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Study Plan Cisco CCNA Security 210 260 IINS

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Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS

Total Videos: 38 Time: 7 hrs
Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam Details
Security (CCNA Security) The CCNA Security certification is made up of two distinct exams. The
The CCNA Security certification is designed for entry-level network security details for each are provided below.
professionals. The certification is designed to affirm your skills to develop a security

infrastructure, recognize threats and vulnerabilities to networks, and mitigate Exam 1: CCENT/ICND1 100-105

security threats. The CCNA Security certification is typically made up of two exams, Time allotted for exam: 1.5 hours (90 minutes)
Number of questions: 45-55 questions per exam
both of which are covered by CBT Nuggets training:
Passing score: Cisco does not publish the passing score for its exams.
Question types: Multiple choice/single answer; Multiple choice/multiple
• Cisco CCENT/ICND1 100-105 – Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1
answer; Drag and drop; Fill-in-the-blank; Simulation; Testlet; Simlet
• Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS – Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security Exam registration: Pearson VUE
Exam cost: $150 (USD) *Learn more about exam fees from Pearson VUE

While the vast majority of learners take the path above, there are other options Exam topics: Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105)

which can qualify as prerequisites ahead of the 210-260 IINS exam and certification: (free resource)

Exam 2: CCNA 210-260 IINS

• CCNA Routing & Switching
Time allotted for exam: 1.5 hours (90 minutes)
(learn more about this path in our blog post, Roadmap to Success: CCNA R&S)
Number of questions: 60-70 questions
• Any valid CCIE certification Passing score: Cisco does not publish the passing score for its exams.
Question types: Multiple choice/single answer; Multiple choice/multiple
Typically, learners pursuing this certification path should have 1-3 years of answer; Drag and drop; Fill-in-the-blank; Simulation; Testlet; Simlet
experience and some familiarity with Cisco products. However, the CCNA Security is Exam registration: Pearson VUE
Exam cost: $250 (USD) *Learn more about exam fees from Pearson VUE
considered an entry-level certification, so learners new to the industry can start here
Exam topics: Implementing Cisco Network Security Exam (210-260) (free
if they are motivated and ready to study! Get started by reviewing the CBT Nuggets
playlist for CCNA Security.

Roadmap to Success: CCNA Security

Learn more about the CCNA Security certification from the CBT Nuggets blog. The Roadmap to Success is a series of blog posts designed to help learners
better understand certification pathways, career opportunities associated with those certifications, and next steps beyond certification. The above content
is an excerpt from the Roadmap to Success: CCNA Security to help you conquer your CCNA Security study plan!

Learners use a great variety of strategies to attack their CBT Nuggets offers practice exams as part of your
training. Here are some options you can choose from to subscription. You can take the practice exams as many
get the most out of your training experience: times as you like! Here are some tips to help you take
full advantage of this excellent resource:

Proceed through all CBT Nuggets video training on double-

speed to develop a strong overview of the material; then
proceed through all the training for a second time, taking good PLAN TO TAKE THE PRACTICE EXAM 3 TIMES
notes and focusing on deeper learning.
Proceed through all CBT Nuggets video training, taking good Create a baseline against Identify areas of weakness in
notes and focusing on deep learning on the first pass; then which you can measure your order to direct your training
progress with future exams. as you move forward.
proceed back through all training a second time, using double-
speed when appropriate.
Supplement all video training with book study and practical Measure your progress since your first The results from your
application of knowledge. practice exam! Ask yourself: Are you second practice exam
retaining the information and material experience should help you
you learned at the beginning of your identify areas where you
Develop a test environment where new skills can be practiced. training? Are there areas to which may need to spend extra
you should return now to ensure effort and energy in the
your understanding before moving training ahead.

Measure your progress Allow the results from your
against your first two practice exam to direct

Learn more about how to get all you can

practice exams! Ask your review ahead of your
yourself: Are you certification exam. Ask

out of your practice exam experience scoring 90% by now? If

so, you might be ready
yourself: Are you retaining
all the material? And are you
from a quick video by Keith Barker for the real thing! understanding it well?

12. Secure EXTRA
The number and title for each video
Switching MILE The Extra Mile section of your study plan challenges you
corresponds to the number and title
Review you will find on the Cisco CCNA
to dig a little deeper with your training. The Extra Mile
might be a textbook recommendation, supplemental
Security 210-260 course page
materials downloads, or other resources to help you
online (and on your mobile device).
take your training to the next level. Nothing in the Extra

8 min. Mile is required, but it is here to help you learn.

The duration of the video.

Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS

1. Welcome to 2. CIA 3. Port Security 4. Port Security 5. DHCP


CCNA Security Concepts Implementation Snooping


2 min. 6 min. 14 min. 10 min. 15 min.

Explore the Cisco Consider purchasing a textbook to supplement your training.
MILE “Patience, persistence
website to learn more Here are a few options to consider:
about the CCNA exam, CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide
and perspiration make an
its requirements, and CCNA Security (210-260) Portable Command Guide unbeatable combination
available resources. 31 Days Before Your CCNA Security Exam: A Day-By-Day for success.”
Review Guide for the IINS 210-260 Certification Exam – Napoleon Hill

6. DHCP 7. PVLAN 8. PVLAN 9. DAI Concepts 10. DAI

Snooping Concepts Implementation Implementation


16 min. 9 min. 13 min. 16 min. 16 min.

Download and review the Download the course Set up a virtual lab to get the hands-on practice
MILE Cisco CCNA Security 210- Supplemental Files to get more you need to be successful! Watch Keith Barker’s
260 IINS exam topics. out of your video training. MicroNugget: CCNA Security Tutorial - Virtual Lab
Software to learn more about building your own
lab environment.

11. Secure 12. Secure 13. IOS 14. ZBF GNS3 15. Zone-Based

Switching Switching Firewall Integration Firewall Review

Review Services

3 min. 8 min. 3 min. 23 min. 17 min.

Take the Practice Exams! Use the results to drive your Create flashcards to help you retain the materials you’re
review and practice ahead of your certification exam*. learning! Or, consider using online study resources like
Transcender Cisco Cert-210-260 quizlet.com. (Please note that there are lots of 210-260
learning decks on quizlet.com to choose from. This is just one
*Keep in mind that you’ve not completed the training yet so you probably won’t ace the exam.
This helps you assess how well you are retaining the material you’ve learned so far! option. Explore others if it would be helpful to you!)

16. ASA 17. ASA GNS3 18. ASA 19. Build an ASA 20. ASA CLI

Concepts Integration Activation GNS3 Topology Configuration

in GNS3

2 min. 11 min. 7 min. 13 min. 20 min.

MILE Learn while you play! Explore Schedule your certification exam with Join the CBT Nuggets Learners Community on Slack!
the games available on the Cisco an approved testing site. Join other CBT Nuggets learners in a community
Learning Network that are designed where you can post questions, share study resources,
to help you learn to master critical and connect with IT experts from all over the world.
skills for your CCNA.

21. ASA and 22. ASA NAT 23. ASA NAT Lab 24. ASA ACLs 25. ASA MPF,

ASDM Working in Modes & HA


13 min. 4 min. 14 min. 16 min. 4 min.

MILE Practice, practice, practice! Make
“Practice does not make
good use of your lab environment to
practice what you’re learning!
perfect. Only perfect
practice makes perfect.”

– Vince Lombardi

26. ASA MPF 27. NFP, 28. AAA, 29. AAA on the 30.

and DMZ Lab Hardening, AAA, Review, and ASA Cryptography,

and More Assessment IPsec, and

20 min. 2 min. 18 min. 1 min. 1 min.

MILE Retake the Practice Exams! Use the results to drive your “The results you achieve will
review and practice ahead of your certification exam*. be in direct proportion to the
Transcender Cisco Cert-210-260 effort you apply.”
*Keep in mind that you still haven’t completed your training! Taking the exam at this stage is to help you
measure your progress and identify topics you may need to revisit in order to master them. - Denis Waitley

31. Going 32. Crypto 33. Crypto and 34. IDS & IPS 35. IDS/IPS

Deeper into Review and Lab VPN Assessment Fundamentals Review and
Crypto and Assessment

4 min. 19 min. 4 min. 3 min. 16 min.

MILE “No one succeeds without effort.
Check out the Cisco CCNA Security Study Group to see
what’s happening and what member-created documents
Those who succeed owe their
could assist you in your study. success to perseverance.”
- Ramana Maharshi

36. FirePOWER 37. Defense in 38. Putting on the 38. CRAM SESSIONS!

Depth Parka Review training Nuggets where you

might need to brush up.

12 min. 18 min. 5 min. 5-8 hrs.

MILE Retake the Practice Exams! Use the results to drive your “Success is the sum of small
review and practice ahead of your certification exam*. efforts, repeated day in and
Transcender Cisco Cert-210-260 day out.”
*You know you’re ready for your certification exam when you are scoring
between 80-90% on your practice exam! - R. Collier



Take the exam.

Get a good night’s sleep

Brag about it! Tweet us or let us know
ahead of your exam! how your exam went and what you’re
doing to celebrate your success!

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