Tenecteplase in Stroke

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journal of medicine
established in 1812 April 26, 2018 vol. 378  no. 17

Tenecteplase versus Alteplase before Thrombectomy

for Ischemic Stroke
B.C.V. Campbell, P.J. Mitchell, L. Churilov, N. Yassi, T.J. Kleinig, R.J. Dowling, B. Yan, S.J. Bush, H.M. Dewey,
V. Thijs, R. Scroop, M. Simpson, M. Brooks, H. Asadi, T.Y. Wu, D.G. Shah, T. Wijeratne, T. Ang, F. Miteff, C.R. Levi,
E. Rodrigues, H. Zhao, P. Salvaris, C. Garcia‑Esperon, P. Bailey, H. Rice, L. de Villiers, H. Brown, K. Redmond,
D. Leggett, J.N. Fink, W. Collecutt, A.A. Wong, C. Muller, A. Coulthard, K. Mitchell, J. Clouston, K. Mahady, D. Field,
H. Ma, T.G. Phan, W. Chong, R.V. Chandra, L.-A. Slater, M. Krause, T.J. Harrington, K.C. Faulder, B.S. Steinfort,
C.F. Bladin, G. Sharma, P.M. Desmond, M.W. Parsons, G.A. Donnan, and S.M. Davis,
for the EXTEND-IA TNK Investigators*​​

a bs t r ac t

Intravenous infusion of alteplase is used for thrombolysis before endovascular thrombec- The authors’ full names, academic de-
tomy for ischemic stroke. Tenecteplase, which is more fibrin-specific and has longer activ- grees, and affiliations are listed in the
Appendix. Address reprint requests to Dr.
ity than alteplase, is given as a bolus and may increase the incidence of vascular reperfusion. Campbell at the Department of Neurology,
Royal Melbourne Hospital, 300 Grattan
METHODS St., Parkville, VIC 3050, Australia, or at
We randomly assigned patients with ischemic stroke who had occlusion of the internal ­bruce​.­campbell@​­mh​.­org​.­au.
carotid, basilar, or middle cerebral artery and who were eligible to undergo thrombec- *
A list of the investigators in the
tomy to receive tenecteplase (at a dose of 0.25 mg per kilogram of body weight; maximum E XTEND-IA TNK trial is provided in
dose, 25 mg) or alteplase (at a dose of 0.9 mg per kilogram; maximum dose, 90 mg) the Supplementary Appendix, available
at NEJM.org.
within 4.5 hours after symptom onset. The primary outcome was reperfusion of greater
than 50% of the involved ischemic territory or an absence of retrievable thrombus at the N Engl J Med 2018;378:1573-82.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1716405
time of the initial angiographic assessment. Noninferiority of tenecteplase was tested, Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
followed by superiority. Secondary outcomes included the modified Rankin scale score
(on a scale from 0 [no neurologic deficit] to 6 [death]) at 90 days. Safety outcomes were
death and symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage.
Of 202 patients enrolled, 101 were assigned to receive tenecteplase and 101 to receive
alteplase. The primary outcome occurred in 22% of the patients treated with tenecteplase
versus 10% of those treated with alteplase (incidence difference, 12 percentage points;
95% confidence interval [CI], 2 to 21; incidence ratio, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.1 to 4.4; P = 0.002
for noninferiority; P = 0.03 for superiority). Tenecteplase resulted in a better 90-day func-
tional outcome than alteplase (median modified Rankin scale score, 2 vs. 3; common
odds ratio, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0 to 2.8; P = 0.04). Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage oc-
curred in 1% of the patients in each group.
Tenecteplase before thrombectomy was associated with a higher incidence of reperfusion
and better functional outcome than alteplase among patients with ischemic stroke treated
within 4.5 hours after symptom onset. (Funded by the National Health and Medical Research
Council of Australia and others; EXTEND-IA TNK ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02388061.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ntravenous thrombolysis with alte­ NEJM.org). The first author wrote the first draft
plase is used in eligible patients with acute of the manuscript, and the third author per-
ischemic stroke before endovascular throm- formed the statistical analysis. The investigators
bectomy.1,2 Alteplase is given as an infusion over vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the
a period of approximately 1 hour and has been data, for the fidelity of the trial to the protocol,
associated with a low incidence of reperfusion and for the complete reporting of adverse events.
for large-vessel occlusion before thrombectomy Medtronic provided an unrestricted grant to sup-
in several trials.3-5 Tenecteplase is a genetically port trial infrastructure but was not involved in
modified variant of alteplase with greater fibrin the design or conduct of the trial or the prepara-
specificity and a longer half-life that permits tion of the manuscript. A research version of
bolus administration.6 In one trial involving pa- RAPID software was provided free of charge to
tients with ST-segment elevation myocardial in- trial sites by iSchemaView, which had no other
farction, tenecteplase resulted in 30-day mortal- involvement with the trial.
ity similar to that with alteplase and led to a
lower incidence of systemic hemorrhage.7 In pa- Patients
tients with stroke, one trial that used computed We enrolled patients at 13 centers in Australia
tomographic (CT) perfusion imaging and large- and New Zealand. Patients were eligible if they
vessel occlusion for the selection of patients could undergo intravenous thrombolysis within
showed a higher incidence of reperfusion at 24 4.5 hours after the onset of ischemic stroke and
hours and better clinical and functional out- had cerebral vascular occlusion on CT angiography
comes with tenecteplase than with alteplase.8 of the internal carotid artery, the first segment of
Other trials that did not use imaging-based selec- the middle cerebral artery, the second segment
tion have shown similar clinical outcomes with of the middle cerebral artery, or the basilar artery
tenecteplase and alteplase.9,10 Tenecteplase can and if treatment to retrieve the intraarterial clot
be infused more rapidly than alteplase and is could commence (arterial puncture) within 6 hours
less expensive. We conducted the Tenecteplase after stroke onset. There was no upper age limit
versus Alteplase before Endovascular Therapy for and no restriction on clinical severity as assessed
Ischemic Stroke (EXTEND-IA TNK) trial to com- with the use of the National Institutes of Health
pare tenecteplase with alteplase in establishing Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (scores range from 0
reperfusion in patients before endovascular [normal function] to 42 [death], with lower scores
thrombectomy when it was administered within indicating less severe stroke). However, patients
4.5 hours after the onset of symptoms. with severe preexisting disability, defined as a
modified Rankin scale score of more than 3
(scores range from 0 [no neurologic deficit] to 6
Me thods
[death]), were excluded.
Trial Design The entry criteria originally required CT-per-
We conducted an investigator-initiated, multicen­ fusion mismatch for anterior circulation strokes.
ter, prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded- The hypoperfused region was defined according
outcome trial11 involving patients with ischemic to a delayed arrival of an injected tracer agent
stroke within 4.5 hours after onset who had (time to maximum of the residue function ex-
large-vessel occlusion of the internal carotid, ceeding 6 seconds), and irreversibly injured ische­
middle cerebral, or basilar artery and who were mic core was estimated with the use of relative
eligible to undergo intravenous thrombolysis cerebral blood flow less than 30% of that in
and endovascular thrombectomy. The methods normal brain. Mismatch was defined as a ratio
of the trial have been published previously,12 and of greater than 1.2 between the volume of hypo-
the protocol is available with the full text of this perfusion and the volume of the ischemic core, an
article at NEJM.org. absolute difference in volume greater than 10 ml,
The design, analysis, and data collection for and an ischemic core volume of less than 70 ml.
this trial, as well as the writing of the manu- The criteria of CT-perfusion mismatch were re-
script, were performed by members of the execu- moved on October 12, 2016, after approximately
tive committee and investigators at the trial sites 80 patients had been enrolled, because analysis
(see the Supplementary Appendix, available at of pooled data from other trials showed a benefit

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Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase for Ischemic Stroke

of thrombectomy in patients with larger ischemic- that was associated with clinical symptoms and
core volumes.13 symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage that was
The trial was approved by an institutional adjudicated centrally by a panel as parenchymal
ethics committee at each site, and written in- hematoma type 2 within 36 hours after treat-
formed consent was obtained from each patient ment, combined with an increase from baseline
or a legal representative before enrollment ex- in the NIHSS score of at least 4 points.15 All
cept in jurisdictions that allowed deferral of these assessments were performed by personnel
consent for emergency treatment, in which case who were unaware of the treatment assignment.
consent to continue participation was obtained. An angiogram was obtained at the conclusion of
Detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria are pro- the thrombectomy procedure and graded cen-
vided in the Supplementary Appendix. trally to gauge angiographic revascularization
and embolization into previously unaffected ter-
Treatment ritories. Details of the adverse-event definitions
Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to and angiographic criteria are provided in the
receive intravenous tenecteplase (at a dose of Supplementary Appendix.
0.25 mg per kilogram of body weight; maximum
dose, 25 mg) or alteplase (at a dose of 0.9 mg per Statistical Analysis
kilogram; maximum dose, 90 mg). Randomiza- A blinded adaptive sample-size reestimation16 was
tion was performed with the use of a centralized performed after 100 patients had been enrolled.12
Web server, with stratification according to the This reestimation determined a final sample size
site of the involved vessel (internal carotid artery, of 202 patients for the determination of non­
basilar artery, first segment of the middle cere- inferiority. Sequential testing of superiority after
bral artery, or second segment of the middle testing of noninferiority was planned for the
cerebral artery). All other treatments were guid- intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses, but
ed by the standard of care for thrombolysis and no patients were excluded from the per-protocol
thrombectomy for ischemic stroke. analysis of the primary outcome and only one
set of analyses is presented.
Assessments and Outcomes The noninferiority boundary for the current
The primary outcome of substantial reperfusion trial was based on a meta-analysis of the
was defined as the restoration of blood flow to ­EXTEND-IA (Extending the Time for Thromboly­
greater than 50% of the involved territory or an sis in Emergency Neurological Deficits — Intra-
absence of retrievable thrombus in the target Arterial),3 SWIFT PRIME (Solitaire with the Inten-
vessel at the time of the initial angiographic as- tion for Thrombectomy as Primary Endovascular
sessment. Perfusion was assessed with the use Treatment),4 and ESCAPE (Endovascular Treat-
of the modified Treatment in Cerebral Ischemia ment for Small Core and Anterior Circulation
classification (scores range from 0 [no flow] to Proximal Occlusion with Emphasis on Minimiz-
3 [normal flow]).14 If no lesion was suitable for ing CT to Recanalization Times)5 endovascular
thrombectomy, the endovascular procedure was trials, in which 19 of 253 patients (7.5%; 95%
terminated. If intracranial angiography could not confidence interval [CI], 4.6 to 11.5) who received
be performed, the primary outcome was assessed alteplase had reperfusion at the initial angio-
as reperfusion of at least 50% of the involved graphic assessment. The noninferiority bound-
territory on CT perfusion imaging 1 to 2 hours ary was defined to preserve at least 50% of the
after thrombolysis. most conservative estimate of the reperfusion
Secondary outcomes were the modified Rankin efficacy of alteplase from the meta-analysis (that
scale score at 90 days, assessed centrally by a estimate being 4.6%).12 Noninferiority would be
clinician by means of a telephone conversation, established if the lower boundary of the two-
and early neurologic improvement, defined as a sided 95% confidence interval of the difference
reduction of at least 8 points or a score of 0 or in the percentages of patients with substantial
1 on the NIHSS at 72 hours, as assessed by site reperfusion at the initial angiographic assess-
personnel. Safety outcomes were death due to ment in the tenecteplase group versus the alte­
any cause and symptomatic intracranial hemor- plase group was greater than −2.3 percentage
rhage, which included subarachnoid hemorrhage points.

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The two-sided 95% confidence interval of the 101 were assigned to receive alteplase, and 2 were
incidence difference was estimated by generat- excluded owing to withdrawal of consent (1 pa-
ing incidence differences with corresponding 95% tient) and to withdrawal by the enrolling physi-
confidence intervals for each of the four strata cian before treatment was commenced because of
of patients (those with occlusion of the internal an error in assessing patient eligibility (1 patient)
carotid artery, basilar artery, the first segment of (Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). The
the middle cerebral artery, or the second seg- characteristics of the patients at baseline are
ment of the middle cerebral artery) with subse- listed in Table 1, and in Table S1 in the Supple-
quent pooling across strata with the use of the mentary Appendix. There were no significant
Mantel–Haenszel method. If noninferiority was differences between the two groups at baseline.
established, superiority of tenecteplase was test- In 6 patients, the primary outcome was assessed
ed with the use of binary logistic regression, with the use of CT perfusion imaging only.
with adjustment for the site of vessel occlusion.
Incidence ratios were estimated with the use of Outcomes
modified Poisson regression with robust error Reperfusion of greater than 50% of the involved
estimation,17 with adjustment for the site of ves- territory or an absence of retrievable thrombus
sel occlusion. at the time of the initial angiographic assess-
The analysis of the secondary outcome of the ment was observed in 22 patients (22%) who
modified Rankin scale score was performed with received tenecteplase, as compared with 10 (10%)
the use of ordinal logistic regression if propor- who received alteplase (incidence difference, 12
tional-odds assumptions were satisfied or, other- percentage points [95% CI, 2 to 21, not crossing
wise, with the use of assumption-free ordinal the noninferiority margin of −2.3 percentage
analysis on the full range (0 to 6) of the modi- points; P = 0.002 for noninferiority]; adjusted in-
fied Rankin scale.18,19 The proportions of patients cidence ratio, 2.2 [95% CI, 1.1 to 4.4; P = 0.03 for
with a modified Rankin scale score of 0 or 1 (or superiority]; and adjusted odds ratio, 2.6 [95%
no change from baseline in patients with a pre- CI, 1.1 to 5.9; P = 0.02 for superiority]) (Table 2).
existing modified Rankin scale score of 2 or 3) Thrombectomy was not performed in patients
and with a score of 0 to 2 (or no change from who met the primary outcome of reperfusion at
baseline in patients with a preexisting modified the initial angiographic assessment, with the
Rankin scale score of 3) were to be compared exception of 1 patient in the tenecteplase group
between the tenecteplase group and the alteplase who had substantial reperfusion but residual
group of the trial, with adjustment for age and thrombus that was treated with thrombectomy.
baseline NIHSS score with the use of a logistic- Of the patients with reperfusion at the initial
regression model. The proportions of patients angiographic assessment, 20 of 22 patients in
with early neurologic improvement were com- the tenecteplase group and 6 of 10 in the alte­
pared between the two groups, with adjustment plase group had initial occlusion of the middle
for age and baseline NIHSS score, with the use of cerebral artery. Procedural characteristics and
logistic regression. The differences in the distri- the incidence of reperfusion according to the site
butions of the NIHSS scores between the tenecte­ of vessel occlusion are shown in Table S2 in the
plase group and the alteplase group at 24 hours Supplementary Appendix.
and at 72 hours were analyzed with the use of In patients who were transferred to another
Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney generalized odds ratios, hospital, the delay between thrombolysis and
with stratification according to baseline NIHSS arterial puncture did not differ significantly be-
score.18 tween the tenecteplase group and the alteplase
group (median, 65 minutes [interquartile range,
54 to 80] and 75 minutes [interquartile range,
R e sult s
60 to 81], respectively; P = 0.18). Among patients
Characteristics of the Patients who were treated on-site, the delay did not differ
From March 2015 through October 2017, we significantly between the tenecteplase group and
enrolled 204 patients at 12 centers in Australia the alteplase group (median, 32 minutes [inter-
and at 1 center in New Zealand. A total of 101 quartile range, 21 to 50] and 37 minutes [inter-
patients were assigned to receive tenecteplase, quartile range, 27 to 50], respectively; P = 0.44).

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Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase for Ischemic Stroke

Table 1. Characteristics of the 202 Patients at Baseline.*

Tenecteplase Group Alteplase Group

Characteristic (N = 101) (N = 101)
Age — yr 70.4±15.1 71.9±13.7
Male sex — no. (%) 58 (57) 52 (51)
Median NIHSS score (IQR)† 17 (12–22) 17 (12–22)
Cause of stroke — no. (%)
Cardioembolic occlusion 46 (46) 54 (53)
Large-artery occlusion 21 (21) 18 (18)
Undetermined or other 34 (34) 29 (29)
Median time from stroke onset to hospital arrival (IQR) — min 60 (44–89) 72 (53–104)
Median time from stroke onset to initiation of intravenous thrombolysis 125 (102–156) 134 (104–176)
(IQR) — min
Median time from initiation of intravenous thrombolysis to arterial 43 (25–57) 42 (30–63)
puncture (IQR) — min
Median time from initiation of intravenous thrombolysis to initial 54 (34–67) 56 (40–77)
angiographic assessment (IQR) — min
Interhospital transfer for thrombectomy — no. (%) 27 (27) 23 (23)
Site of vessel occlusion — no. (%)
Internal carotid artery 24 (24) 24 (24)
Basilar artery 3 (3) 3 (3)
Middle cerebral artery
First segment 59 (58) 60 (59)
Second segment 15 (15) 14 (14)
Median volume at initial imaging (IQR) — ml‡
Ischemic core 14 (0–33) 11 (0–24)
Perfusion lesion 145 (105–175) 134 (103–170)

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. There were no significant differences between the two groups. Percentages may not
total 100 because of rounding. IQR denotes interquartile range.
† Scores on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), a standardized neurologic examination, range from 0
(normal function) to 42 (death), with lower scores indicating less severe stroke.
‡ Values for the ischemic-core volume were calculated with the use of a threshold of relative cerebral blood volume less
than 30% of that in normal brain. The perfusion lesion was defined as the volume of brain with a time to maximum
perfusion of more than 6 seconds. CT perfusion imaging was performed, but the requirement for mismatch and an
ischemic-core volume of less than 70 ml was removed in a protocol amendment when approximately 80 patients were

In an ordinal analysis of the modified Rankin patients (64%) in the tenecteplase group and in
scale score at 90 days, patients in the tenecte­ 52 of 101 (51%) in the alteplase group (adjusted
plase group had a median score of 2 (interquar- incidence ratio, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.0 to 1.5; P = 0.06;
tile range, 0 to 3), which indicated significantly adjusted odds ratio, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.0 to 3.4;
better function than the median score of 3 (in- P = 0.06).
terquartile range, 1 to 5) among patients in the There were also no significant differences in
alteplase group (common odds ratio, 1.7; 95% the incidence of early neurologic improvement at
CI, 1.0 to 2.8; P = 0.04) (Fig. 1). There was no 72 hours (Table 2). The median NIHSS score at
significant difference in the incidence of recov- 24 hours was 3 (interquartile range, 1 to 12)
ery to independent function (modified Rankin among patients in the tenecteplase group and 6
scale score of 0 to 2 or no change from baseline (interquartile range, 2 to 14) among those in the
function) at day 90, which occurred in 65 of 101 alteplase group (odds ratio, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.0 to

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Outcomes.

Tenecteplase Group Alteplase Group

Outcome (N = 101) (N = 101) Effect Size (95% CI) P Value
Primary efficacy outcome
Substantial reperfusion at initial angiographic assessment 22 (22) 10 (10)
— no. (%)*
Difference — percentage points 12 (2–21) 0.002
Adjusted incidence ratio 2.2 (1.1–4.4) 0.03
Adjusted odds ratio 2.6 (1.1–5.9) 0.02
Secondary outcomes
Score on the modified Rankin scale at 90 days†
Median score (IQR) on ordinal analysis‡ 2 (0–3) 3 (1–4) 1.7 (1.0–2.8) 0.04
Functionally independent outcome — no. (%)§ 65 (64) 52 (51)
Adjusted incidence ratio 1.2 (1.0–1.5) 0.06
Adjusted odds ratio 1.8 (1.0–3.4) 0.06
Excellent outcome — no. (%)§ 52 (51) 43 (43)
Adjusted incidence ratio 1.2 (0.9–1.6) 0.20
Adjusted odds ratio 1.4 (0.8–2.6) 0.23
Early neurologic improvement — no. (%)§¶ 72 (71) 69 (68)
Adjusted incidence ratio 1.0 (0.9–1.2) 0.70
Adjusted odds ratio 1.1 (0.6–2.1) 0.70
Safety outcomes
Death — no. (%)§ 10 (10) 18 (18)
Adjusted risk ratio 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.049
Adjusted odds ratio 0.4 (0.2–1.1) 0.08
Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage — no. (%)§‖ 1 (1) 1 (1)
Risk ratio 1.0 (0.1–15.9) 0.99
Odds ratio 1.0 (0.1–16.2) 0.99
Parenchymal hematoma — no. (%)§** 6 (6) 5 (5)
Risk ratio 1.2 (0.4–3.8) 0.76
Odds ratio 1.2 (0.4–4.1) 0.76

* Substantial reperfusion was defined as the restoration of blood flow to greater than 50% of the involved territory or no retrievable throm-
bus at the time of the initial angiographic assessment. The analysis was adjusted for the site-of-vessel-occlusion strata. The P value for the
difference is for noninferiority, and the P values for the incidence ratio and odds ratio are for superiority.
† Scores on the modified Rankin scale range from 0 (no neurologic deficit) to 6 (death). A functionally independent outcome was defined as
a modified Rankin scale score of 0 to 2 or no change from baseline. An excellent outcome was defined as a modified Rankin scale score of
0 or 1 or no change from baseline.
‡ The analysis was adjusted for the NIHSS score and age at baseline. The effect size was assessed with a common odds ratio from ordinal
logistic regression.
§ The analysis was adjusted for the NIHSS score and age at baseline. The effect size was assessed as an incidence or risk ratio from
Poisson regression and as an odds ratio from logistic regression.
¶ Early neurologic improvement was defined as a reduction of 8 points in the NIHSS score between baseline and 72 hours or as a score of 0 or
1 at 72 hours. An 8-point reduction is considered to be highly clinically significant.
‖ Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage was defined as a large parenchymal hematoma (blood clot occupying >30% of the infarct volume
with mass effect) and an increase of 4 points or more in the NIHSS score.
** Parenchymal hematoma was defined as intraparenchymal blood clot with mass effect.

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Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase for Ischemic Stroke

1.9; P = 0.06 with adjustment for baseline NIHSS

score). At 72 hours, the median NIHSS score was Score on Modified Rankin Scale

2 (interquartile range, 0 to 10) among patients No symptoms Death

in the tenecteplase group and 3 (interquartile 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

range, 1 to 13) among those in the alteplase

group (odds ratio, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.0 to 1.9; Group 28 21 14 14 8 6 10
P = 0.053, with adjustment for baseline NIHSS (N= 101)
score) (Fig. 2).
Group 18 23 9 12 14 7 18
Safety (N= 101)
Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage occurred
in two patients. One patient in the tenecteplase Patients (%)
group, who also received intravenous heparin
during carotid endarterectomy, had symptomat- Figure 1. Modified Rankin Scale Scores at 90 Days in the Intention-to-Treat
ic intracerebral hemorrhage. Symptomatic intra-
Shown are the results of the ordinal analysis of the modified Rankin scale
cerebral hemorrhage also occurred in one pa-
scores at 90 days. Scores range from 0 to 6, with 0 indicating no neurologic
tient in the alteplase group; thrombectomy had deficit, 1 no clinically significant disability, 2 slight disability (able to handle
not been performed in this patient because of own affairs without assistance but unable to carry out all previous activities),
reperfusion before the initial angiographic assess- 3 moderate disability requiring some help (e.g., with shopping, cleaning,
ment, but parenchymal hematoma contralateral and finances but able to walk unassisted), 4 moderately severe disability
(unable to attend to bodily needs without assistance and unable to walk
to the infarction developed, resulting in death.
unassisted), 5 severe disability (requiring constant nursing care and atten-
There were 10 deaths in the tenecteplase tion), and 6 death. Patients in the tenecteplase group had a median score
group and 18 in the alteplase group, but the dif- of 2, as compared with a median score of 3 among patients in the alteplase
ference was not significant in the prespecified group (common odds ratio, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0 to 2.8; P = 0.04). Percentages
logistic-regression analysis (Table 2). A list of may not total 100 because of rounding.
adverse events, including causes of death, and
a list of serious adverse events are provided in
Tables S3 and S4, respectively, in the Supplemen-
tary Appendix. 40

Discussion 30

Among patients with acute ischemic stroke from

major cerebral vessel occlusion within 4.5 hours 20
after the onset of symptoms, intravenous tenecte­
plase resulted in a higher incidence of reperfu- 10
sion of the occluded vascular territory before
endovascular thrombectomy than did intravenous
alteplase. We expected the effect on the clinical
Alteplase Tenecteplase Alteplase Tenecteplase Alteplase Tenecteplase
outcome of endovascular thrombectomy to ob-
Baseline At 24 Hr At 72 Hr
scure any potential difference between tenecte­
plase and alteplase and therefore chose the tech- Figure 2. Distribution of National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
nical efficacy of substantial reperfusion for the Scores at Baseline, 24 Hours, and 72 Hours.
primary outcome. The trial was powered for Scores on the NIHSS, a standardized neurologic examination, range from 0
noninferiority, not for superiority, and the sig- (normal function) to 42 (death), with lower scores indicating less severe
nificance of superiority for the primary outcome stroke. The horizontal line in each box represents the median, and the top
and bottom of the boxes the interquartile range. I bars indicate 1.5 times
of reperfusion was therefore less robust. Patients
the interquartile range, and the dots outliers. Differences in early neurologic
in the tenecteplase group had significantly bet- improvement (defined as a reduction of 8 points in the NIHSS score between
ter functional outcomes than those in the alte­ baseline and 72 hours or as a score of 0 or 1 at 72 hours) between the
plase group in an ordinal analysis of the modi- ­tenecteplase group and the alteplase group were not significant.
fied Rankin scale scores but not according to

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

the proportion of patients who were left with means of thrombolysis in an additional 12% of
minimal or no deficit or to the proportion of patients treated with tenecteplase, as compared
patients with early clinical improvement of their with alteplase, may have contributed to improved
stroke deficit. There was no significant differ- outcomes. However, other mechanisms, includ-
ence in the incidence of symptomatic or asymp- ing the dissolution of residual thrombus after
tomatic cerebral hemorrhage. thrombectomy, may have played a role. Function­
Most patients who are treated with intravenous al outcomes in the alteplase group in our trial
thrombolysis do not have reperfusion of the oc- were less favorable than those in the EXTEND-IA
cluded vessel before thrombectomy. The inci- trial.3 However, we enrolled a broader group of
dence of reperfusion of 10% that was observed patients, including patients with a preexisting
with alteplase in the present trial was similar to modified Rankin scale score of 3, who were ex-
the incidence of 11% that was observed in the cluded from the EXTEND-IA trial. Our trial
EXTEND-IA trial of endovascular thrombectomy, required that the ischemic-core volume be less
which included patients with a distribution of than 70 ml only for approximately the first 80
vessel occlusions that is similar to the distribu- patients, which led to the enrollment of patients
tion in the present trial.3 These two trials enrolled with larger infarcts than in previous trials. These
patients at the initial treating hospital, in con- negative prognostic factors would have been
trast to most other thrombectomy trials, which expected to lead to fewer patients with an out-
enrolled patients after transfer to a center that come of a modified Rankin scale score of 0 to 2
performs endovascular thrombectomy.2 Enroll- than were seen in the EXTEND-IA trial.3
ment at the initial hospital ensures the capture A limitation of the trial is that the results ap-
of data regarding a potential early response to ply to patients with ischemic stroke and large-
thrombolysis in patients who otherwise might vessel occlusion who are eligible for thromboly-
have been excluded if recruitment had been de- sis. These patients represent approximately 13%
layed by interhospital transfer. The higher inci- of all patients with ischemic stroke,22 although
dence of early reperfusion that was observed this group contributes disproportionately to
with tenecteplase than with alteplase occurred the disability burden from ischemic stroke.23 A
predominantly among patients with occlusion of phase 3 trial comparing tenecteplase with alte­
the middle cerebral artery. plase in patients in whom endovascular throm-
The median time from the commencement of bectomy is not planned, with a primary outcome
thrombolysis to arterial puncture in this trial of functional recovery, is ongoing (Tenecteplase
was 46 minutes and did not differ between the versus Alteplase for Stroke Thrombolysis Evalua-
treatment groups. Although tenecteplase was tion [TASTE]; Australian New Zealand Clinical
associated with a numerically shorter delay than Trials Registry number, ACTRN12613000243718).
alteplase between the commencement of throm- The results of the present trial are consistent
bolysis and arterial puncture of approximately with those of a meta-analysis of previous trials
10 minutes in patients who were transferred and showing a higher incidence of recanalization
approximately 5 minutes in patients who were with tenecteplase than with alteplase among
treated on site, the between-group differences patients with stroke and arterial occlusion.24
were not significant. We chose a dose of tenecteplase of 0.25 mg
However, the ability to administer tenecte­ per kilogram on the basis of previous data that
plase in a single bolus, as compared with the showed better outcomes with this dose than
1-hour infusion of alteplase, may be of practical with a dose of 0.1 mg per kilogram.8 During the
benefit in patients with stroke with large-vessel recruitment phase of EXTEND-IA TNK, the re-
occlusion who are transported between, as well as sults of the Norwegian tenecteplase stroke trial
within, hospitals to access endovascular throm- (NOR-TEST), in which tenecteplase (at a dose of
bectomy, but this was not formally assessed in 0.4 mg per kilogram) was compared with alte­
this trial. In some systems, transport cannot plase, were reported.10 Contrary to results in a
occur until the infusion of alteplase is complete. previous dose-finding trial,25 this higher dose
Given the relationship of functional outcome was not associated with an increased incidence
to the time between the onset of stroke symp- of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage. The
toms and reperfusion,20,21 earlier reperfusion by use of the dose of 0.4 mg per kilogram in pa-

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Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase for Ischemic Stroke

tients with large-vessel occlusion may be benefi- Foundation of Australia, and the Stroke Foundation of Australia,
by infrastructure funding from the state government of Victoria,
cial, given the large clot burden, and this dose is
and by an unrestricted grant from Medtronic.
being studied in a trial (EXTEND-IA TNK Part 2; Dr. P. Mitchell reports receiving grant support, paid to his
ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03340493). institution, from Medtronic, Stryker, andCodman Johnson and
In conclusion, tenecteplase, which can be Johnson (now Codman Neuro) and serving as an unpaid consul-
tant to Codman Johnson and Johnson; Dr. Thijs, receiving con-
administered more rapidly than alteplase before sulting fees, lecture fees, fees for serving on an advisory board,
thrombectomy in patients with ischemic stroke, and travel support from Boehringer Ingelheim, consulting fees,
was noninferior to alteplase in restoring perfu- lecture fees, and fees for serving on an advisory board from
Medtronic, Bayer, and Pfizer, and fees for serving on an advisory
sion in the territory of a proximal cerebral-artery board from Amgen; Dr. Wong, receiving travel support from
occlusion. Overall functional outcome was bet- Medtronic; Dr. Bladin, receiving grant support from Boehringer
ter with tenecteplase than with alteplase in the Ingelheim; and Dr. Davis, receiving lecture fees from Medtronic
and fees for serving on an advisory board from Boehringer In-
ordinal analysis of the modified Rankin scale gelheim. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this
scores, but the incidence of recovery to indepen- article was reported.
dent function did not differ significantly. There Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at NEJM.org.
was no significant difference in the incidence of We thank Simon McBride, Christopher Stanbridge, and Karen
cerebral hemorrhage. Harrap, of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Re-
Supported by grants from the National Health and Medical search Organisation, for creation of the electronic case record
Research Council of Australia (1043242, 1035688, 1113352, and Web randomization software; and Elise Cowley, Rachael
1111972), the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the McCoy, and Michele Sallaberger, of Neuroscience Trials Austra-
Royal Melbourne Hospital Foundation, the National Heart lia, for trial management.

The authors’ full names and academic degrees are as follows: Bruce C.V. Campbell, Ph.D., Peter J. Mitchell, M.Med., Leonid Churilov,
Ph.D., Nawaf Yassi, Ph.D., Timothy J. Kleinig, Ph.D., Richard J. Dowling, M.B., B.S., Bernard Yan, M.B., B.S., Steven J. Bush, M.B.,
B.S., Helen M. Dewey, M.D., Vincent Thijs, M.D., Rebecca Scroop, M.B., B.S., Marion Simpson, M.B., B.S., Mark Brooks, M.B., B.S.,
Hamed Asadi, M.B., B.S., Teddy Y. Wu, M.B., B.S., Darshan G. Shah, M.B., B.S., Tissa Wijeratne, M.D., Timothy Ang, M.B., B.S.,
Ferdinand Miteff, M.B., B.S., Christopher R. Levi, M.B., B.S., Edrich Rodrigues, M.B., B.S., Henry Zhao, M.B., B.S., Patrick Salvaris,
M.B., B.S., Carlos Garcia‑Esperon, M.D., Peter Bailey, M.D., Henry Rice, M.B., B.S., Laetitia de Villiers, M.B., B.S., Helen Brown, M.B.,
B.S., Kendal Redmond, M.B., B.S., David Leggett, M.B., B.S., John N. Fink, M.D., Wayne Collecutt, M.B., B.S., Andrew A. Wong, M.B.,
B.S., Claire Muller, M.B., B.S., Alan Coulthard, M.B., B.S., Ken Mitchell, M.B., B.S., John Clouston, M.B., B.S., Kate Mahady, M.B., B.S.,
Deborah Field, M.B., B.S., Henry Ma, Ph.D., Thanh G. Phan, Ph.D., Winston Chong, M.B., B.S., Ronil V. Chandra, M.B., B.S., Lee‑Anne
Slater, M.B., B.S., Martin Krause, M.D., Timothy J. Harrington, M.B., B.S., Kenneth C. Faulder, M.B., B.S., Brendan S. Steinfort, M.B.,
B.S., Christopher F. Bladin, Ph.D., Gagan Sharma, M.C.A., Patricia M. Desmond, M.D., Mark W. Parsons, Ph.D., Geoffrey A. Donnan,
M.D., and Stephen M. Davis, M.D.
The authors’ affiliations are as follows: the Departments of Medicine and Neurology, Melbourne Brain Centre (B.C.V.C., N.Y., B.Y.,
T.Y.W., D.G.S., E.R., H.Z., P.S., G.S., M.W.P., S.M.D.), and the Department of Radiology (P.J.M., R.J.D., S.J.B., P.M.D.), Royal Mel-
bourne Hospital, and the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health (L.C., N.Y., V.T., H.A., H.M., C.F.B., G.A.D.), University
of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, the Departments of Neurology (T.J.K.) and Radiology (R.S.), Royal Adelaide Hospital, and the Department
of Neurology, Lyell McEwin Hospital (D.F.), Adelaide, SA, the Department of Neurosciences, Eastern Health and Eastern Health Clini-
cal School (H.M.D., C.F.B.), and the Departments of Neurology (H.M., T.G.P.) and Radiology (W. Chong, R.V.C., L.-A.S.), Monash
Medical Centre, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, the Departments of Neurology (V.T., M.S.) and Radiology (M.B., H.A.), Austin Hos-
pital, Austin Health, Heidelberg, VIC, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC (H.A.), and the Depart-
ments of Medicine and Neurology, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne and Western Health, Sunshine Hospital, St.
Albans, VIC (T.W.), the Departments of Neurology (D.G.S., H.B.) and Radiology (K.R., D.L.), Princess Alexandra Hospital, and the
Departments of Neurology (A.A.W., C.M.) and Radiology (A.C., K. Mitchell, J.C., K. Mahady), Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
and the University of Queensland, Brisbane, the Departments of Neurology (P.B.) and Radiology (H.R., L.V.), Gold Coast University
Hospital, Southport, QLD, and the Department of Neurology, Priority Research Centre for Brain and Mental Health Research, John
Hunter Hospital, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW (T.A., F.M., C.R.L., C.G.-E., M.W.P.), the Department of Neurology, Royal
North Shore Hospital and Kolling Institute, University of Sydney (M.K.), and the Department of Radiology, Royal North Shore Hospital
(T.J.H., K.C.F., B.S.S.), St. Leonards, and the Department of Radiology, Westmead Hospital, Sydney (T.J.H., K.C.F., B.S.S.) — all in
Australia; and the Departments of Neurology (T.Y.W., J.N.F.) and Radiology (W. Collecutt), Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New

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