get bogged down by making it over-elaborate (Bell, 1993,
pp. 15–23; Sharp et al., 2002, pp. 57–68).

The management task is to put enough structure into the planning process so that it
assumes priority over other less important activities. Some people find it helpful to
begin each week’s project work with a planning hour that establishes specific tasks for
the week and estimates times for each of the tasks. Initially this could be a useful activ-
ity to undertake with your supervisor’s guidance. More tasks than can actually be com-
pleted might be outlined, putting priority on their execution. Those outlined that have
a lower priority provide alternative tasks that can be started if the high priority tasks
cannot be completed for some reason. Finally, as tasks are completed, the actual time
taken could be recorded. Thus, at the planning session at the beginning of the next
work-week, the actual times can be compared with the estimated times and decisions
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can be made about the effectiveness of work and the amount of time that may need to
be allocated for activities in the coming week.

Note that a schedule is a target. If you are not on target, your alternatives are:

1 go faster;

2 allocate more time at the expense of something else;

3 scale down your objectives, hence the amount of activity needed.

A few issues regularly crop up as important in discussions with research students
towards the end of their projects, when they reflect back on their research. Students
often bring up these issues after a preliminary phrase like ‘If only I had done this in
the first few months’ or ‘If only I had stopped doing so much on that sooner’. The
following is not a comprehensive list of tips, just a guide to a few of the more typical

1 It is very easy to take too long over one task and try to do everything. For exam-
ple, it is not possible to do a comprehensive literature review that includes every
single reference you have read. The purpose of such a review is to build confi-
dence that your project is relevant and that a ‘gap’ exists that your research will
fill, not to gather every appropriate reference.

2 The planning involved in deciding a medium- to long-term project, although

absolutely key to success within the time available, cannot possibly visualize
everything that will be needed. It is essential to be flexible and to be prepared to
add and subtract tasks from time to time, after discussion with supervisors. One
way of dealing with the unpredictability of research is to ask yourself, during your
planning, ‘What can go wrong?’ This question in turn highlights some of the tac-
tics you could employ in these instances, so that if, say, there is a delay in nego-
tiating access, you will have allowed for this and will have an alternative plan in
which you can substitute another task in the meantime.

3 Do be prepared to add tasks that no one has suggested. Remember, you are a
good judge of tasks key to your research. For example, one of us had excellent
supervision for their PhD but no one ever suggested the importance of meeting
key researchers near the start of a research project. Students are often surprised
that senior researchers welcome being given the opportunity to talk about their
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research to people who are just beginning. They can turn out to be extremely
supportive, useful contacts at conferences and formal events.

4 Last, but not least, something will go wrong in every research project. When it
does, the first instinct is usually to panic or freeze. It is important at that moment
to remind yourself, however anxious you are, that such events happen to every-
one. Complaining that you are stuck is not enough; you should write down the
problem as carefully as you can, since writing something down can often help
sort out more clearly what the issues are that need to be resolved. It is at times
like these that supervisors, or your critical friends, can demonstrate their impor-
tance. The issues usually need to be discussed as soon as possible so that alter-
natives can be found, or ways round the problem navigated. The longer you leave
a crisis, the worse it gets.

5.5 Managing Your Resources

Having developed a plan for how you will spend your time, you need to check whether the
resource implications of what you think you need to do are reasonable. These considera-
tions will be very different if you are doing your PhD part-time than if you are a full-time
student. For example, part-time students may have much less access to university resources,
so this must be carefully considered in the context of each individual project. It may be that
there is little to think about, or that it is not considered your responsibility to think about
resources at all. However, whether full-time or part-time, an assessment of what you need
in order to carry out your project in terms of funding, skills and access to resources such as
equipment will identify whether you need to do anything about garnering additional
resources, or at least whether you need to find out more about what is available.

We assume that you have started your degree and that your basic studentship funding
arrangements are already in place (here we include those who are self-funded),
therefore you should not be in the position of having to write substantial proposals.
Nevertheless, even if you have a generous budget and someone else is managing it,
there are likely to be a number of things that you will have the responsibility for mak-
ing decisions about. Furthermore, you may identify items that have no monetary cost
implications, but where you nevertheless have to make a case for use of or access to
them. This section deals with the issues of funding, training and access together,
because the things you will need to think about to get them are similar: what do you
need, what is already available, and what do you need to do about any shortfall, in
terms of making a case to someone to make up the difference?

The details will depend on the activities you mean to carry out for your research, but
items you might consider in your research plan could include:
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1 Purchase, loan or hire for minor equipment (e.g. a tape recorder).

2 Funding for travel and accommodation.

3 Workshop and conference fees.

4 Specialist software.

5 Internal and external training opportunities.

6 Access to individuals and organizations.

7 Use of equipment and facilities (e.g. an archive).

Whether you are applying for a small amount of travel money, claiming expenses
against a departmental budget or making a case to your supervisors for spending
research funds in a particular way, the basic skills for constructing and keeping track
of a budget are the same. An awareness of the issues involved in making these deci-
sions is good practice for the future, because the ability to secure and manage funding
and resources for research becomes increasingly important as your academic career
progresses (Feibelman, 1993, pp. 83–93). This is a skill that you can note in your
progress file and can be part of your career portfolio as discussed in Chapter 12. Even
if you leave academia, the ability to put together a well-crafted budget will stand you
in good stead, whether it is for constructing a business plan, project management in a
commercial, civil service or community setting, or pitching for your Hollywood
blockbuster! Attempting to spend more money than you have is a bad idea in any
field, and the ability to keep track of past and future income and expenditure will
always be useful.

The first step in constructing your budget is to develop a basis for making decisions
about resources. There are two approaches to budgeting – detailed estimation and top-
down budgeting – and both apply here. Detailed estimation requires you to work out
approximately how much everything you need to do under your project plan will cost
you. Starting from the list of tasks that you have developed earlier in the chapter, what
are the resource implications of each? For example, if you need to travel anywhere, how
much will it cost? If you need a particular software package, is it already provided by
your university? If not, is there an alternative that is provided? If you need to buy it,
how much will it cost to purchase? Will you need training in how to use it, and is this
already provided by the university? If not, how much will it cost and when will it be
available? Though it is important, don’t get too bogged down in this. It is best to
concentrate on the essentials, and use rough figures plus a safety margin.
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Top-down budgeting starts with a total pot of resources, and decides how they are to
be allocated. It is not unusual to be unclear about what your entitlements are, and the
details will vary between departments, types of research and funding arrangements.
The best place to start is with your supervisors, but you might also speak to other
students who have been in the same department for a while, or have carried out similar
research. Other ports of call include any centralized support services that your univer-
sity or institution has to offer. Make a list of the total discretionary funds available to
you, and any opportunities such as optional training that you have an automatic right
of access to.

If the estimated budget is lower than the total pot of resources, then as long as you
keep track of what is being spent you will be fine. You’ll have space to make adjust-
ments – a valuable commodity in its own right. There are bound to be opportunities
that crop up later in the process (conferences you don’t yet know about spring to
mind) that it will be useful to take advantage of without having to scurry around too
much. If, on the other hand, you need more resources that you don’t yet have access
to, you have three choices. You can do without, substitute something else, or go out
and get it. If the latter, you need to think carefully about from where you might get
it. At the Open University, for example, there are often pots of funds and other
resources available within departments or research groups, at faculty level and from
the university as a whole. There are also external funders to consider and here the
permutations are endless. Each source will have specific conditions attached, therefore
the best place to go will not necessarily be clear. Again, it is best to take advice from
your supervisors and others around you, and there are often members of staff at a
university or research institute whose job it is to know where to get funding for
different purposes. Another tack is to track down individuals who have successfully
applied to particular sources of funding, or who are visibly spending money on the
sorts of things you would like to. How did they do it? How long did it take? How
unusual is it to be successful with that particular funder? (Some links covering
possible funding bodies are on this book’s website).

This brings us neatly back to the question of time. Winning funding through applica-
tions is not guaranteed to work, and will often take up valuable time you could be
spending on something else (writing for example). There is also the question of ‘lead in’
time: if it takes four months to get a decision and receive funding, you need to apply
four months in advance of when you need the money. Of course this is assuming
(a) you’re successful and don’t need to apply elsewhere and (b) the funding body keeps
to their schedule. If you’re considering making any applications, then you need to build
time into your schedule for preparing and submitting a case, and you need to consider
carefully the costs and the benefits concerned.
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Activity 5.3
From your project plan, develop a resource budget for the tasks you have identi-
fied. Then make a survey of your entitlements, as detailed above. You are unlikely
to have all the details you need straight away, so spend some time deciding what
questions you need to ask and tracking down people who are likely to know the

Now revisit your project schedule to take into account any activities you need to
undertake to increase your access to resources. Is the time you will need justifiable
and doable? And is it doable in that time?

Finally, having constructed a budget, you have a good basis to monitor how you are doing
as you go along. Even if you take on board nothing else from this section, it is worth get-
ting into the habit of keeping track of what you’re spending and keeping evidence of it in
the form of receipts, invoices and application forms. You don’t need anything more com-
plicated than a cardboard folder or box file, and a paper notebook or spreadsheet. Keeping
track of spending will facilitate making expense claims where these apply, and will also
provide you with a picture of how deeply you delved into your available resources if you
total up your spending every now and then. It is also a habit well worth developing, as it
will serve you well in almost any line of work. As with time management, the trick is to
set aside regular time to consider your position. This means that crises related to insuffi-
cient attention to these issues – such as having a paper accepted for a conference but not
having the funds to pay for it – can be avoided.

5.6 Making a Case

In this section we discuss some of the issues that need thinking about if you are going
to make a case to secure funding, whether internally or externally. Similarly, if you need
access to particular people or organizations, or permission to use equipment or facilities,
you will often at some point need to make a written case for it (even if this is just a
letter explaining what you want). These issues share many features with the require-
ments of a funding proposal, and there is also a plethora of advice available in texts such
as Bell (1993, pp. 52–9).

To illustrate the importance of thinking through the management of making a case,

consider the following example from Reis and Leukefeld (1995, p. 11):

A university-based new investigator has a great research idea, a straightforward design for
testing the hypotheses, and a collaborator to cover one of the critical areas of expertise. This
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looks like the birth of a competitive proposal. However, during the process of completing the
application, other responsibilities sidetrack the aspiring investigators. They take short cuts
to get the application materials together and barely meet the deadline even after delegating
the responsibility for finishing the application to the newest unit secretary.

This example highlights many of the difficulties of applying for funding if you have
not spent enough time planning your application. To address some of these issues, we
therefore suggest some tips that will help you. These are:

1 Concentrate on the essentials that you need. This gives your potential funder
important information about your application and, more importantly, about you
yourself. If you can outline your proposal succinctly and clearly, then they imme-
diately realize that you have thought through your proposal carefully.

2 Make your case in terms that make sense to those you are applying to. Not only
must the project be of interest to you, but it should also be presented to your
potential funder or gatekeeper in a way that will attract a positive response. This
means that you should use accessible language, locate it in a suitable framework
and so on; for example, it is pointless to present a qualitative, social scientific
project to a funding body you know only supports biological research. Similarly, a
group of research participants (potential interviewees, say) will want to know
what is being asked of them instead of or at least before wading through a theo-
retically based justification. This is where talking to others who know about the
people you’re applying to will help. Get as much feedback on your case as you
can before you apply.

3 Demonstrate that what you want is reasonable. Again, the detail you include in
the application should be enough to provide sufficient information for the poten-
tial funder to make a decision. So if you want to apply for funding for an interna-
tional conference, for example, you could include suggestions of reasonably
priced hotels, examples of airfares and so on. You should not select the most
expensive place to stay or first-class travel – these would not be considered rea-
sonable and are more likely to be met with a negative response. If you are nego-
tiating for lab or equipment time, then part of your case is showing that the
amount of access you are asking for is reasonable.

4 The most important consideration for your case, and one that relates to the body
of this chapter, is that you spend sufficient time planning it. If you allocate enough
time for planning at the early stages – and don’t become side-tracked as did the
investigator in the example above – you are more likely to be rewarded positively
when your application comes to be considered.
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5.7 Thinking About Intangibles

Along with these tangible resources you need to manage for your project, it will almost
certainly pay you to spend some time thinking about your capacity to stimulate the inter-
est and involvement of others – in other words, your ‘social capital’ is a resource as much as
any of the others. Unless you are working in total isolation, it is likely that you will depend
on the choices and preferences of other people to achieve what you set out to do. As an indi-
rect set of resources, the relationships you already have and the ones you could build during
the course of your research are easy to discount or take for granted, but dealing skilfully
with other people can make a huge difference to almost all the stages of your research.

There are essentially two types of links you might like to consider between your research
and your relationships. The first are your (actual and potential) connections to numerous
people out there who could facilitate your research: for example, social or organizational
research often means dependence on the goodwill of gatekeepers or key informants to gain
access to particular research contexts. Some of these you will know already, but others you
will not have yet met. Building and maintaining an appropriate network of contacts is an
important and sometimes essential skill. Such networking is considered in some detail in
Section 7.4. Examples of ways that networking could benefit your research include:

1 gaining access to expertise;

2 providing sounding boards and critical feedback;

3 practice in explaining/using language;

4 access to ‘grey’ material;

5 access to field sites;

6 enhancing your job prospects.

Activity 5.4
Write up a list of the people you will need to speak to during the early stages of
your research.

Who do you need to talk to about your research and why?

What are you going to say?

For those whom you haven’t met yet, what are the practicalities of getting in touch?
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The second important set of relationships is with the people you depend on or who
depend on you. Postgraduate research takes up a lot of time and effort, and will affect
many of your most important relationships. In turn, the support you have from friends
and family will have an effect on how you are able to carry out your research. A post-
graduate degree is a professional training course, part of which is that you are learning
how to be something. Consequently your identity changes as you proceed with the
research. This may not impinge on your private life at all, but be aware that it often
does. Preparing the ground and paying attention to maintaining important relationships
can help you and others around you to make any changes constructive. Doing advanced
research can be very isolating, and investing time in maintaining your social ties can be
just as crucial to completing your research as many of the other activities you
undertake. As with managing time and resources, managing relationships is a trade-off
between spending enough time thinking about what’s important and not letting plan-
ning and analysis become procrastination that gets between you and your research.
Luckily, in this area, the skills you need are natural human ones, and it is easier here to
build on your experiences as a social being than it is with some of the more arcane
reaches of academic practice.

Whether you’re introverted or extraverted, you will already have your own style of
dealing with people and it makes sense to build on that rather than assume you have
to be social in a way that you’re not. Nevertheless, making the connection between
your personal social skills and the management of your research project might at
first be difficult, and a sensible question is how can you improve the linkage
between them? There are numerous practice-orientated books you could turn to
(e.g. Goleman, 1996), but perhaps the best advice is to spend some time watching
how more experienced researchers (especially those you admire) handle these
matters, and then try the same yourself. Above all, remember that not everyone is
going to like you, or even be willing to co-operate with you. Spending some time
reflecting on what happens to you and your relationships, perhaps in your journal
alongside other aspects of your research, will almost certainly help you to improve
as you go along.

5.8 Pushing Out the Boat

This chapter has focused your attention on how you manage the various resources that
you need in order to carry out your research – particularly the sort of planning you
need to undertake at this stage of your research. The activities in this chapter, together
with those in the previous chapter, mean you are now in a strong position to say what
you want to research, how you will do it and which research tradition your work fits
in with.
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Activity 5.5
Activity 5.5 draws together material from the previous activities in this chapter, as
well as Chapters 3 and 4, to help you prepare a short presentation (20 minutes)
that would be suitable for your supervisor(s) as part of your first-year evaluation
process. Don’t worry too much about the aesthetics of the presentation – there is
plenty of advice on presentation skills in Chapter 10. This is primarily an opportu-
nity to get feedback on your plans, and you should therefore concentrate on the
content, rather than the context.

You want to keep the presentation short, so you will have to think hard about the
key points you want to make in order to give your supervisor(s) a clear idea of your
progress and future plans. You might decide to include the following, but this is just
a guide: your research question(s) or hypotheses; a plan of how you will do the
research in the first year; the resources you need to carry out the work, and any
issues that need addressing with your supervisor(s).

Make notes on a structure for your presentation using the materials you already
have on:

1 your research idea;

2 your research questions/hypotheses/objectives;
3 why the research is important;
4 what are the key research tasks in the first year;
5 how you might set about these tasks;
6 making a research plan for the first year, and sketching a plan for the whole
project, with time scales;
7 what might be the key issues on which you want advice from your supervisor(s)?

Ask your supervisor(s) to give you feedback on Activity 5.5. Your work on this activ-
ity will probably fit the bill for at least a part of your initial progress report if you are
doing a PhD, and will prove invaluable as baseline for making decisions as your
work progresses.

Bell, J. (1993) Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-Time Researchers.
Buckingham: Open University Press.

Buchanan, D. (1980) ‘Gaining management skills through academic research work’,

Personnel Management, April.
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Feibelman, P.J. (1993) A PhD Is Not Enough! A Guide to Survival in Science. Cambridge,
MA: Perseus Publishing.

Goleman, D. (1996) Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ. London:
Bloomsbury Publishing.

Murray, R. (1996) Thesis Writing. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde, Centre for Academic

Reis, J.B. and Leukefeld, C.G. (1995) Applying for Research Funding. Thousand Oaks, CA:

Sharp, J.A., Peters, J. and Howard, K. (2002) The Management of a Student Research
Project. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Company.
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6 Academic Writing
Theresa Lillis and Sarah North


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Understand the role of writing as part of the research process.

• Adapt writing style according to purpose and audience.
• Know how to revise drafts of a thesis and sharpen their focus and coherence.
• Elicit and respond effectively to feedback on writing.
• Structure a thesis coherently.
• Understand the way in which abstracts and articles are typically structured, and
be able to write in the same format.
• Develop an awareness of the typical features of writing in your own discipline by
reading from a range of academic texts.

6.1 Introduction
As a postgraduate student working towards a Master’s or doctoral degree, your ultimate
goal is to write a thesis. However, you will do a range of writing at different times and
for different purposes in your journey towards this goal: some of this writing will be
just for you, such as research diary entries or notes on reading, and some will be more
public, such as draft chapters for your supervisor, seminar or conference papers, and
articles for journals. Most of this writing will be useful both in its own right and as part
of the process of producing a thesis.

In this chapter we explore some of the different kinds of written texts that you may pro-
duce throughout your studies, including the final thesis itself. We focus in particular on
the drafting of texts and key aspects of organization, argument and coherence.
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Writing effective academic texts takes time and practice; you need to be immersed for
considerable time in your reading and research activity in order to learn what counts as
good academic writing in your particular discipline and specialist field. Although there
is no substitute for this period of apprenticeship, the advice in this chapter can help by
pointing to some of the specific features that contribute to making a piece of writing
recognizable as, for example, a ‘good article’ or a ‘good thesis’.

6.2 Writing and Research

We want to stress three key points about the importance of writing for your research.

Writing is an integral part of

your research activity
This means that you shouldn’t think of your thesis as ‘writing up’ or as something you
do only at the end of your research. Writing is part of developing your ideas, and it’s a
good idea to begin writing about your research as soon as you have anything to say,
however tentative and provisional. For example, after reading the literature on a partic-
ular topic, try to write a summary of the main points, or as you firm up thinking on
your methodology, write an outline of the methods you plan to use and your rationale.

Writing is a recursive process

Good writing isn’t a one-off task, but a process in which you’ll find yourself cycling again
and again through various drafts (see Figure 6.1). Some of these may end up as parts of
your thesis, some will be used for other purposes, such as a progress report or conference
paper, and some will represent only passing stages. But drafting, reflecting, reviewing and
revising all feed into the way you think about your research, and contribute to the final
shape of your thesis. In the following sections we will use samples of student writing to
demonstrate the work that goes into turning rough drafts into a finished product.

Writing is for reading

Remember that the reason for writing academic texts is so that they can be read by
others. When you write, you need to focus not only on expressing ideas but on helping
the reader to understand and follow these ideas. In order to do this, you will need to
consider which specific readers you are writing for (a particular examiner?; a specific
editorial board?) and also to approach your own texts as a reader as well as a writer.
When you read academic texts, try to do so both as a reader (focusing on the ideas) and
as a writer (focusing on how a convincing text was written).
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Generating Planning and Drafting

ideas outlining

Reading and reflecting

Further research on your writing
or idea generation

Getting feedback from

colleagues and supervisors
Final editing and Revising drafts in
proof-reading light of feedback
Figure 6.1 Writing is a recursive process

6.3 Keeping a Research Journal

Chapter 3 of this book looked at the use of a research journal to keep a record of your
progress. A research journal is important. While you’re engrossed in a particular phase
of work, you tend to think it’s all firmly stamped on your memory. But over many
months of research, it’s surprising how easily you can forget the details. So keeping a
record of your thoughts and decisions in a research diary is very important. This is the
place for all sorts of writing, ranging from brief reminders about appointments to
records of supervision meetings, reflections on what you’ve been reading or thinking
about, and grumbles about what’s going wrong. As noted in Chapter 3, how you write
your research diary is up to you, as long as you will be able to understand it later.
Research diaries are normally private documents, but some people have started keeping
them in the form of a blog; if you want to see some examples, try a web search using
blog and ‘research diary’ or ‘research journal’ as search terms. The notes in your research
diary may or may not feed directly into later writing, but if they do, they probably
undergo considerable change.

Activity 6.1
Sarah Li published extracts from her research diary in her department’s research
newsletter (Li, 2002). Although she made these public, it’s clear that she originally
wrote them for her own personal use. Compare these extracts (shown below on the
left) with an extract from a journal article that she published in 2004. What differ-
ences do you notice in the way the personal and the public documents are written?
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Extract 1: Research Diary (Li, 2002) Extract 2: Journal Article (Li, 2004)

5.2.99 Friday The subjects

Palliative care nurses were my primary
Went to H2 setting to tape-record
focus. Patients, relatives and other pro-
nurses’ hand-over. L (nurse) said not to
fessionals were ‘incidental’ although
use the tape-recorder as she said: ‘it is
they may engage in talk with nurses or
confidential’. Felt totally downhearted.
enter nurses’ discussion. A total of 28
Only spent an hour there. Felt being
palliative care nurses from all three set-
ostracised by staff there. R (nurse) was
tings were observed. […]
nice. Sensed there was conflict of some
sort amongst the staff there. The tension
in the main office was evident where Dr.
( ) was there! I felt utterly rejected. No Permission was formally obtained from
cups of tea. I was on my own wandering the Ethical Research Committee in
just outside the office. K (nurse) ignored three settings. Verbal consent was
me till I forced myself to say ‘hello’ to her. obtained from a series of introductory
L then said: ‘you have to accept what meetings with participants over a period
you see here’ when I asked her if it was of 10 months. Information sheets for
alright for me to sit in the office. What did both palliative care nurses and patients
she mean by that? I don’t want to come were provided. These were displayed
back to this hospice to collect anymore on patient’s notice boards in the wards.
data. Must talk to Clive and my friend AA Written consent was also obtained. The
about this. I’d better latch onto D as he ethical guidelines of each setting were
seemed nice also. […] followed throughout the research. […]

24.11.99 Wednesday Data analysis

Quite distressing hearing nurses talk I transcribed and imported each

about patients’ deteriorating conditions. I episode of my observation into the QSR
wished I could go nearer the patients. NUD*IST program. […] A systematic
Somehow I felt I did not have the liberty. and rigorous content analysis on
The nurses all disappeared from the recorded field-note data was carried
bedrooms. I took a quick peep but that out. I then identified data which showed
was all. I am not getting anywhere. I nurses talking about patients whom
think I might have to re-negotiate with D they wanted to help feel better, and
for more ‘freedom’. moments where nurses gave physical
care or talked about patients’ psycho-
logical, social, spiritual conditions …


Although they cover some of the same issues, these texts are written quite differently
because they have a different purpose and a different readership. Obvious differences
include the way the chronological narrative of the diary has been reorganized into con-
ventional sections in the article, and the personal emotions have been suppressed. While
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the diary deals with the messy reality of research, the article presents it as a more
coherent and unproblematic process. These differences in content are paralleled by a
switch from informal to formal style:

Informal features in the diary Formal features in the article

incomplete sentences: No cups of tea longer sentences
contractions: don’t longer noun phrases: a systematic and rigorous
affective meanings: downhearted, content analysis on recorded field-note data
wished technical terminology: palliative care nurses,
colloquial expressions: latch onto, content analysis.
quick peep passive forms: Verbal consent was obtained

Although passive forms are frequently used in academic writing as a way of objectify-
ing information, notice that Sarah Li still appears in the article as ‘I’. It is sometimes
suggested that the personal pronouns ‘I’ and ‘we’ should not be used at all in academic
writing, but in reality this varies between disciplines, with higher frequencies found in
humanities and social sciences than in sciences. Nowadays ‘we’ is rarely used unless
referring to multiple researchers/authors (the way we have used it in this chapter).
Whether or not to use ‘I’ is influenced by the type of act that the writer is referring to.
For example, Sarah Li sometimes used ‘I’ when talking about her research acts, which
is acceptable in social sciences but unusual in hard sciences. Using ‘I’ for writer acts,
however, is more widely accepted.

Research acts: what you did, e.g. I transcribed … each episode of my observation
Mental acts: what you think, e.g. I would expect this to vary in line with …
Writer acts: what you write, e.g. In this chapter I argue that …

Activity 6.2
Have a look at three theses in your own discipline. If you have an electronic copy,
try searching for ‘I’ or ‘my’. If not, scan through the first and last chapters. How often
do writers refer to themselves using personal pronouns? Do they tend to use these
pronouns to talk about research acts, mental acts or writer acts? How do you envis-
age referring to yourself (or not) in your writing?
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6.4 The Process of Drafting

Many of the most daunting aspects of writing can be put into perspective if you see it
as something that develops out of many rough drafts, each of manageable length. The
important thing is to get going, without expecting to produce perfect results at the first

Here are some of the ways to get going with a section of writing. Which do you use?
Do they usually work well for you? If not, you might like to consider trying one of the
other approaches.

1 Use mind-mapping to generate ideas and indicate relationships between them

(i.e. write down ideas in any order and then sort out the links between them).

2 Write key points on file cards. Spread them out so that related points are grouped
close together. Move the cards round till you find the best arrangement.

3 Enter main headings in a word-processing document. Start expanding ideas

under each heading. Move things round as you go.

4 Write an outline of headings and sub-headings.

Other ideas for providing a structure you can work with are on this book’s website.
However you begin, bear in mind that you will probably work through several drafts,
gradually improving and refining the writing. You therefore need to be strategic in what
to concentrate on at any given point. There’s no point, for example, agonizing over
punctuation if you still haven’t decided whether the content of the paragraph is right.
It’s usually most effective to concentrate initially on the overall content (what to include
and how to organize it), then later to focus in on more detailed matters (see Figure 6.2)

First draft Focus on overall content

General clarity and

Later drafts

Final draft
for accuracy

Figure 6.2 Refining your focus

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Often, as you read more and gradually refine your focus, earlier writing no longer reflects
your current views, and needs to be substantially rewritten. This means that it’s OK to
write these provisional drafts quite loosely, making sure you get your points down on paper
without worrying too much about details of organization or style. Later on, rough drafts
can be worked up to form submitted papers or parts of your final thesis, but there’s no
point polishing them until they need to go to supervisors or outside readers.

This section will concentrate on ways in which drafts can be improved by exploiting
advice from supervisors, and by trying to anticipate how your writing will appear to a
reader. First, we consider some general points about feedback from supervisors, before
illustrating the drafting process in more detail with a sample of student writing. We
focus here on changes made to overall content, clarity and coherence. The final stages
of editing and proof-reading will be dealt with in Section 6.8.

Writer’s block
Everyone suffers from writer’s block sometimes, but here are some tips to keep it to a

The work seems Don’t set out to write a whole thesis, or even a whole
overwhelming. chapter. Tell yourself you’re just going to write the section
on topic X, and it will seem much more achievable.
You’re not up to it. Setting your standards too high can make things seem
impossibly difficult. Tell yourself it doesn’t have to be
perfect, it doesn’t even have to be good. All you need is to
write something rough that you can improve on later.
You’ve lost the plot. Sometimes you can get bogged down in details and need
to step back and rethink what you’re doing. What’s the big
story? Try to diagram it, summarize it in a few sentences,
or explain it to a friend. Come back to the writing once
you’ve regained your sense of direction.
You’re feeling stale. Writing a thesis takes a long time, and at times you’re
bound to flag. A change of activity may break the block;
for example, you could catch up with reading, or do some
routine analysis. If this doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to
take a break to recharge your batteries.

Some further tips on overcoming writer’s block are on this book’s website.
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Feedback from supervisors

For many research students, the process of receiving and responding to critique is the
most important influence on their development. Your supervisors will naturally be the
most important source of feedback, both in face-to-face discussions and through
written comments on your drafts.

To obtain helpful feedback, you do of course need to provide your supervisors with
readable material – continuous prose, written in an appropriate academic style, rather
than the rough notes and informal style of your research diary. However, there may still
be places in a draft where you haven’t yet decided exactly what to include, or haven’t
fully fleshed it out. Supervisors are usually willing to comment on incomplete material
of this sort, though it’s best to distinguish it from more finished text (e.g. by using a
different font).

To develop a productive relationship with your supervisor, you may need to let them
know what sort of feedback suits you best. For example, if they only seem to give neg-
ative comments, this may be because they’re focusing on what needs revision; ask them
to indicate which aspects are shaping up satisfactorily. On the other hand, if the only
feedback is that everything’s OK, let them know any specific issues on which you need
feedback. Your priorities will change over time, and it’s helpful to indicate particular
concerns. Here’s an example of a student seeking specific comment from her supervisor
by writing a note at the top of the draft:

I’m still not convinced that I’ve explained or justified my choice of methodology clearly
enough yet. I’m particularly concerned that I may not have explained why I’m not using
grounded theory. I’d appreciate your thoughts on this.

You can also ask questions to your supervisor within the text (e.g. by using marginal
comments or footnotes).

When you respond to feedback, try to resist the urge to be over-defensive. Supervisors
are not always right, but they are trying to help, so it’s worth considering their com-
ments carefully even if you disagree. For example, if you think they’ve got hold of the
wrong end of the stick, consider whether your writing might have misled them –
perhaps you can rewrite it so they will be persuaded to agree with you. Try to under-
stand their point of view, and ask for clarification if you don’t. Bear in mind, though,
that you are responsible for your own thesis, and ultimately it’s your job to weigh up
the advice and come to a decision.
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From start to finish

This section considers the changes made to a piece of writing from its genesis as part of
a first-year pilot study, to its final appearance within a thesis chapter. It illustrates the
way the student, Susan Moron-Garcia, responds to supervisor comments, gradually
shifting her focus from general content to more specific issues of clarity and coherence.

Activity 6.3
The extract below is an early draft, with marginal comments from the supervisors. What
do they seem to be focusing on? If you were the author, how would you respond?

Extract 3: Draft 1

The aim of the research is to examine whether or not the Web and
internet-based technology currently used in Higher Education facil-
itates student-centred learning. It is claimed that Web and internet-
based technology facilitates student-centred learning or leads to the
use of more student-centred approaches to teaching and learning or claimed?
(Collis, 1996, Wegner 1999, Westera, 1999). It has also been shown
that it benefits students in their learning and in acquiring transfer- I think this
able skills (Gibbs, 1999, Harrison, 1994, Laurillard, 1993, Martin is very
and Fayter, 1997). controversial –
there is only
It was not clear, following a review of the literature referring to the one person who
use of Web and Internet-based technology in Higher Education, has shown
are moving how widespread the use of this technology was and whether any transfer in any
of the usage included Virtual Learning Environments. Some of learning
the new universities (post-1992) appear to have made a commit-
ment to the use of commercially-available Virtual Learning
Environments (Coventry, Middlesex and Sheffield Hallam, for
example) and a number of them have developed their own systems
not a helpful (Huddersfield, Staffordshire and Wolverhampton), but use at the This sentence
comparison older Universities was less evident. It was therefore necessary to doesn’t hold up
investigate what Web and Internet-based technology was being with respect to
used and whether Virtual Learning Environments were part of the previous ones.
this use. Four institutions (two pre-1992 and two post-1992 uni-
versities) were approached in order to obtain benchmark data.


In this early draft, the supervisors’ main concern is the content. The first comments suggest
that some claims are not sufficiently justified. There are two ways that the writer might
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respond: by providing stronger evidence, or by hedging the claim (making it more cautious).
The final comments suggest that the supervisors find it difficult to see the significance of
what she is saying: what’s the point of comparing older and newer universities, and why
does this make it necessary to investigate what technology was being used? These com-
ments suggest that the writer needs to indicate more clearly the steps in her argument.

Hedging your claims

Academic language needs to be carefully chosen to avoid making unjustified claims.
Here are some examples of hedging claims to make them more tentative:

Unhedged Hedged
It has been shown that … It is claimed that …
This proves that … It is possible that …
It is clear that … This suggests that
VLEs facilitate … VLEs may facilitate …
The results are convincing The results appear convincing

After further discussion with her supervisors, Susan Moron-Garcia produced the draft
below for her first-year report; notice the changes that have been made, and the points
that still need clarification. On the right we have added our own comments on some of
the changes that we noted.

Extract 4: Draft 2 Comments

The aim of this research is to examine whether the Web and Internet-
based technology currently used in Higher Education, in particular The claims are now
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), facilitates student-centred expressed more
learning. It is claimed that Web and Internet-based technology facilitates tentatively, though
student-centred learning or leads to the use of more student-centred there’s still some repe-
approaches to teaching and learning (Collis, 1996, Wegner et al 1999 and tition that obscures
Westera, 1999). It is also claimed that it benefits students in their learn- the main focus.
ing and in acquiring transferable skills such as IT literacy (Gibbs, 1999,
Harrison, 1994, Laurillard, 1993, Martin and Fayter, 1997).
A new paragraph is
There is no universal definition of either a learning environment or a added defining VLEs,
VLE. However, it is possible to construct a broad definition based on the and making it clearer
literature (Britain and Liber, 1999; Firdyilwek, 1999; Pimentel, 1999; that the focus is
Stiles, 2000). A VLE is a learning environment where the necessary VLEs, rather than
interaction and collaboration takes place in the virtual world of Web and Web and Internet-
Internet-based applications. The tools provided aid the lecturer (teacher based technology.
or instructor) in controlling and tailoring the virtual environment for use Perhaps the first
by their students, who are able to interact with, contribute to and move paragraph should be
through the content. […] revised to match.
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It was not clear from a review of the literature how widespread the use
of Web and Internet-based technology actually was and whether the The claims
usage included VLEs. The evidence there deals with individual case about the use of
studies describing personal motivation and experience (for example, technology are
Gibbs, 1999; Lee and Thompson, 1999). There are few examples of sus- now specified
tained and widespread use (Goodyear, 1998), unless we look to distance step by step,
education. With regard to VLEs, some of the new or post-1992 univer- and supported
sities appear to have made a commitment to the use of commercially- by references.
available VLEs (Coventry, Middlesex and Sheffield Hallam, for
example) and a number of them have developed their own systems
(Huddersfield, Staffordshire and Wolverhampton). However, the use of
institutionally supported VLEs at the older Universities was less evi-
dent. A recent survey (UCISA, 2001) suggests that this may be due to
more centralised structures in the post-1992 Universities.

A pilot study was carried out in order to explore what Web

and Internet-based technology was being used in institutions The organization has been
of Higher Education and whether VLEs were part of this use. improved by creating a
The aim was to inform the design of a main study on the use separate paragraph on
of VLEs in Higher Education. Four institutions (two pre-1992 data collection. Notice,
and two post-1992 universities) were approached in order to though, that the aims
obtain benchmark data. stated here don’t quite
match those given at the

In this draft, Susan Moron-Garcia responded to supervisors’ comments by changing what

she included and how she organized it, and by strengthening the argument. The main
ideas are now in place, and in later drafts the supervisors’ comments focused less on con-
tent and more on clarity and coherence. Susan’s focus thus shifted from general to more
specific issues. In addition, later drafts showed that rather than just responding to the
supervisors’ comments, she began to take more responsibility for her own writing. This
sort of development is normal in thesis writing, and you may find that you need less sup-
port from your supervisor as you become more confident about your own writing, and
develop a clearer idea about the shape that your thesis will take.

To conclude this section, let’s return to the extract above, and see how it was incorpo-
rated within a thesis chapter discussing the research methodology. As Susan Moron-
Garcia’s research developed, she was able to get a better picture of the way her pilot
study related to the overall research. Fitting these ideas into her final thesis (Moron-
Garcia, 2004) required substantial changes to content and organization; here we will
focus only on two extracts. The first one sums up the aim of the pilot study:

The overall aim of the research was to understand the use of VLEs, as a particular example
of Web and internet-based technology, in face-to-face higher education.
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Compared with earlier versions, the writer has tightened the focus of the research and
expressed it more precisely. Notice also how the construction ‘understand the use of X’
allows her to give details of X at the end of the sentence, rather than in the middle. As a
general principle, detailed information tends to be easier to read if it comes at the end of a
sentence. This improves the clarity of the writing, making it easier for a reader to follow.

The next extract sets the background to the pilot study by reviewing the extent of
VLE use:

A review of literature about the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
to support teaching and learning in higher education did not indicate how widespread the
use of Web and internet-based technology really was in universities in the UK; there were
few published cases of VLE use. The available evidence dealt with individual case studies
describing personal motivation and experience, for instance, Gibbs (1999) and Lee and
Thompson (1999), or with the experience in individual institutions, Deepwell and Syson
(1999). There were few examples of sustained and widespread use except in the case of
distance education. The results from a UCISA survey published after this pilot study was
carried out support this observation. Jenkins et al. state that: ‘VLEs are a new development
for many institutions and, with a few exceptions, the level of staff and student engagement
is correspondingly limited’ (2001, p. 3).

The focus of the paragraph has been tightened, with information about published stud-
ies now covered separately from information about different institutions, and the topic
restricted to ‘the use of ICT to support teaching and learning in UK universities’. This
makes the paragraph more coherent, as it focuses on just one main issue. The writer also
states explicitly that ‘there were few published cases of VLE use’ and the UCISA survey
‘supports this observation’. By spelling out these steps in her argument, the writer makes
it easier for a reader to understand what she is saying, and how it all fits together to build
her case.

In this section, we have stressed the need to see your revisions as part of a cyclical
process, first in broad brushstrokes, then gradually focusing in on fine detail. We will
return to detailed editing and proof-reading later, but before you can put the finishing
touches to any piece of writing, you will need to pay attention to the clarity and coher-
ence of your argument, and this is the theme of Section 6.5.

Word processing with long documents

It can be difficult to work with long electronic documents, particularly if they include
tables and graphics. A good precaution is to work on only one chapter at a time, and to save
them as separate documents. You can then combine chapters into your full design as part
of a final edit. Most work-processing software offers features that help you manage a long
document. You will probably save a lot of time if you learn how to use the following:
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Template Allows you to control the appearance of a

document. It’s a good idea to set up a special tem-
plate which follows your institution’s regulations
on thesis presentation, and use this for all your
thesis-related documents.

Styles Allow you to specify exactly how different types

of paragraph look, e.g. headings, quotations,
examples. Styles can be set within the template.

Numbering Inserts automatic numbering. If you apply outline

numbering to heading styles, all sections and sub-
sections will be numbered correctly however
much you move things around.

Captions Add headings and automatic numbering to tables

and graphics.

Cross-references Automatically updates references to another part

of the document (e.g. ‘see Figure 9’) when the
numbering changes.

Outline view Allows you to view an outline of your headings

and sub-headings, and change the order of
sections and sub-sections.

Table of contents Automatically creates a table of contents (provided

that you have used heading styles in your document).

There should be word-processing training available to you covering these aspects.

Make sure you have a good system of storing drafts so that you don’t lose valuable mate-
rial. Name files in a clear and consistent way, including date or version number. Keep
old drafts somewhere safe – you may decide to go back to an earlier version. It’s also
wise to keep copies of all your work in a separate place, to guard against disasters like a
house fire or computer crash.

6.5 Crafting an Argument

Argument is central to much academic writing but is a tricky notion and word because
it is used to refer to many different things. In this section, we briefly consider some
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different ways of thinking about argument in your writing, at both global and more
local levels.

Claims, evidence and warrants

One way of approaching argument is to think of it in terms of several elements, two key
ones being claims and the evidence or reasons used to support such claims. A third key
element, sometimes forgotten, is what Toulmin (1958) calls ‘warrants’. Warrants are the
underlying assumptions that the claims you are making and that the evidence or rea-
sons used to support such claims are plausible or valid. An example of a simple chain of
claim, reason/evidence and warrants is as follows:

Claim: Arsenic is poisonous.

Reason/evidence: Evidence from a range of sources indicates that swallowing arsenic has fatal

Warrants: That arsenic is an identifiable substance; that ‘poisonous’ is a meaningful term;

that the methods used to collect the evidence were valid.

In a large piece of writing, such as a thesis, you will often find the three elements of
claim, reason/evidence and warrants in distinct sections, as indicated below:

Claim: Computers are a useful resource for active learning in school classrooms [Conclusion].

Reason/evidence: The study I have carried out demonstrates that children were actively learn-
ing [Data sections].

Warrants: That ‘useful resource’ and ‘active learning’ are meaningful notions [Introduction,
Literature review]; that the methodology used is valid [Methodology]; that the methods of
data collection and analysis are valid [Data sections].

(For an overview of the different elements in a thesis, see Section 6.7.)

You may also find it useful to think of claim, reason/evidence and warrants at a more local
level, for example at the level of a paragraph or a sentence. Consider the following examples:

Claim: VLEs are in limited use in new universities. Evidence: The survey carried out and
discussed in detail in Chapter 3 showed that only 5 of 50 new universities were actively
developing and using VLEs

Claim: VLEs are in limited use in new universities Evidence: (Goodyear, 1998).

Two common types of academic evidence are used in the extracts above: empirical data
and a citation. We return to the importance of citations in the following section.
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You will notice that the warrants (for example, the assumption that VLE and ‘limited use’
are meaningful or precise notions) are not stated. This could be for one of two reasons:
(1) the writer has already explained such warrants in another part of the text; (2) the writer
assumes that this warrant does not need to be stated because it is self-evident to a reader
from the same disciplinary community. This last point is important because it indicates that
it may not be necessary or even desirable to state all warrants at every step of your writing.
(Consider the claim made about arsenic above. In most contexts it is unnecessary to state
the warrants because both the claim and the warrants are part of common knowledge.) In
general, the only way in which you will know which warrants can be assumed and which
need to be stated is through your ongoing participation in a particular academic disciplinary
community and through discussions with your supervisors and other researchers.

The use of citations in crafting your argument

Whatever the nature of the claims you make and evidence you use, the position you
adopt or advance in your thesis must be carved out of your response to existing studies
and theories, through the use and ‘orchestration’ of citations. The way you use author-
ities in the field, through your use of relevant citations and quotations, is important for
two reasons: first, through citations you demonstrate your knowledge and familiarity
with your particular field of enquiry, but second, and as importantly, you use such
authorities to develop your own argument.

Here we will focus on how one writer uses citations in drafting one particular kind of
argument – or ‘sub-argument’: an argument of definition. As you know, in academic
study, few, if any, meanings of terms can be taken for granted and terms which are core
to your particular study will certainly need careful explanation and justification.

Activity 6.4
Read the draft of a section of Anne Hewling’s thesis chapter where she is trying to
deal with a concept central to her research, ‘culture’. Her principal aim in the
chapter overall is to argue that her particular use of the term is valid. The extract
here is a draft section of the beginning of a chapter outlining the theoretical frame-
work of the thesis. As you read, consider the following questions:

1 What is her main argument about the term ‘culture’ here? How does she use
2 What authorities/authoritative texts does she refer to?
3 Where and how does she orchestrate these authorities to craft her argument?
4 How successful do you think this draft is in developing an argument of definition?
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Extract 5: Drafting a sub-argument of definition

Ways of looking: ‘scoping the problem’

‘Culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language’
(Williams, 1983) and, ‘there is really very little agreement on what people mean by
the idea of culture in the first place. The word “culture” often brings up more
problems than it solves’ (Scollon & Wong-Scollon, 2001 p. 138). Despite this the
concept is understood and used by all. Barker notes,

… there is no ‘correct’ or definitive meaning attached to it … Culture is not

‘out there’ waiting to be correctly described by theorists who keep getting it
wrong. Rather, the concept of culture is a tool which is of more or less
usefulness to us as a life form. … (2000, p. 35).
But, until such a time as the concept is ‘… given usable content … the term culture
is empty, … completely circular as an explanatory tool.’ (Bond et al., 2000).

A number of options for ‘usable content’ for the concept of culture can be found in any
dictionary, for example:

• the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or
social group (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

• the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group
of people at a particular time (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

Whilst offering broadly similar ideas, these two definitions differ considerably in
their focus and specificity. It is clear that culture seems to involve a collection of
people who form a distinct group. In common in both definitions are ideas and
beliefs and the notion that these should be shared by the people involved. There is
consensus neither on exactly how to determine who should be included in any one
grouping, nor what might be fundamental criteria for membership (or creation), of
that group, beyond the notion of shared ideas and beliefs. Neither definition makes
it clear the exact nature or substance of the shared beliefs and customs. More
fundamentally, one definition suggests that the ideas and beliefs involved may be
fixed whilst the other makes clear that the definition of them pertains to a certain
(unspecified) period in time. However, interestingly, the first definition – which does
not mention time – is offered in parallel with a further definition of culture:
the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by
education (op.cit.)

By using concept of ‘developing’, i.e. not fixed or stationary but evolving, the ideas
of time and process are added. However, none of the definitions offer any ideas of
place or space in relation to the groups they refer to. One final definition of culture,
more narrow in scope but perhaps more frequent in popular usage, is noted by the
dictionary: the idea of culture as the product of art, music, and literature etc. –
‘high’ culture. Here culture is the result of intellectual creativity and endeavour
within a specific group (culture) but over and beyond the realm of routine or
mundane daily activity. This definition is not distinct however, from those discussed
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… there is some practical convergence between (i) the anthropological and

sociological senses of culture as a distinct ‘whole way of life’, within which,
now, a distinctive ‘signifying system’ is seen not only as essential but as
essentially involved in all forms of social activity, and (ii) the more
specialized if also more common sense of culture as ‘artistic and intellectual
activities’, though these, because of the emphasis on a more general
signifying system, are now much more broadly defined, to include not only the
traditional arts and forms of intellectual production but also all of the
‘signifying practices’ – from language through the arts and philosophy to
journalism, fashion and advertising – which now constitute this complex and
necessarily extended field. (Williams, 1981, p. 13)

Such definitions are useful in providing an overall understanding of culture for a

general readership and everyday use but they fall short of substance for the
purposes of this study. The roots of these general definitions lie in a number of
fields, most notably anthropology. These fields of knowledge and the potential they
offer for examination of how culture is implicated in the remote access online
classroom are explored further in the remainder of this Chapter.


The general argument being made here seems quite clear and can be summarized in
terms of a series of key steps or ‘moves’: (Move 1) Culture is a difficult term to define
and, (Move 2) whilst there have been attempts at such a definition, (Move 3) there is
little agreement over this term. (Move 4) There have been some useful attempts to
develop a definition, (Move 5) but there is a need to pay some attention to this term for
the purposes of this study.

In making these moves, the writer orchestrates the voices of authorities in order to set
up the problem of defining culture, and the need to find a workable definition. Here are
some of the ways in which we think she is attempting to do this:

She opens with a quotation from a key thinker to indicate the complex notion of
‘culture’ (line 2). She thus both demonstrates immediately a familiarity with one
authority in the field and in doing so, she sets up authoritative support for the claims
she makes in her own voice later (lines 19–30, lines 33–41) about the difficulties sur-
rounding the use of this term.

The writer not only sets up the definition of culture as a problem, but explicitly states
that it is a problem through the voice of academic authorities, by citing Scollon and
Wong-Scollon (lines 4–5). She uses the voice of these academics as an authoritative
‘mouthpiece’ for the overall argument she is making.

She introduces the phase ‘usable content’ (line 11) by quoting from an authority in the
field, but explicitly links this notion to concrete examples of one important way in
which the notion is made ‘usable’, that is, through dictionary definitions (lines 15–18).
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The writer includes a further quotation from one scholar, Williams (lines 42–52), which
she uses to explicitly link some of the definitions discussed within specific disciplinary
fields and indicate a convergence between these and a more ‘common’ definition. The
writer builds on this quotation to emphasize (and summarize) the point being made
across the section – the range of definitions in existence. Note also that, by using two
quotations by the same scholar – one at the beginning and one towards the end of this
section – she is displaying allegiance not only to a particular scholar but to a particular
approach within a field.

She concludes this section by making an important evaluative claim about the studies
and scholars she has cited – ‘they fall short of substance for the purposes of this study’
(lines 54–55) – and about the need to delve further into specific fields, in particular
anthropology, in order to develop a relevant conceptual framework. She has therefore
orchestrated the voices of established scholars, not only to indicate what they offer but
also their limitations.

It is interesting to note that she uses the sub-heading ‘scoping the problem’ to signal to
the reader that a key strand of the argument is that culture is a complex notion which
cannot be simply described or defined but rather has to be considered within specific

Remember that this is a text still in progress and you may have noted that some further
crafting is needed. Two aspects which may need further consideration are: (1) the
writer uses dictionaries as a source of definitions, rather than using only academic texts;
(2) the writer makes extensive use of quotations, which may be unacceptable in some
disciplinary areas or to some supervisors. In order to find out what kinds of texts are
considered as appropriate sources and which conventions are acceptable in your partic-
ular field, it is important to look at theses in your discipline and to discuss this with
your supervisors.

Activity 6.5
Listen on DVD audio programme to the comments by Anne Hewling for more about
the drafting of Extract 5 and how it fits into her thesis overall.

Forging a clear argument

In discussing Extract 5, we emphasized the way the writer makes key moves as a way
of advancing her argument on the difficulties surrounding the definition of culture.
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Another way of thinking of these moves is to view them as together representing the
author’s ‘main path’ through her text. The language you use to refer to the work of
other researchers plays an important part in forging this main path. Below are examples
where the language used indicates that the work of others is being used to support the
main argument that computers are a useful resource in education:

As already indicated by Smith (2004), computers are a very useful resource …

‘Computers are a powerful resource for learning in the classroom’, Smith (2004:26).

It is clear that computers are a useful resource (Smith 2004) …

As shown by (Smith 2004) computers are a useful resource …

But it is important to note that in order to forge a main path, the writer doesn’t simply
introduce quotes and theorists that support her argument but she also introduces ideas
and cites work that she does not find convincing: ‘faulty paths’. Surprisingly perhaps,
these faulty paths and detours help to strengthen the main argument or path. The pur-
pose of faulty paths is ‘to mark perceptual boundaries and increase the clarity of the
main path’ (Geisler and Kaufer, 1991, p. 11). An example of a faulty path in Extract 5 is
the definitions the writer includes at lines 13–18:

A number of options for ‘usable content’ for the concept of culture can be found in any
dictionary, for example:

• the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social
group (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

• the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people
at a particular time (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

The introduction of the faulty path here is signalled by ‘A number of options’, which
allows the writer to simply list them without indicating any allegiance to them. Other
ways in which faulty paths could be introduced are as follows:

It has been suggested that there are a number of options for defining culture. For example
Brown (1994) . . .

• Brown (1994) claims to have offered a number of options for defining culture . . .

• Brown (1994) and Singh (2001) argue that culture can theorize as follows: . . .

These lead the reader away from the main path but they can function as further justi-
fication for the main argument. By including definitions of culture, the writer shows
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that she is willing (and able) to consider all possibilities but, after due consideration, has
decided to dismiss them. This dismissal is signalled to the reader by the language used
in Extract 5, where the writer uses the contrastive link ‘however’ and makes a categor-
ical criticism:

However, none of the definitions offer any ideas of place or space in relation to the groups
they refer to.

This serves as a ‘return path’, whereby the reader, having taken a detour to consider
some possible definitions, is drawn back by the writer to the main path – back on track
to the main argument. Other ways of signalling a return path are as follows:

Although Smith (2004) argues that …, this study indicates …

Smith (2004) suggests that … However, findings from this study indicate. …

Whilst Smith (2004) indicates X … it is unclear whether …

Other modes of constructing and

representing knowledge
Academic argument as illustrated in this chapter is construed as a predominantly
rational activity, conventionally reflected in the step-by-step advancing of claims
which are supported by evidence and explicitly stated reasons. Whilst most academic
writing is expected to conform to this practice, in some disciplines and paradigms
other forms of constructing and representing knowledge are being adopted. Some
student writers, in addition to conventional argument, are including other forms of
writing in their theses. Pauline Evans (2000), for example, decided to write not only
in the conventional academic way using logical argument, but, in addition, to include
less conventional forms which combine the ‘scientific’ with what she refers to as the
‘dramatic self ’ in her thesis writing. Thus, she included brief extracts from her
research diary and what she refers to as ‘choruses’, in an attempt to bring to life the
voices of her participants. Examples of these less conventional ways of writing are
given below:

Extract 6

Why do I have to use a theory? These theories have been conjured up by those who have
not been there (in my research). By virtue of the fact that these theorists (usually men) have
spent a long time in the academic world, why should so much importance be attached to
what they say?
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Extract 7: The Catsbury Chorus

Tell me, what do you think a nursery class is for?

Parent Well the children learn

so many different things.

Children I think. I come

Cos it’s school.

Cos mummy brings me in the car.

Parent And they do the things

They couldn’t do at home.

Children I come I think

To make things.

I come because it’s school.

Headteacher The main purpose has to be

Socialisation … caring

Activity 6.6
To what extent are alternative modes of representation permissible in your context?
Discuss with a colleague any ideas you have about including less conventional
academic styles and formats. If you are uneasy or unsure about what your overall
approach might be, discuss this with your supervisor.

6.6 Writing for Public Forums

In this section we turn our focus to professional writing, both because of its importance
in your research career, and because understanding the way it is structured will also
help you in structuring your thesis (which we will look at in Section 6.7). Increasingly,
research students write for public dissemination and publication before completing
their theses and in some departments and institutions this is seen as an essential part
of postgraduate experience and training. You may therefore be writing conference
abstracts and papers, and journal articles – either on your own or with a supervisor – at
the same time as you are carrying out a specific piece of research towards your thesis or
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writing a particular section of your thesis. Whilst these ‘public’ texts may differ
considerably, it is worth bearing in mind some general points.

CARS – creating a research space

You may have carried out an excellent piece of research, but unless you make it clear
why and how your research is relevant to a specific research community – through its
recognized conferences and journals – you will find it difficult to get conference pro-
posals accepted or articles published. One useful way of making sure that your contri-
bution is recognized is to think of your text as a series of important moves. We briefly
mentioned ‘moves’ in Section 6.5 of this chapter, and it may prove helpful to think
about them in more detail here. ‘Move’ refers to the function of different parts of your
written text rather than the content; a move is about what a particular bit of text is
doing, rather than what it is saying (as writers we are often much more concerned about
the latter). Readers such as supervisors and conference and journal reviewers tend to
implicitly recognize when a specific move is missing, so it can be helpful to think about
the moves you are making in your writing.

The CARS (Create a Research Space) model was developed by John Swales based on
analysis of substantial numbers of article introductions (1990, p. 141). It emphasizes the
importance of showing how your research in some way fills a significant gap in the
knowledge and understanding of a particular field.

Activity 6.7
Look at the original abstract on cross-cultural understanding in Extract 8 (taken
from the website for the 2003 Conference of Psychologists for Social
Responsibility). Can you identify any important ‘moves’ that the writer makes?

Extract 8: Amal Winter: Insights on Cross-Cultural Understanding:

The Arab/Muslim World, a Case Study of Misunderstanding

(1) In a 1999 article, Ervin Staub identifies ‘difficult life conditions’ as giving rise to scape-
goating and ideologies that identify enemies and lead a group to turn against another.
(2) This concept is relevant to the escalating violence between America/Western world and
the Arab/Muslim world but it is not sufficient. (3) This presentation will focus on the rela-
tionship between Arab/Muslims and the West from an Arab/Muslim point of view. (4) It will
emphasise how the changes experienced by those who live in predominantly Muslim coun-
tries of the Middle East have given rise to religious fervour and a renewed belief that Islam
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will improve their political and economic conditions either peacefully or with violence.
(5) Drawing on Edward Said’s work which illustrates the distortions caused by cultural
hegemony and superior military/economic position and a recent Zogby International poll of
Arabs reporting their own world-views to other Arabs, it will show how Western scholars
and academics, including psychologists, have exaggerated the differences and diminished
the similarities between ‘East and West’ and developed negative perceptions/misperceptions
of the Arab/Muslim world to maintain neo-colonial positions. (6) It will challenge psychol-
ogists to examine their own presumptions and practices and suggest ways to encourage
better cross-cultural understanding.

In Table 6.1 we have mapped out the key moves the writer makes, using Swales’

Table 6.1 The CARS model

Key moves in Extract 8 Sentences where moves are evident

Move 1 Establishing a territory 1

by introducing and reviewing items of
previous research in the area
Move 2 Establishing a niche 2
by indicating a gap in the previous research,
raising a question about it or extending
previous knowledge in some way
Move 3 Occupying the niche 3–6
by outlining purposes or stating the
nature of the present contribution

Activity 6.8
EITHER: Look at some more abstracts taken from a conference website related to
your discipline. Can you identify the three moves shown above in each abstract?
Are there any abstracts which appear to have a different structure? OR: If you are
currently writing a conference abstract, check to see whether you have included the
three moves.

The research article structure

An abstract that you write for a conference proposal may become a paper that you
write for a conference or conference proceedings, or an academic journal article.
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Getting a paper published in academic journals is a very competitive business so it

is worthwhile spending a little time thinking about the key elements of a research

The most common structure for academic journal articles is often referred to as IMRD,
and as we shall see in Section 6.7, this basic pattern is also found in theses:

• Introduction

• Method

• Results

• Discussion

Articles in different academic disciplines often use this IMRD structure even if they
label sections in different ways. Such labelling may be procedural (focusing on the
research procedures) or topical (focusing on what the article is about):

Procedural sectioning Topical sectioning

Introduction An international economy
Method Spread of English
Results Changes in the 21st century
From Hasman, M.A. (2000) ‘The role of English in the 21st century’, English Teaching Forum, vol.
38(1), pp. 3–5.

Many research articles use a combination of both types of labelling as exemplified in

Extract 9; here ‘Methodology’ is subsumed under ‘Introduction’, and the middle
sections of the article are structured entirely with topically based headings. The core
elements of a research article are similar to those of a thesis which are outlined in
Section 6.7.
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Extract 9: IMRD with Topical Sectioning


Three Case Studies
The Learning Society and ILAs
ILAs in SMEs: a case of individual responsibility?
Case 1: Peter, Sharp Tools, and HiTec Training
Case 2: Norah, Church House and Communicating Care
How Many Cheers for ILAs
The ED Alternative
Case 3: Fancy Goods

From ‘The “Learning Society” and small and medium-sized enterprises: empowering the
individual', by Rick Holden and John Hamblett (Journal of Vocational Education and Training,
Vol. 53, No. 1, 2001, pp. 121–39).

Although academic articles may share similar patterns, there are many variations, which
you have probably noticed in your academic reading. Such variations include the top-
ics covered, the type of research paradigm represented and the journal style. It is there-
fore essential that, before you prepare an article for submission to a journal, you
identify the journal you are planning to submit to. This will help you sharpen your
focus for the article as well as decide on the most appropriate structure. One obvious
way of identifying a journal that might be interested in your research is to list the jour-
nals whose articles you have been reading as part of your own research.

Activity 6.9
Identify a journal that you are planning to write an article for (either in the near or
more distant future) and consider the following questions. What type of article
structure and sectioning is common in your discipline and specialist sub-field?
What do you notice about the kinds of sectioning in articles in your target journal?
Do they follow the IMRD pattern/mixed procedural and topical sectioning? On the
basis of the kind of pattern that you have identified, what kind of structure will you
adopt for your article? Why?

Receiving and responding to feedback

from reviewers
When you submit an article to a journal, if the editor considers it a potentially worthy
paper for inclusion in the journal, he or she will forward it to one, two or possibly three
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reviewers. These are experts in your field who are typically asked to evaluate submitted
articles using the following kinds of criteria:

• relevance to the journal;

• originality;

• methodologically validity;

• clearly written and well presented.

You may be able to find a journal’s criteria on its website. The journal’s reviewers will
be asked to make a recommendation as to whether your paper be published as follows:

1 [ ] publish as is

2 [w]] publish with minor revisions

3 [ publish with major revisions

4 [ ] revise and resubmit

5 [ ] reject

Most papers that eventually appear in a journal will have fallen into categories 2 to 3, so
you can always expect to make some revisions. Many researchers are also asked to revise
and resubmit. Whilst everyone’s preferred response would be 1 or 2, you should treat 1–4
as a ‘success’ in that it means your research is of interest – you just have to do more work
on your paper. Receiving 5 is very disheartening but, once you get over the initial disap-
pointment, you should also try and view 5 positively because, along with the rejection, you
should receive some comments on your work. Bear in mind that reviewing is not an exact
science and that reviewers have very different approaches to offering feedback: some are
extremely encouraging, whereas a few can be downright dismissive. Try not to take the
comments personally. And always seek further feedback from people whose opinion you
value if you are unhappy about any specific comments which you think are unjustified:
you may not be able to persuade a particular reviewer or journal to accept your article, but
you can seek advice about which aspects of your research are worth developing further.

Activity 6.10
Read one reviewer’s feedback (in Extract 10) on a co-authored paper which
received ‘publish with minor revisions’. How might the authors respond to such
comments? What decisions would they have to make?
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Extract 10

This is a good paper which I recommend for publication subject to some revisions which
I consider essential. My major concern – given the applied focus of the journal – is the lack
of attention paid to the relevance of the study to practitioners. Given the competition for
space in the journal, I feel convinced a section pointing up such relevance is crucial. In terms
of the account of the study itself, I think more information about the project in general
should be included – the data collection process, the type of data, number of participants –
and there is a need to clarify connection between larger project and the focus of this paper.
At a theoretical level, there is some confusion I think. The terms core/margins and
inner/outer seem to be used with different meanings in mind yet there appears also to be a
conflation. I suggest that only one of these sets of terms be used to avoid confusion.

When replying to the journal editor, the authors not only included their revised article
but also a cover letter, detailing their responses to the reviewers. This is illustrated in
their responses to the reviewer’s comments above.

Comments made by reviewer 1 Writers’ letter to the editor

1 The relevance of the study to We agree and have done as follows: added two
practitioners needs to be paragraphs in the introduction; incorporated refer-
made clear ences to previous research in the conclusion;
expanded the implications section, including exam-
ples of specific pedagogical strategies.

2 Use of terms core/margins, We acknowledge the potential for confusion. At the

inner/outer. Suggest one of same time we note that reviewer 2 seems to find the
these sets of terms to avoid argument clear. In order to take account of
confusion. reviewer 1’s comments we have cut the reference
to ‘inner/outer’ in the introduction and throughout
reduced the references to core/margins. But we
have kept both sets of terms in the article because
we feel they are necessary for the argument.

As can be seen, whilst the authors state explicitly where they agree with reviewer 1, they
are less direct in the expression of their disagreement on point 2. Note that they have in
fact rejected this particular criticism and use the authority of the second reviewer to
resist the pressure to cut what they see as relevant terms.

This section has highlighted two aspects of writing for public forums which relate
closely to thesis writing. First, as you probably noticed, article authors need to consider
carefully their responses to reviewers’ comments, in a similar way to research students
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responding to supervisors’ comments. In defending any aspect of your writing to exter-

nal reviewers or your supervisors, it is important to show that you have taken account
of their comments and that you can justify the decisions you finally make. Second,
despite their differences, both academic articles and theses share some basic structural
features which we now turn to in the following section.

6.7 Structuring the Thesis

Planning the final structure
The structure of your thesis is something that will develop over time, as you gradually
refine your ideas. At the beginning your plans are likely to be fairly rough, with just a gen-
eral indication of what might be included in each chapter. As you progress, you will fill out
the detail of each chapter or section that you are currently working on. However, you are
likely in the course of writing to become aware of unanticipated links and gaps that force
you to modify the structure, so you should be prepared to let the thesis grow organically.

Although there are many different ways of structuring a thesis, some elements are
common to all theses. The chapters may be labelled and organized in different ways,
but almost always involve the core elements shown in Table 6.2, each associated with
particular functions.

Table 6.2 Core elements of a research thesis

Core element Main functions Comment

Introduction To establish the significance of the This is usually written at

general research area the end when you have
full drafts of all chapters
To locate your research within the field and a clear idea of the
main contribution of your
To outline the aims and the nature research and its
of your research relationship to the field

Literature To provide an overview of relevant research You will probably write

review many versions of this as
To locate your research more you progress. You will need
specifically in relation to the literature to show how your own
research emerges from
To set boundaries around the ‘field’ of and responds to issues in
relevant research. Identifying a core the field, and you will not
question for investigation know exactly how your
contribution fits in until
you have carried out your

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Table 6.2 (Continued)

Core element Main functions Comment

Methodology To provide an overview of the First drafts of this are often

methodology adopted written early on when you
are exploring and deciding
To justify the choice of methodology in on a specific methodology
relation to epistemological traditions to suit your research
and research aims questions. It tends to be
less liable to change than
other chapters, unless your
research centres on the
methodology itself

Data analysis To offer closely argued analysis of the data Data analysis forms the
core of a thesis; you should
To present findings and discuss interpretations be prepared to begin
writing this material early
on, and to redraft it

Conclusion To summarize the research and main findings This normally forms the
final chapter. It tends to be
To locate the findings within the field written last, in tandem with
as defined earlier in the thesis the introduction, so
that you can sharpen
up the way your
research questions,
To offer a critique of the research and methodology, analysis
its limitations and findings relate to
each other

Activity 6.11
Look at the tables of contents in Extracts 11, 12 and 13, taken from theses in three
different disciplines. You will notice examples of both procedural and topical sec-
tioning, but can you identify which chapters seem to match the core elements of
Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Data analysis, and Conclusion? What
variations do you notice?

Extract 11

Keith Waldron (2001) ‘Performance indicators for public sector scientists’

1 Executive Summary

2 Introduction, Aims and Objectives

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3 General Description and Background

4 Literature Review

5 Management Concepts and Models relevant to this study

6 Research Design and Methodology

7 Analysis of Results

8 Learning and Reflection

Extract 12

Susan Ormrod (2002) ‘Sense-making and authorising in the organisation of mental

health care’

PART ONE: Thesis Introduction

1 Introduction

2 Methodology

3 Methods: the tale from the field

PART TWO: Scenes and Systems

4 Introduction to Part 2 – the CPA

5 The CPA – local scene

6 Conclusion to Part 2

PART THREE: Teamwork

7 Introduction to Part 3

8 Getting through the meeting – due process in sector team meetings

9 Interactional problems

10 Conclusion to Part 3

PART FOUR: Patienthood

11 Introduction to Part 4

12 Characterising patients – strategic moves in MDT discourse

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13 Characterising patients – problem-solving talk among uncertain team members

14 Conclusion to Part 4

PART FIVE: Thesis Conclusion

15 Reconciling and authorising different stories

Extract 13

Andy Morris (2002) ‘Geographies of multiculturalism: Britishness, normalisation and the

spaces of the Tate Gallery’

1 Introduction

2 Multiculturalism, Britishness and the Tate Gallery

3 History in the Making: evaluating linear and non-linear histories of the Tate Gallery

4 Redrawing the Boundaries: questioning the geographies of Britishness at Tate Britain

5 Rights of Passage: power, mobility and the Tate Gallery in the stones of St Ives art

6 Mapping the Constitutive Time-spaces of Tate Liverpool

7 Representing the Art of ‘the other’: multicultural normalisation and the Tate Gallery

8 Conclusion

Keith Waldron’s structure is closest to the model in Table 6.2, though you may have
noticed that his introduction and methodology elements each span two chapters, and he
also provides an ‘executive summary’, which is characteristic of business studies. In Susan
Ormrod’s thesis, the chapters have been grouped into five parts. The first part deals with
introduction and methodology, but it is more difficult to see which parts provide literature
review and data analysis. When a thesis is organized to deal with different aspects of a
topic, it is possible to provide the literature review element not in a separate chapter, but at
the beginning of each topic. In Susan Ormrod’s thesis, the introduction to each part pro-
vides this type of literature review. Andy Morris’s thesis stands out as different as it is not
based on empirical research; the introduction and conclusion are present, but the remain-
ing chapters are organized around key aspects of the theoretical discussions. As you can
see, theses can vary enormously in their structure. Exactly how the chapters of your own
thesis will be organized and labelled will depend ultimately on your specific aims, and the
practices of the disciplinary area in which you are working.
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One important challenge to the conventionally accepted model of thesis structure and
representation comes from researchers working within post-positivist paradigms (see
Chapter 4). You’ve already seen an example in Section 6.5, of Pauline Evans’s inclusion
of ‘dramatic’ material in her thesis (Evans, 1997), and experimentation of this sort is
increasingly common in some disciplines. Despite this, it is important to bear in mind
that theses are judged against the functions listed in Table 6.2, so although other
elements may be included, your thesis must still meet these requirements.

Activity 6.12
This activity can be carried out using either an outline of your own thesis chapters, or
using a completed thesis in your field. Draw two columns, and in the left-hand column
list the chapter headings. In the right-hand column list the functions of each chapter.
Check to see how closely the functions you identify relate to the functions shown in
Table 6.2. If there are significant differences, can you explain the reasons for this?

Steering the reader

One of the most difficult aspects of writing a large document such as a thesis is ordering
the information. The tangle of ideas in your head needs to be transformed into a
linear piece of writing in such a way that it is clear to a reader. There are general princi-
ples that may help; for example, information may be ordered chronologically, in
cause/effect sequence, in order of importance, or from general to specific. One of the most
important principles is the move from given to new; that is, to start with what is familiar
to your reader as a basis for what is new. This is why, for example, a thesis typically
begins by reviewing the literature that already exists and will therefore be familiar to
other scholars in the field, before moving on to discussing the writer’s own research,
which will be new to most readers. The same principle operates at all levels, and can help
you decide the order of chapters, of sections, of sub-sections and of paragraphs. The next
activity looks at the way the given/new principle operates at paragraph level.

Activity 6.13
The following extract comes from Rosamunde Codling’s PhD thesis on ‘Wilderness and
aesthetic values in the Antarctic’ (1998, p 19). We’ve printed the clauses separately on
the left to make it easier to analyse the way they are linked together. Read through and
notice how the words in italics relate back to earlier clauses. Our comments are on the
right, but you may prefer to cover these while you to try the activity for yourself.
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Extract 14: Paragraph Coherence

Aesthetic values Comments

(a) Discussion about aesthetics has taken Relates back to the heading
place for centuries.

(b) but in Britain, the 18th and 19th Specifies two of the ‘centuries’ mentioned
centuries saw increased interest in the in (a)
application of aesthetic values to land-

(c) More recently, there has been a Contrasts with ‘the 18th and 19th centuries’
demand for the development of
practical procedures that can form
part of a wider planning process.

(d) This has led to ‘landscape assess- Refers to the ‘demand for the development
ment’ in the United Kingdom and of practical procedures’
‘visual resource management’ in the
United States.

(e) These methodologies differ, so detailed Refers to ‘landscape assessment’ and ‘visual
appraisal is necessary. resource management’

(f) Any process to be used in the Antarctic Relates to the choice of methodology dis-
will also need to work in extreme cli- cussed in (c)–(e), indicating why ‘detailed
matic conditions, with all the logisti- appraisal’ is necessary
cal and safety difficulties imposed
by the nature of the continent.


(g) Recent British work has also sought to Continues chronologically from the British
include landscape perception within work mentioned in (d)
survey procedures.

(h) Perception may be expressed in a Refers to ‘landscape perception’

wide variety of forms, frequently
not easy to map or tabulate, but
none the less real.

(i) Sources such as technical studies, literary Specifies the ‘wide variety of forms’
references, photographs, paintings and
films are seen as contributing to a
greater understanding as to how the
landscape is seen or appreciated.

(j) Even in the early days of exploration, Gives more examples of the ‘wide variety of
logs and diaries contained descriptions forms’
of the Antarctic,
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(k) and from the turn of the century expedi- Contrasts with ‘the early days of
tions regularly took artists and later exploration’
photographers with them.

(l) Such documents are informative on both Sums up all the different sources men-
objective and subjective counts. tioned in (i)–(k)

This piece of writing has been constructed so that ideas are linked together coherently,
allowing the reader to move smoothly from familiar to new ideas. We are not suggest-
ing that the writer consciously thought about given and new information in each clause;
it’s more likely that her attention was focused on how to guide the reader through her
ideas. There are always different ways of organizing information, and part of the skill
of good writing is being able to play with the organization until you find one that is
coherent and clear to the reader.

The same issue arises with respect to the thesis as a whole. Having spent so long on it,
you will be aware of the way that ideas are related: the key issue that unifies a section,
the themes that run through several chapters, the points introduced in one place and
picked up later. Someone approaching your thesis for the first time, however, will not
necessarily appreciate these relationships unless you make them clear. Compare, for
example, these two sentences:

Participants were aware of the video recorder.

Another significant factor is that participants were aware of the video recorder.

Although both sentences convey the same information, the second sentence also indi-
cates how this information relates to the rest of the text, as a new item in a list of
significant factors. Language that is used in this way is known as metadiscourse. One
example of metadiscourse is the use of headings to indicate the structure of a thesis;
notice how the heading ‘aesthetic values’ in Extract 14 helps the reader grasp the
significance of the text. Metadiscourse also occurs within the text, for example:

It may therefore be concluded that …

Despite these criticisms, it can be argued that …

The next feature to be considered is …

The aim in this section is to …

As illustrated in Table 6 …
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Metadiscourse frequently occurs at the beginning of chapters or sections, where the

writer provides an overview of what is going to be covered, or at the end, where they
sum up. Thesis writers often include a section consisting almost entirely of meta-
discourse which provides an overview of the whole document. This typically occurs at
the end of the first chapter. The next extract, however, comes from a thesis which is
organized in four parts, with the main overview coming at the end of the first part.

Activity 6.14
Below you can see an extract from Susan Ormrod’s thesis on ‘Sense-making and
authorising in the organization of mental health care’ (2002, pp. 27–8). She has
introduced the Care Programme Approach (CPA) in Part One of the thesis, and is
now providing an overview of the remaining parts. How does she distinguish these
parts in terms of (a) subject matter and (b) approach?

Extract 15: Overview of the Thesis

Part Two is a scene-setting story, with chapter 4 telling the tale of the CPA as a national
policy initiative. Here I draw on government documents and ‘trade’ literature. Chapter 5
tells the story of attempts to implement the CPA in the NHS Trust studied. Here I draw
particularly on an account I wrote as a ‘management consultant’ to the Trust, together with
other studies of CPA implementation. Both these stories are written with a managerial voice
and the image of organization is one of structures and functions.

Part Three looks at teamwork as it was practised by the teams I observed. Here the topic is
organising, rather than organisation. The approach is ethnographic, though informed by
ethnomethodology and by various conceptual tools drawn from Goffman and others influ-
enced by him. Since these are multidisciplinary teams, the literature on this topic is
reviewed and the story is told as a contribution to debates about multidisciplinarity and
interdisciplinary relations.

Part Four looks at the products of team deliberations described in Part Three. The products
are the organisational personalities created for patients by teams as patients are transformed
into objects of mental health work. Again the approach is ethnographic. This is a field of study
where ‘labelling theory’ has occupied a central space. The relevant literature is reviewed and
this part of the thesis is told as a contribution to the critique of labelling theory.


Susan Ormrod’s thesis is organized according to different criteria. The three parts
are distinguished by the different topics they address – the CPA, teamwork, and team
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outcomes (labelling) – but in addition they are distinguished according to the approach
taken (managerial or ethnographic), and the data drawn on (documentary sources,
observation, subject literatures). Although the structure is complex, she has made this
clear to the reader through the metadiscourse of her overview.

6.8 From Writer to Reader

For much of your time you will approach your academic writing as a writer. However,
it is important that you also make time to approach your texts as a reader in order to
focus on two key aspects: (1) as a prospective reader of the ideas; (2) as a proof-reader
looking out for any slips in word processing, grammar or referencing. It is always a
good idea to leave some time between writing and reading as it can be hard to ‘see’ what
you have actually written (rather than what you think you have written) when it is your
own work. It can also be helpful to take frequent brief breaks in your reading to ensure
that your concentration remains high. You may find it helpful to consider the following
questions as you adopt these different ways of readings.

As a prospective reader
Think of your prospective readers and consider how they may read your text. Decide
whether you are reading as a thesis examiner, a journal editor, a research student and
what you may be looking for. We have suggested some key areas in this chapter.

Content. Check for clarity of main ideas, relevance and interest to readers, evidence of
familiarity with specific discipline or specialist subfield.

Argument. Check that the main argument is clear, that moves are obvious, that alterna-
tive positions have been considered, that appropriate evidence is provided, that citations
are used both to show knowledge of the field and to advance your argument.

Organization. Check that text sectioning, such as paragraphs, sections and chapters,
helps convey ideas clearly, for example that all core elements are included, that there is
a progression from familiar to new information, that different issues are dealt with in
separate paragraphs and that links are made (you don’t suddenly jump between topics).

Language. Check that the style is appropriate, that language adequately represents your
intended meanings, that language is used to signal coherent links across sentences and
paragraphs, that metadiscourse is used to steer readers through the text.

As a proof-reader
Most people find it much easier to read from a hard copy, but you can of course also
make good use of your computer by checking for errors using its spell-check or search
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functions, For example, you can search for ‘realise’ and ‘realize’ to make sure you have
been consistent, or search for ’argueable’ if you have a tendency to misspell ‘arguable’.

Layout. Don’t forget that word processing can help – seek advice on possible layouts.

Accuracy of language (spelling, punctuation, grammar). There are many resources

available both on the web and in books – see ‘Recommended reading’.

Referencing and bibliography. Advice on this is found in Chapter 7 and there are
a number of websites on this subject.

6.9 Recommended Reading

Good overviews
Burton, S. and Steane, P. (2004) Surviving Your Thesis. London: Routledge.

Murray, R. (2002) How to Write a Thesis. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Wolcott, H.F. (2001) Writing Up Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Useful guidance on academic language and text construction

(for users of English as a first or foreign language)
Swales, J. and Feak, C. (1994) A Course for Non Native Speakers of English. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press.

Swales, J. and Feak, C. (2004) Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and
Skills. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Codling, R. (1998) ‘Wilderness and aesthetic values in the Antarctic’, unpublished PhD
thesis, The Open University.

Evans, P. (1997) ‘Talking about nursery education: perceptions in context’, unpublished PhD
thesis, University of Bristol.

Evans, P. (2000) ‘Boundary oscillations: epistemological and genre transformation during

the “method” of thesis writing’, Social Research Methodology, vol. 3 (4), pp. 267–86.

Geisler, C. and Kaufer, D.S. (1991) ‘A scheme for representing written argument’, Journal
of Advanced Composition, vol. 11 (1), pp. 199–222.
Potter-3408-Ch-06.qxd 5/27/2006 4:43 PM Page 151


Li, S. (2002) ‘My research diary’, Current Research Newsletter, Department of Sociology,
Goldsmiths College, no. 17.

Li, S. (2004) ‘ “Symbiotic niceness”: constructing a therapeutic relationship in psychosocial

palliative care’, Social Science and Medicine, vol. 58 (12), pp. 2571–83.

Moron-Garcia, S. (2004) ‘Understanding lecturer use of virtual learning environments in

face-to-face teaching in UK higher education’, unpublished PhD thesis, The Open

Ormrod, S. (2002) ‘Sense-making and authorising in the organization of mental health

care’, unpublished PhD thesis, The Open University.

Swales, J. (1990) Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Toulmin, S. (1958) The Uses of Argument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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7 Undertaking a Literature Review

Stephen Potter
with material provided by The Open
University Library for their Information Search
Guides and from Peter Taylor for The Open
University course STM895


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Establish the purposes for which you are undertaking a literature review.
• Plan and organize your literature review.
• Identify sources of information and relevant research methodologies and tech-
niques within your research field.
• Document your sources.
• Arrange information search research training.
• Demonstrate your willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge.
• (In conjunction with Chapter 6) Write up your literature review in a creative, inno-
vative and original manner.
• Use the literature review process to listen, receive and give feedback and respond
• Demonstrate initiative, your ability to work independently and be self-reliant
through undertaking a literature review.
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7.1 Introduction
This chapter begins by looking at planning your literature review and how your review
links into the wider task of planning and undertaking your research project as a whole.
Section 7.3 of this chapter then considers the practicalities of information searching,
which you should undertake in conjunction with training organized via your own
department or library. Section 7.4 looks at how information searching includes people
and organizations, with Section 7.5 providing some advice on recording results and
keeping your information search organized. Section 7.6 concludes this chapter by pro-
viding advice on writing your literature review. This last section in particular needs to
be used together with material in Chapter 6, on academic writing.

A literature review is a major activity for any research degree or taught Master’s dis-
sertation. Depending on your previous experience in information searching, it will take
at least 10 hours to complete this chapter, including undertaking some basic information-
searching activities. In addition to this, you will certainly need to refer to this chapter
again at several points in undertaking your research project.

7.2 The Purposes of a Literature Review

What is a literature review
A ‘literature review’ forms a crucial part of any research degree or dissertation.
Increasingly, not only literature is involved, but also other forms of information.
Electronic sources are now widely used, but information can come from people, not just
written sources, and remember that statistical information and databases as well as arti-
cles and books may be involved. Basically, as part of your research project, you need to
find out ‘where things are at’ in your topic area. A number of terms are used when
reviewing ‘where things are at’, including ‘literature review’, ‘topic review’, ‘subject
review’ or ‘state-of-the-art review’. This chapter uses the traditional term ‘literature
review’ even though a review will of necessity include sources other than just literature.

In beginning a literature review it is essential to think carefully about the purposes you
are trying to achieve. There is no point in simply wading into the literature and other
contacts thinking you can ‘immerse’ yourself in your subject. Particularly today, when
electronic information systems are so powerful, there is an immense danger of simply
being overwhelmed by the vast volume of information that is out there.

So, first, it is important to think through the purposes of reviewing literature. In your
research you will need to draw upon what other people have done at several points, at
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differing depths and for different purposes. Although your thesis or dissertation is
likely to have a chapter headed ‘Literature Review’ (or whatever you call it), this is not
the only place where you will need to show an understanding of what others have done
on your chosen topic area.

Activity 7.1
Note down what purposes will be fulfilled for your research project by reviewing
the literature on your topic area. Note how you will use the literature and other

Make a list, plus any brief notes you think are necessary.

A literature review is involved early in a research project where you are expected
to evaluate your topic area. Although you need to show that you know how your
topic area has developed and what the main discussion points are, a literature
review is more than just a scene-setting exercise. From your review should emerge
a second purpose – that of identifying your own research focus. The design of your
own research project should emerge from the evaluation of issues and debates
that you have reviewed. If your literature review does not identify your research pro-
ject as being an issue that needs investigating, then you have not fulfilled this core

Your literature review should also inform the choice of research method, through
an analysis of the methods used by others – or possibly from an analysis of the
weaknesses of methods used by others. This need not necessarily be written up
in the same review, and could be part of a separate methodology chapter in your
thesis or dissertation.

Later, once you have your results, another purpose of a literature review is to relate
your research to existing knowledge in order to show what your contribution has
been. This is a crucial part of your research; through it you will show the relation-
ship of your findings to that of colleagues in the field.

Conceptions of a literature review

To follow the above activity and initial observations, we shall use the work of an
Australian education researcher, Christine Bruce (1994). She surveyed Master’s and
doctoral students in the early stages of their research projects and asked them to reflect
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on what they understood a ‘literature review’ to be. These students came from a wide
variety of academic disciplines. From their responses, she developed a typology of six
conceptions of a literature review. These conceptions were:

1 The Literature Review as a List. A collection of discrete items on a particular sub-

ject, possibly with keywords or a short description.

2 The Literature Review as a Search. Identifying information that is useful for a

research project.

3 The Literature Review as a Survey. Investigating writings and research to dis-

cover the knowledge base and the methods of investigation used.

4 The Literature Review as a Vehicle for Learning. Using the literature as a sound-
ing board to check out the researcher’s ideas and perceptions of a subject; seek-
ing to gain understanding derived from reading the literature.

5 The Literature Review as a Research Facilitator. Helping develop a particular

stage of the research process, for example, on a particular methodology, on refin-
ing the research question, when something unexpected has happened and the
research needs to take a new direction.

6 The Literature Review as a Report. A written discussion of previous investigations.

Your list of purposes in Activity 7.1 may or may not map on to this typology (you might
have responded to the question in a different way), but see whether you can slot your
list of ‘purposes’ for a literature review into Bruce’s categories. Write the above ‘con-
ceptions’ numbers next to the items on your list (you may end up with something in
more than one category; and if there is a ‘main’ one, underline it).

The changing purposes of a literature review

A major conclusion from Bruce’s article was that, in the early stages of research, post-
graduate students tend to have a ‘list’, ‘search’ and ‘survey’ concept of the literature
review, but Bruce notes that ‘students’ thinking needs to be challenged as early as pos-
sible in their research programme so that it is clear that the final product of the litera-
ture review is a coherent synthesis of past and present research. It is not a list or
annotated bibliography on the area of interest, although these may represent early
stages in progress towards the end product.’ Your understanding of what others have
done must inform your own research; eventually you will have to show where your
research fits into the body of knowledge of which it is a part.
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As was noted in the Discussion on Activity 7.1, your purposes of reviewing literature
will change as you progress through your research. For example, you may be more
interested in understanding the results of a piece of work in the early stages of your
research, in the research method used once you start thinking about your own data
gathering, and perhaps why there are differences between your results and those in the
literature when your data are gathered in.

One postgraduate commented:

I have learned how one’s review of the topic changes and grows. I have probably tried three
plus versions of it by now, and it is still changing. It will change, grow, expand and deepen
over time. This movement is a good sign. Several writings may actually be part of the
process of achieving the understandings wanted from the review.

The following list of purposes for a literature review is based on a variety of sources,
including Bruce’s ‘conceptions’ and research-training experience at a number of uni-
versities in Britain by the team that have put this book together. Nevertheless, you may
have additions of your own.

1 To gain knowledge on the subject area. This is a matter not only of finding out
what are the major research issues and debates, but also of developing your abil-
ity to appraise critically what others have done. Who has done decent and inter-
esting work? Why do you think their work is good?

2 To find out where the literature is thin, or where there are gaps in knowledge. It is
important to note not only what research has been done, but also what has not
been adequately researched.

3 To gain feedback information in order to rethink and focus a research topic. This
concerns sorting out key issues, identifying ‘hot’ research topics and using your
literature review to assist you in formulating or refining your core research question.

4 To find out whether there are related or parallel literatures which have developed in
isolation. Information or method from one area could help another. For example, a
research student, looking at the work conducted by private consultancies commis-
sioned to help develop the EU Ecolabel, noticed they failed to take account of closely
related energy studies and methodologies developed in government research labs
in the USA. Two related literatures had developed in isolation from each other.

5 To discover how others have researched the chosen topic area. Look at literature
and other sources to explore methods, research questions, data availability and
analysis as well as results.
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6 To justify how and why you have done the research in the way you have. For
example, one OU student used a hybrid case study/modelling method in his
transport research because he felt that models on their own were inadequate.
Other researchers had reached a similar conclusion which supported this impor-
tant decision.

7 To have a body of information to compare with your research findings. When

reporting and discussing your results you need to compare them with what other
researchers have found out.

These purposes are relevant to all postgraduate degrees. However, the depth to which
they are pursued will vary according to the criteria for a Master’s dissertation and for
each research degree (which were discussed in Chapter 2).

Broadly, at an appropriate level for each degree, an examiner will expect a student to
have used their knowledge of the topic to show that:

1 You know your subject area.

2 You have made a critical review of other work in the field – not just a list, but a
demonstration of understanding. Think of it as providing a guided tour of a topic,
pointing out important features (not every insignificant molehill).

3 You know the relationship of your work to the rest of the field.

Activity 7.2
Read the offprint ‘Reviewing the literature’ from Judith Bell’s book which you will
find at the end of this chapter. This focuses in particular on the production of a crit-
ical review of existing work.

Read as far as the end of the Alan Woodley extract. This is a very short review for
an article about educational research, but it is written so that anyone can comment
on how good it is as a critical literature review.

Having, in Activity 7.1, considered the purposes of a literature review, note which
of them is fulfilled by Woodley’s review.

When you have done this, read Bell’s last paragraph.

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Activity 7.2 (Continued)


Alan Woodley’s review is certainly a critical appraisal; he notes what other researchers
have done and says that one line of investigation appears to be more satisfactory.
The review also shows that he was using information to rethink and focus on a core
research question and to explore how others have researched in this area. Method
is a key component of this review, and the work Woodley has done specifically
emerges from an approach in the literature that he considers to be most valid.
In this introduction he does not report his findings, but clearly he has a body of
information to compare with his own results.

Literature reviewing for method,

focus and comparison
A critical assessment of the work of others should become the springboard for your own
work. Your own programme of research needs to emerge out of your literature review
(as it did in Alan Woodley’s case) by showing that a particular aspect requires attention.

However, as noted previously in this chapter, you will need to draw upon your knowl-
edge of your subject area throughout your research work, not just in order to set it up.
This links to Bruce’s ‘higher’ purposes of a review: as a ‘vehicle for learning’ and
‘research facilitator’. Put simply, as you progress in your research project you will need
to draw upon the work of other people to help you:

1 Identify the methods of investigation that could be used to undertake your project
and to justify the appropriateness of the method and techniques you do use. This
should form part of your methodology chapter.

2 Focus on the exact research problem or question you will address – you need to
identify a core question for investigation. You may be able to find out how others
have focused and will need to show that this question has not previously been
addressed (or at least not to your satisfaction).

3 Sort out problems that emerge – for example, if you are unable to gather data in
the form you want, is a close approximation available? Find out if others faced
similar problems and how they sorted things out. This can help you save time by
drawing upon the experience of others. In one case, a new surveying methodol-
ogy emerged when traditional methods were ruled out due to privacy laws.
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4 At the end of your thesis, to compare your results with those of others to show
how and where your contribution has taken place. Relating your own work to
what others have done is an important hallmark of a good research degree, yet
often a literature review is seen only as a ‘scene setter’. You should not only
report your results but reflect on how your research adds to knowledge in your
field. For example does your work:

(i) agree (or not) with what others have done?

(ii) extend the work of other researchers?

(iii) provide new meaning to what others have done?

(iv) break new ground?

(v) challenge the method of measurement or evaluation indicators used?

(vi) challenge a policy response?

(vii) challenge a theoretical approach to the subject?

7.3 Locating Sources of Information

Learning how to locate sources
Locating information for your literature review is a large subject, and one where
changes in technology are occurring all the time. There are whole books on this subject
alone (e.g. Hart, 2001). As such, this section can only provide overall general guidance
and initial leads for information searching. Your supervisor or department should be
able to book you on a training course; if not, it is worthwhile contacting the person
responsible for knowledge retrieval/information searching at your library, who will be
able to help you with training. Part-time students should also have access to their uni-
versity’s training facilities and library. In addition, most public libraries today have staff
specializing in IT who can provide information-searching advice.

If you are otherwise unable to obtain training in the practicalities of information searching,
a number of university websites have public access advice on information searching (e.g. via
the OU Library’s home page), and there is also some further advice on this book’s website.

Your supervisors may also suggest information guides appropriate to your subject area.
As noted above, there are specialist books on information searching. Surveys also
appear from time to time in journals and publications of professional bodies (for exam-
ple, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers produces Sourcebooks and Information Packs).
Do ask your supervisors about key sources.
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Searching the internet is now very easy, particularly through search engines such as Yahoo,
MSN, Google or Google Scholar. However, there is a danger of thinking that an internet
search is entirely comprehensive and capable of identifying all materials that you need to
review. This is not the case, although internet coverage is constantly getting better.

In the first instance, many documents (particularly older ones) are simply not available on
the internet, or may have restricted, password, access. Indeed, some sources are only avail-
able as hard copy. However, if something is important to your subject area, then, even if it
is not available on the internet, it is likely to have been cited by others, so you might find
out about it that way. However, the more specialist your research becomes, the more likely
it is that there will be sources that have not been drawn upon by someone who has placed
their work on a website. Hence it is important not to be over-reliant on the internet, to use
it carefully and to ensure that you cross-check with other sources of information (which is
why, in Section 7.4 of this chapter, emphasis is given to people and networks).

The other important point is that you search the internet properly. This particularly
concerns the use of online databases. Bibliographical databases contain citation infor-
mation (author, title, journal, subject keyword and frequently abstract) for all the arti-
cles they index, so that publications can be easily traced to the original source. As
well as being able to search the literature by author or subject, some of the specialist
databases allow users to search for information on specific questions of interest.

Databases of references and other sources of information are a crucial source for a research
degree literature review. In the past these were largely on CD-ROM, but now most are
available online. But you should be aware that general internet search engines may not get
far into the contents of databases. This is an important point. A reference or source of infor-
mation may be down at a deeper level than a general search engine penetrates (which may
only look for key words in the database’s title or description of contents). You therefore
need to ensure that you identify databases and then undertake a search within them.

A further major point about internet searching concerns the quality, reliability and type
of material you will discover. Google or Yahoo will search the whole web and throw up
all manner of articles, some of which will be useful but the majority of which will not
be particularly relevant or reliable. As you are probably aware, there is an awful lot of
very dubious material placed on internet sites. You need to be discerning about what a
search produces and learn how to customize your search to produce relevant results.
For academic research it is particularly important to consider:

1 Is the author (or their institution) known and respected in this field?

2 Is reference made to other work in this field, e.g. does it demonstrate current
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3 Is there a bias – political or personal – to this piece of information that affects the
way that it is presented?

4 Does the information seem objective? Is there an underlying marketing or propa-

ganda motive?

5 Is the information properly referenced, i.e. is it possible for you to verify the points

6 How current is the information? Is the information properly dated?

Although a general internet search is very useful, a key way to get only the more reli-
able sources is to use more bespoke databases, such as ISI Web of Science. Identifying
appropriate databases for your subject field is therefore an important activity. Although
a wider internet search is useful, it is crucial that you combine this with a search of such
area-specific databases.

Activity 7.3
Ask your supervisor or your librarian for a list of the most appropriate databases in
your field.

A list of useful databases is provided on this book’s website, but should not be viewed
as comprehensive.

Sources of information
Whether you identify sources of information on your subject by the internet, database
searches or by manual methods, you need to ensure that you cover all the ways in
which academic information is disseminated. These include:

Journal articles are the predominant channel of communication for academic research.
There are many hundreds of journals published by academic departments, societies
and commercial publishers around the world. As well as academic journals, there are
also professional and trade journals, which can contain very useful information, so
ensure that any search you undertake covers both (more academic-type databases may
leave out professional journals).
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Conference papers and proceedings

These are another major channel of communication for academic research. Some
conference proceedings are formally published, and so appear on databases, but many
are not. Some abstracts and indexes list conferences separately, and index the papers as
for journal articles. Conference proceedings can be searched on the British Library’s
database and there are also specialized services through which you can find out whether
the proceedings of a particular conference have been published, whether there have
been recent conferences on particular topics, or whether papers on your subject have
been given. It is also worthwhile contacting the organizers of the main conferences in
your field to see if they have a list of papers presented in recent conferences.

Books are also a key means of disseminating academic research, although the produc-
tion of a book takes a while and so the contents are likely to be on research conducted
at least two years ago. As well as books on research findings, there are also ‘handbooks’
or ‘manuals’ where facts and figures are collected together in a form convenient for
quick retrieval. It is also useful to look at standard teaching texts which provide a review
of a topic area (Open University correspondence units and set books can also be a good
source of basic information).

There are specialist dictionaries for a number of subject areas.

Newspapers can be useful for a number of reasons, particularly for more current top-
ics where information has not filtered into journals, or for analysis of contemporary
perspectives. Most are indexed and available via a website.

Other students’ dissertations and theses

These can be important sources of information on both sources and research methods.
University libraries and national libraries (such as the British Library) will have PhD
theses indexed. The Index to Theses with Abstracts Accepted for Higher Degrees by the
Universities of Great Britain and Ireland is available on the internet. In some cases, the
permission of the author or university may be needed before a thesis can be seen.

MSc dissertations are unlikely to be placed in libraries, so you may need to make a
direct enquiry to an individual university department asking about any dissertations
relevant to your subject area.
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Government documents
A whole range of reviews, statistics and information are available through government
sources, both national and through intergovernmental agencies (e.g. the UN and CEC).
There are specialist databases on these sources.

For the UK, the first places to look are the Stationery Office and the National Statistics
websites. Many ministries also produce their own lists of reported data. Comprehensive
coverage of British official publications is provided by UKOP Online. This database con-
tains references to everything published since 1980, both by the Stationery Office and
other government bodies.

Statistics and market data

There are a vast number of sources of statistical and market data, which are well docu-
mented on specialist databases.

TV and radio are an often overlooked sources, where research may have been undertaken
for a documentary, historic or ‘in-depth’ news feature. Documentary scripts are often
available, or contact details for a programme’s producer or researcher. Many ‘serious’
documentary programmes have a website (and scripts may be available on request).

Grey literature
There is also a so-called ‘grey literature’ that only partially gets on to databases. This
includes a variety of semi-published sources, including:

Company reports. Many companies will send a copy of their latest report if you write
to them. Some electronic databases such as the ICC British Company Annual Reports and
the UK Company Factfinder contain the full texts. Many companies now place their
annual reports on the internet.

Trade literature. Much can be accessed through the Business Information Service at the
British Library. Some may be on company or trade association websites.

Unpublished research documents. Often it is project working papers and unpublished

interim reports that contain important information on methods and details. When you
identify projects and results through formal sources, it is worthwhile asking authors
about any associated unpublished papers.

Exhibitions and performances. Exhibitions are an important means of dissemination in

arts subjects and also a source of information across all subject areas. Catalogues may
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be available and indexed. For the performing arts, programmes (particular for first
performances) can be a source of information.

In many cases, such grey literature may be available from the originating body, from
larger libraries or from the British Library Document Supply Centre. There is also
SIGLE (the System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe), which is useful for
difficult-to-trace papers, pamphlets, theses and translations from government, local
government, universities and learned societies.

Searching databases
Clearly there is a large amount of information available, which, because it is ordered in
a logical fashion, can be searched. However, the sheer volume of information means that
it can only be efficiently searched using electronic search engines. Given the nature of
search engines, it is probably best to use more than one search engine to ensure that
your search is comprehensive.

Selecting your keywords

The first step to carrying out a search is to define what it is exactly you are looking
for, so you start by writing out your query. For example, a search on a health and social
welfare project might be examining the question:

‘I want to know what causes malaria and how it can be prevented’.

One way of answering this question is to type one or more keywords into a search
engine. Choosing the keywords is often the most difficult task and so keyword searches
may be ‘causes’ and ‘malaria’, and ‘prevention’ and ‘malaria’. Clearly there are not too
many other words we could use instead of malaria, but ‘causes’ could be replaced by
‘routes’ or ‘sources’, and ‘prevention’ could be replaced by ‘avoiding’, so we need to
think carefully about the words we use to make sure the search returns the most
focused set of sources.

Ways of searching
Whether you are searching a library catalogue, a specialist database or the whole inter-
net, you will notice that there are many similar features (e.g. a box to type in your
search terms or a clickable help button), so many of the same principles apply in search-
ing any of the bibliographical and full text databases that you may need to use.

Single keyword searching. Most databases will provide a search box or boxes on the
opening screen. If you type a single keyword in the search box and click on ‘Search’,
you should see the number of hits (this is the number of resources which match your
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search terms), the title of the resource (which is a link to the website), plus a descrip-
tion of what the resource is about, and its URL (the location on the World Wide Web).

Phrase searching. Most databases will allow you to search for a phrase, but they will
vary as to how your phrase has to appear in the search box. For example, to make sure
a string of words is only found if they appear as a phrase, you may need to type the
phrase in inverted commas, for instance ‘malarial vectors’.

Combining search terms. You can combine search terms to broaden or narrow your
search. If you type ‘malaria’ into a search box and make a note of the number of results
you have found, then do a new search for ‘preventing’ and again note the number of
hits, and finally type ‘malaria AND preventing’, the number of hits is drastically
reduced. Only the records that contain both of these words, in any order and in any
position in the record, are retrieved.

AND is one of a series of ‘Boolean operators’ which can be used to broaden or narrow
your search. Figure 7.1 shows what is meant by a Boolean operator, the AND operator.
Think of the ‘malaria’ oval as containing a set of keywords, and the ‘preventing’ oval as
containing a set of keywords. In the overlap area are references that contain one of the
malaria words AND one of the preventing words. If you use the OR operator you will
get all the records that fall in both ovals, including the overlap area.

Most searching systems allow you just to type ‘and’, ‘or’, and the other operators.
Others use symbols. When looking at a database or using a search engine, be clear about
the conventions it uses. All databases should have a help function and it is worth check-
ing when you first use a database to see how search terms should be entered.

The other Boolean operator is NOT. Typing ‘molecular NOT chemistry’ will find
records which contain the word ‘malaria’ but that do not contain the word ‘preventing’;
that is, just the non-overlapping part of the left-hand oval in Figure 7.1.

Malaria Preventing

Figure 7.1 The Boolean operator ‘and’

Advanced search options usually allow you to put more complex searches together by
providing more than one box into which you can type your search. They will often
allow you to specify exactly where in the record you want the search words to appear.
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Activity 7.4
Take one of the databases you identified in Activity 7.3. Devise a question that
covers your own topic area, such as the example used above (i.e. ‘I want to know
what causes malaria and how it can be prevented’).

Develop from this the keywords you wish to use in your search.

Check the Boolean operator terms used in your search engine for the database.

From this, link two or three keywords using Boolean operators like AND, OR, NOT,
etc., and see what sort of results emerge.

Note which produce the most useful results for you.


It would be useful to discuss the results of this exercise with your supervisor or a
librarian, or do this in conjunction with a library training course.

A key lesson in undertaking information searches is that there is a law of ‘dimin-

ishing returns’. Getting the fullest possible answers to all your questions may take
ten times longer than getting adequate answers to 80 per cent of them. Usually an
adequate answer is all you need.

7.4 People and Networks

People as informants
Literature (in either paper or electronic forms) is not the only way to find out about a
particular subject. Indeed, probably the quickest way to find ‘where things are at’ is to
ask someone ‘in the know’. Talking to people who are very familiar with the topic area
is an excellent way to speed up finding out who has done what. This does not replace
searching and analysing written sources, but it can very much help you to identify what
is viewed as important work and help you to select key literature and key researchers.
As has already been mentioned in Chapter 5 of this book, it helps immensely to iden-
tify the numerous people who can facilitate your research.

An example was an OU postgraduate student who, in the first few months of his PhD,
sought to interview several key people in his field of study. He purposely chose a mix of
researchers, practitioners and journalists in order to get varying perspectives. This aided
his search of written sources. His review of the topic area thus contained both written
sources and original interviews, and so added extra authority to this part of his thesis.
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However, you have to be selective and careful in your use of people. This point deserves
emphasis and involves an ethical issue as there is a danger of seemingly getting some-
one else to do your work. Your interactions with others should be part of a network
of mutual support among professionals, so you should prepare yourself for talking to
people. Unfocused and lengthy discussions do nothing but annoy. This does not mean
that you cannot contact people from the beginning of your research when you don’t
know much, but you must be clear about the basis for contacting them. For example, it
is perfectly acceptable to talk to even a leading expert in your field about whether the
preliminary ideas for your project make sense and if they know of anyone else doing
something similar.

Activity 7.5
Make a list of people in your field who you think might be interested in your
research (have a look back at Activity 5.4 in Chapter 5 which asked you about this).

Sort out a set of questions that you would like to ask each of these people.


Your list is likely to include academic and possibly industry/private researchers, but
you should also think about other groups such as:

1 Authors.
2 Practitioners.
3 Journalists, who are a wonderful source of ‘who is doing what’. Their time is
often limited, so restrict yourself to a quick call unless you have a really good
introduction from someone who knows them.
4 Researchers on ‘serious’ TV or radio documentary programmes.
5 ‘Stakeholders’ in the subject area: people who are responsible for part of
what you are studying. They should know what research and developments
are under way on their patch. Such ‘stakeholders’ are not just sources of
data once your research is under way; they can help you design and
develop your research project itself. Who knows, your contacts may pave the
way for a job!

Methods of contacting people

There are many ways of identifying ‘people in the know’ in your field. The following
are just a few.
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1 Conferences. An obvious place to find key people in your subject area. This is a
good way to get going as you do not have to contact anyone out of the blue. Start
talking over coffee or lunch.

2 Arrange an interview (Offer to buy a drink or, if very important, lunch.) Also tele-
phone interviews are increasingly acceptable, particularly for busy people.

3 Organize a workshop on your subject. This might sound daunting, but how about a
research students’ workshop initially? Your supervisor may be able to help set
one up. If you are an external student, your internal supervisor should know of
other research students in your field of study.

4 Give a seminar. This may sound very ambitious, but it can be very useful even if it
is about discussing how you plan to do your research (remember, there is further
guidance on presentations in Chapter 10 of this book). Furthermore, you save
time as you can see several people at once rather than running around to see
them. You may even end up with a ‘steering group’ to draw upon for advice.

5 The internet is a useful way to identify people. You could set up a home page on
your project. People in the know might then start contacting you.

6 Join an email or special interest discussion list. Very often there are special interest
email lists that hold discussions. Check with your supervisor. These can be well
worth joining – for a while at any rate – but bear in mind the amount of emails you
will generate if you decide to join a number of these. If there is no existing email
list, you could set one up.

To find people you will often need to trace the organizations for which they work.
Information on the organizations themselves is often useful and may help you to select
whom you approach. An internet search engine should suffice.

A further point is that ‘People’ sources are often the best ways to find out about the so-
called ‘grey literature’, such as company reports, unpublished research documents and
conference proceedings. As noted in Section 7.3 of this chapter, these often fail to get
on to databases, and for fast-moving and emerging topic areas the less formal types of
literature are often very important.

Finally, remember that you have a wealth of experience yourself and getting together
with other students and sharing your research experience can help you all. This is part
of the ‘personal support network’ mentioned in Section 5.7. Even if your project seems
very different from that of other research students, tips on doing research and getting
around problems can be remarkably generic! For part-time or distance students, an
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email network can be a useful way of keeping in touch, coupled with the occasional
meal or drink at a mutually convenient location.

7.5 Keeping it Organized

Activity 7.6
Note down how you currently keep (or plan to keep) a note of anything you read.

As noted at the beginning of this section, you will end up using information on other
people’s research for different purposes throughout your own project and when writ-
ing up the results. Keeping records of what you have read and found, and whom you
have contacted, is thus very important; if you do not have good records, you will end
up having to do more or less the same work all over again!

Therefore, it is important to make notes and classify literature and other information
obtained according to what it contributes to your project. You may initially be using a
reference in order to review your topic field; later you may need to return to it in order
to set up and focus your research question. Later still another of our purposes may
emerge as you re-examine the same reference to see what method was used to gather
the data it contains and how the results were analysed. Finally, you may want to
compare your own results to those in the reference. It may therefore be useful to note
how a reference or source contributes to:

1 information/scope of your project;

2 focusing your project;

3 method;

4 analysis;

5 conclusions.

Clearly, keeping good notes is a function for your research journal, but you will also
need to have a dedicated system to record and keep track of information you have
obtained. This may include keeping hard or electronic copies of key references. It is
also important to record your sources of information as you find them so that you can
easily locate them again. You also need to decide what system you are going to use for
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citing your sources, ensuring that you have all the information you need for that

Bibliographical packages
It is now very common for research students to use software packages to produce a
reference list in a consistently correct form. A number of packages are available. Endnote
is probably the most widely used package, but many others are available including
RefWorks, Citation, GetaRef, Papyrus, ProCite and Reference Manager. Details can be found
by searching for these products on the website of suppliers or software retailers. Many
of the packages also have help desks and websites.

Find out which package or packages are recommended and supported by your univer-
sity. If you have a choice, check which ones your supervisor or others in your depart-
ment use. You should also be able to download a demo copy of a particular package and
check it through. If your university does not supply you with a package, some retailers
offer special prices or versions for students. Such deals are usually highlighted on
suppliers’ websites.

Basically, all these packages are databases specifically designed to store references and
to produce bibliographies in a variety of specified formats. They allow you to input ref-
erences from the electronic sources or enter them yourself, search for references, sort
them and then generate the output in a whole variety of journal or other formats.

There are a number of web guides on bibliographic software, including Glasgow

University Library and the University of Bristol. This book’s website contains links to
some guides.

Bibliographical packages allow you to cite references in whatever referencing system is
required (so long as you enter all the appropriate details). For your thesis, some univer-
sities specify the citation system to be used (which is an issue to check with your super-
visor), with many using a variant of the ‘Harvard’ author–date system. Whatever
system you use, it needs to be consistent and provide all the information needed for
somebody to be able to track down each reference.

Further details on citation methods are given in the Appendix to this chapter and are
also provided, together with weblinks for advice, on this book’s website.
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Activity 7.7
Identify an appropriate bibliographical software package (check what is recom-
mended and/or supported by your university) and download a demo copy.

Discuss with your supervisor the citation system you should use and how you
should keep records for your literature search. Make sure you cover all sources.

7.6 Writing a Review

Students often have difficulty in starting to write their literature reviews. A real danger
is the feeling that you have to collect everything first before you can write up your
review. Especially when using online, internet or CD-ROM searches, the searching
process itself can become almost obsessive. But it is really much better to start writing
immediately. This point was emphasized at the beginning of Chapter 6, where it was
noted that writing is a continuous process throughout your research degree, not a sep-
arate stage at the end. Writing is a recursive process, in which you’ll find yourself
cycling again and again through various drafts. This is particularly so for a literature
review, which (as noted above) fulfils a number of processes, including helping you to
focus on your core research question, reflect on methodology and work through how
and where your work may fit into your wider subject area. Inevitably a literature
review will involve the stages and cycle of writing that was covered in Chapter 6, and
you will find yourself needing to apply the general principles from Section 6.4 of that
chapter. Just to remind you, here is the diagram from Chapter 6 on the writing process.

Prewriting Planning Drafting

Further research
or idea generation

Planning Revision
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An example of this is that I got one of my full-time PhD students to write a review on
just ten pieces of literature when he was two months into his PhD. These ten pieces
were reasonably central to his subject area, but he did not spend ages narrowing down
a vast list to ‘the ten crucial works’. They were simply ten that looked promising at the
time. It was surprising how drafting a review on these ten pieces developed his sense
of discernment (reflection) in looking at other literature. Having completed a ‘mini-
review’, he could judge rapidly the value to his project of subsequent articles. In conse-
quence, doing this quick and incomplete review speeded up his whole literature review.
The initial review was quickly superseded, but evolved into a series of reviews cover-
ing the different purposes needed in a literature review. This student became a profes-
sional journalist before returning to academia to become a lecturer.

Another way of getting going on your review is linked to the level and depth of knowl-
edge needed as you focus on your core research question. Writing up the general subject
area and the main issues of debate should be a relatively straightforward task. This does
not require too much depth and is also something that many other researchers will have
done. Try finding somebody else’s general review in your subject area and examine it crit-
ically. For example, research into a detailed aspect of renewable energy sources (say, small-
scale wind generators) will need to start off by discussing why renewable energy is an
important issue, and the environmental concerns behind its development. This general
subject is covered by many articles and books. Although you obviously must not simply
appropriate another person’s review for yourself (that is not ethical – see Chapter 9), a use-
ful exercise is to work out how you might adapt this review to make it better suited to
your own purposes. That can then form the basis of structuring your own general review.

The end result of your review should be a piece of written work that, like the review
by Alan Woodley in the offprint at the end of this chapter, provides a story about your
understanding of how research in your topic area has emerged. Look at Section 6.5 in
Chapter 6. This is about crafting an argument, using citations and forging a clear argu-
ment, and all this very much applies to writing a literature review. The analysis there
uses a piece of text (Extract 5) that is a literature review. You should read this as part
of organizing and writing your own literature review. As well as using Extract 5 in
Activity 6.5, also look at Alan Woodley’s review from this chapter. This is a good example
of identifying ‘main paths’ and ‘faulty paths’ to provide focus in a literature review.

There are a number of guides and sources of advice available on organizing and struc-
turing the writing of a literature review. One useful site is CAPLITS. The address of
this is on this book’s website.

Finally, as this section has emphasized, you will be using information on other people’s
research in your subject area throughout your own research. Make sure you keep in
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touch with the body of research and researchers. Write up as you go along; talk to
people; share your discoveries, frustrations and joys.

You are now not just studying a topic – you are part of the ‘topic’!

Bruce, C.S. (1994) ‘Research students’ early experiences of the dissertation literature
review’, Studies in Higher Education, vol. 19 (2) pp. 217–29.

Hart, C. (2001) Doing a Literature Search. London: Sage.

Reviewing the literature

Any investigation, whatever the scale, will involve reading what other people have written
about your area of interest, gathering information to support or refute your arguments and
writing about your findings. In a small-scale project, you will not be expected to produce a
definitive account of the state of research in your selected topic area, but you will need to
provide evidence that you have read a certain amount of relevant literature and that you
have some awareness of the current state of knowledge on the subject.

Ideally, the bulk of your reading should come early in the investigation, though in practice a
number of activities are generally in progress at the same time and reading may even spill
over into the data-collecting stage of your study. You need to take care that reading does
not take up more time than can be allowed, but it is rarely possible to obtain copies of all
books and articles at exactly the time you need them, so there is inevitably some overlap.

Analytical and theoretical frameworks

Reading as much as time permits about your topic may give you ideas about approach and
methods which had not occurred to you and may also give you ideas about how you might
classify and present your own data. It may help you to devise a theoretical or analytical
framework as a basis for the analysis and interpretation of data. It is not enough merely to
collect facts and to describe what is. All researchers collect many facts, but then must orga-
nize and classify them into a coherent pattern. Verma and Beard (1981) suggest that
researchers need to

identify and explain relevant relationships between the facts. In other words, the
researchers must produce a concept or build a theoretical structure that can explain
facts and the relationships between them … The importance of theory is to help the
investigator summarize previous information and guide his future course of action.
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Sometimes the formulation of a theory may indicate missing ideas or links and the
kinds of additional data required. Thus, a theory is an essential tool of research in stim-
ulating the advancement of knowledge still further.

(Verma and Beard 1981: 10)

Sometimes ‘model’ is used instead of or interchangeably with ‘theory’. Cohen and Manion
explain that

both may be seen as explanatory devices or schemes having a conceptual framework,

though models are often characterized by the use of analogies to give a more graphic
or visual representation of a particular phenomenon. Providing they are accurate and
do not misrepresent the facts, models can be of great help in achieving clarity and
focusing on key issues in the nature of phenomena.

(Cohen and Manion 1989: 16)

The label is not important but the process of ordering and classifying data is.

As you read, get into the habit of examining how authors classify their finding, how they
explore relationships between facts and how facts and relationships are explained. Methods
used by other researchers may be unsuitable for your purposes, but they may give you ideas
about how you might categorize your own data, and ways in which you may be able to draw
on the work of other researchers to support or refute your own arguments and conclusions.

The critical review of the literature

An extensive study of the literature will be required in most cases for a PhD and a critical
review of what has been written on the topic produced in the final thesis. A project lasting
two or three months will not require anything so ambitious. You may decide to omit an ini-
tial review altogether if your reading has not been sufficiently extensive to warrant its inclu-
sion, but if, you decide to produce a review, it is important to remember that only relevant
works are mentioned and that the review is more than a list of ‘what I have read’.

Writing literature reviews can be a demanding exercise. Haywood and Wragg comment wryly
that critical reviews are more often then not uncritical reviews – what they describe as

the furniture sale catalogue, in which everything merits a one-paragraph entry no matter
how skillfully it has been conducted: Bloggs (1975) found this, Smith (1976) found that,
Jones (1977) found the other, Bloggs, Smith and Jones (1978) found happiness in heaven.

(Haywood and Wragg, 1982: 2)

They go on to say that a critical review should show ‘that the writer has studied existing work
in the field with insight’ (p. 2). That is easier said than done, but the main point to bear in
mind is that a review should provide the reader with a picture, albeit limited in a short pro-
ject, of the state of knowledge and of major questions in the subject area being investigated.
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Consider the following introduction to a study by Alan Woodley (1985) entitled Taking
Account of Mature Students. You may not be familiar with their field of study, but does the
introduction put you in the picture? Does it give you some idea of the work that has been
done already and does it prepare you for what is to follow?

Of the many who have looked at the relationship between age and performance in uni-
versities none has as yet produced a definite answer to the apparently simple question
‘Do mature students do better or worse than younger students?’

Harris (1940) in the United States found evidence to suggest that younger students
tended to obtain better degree results.

Similar findings have been made in Britain by Malleson (1959), Howell (1962), Barnett and
Lewis (1963), McCracken (1969) and Kapur (1972), in Australia by Flecker (1959) and
Sanders (1961), in Canada by Fleming (1959) and in New Zealand by Small (1966). However,
most of these studies were based on samples of students who were generally aged between
seventeen and twenty-one and the correlation techniques employed meant that the relation-
ship between age and performance really only concerned this narrow age band. As such, the
results probably suggest that bright children admitted early to higher education fare better
than those whose entry is delayed while they gain the necessary qualifications.

This view is supported by Harris (1940) who discovered that the relationship between age
and performance disappeared when he controlled for intelligence. Other studies have
shown that those who gain the necessary qualifications and then delay entry for a year or
two are more successful than those who enter directly from school (Thomas, Beeby and
Oram 1939; Derbyshire Education Committee 1966).

Where studies have involved samples containing large numbers of older students the
results have indicated that the relationship between age and performance is not a linear
one. Philips and Cullen (1955), for instance, found that those aged twenty-four and over
tended to do better than the eighteen and nineteen-year-old age group. Sanders (1961)
showed that the university success rate fell until the age of twenty or twenty-one, then from
about twenty-two onwards the success rate began to rise again. The problem with these two
studies is that many of the older students were returning servicemen. They were often
‘normal’ entrants whose entry to university had been delayed by war and many had under-
gone some training in science or mathematics while in the armed forces. Also, while Eaton
(1980) cites nine American studies which confirm the academic superiority of veterans, there
is some contradictory British evidence. Mountford (1957) found that ex-service students who
entered Liverpool University between 1947 and 1949 were most likely to have to spend an
extra year or more on their courses and more likely to fail to complete their course.

Some studies have shown that whether mature students fare better or worse than younger
students depends upon the subject being studied. Sanders (1963) has indicated that the
maturity associated with increasing age and experience seems to be a positive predictor of
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success for some arts and social science courses. The general finding that older students
do better in arts and social science and worse in science and maths is supported by
Barnett, Holder and Lewis (1968), Fagin (1971), Sharon (1971) and Flecker (1959).

Walker’s (1975) study of mature students at Warwick University represents the best British
attempt to unravel the relationship between age and performance. He took 240 mature under-
graduates who were admitted to the university between 1965 and 1971 and compared their
progress with that of all undergraduates. This gave him a reasonably large sample to work
with and the timing meant that the results were not distorted by any ‘returning servicemen
factor’. His methodology showed certain other refinements. First, he excluded overseas stu-
dents. Such students tend to be older than average and also to fare worse academically
(Woodley 1979), thus influencing any age/performance relationship. Secondly, he used two
measures of performance; the proportion leaving without obtaining a degree and the degree
results of those taking final examinations. Finally he weighted the degree class obtained
according to its rarity value in each faculty.

The following findings achieved statistical significance:

(i) In total, mature students obtained better degrees than non-mature students.
(ii) In the arts faculty mature students obtained better degrees than non-mature students.
(iii) Mature students who did not satisfy the general entrance requirement obtained better
degrees than all other students.
(iv) The degree results of mature students aged twenty-six to thirty were better than those
of all other mature students.

Several other differences were noted but they did not achieve statistical significance due
to the small numbers involved. The mature student sample only contained thirty-three
women, twenty-six science students and thirty-seven aged over thirty. The aim of the
present study was to extend Walker’s work to all British universities so that these and
other relationships could be tested out on a much larger sample of mature students.

(Woodley 1985: 152–4)

This review is more thorough than would normally be required for small projects, but the
approach is much the same, whatever the exercise. Alan Woodley selects from the exten-
sive amount of literature relating to mature students. He groups certain categories and com-
ments on features which are of particular interest. He compares results of different
investigators and discusses in some detail a study by Walker (1975) which serves as a pilot
for his more extensive study of mature students in British universities.

The reader is then in the picture and has some understanding of what work has been done
already in this field. Woodley no doubt omitted many publications that had been consulted
during the course of his research. It is always hard to leave out publications that may have
taken you many hours or even weeks to read, but the selection has to be made. That is the
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discipline which has to be mastered. Once you have identified possible categories from your
initial reading, and have your cards in order, you will be able to group the source material,
and writing the review becomes much easier.

Note: The references in this offprint are not listed as this is not necessary for its use in this

Source: Bell, J. (1999) Doing Your Research Project: a Guide for First-Time Researchers in
Education and Social Science (3rd edn), chapter 6, pp. 92–6. Buckingham: Open University

Appendix: Referencing style guide

(Based upon Open University Library’s Information Search Guide.)

Bibliographical packages automatically format references in a particular style, but you do also
need to pay attention to how you cite references in your text. The following provides guidance in
using the frequently used Harvard author–date citation system. However, do check with your
supervisor about any ‘house style’ used by your university or department.

The Harvard author–date system uses brief details within the text of your thesis or disser-
tation, which allows the reference to be identified from a fully detailed list contained either
at the end of each chapter or a single list covering the thesis as a whole. This list is arranged
in alphabetical order of the author’s surname. If you have more than one reference by the
same author, they should be arranged in date order.

In your text, citations are simply the author and date set in brackets, for example:

Other studies have shown that those who gain the necessary qualifications and then
delay for a year or two are more successful than those who enter directly from school
(Thomas, Beeby and Oram 1939; Derbyshire Education Committee 1966).

The above example also shows how multiple authors and organizations are cited. When an
author is directly named in your text, it is only necessary to add the date of the reference,
for example: ‘Sanders (1963 ) has indicated that … .’

When citing a quote within a book or a long article, the exact page number(s) should also
be specified. This can be done either by using a ‘p.’ as shorthand for page, such as ‘Sanders
(1963 p. 24 ) has indicated that … ’, or by specifying the page number(s) after a colon, such
as ‘Sanders (1963: 24 ).

At the end of each chapter or at the end of the whole thesis/dissertation would come your
full alphabetical reference list. The following provides a guide for how this can be set out for
various reference sources.
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Author’s surname, initial(s) (year of publication) title (or title), edition, place of publication,

Flavin, C. (1999) Power Surge: A Guide to the Coming Energy Revolution, London,

Journal articles

Author’s surname, initial(s) (year of publication) ‘title of article’, title of journal (or title of jour-
nal), volume number, issue number, date of journal, pp.· ••–••.

Watanabe, C. (2001) ‘Identification of the role of renewable energy’, Renewable Energy, vol.
8, no. 3, April, pp. 237–274.


Author’s surname, initial(s) (date of report) title (or title), issuing organization, report

Halliday, J. (1995) Assessment of the Accuracy of the DTI’s Database of the UK Wind
Speeds, Energy Technology Support Unit, ETSU-W-11/00401/REP.

Conference papers

Author’s surname, initial(s) (year of publication) title (or title), title of conference
proceedings, date of conference, location of conference, pages on which the paper
appears, publisher’s location, publisher of proceedings.

Jones, J. (1999) Polymer Blends Based on Compact Disc Scrap, Proceedings of the Annual
Technical Conference – Society of Plastics Engineers, May 1–5, 1999, San Francisco,
pp. 2865–2867, Brookfield, CT, Society of Plastics Engineers.

Electronic journal articles

Author’s surname, initial(s) (year of publication) ‘title of article’, title of journal (or title of jour-
nal) [online], volume number, issue number. Available from: name of service, URL of web-
site [date the site was accessed].

Bird, R. (1999) ‘You need a translator or visual communication comes of age’, Deliberations
[online]. Available from: [accessed 17 June 2005].

Web site documents

Author’s surname, initial(s) (year of publication) title of document (or title of document)
[online], publisher. Available from: name of service, URL of website [date the site was

Lancaster University Engineering Design Centre (2003) Application of Schemebuilder envi-

ronment for hydraulic system design focusing on concurrent engineering aspects [online],
Potter-3408-Ch-07.qxd 5/27/2006 4:44 PM Page 179


Lancaster University Engineering Design Centre. Available from: [accessed 29 May 2004].

Electronic journal article

Author’s surname, initial(s) (year of publication) title of article, electronic journal name,
volume number, issue number, URL address or email contact.

Hamilton, R. (2005) ‘The social geography of South Oxhey’, Human Geography Online,
2 (3): March. email: [email protected]

Electronic mail messages

Author’s surname, initial(s) (author’s email address), full date of message, subject of
message (or subject of message). Email to recipient’s name and email address.

Knight, C.J. ([email protected]), 29 May 2005, Teacher training for IT skill development.
Email to [email protected]
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8 Doing the Right Thing

Legal and Moral Constraints on Researchers
Martin Le Voi


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Attribute ideas correctly without plagiarism.

• Understand the need for commercial and personal confidentiality.
• Understand the importance of security with computer use.
• Understand the repercussions of the Data Protection Act on your research.
• Understand basic intellectual property constraints (e.g. copyright).

8.1 Introduction
When the product of the research is going to be a public document, such as a report or
a thesis which will be available to the public in a library, it is crucial to consider your
legal and moral responsibilities as a writer. Your work will be exposed to public scrutiny
and, as a result, may be examined to see whether it is ‘legal, decent, honest and truth-
ful’, in the words of the UK Advertising Standards Authority. Moreover, the process of
doing your research must take due consideration of the moral, ethical and legal stan-
dards in research, as our society currently sets them, and you must also not take unac-
ceptable risks with health (both physical and mental): either with anyone else’s or with
your own.

This chapter briefly considers the important aspects of responsibilities and rights for
the researcher. The early parts apply to nearly all researchers, whereas later parts get
more specialized, as they deal with issues such as patents and publication rights.
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8.2 Responsibilities
Academic integrity
Legal, decent, honest, truthful
Academic research is about creating a community of scholars which is sustained by
both trust and scepticism. In theory, any piece of research by any professional academic
should be capable of being repeated in order to test the reliability or generalizability of
the results. This is one reason why in your research thesis you have to take painstaking
care to describe the research methodology used, so that it may be repeated by anyone
wishing to do so. Academic research proceeds by new academics treating the work of
previous researchers with due scepticism, usually questioning the interpretation or
theoretical constructions arrived at in previous work.

In principle, previous research can be replicated in order to test whether the findings
were reliable or due to just a lucky chance. Replication and generalization apply to
various enquiry methods, not just quantitative research (see Chapter 4 and below).
While simple replication can and does happen, particularly in areas of research where
such lucky chances may be quite common, by and large the community of scholars
relies upon trust that other professional academics have done their research compe-
tently, effectively and, most important of all, honestly. For academic research to
progress, this trust in the integrity of researchers is vital.

In a now infamous announcement, in 1989 Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann

claimed to have discovered one of the Holy Grails of science, ‘cold fusion’. Such a dis-
covery could promise virtually unlimited power with none of the problems of fossil
fuels (pollution), fission (radioactive waste) or some renewables (unreliability of gen-
eration, e.g. with wind or wave power). However, no other laboratory was able to
confirm their results in replications. Accusations of fraud and incompetence were
rife, leaving Pons and Fleischmann humiliated. But fraud was not proved; perhaps it
was just that those scientists were not careful enough about checking their results or
allowing for artefacts. Edmund Storms, another scientist trying to develop cold
fusion, highlights what Pons and Fleishmann did wrong: ‘Conventional science
requires you to play by certain rules. First, thou shalt not announce thy results via a
press conference. Second, thou shalt not exaggerate the results. Third, thou shalt tell
other scientists precisely what thou did. They broke all of those rules’ (Storms,
quoted in Platt, 1998).

Much of the issue in these experiments was about the accuracy of the measurements
and the adequacy of control of a myriad of potential artefacts. The output of the reaction
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needed high precision measuring and even had to take account of natural levels
of neutron particles: one experiment was conducted under a mountain to control this
adequately. The verdict of over a decade of research is that results in this area are not
considered trustworthy, and even if no deliberate fraud was prosecuted, the community
of scholars in this field is damaged.

In areas of the social and behavioural sciences which use inferential statistics to inform
decisions about scientific theory, the situation can be worse than this. The field of infer-
ential statistics has by design decision errors built in, and a researcher can get a positive
result sometimes just by chance. It is quite easy in such circumstances for apparently
interesting results to be based on experimental artefacts, sometimes leading many
researchers up blind alleys.

Qualitative research methods, especially ones where a small sample is examined

in depth for the light it can shed on social or psychological theory, are also very
dependent on the integrity of the researcher. The analyst must take care that the ana-
lytical findings are a fair and accurate reflection of the corpus of evidence being scru-
tinized, and not an artificial construct imposed on the data by an analyst determined
to use them for dialectic purposes which go beyond what the evidence could reason-
ably sustain.

You must therefore treat your research project with the utmost care. Do not succumb
to the temptation to cheat and generate additional research results, or pretend that you
have found something which is not there. Not only does it jeopardize the whole con-
ception of a research community of scholars, but also it will probably do you no good
as cheating is frequently found out. There are several famous cases where well-known
research published by leading authorities turned out to be at least suspect, if not actu-
ally fraudulent. Highly publicized allegations were made against Professor Cyril Burt
alleging the faking of results in investigations of intelligence among identical twins in
order to support his theories of intelligence. Although many of these allegations proved
to be false, it remains highly likely that Cyril Burt at least generated some extra cases
of identical twins (which are a rare occurrence among human births) in order to boost
the sample size of his studies.

There are a few other cases of scientific fraud, which are usually very notable because
of the huge publicity they generate (e.g. the cloning research frauds of 2006). Fortu-
nately, they do appear to be rare events. Scepticism regarding other researchers’ work
is usually not aimed at the raw data or original sources of the work, but rather at their
interpretations and theoretical constructions drawn from it. This is as it should be. This
chapter’s Appendix gives one university’s approach to defining a code of practice for
academic integrity.
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Activity 8.1
Obtain a copy of your own university’s code of practice for academic integrity.
In your own area of research, are you aware of instances where data gathering
procedures and biased/exaggerated interpretations of data produced misleading
results or claims? Perhaps ask your supervisors or colleagues about examples.

(Adapted from the Open University’s Policy on Plagiarism.)

While faking research is a case of fraud against the whole process of research, plagia-
rism can be described as fraudulently presenting ideas as your own when they are not.
Perhaps it is more accurately described as theft, where someone else’s ideas have been
stolen. While this would not actually damage the progress of the research discipline, it
is a serious breach of professional standards in research and one in which arguments can
persist in long and bitter disputes.

It is important, therefore, that you carefully attribute all the ideas to which you refer in
your work to their original authors, and any quotations you use should be accurate and
appropriately referenced. For example, I have drawn upon a website to write this section,
which is referenced above.

So, if your academic writing contains work that is not your own without indicating this
(acknowledging your sources), you are committing ‘plagiarism’. This might occur in a
thesis when, without referencing a source:

1 Using a choice phrase or sentence that you have come across.

2 Copying word for word directly from a text.

3 Paraphrasing the words from a text very closely.

4 Using text downloaded from the internet.

5 Borrowing statistics or assembled facts from another person or source.

6 Copying or downloading figures, photographs, pictures or diagrams without

acknowledging your sources.
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7 Copying from the notes or writing of a fellow student.

8 Copying from your own notes, on a text, seminar, video or lecture, that contain
direct quotations.

Plagiarism may occur inadvertently due to inexperience. So read carefully statements

concerning plagiarism and how to reference your sources. Plagiarized material is often
recognizable from the shifts in style, and you can expect other academics to be aware of
the source.

Although you are encouraged to show the results of your reading by referring to and
quoting from works on your subject, copying from such sources without acknowledge-
ment is deemed to be plagiarism. You are encouraged to collaborate with others, but
submitting for your research degree work copied from or written jointly with others is
not acceptable, unless collaboration is required in the particular project. Most universi-
ties ask you to sign a statement to confirm that the thesis you have submitted is your
own work, and to indicate clearly any shared components.

Submitting work that has been done by someone else and persistent borrowing of
other people’s work without citation are obvious instances of plagiarism and are
regarded as cheating. It is intellectually dishonest to cheat, and if a case of plagiarism
is proven, this is a serious offence and most universities will invoke disciplinary

Commercial confidentiality
Some research nowadays is carried out with either the co-operation or the sponsorship
of commercial organizations. When working with commercial organizations, you must
take care not to breach any confidentiality that they expect to be maintained.

Some research studentships are funded by sponsorship from commercial or public bodies.
Frequently, when these bodies commission research, they want to enter into an arrange-
ment where they have control over the publication of the findings. This is not accept-
able for research degree theses. A research degree thesis is always a public document,
which will end up being available in the university library system for everyone to read.
Sponsored research projects may occasionally result in theses which are not publicly
available for a limited time, but after that time the documents will be made public. It is
therefore particularly important in these cases that the thesis does not breach any other
kinds of confidentiality about the research and the commercial environment in which
the research was done.
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Personal confidentiality and privacy

Since a thesis will be public, it is particularly important that the rights of sources are
respected where necessary. Some of these issues are covered in Chapter 9 on ethics, so
I will not dwell on these issues here. If you are obtaining information about individuals,
it is clearly important that privacy is respected. If you are obtaining information through
individuals (as informants), you may need to take steps to preserve anonymity, as jour-
nalists try to do.

If you obtain private information, you must be sure to maintain confidentiality, both in
your research thesis and with your research records. You may have to keep records
under lock and key. Remember, there is a substantial understanding of trust between
you and your sources, and ultimately your own academic integrity, perhaps also that of
your profession, needs to sustain that trust and conduct your research appropriately.

Activity 8.2
Make a note here of any personal or commercial confidentiality issues that you feel
could be involved when gathering data as part of your research project. This issue
will be covered further in Chapter 9 (particularly in that chapter’s Activity 9.8), but
it is worthwhile discussing confidentiality issues with your supervisors as part of
developing your research methodology design.

Using computers
Email security, masquerading and digital signatures
Email is an inherently insecure system. In many mailers, it is trivially easy to masquerade
an email such that it appears to come from someone else. Some malicious ‘spam’ mail does
this, trying to encourage those receiving the mail to open the mail and then suffer the con-
sequences. A typical one is a criminal who sends out email masquerading as email from
a High Street bank, asking the recipient to log on to the criminal’s website (which also
masquerades as a bank’s internet banking centre) and confirm their account details, which
usually includes submitting password access details. Having received these details, the
criminal can syphon off the hapless individual’s money from his or her account. The orig-
inal email purports to come from the bank’s mail system, and the fake website often has a
very convincing appearance (e.g. company logos). In an attempt to reduce this rather easy
fraud, nearly all banks tell customers they will never ask for account details in this way.

If you want to send email securely, or want to be able to prove that you were the sender,
the best way to do this is with Public Key Encryption. This sophisticated technology
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allows a user a private key which is used to encrypt a message, and there is a public key
which is used to decrypt it. The user lets everyone who needs it have a copy of the
public key. As the user has the only copy of the private key, which has built-in password
protection, only the user can encrypt messages using it. When the recipient decodes the
message, this guarantees that the message came from the authenticated user. Public Key
Encryption should be used for any sensitive or confidential information you want to
send by email. The keys are available from a number of sources: look for programmes
that support PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and integrate with your mail system, or con-
tact the person with IT responsibilities in your department.

Data privacy/confidentiality
It is worth emphasizing here that there is a strong moral duty to have due consideration
about confidentiality and privacy for any subjects of research you may do. Only occa-
sionally is that moral duty reinforced with legal protection. One such case is the Data
Protection Act.

The Data Protection Act

Data protection is about protecting the privacy of the individual in relation to their per-
sonal information. The Data Protection Act 1998 relates to all information about iden-
tifiable living individuals. The information can be recorded on paper as well as held on
a computer. It includes simple access and display as well as more complicated data
analysis techniques. The term ‘information’ also covers photographs and audio-visual

Organizations (data controllers) are required to register all their uses of such data with
the government’s Information Commissioner. Individuals (data subjects) have the right
of access to data held about them. This is called subject access.

To ensure compliance with the Data Protection Acts, personal information must be:

1 fairly and lawfully processed and only if certain conditions are met;

2 processed for limited purposes;

3 adequate, relevant and not excessive;

4 accurate;

5 not kept longer than necessary;

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6 processed in accordance with the rights of individuals;

7 secure;

8 not transferred to countries without adequate protection.

It is a criminal offence for a data user to operate outside the terms of its registered entry.
Therefore, before any new application of personal data is started, it is essential that you
check with whoever is responsible for data protection in your university that this appli-
cation is registered.

Further information on data protection is available on the Information Commissioner

website to which there is a link on this book’s website.

Activity 8.3
Once you have developed your research methodology design, contact whoever
is responsible for data protection in your university to see if Data Protection Act
registration will be needed.

8.3 Rights
The earlier section on academic integrity links into the point made throughout this
book that it is important to acknowledge any sources that you have used in undertak-
ing your research project. Intellectual property rights (IPR) are a further consideration
of properly using materials that have been produced by others. This is where you need
to consider that, as well as acknowledging you are drawing upon materials produced by
another person (e.g. by proper referencing), you may also need to obtain consent (and
possibly pay a fee) for using their work.

As will be explained later in this section, for writing a PhD or MPhil thesis or in a
Master’s dissertation, you are unlikely to need permission to use copyright materials,
although you should acknowledge all sources. This is because there is an exemption for
works produced for examination purposes only. However, questions of copyright clear-
ance would arise if you use any of your thesis material for other purposes, such as in a
conference paper or a journal article. Certainly, as you move beyond your research
degree, you will need to consider carefully issues of intellectual property rights.
Consequently, it is very important to know when you can use other people’s works
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without seeking permission and when you need to obtain copyright clearance. Further-
more, in undertaking your research project you will be creating your own intellectual
property, and you therefore need to be aware of how to protect your own intellectual
property rights.

Intellectual property
The UK Patent Office has an excellent website that explains Intellectual Property in
simple language (IP Portal Team, UK Patent Office, 2005). I can do little better than
repeat their introduction (fully acknowledged so avoiding claims of plagiarism!).

What is intellectual property or IP?

Intellectual property, often known as IP, allows people to own their creativity and innova-
tion in the same way that they can own physical property. The owner of IP can control and
be rewarded for its use, and this encourages further innovation and creativity to the benefit
of us all.

In some cases IP gives rise to protection for ideas but in other areas there will have to be
more elaboration of an idea before protection can arise. It will often not be possible to pro-
tect IP and gain IP rights (or IPRs) unless they have been applied for and granted, but some
IP protection such as copyright arises automatically, without any registration, as soon as
there is a record in some form of what has been created.

The four main types of IP are:

1 patents for inventions – new and improved products and processes that are capable of
industrial application
2 trade marks for brand identity – of goods and services allowing distinctions to be made
between different traders
3 designs for product appearance – of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the
features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture or materials of the
product itself or its ornamentation
4 copyright for material – literary and artistic material, music, films, sound recordings and
broadcasts, including software and multimedia

(The IP Portal Team, UK patent office, 2005)

In producing a thesis you will certainly create material in the fourth category, and could
possibly also have IP in categories (1) and (3) as well.
To understand exactly what can be protected by IP, you will need to check the four main
areas of copyright, designs, patents and trade marks as well as other IP. Often, more than one
type of IP may apply to the same creation.
(The IP Portal Team, UK Patent Office, 2005).

Copyright and patents are the main areas that affect research students and so the rest of
Section 8.3 and Section 8.4 explore these categories of IP in some detail.
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Like other forms of property in a Western capitalist society (such as land, buildings or
consumer products), intellectual property can be owned, bought, sold, hired, inherited,
etc. It is this ownership and those transactions that are governed by copyright law.
Copyright is originated by an author. An author can keep or dispose of this property as
he or she sees fit but, once it is passed on, it is gone to whoever has acquired ownership.

Much of the law is about definitions and protection of copyright from ‘infringements’.
Infringement of copyright could be considered a form of ‘intellectual theft’, and there
is a small industry involved in obtaining copyright ‘clearance’, which is basically per-
mission from the copyright owner to use the intellectual property they own, usually for
a fee. For example, where we have used offprints in this book, we have had to obtain
permission to do so from the copyright owner and, in many cases, had to pay a fee for
doing so.

As important as copyright clearance are the allowable areas of use of intellectual prop-
erty which do not infringe copyright protection. These allow use of intellectual prop-
erty without requiring clearance from the owner (called a ‘permitted act’). This is
important, as you will need to consider in your research if you need permission for use
of something that is someone else’s copyright (such as drawing on literature or infor-
mation in a database).

What is copyright?
Broadly speaking, copyright is the protection given by law (as from 1 August 1989 in
The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and subsequent statutory instruments)
to an author for his or her work. Table 8.1 lists what is protected by copyright.

This list is pretty comprehensive. Generally speaking, copyright owners have the sole
right to use their works or to authorize others to use them, although there are certain
uses which do not constitute an infringement (see below for more details). Copyright
does not last forever and, as shown by Table 8.2, varies depending on the category of
work. Note that for literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, copyright is main-
tained for 70 years after the death of the author, so very few academic works will be out
of copyright.

Because copyright is technically a form of property, it can be split up and transferred

from person to person by gift, sale or licence or on death. So, the author of a novel may
grant and do separate deals with a US publisher for an American edition and with a
French publisher for the French translation rights; at the same time, a film production
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Table 8.1 Works protected by copyright

Original literary works including:

Articles, books, theses, prose, poetry, tables, compilations, songs, computer

Original musical works
Musical notation
Original dramatic works
Plays, scripts, screen plays, mime, choreography
Original artistic works
Painting, drawing, sculpture, jewellery, graphics, architectural designs, buildings,
maps, charts, carvings, photographs
Sound recordings
Cable transmissions
Typographical arrangements

Table 8.2 Duration of copyright protection

Original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works:

Life of the author/owner plus 70 years

Broadcasts 50 years
Sound recordings 50 years
Cable transmissions 50 years
Film: Life of authors plus 70 years
Typographical arrangements 25 years
Performances 50 years
Designs 15 years

company may have obtained film and broadcast rights. For an academic work, such as
an article, copyright may have been retained by the author or assigned by the author to
the journal in which it was published. As a result, finding the person who owns or con-
trols the appropriate rights may sometimes be as time-consuming and difficult as nego-
tiating the clearance that is required. The things you are not permitted to do (‘restricted
acts’) are listed in Table 8.3.

What copyright does not protect

Protection of ideas
There cannot be copyright in an idea or a suggestion as such (for example, the sugges-
tion that the BBC should broadcast a Mastermind for teenagers). But if a suggestion takes
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Table 8.3 Restricted acts

Issuing copies to the public
Performing, showing or playing to the public
Storing in any electronic medium
Rental and lending
Importing infringing copies
Dealing in infringing copies
Providing means for making infringing copies
Provision of premises or apparatus for infringing performances
Authorizing infringement

the form of a detailed format for the programme submitted in writing, then this is

Who owns copyright?

As noted above, copyright can be transferred and split up. The first owner of the copy-
right in a work is usually the person who brought the original work into existence: for
example, the author of an article or a book, the painter of a picture, the composer of a
piece of music, or the author of a thesis or research article. In the case of films and sound
recordings, the first copyright owner is the person who has made the arrangements to
enable the recording or film to be made.

For you as a researcher, an important thing to realize is that under UK law no formali-
ties are required to vest the copyright in the original owner and, as explained above, the
owner may license various uses of the work and, indeed, may divest themselves of the
copyright entirely by assignment. However, where a work is made by an employee in
the course of employment, for example by a member of staff as part of their work, then
the copyright belongs to the employer. Where a member of staff creates something out-
side the course of their employment, the rights must be acquired just as they would be
from an outside contributor. So, for example, as I have written this chapter in work
time, its copyright belongs to the Open University and not to me.

Many universities require students to assign copyright of their thesis to them. This is
done to allow the university to use its muscle to protect the students’ copyright for
something that will become a public document, and also it allows the university to use
the thesis for scrutiny and to send copies to other libraries on request. Universities don’t
restrict the use the student may wish to put their work to (e.g. production of articles,
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Table 8.4 Permitted acts

Insubstantial use
Non-commercial research or private study
Fair dealing for the purposes of criticism or review – this covers reviewing
for articles, literature review, etc.
Fair dealing for the purposes of reporting current events – e.g. in
newspapers or journals
Bona fide examinations – so using material for a thesis/dissertation is a
permitted act as this is produced for examination purposes
Off-air recording of broadcasts by educational establishments
(for access from premises owned by the institution).
Photocopying under CLA licence
Instruction in the making of films or soundtracks
Recording at home for ‘time-shifting’ purposes
Decompilation – with caution
Redrawing – with caution

Activity 8.4
Upon registration as a research student, were you asked to assign copyright on
works you produce to your university? If so, check up on what rights you have
assigned to your university and your university’s policy on your use of copyrightable
materials and how you obtain permission to use them. This could be particularly
important if, for example, you write an article for a journal that asks you to assign
them copyright for that article.

If you have retained copyright on your research and its outputs, you should still
check your university’s policy for helping you to protect your rights.

Exceptions to copyright protection

There are certain statutory exceptions to the general protection given to the owner of copy-
right. Some of these are particularly useful to university (non-commercial) research and
examined work (such as a PhD and M.Phil in particular). These are detailed in Table 8.4.

Undertaking work for a research degree will result in your qualifying for a number of
permitted acts. The following examples deal with the use of some of these in more
detail, and further guidance is provided on this book’s website.

Insubstantial use
A very short extract may be used without obtaining consent. This applies, for example,
when you may quote the work of another author in your thesis or in a research article.
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The test for what constitutes an insubstantial part is as much a matter of quality as
quantity. It would be a substantial use of a copyright work to quote the line showing
whodunit in a detective story, and quotation from almost any copyright poem is likely
to be substantial and therefore to require clearance; but the use of, say, one or two
hundred words from a full-length non-fiction book may be viewed as insubstantial.

Fair dealing
This is the more important permitted act and may allow relatively substantial use to be
made of uncleared material in specific cases:

1 for non-commercial research or private study;

2 for reporting current events (except in the case of photographs);

3 for criticism or review of the work itself or another work, providing you identify the
work and the author. This will, of course apply to reviewing the work of others in
a thesis or research paper. However, the use must be for a genuine critical pur-
pose and not for biographical or general use. This covers most situations where
you are conducting a literature review or comparing your results with those of
others. No hard-and-fast rule can be laid down about the length of the extract that
can be used. It should be no longer than needed by the reviewer or critic for the
purpose of making their point.

These ‘fair dealing’ exceptions apply under the 1988 Act not only to literary, dramatic,
musical and artistic works but also to films, broadcasts or sound recordings. So the BBC
can use a clip of a film or an extract from an ITV programme for review purposes or
for reporting current events without obtaining consent, providing the ‘dealing’ is fair. In
the same way, you can include an extract of a work as part of your literature review or
in a review article. If your research involves media clips, the same applies.

The ‘fair dealing’ exception is the most commonly used one in research theses. Provid-
ing the source of a work and its author are identified (hence the importance of a com-
plete and accurate references section), academic sources can be quoted relatively freely.
However, the nature of your research is crucial to the application of fair dealing. From
December 2003, fair dealing may be applied only to copying and gathering materials
for the purposes of non-commercial research (so this covers all academic uses).

Bona fide examinations

Another area of exemptions that is of core relevance to PhD and Master’s students is
the exemption of works submitted for bona fide examination purposes only. This means
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that you can use copyright materials in a thesis or dissertation without obtaining clearance,
so long as this is the only use you will make of them. You are, of course, required to
acknowledge the sources.

Although this is a very convenient permitted act for the research student, making your
copyright situation a lot easier than is general, it might be better to obtain clearance or
use a copyright work under another category of permitted acts. This is because you
may wish to reuse material in your thesis for an article, a conference paper or presen-
tation, or in a departmental working paper. All of these are not materials for examina-
tion and so you would then be infringing copyright. As such you need to be careful
when using the examination exemption.

The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) offers a licensing scheme to universities and
colleges that addresses the needs of commercial researchers. Under this, payments for
photocopying are passed to the copyright holders. However, if you make photocopies
elsewhere you need to ensure that the organization has a CLA licence.

Overall, the exemptions covered by these permitted acts mean that for many research and
writing activities, research students do not have to obtain copyright clearance. If in doubt,
contact the person or department in your university who deals with rights clearance.

Web material
Material (text or images) taken from the web has the same legal and fair use restrictions
applying to it as to any other form of publishing. Perhaps more than other documents,
however, is the risk involved in the original website having published the material in
contravention of copyright. Unfortunately, if the original website (or document) has
contravened someone’s copyright, the same will be true of the next ‘user’ (even if fair
dealing is being claimed). It is worth being sure of the legality of the originating site
before reusing web materials.

Reuse of survey questionnaires

If a survey or other study is being repeated, the original source must be attributed (see
above under ‘plagiarism’). Sometimes there can be a breach of copyright; for example,
some psychometric tests are actively copyright. This is a grey area and each case has to
be examined to see what is possible without breaching copyright restrictions. Usually,
academic questionnaires are available for others to use in follow-up academic studies,
but this is not always the case.
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Most databases are not covered by copyright unless they meet an originality criteria.
The databases should state if they are so covered. Separately, there are database rights,
which means that the database holder can have the right to object to abstraction from a
database and restrict access to licensed users.

To clear or not to clear…

Overall, whether or not you need copyright clearance to use materials in your research
can appear complex, but a useful way to think this through is to break up your decision
into the various aspects of copyright discussed in this chapter, as shown in Figure 8.1.

Is it a Work?

Is it Protected?
Am I Performing A
Restricted Act?

Is my use a
Permitted Act

Figure 8.1 Copyright clearance decision tree Source: OU Rights Department (redrawn).

Activity 8.5
Take a piece of written work you have already produced and identify all the
materials that you used in it that were authored or produced by somebody other
than yourself. For each of these (or at least the main ones), work your way through
the copyright clearance decision tree and identify how you are able to use these
without clearance, or if clearance should have been sought.
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8.4 Patents
Again, the UK Patent Office (IP Portal Team,UK Patent Office, 2005) description can
hardly be improved upon:

What is a patent?

A patent gives an inventor the right for a limited period to stop others from making, using
or selling an invention without the permission of the inventor. It is a deal between an inven-
tor and the state in which the inventor is allowed a short term monopoly in return for allow-
ing the invention to be made public.

Patents are about functional and technical aspects of products and processes. Most patents
are for incremental improvements in known technology – evolution rather than revolution.
The technology does not have to be complex.

Specific conditions must be fulfilled to get a patent. Major ones are that the invention must

1 be new. The invention must not form part of the ‘state of the art’. The state of the art is
everything that has been made available to the public before the date of applying for the
patent. This includes published documents and articles, but can also include use, display,
spoken description, or any other way in which information is made available to the public.
2 involve an inventive step. As well as being new, the invention must not be obvious from
the state of the art. Obviousness is from the viewpoint of a person skilled in the area of
technology that the invention is in.
3 be industrially applicable. This condition requires that the invention can be made or
used in any kind of industry.

A patented invention is recorded in a patent document. A patent document must have

1 description of the invention, possibly with drawings, with enough detail for a person
skilled in the area of technology to perform the invention.
2 claims to define the scope of the protection. The description is taken into account when
interpreting the claims.

The original patent document of a patent application is published by a patent office. The
application then adds to the state of the art for later applications, and anyone can comment
on the application. Often the patent document needs altering or amending to meet the con-
ditions above before a patent can be granted. The final version of the granted patent docu-
ment is then republished. If more information about the state of the art is discovered after
grant the patent document can be amended and republished again.

Patent rights are territorial; a UK patent does not give rights outside of the UK. Patent rights
last for up to 20 years in the UK. Some patents, such as those for medicinal products, may
be eligible for a further 5 years protection with a Supplementary Protection Certificate.

A patent can be of value to an inventor – as well as protecting his business, patents can be
bought, sold, mortgaged, or licensed to others. They also benefit people other than the inven-
tor since large amounts of information can be learnt from other people’s patents – they can stop
you from reinventing things or you can monitor what your competitors are doing. Patents also
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spur you or others on to develop your idea further, and once the term of the patent expires it
can be freely performed by anyone which benefits the public and the economy.

The British Library has a detailed guide to the contents of patent applications.

(IP Portal Team, UK Patent Office, 2005)

A very important point in the consideration of patents is the requirement for non-
disclosure prior to registration. If an invention is released on to the market or simply
demonstrated publicly before a patent application is filed (then becoming ‘pat. pending’),
a patent won’t be granted. This could be very unfortunate if you were hoping to make
money out of an invention! Even a presentation of an idea at a conference could easily
let a patent application slip out of your grasp. The best thing to do is to ask for expert
advice: your university may have an Intellectual Property Management Office, or there
are many patent agents who know the ins and outs of the patent application system.
Remember also that many universities ask students not only to assign over to them
copyright, but patent rights as well. This can help you, as your university may be able
to assist you in exploiting any patentable invention, and share the returns obtained.

8.5 Summary
Academic researchers have a number of responsibilities and rights that are ingrained in
the work they do. Some of these have been outlined above, and there is plenty of detailed
help available on specific topics. For intellectual property, the UK Patent Office has excel-
lent advice via its website. The UK’s Data Protection Act is handled by the Information
Commissioner’s Office. Links to these sites are provided via this book’s website.

This chapter has drawn upon material produced by the Open University Rights
Department for training staff in intellectual property issues, and from the Open
University document Academic Integrity: Code of Good Practice in Research.

Further Reading
For intellectual property, the UK Patent Office website is strongly recommended:

UK Information Commissioner (Data Protection):
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IP Portal Team, UK Patent Office (2005) Intellectual Property. http:/www.intellectual-, accessed July 2005.

Platt, C. (1998) ‘What if cold fusion is real’, Wired Magazine, November, issue 6.11.

Appendix: The Open University’s Academic Integrity

Code of Good Practice in Research
(Edited from Open University document.)

Unethical research and cases of fraud threaten the credibility of the entire national and
international research community.

1 Good scientific practice (as set out in the Joint Statement by the Director General of the
Research Councils and the Chief Executives of the UK Research Councils) covers the
following aspects:
2 fundamentals of scientific work such as:
maintaining professional standards;
documenting results;
questioning one’s own findings;
attributing honestly the contribution of others;
3 leadership and co-operation in research groups;
4 taking special account of the needs of young researchers; and
5 securing and storing primary data.

The first point on ‘good scientific practice’ quoted above from the joint Research Councils’
statement applies to all staff engaged in all aspects of academic research in the Open

Irrespective of subject discipline, researchers should agree to abide by this Code of

Practice and:

1 demonstrate the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in their work;

2 observe fairness and equity in their dealings with colleagues and research students;
3 agree to take advice from the appropriate ethics committees on the ethical conduct of
their research;
4 participate only in work which conforms to accepted ethical standards;
5 participate only in work which they are competent to perform;
6 agree to participate in appropriate professional development and training opportunities to
ensure continued competencies and develop new competencies;
7 ensure validity and accuracy in the collection and reporting of data;
8 ensure the safety of those associated with the research.
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Leadership and organization

It is the responsibility of the University Research Board, Deans and Directors of Studies,
Sub Deans, Heads of Departments and Research Group Leaders to ensure that a climate
is created that allows research to be conducted within the principles of good scientific and
good academic practice. Responsibilities for overseeing good practice in units and sub-
units should be clearly allocated to named individuals.

Allegations of academic malpractice

In general terms academic malpractice/scientific misconduct can be recognized to cover

two broad categories, the distinction being in terms of the focus of the dishonesty. Thus the
first arises where there is fabrication or falsification of the research results; the second
arises where there is plagiarism, misquoting or other misappropriation of the work of other
researchers. Colluding in, or concealing, the misconduct of others is, in itself, misconduct.
Honest errors do not, of course, constitute scientific misconduct.

Members of the University who do not operate in line with the Code of Good Practice in
Research may be subject to disciplinary procedures where failure to comply with the provi-
sions is serious or may damage the reputation of the University.
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9 Ethical Frameworks for Research

with Human Participants
John Oates


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Give an account of the historical reasons why ethical conduct has become an
increasingly important element of the design and conduct of research with people.
• Describe the main areas of ethical concern associated with research with humans.
• Discuss the issue of balancing research benefits with risks and harm.
• Critically evaluate an ethical protocol.
• Draft an application for ethical approval for a research project that you propose to

9.1 Introduction
This chapter provides an introduction to the ethics of research which involves collecting
data from people. It does not deal with research involving animals other than humans,
which is a subject in its own right. The context within which the topic is discussed is
primarily that of the UK and Europe. While many of the emergent principles of sound
ethical conduct in human research are, arguably, worldwide in their applicability and
relevance, there is significant variation across continents in the way that ethical principles
are regulated and enforced.

The main aim of this chapter is to help you to recognize that there are many ethical
issues that can arise when doing research with humans, perhaps more than may at first
be realized when embarking on a project of this type. The chapter also aims to help you
to think about the ethical dimensions of your own research, especially if it does involve
human participants, to be better equipped to plan your data collection methods in
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ethically justifiable ways, and to be better able to draw up an acceptable application for
ethical approval if you need to.

If you are planning to carry out ‘person-based’ research, then you are encouraged to
consider the topics that are raised in each part of this chapter by thinking about the
questions that are posed at key points in relation to your own research topics and
research design. If this is not the case, then there are still some ethical issues that are rel-
evant to virtually any research. As well as with matters such as honesty and integrity in
collecting and reporting data and respecting intellectual property rights that were con-
sidered in Chapter 8, there is the more general issue of having regard to the value to
society of the work in which you are engaged.

Activity 9.1
Think about the area of research that you are planning to pursue.

Write a summary list of the aspects of your research that you think have an ethical
dimension to them, if you think that there are any. Consider the types of data
that you propose to collect: what would be ethically sound and unsound ways of
collecting them?

It will be suggested later that you come back to this list and reconsider what you
have written.

Why ‘participants’?
It is now common practice to refer to people who serve as data sources for research as
participants. This recognizes their active role and replaces the term ‘subject’, which has
been viewed as possibly derogatory and certainly as portraying people as passive recip-
ients rather than active agents. It is not so long ago that people routinely talked of
‘guinea pigs’ when referring to human participants, a term still heard, but now used
more often in an ironic sense, recognizing the inappropriateness of this designation.

It can be argued that in some types of social research the people providing data are relatively
passive, for example in completing a short multiple-choice questionnaire, while in other
types of study, such as qualitative interviews, people are much more actively engaged. But
the thrust of the shift to the term ‘participants’ is to recognize that people providing data for
a study do themselves have a stake in the process, they are giving up their time and
allowing an intrusion into their ‘private space’. It is thus in the spirit of recognizing people’s
rights to have their human dignity respected that the term ‘participant’ is promoted.
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Why ‘frameworks’?
Using the word ‘frameworks’ in the title of this chapter suggests that the assurance of
ethical conduct of research is a complex matter, needing a supporting infrastructure.
However, ‘Surely any reasonable person knows what’s ethical and what’s not?’ is still
one of the reactions that are encountered when research ethics are being discussed,
suggesting that it can simply be left to the individual researcher to behave in an
ethically sound way.

While that may have been a defensible position some years ago, the last few years have
seen a massive growth in concern about and regulation of research ethics. Anyone in a
university, a National Health Service trust or other institution who intends to carry out
research with humans now needs to be aware of the various legal and other constraints
that govern research and its conduct. There are good legal reasons for gaining proper
ethics approval for a research project. Primary benefits include the protection it affords
to the researcher(s), participants, host institutions and funding bodies, in that careful
preparation of an application for ethical approval can reveal potential risks that might
not otherwise have been considered. Evidence of proper ethical scrutiny may often also
be necessary to ensure that the host institution’s liability insurance provides cover for
the project staff and participants.

Up to the middle of the last century, there were relatively few formal controls on the
way that research with people was conducted or on the topics of research. The med-
ical research carried out on concentration camp inmates by the Nazis caused wide-
spread public condemnation once it became known about. In response to this, the
Nuremberg Code was drawn up by lawyers in 1947 to prohibit research being car-
ried out on people against their will. Several well-known and now somewhat notori-
ous studies carried out by American social researchers in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s
added to the worldwide public concern about such matters and ushered in a period
during which various codes of practice and legal controls were developed to regulate

In response to concerns such as these, research ethics committees began to be formed

in the latter half of the last century, both in Europe and in America, to scrutinize and
control research with humans. Initially, the focus was on medical research and
the ethical governance of this area of human research is still arguably the most devel-
oped and influential. In America, since 1974, any federally funded research with
humans, or any research at all that involves the use of drugs or physical intervention
with humans, is legally required to have the formal approval of a recognized ethics
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Activity 9.2
Do you think that research ethics committees should scrutinize all research with
humans or only some?

If you think that some (or all?) research does not need to go through such a
process, why do you think this? How confident are you that researchers can ‘police


Some people would argue that it is patently obvious that certain types of research, for
example, those involving consenting adults on non-sensitive topics, should not need to
go through the inconvenience of applying for ethical approval. Some university
research ethics committees (URECs) exclude very low-risk studies from the need for
ethical approval. For example, one UREC states that ‘where any reasonable judgement
would suggest that no harm could arise to any person, living or dead’ it is not necessary
for ethical approval to be sought. This begs the question, however, of what is a ‘reason-
able judgement’. However, a counter-argument to such exclusions might be that it is a
protection to all parties if an independent opinion on the ethical probity of research has
been given. This chapter takes the position that all researchers gathering data from
humans should at least carefully and systematically consider the ethical dimensions to
their work, since these are not always immediately apparent.

9.2 The Variety of Ethical Frameworks

International frameworks
There are numerous international agreements that set out to provide frameworks
for the ethical conduct of research with humans. The majority of these concern
medical research, the most widely cited being the 1964 World Medical Association
Helsinki Declaration, the 1997 Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and
Biomedicine, and the 1997 UNESCO Universal Declaration on the Human Genome
and Human Rights.

The European Union Clinical Trials Directive of 2004 went further and set up a legal
framework to support a principled ethical approach for the conduct of clinical trials in
the EU.
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Research in the English National Health Service

In England, research with humans within the National Health Service (NHS) is
controlled by procedures developed by the Central Office for Research Ethics Committees
(COREC), within the NHS Research Governance framework. Any research that
involves humans or human tissue within the NHS, that is, on NHS premises or with
NHS patients or staff, or where NHS staff or records are involved in identifying and
recruiting participants, requires approval by a Local Research Ethics Committee
(LREC) and approval by the Trust within which the research is proposed to take place.
For research involving multiple sites, a somewhat different, centrally administered,
MREC (Multi-Centre Research Ethics Committee) system operates.

An example of researching under the MREC was provided in Chapter 3 of this book
where (in Box 3.2) Jackie Topp discussed the ethical considerations of her PhD project.
The NHS system has undergone a lot of development in recent years, towards stan-
dardizing and governing the ethical scrutiny process, and now involves a nationwide
standard application routine. RECs have available to them extensive manualized guid-
ance on how to conduct their scrutiny processes (Eckstein, 2003). At the time of
writing (2005) a revised set of procedures has recently been instated and extensive
guidelines for applicants and LRECs have been issued by COREC. The most common
forms of research governed by COREC are clinical trials of new medical treatments,
and epidemiological and pathological research. The extensive set of questions asked by
the new REC application forms reflect this, and other forms of research, such as quali-
tative investigations of health topics, can be difficult to fit within the new procedures
(Hollway, 2000). This can often include research student projects which are non-
clinical but require access via the NHS (as was the case for Jackie Topp in Chapter 3).

Professional organizations
Many British professional organizations have in recent years developed ethical princi-
ples and guidelines within which their members are expected to practise and conduct
research. Prominent among these are the British Psychological Society, the British
Educational Research Association and the British Sociological Association, all of which
maintain websites carrying current versions of these codes of practice. There are links
to several of these on this book’s website. It is common practice for members of such
bodies to state in applications for ethical approval for research that they will conduct
their study in compliance with the body’s ethics code.

Funding bodies
Research funding bodies are increasingly adopting equivalent sets of ethical guidelines
which researchers are expected to comply with in any research funded in part or whole
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by these agencies. The Medical Research Council (MRC) is the undoubted leader in
this respect, for obvious reasons, given the types of research that it supports. The MRC
publishes an extensive body of ethical guidelines with specific documents covering
particular fields of research such as in genetics. The Nuffield Foundation has been an
active body in developing a Bioethics Framework which covers a wide range of medical
research, and the Wellcome Trust has produced a formal statement on ethics review
within which holders of its grants are required to conduct their research. The Economic
and Social Research Council (ESRC) has published a Research Ethics Framework
(Economic and Social Research Council, 2005), with which all researchers in receipt of
ESRC support will in future be required to comply. Many funding bodies now require
that applications for research funding should have already received formal ethical
approval from the host institution, normally a university or other higher education
establishment (HEI).

Research ethics committees in England

Formal ethical approvals for English research are given by two main stakeholders: the
NHS via the COREC-regulated system of LRECs and MRECs already outlined; and
by HEIs. While the NHS system has become a centrally governed one, there is no
equivalent structure for HEIs. Practice varies widely in this sector, and although many
HEIs have well-established research ethics committees, with clear terms of reference
and operating procedures, others have less well-organized ways of maintaining ethical
standards and some have none (Tinker and Coomber, 2004). An umbrella body, the
Association of Research Ethics Committees (AREC), does operate as a forum for the
discussion of ethical issues, but has no powers in relation to governance.

Cross-national funding of research

Increasingly, British research is being funded by bodies outside Britain, especially the
European Union and the USA. This raises some complications for ethical approval
of research. For example, American funding bodies are legally bound only to fund
research with humans that has been ethically approved by a REC that is recognized by
the American Office for Human Research Protections and that has been given what is
called ‘Federal Wide Assurance’. EU funding for research with humans will also require
approval by an REC in the host country, although there is not at present a formal EU
system for recognizing RECs as there is in the USA.

Conflict and harmony

Given the wide range of different bodies that are involved in research ethics governance
affecting British researchers, it would not be surprising if there were conflicts between
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the different stakeholders’ frameworks where more than one body is involved, as is
often the case. On the whole, though, there is actually a broad agreement between all
the different codes and guidelines, with only two general issues that tend to need reso-
lution. First, different bodies have established different policies regarding the length of
time for which research data on individuals should be stored, with some giving maxi-
mum times which differ, and others giving minimum times. Some funding bodies, such
as ESRC, require researchers to archive data with a centralized system, the United
Kingdom Data Archive, which can be difficult to reconcile with, for example, NHS or
MRC guidelines on the protection and retention of patient data.

Second, the wide range of different research methodologies in the social sciences may
not match up to the assumptions of what ‘research’ means for a particular regulatory
body. An example of this is the dominance of the randomized controlled clinical trial
model of research in the COREC ethical approval procedure, which can make it diffi-
cult for qualitative researchers to make an application for LREC ethical clearance that
satisfactorily answers all the questions on the standard application form.

However, in general, ethical principles and guidelines do harmonize well with each
other and tend to agree quite closely on the main areas in which ethical considerations
apply and what counts as best practice in these areas. The sections that follow outline
these areas and review the main issues in each as far as ethical practice is concerned.
First, though, a brief consideration is given of the definition of ‘research’ and the potential
for good and harm in research.

Activity 9.3
Do you think that it would be a good idea for there to be a single framework of
ethical scrutiny and approval for all types of research?

If not, what different types of research do you think might need different frameworks?

Might this lead to any problems for researchers? If so, what might these be?

At this point, it is suggested that you refer to at least one set of professional research
ethics guidelines, by searching the internet for a set that is appropriate for your
research. You might, for example, look at the British Educational Research
Association or the British Psychological Society websites. You could use the search
terms ‘ethics research guidelines code’. Some links are available via this book’s
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9.3 What is ‘Research’?

Collecting data from humans
Before further exploring issues involved in the ethics of research, it is necessary
to briefly consider what research is and, particularly, what its purpose is, since this will
help to clarify what aspects of research have ethical dimensions. The general term
‘research’ is commonly used to describe such a wide range of activities that it would be
a daunting task to try to set down a concise definition that stood any chance of meeting
with general agreement and serving any useful purpose. This chapter, however, is
concerned with a very specific area of research, that of collecting data from human
participants, so the task is somewhat more contained and feasible.

Nevertheless, as you have seen in Chapter 4, even within this narrower ambit, there are
distinctively different ‘logics of enquiry’ and contrasting views of what counts as

Nevertheless, we need some sort of working definition to serve as a frame for the
further consideration of research ethics. So I suggest that, in the context of the ethics of
research with humans, research can be provisionally defined as:

• An activity that aims to generate knowledge that can be trusted and valued by the
researcher and others.

To make this a concise definition, I use the term ‘knowledge’ in a broad sense, to include
explanation and understanding, as well as explication and abduction as described in
Chapter 4. So, if we accept a definition of this sort, research is crucially not just an activity
in itself, it also aims to produce products of value. Research thus has a function, and
assessing the functionality of a specific research design, that is, the extent to which it
can deliver the products of value, is nowadays a key part of ethical scrutiny. Research
that is so badly designed that it stands little or no chance of delivering any sort of valu-
able outcome can be considered to be lacking in ethical merit on these grounds alone.

Research as training
One specific exception to this definition, which nevertheless falls within the ambit of
research ethics, is where students or trainees are practising research techniques for the
purpose of improving their own knowledge and skills. The fact that this is a special case,
in which the requirement of adding to a general body of knowledge can justifiably be
given less weight, is recognized within the NHS REC procedures. Although all
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research degrees are training qualifications, one of the key criteria that are applied to
research theses at examination is ‘contribution to knowledge’, so saying that a research
degree is only about training cannot be used as an excuse for downgrading the impor-
tance of ethics in a research design. However, you might justify a training stage in your
research that does not in itself produce useful results.

Activity 9.4
Consider the research that you are planning to conduct. How would you best
describe yours in terms of the three main ‘types’ (deductive, inductive or abductive)
given in Chapter 4?

If you were to decide to change your basic approach to one of the other types, do
you think that the relevant ethical considerations would change? In what way?

To what extent are you expecting the data collection that you do in the early stages of
your project to be more to do with training than with generating valuable knowledge?

If you have not already planned to do so, will you consider carrying out a pilot study
for this training purpose? If so, and it involves collecting data from people, how will
you describe to them what you are doing?

9.4 Benefits, Harm and Risk

Getting the right balance
In designing a research project, and in assessing its ethical merit, there is almost always
a judgement involved which weighs up the relative balance of potential benefits and
potential harms. In relation to benefits, part of this assessment should include an eval-
uation of the functionality of the research design. In other words, can the study deliver
the benefits that it proposes? In relation to harm, there is not only the level of harm
to be considered, but also, alongside this, the risks of such harm occurring. Thus, for
example, it might be possible to consider a study worth conducting in a case where
there is a potential harm such as personal distress if the risk of this occurring is very
low. It would be easier to accept such a low risk if there were also a risk management
strategy in place to deal with such a situation, should it arise. It would also be more
acceptable if the expected benefits were great and the risk of these not being achieved
was correspondingly low.
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A good research design will have an explicit and documented risk analysis and risk
management strategy in place, and good ethical scrutiny by a REC will seek assurance
that this is indeed the case.

There are quite a few different types of benefit that research might aim to deliver.

The list in Activity 9.5 gives some of the more commonly recognized of these. Add
others that you may consider important. To encourage you to consider these and weigh
up their relative merits, at least in your opinion, try ranking them; decide which is the
most important in your view, which the least important, and how the others rank rela-
tive to each other. Separate your rankings for researchers and participants; you may
find that this clarifies the differing priorities of the two groups.

(Word versions for Activities 9.5–9.7 are available on this book’s website.)

Activity 9.5 Ranking Benefits of Research

Rank for Rank for

Benefit researcher participant

Research as intrinsic good

Contribution to knowledge

Development of theories

Improvements to lives

Training researchers

Enhancing reputation/image

Increasing commercial success

Entertainment and enjoyment

Personal development

Career advancement
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Similarly, there is a range of different types of risk and harm that might be
associated with a research study. As you did for the list of benefits, consider the list of
harms in Activity 9.6 and rank them in respect of the researchers and the participants’

Activity 9.6 Ranking Risks and Harm

Rank for Rank for
Risk researcher participant

Physical trauma/injury

Psychological damage




Breach of confidence


Disrepute or litigation

Waste of time

Waste of resources/funds

Failure to publish

Clearly, the rankings of these are likely to be very much influenced by the nature of
the research itself. This then highlights the point that it is almost always worth
spending some time considering the likely benefits, harms and risks of proposed
research studies.
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Activity 9.7
For your own proposed research, consider each of the items in the ‘Benefits’ table
and give it a score between 0 and 10, 0 being ‘irrelevant or not important at all’ and
10 being ‘highly significant’.

Then do a similar evaluation for the ‘Risks’ table, this time using a percentage to
estimate the risk of a harm of this type arising from your work. If you have identi-
fied a risk that is significant in your view, how might you obviate or minimize it? The
advice on risk assessment in Chapter 2 may help here.

Once you have done this, go back to your answers to Activity 9.1, where you listed
the ethical issues for your own work, and see if you now can add some further con-
siderations to that list.

9.5 The ‘Protocol’

Reference is often made to ‘protocols’ in discussions of research ethics and in applications
to RECs. A protocol is, in essence, a clear, unambiguous description of how data are to be
handled through the sequence of stages from the recruitment of participants from whom
data will be gathered, through the processes of data gathering, analysis and write-up to the
publication of findings and final contacts with participants. A protocol can often be
prepared as a separate document and may contain a flowchart showing the states of data
handling. Increasingly, it is expected to include a risk assessment and a strategy for dealing
with problematic events that may arise under the various risk headings that may be iden-
tified. A protocol may also exist in the form of the answers to various questions in a REC
proforma, but it is good practice to prepare a single document as well if this is the case.

The protocol is basically a policy guideline that all members of a research team agree to
comply with, and this is usually made explicit in the signing of a REC application. Any
substantive needs to deviate from a protocol that arise in the course of a research study
should be notified to the REC that approved the application, before they are acted on,
since they may require further formal scrutiny. Often, a REC chairperson will be pre-
pared to approve minor changes to a protocol by Chair’s action without requiring a
further full application to be made.

Areas covered by typical protocols

There is a set of areas that an adequate protocol should cover. The following lists the
key areas, some of which are then discussed in more detail below:
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• Names/roles of persons in the research team who will collect and handle primary
( i.e. raw) data.

• Identity of any professional ethics code that will be followed.

• Procedures for the recruitment of participants.

• Procedures for gaining informed consent from participants and other parties
such as parents and GPs.

• Any payment(s) or other recompense to participants.

• Details of data types and collection methods.

• Any planned deception or withholding of information.

• Data storage and security measures.

• Anonymization procedures.

• Scope and methods of data analysis.

• Debriefing of participants.

• Risk analysis, avoidance and management strategy.

• Details of liability insurance cover.

Under this heading, the intended number of participants and their characteristics should
be stated. This will, in effect, indicate the research methods to be employed and will be one
of the factors taken into account in assessing the research functionality. If the results are
intended to be generalized, the sample needs to be as representative as possible of the popu-
lation to which the results are expected to apply. The mode of recruitment should be stated
(for example, by advertisement, by snowballing, by random selection from a list or other
means) so that an assessment can be made of the extent to which the risk of unwanted bias
in participant characteristics is being minimized. You may recall that, in Box 3.2, Jackie Topp
discussed the ethical issues around the recruitment of her vulnerable adult participants.

So-called ‘volunteer’ or ‘opportunity’ sampling, where participants are taken on as they

come forward, or because access is easy, needs to be used with care. It is important
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to avoid introducing potentially distorting effects of self-selection on the sample

characteristics. As a result, these sampling methods should be very carefully evaluated,
even though they may seem to be efficient or easy ways to gain participants.

Informed consent
No significant data should be gathered from people who have not consented, been
given a clear statement about why the information is going to be collected, or been told
how it is going to be used. The extent of detail and the complexity of the process of
gaining informed consent will depend on the nature of the research. At one extreme,
informed consent may be considered unnecessary in the case of a study that is gather-
ing non-personal information from unidentifiable individuals on topics that are not sen-
sitive. A good example of this might be a study that collects time-lapse images of people
passing through railway station ticket gates to investigate why queues form. Even here,
though, it might be considered appropriate to post a sign which says something like
‘traffic through these gates is being monitored by close-circuit television’. Another
example might be a website that collects information on a non-sensitive topic, such as
colour preferences, from an online questionnaire that does not ask for any personal data
that would identify the persons completing the survey.

At the other extreme, where the procedure for gaining informed consent is of paramount
importance, would be clinical trials of new drugs on patients with life-threatening

Typically, consent is gained and documented by using a combination of an information

sheet and a consent form. The information sheet should give sufficient detail about the
research study and the data collection from the potential participant so that they can
then make an informed choice as to whether or not to take part. COREC provides a
checklist of points that a good information sheet will follow (based on the model of a
clinical trial). This includes the following:

1 An explanatory title for the project.

2 An invitation paragraph explaining that the person is being invited to take part in
a study.

3 Background, aims and duration of the study.

4 Why the invitee has been approached.

5 What contribution they would be expected to make.

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6 Possible risks or disadvantages of participating.

7 Possible benefits of participating.

8 What happens after the study ends.

9 How complaints or comments can be made, including giving a contact other

than the researcher.

10 Confidentiality of data.

11 Any payment or recompense for participation.

12 What will happen with results of the study.

13 Who is organizing and funding the research.

14 Opportunities to withdraw from study and to have data provided destroyed.

For clinical trials there would also be:

1 Details of the drug or procedure that is being tested.

2 Alternative for diagnosis or treatment.

3 Any possible side-effects of treatment.

Clearly, some of these points may not be necessary for particular studies, but the
list nevertheless indicates the range of information that needs to be considered when
drafting an information sheet. Normally, such a sheet will be on a single A4 page,
possibly on both sides.

It is crucial that it is understandable by every potential participant, so it needs to be

carefully worded and checked with people of a range of reading abilities. Increasingly,
equal opportunities considerations are suggesting that people whose native language is
not English should not be excluded from the possibility of taking part in research. This
needs to be carefully thought about, and possible arrangements for translation of infor-
mation sheets, consent forms and other documents, as well as the data collection itself,
will need to be examined and implemented if deemed necessary.

The information sheet should be separate from the actual consent form, so that partic-
ipants consenting to join the study can retain it.
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In the case of children, or persons who are unable to give informed consent because of
a learning difficulty or other disability, a parent, guardian or carer may give consent on
the person’s behalf. However, increasingly, researchers are using the principle of ‘assent’
to monitor whether the participant is showing any signs that they are uncomfortable
with the data collection process.

The consent form itself should summarize succinctly the conditions of participation
and often will include a space for a witness signature as well as that of the participant,
parent, guardian or carer.

Payment(s) or other recompense to participants

It is now considered crucial to avoid any coercion or inducement to participate in a
research study, and offering payments or other rewards can easily be construed as
inducement. However, it is also the case that participating in a study will involve some
inconvenience to those taking part, as well as possible travel costs and other expenses.
It is generally recognized that reimbursing such expenses and making a small payment
in recognition of inconvenience and lost time is appropriate and does not constitute

Details of data types and collection methods

So that the functionality of a research design can be evaluated, it is important in a protocol
to outline the types of data that are to be collected and the ways in which they are to be
collected. Without this information, the utility of the research simply cannot be judged.

Deception or withholding of information

For some studies, if the detailed hypotheses or research questions are divulged to the
participants before they take part in the study, this may compromise the accuracy and
validity of the data collected, or interfere with experimental or other procedures. But
withholding such information at the start of a study should only be done after careful
consideration and working to the principle that only essential withholding is done.

Similarly, some studies may need to involve a degree of deception to avoid compromising
the data collection. For example, if the study is looking at mutual eye-contact in nego-
tiation situations, it may be appropriate to say that it is the participants’ speech that is
being recorded, so that the measure of interest is not contaminated. But whenever with-
holding of information or deception is part of the design, it should only be done if the
reasons for it have been thoroughly examined.
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It is also important to debrief participants after the study in a sensitive way so that they
understand the withholding or deception and why it has been done, rather than feeling
that they been duped unnecessarily, since that can be very distressing to some people.

Data storage and security measures

A protocol should state how data are to be managed and stored, to show that concerns
of data security have been properly considered and that procedures are in place to avoid
risks of unauthorized access to data.

The Data Protection Act 1998 requires anyone collecting and storing personal data to
follow a set of guidelines regarding the use of such data and providing data givers
(participants) with access to data held about them. The Freedom of Information Act
2000 also gives rights to individuals to access information held in institutions. There
are exceptions to these requirements in the case of research, particularly where data
are anonymized. Researchers need to register their project with a Data Protection
Officer in their institution to comply with the Acts. This is covered in more detail in
Chapter 8.

Anonymization procedures
Increasingly, it is common practice to remove all personal identifying information
from sets of data at the earliest possible opportunity after collecting them. If different
sets of data from the same individuals need to be matched up, it is possible to use an
encryption key technique to achieve this, by assigning each participant a unique iden-
tifier and lodging the key for this identifier–participant link with a single member of
the project team, not the person who will be analysing the data. Once all data have
been collected, the key can be discarded. For very sensitive data, a double-key encryp-
tion method can be used where there is an intermediate key as well, held by another

Activity 9.8
Draft an outline information sheet and consent form for your own research, if it
involves collecting data from people, noting the things that you would cover in a
single A4 information sheet and a single A4 consent form.

This activity will link to Activity 9.9 later in this chapter.

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9.6 Personal Protection of

Participants and Researchers
Most of the points made so far in this chapter relate to protecting the participant from
harm of one sort or another. But the protection of the researcher and the sponsoring insti-
tution is also assured by complying with a properly prepared protocol. There are certain
risks that can arise just from the process of meeting with and gathering data from indi-
viduals, and these need to be considered as well so that they can be minimized by careful
planning. This links into the considerations of health and safety in Chapter 2 of this book.

Vulnerable groups
A common issue is the avoidance of risks associated with interviewing children, young
people or other vulnerable individuals. Carrying out such research in the participant’s
own home, or in an unsupervised setting, lays both parties open to risks of actual inap-
propriate behaviour or allegations of such behaviour. One way of avoiding such risks is
to ensure that a third party can observe the data collection process and that it is carried
out in a relatively safe environment. In the UK, it is now common practice for employ-
ers of researchers who will be working with vulnerable individuals to require the
researchers to obtain what is called a ‘disclosure’ from the Criminal Records Bureau
(CRB). This is sent to the employer as well as the researcher and shows any records of
convictions or other evidence of criminal behaviour. There are three levels of ‘disclo-
sure’, ‘basic’, ‘standard’ and ‘enhanced’, which give increasingly detailed information
and effectively cover broader ranges of information, beyond just convictions which are
disclosed at the basic level. Increasingly, employers are now requiring regular updating
of disclosures, for example every three years, for people routinely working with vul-
nerable individuals.

Children represent one of a number of ‘vulnerable groups’ within the broad category of
human participants, along with disabled people and people with learning difficulties.
There are three main reasons why children are considered to be vulnerable. First, there
will almost inevitably be a perceived and usually real power imbalance between child
and researcher. Second, children’s abilities to comprehend research and the reasons
why it is done may be very different from those of adults. Third, it is reasonable to be
concerned that negative experiences during childhood may have an effect on subse-
quent development, with the risk of long-term psychological harm.

These three aspects to children’s vulnerability when participating in research each have
different implications for the design of research and how it is conducted (Alderson,
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2004). They are also, of course, embedded within a broader frame of socially constructed
beliefs about childhood, about children and about what is right and proper conduct for
adults involved in professional work with children. Perhaps the most obvious of these
is a concern that adults working with children should not have any previous history of
offending against children in violation of these beliefs. It is now very widely expected
that anyone wishing to conduct research in an English school should have gained at
least a standard level of clearance from the CRB. It is also becoming generally accepted
that it is good practice for anyone engaged in any direct contact with children in the
course of research to have CRB clearance.

Power imbalance
Requiring formal proof that a researcher does not have a criminal record or other evi-
dence of potentially offending is obviously a form of protection against some of the
more serious risks of harm to children, but there are other significant risks of harm
which this precaution does not guard against. There are risks that children may agree
to requests, suggestions or even to their perceptions of such directives, even though
they may not actually be happy with these. Researchers can seem like authority figures
to children, and children may feel that they have to comply with what they think the
researchers want. As well as this potentially being a distressing experience for a child,
because they are acquiescing to an unwelcome directive, this is also an important source
of potential bias in research results.

It is worth noting that situations other than research with children can also engender
power imbalance problems, for example, research carried out in developing countries
where the researcher may be vastly more affluent than the participants and hence
be seen as coercive. There is also an issue in relation to someone else ‘recommend-
ing’ participants, which can in itself lead to people feeling a sense of obligation to

Competence to understand
explanations of research
The second area of vulnerability relates to the difficulty that children may have in
understanding what research is, why it is done and what the implications are of
agreeing to participate. It is often not enough to give an explanation in terms that it is
thought a child will understand, it is also often necessary to check that they have indeed
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Affecting children’s development

The third area of ethical concern in respect of research with children is that their
development itself can be seen as vulnerable to negative influences, more so than older
individuals whose development may be expected to be more resilient and robust.
Especially if the research has a potential for evoking negative emotional reactions and it
is not always obvious what may trigger such reactions, taking part in research can be a
daunting prospect for children. They may in consequence suffer heightened reactions,
the memories of which may remain with them. It is important to remember how
important the parents’ presence can be for many children, helping them to feel secure
in the presence of the unfamiliar. Although it is common for researchers to seek to col-
lect data from children without the parents’ presence, or at least with them being kept
well in the background to avoid possible influence on results, the effect of this in making
children feel insecure should not be underestimated.

9.7 The Broader Context

In this chapter so far, the discussion has concentrated largely on ethical issues to do with
the conduct of the data gathering aspects of research, and the balancing of the require-
ment of minimal harm with maximum benefit from this process.

But it should not be overlooked that data collection is only one part of the research
process. There are much wider ethical issues to do with researchers’ conduct in a more
general sense, as are discussed in Chapter 8. The ethical issues of conduct are recog-
nized by several professional bodies. For example, the British Psychological Society not
only publishes principles and guidelines for research but also guidelines for professional
conduct of psychologists in a broader sense. These, for example, make it clear that it is
unprofessional to claim more knowledge or skill than one actually possesses, that it is a
duty to monitor one’s colleagues’ conduct as well as one’s own, and to refrain from
inappropriate relationships with clients or patients.

As was noted in Chapter 8, there are codes of conduct for academics that form a frame
within which the ethics of researching with human beings needs to be viewed. These
are not necessarily always clearly codified in universities’ statutes and regulations, but
are widely accepted by the academic community. Among the most serious offences
against these codes are fabrication of evidence, falsification of analyses, plagiarism and
failure to credit colleagues’ contributions. Increasingly, universities are making these
principles explicit and breaches of them punishable by a range of sanctions.
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Activity 9.9 Evaluating a Sample Protocol

In the light of what you have read in this chapter, read through the sample appli-
cation for ethical approval and the information sheet and consent form printed in
Appendix 1, and critically evaluate the entries for each heading. Every entry has at
least one ethical ‘flaw’.

Note that this is a fictitious case, but it contains elements drawn from real applica-
tions and research projects. Once you have completed your critical analysis, turn
to the comments in Appendix 2.

Finally, look back at your responses to Activity 9.1 and make notes on further eth-
ical issues that you now consider important and that you did not note down before
reading the chapter.

Web Sources
This book’s website contains a number of useful links to the following: professional
bodies, research funding bodies, the Central Office of Research Ethics Committees, the
Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure service and the Higher Education Academy
resources on research ethics.

Alderson, P. (2004) ‘Ethics’, in Fraser, S., Lewis, V., Ding, S., Kellett, M. and Robinson, C.
(eds), Doing Research with Children and Young People. London: Sage.

Eckstein, S. (2003) Manual for Research Ethics Committees. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Economic and Social Research Council (2005) Research Ethics Framework. Swindon:

Hollway, W. (2000) ‘The ethics of researching psychosocial subjects’, in Hollway, W. and

Jefferson, T. (eds), Doing Qualitative Research Differently: Free Association, Narrative
and the Interview Method. London: Sage.

Tinker, A. and Coomber, V. (2004) University Research Ethics Committees: Their Role,
Remit and Conduct. London: King’s College.
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Appendix 1: Sample Application for Ethical Approval

University of Middle England


Title of project
The social constriction of DNR decisions in SCBUs


A summary of the main points of the research, understandable by a non-specialist.

This project will explore the semiotics employed in SCBUs as a site for negotiated mean-
ing-making following decisions to not resuscitate babies who are seriously ill, abnormal or
disabled. It will be an in-depth phenomenological study with parents and nursing staff in a
SCBU in Central England. It will explore Uren and Wastell’s conceptualization of grief as an
interpretive phenomenon elicited by the loss of a primary attachment figure, thereby shat-
tering core life purposes and implicating the need to reinstate meaning.

I will be analysing the tapes to uncover underlying themes of narrative voices.

Source(s) of funding
Details of the funding body (e.g. ESRC, MRC ).

Middle England University

Justification for research

What contribution to knowledge, policy, practice, and people’s lives will the research make?

Having lost my newborn daughter myself some years ago when she was found to be suf-
fering from Dead Gut Syndrome, I am acutely aware that deciding not to resuscitate an
infant is a difficult decision for both staff and parents. The negotiation of meanings involved
in reaching a collective decision and dealing with its emotional aftermath implicates repre-
sentations of attachment in everyone concerned. Recent media coverage of this issue has
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also highlighted the need for more knowledge and understanding. As yet, there has been
little research in this area and it would be helpful to people faced with these difficult life deci-
sions and coping with them afterwards.

Give names and units of all persons involved in the collection and handling of individual

Ms. Randomly Selected Surname

Published ethical guidelines to be followed

For example: BERA, BPS, BSA (see Research Ethics website for more information ).


Location(s) of data collection

Give details of where and when data will be collected. If on private, corporate or institutional
premises, indicate what approvals are gained/required.

Data will be collected in the SCBU in Downlands Hospital, Flintshire, Central England.

Approval will need to be given by the Ward Sister.

Give details of the population from which you will be sampling, the sample size and how
this sampling will be done.

I will sample from parents whose newborn infants are taken into Downlands Hospital SCBU
and are seriously ill or disabled.

Recruitment procedures
How will you identify and approach potential participants?

The Ward Sister will tell me which babies in the SCBU are seriously ill, abnormal or dis-
abled and I will ask their parents if they are prepared to help with my research.

Give details of how informed consent will be gained and attach copies of information
sheet (s) and consent form(s). Give details of how participants can withdraw consent and
what will happen to the data in such a case.

I will give subjects the attached sheet and ask them to sign to show their consent. I have
stated there that subjects may withdraw at any time. If they do, I will treat there data as
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Data protection
Give details of registration of the project under the DP Act and the procedures to be
followed re storage and disposal of data to comply with the Act.

I will store all data and the names of subjects in a database in my laptop password-protected.

Recompense to participants
Normally, recompense is only given for expenses and inconvenience, otherwise it might be
seen as coercion/inducement to participate. Give details of any recompense to participants.

I will offer counselling support to any member of staff or parent who appears to be dis-
tressed by my questions.

Give details of the withholding of any information from participants, or misrepresentation or
other deception that is an integral part of the research. Any such deception should be fully

I will withhold any information that I am given about subjects’ babies’ medical condition if
I feel that it may be harmful to do so.

Detail any foreseen risks to participants or researchers and steps that will be taken to
minimize/counter these.

No risks

Give details of how information will be given to participants after data collection to inform
them of the purpose of their participation and the research more broadly.

If subjects want to know more about the study I will explain it to them.

Declare here that the research will conform to the above protocol and that any significant
changes or new issues will be raised with the HPMEC before they are implemented.

I declare that I will follow this protocol and inform the HPMEC of any changes while the
project is running


R. S. Surname
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The social construction of DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)

decisions in Special Care Baby Units (SCBU)


My project is looking at how parents and staff deal with deciding not to resuscitate a baby
who is severely ill or disabled. I am interested in the talk that goes on and how it constructs
meanings that are used to justify the decisions.

If you take part in this study it will help to gain more knowledge and understanding which
will benefit future parents who are faced with the same problems.

I will collect the information by tape-recording interviews with parents and staff and
analysing them afterwards. All information that you give me will be treated as strictly

If you want to withdraw from the study at any time you are free to do so.

Ms. R. S. Surname
Faculty of Health Psychology
Middle England University ME1 9XX


I consent to taking part in Ms. Surname’s study and I understand that I may withdraw at any




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Appendix 2: Comments on Sample Application for

Ethical Approval
Title of project
Apart from the unfortunate spelling error, which is not a good start as it suggests to a com-
mittee that the document has not been carefully proof-read, this title is not sufficiently
explanatory. The two acronyms are jargon and will not be understood by a lay person. A
medical member of the committee would spot that DNR is an outmoded acronym for Do Not
Resuscitate, and would know that the current term is Do Not Attempt Resuscitation
(DNAR). This would suggest that the applicant is not up to date with current medical prac-
tice. SCBU should be expanded as Special Care Baby Unit.

This is too vague. Normally, one should state the months during which data collection will
take place. This will alert the REC to when they might expect queries or issues to arise in
relation to the project.

This is far too abstruse for any lay person to make much sense of it. It also reads as if it may
have been copied from someone else’s writing, which could be construed as plagiarism. No
date or reference is given for Uren and Wastell, so this cannot easily be followed up. The use
of the term ‘abnormal’ in the first sentence shows a lack of knowledge of current thinking about
the appropriate use of language to describe individuals who are disabled or with other special
needs. Given the sensitivity of the topic of the research, this will ring alarm bells for the REC.

This is inadequate. More detail is required and sufficient should be given to indicate whether
the methods are valid and appropriate. This is important in assessing the potential
functionality of the research proposed.

Source(s) of funding
This is too general; it should state the specific fund, for example, ‘Faculty of Health post-
graduate studentship award fund’, or, in the case of external funding, the Research
Council’s or other institution’s grant scheme under which the award has been made.

Justification for research

The justification will also trigger ‘alarm bells’ for a REC; the risk here is that the researcher’s
personal and emotional involvement with the research topic might cloud their objectivity.
There might also be a risk that in the sometimes tense atmosphere in SCBUs, the
researcher might inappropriately begin to disclose her own related experiences, which
could easily cause harm in an already fragile situation. It is not at all clear how and why the
research might give the benefits that are claimed.
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The university and department should be stated here. For research students, it would also
be appropriate to name the supervisor(s). It is good practice for supervisors to be involved
in discussing the ethical elements of a planned research project and to endorse an appli-
cation for ethical approval.

Published ethical guidelines to be followed

This is not an appropriate professional code, since this is not educational research.
MRC would be the code of choice here, and this protocol breaches many of the MRC’s

Location(s) of data collection

The entry here displays a lack of knowledge of the proper procedures for gaining access to
NHS premises for research. Both an LREC and locale approval will be required, and a lot
of prior work would have had to be done investigating the possibility of such work being con-
ducted. It is in fact highly unlikely that even a well-prepared application from a non-medical
person could succeed for such a project, given the sensitivity and security issues around
special care baby units. An applicant for ethical approval for such a project would also
require CRB disclosure.

The sample size is not stated, nor is the selection process described. The REC would prob-
ably raise concerns about potential bias.

Recruitment procedures
This entry does not acknowledge the sensitivities of parents in such situations, for example
that a significant proportion of such parents may find that such an approach adds to their

It is usual to give potential participants a period of time, of at least 24 hours, to consider
whether they wish to participate. This gives them time to read the information sheet, which
in this case is very thin and gives little information about how the collected data might be
used. It is also common practice to state that if a person withdraws consent, their data will
be destroyed. It is also good practice to give contact details for a third party in the event of
any queries arising that cannot be adequately dealt with by the researcher. The COREC
website gives full guidance on preparing good consent forms for research in the NHS.

Data protection
This is inadequate. It should include an undertaking to register the project in compliance
with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
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Recompense to participants
This shows a misunderstanding of the purpose of this heading, which is to detail any pay-
ments, gifts or other remuneration for participation. However, the entry here does show an
awareness of a potential risk, but since no details are given of the researcher’s qualifications
to deliver counselling support, this will ring another alarm bell for the REC.

This again reflects a misunderstanding of the intention of this heading. It also shows a lack
of knowledge of medical ethics; no member of the medical team on a SCBU would disclose
such clinical information to a third party.

Clearly, as the applicant acknowledges by implication, there are substantial risks here. A
risk analysis should have been carried out and a risk management strategy planned. These
should be summarized here.

This is rather vague. Typically, researchers will undertake to give participants some infor-
mation at the conclusion of a study about the outcomes.

The applicant should state that they will inform the REC before implementing any substan-
tial changes that have ethical implications.
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10 Research Presentations
Trevor Collins, Stephen Potter and
Ann Jones


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Identify the purposes of different types of presentation and the audiences

involved (including disseminating results, promoting the understanding of your
research field, obtaining feedback on your project and developing mutual support).
• Identify what makes a good and bad presentation.
• Work through the common fears that presenters experience.
• Structure and deliver an articulate and coherently argued presentation that sum-
marizes and reflects on your progress and results.
• Use practical methods for selecting content and developing your material.
• Use appropriate visual materials, including the use of presentation software tools.
• Constructively defend your research in answering questions and receiving feed-
• Make a positive contribution when responding to other people’s presentations.

10.1 Introduction
This chapter considers what research presentations should achieve, the common fears
that presenters experience, and the steps that can be taken to alleviate such fears
and increase the value of the presentation for the researcher. Specifically, the chapter
will address the concerns people have about the audience, their material and their
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Research presentations can take a variety of forms, from an informal talk or departmental
seminar through to presenting a refereed conference paper or a presentation to a research
funding agency. Being able to present research results to a variety of audiences is a nec-
essary academic skill expected of those who have undertaken a research degree. Further-
more, presentations offer us an opportunity to receive immediate feedback on our
research. We can disseminate research findings in papers and book chapters, but it is the
face-to-face feedback that an oral presentation affords us that makes it an extremely valu-
able experience. Yet in practice many academic presentations fail to engage the audience.

This chapter explores why giving research presentations is such a valuable activity, why
this may cause anxiety, and considers some of the approaches that can be used to pre-
pare for and make effective presentations. We start by considering good and bad
features of a presentation, starting with the bad.

Activity 10.1a
What can go wrong in a presentation? Think about presentations that you have
recently attended, focusing on what went badly or didn’t work so well. Make a note
of these problematic features.

Activity 10.1b
The DVD programme called ‘Model Lecture’ contains two versions of the same lec-
ture, both models in their own way. The first part is a short lecture by Mike Bullivant
on the subject of chemical reactions. View this now; it will familiarize you with the
topic and provide a comparison to the second lecture.

The second part presents the same material, but Mike has purposefully made a
series of mistakes. Make a note of what you consider went wrong in the second

Using these notes and those from Activity 10.1a, draw up a list of what can go
wrong and group your points into the following categories:

1 Design of visual materials

2 Use of visual materials
3 Verbal delivery
4 Structure
5 Other
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Activity 10.1b (Continued)


The second version of this lecture was put together to illustrate as many ‘bad features’
as possible. In reality, whilst few talks contain as many of these bad features, they are
all ones that Mike and the authors have encountered in academic talks. Whilst your
list may have different and/or additional features, you may also have noticed:

1 No agenda or plan (structure). Mike did not indicate what he was going to cover
in his talk. Without this kind of signposting, the audience doesn’t know where
the talk is going and what to expect next.
2 Unreadable PowerPoint slides.
3 Insufficient time for the audience to try to read the slides (design and use of
visual materials).
4 Mike talked too fast and mumbled (delivery).
5 He blocked the screen from the audience (delivery).
6 He lost his place several times (delivery).

This chapter should help you to avoid such pitfalls and to put on a good perfor-
mance. As with stage performances (a metaphor used throughout the chapter),
one feature that is often not apparent to the audience, but only too apparent to the
speaker, is fear, and that is what is discussed next.

10.2 Fear
People are generally afraid of looking foolish or stupid in front of their peers or other
people they respect. It is perfectly natural, therefore, that we get nervous about giving
presentations. However, rather than suppressing or denying our nervousness, develop-
ing an awareness of the source of our fears enables us to take the necessary steps to
avoid realizing those fears.

Dorothy Leeds (2003) describes four common forms of presenters’ fears:

1 Fear of embarrassment.

2 Fear of the audience.

3 Fear your material is not good enough.

4 Fear of performing poorly.

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In this chapter we will show you how these fears can be addressed through effective
preparation and planning. We will return to this issue in the sections that follow.

10.3 Context
We start by considering the context because having a clear
‘Take every opportunity
understanding of the context of your research presentation will
you can to share your
help you to anticipate what might happen. First of all, you ideas with others, how-
should consider your purpose, i.e. what you want to achieve by ever scary it seems. The
giving the presentation. Second, you should consider your act of writing a presenta-
audience, i.e. who will be there and what they will want from tion is a great way to clarify
the presentation. arguments in your own
mind.’ (Tom Heath, OU
PhD student)

Often a presentation has more than one purpose, but it is important to establish what
these may be, and which are the more important. Several different types of presenta-
tion can take place throughout the stages of a research project. For example:

1 A bid to a sponsor for funds for a project. In this case the main purpose is to show
the capabilities of the research team and reassure the sponsor that they will
deliver within the time available.

2 At the start of a research project, to explain and explore the broad approach of
the work and to define what ‘outputs’ will be produced.

3 To contribute to assessment (e.g. part of a PhD transfer assessment or required

as part of a postgraduate assignment).

4 To provide feedback and advice, for example from other researchers, key people
and other groups interested in the project’s findings.

5 To win involvement and support for the research, for example from organizations
you may interview or who hold information you need.

6 To stimulate discussion or provide a forum for learning and mutual support.

7 To disseminate the results of a project.

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The primary fear associated with the audience is a fear of the unknown. This is generally
misplaced as the audience is rarely out to get you. As noted earlier, one of the purposes
of research presentations is to get feedback, and the audience will endeavour to provide
constructive criticism in order to help you. Destructive criticism is a social and profes-
sional taboo and will quickly isolate individuals from the rest of the community.

A little research can quickly cure a fear of the unknown audience. A list of the people
attending may be available from the event organizers. If not, an indication of the people
who may attend can be gained from the people involved in similar events in the past.
For example, if you are preparing for a conference presentation you could look at the
people on the programme committee or the list of accepted papers from previous years.

Such sources of information can help you answer the key questions that will shape the
design of your presentation, such as:

1 Who is likely to be in the audience?

2 Where in the world do they come from?

3 What do they know about already?

4 What are they interested in?

Explicitly identifying the purpose of a presentation enables you to direct the presenta-
tion in order to ensure that you meet your objectives. The purpose and objectives you
identify also provide a set of criteria for judging your own success. Audience members,
like presenters, have a purpose. Finding out who the audience members are likely to be
and what they may want to gain from your presentation is the first step towards mak-
ing an effective presentation. Whilst you cannot completely anticipate how the audi-
ence will behave, gathering some reliable information about the audience will help you
to tailor your presentation appropriately.

Activity 10.2
1 Think of a specific presentation that you may need to give in the near future and
make a note of the topic of the presentation.
2 List the purpose and objectives of your presentation and order them according
to importance.
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Activity 10.2 (Continued)

3 Now, think of who the audience is likely to be, and write down the size and
typical characteristics of your audience. Specifically, make a note of their
academic background, nationality and relevant interests.
4 In order to realize your purpose, are there any specific things that your
presentation needs to cover for this particular audience?


An example of a specific presentation would be an internal seminar being given by

a PhD student as part of their annual progress review, nine months into their first
year of study. Such a presentation within the UK is typically used as part of the
probation assessment for PhD students.

In this example, the presentation has two purposes: for the student to explain to
their colleagues what they’ve been doing for nine months, and to demonstrate to
the people on the review panel their ability to complete the PhD within the time
available. Of these two purposes, demonstrating their ability to the review panel is
the higher priority.

The audience in such a case will probably be fairly well known to the student. Based
on the attendance at similar events in the past, the student will be able to estimate the
size of the audience. The student will know the main areas of research carried out by
the groups within their department, and therefore will have a reasonable idea of the
topics of interest, and the level of description and suitable terminology to use.

In order to convince the review panel of the student’s competency they will need to
cover the problem they are tackling, the current state of the art, the work they are
proposing to undertake including how they plan to complete it, and the potential
contributions and anticipated outcomes of the proposed research – a tall order but
certainly achievable with the right preparation.

10.4 Material
In this section we will consider some practical methods for selecting content and devel-
oping your material. Preparing a good presentation is always a challenging task and the
time and effort involved should not be understated. Like writing a paper, writing a good
presentation is a drafting and revision process. In order to make informed revisions, you
will need to rehearse your draft presentations. Recording or asking a colleague to listen
and give you feedback on your presentation will help you to gain a further insight into
the audience’s experience. Repeating the cycle of drafting, presenting and critiquing
your presentation will help you to develop a good presentation, and improve your con-
fidence in your own ability to deliver it within the time available.
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‘Practice, practice, prac-

Preparing your title and abstract
tice! Practice in front of A good presentation starts with a good title and abstract. These
your friends, your mum, are used to advertise and promote your presentation. Chapter 6
your dog. Anybody you
covered preparing abstracts (in Section 6.6) and there were two
trust. It’s only when you
activities there on abstract writing. Although they may well be
stand up and try it out
written long before you think of what you are going to say, the
loud that you find out
what works and what
title and abstract will influence people’s decisions about
doesn’t, and whether your whether or not to attend your presentation. An informative
slides make sense. Holly- title will help to attract the people interested in your research
wood actors practice, and and a clear, well-written abstract will provide an encouraging
they’ve been presenting trailer for the feature presentation. No matter how polished the
for a lifetime. So it makes presentation is, it may still fail to achieve your objectives if
sense that you need to as given to an uninterested audience.
well.’ (Mark Gaved, OU
PhD student)

Activity 10.3
1 Pick five conference papers on a topic of interest to you (or search for some on
the internet).
2 Have a look at the papers’ titles only and order the papers according to the like-
lihood that you would attend the presentation.
3 Now read the papers’ abstracts and reorder the papers again according to how
likely it is that you would attend the presentation.
4 Finally, write down the criteria you have used for judging the titles and

Listing your criteria should provide you with some guidelines for writing the titles
and abstracts of your own papers.


When prioritizing a set of presentations based on their title, people generally look
for keywords as little else is available. When we think of the things that interest us,
we are often interested not just in the phenomenon being studied but also the
method of study and of course the conclusions that are being drawn. Effective titles
are carefully crafted to convey the essence of the work being presented (often
referred to as the ‘take-home message’).
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Activity 10.3 (Continued)

Prioritizing by title and abstract lets us base such judgements on considerably more
information than the title alone. An abstract should include the main points that you
want to communicate. The cinema film trailer is a fairly useful analogy in that it will fre-
quently show clips of the full-length presentation in order to attract an audience.

Preparing the content of your presentation

Selecting the intellectual content of a presentation is a separate stage from preparing the
physical materials that will help you communicate that content. This is where we
decide ‘what to say’ and we postpone the decision of ‘how to say it’ until later.

A polished presentation will carry the audience’s attention through a number of con-
nected points in order to communicate a clear and memorable take-home message.
However, before the rehearsals and revisions, the initial draft is more likely to resemble
a rough diamond. Deciding what to say is a reflective process where you need to con-
sider what is important or novel in your work and why. Ultimately, you will need to
impose some organization on the content, in order to present your particular perspec-
tive on the research. Exploring the potential ways of organizing the research is in itself
a beneficial research activity.

People typically develop their own methods for this based on the ‘what works for me’
criterion. Brainstorming, concept maps and envelope sketches are just some common
methods. One good start is to try and identify everything that might be relevant by sim-
ply listing or mapping the points you want to make. This is sometimes referred to as a
‘brain dump’, but in practice is much less drastic. When identifying the content to
include, one of the things you need to consider is the time available for your presenta-
tion. All presentations should run to time and rehearsing your presentation is the best
way of ensuring that this will happen. When you have identified the content you want
to present and the order you want to present it in, you should consider the time avail-
able to you. There may be parts of the content where the level of detail can be expanded
or reduced depending on the time available.

Some people find it useful to draw a hierarchical tree containing the points they want
to make. Figure 10.1 provides an example based on the content of this chapter. Each tree
node contains a point to be made, with the level of detail increasing as you go down the
tree. Having a set of points allows you to look for the gaps and consider potential order-
ings. This can be a difficult process, but even though you may modify your initial set
of points and reorder your points several times, you will eventually converge on a set
that you are confident in working up into a presentation.
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Pre- and post-
Introduction Fear Context Material Performance and further

Title and
Purpose Audience Content Materials Delivery Questions

Figure 10.1 A content tree showing the main points of a talk on how to give research

Hierarchical structures such as these can be useful when you have rehearsed the talk
and find you need to either reduce or increase the length of the presentation. Pruning
the lower branches can be an effective way of identifying what to leave out of a
presentation without losing the take-home message; similarly, expanding a lower
branch will help you to expand the presentation. Furthermore, when giving future pre-
sentations on the same topic you can reuse your content hierarchy, selecting only the
upper branches for shorter presentations or developing the content hierarchy further to
create longer presentations.

Activity 10.4
1 Think of a specific presentation that you may need to give in the near future,
identifying the topic of the presentation and the likely audience.
2 Do a ‘brain dump’, noting all the points that you might want to mention.
3 Now draft a hierarchical tree organizing the points into an order (left to right
across the tree) and detailing what needs to be covered in each point (top to
bottom down each path in the tree).


Thinking of what to say is not easy. However, rather than starting with a blank page,
you can use some of the thoughts you’ve had about the purpose of your presentation
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Activity 10.4 (Continued)

and the potential members of your audience to start identifying some of the
content that you will need to cover. If you are presenting a paper that you’ve
already written, then you have the content of the paper to help you make a start,
but bear in mind that reading a paper is very different from listening to a presenta-
tion. Sketching out the main points of your argument will help you identify an order
for your presentation. Deciding on the level of description that you will need to give
will depend on your knowledge of your audience.

Preparing presentation materials

Having identified the intellectual content for your presentation (i.e. what to say), you
are now able to start creating the narrative that will convey that content to your audi-
ence (i.e. how to say it). It is at this stage that you must bear in mind the needs of your
audience. You want your presentation to be as accessible as possible. The people in the
audience may not have the same cultural or academic background as you, and therefore
you must take care to ensure that any assumptions you make are well justified. Effort
spent on tailoring your narrative to the particular audience will make all the difference
to your presentation. Although there is no substitute for great content, a poor narrative
will tarnish good content whereas an excellent narrative will help the content shine.

In face-to-face conversations, we get immediate feedback on each statement and use that
feedback when choosing what to say next. Presentations, particularly to large audiences,
can feel a bit one-sided but this does not have to be the case. One property of a good novel
is that it draws the reader into the story so that they feel part of a conversation with the
narrator. If you plan the narrative of your presentation to take the form of a conversation,
where you introduce interesting questions, explore evidence, explain your train of
thought and draw conclusions, the audience will undoubtedly become engaged in the
conversation. This is why good presentations require considerable preparation.

Whichever materials you choose to use, you should try to ensure that the materials
themselves do not overshadow or detract from your message. Videos, demonstrations
and animated computer slides can be used to illustrate something quickly that would be
difficult to communicate in other ways, but they must be used sparingly or the lasting
impression will be the form of the presentation rather than the content. The KISS
mnemonic ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ is good advice in this case.

Pace, clarity and terminology

Three aspects of the delivery of the presentation that will influence the preparation of
your materials will be the pace, clarity and the terminology you use. It is worth assuming
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that there will be many audience members for whom English is not their first language.
It is important therefore to speak at a pace that allows the audience time to process and
understand what you say. It is also important to speak clearly. Words can easily be mis-
understood because they have not been pronounced clearly and this can be an addi-
tional point to check if you are presenting in a language that is not your first language.
The third factor to consider here is whether the terminology and language you are
using will be understood by the audience. Is your language clear and unambiguous?
Even where English is the common language, words and terms can convey quite
different meanings in different contexts and countries.

Some conferences may use language translators or sign language translators to translate
each presentation. If so, this has quite an impact on the presenter’s pace, clarity and
terminology. The golden rule here is to keep things simple. For example, use plain lan-
guage as much as possible and speak clearly, in order to minimize mistranslations. If the
translation is made simultaneously, those listening with headphones will hear the trans-
lation slightly after you speak, therefore you can expect some delay in part of the audi-
ence’s response. If the translator is working alongside you and you are taking it in turns
to speak, then you should prepare half the amount of content to allow time for you and
the translator to present your talk.

Assuming your presentation is longer than five minutes, you are likely to want to create
some slides to help focus the audience’s attention during your presentation and to illus-
trate some of the points you are making. Drafting the slides will help you develop your
narrative and will also help you to sort out how much you can cover in your allotted time.
Remember, the golden rule is to keep things simple; therefore, try to make only one point
per slide. Rehearsing the presentation will help to clarify what works and what doesn’t.

The Society for Imaging Science and Technology has produced a set of guidelines for
effective illustration (Walworth et al., 1999). A checklist drawn from these guidelines is
given in the Appendix to this chapter. As well as using these guidelines to inform the
design of your slides, you can also use them to critique a set of slides. When you get the
feeling that something is not right, quickly checking through these guidelines may well
reveal the source of the problem and the means for correcting it. Guidelines such as
these will help to ensure that your slides are broadly accessible and easy to read.

There are many computer software tools available for producing presentation slides,
such as ‘PowerPoint’ from Microsoft, ‘Impress’ from Open Office, and ‘Keynote’ from
Apple. The default presentation settings on such systems typically meet the guidelines
given in the Appendix. Presentation software, much like desktop publishing software,
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uses the concept of ‘styles’ for formatting the presentation. Setting a master slide style
will help you create a consistent set of slides. The following four preparation steps are
recommended for setting your slide style prior to drafting your slides:

1 Check the page set-up. This involves setting the page size and orientation. Slides
should use a horizontal setting (i.e. landscape).

2 Set the page footer. Set the information you want to display in the footer of each
slide and whether or not the footer should be included in the title slide. Showing
the date in the footer helps you keep track of what you presented and when.
Including the slide number is particularly useful when using 35 mm or overhead
transparency slides, as the numbers help to identify the correct slide order and

3 Set the master slide layout. The master slide layout will be applied to each slide.
Adding a line or rectangle between the title and body areas of the slides will help
the audience to separate them. In the master slide layout you can also edit the
footer text to include the total number of slides.

4 Set the title slide layout. If you want to, you can also insert a new title master to
be used for your first slide. Change the layout of your title slide as required.
Adding your name, affiliation and affiliation logo to the title slide will help the audi-
ence to remember who you are and where you came from.

You will find that separating the layout of your slides from their content requires you
to maintain an element of discipline. It may be tempting to reformat individual slides
in order to fit things in, but don’t. Using styles ensures consistency and as a result the
presentation will appear much more professional.

When providing electronic copies of your slides you should provide both the original
and an HTML-based version to ensure maximum accessibility. Although several screen
reader programs can deal with some proprietary presentation software formats, HTML
is an international standard suitable for the majority of screen readers.

Presenter’s notes
Some presenters use a script, some use note cards, and some draw on the points made
in their slides as prompts. Presentation programs such as PowerPoint allow you to type
in your notes and print them along with your slides. What form your notes take is a
matter of experience, style and personal preference. It is well worth trying a few alter-
natives to see which approach suits you best.
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If you are an inexperienced presenter, it can be useful to write out a full script of your
talk. A script is also useful for very short presentations that need to run to a fixed time
length. Note, however, that a script is delivered and understood verbally, not as a writ-
ten document. A piece of text that can be understood when it is read may be too
complex to follow or unintelligible when spoken. Think of it as a script for a radio or
TV programme and prepare the delivery accordingly. Mark points where you want to
add emphasis or a pause and change the pace and tone accordingly.

Rather than preparing a full script, many presenters use notes or note cards containing
the main points they intend to make (structured around the ‘bullet points’ and illustra-
tions on their slides). This approach allows a more spontaneous delivery. In order to
help you manage the timing of the presentation, Gordon Rugg and Marian Petre (2004)
suggest the use of a timeline where markers in your notes are used to indicate how far
you should have got in the presentation. These markers can either be in terms of the
time available or approximate indicators – for example, ‘half way’.

Timing your presentation

In preparing your materials you will become very aware of how much you can pre-
sent in the time available to you. A common rule of thumb is to allow two minutes
per slide (depending on the content – diagrams, for example, can take longer). So, if
you want to present for 20 minutes then your presentation should consist of no more
than ten slides.

Although we may not think of ourselves as performers, when giving presentations it is

a useful metaphor. Like all performers, rehearsal is essential for a polished performance,
and this is particularly true for the timing of your presentation. It is only by rehearsing
the presentation that you will know for sure how long it will take. It may also be use-
ful to present to a friend, supervisor or colleagues to get feedback on your delivery.
There is simply no substitute for preparation.

Some people find it helpful to provide handouts for the audience. Following the sim-
plicity rule, you should first ask yourself what a handout will add to the presentation.
Often it leads to the audience reading the handouts instead of attending to your pre-
sentation. Given the number of things to remember on the day of the presentation,
adding a set of photocopies is a significant imposition. Nonetheless, if you decide to use
handouts, take care to ensure that they are easy to read. You can assume that not every-
one in the audience will have perfect vision. Including a few copies in an extra-large font
may well be appreciated.
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Webcast presentations
Broadcasting a presentation over the web is referred to as webcasting. Increasingly
there are opportunities to webcast presentations. For the presenter, the primary factor
influencing their preparation will be the level of interaction with the virtual audience.
This can range from the rich form of interactions available in live video conferences to
the limited one-way interaction available in recorded video broadcasts. Much like
face-to-face presentations, live webcasts that afford an opportunity for the presenter to
interact with the virtual audience need to be structured with the form of interaction
in mind. For example, if the virtual audience are to ask questions, the presenter, chair-
person or facilitator will need to remind people how and when they can do this.

One of the major benefits of recording a presentation for webcasting is that it can be
replayed over the web at any time in the future. This enables people unable to attend
the live event to see what they missed. However, the size and speed of the connection
used to access the webcast server will constrain the quality of the webcast presentation.
It is reasonable to assume that the image captured by the video camera will be reduced
to the size of a postcard when broadcast over the web.

As a result of the limitations of current webcasting technology, the following factors

need to be considered when preparing a presentation that will be webcast:

1 Pay extra attention to the slide guidelines referred to in the Appendix, such as
using a minimum font size of 24 points, a maximum of nine lines per slide and ten
words per line, and selecting colours for maximum contrast.

2 Use a standard font. If the presentation slides are translated into a format suitable
for webcasting, then choosing a standard font will help ensure that the look and lay-
out of your slides in the webcast are comparable to those used in the presentation.

3 Avoid using embedded video clips or animations. Webcasts are typically played
with a relatively low frame-rate (such as five or ten frames per second), therefore,
animations and videos may appear jumpy, like a flicker animation. Alternatively,
rather than videoing the slides, if the slides are translated into a different format
for replay over the web, embedded videos and animations may get lost or dam-
aged. However, technology improves all the time and so this is likely to be less of
a concern in the future.

4 Avoid animated slide transitions. Like embedded video clips and animations, ani-
mated slide transitions that involve a lot of movement are to be avoided (such as
spiral, blinds, swivel, dissolve, stretch, checkerboard and zoom transitions).
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Activity 10.5
Pick a conference presentation on a topic of interest to you (or search for one
online using a search engine and download it).

Using the guidelines from the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (see
Appendix), critique the design of the slides. Take care to critique the form of the
slides’ design rather than the academic content.


Focusing on a conference presentation that is not your own should have helped you
to gain some distance from the content and to consider the design. As well as mak-
ing you more aware of design features to avoid, in reviewing other people’s slides you
may also find good design features that you can adopt for your own purpose.

Choosing an expressive title and writing a clear abstract will encourage people inter-
ested in your research area to attend your presentation. Bearing in mind what you know
about the audience and the time available will help you choose the content that you will
be able to cover. Drafting your presentation materials, such as the slides, will enable you
to develop your narrative. There is no substitute for preparing and rehearsing your pre-
sentation. As with drafting a paper, you should plan to go through several iterations of
preparing, rehearsing and revising your presentation.

10.5 Performance
The theatrical metaphor is particularly appropriate for acade-
‘It is so rewarding when
mic presentations. When it comes to show-time you are in the
people come to talk to
spotlight performing to an audience of your peers. All good
you after a presentation
performances will engage the audience’s attention. Classic
saying they really enjoyed
it!’ (Andreia Santos, OU
characteristics of poor performances include: running over
PhD student) time, little or no eye-contact with the audience, distracting
body movement or clothing, and inaudible speech.

On the day of the presentation you need to keep a cool head, consider the sources of
your nerves and recognize the steps you have taken to address them. This may not fully
alleviate the nerves, but it will help you to maintain control of the situation. Your pre-
sentation can be considered to be a performance in two acts: act one is the delivery of
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the presentation, and act two is your response to the audience’s questions. Considering
how to answer questions about your talk will also help you to consider appropriate
questions to ask in other people’s presentations. We’ll consider each of these in turn.

Delivering the presentation

To some extent nervousness is to be expected; you are, after all, putting yourself in the
spotlight. However, when the time comes to give the presentation, you should already
have some idea of who will be in the audience, you will have prepared what you are
going to say and how you are going to say it, so the remaining fears will be in relation
to your performance and delivery. Again, preparation will help alleviate your anxieties.

Try to encourage people to attend your presentation, especially any friends and other
people you would like to impress. Catching sight of a friendly face can often help to
reassure you during the presentation. You can also ask a friend in the audience to take
a note of any questions you are asked, so that you can reflect on them after the event.
Similarly, you can ask a colleague to critique your presentation and give you construc-
tive feedback afterwards.

A large part of the impression you give people will be drawn from their initial impres-
sion; therefore, your appearance is worth considering. Don’t wear things that will dis-
tract the audience from what you have to say. Think of the purpose of your presentation
and the audience involved, and try to dress in a way that conveys the image you want
to project. Is it a ‘jeans and jumpers’ or a ‘suits and skirts’ event? It is usually safer to
wear more formal rather than informal clothes. Having said that, wear something that
you feel comfortable in as well as meeting the expectations of your audience. If you are
uncomfortable your delivery may suffer.

Check the venue

Rugg and Petre (2004, p. 140) emphasize the value of reconnaissance of where you will
deliver your presentation. You should certainly check the presentation equipment and
how it works. For example, you will want to know beforehand that you can read your
files on the presentation computer, that your portable USB drive (if you are using one)
works and how your presentation will be controlled on the particular computer you
will be using. You may also need particular software on the computer or access to the
web. There can be problems if the computer you are to use has an older version of the
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operating system than you have. If you plan to use any additional equipment, other than
that provided by the organizers, try it out in the room you will be presenting in. If you
have any accessibility requirements, for example if you use a wheelchair or audio fre-
quency induction loop, contact the organizers as early as possible to ensure that any nec-
essary arrangements can be made. It is also worth thinking about the venue’s layout and
where you will stand (so as not to block the screen). If there is no drinking water supplied
in the room, make a note to bring a bottle with you for your presentation. Finally, if you
are presenting a seminar or academic paper you may be introduced by a chairperson, and
if this is the case, go out of your way to meet that person before your presentation.

Your delivery
When you give a presentation the increased adrenaline that results from your nerves
will make you think faster than normal. Taking slow even breaths will help you to
remain calm and to control your nerves. Drinking water will help to balance your
breathing, relieve your dry mouth, and can be used subtly to create pauses between
slides, allowing the audience to consider what you have just told them. Maintaining
eye-contact with your audience will keep them engaged in your conversation. If you do
tend to get nervous, an open body posture will help to mask your nervousness (e.g.
avoid crossing your arms and legs, or clenching your fists). Although everyone feels
nervous, it is very rarely detectable by the audience.

Some people tend to speak more quickly or mumble when they feel nervous. As sug-
gested in the previous section, make a conscious effort to attend to the pace, clarity and
terminology you use in your presentation. If you are using a microphone, try to keep it
at a constant distance from your mouth and if possible try it out before your presenta-
tion. Given the choice, clip-on microphones are often easier to deal with than hand-held
microphones. If you are not using a microphone you will need to project your voice to
the people at the back of the room. To project your voice you need to breathe a little
deeper than usual and control the power of your voice with your diaphragm. Finally,
enjoy your performance. Provided you are well prepared, you will have every reason to
be confident in your material and your enthusiasm for your work will shine through.

You may feel that this is the most intimidating part of a presentation. However, as noted
in Chapter 11, building up experience in dealing with questions about your research
will be invaluable when your viva arrives. If you would rather deal with people’s ques-
tions at the end of the presentation, you should tell your audience that this is your pref-
erence. If an audience member interrupts when you are not expecting them to do so,
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you can easily lose your train of thought. Taking questions during a presentation has
the benefit of addressing any misconceptions or queries as they arise, but you need to
be prepared to adapt the pace of your presentation in order to ensure that your presen-
tation does not overrun as a result.

Preparation also helps with questions. Being aware of the likely questions not only
enables you to prepare a set of good answers, but it can also inform how you present
your chosen content. An awareness of the issues that your audience will be attuned to
enables you to tailor the content in such a way that the obvious questions are already
addressed in the presentation, allowing more of the available time to be used for the
unanticipated, insightful questions.

The approach to answering questions should be the same in any presentation, whether
a student seminar or your PhD viva. Therefore, the key points here are similar to those
for dealing with viva questions, specifically:

1 Give straight answers to straight questions. Resist the temptation to wander off
the point, so that your time and the audience’s time are not to be wasted.

2 If you feel a question indicates that your talk was unclear, briefly restate the rele-
vant points and check that the problem is resolved.

3 If you feel a question is unclear, always ask for clarification: ‘I’m not sure what you
mean, could you explain it further please?’

4 If you think a question is based on a doubtful premise, challenge it (for example,

if you think the questioner has missed the point).

Note the points made in the discussion of Activity 10.6 above about complicated or
multi-part questions. These points are also covered in the text on the viva (Chapter 11),
but you will hit this situation first in presenting your research in other ways.

Asking insightful questions is a skill to be developed, much the same as answering ques-
tions or delivering the presentation. Research does not occur in isolation, the develop-
ment of any research field is dependent on the research discourse. Asking and
responding to questions in research presentations is one of the most immediate oppor-
tunities we have for engaging in the research discourse.

People ask questions for a number of reasons; for example, to clarify a point made, to
learn more, or to bring some additional work to the presenter’s attention that they may
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not have been aware of or considered. Asking questions in order to show how much you
know is a cheap trick and rarely respected, but engaging in the discussion and explor-
ing the issues raised in a presentation is a highly valued contribution.

Activity 10.6
1 Now watch the second part of the DVD clip of the ‘Model Lecture’ where Mike
is asked a series of questions. You are shown Mike giving different answers to
the same questions.
2 Make a note of the good and bad responses that he gives to each question.


Question 1. This question seeks further information. The poor answer is evasive,
even rude, and doesn’t answer the question. The good answer explains why the
information was missing (Mike had to be selective in what he presented in only ten
minutes) and explains that his work had covered neutral nucleophiles.

Question 2. This is an example of a complex, ill-informed question. The good

answer recognizes this and, without being rude, Mike identifies the separate ques-
tions and answers them in turn. His bad answer simply picks up the last part of the
question and fails to cover the rest adequately, if at all, as well as being just plain
rude and patronizing. Even the answer he gives is broadly uninformative.

Question 3. This is an example of where it looks like there is a genuine mistake in

the presentations. In his good reply, Mike works this through and concludes that
there is something wrong. He then agrees to check it out and let the questioner
know the result. In the poor answer, although he admits an error, he quickly tries
to blame someone else, and makes no attempt to resolve the problem.

Question 4. This is a question about the limitations of the research. Very often
questions at conferences are about what the researcher has not done. The good
answer recognizes that the further research suggested would be a good idea and
suggests meeting up later to discuss how this might be carried forward. The bad
answer only grudgingly acknowledges that the questioner has a valid point. It’s a
rather defensive ‘I know better than you’ response.

You might also like to repeat this activity for the questions asked in the video pro-
gramme on the viva, which is associated with the next chapter. These were in a
genuine discussion, with no prior knowledge of what the questions would be.

The next and final activity below asks you to apply what you have learnt about asking
questions to your own research presentations.
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Activity 10.7
Using the content hierarchy you drafted in Activity 10.4, identify a set of four
questions you think your audience might ask. The questions should be:

1 Questions requiring further information or clarification, e.g. ‘can you say more
about the framework that you said you adapted for your work?’, or ‘can you clarify
the differences between the two types of condition?’
2 Complicated or ill-formed questions that might have several parts.
3 Questions or comments that indicate a fundamental disagreement, e.g. ‘Doesn’t
this integrated transport policy that you discussed depend on a very high level
of government funding for public transport?’ (from a speaker who does not
believe that it should be funded in this way … )
4 Questions that might suggest a genuine gap or flaw (that you had not noticed!)
in your research.

For each question, prepare an answer that draws on the content of your presentation
or, if necessary, additional content that you did not include in your presentation.

Finally, draft a few stock phrases to be used when you are unable to answer a
question – remember, honesty is the best policy. Questions that you cannot yet
answer can be used to form the goals of your future research. They can also
provide excellent opportunities for further discussions with individuals after your


The questions that are generally asked at research presentations are often about
the rigour of the work done, the interpretation of the findings and the conse-
quences of the research. As a general tactic, the five Ws and one H methodology
can be used for generating questions: Who, What, Where, Why, When and How.
For example, How did you do X? What does Y mean? Who would use the out-
comes of this research?

As noted above, questions that you cannot answer are opportunities for future
research projects; however, answering questions with something other than an
answer can be tricky. Honesty is always the best policy. Here are some potential
situations and stock responses:

1 If someone suggests something you’ve never considered: ‘That’s a nice

suggestion, thank you very much.’
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Activity 10.7 (Continued)

2 If the answer requires more than a few sentences: ‘I haven’t got time to answer
that now, but I’d be happy to discuss it later.’
3 If you disagree with someone: ‘Thank you. I don’t agree with you. I think…’
(always refer evidence to support your claims).
4 If the question makes no sense to you: ‘I’m not sure what you mean, could you
explain it further please?’

The analogy drawn with a theatrical performance is not intended to imply that you put on
an act. Your presentation should be a strictly non-fictional account of your research. How-
ever, stage techniques can improve the experience for both the performer and the audience.
When a presentation goes well the end result appears effortless, even though a great deal
of hard work will have gone into it. The narration of your presentation will be easy to
follow and your answers to the audience’s questions will be clear and complete.

With experience you will become more aware of the sources of your nerves and the
steps you need to take to alleviate them. Feeling nervous is a very important self-
protection system that helps us avoid making fools of ourselves in public. In this
chapter we have discussed several practical approaches for authoring and delivering
presentations. These approaches can be used to help you appreciate and manage your
nerves but hopefully not eradicate them.

10.6 Pre- and Post-Event Preparation

While attending a conference or seminar presentation you can either ask questions as part
of the presentation in order to facilitate public discussion, or after the presentation as part
of a private or select group discussion. If you did not get your questions answered during
the conference you can certainly raise the issues later via email or telephone.

Also, prior to attending a conference or workshop you can identify the people with
whom you would like to discuss your research. A list of the accepted papers will give
you a good idea of who will be there, and if there are people you would like to spend
some time with you can read up on their current work before you go to the conference
so that you find it easier to engage them in a conversation. You can even email or tele-
phone people before the event to check if they’ll be there, introduce yourself and your
interests, and to arrange to meet them at the conference.
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Making effective research presentations requires a significant amount of hard work.

The act of preparing and presenting your research helps you reflect on the work you
have done. Matching your preparation and performance skills with your networking
skills will help to ensure that you maximize the rewards of giving a good presentation.

10.7 Further Advice

There are a number of websites providing further information and advice. Links to these are
provided on this book’s website. These include:

‘PowerPoint Accessibility Techniques.’ Set of accessibility guidelines from WebAIM: Web

Accessibility in Mind. Available at – Presentation information resources. Available at

‘Tech4Speakers – Helping speakers use technology more effectively.’ Available at

Webcasts from the Open University. A series of example webcasts held at the Open
University, UK. Available from

Leeds, D. (2003) PowerSpeak: Engage, Inspire and Stimulate your Audience. Career Press
Inc., Franklin Lakes NJ.

Rugg, G. and Petre, M. (2004) The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research. Buckingham: Open
University Press.

Walworth, V., McCann, M., McCann, J. and Rosenblum, L. (1999) Guide to Effective Illus-
tration: Images for Presentation and Publication. Report from the Society for Imaging
Science and Technology, May 1999. Available at:
vcguide (last accessed May 2005).

Appendix: A Checklist of Design Guidelines

Here is a checklist of design guidelines drawn from the Society for Imaging Science and
Technology’s Guide to Effective Illustration: Images for Presentation and Publication.

1 Always use a horizontal layout (i.e. landscape).

2 Use an easy to read clear font (e.g. Arial or Times).
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3 As a minimum use 36 point type for titles, 30 point and 24 point for text.
4 Have a maximum of 9 lines of type or equations per slide.
5 And a maximum of 10 words per line.
6 When using colours select colours with a high contrast.
7 Graph curves should be bold, encoded by a line pattern or simple labels.
8 Do not use grid lines on your graphs.
9 Clearly label all of your graph axes.
10 Your slides when printed on A4 size sheets should be readable at 8 feet.
11 35 mm slides should be readable at arm’s length (use dots to identify the lower
left-hand corners of your slides).
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11 The Examination Process

and the Viva
Stephen Potter
with contributions from Professor John Swift


Other chapters in this book have covered the preparation of a written thesis. Here we
look at the examination process and the oral examination – the viva voce (usually
shortened to ‘viva’). All research degrees in the UK have a viva. For taught post-
graduate dissertations (part of an MA or MSc), a viva or a presentation with ques-
tions may occasionally be involved.
After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Effectively prepare for your viva.

• Constructively defend your research outcome, listen, receive feedback and
respond perceptively.
• Understand how your examiners are appointed and what they are required to do.
• Understand what is involved in evaluating postgraduate and PhD research.
• Demonstrate to your examiners your ability to critically analyse and evaluate both
the findings of others and your own findings.
• Demonstrate that you have fulfilled the core competencies required for your
research degree.
• Demonstrate your overall willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge.

11.1 Why a Viva?

Having written a thesis, you may well ask why you have to be put through the ritual of
an oral examination. This is because a viva performs three crucial functions.
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First, the viva is a check that the thesis is really the candidate’s own work. Answering
questions and discussing the content of a thesis shows that you have not got another
person to do the work for you or lifted large sections from somebody else’s work. Such
fraud is very rare, but not unknown.

Second, the viva examines your ability to discuss and defend your research. This is part
of being a professional researcher.

The third reason applies to every thesis and is a very important one. An examiner will
have questions about how your research was designed, how it was undertaken, the con-
clusions drawn, or virtually any aspect of the work. A viva is where such matters can
be raised, and it is your opportunity to further explain, justify and defend the way in
which the research work was done.

There is a real danger that, if the award of a research degree depended only on marking
a written text, an examiner may misunderstand what you had done. The viva is the
chance for both the examiner to raise points of discussion and for you to clarify the situ-
ation. If an examiner asked for modifications or a rewrite on the basis of the written text
alone, you might feel aggrieved if, in your view, such requirements were based on a mis-
understanding or a genuine professional difference in opinion. In this respect, the viva is
to your advantage. In many ways not having a viva is a less fair examination process.

In addition, the viva gives you the opportunity to meet and debate with an expert from
another institution. There is a good chance that the examiners will find your work
intrinsically interesting. In some cases, ideas for publications and even further collabo-
rative work and jobs have resulted from a viva.

11.2 The Examination Panel

It is normal for a UK examination panel to consist of one external and one internal
examiner. However, particularly if the candidate’s subject is multidisciplinary, or if an
inexperienced examiner is involved, it is often possible to appoint a third examiner.

The role of supervisors can vary. In some universities a supervisor can be an examiner.
However, this is generally not permitted, but one or more supervisors may attend the
viva as an ‘observer’. The supervisor/observer is not a member of the examination panel
and does not participate in the examination, but can be called upon by the examiners
for advice and points of clarification. Their presence can also be very reassuring for a
candidate. In some cases there may also be a separate chairperson to manage the viva.

Procedures for appointing an examination panel vary between universities, although

they all follow a fairly similar pattern. Your own university’s rules will specify the
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number of examiners, if a chairperson is required and whether there can be a supervisor/

observer. In all cases, examiners are required to be independent of the candidate and
to be qualified in the subject area, and it is required that the panel contains adequate
experience in examining or supervising students.

Do check up on the procedures and rules of your own university and/or discuss this
process with your supervisor(s). This is something that should not be left to when you are
about to submit your thesis, but should be clarified considerably earlier. This is because,
although examiners are not formally appointed until shortly before a thesis is submitted,
there is an informal process that leads up to this. For example, at the Open University the
formal process is that, when a student gives notice of submission, the Research School
asks the Head of Department to nominate a panel for the oral examination (viva). In prac-
tice, your supervisor is the key person in approaching potential external and internal
examiners. The Head of Discipline usually depends on a supervisor’s advice to nominate
the examiners, so supervisors will first make an informal approach to potential examiners
to check whether they are willing and available to examine a thesis. Although the practice
of supervisors varies, once you are putting together the first draft of your thesis, the ques-
tion of who might be your external examiner should arise.

The crucial choice is that of the external examiner, who usually has the upper hand in
both examining the thesis and in the viva. It is up to your supervisor if they consult you
about the choice of examiners. A student cannot have the right to choose an examiner,
but some discussion of the subject is acceptable and normal. However, it is crucial that
the examination panel is entirely independent and unbiased. For example, the OU
guidelines state that examiners have to declare an interest if they are:

1 planning to employ the candidate;

2 planning to co-publish with the candidate;

3 a past student of the supervisor;

4 a ‘regular’ examiner for a particular supervisor or department;

5 involved, or have been involved, with the candidate in a close personal relation-
ship of any kind.

One additional point is that an examiner cannot be someone who has had a significant
influence on the way you have designed and conducted your research, or who has col-
laborated closely with you. It is perfectly in order for your examiners to know you and
be aware of your work, but they need essentially to be separate from it in order to be
able to examine it.
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In discussing with your supervisor the sort of person who could be a suitable examiner,
some people think that only a ‘big name’ external examiner would be appropriate, but
‘big names’ are not necessarily good examiners. It is important that an examiner is sym-
pathetic, understanding and has the right attitude towards your research. The last thing
that you need is an examiner who enjoys belittling others, even if they are a ‘big name’.
The examiner needs to be able to judge your thesis at an appropriate level and not have
unrealistic expectations of what is achievable in a PhD. If they have these characteris-
tics and are also a ‘big name’, that’s great, but not all ‘big names’ are good examiners!

Activity 11.1
Check with your own university regulations about the composition of an examina-
tion panel and the procedure and criteria for appointing examiners.

Having done this, then consider what are you looking for in an examiner. Write
down the sort of areas of expertise, abilities and characteristics that your(s) exam-
iners should have.

This list could be helpful in discussing with your supervisor(s) the sort of people to
be your examiners.

11.3 What Happens in a Viva?

There is no standard viva. A viva is usually completed in between two and three hours.
You, of course, should take a copy of your thesis to refer to (and do not forget a pen and
paper as you may need to take notes on questions). If you have any background material
not in the thesis that might be useful in answering questions (for example, interview tran-
scripts or experiment print-outs), it is perfectly acceptable to bring such material along.

One person will chair the viva. The chairperson is responsible for the examination
being conducted according to your university’s regulations and procedures, and is also
responsible for completing the paperwork. The chairperson should also explain to you
how the viva is organized, so if anything is unclear it is quite reasonable to ask about it.

Examiners usually meet just before the viva to compare their preliminary impressions and to
agree the main areas for discussion. A number of universities require the examiners to sub-
mit an initial report on the written thesis before they meet. These reports are then compared
and agreement made about who will ask what questions. Your supervisor/observer may also
attend this meeting, although the regulations of some universities specifically forbid it.
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Examiners may already have agreed informally on an initial recommendation and they
might tell you at the beginning of their viva. For example, they may say, ‘Based upon
the thesis, we feel that it is PhD standard, but we may require a few minor amendments
to be made. We will discuss these with you.’ However, don’t necessarily expect this to

Where appropriate, and with the agreement of both the candidate and examiners, a viva
may include the inspection of experimental apparatus, demonstration of software, view-
ing of original data sources or any other reasonable request. As an external examiner
I have known several viva examinations to include a short verbal presentation. I found
these to be very helpful in introducing me to the candidates and their work.

The examiners will, obviously, have read the thesis and will
Copies of the OU recom-
have prepared a set of questions to ask. These questions may be
mendation forms for a
strategic (relating, for example, to the whole approach adopted,
PhD and MPhil are in the
what ‘contribution to knowledge’ it represents or key ways in
Appendix to this chapter.
which the results have been interpreted) or tactical (for exam-
See if you can obtain a
ple, detailed aspects of the research method or points of clarifi-
copy of the forms that
cation). You must be prepared for examiners to largely ask
your own examiners will
questions about aspects they feel are unsatisfactory or unclear.
use and the criteria
If your work relates to a current controversy or debate in your
subject area, the examiners are also likely to ask questions to
make you address this. The upshot of such an approach is that
you can get a rather negative impression of what is happening. The phrase ‘defending
a thesis’ is often used and is an appropriate term. Many students feel they had been
‘grilled’ at their viva and were expecting the worst, only at the end to be congratulated
on their work and told they had passed with no more than some minor corrections

At the end of the viva, the examiners have to complete a report recommending a result.
For the Open University, there is a form used that specifically asks for comments on
how the thesis displayed evidence of the competencies required. These were discussed
in Chapter 2 (section 2.2), which went through the competencies required for a research
degree. These include originality, critically evaluating existing knowledge, proficiency
in research methods, presentation, etc. At the viva, these are the core academic criteria
that your examiners will use. At universities that require an initial report before the
viva, the examiners will have covered these points already, so the post-viva report is con-
sequently shorter and concentrates on the candidate’s ‘defence of the thesis’.

At the end of the viva, you will be asked to leave the room while the examiners discuss
the outcome. Most of this time is usually taken up sorting out what to write on the
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paperwork involved. You may be thinking that a great debate must be taking place as
to whether your work is ‘worthy’ or not. In truth the examiners are probably trying
to think up a suitable phrase to express how well you answered their questions and
whether ‘good’ is an acceptable comment for its presentation and style. If any amend-
ments are needed it can also take a while for the examiners to agree upon exactly what
these should be and to write down what is required.

Possible results
It is worthwhile checking your own regulations, but in general, among UK universities,
the following are the usual possible results from a viva.1 These are a recommendation

1 The degree be awarded. In this case it is a simple matter of opening the bottles
of fizz (or some other form of celebratory activity).

2 The degree be awarded subject to corrections and minor modifications.

Corrections of minor typographical errors or minor editorial amendments are
required. These need to be specified together with a maximum time period in
which to make them. The bottles of fizz are still very appropriate.

3 The degree be awarded subject to substantial amendments (without re-examination).

The thesis is considered to contain limited deficiencies that the examination
panel is confident can be corrected satisfactorily by the student. No re-examination
is needed, but a time period is specified in which to make the substantial amend-
ments. This result is still worth a bottle or two, but hold some back for after the
amendments have been made.

4 Major revision and resubmission with re-examination. This result (sometimes

called a ‘referral’) means that, in the examiners’ view, the candidate’s work is
essentially on the right lines, but needs some improvement before it can be finally
accepted. The candidate is given the opportunity to make major specified revi-
sions and resubmit for examination and viva by the same panel. Again there is a
time limit (typically up to two years) for resubmission. A referral is often viewed
as rather traumatic, but in fact it is far from a disaster. However, it is probably best
to keep the fizz back for the moment. Further advice on such a situation is given
in Section 11.5 of this chapter.

1 Again you should check your own university’s regulations as the categories may differ (for example,
in some universities there is no category 3) and the time periods set for the submission of corrections
can also vary.
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5 Award as a lower degree than the one submitted. In exceptional circumstances,

many universities permit the examination panel to recommend that a thesis sub-
mitted for a PhD merits only the award of a Master’s. This may also be subject to
minor modifications or amendments. It would be hard to recommend the fizz
under these circumstances.

Typically, about 20 per cent of research degrees are awarded with no changes needed;
about 50 per cent are awarded subject to corrections and minor modifications; about 20
per cent are awarded subject to substantial amendment; 5 per cent require resubmis-
sion; and 5 per cent are awarded a lower degree than the one submitted.

6 Fail: no degree to be awarded. This is an extremely rare recommendation. The

examiners have to state as fully as possible why they were unable to make any
other recommendation. If this happens, open the fizz anyway2 but make sure you
know why this decision was made.

Remember that categories 1, 2 and 3 are all passes and that the most common recom-
mendation is 2.

When will I know the result?

Check with your supervisor about this. The usual process is for the examination panel
to inform the candidate of their recommendation after they have adjourned for a short
discussion. If the candidate has to leave the premises, the procedure is usually to inform
the internal supervisor who lets the candidate know.

11.4 Preparing for Your Viva

Having described the sort of things that happen in a viva, how
NOTE: Your own university
is it best to prepare? Several weeks will have elapsed between
may have a website or
submitting your thesis and the viva (most UK universities now
guidance notes on viva
specify that a viva should be within six weeks to two months
preparation. Do check. Web
of a thesis being submitted). Consequently, you will have
links are also provided on
probably been busy with other things and so you need to con-
this book’s website.
sciously get back ‘up to speed’ on your thesis.

The following real, but anonymous, quote from a PhD student is, perhaps, a typical

2 The appropriateness of the advice to ‘open the fizz anyway’ has been the subject of debate within the
course team. My view is that you are perfectly sensible people and we shouldn’t be too prudish.
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In my own case I was busy with a new job during the weeks before my viva so I didn’t
consciously prepare much apart from rereading the thesis the day before. However, I did feel
pretty well prepared though: presenting conference papers and giving seminars over the
years of the research; knowing a bit about my examiners (knowing two of them slightly
myself and my supervisor knew the third one well); and being very familiar with my data.

On the day, the viva basically felt like a searching interview for a job which I felt I had a
pretty good chance of getting. (Something which younger students may not have experi-
enced, perhaps!) The chair set a constructive tone and everyone was friendly, if a bit formal.
I was glad my supervisor was there as he backed me up a couple of times, for instance by
explaining that certain things in the rather lengthy thesis were included for the benefit of
readers such as himself who were not very familiar with the field (e.g. the technicalities of
NHS planning systems). At the end it was definitely a case of ‘open the fizz’; they didn’t
even want me to correct the typos!

Now that I am an examiner myself, I value the memory of my own viva, and feel it should
not be necessary to be hostile or confrontational. It should be a constructive event, particu-
larly if the result is ‘more work to be done’. One can still find out the candidate’s weak points
as a researcher without intimidating them as a human being! If they have the misfortune to
be very arrogant, they may be inviting more difficult and relentless questions (I have seen
this happen!), but most candidates’ behaviour will reflect nervousness rather than arrogance
or over-confidence.

Activity 11.2
Watch the programme ‘The Viva Experience’ on the DVD. This 30-minute pro-
gramme explores a number of real-life viva experiences by students who had
recently undertaken a viva, together with viva examiners.

The students had mixed experiences and one had had a particularly tough viva.
Make a note of what you feel are the key lessons that would help you in preparing
for your own viva.


In this programme, the students were asked how they prepared for the viva and
how useful these preparations proved to be in practice and the examiners were
asked how they prepared for examining a PhD and why they agreed to viva par-
ticular PhD candidates. You may find the examiner’s interest and enthusiasm for
the students’ work very encouraging. The examiners also discussed what they
expect a viva to do, both in general terms and concerning the specific questions
they asked. The lessons and ‘top tips’ covered in this programme are picked up and
developed in the following sections of this chapter.
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Preparation strategies
This section picks up the theme of effective preparations that was explored on the DVD

Preparation for a viva can be seen in two ways, consisting of:

1 experience preparation;

2 specific preparation.

Experience preparation
Experience preparation alerts you to the type of experience you will have in the viva.

One preparation method is to have a ‘mock viva’, as was mentioned in the DVD pro-
gramme. This is where a candidate has a dry run, with unfamiliar tutors acting as exam-
iners, followed by feedback on the candidate’s performance. A mock viva is considered
in more detail later in this chapter.

The sort of experiences provided in a mock viva can be obtained in other ways, which

1 A series of discussions between you and your supervisor(s) in the months leading
up to the viva on what areas of the thesis you both think will attract the examin-
ers’ attention, what sort of questions they could ask and how these might be
answered. You might have a special tutorial on this a week or so before the viva.
In this, take on board the ‘Know thy examiner’ tip from the DVD programme. What
are the sort of issues that your examiners go on about in their papers and at
conferences? They are likely to concentrate on the same areas in your viva.

2 Practice discussing your work and answering questions on it. For example, arrange
seminars on your work in your final year, so as to build up experience on dealing
with questions. An example of this is that one student arranged a departmental
seminar where a couple of chapters of her PhD had been circulated in advance and
everybody asked questions about them. She viewed this as a pretty good way of
preparing for her viva. However, do remember that questions in a viva are likely to
be rather different. For example, in a seminar a speaker is unlikely to ask you what
original contribution your research has made to a field of study.

The section below on viva questions will help you and your supervisor work through
such experience practice.
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Specific preparation
Moving on to consider the specific content of your thesis, there are a number of methods
to help you prepare for your viva.

One idea is to create a ‘road map’ of your thesis. As you read through your thesis, make
a short note of what is on every page or group of pages. For example:

pp. 33–34 Craik and Lockhart model discussed

pp. 47–50 Wolfram’s ontological theory debunked

The result is a four- to six-page ‘road map’ of your thesis. This is valuable because:

1 It gives a point and focus to the re-reading process, which makes it more

2 It makes sure you know what you have written.

3 Commonly in a viva, an examiner asks a question which you are sure has been
addressed. It is perfectly possible that the examiner has missed a point or (even
though they are not supposed to) has ‘skim read’ parts of your thesis. So,
instead of (unconvincingly) saying that you have covered the point somewhere
and spending five minutes scrabbling through the pages (usually unsuccess-
fully), you can quickly scan down your notes and say: ‘Ah yes, I debunked
Wolfram on page 47.’ This is enormously impressive to examiners (and could
save you from being asked to do amendments to something you have already

An external part-time PhD student whom I supervised said he found making ‘road map’
notes particularly useful. At his viva he was asked more than once whether an issue had
been covered; I was rather impressed by the way he glanced at his set of ‘road map’
notes and then immediately turned to the page in his thesis where the point was
covered. I think it impressed the external examiner as well!

An alternative to the ‘road map’ is ‘indexing’ the important parts of the thesis with
‘Post-it’, notes (perhaps using a colour code); again, this allows you to turn immediately
to the right section of your thesis when needed.

Another preparation strategy is to imagine yourself in the place of your examiner and
filling in something like the OU’s recommendation form. Look at the form in the
Appendix to this chapter and consider:
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1 What sort of questions would you ask to check out the criteria for your degree?

2 How would you try to create a constructive dialogue?

3 How would you try to put the candidate at ease?

4 How would you organize the order of points, of the questions and the discussion?

(If you know anything about your examiners this can be useful. Certainly, you should
find out something about their own research, if possible.)

To help you, ask any readers who are commenting on the thesis draft whether they have
any examiner’s questions they can give you.

Often, having submitted a thesis, a candidate reads it again and realizes that, with the
benefit of hindsight, they can see better its strengths and weaknesses. So re-read your
thesis carefully. If you think some parts might have been done better, be prepared to say
that you now recognize this and how you would improve it.

Activity 11.3
Imagine yourself in the place of the examiner who, having read your thesis, is fill-
ing in the EX33 form recommending a result (if you have obtained the documen-
tation used by your own university, use that).

Look at the form and write down a list of questions that, were you your own examiner,
you would need to ask about your thesis in order to fill in Sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.

A mock viva
A mock viva combines experience and specific preparation by asking one or two people
to read your thesis and then ask you questions as if they were your actual examiners.
This is usually done reasonably close to the actual viva, something like a week or two

A student in the Open University’s Institute of Educational Technology had a mock

viva where two colleagues acted as internal and external examiners and were given the
thesis to read four weeks before the viva. The candidate said that one of the main advan-
tages was that the mock viva made him think about his thesis from the point of view of
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other people and it was especially useful for the parts he had taken for granted that people
could understand. The mock examiners asked the candidate for some items (records of
research) that he had not considered bringing with him to the viva. He consequently
decided to do this and it improved his confidence. Interestingly, the mock viva examiners
came up with only one question that was asked by the real examiners. The sort of specific
questions asked will very much depend on the individual examiners.

It takes a lot of effort to set up a mock viva, and to be fully beneficial it must be taken
seriously. It can provide an experience of a viva-like situation and give you an opportu-
nity to discuss problematic areas and where you did not field questions well. However,
a danger of a mock viva is, if the actual viva ends up running in a totally different way,
you could have had a misleading experience. As mentioned above, the questions will
not be the same as in the mock viva (although one or two may be). As long as you are
aware of how individual a viva can be, a mock viva can be helpful. It can give you a very
good feel of what the process is like and how to deal with questions on your work.

Possible PhD viva questions

Rugg and Petre (2004) have a very useful section on the nature of questions asked in a
viva. This is included in the offprint at the end of this chapter. Read this offprint now.
It usefully covers both benign questioning and what to do when you face more difficult

Activity 11.4
Listen now to the DVD audio interview with Marian Petre on types of viva questions
and how to respond to them. She is particularly concentrating on dealing with more
difficult questions. This will help you consider the type of questions you may get in
your viva and how to deal with them. In this programme Marian emphasizes that,
with preparation, it is always possible to deal with ‘killer questions’, but the real
danger concerns ‘suicidal answers’.

The following general questions could be used in a mock viva or another activity in
which you work out answers. These, of course, do not cover questions specific to your
research topic, findings or method.
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In one sentence, what is your thesis? What have you done that merits a PhD?
Why were you interested in this Whom do you think would be most
research topic? interested in your work?
Summarize your key findings. What What are the main issues and debates in
was the most interesting to you? this subject area? How does your research
relate to these?
What is your original contribution to Has your view of your research topic
knowledge in your subject area? changed during the course of the research?
What are the main achievements of your What have you learnt from your research
research? experience?
What would you do differently if you What advice would you give to a new
could do your thesis again? research student entering this topic area?
Why did you use the particular research What would you have gained by using
methodology in your thesis? approach X?
What are the alternatives to the approach How have you evaluated your work?
or method you used?

What did you gain by the approach or What published work is closest to what you
method you used? have done? How is your work different?

How do you know that your findings What are the most recent major develop-
are correct? ments in your area?
Which are the three most important papers How long-term is your contribution, given
which relate to your thesis? the anticipated future developments in X?
Who has had the strongest influence in the How do your findings relate to the litera-
development of your subject area in theory ture on the subject?
and practice?

Were there any ethical implications relat- Have you thought about publications?
ing to your research? How did you deal Which journals are appropriate?
with them?

What were the crucial research decisions What do you see as the next steps in this
you made? research?
If you were given £X thousand tomorrow to
continue your research, what would you do?
Based upon: City University website, Rugg and Petre (2004, pp. 180–1) and course
team inputs.
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Activity 11.5
Using the above list (plus other ideas of your own from Activity 11.3 or otherwise),
develop some questions on your own research based on Rugg and Petre’s reading

• Warm-up questions
• Confirmatory questions
• Calibration questions
• Scholarship questions
• Pushing the envelope questions

Would any of these questions expose a weakness in your thesis (killer questions)?

The questions that you generate could be used in preparation or a mock viva.

What might impress examiners

A good viva should be one where both the candidate and the examiners feel they have
been enriched by the experience. So, impressing the examiner is really a matter of get-
ting this good, symbiotic relationship going. The following list is based upon comments
by examiners on what really impresses them:

1 Well-considered replies that answer (and do not dodge or drift away from) the
question asked.

2 Flexible and agile thinking in response to unanticipated questions, backed up by

argument and/or evidence.

3 Good understanding of appropriate research methods.

4 Critical awareness of the field of enquiry which demonstrates knowledge beyond

that shown in the thesis alone.

5 Clear reasons for what is included and excluded from the research, and how this
affects the results and conclusions drawn (e.g. ‘to fully explore your question
would have taken the research in a rather different direction, requiring a different

6 Self-critical assessment showing honesty in what has been achieved, partly

achieved or not achieved at all.
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7 Awareness of what remains to be researched and any key developments since

the thesis was submitted (i.e. keeping up with the subject).

8 A sense of your personal desire to undertake the research, your search for
answers, and your integrity and thoroughness.

During a viva you may have to choose between defending your ground and giving way.
This relates to Rugg and Petre’s comments on dealing with where there may be a weak-
ness in your research. If the examiner has got it wrong, and you have every reason to
defend what you did, then say so. However, over-energetic defence, especially if a ques-
tion is raised in more than one way, is usually counter-productive, as it suggests you are
unable to recognize the critique being made. In such cases, show you understand the
critique, check with the examiner that you understand their point and, if necessary, go
for Rugg and Petre’s three-point plan.

What to wear
One other question that can arise is what to wear to your viva. As is mentioned in
Chapter 10 on presentations, your clothes should not be a distraction – either to you or
your examiners. Smart clothes seem to be the norm, but make sure they are comfort-
able (not too tight or likely to be hot). A few universities actually specify a dress code.
For example, when I was an examiner for a viva at the University of Oxford, both the
candidate and his internal examiner had to wear formal academic dress.

Helping your examiners

The anticipation and experience of a viva is almost certain to involve some degree of
nervousness. A sympathetic panel of examiners will expect this. Remember that the
purpose of the viva is to examine you at your best and not to create difficulties or inhibit
your performance. This was one point made in the DVD viva programme. It is there-
fore important for you to help your examiners. Also it is possible for the examiners to
be nervous. The following series of points may help you to help them to help you!

1 Give straight answers to straight questions – resist the temptation to wander off
the point (especially if you know you have a tendency to do so).

2 If you feel unsure whether you have answered a question fully or in the manner
expected, ask the examiner if the answer is what they sought. This is not a sign
of weakness, but an indication that you want to offer a full and reasoned answer.
Remember, the examiner does not know the thought processes you have gone
through to arrive at your results or conclusions.
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3 Similarly, if an examiner returns to the same point, ask them why they are doing
so or in what way they feel you have not answered their question.

4 If you feel an examiner’s question is unclear (as an examiner, I know I have

asked some awfully vague questions!), always ask for clarification. The examin-
ers will respect your need for accuracy – it reveals precision in your thinking.

5 Quite often what appears to be a single question actually contains two or more
interdependent questions. Watch out for this. Point out that the question is of
this nature, break it down and deal with the questions or issues in a stated order.
Do not be worried about asking an examiner to remind you of the second or third
part of their question.

6 If you think a question is based on a doubtful premise, challenge it (for example,

if you think the examiner has missed the point).

7 In the face of a different explanation or interpretation to the one you have drawn,
consider your response carefully. Examiners often do this to stimulate a discussion.

8 If it is an explanation you have considered and rejected, say so and why. If the
examiner’s explanation or perspective is new to you, think about its strengths
and weaknesses and comment on these. For example, if you feel it misses the
point of what your research explores, say so.

9 Examiners will not normally expect you just to accept their position. They wel-
come a discussion. Remember that an error of fact is unarguable, but an ‘error’
of explanation or interpretation is arguable.

10 If you make a mess of an answer, lose the point, or simply dry up, acknowledge
this and start again. Everyone knows these occasions can be nerve-racking. Do
not be afraid to ask for time to think about a question. For example, ‘That’s a
good point which I hadn’t considered. Can I think about that for a moment?’ If
you are still stuck, admit you do not have an answer (you may be able to go back
to it later).

11 Things that give out wrong signals to examiners are:

• false modesty;

• exaggerated claims you cannot sustain;

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• distortion of facts to fit what you want;

• ‘flannel’ to try to hide something.

12 Be friendly, honest, alert and interested and (difficult as it may seem) be your-
self, not an image you have of the perfect candidate.

Activity 11.6
Having looked at the checklists above, are there any areas that you feel require
particular attention? Discuss these with your supervisor(s).

Finally, be prepared to enjoy your viva. It is a wonderful opportunity to discuss

your research with a group of people who actually want to know what you have to say.
Relish this!

11.5 After the Viva – Handling Revisions

For some reason, most books providing training advice for research students fail to
mention the possibilities of food and drink following a viva. This may be because
little training is needed on this subject. Rugg and Petre do mention the possibility
of a hangover, but more practically they consider what to do if any amendments are

If amendments are needed, your examiners will be required to provide you with a writ-
ten list and/or annotated copy of your thesis specifying precisely what is wanted and
the date by which amendments have to be submitted. Make sure the examiner’s
requirements are specific and that your clearly understand what is needed. You should
not accept vague phrases such as ‘develop’, ‘rephrase’ or ‘make clearer’. Your supervisor
should pay particular attention to getting precise amendment requirements. If you feel
there is any ambiguity, then raise this with your supervisor.

It is best to get any amendments out of the way as soon as possible. Rugg and Petre
(p. 174) note:

Doing the revisions can produce surprising feelings of revulsion for some students – it’s a bit
like washing up greasy plates in cold water the morning after a wild party when you have a
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massive hangover – or so we are reliably informed by friends who attend wild parties. It’s
worth knowing about this so that if you find yourself engaged in displacement activities
rather than doing the corrections, then you can spot this and do something about it.

Particularly if large amendments are needed, it is important to meet up with your

supervisor as soon as possible, work through precisely what the examiners have asked
for and prepare a schedule for the tasks involved to complete the amendments. It is very
important that you do not simply hide away, prepare the amendments in isolation and
shove them in without meeting and discussing them with your supervisor. The guid-
ance provided by your supervisor is needed, possibly more than ever – so provide them
with draft amendments and arrange a tutorial to check that the amendments do fulfil
the examiners’ requirements.

Section 11.4 draws upon John Swift’s ‘The viva voce’, in D. Newbury (ed.), The Research
Training Initiative, vol. 7, 1997, pp. 7–19. Birmingham: University of Central England.

Rugg, G. and Petre, M. (2004) The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research. Buckingham: Open
University Press.


Questions examiners ask

• Warm-up questions to calm you down. Often of the form, ‘So how did you come to
research this subject?’ Or, ‘Can you summarize your core thesis for us?’
• Confirmatory questions to let you demonstrate your knowledge. Often of the form of
asking you to reiterate or define something in your dissertation.
• Deep confirmatory questions to let you demonstrate that your knowledge is more than
skin deep. These are usually follow-ups to confirmatory questions that take up some
point in your answer. Just keep your head and continue to address the questions.
• Calibration questions to help the examiner check their own understanding of your
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• Scholarship questions to let you demonstrate that you know the field as well as your
own research.
• Salvaging questions, when you’ve written something badly, to let you show you do
know what you’re talking about after all.
• Pushing the envelope questions to see how far your knowledge goes.
• ‘This is neat’ questions to give the examiner a chance to discuss your interesting ideas.
• Redemptive, ‘lesson learned’ questions to give you a chance to admit some awful blun-
der in your work so that the examiner can ‘let you off’ without worrying that you’ll make it
again. A typical example is, ‘Would you take this approach again if you were pursuing this
issue?’ when a student has applied an inappropriate method that yielded little.
• ‘This is a good student; how good?’ questions – a little ‘sparring’ to let you really
show your stuff.
• ‘Give me a reason to pass you’ questions – often, if the examiners continue asking
about the same topic, it’s because they’re interested; if so, then co-operate actively with
them, rather than trying to change the topic.

These are all moderately benign questions. If you arouse the examiners’ anger or a suspi-
cion that there is something wrong with your work, however, you may be asked some hard,
sharp questions. The next section lists some classic ‘killer’ questions and suggests some
ways of responding effectively to them.

Killer questions and how to survive them

In this section, Q = question, A = suggested answer, C = our comments on the question

and/or answer.

Q: How does your work relate to Jim Bloggs’ recent paper? (when you’ve never heard of
A: ‘I’m not familiar with that paper. Does he take an X approach or a Y approach?’
C: Show something you do know that’s relevant; then, when the examiner offers a précis:
‘Ah, so it’s like so-and-so’s work?’

Q: Isn’t this obvious?

A: Well, it may appear that way with hindsight, but there was surprisingly little work on this
topic in the literature, and the question needed to be properly answered.
C: Many dissertations codify what people think they already know but which has never
been properly established. ‘Obvious’ can be good; it can make a contribution. Marian’s
external examiner asked her this and, fortunately, her internal examiner answered him
that it was only obvious because he’d read her dissertation. You might try a modestly
phrased version of this answer yourself if nobody offers it for you.
Q: Isn’t this just like Brown’s work?
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A: It differs from Brown’s work because …

C: Everyone worries that someone else is going to ‘gazump’ them and publish exactly their
work just before they do. Forget it. There will be something – a difference of approach,
of technique, of sample – that distinguishes your work and protects your contribution.
If you know Brown’s work already, then you should have already identified how it differs
from yours; if you don’t, ask about Brown’s work until the answers reveal a difference.

Q: You use the term X in two different ways in Chapters 4 and 6. What do you mean?
A: In Chapter 4, I was using Smith’s definition, which was most appropriate for that part
of the thesis. In Chapter 6, I was using Brown’s ...
C: Answer the question, giving a concise clarification. Make a note of what you say
because you’ll probably be asked to amend the text with the clarification when you do
your corrections.
Q: Why didn’t you ... ?
A: Because …
C: This is why you reread your thesis and have a mock viva. Rereading your thesis will
remind you of why you did things the way you did (and, conversely, tell you why you
didn’t use the other options). This will also give a sanity check that you haven’t missed
anything obvious. If the suggestion is something little known in your field, then you can
reply along the lines of, ‘That’s interesting, and it sounds as if it should be more widely
known in this field’. You can then turn this into a discussion of methods in the field and
an opportunity to talk about the things you do know about.

Some ways of addressing weakness

Sometimes, you just have to admit that you were wrong. Occasionally, just making the
admission with humour is effective. (As with the student who, when asked if she would use
the same (fruitless) survey technique again, said with feeling: ‘Hell, no’.)

Mote often, it’s safer to follow the three-point plan:

1 Reiterate why whatever you did was a justified choice at the outset.
2 Explain, as simply as possible and without apology, that you understand why it failed.
3 Make some alternative suggestions about what you’d do instead next time that would
improve your chances of getting it right.

No one expects doctoral research to flow smoothly without errors or hitches. Indeed, it is
rare for any research to do so – research is opportunistic and (happily) full of surprises.
What examiners expect is that students will respond to the errors and hitches with intelli-
gence and by learning from them.

Source: ‘Questions examiners ask’, ‘Killer questions and how to survive them’ and ‘Some
ways of addressing weakness’ pp. 178–80 of Rugg, G. and Petre, M. (2004) The Unwritten
Rules of PhD Research. Buckingham: Open University Press.
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Appendix: EX33 Research Degree Examination –

Examiner’s Joint Recommendation and Report Forms
The first page of the EX33 form is the same for all research degrees, so only one example
of it is included in this Appendix. This is followed by the pages for the PhD, and MPhil ver-
sions of the form. The comments and names are fictitious, but are based on the author’s
experience of the sort of things examiners write about candidates’ theses and their viva.



Examination Panel Report Form

This form should be completed by the examination panel and returned by the internal examiner to the
Research School on the day following the oral examination. At least one copy of the thesis must be
returned with this form. Please indicate in Section 4 if a copy of the thesis is retained by the examiner(s)
and/or candidate.

1. Candidate Details
Candidate name: ROBIN COX
Personal identifier: RO542850 Discipline: SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY
Degree for which submitted: PhD Resubmission: Yes or No Date of oral: 25.6.98


Date of registration:...................................... Date of Submission: .......................................
Scheme of study: Full-time Part-time external Part-time internal
Highest qualification on entry:

2. Examiner Details
Internal examiner/assessor : J.E. PRESTON
External examiner : K. HAMILTON
External examiner :
Post held :
Observer at oral : J. BROWNING

3. Recommendation (see section 10.0 of the examination guidelines EX10)

We recommend: Tick one box

i) the candidate be awarded the degree for which the thesis has been submitted 
ii) the candidate be awarded the degree for which the thesis has been submitted 
after satisfactory completion of corrections and minor modifications specified overleaf*
iii) the candidate be awarded the degree for which the thesis has been submitted after
satisfactory completion of substantial amendment specified overleaf but for which
resubmission is not required*
iv) the candidate be permitted to resubmit the thesis for re-examination for the degree for
which it has been examined after major revision
v) another recommendation as specified below (see 10.5 of the examination
guidelines EX10)
vi) that no degree is awarded
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Open University form Ex33: the PhD version, pp. 2–3


4. Copies of Thesis Returned

Number of copies of thesis returned with this form: 2

Number of copies of thesis taken by student: 1

Number of copies of thesis retained by examiner(s) (please give details and reasons): 1


At least one copy of the thesis must be returned to the Research School after the examination.

5. Report on PhD Thesis

The examination panel is asked to provide comments about how the thesis satisfies the criteria for the
degree (see section 9.3 of the examination guidelines EX10).

(i) Please comment on the presentation and style of the thesis.



(ii) In what way does the thesis show evidence of being a significant contribution to

(iii) In what way does the thesis show evidence of the candidate’s capacity to pursue further
research without supervision?


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(iv) How much material worthy of publication does the thesis contain? Please indicate how
much, if any, has already been published or accepted for publication.


6. Please comment on the candidate’s defence of the thesis at the oral examination.



7. Please give any other comments on the thesis.

In the case of recommendation 3(ii), 3(iii) or 3(iv) please provide detailed information about the
corrections and minor modification, substantial amendment or major revision that the candidate is
required to undertake. Continue overleaf and/or attach an additional sheet as necessary.



The Research Degrees Committee will formally ratify the recommended result on the basis of this report.
Please ensure that detailed comments are provided in each relevant section, since a request from the
Committee for clarification or elaboration will delay formal notification to the student of the ratified result.
Please ensure that a copy of the thesis is returned with this form and that comprehensive details of any
changes required by the examination panel are provided.

Signed: Internal examiner / assessor: J.E. Preston

External examiner: K. Hamilton
External examiner:
Date: 25.6.98
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Open University form Ex33: the MPhil version, pp. 2–3


4. Copies of Thesis Returned

Number of copies of thesis returned with this form: 4

Number of copies of thesis taken by student:
Number of copies of thesis retained by examiner(s) (please give details and reasons):

At least one copy of the thesis must be returned to the Research School after the examination.

5. Report on MPhil Thesis

The examination panel is asked to provide comments about how the thesis satisfies the criteria for
the degree (see section 9.2 of the examination guidelines EX10).

(i) Please comment on the presentation and style of the thesis.


(ii) In what way does the thesis show evidence of candidate’s proficiency in the methods
and techniques of research?



(iii) In what way does the thesis show evidence of an adequate knowledge and discussion
of the literature in the specified field of study?


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(iv) Does the thesis demonstrate initiative, independence of thought and a distinct
contribution to scholarship?



6. Please comment on the candidate’s defence of the thesis at the oral examination.



7. Please give any other comments on the thesis.

In the case of recommendation 3(ii), 3(iii) or 3(iv) please provide detailed information about the correc-
tions and minor modifications, substantial amendment or major revision that the candidate is required
to undertake. Continue overleaf and/or attach an additional sheet as necessary.



The Research Degrees Committee will formally ratify the recommended result on the basis of this report.
Please ensure that detailed comments are provided in each relevant section, since a request from the
Committee for clarification or elaboration will delay formal notification to the student of the ratified result.
Please ensure that a copy of the thesis is returned with this form and that comprehensive details of any
changes required by the examination panel are provided.

Signed: Internal examiner / assessor: M.Y. Quin

External examiner: A. Ismail
External examiner:
Date: 14.11.98
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12 Developing your Career

Verina Waights


After reading this chapter and working on its associated activities you should be
able to:

• Explore opportunities to develop your career.

• Identify the skills that you can offer a prospective employer.
• Write job applications and CVs that promote your knowledge, experience and
• Prepare for interviews effectively.

12.1 Introduction

There is no such thing as a career path – it’s crazy paving and you have to lay it yourself.

(Robert Linnecar, quoted in Association of Graduate Recruiters, 1995)

This chapter aims to help you to build the crazy paving – using the skills and experi-
ences that you have already acquired to put your feet firmly on to the next slab of con-
crete and to determine where the following slab may be. I really like this metaphor
rather than the traditional one of ‘rungs on a ladder’ because much of your progress
will be serendipitous – being in the right place at the right time; maybe it is serendip-
ity that has brought you thus far already! But even if this is the case, there is much
that you can do to make the most of opportunities that come your way. Serendipity
will not work for you if you are a passive recipient – you need to actively pursue your
goals. As Louis Pasteur said in 1854, ‘Chance favours only the prepared mind’. Ideally
you will be reading this during the early months of your studies towards a research
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Figure 12.1 Crazy paving path through flowerbed

degree, while there is time for you to act on the ideas in the beginning of the chapter. It is
more likely though that you have nearly completed your research degree and are busy
looking for a job to make you feel that being an impoverished student or spending much
of your leisure time working towards your degree was worth it. If this is the case, you
may wish to move directly to Section 12.6, ‘I’ve finished! Get me successfully out of
here’. You can always go back to the earlier sections later.

So first things first. Do you know where the next slab of concrete is likely to lie?

12.2 When I Finish My Research

Degree I Want to …
Some people are fortunate enough to decide on a career at an early age and never devi-
ate from that path. One past OU PhD student was given a book on astronomy for his
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seventh birthday and was determined to study astronomy. He is now a lecturer in

astronomy at the University of Amsterdam. But not everyone is so certain of their
career path. You are studying for a research degree at the moment, which probably
reflects that you enjoyed research during your undergraduate studies. You may be
totally passionate about your subject, wanting to talk about it with anyone who will lis-
ten, your colleagues, friends, people you meet in the café. Or maybe research is just not
for you, at least not full-time, day in, day out. Whatever your thoughts, this chapter is
designed to help you plan your career. We are talking long-term strategies as well as the
fairly imminent problem of what you are going to do next.

Career planning can be described as a circular process that continues through your life
(Hawkins, 1999). You need to establish where you are now; where you want to go; and how
you are going to get there. Some time after you have ‘got there’ you will need to review and
improve your career and so the cycle begins again. In fact, you entered this cycle when
you chose your subjects to secure university entry. You reviewed your career when you
finished your first degree and now you are reviewing it again.

First try Activities 12.1 and 12.2. These will help you to focus on your career, and
to work out the issues that are important to you. The first activity builds on Activity 2.1
which you undertook in Chapter 2, ‘Getting going’.

Activity 12.1 What I Want to Do Next

Just take two minutes. Don’t dwell on your answers, if you answer spontaneously
you are more likely to get a realistic perspective.
I registered for a PhD because . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and now I want to . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . (still do the same/do something completely different/don’t know).
I want to do this because I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (find the new
research area more interesting/am passionate about XXXX/would like to earn a
high salary so I’m going to train as an accountant or lawyer).

It is important that you acknowledge your true feelings. I have worked with students
who have felt they are letting their supervisor down by not wishing to continue in
research. Consequently, they have been unwilling to discuss their career plans with them.
But in my view, it takes a mature and strong person to admit to changing their mind, so
don’t feel you owe anybody anything and just be true to yourself. Ali and Graham (2000)
suggest that there are three possible ways forward: continuing in your research field,
developing existing expertise or taking a new direction. If you don’t know which direc-
tion you would like your career to take, you may find Activity 12.2 helpful.
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Activity 12.2 What I Need from My Career

Listed here are some of the main factors that affect people’s satisfaction in their
work and their life. Mark each one on a scale from 1 (not very important to you) to
5 (very important to you). Allow 10 minutes for this activity; again, don’t dwell on
your answers as your gut feeling is probably more trustworthy than your intellectual
analysis. When you reach the end of the list, you may like to add others that you
feel should be included in ‘your’ list. For example, you might wish to include partic-
ular skills or personal ‘strengths’ that are important characteristics of your career.

Not important Very important

1 2 3 4 5
Challenging work using
my abilities and skills fully
Contact with people
Control over my work
Feeling appreciated
Flexible working
Good income
Good work/life balance
High level of responsibility
Job security
Managing major projects
Managing people
Opportunity for promotion
Opportunity to be creative and
take risks
Opportunity to develop skills
Pursuing excellence
Specific geographic location
Status outside the organization
Status within the organization
Using the skills and knowledge
that I have gained during my
research degree
Work which helps others or
benefits the wider community
Working in a team

Taken from the EPSRC Career Development Training Pack, based on an extract
from M. Mitchell and Z. Gruhn, Making Headway. CRAC, Cambridge (UK) 1995.
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Did you find this activity useful? You may have found that thinking about these factors
has enabled you to identify directions that you don’t want to pursue even if you are
unsure of your next destination. For example, you may be aware that museum conser-
vation work is poorly paid, so if earning a high salary is important to you this would not
make a good career option. Once you are clear about the factors that matter most to
you, you need to identify career options that offer those opportunities. The best way to
start is to consider the range of jobs on offer. Browse the websites linked to this chapter
on this book’s website, current newspapers and publications relevant to your field. Ask
members of your department about the destinations of previous students. If particular
positions sound interesting, determine whether they would satisfy at least the top three
or four factors in the previous activity that you identified as important to you. If you
have decided not to pursue an academic career, move on to Section 12.4.

12.3 Staying in/Entering Academia

If you love the challenge of academic life – both the pleasure from researching and of
teaching others about your field – the most likely next step is a postdoctoral position or
a lectureship. In some disciplines, especially within science and technology, you are
unlikely to secure a lectureship until you have served an apprenticeship of one or two
postdoctoral fellowships. These fellowships enable you to build up your research pro-
file and to gain further teaching experience. In arts, humanities and social sciences,
however, doctoral graduates are more likely to move straight to a junior lectureship.

So how do you secure a postdoctoral position?

There are two main sources of postdoctoral fellowships. Primary investigators may
have research funding for people to carry out specific projects that may vary in length
from six months to three years. These positions are advertised in a variety of ways, in
The Guardian, TES, discipline-specific publications, on noticeboards at major confer-
ences in your field, or on websites, such as There is a list of job-related sites
on this book’s website.

Alternatively, if you wish to work in a specific area, you can try proposing your own pro-
ject. You are not eligible to apply for funding in your own name, so you need to work with
an established academic who will include you as the ‘named person’ in the proposal. This
identifies you as the person who will undertake the project if the bid is successful. If this
approach appeals to you, you need to research the topic thoroughly and write an outline
proposal. It is also useful to look at the requirements of Research Councils, charities, etc.,
who are likely to support your area of research. You then need to interest an academic in
your proposal, who will ‘work it up’ with you so that it has a good chance of being suc-
cessful. You may like to do this with your current supervisor, although many academics
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will advise you to move on from the institution where you completed your PhD so that
you gain more experience. Indeed, Blaxter et al. (2001) identified three strategies for devel-
oping academic careers effectively: to move between institutions, or between countries or
out into industry and perhaps back into academia. If you wish to move departments, your
supervisor should be able to suggest academics who may be interested in your proposal. If
your supervisor is very keen for you to continue with them and to develop the ideas aris-
ing from your thesis, you may find that option very attractive. If this is your preferred
route, the best way forward is to talk to your supervisor, other academics in your field and
the postdoctoral fellows already in your department.

As mentioned in earlier chapters, networking is essential when undertaking many
aspects of your research project. However, it will also increase your chances of finding
your next position and may lead to some new angles on your research. A good supervi-
sor will introduce you to colleagues in your field but you can also network for yourself.
Most researchers really enjoy talking to researchers just entering the field. They find
new researchers’ enthusiasm and fresh perspectives both exciting and invigorating. So
before you attend a conference, take time to read through the list of delegates and iden-
tify the researchers that you would most like to meet. Read the abstracts of their con-
ference papers and their latest publications so that you can discuss their research
intelligently. Then, after listening to their presentation, you can approach them with a
related question to start the conversation. You will most probably find that the conver-
sation soon turns to your own research, and often some good ideas for your research
will follow. Another way to network, especially if you wish to work with researchers
abroad, is to email them, either with a question about their research or asking advice
about a problem that you have encountered. Most researchers enjoy problem-solving
and will be pleased to give their expert opinion. Then, when you apply for a postdoc-
toral position in their research group they will hopefully remember your interest in
their research and call you for interview.

But maybe you have already decided that you don’t wish to pursue an academic career,
so what other options are open to you?

12.4 Continuing to Research

Outside Academia
You may be able to continue in your research field at a research institution such as
CancerResearchUK, or in a library, government department or museum. Much of the
advice in the previous section about networking may be helpful as many researchers
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from other backgrounds attend conferences in your field. You will also find the next
section helpful as you will need to emphasize your transferable skills as well as your
research skills when you apply for such positions.

Help! I only know how to research

Some full-time students are concerned that they will have spent three or more years
on their research and have nothing to offer a prospective employer beyond knowledge
and skills related to their research. The Research Councils’ Joint Statement of Skills
Requirements, which indicates the skills you should have by the time you complete
your PhD, came into being to ensure that students have the necessary skills to pursue
a career of their choice. Although these requirements were drawn up for PhD stu-
dents, many of these skills can be readily acquired through study towards an MPhil
or a Master’s degree.

You may be familiar with the Joint Statement but still be unsure that you have the
appropriate skills. The best place to start evaluating your skills is to consider the skills
employers are looking for. You may be surprised to find that knowledge of your subject
area is not necessarily the most important factor:

We like PhDs in our business sector – they never take anything at face value. That is a real
bonus in a business compliance function. Their philosophical training and critical judge-
ment have direct application in business services, whatever the topic of their research.

(Head of Graduate Recruitment, ‘Big 4’ Accountancy firm,

quoted in ‘What do PhD’s do’, UKGRAD Programme, 2004)

In fact, it is the ability to critically analyse situations, identify actual or possible prob-
lems and conceive novel solutions that often, but not always, sets research degree
students apart from recent graduates. If you would like to develop these skills further,
there are many thought-provoking books available such as Stop Working and Start Think-
ing (Cohen et al., 2000). You may find it interesting to try some of the activities related
to critical thinking on this book’s website.

Hawkins (1999) summarizes skills that employers desired from graduates in 1998. This
skills base has hardly changed in the intervening years. In Table 12.1, Hawkins’
description of the characteristics of someone displaying each skill is given against a list
of graduate skills obtained from employers in response to a survey in 2002.

Clearly, as a successful Master’s or PhD graduate you are even more likely to have these
skills on offer! Do you agree with this, or do you feel that your skills have become more
limited as you have focused on such a narrow field over the last few years? Several full-
time students with whom I have worked have worried that their skills base has reduced
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Table 12.1 Skills sought by graduate employers (in ascending order, although the precise order of
desirability will depend on the employer in question)

Skill Characteristics of someone displaying this skill

Motivation and enthusiasm Inquisitive, purposeful, focused, self-belief, realistic,

resourceful, drive
Interpersonal skills Listener, adviser, co-operative, assertive
Team working Supportive, organized, co-ordinator, deliverer
Oral communication Communicator, presenter, influencer
Flexibility and adaptability Versatile, willing, multi-skilled, resourceful
Problem-solving Practical, logical, results orientated, critical
thinker, analyser
Planning and organization Decision-maker, planner, able to prioritize
Managing your own
development Self-reliant, positive, persistent, ambitious
Written communication Clear, concise, persuasive
Customer orientation Friendly, caring, diplomatic
Time management Dedicated, conscientious, efficient
Business awareness Competent, market aware
Numeracy Accurate, quick-thinker, methodical
Leadership Initiator, motivator, energetic, visionary
Cultural sensitivity Aware of diversity, appropriate use of language
General IT/computing skills Office skills, keyboard skills, software
packages, PowerPoint
Risk-taking/entrepreneurship Competitive, flare, creative,
Foreign languages Oral and writing skills
Specialist knowledge and skills e.g. journalism, engineering, accounting

Source: Association of Graduate Recruiters (1995) Hawkins (1999).

during their PhD. If you have been studying towards your research part-time you are less
likely to be concerned about your skills base as you probably have developed a broad
range of skills during your employment. However, you may still look at advertisements
for positions that interest you and wonder whether you can meet the criteria. It could be
argued that your transferable skills set has actually broadened even though you have been
researching in a narrow area. Activity 12.3 will help you to see this more clearly.

Activity 12.3 What Skills Do I Have to Offer?

Take each skill listed in Table 12.1 and identify an example from your studies towards
a research degree where you have exhibited this skill. For example, working in a
research group demonstrates that you can work co-operatively, and applying for
funding to attend a conference indicates that you are resourceful and self-reliant.

Doing this activity may have highlighted skills that you cannot demonstrate through
your academic studies to date. If you are in the early stages of your studies you have
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time to develop these skills; for example, presenting and defending a paper at a
conference will demonstrate your communication skills as well as disseminate your
research to a broad audience. All is not lost, however, if you are applying for positions
now. Remember that you have a life apart from being a student and you can draw on
these experiences to fill in the gaps. As mentioned earlier, this is relatively easy for part-
time students, but with a little thought should be possible for full-time students also.
For example, if you have worked as a barperson you have needed to be diplomatic to
prevent people from queue-jumping and upsetting other customers. Or you may have
shown leadership qualities by taking a scout group camping for a week. This activity
also highlights the importance of continuing to pursue interests outside your studies.
Not only will this give you a broader range of skills, it also demonstrates to future
employers that you are a well-rounded interesting person who will fit in well with the
rest of the team. There are not many opportunities for the lone individual who only
wishes to be involved in their research. Even if you aspire to stay in/enter academia, you
will be expected to engage with undergraduates and to contribute to departmental

But you need to decide if you require evidence of all these skills, as some of them may
not be relevant for your preferred career. For example, you may not be required to build
relationships with customers or to be fluent in another language. From this activity you
may be more certain about whether you wish to develop an existing expertise or pursue
a new direction.

12.5 Personal Development Planning

Many students find personal development planning (personal development planning
(PDP) was introduced in Section 12.2) tedious, but it can be a valuable tool for plan-
ning your future. If undertaking the previous activity led you to identify areas in which
you would like to develop your skills, you have already embarked on a personal devel-
opment plan. The other stages in planning skills development are:

1 deciding on a course of action;

2 determining the time scale for development;

3 ascertaining the criteria for successful acquisition of the skill(s).

This record is also invaluable when you come to write your CV as you will have the
information that you need at your fingertips. PDPs are in use widely in industry. Visit
this book’s website to explore other ways to develop your PDP.
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Activity 12.4 Personal Development Planning

and Keeping a Portfolio
Take a few minutes to fill in this plan, based on your assessment of skills that you
would like to acquire. Keep a portfolio of any training that you undertake with your
PDP to help you to prepare your CV.

Skill needed Action to be taken Success criteria Time-scale

e.g. leadership … Run the department All sessions Autumn term

seminar programme filled and
running smoothly

You may be unable to acquire certain skills through your studies, your employment, or
through your hobbies and interests, so you will need to search for other opportunities.
For example, you could gain some classroom experience through talking about your
research with local schoolchildren, or gain undergraduate teaching experience through
demonstrating or leading seminars. You could contact organizations of interest to you
and ask to shadow relevant employees for a few days or volunteer with a charity or
other voluntary organization to expand your range of skills. You could take a short
course to enable you to acquire additional knowledge and skills such as business man-
agement or a foreign language, especially if you would like to change direction.

So far we have looked at the general principles underlying developing your career. In
this last section we will explore the practicalities of moving on.

12.6 I’ve Finished! Get Me

Successfully Out of Here
Hopefully you are reading this early enough so you can plan to apply for jobs in the
few months preceding submission. However, if you are in your final year you may have
been too focused on drafting your thesis to worry about the future. But now, suddenly,
it is all over. You have successfully defended your thesis in your viva, and enjoyed a
well-earned celebration. All you have left to do are a few minor corrections and to send
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the copies to the library. Whatever your reasons for studying, now is the time to
seriously look for a job. In addition to looking on websites (see the list on this book’s
website) and in relevant publications, you can use your network to seek out suitable
positions. Let it be known that you are job-hunting, especially if you would like to join
a particular research group. These researchers may know of positions that you hadn’t
heard about, and may put in a good word for you when they meet with their colleagues.

If you are a full-time student planning to leave academia, let your family or friends
know the type of position you are looking for. If you would like a position that is simi-
lar to any of those in your institution, for example in administration or finance, ask the
incumbents for an short appointment (say 30 minutes) to discuss your options. Make it
clear that you are seeking advice and don’t expect to be offered a job, and most people
will be willing to talk to you. You will find this is also true for people in other organi-
zations. Many firms have a website, so use this to identify the correct person to contact
and write to them directly, including why you believe talking to them is beneficial.
Research their organization so that your reasons for wishing to see them link both to
the organization and to their own expertise within it.

Speculative letters
You can write to organizations that interest you, stating the kind of position you are
seeking and asking if they are likely to have vacancies in the foreseeable future. Cover-
ing letters are discussed later in this chapter, but you need to research each organization
thoroughly for this approach to have any chance of being successful.

Most importantly, don’t give up. Finding the next step on the crazy paving may take time
as it may not lie directly in front of you. You have just spent three or so years completing
your research degree, so it is worth holding out for an appropriate job. You may have
come to the end of your studentship, in which case temporary employment through an
agency will keep you in the manner to which you are accustomed – after all, a research
degree stipend is not a fortune! If you find the work unrewarding, as you most probably
will, this will give you the motivation to keep searching. If you have undertaken a research
degree part-time to further an established career, now is the time to check out the pro-
motion criteria within your organization, although you may need to move to another
organization to progress your career. Home-grown talent is not always recognized!

Writing your CV
As soon as you start job-hunting it is important to have a suitable CV. You may not have
looked at your CV since applying for your current position, so it may take you longer
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than you think to bring it up to date. Also, you will probably have to complete an
application form when you apply for a position and so you may not have time to simul-
taneously polish your CV.

General points
Your CV should be well presented on good-quality paper and sent to prospective
employers in an A4 envelope so that it is kept flat. If you send it by email, include it as
an attachment so that when it is printed out the header is not the email header. Also,
follow the email immediately with a hard copy in the post.

Many organizations prefer a CV to be no longer than two sides of A4, although acade-
mic CVs can be as long as necessary. Your CV needs to be aesthetically pleasing and
effortless to read, which can be achieved very easily using word processing. It is impor-
tant that your CV makes good use of white space and is consistent in its use of fonts,
heading sizes and tabs. Also, active language is more inviting to read than the passive
voice (you might like to consult the table of forceful and persuasive language in this
chapter’s appendices). Avoid acronyms and jargon as members of the panel may not be
familiar with these terms. Small tightly packed print with small margins is difficult to
read, so keep within the page limit. You need to give concise details that carry a wealth
of information.

Always remember that the purpose of a CV is to secure an interview, so don’t be

ambiguous or mention things that may be detrimental to your application. Tailoring
your CV to each application is a skill worth developing. When applying for academic
positions, you need to give high priority to your publications and papers you have pre-
sented and to conferences that you have attended. When applying for non-academic
positions, these academic indices will be less important than the other skills you have
acquired. However, if you are changing from an academic to a non-academic environ-
ment it is important to show that you were successful in academia and to list any pub-
lications (examples of both types of CV are given on this book’s website).

CVs are usually in reverse chronological order, beginning with your current position
and working backwards to your schooldays. The academic CV will focus on your aca-
demic positions and qualifications first and list any other work experience later. Typi-
cally, a non-academic CV will begin with a personal profile that summarizes your major
skills and will then highlight the skills that you have developed during your education
and employment experience, either paid or voluntary. The non-academic CV allows the
prospective employer to determine at a glance that you have the skills they are seeking.

Your CV does not need to be headed Curriculum Vitae, but does need to include the
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1 Personal details.

2 Employment experience.

3 Educational qualifications.

4 Training courses you have attended.

5 Additional skills.

6 Interests.

7 References.

This is a typical order for presenting a CV, but apart from your personal details
coming first, the layout is up to you. You may change the layout to emphasize different
aspects of your CV, depending on the requirements of the position you are seeking.

Personal details. Include your name, date of birth, home or institutional address, email
address and daytime phone number. You do not need to include your gender, marital
status, number of children, nationality, or any disabilities unless you believe these will
help your application, such as stating you are Japanese because the organization has
offices in Japan. This is an example of tailoring your CV to match the position that you
are applying for and we will look at this tactic in more detail later.

Employment experience. This will probably be the next section if you are applying
for a non-academic post. If you have very limited work experience you may prefer to
highlight the skills acquired during your education next.

In this section include any relevant experience, either paid or unpaid. It doesn’t matter
if you only have a few weeks experience as an unpaid volunteer. What is important is
that you highlight your responsibilities and your achievements in each position so that
your prospective employer can readily see that you have relevant experience.

Educational qualifications. Start with your research or Master’s degree and work back-
wards to include your first degree and qualifications you were awarded at school.
Include a brief description of your research project, emphasizing the major skills you
have developed.

Give the title and class of your first degree and outline the major topics studied. Don’t
list every module, but group similar topics together to give a concise synopsis. If you
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are applying for an academic position, give a brief outline of your third-year
dissertation. Again, you should emphasize the main skills that you acquired through
your studies.

Include your grades for the qualifications that enabled you to study at university such
as A levels, BTech, GNVQs or the International Baccalaureate. If you have non-UK
qualifications, for example the Nigerian Certificate of Education, give the UK equiva-
lent so that the qualifications are meaningful to the employer. There are several web-
sites that will give the UK equivalent of your qualification if you don’t know this

You don’t need to give the specific results for your qualifications at the end of compul-
sory schooling. For example, a general statement, such as ‘I gained 10 GCSEs, grades
A* to C, including English A, Maths C and Science C’, will suffice. It is always useful
to highlight maths, English and any other subject that is not apparent from your fur-
ther education, such as science, technology or a foreign language. These help to build a
broader picture of your capabilities. Again, if you were at school outside the UK, per-
haps in Greece and gained the Apolytirio Gymnasiou (Technical Secondary) certificate,
give the UK equivalent.

Make sure that your education and employment details account for the period from
when you finished compulsory schooling to date. If you took a gap year, either before
or after your first degree, say so. If you had a period of unemployment, state this, but
try to make something positive from the experience such as you used the time to
analyse your future direction, to take a short course or to spend more time with your
children, parents, etc. It is important that you don’t leave any unexplained gaps as some
employers may reject your application out of hand. Other employers may decide to ask
you about the gaps at interview, but relying on this may be a risky strategy.

Training. Part-time students have an advantage here as you have probably undertaken
continuing professional development with your organization. For PhD and MPhil
students this is where your graduate training programme to meet the skills require-
ments of the Joint Statement comes into its own. By now you should have a wealth of
generic skills that will vastly enhance your employability or career progression. Don’t
just list the courses but use them to demonstrate your range of skills. For example,
‘attending the course on health and safety has enabled me to identify hazards in the
workplace and to avoid risks when I undertake field work’.

Additional skills. Here you can include anything else that might be helpful. It is usual
to indicate if you have a driving licence, or proficiency in another language (with level
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of competence), or IT. As a research degree student you are very computer literate. You
are probably familiar with spreadsheets, statistical packages and reference managers
in addition to word processing, which are sought-after skills in both academia and
non-academic organizations.

Interests. Including these in your CV fulfils several functions. They show you are a
well-rounded individual. Your interests also give you an opportunity to mention skills
that you have acquired in addition to those from your education and employment.

References. You will need at least two referees, three if you are applying for an acade-
mic position. They should include your supervisor and your present or last employer,
even if the work was only temporary. Give their names, addresses, their status, tele-
phone numbers and email addresses. You should also identify their relationship with
you, e.g. Supervisor, Head of Department, Training Co-ordinator. Don’t forget to ask
your referees for permission to give their names. They are unlikely to refuse you but it
is impolite to assume. Always let them know if you have an application in the pipeline
so that they can respond quickly to a request. It may be useful to pass on details of the
positions to help them to write an appropriate reference.

Examples of academic and non-academic CVs can be found on this book’s website.

Making your application relevant

When you see a position of interest, you need to secure an interview. Analyse the adver-
tisement to see if the position is right for you and if you are a likely candidate. Use the
following headings to assist you.

1 Qualifications – do you have these or equivalent qualifications?

2 Experience – do you have relevant experience?

3 Personal qualities – do you have the qualities they are seeking?

4 Style – do you like the sound of the organization?

5 Prospects – will this position be sufficiently challenging and enable you to


6 Location – is this suitable geographically, or for ease of access?

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7 Salary – is the salary competitive? Don’t sell yourself short. If you don’t know the
‘going rate’ for a particular position, consult an online salary comparator (see this
book’s website for a link).

8 Your expectations – think back to activity 1. Does this position meet the top four
or five factors that you identified as important in your career?

If the advert includes a contact number, ring the person for an informal chat. You can then
refer to the conversation in your covering letter which helps keep you in the interviewer’s
memory. Before you ring them, research the position and make a list of points for discus-
sion. If you are ill-prepared you may lose the job before you have even completed the
application form! Also, you need to send for the further particulars. These will include a
job description and the essential and desirable skills that the employer is seeking. If you
can satisfy the majority of the essential skills and a high proportion of the desirable ones,
and the position is still appealing, continue with your application. If you cannot offer most
of the skills required, you may be wasting your time as you will not make the shortlist.
Shortlisting is carried out by scoring the skills offered by each candidate against the cri-
teria and only candidates with a high score will be asked for interview.

Application forms
Many organizations and all educational establishments ask you to complete an application
form. Sometimes this will be online, which is easier to fill in as you can type and amend
your answers as necessary. If you are required to submit a handwritten form you will need
to take a lot of care. It is worth photocopying the form and using the copy to draft your
responses. Each answer must fit the space allocated, so make every word count. It may take
several drafts before you are happy with the result. Check that your grammar is correct
and that there are no spelling mistakes. When you fill in the form make sure you comply
with any instructions, such as ‘use black ink’, ‘write in block capitals’, ‘do not attach addi-
tional sheets’. Failure to do so may result in your application being rejected even if you are
a good candidate. You may be surprised to learn that a past OU PhD student failed to
secure an interview because her application form included both handwriting and block
capitals, which led the panel to conclude that she did not pay sufficient attention to detail.

You may be asked to submit your CV, so the application form should not just repeat
your CV but should be tailored to fit the position. Use the advert, the job description
and the further particulars to identify the relevant skills, and to show how you meet
these requirements. Make sure you use the employer’s keywords in this process. Some-
times applications are screened electronically prior to the panel seeing them. If you
haven’t included the keywords, your application will be rejected.
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Activity 12.5 Analysing the Requirements

of the Position
Find an advert for a position that interests you and obtain the job description and
further particulars. Alternatively, use those on this book’s website.

List the main requirements in the skills column below. Next to each requirement
give evidence from your education, employment or life experience to demonstrate
that you have the necessary skills or knowledge.

Skill/knowledge Evidence

e.g. manage projects During my studies I ensured the

different aspects of my research
progressed concurrently, at an
appropriate pace.
I also met deadlines to successfully
submit an outline of my proposed
fieldwork and gain funding from the
British Council.

Submit a covering letter with your application form, and include your CV if requested.
You may be asked to submit other documents at this stage such as samples of your
work, which you should choose carefully to reflect the range of your abilities, or a
letter outlining why you are suitable for the position.

Covering letters
Your covering letter introduces you to your prospective employer and acts as an ambas-
sador for you. Limit it to one side of A4. It should state:

1 The name and the address of the employer.

2 Your name, address, telephone number and email address.

3 Any dates when you will not be available.

4 The title of the position and the employer’s reference number.

5 The documents that you are enclosing, application form, CV, etc.
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6 Your major skills and key reasons for your application for this particular position
in this particular organization – to encourage the employer to look at your appli-
cation straight away (kept this brief but pertinent).

If appropriate you should state the reasons for moving from an academic to a non-
academic environment, such as ‘I would like to develop my career by moving to a
research institution’ or ‘having managed research projects I know that my main interest
lies in project management’.

If English is your second language, ask a native speaker to read your CV, application form
and covering letter. This may help you to demonstrate a good command of English.

Congratulations! You have secured an interview. Soon you will be tackling the most
challenging part of the process. You need to convince the panel that you are the right
candidate for the job.

It is vital that you continue to target the specific position. The pre-interview pack may
include details of materials that you need to prepare. These details usually indicate the
specific skills, capabilities and characteristics your prospective employers are seeking.
It is worth spending time analysing the requirements in the pre-interview information,
and also revisiting the job advert and further particulars of the position, to ensure that
your materials (and/or answers to interview questions) demonstrate these attributes

You may be asked to give an oral presentation on either your research or a topic that
your prospective employers select, or to prepare some materials, for example teaching
materials for a seminar or a portfolio as evidence of your abilities. You may be asked to
present a business plan for a new product or an outline proposal for a book for publica-
tion. This is your chance to show your creativity, research prowess, teaching abilities,
etc., but don’t spoil it by overrunning your presentation slot or producing overlength
materials. Practice your presentation until you are confident that you can deliver it in
the time available; people are less than impressed if you read your script, whether
English is your first or second language, but they are happy if you have a crib sheet.
Refer back to the guidance in Chapter 10 on presentations to help you to prepare for this
important occasion. Ask a few of your friends or trusted colleagues to listen to your pre-
sentation, and to give feedback on the content, delivery and timing. Similarly, ask col-
leagues to comment on any written materials you prepare. If English is your second
language, ask a native speaker to give feedback on your presentation or written materials.
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If you are isolated from your research group, send the documents by email. This is the
time for full-time students to call in favours; after all, you will be doing this for them
when they are called for interview.

If you are given details of the panel, look them up on the organization’s or institution’s
website. Background information about each member will help you to anticipate and
prepare for likely questions. If the members are researchers, read their latest publica-
tions. Use the website to find out more about the policies, research and course profile
of your prospective department in academia.

Researching employers
Research the organization that you are trying to enter to determine whether it has good
career prospects. For example, it will be useful to know whether:

1 Your prospective organization is a key player in its field.

2 The services/products of this organization are profitable.

3 This is a growth area with prospects for expansion.

Then read up about the background of the organization. You may like to ascertain:

1 The organization’s specific services or products.

2 Their main customers and competitors.

3 Their structure, policy and mission statement.

4 If the organization appears to be financially sound.

5 The role of the division, unit or group that you would be joining.

From this research, make a list of a few pertinent questions to ask at the end of the inter-
view to confirm your interest in the position and the organization.

Plan your journey so that you arrive in plenty of time, and be sure of your destination.
Some universities and businesses have more than one site in a town, which can lead to
confusion, and won’t help your nerves at all. If necessary, go a day early and stay over.
If you ask the organization to recommend a nearby hotel or guest house so that you can
attend the interview, they may pay your expenses, but you should not expect this. The
convention is that they will pay your travelling expenses. Don’t let your nerves get the
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better of you. You have done really well to get to the interview. Often only five or six
candidates are interviewed so you have every chance of success.

Difficult questions
Some people dread interviews and worry they will be asked difficult questions that they
will not be able to answer. The following activity will help you to prepare for the interview.

Activity 12.6 Interview Role Play

Ask one or several of your colleagues to play the role of the interviewer(s). They
don’t need to have done this before, although if do you have friends who are expe-
rienced interviewers, get them involved! Find a quiet room where you are unlikely
to be interrupted and place chairs so that the candidate’s chair is facing the
other(s). Set a timer for 30 or 40 minutes, which are typical interview periods. Give
your interviewers the questions in the appendices, which have been asked in
actual interview situations, and let them fire away. They should select one or two
questions from each group to give you a representative experience. Try to give an
interesting answer, based on your experience and skills. You may find it helpful to
use the structure CARAs as recommended by the OU Careers service. CARA is:

1 Context 20 per cent – what the objective or situation was.

2 Action 50 per cent – your part in it, the problems you had to solve, or the
actions that you took.
3 Result 20 per cent – what the outcome was.
4 After 10 per cent – what you learned from the experience.

Don’t say anything derogatory about yourself – it does happen!

When the time is up, discuss with your interviewers ways in which you could
improve your performance. Also, make bullet points of your answers so that you
feel prepared to cope with these types of questions. Ask other postdoctoral fellows
in your discipline, verbally or by email, to suggest other possible interview ques-
tions so that you can prepare answers to these too. Don’t learn answers by rote as
you will probably forget them under the pressure of the interview.

Despite the typically casual approach to dress in universities, people usually dress more
formally for interviews, as you did for your viva. Generally, this is not the time for
personal statements about dress but the time to dress professionally, which for men
includes a tie. This demonstrates you can act the part when the occasion arises, such
as when representatives from the Research Council decide to visit your department.
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Professional dress is even more crucial in the business world. Dress codes for positions
that interact with customers or clients are usually very conservative and you will be
expected to adhere to the dress code at all times.

Some university departments or creative organizations, however, expect you to express

yourself through your own style, but if you are not sure of the organization’s attitude it
may be safer to opt for a conservative approach.

On the day
Research has shown that first impressions are very important. So how do you make a
good first impression? We have already discussed dress, but now body language plays
a larger role. You need to appear confident, even if you are quaking inside – after all, as
one professor said to me years ago:

You are being considered for employment because they think you are capable of doing the
job. Don’t forget no one wants surgery from a consultant who isn’t confident that he can
carry out the necessary operation. Go in and show them they were right to shortlist you.

So enter the room with confidence. As each member of the panel is introduced to you,
shake their hand and look them in the eye and say you are pleased to meet them. Sit down
and try to appear relaxed. You are here to sell yourself, not in a flamboyant way but calmly
and sincerely. The interviewers are looking for someone who will fit in with the team.
They liked the impression of you that they gleaned from your application and are keen to
meet you. They also want evidence that you can think on your feet. If you are uncertain
of the meaning of a question, ask. Don’t rush your answers, take time to think by saying,
‘That is a good question’ or ‘I hadn’t considered that, I need a moment to think about it’.

As the interview draws to a close, make sure you take the opportunity to ask questions.
If they have already been covered, say so, rather than appear unprepared. You may be
asked if you are still interested in the position, how soon you could start and the salary
you are expecting. It is common for the salary quoted in the advert to cover a range, so
have a starting point in mind. As you leave, thank the panel for their time. Even if they
don’t appoint you, they may call you for interview if you apply again, so leaving on a
good note may be crucial to your long-term aims.

After the interview you need to weigh up whether you will take the position if offered.
An interview is a two-way process and it is important you feel both excited by the
position and comfortable with your future employer. I have known students return from
an interview feeling uncomfortable with the place, their prospective employer or the
actual position. If you feel this, don’t take it. Alternatively, you may wish for further infor-
mation, or realize you have forgotten to ask something that may influence your decision.
You can rectify this if they offer you the position. Either talk to the interview chair on the
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phone or ask for a further appointment to clarify issues. Most people are happy to talk to
you again. If they are unwilling to do this, do you really want to join them!

If you are not offered the position, and it was one that you particularly wanted, write
to the panel asking for a de-brief. State in your letter that you were disappointed not to
be selected and you would like some feedback to assist you to apply again in the future.
Most interview chairs will be willing to talk to you over the phone for a few minutes.

Other types of selection processes

Telephone interviews
If you have applied for a position in a country other than where you are living, you may
be interviewed by telephone. This may be from a single interviewer, or a panel using a
conference call. Sometimes the call is pre-arranged, but several of our students have
received a call unexpectedly. This can really catch you unprepared – one student was
still in bed! But it is amazing how quickly you can wake up in response to an adrenaline
surge – she secured a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in Australia. So my advice is,
prepare thoroughly for a position in another country. Research the organization, practice
those difficult questions, maybe even ask a friend to interview you over the phone. You
never know, the next phone call that you receive could be a career-changing one.

Psychometric tests
These tests wax and wane in popularity, but you might wish to join an organization that
relies on them. Often you will be told this prior to your interview, so you will have time
to prepare. There are two main types of test:

1 Aptitude, ability, intelligence and cognitive tests, which assess the level and
nature of your reasoning abilities. These are usually multiple choice, timed, and
designed so that you cannot answer all the questions in the time allowed. It is
worth practising these tests beforehand. Always leave more difficult questions to
last as it is the number of questions that you get right that counts.

2 Personality tests, which assess your behaviour in different situations, your attitudes
and preferences.

If you would like more information, then Prospects and SDLdirect are useful websites.
These tests have questions to check for consistency, so don’t try to bluff or to give answers
that you think they are looking for. If your replies show inconsistency you won’t have a
chance of the position. Sometimes not fitting their profile may be an advantage. I know
of one student who received feedback which stated they were unsuccessful because they
were clearly seeking a position with more responsibility and use of initiative.
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Sight-unseen activities
These can run the whole gamut from discussion groups, business simulations, timed
written activities, presentations, to problem-solving tasks. If you know that you might
have to complete this kind of activity, ask advice from other people who have undergone
similar experiences. On the day, make sure you read or listen to all the instructions care-
fully because when you are nervous it is easy to misread or misunderstand. If appro-
priate, brainstorm a plan of action for a couple of minutes and then get started. Usually
it is easier once you become absorbed in the task – you are too engrossed to be nervous.

So finally, best of luck. There is a position out there that is just right for you, you just
need to find it. And remember the golden rule of job-hunting. You may get rejection
after rejection, but then you are called for three interviews in the same week and offered
all three positions. But deciding between offers … now that’s another story.

This chapter was developed from workshops for PhD students at the Open University.
The workshops were led by the author, Dr Melanie Hanna and Professor Wendy Stain-
ton-Rogers. Thanks also to the Open University Careers Service for the use of the
structure CARA.

Ali, L. and Graham, B. (2000) Moving on in Your Career: A Guide for Academic Researchers
and Postgraduates. London, RoutledgeFalmer.

Association of Graduate Recruiters (1995) Skills for Graduates in the 21st Century. London:
Association of Graduate Recruiters.

Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (2001) The Academic Career Handbook. Buckingham:
Open University Press.

Cohen, J., Medley, G. and Stewart, I. (2000) Stop Working and Start Thinking: A Guide to
Becoming a Scientist. London: BIOS Scientific Publishers.

EPSRC Contract Researchers Career Development Training Pack, available from

Hawkins, P. (1999) The Art of Building Windmills: Career Tactics for the 21st Century. Grad-
uate in Employment Unit, University of Liverpool, UK.

The UKGRAD Programme (2004) What Do PhD’s Do?, analysis of first destinations for PhD
graduates available from
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Appendix 1: Useful Words to Describe Your Skills

Management Communication Financial Leadership

achieved arbitrated accounted facilitated

analysed communicated accuracy guided

arranged created administered implemented

contracted influenced allocated launched

controlled interacted audited led

co-ordinated interpreted budgeted listened

delegated liaised calculated maturity

developed mediated increased mentored

directed motivated maintained referred

effected negotiated managed related

eliminated persuaded planned responsibility

established presented solved sensitivity

expedited proposed supported

improved reasoned teamwork

organized recommended understood

prioritized reconciled

produced recruited

reduced simplified

reinforced translated








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Creative Research Teaching Attention to detail

adapted analysed advised approved

conceived conducted briefed arranged

conceptualized contributed coached compiled

created controlled demonstrated completed

designed critiqued encouraged enforced

developed diagnosed explained executed

expanded evaluated informed implemented

generated identified instructed pinpointed

initiated interviewed lectured responded

innovated investigated stimulated retained

integrated produced trained validated

invented programmed

modified proved

originated provided

set up













proficient in

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Appendix 2: Interview Questions

(Supplied by Interviewers)

What publication are you most proud of and why?

Why haven’t you published anything during your PhD?

Why haven’t you published anything with your supervisor?

What do you see as the main benefits of your research?

Tell me about your PhD research assuming that I have no background knowledge.

What do you anticipate that you would find easy in teaching undergraduates and what
would be challenging?

Where will you apply for research funding?

What skills can you bring to the department?

What do you anticipate gaining professionally from your research?

What are you looking for in terms of continuing professional development?

Why are you interested in this research project?

What dealings have you had with the commercial applications of your research?

Who do you see as our main competitors?

What qualities can you offer our organization?

Why have you chosen to join our organization?

What key points would you include in a business plan to develop a new product?

What are the key points to bear in mind when you sub-contract?
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Where do you see the market in two years’ time?

How do you think the strong/weak pound will affect our organization?

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

Can you describe a time when you had to work to a tight deadline?

Can you describe a situation where you needed to pay attention to detail?

Can you describe a situation where you experienced pressure in a job?

Most jobs involve some financial management, can you give an example of managing a

What do you see as your main weaknesses?

Why do you want this job?

How do you respond to challenging situations?

Can you talk about a situation where you demonstrated oral communication skills?

Can you give an example of where you influenced a group of people?

What do you think is the most important consideration when co-ordinating a team?

What do you think is the most important aspect of written communication?

What do you find most challenging about working in a team?

What salary are you looking for?

What are your strengths?

How do you establish priorities in your current job?

What is it about a career in XXX that interests you?

Potter-3408-Index.qxd 5/26/2006 12:09 PM Page 303


abduction 85–7, 89 Table budget cont.

and innovative progress 88 records 108
academia time 97–102
inside 280–81 Burt, Cyril 182
outside 281–4
academic integrity 181–3, 198–9 career development 276–7
academic writing see writing see also academia; CVs
accuracy of language 150 acquired skills 282–4, 299–300
activites 3–4 directions 277–80
AHRB (Arts and Humanities Research job hunting 285–6
Board) 2, 17–18 personal development planning 284–5
Ali, L. 278 speculative letters 286
analysis 82 CARS (creating research space) 135–6
anonymization procedures 185, 216 Central Office for Research Ethics Committees
archiving of data 206 (COREC) 204–6
argument crafting 126–34 children
see also writing competence to understand explanations 218
claims/evidence/warrants 127–8 development, affects 219
forging a path 131–3 human research 217–19
less conventional forms 133–4 and working environment 46
reader’s perspective 149 citations 170–71
use of citations 128–31 and crafting of arguments 128–31
article style guide 177–9
citation 178, 179 claims/evidence/warrants 127–8
and research journal 117–18 clinical trials 203
structure 136–8 commercial confidentiality 184
Arts and Humanities Research Board company reports 163
(AHRB) 2, 17–18 competencies
for research degree 30–37, 35–7
Bacon, Francis 82 to understand explanations of research 218
Bell, J. 108 computer security 185–6
benefits 208–9 computing access 42
bibliographical packages 170 conferences 168
biomedicine 203 papers/proceedings 162
Blaikie, N. 74, 82 citation 178
Blaxter, L. 281 confidentiality 184–5
bonafide examinations 193–4 data 186–7
books 162 confirmation 82
citation 178 constructionism
Boolean operators 165–6 impact 76–7
boundaries social 78
entailments 68 Box constructionist epistomology 80–81
setting 66–7 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
in time 69–70 (COSHH) 47
working with 67–9 copyright 189
Bruce, C.S. 154–6 assignment 191, 192
Buchanan, D. 94 bonafide examinations 193–4
budget clearance decisions 195
construction 106–7 databases 195
items 105–6 definition 189–90
Potter-3408-Index.qxd 5/26/2006 12:09 PM Page 304


copyright cont. elapsed time 98

duration of protection 190 Table electrical equipment 44
exceptions 192 electronic journal articles, citation 178, 179
fair dealing 193 email
insubstantial use 192–3 citation 179
online databases 195 security 185–6
ownership 191–2 special interest lists 168–9
permitted acts 192 employment see career development; job
photocopying 194 applications, interviews
protection 190–92 enjoyment 17
restricted acts 191 Table environment, working 45
survey reuse 194 epistomology 79–82
web material 194 ethical frameworks 200–201
works protected 190 Table see also human research; protocols, ethical
core resource pack 4–5 and academic community 219
COREC (Central Office for Research Ethics case study 54–6
Committees) 204–6 conflict/harmony 205–6
COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous cross-national funding 205
to Health) 47 funding bodies 204–5
creating research space (CARS) 135–6 harmony 205–6
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) 217 international frameworks 203
critical friends 64–6 National Health Service (NHS) 55–6, 204
critical review see literature review need for 202–3
critical review of existing research see professional organizations 204
literature review protocols 211–17
Cryer, P. 22, 60 research, definition 207–8
CVs 286–90 research ethics committees 205
additional skills 289–90 sample application 221–7
educational qualifications 288–9 Evans, P. 133
employment experience 288 evidence/warrants 127–8
interests 290 examinations
persoal details 288 see also viva examinations
references 290 and copyright exemption 193–4
training 289 examiner expectations 36–7
exhibitions 163–4
data existing research, critical review see
storage, security 216 literature review
types 215 expectations 26–7
data privacy 186–7 explanation 84
and archiving of data 206 explication 84–5
Data Protection Act 1998 186–7, 216
databases see online databases fair dealing 193
deception, human research 215–16 falls 44
deduction 83, 84, 87–8, 89 Table feedback
degree see research degree from reviewers 65–6, 138–41
departmental research training 42 from supervisor 121, 122–4
departmental support 41–2 fieldwork 47–8
dictionaries 162 Fleischman, Martin 181
digital signatures 185–6 Fleming, Alexander 88
display screen equipment (DSE) 45–6 flexibility 70–72
dissertations, as information source 162 Freedom of Information Act 2000 216
drafting process 119–20, 122–5 Freud, Sigmund 77
DSE (display screen equipment) 45–6 Friedson, E. 81
duration time 98 funding 43
applications 107
educational qualifications 288–9 making a case for 108–9
Einstein, Albert 26 funding bodies, ethical frameworks 204–5
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generalization 181 intangible resources 110–111

Google 160 integrity 181–3, 198–9
government documents 163 intellectual complexity 76–7
Graham, B. 277–80 intellectual property (IP) 188
grammar 150 internet
grey literature 163–4, 168 and identification of people 168
searches 160–61
handouts 240 web site documents, citation 178–9
Haraway, D. 78 interviews
harm 208–9, 210–211 see also job interviews
Hawkins, P. 282 contact 168
health and safety 44–8 telephone 297
at work 46–7 IP (intellectual property) 188
HEFC (Higher Education Funding Council
for England), Joint Skills Statement job applications
1, 2–3, 17–19, 40 see also CVs
Hempel, C. 84 covering letters 292–3
Higher Education Funding Council for forms 291–2
England (HEFC), Joint Skills Statement relevance 290–91
1, 2–3, 17–19, 40 job interviews 293–7
home working 44–6 dress 295–6
honesty see academic integrity preparation 293–4
human genome 203 psychosometric tests 297–8
human research 200–201 questions 301–2
see also ethical frameworks researching employer 294
anonymization procedures 185, 216 role play 295
children 217–19 by telephone 297
collection methods 215 tests 297–8
competence to understand explanations 218 travel 294–5
data storage 216 journal articles
data types 215 citation 178, 179
deception 215–16 and research journal 117–18
definitions 207–8 journals 161
informed consent 213–15
participants 201, 212–13 keyword searching 164–6
payments/recompense 215 knowledge
personal protection 217–19 assumptions and judgements 76
power imbalance 218 and constructionism 80–81
protocols 211–17 multiple meanings 74–5
recruitment 201, 212–13, 215 philosophy 79–82
as training 207–8 and power 81
vulnerable groups 217 Kuhn, T. 88
withholding of information 215–16
hypothetico-deduction 83 language, accuracy 150
layouts 150
ideas, protection 190–91 lectures see presentations
illustrations 238–9, 250–51 legal constraints 180, 197
independence of thought 32 Leukefeld, C.G. 108
induction 82–3, 84, 87–8, 89 Table library access 42
inference 82 literature review 31, 153, 173
information see also citations
location 159–66 analytical frameworks 173–4
sources 161–4 bibliographical packages 170
withholding of, human research 215–16 for comparison 158–9
informed consent 213–15 conceptions 154–5
initiative 32 critical review 174–7
innovative progress 88 expectations 157
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literature review cont. participants, human research 201, 212–13, 215

for focus 158 patents 196–7
locating information 159–66 non-disclosure 197
for method 158 payments, human research 215
organization 169–70 people
people/networks 166–9 contact methods 167–9
purposes 153–9 as informants 166–7
theoretical frameworks 173–4 and networks 166–9
typology 155 performance documentation 164
writing process 171–3 personal confidentiality 185
Local Research Ethics Committees (LRECs) 204–6 personal development planning 62–3, 284–5
locating information see information personal protection, human research 217–19
logics of enquiry 73–4, 82–90 personal support networks 110–111, 168–9
Petre, M. 38, 40, 240, 243, 262, 265
Management of Health and Safety at Work PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 186
Regulations 1999 46–7 PhD
manual handling 45 see also research degree
market data 163 acquired skills 282–4, 299–300
Marx, Karl 26, 77 requirements 28–30
masquerading (email) 185–6 tasks 95 Table
meetings 49–50 Phillips, E. 26, 35–6
metadiscourse 147–9 photocopying 194
methods, proficiency 31–2 phrase searching 165
milestones, setting 69–70 Pierce, C.S. 85–6
moral constraints 180, 197 plagiarism 183–4
MPhil planning 58, 92–3
see also research degree advantages 96–7
acquired skills 282–4, 299–300 case studies 53–7
requirements 28, 31 detail 103–4
transfer to PhD 37–8 issues 104–5
multimedia resources 4–5 key tasks 58–60
personal development 62–3
National Health Service (NHS) and review 60–62
55–6, 204 revision 71–2
natural science 77 Pons, Stanley 181
networks Popper, K. 83
and career development 281 positivism 80, 81, 85, 87–8
and literature searches 166–9 postmodernism 81
personal support 110–111, 168–9 power
newspapers 162 imbalance, human research 218
Nuremberg Code 202 and knowledge 81
practicalities, case study 53–4
observation 82 presentation see writing
office, research 43 presentations 228–30
online databases 160–61 abstract 234–5
copyright 195 appearance 243
electronic journal articles, citation 178, 179 attendance 243
searching techniques 164–6 audience 232
ontology 79 clarity/terminology 237–8
Open University content preparation 235–7
Academic Integrity Code of Practice in context 231–2
Research 198–9 delivery 244
regulations 27–8 event preparation 248–9
oral examinations see viva examinations examples 229–30, 233
organisation see planning fears 230–31
originality 32–3 handouts 240
categories 33–5 hierarchical structures 235–6
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presentations cont. reductionism 84

illustrations 238–9, 249–50 references
language translators 238 see also citations
materials 233–42 and CVs 290
model lectures 229–30 reflexivity 56–7
notes 239–40 Reis, J.B. 108
pace/clarity/terminology 237–8 relationships 110–111
performance 242–8 replication 181
presenter’s notes 239–40 reports, citation 178
purpose 232 requirements
questions 244–8 achievability 25–7
slides 238–9, 249–50 competencies 30–37
software 238–9 regulations 27–30
terminology 237–8 research article structure 136–8
timing 240 research degree
title 234–5 concept 2–3
venue 243–4 history 1–2
webcasts 241 as training qualification 25–7
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) 186 transfer report 37–8
privacy 185 research ethics committees (RECs) 205
comuter 186 research funding 43
data 186–7 research, human see human research
professional organizations 204 research journal 62–4, 116
professional writing see writing for public forums and journal article 117–18
progress files 62–3 research methods, proficiency 31–2
project, case studies 5–10 research office 43
project structure 39 research presentations see presentations
proof-reading 149–50 research process, stages 94–5
prospective reader 149–50 research project, case studies 5–10
protection, personal, human research 217–19 research roles 60
protocols, ethical 211–17 research standards, familiarization 37
areas covered 211–12 resources
psychosometric tests 297–8 intangible 110–111
public forums see writing for public forums management 105–8
Public Key Encryption 186 revision of plans 71–2
publication, material worthy of 36 rights 187–95
Pugh, D. 26, 35–6 risk 208–9, 210
Pujol, J. 85 roles 60
punctuation 150 Rugg, G. 38, 40, 240, 243, 262, 265
Rutherford, Ernest 1–2
qualitative research methods 182, 206
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) safety see health and safety
Code of Practice 2–3 scheduling charts 102–3
Qualifications Framework 28 Schutz, Alfred 78
questions science
job interviews 301–2 human 78–9
presentations 244–8 intellectual complexity 76–7
viva examinations 255, 262–4, 268–70 natural 77
searching techniques 164–6
radio, as information source 163 security 46
randomized controlled clinical trials 206 seminars 168
reader, prospective 149–50 Shank, G. 86–7
recompense, human research 215 Sharp, J.A. 97–8, 102
recruitment slides 238–9, 250–51
case study 54–6 slips, trips and falls 44
human research 201, 212–13, 215 social constructionism 78
RECs (research ethics committees) 205 software, presentation 238–9
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special interest lists (email) 168–9 viva examinations cont.

spelling, accuracy 150 help for 265–7
standards, familiarization 37 making impression 264–5
statistics 163 mock 259, 261–2
Storms, E. 181 preparation 257–67
supervisor 39 experience 259
feedback for writing 121, 122–4 specific 260–61
meetings 49–50 procedures 254–6
relationship 48–52 questions 255, 262–4, 268–70
support 39–43 reason for 251–2
departmental 41–2 results 256–7
survey reuse 194 revisions 267–8
syllogism 86, 87 ‘road map’ notes 260
specimen reports 271–5
talks see presentations vulnerable groups, human research 217
task list 59–60
telephone interviews 168, 297 warrants 127–8
theses Watt, James 33
as information source 162 web site documents
revisions 267–8 citation 178–9
thesis structure 141–9 copyright 194
core elements 141–5 webcasts 241
given/new 145–7 withholding of information, human
metadiscourse 147–9 research 215–16
ordering information 145–9 word processing 125–6
time work safety 46–7
budget 97–102 working at home 44–6
management 94–5 working environment 45
sample schedules 99–102 workshops 168
scheduling tools 102–3 world wide web site documents, citation 178–9
typical durations 97–8 writer’s block 120–21
Toulmin, S. 127 writing 30, 114–15
trade literature 163 see also argument crafting
training ‘I/we’, use 118
and CVs 289 academic language 123
departmental research 42 drafting process 119–20, 122–5
and human research 207–8 feedback 65–6
training needs 51 feedback from supervisors 121, 122–4
analysis 40–41 hedging claims 123
training qualification, research degree as 25–7 importance 64–5
transfer report 37–8 literature review 171–3
trips and falls 44 proof-reading 149–50
truthfulness see academic integrity and prospective reader 149–50
TV/radio, as information source 163 readability 115–16
as recursive process 115, 116 Fig/
university research ethics committees and research 115–16
(URECs) 203 where required 95–6
unpublished research documents 163 and word processing 125–6
writing for public forums 134–41
viva examinations creating research space 135–6
addressing weaknesses 270 feedback from reviewers 138–41
amendments 267–8 research article structure 136–8
appearance 265
chairperson 254 Yahoo 160
examiners 252–6 Yale University 1
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